#kerri how dare
elvenbeard · 5 months
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Glitter and Gold
upcoming masc underwear by winks uwu
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anniebeemine · 1 month
omg I just read those two parts of the baby fever drabbles & ur writing is AMAZING HELLOOOO
part 3 with like the birth & bringing the newborn to the BAU to meet the team???? omg
btw do we agree that Spence is a girl dad ??? Love u lovely have a great day !!!!
EEEEEE Thank you!!!! I was so scared of posting of posting on here but my friends convinced me (shoutout Faith and Kerry). I agree that Spencer is 100% a girl dad. I also believe that with the first baby girl for the BAU, the entire team goes crazy for her. 
The months of your pregnancy felt like a paradox—each day seemed to drag on, with the anticipation of meeting your baby making time feel like it was moving at a snail’s pace. Yet, somehow, now that the moment had arrived, it felt as though the entire pregnancy had passed in the blink of an eye.
You were in the hospital room, gripping the end of the bed as you bounced on a yoga ball, trying to manage the waves of contractions that seemed to come quicker and stronger with each passing moment. Spencer was behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders, offering support as you rocked back and forth.
“You’re doing amazing,” he murmured, his voice steady and calm, though you could hear the undercurrent of nervous excitement.
You nodded, breathing through another contraction, your grip tightening on the bed. “This is… definitely happening,” you managed to say, a mix of disbelief and determination in your voice.
Spencer chuckled softly, his hands moving to rub your back in soothing circles. “It’s really happening,” he agreed. “We’re so close to meeting our baby.”
You leaned back slightly, resting against him as you caught your breath between contractions. His presence was your anchor, grounding you through the intensity of the moment. You’d imagined this day so many times, but nothing had truly prepared you for the overwhelming mix of emotions flooding through you now. As another contraction hit, you gripped the bed harder, a low moan escaping your lips. Spencer pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his voice a steady reassurance in your ear. “You’ve got this. I’m right here.”
The door to the room opened, and the nurse walked in, checking on your progress. “How are we doing in here?” she asked with a warm smile.
You managed a tight smile in return, still focused on your breathing. “I think we’re getting close,” you said, though the words felt surreal.
The nurse nodded, glancing at the monitors. “You’re doing great, Y/N. Just keep doing what you’re doing. We’ll be ready when you are.”
As she left, Spencer shifted slightly so he could look at you. “You’re incredible,” he whispered, his eyes filled with a mix of awe and love.
You turned your head to meet his gaze, feeling a tear slip down your cheek—not from pain, but from the overwhelming emotion of it all. “I couldn’t do this without you,” you whispered back, your voice thick with gratitude.
Spencer leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “We’re a team,” he said, his voice unwavering. “And we’re about to become a family.”
Another contraction hit, pulling you back into the moment, but this time you felt a surge of strength. You focused on Spencer’s words, on the promise of what was to come. The pain was intense, but you knew it was bringing you one step closer to holding your baby in your arms. Spencer carefully helped you back into bed, his touch gentle as he guided you to lie down. Once you were settled, he stayed close, leaning his head against your hand. You felt the tremor in his shoulders first, then saw the way his eyes glistened, and it became clear—he was crying.
“Don’t you dare cry,” you whimpered, your voice cracking as you fought to keep your own emotions in check. “If you start, I’m going to start and—” But your words caught in your throat as you saw the tears slipping down his cheeks. The sight of him, usually so composed, so strong, breaking down in this moment was too much to bear. A sob escaped your lips, and before you knew it, tears were streaming down your face as well.
Spencer immediately moved closer, his hand squeezing yours tightly. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m just so… overwhelmed. You’re so amazing, and I’m so proud of you, and… I just love you so much.”
His words, full of raw emotion, only made you cry harder. “I love you too,” you managed to whisper, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you, the father of your child. “I’m just so scared… and happy… and everything all at once.”
The hours blurred together, a haze of contractions, encouraging words from Spencer, and the steady presence of the medical team. The intensity of the experience was overwhelming, but you held on, focused on the goal—bringing your little girl into the world.
When the time finally came, the room was filled with a new kind of energy, a heightened anticipation. Spencer was right beside you, holding your hand with a grip that was both reassuring and full of emotion. His voice was a constant in your ear, steadying you as you pushed through the pain.
“You’re doing so great, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “We’re almost there. Just a little more.”
You nodded, barely able to respond, every ounce of your strength concentrated on the task at hand. The pain was sharp, intense, but with each push, you knew you were getting closer. The encouragement from the doctor, the warmth of Spencer’s hand in yours, it all merged into a singular drive to meet your baby.
And then, after what felt like both an eternity and no time at all, there was a sudden release of pressure, followed by the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard—the first cry of your baby.
“She’s here,” the doctor announced, holding up your tiny, wriggling daughter for you to see.
Your breath caught in your throat, your eyes flooding with tears as you took in the sight of her—tiny, perfect, and so full of life. Her skin was flushed, her little fists clenched as she protested her abrupt entry into the world.
Spencer’s hand tightened on yours as he looked at her, his tears falling freely now. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.
The nurse quickly placed your daughter on your chest, and the moment her warm, soft body touched yours, a wave of pure, unconditional love washed over you. You could hardly believe she was real, that this tiny, precious life was the result of the love you and Spencer shared.
“Hi, baby,” you whispered, your voice trembling as you stroked her tiny head. She nuzzled against you, her cries quieting as she found comfort in your warmth and heartbeat.
Spencer leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple, his eyes never leaving your daughter. “You did it,” he murmured, his voice full of awe. 
“We did it,” you corrected softly, turning your head to look at him. The pride and love in his eyes mirrored your own, and you knew in that moment that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, as a family.
The nurse gently wrapped your daughter in a soft blanket, but she didn’t move her from your chest, allowing the two of you to soak in the first moments of being a family of three. Spencer reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he brushed his fingers over her tiny cheek.
“Welcome to the world, princess,” he whispered, his voice full of wonder and love.
Your daughter let out a soft coo, her little hand curling around Spencer’s finger, and in that moment, everything else in the world faded away. It was just the three of you—your new family, perfect and complete.
As you gazed down at your newborn daughter, you couldn’t help but marvel at her delicate features. Her skin was soft and rosy, still a little wrinkled from the journey she’d just made. She had a full head of dark hair, much like Spencer's, already slightly tousled from the momentous occasion. The strands were fine and silky, and you couldn’t resist gently smoothing them with your fingers. Her eyes, though still adjusting to the world around her, were a deep shade of blue. You knew they might change as she grew, but for now, they were captivating, wide, and curious, already seeming to take in the world with a quiet intensity that reminded you so much of her father. Her tiny eyebrows were just beginning to take shape, soft arches that hinted at the expressions she would one day make.
She had Spencer’s nose, a perfect little button that crinkled slightly as she scrunched up her face, already displaying a range of expressions in her first moments. Her lips were a delicate rose, full and pouty, and when she yawned or cried, you could see a tiny dimple forming on her left cheek—a feature you couldn’t help but hope would stay with her as she grew. Her hands were impossibly small, each finger perfectly formed, with nails so tiny and delicate that you wondered how anything could be so fragile. When she curled her fingers around Spencer’s finger, it was as if she already knew who he was, holding onto him with a grip that felt surprisingly strong for someone so new.
As you looked at her, you saw pieces of both you and Spencer reflected in her tiny features. She was a perfect blend of the two of you, yet entirely her own person, with a presence that already felt powerful despite her small size. The softness of her skin, the warmth of her body against yours, the way she snuggled into your chest as if she knew exactly where she belonged—all of it made your heart swell with a love so fierce and overwhelming that it took your breath away.
