#keyword cluster
pyriteagency · 1 year
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reliquarian · 6 days
noo dont tag your art with '-core' noooo
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seoupdateshub · 2 months
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web99official · 1 year
Boost Your Website’s Seo with Advanced Keyword Clustering Techniques
Advanced Keyword Clustering Techniques for Improved SEO with Web99
Do you need help improving your website’s search engine ranking despite optimising your content with relevant keywords? One of the reasons could be the need for proper keyword clustering.
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This article will discuss the importance of advanced keyword clustering techniques. We will also discuss advanced keyword clustering techniques that can help improve your SEO and boost your website’s search engine ranking. We will also explore how Web99 can help you achieve this.
Importance of Advanced keyword clustering techniques
Advanced keyword clustering techniques are essential for SEO because they help you create more targeted and relevant content that aligns with the user’s search intent. By grouping similar keywords together, you can create content clusters that cover a range of related topics, allowing you to target a broader range of keywords while also providing your audience a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Moreover, advanced keyword clustering techniques can help you identify and target long-tail keywords with low competition but high search volume. You can improve your website’s relevance and visibility in search results by targeting these keywords. Web99 also provide best Dental SEO Service for Dentists Specially.
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Advanced keyword clustering techniques
Keyword clustering involves grouping similar keywords to create content that aligns with the user’s search intent. Doing so can create a more targeted and focused content strategy that resonates with your audience. Here are some advanced keyword clustering techniques you can use:
Topical Clustering involves grouping keywords based on their relevance to a specific topic. This can help you create content clusters that cover a range of related topics, allowing you to target a broader range of keywords while also providing your audience a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. This technique can help create pillar pages and topic clusters.
Intent-Based Clustering Intent-based clustering involves grouping keywords based on the user’s search intent. For example, keywords such as “how to” and “best ways to” indicate an informational search intent, while keywords such as “buy” and “order” indicate a transactional search intent. By clustering keywords based on purpose, you can create content that matches the user’s search intent and improve your website’s relevance.
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Clustering LSI clustering involves grouping keywords that are semantically related to each other. LSI keywords are related terms and phrases that help search engines understand the context of your content. By clustering LSI keywords, you can create more relevant content to the user’s search query and improve your website’s ranking.
Web99 can help you optimise your website for advanced keyword clustering techniques by providing various SEO tools and features.
Here are some actionable steps that businesses can take for improved SEO:
Conduct thorough keyword research and identify relevant keywords for your content.
Group similar keywords based on topical relevance, user intent, and LSI.
Create content clusters that cover a range of related topics.
Optimise your website’s server response time with Web99’s SEO tools and features.
Monitor your website’s search engine ranking and adjust as necessary.
In conclusion, advanced keyword clustering techniques are crucial for improving your website’s SEO and search engine ranking. By grouping similar keywords, you can create content that aligns with the user’s search intent and provides them with relevant and comprehensive information.
With Web99, you can improve your website SEO and Web99 with advanced keyword clustering techniques will help you to get better search engine ranking. Also, it will help you to optimise your website’s server response time and improve your loading speed, significantly impacting the user experience. So, use these techniques and watch your website increase search engine rankings!
Make the right choice and upgrade your website SEO with Web99!
For a free consultation with our team of Search engine ranking specialists, get in touch with us right away. We are available to you every day of the year. Take advantage of the top running deals.
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GoogleMUM #algorithm #search #seo #update #seoai
https://www.seolady.co.uk/google-mum-update-ai-ranking-seo-nlp-multitask-unified-model/ What is Google MUM and when was it updated in 2023?
content #naturallanguageprocessing #AI #Ranking
Multitask Unified Model MUM: Google developed its Natural Language Processing NLP - Does This Mean A New Way for SEO?
★ Originally dubbed "BackRub", the baby Google was the result of a research project that started back in 1996. Which means in 2026, technically, Google will be 30 years old. Do you remember Ask Jeeves, Netscape and Yahoo chat rooms? MSN chat and My Space with Tom?
In 2023, MUM uses natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques to interpret complex questions and return highly relevant results. Google has famously been tight lipped with most new releases, from their blog the first announcement was in 2021.
