#kevin spn
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sleepy-writer84 · 2 months ago
Believe It or Not
Authors Note: A little one-shot that takes place during the time Castiel is human and working at that gas station. Based on the song, "Believe It or Not" by Joey Scarbury
Not Proofread
Words: 1454
Last Part: The Trap
“Honey I’m home” Hunter calls out into the bunker, her boots clanking on the stairs down to the dining area. Dean rolls his eyes, Sam waving with a book in his other hand. The boys are sitting around the map table, eating breakfast. Hunter walks up behind Dean, grabbing a piece of his bacon, which causes the older man to protest. 
“Get your own,” Dean scoffs, shielding his plate from her. She just laughs, leaning on the back of his chair. 
“How’s Cas?” Sam asks, taking a sip of his smoothie before sliding it over to her. 
She takes a grateful sip before sliding it back to him, “Good, he’s good. Still going by Steve, still working at that gas station. I dropped him off at work before headin over” she responds.
“I still think this is stupid” Dean huffs, looking up at her. “It’s like we’re divorced parents here” he motions to him and Sam. 
“We all agreed it would be good for Kev to get him out of the bunker every now and then, away from bible study,” she rolls her eyes, grabbing another piece of bacon off Dean’s plate to his dismay. “I thought you liked the bunker to yourselves anyways,” she mumbles through a mouthful.
“That’s not the problem, the problem is you waltz in here and take him away like he’s a child of divorce,” Dean mutters. 
Hunter smacks the back of his head, rolling her eyes. Kevin then enters the room, with a backpack. 
Hunter smiles at him, “Ready to go?” she asks. Kevin eagerly nods his head, rushing up the stairs, and saying a quick goodbye to Sam and Dean. Hunter grins, “I think I’m the favorite,” she says in a singsong voice before following after the kid. 
She laughs as she sees him already in the passenger side, buckled up and drumming his fingers on the dashboard. As Hunter gets into the car, she smiles at him, “That eager huh?” she asks. 
“You have no idea, I need a break, I think I am going insane,” he huffs. 
Hunter rolls her eyes, and starts the car up, turning on the radio of the 1978 Lincoln Continental Mark V. After a few minutes of just listening to music, Kevin starts to talk. “New car?” he asks, trying to make conversation. 
“Yeah, Cas and I bought it. Wanted to do something right instead of stealing or scamming it,” she answers, shrugging her shoulders. Kevin nods his head. That was something he respected. Hunter wasn’t the type to use fake credit cards or just take what she wanted. Even though she was a hunter, and he knew that hunters usually don’t make a pretty penny so they have to rely on scams, she barely did. She took up random side jobs to make money, to earn it right because that’s what she wanted to do. 
“Are we still holed up at that motel?” he asks her. 
She nods her head, “Yup, why you don’t like it?” she asks. 
“No, I was just wondering, you still have it for free?”
“Yeah, do maintenance around the place to keep our room, they’re happy I’m back,” she tells him. The town that she had taken Castiel to was a town she had run away to once. A place that constantly had little side jobs to pick up, along with monsters to hunt on the down low. She had run away for a year there once when she was 12. She had gotten into a fight with John, Sam, and Dean’s dad, from what Kevin understood. Sam was going away to college, and Hunter had stood up to him. So she took a bus and went off on her own, ending up in a town that had a couple of hunters who vouched for her and looked after her until she had returned to John and Dean. Even though she was so young, the hunters in the area had known her mom and dad, and respected her wishes to be left alone. They kept an eye on her and worked some cases with her, but for the most part, she was by herself. The only reason she got a motel room so young was because the owner of the motel was a hunter himself. Even back then, she would always work simple jobs like maintenance, babysitting, and dogsitting to make a living. That’s why she took Castiel to the town, it was a good place to have a new start. 
Kevin chews on his bottom lip before asking, “And Castiel?” 
“What do you mean?” she asks, quickly looking over to him. 
“Are you two…you know?” he asks. 
Hunter laughs, shaking her head, her blue eyes crinkling, “There’s no need to label anything,” she tells the younger boy. 
