#kicking my feet and daydreaming about this for the rest of the day
jasperyourmutt · 6 days
I'd fix you up a kennel if I could, nice big dog bed inside with blankets and other soft things. Small lights that changed to any color weaved between the bars. Could even have a couple of small bins on top to store any collars, ears, tails, and any other accessories so you always have some to choose from. I'd always make sure the blankets were warm when you got home if it was cold or the fan and ac were running if it's hot. Even bringing you something to drink and something to nibble on as you decompressed after a long day.
Wuf anon this is so very sweet.. 🥺 coming home after a long day, having you snap a collar around my neck and lead me to the kennel. Before you close the door to it, maybe you scratch behind my ears, and I give you a couple puppy kisses as a thank you.
Wrap me in a blanket, give me something to chew on, put some light music on in the background. Woooooof. That is the dream.
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roosterforme · 5 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 4 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: As you and Bradley start to blur the line between professional and personal correspondence, you feel yourself falling for him even more. He has charmed your students as well as you, and you decide to continue taking a chance on him.
Warnings: Fluff, language, Bradley sounding hot
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley spent an hour bundling up all of his letters to your students, getting them ready to be sent back to California. Sure, he wanted to impress you, but he also couldn't deny that he was attached to hearing from Oliver, Violet, Jayden and everyone else. And according to you, they were just as happy to hear from him.
Without giving it a second thought, Bradley went all in with your personal email address. An account where he assumed you could say and send anything you wanted to. One that nobody else was monitoring. His thoughts strayed constantly over the past few hours to what that might mean. What did you deem too personal for your school account?
You told him you were single, and you made it seem like you were into him. You said he gave you butterflies, and now he desperately wanted to see this thing through. When he closed his eyes, he could picture the photos of your smiling face, and he felt a little dizzy. He wanted you to tell him everything. He wanted you to wait for him so he could take you on a date. Or several. He wanted to know what your lips tasted like.
It sounded like your ex was a real tool if he didn't appreciate what you did and how hard you worked. You taught eighteen kids enough about aviation that they asked Bradley some pertinent questions and brought up information that was relevant to his job. He was impressed as hell, and he thought he could be better than what you had before. He already knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were better than Vanessa. It was obvious.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw."
He turned toward the voice calling his name as soon as he dropped the package with your name on it off at the mail center. "Hey," he called out to the mechanic who let him take those photos for your class a few weeks ago. He read his jumpsuit again just to be sure. "What's up, Marty?"
He jerked his thumb toward the main deck and said, "I just got around to unpacking some new engine components. You still writing to those kids?"
"I'm about to do some repairs if you want to take some more pictures or a video for them."
Bradley had been planning on stalking his inbox for the rest of the day in the hopes that you'd write back and comment on his brief missive telling you he wanted the conversation to go further, but this seemed better than driving himself crazy. He could practically picture you and your kids flipping through some photos and watching a cool video he managed to snag for you. "Yeah, Marty. Let me grab my phone, and I'll meet you out in the shop."
After you read the email from Bradley where he called you Gorgeous, you were up most of the night. First, you screeched and almost spilled hot tea all over yourself as you rushed to set your mug down on the coffee table so you could giggle and kick your feet in the air. Then you read and reread the short email for about five minutes, curled up in a little ball with your phone right in front of your face. Then you sprawled along your couch and let yourself imagine what he might be like in person.
It was too early to get your hopes up about ever getting that far, but you couldn't seem to stop yourself from thinking about it. You hummed softly, because in your daydream, he lived in San Diego and asked you out on a date, and he was a perfect gentleman until you didn't want him to be any longer. You didn't even consider what reality might hold, because you were sure you wouldn't like it as much.
But for now, he was on board with going further. Your expectations of things included chatting about your likes and dislikes as well as learning more about him. "I'd like to take it further," you read softly, trying to imagine it in a masculine voice. But what did that sentence mean for him? You sat up on the couch. Surely he wasn't going to turn into a pig and start sending you anything too raunchy. Right?
You swiped out of your email inbox and looked at the photo of him standing in front of his jet and moaned. It was actually your mind heading for the gutter as you wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his big arms. What it would be like to tug the zipper of his flight suit down slowly, enjoying the feel of the pull between your thumb and index finger.
It was like the fictional leading man in a romance novel came to life and told you that he thought you were pretty and that he liked your students. You flopped back down on the couch and screeched into the pillow so as not to alarm your neighbors. You needed to respond, but you didn't know what to say since you were probably past the point of playing it cool. You chewed on your lip while you typed and then deleted several versions before sending him something that you thought was okay.
I'd like to take it further, too. I don't usually do this kind of thing (oh, who am I kidding... I never do this kind of thing), but there's just something about you that made me feel like it was worth the risk. I hope I'm not being too bold if I say that I found the photos you sent me quite distracting. However, it's not just your looks that made me share my personal email address with you. I like the way you give me butterflies. There's something sweet that comes through in your writing, and I want to get to know you better. On that note, if you feel so inclined, please tell me three things I should know about you.
Yours Truly,
Your favorite pen pal
Once again, you had written back to him so quickly, it should have been embarrassing, but you had nothing to lose here. You tossed out the bait, and he took it in the most spectacular fashion. You didn't want to miss an opportunity like this, even if he did seem too good to be true.
But he still hadn't written back when you got to work the next morning. The ping of the email alert on your phone made you reach for it immediately, but it was just a reminder to pay your bills on time. As you unlocked your classroom door and flipped the lights on, you considered that maybe your message was a little bit boring. After all, you were the one to bring your personal account into play. Perhaps he was expecting you to reply with some sort of dirty picture. Your cheeks burned with mixed embarrassment. You wanted to take it further, but you didn't know how. You just knew that you wanted to keep him engaged without compromising yourself.
You tucked your bag and your phone away in your desk drawer and pulled out your lesson plans for the day. You'd start things off with language arts and then work your way through math and science before your kids had art class. There was no reason you had to think about Bradley at all right now; he could just wait until later with his big hands and his thick thighs and his mustache and cute smile.
Just before your students were due to arrive, you opened your laptop and logged in to see which parents had emailed you with questions or concerns about their child. You froze when you saw an email that was sent a few minutes ago from Bradley with the subject line A visit to the mechanic's shop. When you opened it up, you found that he had attached a video and a handful of photos. 
You were a little bit annoyed that he didn't respond to the message you sent from your other account where you asked him to tell you about himself, but that melted away as soon as you clicked on the video. His face flashed up on your computer screen, and all of the features you'd shamelessly memorized were right there in front of you. Cute smile, tidy mustache, brown eyes, wavy hair. But then you heard his voice.
"Hey. I just thought I'd take all nineteen of my favorite pen pals on a little tour around the mechanic shop aboard the Theodore Roosevelt. Sound good?"
You slammed your computer shut and moaned, thighs pressed tight together as your heart hammered. He was too much. It was just a video. He wasn't even really here, but he was an absolute assault on your senses. He called you gorgeous, but meanwhile it was hard to look directly at him for fear that you'd burst out into a fit of giggles. You shook your tingling hands out and slowly opened your computer again.
"Bradley Bradshaw. How are you this hot?" you whispered at the video paused on your screen. His face was frozen mostly in profile as he looked to the side, and for the first time, you saw some long scars on his cheek and neck. "Oh." They weren't new, rather giving the appearance that they had faded over time. You wondered how pronounced they would feel beneath your fingers. Would he let you touch them? Let you drag your lips across them while your hands found their way to his tousled hair?
After taking a few deep breaths, you let the video play again. Another man joined Bradley on the screen, and he was holding up a long, metal rod.
"This is my friend Marty. He's been a mechanic in the Navy for twenty-six years, and he specializes in aircraft repairs. He knows more about my Super Hornet than I do, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. So I'm just going to stand here and hold my phone still while we watch Marty do his thing."
The rest of the video was fascinating. It was still interesting the second time when you watched it with your class instead of doing your language arts lesson. The kids sat at rapt attention, eating up that little introduction that Bradley gave just as you had. He didn't talk to them like a bunch of little kids who didn't understand anything, which you loved. He and Marty explained what they were doing without making it too juvenile. Then when the video ended, your kids started raising their hands with question after question.
"You know what to do," you told them, holding out a dry erase marker for Jackie to take. She wrote down the list of questions that everyone had for Bradley while you tapped through the photos, once again imagining how warm and rough his hands would feel wrapped around your own instead of an intake manifold.
The impromptu aviation lesson lasted for two hours until your kids left for art class, and now you were a little concerned about all of the additional, more personal questions you had for Bradley besides the ones your class came up with. You wanted to know how old he was and where his scars came from. You wanted to know where he lived now, but you were too afraid of the answer. According to one of the notes he wrote back to Violet, he went to the University of Virginia. He even sounded like he was from the east coast.
You sat at your desk alone, digging your snack out of your drawer along with your phone. There was a new email. You smiled as you realized he must have sent it to you just after he emailed the video he took for your whole class to watch. The opening greeting once again had you kicking your feet beneath your desk, snack forgotten. 
Hey, Gorgeous,
I'm still having a hard time believing that you want to get to know me better. Full disclosure, I'm a little nervous you'll get bored talking to me. I don't have much family, and I know it's cliche, but flying really is my passion. I spend a lot of my time on aircraft carriers which makes it hard to maintain relationships and friendships with people on dry land. 
Talking to my nineteen new pen pals has been the most exciting part of my deployment. But you're right... you're my favorite one. I could tell from the first letter that wasn't even specifically meant for me that you were funny and sweet. And then I saw what you look like, and I kept going back to the photo for another look. You're just as gorgeous as you are funny and sweet.
Three things you should know about me? One, I'm afraid of spiders. Like so afraid of them that I might have a crisis on my hands if you tell me you have a beloved pet tarantula or something. Two, I loved taking piano lessons so much when I was a kid, I actually still take them. (Now I'm sitting here wondering why I'm telling you embarrassing shit.) My next door neighbor is a retired music teacher, and when I'm home, I trade yard work for piano lessons. Everyone wins. Third, I like giving Gorgeous teachers butterflies. That's a new one, but I thought you should know about it.
I'm giving you some homework, hope you don't mind. I want you to send me a picture of one of those San Diego sunsets where the sky somehow looks both blue and orange at the same time. If you happen to be in the photo, I'm not going to complain. I would also love to hear three things I should know about you. 
Please tell your kids they have mail on the way. I hope to hear back from them. And you.
Yours Truly,
Oh. This crush was even worse than you thought.
After days of running drills, Bradley was finally grounded because of a bad storm that was closing in, and he was given a few hours off. He stood out on deck, letting the first drops of hard rain hit his face. He was hoping to get a nice sunset photo to send to you, but the past few days had been terribly cloudy. And now he felt like he was being torn in three directions as his flight suit got wet: he was sweaty, hungry and curious. As a result, he couldn't decide if he should hit the shower, the mess hall or the lounge first.
He reasoned that he'd best appreciate an email from you if he was cleaned up and well fed. If you'd had time to write back to him, it would top off his night in the sweetest way possible. So he took a shower and unfortunately had to eat cabbage rolls for dinner. He chuckled to himself as he walked toward the lounge, picturing a bunch of fourth graders eating dinner in the mess hall and ranking the foods. They would probably love that, actually.
As Bradley logged in and watched his email inbox appear on one of the lounge computers, he muttered, "Hell yes." There was a new message from you, and he couldn't click on it fast enough. Before he started reading, the attached photo caught his attention, and he grunted softly. Fuck. 
There you were, on a stretch of beach in Coronado, not even a mile from his house with the sun setting behind you. Your features were in shadow, but your smile was a little shy and very pretty. You looked so soft, standing there on the windswept sand in denim shorts and an oversized sweatshirt with Mira Mesa Elementary printed on the front, and all he wanted to do was touch you. He could already imagine a picnic dinner on that beach, snuggling up with you as cooler temperatures moved in. Enjoying the blues and oranges until the sky got so dark, he'd lead you back to his house with your fingers laced with his.
I'm turning in my homework. I hope I get a passing grade. I'm not usually the student, so I'm a little out of practice. A Naval officer from Top Gun took this photo for me. Apparently aviators just like you are all over the beaches in Coronado.
I have some good news for you. While I'm not actually afraid of spiders, I promise I don't have a beloved pet tarantula. And I'm sorry, but the idea of you still taking piano lessons made me giggle for a solid minute. The mental image is just that adorable. 
You always seem to know what to say to make my butterflies go crazy, and that's just through the written word. As an educator, I always stress the importance of honesty to my students. So let me just say that honestly, I'm not going to get bored talking to you. I also can't lie about the fact that I watched the video you sent several times just to hear your voice. (Now I'm the one embarrassing herself.) And I really can't see how you would have a hard time maintaining a relationship while you're away. Maybe your previous partners didn't appreciate how rare it is to find someone who is willing to put in some effort. Or maybe they didn't find your arachnophobia oddly endearing. But I kind of do.
Three things you should know about me: 1. I graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA. 2. Sometimes I fall asleep during movies, especially if I'm snuggled up on my own couch. 3. I have a crush on you.
Hitting send before I can change my mind.
Bradley couldn't help the smile teasing at his lips as he tucked his hands behind his head and read your last few sentences again. He always wanted to continue talking to you, so maybe it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that you wouldn't grow bored with this. Maybe you'd care more about him than going out on dates, unlike Vanessa. He wasn't going to wait before responding to your email. What was the point? You were into him, and he was definitely into you.
"We got mail!" you announced, holding up the package that was waiting for you in the school office when you refilled your travel coffee mug on your way to your classroom. Your students erupted into delighted conversation.
"Is it from Lieutenant Bradshaw?" asked Jayden.
"Of course it is," Violet told him. "It must be. He's our pen pal after all."
"Did he send us more notes?" Oliver asked, practically bouncing out of his seat in anticipation.
"He did!" you confirmed as you tore into the package and enlisted Harrison to help you hand the individual notes to their recipients. The room went silent as soon as they all started reading, and then one after the next, the kids started to get out their notebooks to start their responses.
You felt warm all over. Bradley was on your mind a lot, and you didn't really want him going anywhere. You watched the video he sent again last night before you went to sleep, and you dreamed about a strong man with a sexy voice curled up behind you in bed. You knew you had a new email from him, but you were waiting until you could sit quietly during your lunch break to read it.
At some point, you were going to have to taper off the aviation curriculum and focus on other things, but you just didn't want to have to do that yet. Not when your class was so engaged. Not when it made you feel connected to a man thousands of miles away who you had feelings for in spite of the fact that you never met him in person. In spite of the fact that you were too afraid to ask him where he lived.
After you eventually walked your kids down to the lunchroom, you were free to read your email from Bradley in peace. But the more you thought about opening it, you started to get nervous. You already admitted you were interested in him, so there was really no going back. If he hadn't sent you something similar, you were going to have to crawl under a rock, but you got your phone out as you took a deep breath and started reading.
Hey, Gorgeous,
Now wait right there. I have some concerns. I'm going to address them in order, so please bear with me. First of all, you didn't just pass your homework assignment, you got an A+. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset in my life, and yet it was barely noticeable next to you. But here's my main issue. I can't have another aviator taking sunset photos of you and sweeping you off your feet. How about you just stay off that beach in Coronado for the time being? Give a guy a chance here?
I couldn't agree more about the importance of being honest. Honestly, I'm letting out the breath I've been holding, worried that you were going to send me a photo of you with your pet tarantula. And honestly, smart women really do it for me, so any time you want to bring up that 4.0 GPA, I'm going to need a minute. And honestly, nothing sounds better than watching a movie with you on your couch right now. Can't stop thinking about it, actually. 
Please, tell me in an overabundance of detail, what you would do if I promised I would take you out to dinner but then changed my mind and told you that I was tired from work and wanted to spend a quiet evening on my couch with some takeout instead.
You have a crush on me? Gorgeous girl, all I can think about is the couple days of leave I'm going to have once this aircraft carrier finally docks back in San Diego. Where you are. You and my eighteen other pen pals. I think I have a thing for fourth grade teachers. Or maybe it's just you. I can't wait to hear from you again.
Yours Truly,
Okay. Some admissions have been made. Little bits of feelings have been established. She has seen him and heard his voice, and I think we're ready to keep taking things further. Maybe a phone call? Maybe another photo or two? We also can't leave the fourth graders hanging. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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sillysowa · 1 year
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Hobie was a very observant lover, and he liked to know everything about you—including your menstrual cycle. He likes to have your preferred blood collection items handy incase you need an extra, he likes to know when he should be extra careful on how he treats you when you’re PMS-ing, taking you ever so slightly sweeter—but above all, he likes to know when you’re ovulating…so he can fuck your soul out without you even having to ask.
You were currently cuddled up to him with your head on his chest, watching a random movie in your bed while Hobie toyed with your hair absentmindedly. He was caught up thinking about how you were often very talkative when you’d watch movies, but you were rather quiet today. You kept balling his shirt up under your fist or pinching his clothes between your fingers—or more importantly, softly grinding on his thigh. Hobie knew you were ovulating right now, and he knew that made you incredibly horny all the time, but it also made you so damn fun to mess with.
“What’s on your mind, love?” Hobie’s deep velvety voice penetrated your thoughts as he stared down at the way your fingers traced over his covered chest. His large hand rested on the juncture above your slightly moving hip, holding you close while you hummed,
“Mmm~ Nothing.” You answered quickly, cheek squished against his pec and eyes clouded over.
“I don’t know if I believe you.” Hobie says dismissively, rubbing his hand on your waist, smirking when that slightly catches your attention, your eyes locked on his through your lashes,
“Yeah? And why is that?” You ask, genuinely lost in your fantasy world. You had been daydreaming of Hobie’s cock pumping inside you with his lips on your neck. You craved the feeling of his bare skin, warm and soft on your longing body. You’d kill to pull his boxers down and kiss up and down his length right now, but you felt so strangely nervous.
“Cause you’ve been weakly humping my leg for about 15 minutes now.” He whispers, voice dropping an octave and making your insides squeeze. Your face instantly felt warm—you didn’t realize that in your daydreaming you had started to dry hump your boyfriend. You turned your face fully into his chest and hid it, while he pulled you unbelievably closer,
“Don’t get all shy on me, sweets. If you want me you know you only have to say the word.” He teased, bringing his hand to your chin and gently turning your face up towards his. The soft look in your eyes and steady desperate movement of your hips on his thigh drove him crazy. You whined, glossy eyes flickering from his lips to his eyes,
“Yeah I know baby.” He murmurs, leaning down and capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He kisses you with passion, grunting and helping you onto your back. One of his hands reaches up to hold onto the headboard while the other holds your jaw, deepening the kiss with your legs opening for him. Hobie breaks the kiss, his large ring covered fingers wandering down towards your neck,
“Is my girl ovulating? Extra needy these past few days.” Hobie smirks, hardening at the sight of your confusion,
“W-How did you know?” You ask through half lidded eyes and pinched brows. Your feet lazily kick on the bed, heels dragging up and down the sheets in desperation. Your pussy throbs.
“I like to know what’s going on with this pretty body of yours.” He says casually, kissing your forehead before he starts removing your shorts. He slides them down your legs and tosses them, fingers exploring your soaked cunt. He moans at the feeling of your arousal, sucking two of his fingers into his mouth before sliding them into you. You moan out desperately, and Hobie instantly notices how tight you feel. He thrusts his fingers at a steady pace, a white ring instantly forming at the base of his fingers where his silver jewelry resides. You’re way more reactive than he’s used to seeing, arching off the bed and clutching at the sheets. His dick is painfully hard in his boxers, but he refuses to pay it any mind until he’s made you cum. He quickens his pace, deep eyes boring into yours from between your legs and forcing your thighs to stay open with his large palm. Your face feels like it’s on fire, and you’re embarrassed to admit that you feel like your about to cum already,
“Hobie~ Ah! H-I’m close~ Mm~”
“Come on love, just like that cum for me, let it out baby, good girl~” Hobie praises with a rasp in his voice. He watches you as you orgasm, bliss coating your features and your fun dripping down from your pussy. He can’t help himself as he leans in, sucking it all up. He lets out a surprised and muffled groan when he feels your hands on his head, pushing his face hard against your cunt. His beautiful eyes flutter closed as he lets you use his warm mouth.
You uncontrollably moan at the sight of your lover’s face pressed against your pussy, only his eyes visible as they roll into the back of his head at your taste. You fuck his face like your life depends on it, crying at the friction of his lips, tongue and nose on your throbbing sex. You momentarily wonder if he can breathe, but all of your worries go out the window when his lips lock around your clit, sucking it like a candy. He grabs your inner thighs, pushing them open and pinning them down while he eats you like he’s been starved of your taste his entire life. Your cries of his name, hands on the back of his head, and broken sounding moans fuel him and his tongue moved faster than you’ve ever felt.
“Hobie~ Hobie! Ah~ Oh yes~ yesyesyesyes-“ You mumble and whine, your fingers gripping onto his hair as you near your unexpected second orgasm. Hobie just grunts and whines at the feeling of being used, his hips grinding into the bed while you moan. He eats you out with passion right up until you cum, when your hands desperately pull him off of you in overstimulation. His face is glistening, mouth parted and chest rising. He smiled,
“Feelin’ good?” He kissed your thigh, locking his fingers in yours. You nodded with your parted lips and pretty fucked-out face—Hobie couldn’t get over how gorgeous you looked…so desperate and needy for him. He loved that his fingers and face could make you feel that good, caught on the way you leaked with your own thick cum,
“I know you’ve cum twice now, love, but you can give me another one cant you?” Hobie asked through his thick accent, eyes half lidded while he talked to you but stared at your leaking cunt, gently running his fingers over it and eating up the way you whimper for him.
“Yes, Hobie…just…give me your cock please~ Please fuck me~” You beg, pussy throbbing and eyes watering. You felt horribly empty without Hobie filling you up, and your mouth watered at the bulge in his boxers. He chuckled darkly before reaching down and pulling his long, hard, cock out of his boxers. He wasted no time, stripping nude for you, spreading your legs wide, and lining himself up with your entrance.
“Scream for me, love.” Is all you get before he thrusts into you in one motion, and oh do you scream. Hobie’s dick filling you up punches the air out of your lungs and a noise that comes out you didn’t even know you could possibly make. You clawed at his back, cried out his name, and your cunt squeezed around his cock. You knew sex felt better when you were ovulating, and Hobie knew just as well,
“You like that? You fuckin’ like that? Mmm of course you do—so fucking needy f’me isn’t that right?” He grunts, thrusting his hips against yours like a madman, horny and desperate at the look of his girl so helpless and overstimulated under him. Hobie loved to see you a wreck for him, he’d kill for it if he had to—the sight of your wet cunt sucking him in, the sound of the bed creaking and your skin slapping—it was music to his ears.
He gives your neck a couple squeezes, right in that sweet spot that makes you feel dizzy but oh so good, his other hand on your hip for leverage as he destroys your insides. Hobie slows down for a moment, thrusts hard but slow to hear your pleased whimpers and bask in them,
“Hobie please!~ Im so close! Please! Faster~ Mmm~ You feel so good inside me, Hobie!” You cried, tears brimming down your cheeks as he thrusted into you, hitting that sweet spot that made you see stars. You could have sworn you saw the pearly gates from the drag of his cock in you, the sight of his beautiful body on top of you, and the absolute filth that he whispered in your ear as you neared your orgasm,
“I know, love, I know. Cum for me, I know you can.” He grunts in your ear, kissing at your neck and fisting his hands tight into the pillow under your head as he fucks into you with fervor, dying to feel you cum around his cock. You hold him close, ankles locked around him and nails dragging down his back as your walls clench and you orgasm. He brings you to cloud nine and back, whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you cry and mumble about how good it feels. He delivers a couple more messy thrusts in you before he cums, his cock twitching and moans spilling from his lips. He looks beautiful and feels like a dream. Hobie looks down at you as he starts to pull out, the glossy look in your eyes a tell-tale sign that you’re still deep in sub-space and needy for him,
“Hobie don’t leave~” You whine, pulling him closer and feeling his cock push impossibly deeper inside you as he relaxes and eases onto his side next to you. Hobie smiles at your words,
“I wasn’t going anywhere!” A chuckle leaves his lips,
“You know what I mean Hobie, I want you to keep it in.” You confess, holding him close, that shyness from earlier back. He just smirks devilishly, not opposed to the idea at all,
“I’ve got no problem with that, love, just don’t be too shocked if I get a sudden cravin’ for a round two.”
