#kevin's given chance after chance after chance
youareinacomawakeup · 10 months
You know what's wild to me about people's complaints about Steven Universe?
"Blah blah blah something something Not Every Problem Can Be Solved By Talking About It"
...The show knows that. That's why Jasper and Kevin are there.
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vangelini · 3 months
Boyfriend For the Night | Spencer Reid x Reader
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Part 2, Finale!!
Summary: During a night out with the team, you and Spencer find yourselves together at the bar. So, when a creep tries to pick you up, he tries his best to defend his best friend (by being MORE than just that…)
Tags: fluff, pining idiots, BAU!Reader, Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption 🤷‍♀️
Words: 1.4k
It was often, after difficult cases, someone on the team would shout out a suggestion of “what’s everyone doing tonight?” or “anyone wanna go get some drinks?” This time, it just so happened to be Penelope.
“Come on, you know it’ll be fun,” she pleaded to the boy genius packing up in the bullpen.
“I don’t know, Garcia. I’m not sure how much fun I’ll be,” Spencer gave a tight-lipped smile, putting another file in his over-the-shoulder bag.
“Pretty Boy, you’re plenty of fun,” Morgan jested, one arm around Garcia. “Plus, I think Pretty Girl is going, too,” he smiled.
Spencer knew that was your nickname, given affectionately by Derek. He mulled over it in his mind. At least, if you were there, he might have someone to talk to about common interests. You were, after all, the only one on the team that could follow along with his ranting, taking the chance to blab about your own latest interests, as well. “Fine, I’ll go,” he came to the conclusion that hanging out with team would probably be more exciting than rereading a scientific journal to the soothing sounds of Vivaldi. Plus, he would get to see you outside of work.
“Yay!” Penelope clapped her hands together, her blonde pigtails bouncing. “This’ll be so much fun!” She grabbed Morgan’s hand and started walking out of the bullpen. “See you guys there!”
You spotted him as soon as he walked in, grinning wide with a small wave.
He laughed, waving back, in response. He scooted in next to you in the tight booth, his leg hitting yours. “What did I miss?” He asked, smiling at the team.
“Just hearing about Emily’s worst dates,” you smiled up at him, elbows on the table.
“Captivating,” he joked, a little stiff from the close proximity between the two of you. Spencer couldn’t deny that he was attracted to you. Well, he could, and he has been, ever since he met you. Sure, it earned him some teasing from the team, but you weren’t free from it either. ‘That’s just what happens when a man and woman are friends,’ he rationalized. But your relationship was closer than just friends. (Best friends?) It was hard to ignore the way you turned to him, when in a group, or how you always lit up when someone mentioned his name. And if Spencer was trying to hide how big his smile got when he got to rant to you about his favorite subject, or how much you two laughed about who-knows-what in the bullpen when the team wasn’t around, he wasn’t doing a very good job. And he certainly wasn’t doing a good job now, trying to keep his composure as you giggled next to him, as the conversation went on.
“Well, I’m getting another drink,” you spoke between a laugh. “Spencer, you wanna come with?” He looked up at you, standing with your purse over your shoulder.
“Sure,” he smiled, following you out of the booth and to the bar.
“I’ll have…” you leaned against the bar, tapping your chin in thought. “Whiskey and coke, please,” the bartender nodded. “Spence, you want anything,” he looked down at you, hands in his pockets. He squinted down at the little plastic menu that the bar had printed out.
“Just club soda, please,” he smiled shyly at the bartender. You stood up, leaning your hip on the counter.
“I’m glad you could make it,” you spoke to him, smiling.
“Me too.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love Penelope, but I can’t hear about what she does in the bedroom with Kevin anymore,” you laughed at the end of the sentence. Spencer did, too.
“I know what you mean,” he noticed the way you messed with the zipper on your jacket as you spoke to him, a habit he picked up on quickly, when he first met you. “However, I think listening to Morgan talk about his one night stands is arguably worse,” he laughed.
“It’s SO much worse!” You hit him on his sweater-clad arm, playfully, a wide smile pulling up at your flushed cheeks. He laughed with you, putting his head down a little to hide the blush that bloomed up on his nose.
“Only about fifty percent of first dates result in a second one,” he continued, cracking his knuckles nervously. “there are ways to increase that likelihood, like a good first impression, or establishing shared interests early on,” he gained a little confidence. “actually, over sixty eight percent of successful couples report that they were close friends before dating,” he spoke the last part before he could think about it. After he realized what his words might have suggested, he closed his mouth, turning away shyly. You smiled to yourself, putting your head down a little. “That’s, uh, probably why Morgan hasn’t found someone yet,” he turned back to you, smiling tight-lipped. “At least ONE reason,” he laughed. His lips pursed gently, his chestnut hair dangling around his ears. You looked up at him gently as he loosened his tie, still laughing a little at his joke. Your eyes wandered toward his lips. He licked them nervously, glancing back down at you, eyes scanning your face.
You were snapped out of you Reid-filled daze when an unknown man spoke up next to you.
“Hey, pretty lady,” his voice was gruff and had an inflection that somehow communicated that he had never touched a woman in his life. “Can I buy you a drink?” You turned around to see a man no older than thirty smirking slyly next to you, leaning on the bar. He absolutely REEKED of cigarette smoke.
“I’m okay,” you smiled nervously, subconsciously moving closer to Reid. The doctor narrowed his eyes, a little put off by the advance.
“Come on, pretty girl like you, here all alone?” He advanced. “Let me buy you a drink,” he reached out to put a hand on top of yours, but Spencer stepped in.
“Uhm, actually, she isn’t here alone,” he ran his hand through his hair nervously, giving the man a tight-lipped smile. The man looked between you two, a confused look on his face.
“For real?” His voice came out like gravel, and he scoffed a little bit.
“Yeah, for real,” you grabbed Reid’s hand, squeezing it. “I’m here with my boyfriend,” his heart skipped a beat or two when you called him that. Boyfriend. He couldn’t help but smile proudly at the man.
“You’ve GOTTA be joking,” he slurred, laughing.
“No, she’s not joking,” Reid stood up straight, tucking his hair behind his ear. “And, actually,” he began, his tone changing to how it usually did before he went on a rant. “According to surveys, around seventy percent of women find unsolicited advances in bars to be unwelcome and uncomfortable, rather than flattering,” he pressed his lips together, shrugging a little while squeezing your hand. You couldn’t help but giggle at his attempt to scare the guy off. The man just stood there, confused. “Studies show that people decide within the first seven seconds if they're interested in someone. If you come off as aggressive or disrespectful, your chances plummet, which,” he looked back at you, smiling. “I think is what happened here,” he was proud of himself; you could tell.
“I don’t need your statistics, Einstein, I think-“
“Actually, Einstein had an IQ of about 160; I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read over twenty thousand words per minute,” this effectively wore the creep off, because he just mumbled an angry ‘whatever’ and walked away toward another group of girls.
You looked up at your friend and broke into laughter. He joined. “I cannot believe that worked,” you squeezed his hand a little, turning to face him.
“Honestly, me either. I figured he would either get bored and leave, or end up punching me,” he laughed out. “I may be in the FBI, but I don’t think I can handle a drunken bar brawl.” The bartender set the drinks on the counter in front of you and you gave him a small smile, grabbing yours. “The team’s probably waiting for us,” Spencer grabbed his drink, dropping your hand. You picked it back up, looking up at him.
“Just in case we come across any other creeps,” you smiled, a warmth running through the both of you.
“Good thinking,” he mused, squeezing your hand tightly, walking back toward the booth.
Morgan spotted the both of you, turning away from his conversation with Hotch.
“Oh? What’s this? Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl holding hands,” he crossed his arms. You rolled your eyes at the comment.
“Some weirdo tried picking me up, so,” you held your intertwined hands up so they could see. “Reid is my boyfriend, for the night,” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink. It was, supposedly, just for the night, but Spencer liked the sound of that.
And, admittedly, so did you.
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reidelight · 2 months
Wake Up Call
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summary: when the heat breaks down at the hotel you’re staying at, you suggest sharing a bed with spencer to keep warm throughout the night
genre: a twinge of smut and fluff
cw: 18+ MDNI, gn!reader, afab!reader, pet names (darling, love, pretty boy), slight sub!spencer if you squint hard enough, mutual pining, fade to black sex
wc: 1.8k
note: hi! this is my first fic on here :) there's def potential for a part two if y'all want it. enjoy!
You regretted not bringing a sweater to sleep in. 
While it made complete sense that the weather cooled as the sun went down, you couldn’t help but complain as the cheap motel informed you all that the heating was unfortunately down in some of the rooms. Ever the lucky ones, you and Spencer stepped foot into your shared room and are welcomed with a deceptively kind wall of chilly air.
“You’d think that with all the BAU does on a daily basis, we’d get a decent room to hunker down in,” you huff, setting down your duffle bag on the farther bed.
“Just you wait until you feel the thickness of the duvet,” Spencer chimes in, which results in a dramatic sigh falling from your lips.
It was only a matter of time before you had suggested sharing a bed to gather as much heat as possible. Seeing as Spencer was a walking heater, it made perfect sense when he crawled into your bed and even more so when you huddled close together.
Despite the good doctor’s opinions on the amount of germs passed through physical contact, he found that you bypassed any and every one of those thoughts. Simply put, he didn’t mind your germs. After the three years you two had worked together at the BAU, Spencer had developed a bit of a soft spot for you, and you for him. 
“Pretty boy,” Morgan smirked as he watched you enter with Spencer, treats in hand and the brightest smiles on your respective faces. “About time you two got together.”
“What?” Spencer squeaked, the heat rising to his cheeks. “No, they just brought me a coffee this morning.”
“Just you?” Derek turns to you, “What about me? I like coffee too, and don’t get me started on donuts.”
“So does the rest of the team, and everyone else in this office building. I can’t exactly afford enough for everyone,” you laugh, taking a seat at your desk.
“Not my fault the coffee machine broke down and maintenance hasn’t gotten around to fixing the damn thing,” Morgan groaned, tilting his head back.
“I’ll bring you one tomorrow, but it’s going on the company card,” you reply, flashing a smile to Morgan.
“Not a chance,” Hotch says as he passes through the bullpen.
Your conversation faded away as Spencer set up his desk far from your own. He couldn’t help but stare at the little heart drawn next to his name on the cup. You were his best friend, but he couldn’t help but allow his heart to flutter at the prospect of something more. Of course, he had weighed the pros and cons of asking you out, but ultimately decided it wasn’t the smartest idea. 
It was all around bad timing. You had just gotten out of a rough relationship and swore off dating for the time being. Spencer watched as men and women alike pursued you each time you’d gone out on BAU bonding nights. It made perfect sense. You were the most beautiful person Spencer had laid his eyes on, of course other people would see that too. 
Spencer had done his best not to let the idea of you in relations with another get to his head. Hell, he had spent so long trying to push away his own feelings for you. It’s not like workplace relationships were prohibited– Penelope and Kevin’s relationship was given nothing but support from the beginning. To him, there was simply no way that you would ever see him in that light. 
Apparently he had been wrong, specifically about what kind of feelings you had for him.
When he had woken up in the middle of the night, Spencer found that the blood not only rushed to his cheeks at the state of your position, but to his crotch as well. You had unknowingly curled up against his front, your head tucked underneath his chin, legs tangled together. 
For a moment, Spencer stopped breathing. You were so calm, completely unaware of the lewd thoughts running throughout his head. He felt ashamed for wanting to pull you closer and hear your sickly sweet voice moan his name. 
“Y/N? Wake up, I’m sorry,” Spencer mumbled, trying to wake you.
Instead of opening your eyes, you had moved impossibly closer to his body, placing pressure onto his already aching cock. Spencer winced, simultaneously cursing and thanking whatever god above that allowed this to happen.
“Darling, I need you to wake up,” Spencer shook you again, sighing in relief once he saw your eyes flutter open.
“Was there another murder? What’s going on?” you grumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“You really shouldn’t be rubbing your eyes like that. It increases the possibility of small scratches on your cornea, leading to redness, light sensitivity, and irritation,” Spencer spits out, trying his best to evade his evident nervousness.
“I just know you didn’t wake me up to tell me that,” You were slightly more awake now, still unaware of your (in Spencer’s opinion) compromised position.
“I’m sorry, I just need to get up,” Spencer rushed out, gesturing to your proximity. “Right now, preferably. I-I’m so sorry.”
Eyes wide, you shuffle away from him, apologizing profusely for moving around in your sleep. In your defense, the beds weren’t exactly the roomiest, and definitely not built for two people to sleep in comfortably at once. And he was just... so warm.
Spencer scrambled to get out of your shared bed, doing his best to cover his crotch with his hands. Already embarrassed enough, he finds himself bolting to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He rubs his hands on his face, ignoring the statement he’d spat out to you minutes prior. 
