#kh kair
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7thwish · 9 months ago
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can't be ASSED to do banners atm but uh. i wanna talk abt kairi's relationship with riku, or really, the lack thereof.
because through my Many playthroughs of kh games, kairi and riku always have the strongest relationship with sora, and virtually no bond with each other, save for kh1, but i cant speak much for kairi's thoughts about riku for the most part, but kairi is the one to suggest that she and sora take the raft, just them, and prior to that, she tells sora that she thinks riku's changed, as though she doesn't like that.
and i honestly think it boils down to the fact that kairi has more of an emotional attachment to sora, but she couldn't have sora in her life without riku. she accepted that the two of them were a package deal, and while she makes no real effort to drive any wedge between them, it's very clear that riku is not her friend, he is sora's. riku and kairi are only connected by virtue of their connection to sora. at least, that's how it starts.
because really, i think it boils down to kairi having struggled with her self-determination for her entire life. kairi has never had the chance to be kairi, whoever that may be. she's always the object of someone's affections, the carrot dangled on the stick, the princess, the ideal, the daughter, the light. and none of those are who kairi really is, but even she doesn't know by this point.
the only people who didn't expect anything of her were sora and riku, but kairi didn't know what to be. the version of herself she presented to sora changed as they grew, and by virtue of that, so did how she perceived riku. from the start, we don't see kairi show a lot of care or concern for riku the way she does sora, but again, she doesn't have a lot of screentime in which to do so in kh1, she's a prop for sora and riku's opposition. she is the thing they are fighting for and over, until she is no longer relevant. in kh1, kairi was presented as the damsel in distress, needing sora to come rescue her, and then she's the girl back home, who sora promises to return to. even riku tells sora to take care of her, but that speaks more to riku's feelings about kairi than it does to kairi's feelings about riku.
even in kh2, when her memories of sora are gone, kairi doesn't seem to spare much concern for riku, and while i don't think she holds any disdain for him concerning the events of kh1, it once again reinforces that riku is not kairi's friend, not from her point of view. in kh2 she seems to understand even further that she cannot have sora without sora having riku. and from what little we see of riku and kairi interacting, riku seems to care a great deal more for kairi than she does for him. & i'm not saying kairi hates riku, she doesn't. but the problem with her relationship with riku is that it's entirely reliant on her ability to define herself as a person and by what she wants, which she's mostly unable to do before the end of kh2.
by 2.8/fragmentary passage, we can see that kairi has truly grown to care about riku as a person, as by this time, she hasn't been able to spend much time with sora, and she's likely seen more of riku than she has of sora lately, which i think opens up the chance for them to actually be friends. it's only by kh3 that i believe kairi could truly, honestly say that both sora and riku are her friends, because it's only by kh3 that kairi has started to discover who kairi actually is, and even then, the narrative ( and the subpar writing ) are determined to reduce her to the princess and the love interest.
by the end of kh3, i think it's safe to say that kairi's bond with riku is just as strong as her bond with sora, even if they're different. riku is to kairi, at this point, a close friend, someone she would easily trust with her life. she cares for him deeply, and as we see, riku is deeply saddened when xehanort shatters her heart, though again, it's not and never will be quite like her bond with sora.
but the overall reason that kairi and riku are not friends from the start entirely lies with kairi. she's insecure with herself, struggling to know who she really is and weighing everyone's expectations of her with who she actually is as a person and i think, to some degree, riku and kairi can understand that aspect of themselves and see it reflected in the other. i think kairi and riku have the potential to understand each other in a way sora can't.
post melody of memory, i think kairi feels more secure in who she is and her relationship with riku is more familial, he's someone very dear to her, someone she cannot imagine her life without, just as sora is. she's more comfortable around him, she feels closer and more connected to him, and they lean on each other more, i think.
there's a parallel to be drawn about kairi's feelings towards riku and the evolution of their relationship to kairi's feelings about herself and how they change overtime. she was never sure where she stood with riku early on because kairi was unsure of where she stood with herself, who or what she was supposed to be. and although she and riku may not have always been friends, kairi intends to make sure they stay friends.
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razorblade180 · 6 years ago
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Blessed Images
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sapphireskys · 6 years ago
Concept: Kh3 sequel where Sora wakes up in Shibuya without his memories and only the Oblivion keyblade
He slowly regains them and when he remembers Kairi he gets Oathkeeper
When he regains them all he gets the Kingdom Key
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actualaster · 6 years ago
If that is in any way the case they need a reality check because I would kill for a KH game where kairi was not only playable but the MC
You know… I wonder if at least part of the Kairi situation isn’t Nomura’s fault. Because he wanted her to be playable back in KHI, and only constraints–whatever those were–kept him from doing it; and he seemed sad about it and like originally it was only on hold “for now”. 
And–getting full conspiracy theory here–there have been many other hints of Nomura wanting to do more with Kairi and it not happening (her originally being planned to be in Coded, her being in a scene from a DDD trailer that was then cut from the main game, the original BbSV2 seeming to want to explore quite a bit about her more, Kairi being the one supposed to be in front of the mansion with Hayner, Pence, and Olette, not Sora. Even KHII seemed like Kairi was originally supposed to be a party member there, the way the party member menu was set up… and that her story there was the result of someone wanting Kairi to go off and have her own adventure and someone else not wanting that. I could go on and on). What if it’s the higher-ups at Square Enix for some reason? Thinking they don’t have time to do added things with her in these games, or that the games won’t sell if you don’t have a typical princess you always need to rescue?
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mellz117 · 5 years ago
Mellz plays KH Re:CoM part 4!
Hi welcome to my text based commentary on Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories on the Playstation 2. Right below are my previous entries
Check out the continuation of Sora’s campaign under the read more! 
