#kim ji ung
My heart aches for Ji-ung and Ung from Our Beloved Summer, and I can't decide for whom it aches more for.
Its a compliment to the writer of the show how brilliantly both characters are written:
It seems to me as if Ung has a softer temperament that Ji-ung, his sadness and his pain spilling easily out of him, his joy that overflows when he's with Yeon-su and his sadness when they break up. He doesn't seem to intentionally hide his emotions, it's as if he feels them so deeply that he cannot seem to contain them.
Ji-ung is like an air tight container throughout the show, his emotions barely spilling out of him, his longing carefully hidden away, it seems as if he goes through the world having decided he doesn't want to feel his emotions as deeply.
His pain isn't any less than Ung's in fact I'd say he's constantly in more pain, but he seems to have adjusted to it.
Ji-ung, woke up each morning after Yeon-su came into their lives, and chose his friendship with Ung, over and over and over again, every step he took back from Yeon-su was a choice towards Ung.
I love how they're similar to each other, and yet not at all.
Throughout the show, I kept thinking their friendship would rupture, but I am glad it didn't. Throughout the chaotic relationship between Ung and Yeon-su, Ji-ung is the rock in the trio.
The one who is steady and firm and who does not sway as often as the rest.
I have to remind myself, over and over just because he is steady and firm, it does not mean he feels any less pain. Pain hidden away, is still pain.
I liked that Chae-ran could see through him, to the pain he kept hidden away. I love how observant she was, how she could see the thing so many around Ji-ung couldn't see.
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kimmyungcanjunot · 2 years
I don’t always get my heart broken into tiny pieces by second male leads in KDramas.
But when I do they’re Kim Ji Ung and Our Beloved Summer’s beautiful but painful representation of unreturned love (romantic AND familial) and the actual depression it causes.
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 2 years
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currently experiencing unrequited love, second-lead-in-a-kdrama style.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
Thinking of Ji-ung Mother watching him eat a peach and almost die. But not even remember it and cut it for his birthday. I love Ung and Yeon su together but my heart breaks for Ji-ung he deserved the whole world. I'm so happy Ung's parents love him so much. My boy deserves the world
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outofthemouthsof · 3 months
15-Day BL Challenge in 1 Night!
I'm more of a lurker than a poster but Tumblr's my fave place to wallow in BLness. My 2nd favorite place is the spreadsheet where I track the shows I've watched (172 completed in just over a year), so @negrowhat 's challenge was irresistible. I'm gonna cram my answers in one post. Here goes!
Fave OG Actor Pairing: Some of the ones I think of as OG are only like 4 years old, so this was tough. And the 18 shows that have gotten my top score aren't very old. But I went through those 18 and picked the oldest, and it was the 2018 Korean microfilm Some More. Because it's so short it's super rewatchable, but even if I wasn't able to watch the whole thing a half dozen times (which I have), I'd still have gone back & watched the sweet moments and sex scene about 25 times (which I have). So I guess my fave OG actor pairing is Park Chan Ung and Kim Joon Bum! How they got me so deeply invested in their love in mere minutes is beyond me, but they did!
Fave Rookie Actor Pairing: Does Japan do the CP thing that Thailand does? I don't think so, but one couple I wish had about a dozen more BL series together lined up are Kouhei Higuchi and Atsuki Mashiko of My Personal Weatherman! Their chemistry was visceral and they're too pretty to be believed.
Side Dish That Should've Been the Main Course: While I enjoyed the main pairing a lot, they were nothing compared to the crazy rollercoaster side plot (how'd it go from so funny to SO dark to so sexy to so sweet and wholesome like that??) of Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche!
Fave Ship Dynamic: Obvs from answers 2 & 3 I am not against D/s ships at ALL. Also a sucker for tough-but-submissive-bodyguard with mafia-brat-prince. Honestly I like tons of different dynamics from innocent to toxic, but one that gives me major butterflies is a guy who thinks he's straight but when confronted with the idea of liking another guy, doesn't have a macho freakout or run away, just kind of straightforwardly & sincerely searches his feelings until he figures it out. And then takes care of his baby. Why's that so HOT and sweet? Some of my fave examples: Pete/Ae in Love By Chance, Le Jian/Amber from DNA Says Love You, and Ida/Aoki from My Love Mix-Up!