Unbeknownst to him, you had noticed his evident hard on as his lanky figure stumbled into the adjoined bathroom. Knowing your history, you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think of the prospect of a hypothetical relationship blossoming between you two. Before you could overthink the idea, you found yourself following his lead and stopping at the door of the bathroom.
“Spence?” you knock gently, trying to listen for any movement beyond the door. “Are you okay?”
“Yep!” he replied rather quickly.
“It’s completely okay, you know. You shouldn’t be ashamed for… that,” you say softly.
“Can we please forget about it? This is highly inappropriate, and I truly am sorry for making you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, Spence. Who said I wanted to forget?” Spencer feels his breath fall short. “Can you let me in, love?”
How could he even begin to say no to you?
Unlocking the door, you’re greeted with a disheveled looking Spencer, cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. 
“What’s going on there, pretty boy?” you begin, taking a step closer to him.
“Look, I’m really sorry about this. I really didn’t mean to,” he begins, “W-what are you doing?” his voice falters to a whisper, afraid to speak any louder.
You placed your hands onto his wrists, gently pulling them away from his middle, allowing the view of his clothed erection on display.
“You really have nothing to be embarrassed of, Spence,” you smile, socking your head to the side. “Do you need some help taking care of that?”
“I-I couldn’t ask you to do that,” he mumbled.
“Why not? We’re friends, yeah?” Letting go of his wrists, you bring your hands to rest around his neck.
Spencer nods, instinctively putting his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
“And friends help each other out,” he groans, shutting his eyes. “Say the word and I’ll stop. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable.”
“No!” he exclaims, gripping your hips tighter. “I’m just nervous.”
“Of what, darling? It’s only me,” you pause, holding his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “You have done this before, right?”
“Minimally, yes, but it's not just that. This could change everything. I don’t want to lose you as a friend if anything goes wrong. A-and the team! How are we going to explain any of this to them?” Spencer rambles, trying to avoid your gaze.
“We are the ones in control of this. It’s really our own prerogative to figure it all out. Either way, you’re still my best friend,” your voice fades away, lips pursing at all the thoughts running through your head.
“I am? I thought Penny was?” he spoke just above a whisper. 
“Of course you’re my best friend, dummy. You make it difficult to not love you.”
What? Spencer’s jaw drops, struggling to process the words spilling out of your mouth.
“I can understand if you don’t feel the same way–” your sentence is cut off by soft lips pressing against yours.
Following his lead, you kiss him back just as eagerly. Spencer hums into your mouth as you gently tug at the roots of his hair. You took this as a chance to slip your tongue against his, nipping at his bottom lip. He was desperate, unable to get enough of the taste of your lips. Pulling you taut against his body, you let out a shaky moan feeling his erection press against your belly.
“March 13, 2011,” he says, taking a breath. “Exactly two months after you joined the team, you didn’t seem like yourself. You were really in your head, not even Penelope could cheer you up. It also happens to be the day I worked up the courage to invite you over to mine for some wine and movies to take your mind off everything.”
You hum, taking a pause to press a short kiss to his lips. “Yeah, I remember that. It was the first time we had hung out outside the office.”
“It took every fiber in my being to not kiss you while wine drunk,” he laughs, toying with the hem of your shirt. “I think that’s the day I realized that I fell in love with you.”
“Oh, Spence,” you coo, brushing the hair from his eyes. “I probably would’ve kissed you back.”
“You’d just broken up with your partner. I couldn’t do that to you. I wanted to be a safe place, not just some guy that wanted to get in your pants.”
“I’d like to think that both those statements can exist at once.”
Spencer purses his lips, trying to hide his smile. His heart was beating out of his chest. He’d never felt lighter than he did right now.
“What do you think about letting me help with this, hm?” Spencer moans as your hands travel down his body, hovering just above his bulge.
“I don’t think we can just be friends after this,” he whispers, leaning into your touch.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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kimkhimhant · 5 months
i know i've said it before but i just. what i love so much about the all for the game series is that, as horrifically brutal as it is, it is so packed full of love. these characters love recklessly and deeply.
neil, dragging this disaster team together with desperation, and everyone rallying around him, giving him the best year of his life. they'd all kill and die for each other, but most importantly, they all live for each other. neil has spent his whole life ready to die, but because of his team, he's finally ready to live.
wymack, gruff as he is, giving a second chance at life to all the kids no one else wants. pulling them to their feet and next to them when they're not ready to stand on their own.
andrew, fiercely protecting his pack. being an unyielding and unfalteringly solid weight for them to lean against. demanding that they not give up on themselves. reminding them of who they are.
kevin, making everyone around him a little stronger. confronting his greatest fears because they all make him a little stronger in return. giving neil something to live for. giving jean a new beginning, a chance at a better life.
jean, already having given up on himself, but still trying to protect everyone else, even at the cost of his own safety. taking care of neil in the nest, sending someone to save zane even after being so awfully betrayed, looking out for cody. falling a little bit in love with everyone.
the rest of the foxes, overcoming disagreements an ocean-wide divide between them and coming out the other side loving each other so much they're willing to risk everything to stay together.
the trojans taking in jean despite everything they've heard, teaching him how to be his own person. keeping him alive. showing him all the little joys in life.
just. this is a series full of brutal, devastating torture and trauma, but it's even more full of love :')
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vore-stories57 · 1 month
Helping Out My Brother's Friend
(A Vore Story)
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It was a quiet summer afternoon, and I had just gotten back from my shift at McDonald’s. I was sweaty and smelled of grease, so I was eager to get a shower. As I pulled into the driveway of the house I shared with my brother, I noticed another car in the driveway, and I knew it belonged to my brother’s friend, Benjamin. I liked talking to Benjamin, but we weren’t super close.
I pulled up the driveway and got out of my car and went inside. As I walked into the living room, I saw my brother, Kevin, and Benjamin sitting on the couch. I said hello to them, and they both said hi back. Kevin then asked me how my shift was, and I sighed and said it was fine. He said good, then he said that Benjamin had a question for me, and I looked at him and asked him what it was. Benjamin then asked me if I could help him out with a biology assignment for one of his college classes. I asked him what he needed me to do, he looked at Kevin, who gave him a head nod, then he looked back at me and said he would need me to go inside him.
I was a bit confused what he meant by that, so I asked him to be more specific, and he chuckled and said his assignment was studying the human stomach, and he thought it would be cool if I went inside his stomach for a little while and answered some questions he had for me. I was instantly intrigued, as Benjamin had a decently sized gut. And on top of that, I had just taken a few days off from McDonald’s to relax, so I was free. I then told Benjamin I would help him out, and he said awesome excitedly.
After agreeing to help him out, Benjamin asked me if I wanted to start today, and I said sure. We both then went up to my room, which was on the 2nd floor. As we walked up, I asked Benjamin if there would be any acid inside him, and he said yes, but he told me that his metabolism was pretty slow, so I should be fine for a little while. I said Ok, but I was a little nervous. 
We then got to my room. Once we were inside my room, Benjamin took off his shirt revealing his massive stomach, which looked very inviting. I then started to take off my uniform, and as I did, he asked me if I would be Ok with being digested if something went wrong, and I looked at him and said I would rather stay alive. He then said he would try his best, but he then said that there would be a chance that I would end up digesting, so if I wasn’t Ok with that, I didn’t have to do this. I personally had already gotten into the mindset of going inside Benjamin, and given that I already said I would help, I didn’t want to let him down, so I let out a sigh and said that if I did end up digesting, I would be Ok with it. He let out a sigh and thanked me.
After I got my uniform off, Benjamin walked up to me and told me to have fun inside him, and I said I would. He then suddenly leaned forward, his mouth wide open, and swallowed me. I was sent sliding down his throat and into his stomach. As I landed inside, the smell of mint filled the air, and I saw a couple mints being digested in the corner of his belly. Once I was inside, Benjamin let out a moan, then he asked me if I was alright, and I said yep. He said good, then he told me he was going to ask the questions now, and I said alright. He then started to ask questions, like how big was it, what did it smell like, how did it feel, and other things like that.
As Benjamin asked the questions, I answered to the best of my ability. As we went back and forth, my lower body started to tingle, as it was in the stomach acid. I started to get worried as my underwear began to dissolve, and this was only 20 minutes into my stay inside him. After about 30 minutes, Benjamin said we were done with questions, and I let out a sigh and asked him if he could get me out now, and he said he would try. He then reached down his throat and attempted to grab my hand, but the entrance was sealed shut. I tried pushing his hand through, but nothing would budge. I asked him what was taking so long, and he told me what was wrong. I then asked him if there was any other way he could get me out, and just as he was about to say something, he let out a burp, which sent his acid rising up higher.
After the acid went down, I asked Benjamin what he was going to say, and he said that the only thing he could do was just himself open, and that could kill him. He then said he was sorry, and told me that I was going to unfortunately digest. I knew there was a chance of this happening, so I asked him how long did he think I had, and he said maybe an hour. I then asked him if he could take me to my brother so I could say goodbye, and he said sure. He then went downstairs, where my brother Kevin was still sitting. Kevin said hello to Benjamin, and without warning, Benjamin let out another burp. This time, the acid went higher, and it burned my chest. I let out a groan of pain, and Kevin asked if I was alright, and Benjamin said I was here to say goodbye, as I was being slowly digested now,
After Benjamin told Kevin what was happening, Kevin put his head against Benjamin’s body and said goodbye to me, and I said goodbye back. Benjamin then asked me if I just wanted to go it over with, and I said I would want to spend some time with him and my brother before I go, and he said alright. Benjamin then sat down on the couch, but with the shifting of his body, the acid suddenly flowed higher, and it was up to my neck. I quickly asked Benjamin to stand up, but he suddenly let out a burp, and the acid filled his stomach to the brim. It all happened so fast that he didn’t hear me, and the only solution I could think of was the squirm. I punched and kicked with all my might, but it was no use. His stomach fat was too thick, and he barely felt anything, and within a few moments, I had passed out.
Following me passing out, and my body going limp inside Benjamin’s body, he and Kevin talked about how to move forward with their friendship, and if they should get the police involved. They eventually decided to keep what just happened to themselves. As they chatted, my body was quickly digested, and I began to add onto Benjamin’s body. As he and Kevin continued to talk, his pants continued to feel increasingly tight on him. 
About 2 hours later, Benjamin stood up and apologized to Kevin, but Kevin said it was alright, and he said that things happen. Benjamin then left the house, but as he did, he let out another burp. He chuckled and patted his stomach, then thanked me for adding to his body. He then left the house and went back to his place, now almost 20 pounds heavier.
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ninyard · 7 months
Honestly honestly the most romantic moment of the entire series is when Neil talks about how he'd never gotten to travel for fun before and the Foxes are planning to take him to the mountains, and Kevin starts to protest that they can't go on vacation but stops because Andrew is holding a knife on him 😭🥺😩 like I don't know that's just just a sweet little moment to me, Andrew threatening Kevin if he takes this little chance for happiness from Neil
Uhhhh literally Andrew “I-don’t-care” Minyard is the most romantic of ALL the foxes. My line of work revolves around intimacy and from all my training and studying let me tell you that man is a master at his craft.
Andrew’s touch is beautiful and sacred; this thing he does not take easily, or give out kindly whatsoever. Yet with Neil it’s as if he can’t stop himself. We see it in how gently he tapes the garbage bags around Neil’s injuries, wordlessly, without being asked. THAT’S intimacy. How he holds his neck to inspect his eyes when he removes his contacts, how he hands Neil cigarettes without a request, how he doesn’t say a word while touching Kevin with the point of a blade because Neil deserves a fucking break. Sure, by technicalities, the shower scene from TKM is intimate by definition, but really it’s in the kiss he ghosts across Neil’s hip, in how he pats dry his broken skin afterwards. How can you look at him wordlessly dropping keys into Neil’s palms, and think, yeah there’s no way Andrew could be romantic. Is he soft, is he gentle, as a person? No. But his minuscule actions are, his unmentioned gestures are. You just have to look and find them.
TKM just has some of the most subtly beautiful examples of a different flavour of love and intimacy that is so unusual and heartwarming it’s insane. That shower scene drives me crazy when I think about how caring Andrew is in it. He came in with the tape and bags on his own volition, knowing Neil needed a shower and couldn’t do it unattended. How he didn’t take away Neil’s autonomy by assuming he couldn’t undress himself, instead waiting until he paused and couldn’t go any further before he started to help. How he drapes the blanket over Neil’s shoulders, again giving Neil a chance to struggle before wrapping it around him. They practically don’t speak to each other really in that chapter at all apart from a bit of flirting in the shower. Because they don’t need to, because Andrew knows how to love, how to be caring, how to wrap up the boy he almost lost in bubble wrap because if he loses him again, it won’t be pretty. He washes Neil’s hair! He covers his wounds! He treats him gently when that is possibly the last word that could ever be used to describe Andrew. I feel like that scene was in part of course him just looking after Neil who can use approximately two square inches of his entire body, but in another part proving how serious he is about Neil. Everything changes between the two of them then, suddenly their actions more relaxed than hungry, not yet a given but instead now just a want.
