#keys mia s1 rewatch
syn4k · 3 months
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mobolanz · 9 months
7, 12 & 18 for the oc asks 💓
Ty Em (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡💞💞💕
7. Have any of your OCs gone through major revisions in the year 2023?
Shocking reveal up until last April Evelyn used to look like this 🤧
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Ultimately her eyes and hair swapped xD
I do kinda still love this pallette I need to reuse it with someone else maybe. Cecille considering they were sisters in early drafts during the attempt to insert Evelyn in bnha? Idk.
Then one day , year and two months into shipping her with Reiner, I was like "WAIT WHO TF IN AOT EVEN HAS BLUE HAIR OR DRESSES LIKE THAT MAYBE THAT'S WHY I'M UNINSPIRED ON ART IT FEELS UNNATURAL- " (no Rico doesn't count mappa made her blonde anyway)
I had 3 options between Auburn (low-key could work?) , blonde (nahhh she'd have looked like hisj clone xP) , and scarlet that ultimately won for me. ( and thematically one that makes most sense 🍎🩸🤧)
Nowdays you have this absolute beauty, and she's even got a pre-timeskip design! 🥰🥰🥰
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It got extremely long to show it's been 4 years....
Someone else too let me see... I feel like next ask would expand on it 😳😳
12. Were any of your older OCs revived in 2023?
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Almost. Were late 2022 to count I'd have answered with Kaguya & Kira (my secondary AOT & BNHA ocs). But that said might need to look into their cases again for this year since it's been a while and I had major steps with the others meanwhile. Like I said with Evelyn's previous blue hair,,, I'll need to do something with kaguya but still have her recognizeable BC I'm sentimental 😆 but otherwise Mia & Evelyn were the ones for the 2023 spotligh-...
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Silly me, as I type this I remember Towa during my sailor moon s1 rewatch 🤭 who underwent her third name change (kiyo in 2018 (it was from before i watched fruba i swear- )> Rei in 2019 until that point when i realized i want to insert her in the sm universe anddd can't have her share name with an already existing character xD and ber hair was brown/black. > Towa by now) .
her current characterization from what i wrote down is giving her more of a challenge with it being how she's precieved as dull and invisible for granted , being reserved and thinking it's natural and only logical. Until,,, whoops. She also reveals a more cynical curious and snarky to her.
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And also my third character attempt to ship with nephrite. Mia was first edgy attempt in 2016( or maybe I'm too harsh. I was a teen in bad place and the only person I shared with was kinda toxic about it) . Evelyn was the second in 2019,( not talking about this one because really.... nothing came there xD bbygirl underwent about 5 ships before I figured who her true love really is (🛡️🍎) I think and glad it's him 😆😆😆)
What were your biggest inspirations for developing your OCs in 2023?
Answered it here ^^ 🤧
oc wrapped: 2023 edition!
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arbitrarygreay · 7 years
Towards a PoI S5 fix-it
My personal highlight for the MW POI comments this week was that seeing Flesh And Blood, and the lead up to, illuminated for me some potential S5 fix-its. First, I was inspired by this comment from mirandawmeyer, who reviewed PoI for After Ellen:
Incredibly, I actually forgot this happened! So I was genuinely surprised at the ending, and at the exposure of Fusco's background to Carter. In general, I think I forgot how many plot threads the first season stacks up, and how quickly. Elias, HR, Snow, Donnelly, John's backstory, Finch's backstory, the mysterious hacker...and that's not even counting the main threads of the main characters' relationships to each other! They really gave themselves a lot to work with so that almos5 any case of the week can nod to one or more of these threads, which makes the season feel dense and full and not "oh yeah, after 5 filler episodes, remember that long form plot thing?" (I cough in later-season Supernatural's direction.) It also means they have a lot of interesting places to go in Season 2, with a variety of possible configurations.
