#key west hop-on hop-off bus
July 22nd, 2024 星期一 - NCCU tour, Taipei Zoo, Teahouse in the Mountains
This morning I was so extremely tired so I woke up around 8:45 am and got ready to go to a nearby bakery for breakfast. I sped over there and ended up buying a ham and Swiss croissant and a walnut cinnamon bun thingy. They were pretty tasty and fairly cheap. I then met up with my class and we headed out on a (non-party) bus to visit NCCU, our professor’s alma matter hehe. It was definitely a long drive there but I just ate my pastries on the way. I carried my new water bottle with me all day but quite literally never filled it up 😭
Our first stop at the university was the international dorm, where we were greeted by some of the buildings staff. I lived in the international dorm back when I was a freshman so it was interesting to see what theirs looked like. It was a seven floor building that included both single and double rooms. The size of the single room we toured was at least twice that of the ones at UF. The rooms also had a balcony, its own bedding, and a fairly large mini fridge.
Next we toured the common area which was pretty large BUT lacked a real stove or oven. It was also pretty interesting that there were little cards everywhere with the Chinese name and pinyin of random items such as the fridge and fire extinguisher. The NCCU representative told us that the building is 90% international students and 10% Taiwanese students, which is definitely more than the 60% American students to 40% international students at UF. But I guess having less Taiwanese students gives more space for international students to have housing. The representative also mentioned that a lot of the visiting students are finance majors.
After this, we headed to view the different study spaces around the building before hopping in the bus off to our next tour stop. We ended up at the Dah Hsien Seetoo library, which was donated in 2018 by the former MBA students of NCCU professor Dah Hsien Seetoo. The library was very nice and modern inside, although the temperature was abnormally warm. We toured around the different floors and viewed spaces such as the study rooms and the maker space. Something I found interesting about the study rooms (for undergrads) is that instead of having individual spaces in a room, it was different cubicles you could reserve. For example, one room would have spots ABCDEF, and you would reserve seat D to study. For graduate students, however, there were also designated study spaces that they had the key to for whatever period of time. There is also something like that at UF in Library West, though less modern of course. In the maker space, there were multiple types of 3D printers, an engraver, and a heat press. All machines are free to use and long as you bring your own graphic or AI file to send to the machines.
At the end we visited a famous cafe in the bottom floor of the library. Some students got coffee and deserts but I was more interested in watching the ducks that lived in a little house outside by the nearby pond. There weren’t out when we first got there but later they came out and swam around. I went to the shore of the pond a few times to look at them better and they came onto the bank to play in the bushes. After the coffee shop, we headed out to NCCU’s version of University Blvd, a street with a lot of restaurants and boba shops. Some classmates and I decided on a dumpling shop down the street. I got pork and veggie potstickers, Korean style potstickers, and a pork and veggie wonton noddle soup. After lunch, we walked around for a bit and our professor bought us ice cream (<3) since it was so hot. I also ended up buying a passion fruit tea with coconut jelly.
We then headed to the zoo. It was a very very large zoo, it had a tram to take from one side to the other. We first viewed the kolas and pandas as a group. The kolas were so cute and fully. They looked very sleepy which I resonate with HEAVY. At first we couldn’t see much of the pandas, but after the zookeepers brought out their lunch, they were visible. They were so cute and large and fluffy. They almost looked fake haha. I visited the upstairs gift shop of the panda exhibit and bought a fairly good quality canvas tote bag with a drawn map of Taipei on it. Next, we took the tram to the reptile exhibit. There were more turtles and tortoises in this zoo than I think I’ve ever seen in my life. We explored several other exhibits afterwards— including the penguins, giraffes, elephants, sun bears, zebras, mandarin ducks, and Pygmy hippos. Something interesting about this zoo was the insane amount of food options. I feel like zoos in the U.S. barely have food places, and if they do, it’s super overpriced. At the end, we met with the rest of the class at the main gift shop. I folded last minute a bought a cute turtle keychain and a capybara with a turtle backpack (I might like turtles idk).
Next we took some group pictures outside before heading in the bus up a mountain to go to a famous teahouse. We got to experience the tea ceremony with jasmine tea (hehe) and I ordered some soy sauce braised chicken wings and a bowl of rice as a snack. After eating, I walked around outside and watched my classmates search for a large stick to beat up a spider so they could go down a path to cross a bridge to get closer to the nearby waterfall. There were some crazy mosquitos out there but thankfully our professor lent us mosquito spray when we had first got off the bus. I pet a very talkative orange cat while I was walking around outside (the cats in Taiwan so far tend got be so talkative). Eventually we did the drive home, where I showered, and then met with some of my classmates to get Indian food.
Academic Reflection
Taiwan Zoo was originally just the privately owned zoo of a Japanese man in the northern part of Taipei City. After just a year, the then Japanese government of Taiwan bought the land and turned it into a public park called the Maruyama Zoo (Maruyama is now called Yuanshan). After World War 2, the park was taken over by the ROC Taipei City government. One of the most popular animals was Lin Wang, an Asian elephant that worked during the second Sino-Japanese and relocated with the Kuomintang. He was the most popular animal until the zoo received 2 pandas from Mainland China.
In 1973 they made plans to build a modern zoo and after thirteen years, the original zoo in Yuanshan was closed and a new zoo in the southern part of Taipei was opened on New Year’s Day. The location was moved to accommodate more animals and give more space for the both the recreation and research sides to function. The new Taiwan Zoo is now one of the largest zoos in Asia, and focuses on the conservation and research of animals and insects. Something unique about this zoo is the Formosa animal area, where zoo visitors can see native Taiwanese animals such as Eurasian otters, Pangolins, and sika deer.
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transuncletaylor · 10 months
Gather around, it's time for my Christmas/Holiday story or how I got very lost in Seoul cause I'm a dumbass. (I'm gonna use she/her when referring to myself cause I was identifying as a woman then)
Picture it, it's December 2009 in Seoul, South Korea. Ya girl Taylor has been in the city for about two weeks at this point and the first time I had been to Korea. My sister was an English teacher at a hagwon (after school program) and I largely spent the afternoon and evenings exploring the city while she was at work.
Now before we delve into the meat of the story, there are a few things we need to establish. One, I can read the Korean alphabet and speak a little, just enough to get around. Two, I did not have a smartphone because it's 2009 and they weren't really a thing yet. Three, my sister had written down in my notebook her address, her phone number, her work number, all sorts of important info and key phrases.
So skip to December 24th, it's Christmas Eve and it's cold as fuck and it snowed a little that day. I had lunch with my sister, I think we had gone to a sushi buffet place I think. One of things I had planned to do that day was go to this live taping at a radio station that a few members of Super Junior were going to be at. I told my sister where I was going and what time to expect me back that evening.
We part ways and I go about doing who knows what because the radio show wasn't until like 9pm. Before we continue, I think we'll need a map real quick. My sister lived in Mapo-gu, worked in I can't remember but towards the west, and the radio station was at KBS On at Yeouido Island. Note the Han River cuts the city in half.
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My 20 year old self did not have a cellphone actually either, well I had one but I just couldn't use it in Korea. I go on my way and that evening I head over to KBS. I get there, got a little lost where the viewing area was and saw a kpop star, from Beast/Highlight in the wild. But I find the viewing area and I'm just living my best kpop girlie life. (In another post we'll talk about how I had dinner with Yesung from Super Junior's parents)
After a while it's getting late and I know I need to head back because the buses and subways were shutting down early. I head back to the main bus area on the island and find the bus number I needed and hop on, grateful for the warmth. The bus starts going and I just have my headphones on listening to my iPod nano.
So my sister lives on the other side of the river right? I have to cross the river which is wide as fuck and I notice after maybe 30 minutes that we haven't crossed the river yet. At first I thought I might have just zoned out and started paying attention more. But none of the stops sounded familiar to me and nothing was looking like Hongdae, which is where I was going to get off.
Dumbass moment number one was I waited about another 15 minutes before I realized I might have made a mistake. I go up to the bus driver and ask about my stop and he slaps his hands on the wheels and curses a bit. But other than that, I couldn't understand what he was saying. A kind older gentleman rider came up and translated for me and that's when I found out I had the correct bus number but instead of inbound, I went outbound.
Just stay on the bus right? It'll head in the other direction? No. That was the last bus of the night.
The kind gentleman took me to his stop and I followed like a lost duckling and luckily for me he brought me to a police station. So just imagine me, a dumb 20 year old white girl in South Korean police station, there's limited communication and I'm scared and feeling like a giant idiot for getting lost and now bothering these two police officers with my dumbassery.
Surely it can't get worse, Taylor. You have your sister's number, you can just call her and probably get a cab.
Yeah, you would think, but this is me we're talking about, my dumbassery is limitless. I was born a himbo before I even knew it. So you remember that notebook I had with all of that contact information and address? Yeah, I left that at the apartment. I didn't know what her number was much less her street address. I could point it out on a map though so that was close enough.
That's not all though, I didn't have any cash on me and there wasn't Venmo or cashapp these days and debt cards/credit cards didn't often work at a lot of places abroad. I had already spent the cash I had on me that day and so the police officer takes me next door to pull cash at the ATM in the 7-11. Except that ATM doesn't accept my card.
We go back to the police station and they call a taxi company to see if they would take me but without cash and an exact address or a phone number, they say no. They think I will just run out on the tab and the drive was going to be far.
At this point, I have no money, no prospects, and scared. Oh and no way to contact my sister to let her know where I was and that I was okay. What am I going to do now? Take a nap on the leather couch in the police station, of course. I am given a Krispy Kreme donut and a space heater and I just knock out a few hours until 6am when the buses start running again.
The police wave down the bus and explain to the bus driver about the dumb dumb foreigner who got lost and how she needs to get to Hongdae. Actually, I don't even think I had enough money on my bus card but uhhhh, yeah I think people were tired of my shit at this point. So I'm seated on the bus, nice and cozy and... I fall asleep.
I'm woken up later by someone nudging me and everyone on the bus staring at me because the bus driver is trying to get my attention over the intercom. We had made it to Hongdae and goddamn, I feel so bad for the people involved in this because I was such a fucking idiot. Thank you to everyone who had helped me that night and I hope each of them are doing well now.
I get off the bus and start walking back to my sister's apartment and it's about a 30 minute walk. I get back to her place, punch in the numbers into the keypad on her front door and walk in. And it goes like:
Leah, out of sight in her loft bed area: ...Taylor?
Me, at the front door: ...hiiiiiiiiiiiii sister
She comes running down and nearly squeezed me in half from the tightest hug I had ever received. There are tears going down both of our faces and yeah, like she's a 24 year old whose little sister was missing in a big city in a country far far from home. After making sure I was real and not hurt, I told her about my wild adventure and where I was and why I didn't call.
Now what was she up to while I was a toasty little cinnamon roll fast asleep on a couch in a police station? She had gotten home around 11pm from work and waited until midnight for me to return. When I wasn't back by then, she started to get nervous and around 1am she called our mother to say that she thinks I'm missing.
They both then go into action. My sister calls the police and through her tears explains that her little sister hasn't come home and she doesn't know where I am. She gives them my description and two of them show up at her apartment to get a photo of me. From what I was told, that was sent around to police stations and the hospitals were alerted to be on the look out for a white girl with my description.
So end of story right? I'm back home, the police and embassy are told about my return and cancelled the alert. Everything is fine and it's Christmas Day, so let's open presents and eat some tasty food and be merry. Taylor, what else could happen that day? Taylor... Taylor, why aren't you saying the end? Taylor, please. Please, how far does your dumbassery go?
My mother had called the US embassy and told them about my disappearance and so like, plenty of people are looking for my lost dumb ass. But Taylor, weren't you in a police station? Wouldn't they have gotten the alert and replied back that they had you? Good point, but you see, I was not in Seoul at this point. I had sat my ass on that bus long enough that I ended up in Anyang. I tried putting a second map to this post, but Tumblr keeps fucking up and not saving it, so please look at your map app for Anyang.
My mother also thinks I've been kidnapped and sent to North Korea and is just blasting all over Facebook about me missing.
Leah still has to go to work that day, so she gets a short nap in, we'll do presents when she gets home that evening. She's not having to work a whole day, so she'll be home early. I plan on staying at the apartment, though I do venture out to the store to get some groceries for Christmas dinner. An ajumma gave me a wrapped gift on the way back and it was a cute pair of socks and an info slip about the local neighborhood church. I think I still have those socks.
While she was at work, I started cooking which is never a good idea because I have made the fire alarm go off by boiling water. In my luggage, I brought a toaster oven that was my mother's Christmas gift to Leah and a plug converter. I plugged it in, but my dumbass did it wrong cause when I turned it on, I blew a fuse in her apartment. However, I made dinner and she came home and we opened gifts and watched movies.
The End.
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deepergrooves · 1 year
93 ’til infinity and beyond
Hip hop royalty celebrate 30 years of their iconic 93 ’til infinity album at the Hollywood Theatre - Post by Mark Lynch (aka Linchi)
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Earlier this month I hobbled along to the Souls of Mischief gig at the iconic Hollywood Theatre on West Broadway having spotted the name of the cali hip hop group in lights on the retro cinema sign above the ticketing desk. I’d recently arrived in Vancouver, so this felt like the shot of nostalgia I needed, and having injured my knee during a close encounter with the Skytrain escalator the previous Saturday, I needed all the disseshowedo dopamine I could get.
After spotting the sign I scoured the internet for tickets only to be disappointed to find out both shows were sold out so I made a mental note to check in on the way back from beers in the city to see if I could cop a late ticket on the door. After a couple of pints in the hazy sunshine at R&B brewing I jumped on the 99 towards Kitsilano. I made a quick exit from the back of the bus, wadded through wafts of smoke and approached the doorman who agreed to let me in at face value. I grabbed a pint of lager and made my way to the front.
93 dates from 93 ‘til
Souls of Mischief embarked on a 93 date world tour in February of this year starting in their home of California before hitting the UK, Europe and a host of cities across the US. The jazz infused, tribe affiliated quartet of Opio, A-Plus, Phesto and Tajai burst onto the stage clad head to toe in matte black tour merch jackets and bucket hats to a warm and admirative reception with some of the more hardcore fans holding vinyl copies of 93 til’ joyously aloft.  
After 30 years, and 74 of 93 gigs this year alone, the group showed no signs of fatigue as they energetically blazed through their uniquely laidback but punchy discography to a backdrop of trippy crawling visuals. The set was polished, engaging and packed with plenty of heart, humour and tales from 3 decades of grateful service to hip hop. The song selection and performance was tight, kicking off with 93 ‘til opener Let ‘Em Know and sliding between 93 ‘til classics and occasional back catalogue indulgences that included numbers from guests in attendance who were charmingly introduced and celebrated. 
On numerous occasions I promised myself (and my knee) that I would stop bopping in the Hollywood theatres steep and sticky pit and take a seat in the cinema seats flanking the crowd but that never happened. I thought that as someone aware of the Souls of Mischief's influence, but only really familiar with their seminal album, there would be a lot of unfamiliar territory and dips through the evening but it was a testament to the groups stage presence and personality that as the show went on it became even more engrossing. 
Hieroglyphic history lesson
About halfway through the night we were given a brief history of the roots of the ‘Hieroglyphics’, an underground hip hop collective made up of the Souls of Mischief and other Oakland acts including Casual and Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, who A-Plus briefly teased was tonight's special guest - causing a collective gasp before revealing it was a rouse. The group called out key contributors and gave hieroglyphic hand signs before A-Plus led some crowd participation for ‘Batting Practice’ with the chorus ‘It’s like this y’all, it’s like that y’all, I swing a hieroglyphic baseball bat y’all’.
‘What a way to go out’
Looking around, the crowd were getting loose, but spirits were kept alive by the crews DJ who followed in the educational theme by mixing a medley of hip hop classics from Grandmaster Flash to KRS-One before a final scratch dropped in ‘93’ til infinity’ sending the crowd wild and teeing the Souls of Mischief up to use their hieroglyphic baseball bats to smash it out of the park. The group ended by graciously thanking everyone who has contributed to their story including the Vancouver crowd, the Hollywood Theatre staff and anyone who has enjoyed their music from those listening back in 93 to those born in 93. 
