#Mickey Milkovich x Male Reader
in-act-ive · 1 year
Yo can I request the Gallagher boys (not Liam) and Mickey headcanons if U do them (all separately) with a male reader who's more domimant and taller (sorry I can't spell) in the relationship like they also have to be the big spoon or whatever reader always pulls them in to his lap or something nothing sexual
Thank you if U can't do multiple characters can U do lip or Mickey
I'm real sick of the fics where the male reader it still feminine y'know
Have a nice day sorry for the long request
I had so many ides for this the moment you asked!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : hope this is what you wanted!! Sorry it took so long btw, I got sick really fast and couldn't write!
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Carl Gallagher
At first he's very confused by whats going on
After a few times he gets used to sitting in your lap and does it instinctively
Carl hates that you're taller in every way
He's probably a brat to you
He insists on getting stuff he can't reach even if you've offered to help
Carl is very independent and says he doesn't need your help
When he does need your help he's such a bitch about it
He does like having his scary dog privileges though to be honest
If he's about to go do shady shit he drags you along to scare anyone off who may try and fuck with him
When he's a police officer he insists on protecting you
Oh how the tables have turned
When you spoon him he definitely pulls your hands up to his chest so he can hold your hands
After a while he just lets you lay your hands wherever you'd like
He's comfy with whatever
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Lip Gallagher
He won't admit it but he kinda likes that you're taller than he is
The first time he sits in your lap he's flustered as hell but continues to flirt with you
After a few times its still a little awkward but he won't admit it
He just insists on not doing it
He uses your height to his advantage
The moment he doesn't feel like reaching something he bothers you to grab it for him
He finds it hilarious that you are too tall for the Gallagher house
He likes to tease you when you hit your head on stuff or trip on something
His love language is most definitely teasing
When you both go out he kinda acts like you're not there
When he gets into fights you have to save him half the time
When he confronts bitches of men he almost always has you standing around incase it doesn't go his way
The moment you two cuddle and you spoon him he gets kinda pissed off
He'd much rather face you
He does feel protected in your arms but won't say that
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Ian Gallagher
Ian is already the tallest Gallagher and is too tall for their house but having you around makes him jealous
He is confused when you pulled him into your lap
He's not opposed to the idea of sitting with you but he also really doesn't seem to know what to do with himself
Once he's used to it and knows a comfortable way to sit its one of his favorites
He won't admit it
He insists on getting everything himself no matter if you can reach it or not
He probably warns you before you run into a doorway cause he knows what its like
He hates PDA
Especially holding hands
Mainly because he hates feeling like the shorter guy in any relationship
Even if he is
The moment you spoon him he says something dumb
"No. No we're not doing this."
He wants to be the big spoon but you object to that idea
Finally you compromise on you both facing each other
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Mickey Milkovich
He doesn't mind your height at all
Everyone is always taller than him anyways ao your height is just something about you
He thinks its attractive but obviously wont say his feelings
The moment you pulled him into your lap he immediately was fine with it
When he sat in your lap he sat like a king on his throne
Mickey gets so used to it and does it absentmindedly
He will push you into a chair just to sit in your lap no matter how busy you may be
When you guys go out of the house he loves having his "scary dog privileges"
He knows when it comes down to a fight he'd probably kick someones ass for you though
He loves when you hold him or touch him in public
Then he knows that your his and he's yours no matter what
Plus he finds it fucking hilarious when you have to tell people to go away cause you're together
When it comes to cuddling he loves when you spoon him
Its his favorite thing ever
When you don't he makes you no questions ask
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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hadesrise · 1 year
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heart of gold, heart of cold.
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summary ➳ you’re much more than just the nicest boy in southside chicago
pairings ➳ ian gallagher x male reader x mickey milkovich
warnings ➳ fluff, foul language, violence, soft boy!reader, homophobia, established polyamorous relationship, absolute badassery lol, mentions of sex, a little apathy, small mention of blood, good but actually not trope, some mental issues
author’s note ➳ haven’t watched shameless, only gallavich scenes and few other moments. my anger issues can’t handle watching all of that. which is why none of my writing of them’s gonna be accurate to the timeline of the series.
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Ian and Mickey couldn’t remember the time you were ever mean to anyone even before meeting you, had never even heard of your name being thrown around without it being extremely positive. Everyone had to say everything about you, which is understandable, considering you were definitely the odd type to be in southside Chicago — this place was full of shit with robbery being nonchalantly committed, guns shooting off in different areas, bunch of unconvicted pedophiles walking around, and teenagers high on whatever fucking heavy drugs they first could touch, while you’re out there, helping whoever you think might need help and genuinely being nice to even the worst fucking thugs you would ever meet.
It’s questionable, how someone could be in southside and grow up perfectly sane and not bottled up with any issues or anger.
You’ve always been the talk around the neighborhood, how the (L/n) kid helped some randos again, how you talked to them with the nicest personality and utmost respect, how you smile at anyone who passes by whenever you make eye contact with them, how you were calm in dealing with a situation most people would get frustrated at; just about anything positive. It wasn’t difficult for both Ian and Mickey to fall for you as much as they fell for each other. You were like a single flower blooming in the middle of a garden that a person would come back to just to see your beauty; something about your softness and kind personality struck a core into both of their hearts.
They never had someone like you in their life. A calm, soothing, comforting presence, like the warm sun in the morning. An accepting, welcoming presence, like the mother earth. You’ve always been gentle with them — not something they’re used to, considering the type of household they grew up in — always checking in, making sure they’re okay even if they push you away, taking care of them.
You’re one of the first person Ian came out to other than his family, because he knew you’d never judge. Mickey was rather an asshole in your first meet, nearly beating you up, but the way you didn’t snark or your nice demeanor didn’t change no matter what insults he threw at you made him hesitant, which never happened with Milkovich’s.
When they started sleeping together, you caught on it quickly before anyone else ever did and kept it a secret the entire time, knowing the personal problems they had to deal with; Ian and Mickey only found out you knew when you stopped Terry from making Mickey have sex with Svetlana by just walking in on the interaction. The near innocence in your eyes as you tilted your head slightly to the side, just staring at Terry until he grew uncomfortable and rushed off. He could never stand being near to you, especially with how holier than thou you were. It wasn’t actually an accident to walk in, but they don’t know that.
Despite the awkward circumstances, you were calm and paid Svetlana a good amount before getting both of them dressed and taking care of them, even though they didn’t have to be taken cared of. Your gentleness with them that time really caused something to burst within their chest, the same feeling they were starting to develop towards each other. The acceptance, the comfort, the gentleness. Everything about you felt magical — you felt magical.
Even after Ian and Mickey figured out their shit together, officially came out, figured out their shit together again that both of them liked you, flirted with you and won you over, and officially came out again to their family as polyamorous couple, they had never seen you be a dick. Sure, you swore a lot sometimes when you drop something or miss something, but never towards anyone. They never saw you doing the typical southside thing, being rebellious, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, doing drugs or shit.
You’re always nice — and it’s supposed to be a good thing, but it also gets a lot concerning, especially when some dumb fucking guy punched you in the face for mistaking you as someone who slept with his girlfriend and you had the audacity to forgive him when he apologized, making Mickey nearly wanting to strangle you right then and there.
“Why the fuck did you forgive him?” Mickey snarls and shuts the fridge door close, ice pack in hand as he throws it to Ian, who immediately began pressing it to your cheek that was beginning to form a bruise.
You shrugged, “He just mistook me for someone else.”
“Yeah, and fucking punched you in the face without asking first who the fuck you are.” Mickey retorted, giving you a death glare. He moves around to stand beside you on the opposite side of Ian.
You were sitting on the counter facing the dining table where Fiona, Lip, Liam, Carl, Debbie, Sandy, Mandy, and Franny were, all contorting worried look since you’re the nicest and you having a single bruise means when the people you helped before sees it they’re gonna flip over and bury the guy ten feet under while still breathing. Everyone knew you, and you’re literally the holiest within southside, so they naturally hated when someone messed with you.
Your hand shoots up to rub his arm gently, warm look in your eyes as your soft voice speaks to comfort him. “Calm down, Mick. Let it go, I’m fine.” You smile softly, “It was just a little mistake. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Mickey frowns, still angry yet definitely calm now that you’re giving him comfort. “You’re too fucking nice, it’s making me sick.”
You chuckled, grabbing the ice pack from Ian to press it on your cheek yourself. You pull Ian to kiss him on the cheek before doing the same to Mickey, knowing it will help tone down their anger. “At least I have my own guard dogs.” You joke, earning a snicker from the group.
“Haha, very funny.” Mickey sarcastically replies.
Ian sighs, “(Y/n), I think Mickey’s right though. You’re too nice, maybe a bit much. Even to Frank and Terry.” He agreed with his other boyfriend, who puts his hands up in a gesture of i told you so.
You tilted your head, still smiling. “Frank’s your father and Terry’s Mickey’s father. No matter how horrible they are, I don’t think I could treat them any differently from how I treat others.” Shrugging, you ignored both of your boyfriends’ groan and sipped on the orange juice resting on your side.
“What’s up with you treating everyone equally and being unnaturally nice to even someone who doesn’t deserve it?” Fiona asked, genuinely confused with her brows furrowed together and crease forming on her forehead. “You were even nice with Monica.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking for a while.
You could tell them what was really going on, but it would be too much to dump it on them all of a sudden. Being nice and having a lot of patience is a lot difficult, but you learned to, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to survive. It’s a survival skill that you had to adapt to; be nice and you get everything you want. A little... useful tactic that you taught yourself, though it’s more than that.
Deciding against telling them, because it’ll get out when it gets out, you simply gave her a tight-lipped smile and shrugged. “I like spreading dumb kindness. I think it helps people who deals with mental health issues that their relatives probably don’t even know. I might’ve been nice to them and turned their bad day into good day. Small things like that has an impact, you know.”
Mickey scowled, “That makes no sense.”
You simply smiled and patted his cheek, turning to Ian who placed his hand on your waist. “I still think you should’ve done something, (Y/n). Press charges or something.” He said, wanting to convince you.
Shaking your head with a reassuring smile, you kissed his lips and Mickey’s, successfully shutting both of them up as you hopped off of the counter. “I’m going to change. Take me out on a date, will you two?” You let your hands linger on each of their arm before walking away with an angelic smile, leaving the boys staring after you in slight awe.