★ It was created to address the growing need for more advanced search capabilities and to provide better experiences for users seeking information. ChatGPT AI was generally released in November 2022, and the SEO circles around the world are keeping MUM at the forefront of their curiosity in 2023.
★ https://www.seolady.co.uk/seo-keyword-research-chatgpt-search-phrases-long-tail-synonyms/
The MUM update is Google’s new AI language model that uses natural language processing to improve search results. This model allows Google to understand more complex queries, and it can help provide more accurate and relevant search results. MUM can also understand and translate between multiple languages, making it a powerful tool for international search.
★ According to Google, the MUM update is 1000 times more powerful than its previous BERT update, which was already a significant improvement in natural language processing. With MUM, Google can understand longer and more complex queries, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. This update also brings new features like a new search experience with dynamic layouts and visual search, so users can find the information they need faster and more efficiently.
website #multitaskunifiedmodel #bert #nlp #searchqueries #machinelearning
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white-label-blog · 2 years
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Keyword clustering is an SEO practice that is used to group related keywords based on their implied intent. It helps create a collection of keywords that represent searchers with similar search intent. Beneficially, this helps your website rank higher, attract more qualified leads, and will boost important SEO metrics as well.
The process of keyword clustering is simpler than you think but can be time-consuming as it depends on how specific your niche is. So let's know how to do keyword clustering -
Start compiling the list of keywords
Identify the core term to create your groups
Create a cluster for each page
Create a pillar page that delivers information about your topic
While doing keyword clustering, you need to prevent mistakes like keyword cannibalism and forgetting to add internal links. Conducting clustering will not only help you boost ranking but it will futureproof your website. Ultimately, what keyword clustering does is get you one step closer to your marketing strategy.
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gender-trash · 7 months
okay i AM going to turn reblogs off for this one --
i think we need to talk more about the collective trauma of being part of an online community that a different online community is directing coordinated, nonstop harassment towards. this is the part of the post i am so close to deleting or leaving in the drafts, because i'm (still!) anticipating anon asks like, how dare YOU, an asexual, compare YOUR experience to that of REAL queer people -- and i have no experience of being a transfeminine person on tumblr but i get the impression it is way way worse than aphobia was at its height. but like -- the experience of having your queer subcommunity harassed sucks! hardcore sucks! and has a variety of shitty knock-on effects on the health of the community! and i wanna commiserate with other people who've had that experience!
(also, i can't stand the sj "how dare you compare bad thing A to bad thing B when B is clearly much worse" rhetorical move. sometimes bad things are bad in similar ways and it's useful to talk about that similarity without necessarily making any claims about relative severity.)
i also think we need better tools and mental models for thinking of harassment as not just a one-to-one relationship, but a many-to-many relationship -- "moderation" as a concept seems to exclusively deal with individual posts or at best individual accounts, when, like. the social graph exists; clustering algorithms exist; i don't trust their reliability enough to want to bring down the website banhammer on anyone in a particular cluster, but i would absolutely fucking love a "block this blog and everyone within three degrees of separation of them" button. or something along those lines -- hey, i'm just spitballing here. a mental model of bad actors on a website as not just individual bad actors, but badly-acting communities with internal dynamics.
in every community of recreational bullies i've ever closely observed on tumblr (terfs, truscum, aphobes, various flavors of shipping drama), the following dynamics are present:
members of the community socially reward other members for engaging in harassment, and encourage new members to engage in harassment
members of the community screenshot and pass around often-equally-rude responses from the people they're harassing, as "proof" that these people are Incredibly Harmful and therefore the harassment is Morally Good, even Important, and that the harassing community are actually embattled victims valiantly fighting the oppressor
usually an Opposition Community forms, with the mission of harassing the bully community and exactly the same group dynamics, and the "original" bullies + opposition bullies become a self-sustaining feedback loop of harassment, because each group is constantly giving the other one more material to pass around and rile themselves up with
each community forms an incredibly specific and characteristic dialect of shorthand language that updates frequently as the community they're harassing gets wise and starts blacklisting keywords (when i was most recently on a terf blocking spree, "febfem", "TiM", and "moid" were big ones). engaged community members rapidly become unable to interact with anyone who is not Very Online, isolating them so that the community is now their main social circle
eventually the community comes up with some chain of reasoning, no matter how strained, for calling the objects of their hatred pedophiles
occasionally someone in the community will actually Go Too Far and bring down the banhammer on themselves. they remake their blog within days or weeks (due to the profit incentives of running a social media website, users are sucked into becoming hopelessly addicted -- especially users who are in so deep that they can no longer figure out how talk to people who aren't up on the Incredibly Specific Group Vocabulary). they are promptly passed around as a martyr
you'll notice that the main forces that keep the feedback loop going are a feeling of victimization -- if you feel like you're a righteous, oppressed victim, then you can justify little a death threat as a treat against the evil outgroup who is oppressing you, right? -- a community that rewards its members socially both for harassing others and for being harassed, and isolationist tendencies that make it difficult for community members to get social reward anywhere other than within the community.
