#kettly mars
les-portes-du-sud · 1 year
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Kettly Mars
Dérive en rouge
Parce que chaque mot cache une fin du monde
et que l’ombre rend plus vive la lumière
la vie belle de sa blessure rouge
flamboie de tristesses éparpillées
Un rouge exubérant à en mourir
un rouge à aimer sans prendre souffle
à boire comme un merveilleux poison
Le rouge de mon amour me brûle si fort
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slateblueearthbelow · 3 months
Between midnight and eternity
Kettly Mars
translated from the French by Nathan H. Dize
The rain has shelved its watering can  A sweet dew rises from the earth  Everything is calm now  The bed beneath the mosquito netting awaits  Your eyelids grow heavy  You cannot wait to slip into the void  But the poem suddenly clings to you  As though your desires mean nothing  It clings to you, overpowering you  The poem slides under your skin  Hides itself in your bloodstream  You must conceive it, there and now  You must carry it in your womb  You must give it life  So your night can finally begin  Midnight splits the darkness in two  The day changes its course  But the poem clings to you
Entre minuit et l’éternité
La pluie a rangé son arrosoir  Une douce fraîcheur monte de la terre  Tout est calme à présent  Le lit t’attend sous la moustiquaire  Tes paupières s’alourdissent  Tu as hâte de sombrer dans l’oubli  Mais soudain il te tient le poème  Comme si ta volonté n’importait pas  Il te tient il est plus fort que toi  Il est sous ta peau  Il se cache dans ton sang  Tu dois l’inventer là maintenant  Tu dois t’en engrosser  Tu dois le mettre bas  Pour que ta nuit commence enfin  Minuit fend l’obscurité en deux  Le jour a changé de cap  Mais il te tient le poème
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jewouj · 4 years
L’auteure explore l’homosexualité comme thème avec deux titres: Damballah aux reins, qui décrit les aventures d’un professionnel gay, qui rêve de couleuvre la nuit et qui finalement sera chevauché jusqu’a être illuminé par Damballah au cours d’une cérémonie de services de loas; et Barbies Blues qui nous dévoile comment l’orientation (homo)sexuelle se révèle très tôt chez un enfant dans l’affirmation de son attitude, ses gouts et préférences.
Mais dans une société ou la question du genre n’est perçue et compris que comme binaire, (soit on se comporte comme un homme, soit comme une femme), le protagoniste quoique brillant dans sa vie professionnelle, vit mal sa sexualité. Il ne se découvrira que le jour où un homme s’intéresse à lui ouvertement, et qu’il finira par tomber amoureux.
KOMINOTÉ M : You sit ki achive tout sa k di ak tout saw dwe konnen sou masisi, madivin, miks ak monkonpè an Ayiti
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uwmspeccoll · 5 years
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Impromptu, 3-Day, Hands-on, Pop-up Exhibit on French Publications
On May 10 we hosted the UWM French Program's Student Awards Ceremony, and set out an array of French publications. We were so impressed by the display that we decided to keep it out a little longer for an impromptu, 3-day, hands-on, pop-up exhibition, May 15-17.
Works attendees were able to peruse and handle included:
Issues of Mercure Galant, one of the earliest popular magazines in Europe, covering the latest music, fashion, and goings-on at the court of Louis XIV. Special Collections holds scores of issues from 1677-1688.
The first printing of Voltaire's epic poem La Henriade, originally published as La Ligue in Geneva, 1723.
Original mid-19th-century lithographs by French caricaturist Honoré Daumier.
The bizarre 1865-published zoomorphic caricatures of French caricaturist Jean-Jacques Grandville.
Deluxe Livres d'Artistes (i.e., large, letterpress-printed works with original signed prints by famous artists), including:
André Bonnard's translation of the Antigone of Sophocles, with original etchings by Hans Erni (André Gonin, 1949).
Jean Paulhan's De mauvais sujets, with Marc Chagall's very first color-printed etchings (Les Bibliophiles de l'Union française, 1958).
Jacques Prévert's Fêtes, with original relief prints by Alexander Calder (Maeght, 1971).
André Frénaud's Le Miroir de l'homme par les bêtes, with original aquatint etchings by Joan Miró (Maeght, 1972).
Arthur Rimbaud's Vowels, in French and English, with Japanese watercolor woodblock prints by Henri Cartier-Bresson, cut & printed by Keiji Shinohara (Limited Editions Club, 1996).
