#kia kaha New Zealand
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ploobertus · 2 months ago
Want to materially support indigenous rights within 10 minutes?
Make a submission against the New Zealand's government's proposed bill that will take away Māori rights. You don't need to be from Aotearoa New Zealand to submit.
You have until 7th January New Zealand time.
FAQ about the bill here, from a trustworthy organisation.
Guide to writing a submission here. (It's more aimed at people based in Aotearoa, but is still valuable.)
Submit here.
Examples of international submissions. Please make it your own, as repeated submissions will not be counted.
In 2025, we should all strive to support indigenous rights, and here's an easy way to do that.
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kiwitaskmaster · 2 months ago
Episode review of Taskmaster New Zealand, Season 1, Episode 3:
> Jeremy as Paul is drinking chocolate milk hidden in his suit: :| 
> ‘You really don't wanna get a DAP. Dry Ass Pussy’ (Madeleine)
> Guy accusing Brynley of burning down the Sky City Convention Centre bc she cut the end off of a condom 
> ‘It's quite scary when she does that’ he says, leaning closer to Paul for protection LMAO
> ‘Grind up like its… mince’
> Paul Williams the man you are
> ‘Id argue that when people go to a strip club they don't leave going, wow, those poles,’ (Paul) ‘What if it's a Polish bar’ (Angella) 
> ‘Have your nipples recovered?’ (Jeremy)  ‘I kissed them better’ (Angella)
> ‘Feminism is sexy. And if you don't agree with me? You're a sexist. Do you want to be a sexist Jeremy Wells?’ (Brynley)
> Cricket = very sexy (apparently)
> Paul you poor poor man having to pull down his own brother's pants
> ‘There's a guy who looks like Guy Williams possibly masturbating in a tree.’ (Angella)
> ANGELLA GOT ONE POINT???? To be fair she did make Paul more sexy than the tree but STILL
> ‘Might be your night tonight. Probably won't be. (Jeremy)
> Augh I love Paul and Jeremy so much my pookies :(((
> ‘Get the grape in the tuba from the furthest distance’ and then they stayed inside the whole time
> ‘Guy you didn't do much but you helped a little bit’ Why does he have this grudge against Guy 
> ‘Get out there and get yourself checked. Kia Kaha. God Defend New Zealand’  (Guy) ‘I don't think anyone has done anything less for men's mental health awareness.’ (Jeremy)
> Surprise surprise (Christmas hat fit Paul’s head)
> Fabio the pinata! Jeremy’s a hater both of Brynley’s names have been great (call back to Sriracha the squirrel from E01)
> ‘Thank you Paul you sexy thing’ YEAHH PREACH 
> ‘Leigh was still writing’ (Guy) ‘So were you!’ (Jeremy?)
> This live task is absurd bc how are you meant to portray a colour with just your body
> Leigh got a point for doing jack shit LMAO Jeremy this is absurd /pos
> How did Jeremy manage to get red from whatever Madeleine was doing this is incredible
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weepingwidar · 1 year ago
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Star Gossage (Māori/New Zealander, 1973) - Kai Kaha, Kia Toa, Kia Manawanui (2017)
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msdrpreist · 1 year ago
Ik almost no one following is a New Zealander so this is more for myself and the thoughts in my head atm but I just gotta say… fuck it’ll be a long 4 years now that national is in charge. but look at the positives, greens broke records last night! There were a good chunk of labour governments going in and there were a lot of young voters this year. It’s just heartbreaking that people who only cater for the rich, the white, and the ignorant now hold control, but Aotearoa New Zealand has never backed down and we will continue the long fight to create the peace we wish to see, for everyone, not just the elite.
Sorry, but the news this morning broke me a bit. This government won by promising to take food away from children in schools, erase and remove ourselves from treaties that looked to protect our indigenous communities that the same governments have only harmed before, and have joked about blowing up ministries that they don’t agree with… but ig they really want those suffering millionaires to have another twenty fucking dollars in their wallet when the tax refunds come around…
Kia kaha Aotearoa.