“Oh my god, you two are so fucking smitten with him.” Sandy remarked, laughing. The others nodded in agreement, deeply amused.
Ian and Mickey rolled their eyes, “The fuck we’re not.” Mickey denies, though failing to convince them and himself.
“But you are,” Lip shrugged. “He’s got you wrapped all around his finger.”
“Kinda cute if you ask me,” Fiona chuckles.
“Oh, fuck off.” Ian retorts, a smile across his face.
Neither would admit it, but they really were. Equally smitten with one another, your relationship had always been wholesome, except for the times all three of you were friends with benefits.
Ian and Mickey slept together first obviously, only started hooking up with you after the incident with Terry. Mickey was first to do it when he went to your house to spend time with you since you’re the only person he could trust aside from Ian, the casual conversation taking a turn after he had asked if you would fuck him if you were gay, which you told him you were, causing Mickey to literally demand a fuck from you.
“Hey, man?” Mickey slowly called to you who was sitting on the opposite side of the ridiculously big couch, eyes focused on the movie with a can of coke in your hand.
“Hm?” You hum, turning to look at him despite being completely indulged in the movie plot. Mickey liked that, how you’re willing to give him your full attention even though you’re busy and don’t even have to look at him at all.
He glances down, picking with his hand, slightly nervous. But he knew you wouldn’t judge, you never did. It was unlikely of him to feel this way, but Mickey couldn’t help it. Nearly unbearable to talk to someone as nice and caring as you yet can’t bring himself to stay away.
“Would you—would you fuck me if you were, you know, fucking gay?”
Your brows raised at the random question. Though it wasn’t difficult to realize it’s because of the previous gay scene in the movie you’re watching where the main characters made love to each other without it being censored and shit. “Well,” You started with a small smile adorning your face, “I don’t know if you knew but I’m actually gay, Milkovich.”
Mickey’s head snapped to your side, eyes wide. “Wait, what? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? Or Ian?”
“You didn’t ask,” You simply shrugged. “I normally don’t go around announcing to everybody what my sexuality is. Kind of weird if I did that,” You joked, earning a glare from the Milkovich. “But honestly, I didn’t think it was something I had to tell you or Ian. I just let people guess or notice it on their own.”
“How the fuck do they even notice?" Mickey remarks, furrowing his brows. “I’ve literally never seen you with any guys or girls. Have you even hooked up with somebody?”
You chuckled, “Nope. Wasn’t really interested.”
“Damn,” Mickey gave you a weird look. It was so odd to see someone in southside not doing drugs or shit, let alone sleeping around with whoever they liked. He wasn’t used to it. Now, you feel like a fucking holy being or something. But then, Mickey realizes you never actually answered his question, so he repeated again. “You didn’t answer my fucking question, would you fuck me?”
You’re gay, so might as well shoot his shot. Can’t really miss this opportunity.
You stare at him, something glinting in your eyes that definitely wasn’t innocence. Your lips slowly formed a sly grin as you tilted your head. “What if I said yes? What are you gonna do?”
A smile appeared on Mickey’s lips, “Then fucking get on with it, (L/n).”
Conveniently, you were a switch so Mickey didn’t have to pretend he didn’t like having dick in his ass. He told Ian he slept with you that came off as surprise since apparently Ian also didn’t know you were gay, which led to Ian sleeping with you as well.
“You’re so weird,” Ian laughed when he caught you stacking some nuggets together to build a makeshift tower, having woken up from a friendly sleepover at your house.
You grinned and stacked the last piece of nugget, looking at Ian as you gestured to your work of art. “Tadaaaa!” It caused him to burst out laughing, sitting down beside you on the couch.
“What are you doing?” Ian asked between laughter.
You shrugged your shoulders, “I was bored and you weren’t waking up anytime soon. Figured I’d kill my time.” Smiling, you offered him a can of beer that was sitting on the table, having just taken out from the fridge. Ian accepted, thanking you. “How did you sleep?”
Ian smiled after taking a gulp from the beer and placed it down on the table, “Great, actually. Like the times I haven’t been able to sleep isn’t real.” Relief was evident on his face, considering how big the bags under his eyes were. He never mentioned that you were the reason of him being unable to fall asleep, always thinking of you ever since that horrible day that suddenly turned great with your presence. Hearing about you sleeping with Mickey made him decide nothing will happen if he just thinks around, thus the sleepover.
A soft look crosses your face as you begin to play with his hair, touch displaying gentleness Ian had never felt before. His eyes met yours, such a warm gaze making him feel loved even without doing anything. “Well, I’m glad the cuddle worked, Gallagher. You can always come to me when you can’t sleep, I’ll hold you until you can.” Voice merely above a whisper, you gently told him.
Ian was feeling breathless. Everything about your welcoming and accepting nature deemed temptation; his pupils dilating, throat suddenly dry as if he’s been dehydrated, stomach growling as if hasn’t eaten in days, feeling your soft hand brush through his ginger hair as you stared at him innocently yet almost seducing. The tension was too thick to be cut with a knife. And with the growing urge to just give in to the temptation, Ian leaned forward without a second thought, capturing your lips in a kiss.
You made a noise of surprise that immediately caused Ian to pull away, a panicked look in his eyes, scared he might’ve ruined the most precious friendship he’s ever had. Series of apology slipped past his lips, but you shut him up by putting a finger up to his lips.
“Don’t apologize, I’m not mad, silly.” You reassured, though concern plastered your face. “Are you sure you want this?”
“Yeah,” His response was nearly quick. “Why do you think I agreed to a sleepover?”
That angelic smile of yours returned again, chuckling. “Okay then, Gallagher. Do whatever you want.” You said before kissing him again, letting the rest of the day continue.
Again, it was convenient that you’re a switch, because even though Ian has tried bottoming before, he preferred topping, especially with you or Mickey. Well, you and Mickey now. Those sleeping around days were a lot... wild, to say the least.
You never slept with anyone besides Ian and Mickey, always uninterested in other guys and turning them down nicely quite often, which Mandy — your bestfriend — noticed.
Questionable, of course, because there was one incident at the Alibi where she, Lip, and Fiona were present and you and Ian came out the bathroom covered in hickeys, not even bothering to hide them as the two of you sat down with them. However, when a guy noticed and realized what happened, they attempted to shoot their shot with you, miserably failing as you turned it down without further acknowledgement while Ian just shrugged, as if he already knew that was going to be your answer. Then, Mickey suddenly barged in only to tell you a short “not tired yet, are ya?” while walking to the bathroom, and you smiled at Ian before following Mickey.
It happened quite a lot in different circumstances that even the Gallaghers caught up on how Ian and Mickey are the only ones you let getting in your pants.
It was a messy and complicated time where everyone had to deal with their own shit; Mickey with his homophobic upbringing and sexual crisis, Ian with his confusion in feeling something for both you and Mickey at the same time and doubts to himself, you with accepting your romantic attraction to both of them, keeping it locked in, and fulfilling the desire to be with them by sleeping with them. It’s either they slept with each other, you slept with either of them, or the three of you slept together, all bonded somehow. Ian and Mickey were the first ones to get their shit together and officially became partners, and well... it honestly didn’t turn out good back then due to you still dealing with your own shit that nobody ever noticed. That story could be for another day, though.
The point is, your friendship used to be wholesome, but the extent of it increased more when you three settled after all that shitshow. There were some toxicity at first, especially with Mickey struggling to overcome the genuinely awful upbringing he had — he was dating a guy after all, and not just one but two — along with Ian’s diagnosis of bipolar disorder. But having each other and not giving up on each other made the toxicity disappear and morph into something positive, each of you going through some relationship development together.
Compared to back then, the three of you had grown overly comfortable with each other and the polyamorous relationship you had, not feeling discomfort when people look at you weirdly. Coming to terms with the issues truly helped.
However, neither Ian nor Mickey had come to terms with your kindness towards people who didn’t deserve it, and they absolutely have no plans of coming to terms with it at all. People can be a lot rude and asshole when you’re nice to them, which is why they simultaneously keep themselves and each other from strangling the person’s neck everytime it treated or spoke to you horribly.
Well, frankly, nobody would understand and you don’t expect them to. Too bad they’re going to have to sooner than later, because you’ve been feeling a little irritable — it’s only a matter of time before the truth cracks through the surface of friendliness and nice personality you’ve plastered on.
Once it does, people will be fucked.
You know who you are when you’re not nice; it’s never a pretty sight. It’s a bloodbath.
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Everything seemed perfect.
Dinner’s pretty cheap, but not unbearable. One of the nicest things about you is that you don’t care for the price as long as it’s edible and tasty. You’re not the one to fuss over the cheapness or expensiveness of anything and the Gallaghers loved that, because you wouldn’t talk shit of how they can’t afford shit. Birthdays are special occasion where people usually ask for expensive gifts, but the Gallaghers were always reminded by you not to go grand on celebrations or presents, because you didn’t like them spending their money on something other than theirselves.
They still went with it though, going to a cheap local bar where they serve cheap dinner so everyone could celebrate the birth date of you, who was born special in southside Chicago with kindness that’s seemingly a curse.
The night went by smoothly, everyone enjoying their time and having fun — You, Ian, Mickey, Mandy, Sandy, Lip, Fiona, Liam, Debbie, Franny, Veronica, Kev, and even Frank who was by the bar because his family disapproved of him joining. He still did, considering you’re the nicest kid he’s ever met.
Perfect. Everything was perfect. Too perfect that it’s becoming strange, how well this night is going.
You were absolutely correct to feel like that.
Mickey’s blood was boiling at the man that had suddenly approached the table with a friendly smile only to go around spitting whatever the fuck he wanted to talk about, mainly nasty things. But according to him, he knew you and you knew him, well enough, even though they didn’t know him despite being your boyfriends. The Gallaghers were collectively surprised of his sudden appearance, considering none of them knew him, but concerns littered their faces when the man mentioned you.
“I honestly don’t know what (Y/n)’s thinking, hanging out with Gallaghers and dating one,” The man, who ( unwantedly ) introduced himself as Caius snickered.
Ian, despite his annoyance increasing at Caius’ presence, tried to remain calm. “What’s it to you? And fyi, he’s also dating him, so don’t fucking talk like that.” He pointed at Mickey, who glared daggers at the man.