Spoiler alert, there was way more than a round two.
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jkslipppiercing · 1 year
Bumblebee 02 | jjk
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�� summary: Jeon Jungkook was your high school bully. What are you gonna do when your parents are forcing you to marry him as the country's most well-known CEO?
• pairing: ceo!jk x reader, high school bully!jk, sassy!jk, cocky!jk.
• genre: enemies to lovers, slowburn, high school bully to lover, arranged marriage, CEO/billionare romance, marriage of convenience.
• warnings: explicit language, mentions of sex, sad feels.
• WC: 3.5k
• a/n: surprise! was planning to make this a longer chapter, but the ideas kept kicking in, so in order for me to keep a somewhat stable storyline i'm forced to include multiple shorter chaps :). happy reading!
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“Are you really going to sit back and relax while I load all of this in?” You plaster a poker face then glare disapprovingly at Jungkook, who glances at you dismissively.
He has his feet propped up on his coffee table, leaning back on his couch. He appears to be effortless with everything he does- his clothing, his actions, his features- it’s quite annoying, what he’s doing. You’d dwell on him for longer had his voice not interrupted your daydreaming.
“If you wanted me to help, you should’ve asked.” He stands up and walks towards you. He’s wearing something so simple, looking so to die for. Your sanity withers to ashes whenever you’re with him; he just never ceases to surprise you by the passing second.
By the looks of it, you’re not going to survive seeing him every day. Well, now that you’re moving in with him. When he mentioned that to be happening the other day- by the other day, as in, the night before- you thought he was just suggesting it, or, who knows, seeing what your opinion will be on the topic. You didn’t know you would move into the billionaire’s mansion in- then- less than twenty-four hours.
Speaking of the night before, you couldn’t fall asleep. You were attracted to Jungkook, but you refused to admit it. Considering he taught you a lesson to “Use your words”, he must be attracted to you as well, no? Your cheeks start flushing a deep shade of blood red just thinking about it, and Jungkook notices.
He comes closer to you, his nose almost touching yours. Has he never heard of “personal space”?You think. Jungkook traps his lower lip between his teeth, immediately grabbing your attention. Your eyes fixate on the movement, his only paying attention to yours. “May I?” He breathes. You close your eyes and clutch the box in your hands tighter, overwhelmed by his presence. Just when you expect soft pillows of lips to rest on yours, his hands cover your own as he takes ahold of the box and cold air replaces his proximity. As soon as you come to your senses and realize what the bastard has done, your face contorts to form an unfazed poker face, appearing to be unaffected as you slowly clap for him.; “Well played, Jeon, well played.”
Jungkook sets the box aside as he brushes you off. “You know; we didn’t really get to talk yesterday.” He leans on the corner of the living room couch, “I think we should at least agree on some things.”
“All right, well, I’m listening.” You sit on the couch, sit back and relax. He joins you soon after, heaving a sigh before he carries on, “Considering you’ve moved in already, we’re off to a great start.” He signals at the unpacked boxes scattered across his living room floor.
You hum in agreement and stare at him blankly.
“Next thing on the list is our engagement.” He looks at you. That’s right. “We’re getting married in about six months, so I think we should use the engagement as a chance to get to know each other better, and possibly try to get along. You’re a bride-to-be and my future wife after all.” Never in a million years have you ever thought you’d be where you are now, sitting with the man in front of you, talking to him about marrying him. Of all the things in the world, you would’ve done whatever you were asked to do instead of marrying Jungkook. Although this marriage is anything but what you want, you know for a fact you have to do it to save your father’s- soon to be yours and Jungkook’s- company.
“When is it happening? Does anybody know yet?” You question. You have a thousand questions going through your mind right now, but you should start it off easy.
“Well, if anybody should know, it’s us. From now on, all’s on us. Everyone around you and I will try to assist with whatever they could, but majorly, we have to plan everything together.” Jungkook scrunches his brows in thought as he looks at you expectantly as you nod in agreement. “Did you have anything in mind?”
“I haven’t thought about this until now, since it wasn’t brought to my attention and no one mentioned it to me before…” You start. It’s true, the engagement wasn’t of your concern until just a few minutes ago, but you’ve always been quick-witted. “I have something in mind.” Your eyes twinkle with the same sparkle that appears within them whenever you’re excited about something.
Jungkook’s interest lights up on his face as his eyes round further when he stares at you. “Already?” He asks, and when you nod your head frantically at him, he chuckles under his breath. “You’re adorable.” He says, only loud enough you could barely hear him. When you do, your eyes darken, the sparkle now long gone but replaced with a much more mischievous- rather seductive- glint.
You straighten your posture, now fixating your full focus on Jungkook. He’s manspreading in his full glory, staring at you in confusion. He must’ve noticed your change in mood- and intentions- because his confusion dissipates as he plasters a lazy smile on his face. He now stares at you intensely, patiently waiting for your next move. You place your hand in the space between his widely spread thighs as you turn to him. You raise the other hand to the back of his head as you play with his hair. You pout at him pitifully, “I’m far from ‘adorable’, love.” Your hand comes to rest on his cheek, your thumb toying with his lower lip, admiring the little mole that occupies the space under it. You then trace your finger from his lip, down toward his neck, descending to his chest as you come closer to his neck to breathe his manly scent in. “You just haven’t gotten to experience the other side, yet.” Jungkook’s breath shallows as your index finger begins to trace his abs, stopping just above the button of his pants. You look up at him to be met with hooded lids and an open mouth. Puffs of his breath hit your face as he barely manages to control his breathing- and just when you realize how well of a job you’ve done, you abruptly pull away and say; “We’re going on a fake date.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen both at what you did and said. He was never this affected by women, so he chose to ignore it and consider it payback for what he always does to you- pushes you to your limit, then leaves you to deal with the aftermath of being extremely horny. Well, you did such a good job that you gave Jungkook blue balls. He’s so extremely turned on by your mere touch that his cock is constricting his pants so hard that it’s painful. He doesn’t remember ever feeling this way ever since his high school days when you were the only person he jacked off to in the shower.
The poor man seated beside you poorly attempts to straighten his posture and regulate his breathing, only failing miserably. Your effect on him was greater than he thought it would be, and that, to him, is majorly unsettling. Jungkook has a playboy history- sleeping around with women, and only distancing himself when he feels he got too close, or crossed a boundary of some sort. Ever since he took over his agency and gained massive popularity as a young, insanely handsome, and wealthy CEO, he vowed to never trust anyone easily; especially women who sleep around for money.
He tries to redirect his focus back to the current topic, “Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind?”
You clear your head as you scramble to fully face him on the couch, sitting crisscross-applesauce and starting to ramble off the ideas overflowing in your head. “Well, since your popularity status is very high, I doubt no one will notice us if we went out on a date in public.” He smirks smugly, seemingly proud about being as popular as he is. “I was thinking a public date, something domestic and not too fancy. We have to be somewhere highly visited, where the paparazzi can snap clear pictures of us.”
You can see the gears in Jungkook’s head turn, “Oh…I see where you’re going with this…go on.” He waits for you.
“What better way can we go? Once the paparazzi takes photos of us and the hot-shot billionaire is known to be dating a CEO’s daughter, everyone will be curious about it. We let the rumors go around for a bit longer than usual by keeping the people on their toes and increasing the publicity rates; just when everything starts to get out of hand, we hold a press conference where you and I answer questions and set the date of the engagement.” You stare at Jungkook, proud of the plan. It seems pretty easy- going out with Jungkook for a couple hours- shouldn’t be that hard, right?
Jungkook leans back as he thinks your plan through. “Pretty solid. For the date, there’s this ‘celebrities only’ club that I know of. We can go there, since it’s always swarmed by paparazzi 24/7.”
“Taking me to a club on a first date, Jeon?” You tease, plastering a playful smile as you lean forward. Jungkook surprises you by leaning closer into you, “I’m not the type of guy to take you on dates of having picnics, eating ice-cream, and playing tourists, sweetheart.” He smirks.
You catch onto the implication earlier than you would’ve liked to. Does that mean he fucks hard, then? Would he slap your face and spank your ass when he pounds so hard into you, you see stars? That took a turn, fast.
“Too bad, might leave you for another man…” Your nose nudges him as you let out a breathy chuckle. “Careful on those words, Jeon.” You look away.
He grabs your chin just when he enters your private space further more, “Or what?” His eyes darken.
Your eyes travel to his lips as you look up into them again. A charge of electricity sparks in between the mere inches separating the two of you. Jungkook bites his lip- mostly toying with his lip piercings- and just then and there, you’d give up the world to have a taste.
Ding Dong!
You jump on the couch, Jungkook reciprocating the action when he clears his throat louder than intended, having you coughing awkwardly.
You break the silence first, “You…uh…you waiting for someone?” You avoid his eyes and stare at the wall like it’s the most intriguing creature you’ve ever encountered.
You hear him stand up as he heads for the front door, “Yeah, I ordered takeout. Figured you’d be hungry after a long, tiring day of moving.” He snickers.
Well yeah…you are hungry, just for something else though. Holy hell. Living with this man is going to be one damn hell of a challenge.
You struggle to find your voice, still stuck on the earlier daze. “That was quite thoughtful of you.” You smile. “Thank you.”
Jungkook answers the delivery man short after, coming back into the living room with two large boxes of pizza.
“God, I’m starving.” You groan. “This smells amazing. Thanks again, bab-” You cut yourself off when you realize what you were going to say.
Jungkook’s eyes widen a fraction of an inch before he quickly covers it up, appearing unbothered.
The nickname slipped, it wasn’t intended. You weren’t paying attention to what you were saying, so you let it go. Will he, though?
“Bumblebee. That was 100% what I was going to say.” You avoid his gaze once again when you feel his eyes boring into your soul.
“It’s fine, sweetheart. You can call me whatever you want.” He says absent-mindedly, not focusing on the fact that he offered you a huge opportunity, which you gladly take. “Can I call you d-”
“Daddy? Yes.” He smirks in victory when he sees your cheeks burn. You’re flustered. Little does he know though…”You’re getting ahead of yourself. What I was going to ask was if I can call you dickwad.” You snort.
Jungkook’s eyes sharpen as he glares daggers at you. You won this time. He knows it. He stays silent.
You swat his arm in amusement. “Lighten up, grumpy pants.” You laugh at him, your eyes crinkling into crescent moons, your dimples making their grand appearance for the first time to Jungkook. Jungkook can’t help but marvel at your shrugging shoulders as you laugh. You don’t just laugh and make sounds, your entire body shakes as you give the action your all, affecting the others around you, making him laugh as well. You’re just so- surprising.
“Yeah! That’s it, big boy. Turns out you know how to laugh as well! Didn’t know you had it in you!” He laughs harder now, leaning back on the couch, slanting his head on the headrest, all the while his eyes never leaving you.
You stifle a yawn, your features betraying you. Your exhaustion is more than prominent now, making you look like a walking dead corpse. With all the fatigue from the earlier moving process and your full stomach now satisfied by the pizza you just ate, your body is giving up on you. Your energy is gone.
Jungkook notices your state, briefly glancing at you at the perfect time to see you stretch. He gets up, signaling for you to come and follow him up the stairs of his house. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
You scramble to get up, then follow him.
Jungkook stops in front of a plain white door. “Y/N, I only recently moved in to this house…about two months ago.” He hesitates. You scrunch your brows in confusion. Is he nervous? Your thoughts prove to be true when Jungkook stutters as he speaks, “I’ve only one room furnished other than the living room, office, and basement,” He takes a breath. Basement? Why would the basement be one of the few furnished rooms? Weird. “Well, you moving in was not as planned as I would’ve liked it to be, so-”
You cut him off as you open the door wide open and step into the room. Oh. That’s what he was so desperately trying to explain.
Before you is a king sized bed. A singular king sized bed.
“You’re sleeping on the couch.” Jungkook says. I’m sorry, what?
He should at least try to be a gentleman and offer to sleep on the couch, but instead, he’s ordering you to do so. What an asshole.
You grab a pillow off of the bed, throw it at him, then open his closet to pick up one of the folded blankets in it. You mirror your actions and throw the blanket at him as well, smiling sweetly, “Too bad, pretty boy. I've already claimed this bed to be mine.” You plop on the edge of the bed.
Jungkook is too tired to argue, simply accepting the harsh reality and exiting the room. He closes the door of his room with a thud, leaving you to sleep.
Saying you’re surprised at the action is an understatement, expecting Jungkook to put up a fight and throw a tantrum. He does neither, which takes you by surprise.
Nevertheless, you change our of your uncomfortable jeans and shirt, picking up a random hoodie from Jungkook’s closet which comes to rest at your mid-thighs. You tale your bra off- an action you’re used to doing, as it became a more comfortable habit of yours- and put your hair up in a messy bun. You blissfully slip into the sheets of the cozy bed and snuggle up into the fluffy pillows, Jungkook’s scent filling your nostrils. You’ve grown to like the smell, giving you a sense of familiarity and security, and so, you snuggle closer into the essence, slowly slipping into an exhausted state.
You wake up to an unusual sound. Sniffling. Is someone crying in here? But…you’re alone- holy shit. You’re alone.
You start panicking before you come to realize Jungkook is in the bed with you. The sense of familiar warmth and security quickly washes over your nerves, calming you down.
The earlier panic slowly creeps up on you when the sniffling grows louder by the passing second. You were sleeping with your back to Jungkook, his to yours. He must’ve waited until you fell asleep so he could easily slip into bed without hearing you complain. You can’t even complain, knowing you’d sound like a brat because the bed would easily fit you both- maybe even 5 more people.
You’re brought back to the situation when Jungkook’s shoulders start trembling. You’re fully focused on him now, worry masked over you. ‘Do something!’ Your mind screams at you. You should, you just don’t know what to do. You always panicked when it came to these types of situations. Normally, when a person was crying, you’d cry with them, not knowing a better way to comfort them.
Jungkook’s trembling turns into spasming whereas the sniffling turns into harsh and labored breathing. Your hands itch while you think about what to do. Finally coming to find the most appropriate thing to do, you try your best to turn Jungkook around so he’s facing you. After attempting to do so without waking him up, his crying gets worse until it turns into choked sobs. Jungkook finally faces you, and all you can do is stare when he curls in on himself, forming his body into a ball as he cries his heart out. You instinctively reach out to him, unfurling his hands away from his face as you bring them around your waist. You're lying next to him, trying your best to get closer to him to calm him down. His arms circle around waist as he shifts closer to you, his head bent into your chest, rendering you unable to look at him. His sobbing only gets worse from there, getting louder and louder. One of your hands entangles in his hair while the other rubs his back in a poor attempt of calming him down. You were never one to mumble reassurances to people in the very state jungkook is in now, knowing it won’t do them any good. Why would you feed them lies only for the future to solely prove you wrong? ‘It’s going to be okay’? When did it actually turn out that way?
“Please.” Jungkook tries. He’s trying to say something, but his constant weeping has caused him to hiccup whenever he tries to speak, as he’s unable to take a deep breath. Your breath gets caught up in your throat, struggling to steady your breathing.
“Please, don’t go.” He tries again, hiccuping furiously. You barely catch onto what he’s trying to say, trying your best to force the rivers of tears back in. “Please, don’t leave-” You give him time, staying silent. You’re trying to convince yourself it was nothing more than just a bad dream- a nightmare- but you know for a fact there’s more to it. Scars, trauma, veiled secrets never willed to be shared. Which is why when Jungkook tries again, you can only listen.
“Th-they all leave me.” You can hear your heart crack. “Please don’t go, just like she did. ” Now, a crack so loud it makes your ears bleed.
Jungkook never told you about his family background himself, you only ever heard snippets, rumors that traveled between way too many people to be considered true anymore. You’ve yet to hear the personal explanation from the man who experienced it himself, for you never intended to. You never pried, nor did he ever initiate the will to do so. After this though, you’re not sure if you can keep ignoring the matter.
“They all j-just- left me.” He quiets down in a bit, his hiccups still persistent. The loud pleading sobs are now quieted into soft sniffles as you can feel Jungkook cling onto your shirt for dear life. His hands still clutch your waist tightly, as his head rests on your chest, just above your breasts. You keep playing with the soft locks of his hair and massage his scalp, occasionally humming when he keeps muttering small pleads. Just when you deem him asleep, your movements on his head cease. You hear a small grunting noise laced with disagreement before Jungkook speaks, sounding somewhat awake. “Y/N.” Your breath runs short. “Don’t stop.” His voice has a raspy edge to it, sounding tired and scratchy from all the crying he's done. You obey, your fingers interlocking with the waves adorning his scalp yet again, soft hums of approval sounding from his chest. The least you can do is be there for him, knowing that what he’s going through indeed has a long explanation behind it.
You fall asleep shortly after, yours and Jungkook’s breath mingling together in the deafening silence. Whatever the ache Jungkook seems to be suffering so much from, you want to share. You want to share it with him, even if just a tiny part of it. You want to take the burdens mounted on his shoulders and kiss him better. You want him to be happy. You want to help in every way possible.
The only question is; will he let you?
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@hoseokteardrop @nays2112 @jksoftii
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silverzoomies · 7 months
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peter maximoff x reader fluff
warnings: fluff, humor, first meetings, pining, female reader
word count: 3,461
a/n: just a drabble i spent way too long on. based on something i used to daydream about a lot. happy late valentine's day !!
tag list: @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @icannot3 @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
Peter sits, slouched on the floor against the foot of a sofa. Glimmers of light flicker in his eyes, as he indulges in some mind numbing television. Reruns of Frasier play stereotypical laugh tracks, droning through the basement. He can’t help but follow suit. Chuckling along in quiet huffs, he shakes his head.
Upstairs, the house rests in silence. Dead quiet. Magda snores softly in her room. Lorna’s probably conked out too. And Wanda? She’s gone. Somewhere. He could never guess. She doesn’t tell anyone where she goes on weeknights. But hey, what’s it matter to him? So long as she’s playing it safe.
Peter snickers at another corny, sitcom joke. He guzzles down handfuls of Reese's pieces. The candies rustle in their small box. But with the rustle, his ears catch something else. Distant and faint. Outside the realm of television laugh tracks and candy clicks.
It’s a lyrical melody, playing with romantic cadence from outside the basement window. Peter tilts his head back, drinking a glass bottle Pepsi. Fizzy sweetness mildly irritates his throat. Raising a brow, he guides his gaze to the window. One more chug of his soda, and he snatches the remote.
The roar of sitcom television falls into stillness.
And sure enough, a tune whispers from beyond the window’s glass. Like the call of a sea siren through the neighborhood. But it’s 10pm on a Tuesday night. And the likelihood of a smokin’ hot siren crawling from the ocean - to a house in middle class suburbia - is beyond impossible. Unless Peter’s dreaming again.
In which case; wait for him, nautical dames. He'll grab his trunks and be out flash.
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won’t end though
Peter narrows his eyes at the window, scoffing to himself. Woah, now. Is he warped in the head? Or is the mantra of Heart crying out from beyond the shadows? Peter appears at the window in a zip. Raising himself on his toes, he launches his body upward. Through smudged glass, Peter’s black hues scan the world outside. A shadowy mass looms in the grass, imposing and somewhat terrifying.
Until he realizes, it’s someone holding a giant boombox over their head. Phew .
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
Peter’s silver brows furrow again.
“What the hell?” He mutters under his breath.
He unlatches the window, pushing it open. Allowing that unmistakable tune to come through much clearer. Peter watches the mysterious, boombox stranger for a moment longer. A beat passes, and Peter sighs. He could just as easily zip out there, confront the culprit, and return to his basement lickety split. Instead, he opts for the casual approach.
Peter pushes himself through the window, his bare feet scuffing the basement wall. He accidentally kicks over a set of speakers. Some he stole five years ago and forgot about. They tumble off a wall shelf and crash hard onto the floor. Knocking down a bunch of stolen street signs in their wake. If Maximoffs weren’t such deep sleepers, he’d be in for it now. Big time.
As soon as Peter’s out, he stumbles in the grass. Mumbling a hushed - Shit.
You don’t know how long I have wanted
To touch your lips and hold you tight
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Crawling through the dry, winter grass, Peter finally stands. With an exhale, he wipes dirt from his grey sweatpants. The rando in his yard doesn’t react, but they lower the boombox a little. Peter waits at a distance, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“Who are you? Whaddya wannnnnt?” He shouts.
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone?
No response from the rando. With a simple gesture, they tap the speaker of the boombox. Whatever that means. Rolling his eyes, Peter strides across the cold grass. Shirtless in the brisk, February air. He raises a hand to scratch his messy, silver bedhead. As he moves in closer, the neighborhood street lights illuminate the figure’s features.
Up until now, he thought some weirdo guy snuck out to pine for Wanda’s attention. Peter’s ready to kick his ass if he needs to. Poor Wanda’s always got dudes falling to her feet on Valentine's day. But she usually does the ass kicking. More power to her.
Guess he won’t have to this time. Turns out, it’s just some weirdo girl.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
Peter puts a stop to the song before it reaches its end. Extending a hand in a quick blur, he abruptly clicks a button on the box. The neighborhood drowns itself in late night silence all over again. Interrupted only by the occasional car passing in the distance. Peter’s vascular arms cross over his chest. Lidded eyes leer straight at the mystery woman.
“Sooooooooo…” He tilts his head to the side, “Who are you? And why are you playing Heart outside my house at, like, ass-o-clock at night?” Peter pauses, eyes narrowing in suspicious slits, “Are you tryna pick up my sister? ‘Cuz you kinda look the type. And I know she’s been ‘tryin’ new things’ lately.” He gestures with air quotes, “If you catch my drift. Not that it’s any of my business. Point is , she’s not here.”
Boombox girl lowers said boombox down into the grass. She shakes her head, reaching into the pocket of her oversized cardigan.
“Pick up your sis- hah! ” She snickers with a snort, dawning a bashful smile. Boombox girl runs her other hand through her hair, “No! Noooo, it’s not like that! Uhm…I was actually playing Alone for you, silly.”
Peter drops his arms to his sides, and his heart skips a speedy beat. Scrunching his nose, he curls his lip.
“Youplayedwhatforwhonow?” He slides his hands into his sweatpants pockets, awkwardly rocking back and forth on his heels. The apples of his cheeks burn, and Peter clears his throat, “Uhhhh. Okay. Thanks? That’s…sweet, I guess. But, I-I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Her smile’s kind of adorable. Especially as she rubs her neck, displaying timid hesitance. Whatever confidence she had, she must’ve maxed out on 80’s romance cliches.
“Not really? I mean, I’ve seen you around. A lot. But you’ve never really noticed me, so…”
Alrighty then. That makes this interaction even weirder. But Peter’s pulled equally weird - if not more desperate stops to win some hearts in the past. And he may or may not be guilty of the same technique she’s using now.
Give him a break, okay? So what if he took a chance on it once? Back when he was eighteen and leagues more naive. It’s a little cheesy, sure. But it’s also the story of how he lost his v-card. And not the Valentine’s kind.
Case in point, it worked for him. So, he’ll bite.
“And you thought crashin’ outside my house, blastin’ some corny song while my family’s asleep - that’s a smoother move than…oh, I dunno…just talkin’ to me?”
She shrugs again, her guilty eyes looking down at the grass. Boombox girl raises a foot, tapping the ground with the tip of her boot. God, she’s obviously so nervous. And he's not gonna lie, it's a little charming. The corners of Peter’s lips turn up in a grin.
“I thought it might get your attention. You just…you move so fast all the time. And I’m really slow when it comes to these kinds of things. You were always gone before I ever got the chance.”
“How’d you know where I live?” Peter throws her a nod of his head, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek.
Pulling her hand from her pocket, she fixes her attention on the plastic case of a cassette tape.
“My uncle tried to arrest you once.” She grins, “He was out on patrol. Saw you steal a speed limit sign. Your mom paid him to let you off the hook.”
Peter’s brows fly up under his bangs. His cheeky smile spreads into his dimples.
“Your unc-...seriously? Whoa. No kiddin’?” He laughs, “Wish I could say I remember. But that sorta thing used to happen to me all the time.”
Not like he wasn’t asking for it back then. But to be fair, Peter’s made some drastic improvements. When it comes to his klepto compulsions, anyway. Excluding the influx of junk food and Garbage Pail Kid cards he snags on a daily basis. From nation-wide chain stores. Totally ethical.
