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egsatv · 4 years ago
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egsapress · 5 years ago
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 4.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 4.0), so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “Yūka and the Mysterious Blue Cat” (“ユウカと不思議な青いネコ”) sidequest.
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This was a pretty fun translation to do, because we get to see a lot of different characters, and Neko II is pretty cute most of the time.
Before we get to the actual translations, I want to go over a few points that are too long to just be explained via my usual notes.
If you don't care about translation details and just want the basic gist of the quest's story, I suppose you can skip these because they're so long. But I'd still recommend reading them, personally.
First of all, in this mission we are introduced to the yokai Neko II. Just so you know, in Japanese he is a called ネコ2世/Neko-nisei which translates to "Neko the Second", and I like to spell that as "Neko II" for space, and to make the reference to Necho II clear.
Now, there is various aspects to the way Neko II speaks in Japanese that don't translate well into English, so I want to talk about them here, and explain how I am personally going to adapt them.
Overall, from what I can tell, Neko II technically has a formal way of speaking, being royalty and all. However, he also pronounces certain words in a stereotypical "baby" accent, highlighting that he is still, well, a baby. It's a sort of humorous thing, he says these big words, but also sometimes pronounces words in a baby way.
Most notably is him pronouncing "-desu" as "-dechu" and the second person pronoun "kisama" as "kichama". Swapping "s sounds" with "ch sounds" like that is a typical way to portray baby/childish speech in Japanese, but note that Neko II doesn't do this with every word. Note that him talking like this could also be a result of him talking with a pacifier in his mouth though. Both “chuchu” and “chupachupa” are onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier, and Neko II frequently makes those noises, at least in his audio clips.
I decided to adapt this as him sometimes replacing "r" or "l" with "w", you know, "hewwo fwiend"-style, but to stay true to how it's in Japanese, I don't have him do it with all words.
Another thing is that in Japanese there is more than one first person pronoun, and Neko II uses the first person pronoun "nekocchi" to refer to himself. However, this is actually not a pre-existing pronoun, but one made up for Neko II. It is a combination of "orecchi", an informal and masculine pronoun used by Jibanyan, and "neko", which both means "cat" and is in reference to Neko II's name.
There really is no true way to translate this into English, but note that in Japanese using one's own name as a first person pronoun, or one based on your name I suppose, is basically considered cutesy, but childish. Aside from actual children, you will mostly see young women do this, but it's kinda hit or miss when it comes to how people will take it. In Neko II's case it's likely meant to be cutesy, because he is a baby AND a cute cat.
I decided to adapt this by having Neko II refer to himself as "neko" in my translation, because it didn't feel right to just leave it out altogether.
Note though that in Japanese, people use first person pronouns a lot less, because basically, the Japanese language usually omits the subject of a sentence if it is obvious based on the context. So while he does refer to himself as “nekocchi” you won’t actually hear him say it THAT often. As a result he might possibly come across as even more childish in my translation, just keep that in mind.
Second point I want to go over is the fact that this quest features all girls of Inaho's class. And well, a detail about the protagonists' classmates in the Japanese versions of these games is that we see how the protagonists refer to them, which honorifics they use, first name or last name basis, and so on. All details that, in Japanese, give us hints of how close they are to one another.
Now, when I translate Japanese into English, I usually don't include Japanese honorifics, unless they're part of a yokai's name or something. Note that I don't believe including them is inherently bad, in fact, when it comes to subs, I usually prefer having them included, but it's just something I decided to do for my personal translations, cause they don't sound natural in English, and I do try to sound natural, to some extent.
But I can't help that if I were to not mention them at all, we kinda lose information that is being conveyed to us in Japanese, therefore I usually try to point out at least some honorifics in my translation notes.
So for this translation I will point out all honorifics and the like in my translation notes, but there is one specific detail I want to point out here. Inaho refers to all girls in her class either with the cutesy/familiar honorific "-chan" or some other form of nickname. Even those that don't do the same for her. To me this signifies how Inaho is just kinda really friendly, maybe overly so, with everyone, even if they aren't really that close.
With that, onto the translation.
I go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Mission Description: 石ノ森ユウカさんからの依頼です。 捨てられた子ネコの 飼い主を 見つけてきてほしいとのこと。 一番のおともだちの依頼ですよ! It is a request from Miss Ishinomori Yūka. She wants you to find the owner of an abandoned kitten. A request from your best friend! (1)
Haku: 今回の依頼人は イナホさんの クラスメイトのユウカさんですね。 Our current client is Miss Yūka, Miss Inaho's classmate. (2)
Inaho: わわっ ようこそユウカちゃん! イナウサ不思議探偵社へ!! Woo, welcome, Yūka! To the InaUSA Mystery Detective Agency!! (3)
Yūka: イナホ! ほんとに探偵やってんだね〜! Inaho! So you're really being a detective! (4)
Inaho: えーっと 依頼内容は… Umm, your request was about...
Inaho: 捨てネコの飼い主になてくれる人を さがしてほしい…? You, wanting us to look for someone who can become the owner of an abandoned kitten...?
Yūka: うん ちっちゃい子ネコなんだけどね… たぶんうちで飼えないから…。 Yes, it's a very small kitten, but... I probably can't keep it at home...
Yūka: イナホが 探偵やってるって 聞いたから きてみたんだ。 Since you're a detective, I thought I could ask you, Inaho.