“I know but you two clearly have history, and he’s always looking at you like you’re the world,” Kevin answers. He had noticed on his visits how much Castiel valued her and how much Hunter cared for him. 
“You’re sweet Kev, but Cas and I are just friends. I told him when we left the bunker, after Dean kicked him out, that I didn’t expect anything in return. He’s human now, feeling and experiencing things that he never had to before. He’s confused and conflicted, and I just want him to make his own decisions, his own life. If he doesn’t choose me, I can live with that, I just want him to be happy and content,” she elaborates. 
After that the car ride is silent. After a couple of hours, they drive into town, pulling up to the gas station where Castiel worked. It was almost 8, the end of his shift. Hunter parks the car, unbuckling. Kevin follows after her, placing his hands into his jacket. Hunter walks in nonchalantly, her hands in her own leather jacket. She was wearing a crop top underneath it, with some blue jeans. Her boots clank against the tile, walking over to the slushie machine that Castiel was cleaning. Kevin watches with a small smile as she leans against the machine. 
“Well fancy seeing you here,” Kevin hears her speak, the smile evident in her tone. 
Castiel looks up at her, a small smile falling over his features. 
“Hello Hunter,” he greets her. 
“Hi angel,” she grins, “Shift almost done?” 
“I just need to finish cleaning this, and then I will be ready,” he nods at her. 
“Okay, I got Kev, so we’re probably gonna look around and grab something for dinner, anything you need?” 
Castiel shakes his head, turning to where Kevin stands and awkwardly waving at the boy. Kevin waves back, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Alright angel, we’ll be in the car waiting,” she tells him, snapping her fingers and pointing her fingers at him. Castiel nods his head and continues to work on the machine. 
After looking around the store and picking up snacks, Hunter checks out and the two head back to the car. Kevin sits in the back this time. He made a rule for himself. Whenever he was here in town, he’d sit in the back and let Cas sit in the passenger side, next to Hunter. No one asked him to, but he just felt like it was the right thing to do. Castiel walks out of the store at around 8:30, sliding into the seat that was unspokenly his. 
“Sorry I’m late, a customer spilled a drink,” he mumbles, buckling up. 
“No problem, angel,” Hunter smiles sweetly. 
She turns on the car, music filling the silence, the song ‘Believe It or Not’ blasting. Hunter grins widely, restarting the song. As they drive off, she sings along, urging the boys to sing along with her. Kevin joins out, laughing loudly. Castiel hums softly before Hunter reaches over and shakes him, which causes a gruff laugh to fall from his lips before he joins in. 
As the three of them drive off to their motel, Kevin can’t help but appreciate moments like these. Out of the bunker and full of life. Like some sort of dysfunctional family, but he appreciated it nonetheless. How Hunter was always checking up on him, making sure he was alright. How she insisted on the Winchesters allowing him to visit them, to have a slice of normalcy. Not only did he enjoy the time away, but he also enjoyed this. Helping Castiel learn how to be human, watching him and Hunter dance around each other. It was endearing to him, how pure their love and care were for each other. Maybe after all of this prophecy business, he could have this, he thought, the car filled with laughter and screams of “Believe it or not”.
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foundfamilyhq · 1 year ago
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casses-trenchcoat · 5 months ago
"is this a joke???"
"no it's the word of god,,, 😐🫤"
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aayo-whatt · 2 years ago
helloooo aayo <3
1, 2, 11, 12, and 20 for the character ask game?
hiiii! i've missed you, kyra <333
1. Favorite character of all time. my brain went straight to kevin- il him sm but also i love other characters the same amount, for different reasons?? basically i can't choose one, because i have so many REASONS that i can't word-
2. Favorite OTP of all time. in all honesty? merthur. it's from one of my favourite tv shows, that i will never get sick of not to mention the fact that they're just so oblivious and in love, and it's amazing i just love their dynamic sm
11. A character you were supposed to love who you ended up hating. oh god this is a hard one... i think i'm gonna go with elide from TOG, i just don't like what's happened with her character, if it went in this different direction it would've read sm better imo
12. A character who were supposed to hate who you ended up loving. i'm not sure if we were supposed to hate him, but i feel like we were at least meant to dislike him -- gadreel i dont even know why, i just love him sm, every time his character came on screen i was instantly paying 100% attention
20. A character from your childhood who you’re still obsessed with. this is probably kinda fucked that i watched this as a kid but, from the tv show 'dexter' - either debra or doakes
oh, god you asked all the hard questions- tysm for the ask!!
