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Merry Christmas! I made lots of kids this year, didn't I?
For now, these four human children are all I've settled on. The oldest, Meiryo. The second oldest, Avenir. And the twin youngest, Kigelia and Fira. The actual oldest kid is Saira, who is a full monster!
And while I'm at it, there is a mistletoe for this month's @frans-monthly~
#undertale#undertale fanart#twfoa#the world falls once again#frisk#twfoa frisk#sans#twfoa sans#oc#meiryo#avenir#kigelia#fira#saira#christmas!#christmas#frans#frisk x sans#female frisk#frans kids#frans monthly#fransmonthly
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balam kheera ke fayde aur nuksan की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी (2023)
1. इम्यूनिटी को मजबूत बनाएं
Balam Kheera एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स से भरपूर होता है और इसलिए यह शरीर की रोगों से लड़ने की क्षमता को मजबूत बनाने में मदद करता है। इसका सेवन सर्दी-जुकाम, बुखार, वायरल संक्रमण और एलर्जी जैसी समस्याओं से बचाता है।
2. सूजन से लड़ें
शरीर में सूजन कई गंभीर रोगों का कारण बन सकती है, लेकिन Balam Kheera एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुणों से भरपूर होने के कारण सूजन से लड़ने में मदद करता है और हमें स्वस्थ रखता है।
3. मलेरिया के उपचार में प्रभावी
Balam Kheera का रस मलेरिया जैसे रोगों से बचाव और उनसे लड़ने में मदद करता है। यह एंटी-मलेरिया गुणों से भरपूर होता है। इसके अलावा, बालम खीरे की डिफेंस में क्लोरोक्वीन नामक यौगिक होते हैं, जो मलेरिया के उपचार में इस्तेमाल होता है।
4. एंटी-अमीबिक गुण
बालम खीरे में एंटी-अमीबिक गुण होते हैं, जो अमीबियासिस जैसे संक्रमण से लड़ने में मदद करते हैं। यह एक संक्रामक रोग होता है। Balam Kheera का जूस सेवन करने से हम अमीबियासिस जैसे परजीवी संक्रमण से बच सकते हैं।
5. कैंसर के विकास को रोकें
Balam Kheera अपने एंटी-कैंसर गुणों के कारण फ्री रेडिकल्स और हानिकारक कणों से लड़ने में मदद करता है, जो कैंसर को जन्म देते हैं। यह गर्भाशय और एलिमेंट्री ट्रैक्ट कैंसर के जोखिम को कम करने में सहायता प्रदान करता है। इसके साथ ही कुछ कैंसरों के उपचार में बालम खीरे के सेवन की सलाह दी जाती है।
आयुर्वेदिक महत्व
पिछले कुछ सालों में लोगों का रुझान हर्बल चीजों और दवाओं की ओर बढ़ गया है। लोग सभी बड़ी-छोटी बीमारियों का इलाज आयुर्वेद, यूनानी चिकित्सा और नेचुरोपैथी में ढूंढ़ते हैं, क्योंकि इनकी दवाएं और नुस्खे अधिक सुरक्षित होते हैं। इनसे कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं होता, चाहे वह खाने-पीने की चीज़ हो या दवाएं। एक ऐसा फल जिसे हम Balam Kheera के नाम से जानते हैं, पिछले कुछ सालों में तेजी से प्रसिद्ध हुआ है। यह अपने कई मेडिकल गुणों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है और इसे आमतौर पर पश्चिम बंगाल और दक्षिण भारत में पाया जाता है। आइए जानते हैं Balam Kheera के जूस पीने के फायदे।
बालम खीरे में प्राकृतिक रूप से एंटी-माइक्रोबियल गुण होते हैं। यह बैक्टीरियल इंफेक्शन को ठीक करने और घाव भरने जैसी समस्याओं से निजात दिलाने में मदद करता है। इसका उपयोग भूमि में पाए जाने वाले बैक्टीरिया के खिलाफ लड़ाई में भी किया जाता है। इसके अलावा, यह ई. कोली जैसे कई बैक्टीरिया को नष्ट करने में मदद करता है।
एंटी-मलेरिया गुण
बालम खीरे में बहुत सारे मेडिकल कॉंपाउंड होते हैं, जिसके कारण यह हमें कई बीमारियों से सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसकी डिफेंस में एंटी-मलेरियल गुण पाए जाते हैं, जिसके कारण यह मलेरिया बुखार में बहुत फायदेमंद माना जाता है। इसका उपयोग मलेरिया के इलाज में भी किया जाता है। Balam Kheera का जूस पीने से मलेरिया में राहत मिल सकती है।
एंटी-अमीबिक गुण
बालम खीरे में एंटी-अमीबिक गुण भी पाए जाते हैं, जो इसके रस में मौजूद होते हैं। इसके कारण, Balam Kheera स्टेम अमीबियासिस के उपचार में मदद करता है। यह एक संक्रामक रोग है। बालम खीरे के जूस का सेवन करने से अमीबियासिस जैसे परजीवी संक्रमण से लड़ने में मदद मिल सकती है।
एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुण
बालम खीरे में बहुत सारे एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स भी पाए जाते हैं। इनका प्रयोग लिवर से जुड़ी बीमारियों को ठीक करने के लिए किया जाता है। यह देखा गया है कि बालम खीरे के स्टेम में पत्तियों से अधिक एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुण होते हैं। Balam Kheera का जूस स्किन के लिए भी लाभदायक होता है। इसे पीने से स्किन पर चमक आती है और एजि��ग के लक्षण कम होते हैं।
महिलाओ के ब्रेस्ट की सूजन कम करे
बहुत सारी महिलाएं Balam Kheera का प्रयोग ब्रेस्ट सूजन को कम करने के लिए भी करती हैं। लेकिन इससे पहले एक बार डॉक्टर से परामर्श लेना चाहिए ताकि सही मात्रा और इसका सही उपयोग करने का तरीका पता चल सके।
डाई बनाने के लिए प्रयोग
Balam Kheera को डाई बनाने के लिए भी प्रयोग किया जाता है। सबसे पहले इसे उबाला जाता है और इसके बाद इससे लाल रंग की डाई बनाई जाती है। इसके पौधे की जड़ों का प्रयोग पीले रंग की डाई बनाने के लिए भी किया जाता है।
स्किन के लिए
बालम खीरे में बायो एक्टिव कंपाउंड्स होते हैं, जो एक्ने को ठीक करने में मदद करते हैं। इससे स्किन को प्यूरिफाई करने में मदद मिलती है और साथ ही स्किन सेल्स को डैमेज होने से रोकने में भी मदद मिलती है। इसका अंतिमता में इसमें एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुण भी होते हैं, जो स्किन की सूजन को कम करने में मदद करते हैं।
इस प्रकार, बालम खीरे का जूस सेहत के लिए कई फायदे प्रदान करता है। आप इसे अपनी आदतों में शामिल करके इसके स्वास्थ्य लाभों का आनंद ले सकते हैं।
Balam Kheera: त्वचा कैंसर से बचाव और किडनी पथरी के उपचार के लिए एक अद्भुत फल
बालम खीरा एक प्राकृतिक फल है जो पश्चिम अफ्रीका से मूल रूप से आया है और आजकल भारत में भी व्यापक रूप से पाया जाता है। इसका फल खीरे की तरह होता है और यह फल शाखाओं से लटकता रहता है, जो इसे और आकर्षक बनाता है। बालम खीरे के बीजों का अफ्रीका में त्वचा कैंसर के इलाज में उपयोग किया जाता है। इसके अलावा, यह फल शारीरिक कमजोरी, नपुंसकता और अन्य कई बीमारियों को ठीक करने में मददगार साबित हो सकता है।
बालम खीरा को किडनी पथरी के उपचार के लिए भी जाना जाता है। खराब खानपान और अनुयायी जीवनशैली के कारण कई लोग किडनी पथरी की समस्या से पीड़ित हो जाते हैं। इस समस्या को दूर करने के लिए कई मेडिकल ट्रीटमेंट्स होते हैं, लेकिन कुछ घरेलू उपचार भी इसे ठीक कर सकते हैं। बालम खीरे का उपयोग किडनी पथरी के मरीजों के लिए बहुत लाभदायक साबित होता है। बालम खीरे का रस बनाने के लिए आपको उसके पूरे फल को धोकर छोटे टुकड़ों में काटना होगा। इसके बाद, इसे पानी में उबालें जब तक कि पानी का एक लीटर बच जाए। इस पानी को रोज़ाना दो बार आधे कप की मात्रा में सेवन करना होगा। यह तरीका 15 दिनों में ही किडनी पथरी की समस्या को ठीक करने में मददगार हो सकता है।
Balam Kheera का सेवन स्किन एलर्जी में भी लाभदायक हो सकता है। कई लोगों को स्किन में एलर्जी की समस्या होती है जिससे खुजली और रैशेज की समस्या होती है। इस समस्या से छुटकारा पाने के लिए, बालम खीरे के रस को बनाकर सेवन करने से सभी प्रकार की एलर्जी को दूर किया जा सकता है। आपको इसे दिन में दो बार सेवन करना चाहिए।
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Kigelia Extract Market Size, Growth Trends, Revenue, Future Plans and Forecast 2029
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there are some absolutely excellent short hdg stories out there, and i felt it would be neat to compile some of my favorites :)
all of these fics are under 25k words, and i tried to limit myself to only include one work per author. however, most of these authors have multiple works and i highly recommend looking through their catalogs if their writing catches your interest! remember to always leave kudos and comments on works that you enjoy <3 :)
all hdg warnings apply to all of these stories. please read with caution and with your mental health first.