After the final shout outs I made my way out and limped home with a full heart, reflecting on a night of homage to 30 years of the Souls of Mischief, 50 years of hip hop and a lifetime of gratitude from fans across the globe to an iconic group who created a song, an album and a cultural movement that has lasted the test of time, from 93 ‘til infinity.
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visitmiamitours · 1 year
Island Paradise Awaits: Key West Sightseeing Tours You Can't Miss
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Have you ever dreamt of escaping the bustling city life and embarking on a journey to a tropical paradise? Picture yourself on one of our Key West sightseeing tours, where azure waters meet the horizon, swaying palm trees create a soothing rhythm, and a laid-back atmosphere instantly puts you at ease. We're here to turn that dream into reality with the Miami to Key West Bus One-Day Tour! Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure that promises breathtaking sights, unforgettable experiences, and the chance to explore Key West at your own pace.
Journey Beyond the Ordinary: Exploring Miami's Treasures
Your adventure begins as you hop aboard our guided bus tour in the heart of Miami. We'll take you on an immersive journey through this vibrant city, uncovering its hidden gems and iconic landmarks. From the colorful streets of Little Havana to the glitzy Art Deco District, you'll soak in the rich culture and history that make Miami truly unique.
Scenic Drive to Paradise: The Overseas Highway
As the cityscape transitions into breathtaking coastal vistas, you'll board our comfortable bus for a scenic drive down the world-famous Overseas Highway. Get ready to be mesmerized by the crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys, as you cross the iconic Seven Mile Bridge, a marvel of engineering that stretches over turquoise waters.
Fueling Your Adventure: A Delicious Breakfast Enroute
The journey to Key West is as delightful as the destination itself. We've got your appetite covered with a stop for breakfast at a local restaurant in Key Largo. Savor the flavors of the Keys and energize yourself for the adventures that lie ahead.
Key West Unveiled: Your Time to Explore
As you step foot in Key West, you'll be greeted by its charming and laid-back atmosphere. With free time on your hands, you're the captain of your own adventure. Discover the magic of Ernest Hemingway's Home and Museum, stroll along the lively Duval Street, witness the vibrant energy of Mallory Square's sunset celebration, and immerse yourself in the history of the Key West Lighthouse Museum.
A Day to Remember: Itinerary
7:00 AM: We'll whisk you away from your Miami Beach hotel.
8:00 AM: Embark on the guided bus tour enroute to the Florida Keys, discovering Miami's beauty along the way.
9:30 AM: Enjoy a delicious breakfast stop at a local restaurant in Key Largo (not included).
11:00 AM: Arrive in Key West, where your island adventure begins. Explore at your leisure.
6:00 PM: Depart from Key West, heading back to Miami.
9:30 PM: We'll conclude this enchanting journey by dropping you off at your Miami Beach hotel.
Everything You Need and More: Inclusions
Our Miami to Key West Bus One-Day Tour is designed to make your experience seamless and memorable.
Guided bus tour of Miami, revealing its hidden treasures.
A scenic drive down the Overseas Highway, offering postcard-worthy views.
A short guided visit to Key West, introducing you to its magic.
Free time to explore Key West's attractions at your own pace.
Door-to-door hotel pickup and drop-off, ensuring your comfort and convenience.
Seize the Day in Key West: Book Your Adventure Today!
Are you ready to embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting landscapes of Key West? Your search for the perfect Key West sightseeing tours ends here! Secure your spot on the Miami to Key West Bus One-Day Tour today, and open the door to a day filled with boundless opportunities for exploration, relaxation, and pure wonder. Don't let this chance slip away to immerse yourself in the irresistible allure of this tropical paradise.
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hipfig · 4 years
Key West Local Transportation Information – Key West, Florida | Key West, FL Travel Series - Episode#8
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caravelmp3 · 3 years
pairing: josh kiszka x reader warning(s): mentions of alcohol, references to sex, depression, & anxiety  synopsis: in better terms, josh kiszka is a rolling stone, and when the pandemic causes the band to settle down for an undisclosed amount of time, reader helps josh come out of his slump note: title & reference to that one interview. you know the one. as someone with a fear of domestication as well, i related so hard to josh when he talked about settling down, and this came out of that. it’s just a lil something !! also posted on ao3 if you would like to check it out there instead. hope you all enjoy !! x 
Josh was a vagabond, a nomad, living a peripatetic lifestyle of hopping from city to city overnight by bus or jet, bouncing between venues and interviews as if he was born to do so. Staying in three-star motel rooms in the middle of nowhere became a part of his lifestyle, one that he became quite adjusted to after three years on the go. Even while visiting home he was between family and friend houses, checking in on old stomping grounds, visiting studios hours away, anything to stay busy. In the clearest sense of terms, he was a rolling stone.
So, as everyone imagined it would happen, he began to lose his sense of self in 2020. One second the band were planning the release of an album, preparing to hit the road and play stadiums in South America with Metallica in the spring, and then the next they were hit with the news of cancellations and push-backs to everything they had been working towards. With the rise of a pandemic they were forced into a hiatus and into the first real break any of them had received, if they didn’t count the few days visiting home last holiday season.
He and the rest of the band hunkered down in Nashville and Josh started to live in his worst fear - domesticity. He was waking up at the same time every day in the same city, he was living the same life day after day, and it became old very quickly. While catching up on rest and exploring a new city was fun at first, it started to look like every other city before long. The adventure he would wake up to with excitement was no longer around. He had been forced to settle down, and he felt like a trapped animal trying to gnaw its own leg off.
And like the rest of the band and the management team, you hated seeing him that way.
The relationship between you and Josh was short, but you knew Josh for years, and you noticed the differences in his personality immediately once you followed him to Nashville following the shut down of your own job.
You once swung by the studio with a surprise lunch for the boys and the team and he was struggling to write lyrics on a notepad in the other room, surrounded by crumpled and balled sheets of paper. He would stay up later at night scrolling through airline websites for flights out of Nashville to random cities (as long as he was traveling, he told himself), and he shifted through hobbies to find anything that stuck (which eventually was reading and painting) (there was a corner of the living room filled with stacks of books and canvas paintings).
And you tried your best, even when times were hard on you, too. In order to boost Josh’s spirits and get his mind off the persistent idea that he was stuck in time, you attempted baking new treats and made him try them after dinner, you dabbled in bartending and made new drinks with tequila, set up painting dates in the backyard after work, bought books from second-hand stores you thought he would enjoy, and bought new and random vinyl for the nights spent in during summer storms.
But the bright blue, cloudless summer skies and warm breezes rustling the trees of summer became the red of maples and the bronze of oaks of autumn. Everyone hoped things would be different, maybe even just slightly, but nothing had changed at all. The band was still in Nashville, making the best of their time off to expand the album and the universe it was set in, and you were back to working, but only remotely, so Josh insisted you stayed with them instead of traveling back home at seemingly the height of the worst so far.
When the long, hot days turned into cooler mornings and long nights with the sun setting at five p.m., the effect of the year had finally hit everyone. Everyone was tired, they felt defeated.
So in one last desperate attempt to boost spirits and morale, everyone set off on their own adventure and escaped Nashville in the early days of December. Danny was going to Los Angeles, Sam was going skiing in Montana, and you knew that Josh and Jake needed their own trip. So after a few phone calls and exchanged emails over a week, you booked a trip for the twins and their family in Key West. It was something small - a rented RV for the dreaded sixteen-hour drive south, but what awaited them was a week in a rented beach house and days on a boat in the Gulf.
You booked it for everyone, you wanted the boys and their family to let loose and spend some time together before work drove them away again, but you weren’t going to lie and say you didn’t book it with Josh in mind. He was a fan of the beach and islands, history, and the water and sun and sand, and after months hunched over a studio coffee table writing and working endlessly on the album design, he deserved time to himself, to recover, to recoup.
You told him before bed on Thanksgiving day. The Kiszka family had come down from Michigan to celebrate the holiday, and they did with dinner and a fire in the pit in the backyard with music and plaid blankets and smores under the stars. After staying up talking to his mom, Josh had come to bed last with the lingering scent of fire smoke in his hair and Corona on his breath, and he met you under the covers, nestling his face in the crook of your neck before pressing a soft kiss against your skin while wishing you goodnight.
Humming, you rolled over and rolled into him. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around you, and that’s when you, in a sleep-deprived state, began to rattle off all of your plans,
“Tell your parents to stay for another week.” You said, eyes still closed, half-asleep.
Josh paused. “Why?” It wasn’t something he was opposed to, but it caught him by surprise.
“I booked a trip for the rest of us. While Danny and Sam are gone.” You laid your head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to his chest. “We leave for Key West in four days.”
And the shot of adrenaline that ran through Josh was something he hadn’t felt in quite a long time. The last time he got excited about going anywhere was to a new record shop that opened up a few streets over from the house. He quickly sat up in the bed, looking down at you (now laying sideways) in the dark with a smile.
“You’re fucking joking,”
You laughed and reached out for his hand. “Not at all,” you said bringing his hand up to kiss the palm, “I’m going to pick up an RV in a couple of days, and we can surprise your parents and take them shopping for clothes and everything else we need.”
Out of what seemed like a rush of euphoria, Josh threw himself on top of you, peppering your face with kisses and you laughed at the show of affection and at the tickle of the growing mustache he managed to grow (and pull off). You turned your head, holding his cheeks, and kissed him.
“Now, come on, let’s get some sleep.”
“Well that’s unlikely - now I’m going to lay here and think about all the dumb shit we can do.” He said, sliding under the covers and sliding an arm around you.
You just laughed and nestled your cheek against his chest, listening in to the quiet shuffling in the hallway outside the door of everyone going to bed, to the ticking sound of the clock on the wall, and then to Josh’s voice,
“Do you think they have pirate themed dinner cruises?”
“If they do, I’m sure you’ll find out about it.”
And he did.
(There wasn’t one.)
But you found so much more than you two ever dreamed of. Trading dreary Nashville for a bright and warm island, you welcomed the hot breeze and sun-kissed skin.
And even though there wasn’t a pirate themed dinner cruise, you watched Josh come alive in a new environment. You strolled hand-in-hand with him through the butterfly and nature conservatory, letting him rave about the multicolored birds and point at flowers he thought you would like while capturing them on film. On Duval Street he pulled you to get caricature portraits done, he ordered shots for everyone in the bar after a night spent swimming. He roamed Dry Tortugas National Park with Jake, admiring the view and history within the brick fort walls, and first thing one morning he pulled you out of bed to get breakfast and visit the Ernest Hemingway Home, so you sat with him on a bench in the morning light and drank coffee and pet the roaming cats that passed by.
The last night on the island you woke up naked without Josh beside you, and you turned to see him sitting on the balcony with the white sheer curtains billowing around him, writing in the journal he always kept on his person. A smile tugged on the corners of your lips.
Josh was falling in love with life again.
And you were falling in love with life again, too, because Josh was so passionate about living it.
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dreamstodiscover · 5 years
Fun Things to do in Key West in a Day
Fun Things to do in Key West in a Day. If you ever find yourself in Key West for a short time, here are some fun things to do.
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It was still dark as the Celebrity Equinox pulled into the Port of Key West at the crack of dawn. As we stood on our balcony, the first thing I remarked on was, “Are those roosters making all of that noise?” Yes, indeed! We enjoyed our coffee outside as the customs officers secured and entered our ship. The passengers of the Equinox had to pass through customs in Key West as opposed to Fort…
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MIAMI🌴 In Miami haben wir zunächst unser Auto abgegeben und sind zum Hostel und direkt an den Strand. Am nächsten Tag waren wir auch den ganzen Tag am Strand und haben dann noch die ein oder andere Happy Hour mitgenommen🎉 Gestern haben wir dann mit den Mädels, die wir in Key West kennengelernt haben, eine Hop on Hop off Bus Tour durch Miami gemacht und Lena und ich sind danach noch mit einem Boot zu manchen Villen der Millionäre gefahren. Leider keinen getroffen😅 Abends waren wir doch fein was essen und haben unseren letzten Abend schön ausklingen lassen. Ein toller Cousinen-Trip wieder😍😍😍 Jetzt warte ich mal auf meinen Flug nach Vancouver👋🏼
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
idk you yet: next up forever
reggie peters x oc
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and if you’re broken. you’ll make your own thing
There was nothing quite like the rush of playing in front of a large crowd. Reggie loved the band’s chemistry in the garage they used to practice in or the energy of small crowds they played for in the back rooms of record shops while they were trying to make it big, but there was no feeling greater than playing a stadium full of people screaming their name.
Luke loved it too, he ate it up, and he was always on fire, always at his best, which in turn fueled Alex to match his boyfriend’s energy, and Reggie could just feed off of them. When they got signed to their first big label, Reggie could just remember Luke’s flushed cheeks, his, “This is going to be great, guys. We’re going to be great.” 
“Legends, even,” Alex added.
Which Reggie thought maybe was a bit much, they were still young, still largely untested, but he loved the enthusiasm. Bobby was a bit more chill, probably the most levelheaded of them all, and the least driven by emotion, but even he was vibrating with excitement.
Then they started planning for a tour. Reggie hadn’t even realized a national tour was possible while they were still teenagers. Hell, he didn’t even realize releasing a full album was possible.
“Boy bands do it all the time, think about One Direction,” Bobby told him quietly while Luke chattered on to Alex about songs he’d written that he thought were perfect for a first album. Reggie was grateful Luke wasn’t the one to read his facial expression that clearly was showing some sort of doubt.
The first tour was incredible, smaller venues, but they sold most of them out. Sunset Curve was new and people were curious. The second tour was where it all became insanely real. Reggie can remember the day Luke ran into the garage, beaming.
He flopped on the couch, which wasn’t unusual, and propped his head up on his hand, “So, I talked to Drew today.” Their manager.
Alex hummed, sitting down next to him, “What about?” If Luke had gone and made decisions without the rest of them, he was the most likely to react in a way that wouldn’t hurt Luke’s feelings, but would still remind him that they were a group.
“He thinks we should do a world tour after releasing our second album.”
Reggie’s eyebrows shot up. He knew they were big, he knew they were popular in a few countries overseas, but he didn’t know they were world tour big. The other two boys were also shocked into silence. Their second album was fairly close to release, they’d released a single for it the week before, but a world tour already.
“Holy shit,” Bobby mumbled, and then a few seconds later, “holy shit!” 
“Yeah!” Luke was practically shaking as he jumped to his feet and onto the table, “Guys, this is it. We’ve made it.”
Reggie snorted, “Okay, well, we don’t know that the tour’s going to sell.” 
“It’ll sell,” Luke clearly had the confidence to carry the rest of the group through it, which Reggie could get behind. He couldn’t quite shake one of his mom’s lessons growing up: temper your excitement because things rarely go as planned.
So they got to work. They put the finishing touches on their second album, which did extremely well, some of the songs flying up the charts to the number one spot for a few days. They announced their tour, a few weeks later the dates and locations. Some arenas sold out within minutes. When they found that out, Luke bragged, not hesitating to throw in, “I told you so,” every time it came up. 
They planned a show, put together a list of their favorite songs off both their albums, worked out effects they wanted to put on something fun for their fans. Reggie was a lot more hands on in that process, not the most gifted with tech, but was the most interested in actually looking impressive outside of just the music.
Then they had to find an opening band. Someone who they could get along with, someone smaller that they could help get exposure. Reggie found them first, on YouTube, a couple called Double Trouble, also based in Los Angeles. After watching a few of their videos, Luke approved wholeheartedly and got Drew to contact them. Double Trouble was ecstatic, and thus, the details were finalized.
And the tour was great, they started in the South and worked their way up the Midwest, hit a few cities in Canada, down the East Coast and ended up home along the West Coast for a few shows. 
Reggie was constantly exhausted, it felt like a daze. Travel, play, adrenaline rush, eat, crash, repeat. And everything was great, they played consistently well, and after a few shows, he thought they really got the routine down pat. It worked really well for them, and the boys were thrilled with all the choices Reggie made.
The only problem was that it got lonely. He felt like he was surrounded by couples. Luke and Alex, Julie and Flynn, Bobby and his girlfriend that showed up every so often when she could get off work. Reggie was truly the only one alone. Which was fine, they were busy, but sometimes, sometimes the loneliness was heavy.
