#kg! giroro
pagonmoon · 2 years
Dororo can be gentle and a menace at the same time
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ninjakirkki · 10 months
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It's the small things in life like your favs sitting together and one of them constantly glancing at the other 😌
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femadjecent · 1 year
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she's so girly pop for this
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bizzaremageddon · 2 years
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I was like what if aged down giroro. And now i have a whole au abt it. Wahoo yippee i love making content for my special interests with literally no fanbase its so fun to share my stuff with absolutely no one /sarc
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plogieplogie · 1 year
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His ass is not getting anywhere on this thang
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citrus-soda · 8 months
pondering the years-long commitment to the bit of giroro manspreading throughout the kg series.... man just can't put his pussy away...
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pyriteplates · 1 year
Very tired of people saying that the writers of the kg anime were these hidden queers who snuck in all this wonderful gay representation because it's just not true!
Like, every instance of a queer character or reference is made to be funny. We aren't meant to take it seriously, we are supposed to laugh at it.
Take Koyuki, a prime example of the predatory lesbian trope. It's taken down a few notches in the anime, but that's the crux of her character. Not to mention the fact that her entire character arc is about her being weird and not fitting in. Her attraction to Natsumi makes her weird.
Another thing I see a lot of people talk about with reverence is Giroro's crossdressing. Which, to me, was the most obvious instance of homophobia in the show. Again, this is completely played for laughs. He's a macho tough guy who wears women's clothing. That's the joke. This is not a positive part of his character. It's supposed to make him look weird.
Yes, they dialed a lot Yoshizaki's homophobia back for the show, but it is still there. this show is not for a queer audience. This is made for adolescent boys in 2004. The writers are not queers, they're just homophobes.
Yes, I love this series, and yes I love ignoring the parts that suck about it! But it feels reductive to say that it was anywhere near good representation. It's fun to change the dialogue, take it into our own hands, and make it kinder. But these people were not kind, and it's important to acknowledge intentions if you want to take something back.
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mountainfrogs · 1 year
not too many funnies 2day but we goooot
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a whole bib. it was in a kg brand box so its legit. a Whole bib.
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triangle man. take my by the hand
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mcdonalds toys
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giroro head coin purse
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vanillashusband · 11 months
my feelings towards natsumi, and by extension fuyuki, are honestly complex hhgfgh cause yeah I am definitely like a surrogate father to them at this point but I don't exactly see them as my actually children, even adoption wise. but I (and my s/i) do care about them in a fatherly way. In my version (or rewrite lmao) natsumi dislikes giroro a lot more because she honestly see's him as a distraction and someone who takes away my time from spending with her and fuyuki. Though she doesn't admit it, she does see me as a father figure as well, and she's obviously very lonely, having to be the one who care for the house and makes the meals a lot of the time when aki is away. so when me and giroro's feelings for one another become obvious (it was never not obvious hjghfjgf) she becomes more frustrated and a little more irritated with the platoon because to her, the one other adult in her life that is actually around to be well... a parent to her is being taken away. :( I've hinted at this dynamic a few times in some of my kg fics! natsumi tends to get pouty when I choose to help giroro or spend time with him hgjfhg I'm still not sure if natsumi and fuyuki are familial f/os or not but I guess they will be staying in the platonic list for now hjfhgff
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boypussydilf · 2 years
every time any song from the kg soundtrack has all the cast singing together at once i sit there straining my ears fighting fr my fucking life to hear kururu or dororo at all under tamama keroro and giroro just fucking screaming
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pagonmoon · 2 years
"It's not even scary, it's annoying" last famous words
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ninjakirkki · 10 months
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I love that they communicate by just saying each other's names and the other immediately knows what to do
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solypei · 3 years
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OKAY BUT CONSIDER........... Zeroro listening to metal music in secret.....
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dvdplayvr · 4 years
Headcanons for Giroro:
-He’s got internalized homophobia.
