#kev you fucked up and i am here for your wife yelling at you at 2am on a tuesday morning
qvietspvce · 4 months
ooooh the neighbours are arguing and i can hear it through the walls
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alexstalkers · 3 months
Everything Has Changed- Part 1
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Hello everyone, this is the first story I've ever written, and especially of the fanfic type. I am a big Shameless fan and have been rewatching lately and Carl is my favorite character. I hope you enjoy!! (Please give feedback, in a nice way) I might do a part two if people like this❤️ 
Backstory: Carl Gallagher is a police officer, and you are studying Psychology with a minor in Sociology at the University of Chicago. You meet at a time in your life where you don't need distractions or a relationship, but the Gallaghers are hurricanes and Carl changes your world view. 
SONG INSPIRATION: Everything Has Changed- Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran (Corny, IK) 
Characters: Y/N (Your Name) (black woman), Michelle (Your best friend and roommate also a black woman) Carl Gallagher, other Gallaghers (Ian, Lip, Liam) Kev, V, Mickey 
I wasn’t ready for how this day was going to go. At. All. At. Fucking. All. I was frustrated waiting in line at some check cashing place near my job, and only had 10 minutes left on my lunch break. I was impatient and my only thought was, "can these people hurry the fuck up?!" I felt like the time was deliberately speeding up as the people around me were slowing down.  
I was annoyed as I finally walked up to the front counter and put my check in front of the middle-aged white lady that was smiling back at me "Hi, how are you? May I see some ID please?" The woman’s pleasant attitude annoyed me even more as I pulled out my wallet to showcase my ID while rolling my eyes. The woman pulls down her glasses to inspect it for second and grabs the check from me. “One second”, she says with a smile while turning around. After a few minutes, she turns back around and starts to passive-aggressively count out loud my change back to me. “Eight-hundred and fifty dollars.”, she says handing me the money.  
I snatch it out of her hand and turn to walk out the door as the woman smiles and waves goodbye. As I walk out of the check cashing place, I look at my phone for the time to see I have one minute left of my lunch break. “Shit! Shit, shit, fuck!”, I yell frantically running to my car that is parked across the street. As I get to my car, I see a cop about to put a ticket on the windshield. “Wait officer, I’m here! Please don’t do that, please!” 
 “Meter was up. Nothing I can do.”, he says with a don't care type of attitude. 
“You can’t just spare me this one time? I’m already running late for work, and it won’t happen again.”, I plead.  
He looks at me as I stare back with a pathetic expression on my face, eyes begging him. “Sorry about its ma’am.” He shrugs his shoulders as he places the ticket on my windshield as he turns around and walks away. 
“Asshole!” I yell. He stops walking and turns his head to glare at me.  
“Oh! So, you want another ticket for disrespecting an officer, ma’am?”, he shouts back at me in a pointed way.  
My eyebrows shot up in a scary way as I ran into my car before he tried to ticket me again. 
“Damn it!”, I exclaim as I check the time and see I have 5 minutes to get back to work and it’s a 3-minute drive to get to my job at the DoubleTree.  
When I get to my job, I rush inside to the front desk where I work, and my boss has beaten me there. “Cutting it close, Y/N. Do you nap on your breaks? I don’t have time to wait for you.” My boss isn’t a tyrant, but he is strict and more so than usual because his wife is pregnant and almost due, so he’s been stressed about that. 
“Sorry Brandon, won’t happen again.” I apologized while going behind the front desk. “Did that high school that booked verify their reservation?” I ask while looking on the computer to check the most recent guests that checked in and out. 
“No, they didn’t and they’re coming in three days.” Brandon says walking into his office. I sigh as I start trying to get in touch with the school staff for the reservation. This is going to be a long night. 
When I get back to my apartment that I share with my best friend at around 6 pm, I am finally ready to settle down, relax from this long day and take a nice bath, but Michelle comes running over to me. “Can you zip this up for me, please?”, she asks turning around in a black corset mini dress. 
“Okkkk, you look cute friend!” I hype her up while I zip up the dress, “but where are you going?”, I ask. 
“You mean us because you’re coming with me. I met this guy a couple of days ago and he asked me out to this new club, said I could bring a friend and he’s bringing one of his. Make it like a double date kind of thing.” She explained as she put on black high-heeled boots. 
I groaned. “I’m not really feeling up to it I had a long day, I was late for work after cashing my check and the cashier was rude as shit. My boss was giving me hell and I got a ticket. Also, we have midterms coming up soon.”  
“This is exactly why we need to get you out of this apartment, you’re stressing too much. You could use a little bit of fun and time to enjoy life with no work or school.” 
“Finnee…” I say looking at her hesitantly as she pushes me into my room to get dressed. After I take my shower, I stand in front of my closet and pull out a taupe-colored sweater knit dress, a black mesh bodysuit, black pantyhose, black mesh designer gloves and suede leather high-heel ankle boots.  
I lay out all of my clothes and start to get ready by doing makeup, hair and putting on body cream and perfume then I get on my clothes after about 30 minutes. I grab everything I need including my phone charger and wallet and leave my room to see Michelle waiting in the living room watching ‘The Kardashians’. She looks up as I come out. “You ready?”, she asks expectantly.  
“Yeah girly, let’s go before I change my mind!”, I joke half-heartedly as she turns off the TV and grabs her keys to leave. “You’re driving?” 
“Well, you have a ticket, remember?” She laughs as we leave and lock the apartment to go to the club.  
“What is this place called anyway?”, I ask on the way there while I play one of my Spotify playlists to help me get a little more turnt for tonight. 
“Cosmo, I think”, she replies “I just know it’s somewhere on the Southside.” She shrugs. 
“Why are we meeting some random ass guys on the Southside of Chicago?!”, I questioned. What type of horror movie shit did she get me into? “What the fuck do I look like going to the Southside and possibly getting murdered?” 
She sighs, “I’ve already met one of the guys and have been talking to him for a couple of days like I told you and he’s a cop and so is his friend. He also showed me a picture of his friend so we’re not going into this blind.” She explains.  
I give her an annoyed look, “Whatever, I’m only doing this for you. But if this gets weird, I’m taking my ass home.”, I explain. She nods with a smirk on her face as I roll my eyes. When we finally got to the club, Michelle followed the parking sign that leads to a small parking entrance next to the building that has a flickering neon sign that reads "Cosmo” and people lined up to get inside already.  
“Damn this is shitty. And there’s a line already. Come on, let’s hurry up and retouch our makeup before we go inside to meet the guys. I also want to show you a picture of my dates friend.”, Michelle explains excitedly as she starts to fix her lipstick.  
After we get done fixing ourselves up, we get out of the car and walk up to the line where we see people standing around the entrance, talking eagerly while waiting to get inside. It’s a little chilly outside and Michelle didn't bring a jacket, so she stands closer to me for body heat as we join the bustling line.  
Michelle looks at me nervously as I breathe out a breath of cold air. She pulls out her phone. “So, the guy that I’m meeting up with tonight is named Carl and like I said before he’s a cop and so is the friend he’s bringing for you. His friend's name is Michael. Here’s a picture that he sent me of him.”, she explained pulling up a picture of the Michael guy from her text messages. “What do you think?” 
I look at the picture for a minute and take in his olive skin, tattoos, and brown eyes. He’s attractive. “Yeah, he’s cute.”, I shrug off an oncoming smile that I know she can see by her smirk as she looks back down at her phone probably texting my approval to her date. “I just can’t wait to get inside, it’s cold as shit out here.”, I complain to change the topic as we inch closer to the entrance. “So, are they inside already or are they on their way?", I ask Michelle about the whereabouts of our dates. 
We inched even closer to the entrance. “I texted Carl and he said they’re meeting us here from his house, but that he doesn’t live far.”, she answered rubbing her hands together trying to warm herself up. As I was about to offer her my gloves we reached the entrance of the club. “Yay, finally!”, she groaned happily as she steps to the entrance nervously, but a giant man with a stern expression is standing there blocking it off with his arms crossed.  
“ID, please.”, the bouncer demands. Although he says ‘please’, it’s filled with authority and he’s not someone to mess with, so we go in our bags for our IDs immediately but get interrupted by a voice from behind. 
“Michelle, is that you?” We both turn around and see two guys, one is who Michelle showed me a picture of a few minutes earlier, he’s put together and wearing a nicely ironed shirt and jeans. The other guy who called Michelle’s name is more rugged looking, his hair is dark and messed up, he has sharp hazel eyes and a series of scars around his face. He’s wearing a random band t-shirt and a leather jacket and looks like he just rolled out of bed and put it on.  
“It’s ok, they’re with us,” he says to the bouncer as he and Michael flash their badges at him. Michelle and I glance at each other with impressed looks on our faces as the bouncer opens the rope and lets us in. 
We step into the dingy-looking club and the pulsating beat of the music automatically fills the air bringing up the vibe and has Michelle and Carl out on the dance floor already. “Would you like a drink?”, Michael asks me over the Nicki Minaj remix blasting through the speakers.  
“Yes please, thank you! I’m going to go find seats!”, I answer back as he nods and walks over to the bar. I squint my eyes over the flashing lights as I walk over to the seating area of the club with dimmer lighting and worn-out leather couches, chairs and tables in private sections. As I approach the seating area, the faint smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke creeps up my nose as I walk around looking for an empty section. I finally found one in a secluded corner near the bathrooms and saw Michael looking for me with our drinks in his hands, so I gestured him over to our section. 
“I just got you a vodka and cranberry. That, ok?”, he asks as he sits down and hands me my drink. I nod and take a sip before putting it on the table.  "What do you study at the University of Chicago?" Michael asks, leaning back casually and taking a sip from his own drink. 
"I’m majoring in psychology, with a minor in sociology," I respond, relaxing into the worn-out leather couch. "It’s a lot of work, but I love it. What about you? How long have you been a cop?" 
"About three years now," he replies. "Carl and I actually met at the academy. He’s a good guy, though sometimes a little too eager to throw himself into danger." 