it seems that, if you want to be able to deal with a group like this, you need to have some strategy for countering those forces -- whereas conventional moderation efforts mostly feed into the victimization mindset. maybe you need to somehow wall off the harassing community and the responding opposition harassers from each other, so that as far as each group is concerned the other one doesn't exist. maybe you need better tools so users with the characteristics that the harassing community targets can block the entire harassing community all at once. i don't actually know! but i doubt we're going to get anywhere without at least a basic understanding of system dynamics!!
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dirtyvirgotarot · 1 year
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Sorry for the delay in getting this week's reading up, but here we are! Shimmering gems called my name this week, as well as my color deck! Color me curious as to what this week has in store for all of you! Pick a pile, grab a snack and enjoy! ~~~~~~~~ Pile 1 (The Rainbow Orb): Your Lucky Color: RAINBOW Your Tarot: 7 of Wands RX, The Wheel, 4 of Swords, 3 of Swords
This week is a time of healing for you, Pile 1. You may have just gotten out of an argument, a fight, or some sort of conflict in general. Lower the defenses, as there is nothing you can do about the situation anymore. Something may need to be left to time to figure out it's resolution. Don't be afraid to relax this week, you definitely need it. I can tell that this conflict has brought you down. It may have been a betrayal, a break up, or an otherwise upsetting or saddening event. Spirit is telling you to connect to them this week. There may be some messages and guidance that only your connection with them can reveal. You are also being told to include nature in your connection. Step outside this week, enjoy what nature has to offer you, and feel connected to your guides just by letting your feet touch the soil, and letting your eyes gaze towards the trees. Meditation outdoors is a great suggestion for you this week, but it's entirely up to you on how you prefer to connect to your guides! Try and use this week to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge. Things are out of your hands, now. Let go of guilt. 💢‼️😔😴🌳🌻😇 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 2 (The Coral Crystal): Your Lucky Color: CORAL Your Tarot: 4 of Pentacles RX, Strength, King of Swords RX, 7 of Pentacles Financial situations may be improving for you, Pile 2! That isn't to say you still need to be frugal, but I see abundance coming your way this week! Synchronicity may be apparent this week. Let it come to you. Do not be overly vigilant for signs and omens. Flow is a keyword for you this week. Let go of the tight grip you have had on things, especially finances. Let yourself get things you need, even if they're more trivial. Allow yourself to get that coffee that you haven't allowed in the past. Allow yourself to buy that lipstick you really want. Small rewards for a job well done is more than acceptable, and deeply encouraged! Let go this week, allow yourself to relax. Good things are coming, and a period of tight finances will be relieved very soon. You have the seeds planted, you are simply waiting to see the fruits of your labor. Spirit is praising you for your strength and handling of the situations around you! They want you to reward yourself. There's simply no need to hold on so tightly. They are sending you gifts of abundance! :D Woohoo! 🤜💢🫰❌🍭🥰💸 ~~~~~~ Pile 3 (The Peach Cluster): Your Lucky Color: PEACH Your Tarot: 6 of Pentacles RX, Queen of Swords RX, The Devil RX, Queen of Pentacles RX
Spirit is asking you to show kindness this week. You have been stuck in a habit or stuck in ways that have made you not necessarily mean, but distant and distracted. Share the wealth, and you will attract prosperity this week. See and/or talk to those you haven't touched base with in a while. Bring over a tray of cookies or treat them to coffee if you can, but your presence will be more than enough. Be wary of further distractions, desires or obsessions sucking you in this week. There is a time and place to allow yourself to indulge, but this week is not the week. Family or friends may need some support this week, in the form of just having someone around to listen, to hug and to talk to. Sometimes, the reminder must be given that generosity feels good! Seeing someone take a breath and smile at you.. Smiles are a highlight of your week. You will be seeing lots of them, Pile 3! 