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swtechspecs · 1 month ago
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War-Robot of Xim the Despot's Empire
Source: The Essential Guide to Droids (Del Rey, 1999)
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dapurinthos · 2 months ago
well i'm not going to get this done today like i planned, but i've still got a good chunk. congrats, sifo, you're going to stab a scapula with your lightsaber because you happen to be on barseg when it's their version of hallowe'en (wakemeet).
“It’s Wakemeet,” a voice behind him says. He turns around again. This time, there’s someone on the other side of the half-demolished wall. They wear a hooded cloak, most of their face in shadow except for a pale mouth. Shapes he doesn’t recognise glimmer on the robes in the low light of the dying day. Their hands move quickly, shuffling something back and forth between them. “What’s Wakemeet?” “The best holiday.” He gets a grin from beneath the hood. “Kids dress up as evil spirits and get candy for it.” “Well, if it’s for candy,” says Sifo-Dyas, understanding right away. If someone were to offer him a fried crispic from the fuelling station on Manda, he would probably dress up as an evil spirit, too. The older journals of the Archives have all sorts of interesting things that may or may not have been real and were certainly declared metaphors and hallucinations when the Ruusan Reformations changed not only the structure of the Jedi Order but some of their very beliefs, and evil spirits are definitely no longer part of the orthodox beliefs. “Why?” “To hide from the hungry dead of the Devouring.” He makes a ‘come on’ gesture with his hand. “You can’t just leave it like that.” “It happened when the Galactic Republic first contacted the people out here. There used to be a frontier called the Kiirium Reaches. Someone, a lot of someones—” “Or some thing,” Sifo-Dyas cannot keep himself from interjecting.
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OKAY, so as I posted previously, I had to rearrange the order of the pieces about Xim the Despot as I found out I had placed some of them where I didn't want them (This is bound to happen when you have a general familarity with 90% of Legends canon but have not read it all, lol)
So here is the updated section as it is in my spreadsheet now:
Before Xim: The Pirate-King of Argai (Fry, Jason) - Pub. date 2012-12-08, Canon date c. 25,150 BBY - 25,130 (In: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
The Despotica, Part II: The Pirate Prince (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-09, Canon date c. 25,130 BBY (Hyperspace)
The Despot Triumphant (Fry, Jason) - Pub. date 2012-12-08, Canon date c. 25,130 BBY (In: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
The Lost Thrones of Xim (Fry, Jason) - Pub. date 2012-12-08, Canon date c. 25,130 BBY (In: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
War with the Hutts (Fry, Jason) - Pub. date 2012-12-08, Canon date c. 25,105 BBYThe (In: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
Hero of Hutts (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,105 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
Wise Investments (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,105 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
Kossak's Trap (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,105 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
Kossak's Trap: One... (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,105 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
Kossak's Trap: ...Two... (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
The Gleam of Kiirium (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2013-12-03, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY
Kossak's Trap: Final Preperations (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
Kossak's Trap: ...Three (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
The Despotica, Part III: Xim at Vontor (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-10, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY (Hyperspace)
Death of the Despot (Kogge, Michael) - Pub. date 2009-12-08, Canon date c. 25,100 BBY (In Hyperspace - The Despotica: Part I)
.... Did I just spend like 30 minutes formatting this like it's a bibliography in a jedikriffing thesis?
Yes. Yes, I did.
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mortallyclearwonderland · 3 years ago
Star Wars Alien Species - Chironian
The Chironian species was native to the planet Chiron. Chiron was located in the galactic east of the Outer Rim Territories, and fell within the borders of the Kiirium Reaches, a portion of the space that was incorporated into Xim the Despot's empire as early as 25,127 BBY. Legends related that, at the order of Kossak the Hutt, many worlds in the region surrounding the Chironians' homeworld were bombarded and poisoned several hundred years later so as to create a desolate buffer between the remains of Xim's empire and Hutt Space to the galactic south. From this destruction, the Chironians' home sector, which they shared with the Abyssins and the Nyny natives, came to be known as the Ash Worlds.
