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I made myself emotional
At the start of TLG Khadgar shows interest in fashion. He notice Medivh’s fancy clothes and later discuss Dalaran fashion trends with magus over a breakfast.
So I kinda headcanon that it is their passion. They both like to spend time preparing new look combining outfits with right magic (or simply good looking) accessories. But Medivh lived his whole life in wealth, while Khadgar was probably poor student. I don’t think students starve in Dalaran, but they can’t afford luxuries until they get a decent job.
So imagine Medivh noticing that his young trust don’t have any new clothes. The one he do own are in decent shape but they are still old looking, covered with patches.
So Medivh being diva he is takes his beloved apprentice to fanciest shops in Azeroth to buy him everything he wants. Best fabrics, best dressmakers! Accessories? Sure, but pick those with best gemstones!
Khadgar would be overwhelmed at first. And will probably try to refuse such gifts. But how can you say “no” when magus insists that HIS apprentice must look like a million gold coins?
So they spent entire day searching, buying and slightly arguing over fashion trends in process.
Also Khadgar is a smart boy who knows how to save money, so he bargain with sellers and get amazing discounts.
Also they fly home on a same gryphon again, because second one is carrying shopping bags. x)
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Future of swimming after Kovid
Future of swimming after Kovid
You can replace kettlebells with water cans, but what about swimming pools? “We can’t entertain much,” laughs Nisha Millet, director of Bangalore-based Nisha Bajra Swimming Academy. But swimming coaches are trying to do their work around it, focusing on other components. “Focus on maintaining your strength and a good core, especially strong back and shoulders”, says Manisha Khunger of…
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Bus Accident | UP: Double-decker bus fell into a ditch after hitting a divider, 36 passengers injured
Bus Accident | UP: Double-decker bus fell into a ditch after hitting a divider, 36 passengers injured
File Photo Firozabad (Uttar Pradesh). A double-decker bus going from Delhi (Delhi) to Gorakhpur (Gorakhpur) collided with a divider on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway in Nagla Khangar area of the district, injuring 36 passengers on board. Of these, 28 passengers have been admitted to the hospital while the rest were discharged after minor treatment. Superintendent of Police, Rural Akhilesh Narayan…
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6 Including 1-Year-Old Killed, 21 Injured After Bus Falls Into Ditch In UP
6 Including 1-Year-Old Killed, 21 Injured After Bus Falls Into Ditch In UP
The bodies have been sent for a post-mortem examination. (Representational)
Firozabad, UP:
Six people, including a one-year-old boy, died and 21 were injured when a bus fell into a roadside ditch on the Lucknow-Agra expressway in the Nagla Khangar area on Wednesday morning, police said.
“A passenger bus heading to Raebareli from Ludhiana met with an accident on Wednesday morning. A team of local…
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Khangar Thwi Patwi Patwi A New Kokborok Music Video.
Khangar Thwi Patwi Patwi A New Kokborok Music Video.
Khangar Thwi Patwi Patwi Kokborok song lyrics.
Junari Hukumu Bodol Presents Khangar Thwi Patwi Patwi Kokborok Music Video Album. Starring by Amulya Debbarma and Sumili Debbarma. Lyrics & Composer by Bisram Debbarma. This beautiful song was sung by Sumit Debbarma and Priya Debbarma. While the music given by Keshab (Sarinda Studio). Releasing on 30 Dec 2020, and 2.8M views till now.
Also, Read…
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Temple . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #temple #india #travel #photography #travelphotography #architecture #nature #incredibleindia #photooftheday #instagood #travelgram #wanderlust #love #picoftheday #instagram #instatravel #hindu #sai #beautiful #peace #god #culture #travelblogger #shiva #cuttack #khangar #sky #hinduism #naturephotography #traveller (at Cuttack, Orissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9BwZ2paZC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mumbai: What We Know Of The College Student Who Was Supplying Drugs to Several Bollywood Celebrities
Mumbai: What We Know Of The College Student Who Was Supplying Drugs to Several Bollywood Celebrities
Mumbai: The Mumbai Narcotics Control Bureau arrested a 19-year-old college student in Bandra area late Saturday night and seized drugs from the accused worth Rs 2.30 lakh. The case has been registered against the accused and further investigation is underway.