It all built, crushing him slowly as they crawled their way through tour, more and more dinners after the show feeling like a double date he was just crashing while Bobby stayed in to FaceTime his girlfriend.
When it finally overflowed was after their show in San Jose. It sold out, most of their California shows did, and that one was especially incredible to him. The fucking SAP Center. He knew a lot of their fans were Californians, that’s where they got their start, but he wasn’t prepared for that. 
They went to a local place, something small that they likely wouldn’t be recognized much at, and once again, he got the double date vibe. The couples talking lowly amongst each other, relaxed and comfortable, while Reggie picked at the straw paper on the table and stuck it to the condensation on his beer bottle.
He wasn’t sure if it was the fatigue that made him snap or just that the weight of his loneliness got too much to bear, he was out of his seat before his brain caught up and mumbled for them to get him something takeout, that he was going back to the bus.
Luke started to protest, hopping out of the booth to grab his arm, but he must’ve seen something on Reggie’s face that caused him to reluctantly drop his arm. Reggie wasn’t sure what expression he had, but it must’ve been something raw to make Luke give up that easily. Eyes burning, he shoved his hands in his pocket and left the restaurant, desperate to crash in his bunk and sleep it off.
Shoulders slumped, Reggie headed back toward the arena, staring at the cracks in the concrete as he walked, not wanting to attract even the slightest bit of attention. That’s when it happened.
William pretty much kept to a routine. It was easier for him, especially during the season, and it kept his dog happy. There was something that night, some anxiousness about the upcoming season maybe, that had him out and about after dark, walking Luna down the sidewalk near the arena.
There had been more traffic than usual that night, he wasn’t sure why, maybe a concert at SAP, but he wanted to see it. Before fans flocked there, and before he was contractually obligated to show up and be on top of his game. 
It was something he did in college too, sat in the bleachers right before the season and soaked in the stillness of the rink. The calm before the storm. He couldn’t get into the big arena, not without keys and a certain level of clearance he didn’t have, but he could walk around, using the facade of taking Luna on a walk as his reason.
He almost ran into the boy, more focused on staring at the buildings around him than the sidewalk. It was late, he assumed no one would be out, clearly he was wrong. Luna barking and pulling on her leash snapped him out of his trance, confused as to why she’d be freaking out.
The boy obviously hadn’t seen him either, hands shoved deep into his pockets, staring at the ground, and giving off huge leave me alone vibes. William almost recoiled, he looked so sad. But maybe sad wasn’t the right word. Morose maybe.
Luna could tell too, he thought. She was pretty perceptive like that. William only had to consider for half a second before giving in. Dogs always cheered people up, right? He let her pull him over until he was right in front of the boy who stumbled back at his sudden appearance, startled look on his face.
“Sorry,” William said quickly, trying to look as apologetic as possible, “didn’t mean to startle you.” 
The boy shrugged, staring at him inquisitively, eyes narrowed as if he was trying to figure him out. It made him a little uneasy, but he figured maybe the boy was a hockey fan.
“Can I pet your dog?” he asked quietly, staring down at Luna where she was practically chomping at the bit to get to him.
“Yeah, of course!” 
William took the time to study him while the boy squatted down to pet her. He was cute, William realized, and looked slightly familiar, though he couldn’t quite place it. Maybe he was from the area or lived in William’s building.
The boy was gentle, murmuring quietly to Luna while stroking her head. He couldn’t be sure, but William thought his shoulders started to lower where they’d been defensively tensed around his ears before.
Luna jumped up, resting her two front paws on his knees, and licked his cheek, drawing a soft laugh. William immediately wanted to hear it again, he was entranced. Soon, too soon in William’s opinion, the boy was gently lowering Luna back to the sidewalk and standing back up.
He cleared his throat and gave William a small smile, “Thanks. Dogs fix everything.”
“I agree,” William answered quickly before taking his chance, “I’m William by the way.” 
“Reggie,” the boy answered, holding his hand out for William to shake. He did happily, trying to keep the shake out of his hands as excitement started to build.
“You from around here, Reggie?” he asked, genuinely curious and not wanting to let him go.
“Los Angeles actually.”
William couldn’t stop the frown, totally unsure why Reggie looked familiar. He hummed, “Sucks, NorCal is 100% a better place to live.”
Reggie laughed, “Oh yeah? Seems a bit biased.” 
“Totally unbiased,” William crossed a finger over his heart, “I’ve been there.”
“So you live around here?” Reggie crossed his arms.
“I do. A few blocks away.” 
“Seems a little late to be out and about.”
“Luna wanted a walk,” William told him, and in a rare state of perfect honesty, “plus was feeling a little anxious.”
“What about?” Reggie asked before flinching, “Oh God, I’m so sorry. That was super intrusive, feel free not to answer that.” 
William laughed, “Oh nothing, nerves over a new job.”
“Ah,” he nodded a bit knowingly, “stage fright.” 
Narrowing his eyes, William nodded slowly, “Something like that.” 
A comfortable silence lapsed, and Reggie’s eyes started to droop a bit. He blinked a few times and let out a sigh, “I should probably get going. It’s been a long night.” 
“Me too,” William smiled wryly, “should attempt to get at least a little sleep before I have to be up early.” 
“Feel that.” 
Just as soon as Reggie went to side step him, to walk away forever, William blurted, “Wait.” 
Reggie froze, head snapping up to meet his eyes, “Yes?” 
“Can I,” he drew in a breath and gathered his courage, “could I get your number?”
Tilting his head, Reggie looked him over, William could see the carefully masked surprise, “Um, yeah, sure.” 
William beamed, and held his hand out for Reggie’s phone. Eyebrows raised, Reggie passed it over. Typing in his number, William couldn’t help but add a shark emoji. Maybe it was a bit on the nose, but he thought it was at least a little funny.
Reggie wrinkled his eyebrows, but texted him to make sure William had his number too. His stomach swooped as it popped up on his screen.
Hey it’s Reggie
“Thank you,” he gushed, trying to mask his excitement a bit, “I’ll text you later.” 
Reggie smiled, and it seemed genuine, “I’m looking forward to it.”
Reggie was oddly nervous. He’d never met anyone quite like William, the boy who either didn’t know who he was or didn’t care. Laying in bed, he passed his phone back and forth between his hands, waiting for a text that didn’t seem to be coming.
Did he hallucinate William out of pure tiredness, he wondered, scrambling to check. Nope, he’d sent a text. Maybe William fell asleep as soon as he got home. Or forgot. 
A voice in his head that sounded oddly like Alex suggested, ‘text him’ which seemed a bit absurd at first, but the idea started to grow on him. Thumbs hovering over the keypad, he eventually came up with something simple.
Hope you made it home okay
The response wasn’t immediate, but came pretty soon after.
Just made it, was about to text you
Reggie smiled goofily, and stared at the message. Shaking his head, he knew he needed to respond.
Guess I’m just faster.
The next text from William was immediate.
Doubt it. Just more impatient.
Reggie snorted.
Also true.
The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared a few times while Reggie waited with baited breath. 
So what are you up to?
Reggie hesitated, should he tell this boy who he was or keep it vague?
In bed, probably going to sleep soon
He figured it was probably the right move when William texted back.
Same, got an early morning tomorrow. It was nice meeting you though, talk tomorrow?
Reggie’s stomach actually fluttered, he didn’t even know it could do that.
Sounds great
He fell asleep with a smile on his face and when he woke up, phone pressed to his chest, battery dangerously low, there was already a text from William and a picture of Luna attached.
Good morning, hope you slept well. We sure did.
Reggie sighed, thankful that it wasn’t all a dream.
I did, thanks. Good luck with your new job today
William didn’t text back for a while, but Reggie didn’t really expect him too. He knew not every job was like his, so he figured William wasn’t allowed his phone much at work. Which was fine, he’d just wait with a little ball of anxiety in his chest until he got a response.
It turned into a routine after that. William always responded at the weirdest times. Sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes at night, and sometimes in the morning. Reggie never could pin down his schedule, just went with the flow as they worked their way through the western states.
The boys were never really sports guys. If they did keep up with anything it was basketball. But one night, out of pure coincidence, Reggie found himself on a channel playing a hockey game. It looked interesting, and one of the teams was the Sharks which he faintly remembered played at the arena they’d performed at the night he met William.
Maybe he could talk to William about it later, he seemed like the type to be into sports. So Reggie settled in and texted him, unsure if he’d even get a response.
You a hockey fan?
And then a few seconds later after a brutal hit.
I wasn’t but this is kinda fun. I’m sure you’re a sharks fan, they look good
He took a liking to a particular player, number 23 that the announcers kept calling Harris. Reggie found himself at the edge of his seat as the other team started to come back, the Sharks struggling to hold their lead.
“Come on,” he muttered under his breath, nervously checking the clock, “so close.” 
He pulled his phone out as the other team called a timeout.
If you aren’t into hockey you should check this out, I’m so invested
The game started again and he put his phone down, paying full attention to the TV. He tapped his knee as the last minute of the game stretched out, totally confused why the other team’s goalie just dipped, but invested nonetheless.
When it ended, he let out a relieved breath as the Sharks managed to hold on and win. Reggie stood up, shaking out his fingers which he didn’t realize he’d been clenching into his pants. He walked away from the TV, needing a break, and went to find something to eat.
Their cabinets were sparse, so he left the bus, wandering to the nearest grocery store to pick something up. His phone buzzed a few times, no doubt William texting him back, and he juggled the items in his hands to fish it out of his pocket.
Hockey’s cool. Probably my favorite sport. Picked a tough game to watch though. Calgary is pretty good this year, but the Sharks will get it figured out
Reggie chuckled and typed out his response with one hand while he waited for the people in front of him in the checkout line to move.
You seem like you know your stuff
The typing bubble appeared and disappeared for a minute straight, oddly reminiscent of the first night Reggie texted him, before the next text finally came through.
Yeah, hockey’s been part of my life for a while
After setting the boxes down and paying, Reggie responded.
Long time fan then. Always liked the Sharks?
Reggie didn’t get another text for a few minutes and figured it was one of those nights William was working.
Nope, liking the sharks is a new development. Started when I moved here
Stirring the pasta, Reggie nodded and decided to text him back when he sat down to eat. It never happened. He’d left the TV on accidentally, and when he sat back down on the couch, the men on screen were breaking down the game.
“William Harris in particular was impressive tonight. He really stepped up on the penalty kill, that game would’ve been a loss if he hadn’t played like he did.” 
A picture of his William popped up on the screen. Well, Reggie was pretty sure. He didn’t quite look like he did when Reggie met him, and sure he’d only seen William that one time, but he was pretty fucking sure that was him.
Hands shaking, Reggie exited their text thread and was hitting FaceTime before even realizing what he was doing. It took William a few rings to pick up, and he smiled, looking a little surprised.
“Why are you on my TV? Or at least I think it’s you,” Reggie blurted, not even saying hello.
William blinked, surprised, “What?” 
Reggie flipped the camera to show where they were still talking about this Harris player he’d been enamored with during the game. He watched William’s face carefully and saw the resemblance to the guy on the TV. 
William winced and put on an apologetic smile, “Um, because I played well tonight.”
“Mhmm,” Reggie muttered, still shocked, “and you didn’t tell me, why?” 
“I thought you’d figure it out. That’s what the shark emoji was for.” 
Staring at William incredulously, Reggie managed, “In what world do I make that connection on my own?” 
William smiled sheepishly, “Maybe it was a bit of a long shot. But I mean, it’s not a big deal, right? I’m still William.” 
Reggie took a deep breath and relaxed back into the couch, “I suppose, yes.” 
“And by the way, you’re not off the hook. You didn’t tell me you were a famous musician.” 
“Oh God,” Reggie shut his eyes, “I totally meant to. I just couldn’t ever find the right time.” 
“How about, ‘hey William, I know I seem normal but I’m actually famous and definitely way out of your league’? That would suffice in my opinion.” 
Sitting up, Reggie glared at him, “Hold on, if anyone is out of anyone’s league, you’re definitely out of mine. A professional athlete, are you kidding me?” 
William scoffed, “And you have fans all over the world, I just have fans in the United States, mostly in San Jose.” 
“But you’re hot,” Reggie countered.
“So are you,” William argued and set his jaw stubbornly.
Reggie sighed, “Fine, we’re both hot. But, I’m not sure what this means.” 
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” William sounded desperate, “we’re just two guys, right?” 
“And we like each other, right?” 
“Right,” Reggie repeated.
“Then let’s just be two guys who like each other. Not two relatively well known guys.” 
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, Reggie nodded, “Okay, I think I can do that.” 
William was silent, both of them soaking in it, and Reggie sat up, “You look exhausted, I should let you go.”
“Wait,” William protested, “I want to see you again. When are you free?”
“I probably can’t make it for a while,” Reggie admitted, “Maybe mid-November if you have some off time.” 
“November we have a homestand, I can definitely do that.” 
“I’ll send dates.” 
William blushed, “I’d like that very much.” 
“We should FaceTime more,” Reggie mused.
“We absolutely should.”
When they finally hung up, Reggie immediately hunted down his laptop to start googling hockey rules. If he was going to (hopefully) date a hockey player he should start learning about the sport. 
He didn’t think William would hold it against him if he didn’t, but hockey was clearly something the other boy was passionate about, and the least he could do was support him. Maybe the next day he’d be a bit embarrassed about the texts he’d sent, but for the night, at least he’d be preoccupied enough. 
Over the next few weeks, Reggie started to watch Sharks games, every one he could, and the ones he had to miss for shows, he’d watch highlights after, all the time looking for his favorite player. William was good, Reggie knew that from the praise he got in the media, but one night he started looking up William’s highlights particularly. Found some stuff from his stint in college hockey and fell down a rabbit hole. He pulled out his phone.
You’re like. Insanely good.
The response was quick.
Ha. Thanks
Reggie scoffed.
Not joking. I’m looking at your college stuff, you went high in the draft. Maybe I was right about out of my league.
William sent back screenshots of his playlist, a few Sunset Curve songs thrown in the mix.
I’m not the only one insanely talented.
Reggie’s cheeks heated up and his palms started to sweat.
Mostly my bandmates honestly
He could almost hear the tone William would use if they were talking over FaceTime, he’d used it many times before.
Lies and slander. I’ve watched videos too
Reggie got that fluttering in his stomach again, and he actually went to look at dates, something he’d been putting off, checking the Sharks’ schedule to see if there were any days that matched up.
Hey, how about November 14?
William FaceTimed him instead of responding. His cheeks were flushed, “Seriously?”
“Yes, absolutely. Fuck yes,” William breathed.
For the first time in a while, the loneliness crushing Reggie started to lighten. He knew his bandmates would start to notice, he knew Alex at least was confused about why the fuck he’d started watching hockey, but for the time being, William was his.
It wasn’t a secret really, not a dirty one. But Reggie shared almost everything, and he wanted something for himself. For once. With a happy sigh, he walked over to his bed and flopped down, smiling widely when one last text came in.
I can’t wait
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idumpyourgrass · 4 years
Always Waiting- Chapter Twelve
Always Waiting- Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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Always Waiting Masterlist
Summary: Dustin, Y/n, and Steve look for the “evil Russians” Mark Lewinsky’s a scumbag, Robin and Y/n crack the code which leads all of them spying on top of the mall.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
A/n: I’m poppin this chapters out so fast, this is the only pro I can think of for this quarantine. This one is kind of short, my apologies. I am so excited for the upcoming chapters! I have big things planned! I hope you are all staying happy and healthy! As always lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of weapons? Typos
Word Count: 1.3k
The next morning, before Scoops opened, you, Steve, Dustin, and Robin stood around the table in the back, discussing the plan.
“Wait so we’re going to “look for an evil Russian?” you question, “What makes you think an evil Russian is just going to be walking around the mall, in broad day light?” You give everyone a puzzled look.
“You know you could always just stay here and scoop ice cream,” Steve smirked. Sighing, you grab the binoculars off the table, “Sorry Robin, you have to deal with Erica on your own today.” You push the door open and head out into the mall.
*        *         *
You, Dustin, and Steve were hiding behind a plant stand. Steve was peering through the binoculars.
“Do you see anything?” You ask, growing impatient.
“I guess I don’t entirely know what I’m looking for.”
