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seashellisinmyheart · 6 months ago
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Our main characters!
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coolkidstuffsblog · 2 years ago
Gas station
nat x misty
random shit ik but stfu i tried to make it as much as yellow jackets as i could 🗣
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misty was dressed like a hooker "nat? are you sure this is gonna work?" misty asked as she felt like she was a prostitute it didnt make it better as the men stared at her chest "of course..if we can get the files so be it." nat said misty huffed as she held tight to nats arm "misty..stop being scared plus your gonna seduce-" mistys eyes widened "what!" she whisper yelled "you never told me i was gonna seduce a guy in the station? plus its for some beer for you to drink? cant we just buy it instead?" nat rolled her eyes "we wouldnt be in this situation if i HAD the money would we?" nat asked.
misty huffed as she went in the store after natalie and nat smirked and put a thumbs up "hey can i get-" before she could even ask the question the middle aged guy stared straight down her breasts.
nat took that as a que and walked right in "can i get a pack of cigarettes please?" misty asked as she leaned on the counter pointing at the cigarettes "y-yeah."
"why are they so big?" the man blurted out making misty blush and nod "would you like to touch them?" nat snapped her head to mistys back but left the store with two packs of beer, misty smirked as she leaned closer and just as the mans hand hovered over her breast "MISTY!" nat shouted "lets go!" she growled "oh! bye sir!" misty took the cigarettes without paying and left before the man can progress what just happend.
misty huffed "you asked me to create a distraction and thats what i did." misty frowned "yeah but not to let him touch your titties!" nat said as they began walking to her car "here." nat shoved her jacket into mistys hand "put this on." misty smiled but wiped it off quickly to not anger nat.
misty put it on quick and the scent of nats jacket hit her immediantly, it reeked strong of cigarettes and beer with another unfamiliar scent, misty smiles as she realizes nats jacket will probably stick with her scent too.
misty leaned against the glass "im sorry..did i mess it up?" misty asked nat as she turned to face her "no..you did great, just not when you asked him to touch your tit." misty sighed "but hey! atleast you have beer." misty said as she zipped up the jacket.
nat smiles as she took one quick glance at misty she looked cute with her jacket on..but she wouldnt say that out loud, plus misty would rip nats heart out if needed.
misty looked at nat "will you ever begin dating again?" nat felt a tug at her lips but ignored it as she thinks about a way to respond and not say 'i would date you first.' nat sighs "im not sure..keyven was a booty call and..im not sure what to do anyways." misty frowns as she thought of it..will nat never end up dating her?
misty just frowned "alright..where do we go to drink these?" nat said "well- wait we?" misty asked "yeah? you actually expect me to drink the entire pack?" misty nodded "duh!" nat rolled her eyes "alright lets drink it at the park..plus its night time, no kids can be around here anyways." nat said as she reached to misty "now..dont you dare even take the jacket off." nat frowned "ofcourse not!" misty smiles "alright cmon lets go." nat gets out the car and left quiet.
misty stared at the beer pack "alright how much was the pack suppose to cost." nat shrugged "i dont know lets just finish these." nat placed the beer as they sat on ths swings "nat.." misty turned to nat "there are men coming this way." misty began to unzip the jacket but nat zipped it back up "no..your not doing this now." nat growled.
misty frowned as she sat back and chugged the beer down "i mean theres two..one for you and one for me?" nat shook her head "no." misty groans as the men began walking towards them "hey ladies..how-" nat rolled her eyes "get lost." the men just scowled and looked at misty "um..sorry." misty sighs as the men walked off "can we not just-" nat slammed her hand on the bench they sat on making misty yelp "nat!" natalie frowned.
misty sighed "i tried so much to put you and kevyn-" nat groaned "misty! dont you understand." misty tilted her head as she seemed confused "i dont want kevyn or those men! i want.." nat sighed as she glanced at misty "i..i." misty smirked as she knew what nat was trying to say "you what?" misty drank a bit more out the beer, glancing at natalie "i want you okay." misty gasped like she was shocked "i..i want you, not kevyn or travis..i want you!" misty smiles as she reached at nat placing a hand on her cheek making nat lean into the contact.