The accused has hidden the drugs in the computer’s CPU, and have been supplying drugs in regions including Bandra, Khangar and Andheri.…
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A Natural Work of Art May Be Hiding Among Indian Cave Masterpieces Ten thousand years ago or more, people started painting the walls of caves near Bhopal, India. Over the millenniums they made thousands of images in what are now called the Bhimbetka Rock Shelters: men, women, a couple having sex, dancers, children, hunts, battles, about 29 different animal species and mythical beasts like a part-boar part-ox part-elephant. Over time, art styles shifted. Human figures donned clothes. Horses and elephants sprouted riders. Wars danced across sandstone faces. Today, many of the cave walls are now palimpsests, with medieval warriors covering Chalcolithic art on top of even older Mesolithic drawings. Still, an overlooked pattern spotted by a tour group of scientists in March 2020 seemed so, so, so much older. Older than representational art or humans or primates or fish or horseshoe crabs. Eleven feet up on the wall of an area called Auditorium Cave, the visitors had identified something that looked an awful lot like an imprint of Dickinsonia, an iconic 550 million year-old fossil from the first bloom of complex life on Earth. The gaggle of geologists had traveled to India for last spring’s International Geological Congress, which was then canceled because of the pandemic. But the pre-conference field trips went ahead, including a visit to the caves led by Ranjit Khangar and Merajuddin Khan from the Geological Survey of India. “Talk about serendipity,” said Gregory Retallack, a paleontologist at the University of Oregon who described the 17-inch fossil this month in the journal Gondwana Research. “Finding it where we would not expect, on the last day of the expedition, in a cultural stop?” Dr. Retallack and the others didn’t have hammers or equipment on them. Instead they took as many different pictures from as many different angles as possible. Back home after the trip, they used image-based 3-D modeling software to take a closer look. Dickinsonia, a blob with internal ridges that looks vaguely like a halved Christmas ham, has been found in Australia, Russia, Ukraine and as of this January, close to China’s Three Gorges Dam. No Indian specimens were known. But the size, shape and surrounding rocks of the Bhimbetka pattern all match Dickinsonia fossils elsewhere, the team argues, confirming the find. Within Indian geology, the discovery may settle a long debate about the ages of ancient basins like the one that hosts the Bhimbetka site. Some studies date these rocks to 800 or 900 million years ago; others have suggested they are younger. Fossils, tied to specific ages like footnotes on the pages of a book, could help. “People have been trying for decades to look at the fossil content of these rocks, and they haven’t come up with much convincing evidence,” said Suvrat Kher, a science writer in Pune, India. The presence of Dickinsonia, however, nails down an age of about 550 million years. Other scientists note that Dr. Retallack is embroiled in a deep debate over where Dickinsonia and other bizarre early organisms fit on the tree of life. Recent scientific consensus has shifted toward calling them prototypical animals that lived on the seafloor. But Dr. Retallack’s work has held that these organisms — including this one — lived on land, not in the sea, and that they were lichens. But his critics make an exception for this finding. “Most of Greg’s work, there’s a million reasons why it’s wrong,” said Emily Mitchell, a paleontologist at the University of Cambridge. “This, to me, it’s feasible. And if it was it would be very very cool.” The discovery might really be Dickinsonia, she said. One way to further examine that might be to get permission to scrape off and test a little material. But given where it was found, she said, it also could be a painting or petroglyph itself, a possibility rejected in Dr. Retallack’s study. If it is just cave art, it could merely be a satisfying, simple design that only looks like Dickinsonia to paleontologists with that fossil already on the mind. Or to add confusion: it could even be an ancient rendering of a Dickinsonia. So maybe it’s a drawing that happens to look like a fossil, or a drawing about a fossil, or maybe it’s the real deal: a trace from the dawn of life nearly overwritten by the dawn of human creativity. In that latter case, “I think wow, they can’t have failed to notice it,” said Dr. Retallack, speculating about the cave artists. “I wonder if that was why they decided to decorate the cave?” Source link Orbem News #among #Art #Cave #hiding #Indian #Masterpieces #Natural #Work
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Antique khangar or janbiya a very old Arabic dagger handmade from the bull's horn https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJa2cMgtqA/?igshid=8ww639tphe5k
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How do you know Omani people in social media ? 🤔
Written by: Almoez Alkalbani
Every thing in the universe has its own identity, which distinguishes it from other things. Here, the term "identity" is not limited to humans only, but extends beyond abstractions, living things, colors, tangible and intangible.