I don’t know. I can’t help but see so much intimacy and romance in subtleties and things you’d barely even notice, regardless of the people/the characters and their circumstances. I wouldn’t use the word sweet to describe Andrew at all, but the things he does for Neil? The way that he loves Neil? The absolutely fucking sweetest.
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eheavenlyy · 5 months
i need to see a trojans vs foxes game for MANY reasons but one of the main one ones is so that neil, kevin, wymack, abby, and renee can see jean playing for a team that makes him happy up close. i need them to see just how far he’s come in only a few months with their own eyes, i need them to see him smile when him and jeremy are connecting on the court, i need jean to joke with neil about his sloppy plays and proceed to say one of his teammates are far better than him, i need kevin to pull jeremy aside after the game and thank him for taking a chance on jean and being the reason he’s smiling again… all of this only being possible because of not only their efforts to save jean, but because jean also took a chance on the trojans. he’s started to let them in and to view them as more than just people to help secure a win. he’s began to see them as his friends, his safety, his team, and he’s just so happy to have not given up when everyone kept pushing him down. the foxes need to see him in this light.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it Till you Make It | Part 13
“Buckley residence”
“Melissa, my second favourite Buckley! Hi, it’s Steve, is Robin there?”
“Oh Steve! Yes, yes one moment, I’ll just—weren’t you on holiday with your parents aaaand—?” he’d been calling Eddie his ‘partner’ for the week leading up to the big holiday. Never dropping any names, but given he’d found a sort of second home at the Buckleys… they were relentless in finding out who he was dating.
Since it’d never be Robin.
He wasn’t falling for it, no matter how deep they’d been into flower power back in the day. If he came out, Robin would end up coming out in solidarity and he knew she wasn’t ready yet so—“Yep, calling from Chicago airport, bit of a time sensitive call” he wasn’t giving it up.
“Oop, I’ll grab her—” there was a scuffle on the line then a quick “ROBIN, STEVE’S ON THE PHONE” another quick scuffle later and suddenly
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now, Dingus?”
“I’m in Chicago! Just checkin in on my baaaaaby, how’s my little bun today? Any morning sickness yet?”
“Mom get off the phone!!”
“Hahaha I’m kidding Melissa! Can I talk to Robbie alone though?”
“Unbelievable, you kids are turning me grey.”
“You’re as beautiful as ever though!” The other line clicked off, and Robin’s snickering laughter was all that remained. “One day she’s gonna stay on just to call my bluff.”
“But that is not today, again, aren’t you supposed to be on a plane? What’s up?”
“…Okay so, hypothetically, if you were fake dating someone you… I dunno… maybe, sorta… click really well with, can laugh with, and maybe sorta like a little, would you—”
“Steven Leopold Harrington do you have a crush on your boyfriend?”
“Fake, fake boyfriend, Robbie, fake. And that isn’t my middle name.”
“You’re not DENYING it! It's not even been a DAY yet, Steve!”
“No, I’m not—well… I’d call it more an interest than a crush, but that’s why I’m calling you, what would you do?”
“Pine uselessly for years, you know this.”
“Got it, pine uselessly” He could do that. He was doing that already, sort of. He’d watched in squinty eyed rage while a newsstand cashier with a nose ring flirted with his fake boyfriend while he grabbed a drink to down during the wait between flights. It didn’t go anywhere, Eddie barely even noticed, but Steve noticed. Steve noticed everything. “You really should ask Vi—”
“NO. Listen Steve, as the kids would say, you have found an ‘ultimate cheat code’ to asking your crush out, listen closely now, don’t want you to miss it… you’re already dating him!”
“It’s fake though!” Luckily his parents were off showing Eddie a cool mural they found last time they flew through. No chance of them hearing him.
“So?! Just act like it’s real! It’s like a test, you have a week to see if you’re actually growing ooey gooeys for this guy, and at the end of it, you’ll know if you wanna keep him.” Brilliant in theory but one small hiccup
“What if he doesn’t want me at the end of the week?” The fact that he hadn’t had a solid date in forever before the scheme looming over his head and heart like a dark cloud of suffering.
“I will eat my own shoe. Trust me dingus, trust me. He’ll want you, just work that mysterious Harrington Charm I’ve heard so much about. You’re already half-way there, you get to kiss him already.”
“…Okay, it’s gotta be the real stinker shoe though, you know the one.”
“The skunk one?!”
“Yep. The skunk one.”
“But we were gonna use that on—” Kevin, they were gonna hide it in Kevin’s office after he refused every holiday request Robin put in for a month after she, very politely, shot him and his advances down, why they still had it was… a mystery. They kept forgetting to get rid of it. “Fine, the skunk one. I will eat the skunk shoe, that is how confident I am that Eddie will want you, now please go and spend time with your way cooler than you boyfriend before your parents turn him into a normie.”
“Miss you already.”
“Miss you more”
“Miss you most.”
“Hang up.”
“No you han—” she hung up, and Steve couldn’t help but laugh about it knowing that undoubtedly. She’d be laughing on her end too.
The second flight was much easier to get Eddie onto. In fact, after they spent the hour between flights milling around the terminal, Eddie led him down the gangway, hand in hand, demanding he hurry up or “they’ll leave without us, my precious little harlot!!” there was no rush, they were actually first in line at the gate in front of his own parents, whom Eddie beat to the front of the queue, dragging Steve with him, still ribbing him for the mile high club thing.
He was not going to live that down any time soon.
The flight, in theory would give him a lot of time to think though. Nine hours. In seats that were too far apart. His parents in the middle of the cabin in a semi-enclosed pod-like structure comprised of two seats and a desk between them which they both shared to work on some paperwork, and he and Eddie on opposite sides of the plane.
Which sucked. Because he couldn’t hold Eddie’s hand.
He couldn’t make sure Eddie was okay, and that alone really dug into his time to think about things, because his brain was quite stuck on the fact that Eddie was alone on the other side of the cabin likely going through it as the second flight excitement could only last so long, and that just wasn’t okay.
Eddie couldn’t even do anything to pass the time, he’d packed all but one of his notebooks in his checked luggage, Steve was pretty damn sure he'd go insane if he had to just sit there with nothing to do for a whole nine hours.
So, they teamed up. From opposite sides of the cabin, because somehow Eddie just understood what Steve wanted him to do without having to be told.
It took them a joint effort all of one hour into the flight to puppy-dog eye his parents into switching seats with them.
This allowed them to pick at each other’s ‘gourmet’ meals, Eddie stealing several of his steak fries, and Steve stealing both the last bite of his steak, and two of his orange slices, it allowed Eddie to ramble on about the D&D campaign he was plotting to send the kids through when they got back, allowed Steve to subtly plant the idea into Eddie's mind that maybe... maybe he might be interested in seeing what that looked like.
Maybe they could hold the first session at his place when his parents went away again. Plenty of room! He could watch for once, instead of ribbing Dustin for it and purposefully never getting the name of the game right.
All leading to them both settling in their reclining seats, wrapped up in blankets, facing each other's smiling faces, and falling into an incredibly easy food-coma slumber for the remainder of their flight.
Both wishing the seats were just... a little closer.
Part 15
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thedovesaredying · 8 months
Monsters in the Dark | Nikto x Reader | Part 1
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First "official" part of Nikto x Reader fic set in the cowboy AU originally created by @ghouljams once again staring our darling Sputnik. Makes a lot more sense if you read the prologue which can be found linked below.
A/N: Did I spend several hours watching Kevin Richardson videos with him hanging out with his hyenas while writing this? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. This also ended up a lot longer than I was expecting lmao.
Warnings: Depictions of Minor Medical Procedures.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
Prev Part | Next Part
When working as a rural vet there’s a surprising amount of driving involved. Travelling from the clinic to farms and huge properties miles and miles away for in-person appointments and consultations can understandably take several hours out of your day. Most of the time you don’t even have working cell service to help guide you to your destination and you’re forced to either memorise the route beforehand or turn to your old reliable map.  
You’re new to the area, having decided to spend some time travelling across the US for the potential experience it could offer you. You’ve done plenty of work on stations in the north of Australia, helping jackaroos to manage any illness within their herds, always moving from place to place, and so Texas seemed like the perfect place to start your travels.  
While training, however, you had been given an offer to travel to South Africa to work with the numerous wildlife there both on reserves and in zoos. It was the best year of your life and ignited a passion for working with exotic animals.  
Travelling the US for work was an exciting opportunity to help rural communities with their livestock and to work with the numerous native species you’ve never had the chance to encounter in your everyday life. This little town was just another step on your travels and, so far, hadn’t really stood out to you more than any other small town.  
So, it isn’t out of place for you to be driving down a lengthy driveway through the woods and pulling up to a rundown old house. What is strange, is the huge creature sitting at the top of the porch.  
The hyena is massive. It’s powerfully built with pure muscle, and no doubt would be able to tear you to pieces if it chose to. It’s so distracting that for a long time you don’t even notice the huge man standing beside your car. He looks just as strong as the hyena sitting behind him and you’re not sure how you missed his approach.  
When the lady at the front desk informed you that there was a gentleman asking for a veterinarian with experience handling exotics, you were thinking perhaps a rare lizard, or an uncommon species of parrot. What you weren’t expecting was to see an adult hyena staring you down.  
You’re more than a little reluctant to leave the safety of the vehicle, but upon receiving a jerk of the head from the man, you cautiously exit the car. Not once do you take your eyes off the predator while you quickly grab your bag from the backseat.  
Having dealt with hyenas before, you know better than to show any kind of fear, forcing your shoulders down from your ears and starting to take calm, deep breaths. You offer your name to who you presume is the animal’s owner and hold out a hand for him to shake.  
The man, “Nikto,” as he grunts to you, takes your hand after a moment and gives it a firm shake. You’re used to farmers having a strong grip, so you simply offer the man a bright grin. “I take it this is the patient?” you ask, nodding your head toward the hyena in question.  
The man is clad head to toe in all-black clothing. Typical cowboy hat, black denim jeans, and a shirt that has a high collar and sleeves that reach all the way down to his wrists where they meet with a pair of leather gloves. All regular clothing, albeit a little dark for such a hot climate, but what really sets him apart is the dark neck gaiter covering most of his features.  
You would think it odd for him to be hiding his face on his own property, but you’ve heard that there’s several other ex-military men in the town that also prefer bandanas or masks to showing their bare faces. It looks intimidating, especially given just how huge the guy is, but at the end of the day he’s your client and it isn’t your place to judge.  
“да,” Nikto nods, “this is Sputnik.” He looks you up and down, before asking, “you are comfortable with her, yes?”  
“Uh, yeah, I’ve worked with hyenas before,” you confirm. That, unfortunately, doesn’t make it any easier or less nerve-wracking to be so close to an unrestrained predator. Normally, there’s at least a fence between you and any of the wildlife you’re treating, but hopefully the animal is somewhat friendly given it’s allowed to roam free.  
At your confirmation, he lets out a sharp whistle and snaps out a harsh, “КО МНЕ!” Causing the animal to leap to her feet and sprint across the grass to her owner’s side.  
You try not to jump when Sputnik runs directly toward you but manage to keep a handle on your reactions. Much to your relief, however, rather than tackling you to the floor and tearing your throat out, the hyena starts laughing excitedly and running circles around you. She’s clearly very curious, stopping every few seconds to try and sniff at you from a distance.  
You can imagine it would be an intimidating sight for anyone who has never encountered a hyena before, but she’s clearly just excited to meet someone new. “Is she normally this excited to meet new people?” you ask, unable to resist the smile that grows on your face as Sputnik starts to playfully nip at Nikto’s legs.  
The man huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “no.” 
You’re beginning to understand that Nikto is not one for making conversation.  
As Sputnik calms again, you watch her wander around the area. The issue becomes clear to you quite quickly in the form of a slight limp on one of her hind legs. She seems to otherwise be bright, alert and responsive, only the sore leg causing her problems.  
You run through the basic questions about the problem, how long it’s being going on, and how her behaviour has been recently. You quickly take notes on her previous medical history while keeping an eye on Sputnik. After taking down her information, you ask Nikto to bring her to one of the old sheds so you can begin the exam.  
She’s a beautiful hyena, and despite not having the behaviour of a domesticated dog, she can somewhat follow her owner’s commands. After seeing Nikto tapping the top of one of the tables, she hops up into a bench for you to more easily inspect her body.  
With Sputnik firmly restrained by her owner, you gently reach out for her hind paw. You softly palpate the area, taking note of the large amount of swelling, particularly in the area between two of her toes. After glancing up to ensure she isn’t getting too stressed, you pull apart the toes, spotting a nasty yellow lump of what is presumably infection.  