Yūka: 不思議な依頼ってワケでもないんだけど… 大丈夫だった…? It's not really a mysterious request though... Is that okay...?
Inaho: もちろんもちろん! ユウカちゃんの依頼なら! Oh, of course it is! It's for you, after all!
USApyon: ていうか元々うちは どんな依頼でも受けてるダニ。 And I mean, we accept pretty much any quest anyway, dani.
Inaho: で! その子ネコは どこにいるの? So! Where is this kitten?
Yūka: うちマンションの 地下駐車場にいるの。 In the basement parking lot of our apartment building.
Inaho: ユウカちゃんちは そよ風ヒルズの リリィガーデンってことだよね。 Your place is in Breezy Hills' Lilly Garden, right? (5)
Yūka: そうそう! That's right!
Yūka: あっ! また おなかすかせて 鳴いてるかもしれない…! Ah! It might be hungry and crying again...!
Yūka: ごめんイナホ! わたし 先に行って待ってるね! Sorry, Inaho! I will go ahead and wait for you there!
USApyon: ミーたちも向かうダニ! We'll head over there too, dani!
石ノ森ユウカ/Ishinomori Yūka is known as Jessica Stonewood in English.
ハク/Haku is known as Whapir in English. In Japanese, she refers to Inaho and Yūka with the respectful honorific さん/-san.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to Yūka with the familiar/cutesy honorific ちゃん/-chan.
In Japanese, Yūka refers to Inaho without adding an honorific, which is considered very rude, unless you are close friends.
The apartment building リリィガーデン/Lilly Garden is called Wisteria Gardens in English.
At the Parking Lot:
Yūka: ほら イナホ! この子が 例の子ネコだよ! Look, Inaho! This little guy is the kitten I talked about!
???: よく来たでチュね! Pweased to meet you!
Inaho: しゃべってるし 二足歩行だし おしゃぶりもしてるよ…。 It's talking, standing on two legs, and also has a pacifier...
USApyon: どう見ても妖怪ダニね。 No matter how you look at it, that's definitely a yōkai, dani.
Yūka: イナホ… なに言ってるの? Inaho... what are you talking about?
Inaho: へ!? Huh!?
USApyon: コイツ ふつうのネコに化けてるんダニ。 This guy has taken on the form of a regular cat, dani. (1)
USApyon: ふつうの人間には ただのネコにしか見えないダニよ。 To regular humans, he just looks like a normal cat.
Inaho: マジっすか…。 Seriously...
Yūka: それじゃあ イナホ! Anyway, Inaho!
Yūka: 私はこれから習い事があるから お願いできる…? I have a lesson now, so could you...?
Inaho: う… うん! まかせて ユウカちゃん! Y... yeah! Leave it to me, Yūka!
Yūka: ありがとう イナホ! それじゃあ よろしくね! Thank you, Inaho! Well then, I'm couning on you!
Inaho: …で アオニャン! 君はいったい何者なの?! ...So, Aonyan! Who the heck are you!? (2)
???: そんな一般ネコ妖怪みたいな 名前つけるなでチュ! Do not refer to neko with such a common cat yōkai name!
Neko II: ネコっちは 妖怪ネコ2世! とある王国の王子ネコでチュよ! Neko is the yōkai Neko II! The pwince cat of a certain kingdom!
USApyon: 王子ダニ? 王子が なんでこんなとこにいるダニ? A prince, dani? Why is a prince in a place like this, dani?
Neko II: 立派な王になるため試練として 人間界にきてみたっチュが… Neko has come to the human world as a twial for becoming a fine king...
Neko II: とある施設に ブチこまれて 命からがら逃げてきたんでチュニャン! Neko was sent to a certain institution, and bawely escaped with neko's life, nyan!
USApyon: …それで これから いったい どうしたいんダニ? ...In that case, what are you going to do now, dani?
Neko II: ネコっちを かくまってくれる 人間が欲しいんでチュ! Neko wishes for a human who can hide neko!
Inaho: えっと だからつまり 飼い主をさがせばいいんでしょ? Um, so basically, it's okay if we find an owner for you?
Neko II: 飼い主じゃないでチュ! ネコっちの 「お世話係」でチュ!! Not an owner! An "attendant" for neko!!
Neko II: そうでチュね… ネコっちの希望としては… That’s wight... neko hopes for...
Neko II: ネコっちを 思いっきりかわいがってくれて 甘やかしてくれそうな人で… ...Someone who wuvs and pampers neko with all her heart and...
Neko II: そして 何より キュートな女子がいいでチュね〜♡ Above all, neko would want it to be a cute girl ~♡
Inaho: 注文多っ! えらそーだなぁ〜。 So many orders! What a bossy fellow.
Neko II: この無礼もニャーー! えらそうじゃなくて えらいんでチュ! Such impertinyance! Neko is not bossy, neko is the boss! (3,4)
Inaho: あー はいはいはい…。 Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Inaho: まあ 女子がいいなら まずはクラスのみんなにきいてみよーっと! Well, if you want girls, let's ask everyone from my class first!
Neko II: あっ ひとつだけ 大事なポイントがあったでチュ! Ah, there is one impowtant point!
Neko II: 「だっこ」が うまい子がいいでチュ! これだけは はずせないでチュ! Neko wants a girl that can "hug" neko well! On that alone, neko will not budge! (5)
Neko II: 「だかれごこち」をチェックして 一番うまい子にするでチュ♡ Neko will pick the girl that does the best at a "hugging-sensation" test ♡
USApyon: 飼ってもらうのに 生意気すぎるダニ…。 He's too conceited to keep him, dani...