We can say that identity is the set of qualities that distinguish one thing from another, and so for national identity, it is the set of qualities of a group of people combined by one homeland and one history and share the same language, civilization, culture and other characteristics.
Omani identity and the image spread about it is that the Omani man is conservative in his customs and traditions, carry with him wherever he went, both inside and outside the borders of the homeland.
He has a distinctive dress worn in official occasions such as Dashdasha, the Omani turban, the traditional Omani khangar with standard specifications, the Omani dialect known for its distinctive characters, and the calm and rational presence on social networking sites.
How do you know the Omani person in social networking sites?
There are several features that define the Omani identity on the social networking sites and through which you can assert that this person is Omani, the first is the distinctive Omani dialect with its own Omani aspirations and its distinctive characters that do not resemble any other Arabic or Gulf accent.
In addition to the language of dialogue balanced and calm as if it was created with Omani since his birth - according to the mental images of the Omani in the minds of the Arabs - and that the Omani neutral in all issues and does not like to stir up strife and I intervene only to resolve conflicts, and this is what he learned from the higher authorities and The Omani Government and its Foreign Policy.
You can also get to know it through the traditional Omani dress - especially in official occasions - because it is different from the rest of Gulf and Arabian clothes and does not resemble anything in it.
The beauty of the matter is that the Omani people are not ashamed of their identity, but they keep it in front of everyone and wherever they go.
Therefore, all the governments of the world should urge their people to preserve their own national identity. This is because it is of great importance to determine the course of peoples on the map of history. There are many peoples whose culture has disappeared and is not mentioned at this time, On the legacy left by historical, cultural and intellectual.
Not maintaining national identities makes us a similar world, with no differences, and I think it is not interesting.
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Live with Dr. Shahid Masood | Wednesday 02 September 2020
Live with Dr. Shahid Masood | Wednesday 02 September 2020 #LivewithDr.ShahidMasood
Today’s Pakistani Talk show/program ” Live with Dr. Shahid Masood | Wednesday 02 September 2020 “ live streamed telecast today from ” Gnn News “ live channel but now you’ll be able to watch this Talk show/program full hd episode from this website via online.
Topic/agenda : ” Peeth Mein Khangar “ this is different form Day of Judgement topic.
After watch this program Please share your comment…
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#Live with Dr. Shahid Masood#Live with Dr. Shahid Masood | Wednesday 02 September 2020#Shahid Masood#Shahid Masood | Wednesday 02 September 2020
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Volcanoes, VEI classification from Wikipedia.
The classification contain some personal correction. Also some of the listed volcanoes are extinct. I might add some later.
VEI-1 (one volcano)
Kick’em Jenny
VEI-2 (seven volcanoes)
Mount Adams
Erta Ale
Mauna Loa
Mount Nyiragongo
Whakaari-White Island
VEI-3 (seven volcanoes)
Gareloi Volcano
Mount Kusatsu-Shirane
Nazko Cone
VEI-4 (twentythree volcanoes)
Mount Awu
Chaîne des Puys
Deriba Caldera
Volcán de Fuego
Mount Gambier
Manam Motu
Mount Ruang
Nevado del Ruiz
Mount Pavlof
Mount Pelée
Sarychev Peak
Vulcano (?)