“We should tell everyone,” Spencer offered, his voice filled with excitement. 
You shushed him, placing a finger against his lips. “Let’s wait until the morning. It’s late.” 
Spencer nodded, understanding. The room was quiet, save for the soft sounds of your daughter’s breathing and the distant hum of the hospital at night. You both knew the next day would bring a flurry of excitement and well-wishes, but for now, it was a time for just you, Spencer, and your little girl to share this precious, private moment.
When you revealed that you were having a girl a few months ago, the joy in the room seemed to double. Penelope immediately started talking about all the cute outfits she would buy and how she couldn’t wait to introduce her to all the things she loved. Derek teased Spencer, saying he was going to have to learn how to deal with a teenage girl one day, but his grin showed how thrilled he really was.
JJ’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “A little girl,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. “She’s going to be so loved.”
Emily leaned in, grinning over the pink frosted cupcake you’d brought into the office. “She’s going to have a whole team of aunties and uncles watching out for her.”
Rossi chuckled, nodding. “And she’ll have her pick of life advice from all of us—whether she wants it or not.”
They went into overdrive, each one determined to spoil your little girl before she even arrived.
Penelope led the charge, of course. She was the queen of all things cute and colorful, and she wasted no time in finding the most frilly, ruffled outfits imaginable. She practically took over your baby registry, adding everything from tiny tutus to lace-trimmed onesies in every shade of pink, lavender, and pastel. Every time she saw something particularly adorable, she couldn’t resist texting you a picture with a caption like, “She needs this!” or “Oh my gosh, look at these little shoes!”
Morgan, not to be outdone, decided that your daughter’s wardrobe wouldn’t be complete without a collection of the coolest baby gear. He found tiny leather jackets and sunglasses, insisting that she would be “the baddest little girl on the block.” But even he couldn’t resist the cuteness of frills, and he secretly started shopping for pink sneakers and headbands, sliding them into Penelope’s gift bags, subtly gaslighting her into thinking she forgot she bought them. 
JJ, who had recently gone through the baby stage with Michael, was a fountain of advice and recommendations. She filled your house with baby books, pink blankets, and soft toys. She even found the most adorable crib bedding set, complete with ruffled edges and a canopy, making your nursery look like something out of a storybook. Emily, who normally favored practicality, found herself getting caught up in the excitement as well. She sent you links to chic, stylish diaper bags in soft pink tones and couldn’t resist buying a few pink onesies with funny sayings on them. Even Aaron and David got in on the fun. Rossi had gifted you a handmade blanket from Italy. He ordered you to give it back so her name could be embroidered on the delicate fabric. Hotch had surprised you with a home visit a few days ago, Jack by his side. They handed you a stuffed bear, just like the one Jack had as a baby. 
By the time your due date approached, your nursery was a sea of pink. There were frilly curtains, pink-painted walls, and more baby clothes than you knew what to do with. It was clear that your daughter was going to be the most stylish baby around. 
The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered into the room, you decided it was time to call the team. With your daughter cradled in your arms, Spencer gently took a picture of the three of you—a snapshot of the first moments of your new life together. When Spencer sent the message to the team group chat, it didn’t take long for the notifications to start pinging. Almost immediately, your phone buzzed with responses, one after the other.
Morgan was the first to reply, of course. “I’m coming to spoil that baby rotten! Congrats, pretty boy and Y/N!”
Penelope’s reply was full of emojis, heart eyes, and crying faces, quickly followed by a voice message where she was audibly crying with joy. “A little baby genius! I can’t wait to meet her! Oh my God, I’m so happy for you both!”
JJ replied with a photo of Michael holding a little stuffed bear, with a note saying, “Michael can’t wait to meet his new best friend! So, so happy for you!”
Hotch’s response was characteristically understated but full of warmth. “Congratulations to both of you. Take all the time you need. We’re all here for you.”
Rossi, the proud grandfather of the group, chimed in with, “This little one is going to have the best stories to hear from her zio Rossi. So happy for you both!”
Emily sent a reply that made you smile: “Another BAU baby! She’s going to have the best, most badass godparents. Congrats, you two!”
A short while later, Derek and Penelope arrived at the hospital, their excitement palpable as they gathered in your room. The atmosphere was electric with joy and anticipation as they took turns cooing over your daughter, marveling at her tiny features.
Morgan was the first to hold her, his usually confident demeanor softened by the awe in his eyes as he carefully cradled her in his strong arms. His smile was wide and genuine, a mix of pride and tenderness as he looked down at the tiny bundle in his hands.
“Hey there, babygirl,” he whispered, his voice gentle and full of affection. The nickname, which had always been Penelope’s, took on a new meaning as he gazed at your daughter, completely captivated by her.
Penelope, standing just behind him, watched with teary eyes and a wide smile. Morgan glanced over at her, a playful glint in his eyes. “You know you’ll always be my first baby girl,” he said, his tone teasing yet sincere, “but this right here… this is literally a baby girl.”
As the nurse approached, clipboard in hand, she smiled warmly at you and Spencer. “She’s absolutely beautiful,” she said, her eyes flicking to the little bundle in Morgan’s arms. “Have you decided on a name?”
You and Spencer exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between you. With a soft smile, you nodded, and Spencer turned to the nurse, his voice filled with emotion. “Her name is Lillian Diana Reid,” he said, his tone reverent as he spoke the middle name, a tribute to his mother.
“Lillian Diana,” the nurse repeated, jotting it down on the clipboard. “That’s a lovely name.”
As they filtered out of the room, each offering more congratulations and promises to visit soon, you and Spencer were left alone with Lily. The nurse gently took her from the bassinet to give her a quick check-up, examining her tiny body with practiced hands. You watched closely, a mixture of anxiety and awe in your chest as the nurse carefully checked her vitals.
“Everything looks perfect,” the nurse said after a few minutes, swaddling Lily back up and handing her to you. “I think you’re pretty close to going home.” 
Relief washed over you as you settled back into the bed, holding Lily close. Spencer leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before resting his head on yours, both of you marveling at the little life you had brought into the world.
The hospital staff brought a wheelchair to the room, ready to escort you and Lily out. Spencer carefully helped you into the chair, his hands gentle but steady, while the nurse placed Lily in your arms, making sure she was secure.
The ride home was quiet, filled with the soft hum of the car and the occasional tiny sound from Lily. Spencer drove, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror every few seconds to check on you both. You sat in the back with Lily, unable to stop staring at her. Every now and then, she would make a little cooing noise, her tiny hands waving in the air as if she were already exploring the world around her.
The car moved smoothly down the road, the city passing by in a blur, but all you could focus on was the precious bundle in her carseat. You traced the soft curve of her cheek with your finger, marveling at how perfect she was, how she seemed to complete a part of you that you didn’t even know was missing.
As you approached your home, a sense of calm settled over you. The future was still uncertain, and there would be challenges ahead, but in that moment, all that mattered was the love you felt for your little girl, the love that would guide you through every step of this new journey.
When the car finally came to a stop, Spencer turned around, his eyes soft and filled with love as he looked at you and Lily. “We’re home,” he said quietly, as if not to disturb the peaceful moment.
You nodded, tears welling up as you realized the magnitude of what that meant. Home wasn’t just a place—it was the three of you, together, starting a new chapter in your lives. And it was perfect.