Inaho: ま それじゃ 5年1組の女子に かったぱしから だっこしてもらいますか! Well then, let's try and have the girls of class 5-1 hug you, one after another!
USApyon: でも 他の依頼を頼んでる子は やめておいたほうがいいダニよ。 But, you shouldn't ask girls that have other requests right now, dani. 
Inaho: あー なんかアヤシまれそうだしな〜。 じゃあ ヒマそうな女子にたのも〜っと! Ah, yeah, that'd seem suspicious. So then, let's just ask those who seem to free right now!
The verb I translated as “taking on the form of” is 化ける/bakeru in Japanese, which can also be translated as “transforming” or “disguising”, and is often used to refer to yokai’s or similar beings’ ability to conceal their true form.
This name Inaho gives Neko II on the spot is derived from 青い/aoi, which means “blue”. So in English it’d be like she called him “Bluenyan” or something.
Neko II’s catchphrase is この無礼もニャ!/kono bureimonya!, with 無礼者/bureimono meaning “rude/disrepectful person/people”, and of course “nya” being added. So I decided to adapt it as “ Such impertinyance!“, in order to retain both the “nya” part and the fact that he calls them rude/disrespectful.
This is a bit of a pun. Inaho refers to Neko II as えらそう/erasō (”bossy” or “arrogant”), and he gets angry, saying he isn’t that, he is えらい/erai (”important” or “great”).
What I translated as “hug” here is だっこ/dakko in Japanese, which can be translated as “hug”, but it also refers to picking up and holding someone, especially babies, or in this case a cat.
Aside from herself and Yūka, there are 10 girls in Inaho’s class, and at this point you have to go to them and try them out, so to speak.
Note that you can talk to them in any order you want, but, as USApyon implies, I believe you can’t try ones that are involved with on-going quests.
Talking to Minami:
Minami: ヤッホー イナホちゃん! Yahoo, Inaho! (1)
Inaho: これはこれは… 運動神経バツグンの スポーツ少女 みなみちゃん! Well, well... It's the outstandingly athletic sports girl, Minami! (2)
Minami: あっ 子ネコじゃん! かわいいー! Ah, it’s a kitten! So cute!
Inaho: ねぇねぇ みなみちゃん! この子ネコ だっこしてみてくれない? Hey, Minami! You wanna try hugging this kitten?
Minami: よーし! 任せて! ギューッてしてあげるよ! Alright! Leave it to me! I'll hug it tight!
Minami: ふふっ やっぱ動物っていいね!! Hehe, animals are really great!!
Neko II: スポーツ少女だけに ちょっと豪快な抱き方でチュね…。 It’s a somewhat lively way of hugging, like one would expect fwom a sports girl...
Neko II: いつかボールみたいに 投げられそうで怖いでチュ…。 Neko's wowwied she might throw neko like a ball one day...
Inaho: あはは! さすがにそれはないっしょ! Ahaha! She wouldn't!
In Japanese, Minami uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as みなみちゃん/Minami-chan. Her full name is 桐谷みなみ/Kiritani Minami.
Talking to Akira:
Akira: あー! イナホちゃん! Ah! Inaho! (1)
Inaho: クラスの男子にも負けないくらい 元気なおてんば少女 あきらちゃん! The energetic tomboy that can't be beaten, even by the boys of the class, Akira! (2)
Akira: …って あれ!?? ネコだ! なんでなんで!? ...wait, what!?? It's a cat! Why's that!?
Inaho: あきらちゃん ワケは聞かずに この子を だっこしてあげてくんない!? Akira, don't ask why, but how about you try hugging it!?
Akira: えっ! いいの!? やったぁー!! What? Can I!? Hooray!!
Akira: はー! ネコってあったかいんだね! Hah! It's warm!
Neko II: う〜ん だきかたが ちょっと雑でチュねぇ…。 Hmmm, that hugging method was somewhat sloppy...
Neko II: 元気があるのはいいことでチュが 女の子らしさも みがいてほしいでチュね。 It is a good that she’s enewgetic, but neko would want her to refine her girliness as well.
USApyon: イナホにも 言ってやってほしいダニ。 I'd like you to say that to Inaho as well, dani.
In Japanese, Akira uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as あきらちゃん/Akira-chan. Her full name is 三浦あきら/Miura Akira.
Talking to Koyomi:
Koyomi: こんにちは イナホちゃん。 Good afternoon, Inaho. (1)
Inaho: 「5年1組の母」こと 占いが得意なこよみちゃん!! The "mother of class 5-1", and a skilled fortune teller, Koyomi!! (2)
Koyomi: あら… この子ネコ… 大変だったわね… Oh... this kitten... it had it rough, no...?
USApyon: なっ なんかもう いろいろ見抜かれちゃってるダニ!? S-Somehow she already figured out a lot, dani!?
Inaho: でも ちょうどいいや! この子のこと だっこしてもらえる? But that's perfect! Could you hug it?
Koyomi: ええ もちろん。 Yes, of course.
Koyomi: 抱いてあげる ほらおいで。 こわがらないで。 Come here, I'll hug you. There, there, don't be scared.
Koyomi: うんうん なるほどね…。 Ah yes, I see...