[character ask game]
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thebackestofburners · 2 years ago
Tough one I know
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seasononesam · 1 year ago
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#logging into tumblr today
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inacatastrophicmind · 1 year ago
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Boops for you. Boops for me. Boops for everyone (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *⋆⭒˚。⋆
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dreamgirledward · 11 months ago
whenever i remember sam had zero meaningful relationships with male characters not including jack i cant help but laugh like the longer it's been since the show ended the more obvious this shit looks to me ksjdkfshfksdjh
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acecroft · 2 months ago
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sleepy-writer84 · 2 months ago
S15 Ep9 The Trap
Authors Note: This is based on episode 9 of season 15 of Supernatural with my oc Hunter. Fun fact, she and Kevin share a kind of sibling bond, and I would love to write a little one-shot about that. I might write something next regarding their relationship alongside the bond I have Castiel and Kevin have too!
Not Proofread
Words: 3689
Last Part: Moriah
Screwed. That’s the only thing that Castiel could think of right now. He was properly and utterly screwed for lack of better words. He and Dean had gone to Purgatory, Michael opening a rift for the two. They had exactly 12 hours to get a Leviathan Blossom and return. Michael had given them a spell that would trap Chuck, and with Sam and Eileen being kidnapped by God himself, the two were running out of time. Everything had gone semi-smoothly when he and Dean had entered Purgatory. They had run into a Leviathan, and he had shown them to a location where the blossoms bloomed. Turns out it was a trap though, and Dean had been knocked out, while Castiel had been kidnapped. Now, he was walking through the woods, two Leviathans grabbing his arms and dragging him down a path to Eve. There were three more Leviathans in front of him and two more behind him. Part of him wanted to fight back and escape their holds since they weren’t really tying him up or subduing his powers, but he was outnumbered and didn’t know if it would be possible to brute force his way out of this. All he hoped was that Dean had gained consciousness and made it back to the portal, escaping this place before the doors closed. 
A sudden pressure on his arms pulls him back from his thoughts. The Leviathans had stopped moving, and as Castiel looked up he saw three black-hooded figures blocking their path. He couldn’t tell who these people were, but by the way the Leviathans had acted, they weren’t on the same side. “Get out of the way” one of the Leviathan barked, the one who was leading the group. 
One of the hooded figures steps forward, speaking in a cajun accent, “Now why would we do that?” the man asks, tilting his head. 
“Because Eve commands it,” the Leviathan answers, sneering at the man, “You’re outnumbered, if you’re smart you’d turn back”. 
This causes the hooded figure to chuckle, “Head back, nah I think we like it right here. Though, if you let go of the angel, we could spare ya”. 
The Leviathans all laugh at this, one of them speaking up, “Spare us? You’re outnumbered, you really want to stand in the way of what Mother wants?”
“Oh she’s no mother to us we got our own lady to listen to, so again let the angel go,” the man with the accent laughs. 
“Who are you anyways?” one of the Leviathan questions. 
“Who am I? Little ol me? Surprised you can’t tell, though it was rumored my own kind ripped me apart huh?” the cloaked figure mumbles, taking a few steps forwards before reaching to take off his hood. Castiel’s eyes squint as he takes in the appearance of the man, realizing it was Benny, the vampire who had helped him and Dean when they were trapped in Purgatory all those years ago. 
“So you’re a dead man walking huh? I guess nothing stays dead for long” the frontman Leviathan snarls, “You think we're gonna go running just because we've seen a ghost?” he chuckles. 
“Maybe? But to be honest, Imma think you’re gonna go running because of who you threatened here, see our lady friend wants the angel safe and back home, and well you’ve gone and messed up his pretty face, and she’s not happy” Benny says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. 