😢👐💝😯😊🫂💞 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 4 (The Bronze Stones): Your Lucky Color: BRONZE Your Tarot: Queen of Pentacles RX, The Empress, 2 of Pentacles RX, 6 of Pentacles Stabilize yourself this week, physically and mentally. I sense that things might be hectic and you may need some assistance this week with something, perhaps financially, but you are being called to not allow yourself to get into bad mindsets. You are going to get things done this week, and with grace, despite the feeling of chaos in your head! You may feel anxious or emotional, but that's all alright and normal. As long as you manage your anxiety and keep yourself fed and hydrated this week, all will be well. You may receive the help you need as well this week. Even if it's as simple as someone making you dinner, or hearing you out. You are supported this week in all your endeavors. For some, things may not be as bad as they seem on the surface. Keep that in mind this week! Anxiety can easily make things seem like so much bigger of a deal than they actually are. I recommend exercising lightly, and keeping on top of your self-care, keeping yourself in check this week. Be kind to yourself, Pile 4! You're doing just fine, you're handling things so well, and you're going to get through this week with flying colors! 😰😩🛑🌬️💗💪🫂 ~~~~~~~~ General Notes and Thoughts For All Piles: LOTS about calming down this week, breathing, taking a moment to pause and get yourself together for ALL piles. Keyword for all piles is FLOW. Financial situations are also somewhat hectic it seems, whether it's for the reader or someone close TO the reader. Lots about giving and receiving help as needed. Pay attention this week to those around you, folks, and pay attention to yourselves! Keep your mind open and calm. This week is perfect for outdoor activities, and meditation is also a big suggestion I have for all of you, so why not combine the two! Disconnect from stressors and from daily life, and focus on an individual that needs you, or focus on nature and connecting with guides. You got this, guys! -DV 💜💚
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cookiecomics · 4 months
(warning from future me: this is very long, soz)
heyy!! i'm about to start another reread of atott but although im trying to get better at this, im bad at leaving comments (i get too invested in the action & dont mark down my thoughts... so when i get to the comment part i don't remember all or anything i wanted to talk abt + i'm ruminating on what just happened. that's true for the updates i've been following and doubly so for binge-reading sessions) so i just wanted to say some things directly to you, right now, before i forget - i adore the colosseum to this day. i was invested from moment one and the way you described everything was so impactful. to this day i also remember the way ren was panicked & aiming to return home despite his concussion, it felt very visceral and real. also the entirety heresy ring, akechi finding out he was in the fraud ring (this cracked me up iirc. that boy read you akechi), the toy grandma wanted to give ren & akechi managed to get to him (and ren/arsene crying bc of it....), the river, the hanged man game.... gods, you captivated me so much even within those first chapters.
another moment that is very present in my memory is the whole section where ren is in shido's palace, hiding from akechi w/o knowing it's him, finding out he was the "birdman" and then the aftermath, akechi's high fever, the way ren did his best to take care of him, how he told him he'd do the hit on the principal for him. it was all so good!! like i found ur fics from the accomplice tag iirc so i wasn't surprised when it happened, but it was all so exciting still! my memory sucks so i can't even paraphrase what ren told akechi before leaving to do it, but i do remember how akechi was still convinced (and kinda hoped) ren wouldn't actually get involved & he'd just end up dead. then ren came back, with new glasses to boot! lol
ohh also that moment where ren crossdressed and akechi was definitely attracted but ofc he can't Say It so he just critiques his makeup capabilities instead....... i was like. of course. of couse you would.