As you check over the area, you notice something black sticking out of the wound. With your trusty pair of tweezers you take hold of the object and begin to gently tease it out of the swollen mass. Sputnik’s leg twitches slightly, clearly not happy about someone touching her sore paw, but after a few soft words of encouragement she settles once again.  
Your grip on the object slips a few times, but eventually you’re able to pull it free. It’s a nasty thorn, a whole inch in length that was buried in the poor animal’s foot. Just removing it causes a flood of pus to begin squirting from the wound and you’re thankful for the medical gloves you’re wearing, because it is far from a pleasant smell.  
Sputnik whines, trying to pull her paw away again, but with your client still holding her head in place you can continue to express the rest of the fluid without causing her much more distress. With a small syringe of saline, you quickly flush out the remaining chunks of hardened infection until the liquid runs clear.  
It’s a small enough opening that she won’t need the wound packed or any stitches to keep it closed. Instead, you spray the area with a thick layer of Blu-Kote to prevent any further infection.  
“I'll need to give her a quick antibiotic injection to make sure it won’t come back, just make sure she’s restrained, okay?” You receive a grunt of acknowledgement, then provide the needed shot. Sputnik tries to turn and snap at you, but with Nikto in the way she ends up biting at thin air and growling in frustration.  
You gently rub at the hyena’s back with a loving coo, “what a brave girl, you did so well!” 
After being released she turns to regard you for a moment, before squealing happily and trying to lick at your face. It seems you’re already forgiven for your cruel transgressions against the poor girl. “Looks like this was the cause of the trouble,” you explain, briefly showing Nikto the old thorn you’d removed.  
Nikto turns his gaze to Sputnik, rolling his eyes before gently cuffing her around the back of the head. “Долбоеб,” he mutters, ignoring the way she starts to playfully bite at one of his gloved hands.  
You’re not entirely sure what he said, but no doubt it’s some sort of insult. Not that Sputnik seems to care, hopping down from the table and trotting around the barn as if the last ten minutes didn’t occur.  
“I gave her a strong antibiotic, but spotted hyenas are pretty notorious for their infections being resistant to treatment, so if she starts getting worse or isn’t improving then be sure to give me a call and we’ll look at if there’s anything we need to do,” you explain, keeping an eye on how Sputnik moves on her feet now. 
“Understood,” the man nods, standing ramrod straight with his arms crossed over his chest.  
Clearly this man still isn’t very interested in a conversation, given he has nothing further to add and almost seems to be pointedly ignoring you. It’s a little uncomfortable, but he’s certainly not the first... interesting character you’ve dealt with in your career and he won’t be the last. “Do you have any other questions about the treatment?” you ask.  
“нет,” he grunts, before quickly adding, “no.”  
You nod, offering the man a genuine smile, “well, I’m glad I could help out.” You remove your gloves and quickly start packing away the tools you’d been using, “the office will send through an invoice to your email, so you can pay online or head down to the clinic to pay in person.”  
He just nods, watching you silently as you finish up collecting your tools and placing them back away into your bag. His eyes seem to burn into you, his icy gaze piercing through your body and directly into your very soul. You’re not sure how comfortable you are having your innermost self so openly exposed to someone you’ve only just met, but quickly shake off the feeling.  
As soon as you’re finished packing, you pull out one of your personal cards, handing it to Nikto. He stares at the piece of cardboard for a long moment, and you quickly explain, “my card, it’s got my number on it in case you ever need help.” You can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to find someone with genuine experience treating large predatory animals and you’re more than happy to offer as much of your expertise as he wants.  
Nikto awkwardly goes to reach for the card with one of his hands, only to pause midway and reach for it with the other one. He fleetingly glances over the card, then tucks it into one of his shirt pockets.  
While you make your way back to your car, Nikto calls Sputnik back over and ensures the animal walks at his heels. She doesn’t seem happy with this command, whining and laughing as she looks between her master and you. She very obviously wants to run after you and play but knows better than to ignore her owner.  
Sputnik sits next to Nikto as the man watches you quickly pack everything back into your car. She keeps looking between you and Nikto, as if silently begging him to allow her to go back to you for more attention, but he stands strong against her sad eyes. It’s cute, really, since it likely means that weaponized puppy dog eyes are an effective tool in getting the stoic man to crumble if she’s still attempting to use them against him.  
Before you hop into the car you give Sputnik a wave, laughing when she cries at you. “Bye, sweetheart!” you coo again, before offering her owner a wave and a smile.  
Looking into the rear-view mirror on your way back toward the main road, you can see both Nikto and Sputnik watching you leave. They’re an odd pair, but it’s been a while since you had the chance to work with such a beautiful animal and you can’t help looking forward to seeing both her and her strange human again sometime soon.  
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lani-heart · 8 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst word count -> 3.1k
abstract -> a certain vampire needs advice... werewolf advice what would possibly go wrong?
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y/n's perspective
“Okay, so tomorrow is the announcement. It will be at 8:10 in our homeroom classes. Remember to inform your teachers if you haven’t already about your attendance” I explained to the big group of council members.
We were currently in the auditorium after school since we had many members in our respected council. 
“We’ll start off with introductions, which aren't written in the official script so be prepared. I’ll be making sure tomorrow it's appropriate” Wonyoung said.
“It’s okay if you mess up. It's the first announcement as a whole. But please have respect for each other and their respected announcements' ' I said and they all nodded. 
“Okay, so Kevin and Jacob will be given the first chance to talk about human activities and concerns. Then we have Maki with the werewolves, remember to add resources also for the upcoming eclipse” Wonyoung reminded.
The eclipse would happen soon… where the werewolves were allowed out. I worried for K however, especially with him explaining how his wolf cries out for Sooha.
Speaking of Sooha… she was here, even though she wasn't a council member…
“Lastly, Sunghoon you will also have to talk about the eclipse” she asked and he looked shocked. “What, why?!” he said quite defensively. 
“Because werewolves may cause harm to vampires,” Wonyoung said in an obvious tone. “Oh… yeah you're right” he said and it was weird how defensive he was.
“Yes, Niki?” Wonyoung said as I saw the boy put his hand down.
“Why aren’t we announcing sports day yet?” he asked and the vice president scoffed. “Because it's too soon, we start off with– “ “Ooh sports day is always fun,” Sooha said interrupting Wonyoung who I felt started to use magic. 
“Because with the sudden merge, the schools are trying to determine the rules and regulations. Once we have them we’ll give the information out to the event planners” I said and Wonyoung calmed down a bit. 
“Please refrain from interrupting, especially if you're not a student council member–” I interrupted her with a sudden poke from my pen.
“Please refrain from interrupting… the acoustics here are loud”  she corrected and I saw Sooha sigh sadly… 
I felt bad for the girl…
“With the announcement will also be the complaints… Bright Sun Academy had a complaint anonymous box. We’re expecting alot of speciesism so please be aware of who is putting complaints in. Humans will all be allowed to give complaints to the human student council and vice versa to the other councils”  I explained.
“And with that, we should be done. The ones giving the announcements will meet up with me at the front of the office " Wonyoung" as everyone starts leaving. 
“I’m sorry!” I heard as I saw Sooha now next to me and Wonyoung. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you” she said and I smiled softly. “It's no problem,” I said and she nodded sadly. 
“Sooha, Jake is calling you” I see Sunghoon say. “Oh! Bye then, sorry again!” she said as she left quickly. 
“I have to go meet up with Eunchae” I said and Wonyoung nodded. “I’ll finish up” she said and I nodded as I bowed and muttered a bye to Sunghoon. 
“Ah! I wanted to talk to you…” he asked and I was shocked. I thought he wanted to talk to Wonyoung. In fact I never spoke to the vampire…
“Sure?” I asked and he asked me to follow him outside. 
“I know it's rude… and I don’t want to offend the witches but I wanted to know if I could ask for a favor?” he asked and I sighed. 
“It would depend. '' I said, quite annoyed now… he must've noticed since he looked nervous.
“What do you know about vampire-werewolf hybrids?” he asked and I was confused… I didn’t know what to say when he sighed.
“Nevermind–” “No.. I was just shocked. It's actually a very rare thing” I said and he nodded.
“Uhm it might depend. Some werewolves very few actually have said to survive a vampire bite and turn into a vampire-werewolf hybrid, while vampires and werewolves would sometimes rarely be soulmates” I explained and he nodded.
“In any occurrence, there's a possibility that the hybrid may feel more a connection to their werewolf side then their vampire side or the other way around” I said and he nodded.
“Do you know… uhm how a werewolf stops their transition on a full moon?” he asked while looking down… he was a hybrid.
“Witches often make a blessed object to stop the werewolf from transitioning and help them transition through will. However, it's not recommended since it's against nature '' I said and he nodded. 
“Even if the werewolf wanted it?” he asked and I nodded. “Often packs go against it. They’ll even kick out the werewolf if they do it. However, if you want–""I don’t need help!” he yelled and I smiled softly.
“If you know someone who needs help… I can make a necklace or another piece of jewelry into a blessing?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Do you know where I… someone could find more information?” he asked and I nodded. “The witches library has information about werewolf transition magic and the werewolf library has history” I said and he seemed to be conflicted. 
“I could ask K to check one out? I could also check out one of the magic books?” I asked and he looked at me shocked. “Really?” he asked and I nodded.
“I don’t like how closed off the libraries are… I’m actually trying to get it open to anyone so everyone can be more educated” I said and he smiled softly. “Thank you… if it doesn’t trouble you I would really like to borrow those–” “Sunghoon! Heeseung is– Oh! y/n!” Sooha said and I smiled softly and bowed. 
“I’ll give the books to you, tomorrow” I said and he nodded. “Oh? What books?” she asked and Sunghoon looked scared to say anything… “It's some event planning books that the werewolves and witches are collaborating with” I said and she nodded. 
“I can't wait for the first event where everyone can do it!” she said and I smiled. “I’m sure, Sunghoon and the rest of the vampire council have amazing ideas” I praised. I noticed Sunghoon’s deadpan almost guilty stare. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I need to meet up with my roommate” 
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sunghoon’s perspective
I didn't think y/n was so nice… so understanding.
She knew… she wasn’t stupid. She knows I'm a vampire-werewolf hybrid… but she was gonna help me.
“I didn’t know you talked to y/n?” Sooha asked… in reality I didn't want to ask her for help but she’s the only witch who would help me.
I didn’t have to pull the soulmate card… but she was nice. A Lot nicer than I thought she’d be, especially with Sooha crying her eyes out. 
I hated how loud Solon was… he kept calling out to talk to y/n but I like Sooha. I didn’t want to hurt her like heeseung did… but I just didn’t need to touch her. 
It made me wonder that if she knew I was her soulmate would she still help me?
“Sunghoon?” she snapped me out of my thoughts. 
“Hmm? I met her through student council but I don’t really talk to her '' I said and she smiled softly. “I wish she'd be my friend… I wanted to make more friends besides you guys” she said and I sighed… I sometimes felt guilty for choosing sides.
But I can’t help my feelings for Sooha.
I woke up early and had the script in my hands or else Wonyoung would kill me. 
“Sunghoon!” I heard her yell quite aggressively. “Who do you think you are?! Asking y/n for help? Really?!” she said and I sighed. 
Did she know?
���Whatever… she said it was a secret to whatever you asked of her but she told me to give you this,” she said as she handed me a backpack. 
It had books in it about werewolves… I definitely had to thank her later.
Wonyoung told us how everything worked exactly at 8:10 a theme started playing and we all introduced and announced everything ending at 8:30.
Everything went a lot better than I assumed. It's a little weird getting along with other species since it's not really something that happens often but it wasn’t bad.
We all went to class afterwards. I took the chance to get out of the homeroom and read the books. 
They had a lot of information I didn't know… like the culture and history of witches and werewolves. “You have class” I heard as I saw Heeseung in front of me.
“I know but–” “You have class Sung Hoon, you're in the council you shouldn't be skipping. Jungwon will be mad” he said and I nodded. 
“How’d you get witch and werewolf books?” he asked and I didn’t know what to say… would he be mad? “I asked y/n” I said and his eyes widened. “She knows–” “No… but she's the only one who can help. I can just pull out the soulmate card if anything, "I explained and he scoffed. 
“She’d hate you if she knew you were also her soulmate” he said and I sighed. That made my wolf sad.
“Just don’t ruin her relationship with Sunoo and Jungwon. They genuinely seem to like her… just because I like Sooha doesn’t mean I want to see her upset” he confessed and I nodded.
What the younger guys didn't know was that Heeseung did feel guilty. 
He confronted her at the party when she said she didn’t know why she was so insistent in the soulmate bond. She also said she’d never forgive him and she’d hate him forever…
Heeseung was hurt but decided it was for the best. Jake assumed the worst of her and thought she was mean to Sooha on purpose… Jay seemed conflicted, he confessed to wanting to meet y/n but not being romantic with her. 