“You think we’re afraid of some bitch?” the frontman asks, his eyes on the cloaked figures. 
“Buddy if I were you, I’d choose your words a bit more carefully” Benny warns, raising an eyebrow. The cloaked figure who was in the middle steps forward, placing a hand on Benny’s back. Benny nods his head to them, letting them step forward. The cloaked figure slowly tugs off their hood, revealing blue eyes and wavy black hair. The Leviathan freezes, the ones holding onto Castiel loosening their grip on his arms. Castiel however, is frozen too, taking in the sight of her, his Hunter. 
“You’re in my territory,” she simply speaks, walking forwards, causing the Leviathan to step backward, terrified of the cambion, “And you have my angel” she snarls. 
“We didn’t know it was you,” the frontman speaks quickly, urgently, “We didn’t know this was your territory” he adds on. 
She laughs at this, and even though it's a dark and dangerous laugh, all Castiel can think is how beautiful she is. How tired she looked, how determined she was. “You saw the marks on the trees, right? Or are you just not that bright? And that graveyard you defiled, that was my garden, my territory that you poisoned, that you defiled with that angel trap” she snarls. 
“Must have slipped our minds, Eve, Mother, she was insistent on capturing the angel the moment he arrived” the frontman tries to explain. Hunter stops him, holding up her hand and causing him to choke. 
“I don’t care what Eve wants, we made an agreement, this is my territory, and I don’t want your filth invading it. I told her this is my land, and to keep away if she wanted to stay in power here”. She clenches her fist, black goo foaming at the lips of the frontman, “But I see that none of that matters, she sent you here, to capture my angel”. She releases her fist letting the frontman breathe. “And I told her I didn’t want anyone I cared for to be threatened, so I suggest you let the angel go and crawl back home”. 
The frontman gasps for breath, nodding his head before running off. The other Leviathan tries to run off too, but she holds up her hand keeping them in place, “Nuh-uh” she says in a singsong voice, “I only need one messenger, isn’t that right Benny?” she asks the vampire. 
“You’re right about that” Benny grins, “I think we need to make a new garden here since they ruined your last one darlin”. 
After that, everything moves fast. Castiel still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Hunter was here, in Purgatory. When she had gone missing, presumably dead at the hands of Jack, the Winchesters and he alongside Rowena had tried every tracking spell they could to find out where she was, if she was dead or not, but they had no luck. It was a dead end every time, and with everything that happened, the boys were forced to move on, to find a way to subdue Jack and end Chuck. There was no time to chase deadends. If she was dead, they should have known. If she was here in Purgatory, they should have known. Yet here she was, perfect and beautiful and Castiel was stunned and surprised and so much more. He had missed her so much, missed the way she would smile, missed the way she would sing, missed the way she would love. She was the brightest person in the world, with a heart of gold. She was pure and kind and everyone who knew her loved her. He had and always did love her. As the fight breaks out, he punches the Leviathan on his left holding his arm. The one holding his right arm lurches forward, stumbling before kicking him down. He falls onto his face, wrestling the two Levithan before the third cloaked figure throws something on them, causing them to hiss and burn. The third cloaked figure, pulls Castiel up off the ground, quickly making a ring around them. Castiel, who was supporting a broken nose and bloody face looks around frantically, seeing Hunter and Benny fight the other four Leviathan. 
Castiel starts towards them, but the cloaked figure pulls him back, taking his hood off. “Kevin?” Castiel asks gruffily, recognizing the prophet. The last time he saw Kevin was months ago when he had escaped hell when God opened it up. That's when Castiel, Sam, and Dean found out that instead of Heaven, Chuck had sent Kevin to hell. They had the demon possessing Jake open a rift in the portal they made in the town nearby to let Kevin escape and roam the world, but somehow he was here, in Purgatory. 
“Yeah, it's me” Kevin responds nervously, his hold on Castiel tight but weak, “Listen, she’d rather us stay in this circle okay, they can’t pass it. I figure since she makes me stay in these things during fights so no one touches me, she’d want you to, as well”. 
“How are you here?” Castiel questions, his eyes leaving the boy's face to look at Hunter who had just killed her second Leviathan, “Last time we saw you, you went wandering around Earth so you didn’t have to go back to hell”. 
