#khaj rp
You were probably wondering... what does Sereyna's khajiiti babysitter/Skooma Cat priestess look like?
Say hello to Ko'Zahnari! Though, in these she is a bit younger. (She/They for them pleaaaseeee)
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She is a martial artist and is a serious devotee of Skooma Cat. She is kind and considerate, yet she is quick to temper. If you talk shit about them for worshipping Skooma Cat, you will get kicked. Her build is lean, she has muscles that she gained during training with the Goutfang and Rawlith Khaj. She often refuses to kill people since she is a healer. They are often seen with their trusty staff.
Here they are in Hero Forge:
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And here is her character sheet for an rp that I am having with my dear friend 💕
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boxeddeli · 7 years
♬ & ✏️ for Sugis, Khaj, and Mahiwa
Send me a symbol to learn about my character
♬ to learn about my character’s music taste:
Sugis:“Long as et ain’t Willy-boy tryin’ta make music–” The redhead started off before pausing to keep herself from going on a rant about her friend’s nails on a chalkboard singing voice. “Aye enjoy what ye call ‘natural music’. Ain’t gots no fancy fer tha more pop’lar stuff er whatev’r.”
Khaj:”Music?” Khaj placed a finger to her cheek, tapping away in thought. “I enjoy my tribe’s music, but I think I’m much more like my Mother and enjoy the sounds of nature around me. Nothing is more soothing than hearing the sound of the rolling waves crashing against the sands, or the sound of rain hitting water.”
Mahiwa:”I was raised to enjoy the traditional music as my Mother was born and raised in a village in Orthard. However, I enjoy my Father’s music far more. He, being Xaela, seem to have more battle-like sounds that get stuck in my head sometimes.” She chuckled softly.
✏ to learn about my character’s reading habits:
Sugis:“Uh…” She rolled her eyes at the question before thumbing behind her at the rows upon rows of bookshelves. “Aye thinks dat ‘bout covers tha answer ye seek.”
Khaj:“I enjoy reading, well I mean it’d be kind of odd, not to /like/ reading when you grow up with a Mother who has a book addiction.” Chuckling softly at the fond memory she tacked on, “I might not have the impressive collection that Mother is famous for, but I do have quite a few bookshelves of my own. Mostly of Allagan and Magitek. Though, The Sentinel series is mixed among the others.”
Mahiwa: “I don’t really like to read,” The Raen said pouting with her arms crossed. “Mother use to make me read all the time because it was good for my ‘education’. Now I hardly read, that’s what I have employees for!”
(Mahi totally enjoys reading if Riks is the one that gives her a book to read.)
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powrppromo · 7 years
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“No matter how beautiful you make it, a cage is still a cage.”
Freedom is impossible, but even they can dream. They know people would never believe that. People are selfish, people are greedy. That's all they've ever seen. Power means nothing when it cannot be used without orders. They give everyone their wildest dreams, their darkest desires, but they ask for nothing in return. They remember what happened the last time they asked. 
Battle for Land and Sea is an upcoming rp set in 1845, where the Caribbean is home to pirates, soldiers and supernatural creatures.
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todaluk · 4 years
LFRP - T’odaluk Tia - Mateus
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Age: 40
Race: Miqo’te [Mixed]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Marital Status: Married
Home World: Mateus (Crystal DC)
Hair: Green dreads with flowers tightly woven in
Eyes: One amber and one golden eye
Height: 5’11
Build: Large with undefined musculature similar to a professional weight lifter
Distinguishing Marks: His back is torn and scared from many encounters with a cat o’nine and he shows this proudly. Filed teeth give his smile a shark-like appearance, while tattoos [Filipino based] cover his body with stories of conquests and myth.
Common Accessories: Jewelry of all kinds that never match. It’s as if he fought a jewelry box and lost. A bandanna struggles to keep his wild hair in check at all times.
Profession: Corsair and mercenary for hire
Hobbies: Sleeping and eating
Languages: Appears to only know and speak common
Residence: The Mist
Birthplace: Deep South Shroud, Swamp lands
Fears: Losing his freedom
Spouse: Sen’ra Tayuun
Children: T’nuka
Siblings: Khaj [Older Brother], Orjah [Older Sister], Skedah [Younger Sister]
Other Relatives: Too many cousins to count
TRAITS ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Smoking Habit: Daily
Drugs: Recreational user, but always in private
Alcohol: Social, but is always ready to hang out with his buddies at the bar
Fighting Style: He is a grappler who focuses on throwing his opponents. His preferred is to wait out the onslaught until he can get a solid hold, and then finish the fight in as few moves as possible.
