cosmossnake · 5 days
Ruin gets some comfort
He hates Nexus. This madman decided that today he was going to make their existence the most miserable possible. First making him relive memories, he wishes they could forget, and now making him go into a different dimension Creator’s lab, just to steal some random shit and end up almost, or actually, killed. He knew they were going to deal with a “Nice Version” of the Creator, but he didn't let his guard down, they aren’t trusting any Creator.
Oh, but how much he wishes they could just get his hands on that emo’s neck and just take his head OFF-  Wait. Calm down Ruin, you are getting violent thoughts again, remember what you are here for.
Speaking of, he wonders if he will be able to get the stuff and get out fast enough before the Creator notices him. He’s not in the mood to face the old man. Thankfully, it looks like he isn’t in here right now, but he can come at any minute, so he gotta be quick.
But when they came to the top of the stairs, and turned their head to the side…
God damn it…
There was, staring at him, an old blond haired man, short, wearing clothes perfect for those mad scientists in movies, who was probably in his 70’s.
The Creator.
This was weird. Seeing him, in his human form, when you are so used to a giant flying brain.
Creator - Uhhhhh, Hello? Who… are… you?”
The man asked, confused by the quite colorful animatronic.
So, before they could even notice, Ruin reseted back to his theatrics Of course, how typical of the coward and pathetic Ruin. 
Ruin - Oh dear, how rude of me not to present myself, my name is Ruin good sir, and you shall be?
 He said while bowing theatrically at the man's direction.
Sven - “Ruin?’’ What an interesting name choice, not judging you, of course. My name is Sven. Now, what are you doing here in my lab, my boy?
Ruin wanted to flinch at the word “Boy”. No, that isn’t them, of course they didn’t mind the pronoun, but words like those…
“Good boy”
Are things that make him shiver. But he just sucked the feeling and locked it in a deep corner of his mind to deal with later. He has to go on with this little show.
Ruin - Well, you see Sven, I was just wandering around dimensions, when I noticed yours, which picked my curiosity, then I decided to explore a little, now I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something.
Ruin answered with this little, dirty lie. 
Sven - So, are you a dimension traveler, my boy? 
Ruin - Yes, I believe you can call me that.
Sven - Cool! Would you like a tour?
Ruin - A conversation would be better, good sir. I have millions of questions about this place!
Sven - Of course, I will just organize some files in my computer then I will be ready, would you like some tea? My child, Mercury, came here earlier, bringing some tea and biscuits with her, but we ended up not eating at all. They are a lovely person, you should meet her sometime.
‘Now here is my perfect chance to steal those documents ’
Ruin - That would be lovely good sir. She indeed looks like a lovely girl.
Sven - Actually they are a "She/They" . But she doesn't like being called girl.
Ruin - Oh... Of course I apologize.
Sven - What about you?
Ruin- I beg your pardon?
Ruin asked. Their voice started to get softer.
Sven - I'm asking for your pronouns Ruin. Are you okay with me calling you "boy"? You seemed quite uncomfortable when I called you that.
‘How did he…? Nevermind’
Ruin - I use "He/They/It". Please don't call me “boy” . I highly dislike it.
Sven - Of course, I apologize for disrespecting your boundaries and just calling you that, without asking first. I just assumed since most daycare attendants seem to prefer the masculine gender. But now I will not commit the same mistake again. I'm sorry.
Saying that Ruin was surprised was understandable, but they were shocked. Looks like they were underestimating this man. He’s indeed kind, a “normal” (If those guys have anything of normal) creator would have just called them a “dramatic piece of trash”, if they dared to whine about it.
Ruin - It's okay. Thank you.
Sven - Of course, I don't want any alternative version of my children to feel uncomfortable about themselves, considering that most of my diferent versions aren't that... nice…
‘Wait. Did he just call him?…’
Ruin - Don't call me that.
Sven - What?
Ruin - One… of your children.
Sven - Oh… Of course. I apologize again.
Ruin - No need to apologize. You did nothing wrong on purpose. I just... don't like it.
Sven - ... Do you... wanna talk about it?
Ruin - ...
Ruin - No.
Ruin sounded a little more rude than he wanted.
Sven - It's okay. Now do you still want the tea and biscuits?
Ruin - Uh? Oh yes. That would be lovely.
Sven - I'm gonna go get it, you can make yourself comfortable.
  When Sven walked out of the room, Ruin went immediately to the computers, to find what Nexus wanted.
While waiting for it to download on the USB, that Nexus gave to them, they noticed some pictures on the computer screen. It was pictures of Sven's family members. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. All decorated like the person in the picture. 'Looks like he really values his... family."
  Then, looking next to the computer, they saw a portrait. Of a family of five, two adults and three kids. They recognized three people there. Sven, his partner and… Andrew. 'Was he one of his children in this universe?' They wondered. Suddenly, with a little "bip!", the download was completed, so they took the USB, and came back down stairs, setting themselves on one of the chairs of the table, the place had. Soon, Sven was walking back to the room, with tea and biscuits in his hands.