—I had a bunch of stuff written out in part 3, but tumblr mobile crashed on me and didn’t save it. Here’s my attempt at trying to remember it all. Can I do better than Sora?
I went to the Hollow Bastion. Off to a great start!
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Hm something seems off I wonder what it is lol. Lovers’ quarrel? Can’t be that simple. I really appreciate how ready to play hero Sora is. Such a wholesome boy.
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I dunno know, there’s a whole-ass community who will happily give their love to you. I myself would appreciate a hug from a fuzzy beasty boy.
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Isn’t that how you’ve lived most of your life anyway? Books and your dad? Wow that reminds me of Meggie and Mo. I’ve been reading the Inkheart series recently.
I SERIOUSLY don’t remember any of this. Beast’s heart is full of uwu love for Belle so Maleficent wants HIS heart, Belle gets zapped with witchy magic and loses her heart trying to protect the Beast. Oh look at that, she does care. Maleficent tried going two for two and our favorite big dragon lady lost to a 14 year old who’s barely into puberty. I liked the mcguffen card, makes Maleficent too easy.
Belle and Beast are too cute omg
—Time for Vexen to introduce himself to Protagonist
“Who are you?!” Sora’s ready to throw hands with just about anyone at this point isn’t he?
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Vex you’re full of shit. So this first fight with him. My death counter was 4? How fitting… The fight got super nerve wracking. I had poor card management and barely won with 3 cards left.
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So despite MARLUXIA being dubbed in KH2 “The Graceful Assassin” on his… gravestone? AXEL seems to be the head hunter. He’s told to kill Vexen, sent to get rid of Roxas, I’m pretty sure if memory serves in 358Days he was told to kill Xion? Right? It’s been a while.
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I want to run my fingers through Marly’s hair tbh. We got two of the hottest members of Org13 here talking about murdering their colleague, as you do.
—Upon arriving at Twilight Town, Sora tells a story from when he and Namine were little, a meteor shower scared Namine and Sora says he’ll protect her. How cute and wholesome! Too bad it’s more fake than a YouTube apology video! OOOOOOoooHH! Anyway, Twilight Town is my favorite world in this whole series and I WISH KH3 specifically had more to explore!
Next fight with Vexen. Like immediately after the first. How vexing haha. Death Count so far: 4. I’m getting really frustrated and my hatred for him just grows exponentially 
Loading my deck up with 0 value cards to– oh WAIT I DONT HAVE ANY! Because stupid me decided theyre more trouble than theyre worth. OK time to pay the Christmas moogle a visit and kick an old man’s ass!
I died.
That’s 5 so far. Need to grind more! I’m level 41! I don’t remember having such a difficult time before. Then again I remember very little about my experience way back when.
I got further in on the fight though! Vexen even used his ice sword thing out of desperation! It was kind of badass, I like it. Except he beat me again making my death count 6…!
I felt sorry for Vexen in his death scene but NOT TODAY! NOT TODAY! I can’t recall the last time I was so utterly pissed off at a video game. IM ON STANDARD why was I struggling so much?! I probably just have bad technique tbh. If I struggled this much with Vexen how will I ever stand against Axel again? I’m so done with this game and I still have another campaign to do after this!
—I didn’t even leave Twilight Town before bed. I relished in my victory, Axel finished Vexen off (RiP), Sora got scared, then mad, Axel had a tad bit of existentialism, and I went to bed.
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So now Larxene and Marluxia think they can trust Axel. Larxene honest to god thinks, even IF Axel were on their side, they’d have a chance to overthrow XEMNAS, Xigbar, Xaldin, Saix, Demyx, and Luxord together… OK definitely Dexyx but the rest won’t go down so easilly. I don’t remember what Zexion and Lexaeus are doing at Castle Oblivion at this time but that’s irrelevant right now.
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Repliku again. Oh no, he and Sora have the same memory of Namine and the meteor shower! They fight about it.
“You can’t both be right, it doesn’t make sense!” say Donald and Goofy.
“Oh so I’M wrong?!” Sora replies, angry that his friends don’t believe him. Where is that undying faith in one another? Sora wonders, heartbroken.
“Maybe you should take a moment to think things though” Goofy suggests in a ironically frequent moment of clarity.
Sora overreacts to everything he’s told. “So you want me to ABANDON HER?!” Now he’s putting words into his allies’ mouths, like a stupid baby.
—Axel shows he’s a sneaky sneak and not in fact loyal to Bloo- I mean Marluxia, and indirectly tells Namine he’s letting her go like “lmao NO ONE WHO’S CURRENTLY IN THIS ROOM wants to keep you here”. And Namine peaces out.
We now, sorry just Sora now, because Donald and Goofy aren’t with him, go to the Destiny Islands. We meet up with Riku, well not really, just a memory of Riku. An inaccurate memory of Riku because during this time he would NEVER trust Sora to keep a girl safe all by himself. “HER” being not Kairi but Namine because that’s the theme.
Sora fights the Darkside, not from Star Wars but Star Wars + Kingdom Hearts is a cool idea and could be realized. Hop to it, Square Enix! We fight the big Heartless and it was easy. The McGuffen card showed up only near the end so it was pointless.
Namine shows up! But it’s just a memory of Namine.. but wait she was never there it was Kair— Right Sora doesn’t know this! Even if it’s not real the pure joy Sora expresses upon finally getting to see her is so sweet but also super sad.
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BUT THEN! A SECOND Namine appears behind Sora! And now the two Namine’s are both talking to him, and he is confused because how is anyone else supposed to even comprehend any of this?
—See you in part 5!!!