The first edition of Raymond Queneau's famous Oulipo publication Cent mille milliards de poèmes (A Hundred Thousand Billion Poems) designed by Robert Massin, and published by Gallimard in 1961.
Contemporary publications, with signed presentation inscriptions to the UWM Libraries, by writers who have presented in Special Collections through our partnership with the UWM French Program and Alliance Française de Milwaukee, including Joséphine Bacon, Azouz Begag, Yanick Lahens, and Kettly Mars.
And much more!!
Click on the images for details.
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juno7haiti · 5 years
« Il n’y a pas de réconciliation possible entre le peuple haïtien et Jovenel Moïse », estiment un groupe d’écrivains haïtiens
Pas moins de 17 hommes et femmes de lettre haïtiens dont Kettly Mars, Anthony Phelps, Lyonel Trouillot, Yanick Lahens, Évelyne Trouillot, Gary Victor, Frankétienne, Louis-Philippe Dalembert se disent favorables au départ du président Jovenel Moïse.
Dans une tribune publiée dans le journal Le Point, ces écrivains font état de la situation d’un pays non-gouverné, bouleversé par des troubles…
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tendertools · 7 years
Poetesses (update)
Since I started this blog a couple of years ago, I've been posting works by poetesses from all around the world as I came across them randomly in books or on various websites, forming the pattern of this little, partial and irregular anthology. By doing this I just wish to share those amazing texts it might be sometimes difficult to get aware of.
Here is an author list you can use at any time, with poems in bilingual (Original language/English) versions. The links are broken these days as I changed the name of this blog, but I’ll try to restore them as soon as possible!
Helen Adam Anna Akhmatova* Amal Al-Jubouri* Takako Arai Ana Blandiana Emily Brontë° Ana Brnardić Gwendolyn Brooks Karin Boye (1) (2) Ilzė Butkutė° Susan Connolly Corinna° Vladimíra Čerepková* H.D. Nastya Denisova Regina Derieva* Marceline Desbordes-Valmore Hilde Domin* Hélène Dorion kari edwards Jun Er Erinna* Ida Faubert Jennifer Elise Foerster° Marie de France Jane Gentry° Nikki Giovanni° Lavinia Greenlaw Anjum Hasan Ana Paula Inácio Nina Iskrenko Mirela Ivanova Anka Žagar Elena Kacyuba* Manju Kanchuli Mary Karr° Doris Kareva Judit Kemenczky* Farzaneh Khojandi Sarah Kirsch* Barbara Köhler Masayo Koike Rachel Korn Lina Kostenko Taja Kramberger Louise Labé° Katalin Ladik Christine Lavant Ursula K. Le Guin Audre Lorde° Amy Lowell° Eeva-Liisa Manner Kseniya Marennikova* Kettly Mars Iman Mersal Larissa Miller Marianne Moore Valzhyna Mort Isabella Motadinyane Shahnaz Munni Eileen Myles Mary Oliver° Lisa Olstein° Kristín Ómarsdóttir Dorothy Parker° Sophia Parnok (1) (2) Esdras Parra Eugénie Paultre Valentine Penrose Sibila Petlevski Petrőczi Éva Halyna Petrosanyak Diane Di Prima Claudia Rankine Adrienne Rich° Lalla Romano* Muriel Rukeyser Amina Saïd° Edna St. Vincent Millay Maya Sarishvili Gjertrud Schnackenberg Olga Sedakova Anne Sexton° Naomi Shihab Nye° Izumi Shikibu (1) (2) Savita Singh Charlotte Smith° Maggie Smith° Edith Södergran* Ingrid Storholmen* Wisława Szymborska (1) (2) (3) (4) Chimako Tada Anyte of Tegea Chouchanik Thamrazian Élise Turcotte Ijeoma Umebinyuo° Marie Under Maud Vanhauwaert Renée Vivien Rosmarie Waldrop Mary Webb Maria White Lowell° Eleanor Wilner Uljana Wolf Liliane Wouters Liu Xia° Wang Xiaoni Ling Yu
(°= reblog from other tumblr users, *= my own translation)
Please don’t hesitate to send me suggestions of poems for this little anthology, I would be so happy to read and add them on this page!
