#kiarras thoughts
vahalia-cress · 12 days
⸸ Mask ⸸
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‘I’d go on to other. Another tyrant, a true one.’ ‘I’d likely even enjoy becoming that up until and after someone, maybe you, pulls a blade across my throat.’ ‘I just don’t want it.’
Delicate knuckles lowered to draw along Idalia’s face as she slept.
Within the darkness of the room Vahalia stood centered between the two bassenettes with the twins sleeping within, blissfully unaware of the roils of the world around them. How fractured the family had been, possibly even dating back to Dalmasca.
She had to give herself some credit for trying to keep it all together despite the happenings. And now, Osric sought to take the twins back to Coerthas with him, a blessing both she and Hakan afforded him while also putting things and people in place to assist him with the twins while the Matriarch herself opted to see to wrap up business within Tuliyolall and then Black Water.
‘Vahalia. Trust me on this.’
There was a dull ache twisted into her ribs, one like she had never felt before. There was meaning to this pang but she hadn’t quite figured out why. Always reaching for more than what she was allowed, Vahalia hadn’t been accustomed to the word ‘no’, which made matters all the more difficult to swallow down.
She was desired when it was at a beck and call, the long haul as it were until someone grew uninterested and moved on to other things.
Actions spoke to her in a way where words often contradicted them and as often as she thought she was ilming more and more near to stability, the rug adjusted. Moved. The goal posts forever out of reach.
Perhaps something deep down was the driving force to working so hard to keep things together.
Palpable. Happy.
Not entirely, but one could hope.
It wasn’t as if though any parent wouldn’t want was best for their children. Especially when conversations about having more were on the table.
Hakan didn’t want her offering of him officially being her companion through life, but yet wanted his fingers dipped into Cress affairs which had been something he asked for many, many moons prior. Too much, too little – where was the line?
Tiredly, her eyes lidded and Vahalia adjusted the fleece over the sleeping infants where thoughts eventually brought her to the chair on the open balcony overlooking the shoals. A soft swish of her robe came and she settled into the spot to let the sounds beyond the walls try and lull her into a sense of calm.
She expelled a breath and couldn’t help but smile at her shortcomings, hand reaching to comb through the long loose strands of her hair that had been let down for the evening.
There was a meeting to look forward to. Two in total she would have to see to before returning to Ishgard. Hakan had gone and reached to bridge possible business between a clan in Hingashi and House Cress, a boon to be certain and one Vahalia herself had her interest piqued toward ever since he had told her of the proposal he had made on her behalf.
At least she was being thought of, that was enough to quell some unrest within her core.
Kiarra Ravensong, a name she had never heard but it was expressed that she and the Lady Ravensong had much in common. Outside of business, they both were mothers of twins simply looking to forge ahead. A quality that Vahalia herself could appreciate.
Any hard-working woman for that matter in the face of any adversary. 
The mention of silks possibly being traded would be the fray in the loom. Since she and Cordelia had become exclusive to one another in trading, transport, and textiles it would prove to be a difficult task to manage but one she would have to approach Cordelia about. If anything, Cordelia was an understanding woman and she had a mind for business and dealing as much as Vahalia herself did – there would undoubtedly be a way to keep both pieces of the proverbial pie.
Then there had been mention of Carrera and Carrera possibly having a hand in dealings to come. More fine-tuning, more meetings, more missives, more delegating.
Perhaps it was for the best that the twins were to be with Osric for a stint. It hadn’t been that she never wanted to allow him his time, but simply a matter of worry and letting her only, young children sail away from her care to be what felt like a world away. Despite the sizeable growth House Cress had met within recent years, the state of succession would always be fragile.
Her mind wracked itself with a myriad of things from worry, grief, and disappointment, elated with happiness but plagued by failures.
Some evenings were harder to find rest than others and this evening had been no different. Easing back along the wicker of the chair she gazed above to the well-thatched canopy that hung over the balcony. These days, flourishing felt like drowning and there was no easy way to depict the two.
In the morrow, another day, another mask.
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could you make a version of the "farmer flinching at their spouse's sudden movement" ask, but with Ridgeside Village canditates (preferably the bachelorettes, as they are my favorite!!). if not, that is understandable ^^
thank you!
Of course, dear anon! I'll do that headcanon with the bachelorettes 😊 Thanks for the question! 💕 (yay, more angst and pain!)
Daia is quite intelligent and perceptive, so she immediately realised what made her partner flinch. It's probably one of the few times Farmer was able to catch Daia so shocked. The ninja apologises to them and makes them vow that never, under any circumstances, will she allow herself to hit them. Oh, and also, can Farmer give her the name of the people who made them feel this way? She will definitely not seek this bastards out, in order to mentally and physically destroy them, and then bury the corpse in the woods, for worm fodder. Thank you, dear, love you 😘
Farmer, Alissa just a couple of days ago accidentally stepped on your foot and worried for half a day about hurting you (accidentally, but it didn't make her feel any better). So when you explain to her why you squeezed your eyes shut and covered your head, it will break her heart. Naturally, the girl knows it's not Farmer's fault, but it made her feel terrible that the Farmer thought she would do that too. Alissa hugs them and tearfully tells them that she will never hurt her love.