“Yeah, I know.” She giggles, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. This way, he actually gets a good look at her. Soft lips. Pretty eyes, “You used to be the talk of the station, where he worked. Those guys never shut up about you.”
Reaching forward, she passes Peter the cassette in her hand.
“What’s this?” He gently takes it, inspecting the hand-made label inside the case. Decorated in little, lightning bolt doodles. Even some hearts. Aw. Cute. Scratched across it in messy handwriting, are the words - For the kleptomaniac. In exchange for my heart. You stole it forever ago.
Come on. Could she be any more corny?
“It’s a mixtape.” She bites her lip like she’s terrified to keep talking, “It’s cool if you don’t listen to it. I dunno if you’ll even like what’s on it. But I know you carry around that Walkman all the time.”
Uh huh. Did her uncle tell her that too? Get outta here.
“Does it have Heart on it?” Peter flips the case over in his hand, pursing his lips.
“Of course it has Heart on it.”
“Awww. Givin’ me Heart for your heart.” He snickers, turning pinker in his cheeks, “This is legit the cheesiest thing a girl’s ever done for me. I’m kinda buggin’ out right now.”
“Oh yeah? I mean, I can always take it back, if you-” She teases, like she thinks he’s being sarcastic.
She reaches for the tape. But as her fingers brush the case, Peter raises it above his head. The motion happens quickly, before she can even keep up. Boombox girl wasn’t foolin’. She is slow. Slower than a turtle on tranquilizers. As she makes another attempt, Peter drops his hand in a speedy blur.
“Hey, hey, hey. Nuh uh. No takesie-backsies.” He teases, waving a finger, “A trades a trade, babe.”
Her hands rest at her hips, and she flutters her long lashes. So shamelessly flirtatious, but still not enough to win him over. Not just yet. Even if her bedroom eyes offer a tempting invite. Like, seriously, so tempting.
Mama didn't raise him like that, though. Peter has somewhat of a delinquent track record, sure. But he's still a good hearted gentleman. He'll take her out on a few dates first. Treat her to a little arcade romance, before he tries some no pants dancing.
If she's not playing him for a complete jackass, that is. Really, it’s almost too good to be true.
No chick has ever pined for him this hard in his life. And Peter’s never had the chance to play hard to get. He bets dollars to donuts, boombox babe probably isn't a mutie either. Talk about some major role reversal. How often does a human girl beg and plead for mutant man's love? She knows he's a total shut in, right? Or did her uncle not fill her in on that?
“You still have my heart, though.” She coos, gazing at Peter with those eyes.
Those - embrace me, o’ speedster man of my dreams - eyes.
Yeah. Her uncle most definitely didn't break the news. Peter hisses, teasing her again with a click of his teeth.
“Ooooh. Yeah. Well, finders keepers. Good luck shakin’ that silver lovebug.”
He flirts back and forth with her naturally. Kinda like high school sweethearts. It goes on for a few more minutes. Until he's pestered her enough, she just up and quits. Her car's parked down the street. A Volkswagen bug. Hah. And there she goes. Peter's secret admirer stomps off. Boombox swinging at her side. A wave of guilt almost pulls him under, and Peter starts to regret teasing her so much.
She laughs as she walks away. And the call of her giggle brings him back to the surface, much like a song. Seems like the sirens really did come out tonight.
So, she likes playing games too, huh?
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Peter’s not even that much of a Heart fan.
He looks down at the cassette case in his hands. Rolling a thumb over a scratch in the plastic. A beat passes. In a flash, he appears in front of her. Peter walks backwards, padding barefoot along the side of the road.
“So, are you gonna ask me out ‘er what? C'mon, don't be chicken shit. I know you got it in you!” He jokes.
Boombox girl giggles so hard, she breaks out in dorky snorts. Ah, the sexiest, siren song. Too bad that's not a track on the mixtape. He’s willing to slip her some loose change for a raw recording.
By happenstance, another car slows to a stop. Right in the middle of the empty neighborhood street. Colored a familiar shade of scarlet, the vehicle looms for a beat or two. Peter comes to halt, watching as the passenger side window rolls down. Boombox girl crashes right into him.
Shit. Peter just now realized, he doesn't know her name yet.
He grabs her hips on instinct, catching her in case she falls over or something. Her free hand clutches his arm, right over the ‘mom’ tattoo etched into his skin. Naturally, Peter radiates enough warmth to act as a heater. He’s a godsend on cold, lonesome nights. Boombox girl presses her body closer to his, seeking his heat.
Peter knows she does it without thinking, since she whimpers a soft, “ Oh god. I’m so sorry. ”
“It’s cool. You okay?” Peter’s hands linger on her hips.
“What’s going on over there?” Wanda grills playfully from her car. She flits her eyes between her doofus brother, and boombox girl. When Wanda purses her lips, she does so in a way identical to Peter, “Is he giving you any trouble?” She asks what's-her-name.
Peter zips to the passenger side door, crossing his arms over it. Leaning against Wanda’s car through the window, he makes a pfffbbbbtt noise.
“Hey, don’t sweat it, Wands. I’m just walkin’ my future wife to her car.” He raises one of his hands, waving the cassette case, “Check it out, ah? She made me a mixtape! Cute, right?”
Wanda’s knits her brows as she tilts her head. The long, scarlet locks of her hair bounce with the motion. At the side of the road, boombox girl makes an adorable squeal. She covers her blistering face with her hands, mewling silent pleas.
“Oh my god stop. I’m sorry I even said anything. Oh my god. ” What's-her-name whimpers.
Which really isn’t helping the whole suspicious sister situation. Wanda leans back in her seat, peering over Peter’s shoulder at boombox girl. Narrowing her eyes, Wanda looks back at him. And before she can call Peter out on his bullshit, he lowers his arms from the door. Peter drops his chin to it, his tapioca eyes gazing up at Wanda innocently.
He chews his lip. In that ‘ I’m obviously up to no good’ kind of way.
“Y’wanna know what that cutie over there told me?” He purrs, talking loud enough for what’s-her-name to hear, "She said I stole her-"
Boombox girl shrieks, “MAXIMOFF! Please! That was a secret! I’m serious! You’re killing me here, dude!”
Ohhhhh. She doesn’t actually know his name. Seriously? Didn’t what's-her-name say she’s pined after Peter for a while now? How long is a while? Long enough to know his address, apparently. And to know he likes listening to his tunes. And to know he’s a mutant with a rep for thieving. But not long enough for anyone to drop his name? Did the feds never bother learning it? Ouch. Figures.
“Piet.” Wanda leers at Peter, holding him at gunpoint with her eyes, “Leave that poor girl alone. Look at her! She’s had enough.”
Rolling his eyes, Peter stands up straight. Lazily, he smirks, waving a hand, signaling Wanda to drive off.
“Naaaah! You shoulda seen her back at the house. She’s hopelessly in love with me. Played songs outside my window. Y'know, like they do in the movies? I’m serious! You can ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Once more, Wanda shifts her skeptical gaze to what’s-her-name. The mystery girl carries her boombox to her car. With her head dipped and a free hand over her face. She looks like she’s doing the walk of shame. As if Peter stole a little something else from her and-w hoops. That's also not helping his case at all. Wanda hums, doubtful of Peter’s unlikely story.
He cheeses a toothy grin, looking guilty.
“Really?” Wanda adjusts in her seat, reaching for the radio dial, “Well, you might wanna tell her goodnight. For a girl who’s totally in love with you , she seems in a heck of a hurry to leave.”
And with that, Wanda drives off. Peter stumbles back, his calloused heels scuffing concrete. Wanda’s car rolls all the way down the road and into the driveway. Whipping around, Peter catches what’s-her-name opening the trunk of her love bug. As she lifts the boombox into it, Peter zips up next to her. Latching his arms around the boombox, he gives her an aloof grin.
“Can I borrow this for a sec? Thanks, cutie.” He throws her a wink.
She doesn’t get the chance to ask why. Peter zips back to his spot on the side of the road, clicking a button on the boombox. He raises it over his head, letting Heart roar obnoxiously across the neighborhood. Disrupting the late night peace. Out the corner of his eye, Peter notices a few neighborhood lights come on. The song plays just as Wanda hops out of her car. She stops in the middle of her stride to the front door. Her bags hang from her arms and her keys dangle on her finger.
Wanda squints, eyebrows turned inward.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
A faint, red glow emanates from Wanda’s hand, as she delicately swipes it in the air. The boombox’s tape player pops open with an click, and Peter lowers the box down in front of him. He playfully pouts, muttering a soft booooooo to himself. Abrupt silence fills the entire neighborhood again, save for the local dogs barking in their yards.
“Say goodnight, Pietro.” Wanda’s voice calls from the driveway, before she disappears into the house.
Peter doesn’t even realize what’s-her-name is standing next to him, until she speaks.
“Pietro’s a beautiful name.”
Peter snickers, feeling heat rise in his cheeks again. Popping open the case she gave him, he swaps the tape for the one in the boombox. Rapidly clicking the volume button, Peter huffs a soft laugh, hooded eyes blinking.
"Thanks. I'd say the same about yours, but I don't even know it." He teases. A little shy, Peter keeps his eyes on the boombox, "I go by Peter, actually."
"Peter. Pietro. Whatever your name is, you embarrassed the shit outta me, man." What's-her-name scoffs. Peter kinda likes the sound of both names in her voice, "You're lucky you're gorgeous."
Gorgeous? Whoa. That's a helluva word. Shit, this really is too good to be true. Peter's heart skips another beat, and he shakes his head. "Y'know, if you still what your heart back, you're shit outta luck, babe." Peter clicks the play button on the boombox, only after some tension heavy beats pass, "Like I said, finders kee-"
An all too familiar melody pours from the boombox speakers, softer now.
I hear the ticking of the clock
I’m lying here the room’s pitch dark
“Seriously?” Peter laughs, slinging an arm over boombox girl's shoulders.
“Yeah, seriously. I told you it had Heart.” She blushes profusely, averting her innocent gaze.
Maybe there really is something to these 80's romance cliches. Peter's almost willing to give up his own heart. Just as compensation for hers.
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bigbawdy-benzz · 1 year
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Pairing: Miles 42! X Shy Black Plus Size Fem Reader
Tags: @idkmistake @aaliyahwalkshere @mama-2001
Summary: Y/N has finally been noticed by Miles, you already had Miles heart now you have it even more now that you two are bonding getting to know each other.
A/N: I'm glad you guys loved the other one so much!! So here's pt.2 a day later I hope you guys love this one as well!! ENJOYYYYY as the author I was giggling and kicking my feet rooting for y’all. Btw if you didn’t read Pt.1 go read it before this one!! pt3
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“I'm Y/N thank you so much”. You say taking your books trying to hide your smile.
“No problem Y/N also I like your shoes” Miles stated with a smile, you looked down at your shoes then looked at his smiling even wider looking back up at him.
“Thank you we’re matching” Y/N replied. Miles looked at his shoes smirking looking at Y/N
“Coincidence” He said swiftly walking away with his friends. You were hooping and hollering in your head trying not to scream.
“GIRLLLLLLLLL” Aaliyah shouted.
“Damn that was a very intense moment” Ocean states with her eyes widened looking at You.
“That's your man cannot convince me ANY less” Aaliyah exclaimed, throwing her hands up.
“Seriously did you see the way he LOOKED at you when y’all were talking AND the mamita that's all yours Y/N”. Ocean added to Aaliyah’s statement
“PLS don’t add on to my delusions, let's get to class” You stated before, y'all were late to class. You and your friends contained yourselves going to your math class. You couldn’t concentrate on anything but Miles was running through your mind it was hard to pull yourself together. Your friends noticed laughing quietly. You looked at them with a smile, you went on your phone to distract yourself seeing the following icon pop up on instagram, you clicked it seeing ‘therealmilesgmorales’ has followed you. Your eyes light up showing your friends your phone.
“Ohhhh mmmmm ggggggg” Aaliyah whispered.
“You better get on that luv cause that's officially your man he followed you” Ocean stated smirking at You.
“Real delulu screaming out my man” You sang causing you and your friends to giggle, in your peripheral vision your teacher eyed yall.You guys immediately started doing your work praying the bell rings soon. You went back to daydreaming with the biggest smile on your face, you heard the bell ring grabbing your things exiting the class room with your friends. The rest of the school day went by smoothly, you saw Miles in the hallway shooting him smiles and he smiled right back at you. The end of the day approached and you were about to leave with your friends.
“Hey Mamita” Miles said approaching you, you were smiling from ear to ear.
“Hi Miles” You said shyly.
“Is it okay if I walk you home?”. Miles asked, You looked at your friends and then back at Miles they nodded their heads at you.
“Yes of course” You replied.
“BYEEE Y/N WE LOVE YOU” Aaliyah shouted
“BE SAFE BOOKIE” Ocean Shouted as well as you were leaving with Miles.The walk was dead silent for 5 minutes because you were too shy to say anything, Miles picked up on this smiling at you.
“What you listening to?” Miles asks
“I'm listening to Best I ever had by Drake” You reply
“That's my shiiit play it I wanna listen”. He says you take your airpod out blasting the song. Miles starts singing, you look at him chuckling joining him cause fuck it.
“Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it You be up on everything, other hoes ain't ever on it I want this forever, I swear, I can spend whatever on it” The both of you sing laughing having a good time walking home. You were smiling the whole walk, Miles started dancing while walking making you laugh.
“AYEEEE” you shouted hyping him up, you appreciated how he made you feel comfortable by doing simple things. Quite frankly Miles did not give a damn about how he might have looked crazy; it made you feel comfortable enough to sing at the top of your lungs with him.
“Who else you listen to ma?” Miles asks with a smile, seeing you smile
“I listen to Brent Faiyez, Tyler the Creator, Steve lacy, Shreea Kaul, the list goes on”. You reply smiling from ear to ear.
“I like Brent Faiyez, Tyler the Creator,Steve Lacy, I have to listen to Shreea Kaul. We gotta get together, do nothing and listen to music you a Vibe” Miles stated, looking at you with the cutest smile on your face.
“Tienes una hermosa sonrisa” Miles said, making you want to fall to your knees, the way it rippled off his tongue, the way his voice sounded it tingled you just right. (You have a beautiful smile)
“Thank you Miles” You said shyly, Miles chuckled.
“You gettin shy on me Mamita?”. He says confidently being a tease, the way everything rolled off his tongue did something to you.
“Noo of course not”. You say looking away from Miles.
“Awe it’s okay, I have a question for you”. Miles expressed
“What's your question?” You ask while still looking away from him, he brought his hand to your chin turning your head to look at him, you were flustered trying not to blush.
“Can I take you out Tomorrow?” He asks, caressing your cheek with his thumb, you fall into his touch looking at him.
“Yes you can take me out” You say receiving a smile from Miles, he wanted to kiss you right then and there but it was too soon way too soon. He stopped touching your face realizing you’ve made home.
“Don’t worry about where we are going, I'm going to figure it out,it's going to be a surprise just show up looking pretty I'm going to show you how pretty girls are treated”. Miles stated looking you in the eyes.
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Stay tuned for pt 3!!!
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uriwoos2 · 1 month
How Leehan would ask their crush out and omg the rest of the members being his wingman (esp Taesan)
thank you sm for this cute little req! I'm giggling and kicking my feet over the scenario already hehe! (´,,>ω<,,`) ♡
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˗ˏˋwingman bnd headcanons! pairing: leehan x gn!reader. overview: leehan has a crush and goes to his friends for advice! genre: fluff, crack (kinda) word count: 2.9k warnings: none. ♡ note: not very confident abt this one.. not sure if this is exactly what u wanted but agghhh here it is! (sorry for the wait btw!) chose to write this only w legal line, so there's no woonhak (as they're in university). hope you enjoy dear <3 likes & reblogs r very appreciated ! . . . @onedoornet
𐚁๋࣭⭑ okay firstly, imagining leehan with a crush is the cutest thing! it first started out as slight interest, after he saw the person across the campus a couple of times. his eyes kept meeting theirs and it just made his heartbeat all rapid and weird. and before he knew it, he was thinking about them before bed each night, making up silly scenarios, and looking forward to seeing them in the daytime. he'd be such a cutie in love ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he went on like this for a while, thought he'd be fine with just catching glimpses of his crush in the hallways, daydreaming about them and simply admiring them from afar.. but he became more smitten by the day, the ache in his heart only grew and he didn't know what to do with these feelings anymore, eager to know their name, and to turn the made-up scenarios into reality.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but the problem was that he just didn't know what to do! being inexperienced when it comes to crushes and confessions, he felt so lost :( even though he's generally pretty confident, he didn't feel the same when he thought of the person. he wanted to impress them!! and he felt as tho he had to try extra hard to do that. still, he has no idea what to do..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but what does he have his dear friends for?! I think it's logical that he'd go to the one he's closest to first, taesan in this case, to share his troubles with him and ask for advice! knowing he would never expose his little secret, and under no circumstance would he judge him for it either ofc!!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but somehow, it just so happens that everyone else in their little group miraculously knows about his debilitating crush. (riwoo caught on pretty quick, then jaehyun coaxed it out of him just to go announce it to sungho) so.. a group meeting it is! ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و an emergency one too! *boynextdoor assemble* hehe
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like just imagine them sitting around this exact table discussing ways for ihan to get his crush to like him back. I'm not okay 😭😭
𐚁๋࣭⭑ so back to the serious business.. we have leehan all deep in his feels abt how much it hurts to long for this person he doesn't even know, almost on the verge of crying as he speaks.. while jaehyun has tears in his eyes from holding in his laugh for so long.. what a pure menace. unable to sit still for like 10 minutes, gosh… he actually just thinks leehan is adorable and ridiculous at the same time, finding the situation quite silly. he thinks leehan should muster up the courage and just ask them out, rather than crushing on them secretly.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll eventually burst into a hearty cackle at a random moment, which will inevitably earn him a stern look from sungho, urging him to shush up and listen. I can't w these guys srsly..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now, sungho.. he's so into the story, he's already plotting his scheme and thinking of ways to help out the poor guy. since he remembers seeing this person in some of his classes, he plans to observe them silently, in hopes of gathering some useful information. he even proposes the idea of slipping secret love letters into their bag.. ૮ ⇀‸ ⍝ა (this will have jaehyun snickering and riwoo shaking his head disapprovingly) he's just channelling his inner superspy, let him be u guys. 😭
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll desperately try not to come off as a stalker, but someone needs to tell this man that, unfortunately, the sheer size of his broad shoulders really limits the amount of potential hiding places...
𐚁๋࣭⭑ anyway.. so, taesan. he is the one that listens the most intently and quietly, soaking up all the information. considering that leehan's been holding all of this in for so long, he'd need to express his feelings openly, he'd need someone to listen well. (it's why he went to dongmin in the first place) and he does indeed fit this position perfectly!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's not one to say much in the moment, just waits for him to let it all out. (but it's also cuz he has absolutely no idea who leehan's talking about and doesn't have anything to say.. 😭😭) so he's just there for moral support (for now!)..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ moving on to the most thoughtful one of the bunch, who's softly stroking leehan's back as he sniffles and hiccups through his confession.. riwoo! who will be responsible for arranging a lunch date! ✩ a role which he assigned to himself. haha. since everyone meets up to have lunch together on most days anyway, riwoo thought it'd be a good idea to invite leehan's crush along sometime!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now let me tell you abt the silence that settles around the whole table at this statement. it would have them speechless. cuz. that's a bold statement sanghyeok!! very good.. very nice.. we're making some real progress here! *cough* jaehyun *cough* sungho.. but the question is.. how do they invite the person without it being weird?..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ fear not! bcuz riwoo has a solution for that too LOL 😭😭 riwoo, surprisingly, got to strike up a conversation with this person somehow, and bond over their favourite desserts in the single class they shared.. an interesting way to make a friend, but leehan doesn't care abt that rn!! riwoo can actually get him a date w them!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ his heart is yippee-ing so hard rn. u don't even know…
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and just like that, they'd end up at a cafe near their uni, sat and waiting.. and waiting… (jaehyun) calling riwoo a liar, yada yada. leehan is busy hyperventilating and fidgeting from the nerves, even though he himself isn't sure if he'll actually get to see his crush today.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ taesan, despite being unsure as well, still gives him an encouraging pat on his leg, just in case. none of them believe that the person will show, even sungho is doubtful, scrolling on his phone mindlessly. but riwoo, who organised this whole thing, is relaxed, and unprovoked by jaehyun's remarks.. that's why he's the only one who actually helps ihan calm down, telling him he'll do just fine in a reassuring voice <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ imagine the surprise on all their faces when the person actually shows up.. and boom! leehan's heart drops to his stomach. in contrast, there's a smug look on riwoo's proud face hehehe. Ꮚ˘ ꈊ ˘ Ꮚ he's a man of his word after all!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but there's more. taesan's eyes go wide partly bcuz the person actually showed up, and mostly cuz he's actually friends w them 😭 no because.. this is too hilarious, picturing leehan's dumbfounded expression when he drops this enormous bomb on him.. *insert jaehyun losing his mind giggling in the corner abt this whole thing* taesan is friends with his crush??? this information would've been useful like, at least 20 minutes ago.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ anyway, taesan won't disappoint any further though! he'll introduce leehan to them himself and try and get the two comfortable w each other. he'll actually be doing the most! you can imagine how awkward first meetings can be, but taesan is determined to eliminate all of that awkwardness and get them talking!! he's on a mission! ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎⊹ hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll keep going on about his awesome best friend, telling stories and complimenting him nonstop. he'll never ever! bring up an embarrassing story either, he's a true friend hehe! not just then, but any chance he gets after their little lunch date, he'll be insufferable w his praise! he's just super passionate abt helping ihan successfully woo his future partner ^^ (he's sure they'll end up together) and he finds them to be a perfect match too! so, he's trying his best to get them to like him back!! what a sweetheart <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ as soon as their date comes to an end, expect leehan to be all over taesan interrogating and bombarding him with endless questions. but he's more than willing to answer them! thanks to TS, leehan will have all the basic info abt the person, their interests, their favourite artists, their hobbies, who they're friends with, places they like to hang out and such.. what a helpful guy!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's kind enough to even relay some messages to the person, about how leehan said it'd be nice for them to come have lunch with all of them again.. and he obviously exaggerates, complimenting them in leehan’s stead. he's a sneaky kitty! ( ˊᵕˋ ; ) hehe but he doesn't go overboard ofc!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ donghyun's crush tagging along their lunch dates becomes a regular occurrence at some point, as they gradually warm up to one another. leehan's heart could burst at the tiny interactions they share. everyone keeps nudging leehan to talk to them, and to finally ask them out, saying it's not that serious, that it's just a date. but it is that serious for poor ihan, when his heart is about to jump out of his chest at the mere thought of his crush. he wouldn't know how to handle it if the two of them were to be left alone. he's so in love gosh.. 。 ˚. ૮Ꮚ ´͈ ⁄⁄`͈꒱ა
𐚁๋࣭⭑ they would all encourage him to take the next step in their own ways! taesan would try and talk him into it, while riwoo would take a more straightforward approach, and save seats for leehan to sit next to his crush, just so they can be closer hehe. sungho would randomly go off abt some cool new place that's opened recently, telling leehan to go check it out with him sometime. (the mastermind has a plan!) and jaehyun, I can kinda imagine him spilling a little bit of his drink (supposedly) accidentally on leehan's crush, just so leehan can have an excuse to help them out. tbh ihan would just look at him with a confused/irritated expression, as myungjae winks at him.. he's trying his best okay?