Biggest Flop: This is expectations vs. execution, right? There's loads of shows I've abandoned, some I've stuck with for no good reason, etc., that are way worse than what I consider my personal biggest let-down. I was so enamored of Perth from LBC that I assumed he could do no wrong, and the bully-to-lover, rich/poor pairings often do it for me. So I guess I just assumed Dangerous Romance would be amazing, and it was REALLY good for a couple episodes. It wasn't the worst thing I ever saw, but so much of it just ... felt ... flat. Very surprising.
Fave Line From Your Fave Series: Well I know my fave series--Cherry Magic Thailand was the most perfect, entrancing, heartwarming series EVER, OMG, it was staggeringly good and stuck the landing in a way few shows have managed. I can't really think of one standout line--the script was so on point & there were HUNDREDS of sweet tingly moments. There were some epic ones in ep11 tho: When Achi says "The voice inside your head is so loud" and Karan (the boldest he's ever been) replies "Don't worry; soon you won't be able to read my mind anymore." (But then clearly uses that power one more time to gain the sweetest nonverbal consent EVER.) Then, Karan: "Do you regret losing your power?" Achi: "I'd regret not loving you." (OMG how I squealed.)
Fave Villain: This was so tough. An over-the-top villain I loved to hate (and an actor I loved from his sweetie-pie green-flag role in SCOY) was obvs Heng Asavarid as Chalothon in The Sign. But an actor who was so excellent at being loathsome and malicious toward the main couple, with just enough of a redemption arc that I didn't totally despise the character by the end (but did hate most of the way through): Park Hae In as Eun Ji (Jae Won's ex) in The Eighth Sense. It was a typical "faen fatale" role but so well done. So a tie between 2 totally different takes on the destructive ex.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": OK, "hate" is a strong word for how I feel about the drop-of-rain-makes-you-ill so love-interest-takes-care-of-you trope. It's OK. But holy SHIT is it overused. Holy shit. I sigh resignedly when I realize we're going there. EXCEPT. When P'Phayu goes to visit Rain in Love in the Air when he's sick, and his version of caregiving? Forcibly applying medicine in the form of a rectal suppository. It is so funny, weirdly sexy, very in line with their dynamic (doesn't get in the way of their romance moments later at all), & it shoves a big middle finger up the overoveroverused sick-bed trope.
Most Visually Pleasing Love Scene: Okay, THE scene in The Sign is the clear winner in my & many people's books. But there are so many runners-up: the post-race one in Love in the Air. Just about every one in Pit Babe (both couples) & My Personal Weatherman. (A lot of other faves don't quite qualify as visually or emotionally pleasing--lustfully pleasing should be a 3rd category in this challenge!)
Most Emotionally Pleasing Love Scene: Again, I have a clear winner: Cherry Magic Thailand. So full of emotion, so well deserved, so everything. Sigh. But lots of runners-up: same scene in The Sign, both kissing scenes in DNA Says Love You (tame but soo emotionally satisfying), Ray & Sand's camper reunion in Only Friends, the post-prison love scenes for both couples in Kiseki: Dear to Me, the 1st time in I Feel You Linger in the Air ...
Breakup That Should've Stayed Broken Up: Maybe it's because I try to be choosy in what I watch all the way thru or maybe I'm a big softy who tends to root for every couple no matter how lame. In all my completed shows, I could only think of 2 breakups where I wasn't at all invested in them getting back together (and maybe against it): Tian/Poon, What Zabb Man and Top/Mew, Only Friends.
Wedding You Wish You Had an Invite To: If we're talking weddings that actually appeared in the show, Achi and Karan's in Cherry Magic Thailand, obvs! If it's hypothetical weddings, I'd be desperate to go to one of ANY of the characters in Playboyy! I'd wear a bulletproof vest & bring my own flask of booze, but it would be the trashy chaos-filled social event of a lifetime.
Give 5 Good Boys a Gold Star: Just 5? OK, some I haven't mentioned yet. 1. Shin Woo, Light on Me, 2. Palm, Never Let Me Go, 3. Mohk, Last Twilight, 4. Thun, He's Coming to Me, 5. Neua, Secret Crush on You. Best boys!