“Yeah, I know. It’s a long story, basically, she brought me down here, to keep me from going insane” Kevin answers, “She was fading up there, her soul not being able to remain on Earth, so she took me here with her to try and figure something out”. 
“Figure something out?” Castiel asks incredulously, “What do you mean?” he shifts towards the boy, grabbing onto the front of his shirt. 
“Listen man I don’t know, just please don’t hurt me” he squeaks, holding his hands up to shield his face. 
“Looks like your angel is mad” Benny scoffs, walking towards the two, Hunter following behind him. 
“Put him down Cas” Hunter says gently, moving to place her hands on his back and Kevin’s shoulder. Castiel looks down at her, his grip on Kevin loosening but not letting go. 
“I need answers” he growls, “Why is he here? Why are you here? Where were you? What happened” he responds in a gruff voice. 
“Shaking the kid won’t solve that” Benny calls out, causing Hunter to scoff. She meets the angel’s eyes with her pleading ones to let the boy go. Reluctantly he drops Kevin’s collar, who takes a step away from the angel.
“A lot has happened, let's talk on the way back to the portal okay? You’re runnin out of time to get out of here” she responds calmly. Castiel squints his eyes at her, not believing this is her, but motions to her to lead the way. Hunter turns to look at Kevin and motions with her head to join Benny. Benny and Kevin walk down the path that the Leviathan had taken Castiel on his way here, her and Castiel walking behind them. 
After a moment of silence, Hunter speaks up beside the angel, “It wasn’t Jake you know”. Castiel looks down at her, his brows furrowed. 
“What do you mean?” he asks wearily. 
“I mean, I saw it, you all blamed Jake, assumed he killed me..like he killed Mary” her voice falls softly, “But he didn’t kill me”. 
“Then who did?” he asks. 
“Chuck,” she says simply, “I..I was there, at the cabin, when Jack lost it. He..he fried Nick, and then I went into labor. Mary wanted to get us back to the bunker, but Jack had panicked. He didn’t want her to tell Sam and Dean…you..what he had done. I felt it, the change in energy, the baby could sense the danger..so it took me somewhere else right as Jack..” her voice cracks. She clears her throat before continuing, “The baby sent me to another universe, to give birth. Afterward, Chuck..he showed up”. 
Castiel stares down at her, his throat tightening, “He killed you?” he asks, trying not to let his voice crack. 
Hunter nods her head, her black locks bouncing on her head, “He did” she confirms, her voice breaking. “It was all a joke to him” she continues after a moment, “All of it was. He told me he never planned to let me live. That other cambion, the child, he had killed him after Dean and Sam convinced you not to. Once he got light of me, he was going to kill me too, but then I became close to his favorite toys, so he thought why not make it entertaining” she lets out a dry laugh, kicking a rock on the path they were walking. 
Castiel could feel his pulse quickening, could feel the conflicting emotions suffocating him. Of course, it was Chuck, of course, God had played with her life like everyone else. “Why?” Castiel asks, “Why kill you?” 
“Because he saw me as a threat” she answers him. “Growing up, the only ‘powerful’ thing I did was weaken the yellow-eyed demon when he had come for me to create his new generation of psychics as he had with Sam’s generation. After that, the abuse my father put me through weakened my potential, I was too scared of myself. I grew close to the Winchesters, and he enjoyed that story. Remember how he told me, that once I gave birth I would reach my potential? Well apparently that potential was becoming strong…almost as strong as him. That threatened him” she explains taking a deep breath. 
“He came to me after I gave birth in that apocalyptic universe, and he went off on a tangent. How he could never control me. How just like Jack he couldn’t watch me…he couldn’t script my story. So he settled on involving me in the stories he’d write about Sam and Dean. He gave me permission to have kids with you, just so it would happen. Another tragedy, a perfect tragedy he called it. He was so sure I would die during childbirth, but I didn’t so he had to kill me. Because someone like Jack and I, walking around with so much power, with the ability to stop him, it wasn’t allowed” she breathes shakily. 