Mount Yasur
VEI-5 (thirtyeight volcanoes)
Mount Agung
Mount Akutan
Mount Asama
Cerro Azul
Mount Bandai
Mount Berlin
Bridge River Vent
El Chichón
FPiton de la Fournaise
Mount Fuji
Glacier Peak
Mount Haruna
Hayes Volcano
Mount Kaguyak
Makushin Volcano
Mayor Island-Tuhua
Mount Meager massif
Pico Viejo
Puyehue-Cordón Caulle
Mount Rainier
Mount Tarawera
Mount Tongariro
Mount Usu
Yantarni Volcano
VEI-6 (fifthy volcanoes)
Mount Aniakchak
Billy Mitchell
Black Peak
Mount Churchill
Deception Island
Mount Emmons
Mount Erebus
Mount Etna
Fisher Caldera
Mount HudsonI
Lake Ilopango
Laacher See
Masaya Volcano
Lake Mashū
Morne Diablotins
Nevado de Toluca
Lake Okataina
Mount Okmok
Pago (volcano)
Mount Pinatubo
Rabaul caldera
Raoul Island
Mount Saint Helens
Santa María
Sturgeon Lake Caldera
Taal Volcano
Tao-Rusyr Caldera
Mount Veniaminof
Mount Vesuvius
VEI-7 (thirtytwo volcanoes)
Aguas Calientes caldera
Aira Caldera
Alban Hills
Mount Aso
Lake Atitlán
Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex
Cerro Blanco
Henry's Fork Caldera
Kikai Caldera
Kulshan Caldera
Kurile Lake
Long Valley Caldera
Lvinaya Past
Macauley Island
Lake Maninjau
Mount Mazama Crater Lake
McDermitt volcanic field
Mount Merapi
Paektu Mountain
Phlegraean Fields
Reporoa Caldera
Mount Rinjani
Rotorua Caldera
Mount Tambora
Valles Caldera
Young Island
VEI-8 (thirteen volcanoes)
City of Rocks State Park
La Garita Caldera
Cerro GuachaI
Island Park Caldera
La Pacana
Misema Caldera
Pastos Grandes
Lake Taupo
Lake Toba
Yellowstone Caldera
#Volcanoes#VEI#Volcanic explosivity index#VEI-1#VEI-2#VEI-3#VEI-4#vei-5#vei-6#vei-7#VEI-8#Supervolcanoes
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Naman Devpura and Kartikeya Chamola of GNLU on winning the Aditya Birla Scholarship (2018)
Mr. Naman Devpura and Mr. Kartikeya Chamola, currently pursuing Law from Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar have been conferred with the coveted Aditya Birla Scholarship (2018). The 1st year students shared their insightful thoughts about their journey and experience of becoming an Aditya Birla Scholar with Hrithik Khurana, 3rd Year student of B.Com LL.B (Hons.), GNLU and Student Ambassador, Eastern Book Company and SCC Online.
Question 1: Hello Naman and Kartikeya, tell me something about yourself.
Kartikeya: Hello, my name is Kartikeya Chamola. I was born in a small village named Raintoli in Rudraprayag District of Uttarakhand where my father used to run a roadside restaurant, which now is guest house, along with free lance tour organizing, and my mother is a government school teacher. For providing me better education, we shifted to a nearby town named Srinagar Garhwal. I have done my schooling upto class 10thfrom St. Theresa’s Convent, Srinagar Garhwal, after which I with my father shifted to Dehradun for further study. My three years in Dehradun spanning over class 11th,12th and the drop year for CLAT preparation has been an amazing experience for me and something that has impacted my personality deeply. I passed 12th standard from Doon International School, where I served as The School Captain. Coming to a city from a small place opens up many new opportunities one of them being CLAT and I am very grateful to all the people who helped me utilize all of them fully. I prepared one year for CLAT and secured AIR 393 in CLAT 2018. My interests include music at the top spot, which I’ve been into since childhood, and public speaking. Being a part of GNLU has been a wonderful uplift in my life, with so many opportunities all around and people to guide us at all times in the best way.