“Fuck, he’s dating two guys?” Caius laughed mockingly. “And a Milkovich at that. But aren’t you, like, bipolar though? With the gene.” His mention of the diagnosis made Mickey furious as he slammed his hands against the table and attempted to stand up, only to be held back by Ian. Everyone had their blood boiling now, but forced themselves to keep calm since it’s your birthday. Nobody wanted to ruin it for you.
“I guess crazy psychopaths are his type, huh? With how the screws in his head are fucking loose, I’m not surprised.” He snarled, looking at both of them. However, his words cuts through the boiling rage within Ian and Mickey as they both processed his words, furrowing their brows in confusion at the mention of the screws in your head being loose.
Before anyone could utter a single word, the loud sound of wine bottle smashing against the back of Caius’ head erupts throughout the entire bar as he dropped to the floor cursing loudly, revealing you holding the remaining end of the shattered bottle. The nice look on your face no longer visible as it contorted into an emotionless expression, eyes holding utmost coldness with some unknown darkness within them that sent chills up everyone’s spine.
You merely acknowledged Caius groaning in pain on the floor, throwing away the shattered piece of the wine bottle to the side as you nonchalantly patted off your hands of any invisible dirt.
“Oh my fucking god,” Fiona was the first to react, terrified as she witnessed Caius touch the back of his head and get a blood on his palm. The other Gallaghers were already standing a feet away as they all jumped up and away from the table when you smashed a bottle on the man’s head, completely shocked and stunned, Lip and Carl letting out holy fuck.
“Jesus fucking Christ!”
“What the fuck did you just do?”
Ian and Mickey exclaimed in sync, with Ian looking at you while Mickey at Caius, both eyes wide and shock on their faces.
You shrugged, the usual smile completely nonexistent. “Smashed a bottle on an old friend’s head after talking shit about my boyfriends.” The slightest hint of apathy in your tone worried them a bit, but you quickly shifted your cold gaze to Caius. “Quit fucking moaning, Caius. You already saw it coming when you decided to approach them while I was gone for the bathroom.”
“Fuck,” Caius groaned, laying on his back to shoot you a glare. “I just got fucking discharged from the hospital you put me in, shithead. A little nice sympathy maybe? The one you fucking show people.”
“Certainly didn’t need sympathy when you brought up Ian’s bipolar disorder,” You smiled sarcastically. “And don’t be fucking dramatic, it was just few broken bones.”
“You made me fucking bleed internally and you wanna call that just a few broken bones?” Caius snapped. Everyone’s eyes widened.
Rolling your eyes, you folded the sleeves up of your button up while clenching and unclenching your fist, something that Ian and Mickey didn’t miss. “Serves you right for planning to shoot Micky Milkovich. Unfortunately for you, I genuinely and utterly loathe someone describing either of them as crazy psychopaths, especially since Ian’s been diagnosed bipolar, so...”
You grinned sadistically.
“Consider today your finally meet God and be sent to Hell day.”
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Everyone watched as you rub your face while talking to the cops about what happened inside the bar, the back of your hand all bloody and knuckles busted, probably tainted in both Caius’ and your own blood. It was scary to see you so violent and, as Caius said, have screws in the head loose. The unlikeliness and the way you acted and looked so different from how you usually were terrified them.
Not Ian and Mickey, though. They were standing on both of your sides while the rest were a few feet behind, still attempting to calm down from the shock of witnessing your change in attitude and your true colors seeping through the cracks.
Your entire demeanor now was back to normal; not that cold and expressionless presence with terrifying apathy, but the warm, full of expression and accepting presence. You had quietly greeted the cops earlier with a small smile that turned into a frown of guilt, which somehow was enough for them not to handcuff you despite the damage you caused on Caius.
“I probably shouldn’t have done all of those to him,” You muttered thoughtfully while biting your lip. “I don’t think I regret it though. He crossed the line, I got pissed.”
“You normally don’t get pissed, Mr. (L/n).” One of the cops remarked.
Shrugging your shoulders, you gave them a small smile. “That’s just what you think of me. I don’t really care if people insult me or talk shit about me, but my boyfriends are one of the most significant people in my life, so they’re off-limits. I really can’t handle anyone talking shit about them.” Your soft tone falling down to a serious and firm one, you narrowed your eyes at the ambulance that contained Caius’ unconscious body.
“Are Mr. Milkovich and Mr. Gallagher basically your trigger?” The other cop wondered.
You nodded immediately, “Yeah. I think so.” Rubbing your nape with the uninjured hand nervously, you bit the inside of your cheek. “Shouldn’t you be handcuffing me? I definitely went too far, I blacked out in anger, and he’s unconscious with some injuries that are probably worse than what I think, so…” You slowly brought your hands together, ready to get arrested.
“Don’t worry, witnesses came forward and shared what happened. They confirmed Caius went too far with the disclosure of a person’s medical condition confidentiality.” One of the officers stated, gently bringing your hands down.
Your eyes snapped to the cops, “Wait, really?”
“Yes, they understood how off-limits your boyfriends are and immediately talked to us after we arrived.” The two cops smiled, seeing the look of relief on your face. “We’ll get going then, Mr. (L/n). You have nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you.” Sighing in relief, you gave them a look of gratitude as they began getting into their car before your blank face returned.
“You’re fucking one hell of an actor, (Y/n) (L/n).” Mickey remarked after seeing your face fall and glare threateningly at the ambulance as soon as the cops drove off.
“Hey,” Ian softly called to catch your attention, cupping your face. “Look at me. Look at us. Calm down, (Y/n). It’s fine, we’re fine, okay? You don’t have to be mad anymore.”
Mickey watched silently from the side with his arm around Ian’s waist and the other hand gently rubbing your arm to help bring comfort to you. Tense shoulders slowly softening and body relaxing, they witnessed the rage storm calm in your eyes as the hard gaze softened and you respond to their gesture by melting into their touch.
You sighed deeply, “Okay.”
Both of them couldn’t help but notice the empathy slipping back into your eyes and expression, brightening it up, making it seem more alive. Your eyes looked dead earlier when you were beating the life out of Caius until he was barely breathing, it honestly scared and freaked the fuck out of your boyfriends, even though they would probably never admit it. It was like seeing a soulless person because of the lack of empathy and all.
Though, seeing that happen definitely made them reconsider the thought that you grew up perfectly sane without bottled up issues in southside Chicago — They didn’t realize the bottled up issues was simply your kindness and nice atittude, the main things that literally allows you to get whatever you want from anyone because it’s the easiest way to manipulate others into giving you what you want, and they wouldn’t even realize the manipulation.
That’s your own shit to deal with; you force yourself to be nice and caring, so your apathy wouldn’t come up to the surface and destroy things. However, Ian and Mickey somehow knew none of the nice or caring side you showed to them were fake. Because if they were, would you even be in a relationship with them?
It would probably take a lot of time to figure you out, especially when you seem to like hiding behind the nicest person in southside Chicago mask and never let the surface crack to get even a peek inside, but they were willing to try. You’re their boyfriend after all.
“We’ll figure it out, (Y/n).” Mickey gently says. “We always fucking do. Right, Gallagher?” He smirked at Ian, who instantly nodded with an of course, before Mickey grabbed the back of his head and kissed his lips.
You smiled at them, genuinely.
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Kinktober day 7
Mickey Milkovich + Wrestling or sparring
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Still been studying, thanks to my teacher giving us twice as much work than usual, so this isn’t as long as I would have wanted.
I have no idea what warning to put for Mickey talking and thinking the way he does, but mickey warning I guess??
kinktober 2023 masterlist
Mickey Milkovich wasn’t the type to go down without a fight, it laid deep in his blood to never go down, and if he did, to go down swinging. Even just playfighting always lead to real scuffling or outright fighting resulting in bloody noses or knocked out teeth. Apparently, he had anger issues, and they always seemed to flare right up when someone got him swinging. It was why he found himself in some less than stellar gym in the south side, run by some gay guy and his friends.
Everyone knew about the gym’s main owner, (Y/N), his family had lived in the south side as long as anyone else’s, were mixed up in the same stuff as everyone else, and got into trouble like everyone else. Only difference about this guy was that he was openly gay, and would knock anyone out cold if they tried to target him for it. Mickey had found him at the ends of his fists a couple of times, and had always woken up with the sickest migraines, maybe even concussions, though he had never gone to the hospital about it.
(Y/N) had left the south side for a while, apparently he was off to get an education on a scholarship, but strangely enough he had returned to the shithole that was the south side. No one had recognized him as first. He left as a skinny guy who packed an insanely mean left and right hook, and came back packed in muscle and taller, with a confidence that few saw in gay guys in the south side. His muscles weren’t for show either, as rumors quickly spread that his hits were not only harder but quicker than ever.
Then he had opened up a gym for anyone who wasn’t gonna start trouble, and if you did start trouble, he took care of you real quick and efficiently. He had quirked a brow as Mickey stepped into the gym, but like he never questioned the local gun dealer being there, he wasn’t gonna question a milkovich being there as long as he paid. Mickey went about his business, taking out some of his burning anger on the punching bags, trying to put all the hatred and anger in his soul into those punches.
Mickey almost swung around and knocked (Y/N)s teeth out when the taller guy had placed his hand on Mickeys shoulder. “You’re standing all wrong, you’ll mess up your shoulders” he explained, his strong hands grabbing Mickeys arms and pulling him into the better pose.
Mickey wasn’t gonna ever admit that he felt warmth rise to his cheeks as (Y/N) grabbed him and moved him around, it was just cuz the guy was eyecandy around the south side. Few guys cared about their appearance around this part, so seeing a guy who actually bathed on the regular and walked around in tight tank tops always caught Mickeys attention. If Mickey wasn’t the type to deny himself so much, he might have seen how his appreciating stares were returned.
One night when Mickey showed up to the gym, a time where there were never anyone around but the owner, he had been stewing in anger. The punching bags just didn’t seem to be enough, even as Mickey cursed and made his knuckles bleed. (Y/N) had sauntered up in that tight tank top and a pair of sweats that left little to the imagination and goaded Mickey into a spar in the wrestling part of the gym.
In reality it was just some mats laid on the floor and against the walls, no way a place like this could afford an actually wresting ring, but it was good enough. Good enough for Mickey to charge at the guy, his normal south side approach foiled by (Y/N)s actual talent for fighting. Mickey only grew more and more angry the more he kept losing, even as his muscles ached and burned, even as he found himself pinned over and over against the mats.