🌸 Last Man Standing by Tsunmene, 8.4k words
In 2551 CE, the Affini Compact and Terran Accord went to war. This was regarded by most parties as an unprofitable decision.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
Klaxon alarms blared, the three soldiers stopped what they were doing. A general alert was sounding. Enemy warship, by the time that the soldiers had lifted to their feet to take hold of their weapons, the telltale sounds of wrenching steel and slithering vines echoed through the halls. Shots could be heard, shortly followed by shouts of surprise and intervening cries of “finally!”.
This is it! This is it! This is finally it! Ohhhhh sweet mother of mercy I’m finally getting abducted by sexy plant women from beyond the sta-
🌸 Affini Royale by DancingOnTheAshes, 1.5k words
In the Affini's games only the Affini really win in the end, no matter how hard you try.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
Sammie stared at the floor, at her scuffed boots. "I uhm... I don't think I'm cut out for this, I'd like an owner... please." Her voice was small, her face red with shame. She knew the Affini could hear her though, they could hear a pin drop 100 meters away on a busy street.
🌸 Hunted! A Feral's Last Chance by ChillTheRose & PyxxieStyxx, 13.1k words
Welcome to Hunted! For our premier episode, we have a wonderful treat for you. A naughty little feralist was recently caught in their adorable little escape pod! In order to bring them in safely, a deal was struck. Derrick Schneider has to survive twelve hours in our wonderful little enclosure without surrendering to domestication! What exactly does Kigelia Paniculata, Second Bloom have in store for our prey? Tune in and find out~
Bexi's Favorite Bit
Step step slide, step step slide.
He blinked slowly, feeling the wind kiss his skin as he took a few steps into the clearing. Dimly, he tried to muster his thoughts, but they seemed to slip out of his fingers like sand. All he could seem to do was keep watching as it drew ever closer to him. It didn’t even appear to be looking at him, and he distantly wondered if this was all a strange dream. Then, as it stepped up right beside him, he saw a large arm swing out, wrapping around his waist. Another arm came out and gently held his right hand, completing the waltz position. He tried to struggle, to escape, to run. Or rather, he tried to try, but… instead, all he could do was follow its lead, his footsteps feeling slow and off-rhythm compared to the sweeping movements of his new partner. His eyes remained locked onto the weed’s, though he could see the flowers and vines in his periphery slowly flex and contract, as if it were breathing all around him.
🌸 There are No Lies in the Affini Compact by annabool, 6.7k words
A ragtag band of the last few Terran rebels encounter a mysterious Affini and discover a shocking truth: why *yes*, they *would* make good pets!
Bexi's Favorite Bit
“Oh, dear, that looks like a dangerous toy.” A very dangerous toy, in Red’s estimation. “I’m only here to talk. There’s no need for that. I’m not even a very tough Affini. Why don’t you give that over here for the moment. I can keep it safe for you. I promise I’ll give it back if you ask nicely.”
It was very dangerous to carry. Given that they were only talking there wasn’t really any need for Red to actually carry it herself. If things did devolve into a brawl then she’d just ask for it back first and they’d continue where they left off. Red shrugged, clicked the weapon off, flipped it around in her hand, and held out the safe end towards the waiting affini.
“There’s a good girl.”
🌸 Stages of Succession by Gentle_Breeze, 10.7k words
A former Terran general, responsible for war crimes against Rinnian and Terran alike and intent on resisting her domestication, is taken on by a very tolerant owner. She intends to fight to the last.
Her owner knows she'll lose eventually.
A human domestication story.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
“Wait,” I ordered.
Sylvia paused and looked at me. I kept my eyes fixed on her chest.
“What is it?”
“You have to remain in this room with me for the next 45 minutes, so I can satisfy my addiction to you,” I stated plainly. There was no reason to try and hide it. She could feel the connection just as well as I could, if not better.
🌸 The Official Human Domestication Guide Holiday Special by SapphicSounds, 4.2k words
When actual independent cis guy Damien is asked by his affini neighbor to play the role of dress-up Santa at an affini holiday party, he's warned in advance that things tend to get a bit intense at such affairs, but nothing could truly have prepared for him the menagerie of kinky freaks (affectionate) who would soon line up to sit in Santa's lap. A silly HDG crackfic.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
“...You know I think you make a lovely and capable independent sophont, right?”
“Yes, Menzi.”
“It’s just that if you ever were to decide otherwise I’d be happy to have you.”
“I know, Menzi.”