"Sounds like Carl," I say with a small laugh, glancing over at the dance floor where Carl and Michelle are tearing it up. "Michelle told me he’s a bit of a wild card." 
"That’s one way to put it," Michael agrees with a chuckle. "But he’s got a good heart. We both do this job because we want to make a difference, you know?" 
"Yeah, I get that," I say, nodding. "It’s just... sometimes I wonder if the system is too broken to fix." 
Michael looks at me thoughtfully. "You sound like someone who’s seen a lot for your age." 
I shrug. "Maybe." 
"Okay..." he says, raising his eyebrow and taking another sip of his drink. "So, what do you do for fun when you’re not buried in books or dealing with rude cashiers?" 
I laugh, feeling the tension of the day slowly melting away. "Honestly, not much lately. Between school and work, I don’t have a lot of free time. But when I do, I like to read, watch movies, and sometimes go out dancing with Michelle." 
"Sounds like you need to have more nights out like this," Michael says with a grin. "Life’s too short to spend all of it working and studying." 
"Maybe you’re right," I admit, taking another sip of my drink. "So, tell me more about you. Any crazy stories from your time on the force?" 
Michael’s eyes light up. "Oh, I’ve got plenty. There was this one-time Carl and I were chasing down this guy who stole a car. We’re speeding through the streets, and Carl is hanging out of the window trying to shoot out the tires. It was like something out of a movie." 
"That sounds intense," I say, eyes wide. "Did you catch him?" 
"Yeah, we got him," Michael says proudly. "But not before Carl ended up with a busted lip and a bruised ego." 
We both laugh, the conversation flowing easily. Before I know it, an hour has passed, and I’m feeling much more relaxed and in the moment. Michelle and Carl joined us, flushed and laughing from their time on the dance floor. 
"Having fun?" Michelle asks, plopping down beside me. 
"Yeah, actually," I say, smiling at her. "Thanks for dragging me out tonight." 
"Anytime," she says, nudging me playfully. "So, Michael, what do you think of Y/N?" 
Michael looks at me, a warm smile spreading across his face. "I think she’s pretty great." 
I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and look away, trying to hide my smile. "You’re not so bad yourself." 
Carl and Michelle exchange a knowing look, and I feel a sense of camaraderie growing among the four of us. Maybe tonight wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
The rest of the night passes in a blur of laughter, dancing, and good conversation. By the time we leave the club, I’m feeling lighter than I have in weeks. As we walk to the car, Michael walks beside me, his hand brushing against mine. 
"I had a really great time tonight," he says softly. 
"Me too," I admit. "Maybe we can do this again sometime?" 
"I’d like that," he says, smiling down at me. 
As we reach the car, Michelle and Carl are already inside, talking animatedly. Michael opens the door for me, and I slide in, feeling a sense of contentment I haven’t felt in a long time. Maybe this was the distraction I needed. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new. 
Back at the apartment, Michelle and I collapse on the couch, exhausted but happy. 
"See? Didn’t I tell you it would be fun?" she says, kicking off her boots. 
"Yeah, you were right," I admit, smiling. "Thanks for dragging me out tonight." 
"Anytime, girl," she says, giving me a hug. "Now get some sleep. We’ve got midterms to tackle." 
"Right," I say, rolling my eyes. But as I head to my room, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement for what’s to come. Maybe Carl and his friend had brought more than just a night of fun into my life. Maybe they’d brought a new beginning. 
I fall asleep that night with a smile on my face, ready to see what the future holds. 
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hitmanbalor · 2 years
she's worse
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kevin nash x f! reader
hehe nwo wolfpac>>>
cussing it's my work :)))
did kevin nash use his backstage power to much and to his ability? yes. was his wife much worse than him? yes.
"we are not giving him a push." i groaned at my husband as i sat in his lap as he went over booking.
"who? goldberg? i know." he said.
"he doesn't deserve it. you should also stall janettys push. he's a dick. put me in a match with medusa." i said as i looked at him. he nodded his head writing down the ideas.
"anything for mysterio?" he asked. i sighed taking a look at the roster.
"martel. it's a dream match. since brets been here he has been asking for hulk." i said brushing his hair from his shoulders kissing them.
"hulk doesn't want him." he said.
"hulk is never fucking happy. i don't give a shit. do it. bret is my friend and i know you hate him but fucking do it." i said standing up from his lap.
"if your so worried about him, go fuck him." kev said growling not looking up to face me.
"your just upset i want to keep the spotlight on this company. your burying it." i pointed it out. our relationship was like this constant gas lighting and differences.
"me?" he asked. i nodded.
"your only listening to the ideas i have if they don't include your friends. dude i want to shut them up for one especially hulk." i said not hesitating to put my husband in his place.
"fine, ill fucking do it. only if i can book ddp with scott." i nodded agreeing.
"not have bad big daddy cool." i said. soon enough the booking was done and of course it pissed off so many men in the locker room.
"let me guess, your responsible for this?" bret said next to me. i nodded.
"i wasn't gonna have you come to this company to be buried. my husband can suck my dick. besides i fucking hate hulk." i scoffed.
"i know. did you see that he booked himself to win the championship?" bret asked. i shook my head.
"i only told him to pull shit on goldberg. he's an unsafe worker." i said as the devil came up as he knew we were talking about him.
"you did this?!" bill goldberg asked as he stomped up to me and bret.
"of course, i did! you may be big and buff but that won't get you far. also you reek of toxic masculinity." i fake gagged.
"your a bitch. im losing my title because of you!" he got in my face. i smirked at him.
"get out of my face, please." i said. he only stood there. he had tested my patience long enough and i slapped him. he stumbled back slightly and i gasped running from the scene to kevins office.
"holy shit, honey! you okay?" kevin asked as i entered the room.
"bill called me a bitch and then i slapped him. simple. got any food?" i asked as banging came from outside the door.
"kevin get your bitch in line!" bill yelled. kevin got up, opening the door.
"wanna say that again?" he asked as i stood tall next to him.
"yes i do. she's a bitch and shouldn't be here." he said.
"you know what, i can get you fucking fired. get out of here before i slap you again." i moved infront of kev. i moved out of the way slamming the door in his face.
"your worse than i am." he shook his head.
"i make you look like a fucking god." i scoffed as he laughed.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
The Resistant Omega: Part 3
Pairings: Omega!Mickey Milkovich x Male Alpha!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, homophobia??? 
Word Count: 3,287
Part 1 / Part 2
“Well look-ie here, boys. It’s the Queen fucking fairy himself.” Terry Milkovich yelled as loud as he could not a second after you walked into the Alibi like you did every Friday night. “How you doin, fairy?”
“Leave it.” You growled as you headed over to the bar. You purposely ignored Mickey in the corner and pulled your wallet from your pocket.
“Usual, (Y/N)?” Kate asked as she started grabbing cups.
“You know it, baby girl.” She blushed, and looked away as you put a fifty on the bar.
“I still don’t know how you fucking do it, man.” Your friend, Sam said as he leaned on the bar next to you. “You have them wrapped around your fucking fingers.”
“No, not at all.” You teased with a glance over at him. “My cock, maybe.” He laughed and punched your arm as you blew a kiss at Kate and grabbed your glass. You grabbed your usual table in the far corner as Jax started to wrack the balls on the pool table.
“So I got word down the line.” Sam said softly as you grabbed a cue from the holder on the wall. “New box coming out of the North in the next five beats.”
“Where’s it coming out of?”
“New York.”
“What’s the haul?” You asked as you got chalk on your hand.
“There’s no manifest.” Jax muttered as he reached in front of you to grab a cue, too. “So there’s no guarantee….”
“Then we don’t fucking touch it.” You said flatly as you stepped around him and grabbed your beer. “We don’t fucking take runs we aren’t sure of. That’s how we get fucking caught, or how we end up with shit we can’t dump.”
“Dude… we are getting low…” Jax tried as you grabbed the cue ball and set it down on the table where you wanted it.
“Then we get low.” You growled as you looked up at him. You glanced down at the table and made your shot before standing up to look at him. “Do you think I don’t fucking plan for this shit, dumbass? Really? I’ve been thirty steps ahead of you for fucking years and you still haven’t fucking caught up. I have fucking pipe everywhere. We don’t need some manifest-less crap shot. Now far fucking be it from me to tell you what the fuck to do, Jax because I am not your Goddamn keeper. You wanna take the fucking run, go right on ahead. But shit coming outta New York with an unknown fucking manifest could mean Pfizer or it could be fucking Johnson and Johnson baby soap. So get me a fucking manifest or shut the fuck up about it. Sam, play.”
“What fucking pipe do you have?” Jax hissed as you pulled your cigarettes out of your pocket and habitually scanned the room for assholes and eavesdroppers alike.
“The kind that you don’t need to fucking worry about until I tell you you need to fucking worry about them.”
“You know, you really are a fucking asshole.”
“Yea, story of my fucking life.” You grumbled around your cigarette as you lined up for your next shot. “Much easier being a fucking asshole than tolerating the fucking bullshit in the fucking world.”
“Don’t get fucking married then.” He chuckled as he subtly sold some pills to one of the bar regulars, Kermit. “You have to be a fucking asshole and deal with the fucking bullshit.”
“That’s why you don’t get fuckin’ married.” You laughed as you walked around the table. “Problem fucking solved, bitch.”
“You hear that, Joey? The faggot thinks it can get married.” You glanced over and ducked Joey’s fist, but Terry’s caught you right in the middle of the stomach. Your beer glass shattered to the floor as you slammed into the wall behind you.
“Kev!” Kate screeched as you ducked Terry’s next punch while Sam tackled Joey to the floor to keep the fight even. Your claws almost literally came out as you slammed your fist into his face with the full intention of breaking every fucking bone in the man’s face not for your sake, but for Mickey’s. 
“Alright, alright. Get him up!” Kev yelled as Terry managed to get a solid hit to your jaw. 