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lineoneart · 4 years
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ROUGE. @kuretakezig_usa calligraphy-metallic-colourrs 3.5 mm Mars, Kettly, « Dérive en rouge ». "Parce que chaque mot cache une fin du monde et que l’ombre rend plus vive la lumière la vie belle de sa blessure rouge flamboie de tristesses éparpillées Un rouge exubérant à en mourir un rouge à aimer sans prendre souffle à boire comme un merveilleux poison Le rouge de mon amour me brûle si fort Le flamboyant rouge au silence violent feu de joie ou sacrifice sanglant le flamboyant carnivore suce le sang de l’été mon cœur en fait autant, j’en suis maculée Nous sommes comme des amants voraces Qui me dira qu’il n’est pas beau de pleurer qui me dira de me livrer dans l’instant vermeil et pourquoi le sang tenace de l’été renaît dans l’orgasme du flamboyant Un pétale deux pétales trois pétales rouge sang rouge vulve rouge Ogou Tu dérives ma fille, tu dérives et t’emmêles point de garde fou dans la saison du flamboyant La passion est rouge, rouge et mouvante elle exulte au cœur de l’été en chute libre Et mon désir sans aucune honte me colle au corps omniprésent omnivore affamé d’instants multicolores Le rouge flamboyant dans mes veines réclame son dû comme les lèvres dévorantes d’un été scandaleux" (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2yHXTpdlU/?igshid=9ocngpjud1ps
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radarekolokal-blog · 5 years
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Inspirez Vous de Kettly Mars... Il n'est jamais trop tard... Elle a déclaré dans sa biographie: "... Ce n’est que vers le milieu de la trentaine que j’écris mes premiers vers..." Radar Ekolokal vous encourage à lire les oeuvres de @kettlymars car elles ont un regard réaliste sur la société haïtienne. #kettlymars #haiti #fado #haïti #bookstagram #instabook #portauprince #pourlamourdulivre #writer #readcaribbean #lire #instalecture #langedupatriarche #littérature #book #roman #haitianauthor #haitianliterature #poesie #mercuredefrance #bookinfrench #jesuisvivant #leplaisirdelire #news #radarekolokal https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Mt2RfJBzf/?igshid=1hwo69t8j8s23
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lesdramasdeprince · 5 years
For colored girls who have considered suicide when the Rainbow is enuf : Ntozake Shange
S’il y a une chose dont je n’ai plus besoin
ce sont d’autres excuses
j’en ai eu assez de t’accueillir à ma porte
tu peux garder tes excuses
je n’en ai rien à faire  
ils  n’ouvrent aucune porte
ni ne font revenir le soleil
ils ne me rendent pas heureuse
ni ne me ramènent le journal du matin
personne n’a arrêté d’utiliser mes larmes pour laver des voitures
à cause d’un « désolé »
Je suis simplement fatiguée
de collectionner des
        ‘je ne savais pas
        que cela avait tant d’importance pour toi’
je vais devoir en jeter quelques-uns
je ne peux pas arriver jusqu’à mes vêtements dans l’armoire
à cause de toutes ces excuses
je vais poster une note sur ma porte
laisser un message près du téléphone
        ‘si tu as appelé
        pour dire que tu es désolé
        appelle quelqu’un d’autre
        je ne m’en sers plus’
j’abandonne les désolé/les je ne voulais pas/les et comment pouvais-je savoir
je vais faire une promenade dans une rue sombre et moisie de Brooklyn
je vais faire exactement ce que j’ai envie de faire
et je n’aurai aucun regret pour quoi que ce soit
laisse les regrets soulager ton âme
moi je vais soulager la mienne
je ne vais pas être gentille
je vais élever la voix
et hurler et brailler
et casser des choses et faire rugir mon moteur
et dire aux autres tous tes secrets devant toi
et je donnerai la liste détaillée de tous mes merveilleux amants
et leur façon d’aimer
j’écouterai le saxophone d’Oliver Lake
à plein volume
et je n’aurai aucun regret
 je t’ai aimé exprès
j’étais ouverte exprès
j’ai toujours soif de vulnérabilité et de conversation intime
et je ne suis même pas désolée que tu sois désolé
tu peux porter toute la culpabilité et toute la crasse que tu veux
garde les seulement pour toi
je ne veux pas entendre un seul autre désolé
la prochaine fois
tu devrais simplement admettre 
que tu es méchant sournois tricheur et sans personnalité
au lieu d’être désolé tout le temps
apprend à jouir d’être qui tu es
Par Kettly Mars
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78682homes · 5 years
Kettly Mars, écrivaine haïtienne : « J’ai connu l’enchantement de lire par le français » 78682 homes
Kettly Mars, écrivaine haïtienne : « J’ai connu l’enchantement de lire par le français »
Le séisme de 2010 en Haïti a bouleversé la vie de l’écrivaine Kettly Mars. Alors secrétaire comptable, elle se lance pleinement dans l’écriture.