Naman: Hi! My name is Naman Devpura. I was born in Udaipur District of Rajasthan. My father is currently an employee in the Ultratech Cement Limited and my mother is tuition teacher. Spending most of my childhood in the Birla townships has developed in me a special attraction towards nature and society. I came up with my own social support group while I was in 8th standard with the name of Green Brigade Association. My special interest has travelling on the prime whereas music, philately, painting, e-sports, web-designing are some other hobbies that I follow. I did most of my schooling from The Aditya Birla Public School, Khor as well as Kharia Khangar. I became the President Co-Curricular Activities of my school, topped the district at CBSE board examination and was lucky enough to clear Common Law Admission Test along with my boards with an AIR of 404. Although I knew that I would make it to the top law colleges of India but coming to Gujarat National Law University was a dream come true for me.
Question 2: You both come from such humble backgrounds, I am curious to know when and why did you choose to pursue Law as a career?
Naman: I had a keen interest in social activities since childhood. As time passed and decision to choose a career path came closer, I started finding and thinking about various career options which will help me accomplish my goal. I chose Law because it seemed to be one of the best alternatives for my interest. Also seeing my sisters go into the same path helped me form a clearer and better view of Law as career.
Kartikeya: Honestly speaking, I wasn’t very clear of my career choice till the time my class 12th was about to get over. I, gradually got interested in the field of law, as being a speaker I felt very connected to this career option. But my main reason for choosing law is my strength of socializing. Having met people from various sections of society ranging from local labourers, villagers( with whom I used to spend most of my day being a child), to distinguished personalities of various fields whom I got to meet when I was in Dehradun, my personality got shaped in a way that I liked knowing people , connecting with them. This realization made me go for a career that I personally find very much based on social understanding.
Question 3: Such interesting answers but tell me honestly what was the experience-like while writing your essays and completing your application form for the preliminary stage of the Aditya Birla Scholarship?
Kartikeya: Soon after joining GNLU, I got to know that I was eligible to apply for Aditya Birla Scholarship. Getting this scholarship had been a dream since the time I started my research for CLAT and NLUs. The two essays we were asked to write were very much connected to my life and surely Naman would feel the same. We were asked about our background, strengths and the reason for choosing law. I expressed myself in the best way possible in those 500 words. Apart from the essay, we had to fill in our achievements, awards received in any field, and academic distinctions. I, being very active in extra-curricular all my school life had a lot of such experiences to share. The entire process was very positive for me and all I desired for was getting through to the interview stage.
Naman: Just as Kartikeya said, both the questions made us to introspect ourselves and well woven in our lives. We both sat for hours thinking about all we have done in our lives till date. With so much to express in just a few words was undoubtedly a pretty tough job but both of us handled it nicely. I wrote about what made me different from the rest of the elite pool of students. The most important thing that I felt helped me was my diverse interests and success in these fields. From getting an AIR 42 in Commerce Talent Search Examination to qualifying into National Children Science Congress and from performing at the orchestra competition to making the winning last move in Chess tournaments, everything that I had picked up on my way to this pedestal helped me to build out a dynamic yet confident profile. Being optimistic was one thing that helped me as well.
Question 4: Looks like you guys were preparing for getting the Aditya Birla Scholarship while in school. Tell me how did you go about preparing for the interview stage, considering you were going to be questioned by 3 eminent jurists from the field of law?
Naman: As soon as I saw my name on the list of the shortlisted candidates for my interview, I started preparing for the interview. Meeting and talking with the Aditya Birla Scholars through the scholarship committee at GNLU gave us proper insights into the whole process and also made us more prepared. They were undoubtedly the best guides for us throughout the process. No doubt, since the interview was being taken by a panel consisting of top jurists it made me a slight nervous but preparing and working out with my essay as well as keeping myself optimistic and cheerful throughout the preparation helped me to give my best in the interview.
Kartikeya: I cannot express the happiness I experienced when I got to know that I’ve been selected for the interview, and what increased this was the fact that my roommate got through too! As Naman said, our seniors were the best guides for the interview preparation and specially the Aditya Birla Scholars of GNLU. Also, the scholarship committee of GNLU supported us in every way possible. My approach for the interview was very calm and easy, and all I focused on was being honest at all times, and that’s what our seniors told us too. The fact that we were going to be in a conversation with 3 eminent personalities from the field of law, was very exciting for me, as it was such an amazing chance for all of us to express ourselves and our views . I just prepared on how I would present myself and my future plans in front of them, and being confident.