Physical violence was simply not acceptable! Flor wouldn't even dare to think about hurting Farmer, her partner, in any way, much less physically harming them. She knows for Farmer's past with abusive ex and has always tried to help them, but since Farmer is afraid of her movement as well, her knowledge and help is not enough. Flor promises that she won't look at Farmer any differently after this incident, that she loves them and they will work on this together.
Remember that "I'm a healer, but..." meme with the doctor holding a gun? Mm-hmm, that's how Paula feels when she finds out her partner has been abused in the past. She swears if she had a real gun.... No, getting angry is not the solution. Right now, Farmer needs her support, so she'll devote all her attention to them. The girl will help them find a professional to deal with past trauma and will always be there for Farmer. Plus, she is always ready to protect Farmer if the abusers dare to come here (she is an army medic, after all, and knows how to fight).
Irene was just playfully waving her ladle when the Farmer tried to steal the brownie before lunch, but all the fun ended when the cook saw exactly the fear in her lover's eyes. It wasn't like she was in any way going to actually hit them. They believe her, don't they? When the Farmer told Irene that this was exactly how their ex- had punished them from, her heart just shattered and tears rolled down her cheeks. Irene would apologise to them and never dare to hit them, you hear her! Never!
Kiarra had only wanted to chase a fly off the Farmer's shoulder, but now they clamped their eyes shut as if prepared for a blow. And the blow came, but metaphorically, struck at the heart of the girl herself, who saw how her partner feared her too. Farmer had just recently told the graphic designer about their ex, and Kiarra was encouraging and supporting them in every way possible. No, it's not Farmer's fault, and no, she will never allow herself to offend them. Kiarra promise.
Blair simply raised her arms to enclose the Farmer in her tight embrace, but they covered their faces with their hands and eyed the young fisherwoman warily. Something wrong? Why won't Farmer go near her? It's not like she smells so fishy that her partner wouldn't want to hug her, hehe. 'Hit them'? What makes Farmer think- !!! Blair was able to pull herself together and calm Farmer down, stating that she wouldn't dare do such a thing. Meanwhile, she thinks about asking Farmer for a list of all the people who hurt them so she can find them and break their noses.
Words cannot describe how furious Corine was. No, she wasn't angry at Farmer, of course. She was angry at their horrible acquaintances, who considered inflicting physical and mental trauma on Farmer to be the ok. And even after being out of Farmer's life, their horrible actions still continued to torment her partner. Naturally, she will never hit them, and will always be there for them. Even protecting them if one of these jerks shows up at Ridgeside Village again.
Oops, Ysabelle didn't mean to scare Farmer with her sudden arm movements, she was just engrossed in the dance. She hopes the Farmers weren't too frightened. But... why won't they stop shaking? "Beating them"??? What makes them think Isabelle would hit her beloved partner!? Oh Yoba, does Farmer have toxic relatives too? No, she wouldn't dare hurt them in any way, and since Farmer had committed their past to her, she would help them deal with the stress and teach them how to deal with such people.
Outrageous! How much of a scumbag and coward do you have to be to take advantage of Farmer, manipulate and hit them? It's a good thing that they are now exactly EX and won't appear in Farmer's life again, or else Faye would have kicked their pathetic bum! Ugh, she's so angry! No one dares to offend her Farmer! (the young waitress will later apologise to Farmer for her abrupt moves and shower them with kisses).
Farmer knew that Maddie would do nothing bad to them, but still reflexively shrank from her sudden movement. But when they opened their eyes after about ten seconds, they found her silently crying. Maddie was aware of Farmer's ex who was an abuser and didn't shy away from punishing them, and this realisation just breaks the scientist's heart. She would encircle them in an embrace, sobbing quietly and promising that she wouldn't dare hurt them, and would be there for them. Just like Farmer had been there for her in her time of need.
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stardropcritter · 5 months
I have absolutely been hyperfixating on this game again now that I'm finally home and have been able to play for a little bit. And by a little bit I mean it's all I've done whenever I can. So, here's my first farmer for the 1.6 update! <3 The meadowlands farm has my heart This is Iris, who recently moved from Zuzu City to Stardew Valley. I play with both Stardew Expanded and Ridgeside, so there will be content and (possibly spoilers) of those storylines as well as the main game. But mostly silly screenshots and maybe the occasional doodle or drabble :)
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I have no idea who she might romance. I'm developing her story in my head as we go, and honestly, she's close with Seb, Leah, Shiro, June, Kiarra, and Sam. If I were to guess, I think Shiro or June are the most likely bachelors for her. She's 22 and I headcannon most of the young-ish bachelors and bachelorettes to be between 20-30, and I think Jenna Ortega probably would be one of my bigger models for how I imagine her facial features, with some obvi changes once I eventually put pencil to paper. She was planning to graduate with a double major in psych and lit, but tuition fees and cost of life in a city are monstrous. Working two jobs was not the good idea she thought it would be. While she loved her job at the coffee shop, balancing that with her office job at Joja AND school was a nightmare. Plus, the coworkers were a little creepy and the work environment at Joja was generally toxic, let's be real.
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She's the type to walk around town with a fresh cup of coffee in hand or her nose in a book and has probably bumped into many of the villagers this way. She often has panda eyes to rival Seb- she suffers from occasional insomnia and, if that wasn't enough, she's very likely to be so engrossed in a book that she loses track of time and now she has to go feed the chickens and tend to the crops already.