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lady-raziel · 2 months
I'm angry. I'm really, really furious right now. I am absolutely livid that when the stakes are so high-- not just for Americans at risk from project 2025, not just for people in Europe being threatened by Russia, not just for people in Palestine, but for pretty much widespread global stability-- that the elites of the Democratic party would dare, would have the fucking gall to let Joe Biden run for a second term in the first place, and then when the magnitude of their own hubris is revealed, would not correct the mistake. And even worse, now, after what we've seen over the past two weeks-- that many of them, including some of the most progressive, would look out upon the people who they claim to be champions of, the diverse and varied America who will suffer at the hands of the conservatives' agenda--and they would EVER dare to say that YOU are wrong to point out the truth before your own eyes.
After the NATO press conference, where Biden absolutely had to prove he was not on the decline, and resoundingly failed to do so, I was appalled to go on Twitter (I'm still not calling it X, sorry) and see favored Democratic insiders claiming that the performance I had just seen was GOOD. That I should be PROUD of this. That I should WANT to vote for this.
How dare you. How dare you say that I should be proud, should wholeheartedly endorse the candidate at the head of a party who, time and time again over the past 30+ years, has only ever chosen to raise up its own aging elites, and occasionally younger people if they met the right demographics to portray the image of the "diverse party of the people."
No. It became evident a long time ago that you only ever cared about yourselves and consolidating your own power. Time and time again you have destroyed the chances of any candidate that strays beyond what you consider the bounds of acceptability for yourselves. There were good candidates in 2004-- and instead, the Democrats gave us John Kerry and handed the Republicans another four years of Bush. Hillary Clinton first ran for president in 2008-- had Barack Obama not been so compelling, had the idea of having the first African American president been so appealing, would you have allowed him to stand a chance? In 2016 you again and again ignored what the average person had to say, ignored concerns that had been brewing for decades that your commitment to "diversity" only mattered if it could be wielded against conservatives and used to prop yourselves up, and destroyed Bernie Sanders' campaign in service of an elite no one wanted.
The seeds of Donald Trump had been brewing for a long time, and instead of doing something about it then, you rested on your laurels and held on to your power instead of raising new people up to move the mission forward. And now, when the situation is MORE CRITICAL than it has EVER been-- still you refuse to listen. Still you refuse to change. Biden literally said in that press conference they aren't listening to polls anymore--is there ANYTHING that will get you to see that you are fucking this up???
So no, Biden campaign surrogates on my Twitter feed, DNC donation-prompt texts, endless barrage of emails one after another-- I see no reason to my proud of this. For many of us, this election as well as the last one was ALWAYS a strategic calculation to prevent worse things, empower local-level candidates, and allow a party structure to exist in some form in hopes of change. This was ALWAYS a dispassionate choice made with the full knowledge of complex situations in order to play the long game.
How dare you say I too should wholeheartedly believe the emperor is dressed in robes of splendor when he and the rest of you have lain bare for the longest time, while those of us trying to keep things from getting worse have to convince the rightfully angry people who still care to ignore the nakedness of who you are--to prevent people cloaked in blood from taking the reins. Shame on all of you, honestly. I wish I could say that this might be a learning moment for the Democratic elite, but I have little hope, and I expect to hear you pontificate on end regarding how "young people just don't understand the political process and that's why we lost" as we all go down together.
Fuck you.
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citadelofmythoughts · 5 months
RWBY was the perfect storm.
You not only have Weebs and Gamers(TM) expecting something shallow and simple where the plot is only there to show off cool fights or cute girls like a PM Entertainment flick (their movies were gun fights and car chases galore). You also had the web series come out on Crunchyroll.
If it came out on just Rooster Teeth's site, I don't doubt it would've been a moderate success but CR boosted its visibility with many who might've heard of Rooster Teeth and RvB yet either dropped it or never seen it. Thus you had many overlook how the series was obviously made on a limited budget like any web based animation.
Along come the YouTubers and all of their hot takes where among them, the most chartiable among detractors is that it's "harmless." That's irritating enough but what happened when Monty Oum died and a letter from a grieving animator kickstarts this mythological "vision" of his.
Then you have many who don't really want Monty's RWBY but the idea of Monty's RWBY, the idea that they each formed. This is mixed in with Fandom's brand of sexism where it's like they're real people who can be tried in court for... being as human as any male character.
I have noticed something as well and it kind of ties into the CR thing. There's a resentment towards RWBY for daring to be more than a dumb little webshow.
Also that animator letter always ground my gears. Why is he belived over Kerry and Miles? Because it fits the hater's narrative.
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swearingcactus · 1 year
i think a lot about the idea of v being questioned by diehard eurodyne fans that recognized him after the samurai reunion gig about who he is and if the rumors are true if he's dating the Kerry Eurodyne and what he likes about Kerry and v's like "uhh, he's cool..?" and they're like "elaborate." and he shrugs and just mention some offhand remarks about how kerry flips his lighters around his fingers and literally play with fire every time he wants to smoke (that's cool!) or how he has perfect pitch and can tell apart the multiple notes of cars honking in a traffic jam (that's cool!) or how he opens his soda cans with just one hand and then plops the tab back into the soda (that's sort of gross but kerry makes it cool!). and the fans eventually stop questioning him because they were hoping for actual cool celebrity backstage stories but they post it anyway because hey, Eurodyne content!
and kerry watches the video and he's torn between feeling offended because 'cool' is such an understatement of the century and also, how dare V just reduce him to a single word. but also he's pleasantly surprised that v doesn't immediately think being a successful rockerboy makes him cool, it's the little things kerry does subconsciously that gets to him. he's just cool!
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cyberpunk-howlter · 11 days
Slip of The Tongue
Ship: Johnny Silverhand/Kerry Eurodyne/V Rating: Explicit Contains: Male V (Cyberpunk 2077), Daddy Kink, Orgasm Edging, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, pre-established dom/sub relationship, Bondage, Dom/sub, Dirty Talk, Smut, Fluff and Smut, use of the word "slut", Teasing, Praise Kink, Very Light Degradation, Begging, Mentions of past dom/sub relationship, Dom/sub Undertones, Soft Johnny Silverhand, Soft Kerry Eurodyne, Top Johnny Silverhand, Switch Kerry Eurodyne, Bottom V (Cyberpunk 2077)  Words: 3640 Summary: The entire thing had been an accident, really. He'd never have let this happen if he'd been more aware of himself. 
That ship has long since sailed. 
Right behind the last six times that Johnny had brought him to the edge and then slowly back down again, each time taking him apart more and more than the last. 
If he’d been more aware of himself, surely he wouldn't have called out that stupid little word Read it below or on AO3
Initial prompt: V: "Daddy" Johnny: "Say it again" Notes: Hi Cyberpunk Fandom!! This is my first published fic that was encouraged by my friends in the Cyberpunks Discord server!
A few things to know before reading:
This fic was beta'd by my dear friend @vince-linder!! Thank you so so so much for your encouragement and help!!
Also, my V goes by Skye, so you might notice that I call him V in the text, but in the dialogue, Kerry and Johnny call him Skye!
There is a photo at the end of this fic as well!
Enjoy it, and let me know what you think! ❤
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The entire thing had been an accident, really. He'd never have let this happen if he'd been more aware of himself. 
That ship has long since sailed. 
Right behind the last six times that Johnny had brought him to the edge and then slowly back down again, each time taking him apart more and more than the last. 
Kerry disappeared somewhere between rounds four and five, and V would wonder where he went if his brain didn't feel like it could leak out his head at any moment. The man had said he'd needed to do something in the living room, but some part of V's brain that was firing on all cylinders still knew he'd bullshitted his way out to keep from intervening like the pleasure dom he's notorious for being. Johnny had pulled V's attention back to him when he caught it wandering, pinching the skin underneath his length between to nails until it bit in, pulling a punched-out sound from the younger man's throat and a breathy chuckle from his. 
