#kim jua
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twentysnoir · 10 months ago
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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444namesplus · 4 months ago
Ba Baa Baas Bae Baes Bais Bam Ban Bao Baos Bau Baus Be Bees Bei Beis Bem Ben Beo Beos Beu Beus Bi Bias Bie Bies Bii Biis Bim Bin Bio Bios Biu Bius Bo Boes Bom Bon Boo Boos Bou Bous Bu Bua Bues Bui Buis Bum Bun Buo Buu Buus Chi Chia Chias Chie Chies Chii Chiis Chim Chin Chio Chios Chiu Chius Chu Chua Chuas Chue Chues Chui Chuis Chum Chun Chuo Chuos Chuu Chuus Da Daas Dae Daes Dais Dam Dan Dao Daos Daus De Dea Deas Dee Dei Deis Dem Den Deo Deu Deus Dha Dhaa Dhaas Dhaes Dhai Dhais Dham Dhan Dhaus Dhe Dhea Dheas Dhee Dhees Dheis Dhem Dhen Dheo Dheu Dhi Dhia Dhies Dhiis Dhim Dhin Dhio Dhios Dhiu Dhius Dho Dhoa Dhoas Dhoes Dhois Dhom Dhon Dhoo Dhoos Dhou Dhous Dhu Dhua Dhue Dhues Dhum Dhun Dhuo Dhuu Dhuus Di Die Dies Dii Diis Dim Din Dio Diu Dius Do Doa Doas Doi Dom Don Doo Doos Dous Du Duas Due Dues Dui Duis Dum Dun Duu Fa Faa Faas Fae Faes Fai Fais Fam Fan Fao Faos Fau Faus Fe Fea Feas Fee Fees Fei Feis Fem Fen Feo Feus Fi Fia Fias Fiis Fim Fin Fios Fius Fo Foa Foe Foi Fois Fom Fon Foos Fous Fu Fua Fuas Fue Fues Fui Fuis Fum Fun Fuos Fuus Ga Gaa Gaas Gae Gaes Gam Gan Gaos Gau Ge Gea Geas Gee Gei Geis Gem Gen Geo Geu Geus Gi Gia Gias Gie Gies Gii Giis Gim Gin Gios Giu Gius Go Goe Gom Gon Goo Goos Gous Gu Guas Gue Gui Guis Gum Gun Guo Guos Guu Guus Ha Haa Haas Hae Haes Hai Hais Ham Han Haos Hau He Hea Heas Hee Hees Hei Heis Hem Hen Heo Heu Heus Hi Hie Hies Hii Hiis Him Hin Hio Hios Hius Ho Hoe Hom Hon Hous Hu Huas Hui Huis Hum Hun Huo Huu Huus
Ja Jaa Jae Jaes Jai Jais Jam Jan Jaos Jau Jaus Je Jea Jeas Jee Jem Jen Jeo Jeos Jeu Jeus Ji Jia Jias Jie Jies Jii Jiis Jim Jin Jio Jios Jiu Jo Joa Joas Joe Joes Jois Jom Jon Joos Jou Jous Ju Jua Juas Jue Juis Jum Jun Juo Juos Juu Juus Ka Kaas Kae Kai Kais Kam Kan Kao Kaos Kau Kaus Ke Kea Keas Kee Kei Keis Kem Ken Keo Keos Keu Keus Ki Kia Kie Kies Kim Kin Kio Kios Kiu Kius Ko Koe Koes Koi Kois Kom Kon Koo Koos Kou Kous Ku Kua Kue Kues Kum Kun Kuos Kuu Kuus La Laa Laas Laes Lais Lam Lan Laos Lau Laus Le Lea Leas Lee Lees Lei Lem Len Leo Leos Leu Leus Li Lia Lie Liis Lim Lin Lio Lios Liu Lo Loa Loas Loe Loes Lom Lon Loo Loos Lou Lu Lua Lue Lui Luis Lum Lun Luo Luos Luus Ma Maa Mae Maes Mai Mam Man Mao Maos Mau Maus Me Mea Mee Mei Meis Mem Men Meo Meu Mi Mias Mie Mies Mii Miis Mim Min Mios Miu Mius Mo Moa Moas Moe Mois Mom Mon Moo Mous Mu Mua Muas Mues Mui Mum Mun Muo Muu Muus Na Naa Naas Nae Naes Nai Nais Nam Nan Nao Naos Naus Ne Nea Neas Nee Nees Neis Nem Nen Neo Neos Neu Neus Ni Nii Niis Nim Nin Nio Nios Niu No Noa Noas Noe Noes Noi Nom Non Noo Nou Nous Nu Nua Nuas Nues Nui Nuis Num Nun Nuo Nuos Nuu Pa Paa Pae Paes Pai Pam