RP HOOKS ––– –
In the Ring: A veteran of underground fighting rings, he is a recognizable face. Perhaps you still hold a grudge, or want to test yourself on a man known for being both a brutal combatant and a brick wall.
On the Docks: A corsair and busy body, he is seen on the docks of Limsa haggling prices and taking up contracts. Need a ride to the east with no questions asked? He can get you one. Have a shipment that needs to avoid customs? He can move it silently.
By the Swamps: Have you heard of the Sigwa? They are a fiercely protective group within the South Shroud. Rumor has it, he belongs to their number. He’s been seen visiting their spiritual leader Ryska Dreadvale deep in the swamps. Do you follow him?
Casual Encounters: A chance meeting at a bar could spark a great adventure, but more often it’s simply two people sharing a drink. Toadie loves his drinking buddies, and sparring partners. Sometimes a connection is as simple as one common aspect bringing two people together occasionally to hang out. No deeper story required.
Long Running Stories: I enjoy the drama and intrigue involved in longer stories that keep characters on their toes. Campaigns are the preferred, but delving into character backstories are also fun. Action, horror, combat, and mystery themes are some of my favorites. These are more planned out lengthy stories that I’m more than happy to DM.
Conflict: Not everyone gets along, and sometimes characters need that foil to bring out their better [or worse] parts. I don’t look for conflict for conflict’s sake, but I also don’t shy away from these interactions. 
In Game: T’odaluk Tia
RPC Profile
OOC  ––– –
I work a full time job with a set schedule. I love making contacts, but I am not available on a 24/7 basis. My time is important to me, and I do not give it out lightly. Your time is important to me, so I will not ask for it lightly.
I consider myself very laid back in terms of speed or post length. I’d rather not put too much pressure on my partners, and I like to just have fun in RP. This is a hobby, not a job. That being said I can mirror the pace and length of my writing partner.
I do require out of character communication for things like consequences, and I prefer to discuss general direction for scenes. I don’t mind casual encounters, but if we decide to build a story I’d like to discuss ideas so we can stay on the same page!
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boxeddeli · 8 years
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? (Khaju~)
Get to know my character
“Why would I tell /you/ that?” The Auri wrinkled her nose in annoyance.
Khaj has more than one insecurity, but we’ll go with the biggest two; Commitment and being useless.
Khaj is the literal middle child of her family. One of her eldest brothers took after their Father inheriting his Warrior Soulstone, the other is a literal Warrior of Light who, despite being a bit of a goof means well when he’s got his big boy pants on.
Her Father still follows the old customs of his tribe to a point. Being his daughter, he has spoiled and babied her despite her attempts to prove her worth. Unknown to her, her Father is /quite proud/ of her ability as a warrior of her own path.
She’s become competitive with members of her family to the point that things she has said have hurt their feelings. Yet she has never shown remorse for her actions or words, something that her Mother once did at her age.
She becomes unhinged and jealous easily if not given praise for her accomplishments and the light is on someone else.
When it comes to commitment, Khaj was badly burned by someone she trained with under an assassin-like mentor. She had put her trust into her more than anyone else and told her, her personal pains and thoughts. What she thought was her first love ended up being nothing.
With greed in her heart, she turned on Khaj and their mentor for a hefty sum of gil.
Ever since then, she has refused to settle down, enjoying flitting from here to there with friendships or intimate encounters.
These are things that are not easily seen, but can be exploited if the red flags are seen.
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boxeddeli · 8 years
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering? (For Khaju~)
Character Solidifying Prompt!
(Disclaimer anything beyond this point is noncanon for Sugis in her current timeline.)
The redheaded Auri looked over the parchment, an eyebrow lifting at the question. “Do I enjoy suf– Tha fook kinna question es dat? Ye high, mate!?”
It took all but a split second for her to gain her composure before replying with a flat, “No.”
It’s known that the title ‘The Red’ is given to those in the Kevades that have slain a member of the clan. It’s also known that Sugis is the current head and while she has distanced herself, the rest of the family cannot do many of the seedy things they once did without her permission (ie. cannibalism) as is the law within the family.
Khaj gained this title slaying a member who attempted yet another assassination on her mother. Bearing her the secondary title ‘The Daughter of the Wolf’.
Unlike Sugis who was known for her quick, painless kills; Khaj differs. She very much enjoys watching her prey suffer in agony. Her favorite method is to watching them bleed out slowly and watch as the life disappears from their eyes.
Khaj herself does not like to suffer and does not enjoy seeing those she cares for suffer either. Her enemies and those in her way are not so lucky...
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boxeddeli · 8 years
OH MAN I'M ON THE CAT BLOG do the thing ⭐️⭐️⭐️!