Neko II: ふんふん… なかなか やさしいだっこでチュね。 Hmmm... This was quite a gentle hug.
Neko II: ただ 何もかも見透かされそうで ちょっと こわいでチュ…。 However, the way she seems to see though everything is a bit scawy...
Inaho: げっ もしかしてワタシも なんか見透かされてたりする!? Ack, maybe she's seeing through something about me too!?
In Japanese, Koyomi uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as こよみちゃん/Koyomi-chan. Her full name is 占部こよみ/Urabe Koyomi.
Talking to Yōko:
Yōko: あ〜 イナホちゃんだ〜。 Ah, it's Inaho~ (1)
Inaho: この子は 癒し系少女で 超絶ドジっ子の ようこちゃん! This is the soothing girl, the transcendant ditz, Yōko! (2)
Yōko: うわぁ〜 にゃんこだぁ〜。 Uwahhh, it's a kitty~
Inaho: ようこちゃん! よかったら だっこしてあげてよ! Yōko! You can hug it if you want!
Yōko: わぁ いいのぉ〜? おいでおいで〜。 Whoa, really~? Come here, come here~
Yōko: にゃ〜ん。 ふふふ〜 にゃ〜。 Meoooow. Hehehe~ Meow~
Neko II: なかなか こなれてるでチュね。 この子は ネコ好きにちがいないでチュ。 Vewy effowtlessly. This girl must love cats.
Neko II: ただ ドジっ子みたいでチュから だっこ中に転ばないか不安でチュね。 However, since she seems ditzy, neko wowwies she might fall over while hugging neko.
Inaho: まぁそれは… あるかも。 Well, that... might happen.
In Japanese, Yōko uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as ようこちゃん/Yōko-chan. Her full name is 森野葉子/Morino Yōko.
Talking to Chinamin (1):
Chinamin: あら イナホさん。 そちらの子ネコは でょうしたの? Oh, Inaho. What's with that kitten? (2)
Inaho: まぁまぁ くわしい話は置��といて… お願い! この子をだっこしてあげて! Well, let's just leave the details aside... Please! Hug this kitten!
Chinamin: だっこ… ですって? Did you say... hug it?
Chinamin: ふふ ネコの正しい抱き方情報も ばっちり調べてあるわ! Hehe, I've intensively studied the correct way to hug a cat, too!
Chinamin: まかせてちょうだい! Just leave it to me!
Chinamin: ふふ 手慣れてるでしょ? ほら子ネコもこんなに喜んでる! Hehe, quite skillful, no? Look, the kitten is so happy, too!
Neko II: う〜ん この子 口は達者でチュが イマイチな だっこでチュねぇ…。 Hmm, this girl has a way with words, but her hug is not quite good enough...
Neko II: まだまだ お子チャマの ちんちくりんでチュ。 She is still pwetty short, just like a child.
USApyon: イナホみたいなもんダニね。 Just like Inaho, dani.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her with the nickname ちなみん/Chinanim. Her full name is 堀田ちなみ/Horido Chinami.
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
After trying 5 Girls:
Inaho: はぁ〜 まだ誰にするか 決めらんないのぉ〜? *Sigh* You still can't decide on anyone?
Inaho: …ていうか理想 高すぎない? ...I mean, aren't you setting the bar too high?
USApyon: 文句ばっか言ってるダニ。 All you do is complain, dani.
Neko II: 当たり前でチュニャン! ネコっちは 王様でチュから! Of couwse, nyan! Neko is a king, after all!
Inaho: うちのクラスの女子は あと5人いるけど… どうしようっか? There's still 5 more girls in my class, but... what now?
USApyon: もう このへんで やめてもいいんじゃないダニ? Can't we just stop here already, dani?
Neko II: な… 何言ってるんでチュか!?? Wha... What are you saying!??
Inaho: う〜ん… そうだね〜 飽きたらユウカちゃんとこにもどろっと! Hmmm... Yeah, you're right. Let's go back to Yūka if we get tired!
USApyon: そよ風ヒルズの リリィガーデンだったダニね。 She was at Lilly Garden in Breezy Hills right, dani?
USApyon: どうせ誰でも文句つけるだけダニ。 いいタイミングで きりあげるダニ。 He complains about everyone anyway, dani. It's good timing for finishing this up, dani.
Neko II: この無礼もニャー!! もっとマジメにやるでチュ!! Such impertinyance!! Take this more sewiously!!
At this point, you can return to Yūka at any point if you wish, or continue to try out the remaining girls, if you want to see the interactions with them.
Talking to Anna:
Anna: あれ イナホちゃんじゃん。 Oh, it's Inaho. (1)
Inaho: 5年1組のギャル代表! アネゴ肌の アンナちゃん!! Class 5-1's Gyaru representative! The dependable big sis, Anna!! (2, 3)
Anna: その子ネコ どうしたの? What's with that kitten?
Inaho: アンナちゃん! 何も言わず この子をだっこして! Anna! Don't ask any questions and hug this kitten!
Anna: えっ?? うん まぁいいけど…。 Huh?? Well, okay, I guess...
Anna: ふふ かわいいじゃん。 Hehe, what a cutie.
Neko II: ギャルっぽかったから警戒したでチュが 以外に上手でチュね。 Neko was wawy because she is gyaru-like, but she is supwisingly good.
Neko II: でも見た目は やっぱり ちょっと警戒しちゃうでチュ。 But her look still makes neko slightly wawy.