Pan Pao Pau Paus Pe Pea Peas Pee Pees Pei Peis Pem Pen Peo Peos Peu Pi Pias Pie Pii Piis Pim Pin Pio Pios Piu Po Poas Poe Poes Pois Pom Pon Poo Poos Pou Pous Pu Puas Pue Pues Pui Puis Pum Pun Puo Puu Puus Ra Raa Raas Rae Rai Rais Ram Ran Raos Rau Raus Re Reas Ree Rees Rei Reis Rem Ren Reo Reos Reu Reus Ri Ria Rii Rim Rin Rio Rios Riu Rius Ro Roa Roas Roe Roes Roi Rois Rom Ron Roo Roos Rou Rous Ru Rua Rues Rui Ruis Rum Run Ruo Ruos Ruu Ruus Sa Sae Saes Sais Sam San Sau Se Sea Seas Sees Sei Seis Sem Sen Seos Shi Shia Shias Shie Shies Shii Shiis Shim Shin Shio Shios Shiu Shius Shu Shua Shuas Shue Shues Shui Shuis Shum Shun Shuo Shuos Shuu Shuus Si Sia Sii Siis Sim Sin Sio Sios Sius So Soe Soes Sois Som Son Soos Sous Su Suas Sui Suis Sum Sun Suo Suu Suus Ta Taa Taas Taes Tai Tais Tam Tan Tao Taos Tau Taus Te Tea Teas Tees Tei Tem Ten Teo Teu Thi Thia Thias Thie Thies Thii Thiis Thim Thin Thio Thios Thiu Thius Thu Thua Thuas Thue Thues Thui Thuis Thum Thun Thuo Thuos Thuu Thuus Ti Tias Tie Tiis Tim Tin Tio Tios Tiu Tius To Toas Toe Toes Toi Tom Ton Toos Tou Tous Tu Tua Tuas Tue Tues Tui Tuis Tum Tun Tuo Tuu Tuus Va Vaa Vaas Vae Vaes Vai Vam Van Vaos Vau Vaus Ve Vea Veas Vee Vees Vei Vem Ven Veo Veos Veu Veus Vi Vie Vii Viis Vim Vin Vio Viu Vo Voa Voe Voes Voi Vois Vom Von Voo Voos Vou Vous Vu Vue Vues Vui Vuis Vum Vun Vuo Vuus Wa Waas Wae Wai Wam Wan Wao Waos Wau Waus We Wea Wees Wei Weis Wem Wen Weos Weus Wi Wia Wias Wie Wies Wii Wim Win Wio Wiu Wo Woa Woe Woes Woi Wois Wom Won Woos Wou Wu Wua Wuas Wue Wui Wum Wun Wuo Wuos Wuu Wuus Za Zaa Zaas Zae Zaes Zai Zais Zam Zan Zaos Zau Zaus Ze Zea Zeas Zee Zees Zei Zeis Zem Zen Zeo Zeos Zeu Zeus Zha Zhaa Zhae Zhaes Zhai Zhais Zham Zhan Zhao Zhaos Zhau Zhaus Zhe Zhea Zhee Zhees Zhei Zheis Zhem Zhen Zheo Zheos Zheu Zheus Zhi Zhia Zhie Zhies Zhii Zhim Zhin Zhio Zhios Zhiu Zhius Zho Zhoa Zhoas Zhoe Zhoes Zhoi Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhous Zhu Zhuas Zhuis Zhum Zhun Zhuos Zhuu Zhuus Zi Zia Zias Zim Zin Zio Ziu Zius Zo Zoe Zoes Zois Zom Zon Zoo Zoos Zou Zous Zu Zuas Zue Zues Zuis Zum Zun Zuos Zuu
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elusivexo · 2 years ago
tastiest new domestic restaurants (2022)
in no particular order because that would be way too hard 
luthun - totally my favorite restaurant in nyc now. i have been so incredibly impressed and thoroughly amazed by chef nahid’s boundless creativity in crafting this delightful menu with pieces that change every 2-3 weeks. the price did jump up from $100 to $135 but it really is totally worth it; i wish i could go more often though, and i do want to celebrate all special events here. the ambiance is also really special because it feels so intimate, and i’d love to be a regular here. i also love hearing chef nahid’s stories for how the dishes came to be. 