I bumped into someone and I felt my body freeze. 
“y/n!” I was shocked and her eyes widened. “You are…” she couldn't finish her sentence. 
I rushed to stand up and her but she slapped my hand away and stood up before walking away from me. 
“Fuck…” I muttered. “Sunghoon?” I heard as I saw Heeseung get out the door. I soon felt a pang on my chest and I would’ve fallen if Heeseung didn’t help me up. 
“She bumped into me… we touched” I said and he sighed. “Is this how it felt when you rejected her?” I asked and he sighed. 
“I’ll tell the teachers you’re sick” he said and I nodded. I felt tears form in my eyes… Why did it hurt so much?
Why was I regretting everything?
Why won’t he shut up?!
“Sunghoon?” I heard as I saw the boys rush into our dorm. “Sunghoon!!” I heard as I saw Sooha. I couldn’t look at her… “Hey–” she was about to touch my face when I stood up abruptly only to fall. 
“What's going on?” she asked and I felt tears fall down my cheeks. “Why does it hurt so much? Jungwon, isn't this bad for you?” I asked and he nodded. 
“It was… it hurts alot” he said as he helped me up. 
“What's going on?” Sooha asked. “He was rejected by his soulmate” Sunoo said and I saw a glint of amusement in him… I deserved it.
“By whom?!” she asked and I couldn't control my body from sobbing. “y/n” Sunoo answered. “You’re also her soulmate? Why’d she reject you?” she asked me and I couldn’t handle her being her. 
“Sooha, you should go to class,” Heeseung said and she looked upset. “But Sunghoon is–” “Sooha, he was rejected because of the relationship you have with Sunghoon '' Jungwon said and her eyes widened. 
“But we don’t like each other” she said and I was indirectly rejected by her but I didn’t care. I was blinded by my soulmate bond being broken. 
“It hurts” I said and I felt so much pain. 
“He’s shifting!” Heesueng said.
y/n… I think I need you to save me.
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y/n’s perspective
He asks me to help him? He was my soulmate?! 
I couldn’t be mad at Sunoo and Jungwon since they didn’t want to say anything to hurt me but how many of them were my soulmates?
“y/n!” I saw Jungwon in the crowd of people now in front of me. “Jungwon? Are you okay?” I asked and he smiled softly. 
“Sunghoon really needs help. His wolf is forcing a transition” he said and I felt my eyes widen. “I don’t know about that… ask EJ or K–” “you being there will help plenty” he said and I was confused as to why a rejection was affecting him so much. 
I agreed, feeling like it was my responsibility since I did trigger it.
He took me outside to the woods where I saw the five of them and Sooha surrounding a blue wolf. The wolf must've noticed me since he looked at me with puppy eyes. 
“y/n, there's nothing between me and Sunghoon–'' I didn’t listen to her, instead I looked at Heeseung, who didn't look at me, knowing exactly why I rejected him.
“What I'm gonna do is gonna hurt him alot” I said and they looked at me worriedly. 
“His wolf is going through a spiral in which they’re both at odds. If a wolf forces a transition it's probably because the other side of him still hasn’t accepted him as a part of himself. I’m gonna need to safely give his wolf control.” I explained and they nodded. 
“Why can’t you give Sung Hoon control?” Jake asked and she sighed. “His wolf needs to be let out… i'm guessing he's never allowed that '' I said and they nodded.
I took out the pin I carried when I realized a detail. 
“I’m gonna need everyone to leave” I said and they looked at me confused. 
“I’ma  blood witch… you're vampires' ' I said and they nodded. “Please be careful with him, '' Heeseung said and I nodded.
They left when I pricked my finger and his paw causing him to yelp.
He whined and tried to lick my wound but I smeared the blood as I muttered a spell. It would temporarily make sunghoon unconscious and his wolf would have full control.
When I heard  him stop whining, he now stood in front of me. He was a very beautiful wolf with almost blue fur in the sun. 
I stood up, planning on leaving when he suddenly jumped on me, almost knocking me over as he cried. 
“Go, enjoy being in control. You don’t know when you’ll be out again. He seemed to refuse me however. “I need to go back, maybe we’ll meet again. '' I said, knowing we probably won't…
He seemed to understand as he watched me leave to the front entrance where the vampires were. 
“Are you hurt?! You smell like blood!” Jungwon rushed and I smiled. “I’m fine, you’ll want to keep your distance though” I said and he nodded. 
“How is he?” Jay asked and I sighed. “I gave his wolf control, he should be  back to normal tonight. I would suggest finding him but don’t leave campus. He’s a wolf, so he might attack you. Otherwise tell his teachers about it and he’ll be excused for today and tomorrow.” I explained and they nodded. 
“y/n, are you gonna accept him?” Sooha asked me and I shook my head. 
“You don’t know the reason why I rejected him. It’s my business Sooha, please respect it” 
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After a long day of classes and council work I was walking out the council room when I saw Heeseung. 
“His wolf will be out of control. It was this morning when you rejected him” he said. “You’re a hypocrite. I’m not gonna accept him, I know you, Jake, Jay, and Sunghoon like Sooha. I know all of you are my soulmates and I'll tell you right now I'll reject the four of you.  I was skeptical but now seeing how it wasn’t a coincidence that I was soulmates with Sunghoon makes it clear. Tell him to give back the books to K or Wonyoung” I said as I was gonna walk away when he didn’t give up. 
“You can’t reject–” “Why can’t I? He should be happy, he has a chance with Sooha” I said bitterly and I would’ve ignored him if he didn’t pin me against the wall, trapping me. 
“Get off” I said and he shook his head. “Did it hurt when I rejected you?” he asked and I scoffed.
“I couldn’t do magic for a week. I would cry and I felt pain in my chest, but you get over it.” I said and I was confused as to why he cared so much all of a sudden. He was a jerk in the beginning so why now?
“Sunghoon is gonna need you… his wolf will–” “No… I can’t” I said as I pricked his arm making him pull back and wince. 
“Stay away from me” 
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sunghoon’s perspective
I felt weak… the moonlight  was so bright in the forest. 
I felt like I was asleep for hours,  what happened?
Oh yeah… y/n rejected me. It was for the best, I have a better chance with Sooha. I just had to ignore my wolf’s insistent crying and begging, he was making my chest hurt. 
“I found him!” I heard a familiar voice. I smiled softly, “Hi, Sooha” I said and she looked worried, and sad?
“I’m sorry” she said and I shook my head. I wiped away her  tears. “Why?” I asked. “y/n… I tried explaining to her but she doesn’t want to accept you. I don’t want her to think badly of me or you because she thinks we’re together” she said with tears running down her cheeks. 
“Don’t worry, okay?” I asked and she sniffled. 
“She hates you Sunghoon, like me”  I heard in my head… Heeseung?
“She won’t help you anymore… she said to ask Roverfield for any help but she won’t offer her services anymore” he said as I saw them all. 
“She has to help me, i’m her soul–” “You really think that’ll change her mind?” Sunoo asked and I knew he was right. 
“Are you okay?” Jake asked and I wanted to say yes…
So why did I feel empty?
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
“sometimes riko let kevin stay with him afterward.”
kevin’s gaze moved over jean in a slow sweep, taking stock of his injuries. jean knew better than to look for anger in his stare; the best kevin could manage was bottomless guilt. kevin had seen worse than this before. sometimes riko let kevin stay with him afterward.
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jean could barely breathe. every short breath he took required so much effort that he didn't know how he normally did it with such ease. he felt like he was dying, but that was such a familiar feeling that he worried he must wake up tomorrow anyway. kevin’s green eyes were as distracting as they were alarming. if kevin was allowed to stay, jean must be looking like hell right now. he counted his breaths just to make sure he was actually breathing, and when he finally convinced himself he wasn’t going to take his last breath, he tried to get up.
he barely managed it, but with kevin’s help he was able to get himself up into a sitting position. kevin’s expression was as familiar as it was sickening. he had seen the bottomless guilt many times before.
i am jean moreau. i belong to the moriyamas. i will endure. jean knew his place. jean knew he would endure as much as riko needed him to. so why was kevin looking at him like that? how did kevin dare look at him with so much sympathy and guilt on his face that jean wondered if he deserved to be in this position. i am jean moreau. i belong to the moriyamas. i will endure. jean immediately cursed himself out for even letting the thought slip.
“jean…” jean huffed—it was the only response he could manage right now. “can you get up?” kevin silently asked in french. non. jean knew the answer already, but he still tried to get up. it was a desperate attempt, but kevin didn’t comment on it. “let’s get you to the wall. it’s just gonna be a few steps.” kevin assured him. the few steps felt like a mile, but with kevin’s help jean managed to place his back to the wall which gave him some kind of balance. kevin sat next to jean and jean turned his face to kevin. kevin took this as his chance to softly take jean’s face in his hands and place his fingers on jean’s bottom lip. jean hadn’t even realised the familiar bitter taste on his lip was his own blood until he saw kevin’s hand. he sighed at the sight, turning his face away from kevin again to force his face out of his hands. “i don’t need your pity.” jean weakly demanded.
“so, what is it you need?” kevin asked. jean huffed; both kevin and jean knew it didn’t matter what he needed. it was an unfair question to ask, since it’d be impossible to consider his needs in the first place. jean wouldn’t even know what he needed; he had never given it much thought anyways.
jean placed his head on kevin’s shoulder. for a second he was thankful that the amount of pain he was in made it impossible for him to cry without increasing the pain in his lungs, so he didn't move and he didn't let any tears slip.
“how long?” jean asked after a long minute. kevin didn’t have to ask what he meant. it wasn’t the first time they were sitting like this, calculating how much time riko would allow them before losing his patience and temper again. “fifteen minutes, maybe, then he’ll start getting restless and annoyed about my soft behaviour towards you.”
“give me ten,” jean offered. that should give kevin enough time to get back to riko before riko would start itching for pain again.
“i’ll give you twenty,” kevin told him. "you need it."
jean knew he should ignore the peace offering so he could make check how bad his injuries actually were. instead he closed his eyes and let kevin softly nudge him awake when he was finally drifting away too far.
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mudkarp · 6 months
making me genuinely ill how much of the jean/neil dynamic is confined to insane, unspoken could-have-beens.
jean attaches such a fierce sense of longing to the idea of neil and what he represents as a would-be raven, the idea that in another life he might not have been so alone. that he would have had someone who both understood his position (like kevin did) and stood on equal footing with him (like kevin and the other ravens never quite could).
it's why he's so persistent in thinking of him as nathaniel for the first half of tsc. it's not just raven indoctrination, it's a kind of fucked up bitter longing. he hates neil for not coming to evermore. he hates him even more for coming to evermore at the wrong time, in the wrong way. and yet he looks out for him!! like kevin knew he would, even after everything!!!
and then riko's dead and the ravens are fucked and none of it even MATTERS anymore!! like jean said, nathaniel was meant to be something to him, but neil is none of his concern. they're nothing to each other. they could have been everything. i'm going to drink cement!!!
it almost makes me sad, given how little neil even thinks about jean in tkm. like he has his own life, his foxes, and he doesn't have to let go the way jean does. and yet neil included him in the deal with ichirou. he has grayson killed for threatening his second chance. he makes defeating riko for jean too. he says it's about paying debts (which i certainly think is true on some level), but i don't think that means there's nothing more there
and now, after everything, they're going to be known to everyone as childhood friends. mafia brats bonded in the face of their horrific childhoods. its such a perverse echo of what they never got to be to each other, and they're going to have to pretend it's real!! i'm losing my fucking mind!!!
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ts1mp0ne · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Kylian Mbappe x reader
.𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in which kylian is jealous of a certain someone that has been trying to get with his girlfriend
.𝑪𝑾: angst, fluff at the end
.𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: heyyy guys, I am so sorry this request was literally from months ago I just didn’t know what to write😭, im trying to clear up my request list and yea hope you like it, based on that request on top
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We had just arrived at Michael Rubin’s annual party for the 4th of July, Kylian, Brice and me, we were approached by many celebrities since we don’t usually stay in the states it’s unusual to see us there, and most of the people here are ones we interacted once or twice online.