Mickey growled at the smile on (Y/N)s lips, the guy had been smiling the entire time, and though he was sweating and breathing harder, it was in no way as much as Mickey himself. Even as Mickeys moves grew sloppy as he felt exhaustion creep up on him, his pride wouldn’t let him just give up or call quits.
(Y/N) must have felt some pity, as he finally let Mickey pin him, Mickey crouched above his head, pinning his shoulders with his legs and holding the taller man’s arms above his head. “Good job Mick, you finally got it” he laughed, looking almost too pleased as Mickey panted above him. “That deserves a reward, right?” he almost purred, and before Mickey could question it, (Y/N) had freed his hands and reached up towards the waistband on Mickeys pants.
Mickey choked on his breath as (Y/N) dragged his pants down, freeing Mickeys half hard length to the heated air of the gym. The sparring must have gotten the blood pumping in Mickeys system, and he shivered. On instinct alone Mickey almost jumped to his feet and spat some homophobic comment, but before he could warm lips wrapped around his tip and sucked him down, a broken gasp slipping from Mickeys lips at the action.
(Y/N)s hands gripped Mickeys hips as he lifted his torso to keep bopping his head, taking Mickey down his throat with skill one only got from repeating an action many times. Mickey gripped onto (Y/N)s hair as he thrust his hips with little to no rhythm, panting from the strain in his muscles and the pleasurable feeling as he grew fully hard, his toes curling in his shoes as he shivered.
Mickey groaned as he spilled down (Y/N)s throat, his muscles finally giving out, and if it wasn’t for (Y/N) catching him, he would have tumbled down onto the mats beneath them. Mickey didn’t even notice the murmured praise leaving the taller man, even as he tucked Mickeys spent length back into his pants or rubbed his sore muscles. Mickey didn’t even fully comprehend that he was pulled into what looked like a back room, or that he was placed on a comfortable sofa, or even that he dozed off.
It seemed that the energy that hadn’t been wrung out of him from the wrestling, had been sucked right out of him by the very man that had goaded him into said fight. (Y/N) gave a snort as he watched Mickey become dead to the world, leaving a water bottle beside him before leaving the office to go disinfect the mats. This might be the south side, but he was at least semi professional and serious about his business’s hygiene.
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Mickey Milkovich thoughts
“Get out before I smash your fucking teeth in” Mickey sounded beyond annoyed, like he was actually considering it, he never would physically hurt you (well not on purpose at least) but it’s not to say the thought hasn’t ever crossed his mind. You hum at his words, body sweating endlessly due to the summer heat, it’s not like you were actually going to leave, not yet. Mickey took note of this and decided not to ask again, he might explode if he did.
“I’m sorry, Mickey, I’d never do anything to hurt you” you said before hesitantly snaking your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you; taking note of the grumble that came from him when you did.
“Don’t do it again” Mickey said in a smaller voice as opposed to his usual one, he’d never show anyone this vulnerable side to him but for you, for you he’d do anything so I guess he can make an exception.
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idk6123 · 7 days
The Perfect Student & The Delinquent (Mickey Milkovich X Male Reader)
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Mickey never have been one for doing homework, or just doing anything school related at all. Some people call him stupid because of that, but he just doesn’t care. He knows how to make money and that is enough for him. He’s done with school, but school isn’t done with him. And this is school we’re talking about; they’re going to bother him about it by shoving the responsibility to someone else.
That’s when Y/N appears, one of the best students in the school. Mickey knew him. He’s a quiet kid. He didn’t find him annoying enough to beat him up, or rich enough to steal from. Thus, they never interact. However, that all starts one day, when the school hold Y/N responsible for getting Mickey’s grade up. Feeling screwed, he’s going to help Mickey without having much motivation.
“How the fuck should I suppose to know how algebra works!?”
“Maybe you know when you come to fucking class!”
“Maybe if you cut some class, you realize that’s the best way to not get your ass kicked!”
That’s when Y/N hold Mickey in a position that the punk can’t counterattack. Feeling his face against the floor, he looks at the side of eyes and look up to see Y/N, sitting on his body.
“You look like you want to fuck me.”
“Yeah, fuck you over if you don’t shut the fuck up and do your homework.”
To be honest, Mickey is quite surprised that Y/N isn’t the quiet kid he expected him to be. He thought the top student was some shy, timid guy that only wants to do homework, not a martial artist that has no time for bullshit.
“So, you want to lie down while I’m on top off you, or do you want to do something useful?”
Mickey scoffs. “Fine. Get your fat ass off me.”
“At least I got a nice ass.”
They sit down again at the couch and recontinue Mickey’s homework. As Y/N guides him, he notices how much Mickey is struggling with math, causing some frustration. Even after math, Mickey is struggling with almost every subject. English, chemistry, biology, you name it. Y/N bets the only class he can do is PE.
As Mickey continues to struggle on the task, Y/N can tell he’s going to burst out in anger anytime soon. “Let’s take a break.” Mickey looks back, staying quiet. “Got somethin’ to drink?”
“Beer is in the fridge.” Mickey answers. Y/N stands up and heads to the kitchen. “Grab one for me.”
Y/N does that, bringing back two beers. He hands one over to Mickey. After they pop off the caps, they both take a sip at the same time.
“Are you some masochist for doing this shit?”
“Nope. Just someone who hopes for a big job and get rich.” Y/N responds. “Get in a good college first though. You?”
“I just steal the money. We should stay in contact, just in case you get rich.”
Y/N chuckles. “Any chance you get any money from me if you’re either my husband or my sugar baby.”
“That’s a hard pass.”
For the rest of the day, after having their break, Y/N helped Mickey, tutoring him in about every subject. That being said, it doesn’t look bright.
It’s another day where Y/N helps Mickey. The straight A student made sure to reflect why Mickey isn’t doing well, not wanting to write it off with him just being dumb. Thus, after changing the homework just a bit, he manages to do something that may help Mickey.
“’In a week, your crew makes these many drug deals: 7, 5, 8, 6, 9, 4, 10. What's the median number of deals?’” This is the first question Mickey read, only thinking what happened to his homework. “What the hell is this?”
“I’m helping you. Now you can use math in your future business.” Y/N responds. “Now, try to figure it out.”
Mickey then looks back at the paper. For whatever reason, he appears he knows what he’s actually doing. He doesn’t look confused, instead he looks focused. “7 deals.”
“Right!” Y/N is happy Mickey finally got something right. “Now to the next.”
“’You got two weapons suppliers. One brings you 2x units and the other brings 3x units. If x is 5, how many total units you got?’” Mickey looks back at his tutor. “25 units.”
“Holy-” Y/N is surprised how well things are going. “Write down the solution.” Without any fuss, Mickey writes down the solution. Afterwards, he gives the paper back at Y/N. “Correct.”
Mickey smirks, grabbing the paper back. “And here people thought I was some dumbass.”
“Well, you proved them wrong.”
Now that every question is changed into a language into something Mickey comprehends, the speed of doing his homework changed from an entire day into 2 hours, with most of the time the questions correctly answered.
“’If you take a hit and your arm’s bleeding, which system in your body rushes to patch up the hole?’ The circulatory system.”
“’You got a new batch of goods, and you see the demand go up. If you usually move 50 units at $20 each, but now you can push 70 units at the same price, what’s the total revenue now?’ $1400.”
“If you're 'running' from the police, how do you say, 'we run' in Spanish?”
"Nosotros corremos"
Times passes quickly as Mickey completes his homework. After doing so, Y/N is wondering what kind of grade he gets. And it turns out he managed to get a…
Mickey looks surprised. “In total?”
“Yeah.” Y/N looks happy for his classmate. “You did great. Now you have to rely on regular questions, or you have to use your fantasy to turn it in something fun.”
“Do the second one.” Mickey answers. “To be honest, I’m surprised school can help me in my future.”
“The future full of crime.”
“Yep, and I give all the credit to you, not those assholes.” Mickey refers to the teachers without shame.
Y/N smirks. “They really are assholes. They black mailed me to tutor you, y’know?”
“They did?” Mickey is surprised, thinking it’s ridiculous. “Fucking bastards…” He then thought of something. “We should get revenge.”
“Whaddaya mean? You talking about a school shootin’ or somethin’?”
“No, just destroying the principal’s office. And for good sake, his car.”
Y/N thought about it, not declining the idea at first, causing Mickey to smile with glee. Feeling like he wants to bite back, the usually good student caves in. “Only after you ace your tests.”
Mickey offers a fist-Bumb, which Y/N accepts. “Deal.”
Y/N awaits outside of the classroom, wanting to see Mickey after finishing his last test. As Y/N daydream off, his eyes suddenly went wide awake when Mickey gets out of the classroom with a smirk on his face.
“Not a problem.”
“Nice.” Y/N offers a high-five, which Mickey accepts.
“Now it’s for me to help your ass.” Mickey gestures his friend to follow him. They get to his locker, where Y/N sees multiple tools of destructions in the locker. “You’re backing down?”
Y/N grabs a hammer, checking it out. “Nah, they need to learn to not mess with me.”
Mickey looks proud. “Glad you’re not a pussy.”
After gathering their equipment, they get to the principal office. They see it’s empty, though locked. Using his lock-picks, Mickey opens the door, causing them to get access in the office. They look around, with Mickey looking back at his new delinquent friend.
“Want to do the first honour?”
Y/N holds the hammer tighter, with his eyes locking on the pc. With a heavy slam, the computer receives a massive hole, following up with another slam and another one. That’s when Y/N grabs what remained and throws it aside to stomp on it.
“There you go!” Mickey looks excited. He then gets to the desk, where he takes out all of the drawers to throw it away. “Let’s go wild!”
Chaos enfolds the entire room, as the two delinquents destroy the entire office. The shelves broken on the floor. All the files ruined and ripped apart. The chair being thorn into two. They even tagged the wall with a penis.
“You have a talent for making very gorgeous dicks.”
Mickey chuckles. “Naturally born talent.” He looks back at his friend. “And now we have made our territory.”
“Like a dog?”
“Yep.” Mickey hands move to his pants to unbuckle. He notices Y/N just standing. “You’re not joining?”
“I just think we should aim higher.”
“Like a shit?”
“No.” Y/N looks back at the desk. “Think anyone ever cummed on the desk?”
Mickey stops what he’s doing and looks back. “You want to fuck on the desk?”