kaiseki room - ruiji took me here for my bday and it was a spectacularly delightful meal. i’ve never had kaiseki before and i do really love the combination of cooked, savory food with raw fish. everything was so comforting but elevated at the same time. 
win son - the first food blogger i ever followed recommended this place, and i’ve been wanting to go here for decades. finally made my way here after chris snagged a reservation and i was really amazed by pretty much everything we ate. 
okiboru ramen - the tsukemen reminded me of rokurinsha’s tsukemen, which basically means it’s like the best in nyc LOL 
wenwen - the BDSM chicken alone makes this place absolutely amazing. we didn’t get the other super interesting things on this menu because one of the people in our group couldn’t eat pork and a lot of stuff is made with lard haha. the dessert (deep fried tang yuan) was incredible. 
claud - the menu is hit or miss (well, even the misses are good; they’re just kinda expensive for what it is when other stuff is waaay better for a similar price). i would come here for the escargot croquettes and chicken liver agnolotti alone. 
rowdy rooster - i’ve been here SO many times because it’s just so approachable and so great. the lil rowdy with the pao is the perfect fried chicken sandwich and all the condiments and flavors meld together for an amazing indian-american fusion 
hyun - the idea of AYCE wagyu is insane to me, and this was really incredible. will try grilling wagyu from costco though to see how that compares :p 
chard - this little unassuming restaurant serves up some fantastic casual singaporean food; i really love the roti john and the fried chicken sandwich
jua - the uni kim is definitely amazing, but i also really loved the foie gras congee :) 
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automaticvr · 11 days ago
The Parallel - Jua Kim - Jua Kim
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analpalmma · 1 year ago
Que se siente a haber visto a Victoria Herrera osea a mí con eso de yo saliendo como Hailey Bieber
Como Kim Kardashiam
Como Emilia Mernes
Como Tini
Por un momento flashié que soy Fátima Flores
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kirukatoka · 3 years ago
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nerimie · 3 years ago
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mbkupdates · 3 years ago
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Kim Yeonji Instagram 210704
연습실에서 마지막연습! 마지막 기념샷과 마지막런 연습기록. (도영이 몰아주기 😆) 많이 담지못했지만 팀의돈독함은 최고👍 이제 극장으로갑니다..!! 설레고 기대되고 걱정되고 뒤죽박죽이지만.. 결국 다 ���될꺼얏💟 #마리앙투아네트 #연습실 #막연습 #마리둘 #마그리드둘 #페르젠 #석훈오빠어디갔지>< #오를레앙 #에베르 #로즈 #레오나르 #랑발 #이제극장으로
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coretankim · 4 years ago
Semakin aku meniti usia tua
Semakin aku faham
Yang kerjayaan sebenarnya hidup adalah bila kau dapat kenal Tuhan dengan lebih mendalam
Biarlah hidup sekaya mana jika didalam masih terkapai kapai mencari erti hidup. Seksa namanya.
Hidup mewah itu tak salah. Mewahlah jua dari rohanimu. Biar Nama2 Tuhan mengisi ruang kekosongan dalam hati.
Mencari Hidayah itu bukanlah mudah. Jatuh,bangun,tersungkur,lemas dan hanyut itu sebahagian dari perjalanan. Carilah sehingga ke nafas yang terakhir.