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eraofstories · 6 years ago
kingdom hearts for the ask meme!
my favorite female character: Kairmy favorite male character: Terra is my son and I am forever cry!!!!my favorite book/season/etc: I guess KH 1? Honestly a lot of them kind of blend together for me a bit, because I consumed them in quick succession. my favorite episode (if its a tv show): I’m going with favorite world, and it’s Neverland - I LOVEEEE the mechanic of being able to fly. KH was the first console video game I ever played, and I’m still really bad at maneuvering even now, but flying was so awesome!my favorite cast member: ??? IDK? Nimoy voiced someone at one point, and I’m fond of him?my favorite ship: SoRiKaia character I’d die defending: Ventus (and also pooh bear!!)a character I just can’t sympathize with: Xehanort?a character I grew to love: Axelmy anti otp: Idk, I never got super involved in the fandom, so. I’m not super enthusiastic about Sora/Roxas? I think someone I subscribed to for Harry Potter back in the day (like, when I did all my fic reading on ff.net, so for real Back in the Day had a Sora/Roxas fic that they would update regularly and I’d get notifications, and while 14 year old Era didn’t have any context and was just like “Hmm, not about Maurauder era hogwarts, weird and unappealing” 25 year old Era is like “wait ur shipping who now???????”
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wildlifeneko · 6 years ago
so i watched the kh/3 opening leak.  shi/p ha/te sorry
kair/i appears in it 3 times just because it involve sora. man they’re pushing the undeveloped so/kai
k=airi: appears to try and grab sora hand
kai/ri: appears again to cry over the sora pic
ka=iri: appears again to run toward sora
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sunzonked · 7 years ago
okay i am so happy that its finally been revealed but SERIOUSLY square you are literally going to debut her outfit on the mobile game, not a week after the premeire?? kairi is gwtting so fucking looked over oh my god i want to scratch my own eyes out by how much this is frustrating me
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original tweet 
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arovalentines · 5 years ago
incredibly funny that literally every single possible m/f ship in kh feels so bland and works much better as friends even the one that’s probably gonna become canon
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thegeminisage · 6 years ago
i like chirithy a lot more now that i know it’s also kari from digimon omg
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roxasboxas · 5 years ago
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[ @fangxcross : Oh yeah without a doubt it’s straight baited ha ha. Oh and really good point with the Frozen world. I forgot how bad Disney messed that up. But you’re totally right in saying that KH is a cultural juggernaut! Nomura absolutely can withhold the game until Disney agrees. Nomura/Square Enix have just as much right to KH as Disney does. Also Nomura has a lot of control of KH as opposed to his other projects. It’s his baby.
As for Kairi I think there actually is an important reason as to why her character development is so poor. I have good confidence in saying that it definitely was on purpose. We don’t know just yet but I don’t want to say is bad writing because I don’t think it is. Remember Nomura always does things for a reason. On top of that Nomura has always said KH isn’t about Sora and Kair, it’s about Sora and Riku. So there’s a bit of the reason right there.
I am so sorry for the small rant again but there is so much I want to say but I’m writing this at 7:50am with no sleep.]
Ok first of all get some sleep and second of all you don’t have to apologize for ranting because I am vibing but third of all I’m glad we’re in agreement about the impact of Kingdom Hearts!
The Kingdom Hearts series was my first experience with Nomura's work so I can’t really say much about his patterns beyond "he really likes to pull one over on people, apparently" which is a viewpoint that’s only been reinforced by FFVIIR tbh. And what better way to pull one over on Local Megacorperation Disney than force them to let the main character of the most iconic Disney related game franchise kiss boy? Checkmate
As for Kairi... I do wish she had more character development. She’s overly bland/palatable and I’m not the only person who can be quoted as saying that they forgot to implement her personality. The mangas so a bit better by her but she still deserves more respect imho. Like she deserves to be more than just a fakeout love interest yknow? Characterize her
And it’s especially stark in contrast to the characterization of the other women and girls in Nomura's projects! (Besides, yknow, KH!Aerith, whose personality they also forgot to implement) Xion and Namine and Aqua (and even Olette who is significantly less important) do have personalities and internal motivations and 🤭 make decisions! On screen! And that’s not even getting into FFVIIR; the development that even minor female characters like that one teacher from the Leaf House or the Angel of the Slums get also outstrips Kairi's.
And like I love Kairi she’s boppin but the games really don’t do anything with her! And the team knows that and I swear they’re thumbing their noses at us about it. Maybe it’s just the English Major in me talking but they could at least use her to give us a better sense of what the deal is with princesses of heart. Like POH are just chilling ig
at this point im half convinced sok/ai is nomura straightbaiting us bc? YES they MAY have more development than some straight couples ive seen become endgame (not that that’s an accomplishment because some of those had one character magically appear in the last two seconds) but u know what?? soriku is so blatant theres no way its not leading to SOMETHING
the fact that their motivations in half the games revolve around each other?? that time in ddd where riku almost cupped soras face with his hand while joshua was explaining the world split??? the fucking gayblade????? the fact that i looked up ‘soriku moments’ on youtube just now and the top video is over half an hour long BEFORE kh3????? and then i looked up ‘sok[/]ai moments’ and 2 of the 3 top videos are kpop??????? kingdom hearts is a gay game. a gayme. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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deadideaspod · 8 years ago
Our first ever interview! Expert on women, sex, and magic Gillian Kenny gives a quirky and fun interview on the position of the fairer sex in medieval Ireland and their relation to geassa in the literature. You can also see me draw Gillian’s portrait on our new Dead Ideas youtube channel!
Don’t forget to support the show and get your perks at http://www.patreon.com/deadideaspod!