Sven - Hello again! I came back, Is everything okay?
Ruin - Oh yes! Everything’s just fine!
Sven - I'm glad about that! Now, i only had mint tea, do you like it or do you want me to do something else?
Ruin stopped a little. They really souldn't stay longer, but a little rest wouldn't hurt. 'They really needed it'
Ruin - Anything is just fine for me.
Sven - Alright then.
While Sven served the tea, Ruin saw his thoughts wander back to those pictures. How happy everyone looked. 'And how they wish that there was one with them'. They were jealous, but the'll never admit it out loud. They were also kinda content with how much respect they were treated today. You don't deserve it, you abomination. But that didn't make things better for him.
Noticing Ruin's silence, Sven asked.
Sven - Are you alright, Ruin?
Ruin - Uh? Yes, quite alright, now, my first question: Do you have any family members or do you just live here alone?
Sven noticed they were lying, but decided to play along.
Sven - Oh yes! I actually do have a family. Sun, Moon and Earth are my oldest children, then I have Mercury, the one I talked about with you, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and recently I've been building Pluto.
Ruin - Wow! All the planets , Sun and Moon!? But why Pluto too? Isn't it no longer considered a planet?
Sven - Please don't make me laugh, I don't believe in NASA.
Ruin chuckled at the shenanigans of the old man.
Ruin - Alright then, so how are they?
Sven - Quite alright, besides the occasional death threats, My children are doing wonderful.
‘Oh… that i didn't expect’
Sven - To be quite honest I'm also planning on building the entire solar system.
Ruin - Jesus, are you sure you gonna conquer that before your death?
Sven - Well, I do have some nano machines helping my body stay intact, but when I get satisfied with everything I've done, I'll let myself die.
Ruin - Fair enough. You... look like a great parent. 'Better than a lot of others.'
Sven - Oh well, thank you.
Then, Ruin stopped for a moment and remembered why he was here.
Ruin - I should go now. 
Sven - Are you sure? Don't you want to stay more?
Ruin - No… I really should go.
‘ Or Nexus would break me apart’
Ruin - It was a lovely talk and I'm sorry for wasting your time, but now I should give my goodbye and let the curtains close.
Ruin said, while standing up, already turning around to go.
Sven - Well, if you say so. Goodbye Ruin, I hope to see you again, someday.
They stopped in their tracks…
Ruin - …
And turned around.
Ruin - Goodbye Sven, I hope to see you again.
'If i don't die, before that'.
Then, they turned around, opened a portal and left.
Sven - Did you hear that Moon? 
Moon - Yeah I did, I'm surprised he didn't try anything.
Something Ruin didn't know is that Moon was on a call with Sven.
Sven - Actually, they did steal some documents on my Sun and Moon designs.
Moon - Wait, what?! Why did you let him do that?!
Sven - Well, first, I have hundreds of copies of their designs and second, if they try anything, I know how to protect my children.
Moon - *Sighs*Alright then, I'll trust your word.
Sven - I'll admit, they're quite a well educated fella.
Moon - He literally punched me, in the face, when we first met.
Sven - Oh, well.
Moon - What do you mean “Oh, well”!?
Sven - Oh well.
Moon - Uh? You know what? Bye Sven, see ya.
Sven - Goodbye Moon, have a graceful day.
Creator notes: I honestly don't know how to feel about this fic. This is my first time writing a whole story in english, which isn't my first language, so i got the internet's help, but i still like it? I guess? Idk. Hope you guys enjoy.
Also, there is some headcannons in here so, yeah.
Bonus picture of my personal Ruin design:
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cosmossnake · 12 days
They are gossip kings/queens/tirants
Also, Eclipse and Solar just speaking french with each other and sharings gossips they hear from adults on the theater.
When they are angry they curse in french
When somebody speaks in another language next to Ruin, they just silently listens to share the gossip with somebody, later.
sun, lunar, ruin & dark sun all start speaking in random languages when they're really angry
like. you'll just hear sun yelling at lunar for hoarding so much nutella and lunar retaliating in a language you didn't even know existed
dark sun shittalks to ruin behind nexus's back using the language feature. ruin doesn't say anything for fear nexus may understand, but they fully agree with what dark sun says
Now i imagine Dark Sun and Ruin gossiping together
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cosmossnake · 12 days
🚨🛑Stop for a moment and don't skip it !!
Hello, I am Hashem and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart on behalf of my family of six who are trapped in the devastating situation in Gaza. They are urgently seeking evacuation to Egypt after enduring more than 300 days of displacement and hardship.