“Fucking fag!” He shouted at you as Jax dragged you back away from the fight.
“Oh, it’s OK, Terry.” You taunted with a wide, bloody grin. “I know you fucking wish you could be sucking my cock tonight, mother fucker.”
“You sick fuck!” He shouted as he lunged toward you just as the first cop walked in. “Fucking faggot!” You laughed and held your hands up in surrender as a few more cops filed in to the bar. You were just about to put your hands behind your head when Mickey ran up and punched you hard in the face, easily breaking your nose.
“Mother fucker!”
“On the ground, Milkovich!”
“Good hit, boy!” Terry shouted as you were man handled on to your knees. You felt one of your friends slip a wad of cash into your sock, which you would absolutely need on the inside since this assault charge would land you at least a few months. You cracked your knuckles behind your back and glanced over at Jax.
“Get my fucking lawyer and keep your fucking phone on.” He nodded his head as you looked at the cop that had hand cuffed you. You purposely put the breaks on, since John was a beta that liked to dance on the wild side in your bed when his wife was at her sister’s, and glanced at Mickey’s back as he was carted out the door. “There’s a Franklin in my pocket to get Mickey into honor block, away from the others, and in my cell. It’s consensual. And he lawyers up with my lawyer without his fucking narrow-minded dickhead of a father finding out.” John looked down at you with a small nod and gave you a firm shove forward.
“Call it even with Shannon’s inhalers next month.” You nodded in agreement and got into the back of the cop car with a heavy sigh. 
“Fucking Milkovich.”
“I called bottom an hour ago.” Mickey said without even moving his arm away from his face.
“You’re gunna take whatever fucking bed I fuckin tell you to fucking take after you broke my Goddamn nose, bitch.” Your Omega shot up off the bed as you dropped your bed roll on the top bunk.
“Scoot over. I’m fucking tired.”
“Scoot!” You barked as you grabbed your paper thin pillow and your pack of smokes. “Jesus Christ.” He scooted back against the wall as you dropped your pillow on top of his and handed him a lit cigarette. “Had to fucking gun for the fucking nose?”
“I fucking panicked, OK?” He snapped. You nodded your head and ashed on the floor as you laid down on the bed just as the lights in your cell went out since it was the middle of the night and the rest of the block was asleep.
“The fuck were you thinking, Mickey?” He shrugged and pulled your legs across his lap.
“Being without you.” He sighed. “That’s all I thought.” You exhaled forcefully and reached your hand down to find his hip.
“The fuck am I gunna do with you?” He shrugged in the darkness and stretched forward to ash on the ground as well.
“Well I can think of one thing you can do to me.” You made a loud buzzer sound and shook your head as you took one long, last drag before you called it a night.
“Your ass is fucking grounded until further notice.”
“What, because I fucking hit you?”
“Yep, and because I didn’t want the first time I actually spent the whole night with my Omega to be in a fucking jail cell.” You smirked and got up to put your cigarette butt in the toilet and to take off your stupid orange jumpsuit to get comfortable for bed. “So you can thank your Old Man for you not getting laid tonight.”
“I can’t fucking win.”
“You never will.” You huffed as you tossed his finished cigarette in the toilet and flushed them both. “Get used to it. Get your spot, ‘mega.”
“You sleep in my bed, you’re gunna out me…”
“I’m not gunna out you because just like every time I come to fucking jail, I will spend my days sitting in a fucking corner by the phones, doing puzzles, playing solitaire, and making sure my business doesn’t fucking collapse in the next couple months. And you can either be your adorable Alpha self far away from me so your image is protected or you can make a choice to be seen doing puzzles, playing cards, and working for me. I leave that up to you. But you jump on the faggot train in here and I will put you in your Goddamn place just like I would everyone else. And I’m gunning for your fucking nose first.”
“Yes, Alpha.” He chuckled as he pulled your arm around his chest and kissed your fingers. “Good night, (Y/N).” You smirked and kissed his shoulder.
“Good night, baby boy.”
“OK, get a fucking pen.” You growled to Jax the second he picked up the phone. “I got a lot to fucking get through in a short period of time.”
“Well good fucking morning to you, too.” He chuckled. “Sleep well?”
“Fuck off.” You growled as you leaned against the wall. “Alright, first and foremost, I need you to go to Gertie’s. Let Sandra know I’m going to be gone a while, but that won’t stop you from getting her meds.”
“What meds…”
“Don’t… fucking interrupt me.” You growled. “Just fucking tell her the shit will be delivered like usual. Then, go to my fucking house. Upstairs in my bedroom under the bedside table on the far side of the bed, is a cardboard box with suppressants in it. I need a month supply. Don’t! Ask fucking questions!” You barked when Jax tried to cut you off again. “Fuckin a! Get those, some blues, and like 2 grand in cash to the jail within the next two hours. Skids is running visitation today and he’ll get them to me. Now, the list of Gertie’s meds is on the bulletin board in the fucking laundry room hidden under the fucking menu for that Chinese place up the block. Just pay attention to the names and doses and match them up carefully. There’s a Spanish bus coming up the coast in about four days. Should spit out enough beans to keep everyone fucking grassy for a nice long while. I’ll set it up from in here.”
“Need a burner?”
“Got one. Just keep my books up and I’ll check in.”
“Need me to leave visitations open for anyone?” Your eyes darted over to where Mickey was watching the morning news on the only, shitty TV.
“No… fuck that. Ain’t no one need to see me in here. Just lock up my house on the way out and keep an eye on it and Gertie for me. I’m lookin’ at max three months which ain’t shit but an annoyance.”
“Yea, you got it.” He sighed. “I’m leaving the house now.”
“You somehow manage to burn my fucking business to the ground and I’ll cut your fucking throat out.”
“I know the fucking drill, asshole.” He laughed before he hung up the phone. You dropped the receiver on the holder and turned toward ‘the bubble’ where the guards all sat. You wordlessly told them that you’d have a delivery in a few hours, and grabbed your seat at your table to settle in for a long next few months. You grabbed one of your last cigarettes and sparked it up as you pulled the top off the box of a lighthouse puzzle that was probably missing pieces.
“Hey, bitch! What you got there?” Mickey asked in a cocky tone as he grabbed your cigarettes off the table. “Well, don’t mind if I fucking do.”
“You put that fucking cigarette in your fucking mouth and I’ll cut your fucking dick off.” You replied as you started to slowly separate the pieces.
“Oh, is that a fucking dare?” He asked as he sat down at the table beside you. You looked up at him to see that he was alone and used a puzzle piece to push your matches toward him.
“Fucking promise. I’m gunna need you to be a fucking runner for me in here. Got one of my guys bringing in some blues, and I surprisingly don’t have fuckers in H block right now to work for me. So you just got hired.”
“Wow… so I’m a bitch, now.”
“Personally, I wouldn’t announce it to the fucking universe if I were you.” You teased with a smile. “But I’m not paying you with dick for you to keep your back on my enemies. Turn the fuck around and do your goddamn job so I can jigsaw in peace.”
“Fuckin’ bossy.” He huffed as he got up and sat down across the metal table from you with his back to you. “The fuck you lookin’ at?”
“Bark, bark.” You muttered under your breath as you matched two edge pieces.
“Fuck you.”
You were expecting a few weeks of incarceration, but on only day three, someone posted your bail.
“(Y/L/N)! You posted!” You actually froze in your spot with a puzzle piece in your fingers, as you ran through the list in your head on who would have thought wasting their money on you was a good idea.
“Fucking idiots.”
“Don’t…” Mickey practically whispered as you started cleaning up the puzzle pieces.
“I’ll post your bail the second I hit the streets.” You said under your breath. “You’ll be home in no time.” He barely nodded his head and held out his hand to pass you the rest of your pills and your money. “Just unload it and unload it fast.” You said as you took the cash. He hummed as you got barked at again to hurry up. You slid some cash into Mickey’s suppressants box, just in case, and grabbed your still untouched bed roll from your bunk. The process of you getting out took about half an hour, and your first phone call was going to be to Jax had Sandra not been waiting for you.
“Honey, what are you doing?” You asked as she came over and gave you a hug.
“Mom has been screaming for two days. Jax came in instead of you and she just lost her mind… I couldn’t even leave for work yesterday and she barely let me out of the house this morning until I swore I’d come back with you.”
“OK. OK.” You said with a nod as you kissed the top of her head and pulled out your wallet. “Look, I need you to do one more thing for me before I take you home. I need you to bail someone else out. I can’t, I’m a felon. Mikhailo Milkovich.”
“OK… Wait, what is the name?”
“I’ll write it down.” You chuckled as you handed her five hundred bucks. “Keep the rest for your troubles and to cover gas and my bail. And I’ll make sure he shows up for court.”
“I don’t doubt it.” She said as she took your note turned to head toward the bail bondsmen again. When she was out of earshot, you pulled out your phone and called Jax.
“How the fuck are you calling from your phone?” 
“Apparently, you scared the fuck out of Gertie, so Sandra had to come bail me out. Get a fucking pen.”
“What the fuck is with you and pens?”
“Because you’re a fucking scatterbrained mother fucker and you’d probably forget your own Goddamn name if you’re Omega wasn’t screaming it at all hours of the fucking day.”
“Fuck you.”
“I need you, Sam, and Daryl at my house in two hours. I need a satellite, and street maps of everything south of Chicago, east of Peoria to the state line, and North of Champaign. I’m also gunna need every available man and vehicle we can get our hands on this weekend and the cars ready. And a large fucking pie because jail food sucks dick.”
“Wait… are we going after the New York haul?”
“No. We’re going after a big pharma distribution truck I just heard about before another crew gets to it.”
“We’re what now?”
“Be at my fucking house.” You repeated before hanging up the phone at the same time Sandra walked out of the office. “Thank you, sweetheart. You OK to wait for a bit?”
“Absolutely.” She said with a smile as you pulled out your cigarettes and held the pack out to her. “John’s staying with mom today until I could get you home and I get another day off this week to breathe.”
