misswoozi · 2 years
Are you still doing the ship game? I would like to hear what SFW and NSFW you have for Yeri/Key
yes let's do it
SFW favorites:
jogging / exercising together
long walks with the dogs
K-drama binges with takeout chicken
NSFW favorites:
threesomes (MMF)
breeding kink
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radio-nowhere · 10 months
It really is just one thing after another, around these parts.
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mehilaiselokuva · 11 months
Finnish vocab: pyhäinpäivä & kekri
Pyhäinpäivä - All Saints’ day Muistopäivä - Day of remembrance Pyhimys - saint Marttyyri . martyr Vainaja - dead person Muualla lepäävä - “laying elsewhere” someone who is buried in another graveyard Kaatunut - “fallen” dead Nukkua pois - “to sleep away” to die Poisnukkunut - “the one who slept away” dead person
Kekri / keyri / köyri / köyry / kööri Kiertää kekriä - “to go around the kekri” - dressing up with masks resembling the dead and clothes the wrong way around. After that going door to door to demand to get in and be served with a party/food. (If you refuse, they break your oven…) Sadonkorjuu - Harvest Kekripyörykkä - meatballs with greens incorporated (no exact recipe, varied by town) Naurislyhty, kitupiikki - a turnip lantern that didn’t light the room very well (hence the name) Kekri was also the name of a god of fertility. Kekri was banned by the church in the 1700s.
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kominfyrirkattarnef · 2 months
lögreglan orðin 30% meiri cringe með því að nota teslur
Nei for real. Vona að þau keyri út í sjó og festist þarna inni. Heimskasta hugmynd sem að þau hafa fengið nýlega
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niuniente · 2 years
I noticed you mentioned in another post that in Finland you celebrate a holiday called Kekri. I was wondering what kind of celebration that is (I’m American, I apologize😅).
Kekri is original Finnish New Year. This is what Taivaannaula organization, which tries to keep old traditions alive, tells about Kekri (translation by me):
Kekri (also known as köyri, köyry, keyri ja keuri) was the biggest celebration of the year. It names comes from Finn-Ugric word kekraj meaning a wheel or a cycle. Kekri was the last day of the harvest season and the first day of the new year. Field work has been completed bt Kekri and cattle had returned in their winter shelters from outdoors. It was time to enjoy the harvest, prepare the good luck and fertility for the nest year, and remember the passed loved ones and ancestors. Many Kekri traditions have moved to Christmas celebrations in modern day Finland.
Kekri was celebrated on 1st of November. Magic was strongly present in form of spells in Kekri. The spells were used to secure good harvest for next year, to protect cattle, sheep and horses. Main part of Kekri celebration was a sacrificial sheep because meat was available very rarely. The sheep was sacrificed at night for the many Guardians of Animals, and the sheep's bones were taken for example to sheep's shed for good luck. On Kekri, all animals were fed with the best possible food and the master of each household fed his own horses instead of servants.
Everyone aimed to finish their daily tasks as early as possible on Kekri day. The household needed to wake up really early to warm up the house which promised that the next year would be lively. The person who woke up the last was called "köyri". In the early morning women prepared flat bread, meat, fish, viili sour thick yogurt, milk and talkkuna (finely milled flour mixture). Later on the day a stew was made from potatoes, meat and sausage. During the day people took small taste sips from booze and beer made just for Kekri. All Kekri food was first taken to haltijas (haltija: a residing spirit of a certain place), to the sacred tree and to the sacred stone. Only after this were people allowed to eat.
During Kekri everyone should be offered food, no matter where they your own family, neighbors or strangers. In some areas, Kekri was a celebration meant only for the household and no outsiders were welcomed. However, being generous blessed the house with good luck. The food has to be eaten 9 times during the day and it had to be left on the table. To make sure the crops would grow well next year, the master of the house had to slowly get drunk during the day. However, the person who would sow the crops was not allowed to get drunk, otherwise the crops wouldn't grow next year because of the bad luck.
During Kekri, children dressed up in Köyrimörkö monsters and went from house to house. The scarier version of this was Köyripukki monsters, grown up men dressed up in animal hides turned upside down. They demanded food and booze from households. If they were denied their requests, the Köyripukki would start to break the house's oven. The peace was usually always found and the visitors would entertain the household with games and dances.
Ancestors were on the move in Kekri. Sauna with warm water, vasta birch branches, soap and towels was warmed and prepared for the spirits (including the spirits living in forests and houses). When the spirit had bathed, the people were allowed to bathe. As the people bathed, a table full of food was left for the spirits so that they could eat in peace while the people were in sauna.
Here are people from Taivaannaula organization enjoying this year's Kekri dinner, a bit early. There's an altar for ancestors with sacrifices for them, too.