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ She has heard tales of a grotesque monstrosity known as “Riaa’s Timeskip Orange Juice”, but has never /actually/ seen it. She really, really would like to even though her Mother seems to exaggerate the fact it haunts her to this day.⭐️ Khaj likes to visit her Auntie Riaa with fresh fish that she’s caught on her free time. Even though she knows she doesn’t have to bring fish, she enjoys giving her aunt an offering to hear about all the shenanigans she got into in her younger years.
⭐️ Riaa is one of the few Miqo’te Rolli was raised around and thanks to her and his Uncles, Rolli actually thinks Miqo’te are fascinating and has a thing for the ear wiggles. It’s his only known weakness, that his Aunt teases him about on a daily when she visits or vice versa.
@axes-and-eyepatches / @alteiriaa
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boxeddeli · 8 years
⭐️⭐️ for Will and ⭐️⭐️ for Cid (for both Khaj and Rolli ;D)
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Even though Will had an Aether problem later in life, she still studied under him to learn how to control deal with her own unbalance Aether. Though when he noticed her getting frustrated... He taught her how to use a bow and arrow, behind her parents’ backs.⭐️ Will ends up having the same catty relationship he had with Sugis, with Khaj. While it’s not as severe as with her Mother, she and Will can get quite snippy with one another, causing Will to reminisce about his younger years and the battles they were in.
⭐️ Khaj and Cid are probably closer than the others in their age range simply because of all the times she was over training with his father. Khaj, however, thinks Cid is a big nerd and the whole Chocobo affections has her convinced that Cid is in fact, part Chocobo on his Mother’s side.⭐️ Khaj and the other girls have 100% put together a betting game of which one of the guys is going to be a fourty-year-old virgin. Khaj’s gil is on Cid.
⭐️ Rolli’s version of Foe’s Requiem, is the same screeching intensity as Will’s. Because he saw his Uncle do it once when he was younger and thought it was the COOLEST THING EVER. Ever since then, Rolli screeched, alot. And Will gained far more ire from Sugis than before.⭐️ He likes to visit his Uncle’s place from time to time when he’s not pub crawling with his brother and getting arrested for disturbing the peace with his vulgar, gaudy ballads. Pretty sure William encourages the behavior of his songs....
⭐️ When Cid hit adulthood, Rolli tried to get Cid a hooker. It didn’t turn out so well. There was a lot of crying, contemplating what the meaning of life and love was. Rolli had to apologize to the hooker because of the scene...⭐️ Rolli has adopted Cid to replace Khaj. Because she and he don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, and Rolli thinks she’s a manipulative bitch and Cid is way nicer and cooler.
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boxeddeli · 8 years
Three stars, cuz mobile. (For either Adele or Fell)
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Lore, Khaj, Vivi, and Ade make up the Mean Girls group of the kids. Mostly picking on the boys for the stupid shit they get into, but also pulling together gil to bet on which boy is going to be “Eorzea’s Oldest Virgin”.⭐️ Adele’s obsession with Chocobo Figurines makes the half-auri believe that she is somehow related to Cid, and that they in fact share the same Chocobo Mother...
⭐️ Khaj couldn’t stand tea because of her mother. After studying under Fell, she began to grow accustom to enjoy tea every now and then. There are some moments, where she has the same “boring” personality as Fell has been told he has.
⭐️ Even though Adele is his older cousin, he enjoys using her as an arm rest when they are talking. Normally ending up with him being whacked upside the head, or flicked against the small horn-like structure that covers the top part of his ear.
⭐️ His Uncle Darius taught him a really, raunchy ballad once when he was younger, and decided to play it for Fell because he was proud of himself. He didn’t understand why his elezen uncle was bright red and Shani was laughing her ass off. Come to find out it was a song about the two of them...
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boxeddeli · 8 years
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Sugis after finding out that Logan is the child of a fisherman, makes it her goal to drag him on an outing every once in awhile. Regardless if the Hyur protests because of his ‘duties as a WoL’. Sug believes everyone needs a small break from killing and picking up the pieces when others mess things up.⭐️ She once gave Logan gaelicatnip because she was told by Cidy and Faust it can ‘spice things up’. Never did find out if it helped or not...
⭐️ Was raised on stories of all of her Mother and Father’s friends. Between all the stories, the books written, and the casual conversations she’s overheard others talking about... She enjoys the stories of Logan’s triumphs the most because he reminds her a valiant knight from all the fantasy stories she ate up as a child.
@godsgamefreak / @shieldoflegend
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boxeddeli · 8 years
I need about seven stars for Khaj and Dar! Three for whoever else and whoever else, but I need to know more about Khaj and her favorite uncle.