She has slight corvid vibes- not in the emo way per se, but because she loves collecting random little shiny or interesting things and has a growing collection of trinkets at home, and she -will- start leaving random gifts for the people she likes without them necessarily noticing. So if you come home to a random shiny object (especially if there's a small label with a pressed flower attached), you've got her to blame. She can also be an absolute little shit when she feels like it. And she's loyal as fuck. Iris loves music. She grew up playing piano and guitar with her dad. This is part of why she gets along so well with Seb and Sam, and she often hangs out w them when they have band practice. Maybe sometimes even jams with them a bit or sings along (she has a decent voice). She does -NOT- get along with Abby for reasons we'll get into eventually. She loves myths and folklore, so you can imagine she is going crazy trying to discover the secrets of the valley and is constantly hounding Marlon and Rasmodius (the Wizard) for more information. Oh, and she had never held a sword before in her LIFE, so she's had to take up weekly lessons with Marlon since moving to the valley. She kind of loves it though. My girl is terrified of heights, so as you can imagine her first trip on the cable car to Ridgeside was... something. I'll write that one up eventually. First few trips, even.
She loves reading by the ocean so if you can't find her anywhere, try there. Or the library, she might be begging Gunther to order in more books. Pressed flower art is one of her hobbies, and her farming style largely focuses on growing flowers for sale and her own art/gifts, as well as livestock. Although she's started with only the two little chickens that come with the Meadowlands farm, Viola and Piccolo.
Hmmm.... Ask me anything you want! I want to play more tonight, but then I'll start organizing some of my screenshots and maybe also organizing my ideas for some one-shots or drabbles I want to write of how the first year is going. Have some portraits :3
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caelwynn · 7 months
I'm still physically wiped out and my head's too fuzzy to do 'real' writing/revisions on my story, but I'm just coherent enough that I want to chitter-chatter about my fic.
So in the course of working on Choices, one of the things I've spent an inordinate amount of time on is figuring out the 'cohorts' for the valleyfolk. What I mean by 'cohorts' are the groups of people who are in a similar age-range to one another and then further subdivided into 'natives' (aka 'people who grew up together in the valley') and 'transplants.' After all, one of the things I'm trying to accomplish is interweaving three large expansion mods with the base game and coming up with a cohesive whole, and that means knowing who from the various mods have known each other basically forever.
Under the cut, I break down who's in what cohort. I may or may not later flesh out my thinking about why I plopped certain people into certain groups, mostly because when I started to do so with this list, the post grew disgustingly (more) bloated. If I do, I'll probably do a separate post for each cohort. After all, this is the site for rambling about this sort of random stuff, right? 😅 (Edit: that's exactly how I spent my afternoon. You can find my thoughts on each cohort here: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5.)
If you squint just right, these could be considered spoilers for SVE/Ridgeside/East Scarp.
I divided the population of the valley into five different cohorts/generations. Ages are based on how old they are/would be during the course of Choices. They are also in order of eldest down to youngest. I have actual ages recorded for most of the characters, but it cluttered up this list waaay too much.
(OG) - Base Game, (SVE) - Stardew Valley Expanded, (R) - Ridgeside, (ES) - East Scarp
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Natives
Maive (R)
Richard (R)
Gil (OG)
Evelyn (OG)
Linus (OG)
Willy (OG)
Lenny (R)
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Transplants
George (OG)
Mr. Aguar (R)
Sonny (R)
Mrs. Olsen (Emily and Haley's mother) (OG-ish)
Lola (R)
Freddie (R)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Natives
Lewis (OG)
Vivienne (ES)
Jessie (ES)
Mr. Olsen (Emily and Haley's father) (OG-ish)
Lily-Anne (ES)
Ezekiel (R)
Clement (ES)
Helen (R)
Marlon (OG)
Daisy (Adventurer's Guild Expanded)
Mark (ES) (Sterling's father, unnamed in mod)
Jess (ES) (Henry's father, unnamed in mod)
Pierre (OG)
Alecto (Stand Alone)
Robin (OG)
Marnie (OG)
Gunther (OG)
Susan (SVE)
Kimpoi (R)
Kent (OG)
Bert (R)
Olga (R)
Lorenzo (R)
Caroline (OG)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Transplants
Rasmodius (OG)
Carmen (R)
Pam (OG)
Andy (SVE)
Jodi (OG)
Demetrius (OG)
Olivia (SVE)
Pika (R)
Malaya (R)
Naomi (R)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Natives
Tristan (ES)
Clint (OG)
Shane (OG)
Henry (ES)
Sterling (ES)
Mona (OG/ES?)