Interviewee: Gillian Kenny
Time/place: Ireland, 902 CE
Dead Idea: Geis
A Map of Medieval Ireland, by Adam McKithern
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Glossary of Irish Words and Spellings
Note: “KH” should be pronounced like the ending sound of “Bach”
Aífe (EE-fuh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, rival of Scáthach
aire (EYE-ruh) – lordly class
brat (BRAT) – cloak
Caier (KEYE-ur)  – king of Connacht in the story Caier and Nede
coibche (KWIV-khuh) – bride-price
Conall Cernach (KO-nul KAIR-nakh) – curly blond-haired warrior and favorite of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Conaire (KO-na-ruh) – king of Tara in the The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Connacht (KON-akht) – a kingdom in the middle west of Ireland
Connla (KON-luh) – son of Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
Críth Gablach (KREEH GOW-luhch) – a law-tract featuring 7 ranks of lords, 7 ranks of farmers, and 7 ranks of kings
Cú Chulainn (KOO KHUH-lun) – hero in the Táin bó Cúailnge
cúlán (KOO-lun) – men’s hairstyle with shaved front, long back
cumal (COO-wul) – unit of measurement roughly equal to 34 acres of land or 3 cattle; lit. “slave girl”
dairt (DEERCH) – a heifer, as in “from a needle to a dairt”, the honor-price of the lowest level of farmer which varies from a needle to a heifer
Diarmuid (JAR-muhj) – hero in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
Drogheda (DRO-hay-duh) – site of a battle against the Vikings in 902 CE
Emer (EV-ur) – woman wooed by Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
féni (FAY-nee) – farmer class, subdivided into 7 ranks according to the Crith Gablach law-tract: 1. 1st fer midboth (FAIR MEE-vuh) lit. “man between huts”; 2. 2nd fer midboth; 3. ócaire (O-keye-ruh); 4. aithech (EYE-chuh); 5. bóaire (BO-eye-ruh); 6. mruigfher (MREE-khur); 7. fer fothlai (FAIR FO-lee)
fidchell (FEE-khel) – an Old Irish board game, often called “Irish chess”
Forgall (FOR-gul) – father of Emer in the Táin bó Cúailnge
fuba and ruba (FOO-buh and ROO-buh) – military service; lit. “attack and defense”
fuidir (FEE-jur) – transitional slave
geis (GAYSH) / pl. geassa (GAYSA) – mystical personal injunction
Grainne (GRAH-nyuh) – woman in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
léine (LAY-nya) – tunic
Mac Cécht (Mak KEKHT) – warrior and right-hand man of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Nede (NAY-thuh) – a satire poet in the story of Caier and Nede
rath (RATH) – a loan taken from a lord in a clientship contract
rosc (ROSK) – a nearly untranslatable type of poem with multiple meanings, often signaled in English by ellipses where parts are left untranslated
Scáthach (SKAH-hakh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, mentor of Cú Chulainn
senchléithe (SHEN-khlay-huh) – hereditary serf
sét (SET) – unit of measurement equal to 4/5 of a cow
Táin bó Cúailnge (TOYN bo KOOL-nee) – epic featuring Cú Chulainn; lit. “The Cattle Raid of Cooley”
Tara (TAH-ruh) – traditional capital of the high kinds of Ireland
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga (TO-gul BREEJ-nuh da JAIR-guh) – epic featuring King Conaire; lit. “The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel” or “…of the Red God”
toinal (TEE-nyul) – joint conjugal fund
Uí Néill (oy NAYLZ) – one of the most powerful clans of medieval Ireland
Ulster (UHL-stur) – Anglicized name for a kingdom in northeast Ireland
Main Sources
Ambient Mixer. “A Lively Night at the Tavern.” Ambient Mixer. (Audio Clip). Used under CC license. Downloaded Dec. 18, 2016, from: http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/bustling-tavern
Barrett, C. (2006). “Early Gaelic Dress: An Introduction.” Downloaded Nov. 18, 2016, from: http://coblaith.net/EarlyGaelicDress/EarlyGaelicDress12bw.pdf
Dwyer, F. (2010-2017). Irish History Podcast.
Dwyer, F. (2013). Witches, Spies and Stockholm Syndrome: Life in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: New Island.
Kenny, G. (2013). “Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Marriage Laws and Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland.” Journal of Medieval History, 32(1): 27-42.
Kinsella, T. (1969). The Tain Bo Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mallory, J. P. (1992). Aspects of the Tain. Belfast: December Publications.
MacCulloch, J. A. (1911). The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
O’Connor, R. (2013). The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel: Kingship and Narrative Artistry in a Medieval Irish Saga. Oxford: University Press.
O’Leary, P. (1988). “Honour-bound: The Social Context of Early Irish Heroic Geis.” Celtica, 20: 85-107.
Patterson, N. (1994). Cattle Lords and Clansmen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stokes, W. (1862). Three Irish Glossaries. London: Williams and Norgate.
Wyatt, D. R. (2009). Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200. Boston: Brill.
  Music and graphic design by Rachel Westhoff.
Geis V: Women and Magic in Medieval Ireland: An interview with Dr. Gillian Kenny Our first ever interview! Expert on women, sex, and magic Gillian Kenny gives a quirky and fun interview on the position of the fairer sex in medieval Ireland and their relation to geassa in the literature.
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deadideaspod · 6 years ago
  It’s another best of the best for you! This one has it all: romance, plunder, mimes – and it all ends in a bloodbath! This was our first mashup and it’s still one of my favorite episodes. What are your faves? Let me know at [email protected] or on Facebook at @deadideaspod.
Also, an update on our upcoming show The History of Sex: we’re looking at a release date in October! It’s coming up fast!