“So what the hell happened?” You laughed as you followed her over to her car to wait. “Did she throw things?”
“I had to walk over what I assumed was a shattered glass vase and then had to spend an hour separating and reorganizing a med container that she threw at him but all in all, she was just doing a lot of screaming.”
“She’s always been a fucking pistol.” You laughed as you both leaned against the side of her car.
“So who’s this guy to you? Someone special if I’m bailing his ass.” You smirked and looked up at the jail with a small shake of your head.
“My Omega.” You glanced over at her as she pouted out her bottom lip.
“But my big brother finally has an Omega!”
“Yea, but he’s not out yet and he’s a fucking mess so we’re not gunna bring it up until he’s ready, OK?” 
“Aww! You’re all protective, how cute!”
“Fuckin’ shit.” You chuckled as you bumped her shoulder with yours. She giggled and laid her head on your arm with a heavy sigh.
“Young love is a beautiful thing.” You nodded your head and put your arm around her shoulders as you fell into a comfortable silence to wait.
“Who the fuck is this bitch?” You looked over at the side door Mickey was walking out of almost an hour later and gestured to him dismissively. 
“That’s your first impression? Mickey, Sandra who is as close to a sister as I’ve ever had. She’s the reason we’re walking free so show some fucking respect. Get in, asshole. I got shit to do.” He rolled his eyes at you and got in the back seat as you took the keys from Sandra, and headed around the car to open her door. Once you got in, you adjusted your seat and the mirrors and looked back at Mickey. “Which house?”
“The fuck you talkin’ about?”
“Bitch, she’s fucking family. She had you fucking made as someone close to me the moment I had her bail your ass outta fucking jail. So what fucking house? I got shit to do and the boys comin’ over…”
“Yours.” He said as he sat back in his seat and glanced at Sandra. She pouted out her bottom lip again and looked over at you as you headed home.
“Shut up.” You chuckled as you reached over and pushed her face away.
“You say a Goddamn word and I’ll fucking kill you!” Mickey threatened, causing you to growl at him as you caught his eye in the rearview mirror.
“‘mega, I will kick your fucking ass.”
Part 4
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markonasurface · 6 years
11/50 - “Same time tomorrow?”
Dan’s in her fourth year of assistant coaching. Matt’s third year of professional Exy. Where Matt was practically begged to become a backliner for (second year) Andrew’s team because he was too difficult to work with. Kevin is visiting. They practice together. Matt has a designated Skype/facetime time with Dan and he never misses it. (Neil’s first year pro.)
I wrote this after getting no sleep and while staying up another night. Thank you everyone who submitted ideas. You all are the best. I went with @musicanddancingthroughlife‘s suggestion.
Matt smiled sleepily at Dan through his computer camera. “I love you so much,” he told her.
“I know,” she said back. “I love you so much.”
Matt’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much. “I know.”
“Same time tomorrow?” she asked.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” He sighed. He hated hanging up with her. He traced her smile on his screen. “I can’t wait to come home home.”
Dan frowned. “I’ll see you in two weeks.”
“I know.”
Dan sighed. “I can’t wait to see you, my love.” Then she groaned, stretching and going out of view of the camera. “Go to sleep, okay?” She rolled onto her side and her face was closer to the screen. Matt was tempted to count the freckles across her nose.
“I’d rather watch you,” he said quietly.
She scrunched up her face and Matt said, “God, you’re so cute. How’d I get so lucky?”
She shrugged one shoulder and they lay in silence until they both drifted off to sleep.
“Dammit, Minyard!” their coach yelled as he tripped their starting striker, Milton.
Matt tossed Andrew a look he pretended not to see. The next time Milton tried to score on Andrew, he simply caught the ball and tossed it to Matt. Coach Watson looked pleased and Matt sighed.
He really should’ve learned by now that his relief would only encourage Andrew to go back to tripping their strikers.
“Andrew,” Matt called, waving his racquet at him to try and get him to throw him the ball.
Instead of tripping their teammate for the fifth time, Andrew slammed the ball at the plexiglass wall. Matt watched their coach flinch while Kevin Day raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed.
Matt broke out into a grin and pulled off his helmet. Coach Watson opened the door and called, “Go get some water!”
“What’re you doing here, Queen?” Matt asked but pulled Kevin in for a hug.
“We’re playing you in two days,” Kevin reminded him.
“I know but I thought you didn’t get in until tomorrow.”
Kevin looked over Matt’s shoulder. “Andrew picked me up this morning.” Andrew shrugged and went to get water. “Night practice?”
Matt nodded. “Definitely.”
They were in the middle of Kevin’s fifth drill when Matt’s phone started ringing. He took off his helmet and made his way to the bench.
He hurriedly dropped his gloves and swiped at his phone screen. It took four tries before he was able to answer the call.
“Hey!” he said.
Dan narrowed her eyes at him, playfully. “Am I interrupting?”
Matt wiped his face on the back on his arm. “No!”
“Yes!” Kevin called. “Do you want to lose?”
“Is that Kevin?”
Matt pointed his phone in Kevin and Andrew’s direction. “Say hi!”
“Dan, your husband’s defensive techniques are sorely lacking,” Kevin told her. “Do you want him to embarrass himself on Friday?”
“Hey, fuck you!”
“You shouldn’t have transferred,” Kevin continued, switching his gaze to Matt. “This team’s defense relies too heavily on Andrew. Coach Watson doesn’t push you like he should and you don’t put in enough extra practice to make up for it. You’re too good to be wasting away in California.”
Matt rolled his eyes and Dan laughed. “God, Kevin, good to see you’re still you!”
“We just saw each other at Thanksgiving; of course I’m still me.” Kevin pulled his helmet back on and started running through another drill with Andrew.
Matt smiled lovingly at Dan as he always did. “How was your day?”
“Good,” she said. “Although this baby better come soon, or I’m gonna lose it.”
“Two more weeks, my love. She can’t come until I come home.”
Dan groaned and angled her phone down so Matt could see her rub a hand over her belly. “Sometimes I don’t think the paycheck is worth you living half a country away.”
“I know,” Matt told her. “But we both get to take twice the amount of leave from work because of it when she comes. And I think Neil’s gonna transfer next season.”
The door clattered open and Matt looked up. “Speak of the devil.”
Neil stormed in, walked straight up to Andrew and grabbed him by his helmet. “You were supposed to pick me up.”
Andrew shrugged and Neil glared. “You’re so fucking petty.”
“Neil!” Dan called.
Neil looked over. He kissed the top of Andrew’s helmet and strolled over to Matt. Matt threw his arm around him and grinned.
“Hey, Dan,” he said. “How’s the baby?”
“Ready to come hopefully,” she responded. “What are you doing there?”
“Had to see Andrew and Matt squash Kevin on Friday.”
“I heard that!” Kevin yelled. He came back over and took off his helmet.
Andrew sighed loudly.
“Have you seen Matt play lately?”
“Seriously?” Matt demanded. “We beat the Sirens last week. Our defensive stats were better than your girlfriend’s team’s.”
“Because of Andrew.”
Dan cleared her throat. “Speaking of your girlfriend, Kev,” she said. “I thought she’d be your fiancée by now.”
Kevin’s face turned red as Neil and Matt both turned stunned looks on him. Andrew ventured closer and sat next to Neil.
“At Thanksgiving you said -”
“They switched up the game schedule,” Kevin said through his teeth. “We had to cancel our trip.”
Dan tilted her head. “So ... when are you going to do it then?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why didn’t I know Kevin’s planning on proposing?” Matt demanded, gawking at his wife.
“And Kevin’s right, babe,” she said, ignoring his question. “I hate to break it to you, but Thea’s individual stats were better than yours last week and her morning sickness has been really bad.”
“What?” Matt and Neil both exclaimed at the same time Kevin hissed, “Dan!”
She put a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my god. I’m so sorry. I forgot - Pregnancy Brain. I’m so sorry.”
“Thea’s pregnant?” Andrew looked skeptical.
“I knew exhaustion wouldn’t put her in the hospital!” Neil shouted.
“Should she even be playing?” Matt asked.
Kevin ran a hand over his face. “She was only going to play one more game but she has Hyperemesis Gravidarum so she’s out for the rest of the season.”
“Thea’s pregnant?” Andrew repeated.
“It was an accident obviously,” Kevin said, sounding annoyed and a little flustered. “Only Dan, Wymack, Thea’s agent, and Coach Sylvester know.”
“Congrats, man,” Matt patted his shoulder.
Kevin shifted his helmet to his other hand. “Thanks. So should we get back to practice?” When no one answered, he added, “Since my severely sick pregnant girlfriend played a better game than you.”
Matt stared at him, nonplussed.
Kevin rolled his eyes and started back onto the court. “Neil, are you joining us?”
“Yeah. I’ll just go change.”
“Matt, any day now.”
Matt said, “Okay, okay.” And even though they had plans to practice tomorrow night, too, he whispered, “Same time tomorrow?”
Dan grinned. “You know it.”
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hannahhhhify · 7 years
Camping (PART 1 of 2)
Jonas Camping One Shot! this is a shorter story, so there will only be two parts. Let me know what you think and I’ll post part 2 soon! :)
Kevin is 25 years old. Joseph is 22, Nicholas is 19 years old. And Frankie is 12. 
Nick's Point of View:
Joe: "Nick, are you going to help us set up?" he asked throwing the bag that the tent is in on the ground. I rolled my eyes. Right now I'm standing on top of a picnic table holding my phone up in the air, trying really hard to get some service.
Nick: "UGH! why won’t any of my texts send!?" I said annoyed
Joe: “Dude, we haven’t had any service for like 3 hours, give up on it already”
Nick: “why would we go camping in the middle of nowhere?”
Kevin: “would you rather go camping in the middle of the city?”
Nick: “I would rather not go camping at all”
Denise: "Get your dirty feet off the table" she said walking over and putting some stuff on the table.
