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aftenbrook · 4 years ago
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What do you get when you watch The Great British Baking Show season 8 (pastry week) with cute kids who also own The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook? Inspired kids who make their own version of the Signature Challenge of pasty’s (like a hand pie 🤷🏻‍♀️) from pumpkin she baked and puréed herself. And I even caught that first “I need to get a picture of this on a phone” moment from my almost teen 😳🥺🥰 #familytime #bakingkids #creativebaking #inspiredkids #foodisyummy #hutrehabkids #kidsoftwobrokemorons https://www.instagram.com/p/CGycIKRAU8V/?igshid=1cwy3w2lc2xwo
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aftenbrook · 4 years ago
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If you notice, the oldest has done two whole laps of snow removal where the other two have moved maybe two to three feet total. AND none of them are yelling at each other... yet It’s a Snow Miracle! #hutrehab #hutrehabkids #snowremoval #teamwork #oneisworkingharderthantheothers #notfighting #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxyyLUgTtA/?igshid=hyidgykhkqfd
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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Siding is a family affair With four tiers of scaffolding (yes we put a level to it, to ensure everyone’s safety) we had to have a train of kids and mom at the top passing items up to dad on the roof There were also short spurts of kids cleaning up rubble from siding, a dried-paint-can-crown, and Hamilton hugs Hammy literally wraps her fuzzy paws around her humans and nuzzles her head into your neck. She is so loving and sweet 🥰 In case you’re wondering, all kids inherited mom’s fear of heights (most likely due to my constant expressions about how horrifying heights are 🤷🏻‍♀️) we have all worked very hard to be brave and safe and support each other in this never ending home project (also heights are stupid and I hate them) #hutrehab #hutrehabkids #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons #familytime #workingtogether #allday #forrealallday https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIPKSHgLWP/?igshid=1c0tvveu2s9qj
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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Swipe to see progress! For real really real progress! Now imagine it painted very dark grey with light grey contrast and white trim 😊 I think it will look refreshing and sharp Also, the kids had their first ever sleepout—on their first ever trampoline (we aren’t vacationing due to needing to finish the house, so we thought it would make fun memories to finally have a liability other than scaffolding for the kids to fight on. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰 #hutrehab #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons #hutrehabkids #smartsiding #progressisbeautiful https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxFUVfAVwg/?igshid=x67ytw1iaoqe
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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Last day of school! We went to the evening elementary school socially-distanced teacher-parade then ran home to use the remainder of the evening to roast over our first fire in our little cove behind the house 🥰💕🎉 #Hutrehab #hutrehabkids #firstfire #lastdayofschool #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons #summer #roastingmallows https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeOZtqATF4/?igshid=fxgl3chjle7f
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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BooLaRoo had a pattern for a pleated skirt, which she designed herself. We’ve been having machine issues so Mom was enlisted to oversee the stitching. It turned out awesome! BooLaRoo Fashions 🥰 #hutrehabkids #hutrehab #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons #boolaroodesigns https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2xm5jgZzz/?igshid=ha1nskzruwwy
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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Decided to treat the kids to a car ride! They haven’t been inside a car since March 13th We stocked up on car snacks and discovered that kids in cars is just as awful as ever mostly because kids aren’t Allowed to use any bathrooms—we had to be snuck in through a store exit to criminally bathroom our children Definitely making memories #hutrehab #twobrokemorons #hutrehabkids #kidsoftwobrokemorons #criminalbathroom #childrenoftheapocolypse #sogsallowedkidsnotallowed #kidsareillegal #whatwerewerhinking #carrideswereneverfun #shorttermmemoryregrets #thosetwomonthskidfreeincarswereawesome https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sqRXqgJFK/?igshid=qwmgohy9cola
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aftenbrook · 5 years ago
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They don’t care that it’s 53 degrees at the hottest time of day, or that not even the plants have dared to start growing yet (winter yellow and brown still) All that matters is that they have a stream to play in. Also, it’s like 12 inches deep tops and they insist on wearing life jackets 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I’m overprotective sure, but that was all their choice and I wasn’t about to say, “no you cannot wear a life jacket”) Cold April afternoon fun 🥶🏊‍♀️ 🥰 #hutrehabkids #hutrehab #twobrokemorons #kidsoftwobrokemorons https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ZIiJfAt7B/?igshid=4o8ajq32lm39
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