cosmerelists · 4 months
Tumblr Call-Out Posts of Cosmere Characters
If people were able to write call-out posts of Cosmere characters as if they were real people, those call-out posts might look like this.
1. Hoid
@libralita already wrote this one: https://www.tumblr.com/libralita/734739225821446144/some-planet-culturally-appropriated-the-marewill?source=share.
2. Siri
Just so you know siri does EXTREME fast fashion: we're talking--never wears the same outfit more than once and BURNS every outfit after she wears it and also every day she burns a couple other outfits she never even wore just for good measure. also she deliberately kept asking for fancier and fancier outfits so like even more material just needlessly burned up into pollution smoke
3. Adolin
Adolin's girlfriend is four years younger than him. Not so bad, right? WRONG. These are ROSHARAN years, which are longer than ours, it's actually way more than 4 years--probably 6. Or 8. Maybe even 10.
He's basically dating a girl a decade younger than him hello
4. MeLaan
Don't you think it's creepy that MeLaan--from a species that eats human remains--dates a human? How is that not a predatory relationship?
5. Riina
Riina built a giant spaceship shaped like a p*nis, sexually harassing a whole planet. :(
6. Lift
Just saying. Calling anyone "Tightbutt" is sexual harassment.
7. Dalinar
Brought people into his visions without getting their consent. Probably the worst thing Dalinar ever did. :(
8. Galladon
You might think that being quarantined in a horrible plague-city due to having "walking corpse" disease would make a man understand that diseases are dangerous and that maybe world hopping to a new planet without doing proper containment procedures and spreading a viral infection to an entire region is bad maybe
But you would be wrong in the case of Galladon who DID THAT
9. Kelsier
anyone who still supports kelsier after kelsier made his employee eat his bones needs to take a long, hard look in a mirror because it is NOT okay to feed ANY part of your skeleton to someone who works for you
10. Szeth
Keeping a sword sheathed all the time is exactly the same as keeping an animal in a cage--a sword can NOT get proper enrichment inside a sheath. Would you like to be kept continuously in a dark and suffocating place where you can't move or breathe? No? Then why would you be okay with keeping a sentient sword locked in a sheath all the time?
Szeth's cruel treatment of Nightblood makes me SICK
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carpexdiemm05 · 4 months
Whispered Vows (Mistborn x Reader) Masterlist
Also read on Wattpad!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
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unofficial-crow · 1 year
clenching my fists shaking screaming running around jumping up and down (i just bought mistborn: secret history)
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crow-rai · 1 year
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i'm only on chapter 5 of the first one,, so i don't actually know anything yet. BUT Kelsier is so cool RAAAAA. i love him sm<3
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tiredguyswag · 9 months
Ok wait diya tell me everything youve learned about keslier from my posts
bastard blonde guy. probably really reckless. has the ability to be sweet sometimes. somehow you relate him to the "you wanna know how i got these scars? sharp hamburger" post which makes me think that he is pretty reckless. how correct am i
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Kelsier: There's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Kelsier way.
Marsh: Isn't that just the wrong way?
Kelsier: Yes, but faster.
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medievalthymes · 3 years
poppy war would make a super cool video game!
right? especially if it was a decision based game like mass effect or dragon age or the witcher, where what you do has consequences. Rin makes a lot of questionable choices as the MC and justifies it as means of war. if you had to consciously choose those actions, much like rin did, to lean more into the phoenixes powers to win the war vs not use the phoenix but at the cost of lives… idk i just think it would work really well.
i also think another really good video game adaption would the mistborn series with how that magic system works, it would be perfect for an rpg
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rosharan-crab · 3 years
ok so uh what the fuck
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bloody-bunny-book · 8 years
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awwww bless him
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What's your thoughts on kaladin and kelsier, I really want them to meet it would be so chaotic, apparently Sanderson said that kelsier would like him but kal wouldn't like kelsier and I mean he's right but ahdbfjfb
OH THEY'D BE HILARIOUS. i mean the biggest flaw of stormlight is how bad sanderson writes class struggle ("everyone who hates the kholins bad! everyone who likes the kholins good <3"), so i'm sure that keslier would be shown to be irrational/uneccesarily violent to some extent but like. is dalinar a war criminal? yes. was jasnah out there suggesting they should get rid of all parshmen? yes. would kelsier draw a parallel between this and the skaa situation on scadrial and want the kholins gone? yes. would kaladin try to fight him? also yes.
but kelsier would still treat kaladin like he treats vin. straight into adopting the traumatized teenager mode. and kaladin would resent him! but so did vin. and kelsier would end up coming around and being civil, like he almost did with elend before he pulled his little religion-creating pr stunt. what would be really interesting is marsh and kaladin. they would just sit and brood and hate kelsier together it'd be funny.
