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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive: Legends 2023
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Thanks for your patience, and to everyone who filled out our surveys! We are happy to announce the dates and prompts for Kingsglaive: Legends 2023. The event will run from November 12 to 18, with the last day being a free day. We also provided some alternative prompts in case the daily ones don't strike your interest.
November 12, Day 1: Hurt/Comfort, Exhausted, Sacrifice November 13, Day 2: AU, Dreams, Life After November 14, Day 3: Adventure, Training, Tradition November 15, Day 4: Fix-it, Family, Home November 16, Day 5: Slice-of-Life, Night Shift, Love November 17, Day 6: Mystery, First Blood, Duty November 18, Day 7: Free Day Alternate Prompts: Romance, Mayhem, Honor
People seemed to favor multiple prompts, so we tried to combine the genre set (the overall highest-voted of anything in the survey, both a la carte prompts and sets) with some of the highest-ranked a la carte prompts. We hope you find good inspiration among them!
There was a lot of support for the palettes in Nyx Week, so we thought we'd try them again here. As usual, they are just one of the prompts; you don't have to use all of them.
We will have a nice badge for you again this year if you included all of the canon glaives in your work for the week, but if you don't care about the badge, feel free to focus all your work on your fav(s)! Our goal at the end of the day is to get more content for our beloved glaives.
We'll be back with some more deep dives and light-hearted fun as we count down the weeks until the 12th of November, so be sure to check back here as you can!
Good luck!
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awlwren-writes · 1 year ago
Delta Blues - Chapter 2
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric (background), Nyx Ulric & Libertus Ostium Characters: Nyx Ulric, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Libertus Ostium, background Luche Lazarus, background Titus Drautos | General Glauca Additional Tags: Fall of Insomnia, Nyx Ulric Lives, Nyx Week 2023, Fear, Ends, KG Legends 2023, AU, Life After
Summary: He whirled, sole remaining kukri at the ready as the Princess spread her feet and crouched slightly, ready to run or attack. A car pulled up behind them and jerked to a stop. Libertus rolled down the window and beckoned them over.
“C’mon, get in! They set up a trap in the square, I heard it on the radio,” Libertus yelled in that tone that he was convinced was quiet.
Continuing my Nyx Lives AU where Libertus finds Nyx before he gets shot, and so he never puts on the ring. And things go from there.
Libertus PoV this chapter!
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garbria · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric Characters: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric, Luche Lazarus, Crowe Altius Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Prince Nyx Ulric Series: Part 2 of Crownless King, Part 4 of Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Summary:
On their way to Insomnia after the attack on Galahd, Libertus decides Nyx needs some time away and invites him on a hunt. Unfortunately, he should have realized that nothing is simple when traveling with an Ulric.
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ffxvzinenews · 1 year ago
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Master List
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Thank you to everyone who participated in KGLegends23! Thanks to you, we now have 15 new images and over 25k more words featuring the Kingsglaive characters. If you have any works you’d like to add, please do! We’ll update this as we become aware of them.
Thank you also to all those who liked, reblogged, and commented on these works – your support is always appreciated! Please continue to support the fabulous writers and artists in this community.
Awlwren (Tumblr, Ao3)
Blossom Adventures (Tumblr)
Dablotte (Twitter)
Firechocobros (Tumblr, Ao3)
Loki_chan / Garbria (Tumblr, Ao3)
StarJunco (Tumblr, Ao3)
The master list itself will be below the cut, along with the badge for using all the canon glaives across the week's fills!
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Not an icon this year, but instead a "signed" poster of the glaives by the lovely @starjunco. If you wondered what they glaives were up to in their various poses this week, now you know. Of course they couldn't even behave long enough for a good picture. On the other hand, who put Tredd next to Libertus? Drautos doesn't get to look exasperated by the shenanigans when he indirectly caused them.
Day 1
Title: Sacrifice Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius Relationship: Crowe Altius & Nyx Ulric
Title: Day 1 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Luche Lazarus Relationship: N/A
Title: Exhaustion (ft. Drautos) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Titus Drautos Relationships: Titus / Cor Summary/Excerpt:
Cor woke up to an empty bed, he’s probably already up, he thought as he realised what had actually woke him, his phone was ringing, it was Clarus, he looked at the time in his phone screen, 5:15am. The Marshal let out a groan and answered the call.