Inaho: えー! アンナちゃんになら ワタシが飼われたいくらいだよ! What!? If it were me, I'd like to be kept by Anna!
In Japanese, Anna uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her as アンナちゃん/Anna-chan. Her full name is 渋谷アンナ/Shibuya Anna.
I’m no expert, but “Gyaru” is a Japanese subculture/fashion movement with many variants. The most unifying factor among them are eccentric fashionable clothes, heavy use of make-up, and hair that’s usually dyed/bleached brown or blonde.
Talking to Kanacchi:
Kanacchi: わっ…! きゃわ……! Ahh...! Cute...!
Inaho: おや! カナっち どしたの? Oh? What's wrong, Kanacchi? (1)
Kanacchi: べ… べつに…。 It... It's nothing...
Inaho: あのさ! 当然なんだけど この子ネコ だっこしてあげてくれない? Say! Long story short, do you want to hug this kitten?
Kanacchi: いいの!?? Can I!??
Kanacchi: …じゃなくて べつに いいけど。 ... I mean, I don't care either way.
Kanacchi: はぁ……。 Haah...
Neko II: クールな子かと思ってたら なんかギュッと強くだきしめられたでチュよ。 Just as neko thought she was a cool girl, she hugged neko vewy tightly.
Neko II: それに… 妙に目輝かせてるでチュ… 身の危険を感じるでチュ…! Moreover... There is a stwange glow in her eyes... Neko fears for neko's well-being...!
USApyon: たしかに かなり視線が熱いダニね…。 It is a rather passionate gaze, dani...
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname カナっち/Kanacchi. Her full name is 大山可南子/Ōyama Kanako.
Talking to Jun (1):
Jun: あら? イナホさんじゃない! Oh? Well, if it isn't Inaho! (2)
Jun: 私に 何の用かしら? Do you need something from me?
Inaho: え〜っと… 突然なんだけど… Uhhh... This is kinda sudden, but...
Inaho: この子ネコを だっこしてみてくれたりしない? Would you try hugging this kitten?
Jun: だっこ…? Hug it...?
Jun: いいけど… 服が汚れたら 弁償してもらいますからね! Very well, but... should my clothes get dirty I will have you compensate for it!
Jun: この服 あなたが行くような 庶民のお店のものじゃないんだから。 I'll have you know, these clothes are not from common people stores like you go to. (3)
Jun: ふん お洋服が汚れなくてよかったわ。 Hmph, I'm glad my clothes didn't get dirty.
Neko II: フツーなだっこでチュ。 とっても庶民的でチュね。 An average hug. Much like a commoner.
Neko II: こんな無理してる庶民は ネコっちに 似合わないでチュ。 Such an twyhawd commoner does not suit neko. (4)
USApyon: たしかに かなり無理してそうダニ…。 Well, it's true that she's a tryhard, dani...
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname じゅんちゃん/Jun-chan. Her full name is 羽沢順子/Hazawa Junko.
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
What I translated as “common people” here is 庶民/shomin in Japanese, which can be translated as “commoners”, “ordinary people”, or “the general public” and the like.
Talking to Mā:
Mā: あら イナホさん。 Oh, Inaho. (1)
Mā: …って あなた! ここは 博物館ですわよ!? ...Hang on, you! This is a museum!?
Mā: ペットは禁止よ 禁止! まったくこれだから庶民は! Pets are not allowed here, got it? Not allowed! Seriously, that is just so typical of common people!
Inaho: あはは… ごめんごめん! 一瞬で終わるから! Ahaha... sorry 'bout that! I'll be gone in a minute!
Inaho: まーちゃん! この子ネコ だっこして! Mā! Hug this kitten! (2)
Mā: いきなり なんですの!? What's this now, all of a sudden!?
Mā: ま… まぁ べつに いいですけど…。 W... Well, it's alright, I guess...
Mā: はい だっこしたわよ。 これで満足かしら? There, I hugged it. Are you happy now?
Neko II: …この子 なんでこんなに へんな見栄張ってるんでチュか? ...Why is this girl such a weiwd show-off?
Neko II: 庶民なだっこでチュね。 ネコっちにはふさわしくないでチュ。 It was a common people-hug. She does not suit neko.
Inaho: 「庶民なだっこ」って何!? What's a "common people-hug"!?
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname まーちゃん/Mā-chan. Her full name is 百舌昌子/Mozu Masako.
Talking to Kirara:
Kirara: あ イナホさん! Ah, Inaho! (1)
Kirara: あら かわいい子ネコ! イナホさんのおうちの子なの? Oh my, what a cute kitten! Is it from your house, Inaho?
Inaho: えーっと 話すと長くなるんだけど… とりあえず… Uhh, it's a long story... Anway...
Inaho: キララちゃん お願い! この子を だっこしてみてくれない? Please, Kirara! Could you try hugging it? (2)
Kirara: ええ よろこんで! Yes, I'd be happy to!
Kirara: だけど私… だっこなんてしたことないから うまくできるかしら…? Though... I've never done this before, so I don't know if I'll do it right...?
Kirara: ふふ かわいい子ネコ。 だっこさせてくれて ありがとう! Hehe, such a cute kitten. Thank you for letting me hug it!
Neko II: パーフェクトでチュ! She's pewfect!
Neko II: 超絶セレブの お嬢様なんて ネコっちにピッタリでチュ! An outstanding, wealthy young lady like this is just pewfect for neko!