“Evil Russians,” Dustin says, on the lookout. “Yeah, exactly, I don’t know what an evil Russian looks like,” Steve adjusts the binoculars. “Tall, Blonde, not smiling,” you joke earning a glare from Steve, “Also earpieces, duffle bags, that sort of thing,” Dustin adds on.
You start picking at your chipped nail polish, growing extremely bored. “Oh shit,” Steve says quietly. “What?” You ask, Steve quickly looks over to you, “What? Uh nothing, I didn’t say anything,” he glanced up at the second floor then quickly back to you. You reach for the binoculars, Steve blocks you. “What did you see Steve? Let me see!” You quickly snatch them from him, “No, Y/n don’t look-“ But it’s too late, you already saw. Mark Lewinsky sucking face with Anna Jacobi. “Oh,” you slowly bring the binoculars down, biting the inside of your cheek. “Henderson he’s a douche, I told you,” Steve states. You shove the binoculars onto his chest, abruptly standing up, “I’m going back to Scoops,” you mumble as you turn around.
*     *      *
“And there he was! Just making out with her like he forgot we had a date tonight!” You pace around the back room as Robin listens, “and then Steve had the nerve! He had the nerve to say, “I told you he was a douche,” like what?!” Your interrupted by the sound of someone knocking at the back door. You go to open the door.
“Delivery for you,” a man rolls in a cart full of boxes.
“Thank you,” you sign the clipboard. You catch a glimpse of the cat logo on his shirt.
“Have a good day,” he rolls his cart out of the room and back down the hallway.
“Yeah you too,” You look towards Robin who seemed to have noticed the logo too as you both run out of the door to catch another look.
“The sliver cat!” You exclaim. Robin grabs a notepad and you two run out of the store to the middle of the mall, almost knocking over Steve and Dustin.
“Hey, where are you two going?” Dustin asks.
You look down at Robins notepad, “A trip to China sounds nice,” you say as you both frantically look around. Then you spot it, you point to the Chinese restaurant in the food court, “Okay! Uhhhh, oh, if you tread lightly,” You read the next line. “There! Kaufman’s shoes!” Robin points up. “When blue meets yellow in the West,” Your eyes search the mall. “Y/n,” Robin gets your attention and points to the clock on the wall. “Yes!” You give Robin a high five.
“Hey! What’s going on?” Steve asks. You smile at him, “We cracked it.”
“Cracked what?” Dustin raises his eyebrow.
“We cracked the code, the Russian code!”
The four of you head back to Scoops and come up with the plan.
*     *      *
The plan somehow led to you all sitting on the roof in the pouring rain spying on some guys with huge ass guns. Dustin had the binoculars, struggling to find something. “Look for Kaufman shoes or the Imperial Panda,” you offer. 
“There, ten o’clock,” Robin points out. You can only make out a guy pushing a cart full of boxes.
“What do you think is in there?” Steve asks.
“Chemical Weapons? Bombs?” Robin guesses.
“Whatever it is, they’re armed to the teeth,” This makes you nervous and the loud thunder and lightning is not helping.
“Guys I think we should go,” you suggest, tugging on Steve’s sleeve urging him to get up.
“Wait, I want to see, let me look,” Steve tells Dustin, reaching for the binoculars
“No, Steve!” The two of them begin fighting over the binoculars. The binoculars hit the side of the wall creating a loud bang. All four of you quickly duck. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping they didn’t hear that. In the midst of it you grabbed Steve’s hand unknowingly. You look down and your interlocked fingers and back up at Steve and you both quickly retrieve your hands. You’re glad it’s dark out so no one can see how red your face is.
“Guys I really think we should go,” you say one more time. This time everyone agrees, and you all run down the stairs, panting.
“Well I think we found your Russians.” Robin says looking back at all of you.
“Alright, I’m calling it a night, I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Robin grabs her backpack and heads to the door, “Don’t let the evil Russians get you!” She shouts as she leaves out the back. Dustin sits down on the counter, “So what do we do now?”
You scoffed, “What do you mean what do we do now? We don’t do anything, We leave it alone.”
Dustin furrowed his brows, “Why?!”
“Hello? Am I the only one who saw all those guns?” You leaned against the table, “We don’t always have to put ourselves in danger!” You crossed your arms, looking from Dustin to Steve, “We leave this alone, do you hear me? We leave this alone.”
“No buts! Get your stuff, let’s go,” You put your raincoat on, grabbed your keys and headed out the door, “Bye Harrington.”
You and Dustin run to your car, trying to avoid getting soaked from the rain. Dustin gets in on the passenger side, slamming the door.
“Hey Henderson!” You look up and see Steve running towards your car, “Hey, I’m sorry about Mark,” You reach for the door handle, “Yeah, it’s fine Steve, I’m over it,” You open the door a crack, but Steve stops it with his hand.
“You know, I would never let anything bad happen to Dustin,” he pauses, adverting eye contact and shoving his hands in his coat pockets, “Or you,” He takes a quick glance at you.
“And who’s gonna look after you, huh?” You grin, “Goodnight Steve,” you open your car door and hop in.
“Goodnight Y/n,” he shuts your door behind you and heads to his car.
The car ride was silent, except for the sound of the rain hitting against the car. Dustin spoke up.
“Y/n, we don’t know what these Evil Russians are up to, we could save Hawkins from sudden death!”
“Yeah exactly, we don’t know what they’re up to! I don’t know what I would do with myself if something bad happened to you.”
“But you would protect me! And Steve! Steve would never let something happen to me, or you!”
You pull into the driveway and put your car in park, sighing, you rest your head on the steering wheel.
“If we come up with a safe plan, I will maybe think about it.”
“Yes! You’re the best!” Dustin gets out of the car and runs inside.
Why do you always get dragged into this stuff?
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hit the road
on Ao3
It didn’t quite set in until they hit the coast. The miles of ocean unfolding before and around them, the sand between his toes, and the crushing realization that Rosa Ortecho was alive all hit Alex at once. 
The days immediately following Rosa’s resurrection, and Max Evans’ coinciding demise, were a mess. Liz, as much as she tried, couldn’t process it all. She flip flopped between heartbroken over Max’s death, frantic with determination to bring him back like he’d brought Rosa back, overjoyed that she had her sister back, and confused to hell as to what that meant for them. As much as she’d had trouble coming to terms with Rosa’s death, the fact was that she’d had ten years of being an only child. She made it two days, two whole days of trying to be strong and trying to be her big sister’s older sister, before she locked herself in Maria’s spare room and drank herself stupid.  
For her part, Maria wasn’t doing much better. She’d arrived at the caves with Michael and seen Rosa before anyone could think to hide her. With the reality of Rosa’s resurrection came the truth about everything else. Maria was strong, she compartmentalized and made sure she was there for Liz for whatever she needed. When Liz couldn’t go home and lie to Arturo about Rosa, she offered up her spare room and went and collected everything she needed from home. She asked enough questions to get the answers she needed about Rosa and Max and the night at the UFO opening but she didn’t push and she didn’t pry. But the realization that Michael (and Max but he was dead and she couldn’t be mad at him) had known for ten years the truth of what happened to Rosa and let her life and her family be vilified because of a lie they created coupled with the reality of Rosa being alive and Liz falling to pieces meant that she spent more than her fair share of time clutching a bottle.
Isobel and Michael were a mess. Alex had never really had the time or perspective to consider the relationship between the three of them before but Max’s absence left a clear gaping hole in them. As much as Michael professed not to get along with Max, to hate him sometimes even, Alex didn’t recognize Michael without his brother. And there was no mistaking that’s what they were. Isobel and Max may have been raised as twins but the three of them were a family, a unit if it were. Take one of them away and the other two fall apart.
For the most part, Kyle was fine. He’s blurted out the truth of Rosa’s parentage in an incredibly awkward moment and freaked her out but otherwise, he was dealing.
Rosa was not.
Alex tried to give her space, considering she looked overwhelmed by literally everything every time he saw her, but he couldn’t just ignore her. She might have been Liz’s older sister but she was the missing piece of their group. She was his and Maria’s older sister, too. When he’d joined the Air Force after graduation, yes it had been mostly because of his father and his family and what happened with Michael, but it was also because Rosa was dead and her ghost haunted Roswell too much for him to stay. He wasn’t sure how Maria had handled it all of these years but Alex couldn’t. It was the third day that he stopped by Max’s house and saw it. That look. He’d seen it in her eyes his senior year as graduation neared. He’d seen it in Liz’s the last time he’d seen her before their ten year reunion. He’d seen it in the mirror every time he saw Michael Guerin.
She was going to run. 
Alex didn’t waste any time. He gave her a hug as he left and broke several traffic laws on his way home. When he pulled up outside, he didn’t bother bother taking the keys out of the ignition or even turning the car off. He’d had a bag packed since the day he moved in. It had all of the essentials and he wasted precious seconds by adding a few more changes of clothes and his leather jacket. He was back in the car and pulling away less than two minutes after he’d pulled up. Even so, Rosa was gone when he got back to Max’s house. 
He searched the place just to be sure. The only sign Rosa had ever even been here was the pile of dishes in the sink and a note to Liz on the counter.
Alex cursed as he slid back into his car. He had no idea where she’d gone but he figured the bus station was a safe bet, considering her license was ten years out of date and she didn’t actually have a car, not even Max’s. Alex never thought he’d be grateful to Isobel for parking Max’s car at her house but he knew if Rosa had had his keys, Alex never would have caught up to Rosa.
He was almost to the edge of town when he saw a woman walking along the side of the road, an overstuffed backpack weighing her down. Alex ignored the other cars on the road and slowed to a crawl next to her. “Get in,” he called through the open window. 
Rosa just looked at him sadly and shook her head. “I can’t.” She kept walking.
A horn honked loudly behind him but Alex ignored it. It was a two way street, they could go around him. He sped up just a little and angled the car off to the right and cut Rosa off. There wasn’t much of a shoulder so traffic was still blocked but it gave the other cars a modicum of space to slip around him. Alex unhooked his seatbelt and hurried out of the car and planted himself in front of Rosa.
“Alex-” she started.
“Where do you wanna go?” Alex cut her off. “Want to go west? California? Or north? Or east? I wouldn’t recommend south right now because coming back over the border would be a mess but pick any other direction and we’ll go.”
Rosa eyed him. “Why?”
“Because I know what it’s like to run,” Alex answered simply.
She scoffed. “Alex Manes? Running away from his problems?” She shook her head. “That’s not you.”
He smiled sadly, mourning briefly for the teenager she remembered. “Where are we going?”
Rosa looked at the car then back at him. “I can’t stay, Alex,” she warned. “And I don’t know if I can come back.”
“I know.” He raised an arm and pointed at the car. “So where to?”
She still didn’t look like she quite believed him but eventually she smiled. “I want to see the ocean.”
“California it is.”
From: Guerin
What was your excuse this time?
Alex tore his gaze away from the waves and stared at his phone. It hadn’t even been a full day since they’d left. He hadn’t expected anyone to notice their absence yet and he would’ve bet good money that Michael wouldn’t be the first. The last few days had been strained between them and Alex wasn’t sure why or how to fix it. He wasn’t sure if it was Caulfield or Max or Maria or some combination of all three of them. He wasn’t even sure if the problem wasn’t just him and Michael.
He’d be lying if he said he only left because of Rosa. Sometime in the last decade, Alex had become a runner, the urge to just get up and leave constantly under his skin. He wasn’t sure if he needed a specific reason any more or if he just waited until the world handed him an excuse. He looked back down at his phone, rereading Michael’s message. He’d never thought about Michael’s word choice before but suddenly it seemed important. Like Michael understood what Alex had never been able to admit. 
Without putting too much thought into it, Alex snapped a picture of the early morning sun glinting off of the waves, Rosa’s smile bright as she turned back to look at him, her feet kicking up the shallow water on the beach. He sent it to Michael without adding a message. 
Rosa ran awkwardly up the beach and sprinkled some water on him. “Taking pictures of me? Perv,” she teased as she flopped onto the bench next to him. “That whole fake leg is really a bummer on the beach.” Alex tensed as he did whenever anyone mentioned his leg but Rosa’s lackadaisical way of going about it made him relax almost immediately.
“You could always carry me down to the water,” he nudged her shoulder. “Think you’re strong enough?”
Rosa scoffed. “For your fat ass? As if.” But she nudged him back and shook off the last bits of water on her hand into his face. “I’ll just bring the water to you.” Alex wiped his face off with a playful glare. “That Liz?” She nodded at his phone. Alex followed her gaze to see a new message from Michael. He turned the screen off and tucked it away without opening it.
“Not Liz?” Rosa sat up, a grin spreading across her face. 
Alex pointedly stared out at the ocean. “Not Liz.”
Rosa barked out a laugh before sobering. “I’m not the only one running, am I?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know if you’re running?” Rosa raised an eyebrow. “How’s that working for you?”
Alex ignored the question and stood up. “Breakfast?”
“I’ll get it out of you Manes,” she warned but hopped up anyway. “You’re buying. Y’know on account of me being dead and having no money.” She teased, the smile not reaching anywhere close to her eyes.
“So what I’m hearing,” Alex unlocked the car and tossed Rosa a towel to wipe off her feet. “Is that you want to get a job.”
Rosa looked up from wiping her feet long enough to glare at him. “Who’s gonna hire a dead girl?”
“I can fix that.” Rosa got in and Alex turned the ignition. “Make you a new identity. You could pick a new name.”
“And what’s wrong with Rosa Ortecho?” She didn’t quite huff.
“Absolutely nothing,” Alex replied seriously. “I can find you a new social security number and you can be Liz’s cousin with the same name or we can come up with some other story.”
Rosa sighed and thumped her head back against the seat. “Can we just eat?”
Alex let it go. “Yeah. Find somewhere that looks like shit. Probably has the best food.”
An hour later they flopped onto the end of a surprisingly empty pier, their stomachs full to bursting. “That was a mistake,” Alex groaned.
“A delicious mistake,” Rosa amended. “I can’t believe he didn’t warn us the special was meant for two people. He just let us order two of them.”
“He didn’t make us eat all of it,” Alex defended. 
“He should have spit in it or something so we wouldn’t,” Rosa whined.
“You would’ve eaten it anyway.”
Rosa paused. “Yeah fine maybe,” she confessed and Alex laughed brightly. He’d missed her.
They lay in silence for a while before the sun grew too hot for them to lay about. “We should figure out where we’re going,” Alex announced. He didn’t move, though.
“What’s wrong with where we are?” Rosa asked even as she rolled over onto her stomach. 
Alex looked at her. “Where do you want to go?”
Rosa pushed up onto her knees and looked around. “I don’t know. What’s there to do in San Diego?”
Alex sat up on his elbows. “The zoo?” He tried to shrug. Rosa looked at him and shrugged in return.
“Let’s go to the zoo.”
Alex’s phone rang just as they left the Reptile House, Liz’s name flashing on the screen. “Rosa?” He called as she skipped ahead of him. Rosa turned back immediately. “What exactly did you tell Liz?”
Rosa walked back towards him slowly, his phone sending Liz to voicemail. “I left her a note. Told her I couldn’t stay. That I love her but I couldn’t be in Roswell.”
“That’s it?” Alex asked in mild disbelief. “You died, Rosa. I know it’s hard for you but Liz lost you once already and-”
“Alex,” Rosa cut him off with a glare. “I get it. I died and put my family through hell. But my being back was putting Liz through hell again and I couldn’t stay there and make it worse for her. Every time she looked at me she saw Max’s dead body.”
Alex shook his head. “No, Rosa, she didn’t. She’s just trying to-” his phone started ringing again, somehow more insistently this time.
Rosa nodded at where he clutched it tight. “Answer that. Tell her I’m okay but I’m not coming back. And don’t tell her where we are. Please, Alex. She’ll come after me and I need some space. She needs it too.”
Alex disagreed but he didn’t want to argue. He answered the phone before the last ring could cut off and watched as Rosa walked away from him. She didn’t go too far, though, stopping just far enough away that she probably wouldn’t be able to hear him. 
“Alex?” Liz’s frantic voice calls before he can say anything. “Do you know where Rosa is? I can’t find her.”
Alex wasn’t sure if he should be pleased or disappointed that Michael hadn’t told her that Alex was with her. “She’s fine,” he promised.