-His cat actually helps him a bit when he’s having a ptsd episode
-He’s partly blind on his scarred eye
-He HATES surprises
-He has a collection of toy trains back on Keron
-Instead of feeling attracted to how strong Natsumi is (bc yuck 🤢) he feels bad. After training for most of his life he knows how damaging it can be to be so “strong” so young. He wants to help her, help take care of her, let her be a kid and do kid things. Unlike him where he grew up too fast.
-The more battles and training he faced the more distant he became from his brother. He feels the need to be as “stone cold” as Garuru is. Never letting his problems show, but the more time passed the harder it was to shove those feelings away. In the end he’s afraid of disappointing his Brother and Father because he couldn’t “man up” enough.
-The reason he gets so frustrated with Keroro so quick is because he’s seen him in the battle field before, he knows what Keroro is capable of. But he’s holding back, it makes him mad.
-He’s a secret fan of vocaloid
-He HATES being picked up and will kick and push you until you let him go
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citrus-soda · 6 months
oh oh oh! R and P!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom and R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
My fave platonic relationship has got to be Dororo and Koyuki's friendship. It's a shame the main focus is on Keroro n Fuyuki because honestly? While it is super cute I think there's sooo much interesting potential in the dynamic between Dororo and Koyuki. Like uuuuu. Their time in the ninja village... the time they spent hunting hostile aliens together.... I'm so fascinated!
Perhaps it's not that it's my fave for what it is, but for what it could be?
For R... I think I mentioned to you once that I was messing with a FriendSwapAU for KG... I might as well just elaborate on it! Prepare for a long post. I'll use a readmore to keep it neat.
As the title implies, the Human and Keronian friendships are swapped!
Tamama is pals with Natsumi
Giroro ends up crash landing onto Momoka’s estate
Kururu is friendly with Fuyuki
Dororo is found injured in an alley by Saburo
Keroro is found half-dead in the forest by Koyuki
Tamama crashes on the grounds of the Hinata sibling's school, and is discovered by Natsumi when he sneaks in to raid snacks! He would be the first Keronian the kids meet in the AU.
Initially, Natsumi is the first to run into him during sports practice. She freaks the fuck out and throws her lunchbox at him, which Tamama gladly picks up before he runs away.
After practice, she goes home and spills the details to Fuyuki. Of course, Fuyuki immediately suggests the two go back to school that night to try and find the mysterious creature.
Upon sneaking back into school, Natsumi and Fuyuki search around, to no luck, before Tamama manages to corner them in a stairwell. The situation seems dire... but it turns out that Tamama ate the lunch Natsumi chucked at him and he LOVED it. By the power of anime and tasty home cooking. He admits that he's lost and sad and may I pwease have some more food. Look at me I'm so cute you just can't say no to me. (Tam just wants more of that tasty Earth food.)(Freeloader!!!!!)
Fuyuki is on board immediately and begs Natsumi to take Tam with them, but she refuses. Tamama ends up following them home anyway, and when they all run into Aki she dotes on Tamama sorta like how she did with Keroro in canon. The Tammy distribution system, everyone. (Freeeeloaderrrrrr)
Anyway, they keep Tamama at home under the guise of keeping the public from finding out about him, while Tamama is happy to get free food and adoration. One day, Tam declares that he needs to find his comrades, and it goes from there. 
Tam is very very cute, but he’s also a little shit, he and Natsumi squabble a lot. Natsumi thinks Tamama is cute, nice when he wants to be, but also kinda a pain. Tamama likes Natsumi’s cooking, likes her fun big-sister side, but hates when she nags him.
The two have a bit of a rivalry going on as they both are fairly strong for their species. They like tusslingggggg.
Technically, Tamama is more of the Hinata family's counterpart alien than he is JUST Natsumi’s. Sorta like how Keroro is ultimately the Hinata’s in canon, even if Fuyuki is touted as being his best friend.
(I'm basing a lot of their dynamic on a manga translation of a chapter where Tamama helps the Hinata siblings cook dinner after Natsumi cuts her hand. He gets along with them rather well!)