This episode features a rockin’ soundtrack by Brooklyn band Twin Guns.
Be sure to support the show at www.patreon.com/deadideaspod to get your portrait drawn!
Maps, pics, references, and more at http://www.deadideas.net. Music and graphic design by Rachel Westhoff. Map by Adam McKithern.
Co-hosts: Nick and Anna
Time/place: Ireland, composed 6th-10th cen. CE
Dead Idea: Geis
A Map of Medieval Ireland, by Adam McKithern
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Glossary of Irish Words and Spellings
Note: “KH” should be pronounced like the ending sound of “Bach”
Aífe (EE-fuh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, rival of Scáthach
aire (EYE-ruh) – lordly class
brat (BRAT) – cloak
Caier (KEYE-ur) – king of Connacht in the story Caier and Nede
coibche (KWIV-khuh) – bride-price
Conall Cernach (KO-nul KAIR-nakh) – curly blond-haired warrior and favorite of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Conaire (KO-na-ruh) – king of Tara in the The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Connacht (KON-akht) – a kingdom in the middle west of Ireland
Connla (KON-luh) – son of Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
Críth Gablach (KREEH GOW-luhch) – a law-tract featuring 7 ranks of lords, 7 ranks of farmers, and 7 ranks of kings
Cú Chulainn (KOO KHUH-lun) – hero in the Táin bó Cúailnge
cúlán (KOO-lun) – men’s hairstyle with shaved front, long back
cumal (COO-wul) – unit of measurement roughly equal to 34 acres of land or 3 cattle; lit. “slave girl”
dairt (DEERCH) – a heifer, as in “from a needle to a dairt”, the honor-price of the lowest level of farmer which varies from a needle to a heifer
Diarmuid (JAR-muhj) – hero in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
Drogheda (DRO-hay-duh) – site of a battle against the Vikings in 902 CE
Emer (EV-ur) – woman wooed by Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
féni (FAY-nee) – farmer class, subdivided into 7 ranks according to the Crith Gablach law-tract: 1. 1st fer midboth (FAIR MEE-vuh) lit. “man between huts”; 2. 2nd fer midboth; 3. ócaire (O-keye-ruh); 4. aithech (EYE-chuh); 5. bóaire (BO-eye-ruh); 6. mruigfher (MREE-khur); 7. fer fothlai (FAIR FO-lee)
fidchell (FEE-khel) – an Old Irish board game, often called “Irish chess”
Forgall (FOR-gul) – father of Emer in the Táin bó Cúailnge
fuba and ruba (FOO-buh and ROO-buh) – military service; lit. “attack and defense”
fuidir (FEE-jur) – transitional slave
geis (GAYSH) / pl. geassa (GAYSA) – mystical personal injunction
Grainne (GRAH-nyuh) – woman in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
léine (LAY-nya) – tunic
Mac Cécht (Mak KEKHT) – warrior and right-hand man of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Nede (NAY-thuh) – a satire poet in the story of Caier and Nede
rath (RATH) – a loan taken from a lord in a clientship contract
rosc (ROSK) – a nearly untranslatable type of poem with multiple meanings, often signaled in English by ellipses where parts are left untranslated
Scáthach (SKAH-hakh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, mentor of Cú Chulainn
senchléithe (SHEN-khlay-huh) – hereditary serf
sét (SET) – unit of measurement equal to 4/5 of a cow
Táin bó Cúailnge (TOYN bo KOOL-nee) – epic featuring Cú Chulainn; lit. “The Cattle Raid of Cooley”
Tara (TAH-ruh) – traditional capital of the high kinds of Ireland
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga (TO-gul BREEJ-nuh da JAIR-guh) – epic featuring King Conaire; lit. “The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel” or “…of the Red God”
toinal (TEE-nyul) – joint conjugal fund
Uí Néill (oy NAYLZ) – one of the most powerful clans of medieval Ireland
Ulster (UHL-stur) – Anglicized name for a kingdom in northeast Ireland
Main Sources
Ambient Mixer. “A Lively Night at the Tavern.” Ambient Mixer. (Audio Clip). Used under CC license. Downloaded Dec. 18, 2016, from: http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/bustling-tavern
Barrett, C. (2006). “Early Gaelic Dress: An Introduction.” Downloaded Nov. 18, 2016, from: http://coblaith.net/EarlyGaelicDress/EarlyGaelicDress12bw.pdf
Dwyer, F. (2010-2017). Irish History Podcast.
Dwyer, F. (2013). Witches, Spies and Stockholm Syndrome: Life in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: New Island.
Kenny, G. (2013). “Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Marriage Laws and Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland.” Journal of Medieval History, 32(1): 27-42.
Kinsella, T. (1969). The Tain Bo Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mallory, J. P. (1992). Aspects of the Tain. Belfast: December Publications.
MacCulloch, J. A. (1911). The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
O’Connor, R. (2013). The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel: Kingship and Narrative Artistry in a Medieval Irish Saga. Oxford: University Press.
O’Leary, P. (1988). “Honour-bound: The Social Context of Early Irish Heroic Geis.” Celtica, 20: 85-107.
Patterson, N. (1994). Cattle Lords and Clansmen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stokes, W. (1862). Three Irish Glossaries. London: Williams and Norgate.
Wyatt, D. R. (2009). Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200. Boston: Brill.
Best of the Best: Pulp Fiction/Da Derga’s Hostel Mashup – Irish History It's another best of the best for you! This one has it all: romance, plunder, mimes - and it all ends in a bloodbath!
0 notes
deadideaspod · 8 years ago
This one has it all: romance, plunder, mimes – and it all ends in a bloodbath! This story is without doubt the Pulp Fiction of medieval Irish literature, so here it is: The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel, told in the style of Quentin Tarantino! With a soundtrack by Brooklyn band Twin Guns!