Neko II: だっこが 超絶ヘタクソなのを除けば パーフェクトでチュ! 超絶おしいでチュ! She is pewfect, save for that absolutely crappy hug of hers! An outstanding shame!
Inaho: キララちゃんもダメなの〜? これ以上リッチな子はいないよ!? Kirara is no good either? But there's no richer girls than her!?
In Japanese, Kirara uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her as キララちゃん/Kirara-chan. Her full name is 星風キララ/Hoshikaze Kirara. In English, she is known as Crystal Starr.
After Having tried all 10 Girls:
Inaho: これで 5年1組の女子全員に だっこされたワケですが… Now all girls of Class 5-1 have hugged you, but...
Inaho: …いかがでした? ...How were they?
Neko II: うーーーん… ビミョーでチュね。 Hmmmmm... Not that gweat.
Neko II: 惜しい子は いたんでチュが… どうも しっくりこないでチュ。 Some girls were close... but none of them matched.
USApyon: ぜいたくなやつダニ…。 What an extravagant guy, dani...
Inaho: あ じゃあさ! ワタシもだっこしてみよっか? Ah, in that case! Should I try hugging you, too?
USApyon: ダニ!? Dani!?
Neko II: いや 遠慮しとくでチュ。 それだけは ないでチュ。 No, neko would rather not. Anything but that.
Inaho: ちょっ…!! まだ だっこしてないんだけど!? Hang on...!! I haven't even hugged you yet!?
Neko II: ないでチュ。 Anything but.
Inaho: ま… まぁいったんユウカちゃんに話して 作戦ねりなおしかなー。 W... Well, let's go talk to Yūka and restrategize, I guess.
USApyon: あの子の家は リリィガーデンだったダニね。 Her house was at Lilly Garden, dani.
USApyon: 行ってみるダニ! Let's go, dani!
Back at Yūka's place:
Yūka: あっ イナホ! 飼い主ん もう見つかった…? Ah, Inaho! Have you found an owner yet...?
Inaho: あ それが まだなんだよね〜 これから誰にしようかな〜 なんて…。 Ah, no, not yet. Figuring out who we should pick is kinda...
Yūka: ほっ… よかった〜……。 Oh... That's a relief...
Inaho: …ほっ? ...Oh?
Yūka: あのね やっぱり… どうしてもきになっちゃって……。 Well, you see... I just couldn't get it off my mind after all...
Yūka: 私 お母さんにお願いして 飼わせてもらおうと思うの…! I think I will ask my mother if I can keep it...!
Inaho: えっ! で でも飼い主には「条件」が…。 What? B-but... there are "requirements" for the owner...
Yūka: 条件? Requirements?
Inaho: えーっと一回 この子ネコ だっこしてみてほしいんだけど… Umm, I'd like you to try hugging the kitten, but...
Yūka: …え? うん わかった。 ...What? Alright, sure.
Neko II: この「だかれごこち」…!! これでチュよ! 求めていたのは!! This "hugging-sensation"...!! This is it! This is what neko was looking for!!
Neko II: それに この人間… そんなに ネコっちのことを慕って…… Moreover, this human... yearned for neko so vewy much...
Neko II: この想い… 王族ならば こたえてやらないといけないでチュ!! Those feelings... As royalty, neko has to answer to them!!
Neko II: 運命の相手は 最初から近くにいたんでチュね…。 Neko's fated other was this close fwom the vewy beginning...
Inaho: ええっ! ワタシの苦労は!? Whaaat!? Then what about my hard work!?
Yūka: じゃあ 私 お母さんに話してくる! Alright, I'll go talk to my mother, then!
Nyanpachi-sensei: 王子! ようやく見つけたですニャン! Prince! I've finally found you, nyan! (1)
Neko II: せ… 先生でチュか!? S... Sensei!?
USApyon: 先生… ダニ? Sensei...dani?
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くんは 立派な王様になるために 私のクラスで お勉強してたんですニャン。 Neko II has been studying in my class in order to become a fine king, nyan. (2)
Inaho: ええっ! 「とある施設」って ニャンパチ先生のクラスのこと!? Whaaat!?  So, that "certain institution" was Nyanpachi-sensei's class!?
Nyanpachi-sensei: 勉強は 立派な王様になるためには かかせないことですニャン。 If you are to become a fine king, studying is indispensable, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: わかったら 教室にもどりますニャン。 もう逃げださないことニャンよ! If you understand this, return to the classroom, nyan. Please do nyot run away again, nyan!
Neko II: せ 先生! 聞いてほしいでチュ! S-sensei! Pwease listen to neko!
Neko II: ネコっち どうしても 一緒にいたい人間ができたでチュ… Neko has found a human whom neko wants to live together with, no matter what...
Neko II: この子のところで お世話になりたいんでチュ…!! Neko wants to be taken care of by this girl...!!
Nyanpachi-sensei: どうしても 戻れないというんですニャン…? You absolutely do nyot wish to go back, nyan...?
Nyanpachi-sensei: …よろしい! ニャらば「卒業試験」ですニャン!! ...Very well! In that case, this will be your "Graduation Exam", nyan!!
Nyanpachi-sensei: ちょうど この人間は 先生の知り合いですニャン。 This human happens to be an acquaintance of mine, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: この人間が連れている妖怪たちと 戦うですニャン!! Fight with the yōkai that are lead by this human, nyan!
Inaho: なんですと!? Excuse me!?