The Top 5 Most Sad Boys: I'll limit it to ones where the suffering was kinda pretty, not just painful. 1. Way, Pit Babe, 2. Akk, The Eclipse, 3. Kaipa/Gaipa, Moonlight Chicken, 4. Hae Bom, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, 5. Kiyoi, My Beautiful Man
Bestest Besties: Just one? Gah! Fine, Pearl & Gavreel in Gameboys. She got those boys together in quarantine!
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valkyriexo · 2 months
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All works are works of fiction and created purely from imagination. They are in no way meant to be an accurate representation of the idol.
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survivalistghost · 1 year
top 10 kdrama bromances to feed your empty heart
if you scroll through my page, you can already guess number 1.
#10 - our beloved summer : choi ung and kim ji ung
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beautiful beautiful men choi woo shik and kim sung cheol played ung bros for life in this beautiful beautiful drama. one of the best handled love triangles ive seen. they were there for each other through thick and thin, and helped each other through sm. best. on the tenth spot because they could've expanded on it more :(
#9 - what's wrong with secretary kim? : lee young joon and park yoo sik
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i could never make it through the series. i left it behind on ep9/10 i think, and primarily because i physically cannot digest how emotionless park min young is. BUT, kudos to the hilarious office best bromance by the great park seo joon and kang ki young. ps - why is kang ki young the pankaj tripathi of korean dramas?
#8 - strong girl do bong soon : ahn min hyuk and in gook du
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can we ever forget the legendary wink? or the dream where min hyuk is dressed as a woman? i think not. this was more of a frenemy type bromance, united by their love for bong soon and ironically divided by it, too. i refuse to acknowledge this as a love triangle tho. bong soon was astronomical in not hurting gook du and i will not take any criticism. is it a bromance if one of them is pretending to be gay? (and no, we will not discuss any sort of iTs pRoBLeMaTiC debates here.)
#7 - tale of the nine tailed : lee yeon and koo shin ju
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don't come at me with the lee rang comments. rang was his half brother, related by blood. their relationship was top tier, but the stay at home husband yeon and working husband shin ju was too cute to not be classified as a bromance. in the beginning, i saw their relationship as shin ju serving yeon, a dynamic that they both seemed to embody. but as the show progresses, yeon baby we know you love shin ju just as much :*
#6 - alchemy of souls : jang uk and seo yul
song joon ki seems to have an attachment to bromances. han seo had the best character arc of the ENTIRE kdrama universe fight me. that court scene where vincenzo pats han seo's cheek was max bro cuteness. still not over his death. he deserved better.
#5 - vincenzo : vincenzo cassano and jang han seo
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even though i didn't very much like the show's first couple, bromance delivered well. hospital scene peaked, complete true beauty sameness. it was pretty hard to understand who was the superior officer in this tbh initially, since their comraderie was so cool, shi jin was kid to soldier in a split second. loved how they chose not to unnecessarily exaggerate the love triangle initially bec i was only rooting for the second couple.
#4 - descendants of the sun : yoo shi jin and seo dae young
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business proposal was the first kdrama i saw. i finished it in a three day trip, and i remember thinking more about the bromance than the romance. i was NOT used to the clumsiness of kdramas in general, like wattpad fics incarnated. the bromance delivered well, made me root for the second couple, and was the only initial indicator of kang tae moo being human instead of archaeopteryx. that word was a nightmare to spell.
#3 - business proposal : kang tae moo and cha sung hoon
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the most wolfstar bromance if I ever saw one. and NO, i do not ship wolfstar just like i do not ship these two. they are totally adorable, and specially since their personalities seemed to switch from when they were children. yeong turned all serious face and lee gon got fun. love their years of friendship sm, their wordless communication and yeong in general. the acting was amazing.