“I don’t mean together.” Y/N clarifies himself, thinking Mickey is straight. “We could have turns jerking off.”
Mickey then just smirks. “Not the best time wise. It’s better we do it at once.”
That’s when Mickey gets to Y/N to ambush him with a kiss, though surprised for a second, he quickly kisses back. The two guys quickly move to the table, where both guys begin undressing each other to take the ultimate insult.
“I think we’ve done enough orgies.”
“When is enough enough?” Mickey responds back.
They just stole the principle’s car and park it somewhere isolated, where Y/N and Mickey send another message from inside the car, multiple times.
Both guys are sitting in the front seat, where they chat as they’re covered in each other’s clothing.
“Well, I’m tired.”
“Of sex?”
“Yeah, l like it more dispersed.” Y/N grabs his boxers and put them on. “You’re one freaky shit to be able to have sex so many rounds.”
“Thanks.” Mickey merely responds. “There is more where that came from.”
Y/N hums. He grabs his t-shirt to put it on. As he does, he looks back at the guy next to him. “You’re staying naked?”
“I’m still up for one more round.”
“You really are a degenerate.” Y/N chuckles. “Well, the longer we stay here, the quicker the principle notices his car gone missing and the cops to find us.”
Mickey hums and think about it. “Right, I can’t really afford that.” That’s when he starts dressing up too.
“We can always do it another time.”
Mickey looks back to see a smirking man, giving him a smirk back. “I like the sound of that.”
“Got a B for math.” Mickey announces when Y/N walked in his house.
“Nice going.” Y/N looks proud. “And nice for me for being such a good and perfect teacher.”
“I wanna make a remark but consider the rest of my grades are all great, I let it pass.” Mickey goes to the fridge to grab a beer for him and Y/N. “Did you hear about principle shitface?”
Y/N smirks. “What about him?”
Mickey goes back to Y/N to hand over a beer. “Wasn’t too fond to discover cum on his desk, as well in his car.”
“Nice.” Y/N laughs. He put up his beer. “Fuck the principle!”
“Fuck the principle!”
Mickey and Y/N both cheer, celebrating their victorious, whether it’s from Mickey getting good grades, or Y/N standing up for himself, or their new find friendship that will turn into something more.
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dorkszn · 6 months
“quit squirmin’, will ya?” mickey rasps in your ear. you swallow harshly as you grip the fabric of his sweatpants.
“you guys are attacking me,” you scoff, mickey’s lips press against the skin of your throat again. bite marks and bright red bruises litter across your skin.
“god, you’re so dramatic.” your red-head boyfriend sighs from the end of your bed. ian kisses against your abdomen, softly sucking more hickies into your skin while his fingers toy with the waistband of your shorts.
“am not.” you glare down at him.
“are too.” mickey grumbles, softly digging his fingertips into your skin. you slightly squirm at the touch, a sigh leaving you.
“i am no—“
“god, you talk so much.” ian interrupts, bringing his lips to yours. he pulls your words from your throat and into to him, leaving you with nothing but gentle breathes and whines.
meanwhile, mickey’s hands slide into your pants, playing with the fabric of your boxers that were growing tighter by the minute.
suddenly, the sound of your phone ringing broke you and ian apart. “shit— sorry, one second.”
they don’t let you leave their trap so you just reach out and grab the phone. you flip the top part up and bring it to your ear. “hello?” you greet. your mother’s voice responds to you through the speaker.
“yeah, you know I’ll be there.” you reply as she talks. you feel mickey begin nipping at your neck and ian takes the waistband of your pajamas pants into his grip. a choked noise leaves you.
“sorry, I’m just… a little busy right now.” you speak out, your free hand reaching up to hold mickey’s hair to carefully push him off of you. but he doesn’t budge.
“yeah, ok, see you then, yeah, love you too, bye.” you say, quickly hanging up the phone.
“who was that?” the ginger questions, kissing your jawline.
“my mom, you assholes.” you scoff. ian pulls down your pants to completely reveal your underwear and growing erection.
“aww,” mickey hums and you can see his smug grin out the corner of your eye.
“shut the fuck up, milkovich,” ian snickers from his spot. “you too, gallagher.” you look over to him.
a smirk covers ian’s face. “why don’t you makes us, fisher?”
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skxllz · 10 months
Jealous Ian and Mickey??
say no more
“ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲? ”
warnings; mickey being mickey. physical violence (typical shameless shit). ian with rings + getting arrested hehe. blood mention. I think that's it??
date posted; 12.9.23
usually, ian wasn't the type to get jealous. he had his moments in the past with mick’, with that fucker that had talked shit on ‘im at the bar. and maybe that angie girl... but that was a while ago. maybe even with svetlana, but of course that couldn't be helped. and maybe that one time when they first met you...
okay, maybe ian did get jealous. but that was besides the fact. he's never felt uncontrollable rage before when it's come to anyone other than mickey. the time mickey and svetlana married? he wasn't just heartbroken; he felt the need to actually kill terry and tell svetlana to fuck off in front of everyone, even though technically the circumstances weren't her fault. with you, he's never felt that — not since you started dating him and mickey.
it's funny really, for both of them. it was the moment ian realized he actually was in love with you — same for mickey. only, mick’ didn't realize until after the fact.
it started off with an actual date night between you three. ian told you that him and mickey planned one a while ago but it never sought through because some bitch named sammy got him arrested. you didn't know who the sammy chick was, and ian didn't explain who she was, but you mentally vowed that night to stick it to her. that's why you took them both out a week later, to some fancy restaurant on the west side.
mickey complained about a few things on the way there; the fact that he had to wear a tux, the way it fit him, and that the west side was the last damn place he wanted to be. he claimed it was where the ‘ rich bitches with those stupid nose bandaids ’ live and he wanted no part of that parade. you reassured him though that those noses of theirs would end up bleeding if they gave him the slightest problem.
to say the least, you gave him a boner and a good convincing.
after you arrived at the destination, you had watched while entering the restaurant as the two males gawked at the scenery of the place. it made ian question you just how you were going to afford everything —in which you laughed and just replied with “ don't worry, i’ ”— and mickey mutter under his breath just how much the golden posts by the doorway would go for on ebay. you swatted him on the shoulder since you heard ‘im.
you guys’ little trio was escorted generously to a nice window booth at the back of the restaurant, giving a nice view of the back patio where a fountain and little glowy fairy lights were displayed; giving off a familiar, comfortable feel. and, although you felt as ease, you could mickey still did not by the way he was tugging at different ends of his suit and scooting around in his seat.
“ mick- y’okay? ” ian asked, giving a puzzled questionable expression. the red head had been reading over the drinks menu when he noticed his boyfriend acting out of place.
“ this place gives me the fucking quivers... ” mickey muttered, once again shifting. “ I feel like ‘m bein’ stared at. ”
ian snorted at that. usually mickey didn't let shit get to him - especially people, at that. if there a problem, he'd sort it out himself, so why was he acting off now. “ why's that bothering you? ”
you were now looking at mickey as well, expecting him to answer as you raised your brows curiously. you too wanted to know why he was acting differently.
“ because, ” he sighed in frustration, only then leaning across to table to harshly whisper to Ian, while sparing you a slight glance. “ because I rather not fuckin’ ruin this night for y/n, okay? jesus christ. ”
ian's lips formed an o shape in realization. you were more sensitive than they were, so he could understand why mickey felt that way — didn't want to embarrass you or anything. if that happened, who knows how long of a grudge you'd hold.
mickey sat himself back just as a waiter approached. he was tucking in his finely pressed, button down shirt into his apron, not necessarily paying attention to his surroundings as he dropped a pen from his pocket. y/n realized — and, the good samaritan he was, he scooted out from the booth to crouch down and pick it up.
“ uh- here, ” he stood, pushing his hand out towards the waiter. “ you dropped this. ”
“ oh, ” the waiter extended a hand to take his writing tool back. and, as he did so, lifted his head, “ thank you- y/n? ”
“ blake? ” y/n asked, surprise on his face. “ holy shit. ”
that right there is when the first wave of jealousy struck in the night. the look of realization on both of their faces made Ian and mickey exchange glances — and, although ian felt a twist in his stomach, he wasn't exactly indifferent about the reunion just yet. mickey was, though. he looked sour.
and he was right to. throughout the remainder of the hours there, their waiter, blake, would always give you a smile that was always more than just a smile. he'd stop by more often than meant to, as well. asking for refills when it wasn't necessary, stopping by seconds later thinking he forgot a plate when in reality there was none to take. it pissed your boyfriends off - mickey especially.
the brunette had to withhold standing up and violating the guy where he stands. in mickey's mind, he wishes, wishes, that his stare alone could make this blake motherfucker burst into flames. it'd make his year. probably ian's too, because mick’ knew for a fact that his ginger companion was ready to blow the minute blake stopped by to give you the check.
ian's fingers were death-gripping his fork and his jaw was set. eyes pointed towards the table... and you were oblivious to it - cause you were too busy smiling at him.
“ say- ” blake spoke as he handed off the little black booklet to you, “ since it's been awhile, I was just wondering, would you like to hang out sometime? ”
mickey's head snapped up then. “ the fuck? ” he finally broke for the night. he's had enough. “ no- no, he won't like to fucking hang out sometime, ” mickey mocked, looking absolutely fed up. “ are you fucking nuts? you got some cotton in your damn brain- low iq? ”
the look on blake's face was priceless. his eyes were wide, jaw was dropped open. the hand that had stretched out to take the check back, paused midair. even you were looking at mickey like he was bat shit insane.
which, he probably was. but honestly, what do you expect with dating a milkovich?
“ you need to fucking scram before I pop your head off’a your body like a fucking cork. ” mick’ spat finally - and that was the straw that left the drink empty. you heard enough, scooting closer to mickey to calm him down.
“ mick- ”
“ who the hell are you talking to? ” blake's response made you whip your head around in his direction, eyes as wide as golf balls. was this kid crazy?
mickey looked at ian, who was already looking at him, ready to murder someone, before steering his eyes back onto the blonde male. “ I think I'm fuckin’ talkin’ to you- now y/n, sweetheart, move so I can kill this fucking rat. ”
by now, everyone around was staring. low, hushed voices whispering to one another, other waiters and waitresses watching the scene go down with saucer-bound eyes. a few folks had their phones out, recording, while others were on the phone with police.