and i found atott shortly after finding out i'm arospec despite being very interested in making fictional characters kiss & romantic scenes in general, so it was very interesting to read akechi believe he was aromantic & have to deal with Actually Having Romantic Feelings Fuck This lmaoooo tho tbf i'd actually react similarly if i found out i was demisexual instead of completely ace like i think i am, so i also identified with it in that sense, since i've know about that part of my identity much longer than being arospec lol
ah. this is very long but i have more i want to say... so im gonna keep talking lol. ren realizing he was cluster-b helped me realize & come to terms with my low empathy. i remember when first reading akechi suggest ren get himself checked for sociopathy i was a bit skeptical bc i worried it'd be just edgy stuff, but i'd been trusting your writing & decisions so i decided to be optimistic & i rlly liked how you handled it, and, again, it helped me come to terms with the parts of me that also wouldn't be seen favourably by some of these ppl who insist they're mental health advocates lol
also, i rlly like akesumi so when sumi realized he was munin i was giddy. her own smile about it made me happy too.... oh this makes me remember the scene of futaba finding out ren is her online friend too gods such good scenes!!!! and finding the palace keywords. which made me remember the bad ending chapter in maruki's reality which i only managed to read on my 3rd read of the fic & then was immediately invested into too.....
anyway, what i want to say is, thank you so much for writing atott. it is almost constantly running through the like, background of my thoughts, and the story has been very important & dear to me. i hope you know it is genuinely engraved within me at this point. i love it so much. ♡
GOSH what a beautiful thing to come back to ;3; thank you so so much for your kind words and for trusting me as well dsfkjhsdfjk as someone who is cluster b AND on the a-spec merrygoround, I'm glad my handling of the topics have been great for you ;3; thank you for telling me all that you love about the fic ;3; hoping to get an update soon for Goro's birthday <3
Again, any and all love for Ren's palace makes me giddy since it is by far the aspect of the fic that took the longest to plan ;3; and there's no such thing as "too long" comments or asks for me by the way please know this is very sweet to read, i hope you have a great day! and look forward to people having a hashtagbadtime next chapter sdkjfhjkf
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handstudioua · 2 months
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Captivate with the Forest's Charm: Blueberry Dangle Earrings
Embrace the whimsical spirit of the forest with these enchanting blueberry dangle earrings! Handcrafted from high-quality polymer clay, renowned for its lightweight comfort and intricate design possibilities, these earrings boast a cluster of realistically sculpted blueberries, complete with a delicate dusting of green leaves. Measuring a petite 1.18 inches (3 cm) in length, they strike the perfect balance for effortless everyday wear.
Why You'll Fall in Love:
Effortless Elegance: The lightweight nature of polymer clay ensures comfortable wear throughout the day, allowing you to embrace these charming berries with ease.
Durability with a Touch: High-quality polymer clay grants long-lasting resilience, making these earrings a cherished companion for years to come.
A Spark of Conversation: The unique and captivating design is guaranteed to turn heads and ignite compliments, wherever your adventures take you.
Nature's Embrace for All: A perfect choice for nature enthusiasts and anyone seeking a touch of whimsy, these earrings add a playful touch to any outfit.
Unleash Your Inner Forest Nymph:
The versatility of these earrings allows for boundless styling opportunities. Dress them down for a casual day with jeans and a T-shirt, or elevate your look for a special occasion. Let your creativity blossom!
Here are a few inspiring ways to rock these beauties:
Summer Soiree: Pair them with a flowy sundress for a delightful summer picnic, channeling the essence of a vibrant berry patch.
Denim Chic: Dress them up with a denim jacket and a cute top for a day filled with exploration, adding a touch of whimsical charm.
Elegant Evening: For a night out, elevate your little black dress with these statement earrings, creating an unexpected and captivating look.
No matter your style, these blueberry dangle earrings are sure to become a treasured piece in your collection, adding a burst of personality and playful fun to every ensemble.
Search Keywords:
Blueberry Earrings
Forest Jewelry
Lightweight Earrings
Polymer Clay Earrings
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Desire, from the not-so-nice ask game, for any OCs you want?
I did answer this one with Asher and Damian, so we'll answer with Nickelle and Chase instead (two more of my ocs from The City is Ours)
not-so-nice oc asks~
Spoilery stuff ahead :)))) and discussions of mental health issues with cluster B disorders as well because its Chase we're talking about
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Nickelle: More than anything in the world, Nickelle wants the people she cares about (her teammates, her best friend, her family) safe and unharmed. She wants to live in a city where people help each other instead of hurt each other. The desire itself is nice, but how she gets there is much more sinister (and she didn't start out this way, the pressure of being team leader just made her snap). she is open with the desire, but not the method or how far she's willing to go to get it. I mean, it's her entire motivation behind becoming the Snow Queen- the elusive villain that's been turning people into ice zombies, hiring other villains, and avoiding being tracked or detected by the heroes. She's willing to hurt a lot of people just for the world that she has in mind and to keep her teammates and family safe.
