haticho · 4 days
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other part
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crystalcanis · 14 days
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Started watching a show that's making me think about my Apocalyptic Cyberpunk Horror story, so I updated this oldie because its still one of my favorite pieces of DAU Ash.
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dustysandstorm · 8 months
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Hej! Cats say "hej," right?
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ziondrawssp · 10 days
ShallCell supremacy
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Shallot: "Wow, you have soft hands." Cell: "Let go of me you fucking weirdo."
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Shallot: Really? Cell: I liked you better when you were a bitch. Shallot: Yeah, why is he so mad?
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zarbon-the-faggotron · 10 months
Cell: Why do humans have different blood groups?
Frieza: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
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chaotickn1ght · 5 months
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Since I've had the Hawk Family on the mind lately, it seemed appropriate to draw Ren and her kiddos for Mother’s Day!  I've hinted around with their daughter in pics I've posted on socials, but I don't think I've said too much about their son :)  He comes into the picture when their daughter is about a year old (yeah, he was a "whoops" lol), when the family settles down on the junkyard planet after running for so long.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
This Beautiful Family
Summary:  Harlan loves his family
Pairings:  Ransom X Harlan
Rating:  🥺🥺🥺🥺
Warnings:  mentions of jumping on the bed, soft!Ransom, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.8K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Desperate Love Masterlist
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Harlan leans over to give Story a kiss to her head, pulling the book out of the sleeping child’s hand when he looks over at his grandson.  Ransom gives a soft kiss to your sleeping self, baby Lucy face down on his chest with her butt in the air.  Iris leans her body on the other side of Ransom.  With Blade sprawled across yours and Ransom’s lap, and even in your sleep your fingers comb through Aster’s hair.  
Harlan had many doubts that he would ever see Ransom like this.  The boy, now a man, had seen his fair share of ups and downs, especially with you.  The two of you had fought not to be together, and now you were proving that you were meant to be.  It was serene at the estate.  The annual house Christmas decorating day had ended with Harlan’s reading of A Christmas Carol, and Story’s sleepy children’s version of The Nutcracker.  And now the old man looks at the other as if Ransom was his own son.  
His children that he desperately fought for sprawled around on the two of you, except the tiny nine-year-old in Harlan’s lap.  Ransom’s deep blue eyes dart around to each family member as he exhales a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “They’re uncomfortable,” he mumbles, leaning over to rest his head on you.
He couldn’t move with Blade’s legs on his lap, and you and Iris on his shoulders, and his fifth on his chest.  “Would you trade it?” Harlan’s deep voice whispers over to Ransom, and he shakes his head no.
“Not for all the money in the world,” Lucy’s mouth opens in a wide yawn, and she snuggles in tighter to Ransom.  A hand going up to his beardless face that she wasn’t all too fond of.  Those chubby little hands rubbing on his cheek.
“I don’t think I tell you enough, but I’m proud of you, son.”
“I didn’t do this,” he twists his head to give you a quick peck.  “I couldn’t have done any of it.”
“You found a woman worth fighting for.  Became a better man to prove to her you were worthy.  Stepped up when your daughters needed you.  Risked everything to save their lives, and you think you didn’t do anything?”
Iris throws an arm over her dad and Lucy, her face squished up against him.  “Accidentally got her pregnant before your wedding.  Probably because you two can’t keep your hands off of each other.  Was there for her after our angel, Anders.  Was her rock after this tiny thing came into the world,” Harlan looks down at his sleeping tiny baby, petting his wrinkled hand over her angelic face.  He was worried sick that Story wouldn’t make it, and now in ways she was the most dramatic of all.
“Begged for how many years for that baby that sleeps on you.  And she’s every bit of your spawn.  Has your attitude completely.  I think you’ve done a lot.  And I’m proud of you.  Should have asked you to move in years ago.  Blade should have been brought home here.  Your spitting image, but he’s sweet and caring like his mama.”
“I’m sweet and caring,” Ransom looks up at Harlan, giving his grandfather a quick pout.