Kerry returned in the doorway between rounds seven and eight, while V had been nothing more than a whimpering mess underneath Johnny when he caught sight of the gray-haired man standing in the doorway. He'd smiled sympathetically at the mixed sounds of Johnny's soft praise and V's panting mewls. The younger man had curled in slightly since he'd left, and his painted black fingernails were pressing into the skin of his hands, eyes pulled shut in the desperation of another orgasm denied.
"That's it, baby, breathe through it..." Johnny's voice purred, unconsciously sending a shiver down Kerry's spine by proxy. "Good boy... So fucking good for me, Skye... Come on, don't you dare cum... So fucking go--"
"So how is he doing, Johnny?" Kerry asked, sliding onto the bed behind the dark-haired man, hands running across his torso and down to where his boxers were pulled tight from his straining cock. "Is he desperate enough yet? I know you've been working hard at getting that pathetic little brain of his as broken as you can."
Johnny chuckles, running the fingers of his metal hand over the head of V's dick, "Well, you'd think after seven rounds he'd finally learn not to mouth off... Isn't that right, pretty baby?"
"G-fuck--" V whines between pants, palms wrapping around the chain securing his wrists to the metal railing. "I--" 
"Tsk..." Kerry frowns, arms reaching around Johnny to touch a hand to the younger man's torso, "You'd think you'd have learned by now-- All I want to hear from you is begging and those pretty little noises you love to make so much... I guess we're going for nine." 
"N-no... no no no no..." V whimpers, head tossing to the side as Johnny's hand wraps around his oversensitive dick. "Fuck, please-- no more..." The chains on his wrists rattle with the thrashes, chest rising and falling rapidly with the whines. 
The older men slow their motions, listening for V's safeword, "What do you say if you want this to stop, sweetheart?"
Kerry's brows furrow, hands stopping their path across V's skin, "Answer, baby. What do you say?"
"Malorian." He whispers, hips pressing up into Johnny's grasp. V's head falls to the side, purple eyes locking with Kerry's, "Please."
"Are you safewording?" Johnny asks, removing his hands from the younger's skin, "I need to hear you say it again if you are."
"N-no. Fuck, please--" V's eyes fall shut as a shiver wracks his body, "M so close, please... M' not fucking safewording please..." 
Kerry laughs and raises an eyebrow towards Johnny, "Your call, J." 
"My call? God, Skye, look at you." Johnny replies, tightening his hand around the younger's cock, "So fucking good for us, aren't you? Taking what I give you so perfectly. How many times have you almost cum, baby?"
"Ei-Eight..." He whines through labored breaths, "Please-- Johnny... I fucking need your cock please..." His body writhes on the soft sheets, ink twisting and turning with his skin. "C'mon Ker... I've been so patient, 'll be so good for you..."
Kerry laughs softly, crawling over to sit beside V, leaning close to his ear. His tongue drags across the skin of his neck, breath ghosting over his ear, "Sweetheart, I'm not the one you need to ask... If it were my choice, you'd have cum four hours ago. But tonight is his... You are his." 
V shivers, a breathy whimper slipping out before he can catch it. Kerry's fingers stroke over the ring pierced through V's nipple, nodding at Johnny. The two exchange a look, ignoring V's writhing. "You've got that right... And fuck, I can't wait to take you apart even further." His thumb brushes under the head of V's cock, sending a jolt ripping through his body. "Fuck you really are so sensitive, aren't you? Makes you so pathetic..." He repeats the motion, chuckling softly at the reedy moan echoed back at him, and the way Kerry's body responds to it. 
"J-Johnny..." V whines, "Fuck, please... I need you to-- fuck--" 
"You need me to what, sweetheart? Come on, speak up..." Johnny squeezes his hand, tightening his grip around V's length. "I'm not letting go or moving until you speak up. So what will it be? Do you have something to tell us? Something to tell me?" 
Kerry leans towards Johnny, pressing a wet kiss to his chrome shoulder, murmuring, "Go easy on him, babe, it's been a long five hours."
"Oh, this is me being easy on him..."
V's eyes widened at that revelation, "Wh-- what?" 
"You wanna find out what not going easy looks like, baby? Because you are absolutely begging for it when you're behaving like this." He adjusts his grip, 'ganic fingers dragging across the hypersensitive skin. "So what'll it be? You wanna be good and tell us what you need or you want me to rip another six rounds out of you?" 
"Fuck, Johnny...." V moans softly, tears pricking at the edges of his vision. He watches on as Kerry sucks a deep magenta mark into the junction of Johnny's neck and shoulder, fighting back the words resting on the tip of his tongue. "I-- Fuck-- I need you to-- I need you to fuck me. I don' even care how... I jus' need you in me, please... Fuck--"
"Oh yeah? Finally decided to speak up?" Johnny shakes his head, freeing a handful of strands from the bun he'd pulled his hair into. "Shame you're about oh..." He chews his lip as though he's considering something before moving his hand again, "three minutes late on that. You already earned yourself number nine." Before he'd finished the statement Johnny began moving his hand, dragging it over V's cock, spreading the free-flowing pre everywhere. "You're so fucking soaked at the idea of that though that it makes me wonder if you're secretly into this? What do you think, Ker?" 
In lieu of a reply, Kerry leans down and licks a stripe up V's torso, dragging his tongue through the growing puddle at the base of his cock. "I think he can go for one more, but what the hell... While we're at it, why don't we go for an even ten, and then for number eleven you can finally give him what he wants?" He sucks one of V's pebbled nipples into his mouth, smirking at the change in tone of V's moans.
He's getting close again.
Johnny laughs, "That's a great idea. But let me get this right... you're already this close again? Fuck you really must be that much of a desperate little joytoy that I barely had to work for that one. Such a good little slut aren't you, Skye." V groans loudly, keening when Johnny's fingers press around his base, traveling down toward his perineum. He rubs against the skin, smiling sadistically when V's cock twitches and spurts more precum towards his torso. 
V whimpers pathetically, words slurring, "C-close-- fuck please... please please, please... Please lemme cum, Johnny... I'll be so good, please..." He arches his body toward his partners' touches, drool slipping from his mouth as his groans rise in octave. 
"How many has it been, Skye?"
"N-Nine! Fuck--" He whines, "I--" V shivers, pushing his hips back against Johnny's calloused fingers, sending shockwaves through his own body. Kerry had decided to travel north with his bites, leaving a pretty red hickey on the side of his throat. 
"Hmm... how about I finger you open and get you ready for my cock for this last round? Think you can make it?" Johnny pulls his hand away from V's body, leaning over to grab the well-used bottle of lube from the shelf and pouring some over his fingers, "Of course you can, you'd do anything I tell you to because you're a good little joytoy." V whines, legs falling closed subconsciously. "Aww, getting hypersensitive aren't you?" He reaches down, chrome hand wrapping lightly around an ankle, pulling his legs apart. "Just to confirm... Is this okay?" 
V nods, violet gaze staring darkly at the rockerboy looming over him. Kerry kisses his temple, touching his fingers to the younger man's hands, checking the cuffs holding him to the bed. "Please--"
Johnny pushes a finger in, followed quickly by a second one. "Already so desperate that you can take two? Fuck it's like you were made just for us to take apart. But before I properly fuck you, sweetheart, I want to hear you sing."
V melts into a litany of broken, desperate moans as if on cue. "Fuck-- Johnny..." He gasps, "H-hah--"
"Y'know this is my favorite part..." Kerry murmurs, "When you get to this point when Johnny or I get you desperate enough, that your censors and inhibitions just fall away and all that's left is this desperate, pathetic little slut who wants nothing but to make us proud. Are you getting close again?" V nods mutely, blue hair falling in his eyes as the tears flow from his eyes in desperation. Kerry wipes them away gently, nodding to Johnny to add another finger. "Hold on, breathe through this one, baby... you're doing so good." He presses a kiss to V's lips, licking into his mouth to distract him from the tingling spreading through his stomach. 