Chase: He would never admit to anyone ever, but he wants to be loved and accepted as he is. He doesn't think that it will ever be possible because he and a lot of society see people like him as monsters or terrible people (he has a lot of mental issues including OCD and bipolar disorder, and he's Jewish and Romani). He's been bullied relentlessly and almost hate crimed a few times for living in such a crime ridden city with so many cops, and he thinks that everyone in the world feels that way. He also thinks that he doesn't deserve or need love or is a heartless monster anyway for being aromantic and allosexual. Little does he know that there are people out there who will love and accept him for who he is, despite how awful society is to people like him. He doesn't think that he deserves it, but if he were given the opportunity and were in good enough of a mental state, he would go very far to make it happen. He'll learn eventually that he isn't a monster and there are people out there who love and accept him for who he is. Eventually being the keyword.
Thanks @mk-writes-stuff !
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ss-tech-services · 18 days
Proven Techniques for Ranking Higher on Google
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Google is a powerful search engine, and seeking ways to place one's website at the top is important for enhancing the website's visibility, attracting more traffic, as well as the success of the online presence. At the digital marketing agency, we recognize that optimization is vital as there are millions of sites competing for the first places. Therefore, it is possible to use effective methods which cut across Google’s successful methods. In this article, we present systems that have been tested and proven to improve your google ranking and more traffic to your website.
1.Do a proper keyword research
Keyword research is the most important part of an SEO strategy. It is because by knowing what the intended audience is searching for you will be able to develop content that cuts across.
Action Steps:
Use Keyword Tools: Use high traffic specific keywords’ search volume tools like Google Keyword planner, Ahref, SEM rush etc. to search for keywords with low competition.
Analyze Competitors: Look at the keywords that are working for your competitors and narrow dow n on the related ones.
Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: The phrases are less competitive in nature and since they are more specific they lead to higher conversions.
2. Better the On-Page SEO Optimization
On page SEO Optimization is the process of editing and facilitating changes on the pages of a web document in order to make them rank well and fit to the targeted audience. Such changes may involve content optimization of the webpage, markup optimization improvement of the HTML source code.
Action Steps:
Rewriting and Optimization Strategy Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Always ensure you note your page title and all the meta area as it has been promised to the readers and throughout the website.
Header Tags: Help cluster words and enhance comprehension by assigning H1 tags for the headline as the highest, H2, H3, etc for the subtitles.
URL Structure: Lines should be simple and moderate but include powerful words that are in line with what you are targeting.
Internal Linking: Where necessary links are created to other pages which are relevant to the current page being viewed by users and helps to spread out the link equity within the site.
3. Create High-Quality Content
Content is a very important element of SEO. Content, when properly designed, well written and is valuable and informative, will drive visitors, retain them and help establish credibility on a given niche.
Action Steps: Write for Your Audience: Use Solutions oriented approach where every word helps to eliminate audience problems.
Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Avoid abrupt keyword inclusion or excess use of keywords in the content.
Use Multimedia: Use of multimedia such as, images, animations, values etc to assist in a more appealing manner and also hold attention.
4.Enhance User Experience (UX)
The most important aspect with any Google ranking of the website is the user experience. Along with other factors, page speed, mobile usability, and site hierarchy are considerable for rankings.
Action Steps:
Improve Page Speed: It is possible to analyze why their site is slow through the use of Google PageSpeed and rectify the site’s speed. Spelling out some issues – Image compression, browser caching, CSS and javascript files minification.
Mobile-friendly Site Design: Create a website that is responsive to any device and that offers the same level of interaction regardless of the device used. With Google focusing on mobile first indexing, this becomes self-explanatory.
Utilize simple Structure: Website usability should be observed through the enabling of a better navigation structure and size of the website. This enables the website content to be easily accessed reducing the levels of bouncing.