Jacob [He turns 31 during the fic] (ES)
Mateo (ES)
Jasper (ES)
Kenneth (R)
Emily (OG)
Sandy (OG)
Anton (R)
Maria (R)
Paula (R)
Gloria (ES)
Zayne (R)
Kiarra (R)
Sophia (SVE)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Transplants
Harvey (OG)
Shanice (R)
Mia (ES)
Elliott (OG)
Leah (OG)
Bryle (R)
Philip (R)
June (R)
Kataryna (ES)
Jeric (R)
Aideen (ES)
Rosa (ES)
Flor (R)
Irene (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Natives
Penny (OG)
Sebastian (OG)
Alissa (R)
Abigail (OG)
Shiro (R)
Corine (R)
Sam (OG)
Ysabelle (R)
Alex (OG)
Haley (OG)
Lexi (ES)
Blair (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Transplants
Victor (SVE)
Maddie (R)
Faye (R)
Juliet (ES)
Sean (R)
Gen 5 (Ages 5-17)
Maru (OG)
Oliver (ES)
Ariah (R)
Trinnie (R)
Keahi (R)
Eloise (ES)
Louie (R)
Vincent (OG)
Jas (OG)
Yuuma (R)
Lavril (ES)
Gen 5 (Haven't decided ages yet)
Leo (OG)
Morgan (SVE)
Bliss (R)
Pipo (R)
Undreya (R)
Yeah, I know there are characters missing (especially from East Scarp, as I have difficulty keeping track of all the individual NPC mods, and SVE), but there it is. I wonder if this is actually interesting to anyone other than me. Oh well. 😅
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mrsconcept · 2 years
I'm playing through my super-modded, extended Stardew game, and I've gotten a new cutscene between Kiarra and Anton. I had no idea they were brother and sister! I thought at most that they were work acquaintances or maybe niece and uncle? This is wack, I LOVE this game! I can tell the maker of this mod put a lot of love and hard work into it, I really appreciate that!
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sentintheclowns · 1 year
yep i agree with you , no shoe-ins. last year sav was the shoe-in and probably either lily or ellary day over finley.
Gotta earn it and dance all out for the title!
i thought kiarra was the shoe in 🥲 thought mini was unpredictable and junior could go lots of ways since not many have won as first year junior!
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mdarra · 2 years
can i just say,
na i'm very happy of my current state? i'm slowly picking up myself kasi i feel like i lost it somewhere. i am regaining the vibrance that i lost. i like what i'm feeling now, i'm actually happy! omg 🥹
i like how motivated i am when it comes to studies, and i like how happy i am whenever i get good results. kasi i know i've studied well for it.
i like how consistent i am when it comes to my morning routine. i like how my body wakes me up at 5am and how motivated i am to jog every morning. i've been jogging for 2 weeks now and i've never been so consistent with this huhu
i like how others would compliment how "blooming" i am. i'm always so flattered when they say "you look happy" because i am! and i like how others could see how genuinely happy i am.
i like how i am at peace whenever i go out alone. iba din talaga when you treat yourself to a nice coffee pa minsan minsan.
but i also like it when others would reach out to me and ask for my company, hangout lang ganon or mini roadtrip 🥹
i like how firm i am when it comes to decision making. i like how i really thought about stepping down from the org thoroughly to the point where i gave it a second chance, but then i accepted the fact that i couldn't do it. i like how well aware i am of my limitations.
i am happy now. and i hope this would stay even if there would be some downs, i hope i find it in myself to be happy after.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Blood Sharing & What You Should Know About It
Turns out, being bound for life has levels.
Kiarra Sylvester
May. 12, 2022 03:00PM EST
When you’re attending school to become a sex therapistor educator they have something called SAR, or Sexual Attitude Reassessment. The goal is to determine where you stand on atypical or sensitive scenarios that may walk into your office in the form of your client(s). By "atypical," I simply mean that it’s not your run-of-the-mill couples counseling session. One of the topics that came up – one that would’ve never crossed my mind – was bodily fluids. Prior to that, I never considered that people might be into a wide range of bodily fluids and I also didn’t realize the various ways that bodily fluids could be incorporated into sex.
Now, I’m sure you’re curious as to what a SAR may encompass. You usually are asked to preview the material at hand so yes, we absolutely would watch porn in our classroom as a means of exposure. The teacher provides a disclaimer and makes it clear that you can step out at any given time. Anyways, the 'bodily fluids' chapter came up, and there I was watching scat play (fecal matter), vomit, and blood to sum it up. Needless to say, or maybe not needless, blood was easily the most tolerable of the list as it wasn’t nearly as gross to watch TO ME. 
I’m not here to kink shame or 'yuck someone else's yum,' as we might say in class. But instead, I am here to share the introspection I gained from my time in school – that not everything is for everyone and scat play kinksters were never going to be my people.
I say all of this to say, I now have a weird stillness when I hear about certain things – after all, my training has prepared me. Plus, I’ve always been interested in the occult which makes things such as blood play far less unsettling. I’ve even used menstrual blood to fertilize my plants! So, when Megan Fox and fiancé Machine Gun Kelly recently admitted that they drink one another’s blood, I was chillin'. "It's just a few drops," she told British GLAMOUR, "on occasion for ritual purposes only."
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We tend to only think about blood play within the confines of sexual intimacy as period sex. However, there is a vampire kink in and of itself, and we all know how that ends. Not to say that the couple labels themselves as 'vampires' but to say that blood sharing is more common than you know.
That’s just one thing you need to know, but here are a few other things you may not have known about blood sharing.
Bound for Life
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The witchy community needs you to know that blood is a binding agent. That’s probably not exactly what they call it, but baked goods are on my mind apparently. Do you know that old saying about not eating just any woman’s spaghetti? Well, it’s not for nothing! (Editor's note: In some cultures, it is believed that by putting menstrual blood in someone's spaghetti, you can capture that person's heart.) Yes, the thought of unknowingly eating someone’s blood is definitely gross, but it’s a binding spell that creates extreme attachment and intimacy. 