Recently, there had been some rumours going around that me and ( NBA player) had been going out in secret, which I think it’s stupid since I’ve been with Kylian the whole time since we arrived in Miami
But all of this started when (NBA player) said on an interview that he had a crush on me and that if I gave him a chance he would make me the happiest woman
This was very childish, since me and Kylian had been together since we were 16 and he had been there for me since the beginning and vice versa
We were currently near the drinks, I was talking to Kendall Jenner and other girls and Kylian was talking to Kevin Heart and the others, when (NBA player) approached me and the girls and started talking to me
I could see that he was trying to flirt but I was shutting down any advances he was making at me, for obvious reasons, im happily taken
I could see Brice taping Kylian on the shoulder and pointing at me, I could see that he was mad, then we made eye contact, he could see that I was uncomfortable
I think (NBA player) sensed that I wasn’t listening to him anymore, so then he stared to where I was looking and saw Kylian glaring at him “let’s go somewhere more private ma” he said
I just looked at him dumbfounded and said “are you crazy, can’t you see that I have a bf, who tf do you think I am” then I tried to leave but he grabbed my hand “cmon ma I can make you more famous than that boy toy of yours”
From a distance I could see Kylian approaching “is there something wrong amour?” He asked but he obviously knew the answer to that “no bro we were just-“ “I wasn’t talking to you now was I?” He asked rhetorically with an arched brow, he was getting pissed
“Everything is okay Kyky don’t worry, (NBA player) was just leaving, weren’t you” I said with a smile that said, ‘if you don’t get out of here noww, my bf is going to beat your ass’ he got what I meant and left without speaking another word
After we saw that he was very far, Kylian pulled me in for a kiss that didn’t last long bcs the girls started teasing us, to which we just laughed and decided to go somewhere more private
“I don’t know if I’ve told you this, but you look três belle” he said once we reached a place near the pool, he was staring down at me, admiring every inch of my face, and I won’t lie, I as doing the same exact thing
“You have said it, multiple times amor, but I don’t mind hearing it again” I said and pecked his lips “Je t’aime mon coeur” I said and he smiled, that smile of his that makes everyone else around him smile too
“Je t’aime mon Princesse” he said and hugged me “I know you were jealous back there” he looked at me and then just scoffed letting himself go off me “no Kylian I thought it was cute, though you have nothing to worry about because the only person I love is you” I said while laughing
He just side eyed me and I started laughing even more, this time he was laughing with me too, then we calmed down and he said “I know, I trust you, it’s them I don’t trust, if I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have given you that ring that you so much deserve” he said raising my left hand to his lips and kissing the engagement ring he gave me at the beginning of the year
I smiled looking down at the ring “I still can’t believe we’re engaged, I mean took you long enough, but the timing was perfect” I still remember that day it was right after New Year’s Eve, our families and friends there, everything was perfect
Who would’ve thought that I’d end up with such a wonderful man…. me, I thought that
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ghosts-and-glory · 8 months
Imma be honest, Narinder deserved purgatory more than his siblings. I'm glad you gave him the fate he deserves, and I'm excited to see what horrifying abomination had taken his place in the cult. (I desperately hope it's Nothing There from Lobotomy Corporation, but that's wishful thinking lol.)
I’m sorry bestie but I’m not the Nari anti you think I am, I just like putting my faves through the horrors™️
In writing tragedy I want moments of catharsis. Narinder is a character destroyed by his own actions and punished beyond human comprehension. I don’t have a desire to write his infinite torture, more to play with the questions the post game leaves me with. I honestly can’t help but read the stories Narinder and his siblings as one of tragedy, where they are ripped apart by their flaws and reduced to play things in the cult.
Honestly what we know about the crown bearers there’s an argument to be made that Narinder has committed the least atrocities. His ass is the only one who hasn’t done a war crime in facilitating a genocide against the lambs. We are never given in cannon what he did to get banished or how the betrayal went so I can only theorize on the severity of his past actions. The conclusion I have come to based on mostly his, ??? (Mystic seller or whatever you call it, to me it’s Kevin) and Shamura’s dialogue is that he did something to attempt to reverse the natural order of things, mostly like relating to death.
I’m gonna ramble cause I’ve been chewing at the bit waiting to be asked about my au. There’s also some art under the cut. Hehe hoho I’ll be so normal with my interests.
Going into my au, that I really really need to name, The Lamb executes Narinder after he’s defeated. Partly for revenge, for their dead family and for damning them to serve the crown, but at the same time they feel empathy for him, as a servant of death they know that to die is to rest. What The Lamb did not forsee was that killing Narinder would damn him to purgatory just as it did his siblings.
I have a early concepts of, who I’ve affectionately dubbed Not-Narinder, with Purged Narinder.
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I don’t wanna divulge too many details on my plans for the au, but Narinder does eventually end up in the cult. After two thousand years in service of the crown, another thousand years in chains, and then a hundred years in purgatory stripped of his senses. To some level the cult grounds are its own prison but does he not deserve a chance to carve out his own life? I will however tease a half written script and doodle of The Lamb and Narinder’s conversation after he’s freed of purgatory.
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Unfortunately for me my thoughts and plans for the au go back thousands of years before the plot of the game and then another few thousand years after. It’s like the Star Wars timeline, as in its a big mess.
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starsandgutters · 1 month
ok, look, give me a fake dating with kevaaron and my life will be YOURS. (Please)
okay, LISTEN- 😭
It’s actually a travesty I haven’t written this already considering it’s like my fave trope ever. Like I want to read the fake dating KevAaron fic I would write too fr LMAO
I actually !! Have !! A loose !! Concept !! For one !! But I haven’t written anything yet so I cannot offer you an excerpt for WIP Wed 😔 I can give the overview tho
Set when Aaron’s in med school/maybe his residency, and Kevin is playing pro.
Also welcome to the SALU (Shannen’s Aaron’s Literary Universe) where a Frequent Fixture is now his hugely queer biology study/friend group that Katelyn dragged him into. Like, as much as I am a big believer in Aaron & Seth & Matt being bros if given the chance, the unfortunate reality of the situation is Seth’s being deceased before they made amends makes that quite difficult in canon settings. And Aaron is just too much of a skeptic to be cracking the ouija out. Now with Matt, I think they did get on really well when they were roomies, but their lives head in separate directions after college. So. I want Aaron to have friends. That are not connected to his family. And I use OCs very sparingly as I know the reason people come to fanfic is for familiarity and characters they already know/love, but Bio Bunch™️ were well received and consequently I will be recycling them forever thanks (Aaron dated nurse Dylan in my sapphic WIP, Miles’ family adopted Jean and Elodie in my KevNeil AU so now he’s Jean’s lil brother, like literally they’re my standby bonus characters now)
All this to say. Aaron very much appreciates having friends. He was not very good at making them when he was little and going through the worst of Tilda’s abuse, and his teens were lost to a haze of drugs and pain where he had people he would speak to at school/on the team, but no one he was really friends with. Then he gets a brother! But oh no. Andrew doesn’t want him to have friends either and also Aaron kind of feels like he hates him so he’s still alone ☹️ - so to finally be at a point in his life where he has a close knit group of friends, people who actually like him and want to spend time with him for some reason!, it means a lot to him. He would not want to risk damaging those friendships. Especially because he’s not sure how to make new ones, he kind of just absorbed these ones via osmosis through Katelyn.
Which is why he panics when Dylan asks him out.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” he had asked, and Aaron, thinking nothing of it, had said: “No.” Because he doesn’t. He hasn’t dated anyone since Katelyn. Like, he’s been on his med school GRIND, y’know? Who has the time. And who can compare to her anyway?
“Would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?” Dylan then said, and listen, it’s not like Aaron is proud of what he did, but he panicked. He saw his friendless future flash in front of his eyes because he hurt Dylan’s feelings and it’s all awkward between them now and Aaron ends up iced out because he wrecked the vibe, and he panicked!!!
“Oh. Uh. I have a boyfriend though.”
And why the fuck did he even say that what the fuck what the fuck?!
But y’know it worked because Dylan got a sad little smile but nodded and said “lucky guy” and Aaron was like PHEW! Y’know, bullet DODGED! Except somehow this gets around their group, because wow one thing about having friends is apparently you’re not allowed secrets 🙄 (not that his relationship would usually be a secret but considering it is NONEXISTENT he would have appreciated people NOT KNOWING)
Of course Katelyn is on him like a rash because when has she ever let him get away with anything ever there is no peace in this world for him as long as they share space (he loves her more than anything). Immediately quizzing him on WHO he could be dating, because she knows he doesn’t really talk to anyone outside their friend group (because she knows everything about him shit how is he going to lie to her), and she is DYING to know who he has been hiding! (Like shit Kate me too guess we’re gonna find out together)
Consequently the panic continues as he speed skims through his mental catalogue of all the people he has ever actually communicated with who are not A) his family or B) already in committed relationships. And, listen, ok, here’s the thing. There are just not an awful lot of people in Aaron’s life who fit the cross reference of those categories. Really the only person he can think of is Kevin, and then he’s blurting out his name before the consequences of that action occur to him (🦋🦋🦋) because Katelyn KNOWS Kevin so there really should have been a C) someone Katelyn doesn’t know (though on reflection Aaron’s search results would have thrown up entirely blank with this addition)
“Aw, you always did have a crush on him.”
“What are you talking about?” No, because what is she talking about??? “No I didn’t.”
“You’re dating him now, why are you getting so defensive?”
He’s not getting defensive. He just thinks it’s an absolutely insane implication to suggest he has or ever will have feelings for Kevin Day. Except he can’t say that. Since that’s his fictional boyfriend now. Fictional on the boyfriend part. Kevin Day is unfortunately very real. A fact that has plagued Aaron’s existence ever since Wymack first brought that broken stray back to PSU.
Enter Kevin, truly baffled by this entire situation.
“Why didn’t you just tell him you’re not interested in guys?”
“Well, Katelyn knows I’m bi, so I couldn’t say that. Maybe he asked her first. Or she might mention it if it comes up.”
“Wait, you’re bi? Since when?”
“Since birth probably, can we focus on the actual issue at hand here.”
But like. This is Aaron. Aaron has never particularly been one to mince words. Kevin doesn’t know why he doesn’t just tell Dylan he’s not into him. Kevin’s been on the receiving end of Aaron’s attitude and bad manners more than often enough. 🤨 But after the truly painful and pitiful display of Extremely Emotionally Constipated Asshole Aaron Minyard trying to explain his newfound value for the Powers of Friendship, Kevin eventually agrees to be his fake date to a party with his friends. Like, whatever. It’s a small event with some med students, it’s not like they even have to be overly affectionate, or that this will get out anywhere. Then they can use Kevin’s busy work schedule as a reason he’s never around, and after a few months Aaron will just pretend they broke up. Easy.
Except photos get leaked to the media, outing Kevin. Instead of the career suicide he expects, he actually gets positive feedback. His PR rep encourages him to bring Aaron to a charity gala for a children’s mental health charity, thinking it could be positive rep for the kids to see a happy older queer couple as queer kids have higher rates of mental health issues. The team are doing some outreach with the actual kids before the gala - going down to play some games with them - Kevin doesn’t expect Aaron to come to this. He can just show up to the event, y’know, it’s basically just a free night out. They’ll just postpone their fake break up another couple of months.
But Aaron is like, uhm, excuse me. Did you even think to ask if I would want to come along to meet the kids? You know I’m going into peds, right? I’d much rather come hang out with the kids than have to rub shoulders with your snotty famous rich friends all night. Of course I’m coming to both of them.
So Aaron does come. Where Kevin is awkward and fumbling and never quite sure of the right thing to say (he never interacted with kids even when he was one???), Aaron is a natural. He’s excellent with them. They all love him within the first ten minutes, and it’s weird, because who is this? This is not an Aaron that Kevin knows. This is not a side of him he’s ever seen at school or around their family. It’s making Kevin feel all weird inside. In SOFT and GUSHY ways.
So they go to the Gala and both get a little tipsy, and whoops. Of course everyone thinks they’re a couple, so they’ve been given a room with one bed (because one bed trope supremacy ALSO 🙏🏻). Kevin thinks Aaron’s gonna be mad or upset, but Aaron’s giggly as he undresses. Which. Oh. Okay. Usually Aaron had weird hang ups about changing outside of the locker rooms. But now he��s. Shirtless. And his body has changed since college. Obviously. He doesn’t spend five days a week training anymore. He’s still kept some of his muscle in his arms and shoulders, and his legs have always been naturally strong, but he’s gotten a bit softer. Which Kevin realises he actually quite likes. And. Oh. Shit. Okay. He might actually be a bit attracted to Aaron. But. That’s fine. That won’t be a problem, right?
Right? 😐
ANYWAY THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR NOW. I simply can’t start another WIP until I finish some of the ones I got running. Like it would be fine if I could write things of a MODERATE length but I’ve never been chill about anything ever in my life and it’s too late to start now so I write excessively and I just. Cannot risk not finishing things by starting something else.
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Red is the colour of love
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Pairing: Sebastian vettel X Violet (fem teammate OC!)
Word count: 6k
Warnings? Idiots in love . Arguments. Fluff. Small angst . Like tiniest bit I suppose . Just cuteness.
As Sebastian stood in front of yet another reporter after celebrating his win , he couldn't stop his eyes from flickering over to his right where his teammate was also getting grilled further down.
He could hear her loud laughter and sarcastic resorts from where he was stood , barely able to hold back his amused grin at the thought of the poor bloke that had been Saddled with interviewing her .
She was an absolute she devil. She never gave straight answers and most of the time she would just run circles around them or blatantly lie to their face until they gave up and left her alone . She was a journalists worst nightmare , and that was on her good days.