#2 - the king - eternal monarch : lee gon and jo yeong
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#1 - guardian - the lonely and great god : kim shin aka goblin and wang yeo aka grim reaper
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yes, i know I'm missing a lot of iconic ones. unfortunately, i haven't seen alot of kdramas and have left alot in bw (like true beauty bec i couldn't see second lead hurt).
spring onion slays ^
told ya, if u follow me u already knew what the first one was gonna be. being the simp i am for the goblin and grim reaper, these two achieved the max points for their bromance. that slow dynamic of goblin calling reaper's hat tacky to fighting with knives to that iconic 'saranghae' to 'HOW DARE YOU' to goblin boiling eggs with his powers while reaper chills the beer. they know each other so well. love love love them and you should too 🔪
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in my heart, the trio of our boys beats nothing (except for the gookdu-minhyuk relationship of the crown prince and uk). but instead of choosing the frenemy thing, i decided to love yul and uk more. yul was such a quiet character, with incredible potential in him for me to hate him, but then...(the guy is literally too sweet and beautiful and nice i can ramble for days). and uk, man, our power baby who loves every version of our beautiful but slow girl, needed so much emotional support. uk and yul were not afraid to show their affection for each other, a trait i admired in all the three boys (jang uk, seo yul and park dang gu).
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kinetic-drama · 6 months
Ep. 1 – Our Beloved Summer
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Our Beloved Summer is a k-drama that should be savoured slowly, in those late August days full of laziness and cravings of the May breeze. The two leads, Choi Ung (Choi Woo-shik) and Kook Yeon-soo (Kim Da-mi), are ex-lovers who never want to meet again. They met in high-school through the shooting of a reality show, where the top student, Yeon-soon, sits besides the one with the worst grades, Choi Ung. Fate – or, actually, a second season of the show – will bring them back together.
The brilliant banter and script is carried out by the lead actors impeccably, making the show enjoyable and light. The drama depicts a complicated relationship of two people different to their very core, the difficulty of communicating openly with the person you love, and the harshness of a break-up and the sweetness of a second chance. The rest of the cast is pretty much perfect in my opinion, and the cinematography is one of a kind, with aesthetic camera angles and unforgettable scenes. Truly a gem of its genre, this k-drama made me want to rewatch it over and over again, just for the excitement of walking with the characters through their journey of discovery of love and themselves.
If you've seen this drama and want to know more of my thoughts, keep reading below!
And here we talk about the serious stuff. In all honesty, this is one of my favorite k-dramas. Not only for its characters, tropes, and message, but also the aesthetic. You know I'm a sucker for pretty coloring, rain kiss scenes, contrasts of lighting, photography and addicting soundtrack. We need more dramas like this one, high-quality shooting paired with cured acting and an abundant amount of chemistry, pettiness, glances, side stories and character development.
It's one of the first k-dramas I've watched and one of the few I've felt the need to start again as soon as it was over, so it definitely holds a special place in my heart. I'd be lying if I said I didn't first start it because of its cast (I knew Kim Sung-cheol from literally one episode of Vincenzo and he was just too pretty), but finding out the trope was ex-lovers to enemies to lovers again – oh god. I was in love.
I usually hate love triangles, but this one was perfect??? The second male lead, Kim Ji-woong, has the most likeable character I've ever seen in a supporting role. He knows Choi Ung and Kook Yeon-soo still have some unresolved stuff to deal with and never tries to force his own unrequited feelings into their relationship, but his role never feels too shallow, maybe because of his personal life story and his closeness to the leads. At the end of the day, he knows he's just an observer, like he himself says, and accepts gracefully enough the line that separates him from being happy with the person he loves.
The rest of the supporting roles are perfect, from the leads' friends, family and co-workers and their relation with said people. Even the role of NJ, the idol who takes interest in Choi Ung, never comes off as plain and useless. And the lack of unnecessary conflict and misunderstandings and excessive jealousy is exactly what I adore about this k-drama.
About our main characters, I have a lot to say and at the same time so little. Their childish interactions and messy relationship, on the border between hate and love, create the perfect game of push and pull, all adorned with a great amount of chemistry and comic moments. This drama doesn't just tell the story of two characters, but through them shares the incommunicability between people, so different but still so similar. Neither of them are good with words and expressing feelings out loud, and neither of them seem to understand what the other needs to hear. It deals with the mutual hurt, awkwardness and resentment of a hash break-up that happens when both are still in love, they are just unable to deal with it. All this in contrast with the silent understanding of the messages brought by thoughtful actions, private smiles and small touches. It's all about finding happiness and love in those little, short moments, showing a certain side of yourself to that person only, in the case of the cold Kook Yeon-soo, or letting your world be shaken to the core and feeling alive once that person comes around, in the case of the quiet Choi Ung. But as the k-drama demonstrates, most times only actions are not enough.