Title: Call and Response - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Axis Arra, Tredd Furia Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Axis has seen how useful Oracle Sign is. Now to get everyone else to.
Ugh. This means actually socializing with people.
Title: Holding Out for a Hero Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Pelna Khara Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Pelna knows he’s not the Hero of the Kingsglaive but when he runs into trouble on his own, he rises to the occasion.
Title: Love, War, and Sacrifice Author: Firechocobros Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Titus Drautos, Nyx Ulric, Sonitus Bellum, Luche Lazarus, Axis Arra, Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Relationships: Polyglaive, DrauCor Summary/Excerpt:
“If it will end this fucking meeting,” Titus started with a heavy sigh. “I will sacrifice the stupid fucking closet to the Guard.”
There were head nods, and they all moved on to the next thing on the agenda. Little did they know that Titus was not giving his closet up without a fight.
Featuring Titus being a petty king and using his Glaive to the best of his abilities.
Day 2
Title: Day 2 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: Sleeping in the Clouds Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: AU & Life After (ft. Luche) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Nyx Ulric Relationships: Nyx / OC Summary/Excerpt:
at the start of The Long Night, Cor and Titus buy a penthouse apartment in Lestallum and they get bunk beds to accommodate their close friends and “family” so that they all have a safe place to live and don’t have to worry about accommodation themselves… also there’s a little teaser to Violet and Nyx’s relationship ☺️🥰
Title: Lichtenberg Figures Author: Firechocobros Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Sonitus Bellum, Luche Lazarus, Axis Arra, Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Relationships: Polyglaive Summary/Excerpt:
It had been storming all week, and Nyx’s parents had warned him to stay inside, but he was getting restless. Something kept telling him to go outside; the voice was getting stronger, and Nyx was about to listen to it out of pure boredom. 
How the Glaives found out who their Clustermates were and what their Asteral Event was.
Title: Delta Blues - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
He whirled, sole remaining kukri at the ready as the Princess spread her feet and crouched slightly, ready to run or attack. A car pulled up behind them and jerked to a stop. Libertus rolled down the window and beckoned them over.
“C’mon, get in! They set up a trap in the square, I heard it on the radio,” Libertus yelled in that tone that he was convinced was quiet.
Continuing my Nyx Lives AU where Libertus finds Nyx before he gets shot, and so he never puts on the ring. And things go from there.
Libertus PoV this chapter!
Title: Not All Who Wander Are Lost Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium Relationships: Luche & Nyx, Libertus & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
The Lazarus clan has been responsible for protecting the royal family of Galahd for centuries, and Luche takes his duty seriously. It's a shame the only surviving member hates him.
Day 3
Title: Day 3 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Pelna Khara Relationship: N/A
Title: Pelna!!! On a fishing (?) adventure Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Pelna Khara, Titus Drautos, Nyx Ulric, Luche Lazarus, Libertus Ostium, Tredd Furia Relationship: N/A
Title: Tredditions Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Tredd Furia, Nyx Ulric, Pelna Khara, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Tredd hazes the rookies educates the new class of Glaives on Important Glaive Traditions. And then celebrates some more somber ones with the rest of his own recruiting class. Fill for Kingsglaive Legends 2023: Day 3 - Tradition
Title: Training (ft. Nyx & Drautos) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: Nyx / OC Summary/Excerpt:
It was the hottest day of the year, the height of summer, the training grounds in the Citadel were exposed to the full sun at this time of day. Captain Drautos had called off training when he saw how the Glaive were struggling, he let them go home, and they did just that, all but one.
Title: All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric, Luche Lazarus, Crowe Altius Relationships: Libertus & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
On their way to Insomnia after the attack on Galahd, Libertus decides Nyx needs some time away and invites him on a hunt. Unfortunately, he should have realized that nothing is simple when traveling with an Ulric.