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unrelaxing · 2 years ago
j has reminded me that it’s officially the second half of 2023 (and therefore it’s time to take a look at the goals we made in the beginning of the year and despair). i actually wanted to do a post on the different recipes i’ve tried this year because i’ve always been a diligent recipe-keeper but laziness i have a cold and energy levels are about 2%. anyway goals rundown -
read 18 books | we’re at 14, but if i’m being nitpicky i’ve started the bleach manga and i’m at odds with myself about whether or not i should count them.
save 6,800 dollars | we are tight with this, friends. from august i’d need to save 480.00 a fortnight in order if i’m going to meet this goal, but if i decrease the goal to 5,000 i’ll only need to save 300.00 SO we are adjusting the goal to 5,000 dollars by the end of 2023.
lose 5kgs | hehehhe i’ve lost 0.5 kgs. this physical form isn’t real and we are all beings of pure energy encased only temporarily in flesh.
no fast food | who was i on january 1, 2023? we adjusted this to no mcdonald’s in around april, after being stuck in a new zealand airport and needing food desperately. we are 6 months and 5 days mcdonald’s free. i miss you, and i miss deep and meaningfuls at a mcdonald’s parking lot.
write more (both fiction and journaling) | is this not more writing. well, last year i published one (1) thing plus 3.4k of unpublished words, but was very weak on the journalling front with only 28 posts for the whole year. this year we are currently at 17 journal posts and 3.5k unpublished words. so. pretty much the same. oops.
as we can see i am knocking one (1) goal out of the park, but what we cannot see is that we are all made of cells, but we are not prisoners to our goals, so in conclusion, for the second half of 2023 we’re going to focus on the number ‘5’ - publish 5k, average 5k steps, save 5,000 dollars. kia kaha.
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thewatermelloncat · 2 years ago
I wouldn’t normally post things about my personal life, but yesterday and today have been the most amazing days for Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (Posie Parker), a transphobic bigot, who previously proclaimed that she never loses, lost in her attempt to spread hate and transphobia in our community, and left our country with her tail between her legs.
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Link to article: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/03/26/trans-rights-protesters-take-to-christchurch-wellington-streets/ 
I’m so grateful for all the counter-protestors in Auckland who sent her packing yesterday, allowing for us today in Wellington to have a celebration of joy and love. Making it one of the most fulfilling days of my life.
Kia Kaha Aotearoa!
You make me so proud to live with you 🇳🇿
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trekbec82 · 4 months ago
New Zealand parliament, to be clearer.
Haka are ceremonial dances performed by Maori peoples for a variety of reasons. Sometimes to scare the shit out of an enemy (a bit like bagpipes traditionally achieved for Scotland), sometimes to honour a person's achievements, sometimes in mourning... There's a bunch of ways they're used.
This one is the first sort - scaring the shit out of politicians who want to reinterpret a very important treaty between the traditional owners of the land, and those who colonised it.
As an Aussie I've seen Haka performed many times, mostly at sporting events when it's us against the Kiwis, but also at more solemn occasions like ANZAC Day memorial ceremonies. I've never seen a mixed-gender Haka led by a woman before, and never sung into a mic like that.
Kia kaha koe i a koe e whawhai ana i tenei pakanga.
(Please forgive me if Google Translate botched this, it's supposed to say "Strength to you as you fight this battle.")
much better footage of the haka that shut down parliament today
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frayedcobweb · 6 years ago
Fight Hate With Love.
I am numb and cannot believe that 49 people are dead and 48 more are in hospital following a terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
My heart breaks for those who lost their lives and those who lost their loved ones. Many of the victims were people who had come here to escape the violence and death of their home countries... Now they have to face this horror in the place that was meant to be their sanctuary.
Our Prime Minister released a statement that I think says it best...
‘Our thoughts and our prayers are with those who have been impacted today. Christchurch was the home of these victims. For many, this may not have been the place they were born. In fact, for many, New Zealand was their choice.The place they actively came to, and committed themselves to. The place they were raising their families, where they were part of communities who they loved and who loved them. It was a place that many came to for its safety. A place where they were free to practice their culture and their religion. For those of you who are watching at home tonight, and questioning how this could have happened here, we -- New Zealand -- we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate. We were not chosen for this act of violence because we condone racism, because we are an enclave for extremism. We were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things. Because we represent diversity, kindness, compassion, a home for those who share our values, refuge for those who need it. And those values, I can assure you, will not, and cannot, be shaken by this attack. We are a proud nation of more than 200 ethnicities, 160 languages. And amongst that diversity we share common values. And the one that we place the currency on right now -- and tonight -- is our compassion and support for the community of those directly affected by this tragedy. And secondly, the strongest possible condemnation of the ideology of the people who did this. You may have chosen us -- but we utterly reject and condemn you. 