"Oh, the plan was to make them easy for him to get through?" Johnny chuckles, "Well shit, I've been fucking that up haven't I? And now I'm gonna make it harder." He pushes in the tip of his lubed cock, just past V's rim, flinching when the younger tenses up, "Easy... You've gotta fuckin' 'lax sweetheart, you'll hurt us both if you don't." Johnny runs his hands down V's front, "Come on... I know you're close but you can hold it." He glances down, catching sight of V's cock twitching. "Don't you dare--" Johnny wraps his 'ganic thumb and index finger around the base, tightening them, "Don't you fuckin' dare or I will pull out now and you'll have to wait until I tell you you can. And who knows, that might be tomorrow or it might be a week from now. So I'd think hard about what you wanna do here... Because, baby, you know what's in your best interest?"
"Begging." Kerry finishes for him. 
"Fuck--" V whines, "Please..." His voice breaks out as his lips form a silent plea, pushing against Johnny, begging for more. 
"What was that baby?"
V shakes his head, tears falling freely as the chains holding his arms to the headboard rattle under the shivers. "N-nothing."
Johnny presses in further, "Nothin', hm?" He shakes his head, lips pulling up into a smirk, "We'll see about that 'nothin'," He grabs at V's hips pushing in fully, ripping a broken moan from the younger man's lips. Kerry's hands reach for V's cock, dragging along it and coaxing it back into twitching desperation. "Come on, Skye, beg for it, pretty baby..."
"Fuck!" He gasps, head thrashing as his hips thrust between his partners. "L-lemme cum please....." His hips jerk up and back, conflicted between the two sources of stimulation. 
Johnny growls, "Not yet... That wasn't begging." His fingertip presses just under the head of V's cock, licking his lip at the sight of the younger man falling apart underneath them. "Come on... fuckin' beg."
"Fuck!" V yelps, "Daddy!" 
The word slips through, and at that moment everything stops. Johnny's hand falls away from his cock and his hips still. Kerry's hands freeze at the base, and his breath drags across V's shoulder in a shuddering breath. V sucks his lip into his mouth, eyes wide. "I-- Fuck... I'm sorry... I-- It slipped--"
V's breath stops in his lungs, eyes pinched shut in panic. This was it... They were going to tell him to get the fuck out and never speak to them again. They were going to call him every name they could and embarrass him, shaming him until he felt like nothing more than gum on their boot. The two older men are silent above him, and V wonders if they are debating the best way to get rid of him. He's fucked everything up and this is it. 
"...What was that?" Johnny says, his voice deeper than it was a few moments prior, and his dark eyes stare bullets through him.
V's cheeks tint a deep pink as he whispers, "N-Nothing--" 
Johnny reaches down, fingers combing through V's blue strands gently, gaze never straying from his purple eyes. "Say it again."
V shakes his head, turning it to hide against Kerry's hair, eyes closed tight as the tears in his eyes threaten to fall, "N-no-- You guys think it's weird and I-- I've fucked everything up and I--"
"Skye. Look at me." Johnny growls, pulling  V's face back towards him, "Say it. A-fuckin-gain." 
"I--" he whispers, hands shaking anxiously, "Fuck..."
Kerry murmurs softly, words dancing over the tattoos on V's throat, "Say it again, baby, it's okay." He presses another kiss to the skin, sucking gently to create a new mark as his hand raises back to pull at the black steel ring piercing V's nipple, "Come on..."
V whimpers, gasping out a soft, "D-daddy..." at the stimulation. 
"Fuck..." Johnny groans softly, "Fuckin good boy..." V moans loudly at the praise, hips jerking up to bear down on Johnny's cock. "Course you like it when I praise you... Just love being fuckin' owned don't you?"
"H-hah--" He nods, "Please--"
Kerry moves his hand, dragging it down through the thatch of hair at the base of V's dick, reaching to split his fingers around where Johnny's pushing into him. "Takin' him so good, baby... Look at you."
Johnny leans over him, speeding up the rolls of his hips as he licks into Kerry's mouth, drinking in the soft whines he receives in response. Kerry pulls his hand back, nails raking over Johnny's chest towards his throat, murmuring against his lips. 
Skye watches on, mewling when Johnny's hips snap forwards, cock ghosting just over his prostate. "Daddy!" He yelps, "There!" He presses down, fucking himself back against the older man, legs wrapping tightly around his hips. 
Johnny laughs softly against Kerry's lips, thrusting into their partner, "Close again? Good, I love you on edge. Finally ready to cum after all this time? Well, it's at Ker's discretion." 
Kerry smiles and murmurs, "Damn, daddy... you're going hard on him this time..." Johnny shivers, rhythm stuttering as V tightens around him. V's eyes widen at the exchange, staring at him confusedly until Kerry replies, "Oh, sweetheart, you thought you were the only one who called him that? No... He was my daddy too back in the day..." 
Johnny growls, grabbing Kerry's throat with his chrome arm and pulling him into a rough and sloppy kiss, "Easy, pretty thing, I can render you just as desperate as Skye if I wanted to. You and I both know it. You've gotta remember..." he pulls the other man closer, lips against his ear, "Daddy knows you inside and out." 
Kerry whines, hips jutting forward into the open air between their bodies, the sound sending shivers through V's body. 
"Johnny...." V whimpers, "Need more..." 
"Oh yeah?" Johnny speeds up his thrusts, raising his 'ganic arm to V's throat and squeezes as his chrome arm presses bruises to the younger's thigh, "Come on, baby... I wanna hear you call for me. Doin' so good already, feels so good too." 
He groans, tightening around Johnny as his cock twitches against his abdomen. The tip drips a constant flow of pre against his inked skin as Kerry tweaks his nipple, "You heard him, Skye, We wanna hear you be good for us. Please?"
V pulls against his restraints, the metal rattling against the bars, "Daddy! Fuck, please... feels so-- fuck-- feels so fuckin' good, please..." He writhes, turning his head to meet Kerry's hungry gaze pleading silently for him to greenlight his release, "H-hah-- please..." 
Kerry laughs softly, releasing the younger from the constant stimulation of his chest, crawling over to Johnny and brushing his sweat-damp hair out of his eyes. "Johnny..." He whispers, "Can you make our baby cum for me?" Kerry presses a wet kiss to his shoulder, eyes never leaving V's form. "Please?"
Without a reply, Johnny adjusts his angling, hitting V's prostate with every thrust. Kerry reaches around him, wrapping a calloused hand around V's hypersensitive length, stroking it in time. "I want you to cum for me, baby, but not until I tell you to, deal?"
He nods, lips parted around the desperate pants, and whimpers, seemingly endless as he grows closer and closer. A few moments later, a mixture of Johnny and Kerry's name joins the mix as the noises grow in octaves. 
"Getting so close, aren't you? Doing so good for me-- For daddy." 
A small blurt of precum and a twitch are V's only reply, as Johnny soldiers on, "Feel so fucking good around me, made just for me-- to be our perfect little fucktoy aren't you? Come on, you can cum sweetheart, 'm right behind you." He presses in one last time, and as if on cue, V's cumming a few moments later with a sob, white streaks painting his lower stomach as his chest rises and falls rapidly. "So fuckin' tight, baby... fuck-- hah-- I'm so fuckin' close... fuck--" 
V moans softly, tears slipping past his eyes and down his cheeks, as he stares at his inputs, "Fuck-- need you to cum in me, daddy... P-please... m-mark me?" His voice cracks as he watches the words travel through Johnny's form, the rockerboy's lips parting around his panting breaths. 
