#khiii re:mind
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In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora dreams about dancing with Kairi. And I realized that in Kingdom Hearts III, he somewhat does twice. He spends her around twice, anyway. And tbh, in his dream of dancing with her, they really were just kind of just holding hands and spinning around, anyway. LOL
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kairizine · 1 year
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The test print for the standee has arrived! The full batch of @apticho's gorgeous standees will be on the way soon 🌺
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sophiebaybey · 10 months
I literally can't remember the last time I played KH3 without mods. In fact, I don't think I've EVER played KH3 on CRITICAL difficulty without mods before. So that's what we're going to do TONIGHT!!!
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foxybatty · 7 months
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https://www.twitch.tv/foxybatty The final Kingdom Hearts day.
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starlightwayfinder · 1 year
Kairi! For rhe ask game
💐 Kairi!
First impression 
Kairi was definitely one of my original favorite characters! (Probably in the top 3.) I liked her design and her Keyblade was absolutely my favorite, so I made a lot of drawings of her. I was very eager for her to be playable in a future game. 
Impression now
She’s not quite as high on my favorites list anymore (only because I have so many new faves!), but I’m still really happy to see her appear in the games. She’s a very sweet character, and definitely an embodiment of hope and believing in the impossible. I always choose to play as her in Re:mind; her attacks are beautiful and princess-y, while still looking really cool and powerful too. 
Favorite moment
Her return in Re:mind was amazing. All of the guardians help to restore her heart, she gets a huge hug, and then has an epic fight with Xehanort. I couldn’t ask for anything better. (The fight from Melody of Memory is an honorable mention, even if it was only a cutscene.)
Idea for a story
It would be cool if she and Aqua went looking for her grandmother in Radiant Garden. (Especially considering that her Grandma seemingly knows a little about the Keyblade War.) She’d probably be very proud to know that Kairi has become one of the heroes of her childhood fairytale. 
Unpopular opinion 
I think her story is actually being set up pretty well, so long as she keeps getting the screen time she has been recently. (Her training with Lea & Merlin was limited to two cutscenes, so I’m hoping that her training with Aqua will be more prominent in the story.) What sets Kairi apart from Sora and Riku is that she isn’t self taught. Which sounds less impressive, I guess, but I think it actually puts her on the path to acquiring a lot of strengths and abilities that they don’t have.
Basically, I don’t think she’s sitting around and waiting for Riku to find Sora. She’s developing the skills needed to come rescue them both. I doubt the games would make so many comments about her wanting to come along and help if they never actually planned to have that happen. 
Favorite relationship
To be honest, I’m indifferent to the hotly debated Destiny Trio ships (haha). Personally, I’m more interested in her friendships with Aqua and Naminé. 
Aqua was very excited to see her in BbS and KHIII, so I know I’ll love watching them interact as master and apprentice. Especially if Aqua figures out that Kairi has a Keyblade because of her.
As for Naminé, it was great to see her help Kairi in KHII, and I think they could have a wonderful ‘sister’ relationship going forward. Naminé was so lonely, and assumed no one wanted to see her return, but Kairi was on her side throughout all of KHIII. She deserves to know that, I think. 
Favorite headcanon
In KHIII, Kairi seems to be holding her Keyblade the way Sora does. I suspect her actual fighting stance will be closer to the images on the right! (Something Aqua might teach her, maybe..?) I’d like her to embrace a unique fighting style that sets her apart from the others.
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plateauofmemories · 6 months
Okay now I've made it through half of this Re:Mind "movie" (cutscenes and pieces of the boss battles, thanks person who put this on youtube!) and this is my impression so far:
Nomura and co.: We have heard you think there are parts of KHIII that don't make sense. Please allow us to explain.
Nomura and co.: *hands us Re:Mind dlc*
Me: Thanks! This makes less sense
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Made another attempt on the data org fights in KHIII Re:Mind today and I am SO hrmm
They are hard.
I just got Vanitas down to like 1 hit's worth of HP and he did his DM with all the clones and the invincibility shield and I just couldn't survive it.
However, I did beat Larxene, Luxord, Ansem, and YX tonght. Now I've done 6/13 of them and I'm so tired.
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Did remind fix KHIII for you? Or did III need fixing, alternatively?
Hmmm. That’s a tricky question. Because the thing is, I actually really liked Kingdom Hearts III. I had a blast with it and I still do. I don’t think I enjoy it quite as much as I or II (though keep in mind those are some of my all time favourite games). But I still thought it was really fun. It looked and sounded gorgeous, it had a lot of great moments. And it was a return to form on a gameplay level compared to Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance. And not just in terms of the combat. This is arguably the first Kingdom Hearts game since the first where the levels weren’t entirely hallways (with the possible exception of Dream Drop). And as someone who has been craving level design closer to KHI for years, that was huge for me.
That being said, I had some definite complaints and I completely understood why others were more disappointed than I was. On a gameplay level it was way too easy and lacked optional content. While my thoughts on the story are more complicated. Again, it had a lot of memorable moments that did work for me. At the same time though, the pacing was really off with a lot of long-awaited moments crammed together at the end. The Disney worlds, while very fun to play, weren’t as well utilised as they could have been. A lot of characters felt really under-utilised, with a lot of missed potential for development (Kairi especially, but Riku, Ventus and several others suffered from this too). Sora’s the only one who really gets a half decent character arc by the end. Everyone else here gets scraps. Though, to be fair, a lot of my issues with the writing carried over from past games. I stand by the fact that DDD didn’t do a very good job setting up for III, so it was already starting off on the back-foot.