I am seeking to help them urgently and provide them with the minimum requirements. I was displaced and managed to escape the horrors of war to Rafah and then we returned again to Khan Younis and were displaced more than 11 times inside Khan Younis until we reached the beach, and during our displacement I was injured in the palm of my hand and underwent surgery and had platinum inserted in it and is in dire need of another operation.
Today I find myself in a situation I never expected. The conflict in Gaza has left my family in dire need of assistance.
This war has taken our livelihoods and our factories and now we are struggling to survive. I had a carpentry shop for making furniture, which was my source of income to support my family and was a source of security for my life, but now it has been destroyed and all the hard work of the years was lost in a short moment.
I had a home to shelter my family and children, and the occupation also destroyed our only shelter, and the streets became a bed for my children.
Each of my children had a dream to fulfill. My eldest daughter Dima dreamed of becoming a doctor to treat children, but now I don't know if I will be able to fulfill her dream. My second son Aboud dreamed of becoming an architect to build the country and what the wars destroyed. The third dreams of becoming a mechanical engineer, and the fourth dreams of becoming a painter to color our lives with the most beautiful drawings. These were all our dreams before the war, but the war destroyed everything.
I feel ashamed to ask you to help me save my family's lives. If someone donates $5, it will make a difference for us and help us because we need more. I don't want to lose my family, you are my only hope, you are our hope always and forever.
I’m so embarrassed but I’ve rubbed salt in my wounds and I have no one else to save them but you. My family is calling you and asking for your help. They are in desperate need of rescue and safety.
Your generosity will directly help save my family from death and rebuild our lives. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a huge difference.
Reach out and make a meaningful impact for us because we need you. Donate on GoFundMe Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will directly help save my family’s life and help those still trapped in the Gaza Strip. ✓ Share this post and spread the word ⩥ Please share this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues to help us reach our goal.
Your support means everything to me, and I am so grateful for any help you can offer during this difficult time.
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cosmossnake · 15 days
Here’s my opinion on this episode.
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First: Eclipse reuniting with Earth was so cute. They are confirmed besties you honor.
Second: No Puppet you are not useless, you are an incredible person, wife and mother!
Third: Actually, there is indeed a way to prove Eclipse wrong and the answer is: Solar.
 Eclipse says that every single Moon will end up activating the killcode and killing someone, but the thing is, the same stuff that is said about Moon, is also said about him.
 It is shown that in most universes he is evil and does bad stuff, meanwhile there's literally a nice version of him, just hanging around, helping people, being kind and being an awesome brother. 
Solar is the living proof that not all alternative versions of Eclipse will end up the same way. Why the same can't happend with that Moon?. That’s why it is called ALTERNATIVE universes. Infinite possibilities, dear.
Dude, is LITERALLY contradicting himself.
And Last: Evelyn, please be alive.
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cosmossnake · 19 days
Hi there! So uhh... I was scrolling through Instagram and that one audio from Steven Universe, where White Diamond is talking with Steven about Pink being back again and how her game is done and blah blah blah... Popped up.
Anyways, while listening to it I had an idea, a Sun and Moon Show idea. We all know about the Creator and how in some parts of the show it was mentioned the possibility of him having a partner. Then the fandom took it and said: "Oh yeah we're gonna make them be the most wholesome parent in the world or the trashcan man, because it would be funny and we like gay evil couples."
But I had a different idea, what if depending on the universe that partner would change, for example in the universe we know, they are a really loving and kind parent, but they never got to meet their children, because the Creator sucks and probably killed them, or they ran away. But, (Now the reason i talked about the audio) in Ruin's dimesion this person SUCKED as a parent, they manipulated Ruin when he was young and naive, and a bunch of other people in life. I also already imagined them being the reason why Ruin wasn't infected, changing his code to not be altered by the virus, so they could use their child against the Creator (Because they also hate the guy). But they died because the other animatronics attacked them and Ruin wasn't gonna save them. So... yeah! That's pretty much it.
There is a fanfiction i know, that was written by AvgClownEnthusiast1209, on AO3, called Children of Mine, that explores the idea of the Creator having a patner and they being kind.
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cosmossnake · 1 month
So i had this idea and don't know if anybody though about it, but it is an duo idea.
Blood!Sun and Blood!Solar meeting. And interacting with eachother, the way the Bloodmoon twins used to. Being brothers and all that stuff. The first time they meet, they started fighting, but after a while they randomly started to get along and now they don't get out of eachothers side. Nexus is there too, to be more specific Blood!Solar's Nexus. And he just isn't dead yet, because he gives the gremilins free food.
( They have a flaming hate for Ruin)
They are best worst thing that has ever happend in the universes.
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cosmossnake · 2 months
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Hi. So. I made something. And it was inspired by a fanfic i have been reading.
TOP After Story. Writen by VioletVincen on AO3. Chapter 14.
"Words that shatter like glass" - My thoughts
This is my first post, so i don't really know what i am doing.
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