#killer sun tsbs
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gummysunnybear · 15 hours ago
I would like to think that killer sun would unironically eat the moons he kills but like today episodes kinda gives away from that headcanon-
Like he would just so brutally tear them apart and eat the inside of them chewing away on the wires and metal and everything else in them-
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sabrondabrainrot · 13 days ago
Recent Art Dump!
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Sorry for not consistently posting! I try to keep up on wips etc but it gets easy to be lost and forget to post or I don't have finished art ready and just lose the will because I didn't draw a back ground or something like that.
I hope people like my random wips and doodles and some of my recent finished arts. I love Charlie-Puppet so much I just needed to do another artwork symbolizing how puppet literally died and through the ashes of a fire puppet Charlie was born from her sacrifice. It was so sad but Charlie is such a joy. Her powers developing slowly over time is just so much fun to watch.
I also had to draw Sun comforting Earth, I just love their brother sister bond and I feel like they hold each other and cry. Earth dealing with life long pain is so difficult and i like to imagine Sun is with her every walk of life.
I also had to draw my version/idea for masm sun and moon (want to line and color them soon!) and also Killer Sun my beloved!!!!!!!! I want to draw all the funky variants and I haven't even drawn Eclipse of Solar in a line up!!! A crime!!!!!!
One of my Aus is a Magical Girl au, and Ballora is one of the magical girls in the au I'm going to write and I'm just really happy with her design so I wanted to share it.
So I've been super into the new chapter of poppy playtime and I've been making Aus on Aus, I'm trying to make notes and draw art to post about them but it takes so much dang time!!! I also want to do fanart of other people's AUs if they're ok with it!
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turbotasthick · 8 days ago
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cornerfluff · 1 month ago
Today's ep be like:
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katlegay · 1 month ago
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tsbs-shipfessions · 26 days ago
I'm starting to ship Sun x Killer Sun.. wait.. Sun x Killer... Sans x Killer... ITS A CYCLE!! /J
But seriously, I'm starting to ship Sun x Killer Sun cause like Killer is so like respectful to Suns and he's such a goober :333
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the-ultimate-tsbs-kin · 14 hours ago
Mine would be Dark Sun 😌💜
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llamaisllama777 · 1 month ago
Sorry it's been a bit since I last did this. I took a break for a while, but now I'm back, so let's get to it!
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The high I was riding on this episode was the highest of all highs! I loved how Earth just put all her feelings out on the table and basically told Creator, "I love you cause you built me, you're my dad, but I will never join you. You hurt my family." I loved it so much!
The creator was acting all caring and, like, maybe at least a super tiny part of him cared, but the moment Earth told him no, he did a complete 180 and started laughing at her and dropped this bombshell that all Earth's memories of his raising her and just being a dad were FAKE! He implanted false memories in her to make her care about him. What the heck, Sven?!
I love how Earth calls Creator a "plaything" at the end cause she's right it's now his turn to be the toy, be used, and abused by someone who basically gave you life.
We also learn from Sven that Earth is, I guess, immune to dark star power now? Like the infection can't affect her like it is with Jack, so Earth is safe, but knowing Creator is gonna make her suffering even without the dark star infection.
And Monty confirmed Earth's blueprints are gone. Morbid question: How important are those blueprints, and WHAT IS WITH THAT BRACELET?!
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WELP. I guess all those Serial killer aus are canon now. Neat : D
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And lastly, Foxy's back..... barely. Physically, he's here, mentally... he's gone again. Puppeteer erased Foxy's memories, and now he's so lost, confused, and doesn't remember Puppet or F.C. he does remember Chili's, though, so there's hope he could remember. Hopefully, soon cause Matt is leaving the show soon. I'm guessing these next few episodes may be Foxy themed. I hope they do bring Foxy back. I can't lose Foxy again. Please, Davis, Matt, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! (/J) But seriously, don't do this to me.
I really loved today's episodes as usual
I wonder what the other shows are up to?
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Oh, no!
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surohsopsisofclouds · 9 days ago
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Woe, Killer Sun be upon ye
hope your name's not Moon ;)
want us to draw more? buy us a kofi!
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the-celestial-shitheads · 5 months ago
First Post. This is a group effort.
Hello! Mod 'M' here! I'm the one currently making this post because the others haven't been added to it. Mod 'D' was able to join though! Yippee! Please note that we, or I, at least, will not allow people whom we/I haven't talked to much to join. This might not be the same for the other mods, but this is what I'd like.