Semoga aku,kau dan mereka terus diberikan iman yang kuat. Hati yang tidak berbolak balik. Semoga kita semua kembali pada Sang Pencipta dalam Mengesakan Dia yang Satu..
Coretan Kim—21 Februari 2021/11:57am
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iristial · 5 years ago
LuPato - Korean dub style!
Oh Hanbit (Patroren1gou) / Voice actor: Lee Jaebum Lee Yoonseul (Patoren2gou) / Voice actor: Ahn Hyomin Han Jua (Patoren3gou) / Voice actress: Lee Eunjo
Yoon Saebyuk (LupinRed) / Voice actor: Lee Juseung Cho Shinsung (LupinBlue) / Voice actor: Choi Hyunsoo Seo Eunha (LupinYellow) / Voice actress: Kim Yoonchae
Kim Jibsa / Voice actor: Park Sangil *I’m guessing this is the Korean version of Kogure? Considering that the others have their designations on the team included and this name didn’t...
Hilltop / Voice actor: Lee Insung Jim Carter / Voice actor: Kim Yerim Dogranio / Voice actor: Ahn Janghyuk Gauche / Voice actress: Bi Juon
The first airing will be on June 20th! I’m not a big fan of Korean dub tbh but I’d like to see how things will go for LuPato + it’s been fourteen years since I last saw my first Korean dub for a Sentai series :)
Here’s a look behind the scenes for the dubbing of episode 7!
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Ba Baaa Baiun Ban Baoer Be Beei Ben Beoil Ber Beuu Bi Bia Bieon Biii Biiul Bil Bir Biui Bo Boeur Bol Bom Bon Boom Bu Bum Bun Buue Buui Cha Chaae Cham Chan Char Chaui Chauo Che Chein Chel Chem Cheuun Chi Chiaol Chie Chiie Chion Chir Chiur Cho Choe Choi Chol Chooe Chooer Chor Choua Choum Chu Chua Chuain Chum Chur Chuu Chuur Da Daea Dai Daia Daien Dair Dal Daoi De Deaol Deii Dem Deuan Deue Di Dil Dio Do Doal Doim Don Doum Du Duer Dum Duo Duua Duuu Fa Fae Fair Fam Far Feaan Feil Fem Fi Fii Fil Fin Fiol Fir Fo Foaun Foe Foeul Foir Foui Fu Fuer Fuir Fuom Ga Gaai Gai Gaou Ge Geim Geu Gil Gioi Giom Giou Gir Goii Goo Gool Gu Gueim Gul Gum Gun Guon Ha Haoin Haoor Har Haua He Heaam Heai Heun Hiaun Hieen Him Hir Hiur Ho Hoi Hoou Houol Hu Huim Huoo Huuil Ja Jae Jaiar Jaim Jal Jam Jan Jaou Jaul Je Jea Jei Jem Jeo Jer Jeul Jia Jil Jioum Jiur Jo Joaan Joi Jom Joom Jor Jua Juai Juei Jul Juu Ka Kaaun Kaen Kam Kaoim Ke Keem Kel Ki Kiael Kiiur Kil Kim Kio Kir Kiuem Koim Kooum Ku Kuaar Kueo Kum Kun Kuuun Ma Mair Mam Maoun Me Meee Meie Mel Meo Meon Meoo Mieo Mioa Mioi Mo Moin Moiom Mom Mon Moo Moool Moua Mu Muae Muain Mum Na Nai Naia Nan Naoi Nar Ne Neai Nee Neen Nel Nen Neoo Ner Neu Neuur Ni Niin Nim Nin Nioe Niu No Noaum Noeer Noiun Noo Nou Noui Nuel Nuion Nuo Nuor Pa Paal Paei Pai Pail Pal Pam Pan Paoar Paon Paoo Paour Par Pe Peio Peuu Pi Piae Pil Piuo Piuom Po Poem Pom Pou Poum Pu Pua Puaim Pue Pun Ra Raia Ral Ram Ran Raoel Rauer Rauir Re Reeu Rei Rem Ren Reoa Ri Rieun Riiu Ril Rir Riuel Ro Roa Ror Rul Rum Sa Saior Sao Sau Sauim Se Seaa Sei Sem Sen Ser Sia Siaar Siam Siaur Sier Sim Sin Sir Siuem Sium So Soa Soe Su Sum Ta Taem Tai Taiem Tail Tal Taour Tau Tauum Te Teia Teui Teur Tie Tieal Tiien Tiuo To Toaen Toe Ton Tou Tuen Tum Tuoa Tuoim Tur Tuun Vaaa Vaau Vaou Var Vau Vaun Ve Vel Vem Veoe Veoo Veou Veu Vi Vieum Viiun Vin Viuam Viuu Vo Voal Voe Vom Von Vooum Vou Voun Vu Vun Vuou Vur Za Zal Zan Zaua Zaual Ze Zeiu Zel Zem Zer Zeul Zi Zieu Ziian Ziil Zir Zo Zoeil Zoeol Zoi Zoiem Zoo Zu Zuau Zueon Zui Zuian Zuiom Zun