Nick: “This table is outside mom… I’m sure dirtier things then my feet have been on it”
Denise: “Nicholas!” she said glaring at me… I rolled my eyes and jumped down
Nick: "this sucks mom! There’s no cell phone reception out here."
Denise: "well good, you boys are on your phones way too much, you could use a break from it”
Nick: “Why did I have to come? I told you I didn’t want to be here”
Denise: “Because Frankie is turning 13, and he wanted to go camping for his birthday this week”
Nick: “But why do I have to be here for that?”
Denise: “Nick! it doesn’t hurt you to spend some time with the family! we hardly ever get to do this anymore”
Nick: “Well why couldn’t we have gone somewhere with phone service?”
Denise: “I don’t know Nick” she said sighing. Before walking back to the car.
Joe: "Come on Nick, help us put up the tents"
Nick: "No" I said sitting down at the picnic table and crossing my arms.
Joe: “have fun sleeping outside then” he said shaking his head.
Nick: “Whatever” I said looking down at my phone. I can’t believe there is no service… We just wrapped up our world tour, and it has been nice to kind of have a little break and catch up with our friends and stuff, but I really do miss touring and I’m already excited for our next show. During our break from tour my mom has been obsessing over family time, and when Frankie mentioned camping she was all over it. And so here we are… I tried everything I could to get out of it… I even straight up told my dad that I was 19 and they can’t make me go, but he got pissed and mom cried and… long story short, I ended up coming. I’m in a really bad mood though, and everyone knows it! We just got here and I’m already over it, and we are camping for a whole entire week! Ugh.
Kevin: “Nick… we need your help, we need to get these set up before dark” he said putting the other tent on the ground.
Nick: “Not my problem” I mumbled.
Denise: “Nicholas! Help them” she yelled. I can tell she’s losing her patience with me
Nick: “fine whatever” I said putting my phone in my pocket and going to help them. We got the smaller tent up, but the bigger tent is being dumb.
Joe: "Nick, are you even trying to help?" He said getting annoyed
Nick: "I told you I didn't want to help in the first place!" I said throwing the tent pole down causing the tent to fall apart… again.
Kevin: "UGH! Nick just go do something else!" he said glaring at me.
Joe: "spend time with family they said, it will be fun they said" he mumbled.
Paul: "Nick, why don't you just come help me unload the car" he said walking over to us. I rolled my eyes.
Nick: “Can I just go for a walk?... Cool thanks” I said walking away before he could even respond. I went searching for phone service, but of course I was never able to find anything. I did found a pretty sweet trial that lead to this awesome look out spot though. I took some pictures and then I watched the sunset before I decided to head back. by time I got all the way back to the campsite it was dark outside already. have the campsite set up and a fire going. I walked over and sat in my camp chair
Paul: “where were you?”
Nick: “around”
Paul: “don’t just take off like that!”
Nick: “why? I’m an adult… can I not do whatever I want?”
Paul: “Why are you being so rude?”
Nick: “whatever” I said standing up.
Denise: “where are you going?”
Nick: “To bed” I said looking around... “where am I even sleeping?” I said annoyed
Kevin: “Your stuff is in the red tent” I nodded and started walking towards it.
Denise: “Are you hungry Nick? I made you some dinner”
Nick: “no” I said rolling my eyes. I unzipped the tent and climbed in. “this is stupid” I mumbled, grabbing my stuff and making myself a bed. it looks like I’m sharing a tent with all 3 of my brothers. I sighed and laid down. I’m not even tired. I’m just bored and would rather play games on my phone alone, then spend time with them. Eventually my phone ended up dying and I fell asleep.
(A few Days later)
I woke up and threw my blankets off... It’s so hot outside! Way hotter than it has been! I groaned and looked around. Joe and Frankie are both still sleeping. I sighed and sat up and grabbed my bag and got some clothes and then I climbed out of the tent.
Kevin: “Good Morning Sleepyhead” he said cheerfully
Nick: “Good Morning Shit face”
Denise: “NICHOLAS!” she yelled. She hates when we swear. I sighed.
Nick: “I’m going to the showers”
Kevin: “wait up, I’ll walk with you” he said walking over to the tent.
Nick: “I’m not waiting for you” I said starting to walk. A few minutes later he jogged up beside me.
Kevin: “what the heck dude, I asked you to wait up for me”
Nick: “I didn’t feel like waiting”
Kevin: “I don’t get why you are being so rude to everybody… are you okay?”
Nick: “It’s hot, I’m sleeping on the ground, I can’t use my phone, and I do not want to be here!” I said stopping to glare at him.
Kevin: “okay, well we are all hot, we are all sleeping on the ground, none of us can use our phones, and you don’t see any of us treating each other like crap”
Nick: “whatever Kev” I said starting to walk again
Kevin: “You need to chill dude… You are making this camping trip miserable for everyone. And Frankie’s birthday is tomorrow and he wants to have fun with the family. So you need to get over yourself” he said annoyed.
Nick: “why did you come with me if you were just going to be a dick”
Kevin: “whatever Nick” he said shaking his head.
(Later that night)
The family is going swimming, but I am staying behind at the campsite just because I’m in a bad mood and they are all annoying me. I want to go home, and we aren’t even half way through the week yet.
Paul: “Nick, why don’t you come join us?” he said walking up behind me and putting his hand on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes.
Nick: “no”
Paul: “why not?” he said pulling up a seat beside me.
Nick: “I don’t want too”
Paul: “so you are just going to sit here by yourself? That’s silly… You love swimming! Let’s go”
Nick: “Dude… I said no! fuck off” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him. he just stared at me until I looked away from him
Paul: “Denise… I’m going to stay here” he said after a few minutes.
Denise: “are you sure honey?” she said walking over to us “I thought you wanted to go?”
Paul: “Nick won’t come”
Nick: “I don’t need a babysitter dad... just leave me alone” I said getting up and walking away from him. I grabbed my phone and climbed into our tent and I laid down and started playing on it. I heard my mom and my brothers leave, and I’m hoping my dad went with them. But a few minutes later I heard the zipper on my tent.
Paul: “can you come out of there please?” he said peeking his head in.
Nick: “I don’t really feel like hanging out with you dad, you should have gone with them” I said rolling my eyes.
Paul: “Now Nicholas” he said sternly. I groaned and tossed my phone onto my bag and then I got up and he opened the tent the rest of the way and I climbed out. “come sit down, I need to talk to you” he said walking back over to the fire pit and sitting in his lawn chair. I sighed and walked over and sat in my chair.
Nick: “what do you want?” I said annoyed.
Paul: “do you remember how much time we spent together as a family before you boys got that record deal?” I nodded. Life was a LOT different back then for us.
Nick: “we were together every day”
Paul: “yes we were… but now we hardly ever get quality time together... when is the last time we’ve been able to take a break, and spend time together like this?”
Nick: “it’s been awhile”
Paul: “it’s been years Nick”
Nick: “We get to travel all around the world though, and meet our fans, and do something we all love… I thought you were happy for us?”
Paul: “I am extremely happy for everything you boys have accomplished! I’m so proud of you... you know that” I nodded. “But… Family comes first Nick, and right now is family time, so I’m asking you to put your attitude aside, and just spend time with us” I rolled my eyes.
Nick: “you sound like Kevin”
Paul: “we are trying to have fun Nick, but it’s really hard to have fun when you are putting everyone in a bad mood.”
Nick: “you should have come without me! I’ve been telling you since you started planning this camping trip that I didn’t want to come!”
Paul: “So you’ve become so famous that you are too good to spend time for your family camping now?” He said with disappointment in the tone of his voice. I hate hearing that in his voice... I know I’m being moody, but I can’t help it. You can’t just change the way you feel.
Nick: “I guess so” I said crossing my arms.
Paul: “well I’m sorry to hear that… someday you are going to regret this” he said shaking his head. I already do regret it. why do I have to be such an asshole? “stay for one more day, to celebrate Frankie’s birthday with us tomorrow, and then you can leave” he said getting up and walking away...
Nick: “where are you going?”
Paul: “To spend time with my wife, and the kids I have that still care...” he said grabbing his towel and walking away. I sunk down in my seat and frowned. why can’t he just understand? I have a life, I don’t have time for this.
(Later That Night)
Frankie: “you are leaving tomorrow night Nick?” he said overhearing me and Joe.
Nick: “yes”
Frankie: “why?”
Nick: “because I don’t want to be here… the only reason I’m waiting until tomorrow night is because of your stupid birthday”
Joe: “Nick” Joe said glaring at me.
Frankie: “you aren’t fun anymore” he said walking away from us. Joe hit me on the back of my head
Nick: “HEY!”
Joe: “Stop being such an asshole”
Nick: “whatever Joe”
Joe: “you know how excited he is for his birthday! He has been talking about turning 13 for months! He didn’t want a huge party, he didn’t want a ton of presents, he just wanted to be here with the family, and you are ruining it!”
Nick: “you are all ruining my break from tour!”
Joe: “oh my god Nick… you are so selfish”
Nick: “shut up” he shook his head and I crossed my arms. everyone is on me lately! If you’re in a bad mood, and people keep calling you out on it, it puts you in WAY more of a bad mood… just leave me alone. Damn.
Denise: “NICHOLAS JERRY JONAS!” she yelled, making Joe and I both jump. She stormed over and started screaming at me. I just stared at her with wide eyes. I’ve never seen her so mad…
Paul: “Honey, what’s going on?!” he said jogging over to us.
Nick: “What the fuck! I didn’t do anything to him!”
Joe: “it’s your freaking attitude… you are making him feel like you don’t care about him” I rolled my eyes. Dad grabbed my upper arm and yanked me up.
Nick: “Ouch! Dad!”
Paul: “Get in the back of the car!” he said letting my arm go. I rubbed my arm where his grip was, and glared at him
Nick: “your taking me home early? GOOD!” I yelled.