🌸 Thought I'd See You Again by Fluxom, 4.6k words
“Can I borrow your ear for a moment?” The affini’s voice froze the blood in Winter’s veins solid. Mentally, she reminded herself of the importance of her rules for slipping under affini’s attention. Be polite, follow orders quietly, *never* flirt back, and most importantly always give the sense of having somewhere else to be. These were important rules. Necessary rules! Otherwise it was far too easy to give one the wrong impression that you, perhaps, were even a bit interested in being bent into place as their pet and having your will crushed into a fine dust under their heels. However, for *this* affini in particular she was distinctly aware that most of these would not help.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
Winter stomached the part of herself that thought it was gross and bent down to pick up her fork, finding a vine stopping her before she could grab it. Of course. “Dear, that’s dirty now. Here, let’s use my set now.” Of course. Let’s. Plural. Winter had no doubt that Lamium’s idea consisted mostly of Winter passively accepting their help and- yeap, there it is. They already sliced off a piece of pancakes and speared it with their fork for her.
🌸 Wild and Domestic by moonchild69, 20.2k words
On a former Accord settlement that recently fell under Compact jurisdiction, an independent trans woman begins dating a floret. As the two grow closer, a question arises; Can she retain her independence as she spends more and more time around her new girlfriend's owner, and would it be so bad if she doesn't?
Bexi’s Favorite Bit
“How do you stay so cool all the time? In all the time that I've known you I don't think I've ever seen you look like you're anything but on top of the world.”
The older butch chuckled softly and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Well, I could say it's decades of practice, but that'd be a load of dirt. Truth is... Life's been good lately. The company's gone, I'm no longer in debt, and I'm not busting my ass anymore. Got free medical, so all my aches and pains are gone, and I can even get cosmetic surgery any time I want. I used to basically be a prisoner on this planet in everything but name. Now I could choose to be almost anywhere if I felt like it, but I've got everything I want right here. It's a good feeling. Plus, there's this really sweet bunny gal I've been seeing. He's a little bit younger than me, but who gives a damn about that these days anyway?”
🌸 David, the Independent Terran by sheepwave, 6.3k words
**NSFW Art is embedded inside the work**
David is a cisgendered, heterosexual independent Terran living in the Affini compact. No, seriously. He actually is all of those things.
His buddies, of course, are now all queer transfem human pets, and this is a story about what parts of thier dynamic have changed, and what parts have stayed the same.
Bexi's Favorite Bit
The feeling in David’s chest of wanting to touch the girl now leaning her head on his shoulder was overpowering. He felt guilty, almost, for the thoughts going through his head. Her pretty little collar marked her as a pet to be cared for and he did feel genuinely protective of her. She was so cute like this, but she had also definitely just brushed against his dick through his jeans on purpose.
Raya took advantage of the fact that the two best players were now very distracted by each other, and scored first place for the first time all night. She turned to them with the widest grin David had ever seen her catlike face make. “David. Jessica. Go fuck each other, I can practically smell the pheromones from here.”
🌸 Heartsong by FemKUltra, 5.9k words
Adrienne Miller is getting ready for a date with her friend who happens to be an Affini. Just one problem though, she has forgotten to take her Class-C inhibitors. Surely it will be fine, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Bexi's Favorite Bit
“The first time we met, when I accidentally got entranced in your biorhythm it was really scary, and I really appreciated how you gently pulled me out, helped me calm down, and then taught me about the inhibitors. Since then I’ve really gotten to know you, you’ve become a big part of my life. I’ve introduced you to my friends, I’ve even met your floret, but the thing is, I want to be close to you, but when I take the blockers it feels like I’m hitting the mute button on a part of you, a really important part.” You pause for the briefest of moments as you find the resolve to make your feelings clear. “If I can be really honest, now that I know I can trust you, part of me longs to feel the connection we had one more time, and the rest of me is running out of reasons why I shouldn’t."
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Welcome to the World of Pokémon (Mande Region)
The Mande Region is based off West and Central Africa
Meet Pokémon Professors Kwame and Aminata Kigelia. A husband and wife research team who send you on your journey.
You begin your journey in the quiet and grassy Koriko Town in Southeastern Mande.
You'll see many towns and cities on your journey
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Owlcatober 2023 + Memory
Hi everyone! Here's my submission for prompt #9 Memory. This is my first time taking part in a monthly event like this. :D
Game: Pathfinder Kingmaker
Characters: Maegar Varn, Varn's General (Isanne Kanmir)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,257
Summary: Maegar Varn's life is close to its end and his General Wife has some reminiscing to do on all the adventures they've had together. Warnings for death and mentions of pregnancy.
You can read it here on AO3 as well!