And though you may not be bound for life exactly, like any love spell, it is believed that such an act makes it extremely difficult to detach and can be risky to engage in. The witch community doesn’t even recommend having period sex with just any partner for this reason. The couple themselves have said that it is only done on occasion and for “ritual purposes only” with just a few droplets – so yeah, take heed.
Take Special Care
Generally speaking, it is highly encouraged that you conduct research when engaging in blood sharing. Furthermore, it’s not recommended that you go rogue and slash open one another! Vampire experts have commented on Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly's practice and strongly suggest that blood sharing be conducted by a medical expert for the safest practice. They also strongly suggest a lengthy period of research before you even take your first sip of the vampire-esque lifestyle.
The Obvious
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Not only does blood sharing require initially being tested for bloodborne illnesses, but it requires ongoing testing. And in between all of that? A grave ability to trust your partner! Testing is great and recommended every three months, but as you may know, testing and the results don’t hold up for any intercourse that may have occurred prior to incubation periods. If you had sex two days before you go in to get tested, it’s unlikely that the results will reflect any sexually transmitted infections you’ve come into contact with in the past two days. 
And though sex is an act we hope to only do with people we trust, the reality is, that not everyone stays faithful nor does everyone practice safe sex when they do decide to stray from relationships. It's imperative that this isn’t the case when choosing to engage in blood play as there is only so much that testing can catch – testing is but so preventative.
Though I don’t half expect too many of our readers to go out trying this, I suspect that there may be a few and the other portion of you are just curious and intrigued by the couple's boldness to admit to, what so many people might feel, is an unsanitary practice. 
But, here’s to hoping that this read answers some of your (maybe) burning questions. 
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Machine Gun Kelly reveals why he wears Megan Fox's blood in a ... ›
Megan Fox, Machine Gun Kelly get engaged, drink blood - Los ... ›
'Then we drank each other's blood': Megan Fox's engagement is the ... ›
Megan Fox and MGK Do Drink Each Other's Blood — Here's Why ›
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519magazine · 8 months
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magic-in-me · 1 year
Wait why did Kiarra or Easton go for bd?
i thought they didn’t?
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ramblesofraven · 5 years
Eurovision is back. And so am I.
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makebank · 4 years
Okay, imagine the pogues as babies playing down by the banks or duck duck goose
• pope would be trying to explain the rules to everyone so they play it right
• jj would throw a fit if he lost and want to play again
• john b would argue with jj that he’s cheating
• kie would be yelling at both boys to shut up and just play
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peachysdmn · 3 years
coping mechanism (part one)
summary: anytime you or rafe has a minor inconvenience in your lives, the only rational thing you both can do is to fuck it out. that was his and your coping mechanism. numb the pain with each other. your relationship only fuck buddies even though you both want more.
warnings: angst, swearing, slightly mean rafe, mentions of drugs and other substances, slight fluff, mentions of semi sexual stuff, sad rafe
pairings: pogue reader x rafe
words: 1.4k
rafe imagined your feelings towards him ended and began with lust.
although it was just hooking up, he couldn't help but let you consume his thoughts.
you were his muse and the time spent together made his bad thoughts dim down. when he wasn't around you, he found himself needing a release in other ways.
the usual amount of drugs he did was doubled.
the alcohol he drank got stronger each day.
and the fights only grew more violent and even more unnecessary. he would find any reason to beat up some poor guy who probably didn't deserve in the first place, all because of you.
thats what he blamed it on.
he wanted to hate you with all his might but it was too hard. you were so easy to like.
another day and another party rolls around on figure 8.
like always rafe finds himself drowning his sorrows and emotions with drugs.
most times when he's high out of his mind, he's loud, obnoxious even, but this time round he was silent.
sitting in the corner of the room he was fixated on a girl dancing a few feet away from him.
call it the drugs taking its effect or his wild imagination but he couldn't help picture her as you. before he could stop himself, rafe reached for his phone dialing your number silently hoping you'd be up at this time and pick up.
much to his luck you told him to come over since your parents were out of town, leaving you with the house all to yourself.
truthfully you'd been thinking about him too. not exactly in the same way as he was but never the less you needed him and he called just at the perfect time.
on the way to your house, rafe replayed your most recent rendezvous over in his head.
you riding him in the backseat of his car right outside the golf course.
apparently, your skirt was "too short for golf" but perfect to be pushed up and have him fuck you then and there.
you weren't complaining though. just like most girls who just wanted rafe to fuck them you needed an excuse to see him and golf was what seemed to work.
thats all you assumed you were to him. another notch in his belt. something to pass his time when he gets bored of the other 50 girls he had on backorder.
pulling up to yours, rafe could see your bedroom light on and wasted no time rushing to the front door not even bothering to knock before bursting in - he figured you weren't expecting anyone else.
you had heard the engine of his car and knew he was coming up to your room from the footsteps getting louder and louder by the second.
when he pushed your door open, you were waiting for him on the bed, legs crossed while you leaned back on your two arms.
rafe stood at your door for a moment, letting his breathing get more jagged as he drank in the sight of you waiting for him. his eyes ran over your body and lingered on your face for a little longer than he intended before you spoke.