“Yes, son, you are.  And that sweet Iris, she may not look like you, but she’s every bit your sweet baby.  She’s always had a tender bond with you.  Now that one,” he chuckles looking at Aster.  “Carved right out of your ass.  Your eyes, your cocky attitude, your smart mouth, hardworking, loving, defensive towards her family, dedicated; she’s going to be amazing when she gets older.  Carry on your legacy with the company, I have no doubt.  Just don’t let her make movies out of my books.  Maybe there will be one that will write mystery novels akin to mine, and you can make those into movies.”
“Story’s going to write,” Ransom kicks his legs up onto the ottoman, getting a scowled face from Lucy.  “She already does.”
“Story won’t be writing mystery novels.  They’ll be dragons, and princesses, and Sir Lancelot,” looking up at his grandfather, he rolls his eyes, shaking his head.  “You wait and see.  She wishes on a star every night.  Be prepared.”
“What of my shy son?” Ransom reaches out a hand, and pushes back the hair in Blade’s eyes.  He knew why you babied your son so much, he looked just like him, and he had the sweetest soul.  Blade was a good kid, one of his best behaved children.  And like Iris he had his insecurities.
“Your intelligent son.  He’ll grow out of that shyness.  Not too much, because I quite like it.  It’s sweet.  He’s going to make you so proud.  Just like how you make me proud.  He’s going to carve his own way, and I hope he’s not the womanizer that you were.  But if he is, when he finds that special someone, I hope he doesn’t fight it like you did.  How long after you and Kitten were, you know, when you knew?”
“Sooner than you think,” he chuckles.  He admitted long after the two of you got together that it happened sooner than he originally wanted.  You were different.  And he knew it.
“It was this pull to you, wasn’t it?” Ransom rolls his eyes to meet Harlan’s.  “Like no matter how hard you tried to stay away you couldn’t.  Didn’t even want to call up your regular girls.  You waited for her to call, and would throw any obligation aside to be with her.  You played your games with her, but there was a moment, during the jumping on the bed, that you knew it meant more.  Stared at her longer, because you didn’t want to forget any moment.  Hoped she would fall asleep next to you, so you could enjoy her company, her scent, her breath, her air, her taste even longer.”
“How did you know that?”
“That’s how I felt about your grandmother.  We’re not so different, Ransom.  Had you not been born to your terrible father, I would say you were my clone.  How long did it take?”
“After the first time I met her, I wanted to know more, didn’t know why.  Ransom Drysdale could have any woman.  And then I saw her at the bar…I couldn’t get her out of my head.  There was something enticing about her being taken, I could have her without the commitment.”
“How long?” Harlan repeats.
“After a month.  A handful of meetings, I didn’t want to let her go.  I couldn’t let her go.”
“And I’m still right here, baby,” Ransom should have known that the sound of his voice wasn’t going to keep you asleep for long.  He didn’t care.  While it was the first time saying that out loud, he meant every word.  “And look at our babies,” you grunt as you sit up.  “They’re uncomfortable.”
“Would you trade it?” Harlan asks with a smile.
“Not for all the money in the world,” you say, leaning over to kiss Ransom’s lips.
“And one day,” Harlan begins as he looks around at his family.  “One day, you’re going to be sitting in this chair, or on the couch together.  Your grown children arguing about something that happened when they were kids, and you're going to have a house full of grandchildren.  Some cuddling with you, some chasing each other around, some I’m sure will laugh as their parents playfully fight, some will be playing Go, you better keep that alive.  But I hope that they fill this dusty old estate up with all these pretty babies.  These kids, they’re the reason I’ve stayed alive for so long.  They keep me young, and I want to see all that they accomplish.”
“A lawyer,” Ransom says, looking at Iris.  While he hated Andy, he knew how much she desired to do law, and that she would follow in her father and Andy’s footsteps.  She could softly debate any topic.  “And a good mama.  I’m gonna be stuck with Tweedle Dee forever, aren’t I?”