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I can imagine the sneaky smiles the rest of the boys would exchange at the slightest things, like when the two sit close to e/o, or when they touch hands on accident, or at times when they catch leehan staring at his crush with the most obvious heart eyes.. ₍ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎ they're having sm fun lmao.. but they're also just happy to see their friend finally talk to someone he's liked for soooo long. such cuties <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ sungho's proposal to go to this new fun place would actually strike interest in leehan's crush so.. it's a date! you've no idea how thrilled everyone would be to finally have leehan take his secret crushing further and go on a date with them!! (well plus sungho..) leehan can't really process what happened.. that sungho just casually got him a date.. well, kind of.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I can imagine sungho helping leehan get ready for the date as he gives him a pep talk 😭😭 gosh it'd be the most adorable but hilarious thing.. he will help him choose the outfit, and won't stop adjusting his clothes like a worried mom lol. you'd think he's the one that's head over heels in love, with how worried he gets. but that's sungho for you! ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა always so caring when it comes to the others <3 <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ leehan will literally sit/stand there with a hyper focused expression, taking everything in.. like, he doesn't wanna mess it up, you know! so any piece of advice is welcome. especially when it's coming from his most trusted friend <3 he'll be nodding and listening deep in thought, as sungho gives him pointers on what to do or not to do. an adorable little duo ^^
𐚁๋࣭⭑ …and then there's jaehyun. (bear w me while I push my menace myungjae agenda pls) who just happens to be there, not because he wants to help but just turning up to be a nuisance (again). this boy strikes me as someone that will tease. and tease he will! like, he'll tell him something that'll have leehan full on stressing.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now look.. he doesn't wanna scare him, but he can't help adding more and more to his joke cuz poor ihan's thoughtful look just brings him sm joy LOL. the way his brows furrow in worry, looking to sungho for reassurance.. ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა only for the oldest to just stand there shaking his head in disapproval at jaehyun’s nonsense.. just a group of sillies.. ♡♡♡
𐚁๋࣭⭑ myungjae will eventually just burst out laughing, and admit to leehan that he's just kidding and that it'll go perfectly fine.. so basically, he would joke around but he'll also genuinely show up for him! it's just his way of showing support hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and then we have taesan and riwoo just sitting there, quietly observing this pure chaos.. the two kitties smile at the jokes and the bickering, entertained by simply listening to their conversations.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but when the time comes for leehan to set out, they'll be first to rush and give him words of encouragement and wish him good luck! taesan tells him to just be himself and everything will go smoothly, as he drowns him in perfume at the last minute. while riwoo just advises him not to go off abt his fish and it'll be just fine 😭😭 he tells him his looks will do the trick. which, true.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and sungho... is nowhere to be seen. he must've slipped thru the door when everyone was busy, sly little fox he is. ૮ • ﻌ - ა when leehan takes notice of this he starts panicking, but the others tell him to go, or else he'll be late and that sungho will probably just meet them there.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ hmm.. ihan senses sth suspicious about this whole thing, but he doesn't want to make his crush wait so he complies. right before he leaves jaehyun will pipe in and ask to update them throughout the date, and at this point leehan is abt to combust from overstimulation lol so he just gets out of there.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but it gets worse! bcuz he only hears from sungho thru text when he's already arrived. he sends him a single message saying: I'm not going, enjoy your date 😘~ you're welcome <3 …oh how leehan wishes he could magically teleport to where he is and give him a piece of his mind..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ sungho's really just doing this bcuz he wishes the best for his friend, but leehan doesn't realize that rn through his drumming heartbeat and the ever increasing urge to leave. he's kinda nervous, ngl. hah... haha . ha... srsly he's abt to pass out guys..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ in the end everything will be fine of course.. there's nothing to worry about, I mean.. it's leehan. he might mention his fishies here and there by accident but that only adds to his charm hehe ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა esp if he stops himself mid sentence after.. telling his crush he's not supposed to talk about fish today 😭😭 they'd find this so cute.. nicknaming him fish boy in their mind cuz of it. I'm gonna sob..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's getting more comfortable w them, finding it easier to talk to them and even make jokes! seeing his crush laugh bcuz of sth he said has him melting on the inside.. lovesick baby <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and (ik I forgot to mention this oops.. but the date takes place at an arcade, which creates a better environment for the two to have fun and get comfy w e/o!! genius sungho.) he'll try to desperately win one of those plushies for him from those rigged machines, but he'll fail :( but at least he's cute while pouting hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ since ihan senses that they seem to get on quite well, he'll consider the idea of asking them out again. I feel like he would be pretty regretful not to have asked them out himself, u know, in a proper way. so he'll muster up all his courage at the end of the date, when he's dropping them off, to actually ask his crush out on his own, like he'd wanted to in the first place!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll just tell them cutely that he likes spending time w them and that he'd love to do something like this again sometime, that he wants to get to know them better!.. and when his crush questions if he's asking them out on a date, he'll just blush and say he is shyly.. ૮ / / / ⍝ა ofc they'll say yes!! again.. it's leehan. have u seen him? also they really enjoyed today's date too, which they'll tell ihan abt and his cheeks are burning up at this point... cuties x
𐚁๋࣭⭑ numbers and shy thank yous will be exchanged. leehan promising to text them about their next date <3 don't u guys think it'll be sweet if they give ihan a quick peck on the cheek? cuz I do. just for the sake of making his heart flutter and see him go shy again.. what a cute sight it'll be gosh :'( <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ safe to say, leehan goes to bed that day w a glowing ball of light in his chest, heart full and mind replaying moments from the date <3 baby boy's so happy. ૮₍ ˶• ˔ ต ₎ა ♡ he couldn't be happier.. already planning out their next date <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ oh! almost forgot! he'll just send a simple text to the group chat that the date went well, cuz he's just soo exhausted.. immediately summoning the others w their endless questions smh. but that can wait until morning. also, just know that taesan will be the first to hear abt all the deets the next morning!! hehehe that's it <3
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deblklesb · 11 months
[I Want You So Bad — Ellie x Reader, Pt. 1]
[AFAB!reader, friends to lovers, fluff MDNI] (part 2 here)
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Summary: Ellie likes you so much, and it's crazy how you don't even notice it.
a/n: omg i finally did it!!!! it took me too long, so sorry anon, but it's finally here!! its a two part thing, I'll post part2 soon! hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do!
cw: fluff and pining. as always i don't want minors interacting.
not proof read | reblogs are highly appreciated
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It's a painfully hot day in Jackson, Ellie is wondering how Shimmer is doing down in the barn and contemplating about going there to spend some time with her beloved horse. The sun gives everything an extra glimmer and the roads hold small puddles of fata morganas, amusing her as always - astronomy it's her main target of curiosity but physics it's there too.
While she fixes her shoelaces and checks her pockets for the keys, she also looks at the small handmade candy wrapped in a simple paper, standing on the bench next to her door. The grocery brings back delightful memories of when you runned up to her with the cutest smile, a hand in her direction.
"Ellie, I made this candy from a recipe I found in one of those books, took some for you", you had no idea how that gesture reached the Williams girl right into the heart.
"Oh, thanks…!" She looked down at the brownish treat. It seemed to be so tasteful and you were known amongst your friends to be a very talented cook.
"So, are you coming to the Tipsy Bison tonight?" You put your hands in your back pockets. Ellie could only see a part of your tattoo coming out of your short sleeve, wondering what the entirety of it would look like.
"Uh, yeah, I guess. If I can finish all my tasks", she would definitely drop them if that meant to see you.
"Okay, cool! See ya later, then", and just like that you left with a small wave and a sweet smile.
Inside, Ellie beat herself up for not asking something like "oh do you want me there?" to slightly make a move and test the waters. You would always leave her speechless, lagging, absolutely fumbling on her words to even put a goof full sentence out.
On this incredibly hot day, she thinks it's finally the time to maybe taste your candy. She hasn't done it yet because… Maybe because she was holding onto the mere fact that you thought about her and went out of your way to give her some handmade candy. It was such a sweet act, it made her daydream for days and literally kick her feet when laying on her bed that night, thinking about your pretty eyes and cute lips.
Deciding to save for that night, she finally heads out to the hot weather and bright sun. The sunglasses she found on a supply run unfortunately were broken, she could make good use of them now.
It didn't take long to reach the barns, the shadow of the roof presenting a hope to cool down. The horses seemed to not mind the heat that much, and today was bathing day.
"Morning, Els", Pedro, a 15 year-old boy waved at her. She smiled back, finally facing Shimmer on her usual spot. But the horse wasn't alone.
In the barn, a brush in hand, stands you. Mindlessly stroking Shimmer's fur in circles, your back is not fully out since you're still with a tank on but Ellie can finally see the rest of your tattoo; it's a big tiger, an image mostly on your back with just a paw sticking on your front, under the clavicle - the part Ellie could always see. Today, it moves as your muscles do the same and you murmur a random melody, eyes careful to put the attention on the horse's fur.
The brunette has to take a deep breath before proceeding into the barn, trying to pull out that chill, laid back facade to hide the way you make her almost melt into a puddle.
"Hey, see you got up early today" She has you stopping on your tracks to look over your shoulder, immediately smiling fondly when seeing her.
"Yeah, I got the bathing job today so I didn't want to leave it until later", dirt falls from Shimmer's fur as you brush it. She's not the dirtiest one usually, but after some runs between the last bath and this one a significant amount of dirt is coming off. "Where have you been putting her to, by the way?"
"Oh, we found an old ranch somewhere west and I decided to let her run around a bit. It made a big cloud of dirt around her", Ellie chuckles as she gets closer from the horse, patting her neck. "This big girl enjoyed herself very much"
"Well, that's good, though", you go back into looking straight to your front, oblivious to how Ellie's gaze falls on your tranquil figure.
She captures the bridge of your nose and your adorable cheeks, the ones she just wanna kiss all the time so badly. Your hair, away from your face today, your attractive lips and the prettiest eyes she has ever seen. With your back to the barn's door, you almost glow in front of the light coming from outside. Like a divine vision, straight out of a fantasy book, demanding to be worshiped by the auburn haired girl. She feels her chest tightening and that feeling spreading to her arms and stomach, like it always does when she's around you; a visceral need to touch you in any possible way.
Shimmer ruffs and bumps her snout into Ellie's face, almost like she's calling her back to Earth.
"Easy", Ellie chuckles again, now trying to hide the last moment. From who? She doesn't know, there's just you, her and the horses here, but she feels so exposed whenever she's around you.
"It might sound crazy, but I do believe these horses have personality", you suddenly comment, turning to grab a comb.
"Right?! Oh, Jesse keeps saying I am crazy, that they're just horses, but I do feel this too! One time Shimmer laughed when she saw me fall. Like, a horse laugh, but I swear it was a laugh", and just like that, Ellie's loosening up.
Your laugh fills the space as you stand next to Shimmer to comb her black tail. Now facing your back again, Ellie takes in how your back muscles press your dark tank top and how your waist seems to call her hands to grab it, hold you from behind close to her chest. The desire to have your scent consuming her mind is so strong, she thinks she might actually pass out.
This is getting so out of hand.
"So", she clears her throat, looking around for another comb to work on Shimmer's mane. "Are you going to be here all day?"
"Tipsy Bison at six", you don't even care to look back at her, focused on the tail.
"Do you ever sleep?"
"Yeah, very well, actually", you chuckle. "Tomorrow I have nothing in the morning, so I can compensate"
"Oh… I thought we could, y'know…", she's trying to collect the millions of thoughts running around her mind at the same time, trying to not fuck this up. "Have a sleepover one of those nights… When you're free, I mean… But we don't have to if you don't want it- it was just an idea"
"It's a great idea!" The way you smile, turning to look at her, has her heart clenching. It's so genuine and sweet, just like you always do whenever you see her coming around and go compliment her. Do you even know the way she loses balance at each one of those acts? "The last sleepover was so long ago. We should call Dina and Jesse too"
"Yeah, absolutely", she rests her head on Shimmer's neck when you turn your attention to the tail again, cursing silently.
The rest of Shimmer's bath was calm, you both kept talking about whatever. At one point, when Ellie was rinsing the horse's back legs, Shimmer just threw her tail on the girl's face, making you laugh out loud and the auburn haired girl look stunned.
In the end you both got out a little cooled down due to splashes of water, past midday after bathing all horses. It was easier with two people, after all.
"So, I guess I'll let you get going to change and go to work…"
"Aren't you coming to the Bison tonight?"
"Oh, yeah, I guess I'll pass by", she tried to sound chill and nonchalant, not revealing how she always planned to go there as long as she wasn't patrolling.
"Okay, see you there then!" And you fucking leaned to kiss her on the cheek, smiling while you waved goodbye and turned in your street, leaving Ellie dumbfounded.
If a stare could create holes, Jesse and Dina would cause trypophobia in anyone. Ellie was sitting across from them on the table, holding a beer bottle so tightly that it could break at any giving moment. Standing next to the table was you, listening to their shitty excuses about not being able to attend to the sleepover, oblivious to their real intentions.
"Oh, I get it, it's fine. Guess it'll be just me and Ellie then", you shrug, smiling to the auburn haired girl. She smiles back immediately under your gaze. "We'll, I have to go back to behind the counter, go talk to me if y'all need anything"
And she stares at your back while you walk away, always looking so fine while handling the objects behind the long wooden table.
"You're welcome, by the way", it's Jesse who says it, smirking.
"I'd beat the shit out of you if we weren't in public", she groans, rolling her eyes.
"Oh, come on! It will be nice having her all by yourself for a night, uh? Then you can silently pin over her while pretending to pay attention to some random ass movie", Dina is looking up like she's pondering the scenario.
"Shut up", her hands start to sweat with anticipation, all the possibilities running through her mind.
What you'll be wearing, what you both will watch, if you are going to sleep next to her, if she'll be able to hold you close absolutely in a friendly way, if you'll laugh and have a good time with her. Ellie thinks about the tragedies implicated in being alone with you for the whole night, how embarrassing it can be, how she'll combust just by looking at you so closely, yet, so far.
"Stop overthinking. Just wear those flannels, she likes it"
"No, she does not!" Her face warms up, because of the alcohol, of course.
"She already complimented you ten times about that shirt", Jesse points out.
It was true, though. And each and every time, Ellie almost melted into a puddle in front of your chaste gaze. If you only knew what ran through her mind when she looked at you…
This was messy, and Ellie didn't know what to do anymore.
At some point of the night, you decided to play a game and Ellie just agreed - because what could go wrong? Not going far from the known route, you opted for a Q&A game in which each one asked a question and the other one had to answer it or respond with another question. It would be nice and silly, if the given situation wasn't hard enough for Ellie.
You were sitting in front of her, legs crossed on the couch, in a tank top and the smallest shorts Ellie has ever seen you on - which was cool, it was okay, she could manage that because she was already used to holding her shit together next to you. But everytime you moved around, for some reason, that night, she just wanted to pull you close once and for all. An inexplicable energy was emerging from the whole situation and she couldn't grasp it properly, but it made her restless.
Her hands tingle whenever you lightly hold her arm or her leg, she starts to wonder why you were so touchy generally, but tonight more than ever. An indescribable feeling comes from her guts each time you laugh and lean on. She might as well be going crazy.
So, it was already hard enough. But then you asked her if she was currently into some girl around town and that was the first time Ellie responded with another question.
"Why do you wanna know?" It sounded like she was caught off guard, and that bought your attention.
"I was just curious… But your answer makes me think that you actually are", you smirk, playful.
"I didn't say I was"
"Didn't say you weren't either", damn you for being clever.
"But that doesn't mean anything…" The auburn haired girl looked away, resting her arm on the back of the couch.
"Is it Dana?"
"No" Dana was another woman that regularly worked on the Tipsy Bison. She was pretty and polite, but Ellie wasn't interested in her - not with you around. And she was so desperate to direct the conversation somewhere else that she missed the way your voice changed.
"So there is someone, it's just not Dana?"
"Why are you so interested?"
Why were you so interested? It was because of the game, right? Your only concern now was the fact that Ellie didn't answer your initial question, so you had to dig to the bottom of this topic. That sudden sting on your stomach when thinking about Ellie pining over Dana was just the prospect of your close friend having a crush on your coworker and not telling you. Absolutely.
It probably had nothing to do with the way you were weirdly infatuated by Ellie tonight, with her hair on a bun and a halfway buttoned up flannel - with nothing but a top underneath it. Or how she seemed to glow under the warm light of her room and her presence brought the biggest comfort you've ever felt in weeks. Or how her lips seemed so attractive right now, calling for your sight when she nervously bit the bottom one. Little scars were splared around her face amongst the freckles, gifts from a bunch of branches that accidentally crashed into her face once, during a patrol.
"Because… I'm your friend and I would like to know when you're interested in someone. I mean, we tell this type of stuff to each other, right?"
Not all the stuff, Ellie thought.
"Yeah, I guess. Well, you actually have never told me something like that"
"That, my beloved, is because I have nothing to tell. You know it, I'm not interested in anybody as for now"
"Or for any other time on this town"
"Ouch!" You chuckled, lightly punching her shoulder. "You're not getting away from this topic. I'll name every woman our age and you'll tell me when it's the one"
The auburn haired girl tried very hard not to express any compromising expressions, especially after the list ended and you didn't say your own name.
You couldn't think of any other person that fit into the category, and that was odd. Because if there was someone, then it should be one of those.
"Oh, you're lying!"
"I'm not!"
"You just said 'no' to every single name"
"That's the reality of the situation"
"But there is someone?!"
"You said that, not me", she shrugged.
"Alright", you seemed resigned, looking away from her green eyes. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine"
A sting got it right into Ellie's chest. She liked you too much to let you be this way, but at the same time she didn't want to tell you. The amount of terrible things that could happen; losing you and your friendship was at the top of this list, and it was bad enough.
"It's not it, I swear", Ellie collected all the strength to softly hold your face; now she was doing it as your friend who didn't want to see you sad. She turned it so you could face her, stare at her eyes full of vivid green. "I swear, you didn't say the name"
"Okay", you sigh, trying to understand what was that feeling on your stomach that grew while her fingers still supported your chin.
"Now… Wanna watch another movie?" Her thumb caressed your face with tenderness, inside she hoped this made you less uneasy.
"Yeah", it got cold when she retracted her hands to reach for the DVD options you both picked for tonight. "You can chose it now"
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[dividers by @cafekitsune]
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xdaddysprincessxx · 6 months
Congrats on 800, Prinny!
my thot:
Joel is a truck driver and reader is a hitch hiker he picked up several states before. They get along well enough (no sex...yet) THEN! one day, another hitch hiker approaches Joel looking for a ride - Ezra. He wants to know if you're available for some fun, and Joel has to decide if it's just him who gets you or if he's got room in his bunk for a threesome...
I leave the rest in your ever capable and good hands, baby!
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Joel x F!reader x Ezra
18+, this is grump x sunshine x2, we got ass eating, ass spanking, 1 face slap, double penetration, and more. Very barely edited, not beta’d all mistakes are mine, read at your own risk. Also again 18+ , minors fuck off thank you
Word count: 3,200 - “Drabble” lmaoooo yea it got away from me.
REO Speedwagon flowed through the truck speakers as you reach your hand out the open window, letting the wind move your hand up and down. You’ve kicked your bare feet up on the dash as you hum along quietly. Your companion, Joel, lets out a grunt as he gives you a side eyed glance. It’s been a couple of months since he picked you up on the side of the highway. Unhappy with how life was, you decided to say fuck this, packed a small bag and headed out for whatever adventure came your way. Unfortunately you didn’t plan on your car dying on you half way across the country. Which is how you found yourself stranded at a gas station in Nevada. There was a hotel next to it that you were able to get a room at. One morning you packed up and started walking down the highway. You didn’t go too far in case no one picked you up, you could still walk back to the hotel.
Wearing your shortest daisy duke shorts with an old white tshirt tied up in the front, you were determined to hitch a ride. Lo and behold here comes a semi truck just driving along. Quickly you stopped and stuck your thumb out to signal you needed a ride. At first the truck kept going but soon the driver pulled over. Smiling real big you started to run towards the truck.
Climbing up the side, you stuck your head in the window,
“Well hello there handsome. You got room for little ole me to join?”
The driver had a permanent scowl on his face it seemed. Very easy on the eyes, a soft belly that hung over his pants as he sat.
“Hop in darlin.” He said in a deep, gruff voice.
Something about the handsome, thick driver got you going. You could already feel yourself getting wet just from this small interaction.You couldn’t help but think of how much trouble you just found yourself in.
Present Day
It’s been a few weeks since Joel picked you up. A part of you is surprised he hasn’t dropped you off and left yet. Another part of you hopes he never does. For the most part Joel doesn’t talk a lot. He hasn’t really opened up about himself to you. But you are a talker, you love to chat and boy do you.
Leaned back with your bare feet on the dash with your hand outside the window, moving with the wind.
“I heard it from a friend whooo heard it from a friend who heard it from another you been messing around” you softly sang out loud. Turning your head to face Joel, giving him a big smile.
Joel returned your smile with a soft smile of his own.
Something about you has captivated him. Your beauty stunned him the first time he saw you. You had a pretty mouth he often daydreamed of but your little talking habit drove him crazy. As time went on though he found he actually enjoys hearing you go on and on about everything and nothing all at once. And now that’s he’s spent all this time with you, he’s not so willing to let you go. Ever. Whether you agreed or not, in Joel’s mind, you were his.
“Hey! Look! A hitchhiker! Can we help him Joel? Please? Like how you helped me?” You batted your eyelashes and gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
Joel saw a man walking down the highway, sticking his thumb out.
Looking at you, he rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Without saying anything Joel pulled the truck over and the two of you waited on the man to catch up to the truck.
Ezra was a traveler, always on the move. The past few weeks he’s been spending his time in this little town keeping this pretty lady’s bed warm. That was until her husband came home and chased him away. Now he finds himself walking down this almost deserted highway. He has given up hope of finding a ride when he heard a truck rumbling behind him. As soon as he heard the engine he stuck his thumb out hoping the driver would be a Good Samaritan. The truck drove on by making Ezra let out a huff as he kicked the gravel up with his boot. As he looked back up he saw the truck pull over.
‘Holy shit it’s my lucky day after all’, he thought to himself as he started into a light jog to get to the truck as soon as he could.
Stepping up on the side steps, he gets up to the window and sees the prettiest little thing sitting passenger and . . A handsome old grump behind the wheel.
“ Hey there, any way I can catch a ride with you fine folks today? Destination doesn’t matter, just somewhere far from here.”
“Yea! We can take you with us! Hop in!” You reply in a higher pitched tone, sounding extra excited than one should sound when picking up a hitchhiker. You couldn’t help it though. The man was gorgeous. He had this little blonde patch of hair, beautiful, dark brown eyes and the most sweet sounding voice you’ve ever heard. As much as you’ve wanted Joel, he’s never given you any hint that he wants you in that way. And you’ve been dying to itch a particular scratch that you feel this hitchhiker could really scratch for you.
Giving you a big smile, Ezra pulls the door handle, opening the door as you get up and move to sit on the bunk between the two seats.
“Names Ezra. Nice to meet ya,” he puts his hand out towards Joel to shake.
He says in a flat tone as he shakes his hand.
Ezra quickly gets the feeling that Joel isn’t much of a people person. He can see why Joel has such a pretty little companion as yourself, Joel’s handsome. Gruff and firm, no nonsense kind of guy. He wonders if he’s the type to be dominant in bed. Manhandle his partner and just throw them around, mold them into any position he wants. His own cock twitch’s at the thought.
“And who might you be young lady?”
You tell him your name as you let out a soft giggle, smiling and give him a little flutter of your lashes.
“What brings you out here Ezra?” You ask in your best flirty voice.
“Bit of a traveler. A nomad if you will. Don’t like to stay in one place too long. Wanna see the world ya know?”
“That’s so . . Romantic. Always on the move, seeing what the world has to offer. I bet you’ve met some wonderful people. Seen a lot beautiful women huh?”
Ezra can’t help but give you a smirk, loving how forward you are.
“Haven’t met anyone as beautiful as you honey.”
Joel loudly clears his throat making the both of you startle slightly and look at him.
“What about you handsome? With a pretty little thing by your side I’m sure you never look twice at anyone else huh?”
Joel’s jaw ticks as he gives Ezra this mean stare.
“This “pretty little thing” over here is mine,” he says bluntly before looking back at you, “and I don’t appreciate you throwing yourself at the first man you see like a filthy fucking whore.”
Your mouth drops open, you’re stunned.
“Hey now no need to call her names. I get it, she’s off limits. No need to get mean buddy. I didn’t know.”
You turn your head giving Ezra a confused look before turning back to Joel.
“Excuse me but I am not yours. I am a free woman and on top of that you have never claimed me before now. I can do what I want with who I want thank you very much.”
Joel is pissed now, he pushes the arm rest back before swinging one of his legs to the side, opening his legs wide and then grabbing your upper arm and pulling you towards him. You stumble as you fall over his lap, his arm wrapping over your back holding you in place. His large hand covers the globes of your ass as he rubs it from the top down to the curve of your ass.
“You’re.” Smack. “Mine.” Smack.
He just spanked you. He actually spanked you. If you weren’t in shock over him claiming you, you definitely were now.