Paul: “GO GET IN THE CAR!” I shook my head and stormed over to our SUV and I got into the back and slammed the door. They all over reacting! Frankie had no reason to cry!
End of Part 1. CLICK HERE to let me know what you think! -Hannah
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hannahhhhify · 8 years
Chapter 155: My own belt??
Paul’s POV:
The boys finished their homework, and now they are playing video games with Austin. Mr. Davis has only worked with Joseph once, and there have already been some improvements. Mr. Davis is an incredible teacher! right now I’m checking Nick and Kevin’s homework.
Denise: “Paul” I froze for a second before looking over at her.
Paul: “what do you want?”
Denise: “I want you and the kids to come home”
Paul: “You also want to cheat on me with my best friend” I said starting to gather up Nicks homework. I stood up and I picked up his backpack and put it his stuff inside. And then I put away Kevin’s homework. Not bothering to look at her.
Denise: “I don’t want to cheat on you”
Paul: “you could have fooled me!”
Denise: “Will you just look at me?” she said stepping in front of me and trying to hug me
Paul: “DON’T TOUCH ME!” I said glaring at her and taking a step back
Denise: “I’m sorry” she whispered.
Paul: “Go home Denise”
Denise: “Not without you, and the kids” she said firmly.
Paul: “I need some distance from you… I don’t want to talk right now”
Denise: “well I’m taking the kids with me, if you want to see them then you will come home”
Paul: “You aren’t taking my kids anywhere” I said crossing my arms.
Denise: “Yes, I am”
Paul: “so you can abuse them some more?” she gasped and we both just glared at each other. I heard someone and I glanced over and Nick ran over to me
Nick: “Please don’t make him leave again” he begged. Hugging onto me. I sighed
Paul: “I’m not leaving again Nicky”
Nick: “why are you guys fighting?”
Paul: “Nick, you need to give us some privacy” I said trying to release his grip from me.
Nick: “But my friends parents are getting a divorce, and he said it started when his dad went on a business trip…” he said holding me tighter.
Paul: “Nicky? look at me please” I said leaning down, so i was at his level. he looked up and he had tears in his eyes. “We aren’t getting a divorce okay? I promise”
Nick: “But you are fighting”
Paul: “you fight with your brothers sometimes right?” he nodded “arguing is just something that people do sometimes, especially married couples, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t work it out… but we need some privacy, so go hangout with Austin before he has to go home”
Nick: “I need to check my levels” he said softly. I nodded and I hugged him and kissed his forehead, and then I picked up his backpack, and I put it on the chair and I opened it and I dug inside and grabbed his kit.
Paul: “do you feel okay?”
Nick: “I can tell that my sugar is high…” he mumbled. I nodded and sat down and he sat in my lap. I unzipped his kit, and Denise grabbed his hand, and she kneeled in front of him, and I watched as she cleaned off his finger… I got his testing strip ready
Nick: “momm.. Can you use a different finger?”
Denise: “why?”
Nick: “because I’ve poked this finger the last like 6 times, and it hurt a lot last time” he said pouting. she nodded
Denise: “okay honey” she said grabbing his other hand, and then she proceeded to clean off one of his fingers, and then she poked his finger, and squeezed it a little. I quickly held the strip up to it. And then when I pulled it away from his finger she cleaned it again. I waited for it to beep and I sighed
Denise: “what Is it?”
Paul: “380” she nodded and adjusted his Omnipod.
Nick: “I hate having diabetes… I wish I didn’t need insulin”
Paul: “I know baby, I wish you didn’t have diabetes either”
Nick: “How come I’m the one who got it? Why not Joe? or Kev?”
Paul: “I don’t know Nick… Sometimes bad things happen, and I know it sucks and it’s hard not feeling good all the time, but… you are getting way better at recognizing when your levels are too high or too low.”
Denise: “And we are all learning as a family how to help you too”
Paul: “it’s going to be okay” I said kissing the top of his head. He nodded and Denise put all of his stuff back into his little case and she put it back into his backpack. “Go give your mom and I some privacy, you should be feeling better soon”
Nick: “Daddy, do I have to…?” he whined.
Paul: “Yes.” I said patting his thigh. He pouted and reluctantly stood up from my lap. And he left the room. I sighed.
Denise: “you told nick that we will work this out… do you really believe that?”
Paul: “Of course I believe that… you’re my wife, and the mother to my children, and I love you”
Denise: “I love you too”
Paul: “then why did you hurt me like that?”
Denise: “I don’t know”
Paul: “I need some space. Can you please go home?”
Denise: “I don’t want to be alone anymore… I need you”
Paul: “I need space” she bit her lip and nodded
Denise: “okay”
Paul: “I’ll come home tomorrow, after I take the kids to school… I just need some time”
Denise: “okay” she repeated again. Deb walked into the room and she gasped when she saw Denise…
Deb: “You aren’t welcome here!”
Denise: “Deb, I’m sorry”
Deb: “GET OUT!” Bethany started crying and Deb groaned in frustration
Denise: “okay, I’m leaving, I’m sorry for everything” she said, before quickly leaving. I shook my head and buried my face into my hands. I’m so angry.
Matthew’s POV:
Ugh! I can’t believe I crashed Danny’s car!!! I feel so freaking bad! He has been through a lot lately and I really want to help, but it feels like I’m just making everything harder. Right now I’m in my room, trying not to stress out to bad. Drake walked in and smiled at me sadly. I smiled back.
Drake: “I uh..” he looked down. I can tell he feels awful
Matt: “come sit by me” I said softly. He nodded and he walked over and sat in my lap and I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him protectively. “I know you don’t want me to ask you this, but are you sure you are okay?”
Drake: “Ugh.. Uncle Matt” he whined. “I’m fine”
Matt: “it really freaked me out when you fell out of the seat like that”
Drake: “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention, I hadn’t talked to Olivia all day, and I was really happy that she texted me”
Matt: “I just wish you would have been wearing a seat belt”
Drake: “Believe me, my butt wishes I would have been wearing one too” he said pouting. I laughed and nodded.
Matt: “They just love you, and want to make sure you are safe”
Drake: “I know, but... we weren’t out of the driveway yet”
Matt: “your seat belt needs to be secured around you whenever the car is moving” he nodded
Drake: “I know… I’m sorry, and I’m so sorry I told you we were clear… I have no idea what I was thinking. It’s all my fault, and I’m sorry I got you in trouble” he said looking down.
Matt: “I’m sorry that I yelled at you and blamed you, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine.” He shook my head, and went to argue, but I stopped him, and made him look at me “when you told me we were clear, I just floored it out of there, without a second thought, and that wasn’t safe, Danny is right, I should have made sure for myself that it was safe to go. And I would have never forgiven myself if you would have gotten hurt Drake, I’m really sorry that I put your life in danger” he went to respond, but we heard Danny clear his throat, and we both looked over at him. he was leaning against the door frame, crossing his arms. My body shivered and I felt drake tense in my lap. And my arms tightened around him, protectively. “I deserve a whipping Danny, but please don’t spank him” I pleaded. Dan smiled and I pouted and leaned my head onto his and cuddled close to him.
Dan: “you both deserve one” he said walking into the room, over to the dresser. “Come here, Drake” he said sternly… I reluctantly let go of him, and he stood up from my lap and he slowly walked over to him. “Turn around, and bend over”
Drake: “Dan..” he whispered. nervously
Dan: “Now, Drake” Drake pouted and he turned and faced the dresser, and he leaned over it. Dan put his hand on drake’s lower back and he raised his other hand up high and brought it down hard on his butt, and it made such a loud sound, and Drake gasped, and Dan raised his hand again, and brought it down again just as hard. Drake winced and he grabbed onto the dresser and squeezed his eyes closed and tried to prepare himself for the next one, but it didn’t happen. Dan smiled and pulled him up and Drake looked at him shocked
Dan: “I know that your dads going to discipline you tomorrow, but that was my warning to you, that if you EVER get into a car without putting a seat belt on again, I’m going to spank you so hard you won’t be able to sit for like a month without wanting to cry! Am I making myself clear?” He said sternly. Drake gulped and nodded.
Drake: “yes sir” Dan pulled him into a hug. And drake hugged him back but his hand snuck back to try to rub some of the sting away. I smirked. he got some smacks from ken a little bit ago, so I’m sure that he is feeling it. They pulled away from each other
Dan: “alright, you need to go hangout with the kids or something”
Drake: “Can I take my guitar with me?” Dan nodded
Dan: “of course you can” Drake smiled and he walked over and picked it up and then he gave me a sad look before he left the room, and thankfully he closed the door to give us more privacy. "Go get your belt Matthew” Danny ordered… not wasting any time
Matt: “What? You’re going to whip me with my own belt?” I whined… there’s just something completely unfair about getting spanked with your own belt!
Dan: “would you like for me to go get mine?” he said crossing his arms.
Matt: “uh.. would that make things more unpleasant for me?” he nodded and I pouted and I walked over and grabbed my belt from the jeans I wore today. And then I hurried back to Dan, I just want it to get it over with. He took the belt from me and he grabbed my upper arm and led me over the edge of Drakes bed. And he tugged my gym shorts and my boxers down. I gasped and I felt myself blush. I HATE getting my bare ass spanked. He started immediately catching me off guard. “FUCK!” I said in shock.
Dan: “MATTHEW!” HE delivered 5 really hard spanks to my bottom with the belt
Matt: “ow” I mumbled burying my face into my folded arms and biting my lip. “Watch Your Mouth!” WHACK! WHACK!
Matt: “I’m sorry” WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACKK! The sting was building super fast! I tried to stay still, but after a few minute starting to really hurt, causing me to wiggle around a lot.