In the years since the Queen’s encounter with the Lantern King, Varnhold has grown robust and peaceful. The Varnling Host patrol the plains of Dunsward, assisting the common folk and the Nomen centaurs. Many hours had its leader, Maegar Varn, present in the throneroom of Tuskdale, advising and perhaps fighting with the Queen. For this service, his retirement was well protected and ensured. Now his final adventure was about to begin.
The large four-postered bed lay shrouded in furs and fabrics. Censers heavy with incense fill the room, hiding the scent of illness. The heady smoke hides the walls and windows from her view. With a shaking hand outstretched, Isanne Kanmir-Varn finds her way to the chair set beside the bed. Here she sits herself down with a crackling back.
Once robust, Maegar Varn is now withered and pallid. It is the shadow of his 84th year. Their children have been born and grown in what felt like a blink to her, but was really the breadth of his natural life. His grandchildren had even blessed them with their births, sprouting up like little flowers in the garden of their hearts. Both had contributed to the deep smile lines on his face. Much of the white hair that lays haloed around his head had come from many hours of chasing the children around the village and the ensuing shock of childish actions.
His breathing comes low and belabored. Clerics had come and gone, shaking their heads and offering empty platitudes. Isanne sighs as she watches him. The time to call the Priest of Pharasma comes soon. She leans over and grips his hand. Maegar’s skin is clammy.
“My love, can you hear me,” Isanne calls out to him.
With a groan, Maegar opens his eyes and looks at her. His brown eyes are now bloodshot. A weak smile comes to his lips.
“Do you want me to call the priest,” she asks.
“Nay. Isanne… tell me something cheerful. This room is driving me mad.”
She shifts in her seat, thinking back to all the adventures they’ve had. She has been at his side since he was a young man. When they first met, his face was clean of the scars that now riddle it. Starting there would be good.
“Do you remember when we met in Pitax?”
That weak smile broadens.
“You were drunk on Liacenzan wine. It made me happy I left Vikke at the inn. She was four then. Too small for the japes of men.”
Isanne pauses, envisioning in her mind’s eye her daughter; the only child she had had that was not by Maegar. Now the younger woman was somewhere in Absalom, seeking her own fortunes. It had been difficult saying goodbye to the child that had followed her across the world and into war. It should not have come as a surprise that a soul so alike her own would also seek adventure.
“I remember you comparing me to some bodice ripper heroine you had read about.”
“Kigelia the Lusty Elven Washerwoman,” Maegar adds, voice weak, but full of humour. Isanne rolls her eyes at the name. In his drunken stupor, he had made the grave error of assuming one elf had to be alike all of them. Especially if they looked similar to the crude drawing on the front of the book. It was not something he would have said had he been sober, but she hadn’t known that then.
Isanne continues to describe the resulting duel; how she had taken her anger to the streets. Her kinetic blade of stone against his dual daggers. The way her eyes had trailed to his form, a strongman’s body - a mixture of protective fat and sharp muscle rippling underneath. Even at that first awkward meeting the attraction had been strong. It had come so naturally for her to ask who he was and what he did. The fact that he led the Varnling Host was a pleasant surprise; she had already decided she needed to know him without that.
“I am glad you didn’t hate me for that one,” Maegar whispers, his eyes growing heavy.
“Should I let you rest, my love?”
He weakly shakes his head and then tilts it like a puppy, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.
“Nay, tell me more. Give me more stories for the road.”
With tears forming, she regales him with more stories of their time as mercenaries. Tales of lizardfolk trophies distributed, boggards slain and even the tale of Noose, hiding between Rostland and Issia. Her heart pounds in her chest and her leg bounces with the fear of what is coming. Still she continues on. The story of Lostlarn Keep brings a frown to his face and she switches the story to the Queen’s rescue of her. She remembers waiting in the Beer Mug Inn with Linzi, convinced that Maegar was dead and the Queen a liar. Both halflings, Queen and Bard, had beamed when Isanne had run straight into Maegar’s arms at his arrival to the small tavern. She remembers the desperation of the kiss marking their reunion.
“I thought you had died, you know,” Isanne says, shaking her head with the bitterness of the memory.
“I could say the same of you! I thought I had finally found my Lady Varn and off you went without me.”
Isanne laughs, the only cheerful sound the room had heard in weeks.
“Hmmm. You must remember our wedding then, no?”
A hint of mischief enters his voice, “I remember the night then especially well.”
That memory is a pleasant one. The wine had been like a river; the cakes and pastries like mountains. The Queen and her companions had attended as well. Linzi had harassed Ekundayo before scribbling details in her book. She remembers the citizens discomfort at the little goblin Nok-Nok who had stuffed his face eagerly. Fortunately the amenities of the party had been enough to keep the tension from growing. There had also been the Queen, shifting back and forth from enjoying the company of Octavia and Regongar to sitting with the quiet, mysterious tiefling Kaessi.
