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juliejewlzrose Β· 5 years ago
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What a joy it is to be able to show up and cheer on my kid and the other kids from her school at the β€œfun run” a mock up for the cross country meet. This epic book was right behind her desk!!! Epic bookπŸ“–πŸ“š β€œroots of rap” Even my daughter know Mami is a hip hop head!!!! #hiphopheads I enjoy working with weights πŸ’ͺ workout 82 βœ… a different pace and work than all that sweaty cardio. #volunteeringisfun #lovekids #chaperone #justadulting #funrun #crosscountryrunning #busride #busdriversrock #playedtheradio #kidslovemusic #pop #ilovehiphop #hiphopbooks #therootsofrap #learnabout #hiphoproots #knowbetterdobetter #keepgrowing #keeplearning #keepgoingforward #becurious #behumbleandkind #sweatysuccessfulmoms #activefamily #week27 #wellnessinfluencer #morningmeltdown100 #motivationformoms #fitnessaddicted (at London, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3yCNFNng7l/?igshid=vluow4dr0x02
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daycarehero Β· 6 years ago
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Validated through personal experience! 😬 Seeking daycares or preschools? Head on to our website www.daycarehero.com to see all the facilities near you. Reposting from @thecuddleshop via @kidsvideosapp . . . . . . . . . . #kidsmusic #cleanmusic #cleanentertainment #cleanlyrics #parentingwithlove #parentingwithpurpose #dailyparenthood #mothercare #fathercare #youngchildren #littlekids #kidssinging #kidslovemusic #earlychildhood #momsworking #musicinthecar #familymusic #censoredmusic #kidsplaylist #toddlers #momsofpreschoolers #threeyearsold #fouryearold #fiveyear #ittakesavillage #mymamahood #motherhoodquotes #dadstuff #niecesandnephews #parentingfail https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt2m3-ugHR3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cmcaau6m5zmz
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freemoor00 Β· 5 years ago
This is why I love creating music and sharing with you all. I'm honored to see that this talented young man appreciates my song Alive ! He decided to perform it ! Thank you young King. #stayalivechallenge #kidslovemusic #indieartist #musicispowerful #touchingyourheart #musicchangeslives #musicbringsustogether #freetomoor #singersongwriters #musicianslife @lydialutudi #ukmusicscene #ukmusic #torontomusicscene #londonmusicscene #acousticsong #youngtalents #@aimeemuriel22 @immastermessiah @acoustic_ambiance #sanfranciscomusic #dallasmusicscene (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OW7hgF_oA/?igshid=szhze89m4odc
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mamalushka Β· 7 years ago
GREAT FUN at the Solana Library!!! Only one more left!!! Come join the FUN!! AND sign up for our 4 week music mini sessions! Ashleysmusikids.com🎢πŸ₯#kidslovemusic#funfunfun#musicfunkids
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e-lusivethoughts Β· 9 years ago
When Ya Son Bust Doper Rhymes Than U πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ LusiveMusic.com #KidsLoveMusic #YoungRapper #Lusive #YounginGrinding
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daycarehero Β· 6 years ago
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What are some creative tips that you use to facilitate early childhood learning? This is what we can think of. Share some tips and ideas with us! πŸ˜‰ . . . . . . . . . . . #earlychildhood #earlylearning101 #toddlerdevelopment #infantdevelopment #preschoolerlife #preschooldevelopment #daycarebabies #babydevelopment #preschoolteacher #moms #momsoftoddlers #dads #dadlife #parentingtips #parental #childcare #childrendevelopment #bestpreschool #austin #lakids #bayareamoms #bayareakids #fiveletters #bingosong #musicforchildren #learnthroughmusic #kidslovemusic #learnthroughplay #manhattanmoms #charlottemoms (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3507ohBCN/?igshid=1iwy2nt842y7u
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