"what are you waiting for?" you questioned, confidence laced in your voice.
"I'm all yours cameron" that's what it took for rafe to grab your hips and pull your body against his, finally placing his lips on yours in a heated kiss.
you felt bad that you were basically sleeping with the enemy.
but you didn't that bad. at least not bad enough to stop.
rafe had hurt your friends, more times than you could count.
from pope to jj and even kiarra. they all warned you to stay away from him.
you knew they were speaking from experience but you wanted to see what the fuss was about.
I mean how can you really learn unless you don't experience it for yourself.
despite the common knowledge that rafe was not a good guy, you still continued the secret hook-ups behind everyone's back.
his personality was shit but what he lacked in that department, he definitely made up for in looks - and in bed.
rafe wasn't so good with words but he could talk his way out of any situation with you. so no matter how many times he beat up your friends or how many drugs he took, you were always there when he needed a release and vice-versa.
you watched as rafe slipped into his shorts again once you guys were done.
you pondered on whether you should say it but you found the words leaving your mouth before you could stop them.
"you can stay the night if you want" you mummer
rafe always tried to leave as soon as you guys were done having sex. he never wanted to seem too clingy or worse - have you realise his attachment to you.
usually, you wouldn't care.
I mean that's all he was there for anyways but this time you found yourself wanting him to stay.
you knew he was either high or drunk and you convinced yourself that's all it was.
you just didn't want him to drive home and potentially crash his car. he stares at you trying to decipher what you just said, wondering if he heard you right.
you could see the cogs turning in his head and he scratched his jaw standing before you, still shirtless and in his shorts.
"why would i..." he paused.
rafe seemed puzzled as if he was trying to decipher your statement as if it were in morse code.
"why would I do that?"
"well..." you started trailing off wondering if he assumed you had caught feelings. fuck.
"i just don't think you should drive while your drunk" the words sounded rushed as you dug your fingernails into the palms of your hands.
"now you care?" he scoffed "didn't seem concerned when I drove here to fuck you"
this shut you up real quick. what could you possibly say to that?
although rafe was trying to make a joke, the words came out harsh and cold.
he was right. you didn't think about the fact he had driven to yours drunk. you were too with thoughts of what would happen once he got here.
and now that he's here you've fucked up your chances of forming any sort of relationship outside of the fuck buddy system you both have going on.
sure this is easier for both of you - you'd be able to hook up without having to tell your friends or his, plus you get good sex.
although there were many pros in a situation like this you couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt in your chest as you watched rafe slip into his shirt and walk out your bedroom door.
this is exactly what rafe wanted. finally getting a little closer to you - something beyond just fucking but he knew you were too good for him and didn't want to corrupt you into his ways.
he decided to go home and continue binge drinking like before he went over to yours.
after a while, the drugs and alcohol stopped working. rafe could no longer block you out of his mind. with each shot he takes, he hopes to forget you even more but it works to no avail.
it'd be so much easier if you were on the same page as him but rafe would never tell you how he feels.
he couldn't bear the thought of rejection.
and you couldn't stand the fact you would lose rafe if you spilled your feelings. so once again, like clockwork rafe shows up at your place the next night.
his main problem right now was you and the only way he could solve that problem was by being with you in whatever way possible.
he intended to leave his mark on you, make sure you didn't forget him and he fucked with the intention of having himself imprinted on your mind like you were on his.
yikes might make this a series idk?
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Fate (JJ Maybank x Routledge! Reader)
Date set to post; December 4th, 2020
Date posted; December 8th, 2020
Summary; JJ falls in love with his best friends sister.
Warning(s); Fighting.
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. . .
“Take a picture,” You clear your throat as you toss the empty bag on the motel bed, glancing over your shoulder to the blonde across the room, “It’ll last longer,”
“Got a camera?” JJ smirks, watching you with pinched brows as you pull your phone from your back pocket, raising it before tossing it so he caught it, grinning,
“Lemme see,” You beckon him to hand you the gun in his hand, sitting on the bed before shifting, so you posed, “Now,”
“You can’t take a picture,” John B snatches your phone from JJs hands before grabbing your arm, pulling you off the bed, “And stop touching stuff. If the sheriff finds our fingerprints-,”
“Chill out, JB,” You huff, handing JJ the small pistol, “We’ll be fine. We’ll take a couple hundred bucks-,”
The sound of keys jingling causes John B to push his hand against your mouth in alert, looking at JJ who cursed underneath his breath, “Cops,”
“Window,” John B hisses, JJ rolling up said window where he sees Pope and Kiarra waving their arms, JJ turning to take your hand as John B follows, pushing down the window before twisting to press his back to the motel wall,
You inhale deeply as JJ pins you between the wall and his own body, your hands clutching at the sides of his tank top before you turn your head, watching as Deputy Shoupe and his officer looked around, the officer lifting the bag you once threw down,
You roll your eyes when watching Shoupe hand the officer “her check” of the investigation, glancing up at JJ who narrowly looked down at you, winking so you grinned and shook your head,
Your movement causes your foot to skid on the molded roof top, your eyes going wide in terror as JJs arms slid to tighten at your waist, the gun he kept a grip on releasing and clattering to the floor,
Your eyes pinch shut as JJ presses your body further against the wall, his breath falling short in hopes that Shoupe couldn’t see him from inside, John Bs eyes wide in warning,
“They’re gone,” John B finally breathes, your breath releasing as you allow JJ to slowly step back, jumping down from the roof as John B helped you on your feet,
“Holy shit!” You snort as you settle onto your brothers and your own boat, leaning back, “That was fun. Can we do that again?”