He gives you another smack and a whimper came tumbling out of your mouth. You didn’t even have a chance to try and conceal it. Joel stopped moving, hearing you whimper from his actions. He knew you’d be into some freaky shit. He looks over and sees Ezra sitting there, almost mesmerized by the display in front of him.
“Take your cock out.” Joel orders Ezra.
Stunned and very much turned on, he does what he says and takes his cock out of his pants. Spitting into his hand he brings it back down and slowly starts stroking himself.
Joel looks back down at you in his lap, the bottom of your ass spilling out of the little shorts you have on. He reaches down taking his fore and middle finger and rubs a long stripe up your pussy through your shorts.
“I guess I haven’t been taking care o’ ya. My girls pussy needs to be fucked don’t it? Poor thing. I’m sorry baby let’s fix that.”
His hand pulls back before he gives your clothed pussy a slap.
A wanton moan fills the cab of the truck.
He helps you up, sitting you on his lap. You see Ezra watching, touching himself. You can feel yourself begin to soak your shorts. You face Joel and lean in, your lips softly landing on his. You start to pull away when Joel kisses you back, grabbing the side of your face as he deepens the kiss. You allow his tongue to enter, licking around, tasting each other. All too soon Joel pulls back. He hand goes to your face, squishing your cheeks together between his thumb and fore finger. He rotates you to look at Ezra.
“Our guest looks like he needs some help baby. Be a good host, open up that pretty mouth.”
As soon as he releases your face, you get on your knees, in between the two seats, looking up at Ezra as you reach out and take him in your hand. You grip around the base, giving him a couple of tugs before leaning in and kissing the tip. You give it another kiss before you open your mouth, your tongue darting out to taste the precum leaking out. You slowly start to take him into your mouth. Lips wrapped around his cock as you take as much of him as you can. His cock is about 6 inches, rather average but very girthy. You keep reminding yourself in your head to breath and relax. The more you relax the more you can swallow his cock. You start bobbing your head up and down as he watches you, letting out soft moans that spur you on.
Soon you feel Joel pull your hips up and work quickly on taking your shorts off. You pull off of Ezra’s cock with a wet pop as you go to pull your shirt off, revealing your tits to the men.
“Fffuckk.” Ezra mutters before leaning forward and taking a nipple into his mouth. You moan as you tangle your fingers into his hair, holding the back of his head to your breast as he sucks. You hear Joel behind you unbuttoning his pants and lewdly spitting on his hand.
“Lean back down baby let me see those sweet holes.”
Ezra releases your tit so you can bend over for Joel. You bend over, keeping your ass in the air as you take Ezra’s cock back into your mouth. Giving it a few sucks and finding a decent rhythm, your hand lets go so you can reach back and spread your ass cheeks open for Joel.
“That’s it baby just like that.” Joel grunts. He spits on his forefinger and middle finger and swirling it around your puckered hole. He slowly pushes one finger in your ass making you choke on Ezra’s cock.
His finger stills inside, wiggling his finger around a few times before pulling back out. His other hand comes up and starts rubbing your wet pussy. Quickly finding your clit and giving it a few rubs before pushing his finger back into your ass. Joel finds a rhythm fast, rubbing your pussy as he fingers your ass. The sensation alone has you on edge, you begin to move faster on Ezra’s cock.
Joel starts to add a second finger in your ass causing you to let out a little welp.
“J-Joel! That’s too much! I can’t take it!”
“Shh baby you’re taking it. Taking it just fine. Let me kiss it better.”
Removing his fingers, Joel leans forward, holding your cheeks apart, licking a wide stripe up your ass. Your hands now on Ezra’s legs to keep yourself up right. You and Ezra lock eyes as you moan, feeling Joel swirl his tongue around your asshole, licking into it, making your pussy spasm around nothing.
Ezra cups your face, “That feel good sugar? You like feeling his tongue in such a forbidden hole? I bet your poor sweet pussy must be leaking by now.”
You can’t help but let out a sob. You need more, your neglected clit needs friction.
“Shh I know baby I know, let him French kiss that sweet hole. Let him make your sweet honey drip so we may feast.”
Joel pulls back, spit dripping down his chin,
“Get on the bed Ezra.”
He puts his arm under you, pulling you up. You fall back onto Joel, your legs shaking unable to hold you up.
Ezra makes quick work of taking his boots and pants off, pulling his shirt off as he slides by you to get on the bunk.
Once he’s settled on the bed laying on his back, Joel helps you get on the bunk next.
“Lay on top of him baby. You, hold her open for me.” He orders the two of you.
Ezra pulls you on top of him, your back against his chest. His hands holding the backs of your thighs, right behind your knee as your legs are bend. Holding you wide open. You can feel his cock in between your open cheeks.
Joel undresses and climbs on the bunk facing you.
“Goddamn. Never seen something more sinful or fucking beautiful than this.” He reaches down and grabs ahold of Ezra’s cock and starts pushing the tip towards your puckered hole.
“Joel! Nno! I- I can’t it won’t fit! Please!” You try to move but Ezra’s got a tight grip on you.
“Shh baby it’ll fit, I got you nice and ready back here. He’ll go slow baby.”
He watches your hole as the tip goes in, he takes his other hand and brings it to your pussy and starts rubbing circles on your clit.
You throw your head back and let out a moan, finally getting some friction on your cunt feels so good, you feel your whole body relax, momentarily forgetting about your asshole.
“That’s it baby let it happen,” he whispers before leaning forward and pulling your clit between his lips and sucking. His hand that guided the other man’s cock in you made its way down to his balls, giving them a soft squeeze. Hearing him moan with you is making Joel’s cock leak. Ezra’s cock is almost all of the way in your ass now and it feels so good. You feel stuffed just from him.
Joel sits back up and just admires the two of you.
Taking himself in his hand he moves closer and swipes his cock through your folds a few times before slowly pushing into your pussy.
Your mouth is hanging wide open, your chest heaving as you watch Joel push you past any limits you could’ve had. Having both men now inside of you is an indescribable feeling. It’s a fullness like no other.
“ Oh fuck you both feel utterly divine. This must be heaven.” Ezra says breathlessly as he lays there inside of you, able to feel the weight of Joel’s cock inside your pussy.
“Move Ezra, go on. Let’s make her feel good.”
“Yes sir.”
He gives an experimental thrust, bouncing you slightly making Joel sink deeper into you.
He starts to build up a tempo, thrusting up into you while Joel stays still above you.
Soon Joel moves, finding a rhythm with Ezra. As one moves out the other moves in.
You can’t help but close your eyes as you lean back in ecstasy.
Joel’s quick to grab your throat, squeezing just right to make your eyes fly open.
“Keep your eyes on me baby, you will watch when I’m fucking you. Do you understand?”
Joel slaps you, not hard but enough to leave a slight sting. Your face turns slightly, the hand around your throat not giving you much movement. A wanton moan spilling from your lips.
“Yes Joel I’m s-sorry baby I won’t take my eyes off you again nngh ohh oh fuck oh fuck you feel so good. So full.”
Joel starts pounding harder into you, still squeezing your throat. Ezra’s holding onto your legs for dear life, the friction of Joel’s dick rubbing against him has him ready to burst.
“F-fuck nngh take our cum baby take every fucking drop you hear me?” Joel groans, you can tell both men are close.
“Mhmm cum inside me baby cum inside my little whore cunt. Mark my ass Ezra, I wanna feel you leak out of my holes oooh oh fuck oh fuck please cum baby!”
You reach down and start rubbing furiously at your clit, sending right over the edge. You let out a scream as you start coming, vision going blurry as tears escape your eyes. Your orgasm hitting you like a truck.
Both men soon follow right behind you, spilling their seed deep inside both of your holes.
All three of you still, breathing heavy as Joel pulls out. Ezra’s soft cock slips out right after him as he lets go of your legs.
“Hold on baby don’t move.” Joel tells you before reaching down in between the bunk and the drivers seat, pulling out an old school Polaroid camera.
Aiming the camera at you and Ezra he snapped a shot and a Polaroid came spitting out. He grabbed the photo and sat it by his leg. Then he leaned forward and snapped another pic, this one a close up of your cunt and asshole leaking cum. Taking both photos and placing them on his seat before laying down next to Ezra as he pulls you into the middle.
No one really said a word. It was just the three of you, laying together, soft smiles shared, basking in the soft embrace of each other before falling asleep.
A/n: omg lmao so this was meant to be a drabble, this is one hell of a drabble 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ thank you so so much for such a beautiful thot my sweet beef baby @beefrobeefcal !! I hope you love this! I hope yall enjoy this! I really loved writing this and thank you again for following me, reading, interacting, all of it! You guys are the best!
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m00nlight-ramblings · 8 months
Like Real People Do: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of "Like Real People Do"
After a slight mishap in the admissions office, you find yourself in the same History class as Eddie, pushing your friendship forwards (thanks to the help of Dustin Henderson).
Read Chapter 1 here
Pairing: Eddie x AFAB reader (named "Brooke" because I hate using Y/N, but will also be using "you" to make it reader-centric!)
Warnings: Swearing, dual pov. This entire series is 18+ MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I'm so happy so many people are liking this one...I love writing about Eddie *kicking my feet*. I've also noted that some people are wanting a tag list for this one, so if you want to be added, let me know!
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The heat inside the class room was stifling – one last heat spike seemed to be in full effect in Hawkins, and the lack of air conditioning inside Hawkins High really put a damper on any chance of comfortability. Eddie fanned himself with his hand, rolling his eyes at the sweat he felt pooling slightly at his collar.
Mr. Binkins, the history teacher, was droning on an on about World War I, much to the dissatisfaction of what seemed like the whole class. Eddie’s eyes wandered to outside the window, Mr. Binkins’ voice slowly morphing into the Charlie Brown adults – womp womp WOMP wOmP womp. This was his second time taking this particular class, and even though he got a D+ the last time, he had still retained the information somewhat.
In other words, he was really, really bored.
Eddie resisted the urge to start tapping a drum beat to the latest Metallica song he heard on the radio, his pencil resting between his fingers, ready for him to say “when”. No…he wouldn’t be that annoying in first period – besides, Mr. Binkins would probably tell him to stop within 10 seconds of him starting, and where the hell was the fun in that?
His mind wandered, running down his usual daydream subjects: music, his DnD campaign, the newest issue of Playboy Wayne was hiding under his bed that he thought Eddie had no idea about…
He sat straighter in his seat. You’d been in classes for a few days now, but Eddie had only seen you in the hallway a couple of times. You’d pass by and offer a polite smile, or even a friendly wave, and he would return the favor. He noticed you hadn’t seemed to be initiated into any cliques yet, and that you were equally friendly to everyone you came across whenever he saw you. At lunch, you were either sitting by yourself, or not there at all. Eddie hadn’t gotten the courage to ask you to sit with him and the Hellfire Club just yet.
Suddenly, the door to the classroom opened and in you walked, holding your books in front of you. Eddie’s heart lurched and he furrowed his brows.
Had he…conjured you? Like straight up wizard-ed you into the classroom?
“Can I help you?” Mr. Binkins asked, all heads turning to you. You offered him a smile – your trademark smile – and handed him a pink slip from the office.
“I was apparently put in the wrong history class for the past few days. The office told me I should’ve been in this one.” You scanned the class quickly, and when your eyes passed by Eddie’s, you deepened your smile, causing Eddie to blush.
Jesus, dude. Get a grip! You thought, slouching in your chair again to try and regain any sense of cool you had left in your body.
“Huh. Okay, Miss…Henway. Welcome! Tell the class a little about yourself.” He gestured to the rest of class and you turned.
“Okay. Um…hi,” You offered a little wave, “I’m Brooke. I moved here from Ohio at the end of June…um…” You made a face, pursing your lips together to try and think of something, “I’m a junior? And I work at the library. And I have a dog! Her name is Molly. Um…I think that’s it?”
“Very good. Have a seat anywhere that’s empty. Quite exciting…not only that you’re a new student, but that you’re in a senior class! Very good.” Mr. Binkins clapped his hands together, “Now, as soon as Miss Henway takes her seat, we can continue you.”
Eddie watched you scan the room again, and once you noticed the empty desk next to him, you made your way over, sitting in the seat and plopping your books on the desk. You turned to him and smiled.
“Hi again.”
“Hey,” He said, returning the smile. Lowering his voice down to a whisper, he spoke again, “So you’re in this class now? Cool.”
You nodded, “Yep. I guess the office messed up. Based on my transcripts I should be in this class. Do you know what page we’re on?” You asked, point to the textbook. Eddie shrugged.
“No idea?”
You raised your hand, “Sorry, Mr. …”
“Binkins.” The teacher said, turning around from the blackboard.
“Right. Mr. Binkins, what page are we on?”
“Great, thanks.” You started flipping through the book and snorted, your eyes darting over to Eddie. You whispered, “I don’t mean to sound rude but…Mr. Binkins sounds like he should be related to Bilbo Baggins with a name like that.”
Eddie chuckled and his heart flipped. “Fan of ‘The Hobbit’?”
“I read a lot.” You shrugged and gave him one last smile before turning your attention back to the lesson.
Eddie leaned back in his chair, his mind starting to swirl. So, he had met a cute – beautiful, really – girl, who was also really nice, and now in one of his classes. And on top of that, she seemed to share some similar interests? He blew out some air, trying to slow down the rapid pace of his heart.
He had a feeling he was going to be in a lot of trouble.
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Lunch period came quickly – thank god – and once you had grabbed your tray from the cafeteria lady, you turned to face the lunchroom. You had spent your lunch periods either sitting by yourself at the end of a table, in the library, or taken in by various random students like an orphaned colonial child. Which, really, you didn’t mind – you didn’t mind being by yourself all that much, especially when you remembered to bring something to read, or had some homework to catch up on.
You started to make your way to your favorite empty table when you heard a voice shouting behind you. “Hey! Hey!” Turning, you saw Dustin, waving his arms in the air with enthusiasm. Eddie and Mike were sitting next to him, hanging their heads in embarrassment. The other few at the table were snickering, smiling at you. Dustin waved you over and motioned to sit.
You sat down across from Eddie, sliding your bookbag underneath the table. “Hi, everyone.” You greeted.
“Hi! I’m so happy I noticed you walking to your usual empty table – you should sit with us instead from now on!” Dustin said, sitting back in his seat and smiling, “If you want!”
“Oh, thanks!” You said, “Yeah, maybe I will, if you don’t mind.” You eyed Eddie and he immediately smiled back at you, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, sure, of course.” He said.
“Great, then it’s settled! You can be apart of the lunch crew!” Dustin smiled proudly and ripped into his sandwich, chewing with his mouth open slightly, “How have your first few days been?”
You shrugged, pushing the salad you had gotten around with your fork, “Oh, it’s fine. I like school so it’s not too bad, but…” You trailed off, crossing your feet at the ankle, “Just an adjustment, is all.”
“Have you made any friends?”
“Dude!” Mike hissed, looking at Dustin, “You can’t just like, ask a new kid if they’ve made any friends yet. That’s rude.”
“No, it’s okay!” You offered, trying to lighten the mood, “I have…kinda? No one that I’ve hung out with outside of school yet…I have a bunch of classes with Nancy? Wheeler? So we’ve been chatting. Do you know her?”
Mike rolled his eyes and Dustin barked out a laugh, “Yeah, we know her. That’s Mike’s sister!”
“Oh! Oh, okay. Cool! She’s really nice.”
“Yeah…” Mike grumbled, in only the way younger brothers could. You shoved some salad in your mouth to shut yourself up, nodding and hoping someone else would take over the conversation.
“You could hang out with us, if you wanted!” Dustin offered, leaning in, “Do you play Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Dustin…” Eddie quietly groaned, “Please stop interrogating her. She’s only been able to take like, one bite of her food because you won’t stop asking her about her life story.”
“I…don’t, sorry,” You said, “Is that the game with like…dwarves and stuff?”
“Uh-huh! It’s really cool…if I do say myself.” Dustin reminded you of an over-enthusiastic puppy, which was really endearing. You noticed that Eddie, though seemingly annoyed with him, couldn’t help but have an affectionate air towards him. “I mean, we do other stuff too…not just DnD. We do movie nights, and go to the mall, and stuff.”
“I like the mall.” You offered politely, “I like to do a lot of stuff. And I like movie nights, too.”
“Next time we have one, we’ll invite you! Right, Eddie?”
Suddenly, Dustin shot up in his seat and yelped in pain, reaching down to his foot. Everyone at the table stopped to stare at him, including yourself.
“Jesus, that hurt, Eddie! Why did you kick me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddie said, in monotone. His eyes flickered to yours and back to Dustin, “I say we let her decide if she wants to hang out with us. Stop peer pressuring the poor lady to go to a movie night with us for Christ’s sake.”
Your heart sank a little – even though Eddie was friendly enough, it didn’t really seem like he wanted you to hang out with his group. Which was fine, since you didn’t know each other very well, but it still would’ve been nice if he had been a little more welcoming. Especially, considering you thought he was really handsome…in a rockstar, grungy kind of way.
“Um…well…I work weekends sometimes for the library so…I don’t really know my schedule. So who knows when I can even go to a movie night…” Pushing your food with your fork again, you tried your best to sound nonchalant, and not like a movie night would be the most fun you’ve had in a while.
Dustin frowned a little and took another bite of his sandwich, “Yeah, yeah. Okay…well…let us know…” He focused on his food and trailed off. You quickly looked up to Eddie, who was looking at you, but then looked away at his own food.
The rest of lunch was kind of awkward, with everyone making polite conversation about their “newest campaign” (whatever that was), and peppering questions in for you about your previous life in Ohio. Soon, the bell rang, and you made your way to the garbage can, throwing away the leftovers and sliding the tray on the collectable surface on top.
“Hey…” Eddie slid next to you, falling in line while you started to walk to your next class, “I’m sorry about Dustin. We don’t get a lot of…um, excitement? In Hawkins, so a new girl is quite a big deal for him, I guess,” He offered a smile, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.
“Oh, it’s okay. It’s kind of sweet, actually. I like him…he seems nice.”
“Yeah…he is. He’s really nice.”
Your heart felt like it was being squeezed with the obvious tenderness Eddie had for Dustin. You both walked in silence for a second before he spoke again.
“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the next time we do have a movie night, you are more than welcome to come. In fact, we’d love to have you. If you want, of course.” He said, avoiding eye contact. You brightened a bit.
“Yeah? Okay, then. I’d like that.”
“I’ll let you know, then. I do have to warn you, though – we usually watch strictly horror flicks.”
“Oh, no!” You squealed, a laugh rising within you, “I love horror movies but I get scared so easily…just make sure I have something to hold on to so when I jump in fear, I don’t fall off the couch!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, your mind immediately flashed an image of you in Eddie’s arms, nuzzling into his neck to hide from the movie playing on the television. Heat creeped into your neck, no doubt causing you to blush.
Eddie awkwardly cleared his throat, looking away, “Yeah, I’ll make sure to have a blanket or something…a super special blanket made to protect you from the big bad scary man on T.V.” He ended the sentence in a goofy voice, wiggling his fingers for affect. You scrunched your nose and giggled, both of you walking up to the entrance to your classroom.
Suddenly, the bell rang, giving you one minute to get to class. “Well…thanks for lunch today. And for the movie invite. I’ll see you around?” You said, smiling. Eddie nodded, rocking on his heels.
“Yeah, see you around.”
You turned to head into class and for some reason, looked back at Eddie. He was inching his way away from the door of your classroom, but made sure you were fully in your seat before walking away. Smiling to yourself, you sat down.
You were really starting to like Hawkins.
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Saturday night, you found yourself in front of Eddie’s trailer, smoothing your shirt and taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. Your first time hanging out with someone from Hawkins – hanging out with anyone in months, really – and you were a bit nervous. Never mind the fact that you were seeing Eddie.
No…those nervous butterflies definitely didn’t have anything to do with that.
The trailer was on the smaller side, so you heard multiple voices right away. It seemed like you were one of the last ones to arrive, even though you were right on time. Suddenly, the door opened, and Eddie’s smiling face greeted you.
“You made it!” He said, ushering you inside. “Did you find my place okay?”
“Yeah, it was easy! You’re close to my house.” You said, walking into the trailer. Eddie shut the door behind you.
The trailer was homey – full of knick-knacks and memorabilia. Though the amount of stuff was overwhelming (in a good way), it was meticulously clean. You immediately felt at ease – almost at home.
The rest of Hellfire looked up at you in surprise. Eventually, Dustin smiled and stood up.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were coming!” He said, almost too excitedly. Immediately behind him, Mike rolled his eyes and Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie chuckled.
“Must have forgotten to mention it,” Eddie murmured quickly, guiding you to the couch, “Okay, who’s ready for the movie?!” He moved on quickly, shutting down any conversation Dustin was about to start. Dustin shot him a curious look and shrugged, heading to the kitchen.
“I’ll start to popcorn!” He called, opening the microwave.
You sat on the couch and Eddie immediately handed you a crocheted blanket. You looked at him, confused.
“The blanket…you know…to protect you from the big bad man on T.V…” He answered sheepishly, turning a light shade of scarlet. Your heart flipped at the recognition from the conversation you had a few days ago. Taking the blanket, you unfolded it and smiled.
“Oh, Eddie. Thanks. That’s so sweet.”
Eddie shrugged and sat down on the other side of the couch, leaving at least two people’s worth of space between you, “Yeah well, I couldn’t have you scared shitless your first time in my place.” He tried to wave it off like it was no big deal.
“So I’m assuming we’re watching a scary movie?”
“Not one, not two, but THREE scary movies!” Dougie said, holding up three fingers, “If you can handle it, that is.”
“Oh, she’ll be able to handle it,” Dustin said, coming back with a big bowl of popcorn. He sat next to you, offering the bowl, “Right, Brooke?”
You nodded, taking some popcorn. “I hope so.” You looked towards Eddie, only to find that he was already staring at you. When you made eye contact, he immediately looked away, fiddling with the remote in his hand. Your heart did a cartwheel, and you stifled a blush rising on your neck.
You certainly hoped so.  
Thank you all so much for reading! As always, comments, reblogs, and likes mean more than you know!
Taglist: @cosmicdanielle @sapphire4082
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bratphilia · 10 months
note ✧.*‎ welcome to my descent into madness aka my first attempt at actually writing something with plot (there will be porn i promise you sickos). anyways this started out as a total daydream bla bla bla yall heard me say this many times before. anyways this chapter is just lore, setup, and foreshadowing for the rest of the story. no mike or william in this chapter bc its really just a flashback.
pairing ✧.*‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader, mike schmidt x reader
cw ✧.*‎ kidnapping, drug use, basically child abandonment, paralysis, manic episode
taglist ✧.*‎ @dilfity @iikyutee @kissingrhi @jen-parker @kathxstuff @papyrus-the-poet @lowballbread @cecelovesbooks @bluebearieally @cybunii @van-van @iamunabletothinkofablogname @1ncidentdropout @ice-echo26 @officially-a-simp13 @all4kura @el-sol-sale-de-nuevo @littlexstarlightx @samlow23 @iikyutee
chapter synopsis ✧.*‎ you're fourteen when fate pushes you over the edge, and fifteen when it gets even worse.
lovelace by hoshikoe ⟶ prologue
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you're fourteen when fate pushes you over the edge. freddy fazbear’s pizza, a rinky-dink restaurant geared towards kids, is where you’re forced to occupy one day in july. you’re not here for yourself — far from it — you’re here for your little sister, emmy. she isn’t the type of kid to run up to the creepy, uncanny looking animatronics while they robotically sing and dance, only to be apprehended by a tired employee, but she does love them. she loves them to the point where at least one day, maybe two, is spent at freddy’s over the summer. and guess who has to babysit her since mom and dad can’t make it everyday? that’s right, you!
anyways, back to the present. your eyes burn to stay open. the lack of air conditioning in the restaurant provides for a makeshift blanket. “em,” you say to your sister. her eyes are glued on the stage, humming along to the song the animatronics are “singing” while kicking her feet. she ignores you. “em, if i fall asleep, you need to stay right here.”