"Fuckin' A, V..." He murmurs, head falling back against Kerry's shoulder. Johnny moans, and presses a kiss to Kerry's jaw, groaning when he reaches up and wraps his hand around Johnny's throat. 
Kerry leans down, growling softly, "That's it, Johnny... Fuck... please... wanna-- Need you to-- Need to see you fill him up-- Sound so fuckin good right now babe, please..." 
With that, Johnny groans loudly, jerking his hips as he releases within V's body, going slack against the other man. He moves to pull out, much to V's disapproval. "Easy... Kerry's gonna take my place, sweetheart, know he's just as on edge as you are..." 
"Oh, I uhm... I came when Skye did..." He replies, cheeks tinting pink as he pulls back, revealing the damp spot at the front of his boxers. 
V's cheeks tint pink as Johnny breathlessly laughs. "Fuck, baby... Just when I think I have you figured out..." Johnny presses his lips to Kerry's jaw chastely, pulling out of V, "Can you unhook him? I'm gonna go get some water and a towel."
"N-no... don' leave..." V mindlessly whimpers, eyes pleading. 
"Shhh... Not going anywhere, baby, he'll be right back. I'm staying with you too, sweetheart, you're okay, I promise." Kerry reaches up and unclasps the handcuffs, releasing the younger man. "Easy, don't move too fast, okay?" He massages V's wrists, inspecting them for any injuries. "Gonna have some nasty bruises."
"Eh, you know he likes them..." Johnny chuckles, sitting the bottle of water on the side table. "I'm gonna wipe you down okay?" V nods, face hidden in Kerry's neck as Johnny runs the warm cloth across his torso and between his thighs. He wipes himself off with it as well, before offering it to Kerry, "Need me to wipe you down too?"
"I mean if you wanna..." Kerry replies, a smirk playing at his lips as he runs his fingers through V's blue hair. Johnny rolls his eyes playfully, pulling his boxers off and wiping him down before pulling the blanket up over the three of them. 
V turns and nuzzles against Johnny's chest, inked arm wrapped around his waist, "Thank you..."
"Don't have to thank me, sweetheart, it's okay. You did so good," Johnny gently kisses his forehead, pecking Kerry's lips too. 
"I love you both so much" V murmurs, eyes falling shut.
Kerry smiles and kisses him, "Love you too, Skye," 
Johnny kisses V again in silent agreement reaching up to turn the bedside lamp off. "So daddy, hm?" 
V groans softly, "I knew you were gonna give me shit about it! If it's not your thing, just-- pretend I didn't say anything."
"Oh trust me, baby, "Kerry laughs softly, "He's very into it. That's why he's so mocking about it. Isn't that right, Johnny?"
When they're met with silence, V raises his head to find Johnny's fallen asleep, which sends them into a giggle fit. "Of course, he fell asleep..." V laughs, "It must be tiring to edge the fuck out of your input for five hours and some change..."
"Eh, you can give him shit about it tomorrow... Goodnight, sunshine."
"Goodnight, Ker." V murmurs, curling against Johnny's side and falling asleep.
--- end ---
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Image caption: 'V shivers, a breathy whimper slipping out before he can catch it. Kerry's fingers stroke over the ring pierced through V's nipple, nodding at Johnny. The two exchange a look, ignoring V's writhing. "You've got that right... And fuck, I can't wait to take you apart even further." His thumb brushes under the head of V's cock, sending a jolt ripping through his body. "Fuck you really are so sensitive, aren't you? Makes you so pathetic..." He repeats the motion, chuckling softly at the reedy moan echoed back at him, and the way Kerry's body responds to it.'
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Likes, reblogs and comments mean the WORLD to me! ❤❤
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vole-mon-amour · 6 months
Cyberpunk 2077 is both cool and hilarious to me. Some Nobody, an ordinary kid (that would've died and their glory would've ended on a junkyard without even getting started) gets this ex rockerboy jacked into their brain, and suddenly you're friends with his exes:
THE best fixer of Night City/Queen of the Afterlife herself;
The current rockerboy Kerry Eurodyne with whom you can suddenly have a thing or two and maybe turn it into a short romantic relationship.
Back in 2013, Kerry could easily spend a night with a fan (or just a quickie after the gig, no need to get personal and close at all), but he wasn't as popular and as mature as he is in 2077. Plus, I doubt that a one night stand ever turned into something serious. Judging by the way he described his previous relationships, they were always so fucked up: he was either being constantly cheated on (??? who dared and why?) and eventually got mentally destroyed by his ex wife. No wonder it lead to such horrible depression and suicide rumours/attempt(s).
Then V enters the scene. Breaks into Kerry's house, gives Johnny the reins, and suddenly, the two are connected and can have something V wouldn't even have a CHANCE to have with Kerry. I'm pretty sure V wouldn't even know Kerry in person if it wasn't for Johnny, because Kerry is THAT popular & has tons of fans like V. Just a face in the crowd.
I mean, how many people dream being just a little bit close to Kerry? And when Kerry presents his new collab at a full club, Kerry suddenly pulls this unknown Nobody out of the crowd closer, introduces her as his right hand to the press, and then they leave together and spend some time alone on the roof/at his fav restaurant. Can you imagine how jealous some of those people might feel?
For a while, V becomes closer to Kerry in the real life than anyone could ever dream of. Fans? Like hell he'd let a fan or press that close to himself (and they would definitely NOT be welcome to enter his villa at any time of day and night).
And the more time passes, the more popular Kerry gets (so he goes from Very Popular to Incredibly Popular and Demanded and Wanted By Fans and Press.) The new album, new tour with his huge billboards around the city?
And where's V? Oh, V is either in a coma and basically forgotten by all her friends (including Kerry, and there's no going back to how it was before, it's completely ruined, and V can no longer help Kerry with his wildest deeds) or dead by that time. Isn't that nice. :)
Oh, the tragedy.
(Though I must notice that Vik and Misty are still have to see V. It's just still incredibly tragic & there's no fixing that in canon, either.)
(And that's partially why I still choose The Temperance ending. At least the body is being used and has a purpose. Can be reunited with Kerry, too, if there's such need/wish.)
P.S.: And it's not even about romance. It's literally about the one in a million chance that grants V everything she ever dreamed of and that simultaneously completely destroys her, no matter what she does. (And I talk about V as a female bc that's what I'm comfortable with the most. You do you.)
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I saw your post about if RWBY was written someone decently:
“We would have absolutely gotten a fallout from Jaune just...forging his entry into the academy and then harassing a girl for two volumes.”
I know I am going to get some hate but honestly I wanted Jaune to learn from his actions. I never did like how even at his worst he gets rewarded for his bad behavior:
-he came to a school without aura and no one scolded him for being reckless
-he is sleeping and being lazy with his training (this was your dream why aren’t you taking this seriously?)
-the worse one to me personally (Pyrrha offering training he desperately needs he refuses out of pride…despite knowing he is doing awful)
I hated the bully arc because it was only there to make jaune look good. (Doesn’t help the writers admitting that it was self insert moment.)
Jaune should have faced consequences for being this irresponsible.
Honestly, it's just a mess.
First of all, I have to preface this by saying that there's nothing necessarily wrong with writing Jaune as lazy or not taking his position seriously - as long as writing acknowledges that and uses it to develop him.
Making Jaune as misguided into believing being a Huntsman would make him respected and adored while struggling to put in actual work necessary could be interesting.