“Seriously, Y/N?” Pope questions, “You could have been caught!”
“But we weren’t,” You remind, nodding to JJ, “Besides, we got our fair share of the snoop, now shut up and let’s go,”
. . .
“Can you like, not stare at my sisters ass?”
JJ looks up to John Bs gaze to see his best friend glaring at him, a beer stuck out in JJs face as to distract him,
“Nah, man,” JJ winks, John B rolling his eyes as he watches you and Kiarra both pull of your shirts, “It’s too fine,”
“That’s gross, dude,” John B mutters, shaking his head,
“J!” You call, lifting a hand to beckon the blonde over, “You comin’ or what?”
“The heavens are calling,” JJ grins at John B, whose nose scrunches as he takes the beer back that JJ shoved into his hand, standing up with a rough tug of his tank top, tossing it to the side, “Bottoms up!”
Your eyes widen when JJs figure lunges forward, Kiarra covering her mouth to hide her grin when JJ jumps off the side of the HMS, twisting in time to tug you with him,
John B doesn’t see you come up- the boats ledge blocking his view, but he hears your loud laugh- similar to your fathers- before a wave of water is splashed,
“You’re a fucking dick, Maybank,” You shake your head, JJ grinning and grasping your hips, tugging you forward so you threw your arms around his shoulders,
“You love me, though,”
JJ stares as you slowly bite your lip, your head tilting as you smile, “Yeah, I do,”
JJ finds his free hand lifting out of the water and cupping the back of your head, but the sudden splash just meters from you have you jerking back in alert, JJ dropping his hand to glare at John B, irritably,
“Sorry, guys,” John B swims up, JJ releasing you so you swam backwards, “Did I ruin something?”
JJ catches you rolling your eyes, hands sending a sharp wave of water directly to his face, your brother stuttering against the water, “Kinda, yeah,”
You move to the edge of the HMS and reach up, pulling yoursef out of the water to take a sip of your beer. JJ watches, silently as you grin up at Kiarra, taking her hand before you tug her forward, laughing out loud when the girl yelps and stumbles into the water next to your brother.
. . .
“I knew I recognized that face,”
Your eyes shut in annoyance. Fixing the loose strap to your crop top, you turn, staring at Rafe Cameron who himself held a red solo cup- alcohol,
“This face has a name,” You remind, lifting your own cup you had just filled, “Nice to see you too, Rafe,”
“Whoa whoa,” Rafe is quick to catch your wrist, spinning you around so you glared at him, then where he held your wrist, “I wasn’t done talking to you,”
“Well I am done talking to you,” You spit, “Let go,”
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do,” With a swift tug, Rafe narrows his eyes at your own, “I’ll have your life a living hell. Think you’re ready to go into the system yet?”
“Cameron!” Your arm is released when JJ rams into Rafe, hands balled at his shirt and shoving him into the tree just beside you, so Rafe dropped his cup and stared at the blonde, “What the fuck are you doing, huh?”
“Just giving her the attention she needs,” Rafe grins, and you are forced to watch JJ turn and nearly body slam Rafe into the pull out table, your body moving forward in a rush,
“J!” You call, hands up in alert when he throws a punch down onto Rafe, “JJ!”
Rafe rolls so he is able to keep one hand on JJs neck, the other tossing three extra punches than what JJ had been able to pull, before Kelce and Topper are pulling him off, shoving him in the direction of the Kooks side of the beach,
“Shit,” You breathe, moving up to pull JJ into a seating position, “You okay, J?”
“I’m good,” JJ mutters, despite the blood dripping from his nose, “What about you?”
“I’m good,” You repeat, “Thanks to you,”
. . .
“You know, you didn’t have to do that,”
You gently bat the wet wash cloth to the dried blood at JJs nose. His eyes are steady on you, one hand subconsciously at your thigh, fingers drumming mindlessly on the skin,
“But I wanted to,” JJ answers, watching silently as you peel the bandage from its package, pressing it to where the skin split at the corner of his nose, “John B would have killed me if I didn’t step in,”
“Is my brother the only reason?” You raise an eyebrow, arm propped on the sinks counter as you stare down at him, “You got something to tell me, Maybank?”
“I thought it was obvious, Routledge,” JJ copies your expression, tugging at your thighs so you sat on his lap, “I’m in love with you,”
“What a shocker,” Your hands slide up to his jaw, pulling him forward to press your lips against his. JJs hand lifts from your hip and presses to your lower back, brushing at the bare skin that was revealed from your crop top,
“Dude, seriously?!” John Bs voice leads you to lean back and glance to the side, eyebrows raised to your twin, “I knew this would happen, but in the bathroom?”
“Just be glad it’s not on your bed,” You snip, sliding back onto your feet with your hands on your hips, “Gonna have to get used to this, bubs,”
John B rolls his eyes, jabbing a finger to JJs chest when he steps next to you, “Hurt her, and I’ll put that gun to use,”
“Since when did you become Big John?” JJ teases, raising his hand in a salute motion, “I swear, your honor,”
“Good,” John B nods, once, “Now get out of here, you crazy kids,”
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90363462 · 2 years
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Master The Flick Of The Wrist With These Climactic Solo Sex Positions
Let's master the flick of the wrist.