“mhm,” she murmurs back, continuing her humming. you roll your eyes. there was a part of you that knew you shouldn’t have trusted her. it was screaming at you internally as loud as it could, but the gripes of tiredness overpowered it with ease.
your eyes open for a second, in complete haze. as they open in the direction of where emmy sat, the chair is vacant. it doesn't immediately raise alarm — you're still halfway asleep — but another glance towards the hallway, the one where the employees seem to be coming from, there's the familiar back of a head walking next to a bright, golden colored character. when you finally wake up, you realize you weren't dreaming. your sister is gone. panicking, you rise up from the table and head off the only direction you can think of: down the hall. you aggressively brush pass other employees, ignoring their remarks, telling you that you can't be back there.
finally, a man forcefully stops you by grabbing your shoulders. "you can't be back here. what are you doing?"
"my sister," you say, not noticing how breathless you are until you start speaking. "my sister — she went back here. i have to find her."
the man raises an eyebrow at you. he's wearing a suit and tie, he must be an owner or something. "no one is back here except for employees, but i can help you find her if you say you saw her go back here." you nod, feeling somewhat assured. you know you saw her back here; she has to be somewhere. the man, who introduces himself to you as henry, tells you to wait back at your table. you do as he says, anxiously anticipating him to come out with your sister.
a flurry of things you would say to her flows through your head, each one more scathing the last. how she shouldn't have run off without telling you, going to a place that was obviously closed off to the public. when henry eventually returned, it was just about closing time. the restaurant was empty of patrons. an employee had asked you to leave, but you explained you were waiting for the owner to return something to you. the sunset cast an orange hue that shone through the windows.
"i'm so sorry," henry had said kindly. "i don't know where she is. i couldn't find her."
your face drops and your heart sinks. your lip trembles. "b-but i can't leave without her."
henry looks at you sympathetically. "let's call up your folks, yeah? don't want you to leave here empty handed, and i'm sure i could help alleviate the situation." you nod, tears forming in your eyes at the thought of your parents finding out about your negligence. you give henry your house phone number and lay your head down at the table. you stare at the abandoned bonnie plushie that sits on emmy's chair. you try to focus on it, its purple fur and red bowtie, instead of thinking about your parents' reaction and emmy's disappearance.
it was your dad that came. he didn't spare you a glance at first, just demanded where his daughter was. it wasn't until a sob escaped your lips that he turned to you. you'll never forget the look on his face, that look of disappointment, resentment even. he grabbed you with a tight grip on your arm and dragged you to the car. the car ride home was silent, your dad's jaw was clenched, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel.
"you useless thing," mom had snarled at you when you got home. "you ruined everything. you wanted this to happen, didn't you?"
you slammed the door and flopped onto your bed. on your side, your eyes were trained on the door to your room. you were waiting for emmy to come bursting through your door any minute now, ready to annoy you about anything she could come up with. but she never came. you stared blankly around your room that night, not sleeping, watching the shadows change and light slowly cast and darken over your room.
you started high school that year. freshman year wasn't anything that special. you actually managed to make it into a popular friend group. it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, though. it wasn't like your friends weren't nice, they were, it's just you felt so detached from reality at times that it was hard to enjoy what they were enjoying. you felt like an outsider looking in your own group. always wondering what the hype was about, wondering what other people could find so funny in the moment.
alicia, who seemed to be the head of the group, asked you what was bothering you so much. she didn't demand it out of you, and she didn't put you on the spot. something about it still put you off. "it's some shit with my family," you had told her, "don't worry about it, i'm fine. really." she looked like she didn't quite believe you, but she left it alone anyways. after that, the group treated you a little differently. you had guessed alicia told them what you said. it's not like they were distant, they seemed to be looking out for you more than usual, actually.
it wasn't until another girl in your friend group, kat, had pulled you aside, that you found a coping mechanism. you followed her into the bathroom. "i'm going to help you feel better," she declared. she pulled you into the larger bathroom stall and reached her hand out after searching for something in her bag. she held out a white tablet in the palm of her hand.
you furrowed your brow, unsure. "what is it?"
"vicodin," she told you, and again, "it will make you feel better."
you spared her a glanced and then took it, dry swallowing it. she smiled. "let's go to class, we have first period together."
it didn't kick in until about when class was over. a woozy, unsteady feeling washed over you. your head felt numb, and suddenly all thoughts about your parents and emmy were gone. that day was the most fun you had in years. you sat with your friends at lunch, completely immersed in their presence for once. you did stupid things to make them laugh, such as asking out a shy boy in your class. you wanted to feel like this everyday. you wanted to hold onto this feeling forever.
it didn't last forever, of course, and it wasn't an everyday thing. which is why you stood in the open doorway of your parents bedroom, age fifteen, in the middle of the night. they had a bathroom inside their bedroom that you planned to sneak into. you knew for a fact your mom had a container of vicodin in her medicine cabinet.
the only thing you could hear as you slipped past their bed, their sleeping bodies, is slight ruffle of your feet against the carpet and the beating of your heart. when you successfully made it to the bathroom, you carefully opened the medicine cabinet, disguised as a mirror, and used a mini-flashlight to search the labels until you eventually found a bottle labeled "hydrocodone." you were slow to take it, not wanting the pills inside to rattle and make a noise, then tiptoed back to your room.
you noticed how breathless you were. your mind raced with "what-if" scenarios. what if your parents caught you with the bottle in your hands? what would they do to you? you could only imagine your mother's harsh words, your dad's look of resentment, and suddenly you're thinking about emmy's disappearance again, and—
you freeze — no — you're frozen. you can't move any part of you. your grip on the pill bottle loosens and it tumbles on the ground. you want to reach out to grab it but you just can't seem to move. it's terrifying. your body horribly leans to the side, too. and then it stops.
you're still out of breath and wondering what the fuck had just happened to you. you abandon the pills, hiding them under your bed, you just can't do this right now. you lay down and stare at the ceiling, that moment replaying in your head over and over. you don't get any sleep that night. in fact, it's a night like the past couple nights, where instead of sleeping, you're ruminating in every little thing, every awkward moment, every mistake.
morning comes sooner than later. you're getting ready for school with your mind still racing. not just about the events of the previous night, or your fault in emmy's disappearance, but about every little thing. it's like your brain is on autopilot, though. you're doing things, putting your clothes on, fuck, even putting makeup on — something that was rare for you. reaching under the bed, you felt giddy. you couldn't wait to go to school today.
before you know it, you're at school, heart racing. you gathered your friends in the bathroom, it's cramped with the five of you in there. it was a little hard for you to get them together, you couldn't necessarily get the words out. it wasn't like you were shy or anything, it's like your mouth tumbled out all the wrong words. your friends look at you expectantly and you present them with the bottle of vicodin. only kat seems to be pleased.
"are you... okay?" alicia asked, a look of concern growing on her face.
you frowned. "i thought w-we could do this together. y'know? have some fun."
"i don't really do that sort of thing," was her response. she prompted the rest of your friends, even kat, out of the bathroom, leaving you there alone. you sunk against the wall, sliding to sit down on the floor. what just happened? you felt embarrassed, but like it was against your will, you popped two pills, and moved on.
it was as fun as you hoped it was. you were elated, actually. and you made a very important decision. randomly, you had decided you were going to go to freddy's and look for emmy yourself. she had to be there right? if no one had found her? there were big, obvious holes in your logic, but that didn't seem clear to you then in that moment. what mattered most to you was getting your sister back, getting your family back together.
you impulsively decided to carry out this plan in the middle of english class, asking your teacher if you can go to the bathroom. you catch alicia's eye as you leave. she offers you a strange look. as you walk out to the gate, someone calls your name. you turn and it's the guidance counselor on your trail.
"what are you doing?" she asked. "nevermind, come with me."
she leads you to the main office, close by the gate. she has you sit down in the waiting room while she dials your home number and calls your dad to pick you up. you barely pay attention to what she's saying until the phrase, "needs to go to the hospital, as soon as possible."
and that's how you ended up in the hospital, monitored by either a nurse or a tech. it's hard to tell, but at least two days go by in the blink of an eye. you refuse to eat, chewing desperately only at your finger nails and peeling off the dry skin from your lip; two anxiety habits you've always had, worsened by your current state of mind.
it's not until you wake up from a three hour nap, the most sleep you've gotten in at least a week, to the voices of your parents talking to a psychiatrist in the room. "...we think it's bipolar disorder. she's showing most symptoms of a manic episode."
"oh great, another thing for us to take care of," your mom says sarcastically. your dad is rubbing his eyes, looking pained. they barely even notice the fact that you're awake.
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empresskadia · 6 months
Alright, Round 3 because I was supposed to be writing something else but I crashed and burned for a bit. So, hear me out please:
Linda-058 likes to sneak up on her partner when they're not aware and hug them from behind. She tends to do this at the end of the day in your quarters, usually when you're so busy or stressed or when you're occupied with something else that you never see or hear her coming. She lives for the delight on your face when you turn to see her, and she can feel your heartbeat through her chest while she places her chin on your shoulder. It makes her day.
Kelly-087 likes to steal her partner's food. She swears that it just tastes better than her food when you catch her. It doesn't matter if it's the same MRE, the same food from the mess, or food you packed yourself, she will steal it. The first time you packed her the same lunch as you and brought it to her at the start of the day, Fred could've sworn she was skipping for the rest of the day.
The fastest way to fluster Cal-141 is to unexpectedly hold her hand. It's adorable how she has to confirm that it's your hand in hers and then pretend to not be excited that you are. Sometimes, she forgets where she is and just stares at your conjoined hands in wonder and daydreams of what life after the war would be like for the both of you. It makes fighting this war worth it if she gets to see that wintery cabin in her dreams become reality.
It's easy for Sarah Palmer to forget that, beneath the armor and rank, that she's human too. She often goes for long periods without sleep and pushes herself to be the very best for every soul under her command and on the Infinity. It's only with her partner that she truly lets her vulnerable side free. After one particularly stressful day, you had suggested she take a break and slow dance with you. It was in your arms, swaying to the music with her head to your chest, that she found peace. It's the little moments at the end of the day that make she lives for.
When I say I'm screaming and kicking my feet, I really am. OMG THOSE ARE SO CUTE! I love seeing you in my inbox. You are giving me every reason to make a Sarah Palmer relationship headcanons post. I'm tempted to link these on my masterlist if you're okay with it.
I think seeing the delight on her partner's face makes Linda feel so loved. Like she's more than a Spartan, a feeling she didn't realize she enjoyed until you.
All I imagine is Kelly running through the ship with her lunch above her head in utter delight. But also I agree with Kelly, stealing your partner's food always tastes better. This habit soon develops in you two sharing different meals, like you get one thing and Kelly gets another, then split it between you too and Kelly still steals off your plate.
It grounds Cal when she feels her partner's hand in hers. It's like a warmth that pulls her back to reality no matter how far her mind has traveled. And if you ever kiss her hand while holding it, Cal.exe has stopped working. She's also one to think about the future together even though she knows she shouldn't.
Sarah has slowly realized she can't pull rank on her partner because you just look at her with a 'try again' expression and continue to pull her out of her workaholic phase. Honestly, acts of service are her language, anytime her partner cares for her, brings her coffee, and genuinely just asks how her day is going or to tell them about her day, she feels so loved. AS SHE SHOULD
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Once Upon a December - The Invitation - Walter x Reader - P11
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All those days chasing down a daydream, All those years living in a blur All that time never truly seeing; Things, the way they were Now she's here shining in the starlight, Now she's here suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go
Evie slammed on the coffin ceiling for what felt like days, but was probably only a few hours, her face dried with tears, her throat sore from her begging cries “c’mon” she whispered, using a bobby pin from her up-do to try to pry her way out of the coffin “please-please” the bobby pin snapped and Evie hissed through her teeth, tossing the broken pin to the floor of the dark coffin, hitting her head against the back “shit.”
Her eyes snapped open at the sound of someone prying open the coffin lid, her breath catching as a hand curled around the edge as the dim warm light of the cellar flooded her eyes, a dramatic change from the darkness of the coffin. She nearly screamed as Walter's face appeared, his hand covering her mouth before she could “don’t scream.” He whispered, her ears barely catching his voice “Viktoria will hear you” he waited until Evie was just-staring at him, terrified beyond logic. He slowly nodded, believing she had calmed down, and pried off the rest of the lid “okay, keep quiet-“
He let out a grunt as Evie’s foot collided with his chest, sending his body to the leaf-covered floor. “Evie-wait” he coughed, quickly getting to his feet and chasing after Evie, following her through the servants' pathways as she tried to escape. He sighed, leaning forward and picking up speed, catching Evie’s shoulder within a split second and holding her tight, one hand on her mouth and the other holding her arms to her torso
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” Walter hissed into her ear, his eyes flickering about for any sign of life-or Viktoria “I didn’t drink the maid's blood,” Evie just kicked around in his grip, biting down on his palm and doing her best to get out of this situation “stop-don’t bite me-hey-hey-fuck” Walter huffed, closing his eyes as he prepared to admit something he thought he never would “-I’m Harrison.”
Evie stopped struggling, her eyes blinking rapidly in surprise and disbelief. Then she started to shake her head, closing her eyes as tears started to trail down her cheeks. Walter slowly released her mouth, then her arms, taking a wide step back as Evie slowly turned to face him “no-you can’t be” she whispered, glaring at the suddenly sheepish Walter, who was a fucking vampire who fed on the innocent and servant class-he had hurt Diya, her. You. He couldn’t be Harrison, the man you described in your few memories; to be kind, courageous, and a good man.
Walter, couldn’t be Harrison. “impossible” Evie whispered, holding her hand to her chest as she backed away from Walter, watching as his eyes cast down to the stone flooring “(y/n) would never love a monster like you” his eyes closed, as if in pain; but he nodded in agreement.
“You’re right, she wouldn’t…I wasn’t always like this” he whispered, looking down at his hands, clenching them as if they were covered in blood within his mind “I was a different person, back then…after she disappeared, I lost my way; I’ve become a monster…but-before that-I was the man she loved; I was a brother, a son…a husband…” Walter took a long shaky breath, licking his lips “I’m still one of those today, but not out of love, but of advantage; but I don’t want it anymore-not if (y/n) will give me another chance”
Evie looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers, and she could see the desperation in his ocean blue eyes; his words were true, he had been-he was-Harrison. He loved (y/n), and she had loved him-and he was helping Evie now-his words from the rehearsal dinner came back to her mind.
‘she-she left?’
‘play along’
‘I’ll explain later’
“You aren’t lying” Evie whispered, curling the chain of her necklace around her fingers as Walter-no-Harrison, nodded; sighing a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck “I am not, you told me-that (y/n) couldn’t have left-and-“ he licked his lips, it was hard to explain “it’s like I came back to life”
“Is (y/n) alive?” Evie asked, her body relaxing knowing that Walter-Harrison- wouldn't be hurting her, nor force her to marry him anymore. Harrison nodded, firmly “Yes, if she wasn’t, I wouldn’t be-my life is tied directly to hers” Evie was a bit confused at that but-the idea was kinda-romantic “I just-don’t know where she is-or what Viktoria did to her”
“She buried (y/n)” Harrison and Evie whirled around to see Lucy, her eyes teary and hands wringing together nervously, as if she expected Harrison to lash out at her for helping Viktoria hurt (y/n). “i-I don’t know where, but-she forged that note to you,” Harrison remembered the note ‘you’ left him on his letter, and face palmed; of course-how could he be so stupid “and-and she buried (y/n) somewhere, binding her to an eternal sleep” Lucy ended in a whisper, looking up at Harrison through her lashes, still expecting him to react with anger.
“Thank you for telling me the truth Lucy” Harrison muttered instead, nodding at her. Lucy smiled, her shoulders relaxing, tilting her head as Evie spoke up; “why are you helping us? I would think you would try to keep that-pact-no matter what?” Evie asked, crossing her arms as Lucy smiled with a shrug.
“(y/n)’s nice, and-she makes Walter” Lucy shook her head, correcting herself “Harrison-happy-and as one of his wives-it’s my job to make sure he’s happy, and (y/n) is what makes him happy” Harrison smiled at Lucy, walking over to her and hugging her softly, her hands going around his back and squeezing “thank you” he whispered, suddenly jumping back with his eyes wide, a spark of ‘well of course!’ in his eyes. “oh shit-oh shit!”
He dug into his pocket, taking out a wad of cash, Evie’s phone, her wallet, and passport; shoving the items into Evie’s hands and pulling her through the tunnels till they reached one of the exit doors “go-get as far as you can-and don’t look back till you’re back in New York, (y/n) will call you when this is all over.” Harrison muttered, pushing Evie towards the forest as he made his way to the path.
“Where are you going?!” Evie whisper yelled, Harrison not bothering to answer as he bolted into the darkness. She turned to Lucy, who just shrugged “I don’t know, but go-before Viktoria catches on” Lucy whispered, pushing Evie towards the forest, she slowly nodded; picking up her dress and running off the manor property, Lucy taking several deep breaths before running after Harrison.
Harrison raced down the path, his breath caught in his throat as he burst out the other side, his old home towering over him; illuminated by the moon-it almost looked threatening, as if telling him-you fuck this up, you lose this forever. Harrison swallowed, sprinting across the courtyard to the other side of the forest, running through another path that led to the mini-forest of Wych elms.
His breath stuttered as he spotted the largest wych elm, the dirt just underneath its branches disturbed and loose. He bolted towards it, falling to his knees as he dug his hands into the dirt, getting under his nails and staining his pants and shirt as he desperately tossed it aside. “c’mon, please please be here” he whispered, it had been where you were before-when he had been too much of a coward to look-it had to be where you were now-especially since it had been recovered.
Another set of hands joined his, and he looked up; seeing Lucy digging at the dirt with him. He whispered out thanks and returned to digging, cursing under his breath at how long it was taking just using their hands. “Master?” he looked up, seeing two of his butlers, Colin and Trevor if he remembered correctly, both holding shovels “We apologize, but we helped Viktoria bury her, allow us to rectify that sin” Harrison just stared, falling back on his heels as the two butlers moved towards him and began to dig-the dirt falling to the side in piles as lucy got to her feet, wiping her dirtied hands on her dress as Harrison watched with rapt attention-anxiety rushing through his veins.
“Stop” he breathed out as a bit of your skin was revealed to the moonlight; the two butlers pulled away as Harrison dropped into the grave, his hands carefully threading under your waist; his breath catching as your body pulled out of the earth, dirt falling away from your skin-catching on your lashes, hair, and bindings. “oh, my love-im so sorry” Harrison whispered, his voice catching in his throat as he cradled you against him, your head pressed against his cheek as he lifted himself out of the grave, Lucy grabbing his free arm to help him out.
He lay you across his lap, easily breaking the chains as Lucy sliced off the white ribbon; his hand cupping your dirt-covered cheek as your eyes fluttered. Harrison felt that-emptiness-completely leave him as you took a deep breath, fresh tears trailing down his cheeks as you opened your eyes, smiling as you saw your beloved Harrison “Harry” you whispered, reaching up and cupping his cheek “you came for me”
“Was there any ever doubt?” Harrison whispered out in a cracking voice, his face crumbling as you reached up with your other hand and cradled his jaw “I’ll be honest” you laughed, bumping your forehead into Harrisons as Lucy and the butlers stood and made their way back to the manor to give you the moment of privacy you deserved, a smile on all their faces “the whole-magic sleep thing, gave me pause”
Harrison shook his head, rubbing his hands up and down your arms before wrapping them completely around you “I’ll always find you, I’m sorry it took me so long last time” he whispered, sniffing as you shook your head, pulling him into a kiss.
You could taste his tears as your arms wrapped around his neck and your hands buried into his hair.
He kissed you as if you were his air, like he had been deprived of it for far too long, like a sailor reaching home. He kissed you like he had dreamed of it for hundreds of years, as if he never expected to be able to do it again unless he died. You smiled into it, feeling all the love he had for you pouring into your lips, like you were the only thing that mattered.
“I’m-I’m so sorry my love” Harrison whispered as you pulled away, lips still grazing together as you held his face tenderly, rubbing your thumb across his cheek as his hands clutched onto your clothes “I-I” his eyes closed as you squeezed his cheeks slightly, bumping your head into his “You have nothing to apologize for, at least not to me” you whispered back, pulling him into your arms and hugging him tightly, snuggling into his shoulder as his arms squeezed your waist.
“How? How can you forgive me so easily?” Harrison croaked, fresh tears streaming down his cheeks and soaking your jacket “After all I've done, the innocent people I've hurt-I thought you’d be furious?” you shook your head, running your hands through his soft hair as you squeezed his shoulders with your free arm “I will never condemn you for something I forced you to become.”
Harrison completely crumbled in your arms at that, sobs and choked cries forcing out of his throat as he collapsed in your lap, his head pressing against your gut as his hands clutched your shirt, your hands rubbing across the expanse of his back. “I would never be angry with you, only sad; because you had lost your way.”
You gently cradled his face, bringing him back up to look him in the eyes “but you found it again, all on your own; and I am, so proud of you Harrison” you whispered, closing your eyes as Harrison bumped his forehead into yours, tears still streaming down his face “I love you so much, and don’t you think for a second-I would ever stop-nothing-would ever make me stop-“ you kissed him quickly, opening your eyes as he stared into yours, his cheeks a solid pink “I killed for you, I sacrificed for you-the world ending-wouldn’t even stop me from wanting to be with you, to be yours”
You pecked his lips again, trying to reinforce in his brain that you still loved him and that he was worthy to have that love “through sadness, pain, and turmoil, I am yours Harrison Deville-through the joys and distress of life-I am forever yours” you whispered your vows, smiling as Harrison’s ears turned bright red, his misty ocean blue eyes glancing away shyly. You made him look at you again, pressing your thumb to his soft lips “I am forever yours.”
Harrison took your face and kissed you again, the kiss so full of passion-doing his best to get all the missed kisses from the last 900 years into one moment. “I love you” he whispered as he pulled away, pecking your lips between his words “I love you; I love you; I love you-I never stopped-I have loved you since the day I saw you-I will always love you.”
You giggled into his last couple of pecks, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a strong hug, squeezing him as tight as you could as he breathed in your scent, burying his face in your neck. You sat there for a few minutes, basking in the relief of finally having each other back again, of being able to just hold each other-with no boundaries of memory loss.
“i-I think” Harrison whispered as he pulled away, lifting a silver chain from around his neck and breaking it, holding your wedding ring in the palm of his hand “this belongs to you” you smiled, shaking your head as Harrison took your left hand and gently slid the ring onto your finger, kissing your knuckles as you leaned into him.
You sat there for a little while longer, just-enjoying the other's existence. You nearly fell asleep in his lap, his hands holding you safely, one of his hands rubbing your arm as the other held your waist. All too soon, he started to stand, moving you into a bridal hold as he began to make his way back to the manor “What about Viktoria?” you asked quietly and Harrison stopped, licking his lips as his brows furrowed.
Then something clicked, and his eyes went wide “You-you made my power, right?” he asked, voice quiet with a sudden idea. You tilted your head up at him, humming for him to continue “What if-what if you could take it away?” you furrowed your brows, leaning back in his arms “But-wouldn’t-wouldn’t that kill you? The spell brought you back to life-it binds you to the earth-to me” you whispered; if you took his power away, if you broke the spell-you would lose him all over again.
He shook his head “No-not from me-from Viktoria-she has my power, your power gifted to me-you could take it right back” that spark in Harrison’s eyes appeared in yours, you could force Viktoria to be human again; as a vampire, she was dangerous-she wasn’t as powerful as Harrison-no one ever would be- especially once he had some of your blood flowing through him again-but she was still a huge threat.
If you took that away, she wouldn’t be.
But how in the fuck would you take that power back? “I don’t know more than-“ you gestured to Harrison, curling further into his arms as he walked across the castle courtyard “-you-so how do I take away her power? I don’t have any magic beyond what links to you.”
Harrison grinned down at you, his eyes flashing bright red and you huffed with a knowing smirk, mirroring his mischievous one. “You still have the book”
“I still have the book”
Harrison gently set you on the study couch, quietly running back to the door and closing it, locking it with a huff “There” he whispered, it barely registering to his own ears-which could practically hear through walls. “Okay, okay” he ran to the bookshelf nearest to his desk, pulling on the bottom hidden compartment and withdrawing the very book you had used to bring him back to life.
He sat next to you, setting the book on your lap, resting his hands gently on your shoulders as you stared at the book, hands hovering over the leather-bound cover. “Love?” Harrison whispered, leaning into your space, intertwining his fingers with yours as you grabbed his hand, breath picking up pace as you stared down at the book. “Are you okay?”