Dan: "Matthew Joseph Lautner, if you don't stop moving around, I’ll use the strap on you”
Matt: “Daanny! I can’t help it! It h-hurts!” he ignored me and he started swinging the belt again. I tried really hard to stay as still as possible, but the sting is so overwhelming! Tears were pouring from my eyes, and I was squeezing my eyes closed and clinching my teeth, my whole body tense. And I tried so hard to take the rest of my punishment. But when a particularly hard one landed across my sore lower bottom, I couldn’t take it anymore. I quickly rolled over onto my side, covering my bottom. I flinched as he almost brought down another, but he stopped himself in mid swing
Dan: “I TOLD YOU TO STOP MOVING! I almost hit you! Don’t move like that!” he tossed my belt onto my bed and I started crying harder as he left the room. a few minutes later he came back with the strap.
Matt: “Please Danny! I won’t move again! Don’t use that!” I begged.
Dan: “TURN AROUND!” he yelled.
Matt: “Danny..”
Dan: “Matthew, right now you are getting 15, but if you continue to delay this, I’m going to double it.” I let out a sob and turned back around and I buried my face into drake’s bed. “You can count them” I shook my head
Matt: “please don’t make me” I cried.
Dan: “well I’ll just keep going until I hear you get to fifteen, it’s up to you when you start counting.” He said landing two Hard whacks with that damn painful strap. The sting I felt before is NOTHING compared to how much it hurts now. WHAACKK!
Matt: “ONE TWO THREE!!” I cried out.
WHACKK! “Five!” I said reaching in front of me and gripping Drakes blanket hard into my fist, to try to keep from reaching back.
WHACK!!! “OWWW!! Danny!”
Dan: “Count them Matthew”
Matt: “e-eight” I said in a strained voice. This freaking hurts.
WHACK! “nine” I said squeezing the blankets harder.
WHACK!! “Ouch! TEN!”
WHACK!!! “AHHHH! STOP!” I begged
Dan: “Your almost done baby brother, just a few more… count them” he said rubbing my lower back. I cried into the mattress. What number was I at? I started to panic!
Matt: “Don’t d-double d-dannyy! I-I f-for-got! P-pleasee” I cried out...
Dan: “This one was Eleven, boo” he said softly, using my childhood nickname to try to comfort me. Usually it annoys me, but right now it did comfort me a little.
Matt: “e-eleven”
WHACK! “t-twelve! Danny! It h-hurts!”
Dan: “I know, it’s almost over sweetie” he said quickly landing two more. I let out a loud sob and I tried to jump up, but he held me down.
Matt: “th-thirteen, four-t-teen”
WHACK!!! “OWW! F-fifteen! STOPP!” I sobbed out. I heard the strap drop onto the floor. And I felt Dan pull my shorts up and I let out another loud sob. Oh my gosh, This hurts! He pulled me up and into his arms and I held onto him tightly.
Dan: “shh baby, it’s all over now, you are forgiven”
Dan’s POV:
Most of the kids are in bed. Paul’s sleeping up in Ken’s bedroom, and most of his kids are in there with him. I went upstairs to turn off the lights, and Kevin was sitting on the floor.
Dan: “Kevin? Why are you pouting? you should be in bed bud, you have school early in the morning”
Kevin: “why is Demi so mean to me?” he said pouting… I sighed
Dan: “she’s just going through a lot”
Kevin: “But she gave me a really hard spanking for just asking if I could sleep in there” he mumbled. “she said I had to sleep right here on the floor and it’s cold” he said pouting. I chuckled and shook my head.
Dan: “why don’t you go downstairs, I know some boys down there who really miss you” I said reaching down and offering him my hand, he smiled and nodded and grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. And he let go of my hand and started walking downstairs. “hey, where’s my hug?” he stopped and turned around and walked back up and wrapped his arms around me. I rubbed his back. “I love you Kevin, goodnight”
Kevin: “Goodnight Dan, I love you too”
Dan: “Now go to bed, it’s getting late” I said kissing the top of his head. He nodded and he pulled out of the hug and went downstairs. I walked over to Ken’s room, and I looked inside and chuckled. Paul’s sleeping and all the kids are piled all around him and on top of him. I quietly shut the door and then I walked over to Demi’s bedroom door and I knocked.
Demi: “leave me the hell alone Kevin!” she yelled. I shook my head and I opened the door and I crossed my arms and glared at her. “Hi Daddy” she said innocently.
Dan: “Where do you get off spanking Kevin for asking if he could stay in here? Why couldn’t you have just told him no?”
Demi: “he was being whiney, it annoyed me”
Dan: “Well your constant attitude annoys me!” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me”
Demi: “Dad, I’m sorry, I’m just tired”
Dan: “I’m so tired of you being rude to everyone! Your siblings are constantly walking on eggshells around you because you are always mean to them! None of them are rude to you all the time!” she looked down. “Do you want them to all hate you?”
Demi: “No..”
Dan: “Then why do you treat them like crap all the time?”
Demi: “I don’t know”
Dan: “WELL I’M SICK OF IT!” I yelled “I know you had a bad year with Jeremiah, and if I could rewind time and take that all away from you, believe me baby, I would! But YOUR choices lead you there! NOT Kevin’s choices, not Taylor’s choices, or drakes, or anyone else’s… YOUR CHOICES lead you there!” she looked at me with wide eyes, looking completely broken. “So stop treating everyone in our family like it’s our fault. and I know what happened is not your fault either, it’s nobody’s fault but Jeremiah’s... and I think you should put your focus into being angry with him, not your siblings”
Demi: “I’m sorry” she whispered… her eyes watering. Maybe that was too harsh?
Dan: “baby… you are pushing everyone away. Someday you are going to need your siblings, but they won’t be there anymore, because you are making sure of it”
Demi: “I don’t know how to fix it” she said wiping her tears away.
Dan: “I think apologizing to Kevin, for spanking him for no reason is probably a good place to start…” she nodded “he is downstairs, go apologize to him, and then come back up here, we need to discuss your attitude and swearing at me.” She frowned and got up off of her bed and she went downstairs. I sighed and looked around. Selena’s side of the bedroom is still the same as she left it… I walked over to the dresser and tapped on the pet tarantula’s cage thing. It moved a little and I pulled my hand away. I don’t know how she sleeps in here with that spider. I am always paranoid that it will get out, and I’m not even up here very much. A few minutes later Demi came back up. And we talked for a few more minutes before I sat down on her bed. “Come here” I said sternly.
Demi: “Daddy” she said pouting
Dan: “don’t ‘daddy’ me, come here!” she ducked her head and slowly walked over to me. and pulled her over my lap. I’ll be the first to admit that we spoil demi a lot! I hardly ever spank her when I know she needs it. and her attitude shows it. She gives way more lip then the boys ever do. Taylor would never get away with some of the stuff we let her get away with. and I know that’s not fair to either of them, but it’s just so much harder for me to punish my baby girl. “Demi, you are getting this spanking because you need to stop having such a bad attitude with your siblings and the rest of the family. It’s getting old” I said tugging her pajama pants down.
Demi: “NOOO!!! Dadddd” she cried, reaching back to try to grab her pants. I smacked her hands away
Dan: “IF you reach back again, I’m taking off my belt, okay?”
Demi: “y-yes sir.” I pulled her panties down to her knees and she whimpered and I got her into position and then I started spanking her. it didn’t take very long to get a reaction out of her. she folded her arms and buried her face into them.
Demi: “Owww! Daddy!” She cried. SMACK! SMACK SMACK! SMACK!! SMACK! SMACK! SMACKK!! She reached back, but I captured her hand with my other hand, and I pinned it to her back, and I continued to alternate between both of her cheeks, spanking her hard, at a steady rhythm. She broke down and started crying pretty hard. I landed about 20 more before she finally broke down sobbing, and when I was done I pulled her panties back up and then I pulled her up and sat her on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.
Demi: “I’m s-sorry daddy” she whispered. I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.
(NEXT DAY) Paul’s POV:
I forgot how early the kids have to wake up for school. It’s way too early.
Paul: “Zac, wake up” I said rocking him a little. His eyes shot open and he yelped and he immediately pushed my hands away. I gasped “Did I hurt you?” I said with wide eyes.
Zac: “n-no it’s okay” he said sitting up.
Paul: “Zachary! Don’t lie to me! What hurts?”
Zac: “My whole body hurts...” he said honestly, looking away from me. I frowned. how could his father do this to him?...
Paul: “I’m going to call today and set you up a doctor’s appointment” he shook his head no.
Zac: “I don’t need to go to the doctor!”
Paul: “yes you do. We should have made you go already”
Zac: “I’m not going”
Paul: “Yes you are”
Zac: “No I’m not”
Paul: “well we will see about that, wont we?” I said smirking at him. he glared at me. “Now go get ready for school” I said stepping over him and shaking Joseph awake. Zac sighed and he stood up and stretched
Paul: “We washed your uniforms, they are downstairs on the couch”
Zac: “Okay”
Paul: “it’s time to get up, Joey” I said carefully moving Frankie over, so that he wasn’t laying on Joey’s legs anymore.
Joe: “Ughh Daddy, five more minutes!” he whined. trying to pull the blankets away from nick.
Nick: “nooo it’s cold!” he said tugging at the blanket. I grabbed Joey’s hand and made him let go of the blanket.
Paul: “No more minutes, it’s time to wake up” I said picking him up and putting him over my shoulder.
Joe: “Ughh!! It’s a meannn punishment to wake me up before the sun wakes up!” he whined. I chuckled and I carried him downstairs. The boys got ready for school and Taylor got ready for work, and I drove them. Once we got to the school they all got out of the car, and started walking away, but Joseph turned around and ran back to the car, Taylor opened the his door and Joe leaned down to look at us.
Taylor: “did you forget something?” he asked confused.
Joe: “I was just wondering if you are still going to talk to my school about that test that they think I cheated on today Dad?”  
Paul: “yes, I’m coming back later” he smiled and nodded
Joe: “Thank you daddy”
Paul: “You are welcome buddy, Be good”
Joe: “I will!” he said closing the door and running over to catch up with Zac and Kevin. I smiled and drove Taylor to work. And then I went back to Dan’s house. And the kids were already awake, and getting ready. I walked into the kitchen, and Dan was holding a mirror up to his face, looking at his busted lip. I walked over to him, and when he saw me he jumped and put the mirror behind his back.