Day 4
Title: Day 4 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Sonitus Bellum Relationship: N/A
Title: Family Fix-it Home Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus, Pelna Khara, Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: Shifting Sand - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Crowe Altius Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Crowe’s not quite sure what’s going on, or who this lady is, or why people are trying to kill her, but she’s determined she’s not going to die first. Crowe’s POV of the last section of Solid Ground.
Day 5
Title: Day 5 Artist: StarJunco Link: TumblrGlaives: Tredd Furia Relationship: N/A
Title: Slice of Life/Love(?) Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric Relationship: Nyx / Noct (possible)
Title: All Through the Night Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Sonitus Bellum Relationships: Luche & Sonitus Summary/Excerpt:
Luche is working late on the Night Shift, and struggling with the weight of responsibilities.
Day 6
Title: Day 6 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Axis Arra Relationship: N/A
Title: Titus...more like TiSUS Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Titus Drautos Relationship: N/A
Title: Hide and Sneak - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Pelna Khara, Nyx Ulric Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Pelna loved figuring out secrets. It was one of the best things about being a scout – putting together puzzles and learning the crucial pieces of information that could save his fellow glaives, or the Crownsguard holding the lines, or the people just trying to live their lives as the tides of war swept over them. He might not be able to liberate whole towns himself, or smash through the enemy lines to allow advances and retreats, but he could find things no one else could, and that saved lives, too.
Pelna is clever, and sneaky, and learns a lot, maybe even more than he wanted to.
Chapter 2/2! Pelna heads home.
Title: Today's Gonna Be My Day Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Titus Drautos Relationships: Titus Drautos & Cor Leonis Summary/Excerpt:
Crownsguard Titus Drautos is determined to make a place for himself in the Crownsguard, despite the hostility of his fellow recruits. If only he could stop running into the same smug bastard every time he tried to train. ​
Day 7
Title: Day 7 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Libertus Ostium Relationship: N/A
Title: Day 7 Artist: StarJunco Link: TumblrGlaives: Nyx Ulric Relationship: N/A
Title: Live Libertus Reaction Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius, Libertus Ostium Relationship: N/A
Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: pre- Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
When he’d turned back enough to have a clearer shot of where Drautos had been standing guard over the glaive wounded, Cor had a moment of confusion when he didn’t see the man. A quick survey of the field showed the lone glaive who’d reinforced the western flank holding back a wall of gunfire with an impressively sturdy shield, one that surely couldn’t last, but no sign of their Captain.
As he got close enough, Cor finally realized that the hunched figure in the middle of the courtyard he’d previously missed was not wearing the red of blood but the darker shade of Drautos’s uniform.
Somehow, while he’d been being cautious, Titus Drautos had fallen.
Cor goes to meet the Kingsglaive returning from their latest raid and helps them out of an ambush, and meets someone who might be worth keeping an eye on.
Title: Fools Rush In Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: pre - Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Things go badly when Nyx’s unit gets ambushed on the way back from a mission. Then Cor shows up.
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive Maps
Thank you all for your patience! RL has been up to its normal tricks, but we have been working away just to spite it. Now, after much teasing, the long-awaited map analysis post!
We’ll start with some of the maps in the Kingsglaive briefing room. Some of these are familiar, and some of them are…less so.
Thanks so much to @starjunco who grabbed the screenshots and made the comparison graphics. Any images not from the movie are courtesy of the wiki.
Lucis Map
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First off is a pretty standard map of Lucis. It matches the in-game map pretty well, except that Cavaugh and Insomnia have been sized up and shifted north.
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In fact, Insomnia is laughably oversized if you consider Lucis to be continent size, even allowing for projection distortions (and regular projection distortions seem unlikely given the uniformity of the walls in the map). Likely it’s exaggerated for propaganda/tradition reasons. Given its location and lack of annotation, it’s likely not being used for actual reference. That said, the maps are also just wildly inconsistent regarding the placement and relative sizes of the continents/islands.
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Behold! As best you can, at least, given the darkness of the in-game map.
It is also interesting that this map seems to exclude the parts of the outer islands, both east and west. Whichever side you think Galahd is on, it appears to often suffer the fate of New Zealand.