Liz let out an audible exhale. “Where is she?”
“She’s fine,” he repeated.
There was a pause. “Alex,” Liz’s voice turned hard. “Where is my sister?”
“Where the hell is she?”
“We’re not in Roswell.”
“What? You’re with her? Why? Where are you?” Liz’s voice, calm a moment ago, was frantic again.
“Liz,” Alex replied softly.
“Don’t,” Liz barked. “Don’t take that tone with me, Alex. I just got my sister back. Tell me where she is.”
“She asked me not to,” Alex told her apologetically.
“Liz, listen to me,” he stopped and waited but Liz didn’t say anything. “I- I was talking to her and I saw that look in her eyes and I knew she was going to run so I offered to drive. I didn’t want you to lose her again so I thought if I went with her you’d at least know she was okay and she might come back.”
“She’s fine, I promise,” Alex continued over her. “But she needs some time and some space to process the fact that she blinked and missed ten years. And she thinks you need the same to process the fact that your sister isn’t dead anymore.” He paused. “She’s not wrong, Liz. I can’t imagine what you’re going through with her and with Max. Maybe it’s not a bad thing that you two take some time apart to figure out this new reality we’ve got. I’ll keep her safe, I promise.”
Liz didn’t say anything at first, the only sounds between them her shuddering breaths as she held back tears. “She’s my sister, Alex.”
“I know.”
“I’m gonna call you every day. You’re going to be so sick of me,” she warned and he let himself smile.
“Can’t wait.”
Liz didn’t say anything for long enough that Alex had to check that she hadn’t hung up. “Take care of her, okay? Or I swear I will kick your ass.”
“I promise.”
“And let her take care of you.” Alex opened his mouth to object but Liz kept talking. “She’s your big sister, too.” She hung up without letting him reply.
Alex stared at his phone. “She okay?” Rosa asked. Alex looked up in surprise. He hadn’t heard her come back over. “Is she mad?”
Alex shook his head. “She’s worried. And a little scared, maybe. But she’s not mad.”
Rosa looked away before squaring her shoulders and plastering a smile on her face. “Let’s go see the gorillas.”
Later, Rosa will steal his phone and snap a picture of an eagle trying to eat Alex’s hair as he holds it aloft on his arm. (Even later, he’ll send it to Michael.)
Later, they’ll go back to the beach and he’ll take a picture of Rosa with her eyes closed and the sunset reflecting on her face and he’ll send it to Liz. (She’ll send back a ’thank you’)
Now, he lets her drag him from enclosure to enclosure and pays for her food and her ice cream and a stupid stuffed animal all without comment. 
In San Francisco, Alex finally texts Michael back.
To: Guerin
Why’d you kiss Maria?
 They’ve been gone just over a week. He still hasn’t talked to Rosa about why he left but he left a nightclub with the taste of another guy’s lips on his and a limp dick and he’s drunk enough to ask. It’s late and he’s not really expecting a response until morning, if at all, but his phone buzzes less than a minute later.
 From: Guerin
Seemed like a good idea at the time
 Alex didn’t know what to do with that. He stared at the message until a new one appeared.
 From: Guerin
A lot happened that day and my head was a mess and I wanted something to make it better
 So Alex made it worse. On one of the worst days of Michael’s life, Alex would’ve only made it worse. 
He turned his phone off before Michael could send another text. 
It took him half an hour to find Rosa but eventually he collapsed next to her on the edge of the beach. She’d taken to spending all of her free time there. Didn’t matter what city they were in or where they were staying, Alex could always find her with her toes in the sand. 
“Have a good night?” She teased. She’d gone with him to the club but was turned away when they checked her ID. He’d tried to leave with her but she’d talked him into staying and having some fun for once. (Her words, not his) Alex didn’t answer as he closed his eyes. “Hey,” her voice softened. “What’s wrong?”
“Love sucks,” he confessed and it was like the dam broke. “I’ve been in love with this guy since high school but we’re always on different pages and we can’t communicate for shit and I thought I was ready for more, ready to try it for real and I told him. I told him and then he kissed someone else.” Rosa carded her fingers in his hair and didn’t say anything. “I, uh, I asked him why and he said he’d had a shitty day and he just wanted something to make it better. Apparently I would’ve just made his day worse. Because that’s what I do.”
Rosa hummed lightly when he stopped. “I thought I was in love with this girl,” she confessed quietly. “And then she killed me. Or I thought she did.” Alex’s eyes snapped open but she wasn’t looking at him. “I woke up or whatever and she didn’t remember anything about us. It was like we never happened and I don’t know what’s real anymore.”
“My dad and my brother rigged up a facility full of aliens to explode and I had to talk him into leaving his mother behind inside.” Alex kept his voice soft. There was no one around but he couldn’t help but be cautious.
“My sister’s boyfriend killed himself to bring me back to life,” Rosa returned. “And I feel guilty but also angry?” Her hand never stopped moving through his hair. “It’s been ten years. I don’t recognize the world anymore.”
Alex didn’t know what to say so he stayed quiet. They sat and listened to the waves for a long time. “He loved her,” he finally said. “Be angry. Be fucking furious. But don’t feel guilty. Max knew what he was doing and he knew why he was doing it.”
“Who’d Guerin kiss?”
Alex sighed. “Maria.” Rosa’s hand finally stopped as she stared down at him.
“Did she know?” Alex nodded. “Have you talked to her?” He shook his head. “Jesus. What happened to you guys?”
Alex smiled sadly. “You died.” Rosa looked away. “You died and Liz and I both ran and Maria stayed. We kept in touch but it wasn’t the same.”
“Nothing’s the same.”
From: Guerin
It didn’t
 From: Guerin
It just made everything worse
 From: Guerin
I should’ve come back. You wanted to talk and I wish we had
 From: Guerin
But then Max died
 From: Guerin
I never look away Alex
 From: Guerin
But you always leave anyway
 Alex stared at the phone with groggy eyes. He’d forgotten to turn his phone back on last night. 
“What’s wrong?” Rosa asked from the other side of the room. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.” She paused. “Other than me, I mean.” Alex spared a glare at her for the tired joke before his eyes were drawn back to his phone. 
The first four messages were sent right after the one Alex had seen last night. The last two were sent hours later. Alex stared at them and tried to imagine Michael thinking about them and deliberating over sending them. He couldn’t.
“Alex?” Rosa was next to his bed now. “What is it?”
Alex shook his head. “Love sucks.”
She laughed. “What’s he got to say now?”
“He said kissing her didn’t help,” he replied, still not processing it.
Rosa raised an eyebrow. “That’s good?”
“I have no idea.”
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Well. I say ignore it for now. We’ve gotta check out in like half an hour.” Alex glanced at the clock and cursed. Thankfully, Rosa had already packed up their stuff so Alex only had to worry about taking a shower and making sure he was sand free before getting dressed. They were on the road before their check out time passed, the map firmly in Rosa’s hand.
“Where we off to next?”
By the end of week two, Alex had a brand new identity set up for Rosa. She’d kept her name, kept Arturo’s even. Rosalita Ortecho was the youngest daughter of Arturo Ortecho and an unnamed mother. She grew up in foster care until she reached the age of 18 and went searching for her dad. It’s an unfortunate coincidence that she shares such a similar name to her older half-sister that she never got to meet. 
By week three Alex bought a new cell phone and forced it into her hand. Rosa was quickly becoming obsessed with the wonders of the modern internet age and he was sick of her stealing his phone at every opportunity. Plus, it was high time the Ortecho sisters communicated with each other and not through him.
Week four saw Alex pulling up to CU Boulder. Rosa had asked about Liz’s life in the past ten years and all Alex could really tell her was where she’d gone to school so Rosa insisted on a detour. They bought a shirt at the gift shop that said CU Boulder Family and she made Alex take a picture of her in it in front of the school sign. She sent it to Liz from her new phone and Alex made himself scarce when Liz called her immediately after. 
He hadn’t talked to Michael since San Francisco. 
The pictures he kept sending didn’t count.
The pictures Michael sent back didn’t count either.
On the one month anniversary of leaving Roswell, he called Maria.
“Hey,” she greeted. She sounded reserved, almost timid, and just like that Alex was over it.
“Hey stranger,” he greeted warmly. “What’s new?” It was how they’d started every conversation while Alex was stationed elsewhere and it cut through the tension like it was nothing.
They chatted for a few minutes, Maria filling him in all of the mundane things that had happened lately. Alex in turn shared a few stories from his and Rosa’s travels. 
“I’m sorry,” Maria said when the conversation lulled for a beat. “I wanted to be selfish for once. I should have talked to you but, honestly, I didn’t want to.” No one could ever accuse Maria of beating around the bush. She had a tendency to be brutally honest when needed. Alex wasn’t sure it was needed just now but he appreciated the lack of pussy footing around the issue. “And I should have talked to you after instead of avoiding you.”
“Thank you,” Alex told her. 
“Nothing’s happened since that kiss,” she told him. 
“No need to hold back on my account,” Alex said weakly.
He heard the sad smile in her voice when she replied. “Yeah I do. You love him too much for me to try anything with him. It was stupid of me to think I could be that selfish. And besides, he loves you too much. I deserve better than being his second choice.”
“He doesn’t-”
“Yes, he does,” Maria cut him off gently. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two because he won’t talk about it with me but he does love you. You should talk to him.”
“I don’t want to,” he protested. He ignored how close it was to a whine.
Maria laughed softly. “Alex. Running away isn’t going to solve your problems. Eventually, you’ll have to come home and they’ll still be here.” Alex didn’t say anything. “You are coming back right?”
“Eventually,” Alex allowed. It was all either he or Rosa could agree to at this point. He looked up as Rosa collapsed into the seat opposite him, her phone landing loudly on the table in front of her. “I’ll talk to you later?”
“Definitely,” Maria promised. “...tell Rosa I said hi.”
Alex agreed and hung up before tossing his phone next to Rosa’s. “Maria says hi.”
Rosa arched an eyebrow. “You two good?”
“Yeah. Takes more than a guy to come between us.”
“Damn straight,” she nodded once. 
“How’s Liz?” He asked as the waiter dropped off his food and took Rosa’s order.
She waited until he was gone before answering. “Did you know a person can sound old?” She mused. “My little sister sounds older than me. She sounds…” she shook her head. “It’s like she’s Liz but not at the same time. She’s not my Liz.” Her hands twisted the napkin until it started to shred. “I can accept that music sucks nowadays, that the president is a racist cheetoh, that my phone is basically a computer. But I can’t wrap my head around the idea that my little sister is an adult. She’s older than me and she’s- she’s a grown up,” Rosa laughed mirthlessly. “It’s easier to accept that you’re a vet and you lost a leg in the Middle East than it is to accept that she was okay without me.” The last part came out so quiet Alex wasn’t sure he’d heard her. 
“She wasn’t,” Alex remarked idly. “I mean she was but she wasn’t.”
Rosa stared at him. “That made total sense, thank you for that.” The waiter came back and she leaned out of his way as he set down her plate.
Alex smiled. “You’re right, she’s not your Liz. She’s a Liz without an older sister. And she’s okay, she got her degrees, she found something she loves, and she’s okay. But she’s also not because she’s a Liz without you.”
Rosa fiddled with her straw and stared at the table. “I don’t know what to do with that,” she confessed.
“Who says you have to do anything?” Alex leaned forward. “Rosa, no one can tell you what to do or how to act. No one has any clue what the hell you’re going through. What you and Liz are going through. You’re both just going to have to figure it out as you go. I’m sure that’s terrifying but at least you can’t screw it up, right? Because there isn’t a right answer here.”
“You sure? Because I think I’m still gonna manage to screw it up. That’s kinda what I do.” Her lips twisted sardonically.
“No, it’s not,” Alex refuted. “You’re not a screw up, Rosa. You never have been.”
She laughed. “I’d heard that people romanticize the past or whatever but in what world were you living in where I wasn’t a screw up?”
“The one where you were the first person I came out to because I knew I was safe with you,” Alex smiled. “Maybe you made mistakes. But you were- you are a kid. You’re supposed to make mistakes.” He shook his head. “Doesn’t mean you are one.” Rosa still looked like she didn’t believe him but she didn’t argue anymore. “Besides, whatever mistakes you did make, you’re a damn good older sister. You always put Liz first, made sure she was okay.”
“I was running away,” Rosa reminded him with a scoff. 
“Sometimes you’ve run,” Alex shrugged. “Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone else is make the right choice for yourself. If you’d stayed in Roswell just for Liz, do you think you would’ve regretted it? Then or now?” Rosa nodded without hesitation. “Then staying would’ve only made you resent her. So leaving was the right choice.”
Rosa thought about that and they made it halfway through their food before she spoke again. “Is that your excuse?”
Alex looked at her in surprise. “What?”
“Is that what you tell yourself? That leaving is best for both of you? Because if you stayed you’d resent him?”
“I-” he blinked. “I don’t know.”
She nodded like he’d just confessed something important. “Yeah.”
Rosa hummed. “Where we going next?”
They made it to the Atlantic. It took them another month and a few unfortunate detours north wherein they were quickly reminded that they grew up in a desert and winter was not for them but they got there. Rosa wriggled her toes in the sand as the waves washed over them. 
She looked up at Alex as he took a picture. “It’s warm.”
“It’s February,” Alex furrowed his brow. They had the beach to themselves and he’d parked his butt on the edge of a pier. 
 “I know. And yet it’s warm.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean it’s freezing but it’s warmer than the Pacific.” She looked around. “I wonder how warm it would be if we went further south.” They’d hit Virginia Beach because it was the easiest for them to get to but they were only about halfway down the coast. 
“You wanna go south?” Alex sighed.
Rosa grinned and nodded.
They went south.
“We literally cannot go any further south,” Alex laughed when Rosa suggested it again. They both looked up at the buoy proudly proclaiming this spot to be the southernmost point of the US. He took a selfie of them with it and sent it to Michael. They still hadn’t actually spoken but he refused to stop sending pictures until Michael asked him to. It felt like a lifeline. Like if he stopped, then they stopped. And he wasn’t willing to do that.
“Come on,” Rosa tugged his arm. “The beach is calling my name.”
“The beach is always calling your name!” He laughed. She shot him a wicked grin over her shoulder and skipped off ahead of him.
Somehow they found themselves in New York. Alex blamed Rosa. Rosa blamed Alex. 
Boston was 100% on Alex.
“It’s literally a ball of twine,” Rosa gawked. 
“It does appear that way, yeah,” Alex agreed. They both tilted their heads to the side as if it would be more interesting from a different angle. It wasn’t.
In Austin, Alex finally called Michael. It had been almost four months since they left and it was almost three o’clock in the morning but he’d walked away from a really hot guy with just enough alcohol in him that he didn’t care.
“You pick now to call?” Michael’s grumpy voice answered. “Was three p.m too hard?”
“I can’t get it up with anyone else,” Alex complained. “He was really fucking hot and he knew how to use his tongue and yet nothing.” He thumped his head against the wall. “He had curly hair and all I could see was you.”
“...I don’t know what you want me to say here,” Michael admitted.
“Why didn’t you come back?”
Michael sighed and Alex heard the sheets rustling as he moved around. “Because I was a mess and I wasn’t thinking straight. It’s not an excuse and it’s not an apology. It’s just what it is. If I could go back would I do it differently? Probably.” He paused. “Why’d you leave?”
“Because Rosa was,” Alex answered. “And I didn’t want to let her go by herself.”
Michael hummed. “That the only reason?”
Alex sighed. “You kissed my best friend,” he accused softly.
“Yeah,” Michael agreed. “I did. That’s all I did, by the way.”
“I know,” Alex assured him. “She told me.”
“Yeah, she mentioned she’d talked to you.” There was an accusation in his voice. Alex ignored it.
“What do you want from me?” Alex had to ask. “What do you want from us?” Michael didn’t answer right away. “Do you even know?”
“Do you?”
Alex hung up.
“Isobel called me,” Rosa announced as they drove through the endless corn fields of Kansas.
“She said she remembered some things from back then but she didn’t know what it all meant.”
Alex waited.
“Why do I have to tell her?”
“You don’t.”
Rosa looked at him. “But she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know who we were to each other.”