"nat." they made eye contact "i love you too." misty chuckles as she leaned in but before she could kiss nat "do i have your consent?" nat nodded and misty placed a kiss onto her lips but nat kept it going.
misty whimpered as she held tight onto nats shoulders "nat.." misty tries to turn her head to the other side but natalie grabbed her by the cheeks "dont look over there look at me." nat presses a kiss on mistys head "okay." misty giggles as she places one last kiss onto nats lips and picks the bottles up walking to the car "nat?you coming?" misty turns and nat is still sitting on the bench "i-im coming! im coming." nat stood up jogging behind misty "nat.." misty turns to nat "you think you can hook me up with a guy?" misty asked "we were literally just making out and you wanna guy?" nat lifts an eyebrow "im kidding!" misty smiled as she chuckled and opened the car "okay nat..im going to drive to your place yeah?" nat shook her head "nah..lets go to yours instead, even tho its creepy as fuck." mistys smile grew wider even tho it hurt.
misty opened the door for nat getting on the other side to let nat walk in "thanks." misty smiles and nods "hey c-man!" nat said as she walked towards the bird making him squack and fly towards nat so she could smoothening its head "i told you not to call him that." misty mutters "what?" nat turned "nothing!" misty shook her head.
nat walks up to misty placing a simple kiss onto her head "alright cmon..lets head upstairs." misty nods "kay be there in a sec." nat nods as she head up the stairs, misty admired nat going up before she couldnt see her anymore.
misty turned to caligula "love you." misty places a tiny peck onto the birds head before squealing and running upstairs.
misty laid in bed motionless it was pretty creepy, she didnt move an inch when she went into the covers she didnt even move her hands but hey its misty we're talking about.
nat sighs as she turned again "god i cant sleep." nat groans, she wanted something to hold onto but she didnt want to ask misty, its embarrassing and stupid.
misty turns to nat as she turned on the lamp "nat..you keep moving." misty whispered in a husky voice, she could barley see anything thru the blurred vision "i..i dont know why." misty smiled as she cuddled onto nat "okay lets see if this works and if it doesnt we can just talk til you get bored of me." nat chuckles as she held onto misty tight already feeling drousy.
misty hummed a small song trying to smoothen nats worries and anxiousness it frankly worked and you must give misty credit for that, but the part that bothers her is that she cant fall asleep being hugged or hugging so she unwraps her self from nat and scootched a bit to give her some space.
misty stayed awake for an hour admiring nats features she zooned out too long 'how can a woman like this put up with me?' misty smiles once more before placing a kiss onto nats lips and falling back asleep.
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dralphysofficial · 2 years ago
is it possible that the keyven could bypass the lock on the door?
im not sure how aware you are of the nature of your reality, but uh...
yes, yes. we are not in the highest level of reality, i KNOW.
we don’t have TIME for this.
...asgore, i think. we might have to open that door.
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mozambeats · 5 years ago
Hyuta Cezar feat. Keyven – Fantasias
Artista : Hyuta Cezar
Participação : Keyven
Titulo :  Fantasias
Ano : 2020
Género  : Trap
Download : Mediafire
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Formato: Mp3
Qualidade: 320Kbps
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geramusica97 · 6 years ago
Keyven - Sexta
Keyven – Sexta
Artista: Keyven
Titulo: Sexta
Género: R&B
Formato: MP3
Ano de Lançamento: 2019
Tamanho: 7 MB
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444names · 3 years ago
american and german forenames + persian names BUT excluding "h"