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torillatavataan · 2 years
Kekristä on mainintoja yli viiden sadan vuoden takaa, mutta sanan alkuperästä ei ole varmuutta. Agricola mainitsee kekrin karjalaisten palvomien jumalien joukossa, ja karjansuojelijana kekri tunnetaan monissa myöhemmissäkin kirjoituksissa. Kansan parista tehdyistä muistiinpanoista näkyy, että kekrin päivän vietto on liittynyt monella tapaa maanviljelykseen ja satokauden päättymiseen. Se on ollut toisaalta työnjuhla, toisaalta sadonjuhla, ja sen sijoittuminen kalenteriin on vaihdellut syyskesästä myöhäissyksyyn − sääolosuhteista ym. riippuen. Viimeistään 1800-luvulla kekri alkoi joillain tavoin liittyä myös vainajienjuhlaan, ja sen vietto siirtyi marraskuun 1. päivään. Nykyisin nimitämme päivää pyhäinpäiväksi, ja Suomessa se sijoittuu loka-marraskuun taitteeseen (31.10.−6.11.) sattuvaan lauantaihin.
Suomalaisessa maalaisyhteisössä kekri (keyri, köyri, köyry) oli tärkeä päivä 1800-luvulta aina 1900-luvun alkupuolelle: sato oli korjattu ja alkoi palvelusväen vapaaviikko, siis oikeastaan vuosiloma. Silloin piiat ja rengit saattoivat mennä lapsuudenkotiinsa, tai mikäli sellaista ei ollut, jäädä talon viettämään vapaa-aikaa. Talo antoi kummassakin tapaukseessa ruoan loma-ajaksi. Kekrinä oli mahdollisuus myös vaihtaa taloa, tai jos ei vielä ollut palveluspaikassa, hankkia sellainen. Syksyllä, usein Mikon päivän seutuun, oli tapana pitää pestuupäiviä tai pestuumarkkinoita, joilta talolliset hankkivat palkollisia seuraavaksi vuodeksi. Työsuhde alkoi marraskuussa, ja pestipiika tai -renki palkattiin koko vuodeksi. Pestatulle annettin kaupan vahvistukseksi pestiraha. Pestiraha kuului palkolliselle tietysti myös silloin, kun hän jatkoi samassa paikassa, pestautui myös seuraavaksi vuodeksi.
Palvelusvuoden aikana ei piioille enempää kuin rengeillekään vapaata juuri herunut, eikä heillä liioin ollut aikaa tehdä omia töitään. Vapaaviikolla oli toisin. Vapaaviikon merkitys on nähtävissä myös siitä, kuinka monenlaisia nimityksiä siitä voidaan käyttää. Edellisten lisäksi niitä ovat mm. itseviikko; mikkoviikko; omaviikko; pyhämistöviikko, pyhäinpäiväviikko; päänpitoviikko; runtuviikko; santtiviikko; savipäivät; vapaaviikko; vuoroviikko ja väliviikko.
Suunnilleen samaan ajankohtaan kekrin ja pyhäinpäivän kanssa sijoittuu kolmaskin vanha tärkeä päivä, ”oravan päivä”. Aikoinaan orava on ollut Suomessa nykyistä arvostetumpi eläin ja oravannahka sekä vientiartikkeli että arvonmitta. Vaikka ”oravan päivä” onkin osunut kekriin, ei sillä kuitenkaan ole mitään tekemistä syksyisten juhlapäivien kanssa.
Lue Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen koko artikkeli
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lastconcourse · 2 years
Halloween: Basement, bedroom:
half-overcast sky, windows somewhat alight with sun
an alive white Stove rolls in: Its burners lift and drift to its low sides,
mount, uncoil and re-wrap to make four wheel-rims.
Rain on a skylight glass: the wet window is a scalp
Gypsum boxes and corners are the walls of a skull.
Wheelstove: I miss cooking you lunch,
your basement was our rib cage
….my hands feel useless…
I can’t find our lungs.
A clothing rack on tank treads drives in. It stops, and speaks:
“You never want to wear the gifts I get you”
A microwave turns into a gondola on a burlap airship. It hovers and replies:
“I made him dinner; he won’t even touch one plate of what’s leftover….
So ungrateful.”
Hallway more brightly lit;
new knowing of losses+Time’s flight
Thinking forwards from the dirt diamond by a gas station
craftsman siding is the skin on timber cheekbones.
Wheelstove: Make my longing travel:
from low in the angry left corner, toward far up as a balloon fish in the top right sky.
As for now;
I just was, and will again be alone,
cooking a memory in our rib cage.
A disk of dim sunlight on my Autumn;
the cloudcast sky; a gray crystal dome
is a VTOL craft with a gantry
and two large parenthesis for clamps
and it floats over the proscenium arch,
its steel propellers turning through noonlight rain:
That’s the Sunlightfog arriving.