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kaylahaiti-blog · 6 years
Ten Interesting Haitian Novels:
Mouths Don't Speak by Katia D. Ulysse - No one was prepared for the massive earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, taking over a quarter-million lives, and leaving millions more homeless. Three thousand miles away, Jacqueline Florestant mourns the presumed death of her parents, while her husband, a former US Marine and combat veteran, cares for their three-year-old daughter as he fights his own battles with acute PTSD. Horrified and guilt-ridden, Jacqueline returns to Haiti in search of the proverbial "closure." Unfortunately, the Haiti she left as a child twenty-five years earlier has disappeared. Her quest turns into a tornado of deception, desperation, and more death. So Jacqueline holds tightly to her daughter--the only one who must not die. (Goodreads)
Claire of the Sea Light by  Edwidge Danticat - A stunning work of fiction that brings us deep into the intertwined lives of a small seaside town where a little girl, the daughter of a fisherman, has gone missing. From the best-selling author of Brother, I'm Dying and The Dew Breaker: a stunning new work of fiction that brings us deep into the intertwined lives of a small seaside town where a little girl, the daughter of a fisherman, has gone missing. Claire Limyè Lanmè - Claire of the Sea Light - is an enchanting child born into love and tragedy in Ville Rose, Haiti. Claire's mother died in childbirth, and on each of her birthdays Claire is taken by her father, Nozias, to visit her mother's grave. Nozias wonders if he should give away his young daughter to a local shopkeeper, who lost a child of her own, so that Claire can have a better life. But on the night of Claire's seventh birthday, when at last he makes the wrenching decision to do so, she disappears. As Nozias and others look for her, painful secrets, haunting memories, and startling truths are unearthed among the community of men and women whose individual stories connect to Claire, to her parents, and to the town itself. Told with piercing lyricism and the economy of a fable, Claire of the Sea Light is a tightly woven, breathtaking tapestry that explores what it means to be a parent, child, neighbor, lover, and friend, while revealing the mysterious bonds we share with the natural world and with one another. Embracing the magic and heartbreak of ordinary life, it is Edwidge Danticat's most spellbinding, astonishing book yet. (Goodreads)
Love, Anger, Madness: A Haitian Trilogy by Marie Vieux-Chauvet - In Love, Anger, Madness, Marie Vieux-Chauvet offers three slices of life under an oppressive regime. Gradually building in emotional intensity, the novellas paint a shocking portrait of families and artists struggling to survive under Haiti’s terrifying government restrictions that have turned its society upside down, transforming neighbors into victims, spies, and enemies. In “Love,” Claire is the eldest of three sisters who occupy a single house. Her dark skin and unmarried status make her a virtual servant to the rest of the family. Consumed by an intense passion for her brother-in-law, she finds redemption in a criminal act of rebellion. In “Anger,” a middle-class family is ripped apart when twenty-year-old Rose is forced to sleep with a repulsive soldier in order to prevent a government takeover of her father’s land. And in “Madness,” René, a young poet, finds himself trapped in a house for days without food, obsessed with the souls of the dead, dreading the invasion of local military thugs, and steeling himself for one final stand against authority. Sympathetic, savage and truly compelling with an insightful introduction by Edwidge Danticat, Love, Anger, Madness is an extraordinary, brave and graphic evocation of a country in turmoil. (Goodreads)
Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat - At the age of twelve, Sophie Caco is sent from her impoverished village of Croix-des-Rosets to New York, to be reunited with a mother she barely remembers. There she discovers secrets that no child should ever know, and a legacy of shame that can be healed only when she returns to Haiti--to the women who first reared her. What ensues is a passionate journey through a landscape charged with the supernatural and scarred by political violence, in a novel that bears witness to the traditions, suffering, and wisdom of an entire people. (Goodreads)