This view of love, in my opinion, is what sets this show apart and makes it a must-watch.
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vpzllx · 1 year
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━。゜✿ Even as a trainee Y/n always had her eyes on a particular boy. Sim Jaeyun better known as Jake later after her debut she still had those few even though she knew the consequences if she were to ever date him or anyone else all her hard work would go to waste losing her career.
PAIRING : Sim Jaeyun x fem!reader
WARNINGS: swearing, kys jokes, ur mom jokes, little bullying,mean people (kinda),— warnings listed on each chapter!
GENRE : fluff, angst
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Authors note or wtv : I DROPPED A NEW STORY YEP WE BACK BABES (btw if u seen the cover art b4 it’s bc i tried to start over on a diff acc but it wasn’t working out for me) BUT ANYWHO NEW STORY DROPPING PUT IT IN YA CALENDARS
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whenthegoldrays · 10 months
Kim Ji-ung though
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consumeronionbulletin · 11 months
Our Beloved Summer (2021-22)
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A well written second chance romance that just feels real. I enjoyed the characters and just loved spending time with them, even when they were clearly going through it.
What Worked
The writing was top notch, but the two leads made this show come alive. The actors all put in the work to make sure all of the layers shown through with these characters. Every episode lets you see a new faucet to all of the characters and their relationships. It feels almost like an adaptation to a much larger story, which is an amazing trick to pull off in any drama.
Also, I normally hate love triangles, but the way this show did it worked. Mainly because it never felt like a dramatic love triangle, it just felt like a bunch of people in a mess because of their feelings. And that's always more interesting.
What Didn't Work
I don't think there were any major missteps, but there were choices that some people like and others won't. This is a slow, slice of life show that tries to ground itself in real life. For some people, like me, this is going to hit them right away. For other people, it'll seem boring, or hard to get into, and that's okay.
The Performances
Choi Woo-shik as ("the artist") Choi Ung. If you've seen him in Parasite, you already know he's a darn good actor. He makes a character that's kind of a loser (especially at the start of the show) seem instantly appealing, because you can tell there's more to him than you see on the surface. Fun to watch in every scene, and the way the character subtlety changes over the series is just fascinating.
Kim Da-mi as ("grumpy overachiever") Kook Yeon-soo. I loved this performance. The character is portrayed as this uptight, stuck-up person (even in High School), but (like Choi Woo-shik's performance), you can tell there's more going on under the surface. While Choi Ung's character has a hidden strength and charm, with Yeon-soo, it's the vulnerability and compassion that's hidden, and it's so good to watch these layers get uncovered over the series.
Kim Sung-cheol as ("side character") Kim Ji-ung. He played a similar quiet character in Do You Like Brahms? and he did an even better job of making him seem layered and interesting (it helps that the writing overall is better). This performance will probably shine on rewatches when you get his entire story and can see where things were hinted at early on. Fun to watch, even when he was a little mopey.
Roh Jeong-eui as ("super idol") NJ. I loved this performance too. The actor did a great job of playing someone who was forced to have feelings and care about people, even though she was way too cool for any of them. I liked how she interacted with Choi Ung, and pretty much all of the other characters as well. Just fun and interesting in every scene.
Park Won-sang as Choi Ho / Choi Ung's father. and Seo Jeong-yeon as Lee Yeon-ok / Choi Ung's mother. These actors were delightful. Just brought warmth whenever they were on screen.
Cha Mi-kyung as Kang Ja-kyung / Kook Yeon-soo's grandma. I loved the scenes we got with her, especially with Yeon-soo.
Park Jin-joo as Lee Sol-yi. I always like seeing this actor. The character work was solid, but the writing for her scenes (and so her performance) was a little uneven. She was funny and great to watch with Yeon-soo and sometimes with other characters, but the stuff with her and Eun-ho was kind of hit and miss.