Bed frame is the rib bones; window drapes the torso skin
The fogged window is an unclean jacket
Wheelstove: soul + pictures encased are
shot out the bell of a glass musket into ↑ orbit ←
That for them. But for me? Should I, that? should I even think
that I in the Heavens should forgiven be? I look out the window—
Sunlightfog: I’m ease of mind. I’m peace which drifts foreverywhere
Wheelstove: One who can’t be killed?
Seven years back, one side of the mattress burned
and the burnt leftovers froze.
Now three ungloved hands pick up
pieces; of the crumblechank of ice + crumble of roasted wool
,and unload them in a trough of carbon fluid, at downstage middle;
brown flurry, slowly drips through a factory.
Now the stove acts by remembering:
one cold hand flips a toggle on the console of the Anatomy-Arranger:
Sheetfoam+ash+springs melt, flow, harden into beams
and are welded bolted and wrenched together as bones, with muscle,
and drinking-straw tendons.
A robotic duck with a chainsaw head walks in and fells an oak tree,
The tree trunk is stripped barkless, halved, and carved into a duo of legs that stomp on the porch.
A soda can opens like a barnacle, and tapemeasure-tendrils wave out.
“that was the last drink, I am so thirsty, you couldn’t save some for me?”
A suitcase opens like a clam. A tongue made out of an exercise band ejects a greasy steel block which goes high to the left, and impacts the airship: Now the Airship bursts and crashes to the floor.
“I am….popped”
Car Keys+Diploma+Portrait+Toolbox+Keycard+Tombstone
personal items are all melted/mixed→crumpled→flooded with Sunlight,
poured in a bubble-shell which is then released to swim upward; so
records of identity become a jellyfish big as the day sky
over the big stage floor: ↓
Rusted Keys+ID photo+Birth Certificate+Razor+Backpack+Shoes ↓
Rustad Keyis ID Phorta Binth Certofecate Razop Bapacker Shoesar ↓
Ruystald Keyris g’ID Phortans bingth Cero’fecalle ba’padder Sho-seart ↓
cruystald kteynris ogi-Ortans Bwingths cepro’fepelle bar-pudder s-Hseart ↓
cruystal k-Tenrils oi-orgtans Wingths ePro’fepeller baRudder H’seart
Crystal Tendril Organs Wings Propeller Rudder Heart
This Soul-Shield/Heaven-Enterer is now
Shot through a green glass pistol from the past, through Earth’s present orbit, then past Time itself.
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deandacosta · 10 months
Keyri EchoGuard https://t.co/a193KihfHg
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enterprisewired · 1 year
5 Best Highest Capacity USB Flash Drives in the World
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Data has become an integral part of both our personal and professional lives in today’s digital world. We rely on it for everything from professional responsibilities and happiness to keeping in touch with loved ones. As the value of data grows, USB flash drives have emerged as indispensable instruments for storing and transmitting our important digital assets.
These tiny devices have transformed the way we manage our data, providing pocket-size solutions that are both versatile and portable as well. Whether you are a student, professional, or just someone who values your data or memories, USB drives are essential devices for your daily routines. However, as our data storage needs grow dramatically, so does our demand for flash drives with expanding capacity.
Let’s check out the 5 highest-capacity USB flash drives in the market today, ensuring you have enough storage space to meet your evolving digital demands.
 1. SanDisk Extreme Pro 2TB
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When it comes to USB flash drives, SanDisk is a name you can trust. The SanDisk Extreme Pro 2TB USB flash drive is a powerhouse in terms of storage capacity and performance. With a massive 2 terabytes of storage, it can hold an immeasurable amount of data, including photos, videos, documents, and more.
One of the standout features of this USB flash drive is its lightning-fast data transfer speed. It utilizes USB 3.1 Gen 2 technology, which allows for read speeds of up to 420MB/s and write speeds of up to 380MB/s. This means you can transfer large files in a matter of seconds.
The SanDisk Extreme Pro also features a durable aluminum metal casing to protect your data from physical damage. It’s also compatible with both USB-A and USB-C ports, making it versatile and easy to use with a wide range of devices.
2. Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate GT 2TB
Kingston is another trusted name in the world of USB flash drives, and their DataTraveler Ultimate GT 2TB thumb drive lives up to its reputation. With a whopping 2 terabytes of storage, it’s ideal for professionals and content creators who need to carry large files on the go.
This data storage drive features USB 3.1 Gen 1 technology, providing fast read and write speeds. It also boasts a sleek zinc alloy metal casing that’s not only durable but also stylish. What sets the Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate GT apart is its compact design. Despite its massive storage capacity, it’s small enough to fit in your pocket, making it highly portable and convenient.