Their twins had come along nine months later; the first of what came to six. Every birth had stressed out Maegar to the point where he followed her like a little, lost kitten. Then when the child’s cries filled the air, he would immediately come to her side, fawning over her and the little one. Yes, they had many happy years with their children. Reminding him of little moments spent with them brings a smile to his tired face. Eventually he stops responding, eyes closed and chest rising and falling shallowly. She tells him about how much their children will miss him. She asks him to say hello to Cephal for her when he makes his way into Pharasma’s Boneyard. Isanne lays her head against his chest, listening to his fading heartbeat.
It happens in the quiet hours of the night. She awakes with a start, upset at having fallen asleep. Looking over to his face, Isanne realizes he is gone. That the end had come while she slept feels like a rock in her gut. Tenderly, she moves the hair from his face. Then she leans and brings his hands to a rest on his chest. Before leaving to get the cleric for Maegar’s last rites, she whispers close to his ear.
“Thank you for loving me, Maegar. If I could do this all again, I would pick you every time.”
#owlcatober 2023#pathfinder kingmaker#maegar varn#isanne kanmir#fanfiction#miss shania talks too much#oc stuff
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Anons speaking about safari trip made me think of the falling sausages from the vid. I work as a librarian and stumbled upon a book about trees just a couple days ago. So, apparently these falling sausages do exist and I proudly present to you KIGELIA. And one, in fact, would mind a 15 pounds heavy sausage flying from above🥲
Funny! 15 pounds is wild.
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Which leaves should be tasted and which leaves should be left alone.
Taste this leaf: Thyme leaf Bayberry leaf Baobab leaf Bearberry leaf Neem leaf Ashoka leaf Saw palmetto leaf Patchouli leaf Annatto leaf Oregano leaf Coconut palm leaf Kaffir lime leaf Plum leaf Anise leaf Soursop leaf Cranberry leaf Damiana leaf Indigo leaf Wild lettuce leaf Turmeric leaf Comfrey leaf Bamboo palm leaf Indian gooseberry leaf Cilantro coriander leaf Black walnut leaf Black currant leaf Holy basil leaf Curry tree leaf Sassafras leaf Green tea leaf Lime leaf Gardenia leaf Cotton leaf Licorice leaf Watercress leaf Horsetail leaf Raspberry leaf Fern leaf Stevia leaf Lavender leaf Tamarind leaf Elephant ear leaf Chamomile leaf Aloe vera leaf Coriander leaf Carob leaf Kigelia leaf Pomegranate leaf Burdock leaf Lemon balm leaf Coral tree leaf Eyebright leaf Nettle leaf Papaya leaf Five-finger leaf Eucalyptus globulus leaf Eucalyptus citriodora leaf Banana leaf Avocado leaf Indian long pepper leaf Catnip leaf Cilantro leaf Cherry leaf Watermelon leaf Epazote leaf Ground ivy leaf Papyrus leaf Bougainvillea leaf Henna leaf Hemp leaf Grape leaf Uva Ursi leaf Cubeb pepper leaf Bell pepper leaf Zucchini leaf Daylily leaf Galangal leaf Almond leaf Bee balm leaf Mustard leaf Bergamot leaf Coleus leaf Camellia leaf Ivy leaf Graviola leaf Rose leaf Clove leaf Gotu kola leaf Kalmegh leaf Kiwi leaf Corn leaf Kudzu leaf Blackberry leaf Sugarcane leaf Wheatgrass leaf Kratom leaf Khat leaf Bay leaf Yarrow leaf Butterfly pea leaf Bael leaf Sycamore leaf Jasmine sambac leaf Lemon thyme leaf Cacao leaf Fenugreek leaf Rice paper plant leaf Astragalus leaf Yellow dock leaf Chia leaf Chive leaf Bitter melon leaf Plantain leaf Yerba mate leaf Mulberry leaf Fennel leaf Honeysuckle leaf Palm leaf Elderberry leaf Bloodroot leaf Horseradish leaf Jackfruit leaf Pineapple sage leaf Devil's claw leaf Pomegranate tree leaf Hops leaf Durian leaf Passionflower leaf Cumin leaf Italian parsley leaf Dill leaf False indigo leaf Lemon myrtle leaf Valerian leaf Jasmine tea leaf Cowslip leaf Cinnamon basil leaf Chickweed leaf Lemongrass leaf Ginseng leaf Hyssop leaf Teak leaf Bishop's weed leaf White sage leaf Tulsi leaf Pothos leaf Betel leaf Tomato leaf Coltsfoot leaf Vetiver leaf Clary sage leaf Curry patta leaf Prickly pear leaf Moringa leaf Pandan leaf Allspice leaf Gymnema leaf Cassava leaf Ajwain leaf Breadfruit leaf Calendula officinalis leaf Dragonfruit leaf Ylang-ylang leaf Dong quai leaf Cascara sagrada leaf Sage leaf Feverfew leaf Cardamom leaf Black cohosh leaf Angelica leaf Basil leaf Calabash leaf Guava leaf Goldenrod leaf Acacia leaf Amaryllis leaf Cinnamon fern leaf Indian bay leaf Lingonberry leaf Ginkgo leaf Lemon verbena leaf Buchu leaf Barbados nut leaf Rue leaf Japanese knotweed leaf Cinnamon leaf Borage leaf Cleavers leaf Carom leaf Yucca leaf Arugula leaf Mango leaf African violet leaf Agave leaf Coffee leaf Persimmon leaf Cat's whiskers leaf Hawthorn leaf Rosemary leaf Fo-ti leaf Red clover leaf Hibiscus leaf Blueberry leaf Jamaican dogwood leaf Guarana leaf Kinnikinnick leaf Kelp leaf Cress leaf Spinach leaf Rubber tree leaf Chrysanthemum leaf Fig leaf Kava leaf Balloon flower leaf Spearmint leaf Elderflower leaf Citronella leaf Strawberry leaf Peppermint leaf Ashwagandha leaf Olive leaf