Don’t forget to support the show and get your perks at http://www.patreon.com/deadideaspod!
Co-hosts: Nick and Anna
Time/place: Ireland, composed 6th-10th cen. CE
Dead Idea: Geis
A Map of Medieval Ireland, by Adam McKithern
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Glossary of Irish Words and Spellings
Note: “KH” should be pronounced like the ending sound of “Bach”
Aífe (EE-fuh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, rival of Scáthach
aire (EYE-ruh) – lordly class
brat (BRAT) – cloak
Caier (KEYE-ur)  – king of Connacht in the story Caier and Nede
coibche (KWIV-khuh) – bride-price
Conall Cernach (KO-nul KAIR-nakh) – curly blond-haired warrior and favorite of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Conaire (KO-na-ruh) – king of Tara in the The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Connacht (KON-akht) – a kingdom in the middle west of Ireland
Connla (KON-luh) – son of Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
Críth Gablach (KREEH GOW-luhch) – a law-tract featuring 7 ranks of lords, 7 ranks of farmers, and 7 ranks of kings
Cú Chulainn (KOO KHUH-lun) – hero in the Táin bó Cúailnge
cúlán (KOO-lun) – men’s hairstyle with shaved front, long back
cumal (COO-wul) – unit of measurement roughly equal to 34 acres of land or 3 cattle; lit. “slave girl”
dairt (DEERCH) – a heifer, as in “from a needle to a dairt”, the honor-price of the lowest level of farmer which varies from a needle to a heifer
Diarmuid (JAR-muhj) – hero in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
Drogheda (DRO-hay-duh) – site of a battle against the Vikings in 902 CE
Emer (EV-ur) – woman wooed by Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
féni (FAY-nee) – farmer class, subdivided into 7 ranks according to the Crith Gablach law-tract: 1. 1st fer midboth (FAIR MEE-vuh) lit. “man between huts”; 2. 2nd fer midboth; 3. ócaire (O-keye-ruh); 4. aithech (EYE-chuh); 5. bóaire (BO-eye-ruh); 6. mruigfher (MREE-khur); 7. fer fothlai (FAIR FO-lee)
fidchell (FEE-khel) – an Old Irish board game, often called “Irish chess”
Forgall (FOR-gul) – father of Emer in the Táin bó Cúailnge
fuba and ruba (FOO-buh and ROO-buh) – military service; lit. “attack and defense”
fuidir (FEE-jur) – transitional slave
geis (GAYSH) / pl. geassa (GAYSA) – mystical personal injunction
Grainne (GRAH-nyuh) – woman in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
léine (LAY-nya) – tunic
Mac Cécht (Mak KEKHT) – warrior and right-hand man of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Nede (NAY-thuh) – a satire poet in the story of Caier and Nede
rath (RATH) – a loan taken from a lord in a clientship contract
rosc (ROSK) – a nearly untranslatable type of poem with multiple meanings, often signaled in English by ellipses where parts are left untranslated
Scáthach (SKAH-hakh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, mentor of Cú Chulainn
senchléithe (SHEN-khlay-huh) – hereditary serf
sét (SET) – unit of measurement equal to 4/5 of a cow
Táin bó Cúailnge (TOYN bo KOOL-nee) – epic featuring Cú Chulainn; lit. “The Cattle Raid of Cooley”
Tara (TAH-ruh) – traditional capital of the high kinds of Ireland
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga (TO-gul BREEJ-nuh da JAIR-guh) – epic featuring King Conaire; lit. “The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel” or “…of the Red God”
toinal (TEE-nyul) – joint conjugal fund
Uí Néill (oy NAYLZ) – one of the most powerful clans of medieval Ireland
Ulster (UHL-stur) – Anglicized name for a kingdom in northeast Ireland
Main Sources
Ambient Mixer. “A Lively Night at the Tavern.” Ambient Mixer. (Audio Clip). Used under CC license. Downloaded Dec. 18, 2016, from: http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/bustling-tavern
Barrett, C. (2006). “Early Gaelic Dress: An Introduction.” Downloaded Nov. 18, 2016, from: http://coblaith.net/EarlyGaelicDress/EarlyGaelicDress12bw.pdf
Dwyer, F. (2010-2017). Irish History Podcast.
Dwyer, F. (2013). Witches, Spies and Stockholm Syndrome: Life in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: New Island.
Kenny, G. (2013). “Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Marriage Laws and Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland.” Journal of Medieval History, 32(1): 27-42.
Kinsella, T. (1969). The Tain Bo Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mallory, J. P. (1992). Aspects of the Tain. Belfast: December Publications.
MacCulloch, J. A. (1911). The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
O’Connor, R. (2013). The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel: Kingship and Narrative Artistry in a Medieval Irish Saga. Oxford: University Press.
O’Leary, P. (1988). “Honour-bound: The Social Context of Early Irish Heroic Geis.” Celtica, 20: 85-107.
Patterson, N. (1994). Cattle Lords and Clansmen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stokes, W. (1862). Three Irish Glossaries. London: Williams and Norgate.
Wyatt, D. R. (2009). Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200. Boston: Brill.
  Maps, pics, references, and more at http://www.deadideas.net. Music and graphic design by Rachel Westhoff.
Soundtrack by Twin Guns: https://twinguns.bandcamp.com/
Geis VII Finale: Quentin Tarantino’s The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel This one has it all: romance, plunder, mimes - and it all ends in a bloodbath! This story is without doubt the Pulp Fiction of medieval Irish literature, so here it is: The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel, told in the style of Quentin Tarantino!