“And that sucks for her, really it does. But that doesn’t mean you have to make yourself uncomfortable to remind her. I know she’s a painful subject and I can’t imagine trying to talk to her about her would be any less painful.”
She looked out the window. “It’s not.”
“If you want to talk to her, then do it,” Alex advised. “But don’t do it if it’s going to hurt you. Remember it’s okay to pick yourself first.”
They made it to Nebraska before either of them said another word.
“How’s Guerin?” Rosa asked in Nashville.
“How’s Isobel?” 
Rosa shrugged. “Wouldn’t know. I’m putting me first,” she smiled around her straw. “Guerin?”
Alex let out a heavy sigh. “We don’t know what we want.”
“When’s the last time you talked to him?”
“Talked? Austin.”
“Texted?” Alex’s phone buzzed then, Michael’s name flashing on the screen as if summoned, and Rosa laughed. “So?”
Alex shrugged and turned the phone face down. “It’s a work in progress.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Good? Or…?”
“I don’t know,” Alex sighed. “And that’s the problem.”
“But you love him.” She didn’t phrase it as a question because by this point she knew better.
“And yet we don’t seem to be good for each other.”
“Says who?”
Alex stared at her. “The past ten years.”
Rosa pulled the straw out of her shake and sucked a chunk of ice cream out the other end. “Sounds like you’ve never actually tried before. So how do you know if you’re good for each other or not?”
Alex didn’t have an answer for her.
They went to Vegas for Rosalita’s 21st birthday. The less said about that weekend, the better. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas and all that jazz.
(except for the three drunken phone calls to Michael, the unintelligible message on Isobel’s machine, the 27 texts in a group chat with Liz and Maria, and the four videos sent to Kyle - those unfortunately did not stay in Vegas)
Rosa drove them back to California so she could learn how to surf. Alex found a bar that reminded him of the Wild Pony with an open mic night and a guitar for him to use. 
They stayed there for two months.
It was almost eight months after they’d left when their phones went off almost simultaneously in the middle of the night.
Five minutes later they sat in silence, the dark room suddenly oppressive. 
“They’re going to wake Max up,” Alex broke the silence. 
“She wants me to meet him,” Rosa admitted quietly. She waited half a beat before she was up and out the door. Alex let her go. Sometime in the last few months, Rosa had taken to literally running her stress off. Alex wasn’t sure if three a.m. was a good time to go running by herself but they were in a small coastal town in Maine and he wasn’t too worried.
Instead of following her, he shifted on his bed until he was sitting up against the headboard and he waited. 
He didn’t wait long. Maybe ten minutes after Kyle and Liz called them, his phone rang again.
“Kyle and Liz already called,” he answered.
“You asked me what I want,” Michael replied. “I want you. I want you here and I want you with me when I get my brother back because I want my family here and together and I can’t have that if you’re on the other side of the country.”
He said it like it was that simple. 
Maybe it was.
They both hung up after that, no need for any more words. Not when they’d see each other soon.
When Rosa came back half an hour later, sweaty and panting, she took one look at him and nodded in resignation. “We’re going back.”
“I’m going back,” Alex corrected. “You have to decide what’s best for you.”
She flopped onto her bed. “What if I don’t know what that is?”
Alex considered his next words. “Well. You’ve tried running. How about you go home and see about staying?”
She rolled over to look at him. “The entire town of Roswell thinks I’m dead,” she reminded him. “My dad still thinks I’m dead.”
Alex turned to face her, his legs hanging over the edge of the bed. “We just tell them your cover story. They might not buy it but I think they’ll accept it in the face of literally any other explanation. And I think it’s time your dad knew, don’t you?”
“I don’t know, Alex.”
“You don’t have to come with me,” he reminded her. “I can leave you the car and catch a plane back. You can keep traveling.”
She shook her head and stood up. “I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going back to sleep.” Alex let her go.
He managed a few hours of sleep before getting up and taking his own shower and packing his things. In the fifteen minutes he spent running out for breakfast, Rosa got up and packed everything else.
“What?” He stared at the room when he got back, greasy take out in hand. Everything was packed and ready to go. For both of them. 
Rosa took the food from him without meeting his eyes. “I miss my sister.”
It took them two days to get back. Truthfully it probably should’ve taken them three, maybe even four, but they only stopped for food, gas, and a few hours of sleep when neither one of them could keep their eyes open anymore. 
They rolled into Roswell at almost midnight the following night and Alex dropped Rosa off at the Crashdown with a smile and a (gentle) shove out of the car. He waited just long enough to see Liz come downstairs with a bat only to drop it in shock. The two of them collided in a hug so fast Alex honestly wasn’t sure he could say who moved first. 
He left them to their reunion and turned towards the scrapyard. There was a fire dying down when he pulled up and a light on in the Airstream. The door swung open as Alex turned the car off and got out. The headlights stayed on just long enough for him to almost close the distance between them before Michael got a good look at him. 
“Alex?” Michael breathed.
“Hey,” Alex replied softly, twisting the keys in his hands. Michael hadn’t exactly asked for him to come by when he got back into town but Alex had assumed…
Michael was wrapping his arms around him before Alex registered that he’d left the doorway. He pressed his face into Alex’s neck and held him tight. Alex tensed in surprise before returning the hug in kind. “How was Bar Harbor?” Michael mumbled into his shirt.
“Bah Habah,” Alex corrected with a small grin. Michael pulled back just far enough to raise an eyebrow. Alex shrugged. “It’s how they say it. It was nice.” He smiled. “Good to be home, though.”
“Yeah? Didn’t think you missed Roswell all that much,” Michael questioned.
“I didn’t,” Alex shook his head. “But I got back into town an hour ago and I wasn’t home until just now.”
Michael grinned. “Wow.” He laughed and shook his head. “That was so cheesy.”
Alex blushed and started to pull back. Michael didn’t let him go far before he was pulling back in. He cupped the back of Alex’s head and kissed him gently. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too,” Alex confessed before kissing him again. 
They woke Max up two days later. The first thing he did was ask for Rosa. 
The first thing she did was slap him upside the head. “Don’t ever die on my sister again.”
He laughed breathlessly. “I won’t if you won’t.” 
Alex was a little afraid Liz’s face was going to break with how wide she was smiling. 
 Three months later Rosa left again. This time, Alex stayed and Liz went with her. They had a going away party and Arturo gave both of his girls hugs before waving them off. Alex had been right when he’d said the people in Roswell wouldn’t believe Rosa’s new life story but they’d accept it over the truth. No one really questioned how or why Arturo suddenly had a new younger daughter named Rosa who looked exactly like the old Rosa. They didn’t want the answer if they did. 
As they drove away, Michael tightened his grip on Alex’s waist. “You want to join them?” He’d already asked Alex that no less than eight times since Rosa announced she was ready to hit the road again. 
“No,” Alex answered anyway. “Besides, next time I leave, you’re coming with me.”
(Rosa and Liz were gone for almost four months. Max was a mopey mess the entire time but the two came back with a stronger bond than ever and the absolute certainty that Rosa and Vegas are a bad combination. They all had the messages to prove it.)
(Alex left a year after they got back. He took Michael with him. They didn’t come back for almost two years. Thank god for Airstreams.)
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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“The week is long. The silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west."
We all stood there in silence after reading the half of the code we had translated. And by we, I mean Robin.
"Wait what?" Steve asked.
I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" Robin questioned.
He looked from us back to the whiteboard and back to us again, "Are we all reading the same translation?"
Dustin, Robin and I looked at each other before letting out little laughs. I shook my head before picking up my bags and heading to the front of the shop.
The others followed, Dustin and I stood just outside the entrance and waited as Robin and Steve quickly closed the store since the mall had been closed for the last twenty minutes.
"That was pretty good just for working on it today," Dustin told me as they shut the lights of Scoops Ahoy off.
I nodded, "Robin's a master," I chuckled.
I looked over at him as he smiled, Robin came out and stood next to me, beaming.
"Our little Russian translator," I said as I ruffled her hair which made her laugh.
Steve came out and pulled the gate down, where he locked it quickly.
"I mean...it just...it can't be right," Steve said, talking about the translation.
"It's right," Robin defended as we began slowly walking to the mall entrance.
"Honestly, I think it's great news," Dustin added, looking proudly over at Robin.
Steve scoffed, "How is this great news? I just...so much for being American hero's! It's total nonsense."
"It's not nonsense," I interjected, looking back at him.
He looked over at me and jogged to catch up with me.
"It's too specific, it's obviously a code," Dustin stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What do you mean, a code?" Steve asked as he fell in step with me.
Dustin looked back, disbelieving, "Like a super secret spy code."
Steve, once again, scoffed, "That's a stretch."
I hummed and looked at him as Robin piped up, "I dunno, is it?"
"You're buying into this?" he asked her.
She hesitated only for a second, "Listen, just for kicks let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission? What did you think they were gonna say 'fire the warhead at noon'?"
"Exactly," Dustin said, extending his arm out to Robin.
"What do you think, Lou? You've been quiet," Steve said.
I looked over at him and shrugged lightly, "I agree with them. I mean...if you were going to send out a transmission you wouldn't want just anyone to be able to crack it. It makes sense, to me, for them to make it into something that not everyone would be able to figure out. Something so...so weird that people wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to translating and cracking it."
Steve opened his mouth but closed it quickly, sending me a small noncommittal nod.
"My translation is correct, I know that for sure. So...the silver cat feeds, why would anyone talk like that if they weren't trying to mask the true meaning of their message?" Robin definitely posed a good question.
"Exactly," Dustin and I said at the same time, but Dustin looked back at Steve with a wide eyed 'told ya so' look to which Steve made a face back at him.
"And why would anyone wanna mask the true meaning of their message, unless their message was somehow sensitive," Robin kept going on her train of thought.
"So I guess that confirms your suspicions," Robin told my little brother.
"Evil Russians," Dustin concluded.
I smiled a little and rolled my eyes slightly. What else could I do. Dustin didn't seem to be wrong here.
Robin looked back at me and Steve, "I can't believe I'm about to agree with your little brother but yeah...evil Russians."
I shook my head and looked over at Steve, who was looking in my direction but not right at me.
"Steve?" I asked quietly.
He looked at me before taking a few steps towards me, grabbing my hand that wasn't holding my bags from my earlier shopping trip. Before I knew of the evil Russians.
Regardless of what my feelings about Steve were during school and how I thought he was an asshole, the heat on my face was enough to throw me off a bit still. I was confused about why he was acting so nicely to me, even though lots of the evidence was pointing at him possibly redeeming himself over the last little while.
He pulled me over to a mechanical horse at the kiddie rides and looked over at me, wide eyed.
"What?" I asked quietly.
He gripped my hand tighter before he reached into his pocket hastily with his other hand.
"I need a quarter," he muttered.
I put down my bags and let go of his hand, then dug into my bag for my wallet.
"Lou?" Dustin called.
I pulled out a quarter and handed it to Steve, "Thanks," he told me quickly.
"You tall enough for that ride?" Robin asked with a laugh as her and Dustin walked over to us.
"Shut up," he sassed back.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asked.
"Will the both of you shut up and just listen," he said as the ride began moving.
The music...it was the same as the recording.
"Holy shit. The music..." I said looking over to Steve.
"I knew it I heard it before," he told me, his eyes were absolutely wild looking.
Dustin quickly pulled out the recorder and played the message again. The music was unequivocally the same music that was coming from the kiddie ride.
"Okay," Robin started, "so they have some musical kiddie rides that like in Russia, so what?"
"An Indiana flier? Doubt it," Steve said looking at the name of the ride that was posted on it.
"So wait...that means that the transmission...it didn't come from Russia," I said, looking down at my little brother.
Dustin was wide eyed, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
"It means....that this came from Hawkins...right here at Starcourt," Steve concluded, effectively finishing my sentence.
I had never wanted to leave somewhere quicker than I did right then and there. It was too close to home. Maybe right under our feet.
"We should go," I said quietly, as I grabbed my bags from the ground, "never know who might be around in an empty mall."
We all jogged out of the mall and stood together in a circle out in front of the main doors.
"Okay, well, tomorrow we'll keep working on it. We'll figure it out and I dunno...maybe talk to Hop or something," Robin suggested.
"I agree, let's just go home, regroup and come back tomorrow," I stated.
Robin looked into the parking lot, "My moms here," she told us, "see you all tomorrow," she said, walking over to the bike rack.
I looked in the opposite direction at the bus area, "Come on, Dustin, let's go. See you tomorrow, Steve," I said, looking briefly at Steve, before poking my brothers shoulder.
"You're gonna take the bus?" he asked us.
I looked at him again, "Yeah, we didn't call our mom so the bus is just easier now. She won't wanna come out now," I explained.
He shrugged, "I can take you guys home?" he offered.
I grinned but shook my head, "No no, that's okay, Steve thanks."
He pulled his car keys from his pocket, "Seriously, let me drive you guys. It's late, I dont know if I trust the bus this late."
Dustin stepped over next to Steve, "Yeah come on Lou," he said with giant eyes.
I sighed and looked behind me, the bus wasn't anywhere in sight. But did I want to be stuck in a car with Steve for an extra ten minutes longer than I needed to be?
"Okay," I agreed looking back at the two of them, Dustin was grinning like a madman.
Steve nodded with a smile, "Okay, it's right over here."
He led us over to his BMW and unlocked his door, and then he unlocked the rest of the doors from inside. I went to the backdoor but Dustin bumped me to the passenger door.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
He looked at me and smiled, "Older sibling privilege, remember?" he asked, before opening the back door and jumping in, closing the door behind him.
I sighed and opened the passenger door, I put the bags on the floor and got in, closing the door gently.
"Ready?" Steve asked me.
I did up my seatbelt and looked over at him, "Ready," I confirmed with a smile.
"What time are you working tomorrow?" Dustin asked.
"Ten to nine," Steve responded.
I kept looking out of the window, watching the streets and houses pass us by, like I usually did. It had all been too much to take in today. With the Russians and translating a code and Steve being a decent human being.
I was still harbouring some ill towards Steve, but I didn't think that would change any time soon. Or ever for that matter. Him not making me feel like shit, or buying me a drink, or driving me and Dustin home doesn't make him a fully changed person in my opinion.
There was no denying that he was at least a tiny bit different though. He didn't seem to have that weird like...vibe around him of being overly pretentious and an all around asshole.
Maybe I was reading too much into it.
But we were involved in this whole evil Russians in Hawkins thing so, we had that going for us now, I guess.
"Yeah you can pick us up, that'd work out better, right Lou?"
I looked away from the window and behind me to Dustin.
He raised his eyes brows and shook his head slightly, "Steve? He offered to pick us up and take us to the mall since mom is working tomorrow? So we can decode the rest of the message?"
My eyes shifted to Steve and saw him take a peek at me out of the corner of his eye, "No, that's fine you don't have to."
"It's really not a big deal, Lou, I figured you want a ride rather than the bus again," Steve said.
I sat facing the windshield again and toyed with the hem of my shorts, "It's out of your way, Steve. It's fine."
Steve chuckled, "It's like, four minutes out of my way, it's really nothing."
"I dont know about you, Louise, but I'm gonna get a ride, you can take the bus alone if you really want to," Dustin piped up.
I rolled my eyes, "Wow, a true gentleman," I said sarcastically.
"And yet you're not taking the ride offer from Steve?"
"Maybe it's because that's too early to be hanging out with you, Dusty."
"Insanity. You don't have a choice because we're going to decode a Russian message, Lou. Should have thought of that before."
"Maybe you should think about shutting up."
"Oof, ya got me!"
I laughed a bit and shook my head, feeling a small sense of relief at seeing my house come into view.
"Fine," I relented.
Steve parked the car in our driveway and turned to face me, "Good, so I'll see you in the morning?"
"Sure," I confirmed with a small nod.
Dustin's head popped into the front between us, "And me too."
I smiled and opened the car door, "Yes, Dustin we know. You're the only one anyone wants to see."
He stuck his tongue at me, "See you tomorrow, Steve," Dustin said, pulling his head back and getting out of the car quickly.
I was out of the car and scoffed at my brothers retreating back, "Don't even offer to help with my bags!"
"Don't worry, I didn't!"
I smirked and leaned into the car to grab the few bags I had, "Did you want some help?" Steve asked.