Haiti Noir by Edwidge Danticat - Launched with the summer ’04 award-winning best seller Brooklyn Noir, Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies. Each book is comprised of all-new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book. Featuring brand-new stories by: Edwidge Danticat, Rodney Saint-Éloi, Madison Smartt Bell, Gary Victor, M.J. Fievre, Marvin Victor, Yanick Lahens, Louis-Philippe Dalembert, Kettly Mars, Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel, Evelyne Trouillot, Katia Ulysse, Ibi Aanu Zoboi, Nadine Pinede, and others. Haiti has a tragic history and continues to be one of the most destitute places on the planet, especially in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. Here, however, Danticat reveals that even while the subject matter remains dark, the caliber of Haitian writing is of the highest order. (Goodreads)
Moonbath by Yanick Lahens - The award-winning saga of a peasant family living in a small Haitian village, recounting through stories of tradition and superstition, voodoo, romance, and violence, the lives of four generations of women struggling to hold the family together in a volatile, roiling landscape of political turmoil and economic suffering. (Goodreads)
American Street by Ibi Zoboi - In this stunning debut novel, Pushcart-nominated author Ibi Zoboi draws on her own experience as a young Haitian immigrant, infusing this lyrical exploration of America with magical realism and vodou culture. On the corner of American Street and Joy Road, Fabiola Toussaint thought she would finally find une belle vie—a good life. But after they leave Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Fabiola’s mother is detained by U.S. immigration, leaving Fabiola to navigate her loud American cousins, Chantal, Donna, and Princess; the grittiness of Detroit’s west side; a new school; and a surprising romance, all on her own. Just as she finds her footing in this strange new world, a dangerous proposition presents itself, and Fabiola soon realizes that freedom comes at a cost. Trapped at the crossroads of an impossible choice, will she pay the price for the American dream? (Amazon)
Drifting by Katia D. Ulysse - Katia D. Ulysse's debut provides the rare opportunity to peer into the private lives of four secretive Haitian families. The interwoven narrative spans four decades--from 1970 through 2010--and drifts among various provinces in Haiti, the United States, churches, vodun temples, schools, strip clubs, and the grave. Ulysse introduces us to a childless Haitian American couple risking it all for a baby to call their own; a Florida-based predatory school teacher threatening students with deportation if they expose him; and the unforgettable Monsieur Boursicault, whose chain of funeral parlors makes him the wealthiest man in Haiti. This daring work of fiction is a departure from the standard narrative of political unrest on the island. Ulysse's characters are everyday people whose hopes for distant success are constantly challenged--but never totally swayed--by the hard realities accompanying the immigrant's journey. (Goodreads)
Clerise of Haiti By Marie-Thérèse Labossière Thomas - A young domestic worker devoted to her prominent urban employers in Les Cayes, Haiti, Clerise progressively renounces the traditional values of her rural background. When she later marries and opens a small business, class conflicts and divided loyalties develop amid the terror of the Duvalier regime, and she is ultimately caught in the escalation of violence. Clerise of Haiti is a story of three generations of Haitian women, and covers a thirty year span ending in the late 1970s. Full of humor and resilience, Clerise's unique perspective into the upper classes and the world of the poor explores the complexities of life in a provincial town and highlights the socioeconomic and political forces at play in Haiti. (Goodreads)
The Book of Emma by Marie-Célie Agnant - Confined to a psychiatric hospital following the murder of her young daughter, Emma Bratte refuses to speak any language but her mother tongue. Dr. MacLeod has brought in an interpreter, Flore, to help him evaluate Emma's fitness to stand trial. "Both crazy and too lucid," an articulate and knowledgeable Emma relates her long battle against despair, through striking images of her lonely but determined and creative struggle to win the love of a mother misled by a racist society and then through tales of the suffering and resistance of some of her female forebears. These narratives, which are both epic and dramatic, and their contrasting reception by the officious psychiatrist and the sensitive Flore, produce rich layers of experience and meaning in this concisely narrated work. (Goodreads)