They had finally reached the portal, Dean nowhere to be found. Castiel could hear Benny calling out to them, saying he was gonna go ahead to make sure Dean was on his way, telling Kevin and the rest of them to stay put. He could feel the pounding in his head, the ringing in his ears. He heard Dean’s voice. Not near them, but as if the man was praying to him. Telling him he forgave him, that he was sorry, that he hoped Castiel was okay. Everything was too much for Castiel. Everything came crashing down on him, and he leaned his forehead on a nearby tree, trying to calm his uneven breaths. This was really her, this was really happening. Chuck had killed her. Chuck had given them hope for a future with the intention of taking it away all for his epic story.
Hunter places her hand on Castiel’s back, her head tilting forward to look at his face, “Angel look at me please” she begs. He opens his watery blue eyes, meeting her own dull and tired ones. 
“You’re real” he repeats over and over again, “You’re here and I didn’t come and get you”. 
“Oh Castiel,” she says heartbroken, “It isn’t your fault,” she tells him gently. 
“I was supposed to protect you…I failed” he admits, his voice cracking. 
“You could never fail me, angel, you had so much more to worry about than a lost soul like me,” she says softly. 
Castiel shakes his head, his hair matted to his forehead, “I was supposed to protect you..and our kid..what happened to our son?” he asks painfully. 
“Chuck killed him too” she answers him, her eyes watering, “I don’t know where he is, but I’ve never given up. I will find a way back to you, to him” she promises. 
Castiel closes his eyes tightly, letting out a broken sob. This wasn’t fair, none of this was fair. “Come back with us” he begs. 
“I can’t” she whispers, “I go through that portal and I disappear. This is only half my soul, the other half is at rest in the Empty,” she tells him, “I can’t go back until I find a way to wake myself up” she explains. 
“How…” he begins to ask but Hunter cuts him off, “I did a little spell, something Rowena taught me, in a desperate attempt to get back to you all. I cut my soul in half, good thing I have the brightest and biggest soul in the world huh?” she laughs wetly, leaning into his side, “When Chuck killed me, I went to the Empty, but the part of my soul I ripped from my body when I was still alive, it came back here, to this universe. That’s where I met Kevin, that’s how I watched you and the boys. But I was fading, fading to this place. I was able to take Kevin with me, and every day I try to find a way to wake myself up in the Empty. Once I get that far, I’m sure I’ll be able to get back to the bunker, but for now, I just try and gain strength, try and get through the day” she mumbles. 
“I’ve missed you” Castiel admits, staring at her, letting her lean against him. 
“I’ve missed you too Angel” she sniffles, leaning her head onto his shoulder. The moment is interrupted by Dean and Benny making it back. 
“Cas?” Dean calls out. Castiel straightens up, walking over to Dean. 
“Hello Dean” Castiel greets, blocking Hunter from view, not on purpose, he was just glad to see Dean alive.
“I thought you were dead, they took you man” Dean lets out a breath of relief. 
“I let them take me, to keep you safe since I was the one that Eve wanted” Castiel explains. 
Dean nods his head before clearing his throat, “Look Cas…I…” Dean begins but Castiel cuts him off, “I heard your prayer, Dean, it’s okay you don’t have to say it again”. Dean looks appreciatively at Cas, really not wanting to have a ‘chick flick moment’ like he would put it. But the moment that Hunter steps up to stand beside Castiel, all of that is forgotten. 
“Hunter?” he asks quietly, afraid if he is too loud he will scare her away. 
“Yeah it’s me Deano” she whispers, tears stinging her eyes.
Dean wastes no time, walking over to her. He picks up a strand of her black hair, twirling it in his hands, his eyes moving towards her face, almost like he was making sure she was real, before he wraps his arms around her tightly, “I missed you Hunnie” his voice cracks. 
Hunter laughs at this, holding onto his tightly, “I haven’t heard that nickname in years” she mumbles against his shoulder. At the scene, Castiel feels guilty. He hadn’t hugged her, hadn’t even held her hand when he first saw her, too skeptical that any of this was real. Instead, he had spent all his time with her questioning her. 