5. Improve Quality of Backlinks
Links are an essential component of the parameters used in the Google algorithm, page rank among them. Backlinks from other websites with high reputation which are also relevant to the topic covered by a site will in most cases optimize the site.
Action Steps:
Develop Great Content: Write content that will drive people to share it, persuasive contents such as how to guides and case studies, original research.
Advertising through blogs: Write articles as a guest for reputable blogs in the niche and ensure to include a link to one’s site in the author information or within the article text.
6. Geo-targeting
For businesses that are into a certain geographic perspective, optimizing local search can get them local patrons and also enhance the local ranking.
Action Steps:
Claim Your Google My Business Listing: Your Google My Business profile must have all relevant details about your ventures such as addresses and business hours.
Social Media – Add Local Clientele Keywords: Identify local phrases and use them when generating content, title tags and meta descriptions.
Encouraging Reviews: Actively ask clients to review your services on Google and any other outlets and respond to them if possible, as good reviews will help boost your visibility in local search results.
7.Review and Performance metrics
It allows you to keep track of and evaluate your performance in line with search engine optimization. Bring out the strengths and weaknesses by utilizing the right tools.
Action Steps:
Google Analytics: Establish and analyze google analytical for effective tracking of such elements as the frequency of visitors, viewership and even exit of visitors.
Google Search Console: Use the GSC to see how well your web page performs, fixes, and submits the sitemap of your web page.
Finesse your strategies: With the use of prior or primary researches, refine any of your current seo methods. Adequate emphasis should be placed on aspects with some room for growth as well as recent developments on global search engine behaviors.
8. Follow New SEO Trends
SEO, as any other discipline, is dynamic, thus, it is important for the SEO professionals to go on top of the new developments and any new releases in a bid to keep their positions and even enhance them.
Action Steps:
Follow Industry Blogs: Sign up to popular and authoritative SEO blog sites and forums as fresh content and relevant changes are posted.
Participate in Webinars and Conferences: Join the SEO web-based presentations and conferences to listen to the views from other relevant fields.
Adapt to Algorithm Changes: Many changes concerning the Google algorithm are commonplace. This means these things are happening in a constant rush and therefore SEO strategies had to be altered with the changes.
Achieving a good rank on Google is a process that requires effective execution of multiple strategies like keyword research, website on-page and off page optimization, content writing and technical enhancement, etc. Downham Digital Marketing is dedicated to assist companies who wish to adopt these tested approaches to increase their online exposures. Keep in mind that SEO is not a one-time thing; it requires persistent revisions and improvements for the strategies to survive the competitive scene. For further assistance with your SEO efforts, be sure to contact our team of experts at SS TECH SERVICES as they employ state-of-the-art strategies and approaches.
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tirayugen · 1 year
Tira Yugen's new blog is here: home of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comics
Hello! Okay, this is my new (in 2023) Tumblr blog, after I moved away from the Blogspot/Blogger account (I got locked out, I can't even update that blog with a signpost here, so it's gonna rot ...) - and sssoooooo ... to help search results and bring people here to my new blog at tumblr.com/tirayugen, here is a keyword-rich post! But yes, this is the actual new home of the Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comic series by Tira Yugen. Don't bother reading the rest of this, this is literally just for spiders and bots really, those cheeky little blighters need a pointer now and then, don't they? Poor little dim-witted chaps. Tira Yugen tirayugen comics, free comic, art CGI family comic strip free. Family aunt nephew brosis brother sister daughter dad mom mum mother uncle son niece ... I mean why not eh? Families, tsssk. Is it incest? Surely not! Wincest, surely, no, no, none of that dirty smut! Yes indeed. Nope, no wouldn't dream of it.