“I-I don’t know if I can open it again” you muttered, tears burning in your eyes as the intended symbol on the leather stared back at you, taunting you-those whispers and clawed hands returning. The last time you had opened it, you had killed a man, drunk his blood, something that had scarred you in a way you would never heal from.
Yes, it had brought you back your beloved, but it had also made you spill blood, blood that was flashing in and out of your vision, Solomon’s face flicking into your mind “Hey,” Harrison whispered, taking your other hand and making you look at him “you are stronger than you think my love, you did what you had to do-and…” he shrugged, chuckling a bit shyly “I might’ve looked through the book-to see if it could help me find you-but-the spells within-only a few things have sacrifices, one of which being our spell-but-the others are simple, think uh…” he pursed his lips, realizing he didn’t watch anything you would know about-modern ‘magic’.
You shook your head, pecking his lips and tucking your head into his shoulder “I get it-thank you” you whispered, closing your eyes as Harrison curled his arms around you and held you gently, kissing the top of your head “You’re welcome my love” he whispered back, watching as you opened the book, squeezing you as you took a shuddering breath-before beginning to flip through the book for the first time since that night
You had found it.
You had found the spell, the magic-to take back your power gifted. No blood sacrifices thankfully, but it would require you to build up your magic presence a bit, to which Harrison believed/said you held a lot. He had mentioned in your letters, that the witch from the blood pact felt much weaker compared to you.
You thought he was just being-Harrison, but he truly believed you were very powerful, you just had no links to other magics other than him. and so-in the dark of the study, Harrison stood across from you, his eyes alight with love and trust for you.
“Go on, you won't hurt me” he whispered, urging you to test the new-found spell on him, just to make sure you could use it on Viktoria when the time came. You took a deep breath and nodded, setting the book down and standing, holding your hands out towards Harrison, the necklace almost burning on your skin as you called upon-whatever magics you had within you.
“Necronom Hezberek Mortix” you muttered, gasping as your necklace glowed, those red glowing marks appearing once more on your body, along with red glowing magic pulling from Harrison’s body into your hands. He grunted in pain, his face scrunching slightly as his power drifted back into you.
You quickly dropped your hands, refusing to take any more power from him, you didn’t want to risk his death. You couldn’t lose him again. “Well” Harrison chuckled, rubbing his chest, soothing the small amount of pain that had accumulated there “it works” you just stared at him, crossing your arms as the marks on your body disappeared after a few moments. “Hey, hey hey” Harrison whispered, walking around the coffee table and gently holding your shoulders “you got this, you won’t hurt me-I promise, you’ll only hurt Viktoria” you shook your head, hiding the smile on your face at the thought of getting back at the horrid women.
“Where’s Evie?” you asked, having wondered about the whereabouts of your friend since you opened your eyes again. Harrison nodded towards off, towards the doors of the manor “hopefully on a plane back to New York…I couldn’t do it” he whispered, smiling as you hugged him, snuggling his face into your hair. “come-you should get some food, and some sleep-no one goes into my room-“ you pulled back, grabbing the book, flipping through the pages till you landed on eh one you found earlier.
“A barrier spell?” Harrison muttered, tilting his head at the page “It’ll allow me to basically board off your room, and the study if you wish-no one can enter without permission, nor can they hear from outside it.” you said with a sneaky smile, giggling as Harrison kissed you, a smile on his lips “Your mind works wonders my love” he whispered, taking your hand as you closed the book and followed him out of the study, being as quiet as possible to get to his room.
As soon as the door closed, you opened the book, muttering the barrier spell under your breath, jumping as you felt it quickly affect the space you were in. “Huh” you muttered, you hadn’t expected to work on the first try “Told you” Harrison laughed,  wrapping his arms around your waist, his voice at a normal volume now-now that Viktoria wouldn’t be able to hear either of you while within the space of the barrier “you’re more powerful than you think” he kissed your cheek, leading you over to his bed (which had only been put in there the night before-just in case he needed to move you to his room.) “Now-what do you want to eat?” Harrison asked, pausing as you held your wrist out to him, looking at him with those eyes of yours that he had missed for too damn long. He smiled, shaking his head, grabbing your hand and pulling it down “You first my love, I can eat after you have your fill”
You rolled your eyes at him, always such the gentleman “A sandwich would be nice” you said, smiling as he nodded, walking out of the room with a bow-closing the door behind him gently as you stood and changed your dirt-ridden clothes, resting Harrison’s jacket on the laundry basket edge as the rest of your clothes went inside it.
You grabbed one of his soft-looking long-sleeved white shirts and a set of his boxers from his dresser, ridding your hair of dirt over the shower floor. soon Harrison returned with a fine-looking sandwich, taking a sharp breath at the sight of you on his bed, wearing his clothes. “Hi” you giggled, your necklace and ring glinting in the moonlight as he stared at you.
“Hi,” he whispered back, practically tripping over himself as he gave you your dinner, unable to keep his eyes off your exposed skin as you gratefully took the meal and took a bite, moaning as the wonderful taste hit your mouth. He had always made killer sandwiches, even back when there weren’t as many ingredients to one.
You looked up from the book to see his eyes on you, his breath catching every so often as his gaze trailed upon your body “You’re staring at me” you teased, giggling as his eyes snapped to yours, his cheeks flushing at your closeness “No no, you’re allowed” you laughed, giggling as Harrison rolled his eyes and kissed your exposed shoulder. “Now” you rolled up your sleeve, offering your wrist to him, smirking as he pouted a bit “you eat. You haven’t been full for nearly a millennium”
Harrison shook his head softly, gently taking your wrist and pressing his lips to your palm, trailing down until he found the pulse underneath your skin, kissing there before baring his fangs. He bit down; moaning as your blood flowed into his mouth, a power he hadn’t felt in 900 years surging through his body-revitalizing him-an energy returning to his chest-a fire within reigniting. You watched as he pulled away, your blood running down his chin and your arm, biting your lip as he licked it up, your arm practically clean when he pulled away, you took his chin; cleaning your blood from it and holding your fingers in front of his mouth-swallowing as he dutifully licked them clean.
“Harry” you whispered, falling into the sheets as Harrison hovered over you, his eyes glowing red and dilated; breathing heavily as he leaned down, almost kissing you with his bloodied lips-stained with you. “let me worship you, please” he whispered, gasping into your mouth as you pulled him into you, pressing a near desperate kiss to his lips.
“(y/n), (y/n), (y/n), (y/n), (y/n)” he said your name like a prayer, like a verse to be repeated and beloved for eternity; his lips traveled your skin- like you were something to be treasured, his hands held you-like someone worth dying for. He worshiped you, just as he asked to, unfolding you underneath him, his head buried in your neck as his hips rolled into yours, hands on your skin-burning his love into you, remnants of your blood caressing your skin.
He bit into the curve of your neck as you both came; marking you as his, kissing you deeply as you basked in the glow; the moonlight being your witness to your re-ignited love. “I love you; I love you; I love you.”
“I love you too, Harrison Deville”
-end of part 11-
 YEEEEEE THEY’RE BACK TOGETHER YALL!!! HOW’D YOU LIKE IT?? DID I DO GOOD??!?! i hope i did good, i was kicking my feet during the last half of it ehehehe
perm Walter/Tommy taglist!
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien​
OUAD taglist!
@anti-herosprettybby​ @hofficoffi​ @miniaturehideoutmentality​
@disneyfan50​ @reallysparklychaos​ @reallystressedhoneybee​
@rebellbelle​ @libbymouse​ @soulsfrostedheart18​
@zane2408​ @austynparksandpizza​ @tati-the-fangirl​
@habblez-the-babblez​ @lyre-online​
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peachyxboy · 11 months
A Love so Sweet, it Hurts 🥀 - Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene
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Lovelace Hospital - Albuquerque, New Mexico
It had been a few days since her encounter with this so-called 'Lalo,' and Tala was definitely not thinking about him. Not in the slightest...Except maybe on her drive back to work, and the rest of her lunch break. Or the other time when she was at home watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and her mind started to drift off to when their fingertips barely brushed against one another's when he handed over her food order. And yesterday while cooking she started daydreaming about his playful cadence. Or even today, Tala was at work and standing at the nurses station, she was looking over some files when she just couldn't help but think about Lalo. There was something oddly familiar, yet he had this vivacious air to him. Most of the men she encountered that came into El Michoacano were brooding or stoic, with a snarl or scowl to match. But, as stereotypical and overplayed as it sounded, Lalo felt different. Tala nearly cringed, even in her head she knew she sounded like a love struck puppy.
Tala knew whoever she got with wouldn't be some big, romantic, larger-than-life tale where she would be swept off her feet and live happily ever after. That was for the movies. Honestly, she didn't even try to actively date. Sure, she's gone on dates before, and had a few trysts here and there, but nothing ever stuck. They wanted more, but Tala was never ready.
Her daydreams were interrupted by a pen tapping the EKG scans in her hands. Tala nearly jumped as she looked up and saw three of her nurses grinning from ear to ear. "What?"
They giggled like teen girls at a sleepover and nodded past her. She turned and was met with the same smile from her memories. "Doctora," he greeted, "It's good to see you again."
Tala mentally kicked herself for standing there like a gaping idiot, "W-What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
He shrugged, "Not that many Dr. Tala's in Albuquerque. Really, I think you're the only in New Mexico."
"Right, umm...What can I do for you?" she pushed the file away and tried to gain whatever composure she had left.
"I was wondering if I could chat with you about a personal matter," he glanced over at the nurses and shot them a wink before looking back to her.
The nurses swooned and tried to hold back a fit of giggles and grins. Tala just nodded, trying to be the professional she knew she was. "Of course, let's talk somewhere a little more private," she said and ushered him to follow her.
Lalo gave the nurses one last grin before following after the doctor. "They're a lively bunch," he teased.
She chuckled a bit, "You have no idea."
Tala liked her nursing staff, though they lived for gossip. Then again, the whole hospital did, so she couldn't blame them. Especially they were also some of the few that pushed her to go on a date. "So, what did you need?" she asked, occasionally glancing at the patients in the rooms they passed.
She tried to make it seem she was still doing her job, but honestly she was just trying not to stare at him so much. "You were my uncle's doctor, right?"
Tala paused for a moment, "Uncle."
That's when everything clicked. She stopped in her tracks and finally looked over at Lalo, when she saw the resemblance now. She nearly scoffed but just shook her head and chuckled a bit, starting up her walking again. "Of course," she murmured to herself, "You're a Salamanca."
Of course it was all to good to be true. He couldn't have been some street dealer, he had to be right from source. Lalo picked up on her hostility quickly, but it didn't deter him anymore than it did intrigue him. "So you do know my family."
"All too well," she murmured, "But, I'm not your uncle's doctor anymore, so if you want I can give you the number of his-"
"I'm not here to talk about my tio, I'm here for you."
Tala tried not to look at Lalo out of spite now, but could just tell her was smiling at the side of her head. "What about me?"
"Well, for starters," he began and walked faster to face he head on, "You're just as beautiful as my uncle said you were."
Tala stopped but he continued his pace, causing her to trail after him, "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he said I was a radiant beauty in those exact words, what are you doing?"
"Well, I was waiting for the next time you'd come by the restaurant, but when you didn't, I figured I'd come to you," he replied as casual as ever.
Lalo kept his eyes exactly on hers, feet not missing a beat as he walked backwards. Thankfully, the hallways wasn't that busy, and most saw them coming and were quick to move to the other side of the hall. Tala, however, kept trying to glance over his shoulders, just in case a stray patient or cart was in their way. "Why? What do you want?" she asked, slightly annoyed that this was about her fourth time asking him that question.
"Isn't it obvious? I'd like to get to know you more. I find you...interesting."
"Well as flattered as I am, I'm afraid I'm busy," she remarked, seeing as they moved towards a more active area.
He chuckled, Lalo was enjoying this and he had no problem showing that he was. That just struck a chord with Tala, in more ways than one. "You need to watch out," she advised, seeing a CNA quickly dodge Lalo.
"Let's have dinner," he pressed on, not a care in the surrounding world to them, "It doesn't have to be anything too special, if you want, you still have to try my cooking."
"Seriously, watch out."
Tala could feel her anxiety bubble as she watched patients and nurses go in and out of rooms up ahead. "Just one night, and I swear you'll fall in love. With my cooking, I mean."
"Lalo watch out!"
In a split second, Tala watched as a nurse walked out of an upcoming room with her medcart, and she quickly reached out, yanking him to her. Lalo stumbled a bit, but balanced himself as held onto the doctor. Tala felt her heart lunge out of her chest a bit as she let out a breath of relief. "Oh my god, Dr. Velasco, are you okay?! I'm so sorry!"
"Yeah, Myra it's fine we're okay, really."
Tala felt her heart start to calm down a bit, but realized just how close she was to Lalo. She looked up and he was smirking down at her, "So, tonight sounds good?"
She just sighed and moved back from him, "If I say yes, will you not cause a scene at my hospital anymore?"
His smile grew, "I'll see you tonight then."
Tala just watched as he sauntered off, throwing her one last look before turning the corner and disappearing into the elevator.
El Michoacano
Later that day
Tala wasn't entirely sure why she even went. Everything in her gut told her not to. She knew the Salamanca's, and she knew that it was best to stay more than 10 feet away from any family member. But, she had a feeling if she didn't, he would be at the hospital everyday till she did. So, here she was, parked in front of El Michoacano and mentally preparing for what was to come. Maybe this was all a trick, an elaborate scheme to take her out. Maybe Lalo and the other Salamanca's were worried she'd squawk to the feds if anyone asked her. Or, as crazy as it sounded, this could just be a regular dinner. Whatever this would end up being, Tala finally exited her car and went inside.
She was just a few steps away from the door when she heard music spilling out. The 'OPEN' sign had already been switched to 'CLOSE,' and there didn't seem to be anyone else around like Domingo or Nacho. A quick peak through the window, and she saw that Lalo had set up one of the tables with a candle and flower in a vase. She could also see that Lalo was zipping around the kitchen, probably finishing up whatever he was cooking. It was kind of cute, all things considered. But, Tala didn't let that deter her from the truth:
Lalo was a Salamanca after all and-like his uncle and cousins-was probably apart of the cartel. She had no idea what his true intentions were, and for all she knew, this could've been a ploy just to tie up loose ends.
Never the less, Tala just took a deep breath and walked inside.
Lalo didn't think Tala would actually agree to join him. Don't get him wrong, he had all the confidence in himself, but the doctor didn't seem to be one who was easily swayed. Regardless, he was more than happy when he heard the small chime of the door as she entered. He lowered the heat of the grill top, before walking out to greet her, "Doctora."
Her usual neat bun was now down, her dark hair had a slight wave to it, but he could tell it was naturally straight. Her scrub top was switched for a light gray long-sleeve, and instead of her work shoes she wore some flat slip-ons. He figured she came straight from work, and the look on her face said it had been a long day. "Please, sit," he said as he walked out and pulled out a chair for her.
She was hesitant, but moved to take a seat, "Thanks."
"Dinner's almost finished, can I get you something to drink?" he asked, racing back to the kitchen to not burn anything.
"Just water," she called after him.
Tala glanced around, just to make sure there was no one hiding before they pounced on her. Was she being paranoid? A little. But, she could never be too paranoid when it came to the Salamanca's. A little bit later, he had brought out two plates along with a small pitcher of water with lemon and mint. He set it all down before taking his place next to her. "Please, after you," he said, unfolding his napkin and placing it on his thigh.
"So, how did you find out where I work?" she asked.
"Nachito told me," he explained, "You remember him, don't you?"
She paused for a moment, before remembering Dom call his friend 'Nacho' here and there, "Vaguely."
Her tension didn't ease as they eat, and Lalo could tell. "If you're worried about me, Doctora, you have nothing to worry about," he mused.
"It's nothing," she said dismissively.
He looked at her and chuckled, "You're not a very good liar, are you?"
"I assure you, I can be a very convincing liar when need be," she teased.
"Really? Go on then: tell me a lie."
Tala sat back and thought about it for a moment, her expression becoming serious. "You're not that good of a cook."
Lalo watched before erupting into laughter, as did she. "You had me there for a second."
"No, I'm serious. It's disgusting," she continued with a small grin.
"Who would've thought? You have a mischievous side to you, Doctora."
"I have a lot of sides to me," she said in a teasing manner.
"I'm sure you do," Lalo could only smirk behind his glass as he took a sip.
"What about you?" Tala asked curiously, "You seemed to pop out of thin air. Your uncle and cousins never mention you before. It's like you didn't exist up until recently."
"I liked to keep a low profile," he said casually, unphased by her pressing questions, "I take care of our business in Mexico, I'm just here to help out a little, you know? Make sure things don't get shaken up with my uncle in his state."
"So, are you planning on leaving soon?"
Lalo looked at Tala and grinned before answering, "I'm not sure yet. I wasn't planning on staying long, but something might cause me to stay."
She tried not to think too much into his words, but kept that in mind.
"So what about you? You seem to know way more about me than I know about you."
Tala looked up at him, this time her own smile forming on her face. "What about me?"
He laughed, "Well, let's start simple: where you from? Chef said you moved here three years ago."
"San Diego. But, before that Tijuana, and before that Philippines."
Lalo was a little surprised, but it made sense considering her proficiency in Spanish, "Tijuana?"
"I know, it sounds weird, but my family fled Philippines when I was just a kid. The smugglers brought us over and guess they got lost and we lived in Mexico for a few years before crossing the border," she explained.
Tala just nodded, for a split-second, her mind seemed to drift before quickly coming back to reality. "When President Marcos declared martial law, a lot of people got hurt. My parents didn't want me or my brother to go through it, so we left."
"Wow, you have quite the story," he said, hanging on to every word that left her mouth.
She just shook her head to lighten the mood, "Not really, I'm sure there's a billion other stories just like mine."
"Perhaps, but I've met a lot of people, and I have say: there's not one person as interesting as you," Lalo complimented.
She couldn't help but smile a bit, "You think I'm interesting?"
"Very. And smart, and beautiful, and strong," he continued, and Tala would be lying if she said she didn't blush a little.
"Is that how you charms all the girls you ask to dinner?" she remarked.
"Only the ones I like," he said with a wink.
Tala felt her heart flutter a bit and she couldn't hold back the smile on her face. Lalo liked seeing her smile, it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If that was even possible.
Dinner went on and Tala actually had a good time. They talked just about everything-except for the cartel and drugs of course-it genuinely was a good time. It's been so long since Lalo was able to just talk and get to know someone without having to worry about if they were going to kill him, or when he should kill them. Tala made him feel like he was just a person, not the scary Salamanca that everyone saw him as. And while he liked his title and commanding power wherever he went, it was refreshing to chat with someone who just saw him as Lalo. He ended up walking to her car when the night started to come to an end. "So, tell me: how'd you like my cooking?"
She chuckled and pretended to think about it for a second, "7.53 out of 10."
"Ouch, tough critic," he teased as he opened her door for her, "Anyway I could change your mind?"
Tala paused as they looked at one another, and she swore her heart skipped a beat when Lalo's eyes glanced down at her lips. Her heart was racing at this point and their closeness didn't help, especially with the scent of Lalo's cologne wafting in her direction. "It's getting late, maybe next time," she said.
Lalo just smiled and gently reached out for Tala's hand, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Her breath hitched as he gave her hand a small squeeze: "I'll be waiting.
It took Tala a moment before getting in her car. She looked out the window and waved goodbye before driving off.
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magmahearts · 1 year
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TIMING: before minecraft PARTIES: @mayihaveyournameplease & @magmahearts LOCATION: the streets of wicked's rest SUMMARY: beau tries to make new friends, but ends up needing a hero instead. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
Daily walks were important for physical health. Beau was sure to go on his daily walk, daily. Just as the name suggested. Part of him wished that he lived closer to BMV so his daily walk could be to and from work. As Beau walked he allowed himself to drift into vivid daydreams of living in the BMV. Being able to let people in after hours, steal their names and send them home. Life would be so beautiful with a BMV that was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Beau wondered if he should bring it back up with his manager, Mike. Mike was a twenty-seven year old child who hated his job and hated that he got promoted. Beau wouldn’t want that promotion either. Being promoted to lead took Mike off the floor. He was busy in the back dealing with management shit instead of out on the floor, mingling with the crowd, kicking ass, taking names. 
A small chorus of little meows tickled Beau’s ears, pulling him back into the present. “Kittens?” A smile tugged at his lips. Beau loved animals. Every few months Beau would go to a shelter to try and rescue an animal, and each month Beau would walk away with an employee ushering him out and explaining they’d never seen animals react like that to someone before. Today was going to be different. Beau just knew it. Beau could hear their little voices calling out to him. “Take us home, Beau!” They called. “We love you, Beau!” Beau rubbed his hands together. “I’m coming my lovelies! I love you too!” 
Beau tracked the cute choir until he came across a box. “FREE TO A GOOD HOME.” Was written in sharpie across the front. Not very nice to leave them in a box, Beau thought to himself. Especially not in this dark alley where they were less likely to be seen. Beau pulled out his phone, turning on the flashlight app so he could get a good look at the cute little faces. Beau was not disappointed. Five of the cutest little faces he’d seen in his life looked back at him. Four babies and one presumably mommy cat. “Hey babies.” Beau crouched down next to the box, ignoring the hiss starting in the mom’s throat. “Want to come home with me.” Beau lowered his hand into the box. 
Scratch. Scratch. Bite. Bite. Bite. “Ow!” Beau jumped to his feat, hopping backwards. The little beasts attacked him. “Fine! Stay in that box!” Beau nursed his hurt arm against his chest. They did not stay in the box. The little horde jumped out of their container. A bite on his ankle announced the first attack. “Ow!” Beau jumped back again. Listen, Beau knew he wasn’t like the greatest dude in the whole world. But he wasn’t a monster either! He couldn’t just kick the kittens away. “Stay back and no one gets hurt.” A swipe. “Ow!” Beau took off running. Behind him he could hear the pitter patter of tiny feet slapping the pavement. They were chasing him? Why were they chasing him?! “Help!” Beau shouted. “Someone help! They are going to kill me! They want me dead!” 
Being a superhero was amazing. It was exciting and thrilling and downright fun. And, Cass was learning, it was a very good way to get people to like you. People might find the girl who spent a little too much time rambling about rocks and comic books annoying, but people loved the superhero who swooped in to save them from danger. Even if they did get her name wrong half the time. (What the hell kind of a superhero name was Magnets? Why would a volcano-themed superhero name themself that? It was Magma! It was a good name! An obvious name! Magnets made no sense!) 
She wasn’t sure if being a superhero would be quite as feasible anywhere else, but in Wicked’s Rest? There was rarely a night where she didn’t find some kind of crime to fight. A robbery, a mugging, a supernatural animal attack of one kind or another. There was danger around every corner in Wicked’s Rest and, luckily for the people who lived there, there was also someone always ready to fight it. 
She sat up on a fire escape, kicking her feet and waiting for something to happen. It usually did in this town, and tonight was no different. After only a few moments of waiting, she heard the thunderous footsteps of someone running down the alleyway, screaming for help. Jackpot. Dropping her glamour, she stood and dropped into the streets, rushing out to see what awful, terrible thing she was going to get to save someone from today. A chimera made up of spare parts? A hellhound intent on consuming everything it came across? A hoard of vicious, wild, furious…
She faltered as she took in the scene. A grown man running down the street, screaming for help and insisting he was about to be killed, pursued by a handful of hissing, spitting, skinny kittens. Cass bit her lip to keep from giggling. Slowly, she approached. “Um,” she said, voice distorted by the lack of the glamour that made her look and sound more human, “are you… okay?”
“Am I okay?” Indignant. Beau was offended that this fellow fae would ask him if he was okay when he clearly wasn’t. The kittens were trying to attack him! Beau shuffled behind the fellow fae, grabbing her shoulders and placing her firmly between him and the hissing little beasts. “I just wanted to be their friend! Look at me. I’m a loveable little guy.” The kittens didn’t care for the fiery blockade. One of them crawled its way between the girl’s ankles and took a good swipe at his ankle. “Ow!” He cried, hoping back. 
Beau was on the move again, using his longer legs to keep ahead of the kittens as he started running circles around the fae. “Why are you unglamoured in public? Whatever. That doesn’t matter. You have to help me. Catch them or something. Give them to a shelter. Do something. Anything! They are trying to kill me.” The street lamp Beau ran under was a spot light to his own humiliation. God gave his toughest challenges to his silliest soldiers, and Beau was just a silly happy man. He didn’t deserve this. He really did want to be a safe place for the kittens. 