Neko II: 覚悟するでチュ!! Pwepawe yourself!!
Nyanpachi-sensei is known as Mr. Crabbycat in English.
Nyanpachi-sensei uses the honorific くん/-kun when referring to Neko II. It is common for teachers to use this when referring to their students, mostly the male ones.
After the Battle:
Nyanpachi-sensei: なるほどですニャン…。 I see, nyan...
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くんは たしかに 何か見つけたようですニャン。 It does seem like Neko II has found something, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くん… 卒業おめでとう! Neko II... Congratulations on your graduation!
Neko II: チュチュ…!? いいんでチュニャン!? Chuchu...!? Is that alwight, nyan!?  (1)
Nyanpachi-sensei: ええ… これからのことは 人間が教えてくれるはずですニャン。 Yes... From now on, the human should teach you, nyan. (2)
Nyanpachi-sensei: 卒業おめでとう! Congratulations on your graduation!
Inaho: おめでとう! Congratulations!
USApyon: おめでとうダニ! Congratulations, dani!
Nyanpachi-sensei: それでは さようなら! 元気でいるんですニャンよ! Goodybe then! I hope you will do well, nyan!
Yūka: イナホ聞いて! 飼ってもいいって!! Listen, Inaho! I can keep it!!
Inaho: ええ!? ほんとに!? Huh!? Really!?
Yūka: うん…!! ちゃんとお世話するって約束したの! Yes...!! I promised to take good care of it!
Inaho: そっか! よかったね!! I see! I'm glad!!
Yūka: ふふっ それじゃあさっそく この子の名前つけないとね! Hehe, now I have to give him a name right away! (3)
Inaho: あー この子 実はもう 「立派な名前」あるんだよね〜。 Ah, actually, he already has a "fine name", you know.
Inaho: ネコ2世っていうんだけど… It's Neko II...
Yūka: えぇ〜… イナホがつけたの? なんかペットの名前じゃないよ〜。 What...? Did you name him, Inaho? It's not really a name for a pet, though.
Yūka: きめた! 「アオすけ」ってどう? I got it! How does "Aosuke" sound? (4)
Inaho: イヤイヤ そんな一般ネコみたいな 名前はさすがに イヤがると… Oh, no, no, no, he wouldn't like a common cat name like that...
Neko II: チュチュ〜♡ (わかったでチュ〜♡) Chuchu〜♡ (Alwight〜♡)
Inaho: なんですと!!? Excuse me!!?
Like I mentioned, “chuchu” is onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier.
Because the Japanese language lacks a true plural, this line could alternatively be translated as “From now on, humans should teach you.”, and I can’t say for sure which it is.
Because the Japanese language uses third-person pronouns a lot less than English, I basically had to presume what kind of pronouns the characters would use to refer to Neko II. He is male, so normally I’d just go for “he”, but I feel people who’d talk about him like a regular stray cat would probably refer to him as “it”? I don’t know, just be aware of this detail.
Aosuke is derived from 青い/aoi, still meaning “blue”, and すけ/-suke, a masculine name ending.
Talking to Yūka after the Quest:
Yūka: ねぇ イナホ! アオすけに会いにこない? Hey, Inaho! Do you want to visit Aosuke?
Yūka: 元気が あり余ってるみたいだから 遊んであげてほしいんだ〜。 He seems to have lots of energy, so I'd like you to play with him.
Inaho: それじゃ 会いにいきますかな!! Let's go see him, then!!
Yūka: うんうん おいでー。 アオすけも きっと喜ぶよ! Yeah, come visit. I'm sure Aosuke will be happy, too!
Talking to Yūka in her Home:
Yūka: ふふ アオすけ元気でしょ? Hehe, Aosuke sure is energetic, no?
Yūka: この子 すっごい甘えんぼで 家の中では どこ行ってもいっしょなの! He's such a baby, he follows me, no matter where I go in the house!
Yūka: あっ いまは私とアオすけで お留守番だし イナホもゆっくりしていってね! Ah, me and Aosuke are watching the house right now, so make yourself at home, too!
Talking to Neko II at Yūka's place:
Neko II: キチャマ! よくきたでチュ! ネコっちとバトルするでチュ! You! Welcome! Now battle with neko!
Inaho: およっ! またまたなんで? Oho? Why this again?
Neko II: この家は 快適でチュが 刺激が足りないのも事実でチュ…。 This house is comfowtable, but there's also not enough stimulation...
Neko II: だから 刺激を求めて バトルしたくなったでチュ。 So, seeking stimulation, neko wishes to battle.
USApyon: 妖怪として遊べる相手が ミーたちしかいないダニね…。 I suppose there aren't any yōkai who can play with you, besides us, dani...
Neko II: は… はやく戦うでチュよ! チュパチュパチュパ! H... Huwwy and battle neko alweady! Chupa chupa chupa! (1)
Neko II: ふ〜ん キチァマも けっこうヒマなんでチュね。 Hmmm, you must have a lot of fwee time, too.
Neko II: じゃあ いくでチュニャン! Now, here we go, nyan!
“Chupa chupa” is also onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier.
Beating Neko II Without Befriending Him:
Neko II: けっこう楽しかったでチュ! でも まだ遊びたりないでチュ。 That was pwetty fun! But, neko wants to play more.
Neko II: むにゃ… 運動したから 眠くなってきたでチュ…。 Mmmm... Neko is getting sleepy from the exewcise...