“A CEO,” you give a kiss on Aster’s brunette hair.  “She’s going to change Blood Like Wine.”
“And she’s going to make me so proud,” Harlan laughs, “Gonna keep Walt on his toes when she tells him who is in charge.  Aster Drysdale doesn’t take no for an answer.  She’s going to modernize that company, and expand on it.”
“My Bladey is going to do everything,” you cup his cheek, wishing you could slow time down.  “He’s going to be into computers, games, he’ll follow his Uncle JJ somehow.  He’s so smart, I’m sure he could hack into the FBI’s system.”
“Our Story book,” Story’s head flops back, and her mouth opens slightly, “She’s got so many stories to tell, and she’ll tell him.  She’ll become a queen of her own castle. Be the Queen of Boston when her knight in shining armor climbs up the trellis, and rescues her.  He’ll climb up there one last time, and they’ll never part.”
“If you tell me that I’m going to be stuck with Tweedle Dum, too,” you giggle, drawing out his name as you look at him.  “I’m serious.  She’s another one that doesn’t take no as an answer.”
“And Luciana Violet may be much too small to determine, but that child, she’s going to pave her own way.  She dances to a completely different tune, remember that when you feel she’s so much different than the rest.  She may be all Drysdale, but she’s going to do her own thing.  She’s going to be just like her father.”
“Ransom, she’s your daughter.  She’s just like you were.”
“I don’t want her to be like me.  She’s too sweet.  Can we make her be like her mother?” Both you and Harlan shake your heads no.  “Oh, I don’t like this game.  You’re basically saying that I’ve got the boneheads in my life forever, I’m having lots of grandkids, Aster is staying single…”
“No,” Harlan shakes his head no, and Ransom throws his head back.  “Aster is going to try and follow what she thinks everyone wants her to do.  But when she least expects it, a shooting star is going to make her want to make a wish for the first time.  The moon will change the tide, and she’s going to find just the person she was meant to be with in this whole galaxy.”
“Why are you talking like that?  Kitten, why is he talking like that?”
“I feel it in these old bones.  Bladey is going to be like you,” you gasp, holding Blade closer.
“You don’t want him to be like me?”
“Ran, you were a whore.  My baby will never be a whore.”
“We’ll see, woman.  We’ll see.”
“And you’re never allowed to tell me I told you so.  Blade is always going to be my sweet boy.”
“Until he finds a sweet girl he wants to corrupt.”
“Okay.  This conversation is over.  Harlan as always these conversations are riveting.  But I am going to get my babies in bed, and I’m going to pretend this conversation never happened.”
“Kitten?” You look over towards Harlan, and he gives you a smile.  Lifting his aged hand up, he wipes away the tears, “I’m proud of you, too.  Thank you for giving me this beautiful family.”
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instructionsonback · 2 years
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6” x 9”
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crystalcanis · 10 months
Been working on putting together a voice claim video for the past year. I'm almost done but it's still gonna take a bit!
Here is Noriel tho :> I might switch or add one or two lines that are more in-character for her in the final vid, but this has been her voice for several years! Their voice claim surprises people at first, but they're just a small kid! And I can't imagine them with any other voice.
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dustysandstorm · 8 months
If I was just a little beafte, would you still give me treats?
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pyromaniaco · 4 months
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Red Path main ocs Art Batch (27/Dec/2023 - 10/Jan/2024)
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King Sedi'ment
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Cell: Can I have some water?

Frieza: *starts chugging his water bottle*

Frieza: *chokes from drinking too fast*

Frieza: *spills water all over himself*

Frieza, coughing: I don't have any water.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Can you give us a sweet and ridiculous Ransom teaching kids how to ride a bike 🥺🥺🥺
🥺😫 Ransom just being the sweetest and most ridiculous father has my whole heart. He loved being hands on with all the kids, for everything...well almost everything. And we know his kids get a lot of his dramatics, and even stubbornness from him. So we're going to break this up into five parts.