I breathed out a laugh, "No no, I just like to try and make Dustin feel guilty but it never ever works pretty much."
He smiled at me and nodded, "Gotcha."
I grabbed my bags and took a step away from the car, "Okay...well thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Lou," Steve said before I closed the door and walked around the front.
"Louise?" Steve called.
I looked back at the car and saw that he had rolled his window down with his arm hanging out.
"Yeah?" I called back to him.
He hesitated, "Do you drink coffee?"
I tilted my head with a small smile, "What?" I laughed.
He laughed too and ran a hand through his hair, "Answer the question!"
"Yes!" I told him, while continuing to laugh. What a strange question.
He nodded with a large smile, "Okay...alright then I will see you tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face, "Bye, Steve."
I turned back around and walked through the open door, I turned to face outside to close the door and saw Steve still sitting in the parked car looking my way.
I raised my hand and offered a small wave, he waved back to me, before finally putting his car in reverse and leaving the driveway.
I closed the front door and locked it, turning to the living room where I spotted Dustin sitting on the couch watching me.
"What?" I asked, before walking past him to the hall.
"What 'what'?" he asked as he followed me to my room.
I opened the door and walked to my bed, dropping my bags onto it, and removing my bag from around my shoulders.
"I literally don't know what you're talking about?"
He scoffed and sat on my bed, I sat next to him.
"Steve," he said, elongating his name.
"What about him?" I questioned.
He nudged me with his shoulder, "Still think he's a giant douchebag?"
I rolled my eyes, "I know that he was a giant douchebag."
"But is he still?" he shot back.
I rolled my eyes and look at him, "What do you want from me, Dust?"
He shrugged, "I want you to try to admit that Steve isn't that bad of a guy anymore. You have to realize that now that you've hung around him today."
"I think there were many more pressing things on my mind today...for example the evil Russians that are probably here somewhere in Hawkins."
He hummed, "That's true. But, see, the thing is, is that I like to know when I'm right, so if you could just tell me that I am, I'd be good for the evening."
I looked over at him and flicked his nose, making him mumble a small 'ow' before I laid back on my bed.
"Steve doesn't seem to be as douchy as he was during most of high school, does that work for you?" I asked as he laid next to me.
"I'll take that," he agreed.
"So," I began, "how the hell am I supposed to sleep knowing that there are evil Russians in the town?"
He hummed, "Just close your eyes," he said simply.
I turned my head to look at him, only to see him staring up at my ceiling, "That simple, huh?"
He closed his eyes, "That's how I seemed to sleep after everything else that's happened."
I furrowed my brow, "Everything else? What everything else are you talking about?"
He opened his eyes and scratched at his neck, "You know....with Will missing and being dealing with the cops that night...the lab and everything....you know?"
"Dust," I said quietly.
He turned to look at me with sad eyes, "Yeah?"
"You've...never told me about what happened with all that...Will missing and everything that happened that night," I prodded a bit.
He nodded and sat up, with me following suit.
"It was...a really weird time, Lou...I cant really get into it," he murmured.
I sighed and nodded, "That's okay, Dust. I know that was a rough time...sorry, you just never talk about it is all."
He looked over at me quickly, "I'm gonna head to bed," he told me as he stood up, "see you in the morning," he said wearily before walking out of my room and closing the door silently behind him.
Dustin Henderson was hiding something from me. Whether is was about Russians or about something more that happened when Will went missing...there was something.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and GIF credit to owner.
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the-fangirl-way · 5 years
6: Snow
When my alarm clock sounded the next morning, a low grumble made its way up my throat. It was Monday, and worse, Harry was downstairs asleep on my couch.
I forced myself to get out of bed, if I had it my way I would have stayed there all day under the warm blankets pretending that none of this ever happened and that I was back to my normal life before Harry Styles entered it and caused havoc.
The hardwood was cold as ice beneath my feet, the entire apartment always stayed cooler than necessary even with the heat on. I prompted for a quick ten minute shower to warm me and waken me for the hellish day I knew was to come; although it wouldn't be until I got my first caffeine fix of the morning would I truly feel alive.
I quickly got dressed dismissing the idea of looking decent today, it was Monday after all, pulling my hair up into a tight bun on my head and pinching my pale lifeless cheeks to give myself some color, England really was turning me into a ghost with the constant overcast.
I stepped out into the hallway and instantaneously my nostrils filled with the delightful scent of coffee beans, which meant two things, there was fresh brewed coffee, and Harry was awake downstairs.
I retreated slowly down the stairs, with any luck he was already gone and had just made himself a cup before leaving. I noticed the blanket he had used the previous night before was folded neatly and the pillow placed on top on the coffee table, he had at least taken the liberty of cleaning after himself.
I entered the kitchen and unfortunately found him leaning against the countertop gripping a mug in his hand looking pensively at the ground, his face changing when he noticed me coming through the doorway.
"Avery, good morning, you look-"
"Thrown together, I know, it's Monday."
"I was going to say lovely, actually, although I do prefer your hair down if I'm being honest."
I felt a small blush creep on my cheeks but dismissed it as I brushed past him to grab a thermos out of the cabinet, one cup wasn't going to do today.
"So Harry about last night-" I started, pouring coffee into the thermos.
"Save it," he said and I turned to look at him. "It was nothing, I know, you were exhausted, no doubt still high on adrenaline from everything that happened; really no big deal."
Taken back from his cool demeanor and politeness I just nodded, happy that things weren't awkward.
"How's the uh, stitches?" I asked stirring in the cream and sugar.
"Fine, a little sore but nothing I can't bounce back from." Harry said taking his last swig of coffee before washing the cup out and sitting it in the sink.
"Thank you, by the way." He said running a hand through his tousled hair.
"For letting me stay here last night, I know Devlin wasn't keen on it."
"Devlin is just, indifferent."
"She shot me a glare this morning before she left." He said chuckling and I frowned.
"She's normally very hospitable."
"Hey, for her to let me sleep under the same roof for the night was plenty hospitality for me."
"So, where are you going to go?" I asked taking the first sip of my coffee, the steamy liquid arousing a little bit of life within me.
"Not entirely sure yet, I figured I'd walk around for awhile until I figured it out."
There it was again, the pang of guilt that I should not be feeling for Harry but yet, there it was. He was being so nice this morning, a huge shift from his normal cocky attitude, I guess that was another reason I blurted out my next sentence.
"I'll give you a ride. I mean, is there somewhere I can drop you off at? I really would hate for you to have to walk in this freezing cold."
Harry shrugged and ran a hand through his hair again, a nervous habit I suspected.
"I guess you could maybe drop me at my fathers, as much as I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see me, there's a few things I need to discuss with him."
"Right okay, no problem where does he live?"
"In West Worth Manor, the gated community."
West Worth Manor, that was a big rich community, then again his father had to be wealthy with him being able to bond Harry out.
"Sure, not a problem." I said taking another sip of my coffee, heading towards the door.
"Just let me grab my things and we can go."
Harry followed me into the living room where I gathered my laptop, purse and jacket, checking my phone I still had an hour before I had to be at work, I liked to get there early and beat morning traffic.
I grabbed my keys off the hook beside the door allowing Harry to step out into the hallway before myself, locking the door behind me.
It was cold in the hallway, colder than usual. We boarded the elevator in silence.
When we got down to the lobby I noticed Harry smirking and I turned to see what he was looking at.
Fat white snowflakes were falling rapidly from the sky, and there was already a thick white blanket covering everything as far as the eye could see.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I said scrunching up my nose.
"What? It's just a little snow." Harry offered and I grumbled.
"I'm wearing heels, I'll break my neck!"
"Well why don't you go change?" He suggested and I shook my head.
"No, I don't have time, let's just go." I said and he nodded following me to the door.
Outside wind whipped around while the snowflakes peppered down fast and heavy, my nose burned with the familiar tingling sensation, it did this every time it snowed.
"Right so where are you parked?" Harry asked and I sighed.
"Normally I park in the car deck but it was full when I came home yesterday so I had to park...there." I said gesturing to my car, all the way across the parking lot, which at the moment was a frozen tundra of ice, a death trap waiting to happen.
"I can pull it around if you'd like?" Harry offered and I shook my head.
"No, no, I can do it." I insisted and he shrugged.
I hitched my bag up over my shoulder and started slowly but surely across the parking lot, if I didn't know any better I'd say I was ice skating all over again. The thin layer of ice hidden under the snow showed no mercy on me or my heels, and I almost ate the dust quite a few times, but; somehow successfully I had made it to my car.
"Okay, now I'll get in and-" I started to say when I lost my footing on a patch of particularly slicker ice.
"Avery!" I heard Harry's voice shout.
"Harry?" I said blinking up at him, the snow was falling rapidly against my face and it was bright, too bright, Harry's face looked concerned as he was peering down at me, his cheeks and nose rosy red from the chill biting at them, snow flakes peppering his hair, he looked adorable.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"I'm, I- ow!" I shouted suddenly, pain shooting up my elbow into my arm.
"I think, my arm-"
"You're laying on it weird, you landed on top of it, can you move it?" He asked and I very gingerly tugged at my arm beneath me and a whole new wave of pain skyrocketed through it.
"SHIT!" I yelled out and he raked a hand through his hair.
"I bet it's broken."
"Damn it, damn it, damn it."
"Here, we need to go to the hospital and get it looked at." Harry stated and I felt his arms under me again.
"I'm going to lift you, it's gonna hurt but I have to okay?" He asked and I sighed.
I felt him tug on my body and there was the shock of pain searing through my arm like white hot iron.
"Wow, someone's got a potty mouth." Harry joked and I shot him a glare.
"Just hurry up." I whimpered and he opened the car door and with as much gentleness as he could, slid me into the passenger seat.
"Keys." He said holding out a hand and I reluctantly fished them out of my bag and handed them to him.
He stalked around to the other side and slid in smoothly, putting the key into the ignition my car roared to life.
"Nice car, what model is this?" He asked inquisitively.
"Harry." I grumbled.
"Right, sorry."
I broke my arm in two places, the doctor put me in a cast against my many attempts to talk him into just putting it into a brace, or a sling. He also took me out of work for a week to let it heal, all in all this Monday could have gone better.
"How do you feel?" Harry asked, the painkillers the doctor had prescribed me had started kicking in and at the moment I didn't feel any pain.
"Not bad, pretty good, kinda hungry."
He chuckled and turned on the radio, Crazy by Aerosmith was playing.
"Aerosmith huh? Classic rock fan?" He asked smirking and I nodded.
"Yeah, so? Problem?"
"No problem." He said shaking his head, it was at the end of the song and surprisingly enough he knew all the words.
The beginning chords of the next song made him turn and look at me.
"Wham? What kind of CD is this?" He asked as "Careless Whisper" began filling the car.
"A burnt CD, really old actually, Dev burnt this one for me on my eighteenth birthday, Eighteen And Life is on this one, and there's another one up there," I said gesturing to my CD case attached to my visor, "That has "Seventeen" By Winger on it, she kind of always made CD's for me for my birthday every year.
"Hmm, thoughtful, I like it. How long have you known Devlin?"
"Since we were kids. She lived down the street from me and we rode the bus together, we've always been inseparable, we've worked our entire lives around each other." I said and Harry nodded pursing his lips.
"Must be nice to have a friend like that."
"Yeah, have you never had a close friend?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Not really, I guess Doug would have been my best friend growing up.."
I felt a knot in my stomach.
"Aw Harry I'm sorry-"
"Don't, it's fine, it happens."
"It shouldn't happen though, no one should have to go that young."
"You're right." He agreed and then promptly began to sing along with the music to avoid any more sad conversation topics.
Surprisingly he had quite the singing voice, it took me by surprise but I pretended not to notice, afraid he might stop if I commented on it.
Soon enough we were pulling up at my apartment and Harry hopped out, coming over to my side where he opened the door and helped me out carefully.
"Here," he said looping my arm around his neck for support, "Don't want a repeat of that again."
I nodded and he helped me back across the parking lot, the snow still coming down in quarter sized flakes.
Once inside he shook the free snow from his hair and I took notice once again to his flushed complexion, matched with his wildly kept hair and bright colored eyes he was handsome without a doubt.
Get ahold of yourself Avery, you're gawking, it has to be the medicine.
We boarded the elevator and I leaned against the wall.
"I'm sorry your day didn't turn out quite like you'd have wanted it." Harry said and I shrugged.
"I'm honestly thankful you were there, if that had happened to me by myself, I'd of really been screwed."
He shrugged and I heard the ding of the elevator as we reached my floor, the doors opened up.
We stepped off and I immediately froze, there outside my apartment door, clad in his uniform stood Tristan.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Brooke Lynn’s Jealousy Part 2 (Brooke X Nina) ~ Writing West
A/N: I told you I’d be back very soon! Well, here’s part 2. There will be a part 3. I have not decided exactly how many parts there will be, but I currently have big plans for this story so I will continue writing as long as you are still enjoying it! Warning: it starts getting a little AU now, because to make the story fit, I need the season 11 tour to start a little earlier than it did. Enjoy!
Nina turns over and sees that Brooke is gone.
I knew this was just about sex, Nina thinks to herself, wondering how someone whom she had loved for so long and whom she had considered her very best friend (other than Virginia, of course) could talk all this talk only to use her as sexual release.
Today is the first day of traveling, so Silky, Honey, Nina, and Brooke have to leave the hotel they are at in Chicago on a bus to New York where the first show is, and then travel on the Season 11 tour bus to months worth of shows.
That’s a lot of time with Brock, Nina thinks.
Nina gets up and gets dressed. She is wearing jeans and a Disney t-shirt. In fact, it is the Disney shirt she was wearing the first night she watched Brooke Lynn live, at a non-competition event that is. This is when Nina’s sadness turns to anger.
Nina had spent countless nights at Brooke’s performances, helped Brooke prepare for Continental, helped Brooke prepare for Entertainer of the Year, held Brooke as she cried countless times, laughed with Brooke, celebrated Brooke’s triumphs, stayed up all night with Brooke countless sleepless nights, fell in love with her, and then watched her pretend to love someone else in such a way that Nina believed she had lost her for good and didn’t have a chance. Then, Nina let her back in, laid her heart on the line, and had sex with the person she loves only to be left the next morning. And she’s just supposed to pretend everything is okay and ride the bus with her today and then casually go back to normal for the rest of the tour?
I can’t do that. If she wants to pretend to be jealous just to get in my pants, I can make her jealous, Nina thinks.
Nina finishes packing and goes to the lobby to grab a bagel. She takes all of her stuff and puts it in the bus. Brooke is already on the bus and Nina walks right past her. She goes and sits beside Silky and in front of Honey.
Brooke is sitting in her seat and acting like nothing is happening. She continues tweeting like it is just a casual morning and she didn’t just leave the love of her life after a night of passionate sex.
Nina decides it is time to turn it up a notch. Brooke, apparently wants to play games, and Nina is very good at games. Nina rubs her hand up Silky’s arm and not-so-quietly asks “How is my man doing today,” before leaning over to whisper in her ear.
“Just play along, I’m trying to show Brock what it is like to be messed with,” she whispers to Silky, who whispers back with “you know how much I love pranking Brock. I’m in.”
Brooke heard none of the whispering, but she definitely heard “I’m doing alright, Babe.”
Nina responds with “That’s good baby.”
This begins Brooke’s bus ride of jealousy. Baby is what Nina calls her. Baby is what Nina has always called her. Why is Silky baby now?
Nina and Silky do not let up the whole car ride. There are calculated glances, wandering hands, plastered on grins, pet names, cuddles, and even a few comments from Honey about how she ships the two. However, what sends Brooke Lynn over the edge are the little kisses the two share. By the time the bus pulls up at the venue for the first show of the tour, Nina swears she can see steam coming from Brooke’s ears.
Once they are inside with all of their stuff, they are told by Asia, the host of the show, that the 8 season 11 girls who could make it would be split up into two dressing rooms. Vanessa, A’Keria, Shuga, and Plastique would be in one dressing room, leaving Yvie, Brooke, and much to Brooke’s dismay, Nina, and Silky. They get to their dressing rooms and begin to get ready.
They all begin to paint their faces, most of them doing their signature looks. However, Nina decides to mix it up. She puts on dark eyeshadows, bright red lipstick, and big blonde hair, as opposed to her favorite pink wig she was going to wear.