Neko II: ちょっと お昼寝してから またバトルするでチュ! We will battle again, after neko takes a quick nap!
Befriending Neko II:
Neko II: ネコっちに勝つなんて 無礼もニャ〜っ! おわびとして ネコっちをつれてくでチュ! How impertinyant of you, beating neko like that! Take neko with you as an apology!
Neko II: ふ〜 満足したでチュ! ほめてつかわすでチュ! Hahh, neko is satisfied! You have neko's pwaise!
USApyon: もういいダニ〜? 遊び続けるのは つかれるダニ…。 Are we done, dani? I'm tired of playing, dani...
Neko II: ちょっと待つでチュ! お散歩にも つれてくでチュ〜! Now wait a moment! Take neko for a walk, too!
Inaho: なんですとー! Excuse me?!
Neko II: ユウカと散歩するときは ネコ友にしか会いえないんでチュ。 When Neko goes on walks with Yūka, neko can only meet cat fwiends.
Inaho: そういや ユウカちゃんの前では 普通のネコに化けてるんだった…! Oh right, in front of Yūka, you take on the form of a regular cat...!
Neko II: 家にも またくるでチュ。 ヒマなら遊んでやるでチュよ。 Neko will go back home, too. Neko has fwee time, so neko is going to play.
USApyon: やっぱり上から目線ダニ…。 He really is just full of himself, dani...
Talking to Neko II after Battling Him:
Neko II: んん… むにゃむにゃ… 眠くなってきたでチュ…。 Hmm... *mumble mumble* Neko is so sleepy...
Neko II: バトルは また今度でチュ。 We will battle next time...
I am unsure, but I believe this is dialouge for when you talk to Neko II when playing a version in which you can't fight and befriend him?
Neko II: よくきたでチュ〜! ゆっくりしていけでチュ。 Welcome! Pwease make yourself at home.
Neko II: ネコっちには まだまだ庶民的でチュが なかなか快適な家でチュよ〜。 It's a still a commoner house to neko, but it is also quite comfowtable.
Optional Dialouge if you talk to Yūka as Nate:
Yūka: キミのおうちにも ネコがいるんだよね。 イナホから聞いたんだ〜。 You have a cat at home too, right? Inaho told me.
Yūka: うちも最近 飼いだしたんだ。 いつか合わせてみたいね〜。 I got one just recently, too. I'd like to put them together someday.
Mission End Description:
結局、ユウカに飼われることになったネコ2世。 立派な王になるという目的は、どうなった…? Ultimately, Yūka ended up keeping Neko II. What happened to his goal of becoming a fine king...?
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egsapress · 7 years ago
Fan of the indie comic series Loaded! Tales of Endless Night? Discover the Prime Factors of the EXU.
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egsapress · 8 years ago
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Kichama directs you pick up “Loaded! Tales of Endless Night!” and support indie comics.
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egsapress · 8 years ago
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Q: Who is the Most Powerful Force in the EXU?  It's a tough question.  Power and might can be measured on a number of different axes.   As each of the Solstice Series advance fans will get to see  a number of heroes,  heroines, villains and villainesses.  Comparing EXU characters head to head will probably give a deeper insight into the scale of power across the EXU.  
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egsapress · 8 years ago
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Building A New Universe - The Foundation of Forever
Play is what fuels us. Story is what ignites us. The lands we wander don't end after the last monster is slain or the dragon's lair crumbles into dust. The worlds we build through play live on.  The EXU is undiscovered country. It is the far horizon that expands beyond the worlds of play fans have only begun to know.  
For fans of gaming and comics, the Solstice Event opened the door to the amazing new worlds of the EXU.  In an age where the same franchises get re-imagined, re-casted, re-booted or simply re-issued,  the mission of the Solstice Event was to illuminate bold new destinations for fans to explore.  The Solstice Event extolled a rallying call at the core of what would become a universe of worlds; "New Heroes. New Legends. New Destinies."
The Solstice Event began with the fantasy mini-series "Loaded! Tales of Endless Night!"  Set in the world established by the cult favorite videogame "Loaded! One Hundred Truths!"  The comic explores the run up to the events in the game allowing gamers to see Agave, Xuxuri and Dau in completely different light.  The trio is joined by a new extended cast including the new fan favorite Kichama. 
The breezy fun-fantasy of Tales of Endless Night! was matched with intrigue by the second Solstice Event title; the science fiction adventure series "Warjak: Armor of the Soul." The new mini-series begins with chance encounter between series lead Talisa McClennan and a mysterious stranger. The speculative series promises explosive twists and turns and a new take on the superhero genre. 
While "Tales of Endless Night!" explores the past and "Armor of the Soul" delves into the future, the unexpected third Solstice Event title opened a door onto a hidden war in the shadows of today.  “The Shadowlanders Almanac” mini-series brings even more heroes to the fight with the enigmatic duo of Mr. Turin and Mr. Hellard.  Working for a bureau that guards of relic of unspeakable power, Turin and Hellard face foes from the realms even heroes fear to tread. 
New Heroes. New Legends. New Destinies. Together, these worlds are the building blocks of a new foundation.  This is the foundation on which forever stands. This is the EXU.
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egsapress · 7 years ago
To comics fans following “Loaded! Tales of Endless Night!” her name is Kichama.  Who is she? What are her powers?  Find out more about one of the Prime Factors of the EXU in this episode.
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