Let Them Go
Summary:  Ransom teaches his babies to ride their bikes
Pairings:  The Drysdale’s
Rating:   🥺🥺🥺
Warnings:  cuteness overload, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.5K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Desperate Love Masterlist
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“Daddy, you won’t let me fall?” Iris looks up at Ransom with her sweet blue green eyes, and back down to her bike with no training wheels.  “I don’t want to fall.”
“Ris, it’s okay,” James gives her handlebars a quick tap, and looks back to Ransom.  “I’ll fall on the ground first, if you think she’s going to fall.”
“She won’t fall, James,” Ransom groans, rolling his eyes.  “Angel, do you think daddy would let you get hurt?” She shakes her head no, putting her feet on the pedals.  “James, stay there.  You’re only going to distract her.  Come on,” he starts out at a steady walk with her, picking up a bit more speed.  “It’s the same thing as with the training wheels.”
“This is easy,” she giggles.  Wanting to go a bit faster, she pedals with more vigor.  “You can let go now, daddy,” he gives a quick look back at you, refusing to take his hands off the bars.  “Daddy, let me go.  I got this.”
He drops his hands, having tears in his eyes as she pedals around a bit more.  Yelling out in joy.  “Kitten!” His hands point over at Iris.  “She was…and then…I had to let her go,” with Blade on your hip you walk over to him, to kiss on his cheek.  “Make her come back to me.  She’s pedaling around with that bonehead.”
“Ran, go help Azzie.”
He looks back at his usually confident daughter who was biting her nails.  Watching her sister, shaking her head, “No.  I won’t do it.”
“You don’t have to,” your husband says, and gets a quick slap to his stomach.  “What?”
“You have a son you’ll have to do this with, and this dramatic girl,” you rub along your belly, reminding him of yet another child on the way.  
“But they’re my babies, and Iris.  Iris!  Baby are you okay?” He runs over to Iris who had crashed into a hedge, but James was already helping her up, even dusting off her shorts, “Kitten!”
“Ransom, you're freaking Azzie out.  Help her.”
“My baby, daddy.  Dis my baby,” Blade rubs on your stomach with you, and Ransom gives the both of you a kiss before running towards Aster who pushes his hands off her bike.
“She fell.”
“I know, little star, but…”
“She fell all the way on the ground, and you…you weren’t even watching her properly, and you want me to ride a bike. No.  I won’t do it.  I won’t,” when he looks back at you, you wave your hand, encouraging him to try.  “Daddy, you let her go.”
“She asked me to.  Trust me, I didn’t want to.”
“Will it hurt?  If I fall?”
“It may.”
“Will you pick me up if I fall?” Ransom nods his head smiling, grabbing her handlebars.  “If I fall do I have to try again?”
“Yes, baby, you need to keep trying.
“Daddy, I’m scared.”
“I’ve always got your back, Azzie.  Daddy will always be here for you, no matter what.  No matter how big you get.  Even if you don’t live with me, daddy will always have your back.  I am your biggest fan.  And you,” He points over at Carter, “Do not move.  Let her get going on her own.”
“Yes, Mr. Drysdale,” he says, putting his kickstand down.  Lydia and Gregory didn’t want Carter to get dirty, or break a bone, so they refused to buy a bike, Ransom got him one anyways.  Even taught him how to ride.  “Mr. Drysdale, I just want to tell Azzie, she’s got this.”
Just like before Ransom pushes her along.  Starting to jog when Aster reaches her hands around his neck and picks her feet up off the bike.  Swinging her body on him, “Daddy, I’m not ready.  Please, don’t make me.  I don’t want to get hurt,” her legs wrap around Ransom’s waist, and she looks up at him pouting, “I just don’t wanna do this.”
“Why, sweetheart?”
“Because…I won’t need you anymore,” she wraps her hands around him tightly, shaking her head.  “Don’t make me.”
“I won’t if you really don’t want me to.  If you really don’t want to learn, it’s not that big of a deal, but I hope you know that this won’t be the last time you need me.”
“Daddy, I’m scared,” he could hear the crack in her voice, and starts walking away with her still attached to him.  “You won’t make me?”