In contrast, by S4, the show doesn't have enough antagonists. Not enough threads were introduced to replace the elements they had resolved by the end of S3. You've got Samaritan, you've got the Brotherhood, and that's about it, because the Elias faction stopped being an antagonist. There's no more corruption faction, because government is all tied to Samaritan, so there's not as much of that tension of anyone getting betrayed/backstabbed at the worst possible moment. In S5, you have bargain bin Root (the Voice), you have bargain bin Vigilance, you have no crime/gang plot whatsoever, no exploration of the intersection of corrupt law enforcement with the new ASI world order, and then Beale is just wasted as the instance of intelligence agencies intrigue. At that point, since we see the team defeating minor Samaritan plots over and over again, that storyline runs the risk of the antagonist feeling more and more impotent. The Brotherhood storyline is resolved in the worst way (and we have no sense of escalation with them), Elias is de-fanged and his and Bruce's stuff in season five are extra impotent, and the government is such a nonentity that the episode where the freaking president is the number feels lackluster. Batman has always been defined by his opponents, which S1 strongly lived up to, and post-S4A did not. I understand Nolan was really riding the AI themes train at this point because of Westworld, but this rewatch reminded me of how powerful the show was in the first three seasons, with just the human element. In Flesh and Blood, you've got the FBI and CIA swirling around right alongside HR and Elias. Root Path has Root, Donnelly, HR, and Zoe Morgan all colliding. Samaritan never integrated with the other storylines, so you don't get this kind of amazing convergence effect. That isolation eventually hurt the characters and storylines for both the AI and Crime plots. Rewatching Flesh and Blood pointed to some of the mechanisms they could have employed to maintain the intensity and menace of Samaritan, which exists as the show's Big Bad for about as long as HR is. In S4, the interactions between Elias and the Brotherhood aren't nearly as complex as they were between Elias and the Dons, or Elias and HR, or HR and the FBI. In S4, the crime plot has no contact with the AI or government stuff. To compare, the government stuff with Control and such was good in S3. It also had promise, like the Brotherhood storyline, through MIA in S4. And then it, like the Brotherhood storyline, suffered an undignified death in the S4 finale. It's not necessarily about having more memorable characters for each faction, either. Donnelly is the only person we remember from the FBI faction. But he doesn't only exist to chase Reese, he also interacts with HR and Elias, along with how Carter and Fusco are intertwined into those storylines. S3 Greer feels extra nefarious whenever we discover his fingers in another pie, from Rylatech to Vigilance to Senator Garrison. But once he turns things over to Samaritan, we stop seeing that interaction of storylines, and it feels like the status quo is stagnant. So, potential fix-it to the lack of storyline interactions: The S4 opener has the Brotherhood trying to take over the mesh network, indicating that they're aware of how easily they are surveilled and their technological communications are compromised, and so are trying to subvert that. Imagine if they had been the surprise dubious allies with Team Machine against Samaritan, mirroring how Elias had been the surprise dubious ally against HR! Or an episode where the team have to work with Decima agents to escape a sticky crime situation! Low-key corrupt local government officials (which would replace HR as the corruption faction) have reasons to not want the Panopticon! (exploring how moves against pork and smoky backroom deals have in some ways worsened polarization and deadlock) A lot of people have taken issue with the dropped threads from S4 to S5, clamoring for a return of more recurring characters. I don't mind that so much, and proposed fix-its shouldn't necessarily bank on that trick, either, because scheduling actors is always an unavoidable issue. See, for example, Supergirl and Floriana Lima. Or the case of Morgan Le Fay in The Librarians. And with CBS mucking with the schedule, they couldn't lock down actors early on. The DC Thornhill team roster was probably an open slate to see just who they could get, and we have the guy Nolan's working with on Westworld and Amy Acker's husband. It's a miracle we got Harper back, or Lambert, for that matter. Just looking at who they did manage to bring back for .exe makes it pretty clear that the scheduling shaped S5 in a big way. Not just for recurring characters, but the ability to recur even S5 characters. Odds are that Beale's actor is in big demand, and only had the one episode's worth of time to film. Or would we rather that S5 had tried what The Defenders did with Sigourney Weaver? I think we got the better execution, for that. Another logistical concern is that the writers who pen the episode a recurring character appears in get paid every time that character appears, even if they no longer work for a show. Since most shows get a big writer turnover around season 3/4, the production may not want to play extra to people no longer in house, and the new writers want to introduce their own potentially recurring characters instead. An old recurring character showing up decreases the chance that any character they introduce that episode will become popular. I think that fix-its that only look at Watsonian writing choices and ignoring Doylist logistical concerns can be arrogant, ascribing an unfair quality judgement on canon. It would be like complaining that a Chopped challenge