The behavior that is in show would fit perfectly the idea of someone who just thought he'd enter into this prestigious academy and get treated like a hero or "The protagonist" - of course someone like that would instantly attempt to hit on the most popular and famous girl at school and of course someone like that would find it difficult to get into his brain that she isn't interested.
Writing Jaune as this person enamored with toxic stereotypes of masculinity and the idea that others owe something to him for his position is interesting. As is the idea of someone like that slowly getting over the toxicity inherent in his behavior and growing into someone more genuine, someone not bound by awful complexes and generic macho fantasies.
Showing how Jaune has to learn to be comfortable with himself and how the whole "knight in shining armor" stereotype of masculinity is not necessary - that would be a riveting character arc.
It would justify all the clashes with Cardin because both represent the polar opposite issues with toxic masculinity overall.
It would even make him a fitting member of JNPR by making his characterization part of the team's theme of challenging gender stereotypes and roles!
The issue is that the writers don't see any of those as an issue - in the minds of Miles and Kerry and the like - Jaune is just this guy "way in over his head" who is just "trying his best".
And what's worse, the writers take the absolute worst possible message from the critique that surrounds Jaune - they somehow believe that the key to making Jaune more likable and to sell him better to the audiences is to make him more "manly", "stronger", "responsible" - all the while walking straight(heh) into the worst toxic stereotypes that people were complaining about in the first place.
They don't attempt to challenge the toxicity and the annoying character traits because they don't see them. Instead they attempt to make him likable and "cool".
So Jaune gets to step over a trail of women who died for his characterization while lamenting how "he never asked for this" and getting a banana haircut that's "more manly". And to prove the likes of Weiss of how achshually he's totally nice and cool guy and she was oh so wrong for daring to not be interested.
I wrote before that the show has Jaune deal with completely different issues than his character actually has, essentially in parts stuffing Ruby's character arc bits onto his character rather than the main protagonist.
It's not only infuriating because of how much the result of his characterization poisons the already shaky show and steals the protagonists' screen time and development, but also downright sad to see the potential of a compelling story arc robbed.
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
Hi! 😍😍
🧃 🍬 🥐 🦋 for the asks please 🥰🥰
Hello Kerry!!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I'm not entirely sure if this means personal fanlore like a headcanon or something lorey about me, so I'm going to sort of blend it and say: After 4x12, I was fully down for Tarlos never having kids. I thought it was quite a unique take to show a couple not being on the same page around starting a family, and it was something I related to a lot for personal reasons. However. However. Then out of the blue I felt ready to read read kidfic, having not really wanted to before. I read @welcometololaland's series Self Control? I Don't Know Her and @three-drink-amy's Teach You How Forever Feels and @ladytessa74's Elijah Verse and @bonheur-cafe's Pour me a cup (or two or three) and now I am obsessed with them becoming dads. Obsessed. I just really want it to happen. It's amazing the impact that fic can have. Everything I linked is so compelling and I just love it!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I've never said this before but........ I don't like TK's name!!! Ahhhh!!! I think he suits initials but I'm not in love with the particular letters together. I also don't think Tyler suits him!!!! Please don't come for me!!! I'm sorry!!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
FOUR SEASONS TOTAL LANDSCAPING!!! And this girl laughing about it!!!
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Honestly, I've had quite a major dip in confidence for a while now because of work. I feel like the job has grown way beyond my intelligence level and I'm scrambling up the learning curve like someone running along a bridge that is falling away behind them. It's getting me down! Also I guess it goes without saying but season 5 of 911 LS and the excitement but also trepidation about plotlines and things! Also I don't love my hair right now.
Thank you for asking! ❤️
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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tumblingxelian · 1 year
This narrative from the RWDE claiming that the FNDM doesn’t care for RT’s management failures is… frustrating. Mainly in how they less sound concerned and more trying to take the moral high ground.
Because apparently bearing in mind that a company and a production crew below them aren’t innately the same in their wrongdoings is bad.
Plus, their attempted callouts on the CRWBY remind me of Tumblr’s brand of twisting the facts.
Mhm, as I noted elsewhere, anyone who buys not their pseudo moral outrage is being played. RWDE don't care about CRWBY/Workers, they care about having another cudgel to hit the show with for daring not be what they wanted.
If Miles and Kerry announced they were gonna bring Ironwood and Adam back and sidelines the MCs, RWDE would be jubilant and insistent that any 'sacrifice' on part of the team was worth it and or willing and thus OK.
Yeah them conflating members of CRWBY and twisting the facts is another facet of the "Just another cudgel" thing I mentioned. Its why they claim Miles is the one who made transphobic comments and underpaid people.
Again, if they actually care about this stuff they wouldn't still be buying stuff tied to the show, giving it free advertising (Which they do regardless of their whining by putting it in the public eye). And if they 'really' care about workers rights there's a ton of other companies and shows they'd be going after.
But nope, its just his one, cos its not about the workers, its about them.
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elvenbeard · 10 months
Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic
Summary: Something is off with V's medication, but there are many leads and the clock is ticking. What is Mr. Blue-Eyes planning and who is the rat that sold V out? With little expectations, Kerry begins an investigation on his own. (Post-Sun-Ending, mostly canon-compliant, Chapter 11/?, 6999 words, Kerry Eurodyne/V - notes at the end) >> Previous Chapter >> Read from the Beginning
“Vik told you to take it easy, Vince,” Kerry urged, placing his hands on V’s shoulders from behind. He had been lingering on his desk ever since they’d come home instead of finally joining Kerry on the couch downstairs. Watch a show, or just listen to music, just… exist and forget about all the existential dread at least for an hour or so, but no...
V’s half-empty martini glass stood close by the left edge of the table. Gently massaging V’s tense muscles, Kerry leaned down to give him a quick kiss on his flushed cheeks. He hadn’t made his drink that strong, as requested, but V just really didn’t react well to alcohol. In a way it was adorable. This seasoned merc, Night City’s bad boy number one, couldn’t hold his liquor.
“One sec,” V said, a little absentminded, eyes glued to the screen displaying a timelapse of various views of security cam footage of their penthouse. Kerry suppressed a sigh, and he opted now to loosely wrap his arms around V’s shoulders, trying to get his attention away from the computer like this. When he would not budge still, he rested his chin on V’s head and then reluctantly looked at the screen as well.
Selected in the security system’s overview was one of the cameras in the garage, the one in the elevator, one in the armory. Three more that overlooked the exterior of the house, including the entrance. Kerry knew of a couple more that V wasn’t monitoring at the moment. The timestamp in the corner of the footage was racing backwards, as was the video itself, and V had reached mid-August, briefly after they’d moved in here. The recordings eventually stopped at various still frames of him testing the setup on the day he’d had it installed.
“I wish I had footage of my old apartment,” V murmured, more to himself than to Kerry, “Was still spending a lot of time there when I got the first batch of pills from Vik.”
“Nothin’ suspicious here?” Kerry asked.
“No… at least, nothin’ apparent, as in…,” he gestured vaguely, “Masked intruders with blue glowing eyes.”
Kerry chuckled at his sarcastic undertone.
“That would be too easy.”
“I guess…” V shrugged, finally leaning back into Kerry’s embrace now, although with the backrest of his chair between them it was kinda awkward. Kerry shuffled and shifted slightly to better see V’s expression.
“How’s your head?” he almost didn’t dare to ask.
“Alright,” V said, eyes unfocused, but then he paused, “No actually it… was better earlier. Think Vik’s stuff’s startin’ to wear off. But I’ll manage.”
Kerry lowered his head and briefly closed his eyes. The heat of his own drink long worn off he basked in the warmth V was radiating. His warmth, his glow… how many more – or how few – setbacks would it take until it would all fade away forever?