“Azzie, you tell me you don’t want to do anything, and you won’t have to.  Same with anyone else.  You get to decide what you’re going to do.”
“So in school?”
“That’s different.  You don’t have to learn to ride a bike.  Although, I think you’d have fun.  But if you really don’t want to.”
“But won’t I get hurt?”
“Az, if I could protect you from everything that was going to hurt you both physically and here,” he gives a tap over her heart.  “I would.  Daddy doesn’t want you to ever hurt, but hurt is also what helps you grow and learn.  Don’t be afraid of getting hurt.”
“If I don’t want you to let me go you won’t?”
“Never.  I want to hold onto you forever.”
“Maybe another time then.  Can I get on my scooter instead?” He nods his head, and Aster gives him a kiss to his nose that scrunches up.  Running off to get her scooter, and Aster Drysdale never learned to ride a bike.
“Alright, Bladey, you ready?”
“No,” Ransom laughs, shaking his head.  “I don’t…don’t, don’t like this.  Mom…mom, mommy?”
“Eh,” he warns him, tapping on his new custom Buzz Lightyear bike.  “Remember what the deal was to get this?”
“Take…take, take it back.  I don’t…don’t, don’t want it.”
“Buddy, look.  Look right here at daddy,” Blade turns his face to squint up at Ransom.  “Would I ever let you get hurt on purpose?”
“Blade!  No, I wouldn’t.  I laugh when everybody trips, even your mom, once I know you guys are okay.  But I’m not going to push you down the stairs, am I?” He shakes his head no, and looks out onto the driveway, shrugging.  “Buddy, you can do it, if you really want to.  And I know you do.  It’ll feel like flying.”
“You sure?”
“Not really, no, but it does feel cool.”
“Daddy!” Ransom gives him a knock on his helmet, and gives him a chuckle.  “Can…can, can I get snuggles with mom…mom, mommy if I get hurt?”
“Of course.  You ready?” Placing his feet on the pedals he nods his head, letting Ransom push him.  
“Faster!” He squeals, and Ransom sets off on a quick run.  “Let go!” As soon as he does, Blade loses balance, and falls to the ground.  Glaring back at his dad.  
“Blade, what were you doing?  You didn’t try.”
“I figured out the math to it.  I think so, but it didn’t work.”
“Blade, you’re six.  This isn’t math, this is riding a bike.  Pedal when I let go,” furrowing his brow, he determines he’s going to get it.  “Don’t think too hard, you’re going to hurt yourself.  Just go with it, okay?”
“Okay,” trying like they left off, he screams at his dad to let go, and he starts peddling.  A bit wobbly at first, but he’s able to get it. Able to go faster, and turn.  Taking off when you walk up to Ransom, handing him a toddler Story, and she reaches for his ring finger.  Wrapping her hand around it.
“Nope, I had to deal with that with Iris.  Just because he’s the baby boy, I don’t want to see any tears,” he doesn’t even look at you.  He knows you were struggling to let him go, “Come here,” he groans, pulling you into him, and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.  “He’s doing good.”
“I was hoping he would run into my arms.”
“Kitten, it doesn’t work like that.  We gotta learn when to let them go.”
“Story, what are you doing?” Ransom asks as his daughter places a princess bunny in her basket.  “Back.  Go back and change.”
“Daddy,” she whispers, bringing him down closer to her, “Sir Lancelot is here, I must prove that I am the Princess of Boston.”
“Well, Princess Story book.  Your tiara is blocking the way for your helmet.  You are not wearing a dress to ride a bike, and I want sneakers on your feet,” she clutches at her chest gasping, “Story Rose Drysdale, go change.”
“This is not how the Princess of Boston should be treated,” she dramatically yells as she stomps up the steps to change.  “I will still wear pink, and my bunny is staying in her basket!”
Rolling his eyes, Ransom looks up at the sky, hearing you giggle behind him, and then snort.  Spinning around he sees Carter, “You take that back!”