0 notes
deadideaspod · 8 years ago
Another interview! Fin Dwyer of The Irish History Podcast talks to us today about the traumatizing impact of the Vikings on medieval Irish culture. You can also see me draw Fin’s portrait on our Dead Ideas youtube channel!
Don’t forget to support the show and get your perks at http://www.patreon.com/deadideaspod!
Interviewee: Fin Dwyer
Time/place: Ireland, 902 CE
Dead Idea: Geis
A Map of Medieval Ireland, by Adam McKithern
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Glossary of Irish Words and Spellings
Note: “KH” should be pronounced like the ending sound of “Bach”
Aífe (EE-fuh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, rival of Scáthach
aire (EYE-ruh) – lordly class
brat (BRAT) – cloak
Caier (KEYE-ur)  – king of Connacht in the story Caier and Nede
coibche (KWIV-khuh) – bride-price
Conall Cernach (KO-nul KAIR-nakh) – curly blond-haired warrior and favorite of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Conaire (KO-na-ruh) – king of Tara in the The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Connacht (KON-akht) – a kingdom in the middle west of Ireland
Connla (KON-luh) – son of Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
Críth Gablach (KREEH GOW-luhch) – a law-tract featuring 7 ranks of lords, 7 ranks of farmers, and 7 ranks of kings
Cú Chulainn (KOO KHUH-lun) – hero in the Táin bó Cúailnge
cúlán (KOO-lun) – men’s hairstyle with shaved front, long back
cumal (COO-wul) – unit of measurement roughly equal to 34 acres of land or 3 cattle; lit. “slave girl”
dairt (DEERCH) – a heifer, as in “from a needle to a dairt”, the honor-price of the lowest level of farmer which varies from a needle to a heifer
Diarmuid (JAR-muhj) – hero in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
Drogheda (DRO-hay-duh) – site of a battle against the Vikings in 902 CE
Emer (EV-ur) – woman wooed by Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
féni (FAY-nee) – farmer class, subdivided into 7 ranks according to the Crith Gablach law-tract: 1. 1st fer midboth (FAIR MEE-vuh) lit. “man between huts”; 2. 2nd fer midboth; 3. ócaire (O-keye-ruh); 4. aithech (EYE-chuh); 5. bóaire (BO-eye-ruh); 6. mruigfher (MREE-khur); 7. fer fothlai (FAIR FO-lee)
fidchell (FEE-khel) – an Old Irish board game, often called “Irish chess”
Forgall (FOR-gul) – father of Emer in the Táin bó Cúailnge
fuba and ruba (FOO-buh and ROO-buh) – military service; lit. “attack and defense”
fuidir (FEE-jur) – transitional slave
geis (GAYSH) / pl. geassa (GAYSA) – mystical personal injunction
Grainne (GRAH-nyuh) – woman in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
léine (LAY-nya) – tunic
Mac Cécht (Mak KEKHT) – warrior and right-hand man of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Nede (NAY-thuh) – a satire poet in the story of Caier and Nede
rath (RATH) – a loan taken from a lord in a clientship contract
rosc (ROSK) – a nearly untranslatable type of poem with multiple meanings, often signaled in English by ellipses where parts are left untranslated
Scáthach (SKAH-hakh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, mentor of Cú Chulainn
senchléithe (SHEN-khlay-huh) – hereditary serf
sét (SET) – unit of measurement equal to 4/5 of a cow
Táin bó Cúailnge (TOYN bo KOOL-nee) – epic featuring Cú Chulainn; lit. “The Cattle Raid of Cooley”
Tara (TAH-ruh) – traditional capital of the high kinds of Ireland
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga (TO-gul BREEJ-nuh da JAIR-guh) – epic featuring King Conaire; lit. “The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel” or “…of the Red God”
toinal (TEE-nyul) – joint conjugal fund
Uí Néill (oy NAYLZ) – one of the most powerful clans of medieval Ireland
Ulster (UHL-stur) – Anglicized name for a kingdom in northeast Ireland
Main Sources
Ambient Mixer. “A Lively Night at the Tavern.” Ambient Mixer. (Audio Clip). Used under CC license. Downloaded Dec. 18, 2016, from: http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/bustling-tavern
Barrett, C. (2006). “Early Gaelic Dress: An Introduction.” Downloaded Nov. 18, 2016, from: http://coblaith.net/EarlyGaelicDress/EarlyGaelicDress12bw.pdf
Dwyer, F. (2010-2017). Irish History Podcast.
Dwyer, F. (2013). Witches, Spies and Stockholm Syndrome: Life in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: New Island.
Kenny, G. (2013). “Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Marriage Laws and Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland.” Journal of Medieval History, 32(1): 27-42.
Kinsella, T. (1969). The Tain Bo Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mallory, J. P. (1992). Aspects of the Tain. Belfast: December Publications.
MacCulloch, J. A. (1911). The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
O’Connor, R. (2013). The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel: Kingship and Narrative Artistry in a Medieval Irish Saga. Oxford: University Press.
O’Leary, P. (1988). “Honour-bound: The Social Context of Early Irish Heroic Geis.” Celtica, 20: 85-107.
Patterson, N. (1994). Cattle Lords and Clansmen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stokes, W. (1862). Three Irish Glossaries. London: Williams and Norgate.
Wyatt, D. R. (2009). Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200. Boston: Brill.
  Music and graphic design by Rachel Westhoff.
Geis VI: The Viking Terror: An Interview with Fin Dwyer Another interview! Fin Dwyer of The Irish History Podcast talks to us today about the traumatizing impact of the Vikings on medieval Irish culture.