Never taste this leaf: Curly parsley
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Erborian Skin Therapy Multi-Perfecting Night Oil-Serum.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mikasa Safari Etched Pocket Vase.
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20th July is Elina's birthday!
Usually, the only days Elina would take leave from work are her kids or Sans's birthday. She only started taking leave on her own birthday when Undyne forced her to so they could go shopping together.
Since Elina would be with Undyne the whole day, Payne would go and bring the children out to shop for the gifts and cake, how often this shopping goes smoothly...well, it would be easy if the kids could get on the same page about anything...
#undertale#undertale fanart#twfoa#the world falls once again#twfoa frisk#frisk#elina#twfoa undyne#undyne#twfoa sans#sans#payne#saira#meiryo#avenir#kigelia#fira#frans kids#twfoa frisk birthday#elina's birthday
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Lancer The Method Body Cleanse Body Wash 8.1 oz.
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MISTIC BOTOX - Ser Filler Profund ANTIAGE, cu caracter BioMIMETIC, indicat pentru repararea leziunilor epidermice, ridurilor, pierderii elasticității, tenului tern, din cauza imbatranirii pielii. MISTIC BOTOX realizeaza restabilirea sanatatii si tineretii tenului, datorita structurii sale combinate, cat si datorita Bio-Tehologiei incorporate.
Este formulat pe baza componentelor esentiale structurii pielli, ce au efecte excelente antiage evaluate clinic, cu dimensiuni variabile in jur de 3000 daltoni: Tripeptide-31, Hydroxypropyl cyclodextrin, Pentapeptide-18, Palmitoyl tripeptide-38, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Azelaoyl Bis-Dipeptide-10, Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-19, Lizină HCL, Lecitina, Tripeptide-9 citrulin, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, vitamina A, vitamina E, vitamina PP, vitamina D3, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Glycoproteins, Glutamic Acid, Threonine, Valine, Kigelia Africana, Extracte alge,..
Reduce eficient imbatranirea pielii, ridurile, previne insuficienta si creste productia si concentratia componentelor esentiale in structura pielii, realizaza concomitent, oxigenarea, reactivarea, regenerarea celulara si mentinerea acestui proces, contracareaza relaxarea structurala, pentru toate tipurile de ten.
Actioneaza atat in matricea extracelulara cat si in cea extracelulara, fiind un un activ anti-aging de origine naturală cu efect impotriva ridurilor si a lasarii pielii. Este recomandat pentru o piele ferma, tonifiata, cu un aspect mai neted si mai tanar.
Se foloseste zilnic. Cosmeticele ce contin alcooli, sulfati, dimeticon/silicon, parabeni, vor scadea actiunea MISTIC BOTOX. Se pastreaza la frigider, aprox 5gr.C. A se feri de lumina puternica si caldura.
#botoxnatural #botoxlike #complexvitamineten #colagen #elastina #regenerareten #tenimatur #prevenireriduri #cremaantirid #cremacuefect #eliminareriduri #health#facecare #perfectteint #nowrinkles #hialuronicacid #acidhialuronic #antirid #antiage #liftingnatural #riduriochi #ridurifrunte #tratamentantirid #antiwrinkle #antiwrinkletreatment #antiwrinkleserum #antiwrinkles #nowrinkles #beautytreatmentathome #kollagen #antifaltencreme #hyaluronsaure #gesichtscreme #hautverjungung #falten2023 #tratamentintinerireten #tenferm #tentanar #farariduri #eliminariduriledeexpresie #eliminaridurilanas #liftingnatural #lifting
#cosmetics#natural#antiwrinkle#perfect tein#hyaluronic acid#skincare#skin rejuvenation#hyaluronsauer#increase facial hyaluronicnacid
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Smart Breast - Paket Perfect Breast [ 1 Alat Smart Breast + Cream + Serum ]
Alat SMART BREAST merupakan Alat gabungan dari Teknologi Jepang dan akupuntur China serta uda mendapatkan banyak sertifikat dan penghargaan Internasional jadi sangat terjamin keamanannya, Alat ini sangat dianjurkan buat para Wanita yang sadar akan kesehatan Payudaranya dan ingin merawatnya menjadi lebih baik.