I hear what you're saying, and what you're saying is this is a rather magnificent ... nay it is THE Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comic! Hooray! Special Edition The Deliciously Awkward Family Bubble as well, why not. Join Anna Smit and Kal Smit as they learn about life and love during lockdown covid pandemic in Anna's London flat. With Nederlands Amsterdam Dutch references peppered in there, because orange dresses (and the Dutch in general) are awesome / genial. And sometimes in Space there is a Trek involving Fleets and sometimes those Fleets get involved in Wars. STFW means space trek fleet wars, and I'm sure Sindy Anna Jones would agree SAJ STFW TRMFB Lithium comic about being Human probably like one human, being there, being with, being fantastic, learning to exist, to be, to wander and wonder at life. A series of series, a cluster of authors working on projects project nemesis bellerophon liz truss madiy crash telepathic anime humanity all being wonderfully erotic together because boobies and bottoms and bums and willies are lovely and jiggly and wobbly! Hooray! Did you actually read this? Nooooo! Again, this was a public service announcement just for search engines - join Tira Yugen on tumblr.com tumblr.com/tirayugen for bloggy blog comic art fanart wiki updates wordpress, with a google to be blogger because sometimes we all need that, don't we? And AIs are too dumb to realise this is all keyword gibberish.
With the very kindest of kind regards,
Tira Yugen
PS. boobies
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infjtarot · 4 months
Chariot. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords Enclosure. Containment. Maternal protection. Guardianship. Triumph. Might. Grail quest. Self-control. The warrior in service; mission over self. Reason over appetite and will. Soul’s journey to meet the ineffable. Vehicles. Indirect motion. Astrology/Element The Chariot, with armored charioteer and indirect motion, is associated with the sign of Cancer, the Crab. Starting at the June solstice, cardinal water indicates the first and potent inrush of the element. Cancer is about control of the emotional realm. It is considered a maternal sign. At first glance the martial Chariot may not seem like a fit, yet there is nothing fiercer and more protective than a mother. Cancer is the fertilized womb; it is a nourishing and sustaining sign. It’s the protecting principal and represents tenacity. Crabs hold on and don’t let go. Cancer’s glyph looks like crab claws—or like two nurturing breasts. Crabs carry their hard-shelled house with them so they can return to the enclosure, for inside they are soft. The Chariot is a portable canopied throne or a sort of portable home. Its motion may not always be straightforward, but it is always headed toward a goal.
Cancer is a most subconscious sign. Nothing is clear or direct, and everything is latent or hidden. Cancer lives in the realm of their feelings. Like its ruler the moon, Cancer has a lot to do with mass consciousness because that is mostly based on emotion. Cancer’s motto is “I feel”—but be warned: no one is more difficult than a Cancer whose feelings have been injured. They need to come first with those they love and protect. In this Marseille-based image, we see many precursors later expressed as Cancer tropes: starry canopy, moonlike epaulets, armored warrior. (Camoin-Jodorowsky Tarot de Marseille) As much as they are attached to home, they do love to trek about, for Jupiter which rules distant travels is exalted in the sign. They are very psychic and influenced by their environment. Wherever they may roam, they always need a safe space to return to. Mythology/Alchemy The constellation Cancer lies between Gemini and Leo and north of the head of Hydra. It’s inconspicuous, hidden like the crab. Its most interesting feature is the star cluster M44, the Beehive Cluster. In classical times it was known as Praesepe, the manger or crib, which highlights the maternal themes. The crab of classical times comes from the story of Hercules and the Hydra, when Juno sent a crab to nip at Hercules’s toes. It wasn’t always a crab; in ancient Babylonian times it was a tortoise. At the time of the June solstice, Cancer marks the position of the sun. Mesopotamian cultures saw this point in the sky as a gateway for souls being incarnated. In Egypt, the constellation was Khepra, a form of sun god Ra, symbolizing fertility, life, and rebirth. Khepra, or Khepri, means “he who is coming into being.” Khepra “in Thy hiding,” at the midnight hour of the sun, is the scarab beetle that rolled the sun across the sky, through the underworld, from the abodes of night, and restored the sun at the dawn.21 Though a solar god, he is also lunar in the sense of his associations with night. Consider also the two riddles that the sphinx asked Oedipus: one about man’s growth, and one about dark and light. Upon hearing his correct answers, she threw herself into the abyss. The constellation of the charioteer is nearby, sharing a star with Taurus. Charioteers cared for the horses, livestock, and food supplies of their rulers, which seems Cancerian in nature. The story goes that the charioteer, Erichthonius, was a son (of Hephaestus and Hera) who inherited his father’s lameness. He invented the chariot in order to roam about with more ease; this pleased Zeus (Jupiter), who placed him in the sky. Susan T. Chang
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