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It was not until 5000 BBY that Chiron fell within territory widely explored by the Galactic Republic, the next major galactic power, although during the Jedi Civil War of 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY, the Chironians' planet fell within Darth Revan's Sith Empire. Chiron was in unaligned territory during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems; however, after the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, many of the Ash Worlds were interdicted and used for weapons testing and other shadowy activities.
Following the rise of the New Republic in 4 ABY, Chiron fell under its polity. During this time, at least one Chironian was kidnapped as a slave by the Empire Reborn, a secretive movement that sought to recreate the Empire following its defeat by the New Republic. Many years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong, a species of extra-galactic invaders, Chiron was thought to be beyond the reach of the aggressors. However, the Yuuzhan Vong succeeded in sending to their world a pack of voxyn—creatures shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to be naturally inclined to hunt and kill Jedi. The voxyn beset the Chironian Jedi Knight Lusa while she was running through a meadow and killed the woman.
By 137 ABY, following the ascendency of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire against the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances—the New Republic's successor state—the Chironians' homeworld fell within one of only a few areas of the galaxy still under the influence of the Galactic Alliance.
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Chironians expressed emotions through the mannerisms of their hooves: when impatient, they stamped them; when excited, they tapped them in a quick dance, or cantered in a spot. The centauriforms frequently shook their heads and manes, and when angry, their faces flushed a deeper shade. Young Chironians, when frightened, were known to rub or press their velvet-covered horns against the foreheads of other beings to whom they were emotionally close. Chironians could swim, and shook themselves dry after such an exertion.
At least some young Chironians, such as Lusa, a Force-sensitive member of the species, wore no clothing on their bodies, shoulders, torsos or midriffs. In her adulthood, however, Lusa wore a robe on her torso.
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The Chironians were a warm-blooded, sentient species with centauriform anatomy; that is, they had the head and torso of a humanoid and the lower body of an equine animal. The Chironian lower body had four legs, similar to that of a horse, and each ended in a dainty, cloven hoof. A Chironian could sit down by folding his or her horse-like legs underneath the body. Chironians were tall, and even while sitting in this manner, they could reach the height of a Human adult. A Chironian could also kick backward with both hind legs; this strong kick was sufficient to knock over other beings. A Chironian's pace could vary between a walk, a canter, and a gallop.
At least some young Chironian had red-gold colored bodies, with white spots on the flanks and back. As Chironians aged, the body color darkened to a rich reddish-brown, like polished cinnamon, and the dappled markings on the flanks faded away. Chironians grew long tails, which they often flicked. The Chironian torso had two arms, which ended in dexterous hands capable of skipping stones across water, administering field medicine, and wielding weapons such as stun sticks.
The Chironian head had two wide, round eyes, which could be red-gold in color, and could weep. The eyes were lidded and had eyebrows. The Chironian head had a nose with two nostrils, and a mouth with full lips. Chironians grew long, curly manes on their heads, hair which was sometimes grown to nearly waist-length and flowed down their backs. Chironian manes darkened with age to a rich reddish-brown color.
Each year, the Chironian head grew two horns above the temples. These horns started as small knobs covered by red-furred velvet; a vascular tissue. Once the knobs had grown sufficiently, they broke through the velvet naturally, emerging as transparent horns, as bright as diamond, cool to the touch and with smooth ridges. However, if the velvet was cut artificially, Chironians could die from the injury. Over time, the horns grew long and sharp enough that adolescent Chironians could use them to gore opponents.
Chironians were strong enough to carry a Human on their backs. Chironians produced a scent that, to Humans at least, smelled of woods and spices.
Chironian age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 39 Adult
40 - 54 Middle Age
55 - 69 Old
Examples of Names: Luna, Sinall, Jefin, Slaturn, Cinall.
Languages: Chironians posses expressive, husky voices, and can speak Galactic Basic Standard, although some speak the language with a heavy accent.
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captainmazzic · 6 years ago
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Cophrigin V. One of the Ash Worlds among the Kiirium Reaches, in the heart of nowhere.
An EU canon world I absconded with and did some sneaky covert worldbuilding on to make it better easier more fun to write.
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