Political Map
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The map on the left, which appears to be a political map divided into regions, doesn’t seem to match the world as we know it. It’s likely an easter egg, actually, because of its close resemblance to an early attempt at the FFXV map from the developers:
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That said, echos of this map can be found in the world as we know it, from the odd bay on the eastern side of Tenebrae to the rough shape of the island of Cavaugh on the right edge.
World Map
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Speaking of the “actual” world of Eos, the map behind Libertus seems to be just that, though the angle and the distance make it difficult to determine many details.
Troop Movement
Forgive the fragmentation of this one, but the pesky glaives actually doing plot stuff in this scene kept getting in the way of this map and the next.
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Judging by the first image over Tredd’s shoulder, this appears to show anticipated landfall in Cavaugh of troops, likely Imperial ones. If this map is more than just dressing, it implies a much more imminent threat on the Crown City than just the existence of the Diamond Weapon.
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Seeing the map from further away (and blurry, but we will blame Nyx and Tredd for hogging the focus for that), we see there are actually two (anticipated?) lines of attack into Cavaugh.
Interestingly, this map shows the larger and more northern Cavaugh position. Perhaps it was moved in the game to better fit on the map? Actually, Cavaugh here might be even larger than in the other map of Lucis in this room.
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The dots seem to indicate individual armies or commands, which also has interesting implications for the organization of the Imperial Army and possibly of Insomnian intelligence.
Mainland Lucis - Positions
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On the far left, there is another blurry map that seems to show a close-up of the lower “staging” region in the previous map, with hints of red around the peninsula, and possibly around the disc of Cauthess. This could be further illustration of detailed Imperial positions, or could indicate where the Kingsglaive had been posted before they were pulled back.
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And how could we miss our other favorite easter egg, the globe proving Eos is, indeed, round. Or at least some world is. ^_^
(If you don’t recognize what that world is, I’d recommend a second look)
Nyx’s Corkboard map
It’s very hard to see this through every interesting detail that Nyx has piled on top of it, but there is a map as the bottom layer of Nyx’s Corkboard.
Starjunco has taken a good look at it here, but for a quick summary:
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Here is Nyx’s corkboard. The map we’re referring to is the black square with gold images on it covering the upper right corner of the board, underneath the articles, ticket, sticky notes, and pictures. In the lower right of the map, just under the picture of young Nyx and Libs playing in Galahd is what appears to be the compass:
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You can see the landmass is covered in a grid and otherwise unmarked, which is an interesting choice. It’s anyone’s guess what the original purpose of this map was, but now it appears to show the edge of Niflheim around the picture of Selena and Mama Ulric:
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And Lucis is covered up by most of the images. Compare it with the image of the continent found in Episode Ardyn, where the landmasses are much further apart, but the shape of the Western islands match what is found near the bouquet above:
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Also of note is the small silver “x” that appears above the pin in the picture of a younger Nyx and Libertus in their uniforms. Is this where they are from, or where they first fought, or something else?
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Opening Map
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Our last map from the movie is the one from the opening narration. This one seems to show Niflheim’s advance across Lucis, taking more and more territory, though in the game the Imperial presence doesn’t seem quite as entrenched as this gradual increase might imply. That is a whole different discussion, though!
It is nice to get the name for the Lucinia Sound, though, as well as the road maps. Enjoy speculating on what those might imply about cities and development!
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Bingo Card: Titus Drautos
Two weeks to Kingsglaive: Legends and the struggle is real. In the meantime, see how you compare to everyone's favorite traitor Captain.
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Let us know how you do!
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Legends 2023 - Day 2
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Sorry, this was supposed to posted last night but shenanigans!
It is Day 2 of Legends! Again, look at @starjunco's amazing art, today of Crowe looking appropriately fiery.
We see there is already some lovely content for day 2, so it will be reposted soon. Good luck to everyone still planning to post, and thank you to all the lovely people who have been creating beautiful art and wonderful stories for our lovely glaives. <3
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive: Legends Day 1
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Slightly late (sorry, had a long day yesterday) but here at last! It's Day 1 of Kingsglaive: Legends!