“ I'm not moving. ” you sternly spoke, looking mickey in the eye so he knew you meant business. “ you promised you wouldn't make a scene tonight yet here you are, doing exactly that. ”
arms dramatically launched out of gesture to the blonde waiter, “ he was clearly hitting on you! ” mickey emphasized, making sure to get in through your head that you were being blind. you were. “ he wants in your fucking pants! ”
“ he does not want in my pants! ”
“ yes he fucking does! ”
“ stop swearing at me! ”
“ oh fuck off, get a grip! ”
you both were too busy arguing to notice that ian had gotten up from the table and approached blake. it wasn't until you heard gasps around you and a loud “ fuck! ” come from said blonde, followed by a thud, did you and mickey raise your heads.
ian was shaking off his hand with a blank mask of anger while blake lied on the floor, clutching his nose. blood gushed out through the cracks of his fingers, the red liquid flowing down and hitting the dark flooring of the restaurant.
people around looked frightened; staring at ian in horror, as if he was a monster. it was dramatic really.
a few of blake's coworkers rushed to his aid while ian walked back over to you both. his fist was raw and red, and his knuckles were slightly split open, but it wasn't too bad besides that.
“ holy shit... ” mickey breathed out, eyeing blake's bloody face from over your shoulder as he was stood to his feet. he was wobbly, wincing, trying not to shout as someone bumped him. it looked as if ian broke his nose. “ holy shit. ”
“ ian! ” you hissed, “ what the fuck! ”
ian shrugged, “ he got what was coming to him. he shouldn't hit on what isn't his. ”
you blinked lazily. shoulders slumping, breathing coming out in realization. “ but... I'm yours? ”
mickey scoffed and slipped his arm around your shoulders. “ are you insane? of course your ours, y/n. I wouldn't bite someone's fucking dick off for you if you weren't. ”
ian nodded towards mickey, “ what he said. I wouldn't just punch anyone. the dick deserved it. ”
you were silent for a moment, processing the emotions you felt. even though the gossip around you was annoying, you weren't necessarily mad at your boyfriends. moreso, you were just annoyed because the rest of the date was ruined. sure, you had dinner, but you wanted to do much more.
of course though, you couldn't, because the cops ran through the entrance seconds later.
“ he's over there! ” you saw the hostess point towards your red haired companion. ian swore under his breath, only to turn on his heel and book it in the opposite direction.
“ run, i’! ” you scream, looking worried.
“ fucking run like hell, ian! ” mickey looked worried too, surprisingly. I mean, it was his boyfriend, but usually he wouldn't let his emotions get the best of him cause of his pride. but here we are.
the night ended off with ian getting put into cuffs and walked out to the cop car. You and mickey both promised to bail him out somehow, and that you'd explain everything to his siblings.
“ oh- hey, y/n? ” ian called, just as the officer was shoving him into the vehicle.
“ yeah? ” you call back.
“ I love you! ”
your heart damn near skipped a beat. chest fell as you lost breath, a smile of joy spreading across your face. with happiness now in your heart, you lifted your hand, waving him goodbye.
that's when mickey suddenly pulled you by the arm, ripping a gasp from you, and kissed your temple.
“ I love you too, weasel. ”
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stormyelliotwritez · 27 days
Okk thenn could I req a shameless fic, where it’s Mickey x Male reader where reader tells him something while their cuddling like ‘u should stop smoking cigarettes, it’s rlly bad for you, and I’d hate 4 sum to happen..’ and he says it all slick as he just like played with mickeys hair or sum
So ofc mickey being so smitten, after a while, (and him saying he’s fine, and he’s stronger then these cigarettes) he gave up cigarettes with the help of Ian offering to also go sober, maybe some Mickey x Ian x reader :))) please and tyyy 😝
Ilysm mwah 😽
- cat 🐈‍⬛
sorry it took so long. i haven't watched shameless for a while so it took a bit to get the vibes right.
tw: use of the word f*g at the end but it is censored
It was a quiet evening and so y/n was staying overnight at Mickey’s place. It had been a stressful day and so Mickey pulled out a cigarette as he laid against y/n’s chest. The tension was thick as y/n stared at the cigarette and he combed his fingers through his boyfriends hair.
Mickey lit it and took a puff. They laid like that for a while, just Mickey breathing out the smoke. The smell was almost comforting in a way but still disgusting enough that y/n wanted to gag. He breathed through his mouth and tried to ignore it as he kept carding his fingers through Mickey’s hair. Eventually enough was enough and y/n smiled sweetly.
“You should stop smoking cigarettes. It’s really bad for you and I’d hate for something bad to happen to you when it didn’t need to, sugar,” y/n said with puppy dog eyes as he kept combing his fingers through Mickey’s hair.
“Baby, I’m fine and don’t worry, I’m stronger than whatever they could do,” Mickey said with a chuckle before taking another puff.
Y/N huffed.
Mickey sighed and chuckled. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“Good,” y/n said before resuming playing with Mickey’s hair. The two of them laid like that for ages and a while later, there was a knock on the window. Mickey turned his head and rolled his eyes. It was Ian.
Mickey sat up and opened the window. “What do you want now?” he asked with a smirk.
Ian crawled through and fell onto the bed. He laughed and laid down. “Fiona’s pissed so thought I’d come see my favourite degenerates.”
Y/N scoffed and kept combing his fingers through Mickey’s hair. “I am not a degenerate, I’m mischievous. There’s a difference.”
“Is there though?” Mickey asked as he glanced up at y/n with the widest smile.
Ian watched them and laughed. “Yeah, is there?”
Y/N rolled his eyes and pushed Mickey off him. “You two are impossible.”
The three of them bantered and acted stupid on the bed until they fell asleep.
The next morning, the three of them woke up and laid in a pile on the bed until Mickey sat up and grabbed a cigarette. Ian rolled his eyes at him and y/n huffed and pretended to still be asleep. After a few minutes, y/n turned and stuffed his face into a pillow so he wouldn’t have to smell it. Mickey could feel their disapproval at him smoking in bed, so he opened the window slightly.
“It ain’t my fault I need it,” he said slightly annoyed.
“Yeah, it is and it’s gonna hurt ya,” y/n mumbled into the pillow.
“I’m fine,” Mickey insisted before coughing.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about quitting,” Ian said with a smile as he leaned on his elbows.
Y/N made a happy sound into the pillows.
Mickey leaned over and breathed smoke against Ian’s ear, causing him to cough too. “Suck-up,” he whispered so y/n didn’t hear.
The three of them sat and laid in silence for a while longer. Mickey absentmindedly ran his fingers up and down y/n’s side and Ian stared at the ceiling. Y/N eventually rolled over and glanced at Mickey who was blowing smoke out the window and Ian who was contemplating all the shit he’d been dealing with.
“Love you guys,” he whispered as he watched them.
They both murmured love you back, though it was romantic on Mickey’s part and something else that hadn’t been determined on Ian’s part.
A few days later, the three of them were hanging out at some car park. Y/N was sitting on the ground, staring at some ants, and Ian and Mickey were leaning against the fence, staring at y/n. They were both head over heels for him but so far only Mickey had managed to ask him out and keep him. Mickey sneakily pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He took a puff and sighed, breathing it out.
After a moment, y/n glanced up and narrowed his eyes. He crossed his arms and huffed. “You’re gonna get sick from that and I’m gonna be pissed.”
“I’m fine. It’s just a bad habit,” Mickey huffed defensively.
"Please stop... for me," y/n said with the damn puppy dog eyes.
Ian kicked the ground, obviously hesitating about saying something. Mickey noticed while trying to ignore y/n and rolled his eyes.
“Spit it out, Gallagher,” he said before taking another puff.
Ian kicked the ground one final time before looking up. “I’m gonna quit,” he said with a smile as he glanced over at y/n.
Y/N smiled widely and jumped up. He hugged Ian tightly and laughed before glaring at Mickey.
“At least Ian has the right idea,” he said, directing a disapproving look at Mickey.
Mickey sighed and dropped the cigarette on the ground. He smirked as he grabbed a hold of y/n and ruffled his hair.
“Damn, I wish I could stay mad at you, baby,” he said with a chuckle.
“No, you don’t,” y/n said before teasingly kissing Ian on the cheek.
Ian blushed and Mickey scoffed.
“So he gets a kiss and I don’t? He ain’t even your boyfriend,” he said annoyed.
“He said he’s quitting and who knows, maybe I want him to be my boyfriend too,” y/n said with a perfectly aimed eyebrow wiggle at Ian.
“Fine, I’ll quit,” Mickey crunched the cigarette under his boot, “I only got time for two f*gs anyways.”
“Fucking finally,” y/n said with a sigh of relief before pulling Mickey in for a kiss and then pulling Ian in for one too.
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scentedpepper · 1 month
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Trajectories of Temptation
Fish. [request]
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hoodedboy79 · 1 year
Svetlana Yevgenivna Hc's.
My first time writing Hc's so it's probably all over the place but I tried.
Svetlana honestly deserves more recognition. Love her 😌💅🏻.
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• P R O T E C T I V E
• If a fight ever happens to break out, Svetlana is alright with standing back and letting you handle it, should you be able too.
• But she's also willing to kill for you (*cough* Yvon *cough*).
• Definitely expects you to help out with Yevgeny. Since y'now Mickey isn't exactly a present parent.
• Depending on how much you're willing to tolerate, this relationship could be good or turn toxic real quick.
• Svetlana loves hard but severely lacks communication. So again if you're someone who values communication above all in a relationship. Expect a LOT of arguments to happen or the relationship to end pretty quick.
• This one's obvious but Svetlana expects a sexual relationship, (Sorry acesexual's), especially if you're AFAB.
• Svetlana will be quite pleased if you're Russian, and or know Russian. She's been in America a while now and has faced a lot of Xenophobia in the process so being able to speak her native tongue with someone who understands her, and is not another prostitute, is greatly appreciated.
• If you're AMAB, either you have to have a good sum of money to be able to keep her and her son or you know what you're doing between the sheets (or both). Svetlana has always leaned more towards women but isn't adverse to being with a man for the sake of living comfortably.
• Isn't really keen on meeting your family, if you still have contact with them. She'd much prefer you focus on the family you've made with her and Yevgeny (and any kids you may have).
• Also not a good idea to ask her about her past/family. She doesn't want to talk about it and will most likely not tell you/tell the truth.