At first you wouldn’t expect Giroro and Momoka to get along, but they make for a surprisingly good team. Giroro is initially apprehended by Momoka’s bodyguards when he crashes onto NPG property, and he puts up a hell of a fight to escape. He gets injured and on his way through the mansion he runs into Momoka. Running on fumes and being caught unawares by her unassuming appearance, Giroro gets beat pretty soundly. His life, however, is spared by Momoka under the condition that he becomes a part of her bodyguard force. And if he promises to meet Fuyuki. A girl's got her agenda!!
Thoroughly humbled by Momoka’s crazy warrior spirit, Giroro agrees and ends up living at the mansion as Momoka’s sparring partner / bodyguard / feral spicy alien frog thing.
Giroro ends up being a pretty decent guard dog. Momoka learns about warrior’s honor and how to use grenades. 
Imagine Giroro grumpily having a high tea. He hates its he hates it ughhh.
GIRORO you will eat the petit-four and you will LIKE IT
For like the first year, Giroro sleeps in his tent outside before he can finally be coaxed inside. Then he just sets up his tent on the floor of a guest room. The road to domestication is a long one.
This is purely for the sillies but Giroro is forced to follow the NPG army dress code and wears NPG body armor when he’s at the mansion. He was a little ball of anger the entire time he got measured for that suit. Fuck you Paul.
At first Giroro is kinda embarrassed and tries to justify his capture to the other Keronians by saying that he's at the mansion to study how the NPG private army is run, or that he's studying earth weaponry. This tapers off after a while.
Dororo and Saburo initially meet on one of Saburo’s late-night excursions. After being hit by a car, Dororo hides for a few days in a nearby alleyway that just so happens to be a hang-out spot of the young DJ. No one comes to save him until Saburo, cool as ever, takes Dororo in and patches him up.
Saburo would take an interest in the alien Dororo, who latches on to this crumb of recognition gladly. When you so often get forgotten and overlooked, having your friendship being sought out is. Amazing. Once Dororo is fully healed, he decides to stay with Saburo and keep him company, and I personally think the two would get along well. Apparently they like playing shogi together in the manga. Cuteee.
I’d argue that canon Dororo’s ninja lifestyle isn't too dissimilar to his old assassin ways, which is why it fits him so well. Considering that, AU Dororo takes longer to adjust to a purely civilian life. However, just as canon Dororo learns to love Earth’s natural beauty and the traditional culture of Japan, AU Dororo learns to love the beauty of Earth’s cities, and Japan’s contemporary culture. Thanks to Saburo, he develops an interest in modern poetry, as well as dance and music. Dororo and Saburo would totally do parkour together, convince me otherwise. 
Enjoys street fashion. Uses either a fashion facemask or a painter’s mask to cover his mouth. He dresses like a splatoon character….
Still hates litterbugs and carbon emissions.
Technically, canon Zeroro chose the name Dororo for the area he was rescued in, so if Zeroro was rescued in an alleyway… he probably wouldn’t have the name Dororo. For clarity’s sake, he’s still called Dororo in the AU.
You ever try to read an AU where the character’s names get switched around because of the circumstances of the AU? That shit is CONFUSING.
Honestly it was hard to separate Fuyuki from Keroro but I think Fuyuki and Kururu is a very funny combo. When Kuru eventually joins the team, Fuyuki just sorta gravitates to him.
Fuyuki’s fascination with aliens and the occult pretty much overrides his common sense at times so I think he’d be very wowed by Kururu’s smarts and constantly asking him about Keron and space in general. Kuru hates all the questions at first but he secretly ends up liking the attention and feeling wanted.
Kururu definitely lies to Fuyuki for shits and giggles. He loves to point at whatever crap magazine Fuyuki’s reading and say shit like “mothman’s actually my brother in-law”. Both Fuyuki and Natsumi are the targets of Kururu’s pranks. As a byproduct of this, Fuyuki becomes less of a pushover.