Question 5: Let’s talk about the moment, what was the feeling when you actually became Aditya Birla Scholar?
Kartikeya: Oh I wish I could go back to relive that moment whenever I wanted to! It’s just beyond words. I really don’t remember those 10 seconds after my name was announced in the scholars’ list. All I remember is receiving the prestigious certificate from Mrs. Rajashree Birla, and coming back with tears in my eyes, and crying for next 5 minutes. The feeling was so beautiful and all I could think about was my parent’s struggles that they never showed to me, and we never let them come in our way. I never expected such amazing turns in my life and that too within just 4 months from clearing CLAT to coming to GNLU and now, Aditya Birla Scholarship!
Naman: I couldn’t agree more, if we could set the clocks a bit backwards. Everything has happened too quickly for us to pause and think. From the day 1 of the announcement of the scholarship, I had been thinking what it would have been to be an Aditya Birla Scholar. And when the day finally came all I could feel was joy, excitement and gratitude towards each and every person who has contributed as little to making me stand with the prestigious scholarship. As rightly stated by Karthikeya, life has drifted from many sudden turns in just a very few months.
Question 6: Now coming to the reactions of those who matter the most, how did your parents and friends respond to such a big achievement?
Naman: My family and friends were extremely happy and excited from the time of me getting my air-tickets booked. During my stay at Mumbai, they had strictly asked for live updates in every two-three hours. I remember that as soon as I heard my name called out from the stage, I had dialled my father and told him that I made it, my family yelled out from behind and celebrated the whole night. As for the friends, there was no limit of their happiness and yes, their utter desire for having the best party ever. In the course of the essay as well as the interview, the one thing that I understood the most is that you are what you are because of all these people around you. The positivity and enthusiasm that my family and friends had filled in me had its deepest effect and thus made me get the scholarship.
Kartikeya: After coming back to my senses (5 minutes of crying), the first thing I did was sending the picture of the certificate to my parents and all my friends. I called up my mother after the ceremony, and I still remember how happy she was! I talked to my father the next day for two hours while I was at the airport, and we both got so emotional. My parents couldn’t have been any happier. Also, they soon made me realize the task I have of maintaining the scholarship and rising above continuously. My friends’ reactions were so funny and all they cared about was a grand party but no seriously they all were so happy for me and I am very grateful to all of them for motivating me.
Question 7: Finally, what is your advice for the aspirants of the prestigious scholarship?
Naman: Positivity and confidence is the first step. Believe in yourself, believe in what you have done till this day, why you have done that and what will you be doing in the future. Honesty and simplicity should be placed at the topmost. Also, understand what the other side wants to know about you. Getting into the top 20 ranks of your respective college pre-establishes the fact that you are good enough as an erudite but are you more than that is what they tend to find out. Analyse yourself, analyse your strengths, weaknesses and all other things that makes you different from your other smart fellows. Then just go and pour everything out in your essay as well as in your interview. In all this time, don’t forget that you have a life to live as well and ITC’s grand room must be enjoyed as equally as the orientation programme by the Aditya Birla Group. If you get it, enjoy and throw an Inter-NLU party on the same night, maybe on the lines of what we did, if you don’t, partying is still compulsory but understand that life had booked some other day for you and enjoy.
Kartikeya: My advice for every aspirant of Aditya Birla Scholarship would be to go very easy yet determined through the entire process, starting right from the CLAT. As Naman said, being very honest and clear about yourself is what I also consider the key point, and realizing and expressing what sets you apart from everyone else is equally important, even if it is a very basic thing. And most importantly, do not miss out on having some really nice time in Mumbai if you go for the interview, contact with people from several reputed institutions and do give a party the night you get the scholarship! We both would not ever forget ours, (HA HA)!
Thank you, Naman and Kartikeya.
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Naman Devpura and Kartikeya Chamola of GNLU on winning the Aditya Birla Scholarship (2018) published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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