“I thought the Princess would like a surprise when she came back, Mr. Drysdale.  And I can’t put the rose back on the bush,” blowing out a huff of air, he gestures to Carter to come forward, letting him place the white rose next to her bunny.  
Ransom, annoyed, watches his daughter come down the steps still in a dress, “I have shorts on underneath.  Grandpa said I could.  Oh!  Where did this come from?” She smiles up at Ransom after she spots the rose.  He points towards Carter, causing Story to look down at it, too embarrassed to look at him anymore.  Ransom turns back to pout at you.
“Story, I think daddy has waited long enough.  Hop on,” you walk closer to her, whispering only for her to hear, “Make sure Sir Lancelot knows that you’re worthy of that rose,” she gives you that megawatt smile, throwing a leg over her bike.
“I don’t think I wanna know.”
“Shh, it’s mine and mommy’s secret.  Let’s go daddy,” his head tilts towards you quickly.
“She’s the last,” you give him a little shrug and smirk as you walk away, and he gets a devilish grin.  He was too easy, “Alright, Princess Story book, are you ready?” She nods quickly, but screams at him.  “What?”
“Is the rose going to be okay?”
“How many roses has that bonehead given you?”
“They’re special roses daddy.  They’re my roses.  Grandpa had them planted before I was born.  They have special powers that will help protect me and guide me through my journey through the kingdom.  You know the Black Knight is out there somewhere, and must thwart him so he doesn’t interfere in taking me away from Prince Charming.”
“Your grandpa really made sure you had a colorful speech pattern.  You’ve got the rose, got the princess bunny, got your dress, are you ready?”
“Yes!  Onward King of the castle,” dramatically she leans forward to look as if she was gaining speed.  Getting comfortable too easily, and not even realizing that Ransom had already taken his hands off her bike as she rides around.  “I shall name this bike Nimue!  My gallant steed.  Daddy?” She puts a foot down, stopping abruptly, and turns back to look at him.  “Why did you let me go?”
“You and your gallant steed were speeding away without me.”
“But…you let me go, and you didn’t tell me.  I had to discover it, because I didn’t see your ring gleam in the sun rays.  That was not funny.”
“Story book,” he chides.  “You did just fine.”
“But you let me go.  You just poof, and you were gone.  Why?”
“You were determined to pull away, and you were ignoring everything I said because you were talking to yourself.”
“It was a story!”
“Yes, princess.  You need me to push you again?” Her smile beams off her face as she tries to get started again.
“Now I can go riding with Iris, James, Aster, Blade, and Carter!  Bye daddy!”
“Wait!  I didn’t…Kitten!”
“Ransom, I can’t solve everything.  You did let her go.”
“No,” Lucy pushes the traditional bike away, her hand still reaching for one without pedals.  “I want that one.  
“It doesn’t even make sense.  How is that supposed to work?”
“You just,” she kicks her foot like she was on a scooter, and tries to get on the bike.
“What’s daddy going to have to do?”
“Nothing.  I don’t need you to do anything for me.  I just need you to let go.  It’s time for you to let go now, don’t you think so?”
“No!” He kneels down, and pulls her hands in his.  “No, it is not time.  You are my last.  I don’t think your mom is giving me another one.”
“I’m not,” you tell him, leaning back in the sun.  “We’re about to be grandparents.  And Lucy waited long enough, didn't you baby?” She nods her head looking up at Ransom.  
“Because I didn’t want her to grow too fast.”
“Mama, can I scoot around now?”
“Yes, Luciana.  Ran, come here.  Sit down with me,” He slumps down on the front porch steps.  Leaning over on your shoulder as he pouts at Lucy, “You were the one that didn't’ want to teach her.  She showed you.”
“I wanted to savor it.”
“Baby, hopefully all our kids have babies.  And we’ll get to make memories with them as well.  We’ve had twenty-one years of raising these babies.  Enjoy that this one was easy.”
“Easy?  Lucy?  Lucifer?” You give him a quick swat to his stomach telling him to leave your baby alone, “Can we have another?”