dish didn't use sashimi when the required special ingredient was chicken nuggets. So if the uniformity of the Samaritan arc made it stagnate, and we can't inject life through fan favorite characters, then the solution is to get to a place where we can introduce new characters without baggage. Burn/resolve the Samaritan storyline at the end of season 4, defeating the main part of the ASI. Then, open up S5 with new stuff, like with uncertainty about TM as an ASI monopoly, the difficulties of hunting down Samaritan remnants as a metaphor for terrorism (which still allows for Shaw simulation stuff), the opened-Pandora's-Box inevitability of another ASI rising. [Here be spoilers for the TV show Nikita!] When I think about it, it would be like compressing Nikita seasons 2-4. Finish off Samaritan in the back half of S4 (like Nikita S2 finished off Division), let the first front half of S5 be akin to Nikita S3, about their attempted reconciliation but inevitable cooption in power. However, the tone of the show is such that we don't want our protagonists in power for the last stretch, they should be betrayed at the halfway point, leading to a last arc where they're back to desperate underdog status, battling to a thrilling ending climax, a la Nikita S4. You can also look at Angel S5, Leverage S5 for various ways PoI could successfully soft-reset, without compromising their competence and look at the various ways Red Vs. Blue have finagled the titular crew back to a Blood-Gulch-like setting to see how to soft-reset without necessarily spending so much money on new sets. I kinda like the idea of the end of NuWho series 6, as well, where our team become a bit too notorious, and fake their deaths in order to stop the escalations with their opponents, and get back to the ground level of saving those that others consider irrelevant.
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syn4k · 5 months
fucking love these idiots
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syn4k · 5 months
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syn4k · 4 months
[in an early s1 episode, tom mentions an event and some pictures of the event that are up on the official mianite twitter account]
me: huh. wish i could have been there to see that. it's a shame that the account has almost certainly been deleted by now. oh well can't hurt to check anyways just for fun
[i go onto twt and type @/mianite into the search bar. joined may 2014. its still there.]
[eyebrow raised, i go into the photos and scroll all the way back]
[They're still there.]
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holy shit.
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syn4k · 4 months
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oh yeah i completely fucking forgot that they recreated The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo inside the Mianite temple. god this fucking series is insane dude
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syn4k · 2 months
[Video transcript:
Jordan: Good god.
Tom: You guys don't know me- You guys know me as Syndicate, the Dianite. Beast. But what you guys don't me know me as is the ninja motherfucking awesomeness.
Tucker: ...What?
/End transcript.]
he really just Says Shit doesnt he. im obsessed
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syn4k · 6 months
tom syndicate is a horsegirl
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syn4k · 3 months
tom, jumping off of a 50+ block tall wall with no armor: wonder if i'll survive this
<SynHD fell from a high place>
tom: oh for fuck's sake
babygirl what were you expecting
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syn4k · 18 days
these chickens are all named shit like "HELP ME" and "I REPENT MY SINS" like. come on man. it was perfectly fine poultry. look at them! theyve got catholic guilt!
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syn4k · 6 months
and of course the constant killing and stealing of items is normal for mid 2010s minecraft gameplay like youd expect it by now but it also creates this expectation that you have to always watch your back. you can never fully trust anyone because it might just be a play by them to get you to let your guard down and take everything you have again. in a world where everyone is holding the gun to each other's heads intimacy is the most valuable currency <- deranged
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syn4k · 4 months
pros of watching mianite at 5am:
cons of watching mianite at 5am:
i cant laugh at a funny thing that just happened because everybody else in the house is asleep and itd wake them up
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syn4k · 4 months
the mental gymnastics this man is currently engaging in to justify theft could win him a gold metal at the olympics
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syn4k · 6 months
i keep thinking back to something jordan said during s2, that tom's loyalties lie in the name of dianite instead of the god itself. even at the start with the distrust of the original two champions being capitalized upon and exploited by the gods, tom was only looking out for himself and was only loyal out of fear. the thing about that though is that to put yourself first especially under pressure is that you have to kick everyone else down the ladder.
i have officially gone past the point of no return, folks. I am doing an acrobatic fucking pirouette off of the handle directly into the deep end.
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syn4k · 4 months
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happy almost 10 years to the typo that made us start permanently saying "attacketed" out loud instead of "attacked"
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