VERIFIED (so far):
SOLAR! @silly-solar
NEXUS! @insane-nexus (MOD D)
BLOODMOON! @bloodmoon-da-idiot
LUNAR! @lunarlovesbeanbags
SUN! @sundropneedstherapy (MOD LK)
ECLIPSE! @tired-eclipse
JACK! @tsbs-returning-to-the-darkness (MOD M)
SOLARFLARE! @solar-flare-dead
DARK SUN! @dark-sundrop
FRANK! @frank-forkface (MOD LK)
EARTH! @tsbs-therapist (MOD M)
NEBULA! @tsams-nebula-confessions (MOD DW)
WONDERFUL NEBULA 2 (we all love you dw) @the-astral-messenger
FC! @thestarfoxfc
GEMINI! @gemini-castor-and-pollux
RUIN! @sillytwofaceboi
SOLARS MOON! @crazed-moondrop
REZ! @rez-the-corruptor
MOON! @mo0ndr0p
KC! @killers-code
SOLAR'S SUN! @solars-sun
DARK SUN'S MOON! @nightlight-roleplays
ATLAS! @atlas-the-wizard
CETUS! @c3tus-1s-m3
DAZZLE (1): @dazzles-playhouse
No paedophiles! As @sundropneedstherapy stated, this is a place for ppl to interact with the characters, not for you to interact with kids. Any paedophile asks I get will be deleted, and if I find out you groomed my friends, I will personally block you and call you out. I'll learn how to report you.
No Harassment! You are not allowed to yell at my friends for what they ship, do, or confess!
NO. INAPPROPRIATE. STUFF. There are minors, and if we get any asks on that, we will delete them.
Ships are allowed! please avoid incestual ships and darkships!
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tsbs-confession-shows · 5 months ago
Hello! Welcome to the TSBS Confession Shows! So far we have 3 blogs ^^
@tsams-au-confessions as Eclipse and Puppet show
@masmconfessions as Moon and Sun Minecraft!
@tsams-laes-and-eaps-quotes as Lunar and Earth Show!
I don't wanna have any strangers join without me and my partner agreeing on it, so I apologize to anyone who'd like too join 😅
If you wanna confess theories, then go to the Sun and Moon (CHARACTERS, NOT SHOW) blog @tsbs-theory-confessions!
If you wanna confess headcanons, then go to @tsamsheadcanons!
If you wanna talk to the Confessionverse, here are the blogs! I apologize in advance for tagging you guys.
THE TSBS CONFESSIONVERSE/THE OG'S: @thepuppeteerpodcast @tsbs-shipfessions @tsbsconfessions @tsbs-sunfessions @tsbs-darksun-confessions @crappy-tsbs-confession-blog @tsbs-miku-confessional @tsbs-group-therapy @foxifulconfessions @ilikescience-confession-blog @tsams-nebula-confessions @jack-o-confessions @foxyconfessions
(sorry if I missed anyone!)
THE ROLEPLAYVERSE/THE CELESTIAL SHITHEADS (sorry for tagging in advance!): @bloodmoon-da-idiot @lunarlovesbeanbags @insane-nexus @frank-forkface @dark-sundrop @tsbs-returning-to-the-darkness @tsbs-therapist @tired-eclipse @mo0ndr0p @ugly-astral-taurus @tsams-nebula-confessions (funny!) @thestarfoxfc @the-astral-messenger @rez-the-corruptor @killers-code @sundropneedstherapy @sillytwofaceboi @silly-solar @gemini-castor-and-pollux @solar-flare-dead @crazed-moondrop
Woah crazy how the RP universe has more than the Confessionverse yet the Confessionverse came first 😭
Anyways, Green text is Mod C, and Blue/Red text is Mod H!
Edit: 3 members now!
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nightlight-roleplays · 4 months ago
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Hi there! I'm part of a group called 'The Celestial Shitheads'. They even have a blog :] @the-celestial-shitheads!
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Just don't be weird.
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[✨ Spooksterz] - Roleplay Tag
[✨ Request?] -Mod Tag
The Celestial Shitheads - Group Name!
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Others: @bloodmoon-da-idiot @lunarlovesbeanbags @dark-sundrop @silly-solar @crazed-moondrop @solars-sun @sillytwofaceboi @sundropneedstherapy @frank-forkface @tsams-nebula-confessions @the-astral-messenger @ugly-astral-taurus @tsbs-returning-to-the-darkness @tsbs-therapist @atlas-the-wizard @dazzles-playhouse @killers-code @mo0ndr0p @solar-flare-dead @thestarfoxfc @tired-eclipse @dazzles-playhouse
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turbotasthick · 5 days ago
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tsbs-shipfessions · 15 days ago
Something random I just came up with! :3
One-sided killer sun x sun
Like the dude is obsessed with sun wanting to know everything about sun and will watch him to get to know him better because this sun wants his moon alive and openly threatened him too so he's very interested in this sun and will do anything to be close to this sun even getting closer to dazzle or as he calls her "lil doe" so sun will trust him [sun doesn't] like he says there dating but sun says something different and killer sun will just randomly show up to hug sun or talk to dazzle and disappear to watch over sun again.
He would be the creepy somewhat present dad in dazzles life while suns just trying to kill him while he sees it as a very loving relationship.
One-sided killer sun x sun
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turbotasthick · 7 days ago
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killer sun doodles... and trying to REFINE his design
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tsbs-shipfessions · 13 days ago
Killer Sun x Dark Sun
Mainly because evil super villain and right hand man who acts like the super villain's dog
Idk they just give off those vibes
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