Paul: “Are you in pain?” I said frowning… “why are you bleeding again?” I said grabbing his chin and turning his face a little so I could see better. He pulled away from me
Dan: “no, I’m fine” he said turning around, away from me.
Paul: “you aren’t fine… I’m so sorry” I said feeling guilty again.
Dan: “Don’t worry about it Paul, it’s okay, Deb made me laugh, and it just busted open again”
Paul: “it isn’t okay” I whispered. The boys came in and Frankie jumped up into my arms. And wrapped his arms around my neck and he kissed my cheek. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
Frankie: “Daddy! Can I stay home from school today? I don’t want to go!”
Paul: “Nope! You got to go to school”
Frankie: “But I miss you”
Paul: “I miss you too, but you can’t stay home, I’ll see you right when you get back though” he pouted.
Frankie: “But I think I don’t feel good” he whined. Dan chuckled.
Paul: “Don’t pretend you’re sick when you’re not. that’s very naughty and you’ll get in trouble” I said sternly. He pouted and nodded. “Besides, your friends and Mr. Davis will miss you if you don’t go” he smiled
Frankie: “Mr. Davis is letting us get a class pet! We get to see it and name it today!” he said excitedly.
Paul: “that’s awesome! You don’t want to miss that! Go eat your breakfast baby boy” I said putting him down on his feet. And I patted his bottom to get him moving. I shook my head as he left the room.
Dan: “He is so cute”
Paul: “he’s also a little brat” I said chuckling.
Nick: “Daaaad?” he called.
Paul: “I’m in the kitchen Nick” I replied and a few seconds later he came in.
Nick: “I’m really really sore daddy, I don’t think I am going to be able to sit at a desk all day at school” he said pouting and rubbing his bottom
Dan: “You should be good and you wouldn’t be so sore buddy”
Nick: “But It hurts really really bad!” I sighed…
Paul: “Nick, Dan’s right, you wouldn’t be so sore if you’d behave yourself” His eyes started watering and he nodded. It broke my heart, and I immediately pulled him into a hug.
Nick: “Can I please have some lotion daddy?”
Paul: “okay Nicky.. go find some lotion and I’ll help you put some on”
Nick: “thank you daddy!” he said hugging me tighter before pulling away and running from the room.
Dan: “You hardly ever let them have lotion” he said chuckling.
Paul: “I know, but did you see his face? I couldn’t say no to him... Plus I think Denise spanked him a lot harder than she should have” I said frowning. A few minutes later Nicky came back in, pouting.
Nick: “I can’t find any” he said pouting.
Dan: “I know that the boys have some lotion hidden under there bathroom counter. They don’t think I know that they give each other lotion after harsher punishments, but I know” he said chuckling and shaking his head. Nick Immediately ran out of the room. I followed him out. And when I got to the boys bathroom Nick was underneath the counter digging through stuff. I closed the bathroom door so he wouldn’t wake up the boys who are still sleeping.
Nick: “Found it!” he said pulling a bottle of lotion out and standing up. I walked over and sat on the edge of the tub and I reached up and grabbed the lotion.
Paul: “Over my knee” I said patting my leg. He lowered his pajama pants in the back and he climbed over my lap. I gasped… “Nick? What did your mother spank you with?”
Nick: “just her hand”
Paul: “you are bruising baby..” I said rubbing his back.
Nick: “but I wasn’t bruised yesterday. You did it daddy” he mumbled. I pulled him up to look at him
Paul: “I didn’t spank you that hard Nicky, I went pretty light on you” I said shocked.
Nick: “but.. why am I bruised now?” he said confused, trying to stand up on his tippy toes to look at his bottom in the mirror. He winced when he saw it.
Paul: “Nick, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I would have disciplined you differently if I would have seen this...” I said starting to tear up. I hate leaving bruises on my kids… He pouted.
Nick: “it’s going to hurt for a long time” he mumbled.
Paul: “Come here baby” I said holding my arms open. He walked into my arms and I held him for a few minutes. “I’m not going to make you go to school today” I said softly. he pulled away
Nick: “really?” I nodded
Paul: “Yes… I don’t know what happened Nick, I think it’s because you got several spankings in a row... I’m so sorry you are bruised.”
Nick: “mommy spanked me really really hard” he mumbled. I nodded. And pulled him back over my knees. And he yelped when I started rubbing in some lotion.
Paul: “Does it hurt?” I said pulling my hand away..
Nick: “No, it’s just cold” I sighed and rubbed a good amount onto his bottom. And then I got even more and applied it. I feel terrible about his bruised bottom. I try my hardest to make sure their punishments don’t go that far. I am pissed at Denise for this. And I’m pissed at myself! I should have taken his pants down last night when he complained about his butt being sore. I feel like the shittiest father ever. I pulled Nicky’s underwear and pajama pants back up and then I let him get up.
Paul: “is there anything else daddy can do to make it feel better baby?”
Nick: “maybe something cold” he said smiling at me. I chuckled
Paul: “Taylor’s gone, so you can lay down in there and I’ll try to find something cold” he nodded and left the room. and I stood up and placed the lotion back under the counter and closed the doors. And then I walked back to the kitchen. “Dan?”
Dan: “yes?” he said walking out of the dining room
Paul: “Is it okay if Nick stays here while I go talk to Denise, and while I go talk to the school about Joseph?”
Dan: “why aren’t you sending him to school?”
Paul: “He is bruised… I can’t make him go” I said softly.
Dan: “is he bruised bad?” he said concerned.
Paul: “He has two bruises, one lower on his thigh, and the other one is a little higher than that one. I asked him what Denise spanked him with, and he said just her hand, and then he said that I bruised him, because he wasn’t bruised yesterday”
Dan: “He was probably already bruised, and when you spanked him, It just darkened it.”
Paul: “I feel awful”
Dan: “you didn’t know Paul”
Paul: “I should have checked, I knew she spanked him when she was angry, and I knew he was in pain... I don’t want to send him to school and make him sit all day”
Dan: “well he can stay here, we don’t mind” I nodded
Paul: “do you have an ice pack?”
Dan: “yea” he said walking over to the freezer and pulling one out and handing it to me.
Paul: “thank you Dan, and thank you for watching Nicky today” he smiled and nodded and I walked back to the boys room. Nick’s laying on his tummy, in Taylor’s bed. I quietly walked over and I carefully laid the ice pack onto his bottom and he jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. “Found you something cold” I said chuckling.
Nick: “you scared me!”
Paul: “Shh” I said pulling the blankets up over him. “does that feel better?” he nodded.
Nick: “thank you daddy”
Paul: “your welcome baby, I have to go, be good okay? I’ll come back in get you in a little bit” he nodded
Nick: “can I go back to sleep?” I nodded and I kissed his forehead.
Paul: “yep, go back to sleep, and when you wake up you can see if someone will give you more lotion”
Nick: “Okay daddy, I love you”
Paul: “I love you too” I left the room and finished helping the boys get ready for school, and then we had to wait for Demi. So I called and set Zac up a doctor’s appointment for tomorrow, he is going to HATE it, so I’m not even going to tell him until I pick him up from school. Once Demi came downstairs, we went out to the car
Frankie: “Daddy, where is Nick?”
Paul: “He is staying home today”
Frankie: “But I asked first!!! That’s not fair!!!” I sighed.
Paul: “Frankie, Nick’s staying home because he is hurt”
Demi: “what’s wrong with him?”
Paul: “He’s gotten 3 spankings in the last two days, and he is bruised, so I don’t want to make him go today” I said frowning.
Denise POV:
I jumped awake when I the dog jumped off our bed and started barking.
Denise: “Ugh! Mufasa, bad dog! Stop barking” I said rolling over and putting my pillow over my head.
Paul: “Denise” he called. I sighed. I stayed up all night crying. I know I look like a disaster. “Denise?” he said again, walking into our room. I turned to look at him “I took all of the boys to school, I’m going to take a shower, and then we can talk okay?” I nodded and he grabbed some clothes and went into our bathroom. I sighed and pushed all my blankets off of me, and I got up and stumbled into the kitchen and I started a pot of coffee, and I let the dog outside. After a little while Paul came and joined me in the kitchen and he made some breakfast for both of us.
Denise: “Did you discipline Joseph last night?” he shook his head no, and took a sip of his coffee.
Paul: “he didn’t need discipline”
Denise: “Oh yes he did! Are you serious?”
Paul: “No he didn’t Denise”
Denise: “Paul! He cheated on his test! Have you seen his grades? Because I have!” I said getting angry again.
Paul: “did you even take the time to listen to him? he did not cheat on that test”
Denise: “Yes he did! And he lied to me about it, and clearly he lied to you about it as well!”
Paul: “I talked to him about it, and I know he didn’t cheat on that test, and I’m going to talk to his school about it today”
Denise: “you are being ridiculous”
Paul: “No YOU are being ridiculous! Mr. Davis sat down with Joseph and he helped him a lot! Joe said he explained things to him in a way that finally made sense to him… and I sat with him last night and he showed me what John taught him. and I’m really proud of him, and I trust him when he says that he did not cheat on that test”
Denise: “are you sure?”
Paul: “I know my son, and I know that he didn’t cheat on that test”
Denise: “how do you know? It sure seems like he did”
Paul: “I don’t know Denise, I just believe him… he really is having a hard time in school, and he thinks it’s because he is stupid, but I know he is not… he just needs a little help, and I think Mr. Davis can help him. and I believe him because I don’t think he would lie to me, and because I think he really needs someone to believe him about this” I nodded.
Denise: “I was so mean to him… I didn’t listen to anything he had to say”
Paul: “I know… he told me. I don’t understand why you have been so on edge with the kids these last few days, you pushed Kevin, and he hit his head, you spanked Nick while you were too angry… I don’t get it Denise… Nick’s has bruises on his butt.”
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