Abdia Abdokri Abdoste Aberreedya Adieein Adjmas Ageena Ajdan Akbardo Akbarnoour Alarica Aliltaexis Alin Alisaman Alistone Alliamani Almiriuss Altenes Alvara Amierd Aney Anie Anjacy Anoun Anvane Arabakelse Arames Arge Argisti Armaran Armone Arse Asad Asirni Askard Aula Aurickylla Awjidil Azizad Azus Azusie Bageenjbad Bamon Bandang Bard Bari Barmoz Barrin Batam Bean Begzaridi Beri Bert Blaque Bleydanni Bone Bora Boram Braf Branie Breenes Broudo Burma Calilavine Cami Camy Cari Caria Codysa Cole Colilto Coni Cryles Cyri Cyroz Darbet Dard Dardai Darjazi Darlegan Dason Davi Derna Dick Diney Dory Dossus Ebari Ebazi Eber Ebtella Ebti Eftabida Efte Eftie Elenel Elmannin Elmuel Elnazza Emarl Enazama Ergan Ertois Esfara Esgandy Essago Evadie Fafaq Fafarna Fafi Fara Faravid Farbord Farce Fari Fario Feebba Fertazi Ficki Firiellipp Fran Franie Frava Fredualey Geed Geedoll Geessiegis Gelmegan Geodorana Geri Gisabbi Glene Glole Glomella Goanei Golf Golilifte Golla Golloumi Golna Goon Gord Gorselip Gravoosava Gren Guaggy Guani Guia Guina Hajace Haki Hala Hamaine Hamzandrie Hedren Henn Histabai Home Hoody Hoond Hooy Horang Hosa Idzad Irana Isant Issina Izaeed Jacky Jadi Jami Jance Jandy Jang Jangari Jani Janu Jassa Javy Jeanjad Jefi Jerton Jidrei Joanda Joandri Joayne Josam Joseffamda Josel Juni Juntoy Kaler Kalina Kalle Kamil Kang Karia Karlakt Karlen Kaspames Kassa Kavabily Kaybi Kayed Kazi Keilbarg Keleefi Kelimine Kelina Kelivaldon Kena Kessavi Keyvene Klad Kliff Koksani Koos Kooydagne Kous Krani Lace Lamon Lassi Lavizbad Legar Lekzad Lilaini Lilyn Llicamda Lone Loresstarg Lour Lourtrab Ludawilica Luli Lutaba Luttert Lytos Mablanz Mada Mago Maina Malianus Mami Mamys Manbatel Mancien Mandica Mandors Mandredien Mani Manne Maredela Mari Marz Mascoraj Maste Masver Mawred Mazd Meenati Megaeene Mesey Messi Mesum Mico Mirani Mirgar Mirin Miris Mist Mitz Moad Moandrasse Moni Mony Motta Mour Mozoo Mozosam Muada Mudia Muita Mumiri Nabi Nadi Nald Nargin Nasa Nasem Navan Navy Naza Nazadzalle Nazdim Nazi Nazie Nazma Nazuss Nedd Negaman Nejmeli Nemargis Nexisa Niavi Nimin Noonjanna Nourina Oeon Oley Omelam Openne Oxana Paki Pala Pald Paley Palians Palvie Pammy Panter Panza Parennitan Parmaioser Parne Paromeckla Pary Paud Paudegelie Pegableo Pelistie Perwie Pettery Pirice Pistra Poulabi Prenarani Prian Price Pujidi Qolna Rafi Rakel Rambyzur Rami Ramzadi Rasi Rasis Rasti Razd Rentsyla Rezaeid Rifar Roge Rolinattsy Ronac Rose Rosey Roubar Rouz Rouzgon Roxamino Roxani Rutlenni Ruza Ruzad Saack Saad Sabani Sabis Sadegari Sadi Saee Saisavi Salacedri Sald Samannel Samarie Sames Sammenelie Samys Sand Sandad Sang Santon Sean Sine Sinna Sirace Sisoune Solle Soudel Sourain Staeundar Stal Stedamby Stelli Surian Syarcur Tabarie Tabenri Taee Talaqi Talk Tallam Tallaurt Tarandan Tean Teri Tiroo Torenar Torz Tosebilie Toudolfred Tour Tradre Tricy Trid Triedy Trisoplek Tyrutty Udiane Uksa Ulli Ulrin Undy Vada Waynna Wenad Went Wiana Wilakzari Wolberna Wollind Xercusesl Yvalby Zakim Zalda Zania Zargam Zarri Zavoori Zerne
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huskyway · 4 years ago
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Congrats Keyven & Haley Mueller! (at Anson, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJj7c9mj7k1/?igshid=kcxsgo8ezai7
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jeana-bo-beana · 5 years ago
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| Fabulosity has no age | ✨ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my first little sister 😘 You’ve been the biggest help the last few months as I’ve *tried* adjusting to milspouse life & I know I couldn’t have done it without you! You’re so strong, adventurous, & beautiful! Thanks for answering my annoying texts & always having my back even though you’re my little sis 💕 I hope you have the best day (in quarantine) & that Keyven spoils you even more! Love you boo! 💕 #HappyBirthday #LittleSis #MilitaryWifeSisters #IHopeYouGetSpoiled #WeddingPicsForDays #AlsoIMissYou #QuarantineBirthday #IChoseThisPicSoYouCantSeeHowShortIAm (at Valley Center, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfpzM8nKhu/?igshid=27dyl3osxq2r