Still a little bastard but a bastard with pals now
Kururu won’t do chores like canon Keroro does but he’ll tinker with electronic devices around the house to “improve efficiency”. This is often done without permission. The Hinata’s washing machine now plays car crash sound effects when the laundry is done. Natsumi hates it so much. 
Kururu is a tricky character to write for since he can be unpredictable, but I do think my idea works. He can be friend.
And the final set, the one that gave me the most trouble....
Keroro and Koyuki!
This is like such a far-flung idea but. I really think i can make it work. Keroro and Fuyuki are pals why??? Fuyuki pretty much just looked at this alien and said “hey lets be friends” and ol’ insecure Keroro was like. Damn. friends? With me? Sniffle sniffle ok….??
Koyuki is honestly fairly friendly too! She likes having friends! She probably runs into Keroro like half dead of starvation in the forest, thinks he's a kappa, picks his 12lb ass up and takes him home. Talking all the while about how he’ll be ok and hey what's it like being a yokai.
Keroro was going stir-crazy being all on his lonesome in the big, dark forest, so he kinda latches on to Koyuki. Totally cries.
He has a hard time fitting in at shinobi village at first, since it’s far removed from all the modern convenience and entertainment he loves so much. Keroro… HATES being left alone with his thoughts. He likes to do stuff with his hands! He tries to keep busy however he can during his healing process. He picks up on traditional Japanese cooking, and maybe in a fit of desperation he tries making his OWN gundam to fill the plastic-model shaped hole in his heart. And by ‘own gundam’ I mean, like made of sticks and acorns. Whittling.
Bud does chores old fashioned style washin laundry in the river. Chatting with Koyuki-dono.
All the while he’s being eaten up inside by his thoughts. The kindness of Koyuki. His plans of invasion. Why did no-one come for him? Once he leaves the village, (will he leave?) what’s his plan? Has he been assumed dead? Oh he’s totally legally dead now isn’t he. His days in the Shinobi village are both freeing, since he has no invasion tasks and is just chillin in the beauty of nature, yet also INCREDIBLY hectic with his self-imposed routine he’s come up with to keep his mind off of things. Denial is a river in Egypt.
He wonders if anyone cried at his funeral.
When the ninja eventually split for the modern world, He tags along with Koyuki since hes got no other options. He really pushes for Koyuki to get out there and finally experience society. It’s mostly a ruse to get her to take him gundam shopping or to the movies but. They do bond over it. Both of them are learning about Earth’s society together. They find comfort in the fact that they both feel like outsiders.
When it’s revealed to Keroro that the rest of the platoon is still on Earth, Keroro keeps his presence a secret for a bit longer, as he tries to come up with a decent plan to explain where he’s been and why he’s made no progress. Oh my god is he suffering. It just eats him up inside. "Why did no one come to save me?"
In the time that Keroro has been MIA, Kururu naturally has been the platoon’s acting leader and most of their tasks have been related to finding Keroro.
His star-badge got fucked in his crash-landing so that's why it's taken so long.
The two do end up fighting against other invader races like Koyuki and Dororo did in canon! Koyuki is the one doing most of the fighting though, while Keroro provides her intel into the different kinds of aliens.
Keroro justifies this to himself by thinking that, if he eliminates some of the competition early on in the game, It’ll go towards the invasion effort and keep his platoon + HQ off his ass. Are you sure it isn’t because you’ve grown to like Earth, Keroro?
After he reunites with the team, he still lives with Koyuki since he'd feel bad leaving her in her hut alone, so he essentially would commute to the secret base under the Hinata house.
...Whew! Talk about a word avalanche. I hope this made sense!
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pyriteplates · 9 months
Okayyyy we’re talkin about kg
I loooooovvveee thinking about the young giroro keroro and zeroro trio doing some kid shenanigans. Having sword fights with big sticks, chased by the big neighborhood dog, stupid dares that go wrong, etc. they make me smile and feel old
THEY'RE JUST BOOOOYS JUST LITTLE BOYS!!!!!! they are playing video games they are doing shitty prank calls they are getting in trouble they are hitting each other always.
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