 3. Samsung BAR Plus 256GB
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While the previous two options offer enormous storage capacities, not everyone needs that level of space. If you’re looking for a high-quality data drive with a more reasonable capacity, the Samsung BAR Plus 256GB is an excellent choice.
With 256 gigabytes of storage, this USB flash drive strikes a balance between capacity and portability. It’s perfect for those who need a reliable and fast drive for everyday use. The Samsung BAR Plus features USB 3.1 technology for quick data transfers, and it’s backward compatible with USB 2.0 for added versatility.
The drive’s durable metal casing can withstand everyday wear and tear, and the included keying attachment makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go. It’s also water-resistant, giving you added peace of mind for your data’s safety.
 4. Kingston Digital 64GB DataTraveler Elite G2
For users who prioritize speed and reliability over storage capacity, the Kingston Digital DataTraveler Elite G2 offers a great combination of performance and affordability. This USB flash drive comes with 64 gigabytes of storage, which is sufficient for most everyday needs.
What sets the DataTraveler Elite G2 apart is its USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface, delivering impressive read speeds of up to 180MB/s and write speeds of up to 70MB/s. This makes it an excellent choice for quickly transferring files, including large media files and documents. The drive is designed with a durable metal casing and a keyring attachment for easy portability. Kingston’s reputation for quality and reliability ensures that your data will be safe and secure.
5. PNY turbo 32GB
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Sometimes we need a good amount of storage but we don’t want to spend that much. PNY turbo 32GB is the best choice. A need for a basic flash drive for everyday use will be fulfilled with this budget-friendly device. It may not have the massive storage capacity of some other options on this list, still offers enough storage space for your essential files.
The PNY Turbo features a USB 3.0 interface, providing decent data transfer speeds for its price range. With read speeds of up to 100MB/s and write speeds of up to 20MB/s, it’s suitable for tasks like storing documents, music, and photos.
This is one of the USB flash drives that has a simple and compact design, making it easy to carry in your pocket or attach to your keying. It’s a reliable and affordable option for users who don’t need vast amounts of storage.
All the above USB flash drives we’ve explored in this article are not just pieces of technology; they are your digital companions, your storage lifelines. They offer you the convenience of carrying your digital world in your pocket, ready to be accessed whenever and wherever you need it.
Having a flash drive that can easily hold your large collection of high-definition movies, your ever-expanding music playlist, or your growing collection of vital data. These high-capacity drives create a sense of independence in a constantly evolving digital world.
Whether you’re a professional in need of a dependable and portable drive for work tasks, a creative enthusiast looking for a way to store media files, or simply someone who wants to keep their digital memories close at hand, there’s a USB flash drive on this list that will meet the requirements you have.
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blancagroo · 1 year
Debo confesar que me sentí como pendeja al creer que tus tuits aún eran para mi, hasta que neta descubrí que ya no JAJA
Keyris siempre será MI bebé besucona y está cool que rehagas tu vida, te deseo lo mejor hoy, mañana y siempre.
Probablemente mañana me arrepienta de escribir todo esto, pero la neta en este momento y ayer en el concierto sentí mil emociones donde todas terminaban en irte a buscar. QUE BUENO QUE NO LO HICE. 🤡
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unleashed-passion · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jack & The Cuckoo Clock heart keyri g or chain.
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riotgrrrlhole · 2 years
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I have this autistic girl called Keyri and i have been in language therapy with her since I started doing practices with my mom (first she was her patient ) she was two years old and was non speaking and years have gone by she is six and speaks through echolalia and 4 or 3 elements sentences and plays the piano and all instruments she can find , she used to want me to draw her doing different things like jumping , dancing , sleeping.
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radio-nowhere · 10 months
We're having a bit of in-fighting on the Station (my first mate is attempting to convince me to do "self-care", whatever that is), but nevertheless I am here to throw some more music into the starry void for all my dear listeners.
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webanditnews · 2 years
Keyri Now Integrates With Ping Identity’s DaVinci to Deliver a Unique Passwordless Customer Authentication Experience
Keyri Now Integrates With Ping Identity’s DaVinci to Deliver a Unique Passwordless Customer Authentication Experience
Keyri, the QR code-based passwordless authentication provider, announced a new integration with Ping Identity (NYSE: PING), the intelligent identity solution for the enterprise, leveraging PingOne DaVinci, a no-code identity orchestration service. The partnership will allow Ping Identity customers to transform their login experience into a one-step biometrics-based process, enabling a seamless…
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anirobot · 3 years
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aro-lin · 4 years
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Finally got around to Keyri’s ref! Their gradient extras were hard to figure out, but here they are :] I made their gradient/palette more creamy since it looked nicer. I was gonna add more info but it was gonna overcrowd the ref ALKDFJASDKFS
The dude next to Keyri in the bottom right is Ray (any pronouns), the protag of the fanpoint story they’re from! Together, they make one (1) whole braincell!
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