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jay-arghh · 6 years ago
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🚨 MUSIC ALERT 🚨 *Keyven. X Jay Arghh *- *Diz-me só *[Produzido por *KEYBEVTZ*] https://soundcloud.com/realkeybeatz/keyven-x-jay-arghh-diz-me-so-prodby-keybevtz (at Maputo, Mozambique) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0hj3-j8Y5/?igshid=vqopf61allfd
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rontykeoliver · 6 years ago
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Coming July 15th! Towerlight Records Positive Music Compilation Vol.1 Over 15 Positive Music artist with, jazz, instrumentals, gospel, easy listening, soundtracks and alternative music! So excited! Featuring; JT Alaysia Chris Boyden Bret Houtari Joshua Dalton Lady C Five Alive Ronald Tyke Oliver Ken Brumfield J.Hawk Karyzthma Lydia Brown The Biz Cush Keyven & Tre Wayne Groove #positivemusic #musicproject #musicproducers #positivemessages #towerlightrecords #indielabel #rontykeoliver #soundtrackmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/BxEDgA2hKNe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rx9kv6x04sml
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geramusica97 · 6 years ago
Keyven - Netflix And Chill
Keyven – Netflix And Chill
Artista: Keyven
Titulo: Netflix And Chill
Género: R&B
Formato: MP3
Ano de Lançamento: 2019
Tamanho: 8 MB
DOWNLOAD MP3: Keyven – Netflix And Chill (Prod. Keybevtz)
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pertamax7 · 8 years ago
salam pertamax7.com, Kode Baru Kiprok Yamaha Xabre Versi 2017, Update dari versi 2016
Lampu Check Engine Yamaha Xabre Menyala
beberapa bulan lalu pertamax7.com di dm oleh pemirsa asal Vietnam namanya om keyven sa melalui laman facebook pertamax7.wordpress.com menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang mantap, sedangkan bahasa inggris pertamax7 tentu zonk bin kopong, nah beliau bertanya soal Yamaha Xabre yang disana namanya Yamaha TFX150 mengenai problem Kiprok pengisian aki sama seperti yang pertamax7.com alami beberapa waktu lalu baca : ( Check Engine Yamaha Xabre Menyala Saat Dikendarai, Indikasi Kiprok Bermasalah )
om keyven tanya solusi kiprok apa yang pertamax7 pakai, belum di tulis sih di artikel jadi banyak yang tanya, pertamax7.com pakai kiprok yamaha Nmax 155 sebelum motornya di kembalikan ke pemilik awal tahun 2017 silam, bikers asal negeri seberang lantas bertanya bagaimana dengan kiprok yamaha B48-H1960-01 ? pertamax7 bingung itu kode buntut apaan.. eh ternyata adalah kode Kiprok ( rectifier ) untuk Yamaha XABRE  versi 2017 , lho bedanya apa?
Kiprok Yamaha Xabre Versi 2017
Modifikasi Yamaha Xabre Jogja 
nah pertamax7 yang mencoba Yamaha Xabre versi 2016 dan mengalami lampu MIL menyala di tambah tarikan motor yang tersendat-sendat alias brebet saat panas memang lumayan puyeng kala itu karena indent Kiprok Yamaha Xabre lama, untung kontek bos dealer Young Motor beliau punya stock 1 biji Kiprok Yamaha NMAX langsung pertamax7 sikat eh beli gitu aja
balik ke masalah kode, nih perbedaan kode kiprok Yamaha Xabre versi 2016 dan 2017
Kiprok Yamaha Xabre 2016 menggunakan kode B48-H1960-00 TFX150 XABRE RECTIFIER & REGULATOR ASSY dengan harga Rp.280.000
Kiprok Yamaha Xabre 2017 menggunakan kode B48-H1960-01 TFX150 XABRE RECTIFIER & REGULATOR ASSY dengan harga Rp.271.000
lho bedanya dimana?
harga kiprok Yamaha Xabre versi 2016 lebih mahal Rp.9.000 dari versi 2017, namun perbedaanya adalah kode buntut yakni  B48-H1960-00 ( Xabre 2016 ) dan  B48-H1960-01 ( Xabre 2017 )
perbedaan kode 00 dan 01 ini merupakan update parts,  mengingat Yamaha Indonesia dapat mengubah spesifikasi produk sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, guna peningkatan mutu sepeda motor yamaha.