As Dean and Hunter break apart, she smiles sadly up at Dean, “I can’t come with you” she tells him with a broken voice. 
Dean’s jaw tightens, and he nods his head, “I figured” he mumbles, patting her shoulder. “So I’m guessing a couple of months ago when I saw you with Jack at the graveyard, that wasn’t a trick of my eyes?” he asks her. 
Hunter shakes her head, “That was really me” she promises, “A part of my soul, it was on Earth for a bit before being dragged down here,” she explains, “I just…I wanted to show you who the real enemy was”. 
“Chuck…he was the one who killed you” Dean’s voice sours, putting two and two together. That’s why all those months ago she had appeared to him and only him, almost like a warning, to not go along with God’s plans. 
“You’re smart sometimes” she grins sadly, “You need to be going, the rift is going to close soon,” she tells the boys. Dean pats her shoulder again before stepping back, nodding his head. “Here” she mumbles, reaching into her bag, “I used a spell to make it look prettier, but I heard you were looking for a Leviathan Blossom so hopefully this works”, she takes out a blood-red flower handing it over to Dean. 
“Thank you” Dean mumbles, holding onto the delicate flower, “What are the chances we trap god and then come back for you? And you let us?” Dean asks pained. 
“It can’t happen,” she tells him sadly, “I can’t come back till I get my other half in the Empty, this is something you just have to trust me on. I’ll find a way, I always do”, she smiles at him. Dean nods his head, clearing his throat. 
As Dean says goodbye to Benny and walks over to talk to Kevin, Hunter looks back at Castiel. “I don’t want this to be goodbye” Castiel breaks the silence between them, his Adam's apple bobbing as he tries to fight off the pain he feels. 
“It doesn’t have to be” she calls out to him, her bottom lip quivering. Castiel reaches out to her hesitantly, before pulling her into a hug. Hunter rests her chin on his shoulder, her arms desperately clinging to him. 
“Let’s hope the next time we meet I’m whole” she whispers into the crook of his neck. This only causes Castiel to hold onto her tighter. As they break apart, Castiel looks down at her heartbroken. The nagging feeling that even if she did make it back to the bunker, whole and alive, the moment would be cut short. Dean pats Hunter’s back, saying one final round of goodbyes before going through the rift, leaving Castiel there for a moment. Castiel clears his throat, waving goodbye and thanking both Kevin and Benny for keeping her safe. He then looks down at Hunter, kissing her forehead before stepping away, forcing himself to go back through the closing portal. Once he is back in the bunker, only one thought goes through his head, how he is going to fail Hunter once again, because if she ever made it back here, he would be happy, and in that very moment of their reunion, he would leave her. The deal he made with the Empty weighed over him heavily at that very moment.
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pollsnatural · 11 months ago
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archangelbong · 5 months ago
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asbeel · 9 months ago
I imagine Dean is protective as shit of his pie
Like he is hissing and scratching at anyone who even attempts to poke a fork into his pie
So if he lets you to reach out and eat a bit of his pie, it's a sign of respect
If he willingly hands you a slice of pie? Youre the fucking world to him
People I think Dean would let eat a bit of his pie:
- Mary Winchester
- Jack Kline
- Garth Fitzgerald
- Ellen Harvelle
- Kevin Tran
- Jody Mills
- Lisa Braeden
- Sam
People I think Dean would give a slice of pie to:
- himself (obviously)
- Sam (but he always refuses cos he's a health nut)
- Castiel
- Bobby
- Benny
- Charlie (sister energy)
- Jo (sister energy again [wdym they kissed they're literally siblings])
- Claire
- Eileen (as like a "ur my sister in law now" vibe)
- Missouri (fr she deserves some)
- Ben Braeden
I really wanted to add Crowley to this list but it's just the sad truth that Dean wouldn't trust him to be within 90ft of pie
And yes, John Winchester isn't on here. His ass does NOT deserve pie
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seasononesam · 1 year ago
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Stackednatural- 247/327
Taxi Driver (8x19) April 3rd, 2013
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inacatastrophicmind · 6 months ago
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He's so proud
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spntourney · 1 month ago
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Polls for this round can be found here.
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