The other girls get dressed. Yvie is wearing the outfit she wore for the music video, Silky is wearing this beautiful purple gown, and Brooke is wearing the Chrystal ball outfit she wore under the tear-away at the finale. They all look beautiful, but when Nina turns around fully dressed, all eyes are on her.
“Wow, my man, I mean, my woman looks amazing,” Silky exclaims.
“Excuse me, she was mine first and she definitely looks fucking stunning,” Yvie says.
Nina says her “thank you”s and then walks over to Yvie. She snaps a picture and posts it.
Brooke Lynn looks on Instagram to see what it looks like, and reads the caption: “We are basically dating.”
She turns the phone off, slams it in her bag, and then goes to wait for the show backstage.
The show goes smoothly and everyone in the audience has a fantastic time, and Brooke got some cool gifts from her “children”.
All 8 queens hop on the bus after they are out of drag and go to the hotel. They are all given their room keys and take their stuff to where they will be staying for the next two nights, considering they have one more show here before they leave. Nina and Brooke are right across the hall from each other and Nina feels terrible so she makes her way across the hall and knocks.
“What do you want, Andrew,” Brooke asks.
“May I come in,” Nina asks a little angrily.
“Whatever,” Brooke says as she steps aside and closes the door after Nina gets in.
“So?” Nina asks sitting on the bed like she doesn’t know why Brooke is so angry.
“What the fuck was that today, Andrew Levitt?” Brooke asks as her sound level rises.
“One, stop yelling at me right now. Two, I don’t know what ‘that’ you’re talking about, Brock. What was ‘that’ this morning, huh?” Nina finishes sarcastically.
“You know exactly what ‘that’ I’m talking about. You spent all day flirting with Silky, kissing her, touching her, calling her baby, knowing that I am the one you usually call Baby. Then, you post that picture with Yvie and tell everyone that y’all are basically dating. You spent the whole day, trying to make me jealous and it worked,” Brooke rants without taking a breath.
“Yeah, well you spent all night trying to get in my pants just to leave me the next morning, and that worked too,” Nina said with tears in her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheek.
“I was nervous, Andrew. You didn’t seem convinced last night so I just thought I’d leave before you had the chance to kick me out,” Brooke responds.
“I will not sit here and be blamed for my own broken heart. I poured out my love for you and have for years, and you still think so little of me that you thought I’d force you to leave after I was satisfied? Maybe it is a good thing that we are through because obviously you don’t know me at all,” Nina finishes with the tears that were threatening to fall now quickly cascading down her cheeks.
“Andrew, I never said that we were through. I’m sorry. Please give me another chance. Don’t you leave this-“ but all Brooke here’s are her own words reverberated off of the slammed door with the love of her life crying on the other side.
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ambssssssssss · 6 years
The Journey Home
Her school paperwork filled out and meal finished, Juliana excused herself to her new bedroom. Exhausted from her long day of travelling and confused from the swirl of emotions in her heart, Juliana fell into an uneasy sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Her dreams were filled with soft laughter ringing in her ears, and the most profound sense of forever, of warmth, of home, bracketed by the deepest, clearest blue Juliana had ever seen.
Also known as the juliantina hs!au.
Here it is! Chapter one of my juliantina hs!au.
Also read on AO3
Lupita had told Juliana they were moving for their own safety. Chino’s cartel wouldn’t take kindly to Chino’s execution and could come after them to settle his debts. It was better that they started over somewhere new, somewhere no one would think to look for them. Chino had passed three full weeks before Lupe decided that they needed to leave, Juliana barely had time to pack before she and her mother hopped on a bus heading west. They disembarked in a seemingly random, middle of nowhere town, but Lupita kept glancing around as if expecting to see a familiar face. They grabbed their meager belongings and left the bus stop, Juliana was sure she had never been to this town before, but Lupita seemed to know exactly where she was going.
“Ma, where are you going?” Juliana questioned as she and her mother walked through what seemed to be the town square. Lupita had paused in front of a statue that marked the center of the square, an artful renditioning of a family of pioneers.
“Hush, Juli, we’ll be there soon.” Lupita looked at her phone, studying the words on the screen before tucking the device back into her pocket. “Come, it’s just a little further.”
Juliana huffed as she followed her mother down a stone pathway towards an intersection. As they walked, Juliana took in her surroundings. The town square seemed to be a center for family business, most shops open and inviting. Several windows were decorated with photos of smiling young men dressed in black and red football uniforms. From what Juliana could see, the shops looked to be local, quaint. One advertised homemade bath and beauty products, another a used bookstore, and attached to that a small cafe that seemed to have a good crowd for a Tuesday evening.
The backside of the park was lined by several important looking buildings. The largest by far was made of stone, a towering clock tower that Juliana was sure didn’t have the right time acting as a centerpiece. A smaller building sat to the left and slightly behind that largest building, the familiar red coloring of two fire trucks parked in the open garage. The parking lot was lined with pickup trucks covered in varying degrees of dirt. The parking lot seemed to be shared by the third building on the corner of the street that boasted a sign reading “Red Lake Museum.” Juliana frowned thoughtfully. She had never heard of a town called Red Lake, but she hadn’t gone to far from San Antonio since she was a baby so it wasn’t all that surprising. There was another building on the other side of the large stone one, but Juliana would need to turn around to see it fully. Instead, Juliana turned her head to see what shops lined the street to her right, only to be distracted by a young couple emerging from one of the buildings.
The boy seemed aggravated, his arm possessively wrapped around the girl at his side. The hold made the girl seem smaller than she was, her shoulders down and arms curled around herself. Juliana wasn’t close enough to hear what they were saying, but she could tell whatever was being said was done so in anger. The boy grabbed the girl harshly by the upper arms and Juliana had the oddest rush of protectiveness sweep over her. Without realizing it, she took a small step towards the couple. The girl pushed him off, taking a step back to put some distance between them. The movement brought her marginally closer to Juliana, which made her inexplicably happy. Juliana took another step towards the girl, noticing the tips of her fingers stained black as they wrapped around her arms again, only to be stopped by a hand on her own arm.
“Juliana?” Her mother questioned, stepping in front of Juliana and blocking her view of the arguing couple.
“What?” Juliana shook her head to clear it, failing to resist the urge to look over Lupe’s shoulder. The boy was angrily storming off, the girl looking small and defeated as she walked in the opposite direction.
“Why did you stop? I told you, we need to get settled before anything else. It’s still not safe.”
“Perdón, perdón,” Juliana fell into step with her mother again. The continued walking and Juliana was hyper aware of the sad girl walking parrel to her on the other side of the street. She tried not to, but she kept stealing glances at the other girl as they approached the intersection from opposite sides. They had to pause for the light, Juliana pressed the button to signal pedestrians wanting to cross and stuffed her hands into her pockets. The other girl was signaled to cross first, she did so with her arms still wrapped around herself, head down. She walked slowly, for a moment Juliana worried that she wouldn’t make it to the sidewalk before the traffic started again, but she made it safely across.
There was a moment between when the other girl reached the sidewalk and Juliana stepped off that felt heavy. The weight of it settled on Juliana’s shoulders as the girl passed behind her. She was two feet away but Juliana felt her presence as if she was right behind her. Juliana turned her head to the left as she reached the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. The girl kept walking, shoulders shaking slightly. Juliana wondered if she was crying, or trying not to. She felt her heart clench at the thought of this complete stranger crying.
Juliana followed her mother around the corner, the other girl leaving her line of sight but her presence remaining in the forefront of Julian’s mind.
Juliana wasn’t sure how far they had walked when Lupe finally pulled her to a stop outside a run down house. They had travelled from the town square, passing several house, two restaurants, a gas station, and beneath an overpass before turning left and entering a neighborhood composed of house that were slightly run down, paint chipping and roofs shingled unevenly. The streets weren’t lined with sidewalks here so Juliana and her mother walked on the very edge of the paved street.
“We’re here,” Lupe said with a slight smile as she turned to Juliana. “Welcome home, mija.”
“Home?” Juliana questioned, surprised when Lupe pulled two keys out of her pocket. She handed one to Juliana and kept the other, leading her daughter to the door and opening it.
“It’s not much, and the house needs some work but we’ve got running water, electricity, and beds.”
“Mom, what is going on?” Juliana questioned as she took in the houses interior. There were two rooms off the entrance, bedrooms from what Juliana could see through the slightly ajar doors. Taking a step forward, Juliana noticed a third door that lead to the bathroom. Turning to the right, a large open doorway lead to a small living room, a kitchen that doubled as a dining room beyond that to the right. “How did you do all this?”
Lupe looked from her daughter to their surroundings, her jaw working as she tried to come up with a plausible excuse. Juliana knew they didn’t have family in this part of the the state, or anywhere else for that matter. Juliana deserved to know how Lupe had managed to get them a house, a furnished one at that, in the course of what seemed to be a spur of the moment movement, but she wouldn’t like the truth. Juliana didn’t believe that Chino had risen from the dead. She wasn’t at the morgue when it happened, by her own choice. How could Lupe explain that she had called in several favors from a friend she hadn’t seen since high school so she’d be able to follow her now un-dead husband to a middle of nowhere town? That her husband had woken up claiming to be someone else and Lupe had tracked him using the name he swore was his when he woke up?
“I have an old friend who lives here, called in a couple of favors.” A partial truth was better than outright lie.
“An old friend?” Juliana scoffed. “I don’t buy it. What are we really doing here, mom?”
“I already told you,” Lupe raised her voice slightly, not in the mood to deal with Juliana’s stubbornness, “we’re here for your safety. Chino has old debts, debts that we can’t afford to pay. If the cartel finds us…” Lupe trailed off, hoping the implications of what she didn’t say would be enough to keep Juliana from pushing. “I know of a place looking to hire a waitress, I’ll be back soon. Don’t leave the house.”
“Why can’t I come with you? I can get a job, too.”
“No, you’re going to school.” Lupe insisted, holding up a hand to stop Juliana’s protests. “The whole point of this is to keep living our lives like normal. Normal teenagers go to school. My friend had already picked up the registration papers for us, we’ll fill them out tonight so you can start tomorrow.”
Juliana had no desire to change schools in the middle of the fall semester of her sophomore year of high school. She was happy at her school in San Antonio, or at least it was easier to pretend she was. It was a big school, Juliana could fly under the radar without anyone looking at her twice as long as she did her work and kept quiet. Of course, that all changed when her father was arrested and sentenced to death for his affiliation with a cartel. His conviction didn’t exactly surprise Juliana, her father had always been a less than stellar citizen. He was angry, aggressive, always spewing hateful words towards Juliana and her mother. Juliana had learned at a young age to never show any emotion around Chino. A smile would earn her a scolding, a tear would be even worse and Juliana knew to never raise her voice at her father. She had done that once before, matching his angry tone and harsh words in a surge of bravery when she was fourteen. Her bravery had earned her a black eye and her mother pleading for Chino to let it go. Juliana decided she didn’t give a crap about her dad at that moment. Everything bad that happened in her life was a direct result of Chino being her father, even her having to change schools.
Juliana stayed silent, only nodding her head in acknowledgement as her mother left. Alone in her new home, Juliana turned to the two bedrooms and chose one for herself. Throwing her bag in the closet and kicking off her shoes, Juliana laid on the small bed. Her annoyance at her mother’s evasive answers faded as her thoughts turned back to the sad girl she had seen earlier. A part of Juliana wished she had stopped at the crosswalk, said something to the girl, comforted her. It was a strange feeling, one Juliana had never had before. A desperate hope that Juliana hadn’t missed something important, hadn’t lost her chance at something amazing.
Juliana was still thinking about the sad girl and missed moment when her mother returned a few hours later, now employed and carrying food for Juliana in a white take out box. Juliana ate her food quickly, listening to Lupe ramble on about how good this town wound be for them. They would make this place a home. Juliana doubted she would ever feel at home. It was a foreign concept to her. Juliana never had a home. She had a place to sleep and eat, a place to store her clothes but it was nothing more than that. A building meant for shelter. The meaning of home had been destroyed by her father when she was young, the first time the cartel came knocking on their door. The barrels of guns pointed in her direction, the nauseating smell of alcohol and her father’s gruff voice robbed Juliana of knowing a home before she was even old enough to understand what that really meant.
Her school paperwork filled out and meal finished, Juliana excused herself to her new bedroom. Exhausted from her long day of travelling and confused from the swirl of emotions in her heart, Juliana fell into an uneasy sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Her dreams were filled with soft laughter ringing in her ears, and the most profound sense of forever, of warmth, of home, bracketed by the deepest, clearest blue Juliana had ever seen.
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alexismccarvel-blog · 5 years
Day 1
     Today I woke up on the floor of my Boyfriends Apartment, Sprawled out next to the open window because it was soo hot in his room. Sleeping next to him doesn’t help because he literally feels like he is on fire. I also woke up slightly hungover from the night before playing a game of Pull Cribbage (it's exactly how it sounds). Once I got myself up off the floor, I downed a couple pills and chugged a bunch of water. Then I snuck out of his apartment and headed back up to mine. My apartment is in the same building as his btw.   
     Once I got to my floor I struggled to get the door open because you gotta stick the key in the lock hole and basically jiggle it till it opens. I think it’s stupid. Once I was In everyone was still asleep, so I did as much as I could in the living room so I wouldn’t wake people up. I did laundry and did some dishes. I'm trying really hard to stay clean because I'm not the cleanest person. The thing is I just moved into my apartment 3 days ago and I didn’t know any of these people and one of their requests was to keep the place clean they also told me some “nightmare” stories about past roommates who weren’t the tidiest of people. So staying on top of my game is a MUST. 
      After my morning of doing things I hate, I had 30 minutes to get to my 11:45 class on St Paul. so I walked over to the bus stop keeping an eye on the 122 bus which would bring me to the stop where I would get on the 121 bus. A bus started to pull up to the stop and I panicked so I started sprinting to the bus stop to get on that bus. I hopped on and I was on my way! UNTIL the bus decided to turn and take me to west bank! WEST BANK! 123. I hopped on the 123 bus. uh I hate myself. 
     Anyways I finally got to class and did all things good and after class, I got a nice little message Nigibh (bf’s roommate) about how he needed a hula hoop for his party tomorrow. If you ask me I think its weird but I was in for hula hoop adventure. Before we left he said he did some research on where to get a hula hoop. Literally went to four different stores and could NOT find a hula hoop. We pretty much had given up after that. He dropped me off at my last class of the day and it was one of the shortest classes ever. The class was supposed to last 1.5 hours and instead, it was less than 30 minutes. About 20 minutes into the class I started feeling just terrible, like really bad cramps terrible. So, once class was finished I went to the bathroom and without a doubt, the Blood Baby had returned A.K.A. my period lol. No worries tho I had some lady stuff with me. But I made tommy (bf) rush to the store to get more lady stuff. It was awkward! He had an opinion on everything I was getting!!! LIKE HELLO, I AM A GIRL AND YOU ARE A GUY YOU DON’T GET A SAY IN WHAT I GET AND DON'T GET OKAY THANKS! 
     Now that all the boring stuff is through, on to my night (Almost done I swear). Tonight was a good night I started it off at tommy’s apartment playing smash with some of his friends. One of them’s name was B-Shaw and he was soooo bad it was great! We were on a team kicking everyone’s ass! Given no-one else was playing but that’s besides the point. Tommy and his friends were going bowling in a bit and were drinking, so I took a few shots but I was going to support my friend James for his A-cappella auditions. I sing, but I don’t like the rejection so I went as a supporting friend! He did alright in his first audition and then absolutely KILLED it in his second audition! I have never been more excited in my life! After all that excitement I met back up with tommy and his friends. Tommy had his shirt off in Coffman bowling, so my first thought was to swipe it and go running haha. He chased me pretty far down the hall and then caught me when I was trying to get through a door. He was looking mighty fine (wink wink). ANYWAYS we met back up with his friends at some bar. It was fun to hang out with them but I just wanted to leave because all they had was beer and gross tator tots. Not really my scene.
     On the way home Tommy and I had a deep conversation about past relationships. He was pretty drunk so it was kinda funny. But after that we walked back to the apartment and I slept in my own bed! SCORE        
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