The lovely art is @starjunco's Day 1 fill, featuring Luche Lazarus, obviously. It is beautiful but not a command to use Luche yourself! Any of the canon glaives will do! ^_^
Please tag anything you make with #kglegends23 (we'll monitor the tags here and on twitter) and/or post it to our collection on Ao3. Please also tag if NSFW and any major triggers. As long as you do that, we'll do our best to repost it asap!
If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. And good luck to all of us still working on fills for later in the week, and we are so excited to see what you have made! <3
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awlwren-writes · 1 year ago
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kingsglaive Characters: Tredd Furia, Sonitus Bellum, Nyx Ulric, Pelna Khara, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus, Original Kingsglaive Character(s) Additional Tags: Traditions, Hazing, Vomiting (implied), Grief/Mourning Summary:
Tredd hazes the rookies educates the new class of Glaives on Important Glaive Traditions. And then celebrates some more somber ones with the rest of his own recruiting class. Fill for Kingsglaive Legends 2023: Day 3 - Tradition
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garbria · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Pelna Khara Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF Pelna Khara, Magic, Exhaustion, KGLegends23 Series: Part 1 of Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Summary:
Pelna knows he's not the Hero of the Kingsglaive but when he runs into trouble on his own, he rises to the occasion.
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive Legends 23 - Day 7
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The art for today just pops so good! Great job as always, @starjunco! As a reminder, StarJunco is the one who makes the badges for everyone who managed to complete the week and/or include all the canon glaives! It's all so amazing.
The final day is here! Thanks so much for everyone who's made content for our canon glaives or enjoyed it. Go crazy for the final day! <3 (and don't forget the alt prompts if you do better with prompts!)
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awlwren-writes · 1 year ago
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pre-CorNyx, Titus Drautos | Glauca & Cor Leonis Characters: Cor Leonis, Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos | Glauca Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Another Near Miss, Canon-typical Violence Summary:
When he'd turned back enough to have a clearer shot of where Drautos had been standing guard over the glaive wounded, Cor had a moment of confusion when he didn't see the man. A quick survey of the field showed the lone glaive who'd reinforced the western flank holding back a wall of gunfire with an impressively sturdy shield, one that surely couldn't last, but no sign of their Captain.
As he got close enough, Cor finally realized that the hunched figure in the middle of the courtyard he'd previously missed was not wearing the red of blood but the darker shade of Drautos's uniform.
Somehow, while he'd been being cautious, Titus Drautos had fallen.
Cor goes to meet the Kingsglaive returning from their latest raid and helps them out of an ambush, and meets someone who might be worth keeping an eye on.
Fill for Kingsglaive Legends 23 - Free Day.
Cor's PoV of @garbria's lovely Fools Rush In.
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garbria · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luche Lazarus & Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Luche Lazarus, Libertus Ostium Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Angst, Politics, Galahdian Culture (Final Fantasy XV), Grief/Mourning Series: Part 2 of Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Summary:
The Lazarus clan has been responsible for protecting the royal family of Galahd for centuries, and Luche takes his duty seriously. It's a shame the only surviving member hates him.
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garbria · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis & Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Titus Drautos | Glauca Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF Nyx Ulric, Magic, Misunderstandings, Sort of Meet Cute, Except Cor is very bad with names, So he never learns Nyx's Series: Part 3 of Coming Back Alive, Part 3 of Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Summary:
Things go badly when Nyx's unit gets ambushed on the way back from a mission. Then Cor shows up.
Don’’t miss @awlwren-writes ‘s excellent Cor pov!
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calling4glaives · 1 year ago
Kingsglaive Legends 23 - Finale
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It's the end of Kingsglaive Legends 2023, and we wanted to thank everyone who participated! We'll have the masterlist up soon, along with the badges, but in the meantime, we wanted to share @starjunco's final bit of art while we work.
Let it also be a reminder that there is no real time limit to this or any other event we run. Tag it properly (or @ us directly) and we'll reblog it and update our masterlists any time you finish something for one of our events.
In the meantime, enjoy some rest and a very psychedelic Nyx! <3
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