• All in all, a relationship with Svetlana requires a specific type of person for this too last/go well. She'll have a sexual relationship with pretty much anyone but if you want something more from her you'll need to put in some work.
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hadesrise · 1 year
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summary ➳ you’re sinfully divine, an addicting drug no rehab could fix. it’s not like mickey wanted to, anyway.
pairings ➳ mikhailo “mickey” milkovich x male reader
warnings ➳ nsfw content, foul language, top!reader, bottom!mickey, attractive nerd reader (with glasses n’ shit), rough sex, choking, praise kink, degradation if you squint, pet names, size difference, reader’s a freaking giant with big dick lmao, slight possessiveness, belly bulge, dumbification, dacryphilia
author’s note ➳ mickey milkovich brain rot. also tumblr quality being shit 😠
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Mickey found himself unable to keep his eyes and hands off of you. He would convince himself there’s nothing to the way he stares at you from across the room, how his eyes would cloud with unspeakable lust as they run along your tall frame, checking out every hidden muscles he knew was underneath your slightly oversized clothing, how he unconsciously licks his lips when you tilt your head back and stretch with a tiny moan of satisfaction over the cracking back bones leaving your lips.
He convinces himself he isn’t into you.
At least, he does in daylight. But when the sun falls and moon rises instead as the sky darkens into a midnight blue, those denials and convincing ends up disappearing into the void within his mind, thoughts consumed by you alone. Your low voice as you speak praises and degrading words to him simultaneously, your hand wrapped around his throat and squeezing while the other grips his hips and no doubt leaving bruise, your hips thrusting relentlessly at a speed he didn’t know you could muster, your fucking cock that’s long and thick and hits every right spot.
There’s a little sense of triumphant in him, the knowledge that only he could ever see you like this — so rough, so dominant, wild, like a beast had been freed from its chains. Your usual angelic demeanor and personality drastically changing behind closed doors as you slowly pick him apart piece by piece, the want and need to break him flashing itself dangerously in your dark and lustful eyes, sending waves of thrilling excitement throughout Mickey’s body.
You had him bent over the cold desk, his wrists pinned to the surface by one of your big hands as the other held his hips in a bruising grip, roughly and relentlessly thrusting into him that had him moaning loudly and spurting series of curses and nonsense words. His hole still tight and almost sucking you in despite how used it already was being a proof that you managed to rearrange his guts into the shape of your own cock, making them perfectly fit against each other.
“(Y/n)— Oh, oh, fuck!” Mickey cried out as you continuously rammed your dick in him, keeping a steady rough pace, grunts leaving your lips once in a while. He had already came three times, the side of the desk stained in his cum and dripping down to the floor, his legs trembling from the overstimulation.
“Take it so fucking well, Mikhailo.” You nearly growled, punctuating your words with strong thrusts that had him seeing stars, your cock reaching deep into his guts with each snap of your hips. “Taking it like a good slut, letting me use your cunt whenever I want...” You let out a dark chuckle, sending shivers down his spine.
“More, please,” He whined and arched his back, both hands gripping the edge of the desk, not even struggling against your tight hold on his wrists. Surely, there would be a hand-shaped mark around them once you’re done with him. “Deeper, fuck, wanna feel it poking my fucking stomach, pleasepleaseplease,” Brain too fucked out to think coherently, Mickey babbled and pushed his ass against you, moaning.
“Look at you,” You whistled, leaning over to lick the back of his ear, making his hips jerk. “So fucking pathetically drunk on my cock. Almost want them to see what a whore Milkovich you are.” The whispered humiliation going straight to his brain and cock, you felt him clench around you as he mewled, tears spilling from his pretty little blue eyes. Even your words alone could make him feel this euphoric, almost cumming right then and there.
Mickey could never get over how you drastically change between morning and night — so divine and angelic in the morning with your hands reaching out to people in need of help, gaze soft and welcoming as melody of kindness and warm heart spill from your lips. You’re soft and warm, practically the epitome of peace with how everyone finds themselves relaxed around your presence. The sunlight creating an illusion of halo above your head. Light colored clothes and round spectacles adding more emphasis to your gentle tall giant persona. However, at night, you pull off that kind and perfect mask only to Mickey, soft smiles turning into cocky or arrogant grins and smirks, atmosphere entirely changing to that of lust and filthiness as your lips speak sinful words that never failed to make his head spin and heart jackhammer against his ribcage. You’re sly and arrogant, and too proud, to say the least. Very very prideful due to the knowledge that only you can manhandle, use, and ruin the Milkovich. An angel suddenly morphing into a sinful being.
He couldn’t get fucking enough of it despite the internalized homophobia tightly attached to his soul.
But with you, he doesn’t have to think about that. Insecurities that are drilled into his mind being pushed back by your sole presence; he doesn’t have to be afraid of being feminine or not matching the Society’s gender stereotype, because with you, he can be weak, vulnerable, good. There’s no toxic masculinity to hold him back.
Mickey was fucking addicted to this angelic sin, and you sure as hell felt the same even though words of confirmation never left your lips.
His mind started to go blank as you angled your hips to adjust your cock inside him, wanting to make sure it perfectly hits his prostate, before abruptly snapping your hips to his. Mickey cried out, nearly screaming when you started going deep and fast on him, the roughness of your thrusts making the desk almost move with each movement. “Oh! Ohhhh, fuck! Ahgh, mm!” His moans were loud, you’re sure the neighbors heard it. The stinging pain of your big fucking dick stretching him more open with each drag of your hips causing him to see stars in pleasure.
“Come on, baby,” You cooed, a big contrast to your relentless pace fucking his brains out. “You can take it more.”
Mickey whines, throwing his head back and eyes rolling back to his skull when you sink into him deeper, he could feel his stomach bulging from the thick and big size of your dick. “F-fuck, too deep... Yesyesyes, please, (Y/n), fuck— Fuck me more.”
He fucking loves it, the way your massive size and height never fails to have complete control over him. How your big body traps him between you and the desk, figure towering over him; it makes it so fucking easy for you to assert dominance and manhandle him however you please. He loves everything about you and your large frame.
“You love it, don’t ya? Having my cock so deep in you that it’s pokin’ your stomach? Ruining you, fuckin’ you dumb?” You chuckled, fastening your pace as uncontrollable moans and whimpers fall from Mickey’s lips. His mind in a daze, drool dripping from his open mouth that long forgot to close itself, fat tears running down his cheeks, the euphoric pleasure becoming too much.
“Y-yes, oh my god!” Mickey moaned, nodding his head vigorously. “Love—love it so fucking much,” He stuttered as another broken moan slips out.
You hum appreciatively, “Pretty little slut.” Leaning over him, your hand reached over to his throat and squeezed, earning a guttural moan from Mickey as his hole clenched tightly and his cock twitched. He tilts his head back and allows you more access to his throat, which encouraged you to squeeze more until he became light-headed.
“F-fuckfuckfuck, gonna cum, gonna cum,” Mickey breathlessly cries out, legs shaking violently as cum spilled from his rapidly twitching cock, vision seeing white and mind going absolutely dumb.
Groaning, you cursed quietly and let go of his wrists to grip his hips with both hands, continuing to pound into his oversensitive hole and ignoring his sobs of stop i just came, followed by screams of pleasure and overstimulation. He’s so sensitive it hurts, but he didn’t want you to stop despite his pleas to. He wanted you to use him, be your cum dump until you’re satisfied, wanted you to fill him to the brim and feel the white sticky cum dripping down his legs. He wanted you to take your frustrations out on him. He wanted to be your toy.
Mickey knows you know that. You know how he feels and how he thinks. It made excitement course through his veins, knowing you’re willing to fulfill every bit of his unspoken desire. You were angelic like that.
“Such a good boy,” You whispered, kissing his shoulder and making goosebumps rise on his skin. “Gonna make me cum, aren’t you? Let me fuck you ‘til I’m satisfied like a good boy, hm?”
“Yes, yes,” He nodded dumbly, slamming his hand against the desk and arching his back. You snapped your hips harshly, which made Mickey’s eyes roll back into his head as he came once again with a guttural moan, painting the side of the desk with his seed.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” You groaned, slamming your dick into him mercilessly, uncaring of how Mickey’s legs were giving up as your hands are the only thing that kept him up. His toes curling, nails scratching on the desk’s surface, sobs wrecking through his body. God, you were fucking ruining him. It made you shiver with sadistic thrill. Your thrusts slowly becomes sloppy with your own orgasm getting near, cock twitching inside him.
“In me, fuck, in me, please.” He whined, reaching back to grab your hand that was gripping his hips.
A grin spreads across your face and you intertwined your fingers with his, “Of course, sweetheart. Wouldn’t cum anywhere else.” You thrusted harshly a few times before burying your cock completely inside him as the orgasm hits, filling every bit of him with moans erupting from your throat. Mickey mewls, followed by a whimper, feeling the warmth inside, face showing absolute bliss. He touches the formed bulge on his stomach while letting out soft moans and whimpers, seemingly in trance.
Thrusting sloppily to ride out your high, you press kisses on his back before sinking your teeth on his shoulder to leave a bite mark. Mickey’s hips buckled, moaning.
“You’re mine, Mick.” You mutter in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. “No matter how much you deny, you’re mine. And at the end of the day, you’ll always come back to me, begging to be fucked and stuffed full.” Wrapping your hand around his throat again, you squeezed lightly as Mickey whimpered at the possessive gesture. “Can’t escape me forever, sweetheart.”
Mickey closes his eyes, humming and melting against your body, the denial dying down deep within his mind, looking almost in content.
He wouldn’t dream of it. You’re an angelic sin he could never repent of.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇ��ᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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phantomb0ner · 2 years
Have I ever watched shameless? No. Will I? For them?. . . Maybe. I'm I shameFULLY down bad for them? Yes,yes absolutely. I would do anything and I mean ANYTHING for them absolutely. There is not any fucking content for both of them x reader and I'm pissed the fuck off about it especially because the only fucking fic I've seen with them was a FEM READER! MCFUCKINGSCUSE ME?! I'm very sadly not a writer like at all I hate writing I suck at it so I can't make fics personally but please if you write and/or make shameless content please make some x gn/male reader fics/headcannons for them. I'm asking with all of my heart and soul. I would be most thankful
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
♛Shameless Masterlist♛
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boys kiss boys**
trans boyfriend**
Drug money**
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starboye · 28 days
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starring: lip gallagher x male reader
request: Lip Gallagher and S/N Milkovich Mickey's twin brother (they are not identical), Lip never liked boys until Mickey's brother came back to town, something cute, where they start off sharing a cigar.
warnings: fluff, kissing, smoking, mentions of weed
lip had never ever liked guys, that was his brother ians thing, lip had always been known to fuck bitches, be a smart kid, and you'd occasionally see him around drinking but there was something different about you, y/n milkovich who he just couldn't get out of his mind since the first day he saw you.
