sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
dude, the soundtrack of Dream Girl is full of bops! Specially Ik Mulaqaat <3
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buttercup-bard · 5 years
damn it! kdfjhgf i sent smash cause i thought people were gonna send the witcher :P Ok, The Witcher! kfjhgkfg
Ahaha thank you love! That was theoretically very clever though. :’D
Favorite character: Jaskier!
Second favorite character: Geralt, but very closely followed by Yen.
Least favorite character: I hate myself for this and it’s not really least favourite as in I don’t like her, I just don’t care about her as much as about the other main characters; Ciri.
The character I’m most like: I talked about this a bit here; Triss.
Favorite pairing: Geralt and Yen if we’re talking canon, but Jaskier can join too. :’)
Least favorite pairing: I don’t really have one, Foltest and Ada probably cause eeew?
Favorite moment: “Are you perhaps short of a marble?!” :’) The entirety of that episode tbh.
Rating out of 10: 9/10 cause it’s amazing but has some kinda boring lengths.
@zwergenmaedchen also sent me The Witcher, but I’m trying to do the German one for you next, so I hope that’s ok! :)
Send Me A Series
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
idk why it took me this long to watch Holy Musical B@man! but I finally did and it was the best thing kzfjhgkjfg
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
test test podés eliminar este ask, solo quería saber si te aparezco como kylohnn o tvffnvt??
no, lo voy a contestar >:( kfjhgksfg como veras... apareces como kylohnn ;) Supongo que tvffnvt es un side blog?  si ese es el caso no se si se pueden mandar asks desde side blogs but idk
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Why am I eating flaming hot peanuts before lunch? i’m not only not gonna be hungry but i’m also not gonna get the feeling in my tonge back quick enough lol
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
(1/2) it is i, the zucch, barging into your askbox at 1:20 am because I won't be able to sleep until i get this out there. i'm really bad with words, and i wish i knew what to say when you have your not so good moments. but then i see all the amazing things your anons write you. whenever they say something good about you, i stand next to them waving an angel flag and throwing confetti hearts ✨🎉💕 because they're damn right, you're amazing and you are loved!
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What the fuck man?! How are you the sweetest person ever?! How dare you make me cry before midnight?!?!?!?! dfjkdg 🦞🦞🦞
Well, you know I’m even worse with words and I also don’t take compliments very well... So you know how this answer is gonna go. But I really really appreciate all your love and support, and the fact that you took the time, at 1am no less, to send me this is so heart melting to me skjfghs. And the fact that you’re also reading and appreciating the lovely anons that send me cute stuff is so adorable!
I’m still in awe that you tolerate me, and that you still talk to me lol I was incredibly surprised when we became friends that I could possibly have a friend like you, and I’m still in shock about the fact that we’ve been zucchs for over 8 months, something that I thought was never gonna happen, for a variety of reasons, main one being, me lol I’m gonna stop being sappy now, but like for real, I don’t think I deserve you dkjfg whatever you want to say about yourself (cause we have pretty similar insecurities) I know for a fact that you’re way better than me, and that’s not even me shitting on myself, that you being that great! 🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞
Ok I’m done now kdjfg
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And yes! My boi is gonna unleash a candle of tapirs on y’all!
Fun fact I just discovered: The collective noun for tapirs is a candle. And world tapir day is on April 27th, a week after our anniversary kfjhgkfg
Also look at this cursed photo sdkhkdf
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This whole thing ended up longer than I anticipated lol, sorry about that :P
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Watching House for the first time in 2020 got me feeling like a lil baby, and all of you are the proud parents watching me make the first semi-recognizable babble noises kfjhgkfg
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
I started rewatching house bc of you and it's honestly been a while since i first watched it anyway, so my memory of the show was/is bad. but oh. oh. this show is so much gayer than I remembered and house is such a poor traumatized man with unhealthy coping mechanisms and bad support systems (wilson only half counts as support bc he's messed up too). i know he's supposed to be rude and misanthropic but i honestly just really want him to be happy.
kjsdhksjdgh I had no memory of the show cause I watched it for the first time this year, but I knew people shipped Hilson and they said it was gay and blah blah but damn were they right! kfjhgkfg :’)
And yes! That’s the charm of House, he’s a bastard, sure, but we know exactly why and we all just want him to be ok :’) And Wilson too, another messed up babie in need of many hugs and a break <3
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Ok I’ve decided I want to buy a book as a christmas present for myself and I was checking a library close to my house that sells books in english (cause fuck spanish). And they have all my 3 options...
Should I...
buy Find Me, cause I read CMBYN in preparation for it?
buy Good Omens that’s half the price, and have my whole family making fun of me cause I’m buying a book I already read?
Or buy Me, that’s double the price of Find Me and still have my family making fun of me cause I spent a whole lot of money on an autobiography?
I think I’m gonna get Find Me and if they don’t have it in stock that day I’ll get Good Omens... I’m sorry Elton as much as I want a nice hardcover expensive book I don’t think I can afford it :/
Now the question is... If i get Good Omens... should I get the Crowley cover or the Aziraphale one? kfjhgkfg
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
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either tumblr fucked up (like always) or i was just too excited and i posted double kfjhgkfg either way is what taron deserves :’)
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
You absolute sweetheart you called me lovely!!!! And my dad is now home and wishes you a hap birth!!!! If y’all ever sad I’ll tell you some wild stories about my dad to cheer you up!!! Like the time I came out to him and he looked me dead in the eye and said “you’re still straighter than your mother’s parking” and then walked off like the absolute madlad he is
omg you’re dad is my favorite dad ever! kfjhgkfg
You’re also great, anon!!
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
OMG Aziraphale has a mug with angel wings on it ! 😍 - 🐙
Yes!! and it’s adorable!!!
My friend Kim bought one exacly like his and I can’t handle it skajhdgkad
Also look at her cute Azi cosplay kfjhgkfg she’s so pretty!! :’)
btw @foolish-principalitee I hope you don’t mind me linking your posts lol
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
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The Good Wife’s collection of Marvins kfjhgkfg
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
🌚 We met literally yesterday but I've been following you since I watched GO, bc your blog is lit and ayyy another ace person!
Ayyy!! Here for new friendships!! :D and for aceness!!! (thanks for the “blog is lit” part kfjhgkfg)
Which mutual am I?
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