Kiarra Sylvester
May. 10, 2019 06:31PM EST
Optimal positioning is … well… optimal for solo sex. It seems like lying on your back is enough but we deserve so much more than the bare minimum. After all, if we don't make our own pleasure priority, then how will we demand that others? Just like with actual sex, there are some positions that can reach a little bit further than others, and you'd be foolish to rollover without getting the most out of your masturbation time.
Every time I switch it up, I'm amazed at how much more thrilling the intensity and sensation is, and I almost never regret it. The best part about switching it up is that I, personally anyway, feel that I'm able to simulate an intimate type of pleasure derived from partner sex. I can hug breasts while I ride the grooves of my toys. I can speed it up and I can slow it down. I can pretend I'm riding an actual dick, should I be in the mood for the real thing. 
There are so many small wins in switching up your positions while you sex yourself and we could talk about those all day. In honor of May being National Masturbation Month, I thought it'd be more interesting if I gave you the 4 positions likely to wear you out as I master the flick of the wrist. 
1.The Titty Twist & Armchair Straddle
I stan all standing positions for masturbating, but this one is a real one because it promotes titty play. My breasts are my hotspot, always have been. The only thing that saddens me is that I'm not able to do more for them, but I do what I can making sure that I caress and arouse them as much as a man would (a man without a tongue, of course). Additionally, standing for masturbation is a jackpot position bound to make you light up.
2.The Squat-and-Rock
If you really love girl on top, this one has your name written all over it. You'll feel the burn as you would if you were dropping down and getting your Eagle on and rock while playing with yourself.
3.The Invisible Man
One of my personal favorites. I often use this one to imagine I'm having the most unimaginable, mind-blowing sex with the man I don't have. Sometimes I straddle my knees further apart to expose my uber innie clitoris. I also prefer to use this position when I'm using my rabbit, which allows me to ride, but make no mistake I'll ride the hell out of my bullet too. This or anything semi-doggystyle are some of my most preferred methods of getting off.
4.The One Person Three-Way
When I peeped that was an actual position, some part of me got really hype. I suppose I should know by now that it's all been done before but in the moment that I'm doing it, it feels so odd and creative. Still, it's one of my favorite positions when I lift my legs up in this way.
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Kiarra Sylvester
Motor City native, Atlanta living. Sagittarius. Writer. Sexpert. Into all things magical, mystical, and unknown. I'll try anything at least once but you knew that the moment I revealed that I was a Sag
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superkitten-poison · 3 years
hey ellen!
109.) “Please don’t go away. Please?”
maybe marvin or jason after whizzer dies? that’s just a suggestion though you can do whatever you want with it
old ask that i never did (sorry), am doing it now because if i didn't finish writing something! i was going to die! so kiarra thanks for the ask and enjoy some lil Jason & Mendel, hurt/comfort(?), post canon fic under the cut
TW grief
"Please don't go away. Please?"
Mendel shouldn't be surprised, not after all Jason's been through, but he is anyways. Jason's not the most vulnerable kid, not one to ask for help nor comfort, even though God knows he needs it; has needed it ever since they met, but especially now.
"Of course, kid." He lays down next to him in bed, as Jason scoots over to give them both some space. He's still not the biggest fan of physical contact.
Jason doesn't say a word, and Mendel lets him. As much as it breaks Mendel's heart to see him hurt like this, he can't help the slight warmth that comes with Jason's request, with the trust put into him by this bright, amazing kid that he loves to the moon and back. His kid.
And it kills him to know he just lost a father.
Mendel looks at him and follows his eyes to the end of the bed, where Whizzer's jacket sits. Jason's eyes are filled to the brim with tears, and he remains unmoving, seemingly to keep it that way.
"It's ok to cry, Jase."
Jason's bottom lip trembles and tears slip out of his eyes as he blinks, but he quickly rubs his eyes and shakes his head no. "Fucking hate crying," he mumbles, recoiling more into himself.
Mendel breathes deeply and wonders if this is a result of Marvin's early parenting. "I... Would like to agree with you but I like crying, actually. Big fan. It helps, you know? Letting it out."
Jason clears his throat, and his voice comes out less shaky now. "It's embarrassing."
"There's just the two of us here; you can do whatever you feel like."
"I-" his voice breaks as he blinks a few more tears away, eyes fixated on Whizzer's jacket. They keep coming back. He grips the hem of his t-shirt so tightly it seems like he's trying to rip it. "I really thought he would get better," he can barely finish the sentence before breaking down into tears.
Mendel's own eyes go watery quickly. He wishes things weren't like this. He knows they'll only get worse.
"I know," Mendel lays a careful hand on Jason's back, where he knows it's ok, rubbing soothing circles. Jason's own arms muffle his bawling, but only slightly. He knows Trina can hear from the other room. "You couldn't have known."
Jason bawls and sobs and weeps and all the words there could be to describe it, and Mendel doesn't leave for the entire night.
Whizzer's jacket sits at the end of his bed. Jason apologizes to a dead man that is still his best friend. I'm sorry I thought you'd get better.
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