Kevin, the man interviewing him , caught sight of where his attention was wandering off to and gave him a knowing smile . It being no secret to anyone to just how much the new teammates had bonded recently .
The crew on the grid had been worried about how they were going to get the two to bond once they had announced that their newest driver was a twenty three year old woman who was already well known in f2 for causing quite a bit of drama and stirrup wherever she went .
She hasn't gotten along well with her last teammate , neither willing to let the other one pass in order to win the race . Resulting in them crashing into each other at more than one occasion , something that she had been given a stern talking about as soon as she arrived to Ferrari .
She was known as being a loud mouthed , obnoxious maniac who wasn't afraid of anything . Definitely not afraid of putting grown men almost twice her age into their place either . Sebastian had been quick to find out .
He had been a little worried about being around her , he had to admit . I mean what did they have in common beside driving? I mean , she was this young woman who looked like she had stepped out of some new age magazine that liked to eat men like him for breakfast each morning . And he had made the mistake of trying to be the one in control.
But not for very long . Because not even two races into their new partnership , he had her screaming down the radio for him to move the fuck aside and let her pass through . Even though he was the main driver out of the two of them.
Which had resulted in minutes of them bickering like an old married couple before violet had finally threatened to take them both of the track if he didn't put his pride aside and let her through .
And Sebastian had known she wasn't joking either .
Having seen the dangerous and almost dirty way she liked to race from before . He had spent hours watching back how she did it and trying to understand her strategies . She was just something else completely .
And honestly, it hurt his ego a little to admit that she might have been just as good as him.
She had won that race . On her first rookie season too. He had been second on the podium behind her , just missing out by seconds . She had gotten out of her car and given him a triumphant smirk and arrogant little laugh . He hasn't expected them to get along after that.
He had been more than a little annoyed and had resigned himself to never being around her annoying self again unless he had to. Unfortunately for him , it turned out he had no choice in the matter.
Because Violet had woken up one day and simply decided that they were going to be the best of friends . Despite the fact that she liked to rile him up over the radio at every chance she got.
Sebastian had worried that it was all some part of her sick plan to win at first . To throw him off his game. He had been too scared to drink the coffee that she had thrust at him one morning with a beaming smile on her face as they walked into the paddock together for yet another meeting .
He had spent the five minutes of them walking to their meeting room in stunned silence , only able to blink at her in disbelief as she rambled on to him about how she was thinking about getting a new cat to keep her company.
He couldn't believe that same woman who had threatened to crash him off the track was the same one innocently badgering him with questions about his opinion on what type of cat she should get .
And it had only gotten worse after that . She had basically became his second skin. That was the only way to put it .
She followed him around the track and somehow had managed to get his phone number off their manager . Calling him up in the middle of the night as she slurred down the phone for him to come pick her up from some party she had gotten absolutely pissed at.
He couldn't believe it. Wondering what kind of dystopian shit he was in. Wondering if he had perhaps mistook his vitamins for drugs instead . Because what the hell was going on?
He hasn't been happy about it at first . Not wanting much to do with her after the stunt she pulled. And he had told her so. Expecting them to have a big blowout and for her to leave him alone after that.
Only once he had told her that he wanted them to be strictly professional and that he wasn't going going to be the one to pick up her drunken ass from clubs and parties , she had merely looked at him from the passenger side of his car and burst into mocking laughter .
Leaving him to steal glances at her in disapproval . "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious . No more mind games with me okay? We're not friends. And never will be." He had tried to be firm in his words , wavering a little once he saw just how amused she really was.
It was incredibly difficult to keep a straight face in front of a giggling woman who kept reaching over to poke at his cheek and pull at his hair like a naughty child would . Slapping her hand away from his nose with a exasperated sigh.
"Did you hear me?" He had snapped at her , annoyed that she just wasn't listening to him.
Violet just grinned and rolled her eyes at him. "Course I did. I just don't tend to listen to liars Seb. And I'm not playing any mind  games with you. Stop being so paranoid old man." She casually throw back at him before opening to McDonald's bag that she had forced him to get her open. Pulling out a handful of fries and shoving them into her mouth.
Seb had frowned even harder "I'm not old. And what do you call this then?" He motioned between them in frustration.
"You've threatened to take me off the track and now you're in my car eating McDonalds at three o'clock in the morning!" He almost exploded. It was unbelievable!
How has she roped himself into this? He wasn’t her lap dog!
Violet just titled her head with a pretty little smile and said . "Friendship Seb. Sweet , glorious friendship." Then she picked up a fry and shoved it into his mouth.
And well, that was the end of that. They had become friends .
Well, she had left him no choice but to be her friend anyways . She really was a stubborn woman .
Kevin nodded over to Violet curiously "I must say. Everyone had been talking about the friendship that you two have now. At the start of the season , you didn't seem to like her very much." He said matter of factly.
Recalling the way Sebastian had rolled his eyes whenever her name had even been mentioned.
Clearly Bitter that a young rookie had beaten him and threatened him all in one go.
Sebastian just shrugged as he crossed his arms loosely over his chest. "Yeah I mean, i had no choice really . She just started following me around one day and hasn't left me alone since." He replied with a amused grin on his face  as he peered back over at her again. Unable to help himself. She was magnetic.
Watching as she pulled her long hair out from the hair tie and shook her head about like a crazy person as she tried to tame the curls that were now pointing off in every direction. Frizzy from the heat.
She had once told him that having her hair up all the time gave her a headache and made her feel like she had an apple on-top of her head at all times .
Sebastian had jokingly suggested that she cut off her long locks and violet had looked at him like he had just told her to murder a puppy.
A little superficial that girl. Yet he still couldn’t get her out of his head.
Kevin laughed "you two do seem really close. What do you think about her missing out on the podium spot by seconds? She's been in the top three nearly every time now . Do you think the rookie luck is wearing off now?" He questioned him .
Sebastian just shook his head with a small laugh , pulling a face . "I wouldn't call it rookie luck. She's just that good , that's all. Pure talent . But you know , you can't win every race ... I'm sure that she'll pout about it for a couple of hours but she'll come back and win the next one. Just to prove everybody wrong. That's what she does." He spoke about her warmly just as she turned her head and spotted him not that far away from her .
“She's a winner." He concluded before laughing loudly again as he watched her face brighten up at the sight of him before she quickly ran over to greet him.
Throwing her arms around his shoulders from behind , pressing her cheek against the side of his as she grinned at Kevin and him brightly .
"Hey ! My ears were burning. Were you two gossiping about me ladies?" She teased them as she leant into his side , making him wrap his arm around her shoulders to pull her closer .
Ruffling her hair up and making it even more of a mess as she glared up at him and snapped her teeth at his fingers jokingly . Pinching his side through his racing suit from where he had tied it around his waist.
Sebastian hummed teasingly , his smile spreading across his face as he looked down at her . "Oh yeah sparky. We were just talking about how annoying you are." He said pushing her hair away from her sweaty face again before pulling off his headband from his hair and spinning her around to face him properly .
Violet just laughed as she let him push the headband into her hair , adjusting it behind her ears before patting her head with a grin.
"Congrats vettel. You gonna party tonight? You got any champagne left for me?" She quizzed him curiously before wiggling her eyebrows at the camera that was trained on them.
Almost bouncing on the edge of her feet from the Adrenaline that was bursting through her . It would take her hours to calm down, it always did after each race .
Sebastian scoffed at her as he gave her a flick to her forehead . 
Shaking his head at her with a grimace "no champagne for you sparky . The last time I let you have it , I had to carry you home ." He then looked over at Kevin in exasperation.
"She can swing vodka like a champ , no problem. Yet for some reason champagne knocks her on her ass." He told him, honestly still mystified by it.
Violet hummed in agreement , titling her head with a slight frown. "He's right . I can handle tequila too. Only if I drink too much then I might get pregnant . So.." she trailed off with a smirk at the horrified look Sebastian was giving her .
Placing his hands on either side of her shoulders and giving her a little shake. "Yeah so she's not allowed to have tequila . We don't need a little Vi running around . That's nightmare fuel." He joked, dodging the slap she gave him.
Squinting her eyes at him playfully "hey! I'm not that bad .." at his disbelieving look , she looked away . Grinning . "Okay so no tequila..."
Kevin laughed as he looked between them in amusement . "So you missed out on the podium this time violet . Are we gonna see you on there next time?" He asked her.
Violet just pulled a face like it was obvious. "Yeah of course . Sebastian just got lucky . We were a second too late with the pit stop but .." she sighed with a slight shrug as she fiddled with the rings on her fingers .
"That won't happen again. Sebastian did amazing . I had a feeling he was going to win today . I'm glad it was a Ferrari win either way." She answered him honestly .
Sebastian felt his cheeks flush a little , letting out a small bashful laugh. "You had a feeling I would win? Are you a witch now? Should I be worried?" He joked trying to play off how warm her comment made him feel inside .
Violet just rolled her eyes with a smile as she hugged his aside again. "You should always be worried when I'm around Seb . But no, honestly .. winning is what you do and you're one of the best drivers out there . I never doubt that you're going to do a good job. I may be your teammate but I'm still your fan .." she told him truthfully . Missing the effect her words had on him.
Sebastian felt like his heart was going to escape his chest. Cheeks definitely as red as his car now.
"Ah that was -" he struggled to find the words to say, oddly emotional . "That was so sweet. I'm your biggest fan too. You'll be beside me next week on the podium yes?" He hugged her to him tightly .
Violet just laughed and nodded her head "yeah. I'll be number one this time." She told him cockily.
And just like that the moment was gone.
He shoved her away from him jokingly. Making her laugh even harder.
“Keep dreaming sweetheart. The fumes from my champagne covered body must be getting to your head!" He joked as she kicked him at his hip making him snicker .
Violet placed her hands on her hips as she looked down at her watch and twisted her lips . Looking back over at Sebastian with a sheepish look on her face .
Already knowing what she was going to ask , he groaned . "You didn't bring your car?" He guessed.
She shook her head , smiling a little. "I slept in so Angelica brought me." She mumbled .
Her assistant usually being the one that had to drag her out of bed to make sure she didn't miss the race. She had terrible time management .
Sebastian just sighed and nodded his head , still looking at her . "You want food?" He then asked as he took a step away from the cameras . Ready to make his excuses so they could leave.
Violet looked at him like he was crazy "always. Can we stop and get some pasta? I've been craving it all day." She said.
He frowned at her "I'm not buying it when I can make some at home. You want the chicken one from last time?"  Both of them too in their own little bubble to notice the amused looks they were getting as they bickered over what kind of pasta they were having like an old marry couple.
They could still hear them bickering when they walked away, sebastians arm thrown over her shoulder as they shoved at each other's sides like naughty children.
"I want wine too." She said.
"Absolutely not. You're not drinking tonight." He argued back.
"Yes I am."
"No you're not . You can either have a drink and get no pasta . Or have your pasta with no drink. Which one will it be?"
A long pause then a groan.
"Fine. Pasta please."
Kevin turned to his cameraman with a grin.
"what's the bet that they'll be together by the end of the season?" He mused , more than amused by the oblivious drivers that were attached to each other like second skin.
The moment that Sebastian realised that she loved him was at yet another race .
She had won again. By a long shot because of course she had .
Even though he was happy for her , he was a little disappointed in himself for not even making it into the top three . Having crashed into the wall not even halfway through after hitting some debris on the track.
However , even though he was a little pissed off, he couldn't contain his glee as he watched the red car speed past the finishing line . Yelling In happiness as everyone around him hugged each other in celebration .
"Fuck yeah!" He laughed in amazement as he patted her engineer on his back. Both of them grinning in excitement . "I knew she'd do it."
Watching her up on the podium getting sprayed with champagne was nothing more than amazing , pride filling him as he watched her squeal and cover her eyes from the booze . Laughing loudly as she looked down into the sea of red below her , screaming her name .
"Violet!" He called up to her from below , her eyes instantly finding his as he beamed up at her proudly.
"Don't drink it all! I'm not carrying you home tonight!" He shouted , laughing loudly as she shot him the middle finger in response .
Bringing up his phone to take pictures of her in her rightful place , briefly glancing over at her assistant next to him who was pridefully doing the same thing.
"She's doing the parade after this?" He asked her , having planned to go straight home after watching her celebrate . He doubted he would see her much after this.
She would be surrounded by the rest of her team and the other winning drivers as they celebrated. The party was going to be one of the biggest ones yet, he was sure. And he knew how much violet liked to party , seeing as how on more than one occasion he had been the one to pick her up. Not that she ever remembered it.
He was just glad she called him to get her home safely than somebody else .
Angelica nodded her head "they'll be driven around on it for about an hour. Then there's a do at the club after. Are you going?" She asked him. Knowing that violet would want him there .