"hey who's that with mickey" lip asks ian taking a swig of his beer as he watched you with mickey "y/n, mickeys twin brother" ian answered taking a puff of his cigarette "i didn't know mickey had a brother" lip says "me too but mickey says he's been living with a distant relative for some time and just came back to town" ian says before flicking the cigarette aside and walking into the gallagher house.
lip admired you for a while before following ian into the house, as he slept that night he couldn't get you off his mind, your cute face and beautiful features rolling around in his mind as he layed there, he soon fell asleep but woke up later to the sounds of ian and mickey bickering about something.
he walked down stairs to see both of them arguing and turned to see you leaned against the door frame, you gave him a little wave and rolled your eyes at mickey fighting with ian, lips breath hitched in his throat the moment he saw you, and he looked horrible, hair still a mess for sleeping and in his underwear making you snicker a little.
he ran back upstairs and fixed himself up a little before coming back down stairs and getting something to drink "are they always like this" you ask lip and he nods "it's kind of a normal thing around here" lip nervously chuckles, you take notice to this and get an idea.
"wanna get outta here" you ask pulling out some weed and a lighter from your pocket and showing lip "yeah sure" lip says and you lead the way onto the front porch and sit on the steps, lip sitting down next to you, you could still vaguely hear ian and mickey arguing.
"so you're mickeys twin brother right" lip asks still awkward "id rather just say brother, i don't wanna be known as the twin to that dick head of a man" you laugh rolling up the weed and licking the paper, lip watches the way your tongue laps at the piece of paper.
"how about you" you ask glaring over to lip "huh" lip questions breaking out of his trance on your mouth "i mean your ians brother right" you chuckle "uh yeah" lip stammer "are you okay dude" you ask lighting the weed and inhaling the smoke.
"yeah just thinking" lip lies "well then just stop thinking and do it" you say handing the weed to him and puffing out your smoke "yeah i guess i should" lip says inhaling the weed to gain the courage to make his move, he blows out the smoke and turns to you "hey y/n-" he begins to say but it cut off by the feeling of your lips touching his.
he melts into the kiss and brings his hand to caress your cheek before sliding both his hands down to hold your hips, keeping the cigarette in between his fingers as you both pull from the kiss, his lips still chasing after yours for more contact he was desperate for.
"since you were being to much of a pussy to do it yourself" you laugh and grab the weed from him and smoke it, lip still shocked by the kiss, he actually enjoyed it and he didn't expect that "you guys are so gay for that" you hear mickey say and he takes the weed from you "whatever, fuck you" you chuckle, lip hiding his face behind his hands.
"well look at us now the homo squad" ian jokes nudging lip on the shoulder "that doesn't mean i'm going on double dates with you guys" you say getting up from the steps "oh absolutely fucking not" mickey agrees before you snatch the weed from him "it could be cute" lip finally speaks up "let's think about it over some drinks" ian says and you all start walking to the alibi
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat @addictedtomalepits @staarb0y @crispysoup318 @its-ares @gargoylesworld09
©starboye productions
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dorkszn · 5 months
GUARD DOGS + gallavich
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sfw under the cut, homophobia, violence, cursing, homophobic slurs, sorry it’s short
+ i have state testing coming up so sorry if I’m not very active!!
“Fuck off, Damien!” You shout, pushing at the hands gripping your shirt. The man ignores your order and throws you against the wall. You wince harshly as your head hits the bricks. As if there wasn’t enough of your blood dripping down your nose onto his skin. You swing at his arms and body, banging your fist against him.
“Just like any other faggot, not strong enough to do anything but take dick in your ass.” He laughs, he pulls you up to slam you into the wall again but a voice interrupts him.
“Let him go, Dame.” Mickey suddenly calls out. You both turn to look and find Mickey and Ian standing near the entrance of the alley. A bat stained with old blood sits in Ian’s hand. It goes with the clear gun print within Mickey’s jacket.
“Relax, I don’t want your bitch.” Damien scoffs with a smug grin.
“You got until 3 to get the hell out of here.” Ian threatens, gripping the bat harshly and bringing it to his shoulder.
“1,” Damien lets you go.
“2,” Damien shoves you against the wall and spits at you.
Bang! There’s no three. Just a loud bang. You frantically look up and see Damien in the crouch position on the ground then Mickey holding up the pistol, not aiming particularly at Damien.
“Okay! Okay! Fuck! Relax!” Damien barks out, stammering to find his footing while backing away. “Control your damn dogs!” He adds to you, shooting you a shaken-up glare. You watch as he stumbles down the alleyway before taking off down the road.
Ian sets down the bat and jogs over to you. “You alright?” He questions, scanning your body up and down while patting your arms and shoulders.
“Just a little bit of blood and probably CTE,” you half-snort, rubbing the back of your head. Ian covers your hand with his, softly holding you.
“The blood’s kinda hot,” Mickey comments with a smirk, tucking the gun back into his pants. You turn to him and grin.
“Dame was right, you guys are some fucking dogs.” You chuckle, wiping some blood from your nose with the back of your hand. Ian pulls you from the wall and puts an arm around your shoulder, the two guiding you back down the alleyway. You grab the bat as you walk by it.
“You love us,” Mickey scoffs, lighting a cigarette between his teeth.
“I never said I didn’t, sweetheart,” you hum, reaching for the stick. Mickey casts you a side glare.
“Don’t call me that shit,” He huffs, pulling the cigarette away from you. He loved it. But he wouldn’t tell you that. “You can’t fucking breathe, how you s’pose to smoke?”
“Ian’s done it,” you answer with a frown.
“Well you’re not me,” Ian interjects, ruffling your hair. Mickey passes the cig in front of you and to Ian, who takes a long drag from it before blowing the smoke in your face.
“Asshole,” you hiss, slightly shoving him to the side. Ian gives you a smug grin through the white puff. His freckles lifted with the corners of his lips. “So what are we doing about Dame?” You ask with a sigh.
“Don’t worry, we’ll deal with that fucker later. Right now, we’re getting you to V.” The redhead replies.
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skxllz · 10 months
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warnings; mentions of cancer risk, implications of abuse, implied homophobia
the rattling of steel clanged around, signifying that someone was climbing the rusted ladder of the fire escape. you were burning a cigarette on the side, hanging over the railing and looking down at the passing people that laughed, talked, and just so happened to be drunk.
it was eleven forty on a saturday night after all.
“ hey, y/n! ” mickey's voice caught your attention, causing you to look up and for him to grin — until he saw the wisps of smoke. he followed it, up until his eyes landed on your cigarette.
“ the fuck? ”
a frown instantly pulled at his lips. that's when ian climbed up behind ‘im on the ladder and pulled himself up, only to dust his hands onto his jeans. “ what is it? ” ian questioned, looking at mickey with raised brows — then, his head slowly turned to you.
they both had frowns on their faces after that.
you flicked your cigarette over the railing and to the ground below, ridding it from their sight, and yours, completely. “ I don't see what the big deal is with me smoking. ”
“ you promised you wouldn't anymore. ” ian shot back, face hard with emotion. “ y/n, lung cancer runs in your family and last time you were at the doctors- ”
“ I know. ” you scoffed, looking away. “ I know, they found cells and I was at high risk. i just... ” your eyes were darting back and forth as you thought, debating if you should tell your boyfriends about the trouble that's been going on in your life. it was difficult to decide.
“ you just? ” mickey mocked, waving his hands about, “ you just what? spit it the fuck out. ” he was irritated because someone he loved went behind his back and did something he shouldn't have. of course he'd let his anger get the best of ‘im.
you sigh, “ I've been stressed, alright? and angry.. ” tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, but you refused to let anything fall; holding them back with immense strength. “ m’ mum, she's... not supportive of my sexuality. that's why I never introduced her to you guys. ”
ian's brows knitted together at this new found out information. of course, him and mickey knew you had secrets —they had only known you around eight months—, but they never thought it'd be something like that. something they could relate to, of all things.
of course it was serious, but why wouldn't you go to them about it?
mickey glanced at ian, before approaching you slowly with a softening expression. he himself knew what it was like to have a parent that wasn't accepting. “ y/n... ” you flinched as he put a hand on your forearm, and that made him reel his arm back.
he was nearly offended — but then he glanced down, eyeing the arm that was covered by the thin sleeve of a hoodie. your mother couldn't have... could she?
even if he wanted to ask, he didn't, because he knew he'd kill the bitch. right now, you needed comforted — and as selfish as mickey could be, now wasn't the time.
“ baby, ” mickey's voice came out quieter, “ why didn't you come to us — to me? you know we wouldn't judge you.. ” he huffed a laugh of irony. “ hell, terry hates my fucking guts cause ‘m gay, man. ”
you wouldn't meet his gaze, but you nodded in acknowledgement to his words, letting out a shaky breath. “ I.. I know. I just didn't want to bother you guys with my problems. ”
“ bother us? ” this time ian scoffed, approaching the both of you until he was standing directly next to mickey. “ if you bothered us, we would've told you to beat it awhile ago y/n. ”
“ yeah, ” mickey eyed you, blue eyes taking in the sight of your own shifty ones. of course you were nervous. “ but you're not botherin’ us. so stop beatin’ around the bush about shit from now on, alright? ”
you were silent for a moment, thinking over mickey and ian's words — taking in the fact that yeah, they were telling the truth. these two don't keep people around, especially mickey, if they didn't like them. so in a way, you guess you were lucky.
that's when you lifted your head to smile slightly at the two, “ y’know I love you guys, right? ”
mickey smirked. “ enough to suck my d- ”
ian smacked him in the back of the head. mickey scowled in reply, rubbing at his head, but said nothing.
the red head turned to look at you with a sweet smile, “ what he meant to say, was he enough to stop smoking, right? ”
you were grinning widely, cheeks rosey from mickey's earlier comment. god you loved them. “ yeah... yeah, enough to stop smoking. ”
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