#cid fedorason
kwehliam · 7 years
♛ Will/Verev ♛ Verev/Cid ♛ Sug/Cid
GIF-ing Prompt
♛Will & Verev
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♛Ver & Cid
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♛Sug & Cid
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(Plus whenever caught doing shenanigans when Cid is with Riks and Rolli) 
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boxeddeli · 8 years
⭐️⭐️ for Will and ⭐️⭐️ for Cid (for both Khaj and Rolli ;D)
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Even though Will had an Aether problem later in life, she still studied under him to learn how to control deal with her own unbalance Aether. Though when he noticed her getting frustrated... He taught her how to use a bow and arrow, behind her parents’ backs.⭐️ Will ends up having the same catty relationship he had with Sugis, with Khaj. While it’s not as severe as with her Mother, she and Will can get quite snippy with one another, causing Will to reminisce about his younger years and the battles they were in.
⭐️ Khaj and Cid are probably closer than the others in their age range simply because of all the times she was over training with his father. Khaj, however, thinks Cid is a big nerd and the whole Chocobo affections has her convinced that Cid is in fact, part Chocobo on his Mother’s side.⭐️ Khaj and the other girls have 100% put together a betting game of which one of the guys is going to be a fourty-year-old virgin. Khaj’s gil is on Cid.
⭐️ Rolli’s version of Foe’s Requiem, is the same screeching intensity as Will’s. Because he saw his Uncle do it once when he was younger and thought it was the COOLEST THING EVER. Ever since then, Rolli screeched, alot. And Will gained far more ire from Sugis than before.⭐️ He likes to visit his Uncle’s place from time to time when he’s not pub crawling with his brother and getting arrested for disturbing the peace with his vulgar, gaudy ballads. Pretty sure William encourages the behavior of his songs....
⭐️ When Cid hit adulthood, Rolli tried to get Cid a hooker. It didn’t turn out so well. There was a lot of crying, contemplating what the meaning of life and love was. Rolli had to apologize to the hooker because of the scene...⭐️ Rolli has adopted Cid to replace Khaj. Because she and he don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, and Rolli thinks she’s a manipulative bitch and Cid is way nicer and cooler.
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kwehliam · 7 years
Rhalgr, the Destroyer (Both nerds)
22. At the peak of their fury, do they tend to be destructive? If so, how?
Will: Will is usually capable of handling his anger when in battle, so not too much destruction is wreaked. Though if he hits his breaking point, which is rarely seen, he will annihilate any enemy in his path.
Cid: Cid is more of a calm mage in battle and would not be a destructive sort in any situation.
23. Do they tend to destroy themselves or those around them?
Will: In a figurative sense, more himself by being reclusive in times of despair. But in other cases, his reclusion may be destructive to those around him as well.
Cid: He would rather put himself at risk before others, thus would be more inclined to be self-destructive if he sees it for the best.
24. Would your character sink a ship if it meant dragging their enemies down with them?
Will: As long as there are no innocent people at danger, then yes, but he always looks for the peaceful resolution first.
Cid: No, he always looks for the safest and strategic plan of action that is the least destructive.
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kwehliam · 8 years
~Introducing.. the Son of the Scholar of Light
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Cid Fedorason, son of William Fedorason
Who’s the mother? Heck if I know. His origin is still a WIP. Probably won’t exist until 4.X maybe.
Plus he shares his father’s affinity to chocobos, yet not as extreme.
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