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juno7haiti · 4 years
Brutalités policières lors du sit-in du 6 juillet, un groupe d’observateurs craint le pire
| #Haiti | Brutalités policières lors du sit-in du 6 juillet, un groupe d’observateurs craint le pire .- #Juno7
Brutalités policières lors du sit-in du 6 juillet, un groupe d’observateurs tire la sonnette d’alarme
Port-Au-Prince,Haïti.-Les brutalités policières observées lors du sit-in du 6 juillet inquiètent un groupe d’observateurs qui les identifient comme “une dangereuse tentative de retour en arrière.” Dans un rapport daté du 12 juillet, signé de Kettly Mars, Lyonel Trouillot et Hérold Jean-François,…
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tendertools · 7 years
Poetesses (A little anthology)
Since I started this blog a couple of years ago, I've been posting works by poetesses from all around the world as I came across them randomly in books or in the internet, forming the pattern of a little, partial and irregular anthology. By doing this I just wish to share those amazing texts it might be sometimes difficult to get aware of - and as I realized it can be quite tricky to track them back in the archive, I added a single link on the left menu through which you can acess permanently to all these poems ;)
It is a simple author list you can consult at any time ^^:
Helen Adam Anna Akhmatova* Amal Al-Jubouri* Takako Arai Ana Blandiana Emily Brontë° Ana Brnardić Gwendolyn Brooks Karin Boye Ilzė Butkutė° Susan Connolly Corinna° Vladimíra Čerepková* H.D. Nastya Denisova Regina Derieva* Marceline Desbordes-Valmore Hilde Domin* kari edwards Jun Er Jennifer Elise Foerster° Marie de France Jane Gentry° Nikki Giovanni° Lavinia Greenlaw Anjum Hasan Ana Paula Inácio Nina Iskrenko Mirela Ivanova Anka Žagar Manju Kanchuli Mary Karr° Doris Kareva Judit Kemenczky* Farzaneh Khojandi Barbara Köhler Masayo Koike Rachel Korn Lina Kostenko Taja Kramberger Louise Labé° Katalin Ladik Christine Lavant Ursula K. Le Guin Audre Lorde° Amy Lowell° Eeva-Liisa Manner Kettly Mars Iman Mersal Larissa Miller Marianne Moore Valzhyna Mort Isabella Motadinyane Shahnaz Munni Eileen Myles Mary Oliver° Lisa Olstein° Kristín Ómarsdóttir Dorothy Parker° Sophia Parnok (1) (2) Eugénie Paultre Valentine Penrose Petrőczi Éva Halyna Petrosanyak Diane Di Prima Claudia Rankine Adrienne Rich° Lalla Romano* Amina Saïd° Edna St. Vincent Millay Maya Sarishvili Gjertrud Schnackenberg Olga Sedakova Anne Sexton° Naomi Shihab Nye° Izumi Shikibu (1) (2) Savita Singh Charlotte Smith° Maggie Smith° Edith Södergran* Ingrid Storholmen* Wisława Szymborska (1) (2) (3) (4) Chimako Tada Anyte of Tegea Chouchanik Thamrazian Ijeoma Umebinyuo° Marie Under Renée Vivien Mary Webb Maria White Lowell° Eleanor Wilner Uljana Wolf Liu Xia° Wang Xiaoni Ling Yu
(°= reblog from other tumblr blogs, *= my own translation)
Please don’t hesitate to send me suggestions of poems for this little anthology, I would be so happy to read and add them on this page!
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uwmspeccoll · 8 years
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Celebrating National Poetry Month
This month we had a whirlwind of poetry in Special Collections and at the library. Noted Midwest poet and Senior Lecturer in English and Creative Writing at DePaul University, Mark Turcotte (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), offered an evening reading in Special Collections on April 11, and an afternoon Writer’s Craft Talk in Special Collections the next day. Just before his Craft Talk, six poets from the UWM Creative Writing Program gave a reading in the library’s coffee shop, the Library Grind. In the Evening, just after Turcotte’s Craft Talk, celebrated Haitian writer and poet Kettly Mars offered a public conversation about her life and work, with readings from her work in French, English, and Kreyol.
It was two rich days of words, wisdom, and humanity. A big THANK YOU to all the poets who shared their work and process with us!
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juno7haiti · 5 years
Des écrivains haïtiens exigent la démission du président Jovenel Moïse
Les appels à la démission du président Jovenel Moïse ne s’arrêtent plus. Ce jeudi 12 juin, ce sont une trentaine d’hommes et femmes de lettre qui demandent au Chef de l’État de se démettre de ses fonctions.
À travers une lettre ouverte, ces écrivains dont Lyonel Trouillot, Jean D’Amérique, James Noël, Anthony Phelps, Kettly Mars, Frankétienne,Yanick Lahens, Gary Victor, entre autres, affirment ne…
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