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indri-n-ani · 5 years ago
6. [K-Drama] Misi terakhir seorang malaikat, Kim Dan : Cinta.
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Ini adalah kisah cinta antar dimensi
Malaikat dan Manusia
Tersebutlah seorang malaikat bandel yang penyayang – pada hewan yang akan dijemputnya menuju surga – diberi hukuman turun ke bumi karena turut campur akan takdir seorang balerina yatim piatu yang buta. Akibatnya sang malaikat diberi misi untuk membuat balerina tersebut merasakan cinta. Bukan darinya, tentu saja. Konflik muncul saat malaikat mulai menyadari kenapa malah dia yang jatuh cinta pada balerina, itu gak boleh. Haramlah gitu hukumnya. Dosa besar. Tapi namanya juga cinta kan ya, susah euy buat diredam.
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Walaupun alur dan cerita dalam drama fantasi ini sudah biasa dan formulanya banyak ditemukan dalam drama-drama lain (cinta beda dimensi, sahabatan sejak kecil, keluarga yang tamak akan harta) tapi tetap saja bagiku drama ini memiliki magis tersendiri. Pesona paling memikat berasal dari cinematografi yang benar-benar memanjakan mata. Belum lagi dengan akting dari pemeran utamanya, khususnya saat dia menampilkan baletnya, sungguh indah. Kupikir dia menggunakan pemain pengganti untuk adegan baletnya, rupanya tidak begitu. Aku jadi ingin belajar balet juga (tapi cukup tahu diri kalau menari biasa saja sudah kaku seperti kanebo kering, konon menari balet).
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Cinematografi daebak.
Akting pemainnya, melengkapi.
Dan OST nya pun menggenapkan pengalaman menonton yang buat baper (entah apa karena akunya saja yang terlalu mudah terbawa perasaan). Namun aku tidak pernah menduga akan mengalirkan air mata begitu cepatnya saat menyaksikan episode dua (atau 3 dan 4). Moment kehilangan.
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Aku termasuk tipikal yang kadang kurang kerjaan mencari hikmah atau pesan tersembunyi dari drama apa yang sedang diikuti. Seperti halnya pada drama fantasi – yang sepertinya tidak akan mungkin terjadi di dunia nyata – ini yang menghadirkan kisah sedih cinta malaikat dan manusia. Gimana gak sedih, kalau misi si malaikat gagal boro-boro kembali ke surga, dia akan jadi debu dan menghilang. So, pesan tersirat yang kumaksud adalah “Teruslah berdoa dan berupaya sepenuh hati untuk mewujudkan keinginan.” Kita tak akan pernah tahu bukan, doa yang manakah atau dari siapakah yang berhasil mengetuk pintu langit dan menyentuh hati-Nya lalu Dia pun mengabulkan. Namun, meskipun bagi kita impian itu dirasa tak jua terwujud, yakinilah bahwa rencana-Nya jauh lebih baik dan indah untuk kita. Sejalan dengan sebuah ayat yang sering didengar bukan? Drama ini pun menampilkan sebuah pengorbanan untuk orang yang paling dicintai.