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Khaj suffers from the same aether problem her mother has. Itwas Darius' idea to have the young girl study under both William and Fell inorder to tame her unstable aether. However, Khaj found the studying boring and oftensnuck off to her Uncle's to bother him. She snuck off so much that the coachmenknew her by first name...
⭐️ Her style of fighting is a hybrid of both Darius andSven's. While she is more apt at hand to hand and unable to headbutt correctlywithout worry of her horns. Khaj has adapted to using the same fake out as herUncle's headbutt technique instead using the momentum to connect faces with herknee.
⭐️ On that note... Khaj's thirst for fighting rivals that ofSven and Darius' to the point that Sugis is quite certain the girl is some kindof weird crystal turd bullshite offering love child for the two idiots. She hasoften tried to start fights with Darius simply to gauge his strengths as theChampion of Oschon, but is quite sure her Uncle goes easy on her for her smallstature.
⭐️ As a child, Khaj was far too interested in reading herUncle's old case files to actually be a problem for Darius when he watched overher and her brothers. While her brothers would be off causing a ruckus, shecould be found sitting in what he called her 'nest' with scattered, color fadedparchments.
⭐️ Khaj fell for the whole Inspector thing hard andeventually took over for her uncle becoming his replacement. While she hasn'tgained the fame as Darius once had, she is slowly getting there. It's easy tospot her when she's on the job due to the red coat and gun that she carrieswith her. She hasn't noticed it yet, but she channels her Uncle a lot more thanshe thinks.
⭐️Toddler Khaj had a horrible obsession with Darius' unrulyhair. Any time she would riding on the Highlander's shoulders or sit listeningto a story, she would try to mess with it. The amount of recoiling poof aftershe would pat it down amused her to the point of giggle fits.
⭐️ Khaj got her love of tinkering from Darius. While at firstshe simply did it so that she didn't have to pay someone to clean and repairher guns, she eventually found another calling for her mechanic-like trait.
⭐️ When Darius passed away, she didn't quite understand dueto her age. Her parents tried to explain it the best they could to all thechildren. While they were packing his stuff, Khaj would look around the housethinking her Uncle was simply playing their usual game of hide and seek. Khajrefused to believe her parents until she was eight, thinking Darius was justreally good and hiding all of a sudden.
⭐️ Khaj has a stuffed mandragora queen that was given to herby her Uncle before his depression and injuries got the better of him. To thisday it still has the odd lingering scent of the fogweed he use to smoke fromher leaving the toy at his house.
⭐️ Her bond with Riccard is very much similar to Sugis andDarius' bond. She considers Ricc to be her brother and very little does she referto him as her cousin. She followed Riccard to the Order because she wanted tomake sure he was protected, even if she knew he could protect himself.
⭐️ Khaj lives in Darius' old house and seems to havedecorated the same as she remembered growing up. Though there are far moreallagan-related items in there than before.
⭐️ When Khaj first met Altare she was quite certain there wasno way in the seven hells that a walking, talking bucket was Riccard's higherup. Or that Riccard could actually be close to someone other than their family.Being slightly offended by an outsider trying to 'take her place', she was veryabrasive to the man making it well known she did not like him in the least.
⭐️ Though they started off on a bad foot and much scoldingfrom Riccard, the half-auri tried to make amends with the Duskwight. She beganto try to offer her help to Altare only to be told to wait in the commons justoutside the lab and he would come get her. He in fact had no intention ofcoming to get her often finding her passed out in said commons because sherefused to let him win.
⭐️ Due to Khaj's 'drive' and the Xaela need to conquer newthings foreign to her, she began to hit on Altare with the intention to one anddone him. Unfortunately between having to practically save him when one of hisvalves busted and kissing him to shut him up so she could focus, the drivefizzled and found herself trying to befriend the Elezen.
⭐️ After the valve scare she started to hang around more inhis lab and the commons to make sure someone was there in case something likethat happened again. She actually has a blanket and pillow she brought fromhome due to the fact she's always camping out in his lab despite his protest ofher doing so.
⭐️ She's super jealous of the way Altare lights up when hetalks about or talks with Riccard. She adores her cousin to pieces, but hasalways wished to see the Elezen light up like that when he talks about her orwith her.
⭐️ Even though she was courting him, she always preparedherself for it to be one sided.
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thepinkguardian · 6 years
((If Rosebud was Purple
And you put him in between Beerus and Champa
he’d fit perfectly, the middle-ground between the two
Rosebud for God of Destruction))
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boxeddeli · 7 years
Send me “✒︎” for a random, dumb, pointless fact about my muse.
Khaj’s favorite color is turquoise. She also loves turquoise jewelry as well.
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