Ahn Dong-goo as ("manager buddy") Gu Eun-ho. His performance wasn't exactly weak, just not nearly as good as the other people he had to share a scene with. Might have been improved by giving the character more depth, but I would still rather have an additional scene learning more about any other character, which is why he never got that.
The documentary team. The side characters (Ji-ung's boss, writer-nim, Ji-ung's junior, and the intern) were all well developed and it was nice when they got screentime. A good example of how this show treated even minor characters pretty well.
RUN Company people. I feel like this group was a little weaker, especially Yeon-soo's boss and the gossipy coworkers. At the start, they felt a little tropey and mostly interchangeable. By the end of the show, they were in a good place, but it took a long time for them to get interesting.
A hard hitting romance drama that's not afraid to take its time. Definitely worth a try if you're even a little interested in this.
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eggy-tea · 2 years
Kim Ji-Ung’s apartment is so perfectly depressing. It emphasizes really nicely how much he’s a visitor in his own life.
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Rambling About a Show (10/11/2022)
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So, I started this on Sunday (10/09/2022) and finished it today. My thoughts are gonna be a bit backwards with this one.
Yo, what kind of ending was that?! 🤨 I’m not even mad about it, however it has me asking a lot of questions. 😣 I cried when Jung Sa-bin gave the rings back to Kim Soo-hyuk, explaining that she knows who is truly in her heart. From what I understand with the ending it implies that Cheon Jong-beom and Jung Sa-bin end up together. I’m only basing that off how I interpreted the ending. Even if it was a bit confusing (to me) to begin with. 
I have to admit that the reason I was watching this was because of Lee Soo-hyuk. I think I’m gonna end up mentioning this for every drama I watch of his. 🤣 I honestly think I’ll do that for any actor and actress that I enjoy watching. 🤣 He may have been the main reason for me, but I stuck around for the plotline. A few other reasons I stuck around is because it’s a crime show. Which I love crime shows. Also I enjoyed the idea of the red string theory, and reincarnation.
So, they mentioned broken heart syndrome later in the series. I can’t remember the exact episode it was mentioned in. Then it was brought up again towards the end. Well, both times I cried about it. Because it hit close to home for me. Due to the fact that, that was mom’s cause of death. Granted this series had me crying several times. I’m not even kidding. 🤣 Pretty much EVERY emotional or tear jerking scene had me crying. ESPECIALLY when  Cha Hyung-bin’s remains were buried by Jung Ha-eun. When this happened it came to light of why Cha Hyung-bin had approached Jung Ha-eun in the first place. The guilt that man had carried all that time. 💔
Listen, the way Detective Cha Hyung-bin was protective and loved Jung Ha-eun, it was heartwarming. I felt that he was a cheesy romantic but I loved it. Then we have Prosecutor Kim Soo-hyuk. He’s a badass with a smug, it has to be my way, attitude. The complete opposite of Detective Cha hyung-bin. Even though Soo-hyuk was a bit of dick, I ended up liking his character. Though I didn’t like the way he went about prosecuting people. But it is what it is.
In the case of  Gong Ji-chul and Cheon Jong-bum. Even though both were innocent for the most part. I still didn’t like the fact that he was stalking  ung Ha-eun and Jung Sa-bin. Like, I’m glad Gong Ji-chul’s named was cleared, but still his behavior was a excessive and unsettling. Same with Cheon Jong-bum. Jang Ki-young did a fantastic job of portraying both characters.
I’m glad that in the end Prosecutor Kim Soo-hyuk began the process of correcting all his wrongs. I teared up when he resigned as Prosecutor but later showed up as an Attorney. The way his belief had changed was also amazing as well.
Of course there were a ton of plot twists in my opinion. Every twist kept me intrigued. I lost a lot of sleep over this series because I’d rather have answers than sleep. 🤣 That’s just how good it was to me.
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
taehyung being the kim jiung of the story 🫣 i approve
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these lyrics hit different when u think of taehyung as ji ung 🫠
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imperfect-yeoja · 6 months
Andaikan kekhawatiranku ini sedikit memengaruhimu (jung chae ran - kim ji ung eps 15 our beloved summer)
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