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planetwaving · 2 years ago
Interviews from One News NZ of people from the town of Te Karaka , Aotearoa who were evacuated to higher ground at 5am on the 14th of February. Kia kaha whānau <3
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kiwitaskmaster · 2 months ago
Episode review of Taskmaster New Zealand, Season 1, Epsiode 9:
— There will be spoilers! —
> I wonder how much that head would sell for actually
> Probably more now than it did when it was first aired
>You heard it here first, Rome WAS in fact built in a day
> I dont know who bill cosby is but gathering from the reactions. Not a good guy
> Angella. Insulting the taskmaster is NOT going to work out well for you
> She didnt get one point though so.. Fair play
> Blue cheese is GROSS im so sorry i cannot
> ‘Completley colour in this whiteboard’ and your first instinct is to use a whiteboard pen??
> Paul chipping in with ‘get yourself checked’ was a LOVELY call back though 
> May of been the fastest but it was also. Shit!
> ZERO POINTS TO GUY LMAO why does he (jeremy) do this
> Paul is absolutely at risk in this one 
> Giggling Jeremy sounds like hes trying not to laugh as hes listing all the ways they could bring harm onto paul
> Obsessed with the way Paul ragdolls whenever he falls
> Whats with the pingpong balls omg talk about adding insult to injury
> Uncut chives. Utility ingredient. Ugandan salt. REALLYY stretching that U letter there
> AGain with the foreskin! Why has she (Angella) mentioned it so many times
> Hes brave for putting that in his body ill be honest
> Madeleine Sami I love you 
> Utility ingredient is crazy work i cannot believe he lets THAT pass and hasnt let other stuff pass
> I love him for utility ingredient omfg he used it perfectly
> He sounds so genuinely upset that he was the only one
> ‘So 2 + 7……………. Is 9’
> Guy is the reason i started saying ‘far out’ 
> Hes (Paul) just lying directly to his (Guys) face thats fantastic
> Valid work tbh just bullshitting an answer 
> I am fantastic at wordsearchers so i would not even other with the pushups bc im USELSS at them
> Leigh is VERY impressive with the pressups my god
> EIGHTY SEVEN????? Absurd 
> ‘We need to drug test this guy-’ ‘dont do that.’ 
> Thirty two is still VERYY impressive considering i could do maybe max two before giving up
> Ive mentioned it before, ill mention it again, that half point PAINS me.
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kiwiasbeck · 6 years ago
While I'm here, these are just a few things I want followers who aren't in New Zealand and don't know what it's like here to know:
1. The prime minister, and now most media outlets here, HAVE labelled it as an act of terrorism from someone with extremist views. No one is saying he's mentally ill, and no one is saying he's a lone wolf.
2. This is most likely the biggest terror attack in New Zealand in nearly 30 years. (Edit: its officially the worst mass shooting in the entire history of the country. I'm sick). This isn't just another mass shooting for us, and we're all panicked for a reason.
3. With 49 confirmed dead now, it's guaranteed we'll at least know someone who knows someone who was in that mosque. It's a small country.
4. While they're not perfect, the police here aren't as corrupt as those in the USA. They are here to help anyone who feels unsafe, and they will be taking measures to keep Muslims safe especially. Already they're not letting white people into the mosque in my city.
Please, stay safe everyone, and please read reputable sources before reblogging every little thing you see about this.
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kyber-erso · 5 years ago
New Zealanders perform haka in front of US consulate for Black Lives Matter
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cosmicsnowcryptid · 6 years ago
Solidarity with New Zealand and our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.
You have allies from other faiths, countries, and backgrounds, and we will stand with you.
Kia kaha, New Zealand.
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planetwaving · 2 years ago
Aerial footage from One News of Hawke's Bay, Aotearoa in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle - over 9000 people have been forced out of their homes.
Kia Kaha Aotearoa <3
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little-kiwi-things · 6 years ago
Kia Kaha Christchurch
I just want to acknowledge the grief that New Zealand is experiencing right now following the mosque mass shooting in Christchurch.
This hate and extremism, this islamophobia, has no place in our nation and no place anywhere in the world.  It is a terrible thing that our Islamic community experienced and we stand with them in this hard time.  Everyone should feel safe in this country, and that didn’t happen. 
This was undeniably a terrorist attack and, as our Prime Minister has said, one of New Zealand’s darkest days.
Kia kaha, be strong Christchurch.
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suzuyajuzoo · 6 years ago
49 people have been confirmed dead in Christchurch.
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