So it’s tough for me to say whether III needed ‘fixing’ considering how much I enjoyed it despite its problems. But did patches and DLC make the game better for me? Well, yes. I did find myself much more engaged with the game on Critical so that’s one huge improvement. I loved the Data battles (which were arguably even better and more challenging than those in KHII). And the extra playable characters were all fun and engaging to play in a way that really enhances the final battles (Roxas and Kairi are sooooo much fun here). This version definitely better succeeded at giving everyone more moments to shine in the final battle. And I think when you take vanilla III and Re:Mind together, you get a pretty good endgame. Also, Yozora is a pretty sweet superboss (even though I still haven’t beaten him). Does it fix my overarching problems with III’s story? No. It’s still poorly paced and jam-packed at the end. It’s still juggling far too many characters and plot threads without enough time to breathe. It still spends too much time setting up the next arc rather than bringing these characters’ journeys to a satisfying stopping point. It still carries over a lot of the problems I’ve had with the series’ storytelling since BBS. Also playable Kairi is a joy and I appreciate how the boss fight shows rather than tells that she and Sora are a good duo who work well together. But like…it doesn’t change how little she’s allowed to do before that or the fact that she gets freaking fridged fifteen minutes prior.
Put simply, it’s complicated. Again I like III. I like it a lot. Re:Mind and Critical Mode definitely made a game I already enjoyed even better. But I don’t believe they entirely fix the story’s underlying problems. And if you already didn’t like III, shelling out 25 quid for this isn’t gonna change your mind. I hope that answers your question.
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dreamsandhonor · 3 years
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He icey 🥶
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narwhalwrath · 2 years
Breakdown of the Kingdom Hearts Timeline
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So if you didn't know, recently, Nomura confirmed that there are about 4 generations between Kingdom Hearts Union X and Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link, which is about 100 years. So, let's break this down.
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In Re:Mind, Xehanort meets MoM 75 years before Kingdom Hearts III, which takes place 1 year after Kingdom Hearts. Thus, 74BKH.
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Kingdom Hearts X Dark Road shows that 4 years passed before Eraqus and Xehanort take their Mark of Mastery Exam, which Xehanort told Mom would be soon, meaning that it takes place around 78 BKH.
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Nomura has also said that Young Xehanort was about 18, placing his birth 95 years BKH.
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Next, consider that Brain is Eraqus' grandfather, and that a generation is around 25 years, placing Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link aprox. 75 years before Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, or 170
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Then, with the four generations between that and Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] - about 100 years - that puts it at 270 BKH. Finally, the breakdown of time in these last few games is as follows: Kingdom Hearts X [chi] covers 2 years (as confirmed by Strelitzia's flashbacks in KHUX), and Kingdom Hearts Unchained X covers those same 2 years, totalling 4 between them, with Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] encompassing one final year, so 5 in total for the X-Saga: making the oldest moment presently in the Kingdom Hearts franchise approximately 275 BKH.
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You know... it might not have been Neverland, but Sora and Kairi did actually fly together in Kingdom Hearts III.
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sensitive-charmy · 2 years
Imma be real. I seriously do not understand the time travel in KH3 at all. I thought I understood the gist of what the Sleeping Realm Theory was about. But after Re:Mind, I became completely confused. I have no idea if we’re in an alternate timeline or universe or what. Maybe part of my confusion comes from the fact that I don’t really understand what the Power of Waking is or what exactly Sora was doing in Re:Mind.
Does anyone know of any link to a video or post that would sum it up nice and easy for me?
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kairizine · 2 years
🌺 Merch Reveal: Shaker Charm 🌺
This sweet merch designed by @destiny-islanders will be available for preorder as a part of our limited highest-tier bundle! The shaker charm is 3 x 1.8 inches (76 x 45 mm) and made with eco-friendly transparent acrylic.
Follow us @kairizine to see more merch reveals leading up to the Destiny's Embrace preorders, opening on March 28th!
[Video description:
The video is framed by clusters of flowers: pink hibiscus, pale gold dandelions and purple morning glories. Imposed on top of them is an angular, faceted frame with a Destiny’s Embrace zine-branded logo in the top right corner.
Inside the frame is an acrylic charm mock-up showing Kairi from KH3 inside a jar. She is curled up, sleeping peacefully, holding Chirithy in her lap and is animated to fall to the bottom, whilst beside her the thalassa shell charm, and her keyblade floating in the jar. There is an image of a sandy floor, dotted with starfish, shells and a hibiscus flower in pink. A pink ribbon is tied around the lid of the jar, and decorated with pink and red flowers. The charm is attached with a golden lobster clasp in the shape of a bow.
To the right of the charm, we see a handwritten title reading Shaker Charm, and below that, bulletpointed with flower petals, in a clean, modern san-serif font: 3 Inches (76 mm), Shakable Kairi and Chirithy, Gold Ribbon Clasp, Designed by Destiny-Islanders. Beneath that, in bold, it reads, preorders open March 28.
End Description.]
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aleksiremesart · 5 years
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tale-wind · 5 years
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no context kingdom hearts 3 re:mind spoilers
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accidentaldab · 4 years
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Terra dabbed in Kingdom Hearts III: Re:Mind
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