“Bisa jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan bisa jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.”(QS. Al Baqarah: 216)
Dan sebagai wujud totalitas karena menyukai drama ini, aku jadi menelusuri tentang si balerina dan menemukan fakta bahwa dia berbagi tanggal, bulan dan tahun lahir yang sama denganku (penting banget ini mah, hehe) jadi ingin menanyakan jam lahirnya juga biar bisa mengetahui birth chartnya :P
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(c) Indriani
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irisslove · 2 years ago
Jua - Impressive One-Michelin Star Korean Tasting Menu in New York
Jua – Impressive One-Michelin Star Korean Tasting Menu in New York
Surprisingly both my meals in New York were Korean. When I saw Jua, I knew I had to try this. With experiences from Jungsik (which I had a good experience in Korea), Chef Hoyoung Kim brings with him European influences into his Korean ingredients. And also thankfully, the location of the restaurant was less daunting than the previous place I had visited. I was actually pretty early so I loitered…
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aisamosshi · 2 years ago
unforgetable night
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damn me! aku dah tau series ni sucks gileee dari storyline dia. but still aku tengok sampai habis.
jangan tanya aku berapa lama aku ambik msa nak habiskan sebab tak tahan dia punya cringe tu. hahahaha bodo gilee.
aku taktau sebab ape aku sanggup habiskan. luckily si yoon ni hensem wokey, sis gagahkan jua.
at first, pasal macam one night stand, si kamol ni. adehh nama pun dah lawakkk. so ceter dia si kamol ni yatim piatu, which is dia tolong dani kot, handle bussiness mafia2 ni, jual dadah kot. entah, haram sikit pon tak tunjuk kerja ape yg dia buat, tapi acah mafia paling ditakuti.
paling takleh blah, si kamol ni ade tatoo tiger, sorry sikit pon sis tak takut, muka si yoon ni dah lah baby face, ade ke suruh jadi mafia.
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pastu entah diorang shooting masa covid ke apa, semua babak in door je. boring nak mampus!!
then, boleh dikatakan si kamol ni ternight stand ngn kim yg broken sebab cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan.
esok nya, si kim ni lari. si kamol gelabah cari si kim. disebabkan dia mafia kan, senang la nak jumpe.
so si kamol ni bawak si kim ni tinggal kat rumah dia, nak kata pun takleh risau kena cincang ngn si boss mafia. hahaha bodo.
pastu ade pulak yang suka kat kamol, adik dia punya enemy. sanggup betray abg sendiri sebab nak ambik hati kamol. malangnya si kamol dah suka gila kat si kim.
lepastu dia kata nak cuci tangan, padahal ape pon tak buat, dok bincang ape benda tah sampai ke sudah.
jadi kira cinta mati si kamol la ni, dia nak cuci tangan dari jadi mafia sebab risaukan keselamatan pakwe kesayangan nya.
aku suka side story si babun dng kom tu. adoii ni sungguh! memang babun nama dia. eh engko, macam takde nama lain, sebab si babun ni anak maid si kamol. si kom pulak PA si kamol aka bodyguard la.
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sweet2 gitu lah sebab kom tu ambik berat nampak gentalman. ah mampus lah.
so, ending dia si kim kena culik ngn musuh kamol. like always mesti lah kamol datang selamatkan pakwenya, puihhhh. eh tapi hensem gak dani kat final tu.
baik aku pilih si dani dari si kim tu.
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haaa hensem kan dani.
bye kimm. bodo. hahahaha.
tapi kan masa ongoing series ni, si yoon kena gangguan seksual tau masa live dengan pondan mana tah. tah ape2, mcm boodo. jangan ingat diorang ni berlakon bl, korang yg trasgender ni suka hati je nak peluk bagai tanpa persetujuaan.
dah tu dia disenyapkan, agensi dia lagi takguna, takde kluar statement ape2 pun. tak reti jaga artist sendiri.
klau dah tak reti sangat tu, meh sini si yoon tu aku jaga kan.
untuk pengetahuan, si pondan tu tak mintak maafkan secara terbuka pun. tah ape2, bodo di mana!!