Sebastian just shook his head with a small laugh. "Absolutely not . Clubs are not my thing anymore . Make sure she enjoys herself though. Don't let her get too drunk again." He told her before wandering away to say goodbye to some of his own team as well.
Missing the way that violets eyes were searching for him in the crowd with a frown.
Not even ten minutes later and Sebastian was getting his last interview before he could leave , chatting about how disappointed he was not to win but how proud he was that violet had done so as well.
When he heard a familiar shout of his name over and over again. Looking around in confusion , he rose a brow in surprise as he caught sight of the wagon that was driving them all around the track for fans to see. It was full of drivers drinking and having fun, music blaring loudly from the speakers .
Then he saw violet leant against the railing at the back , waving her hands frantically at him to try and get his attention .
"Oh my god." He laughed loudly as he waved back at her .
Luckily the vehicle was being driven slowly enough that he could jog over and hear her better , placing his hands on his hips as his squinted up at her playfully .
"Having fun?" He called up to amused.
She pressed her hands firmly on the railing and leant further over , making his heart skip a bit in worry.
"Careful!" He shot out worriedly .
She ignored his concern and frowned at him. "Why aren't you on here? Are you not coming?" She yelled down to him . Still clutching her big bottle of champagne.
Ignoring the pats on her back she could feel as people tried to talk to her , to congratulate her again.
Sebastian shook his head with a smile "I'm too old for that. I'm gonna head home . You have fun though  yes?" He shouted up to her with a smile.
But violet was having none of it. Her frown deepening as she suddenly turned and shoved her champagne bottle into a startled Charles hand , ignoring the looks she was getting as she focused instead on Sebastian. The only person she wanted to celebrate with.
"No!" She yelled shaking her head at him as he watched her push herself up on the railing with wide eyes . Quickly jogging over in worry.
"What are you doing?! Be careful you maniac!" He shouted at her.
Violet ignored the gasps and shouts of concern coming from behind her.
"I'm coming with you." She declared before jumping off the moving vehicle and onto the track below her. Making Sebastian heart jump hard in his chest.
She jogged over to him with a careless grin , jumping onto his back like she hadn't just given everybody a heart-attack .
"I don't want to party. I wanna be with you. You should have been up there with me! That was the deal remember?" She said to him as he wrapped his arms around the back of her thighs automatically .
Frowning to himself in disbelief . Unable to believe that she would rather be with him than out celebrating at the club like they usually did.
"Yeah but you won this time! Don't you want to get drunk with your friends? You'll be bored with me. I'm just gonna order some food and watch a movie or something." He said to her . Titling his head back so he could catch her eyes.
Violet just flicked the side of his head and rolled her eyes at him like he was the silly one.
"You are my friend Seb. And I don't care . Let's go!" She jumped down from his back and started jogging away . Already knowing where he had parked his car seeing as he had been the one to drive her to the grid this morning too.
Leaving Sebastian to trail after her in silence . Chewing on his lower lip in consideration as he realised that she really did prefer his company to anyone's else's .
Even though there was more fun and younger guys that would be dying for her attention .
She had chosen him.
"By the way , Ive booked for us to get massages tomorrow. I know that you're aching after crashing like that! Hopefully it will help. You're definitely okay?" She called over to him from her shoulder , glancing over his body in concern.
Making Sebastian inhale shakily as he noticed the soft and worried look on her face.
Noticing The way she stopped in her step to wait for him to catch up, taking his hand in her own without any hesitation or second thought .
Thinking nothing of it as she tucked herself into his side and waited for his response . As though it was the most natural thing in the world.
As though being by his side was as easy as breathing.
And he realised then, all at once. She loved him.
So with a small smile he just kissed the top of her head and hummed . His thoughts going haywire as his heart hammered in his chest.
She loved him. He felt it. He saw it. He breathed it in.
"Yeah I'm okay. Thank you though. What would I do without you?" He murmured half heartedly . Although it was true. He couldn't imagine his life without her in it now.
How the hell hadn't he noticed this before?
She loved him. Really fucking loved him.
"You'd be incredibly bored old man. I'm the sunshine on a rainy day. The butter on your bread . The leaves to your tree-" she started dramatically declaring . Poking him in the side to make him laugh.
Sebastian just shook his head with a smile so genuine and soft that it almost stopped her in her tracks .
"You're that and more . Come on.." he steered her towards his car . Feeling a wave of contentment and satisfaction wash over him as she slid into her seat with a smile. "We've got a movie to watch."
And he had his own feelings to sort through too.
Denial had never been his shade after all.
Fucking hell.
It was a Saturday when violet realised that Sebastian loved her.
Having spent months battling and wavering with her own feelings for her teammate , she had finally given up hope and decided that the best thing she could do was move on.
Sebastian was an amazing man. He was smart , funny and so incredibly talented . So way out of her league .
She stood no chance .
So she had let one of her friends set her up on a date with one of her friends from work. Still not feeling a hundred percent up to it , but knowing that she needed to get over herself and get over Sebastian before she got her heart broken without him even knowing about it.
So with a tight black dress on and heels strapped to her feet , she stood in front of her mirror in the hallway as she tried to perfect her hair .
Smirking smugly at herself once she saw just how good she looked . She really had outdone herself this time. She just hoped her date wasn't going to be a complete bore.
She didn't have much hope though but she had to try something.
She couldn't keep pining over Sebastian forever . That wasn't helpful at all.
But it was just her luck that as she was about to leave , someone knocked loudly on her door making her flinch in surprise . Worrying that her friend had stupidly gave her date her address , she swung open the door and fought back a groan .
Of course . Who else could it be at this time?
She could only blink back at a shocked looking Sebastian as he raked his eyes over her tiny dress and done up face in clear amazement.
His lips parting in a silent breath yet no words came out as he just continued to gape at her in disbelief .
"I didn't know you were coming. I haven't missed anything have I?" She worriedly muttered . Having had her phone on silent since she woke up.
Sebastian silently shook his head . Clearly his throat as he finally met her eyes , his cheeks flushing red. Clearly flustered by her.
Fucking hell. He thought weakly to himself. What gave her the right to be so fucking beautiful?
"Er no. No- you-" he inhaled deeply as he tried to gather his words .
Every rehearsed line he had spent all night thinking up suddenly forgotten as he looked down at the beautiful woman in front of him. Speechless.
"Why do you look like this?" He blurted out inelegantly. Cringing at how rude it sounded.
Violet frowned back at him in confusion . "Why do I look like this? I don't know. I was born with this face Seb.." she muttered as she picked up her small clutch bag from the table behind Her . Knowing she was going to be late if she didn't get a hurry on.
He seemed to come to a realisation then. His face dropping as he narrowed his eyes at her unhappily.
"You're going on a date." He stated blandly .
Swallowing down the feeling of sick that rose in the back of his throat at the thought of her with another man for the night.
Violet nodded her head with a small smile , wandering back into her apartment to grab her phone before she forgot it. Hearing Sebastian follow her in and close the door behind him.
"Yeah.  With one of my friends , friends. Apparently he's a footballer.." she muttered as she shoved her phone into her purse . Looking back over her shoulder to see a scowling Sebastian stood in her doorway with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.
"Absolutely not." He suddenly ground out. Shaking his head at her with a humourless little smile tugging at his mouth.
“No way." Was all he could repeat . No way in hell.
Violet looked back at him like he was insane . He felt like she was driving him to it .
"What? What do you mean no? You can't tell me no! What is wrong with you?" She shot back at him confused and more than annoyed by his interruption when she was finally deciding to move on.
Sebastian just clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. His eyes not leaving hers as he glared back at her in frustration .
The right words that he had planned to say were no longer there.
"I mean no you're not. This is terrible timing." He muttered more to himself than violet as he ran a hand over his eyes In pure disbelief .
He should have told her sooner . He thought to himself miserably. Maybe then she wouldn't be looking like a supermodel about to go on a date with a fucking footballer.
Jesus Christ.
Violet looked offended, felt it too. "terrible timing?! This happens to be Great timing actually! I can't stay single forever seb. I'm going to become a virgin again at this rate!" She exclaimed wondering what the hell was the matter with him and why he looked so pissed off.
Sebastian's scowl only deepened if it was possible .
"So you're planning on sleeping with him?! Violet!" He inhaled deeply trying not to have a breakdown. Wondering how the hell he was going to get her to listen to him. And what the hell he was even going to say.
She rolled her eyes at him in annoyance . "Yes I plan on getting laid . Since when do you act like such a prude seb? What the hell is going on?!” She shouted at him.
Finally Losing her patience with him. He may have a cute face and eyes that made her want to melt into a puddle on the floor , but god did he piss her off sometimes!
Sebastian had never been very graceful. So instead of the beautiful speech he had planned to give her , the carefully thought out declaration of love that he had spent all night rehearsing.
That all went to shit. Because of course it did. Why did he expect anything else?
Instead he ended up pointing his finger at her and shouting like a idiot . "you are not going to fuck another man when I am in love with you , you daft woman! What is wrong with you! Are you trying to tear my heart out?!" Eyes wild and upset as he looked down at her. Heart pounding in his chest.
Violet gasped sharply , mouth dropping open in shock. What?
Then the anger came over her like a tidal wave . All this time … all this time she had spent pining over him and he had loved her all along?!
Not even a second later she lifted her hand and threw her clutch bag straight at him.
“You bastard! How was I supposed to know?! I've been flirting with you since the moment we've met and you've not said anything!" Then she picked up a pillow from her couch and threw that at him as well.
As he dodged the flying decorative pillows coming his way, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"No you haven't! You've only been joking around with me! I wasn't going to embarrass myself for your entertainment!" He shouted back at her . Grabbing one of the pillows that had hit off his head and throwing it back at her with force.
It bounced off her shoulder and onto the floor. Only making her angrier as she picked up a magazine from the table and began to roll it up in her hands .
"Joking?! Joking?! You've got to be the one fucking joking Sebastian! The only way I could have it any more obvious would have been to shove my tongue down your throat!" She screamed at him before jumping over the couch and starting to hit him all over his body with her rolled up magazine .
Much like she had seen her mother do to her father whenever he had pissed her off. Which was often.
She guess the apple didn't fall far from the fucked up tree after all.
"Ow! You-" he ducked to avoid a blow to the head. Grabbing her arms to spin her around and pin her to the back of the couch. "Crazy woman! Why didn't you just do that! I thought you were just being nice!"
Unfortunately or maybe fortunately for him, he missed his intended mark and instead accidentally pushing her over the top of the couch . Ultimately bringing him down with her as he landed on top of her with a startled shout.
Bracing his arms on either side of her head so he didn’t crush her as they both panted loudly trying to catch their breath back from their impromptu explosion .
Violet was glaring up at him in pure disbelief "that would have been assault! Oh hey Sebastian , how was your day and bam-!" She stuck out her tongue at him "wanna taste my lips?!" She smacked him over the head one last time for good measure.
Sebastian just snorted as he looked down at her pouted lips below him. Arching a brow at her slowly . Eyes scanning her flushed and pissed off face beneath him.
She was even hotter when she was angry. He mused , infatuated.
"Not if I wanted you to.”He mumbled to her before a sheepish smile suddenly grew on his face.
Pushing a strand of her messy hair way from her eyes from their fall, he pursed his lips to try and contain his growing glee as he realised what this meant.
"You love me." He stated slowly , proudly . Smugly . Making her roll her eyes at his tone as he leant down to nudge his nose against hers gently .
Locking her legs around his waist , she pinched his side making him flinch. Snickering at the look on her face .
"And you love me. Big deal." She looked off to the side with a pout. Pulling her legs tighter around his hips so his body crashed down on top of her with a loud ‘ooof'.
He laughed breathlessly at her stubbornness , kissing her cheek gently . Before slowly kissing down to her neck and behind her ear . Kissing any piece of soft skin that he could reach.
"It is a big deal ." He hummed against her throat as he began to kiss his way up to her chin . With only one target in mind.
Violet refused to give him a reaction. Merely raising a eyebrow at him , lips pursed stubbornly.
Sebastian just peered down at her in amusement , grinning widely as he pulled down her chin to part her lips. Skimming his mouth against her own gently , not yet kissing her.
"I love you." He whispered .
“And I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. Not kiss me back." He demanded quietly. Pinching her side to make her laugh.
Rolling her eyes , she couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her face as she finally gave in and closed the gap like she had wanted to the whole time .
Kissing him like he would be the last man she ever kissed .
And If Sebastian had his own way, he would be.
"Asshole." She murmured against his lips in vague amusement .
Exhaling shakily as he buried his face in her neck and traced her tender skin with his tongue.
“You owe me a date." She muttered to him seriously , eyes falling shut in bliss .
He smiled against her chest as he pushed down her dress smoothly .
“I owe you more than one. Out First date will be breakfast in the morning but for now ..." he grinned slyly as he found her bra hook and quickly snapped it open before she could even blink.
"I have another way to apologise .."
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