“But look at her, she doesn’t have any kids to play with her.  It’s not fair.”
“She’s the same age Story was when she was born.”
Throwing his head back he groans.  Remembering each time that he taught his kids to ride a back.  Could almost hear the panic in Aster’s voice, the determination in Iris’s, the intimidation in Blade’s, and even the whimsiness of Story’s.  Lucy was aloof, and marched to a beat of her own crumbs.  
“We can’t keep them babies forever.”
“Why?” He demands, watching Lucy scream with her laughs.  “I want them to be.”
“I didn’t enjoy the diapers.”
“Our baby is…I can’t even say it, Kitten.”
“Then don’t,” you give him a soft kiss, and turn back to look at Lucy.  “We had to let them go at some point, daddy.”
“Well, I don’t like it.  I want them all Lucy’s age right now.”
“I know you do, baby.  I would do it, if I could.  But instead, kiss me, and let’s watch our fifth.  The one that is all Drysdale.”
“Shh, let's not talk about her getting older, and enjoy it, okay?”
“Okay,” you let him lay on your chest, and scratch the back of his head.  “I love our life, Ran.”
“I love our family, Kitten.”
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
So I am sick and Dau was here yesterday, so when today I saw this reel and I realised how heavily and hilariously this basically me and Dau coded so here is it:-
Modern!Dau and Troublemaker Me!!
Note: The language was UP type and it was in Reel so I am typing so. In no way it is to hurt anyone's sentiments*
(Scene 1)
Dau: *phone rings* Haan kaho Chhoti Behna (Yeah speak lil sister)
Me: Dau kya kar rhe the? (Dau what were you doing?
Dau: Tumhari na ho saki Bhabhi se batiya rahe the *simp smile* (Was speaking to your almost Sister-in-law)
Me: Are na ho saki Bhabhi ko chhodo aur ho chuki behen par dhyaan do! Dharr liye gaye hai! (are leave my almost Sister-in-law and focus on already born Sister. I am caught!)
Dau: *sits up alarmed* Kya ki tum? (What did you do?)
Me: Are Chandu Chacha ki Tapri me se Churan chura rahe the (I was stealing Churan from shop of Chandu chacha)
Dau: Churan? *guffaws* Sorry boli ki nahi tum? (Did you said sorry?)
Me: Sorry ham apne Baap ko na bole! (I won't say sorry to even our Father!)
Dau: Dekho vo hamara bhi Baap tameez se baat Karo. Aur nahi aa rhe hai ham! (see he's my Father too talk with respect. And I am not coming.)
Me: Pakka? Theek hai. To fir ham Kallu Pandit ko le aate hai (Sure? Okay. I will call Kallu Pandit then.) *cuts call*
Dau: Ye use bhi janti hai? Kya Gundi paida ki hai gharwalo ne.. (She knows him too? What sort of Don has taken birth in our house..)
(Scene 2)
Me; Dau!
Dau: Kya ho gaya? Aise muh kyu sadai ho? (What happened? Why is your mood spoiled?)
Me: Are ek launde ne gadi khadi kardi thi hamari parking me. Ham phek aaye! (A Guy parked his Bike at my place. I threw away!)
Dau: Tum gadi hi phek ayi? (You threw away the bike?)
Me: Nahi, ham Launda phek aaye! Bol raha tha launde layege launde layege, hamne kaha le aao! (No, I threw the boy away. Was screaming I will bring boys I will bring boys.)
Dau: Haan dekh lege (Yeah we will see)
Me: Niche khada hai. *dry and quiet* (Standing downstairs)
Dau: Kitne hai? (How many?)
Me: Around 10? *counts*
Dau: *picks up a Hockey* Ek extra rakh liyo *rolls sleeve* (Keep an extra)
Me: *smirks and enthusiastically nods*
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Dau: *smirks triumphantly at beaten up boys* Haath lagake dikhao hamari behna ko fir se! (Try touching my sister once more!)
Me: *grins proudly*
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