The mama cat, who hadn’t been born recently, seemed wise to Beau’s tricks. She’d sat in the middle of the circle, mouth pulled in a hiss, but unmoving. Beau should have known the mother cat would know too much.  Sitting there. Watching. Waiting. She pounced. She landed right on Beau’s back. Beau started howling at the top of his lungs. “Ouch! Mercy! Mercy! Help me!” What had he done in his life that would make cats hate him so much. “I’m begging you. Do something. Anything! I can’t! I don’t want to hurt them! This is killing me! They are going to eat me alive!” 
The pain of the cat ontop of him was too much, Beau could no longer watch his footing. He toppled to the ground. It was game over for him. The kittens joined the fray and he could feel his body being shredded by tiny kitten claws and mouths. They must have been starving because he was sure they were trying everything in their power to eat him. “Please!” He was reaching a hand out towards the fellow fae. “Tell my family… .tell them…. I’m not sorry. I’d do it again.” 
The kittens were kind of adorable, even with the hissing and the swiping. Cass tried very hard not to laugh as the man began ranting and raving, allowing him to place her as a blockade between himself and the cats. That was what superheroes were for, anyway. “Did you do something to them?” If he had, she definitely wasn’t going to help him. He probably deserved to be eaten by kittens if he’d tried to hurt them, but given the fact that he didn’t seem interested in hurting them now, she kind of doubted that this was the case. They just… really hated his vibes.
She watched as the kitten crawled through her legs to take another swipe at the other fae, watched again as he tried to keep away from them. It was pretty entertaining, and she struggled to maintain her composure. “Because I want to be,” she replied. Normally the answer would be because I’m a superhero, but she didn’t really want to be a superhero right now. Not when he’d probably ask her to ‘superhero’ him out of this very funny situation. So, with a wrinkled nose, she put the glamour back up and allowed herself to go back to being Cass instead of Magma. Just for a moment. 
“They’re not trying to kill you,” she said, but as the largest cat jumped into his back, she wasn’t so sure. The big cat did look pretty mad, and she was pretty effective in her attack. Much more so than the kittens, who were mewling and yowling from the ground now. When he fell, she figured it was probably time to step in.
Carefully, she moved forward and reached out a hand. One of the kittens sniffed it, then pressed its head against it with a quiet, more content meow. Cass smiled, picking it up by the scruff of its neck and gently tucking it into the inside pocket of her jacket. She did the same with the next kitten, and the next, until her pockets were full of squirming kittens and only the mother cat remained. It was lucky she’d worn a jacket with many large pockets, otherwise this man would have been mostly on his own here. With only the mother cat left, Cass crouched down. “Come here, kitty,” she said gently, wriggling her fingers. “If you come see me, we’ll get you some tuna. Sound good?”
“They’re not trying to kill you,” 
Those were going to be the last words he heard before he died. Beau knew it. He knew it as sure as the sun would rise in the morning after his death, and as sure as he knew that no would mourn his passing. As the mother cat bit viciously into his shoulder he saw his life flashing before his eyes. Would it have been different if he hadn’t stolen his parents names? They’d still have kicked him out, that was an event that always happened on a spriggan’s eighteenth birthday, but maybe they wold have welcomed him back for the holidays. Maybe the other fae would have gathered around to protect him when the warden came calling, instead of kicking him out on the streets. There was a whole world of what ifs and they all chose that moment to harass him.
Finally the other fae decided to do something about his horrible predicament. The kittens were being lifted off of him. One by one he could feel their sharp claws and teeth being lifted off his body. Freedom. Pain still stung his skin. He knew he was going to be covered in scratches for days. Hopefully it wouldn’t give him cat scratch fever. He wasn’t sure he could survive such a terrible thing. Was it a thing? Or just a song. He didn’t know. All he knew was the pain that surrounded him. It ate at him. It tore through him. He was aching. 
The only cat left was the mother cat. The mother cat who hurt most of all. Was tuna enough to drive the cat off him? Beau prayed to everything above. “Please,” He said to the mother cat. “I didn’t do anything except want to giving you a loving home.” Tears were filling his eyes. The pain from the encounter had been too much. “Please just leave me here. You’ve already killed my dreams, you don’t need to kill me.”
She actually felt bad for the other fae as he pleaded with the mother cat, something in her chest aching. Maybe it had been mean to laugh at him before. The situation was objectively funny — a grown man being chased and attacked by kittens felt more like an SNL skit than a real life event — but he did seem upset about it. And it was bad to laugh at other people’s pain. It was wrong. It certainly wasn’t very heroic.
To make matters worse, it did seem like he’d actually been trying to do something decent. He hadn’t hurt the cats, not even when they were hurting him. He was probably a much better person than Cass was; kinder, happier, easier to love. He probably had more friends, more people who would help him put band-aids over the scratches the kittens had left and put some kind of ointment on the bites. Just… not friends who were cats, she was guessing. But maybe the fact that Cass had laughed was one of the reasons why she didn’t have that, why she didn’t deserve it. Her thoughts went back to Debbie no matter how much she attempted to force them in any other direction. Would Debbie have laughed? 
Carefully, Cass scooped the wriggling mother cat into her arms and began stroking her between the ears. “I’m sorry I laughed at you,” she told the man. “I really don’t think the cats were trying to kill you. I think they were just scared. Do you want to help me find them something to eat? Maybe they’ll like you more if you give them some tuna.” They probably still wouldn’t like him, but maybe they wouldn’t hurt him. “I’m Cass, by the way.”
Beau knew he looked like a mess. Nothing like the handsome and suave man he wanted to present to the world. The tears had turned his face red, and the scratches had turned his body red. An ache ran over him where his back had hit the concrete, and that was nothing compared to the now constant burning of his flesh from the millions of tiny scratch marks. Now there was a girl, practically a child, and fae to make it worse apologizing for laughing at him. At him! Could his day get any worse?
The answer was yes because the laughing fae child was able to pick up the mother cat as if she wasn't a demon spawn intent on tormenting this Earth. Apparently, it was just Beau who the cat wanted to attack. It was just Beau who wasn't good enough to be friends with. A bit of his tiny fragile ego started to crack under this enormous pressure. It wasn't fair to him. He had been the one trying to help the cats but he had scared them? What about him? Hadn't they scared him when they all attacked him? Beau scowled deeply as he got back to a standing position, brushing his clothes off. It wouldn’t be right for a noble BMV worker such as himself to be seen walking around dirty. 
“Fine.” He muttered. Deep breath. Find the happy man he was. “I am cheesed to meet you.” The words came out in a hiss, then suddenly his smile was plastered to his face, containing all the rage he felt in his little body. “Cass is a beautiful name, may I have it?” He let out a boisterous forced laugh. “”My name is Beau, but everyone can call me Beautiful.” He pronounced it so the first half of the word was said like his name instead of bew. “Lets go get these little angels” Acid burned on his tongue and his stomach curled with the lie “something to eat.” Then maybe they could eat them. How did cat stew sound for dinner? Because from where Beau was standing it sounded delicious.
Absently, Cass scritched the mother cat behind the ears, shifting as the babies wriggled around in her pockets. The more she looked at the stranger, the more the guilt burned in her throat. She should have snatched up the cats sooner, before they dug in as deeply as they had. Why hadn’t she? Was it because of the fluttering in her stomach, the feeling that meant this man was fae and the memories of all the fae who’d rejected her in the past? Was some part of her subconsciously punishing a stranger for the actions of people who hadn’t wanted her, people who had probably been right not to want her? What kind of a superhero did that make her? What kind of a person? 
She smiled faintly, though it wasn’t entirely genuine. She felt too bad to be genuine. As he spoke, though, something clicked into place. “Oh. You’re the cheese guy.” She’d seen him online, trying to score dates with… just about everyone, and stealing a few names here and there. It made a little more sense now, his phrasing when he spoke online. Judging by the way he spoke, he knew exactly what he was doing when he asked for people to give him their names.
And he wouldn’t be dissuaded by an alternate introduction, either, it seemed. Cass raised a brow, and she might have been amused if her guilt hadn’t soured her name. “You can’t have my name,” she replied. “It’s mine, and I like it. But I like yours, too. Beau is a nice name. Can I have it?” She was only teasing, of course. For all the use she got out of promise binds and thank yous, Cass didn’t really make a habit of taking names. There just wasn’t much you could do with them after. “There’s a corner store nearby,” she replied, turning to walk in that direction. “Maybe they have cat food. Or we can get tuna. I bet they’d like either one. Come on.” Without looking to see if he was watching, she headed in the direction of the aforementioned corner store, shifting the mother cat in her arms to maintain an easy grip. “I guess we should take them to a shelter or something after, huh? They shouldn’t have to live on the streets.”
Anger shifted through Beau’s body as the little brat told him point blank, he couldn’t have her name. Why couldn’t some people be more thoughtful? Wasn’t he a good guy? Wasn’t he having a bad day? Couldn’t she see that a little name giving would turn this night around? But no. Not only did she get to pet the cute cats, but she was also smug about it. He could see the disdain in her eyes, the fake behind the smile, the way she stroked the mother cat like some villain in a television movie. Oh, yeah. He could see all of it. Beau knew, in that moment, that he hated that little brat more than anyone else in the town. Years of practice always prepared him for moments like this. Years of smiling at everyone who refused him his simple request. The smile on his lips, forced to spread and show his glistening pearly whites, was well practiced. Never let them see the true anger inside. 
“Haha.’ He let out a forced chuckle. “Good one.” He pointed a shaking finger at her. “Got me back with it.” He laughed again. “You can’t have my name. It’s my name. I stole it fair and square.” Had the little brat called him the cheese guy? He couldn’t remember. Whenever people refused to give him their names, he always blacked out from rage for a second. His mother would say that was a failure in him. His mother had also lost her name, so what did the bitch know? Beau followed as the brat led them towards a corner store. He just knew he was going to have to pay for these tiny bastard foods. After they had tried to eat him. Because that’s just how much the universe hated Beau Bueford. Everything was constantly against him. 
The door dinged as they walked in. A tired looking employee sat behind the counter reading a book called “Making Friends for Dummies.” What kind of dumbass idiot would need a book like that. Just make friends. Some people had no insight in life. Those people were Beau, who had no friends but was actively making fun of the clerk in his internal monologue. Beau stomped his way to the pet aisle, grabbed the first generic cat wet food he could find before stomping back to the idiot behind the counter. “Hey,” He squinted to name the name tag. “Charlie.” Beau slammed the cans on the counter. “I like your name.” 
The employee looked fluster, putting the book down and moving forward to scan the item. “Thanks.”
 Beau gave a little nod. “I accept your thanks.” He told the man. “Hey, Charlie, I had a friend named Charlie before. Nice guy. Wouldn’t mind another friend named Charlie.” The employee looked more and more confused with each passing word coming out of Beau’s mouth. “Great guy. I miss him.” Beau stared dramatically off into the distance, letting the pause between them grow more and more awkward. “For old time’s sake, just so I can relive my joy, could you just say you’re giving me your name? Old Charlie loved doing that.”  
The employee, confused, under duress, obviously no clue how to get out of the situation started to stammer. “You just want me to say I give you my name?” At Beau’s nodding the employee continued “I give you my name. Please, sir, is that all for you? Your total is seven dollars and thirteen scents.” Ah. He could feel the snip of the thread as the man lost his name and it wove its way into Beau’s being. At least this made him feel better.
Beau grabbed the cat food with one hand and started to walk away. “I’m cashing in my thanks, this is free.” Beau didn’t wait for a response; didn’t wait for the man to register he’d just lost his name and now had to cover the cost of some generic cat food. “Come on, kid.” At least he wasn’t seeing blood red when he looked at the brat anymore. He led them back outside so she could feed her new cats. “They like you. Why not keep them all instead of taking them to a shelter.” 
There was something… weird about this guy. Cass wasn’t sure what to think of him. Fae couldn’t lie, but some of them were very good at exaggerating the truth. (Cass was very good at exaggerating the truth.) He was smiling, but there didn’t seem to be any joy behind it, didn’t seem to be any amusement. Instead, he seemed… a little upset. Fear rose up in her chest, that old anxiety involved with another fae being angry with her a difficult thing to shake, even when the fae in question was a weird stranger who she’d saved from feral kittens. She tried to shake the feeling away as best she could. All they had to do was get these cats fed and get them to a shelter. Then they could go on their way.
“You stole it? So it’s not your real name? Why do you go by it, then? Are you worried about losing your real name? That’s smart.” The questions tumbled out all at once, anxiety eliminating any filter she might have otherwise had. People liked it, sometimes, when you asked them questions about themselves. People liked talking about themselves, liked being the center of attention. Cass had learned to use it to her advantage over the years, but she wasn’t sure it would work with this guy. There was something funny about him; nothing he was putting forth on the surface seemed to align with what was going on inside his head. Cass didn’t know how to juggle that.
She followed him into the corner store anyway, offering the clerk a small smile as they entered. The book was intriguing; it reminded Cass of the ones a woman online had been advertising some time ago. Did this guy need friends? Maybe Cass could give him one. She was about to strike up a conversation when Beau marched up to the counter, a box of wet cat food gripped tightly in his hands.
She could see what was going to happen before it did. Online, Beau seemed to take great pleasure in stealing names. It clearly wasn’t any different in person. Cass thought she might try to stop him, but… She couldn’t help but remember his thinly veiled anger when she hadn’t given him her name. As stupid as it was, she didn’t want Beau to be mad at her. So she let him steal the poor clerk’s name, followed him out before the man could notice. It was mean, but maybe she could make it up to the clerk later. She could help him find a new name or something. Maybe that would be nice.
Back outside, she took the cat food from Beau and opened a can, setting it down on the concrete and removing the kittens from her pockets one by one. They surrounded the can, meowing loudly as they began to dig in. Cass knelt down beside them as they feasted, gently stroking the nearest kitten.
At Beau’s question, she glanced up. “I don’t have a house,” she replied with a small shrug. “It wouldn’t be right to keep them when I don’t have anywhere for them to be safe. They’d be better at a shelter, where people who can take care of them can adopt them. Maybe you can take one. I bet it’d warm up to you after a while.”
"Of course I'm worried about losing my real name." Beau had been worried about losing his real name since the day it had happened. Now there was nothing he could do about it. It was gone forever and he was left suffering as Beau Bueford. His real name was probably very beautiful. A name of gorgeous magnitude. Whatever that name was? He'd remember it again eventually. As soon as he saw that fucking Jedidiah Sebastian again. More anger forced its way through him, rampaging around his tiny body. He forced another smile. "You never know who is going to trick you. You never know who wants to take things from you." At least she'd made it easy. He hadn't had to lie about any of that. It was all true, even if it came out misleading. 
The night was hot, humid and summer. Beau now had a fae following him around, one that looked like a lost puppy that had been kicked the moment his first fit of rage festered over him. Of course he'd noticed the fear that had flickered behind her eyes. He wasn't a fucking idiot. Maybe this girl didn't think she deserved his ire, but hadn't she let him suffer under the effects of the cats for longer than she had to? Had she not foiled his plans to steal her name? Even if those plans hadn't been veiled at all and even though he had no right to her name and could understand why she wouldn't give it up.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. He did his best to let the anger roll out of his body. Anger management classes were offered at the BMV sometimes, drivers often needed to manage their anger, and he'd heard some of the classes in the back. Not that he'd ever needed to attend. His anger was understandable and manageable. Beau opened his eyes and blinked at the girl now feeding the cats. Thank the morning dew, they decided to focus their attention on the cat food instead of swiping at his ankles again. 
"What, so you're just a homeless kid?" Beau asked. There was no sympathy in his heart. This child was a fae. If she wanted a home, she could promise bind one from a human. They weren't hard to steal from, they were all dumb. If this child was homeless, it was because she was doing everything in her power to be homeless. Then the child proceeded to insult him by suggesting that he take one of the cats home. "Take one of those monsters into my home?" The scowl that deepened the creases in his face wasn't covered fast enough by his mandatory fake smile. "After what they did to me? I don't care what happens to them as long as they never come near me again." 
Beau absently rubbed at his torn up flesh as he said that. He hoped they never got adopted. He hoped those cats had a horrible and miserable life that left them crying every night. That's what they deserved for attacking him. "You can do whatever you want with them. Leave them here for all I care." He threw the words out there as if they meant nothing, because to him, they didn't. 
Maybe he was smarter than he seemed, then. When she’d first noticed him online, trying to steal names from everyone he spoke to, she’d thought he was a little dumb. His attempts weren’t even subtle, and anyone who knew the first thing about fae would know exactly what he was trying to do, wouldn’t they? At least when she bound people, she was careful. She tricked them into thank yous and I promises, which were so much easier to swing. And so much more useful, too. What did you even do with a name once you had it? What was the point? 
But maybe he did know a thing or two. Giving a fake name by default meant that your real name could never be stolen at all. Maybe it was something she should try on for size. Stealing just one name so she could use it as a layer of protection against her own might not be the worst idea in the world, even if she didn’t think she wanted to tell this guy that he’d given her a half-decent idea. He’d be annoying about it, she could tell. And she wasn’t even easily annoyed!
She continued petting the kittens as they ate, enjoying the quiet purrs that rose up from their tiny bodies. They’d just been hungry; that was all. She understood how they felt. Cass had had days where she was so hungry that she would have done anything for some food, too. Maybe not clawed and scratched at a random stranger, but she wasn’t a cat. To a cat, maybe that was a great solution to hunger.
“I’m not homeless,” she said, a little defensive. “I just don’t have a house. Houses are stupid. So are apartments. I live in a cave. It’s better.” Caves were more reliable than houses, and you didn’t have to pay rent, and no one ever told you that your grass had to be mowed. What did a house bring you but trouble and headaches? 
She glanced up at the man as he spoke again, deciding in that moment that she didn’t like him very much at all. What kind of a person could be so cruel to kittens? “I’m not going to leave them here,” she said. “You know they were just scared, right? Scared and hungry. Nobody acts their best when they’re scared and hungry. They didn’t mean to hurt you or anything.” But she didn’t think she’d trust him to take one home with him anymore, anyway. “I’ll take them to the shelter, and they’ll get homes. They’re cute — people will definitely want to adopt them.”
“Sure kid,” Beau was standing a respectful distance away from where the cats were enjoying their new feast, and the fae child was petting them. “Because there is a big difference between being homeless and not having a house. So, what, the box that you sleep in on the street counts as a home now?” Beau rolled his eyes. The youth of this generation. “Listen, honestly, I don’t care where you live. The cats don’t care either. Look at them. They were living in a box at the side of the street before this too. You all have so much in common. No matter they like you so much.”
Jealousy panged at his chest as he said that. He longed to have an animal companion. Didn’t he deserve the love of a small furry animal companion that wanted to curl up in his lap and purr? Or a dog who would wag its tail when it looked at him with its big, beautiful eyes? Didn’t he get to be happy too? No. Because the universe was always saying fuck you Beau. It took his names; it took his happiness and now it took his dreams of having a pet of his own. This world was really against him. Everyone was against him. This fucking fae child was probably against him.
Once more he could feel the anger in him rising. He wasn’t hungry, and he wasn’t about to act his best. How come cute little kittens get excused for attacking a person because they are hungry, but the universe takes away everything he loves about life when he messes up once. “That’s not the way the world works.” He snarled, harsher than he meant. He could feel his tight smile, the mask of his charming personality slipping. Beau turned around. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Get it together. He is cheesed to be here. He is cheesed to help.
Calmer. Smile back in place, he turned back. “I feel for them.” Beau let out another breath. “I know you think they didn’t mean to attack me, but they would have stopped when I left them alone instead of chasing me, if that were true.” As if it was the most obvious thing in the world. As if he was the expert in being chased down the street by a cat. Which, to be fair, he felt like he was at this point. “And I’m sure people are going to want to adopt them. Strays with big eyes are loveable.”
Another breath in, another breath out. The smile in place. “I’m not acting my best, because I was just attacked by them. That means you can forgive me, right?” Not that Beau cared what this fucking brat thought about him. “So, just run along and take those cats to the shelter, and let's call it a night.” 
“A cave is not a box.” God, how could he even make that comparison? Caves were warm and safe in a way a box on the street could never be. Cass had hoped, after a while of being ostracized by people who didn’t understand her living arrangements, that fae would understand. But this was the second fae to not get what she had going on. Conor was at least nice about it. Maybe it was limited to nymphs; she thought Teagan would probably understand it. “But it’s not a good place for kittens. There’s stuff there that could hurt them. I’m supposed to live in a cave, but they’re not.” Oreads were built for much harsher circumstances than tiny kittens were.
This guy didn’t seem to get that. Or if he did, he was ignoring it. Who held a grudge against kittens? Cass couldn’t help but judge him just a little. “Dude, they’re cats. You know when you run, animals usually think it means you’re trying to play, right?” That was what she’d read in books, anyway. She’d never really had any pets of her own, never been in a position to keep one. But looking at the kittens now, it was hard to hold them responsible for the scratches the man was sporting. They were cats. It wasn’t like they’d meant it.
If it were anyone else, she might have tried to convince him to come along with her to the shelter. She much preferred the company of others to her own, but Beau was slowly making himself into an exception. She didn’t think she liked his company very much at all, really. “I can forgive you,” she agreed. “I know you’re probably hurting, and maybe a little embarrassed. That’s okay. It’s not like you hurt them.” If he had, they’d be having a much different conversation now.
Looking back to the cats, she nodded. “I can take them by myself,” she confirmed. She’d leave her number at the shelter, ask to be notified when they were all adopted. It would be nice to know that they all found loving homes. “Try not to get attacked by any more kittens, okay?”
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aqricus · 2 years
Farmer boy kita trying not to act a fool around the southern belle of his farm— he knows he hired you because you’re more than capable of handling the big and dirty tasks around the farmland but god the way your nipples perk through your top when it’s a bit too frigid :( the way your overalls accentuate the fat of your thighs n ass—
you’re just an simple honest worker who’s down for whatever he tells you, rarely ever do you fuss with him. Even if he tells you to go clean the stables you don’t complain, maybe pout a bit when you think he isn’t looking but you still do it.
So why are you so evasive when you’re not in work mode? He’ll try n strike up a conversation with you ‘n you just shy away and ask him what else is there for you to complete—makes him feel like he’s being a creep. When really, you’re just trying not to jump your boss’s bones 🥺 it’s naughty and unbecoming of a lady.
such an honest, down to earth man who wears his heart on his sleeve and just takes pride in his work— one that’ll make mama ‘n daddy’ proud if you brought’m home :(( makes your cooter pulse just thinking about his deep, calm voice guiding you through your first orgasm. whether it be on his fingers or his tongue— cause a gentleman like that makes sure his lady’s ready before he gets any pleasure.
You can’t help but envision the many daydreams you’ve had of him pinning you down onto his lap with his big strong arms, wrapped around your fat little tummy, as he makes you squirt all over his thick, calloused fingers 🥺 wiggling your clit with his palm as he curves his fingers inside you while you try to tell’m to “h-hold on—“ or “gimme— gimme just a minute” cause you don’t want to make a mess of his work pants but he just shushes you so delicately. Face buried in your neck as he pleads all nice in your ear for you to cream his fingers, give him a tangy little treat to snack on to get him through the rest of the day :((
everytime he pops up behind you while you’re bent down pulling weeds out the garden, your mind can’t help but wander back to those fantasies… nothing like a hard working man 🥹
this is literally so sweet :( i've been hoarding this ask for the longest bc it always made me giggle and kick my feet every time i saw it. farmer boy kita PERIOD is enough to make the coochie drool, but sweet, hardworking, GIVING farmer boy kita with a not-so-little crush on his helper? who would be such a gentleman when touching you for the first time, letting you cling to him and brushing your hair away from your neck to brush his lips against your pulse point and talk you through your first orgasm? who starts to catch on to the way you stare whenever he's doing some heavy lifting and you can see the muscles and sinew bulging against his rolled-up sleeves when he lifts bales of hay? who knows you're entirely capable of handling tasks yourself but still takes things from you from time to time because he loves the way his hands fit over yours in the process?
be so expeditiously fr rn because i RARELY even IMAGINED myself having ANY feelings toward this man and i'm DYING VEN i'm DYING
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