0 notes
deadideaspod · 8 years ago
More stories! We were having so much fun, we just kept recording. First is the tale of a satire-poet called Nede, followed by the saga of a young warrior named Connla who meets his grisly demise at the hands of his own father. Both these stores involve – you guessed it! – a geis.
Don’t forget to support the show and get your perks at http://www.patreon.com/deadideaspod!
Co-host: Andre Sólo
Time/place: Ireland, 902 CE
Dead Idea: Geis
A Map of Medieval Ireland, by Adam McKithern
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Glossary of Irish Words and Spellings
Note: “KH” should be pronounced like the ending sound of “Bach”
Aífe (EE-fuh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, rival of Scáthach
aire (EYE-ruh) – lordly class
brat (BRAT) – cloak
Caier (KEYE-ur)  – king of Connacht in the story Caier and Nede
coibche (KWIV-khuh) – bride-price
Conall Cernach (KO-nul KAIR-nakh) – curly blond-haired warrior and favorite of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Conaire (KO-na-ruh) – king of Tara in the The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Connacht (KON-akht) – a kingdom in the middle west of Ireland
Connla (KON-luh) – son of Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
Críth Gablach (KREEH GOW-luhch) – a law-tract featuring 7 ranks of lords, 7 ranks of farmers, and 7 ranks of kings
Cú Chulainn (KOO KHUH-lun) – hero in the Táin bó Cúailnge
cúlán (KOO-lun) – men’s hairstyle with shaved front, long back
cumal (COO-wul) – unit of measurement roughly equal to 34 acres of land or 3 cattle; lit. “slave girl”
dairt (DEERCH) – a heifer, as in “from a needle to a dairt”, the honor-price of the lowest level of farmer which varies from a needle to a heifer
Diarmuid (JAR-muhj) – hero in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
Drogheda (DRO-hay-duh) – site of a battle against the Vikings in 902 CE
Emer (EV-ur) – woman wooed by Cú Chulainn in the Táin bó Cúailnge
féni (FAY-nee) – farmer class, subdivided into 7 ranks according to the Crith Gablach law-tract: 1. 1st fer midboth (FAIR MEE-vuh) lit. “man between huts”; 2. 2nd fer midboth; 3. ócaire (O-keye-ruh); 4. aithech (EYE-chuh); 5. bóaire (BO-eye-ruh); 6. mruigfher (MREE-khur); 7. fer fothlai (FAIR FO-lee)
fidchell (FEE-khel) – an Old Irish board game, often called “Irish chess”
Forgall (FOR-gul) – father of Emer in the Táin bó Cúailnge
fuba and ruba (FOO-buh and ROO-buh) – military service; lit. “attack and defense”
fuidir (FEE-jur) – transitional slave
geis (GAYSH) / pl. geassa (GAYSA) – mystical personal injunction
Grainne (GRAH-nyuh) – woman in the story of Diarmuid and Grainne
léine (LAY-nya) – tunic
Mac Cécht (Mak KEKHT) – warrior and right-hand man of Conaire in The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel
Nede (NAY-thuh) – a satire poet in the story of Caier and Nede
rath (RATH) – a loan taken from a lord in a clientship contract
rosc (ROSK) – a nearly untranslatable type of poem with multiple meanings, often signaled in English by ellipses where parts are left untranslated
Scáthach (SKAH-hakh) – a warrior woman in the Táin bó Cúailnge, mentor of Cú Chulainn
senchléithe (SHEN-khlay-huh) – hereditary serf
sét (SET) – unit of measurement equal to 4/5 of a cow
Táin bó Cúailnge (TOYN bo KOOL-nee) – epic featuring Cú Chulainn; lit. “The Cattle Raid of Cooley”
Tara (TAH-ruh) – traditional capital of the high kinds of Ireland
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga (TO-gul BREEJ-nuh da JAIR-guh) – epic featuring King Conaire; lit. “The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel” or “…of the Red God”
toinal (TEE-nyul) – joint conjugal fund
Uí Néill (oy NAYLZ) – one of the most powerful clans of medieval Ireland
Ulster (UHL-stur) – Anglicized name for a kingdom in northeast Ireland
Main Sources
Ambient Mixer. “A Lively Night at the Tavern.” Ambient Mixer. (Audio Clip). Used under CC license. Downloaded Dec. 18, 2016, from: http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/bustling-tavern
Barrett, C. (2006). “Early Gaelic Dress: An Introduction.” Downloaded Nov. 18, 2016, from: http://coblaith.net/EarlyGaelicDress/EarlyGaelicDress12bw.pdf
Dwyer, F. (2010-2017). Irish History Podcast.
Dwyer, F. (2013). Witches, Spies and Stockholm Syndrome: Life in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: New Island.
Kenny, G. (2013). “Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Marriage Laws and Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland.” Journal of Medieval History, 32(1): 27-42.
Kinsella, T. (1969). The Tain Bo Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mallory, J. P. (1992). Aspects of the Tain. Belfast: December Publications.
MacCulloch, J. A. (1911). The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
O’Connor, R. (2013). The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel: Kingship and Narrative Artistry in a Medieval Irish Saga. Oxford: University Press.
O’Leary, P. (1988). “Honour-bound: The Social Context of Early Irish Heroic Geis.” Celtica, 20: 85-107.
Patterson, N. (1994). Cattle Lords and Clansmen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stokes, W. (1862). Three Irish Glossaries. London: Williams and Norgate.
Wyatt, D. R. (2009). Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200. Boston: Brill.
Geis Part 4: Nede the Satire-poet, and the Death of Connla More stories! We were having so much fun, we just kept recording. First is the tale of a satire-poet called Nede, followed by the saga of a young warrior named Connla who meets his grisly demise at the hands of his own father.
0 notes