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cosmermaid · 4 years
Okay so Keslier as a PoV character is a wild ride, especially with the fandom’s take on him and Sanderson’s own opinion of the character. Real talk, I never really picked up on any vibes of Kelsier being a bad person in any way, not even with the ego and self-confidence thing. I know Brandon himself has described Keslier as “disturbing” and comparing him to Denth from Warbreaker even but like, counterpoint, we have a book and a novella where he’s a PoV character and we get to see inside his head. His motives seem genuine, he does not seem okay with the injustices around him, and he shows genuine love for his friends and even empathy. I get it, Kelsier is an extreme person, but he also lives in an extreme world (at the time anyway). He and most of his friends would have been legally killed for simply existing, and I’m not sure what the reasonable response people would expect of him to be, especially against an oppressive immortal god-emperor that actively prevents the world from changing in any way. So I *need* another Secret History novella for this Kelsier=Thaidakar reveal, because Mraize is doing some legitimately evil shit on Roshar that I can’t imagine the Kelsier I know from Mistborn being cool with. Sure, I can picture him sending assassins after Jasnah, but I CAN’T picture him sending anyone after Lift and selling her out to the Fuzed. Either Kelsier doesn’t know what’s up or there’s been some backwards character development in the last three hundred years of cosmere’s history. Or maybe it’s something really fucking juicy I’m not smart enough to figure out. ...Also Iyatil is a dead-ringer for Vin and I wonder if that’s why Kelsier recruited her. If so then I need to go lay down and cry. A lot.
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Finished Rhythm of War............ (HEAVY HEAVY SPOILERS BELOW)
Teft, you will be remembered fondly. Life before Death
Also I knew it! WHY CAN’T KESLIER JUST STAY DEAD? (Although now I want to see a Keslier vs Taravangian showdown for control of the Cosmere)
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gaydelgard · 5 years
people i hate:
brandon sanderson
*actually i cant rlly hate them cause their shit was racist and WACK and in sazeds case wildly transphobic so this is really just brandon sanderson listed again cause i hate him and these two are mainly victims of his bullshit
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revolutionariess · 7 years
Top fictional characters
I was tagged by the wonderful @gayspacepirates to make a Top 10/15 fictional characters list! (there are too many dudes on this list im so horrified at myself)
In no particular order:
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Tobias Fitzosborne / Sophie Fitzos / Veronica Fitzos / Henry (they defo all count as one shut up) (The Montmaray Journals)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne (DC Comics)  
Percy Jackson (Oh gee I wonder)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows)
Keslier & Vin (Mistborn)
Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch (The Raven Boys....rip)
Jesse Mccree (Overwatch)
Eugenides (Queen’s Thief)
Emily Kaldwin & Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
Jack Ryan (Bioshock)
Taako (The Adventure Zone) 
Erik Lehnsherr (Marvel) 
i tag uhhhh @paragonraptors @glorianas @cerseiwonderland @fishpun ummm anYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO TO THIS I GUESS??? and maybe not blatantly cheat like ive done 
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jazzy-kandra · 7 years
Super Crazy Theory Time
So...have a fun mini-theory about what Bloody Tam might have seen a little before AoL..
Note, this theory contains spoilers for SoS, BoM, and SH.
I think it’s highly unlikely that the man speaking with Marsh and Sazed was Keslier. One, we know that Kelsier, as Sovereign, has a spike in his eyes. Tam would not believe that the Survivor of Hathsin has a spike. Second, Tam would probably believe that the Survivor is, indeed, just a Mistborn. So, he would figure that a man in a mistcloak talking with Sazed and Marsh would be Kelsier. Since...well, who else could it be?
However, we now have evidence that Spook is probably immortal. He reigned over Elendel for 100 years and then stepped down (BoM, 63) and Kelsier probably gave him a F!Atium spike. Spook is still a Mistborn, and, I think, probably still around. It seems that as of SoS at least, Kelsier hasn’t talked to Sazed for awhile (it’s implied in the conversation with Wax, SoS 133). Whether that’s because they’ve had a falling out, Kelsier just hasn’t been to Scadrial recently and is being a busy-body in the cosmere and trying to get revenge on Hoid for stealing his crap, or both remains to be seen.
So, I think that instead of Kelsier, the mysterious Mistborn may have been Spook. It would be interesting, and really, given that Spook may still be around, we should wonder what the hell that kid is up to anyways...(1)
(1) I don’t really support this theory all that much...but it is, at least, fun. For all we know it’s Nazh cuz apparently Khriss acquired a mistcloak for him or something (he has one irregardless if we’re to believe that broadsheet in BoM). Of course, there’s always the off-chance that Nazh was working with one of his old acquaintances at that time, since, I don’t think Nazh is enough of a drama-king to don a mistcloak... 
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udonthreens · 7 years
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