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rekanestapa · 3 years ago
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Salam kenal bagi pengunjung yang siselipi rasa bingah, perkenalkan saya yang selalu bersembunyi di balik layar lebar yang saya hendaki ini, ah ya serabut di luar sana kerap sebut saya KATANA. Jadi salam kenal ya?
Izinkan saya menyuarakan ihwal serangkaian pedoman dalam rajutan warita milik Kanthi Sawahika, alangkah baiknya bila para pengunjung sekalian membacanya dengan saksama.
Nomor satu, dengan adanya peraturan platform twitter, saya mendeklarasikan bahwasannya Ruh Kanthi Sawahika Kawailani Hanan ialah sebuah karakter imajinari yang terlahir murni dari pemikiran saya sendiri. Sang nona hanya mememinjam rupa KIM MINJEONG atau WINTER dari aespa, jadi apapun yang nona Kanthi lakukan dan ucapkan tak ada sangkut pautnya ya dengan persona yang rupanya ia pinjami beserta jajaran agensi dan grup yang menaunginya.
Nomor dua, Perihal bahasa yang digunakan, Kanthi akan menggunakan bahasa indonesia Formal jua Bahasa Inggris untuk plotting dan percakapan secara IC tergantung dengan keadaan yang terjadi, Bahasa Indonesia non Formal untuk percakapan IC serta OOC.
Nomor tiga, Kanthi memiliki trigger warning atau peringatan mengenai apapun yang ia unggah dalam bentuk perccakapan, plot, segala media. Tapi tenang saja, sudah dipastikan saya akan menaruh peringatan pada segala sesuatu yang saya unggah di akun Pusparewa.
Nomor Empat, Karakter Kanthi sendiri bersifat multijagat, dapat berada di tempat manapun dalam satu waktu.
Nomor Lima, Segala media yang terunggah memiliki hak ciptanya sendiri. Hampiri keseluruhannya berasal dari platform pinterest, twitter, atau google.
Nomor Enam, DILARANG menjiplak segala sesuatu yang berada di dalam akun Pusparewa, baik karakter, sematan ataupun jalan cerita karakter. Pula saya melarang godmodding dan metagaming tanpa melapor terlebih dahulu kepada saya.
Nomor Tujuh, saya sangat terbuka untuk ajakan menulis dalam genre apapun dan menerima segala relasi yang masih bersangkutan dengan alur kisahnya. Terkecuali untuk kisah romansa dan keluarga, mohon maaf akan saya tolak.
Nomor Delapan, saya tidak memiliki platform untuk memberikan kritik dan saran seperti secreto atay curious cat, jadi bila ada yang harus disampaikan kepada Kanthi ataupun saya berupa kritik dan saran bisa melalui pesan langsung ya. Saya akan menerima itu semua dengan bijak.
Nomor terakhir, sekian dulu dari saya, saya ucapkan selamat megarungi dunia milik Kanthi Sawahika. Adios!
UNTUK IC Kanthi bidadari atau “Kanthi Bidadari.”
UNTUK OOC ; Kanthi Bidadari
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ktaebwi · 7 years ago
[TRANS] LOVE YOURSELF 承 'Her' - Jungkook Thanks To
My family who is my biggest source of strength and whom I love the most I will quickly become a greater person and make you happier.
Bang Shi Hyuk PD-nim, Vice President Yoojung, Director Shinkyu, Director Seokjoon, Director Chaeun, I’m always grateful for your great job and for all the meetings and great talks you give me whenever I have a hard time. I will grow up more in the future.
Woojung-noona, Surin-noona, Bunhong-noona, Hyunji-noona, Jieun-nim, Nayeob-noona from Contents Business Team. Kkothayeon-noona, Jinah-noona, Inhye-noona from Concert Business Team, please help us take a lot of beautiful photos and film a lot of good contents in the future as well. You work so hard every day already but when we’re abroad you have it really hard. Please take care of us in the future too.