berarti kalau punya yamaha xabre versi 2016 akan lebih baik kalau beli kiprok Yamaha Xabre 2017? tepat, lebih baik begitu karena sudah ada update dari pabrikan ( bukan kanibal part motor lain )
Yamaha Xabre versi 2017
Warna Baru Yamaha Xabre 2017 Green Army Hijau
Warna Baru Yamaha Xabre 2017 Silver White Putih Silver
Warna Baru Yamaha Xabre 2017 Red Matte Merah
selain perbedaan striping ternyata Yamaha Xabre edisi 2017 menggunakan kiprok dengan kode baru beda dengan versi 2016, disinyalir kiprok versi 2017 ini tidak bermasalah
Fungsi Kiprok
Kiprok itu bahasa mana entahlah, pertamax7 tahunya bahasa baku yakni RECTIFIER & REGULATOR ASSY,  bahasa jogja wonogirinya kiprok , nah kiprok sepeda motor ini berfungsi ganda seperti nama bakunya yakni
RECTIFIER : penyearah, dari arus listrik AC dari spull ( bisa generator maupun alternator ) menjadi arus DC ( searah )
REGULATOR : pengatur arus dan tegangan supaya stabil guna mengisi aki ( ngecas/ ngecharge ) Regulator berfungsi supaya tidak overcharging maupun undercharging sehingga aki tetap bekerja optimal, tidak tekor sesuai kapasitas
ASSY = assembly = satu unit
nah kalau kiprok bermasalah maka pengecasan aki bermasalah, bisa aki tekor ( undercharging ) atau malah aki jebol ( overcharging ), jika kiprok bermasalah bisa merembet ke sistem kelistrikan seperti lampu dan juga piranti pengapian seperti CDI maupun ECU kalau injeksi, pompa injeksi, speedometer dll, jadi di cek ya om.
nah, ada pemirsa yang punya Yamaha XABRE? monggo di check om kiproknya, jika masih pakai kode lama ( 2016 ) segera beli dengan cara indent ke Dealer Yamaha Terdekat versi kiprok Yamaha 2017 biar aman nyaman ayem.. semoga berguna. salam @ipanase
Kode Baru Kiprok Yamaha Xabre Versi 2017, Update dari versi 2016 salam pertamax7.com, Kode Baru Kiprok Yamaha Xabre Versi 2017, Update dari versi 2016 beberapa bulan lalu pertamax7.com di dm oleh pemirsa asal Vietnam namanya om keyven sa melalui laman facebook 
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jeana-bo-beana · 8 years ago
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| Together is a beautiful place to be | 💕 It's been a CRAZY 3 weeks but today it all fell into place!! Little sis, I'm so happy you found the man of your dreams. I'm so happy you found someone that treats you right, someone that loves you the way you deserve to be loved. Keyven, welcome to the family. Amongst all our insane shenanigans you fit right it. I know you'll take great care of my sister. We already love you. Happy wedding day y'all 💕 #Happiness #LoveYouBoth #WeddingDay #IHearWeddingBells #KeyvenAndJillian #MeetTheDancys #AlwaysTheBridesmaidNeverTheBride #Congratulations #MilesOfSmiles (at Valley Center, California)
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jay-arghh · 6 years ago
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🚨 *NEWSONGALERT* 🚨 *JAY ARHH X KEYVEN. - PROVAR | *Prod. By KEYBEATZ x ORIGIMOZ* *| - https://soundcloud.com/realkeybeatz/jay-arghh-keyven-provar-prod-by-keybeatz-x-origimoz (at Maputo, Mozambique) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZLzabjU4p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l78kbhw6e3cb
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rontykeoliver · 6 years ago
Towerlight Records Change (Remix) by The Gospel Girlz feat. Keyven & Tre Available on CD Baby Link In Our Bio #gospelmusic #gospelrapper #gospelgirlz #change #changeforthebetter #gottachange #whatachange #positivemusic #musicproduction #musicproject #musicclip #indielabel https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1seKVBwuD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=31uyrjlokevq
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geramusica97 · 6 years ago
Keyven - Diz-me Só (feat. Jay Arghh)
Keyven – Diz-me Só (feat. Jay Arghh)
Artista: Keyven
Titulo: Diz-me Só (feat. Jay Arghh)
Género: DanceHall
Formato: MP3
Ano de Lançamento: 2019
Tamanho: 5 MB
DOWNLOAD MP3: Keyven – Diz-me Só (feat. Jay Arghh) [Prod.by KEYBEVTZ]
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