Smart Breast Luxury Serum dan Cream merupakan Serum & Cream Perawatan payudara yang diformulasikan khusus dengan kandungan herbal terbaik untuk payudara seperti Kigelia Africana, Witch Hazel dan Collagen.
Untuk Info Dan Pemesanan Silahkan Klik Produknya https://shope.ee/7fE3RkEh2C
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bored so i'm sending some of my following list asks!
what song never fails to make your day better?
do you have a favourite weird object?
if you could be reincarnated as any plant what would it be?
Maybe Conqueror by Estelle? That's a good go-to song for me to get all inspired. But there are so many...Paint Me Red by Avatar is another that comes to mind. I pretty much listen to music as much as I can possibly have music on, so. Lots to listen to!
Favorite weird object is tough. I'm going to take this as weird objects that I own... not sure which is the ultimate fave but, some of my favorites:
-A (sadly broken) tape cassette of LUNG SOUNDS. Medical students would listen to these to get used to listening for different conditions, like asthma and pneumonia.
-Small statue of Raphael the angel, which was disfigured by the norse god Tyr...long story. Cool statuette tho!
-Faux "fiji mermaid" skeleton
-suit covered in small plastic crawdads
-36 lbs of steel chainmail
-A whale tooth (smells bad)
-A pencil holder filled with assorted teeth
Actually my weird things collection is too big but these are some of my favorites.
Reincarnated as a plant...that's a tough one! First thought is a pitcher plant. Love those. But it would be nice to be a tree, I think. Maybe a maple, since the leaves turn in the fall by me. Or a sausage tree. Not local to me, but a favorite tree of mine. (Also called a kigelia, but i've only ever heard of it referred to as a sausage tree. The "sausages" are poisonous.)
Thank you!
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Cosmodonna 2023 a Verona
Prima e unica manifestazione nazionale sullo shopping e totalmente al femminile, Cosmodonna 2023 si prepara all’edizione di Veronafiere, che si terrà dal 13 al 16 ottobre. Dal collagene da bere al siero a base di latte di montagna per ridurre macchie, impurità e imperfezioni, dallo zafferano protagonista di una nuova beauty routine alla Kigelia africana, pianta dai super poteri idratanti e rassodanti, saranno protagonisti di una serie di brand cosmetici di nicchia e di ultima generazione che guardano alla natura, considerata una nuova alleata per la bellezza, e alla sostenibilità. Dato che la cosmesi di origine naturale è una tendenza in costante crescita. Infatti, secondo un’indagine di Cosmetica Italia che fa notare una evoluzione sempre più ispirata alla green beauty, nel 2021 sono stati spesi 2,6 miliardi di euro, con un incremento del 12,6% sul 2019. Negli spazi di Veronafiere saranno 400 le aziende presenti, selezionate e suddivise in un percorso tematico che abbraccia le sei aree della rassegna, beauty & wellness, fashion & jewels, home & garden, sport & leisure, taste experience e impresa donna. Oltre 60 sono gli eventi in programma nella quattro giorni per le donne di ogni età, dalle baby boomer fino alla Gen Z, dove si parlerà di prevenzione, salute, alimentazione, difesa personale, mental coach, sessualità, empowerment e impresa femminile, oltre al make-up, beauty coach e hair style, lezioni di armocromia e appuntamenti artistico-culturali. Tra le novità dell’evento, organizzato da Area Fiera, ci sono saponi e scrub a base di cannella, rosmarino, camomilla e the verde dai giardini del Libano, ma anche oli a base di capsico, una pianta con proprietà riscaldanti e stimolanti della circolazione. A Cosmodonna Verona 2023 il Barolo sarà un vero grand cru per la skincare oltre agli ormai consolidati trattamenti alla lavanda, al siero di vipera e alla bava di lumaca, provenienti da marchi orientati alle certificazioni cruelty free, vegan ok, nickel tested, ecolabel ed ecocert. In primo piano ci sarà anche la cosmetica solida, altro trend in ascesa sul mercato, dato che piace a un consumatore che trova praticità e sostenibilità in un solo prodotto. Read the full article
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