Sungho-nim, Hyojin-noona, Daito-sensei, thank you for working hard so we can shine brighter when we go overseas. I’ll work harder.
Sunghyunie-hyung, Hyunjoo-noona, Sunkyung-noona, Gabriel-hyung, Gaeun-nim from VC Team, thank you for staying up all night to come up with cool outfits and cool styles so we can look cooler. I’ll become cooler.
Jooyoungie-hyung, Hyunjung-nim, Jua-hyungnim, teacher Sungdeuk, Gahyunie-hyung, Partnership Business Team: Heesun-nim, Kyungjin-nim, you’ve worked hard. We’ll continue to Youngji-hyung, Changwonie-hyung, Jinse-nim, Wooyoungie-hyung, Giwon-nim, Jiwon-nim, Aram-nim from Music Production Team. Thank you for making wonderful music for us and thank you for making those songs become even cooler.
Hobeomie-hyung, Sejinie-hyung, Jungilie-hyung, Kwangtaekie-hyung, Yootaekie-hyung, Joongminie-hyung, Sungseokie-hyung, Yoonjae-hyung from Management Team. You work the hardest alongside us and always take care of us be it day or night and go through the most. I’m sorry that I can’t move fast, I’ll work hard to adjust this in the future.
Joowon-nim, Jieun-nim, Yoori-noona, Joy-nim, Onnuri-noona, Saetbyeol-nim from Communication Team, there are some people I don’t know well yet but I know you all work really hard. Thank you so much and I too will do better in the future.
Sunjung-noona, Mijung-noona, Seungwoo-nim, Hyewon-nim, Dayoon-nim Yeonhee-nim, Miryung-nim from Trainee Development Team, you’ve all worked really hard to help those who follow after us grow. We’re counting on you.
Hyukki-hyung, Eunjung-nom, Eunsang-nim, Junho-nim from Financial Team, your work must be very very complex but you work so hard to handle it for us. Thank you.
Jaedong-nim, Minjoo-nim, Jungwook-nim, Junsu-nim, Donghun-nim from Management Support Team, you work so hard until late night even though we don’t get to meet often. Please take care of us in the future as well. Have strength.
Director Lee Hyuk, Yoonyoung-nim, Myunghak-nim, every time we go to Japan you work the hardest. Please take care of us in the future too. Thank you for your great job with the tour.
Pdogg PD-nim, Dohyungie-hyung, Supreme Boy, ADORA-noona, and.. Other people whom I don’t know really well, anyway, thank you so so much for making many many wonderful songs for us. You’re the best composers.
Chief Dareum, Hyuna-noona, Seolji-noona, thank you for making our faces beautiful, I hope we will continue to work together in the future.
Chief Naejoo, Chief Jihye, Jinyoungie-hyung, Seunghee-noona, Sohee-noona, thank you for making our hair fabulous. I’ll change more so I can pull off various concepts. Let’s work together in the future as well.
Chief Hajung, Hyesoo-noona, Seoyeon-noona, Yeonhwa-noona, Sejin-nim, Soohee-nim, thank you for buying and dress us in beautiful clothes. Please take care of us in the future as well.
Director Lumpens, Director Hyunwoo, it’s like we’re one now. Please take care of us in the future too.
Chief Mugunghwasonyeo who took the poster photos for us, even though it was raining and super hot, thank you so much for working hard to take beautiful photos. And Chief Kim Heejun who took the album jacket photos, thank you for taking cool photos even though I was lacking a lot.
Jinwoo-hyung, Jungjoo-hyung from 85GYM, if it wasn’t for you guys, we would be so tired when we do concerts. Thank you so much. Please take care of us in the future too.
Bangtan Thank you so much for always being by my side and becoming my source of strength, let’s keep working hard and grow together in the future.
ARMY My dear ARMYs, the album you have been waiting and waiting for has finally come out. I hope you would listen to it a lot, and isn’t the music quite good? We have prepared a lot so I hope you would love it, Thank you so much for waiting for us every single time, I gain strength from looking at you guys. Thank you a lot, thank you ARMY.
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