“I gotta cross-reference this with my schedule,” V changed the topic back to the footage, “What date I got which batch of pills, and then see if there’s any weirdness here around those timeframes… Second prescription was around the time we moved in, but there were so many people in and out all the time… And if they got here before the security system was up and running the next best thing is the building’s surveillance outside, but that’s shitty quality and bad angles…”
V rubbed his face with his right hand and took a deep, heavy breath, as if an immense weight lay on his chest. Kerry clutched him a little tighter.
“Ooor, “he suggested in an attempt to ease the tension, “You could just chill until Nix does his job. ’Cause if this AJ chick lied to ya, you’re wastin’ a lot of energy on somethin’ pointless right now.”
“Don’t think she was lying…” V shook his head and finally moved to get up, Kerry letting him, “If she did, she should apply at some corp’s CI department. Better suited there instead of a dingy drug lab.”
He slipped out of his chair and picked up his leftover martini in one fluid motion, bringing the glass to his lips with some reluctance though.
“Y’know, I’ll happily finish it for ya,” Kerry offered with a wink, his forearms resting on the chair’s backrest now, fingers loosely interlocked as he played with one of his rings. V’s eyes met with his, a challenging glimmer in them, a cheeky smirk on his lips. He emptied the rest of his drink in one go. Letting out a long, deep breath V set the glass down and leaned back against the desk, healthy hand holding on to the edge for support.
“I’m so gonna regret this, but…” he still smiled at Kerry, “Not gonna lie, that was pretty good.”
“Despite the olive?” Kerry teased, then slowly pushed the chair aside, and stepped in front of him.
“Even that wasn’t so bad,” he said as Kerry’s hands trailed down V’s sides, then slipped under his t-shirt. Kerry grinned when goosebumps rose under his fingertips as they wandered around V’s waist, down to the small of his back.
“Picked a good one,” he said, trying to keep his mind from wandering as well, too fast, too far.
“Yeah, I did,” V smiled, and Kerry paused for a moment, noticing the slight tilt of V’s head, how he pursed his lips, amber eyes looking up at him through long dark eyelashes. Yeah… he wasn’t talking about the olive anymore.
“Gonk,” he muttered, but then he leaned in, no longer able to resist to kiss V’s cheeks and neck and chest, tongue and lips guided by the dark pink flushes speckled all across pale skin.
“What was that about takin’ it easy?” V whispered hoarsely, grabbing on to Kerry’s waist, leaning into his touch.
“Yeah… you lean back and relax,” Kerry breathed against his neck, “And lemme do what I’m good at…”
V giggled as Kerry slowly guided him over to their bed, accompanied by more kisses, little gasps, and fleeting touches.
Drunk sex usually guaranteed that V would be out cold (blissfully, of course) for at least a couple of hours afterwards. It had been one rollercoaster of a day and night… of a week, really, with both of them getting too little restful sleep. So, Kerry hoped this impromptu afternoon nap would do V good, or at the very least give him a little rest from everything. He seemed at peace at least, lips slightly parted, breathing slowly and deeply, huddled into their lightweight silk blanket the same way he’d been this morning. Kerry stayed by his side for a little while longer, just watching… but Lee and Vicki and a few other studio assholes kept messaging him, interrupting their domestic bliss once again.
They had been trying to get in touch all day, reminding him of deadlines, work that needed to be done, promo events, concerts, collabs… And Kerry had been patiently ignoring them while out and about with V. All he wanted was to stay in bed with him now, help him get the help he needed, force him to take it easy when he just wouldn’t listen to his doctors telling him to.
He lightly brushed his fingers over V’s cheek, the hint of patchy dark stubble along his jawline, eyes lingering on his pulse point for a moment. Kerry had sucked an almost purple bruise into his flesh, right where skin and cyberware met, as V had been flinching and whimpering under him…
Blip beep. Another message from Lee forced the steamy mental image out of Kerry’s head. He huffed and quickly checked his phone, with no intention to respond.
“The situation in regard to the video is somewhat under control now,” it read, and Kerry shuddered, “But N54 News’ showbiz representative sent in another exclusive interview request. They agreed to scratch the questions that had been bothering you in their previous e-mail, but in return they want a statement on the video and your relationship status. Same conditions as before. I think this is as great chance to clear things up and gain you some sympathy – also in light of already circulating rumors. I wrote up some possible responses (attached below) if you want to read them in advance! Maybe we can meet up some time later today, or tomorrow or… whenever fits best. To talk things through, discuss the next steps for the album and everything else. Please just quickly let me know if you’ve read this so I know you’re okay and onboard!”
Kerry suppressed an annoyed groan to not wake V. After a few more minutes of failing to doze off as well, he decided to get up. Drink some more maybe, have a smoke. Smash his phone with a hammer. In fact, what he really wanted was to get high out of his mind, knock himself out with vodka and pills, and sleep for 72 hours straight. Had he been alone, just lil’ old Kerry back at his villa in North Oak… he probably would’ve, and without hesitation.
Instead, now, he slipped into his bathrobe hanging over the gallery’s rail, and as he passed by V’s desk to get to the kitchen, his eyes got caught by the screens once more. A quick glance over his shoulder confirmed that V was still asleep. He had been so sure to find something suspicious on the security footage… but he’d also been high on Vik’s drug cocktail, dizzy from drinking Kerry’s actual cocktail, and pre-occupied with too much else. No surprise he hadn’t succeeded. If there even was anything to find at all.
Then again, Kerry barely knew what he was doing when it came to their house’s security system either. He had left these types of things to his management team for decades, and so far, that had worked out just fine. Mostly, at least. V had said himself, back when they had this installed here, that there simply was no system that was one hundred percent safe and impenetrable. There were always loopholes, exploits to use, and all that other fancy tech terminology Kerry only half understood but loved to hear V talk about.
“You can never fully rule out human error, either,” was what he liked to say.
Hence why Kerry felt a little silly when he pulled out the desk chair after standing, staring, and pondering it all for too long. All camera views were still selected in the review tool, V was visible in one of them, the 180 degrees view into the armory. He was looking up at the lens, at Kerry, pensive and serious. The timestamp read “August 3rd 2077 – 11.46 a.m.“. Just a little over a month ago, but he looked so much less tired than he did most days now. But also, at this point, he must’ve already been working for Blue-Eyes behind the scenes. Kerry realized that maybe that was exactly why he had been so keen on upgrading the security system before they’d even properly settled in.
Kerry sighed, leaned back in the chair, and then pulled up his own schedule. They’d just talked about it, the day Viktor had delivered more bad news to V regarding his initial treatment plan was the same day Kerry finally got out of the contract with Kovachek. The same day Blue-Eyes got in touch with his convenient help offer. He had to scroll past walls of texts and messages, but he finally found the invitation for the meeting with the studio bosses. July 22nd. Yeah, no footage for that. They had been talking about moving in together for a while at that time already though… early, really, given how they first met back in May only. But V had spent most of his nights at Kerry’s villa anyway, and Kerry sought refuge at V’s apartment all other days. Finding a place for them both together had simply felt like the right next logical step. It still did, more than ever. And with how little time they seemed to have left at the moment, there was no “too soon” for nothing, really…
Kerry held the thought and continued to scroll further up through his appointments on his planner’s interface. The scheduled meeting during which Lee had signed him on, a few days after the final conversation with Kovachek. The appointment with the realtor to view the penthouse. Moving in day, various important events at the recording studio, and with medias. A handful of parties, occasions, dinner dates with V sprinkled in-between, an invitation from River to come over some time… He hesitated for a moment at August 20th. It had been surprisingly hard again this year, but V made it easier, like so many other things...
After a few more studio-related appointments Kerry had reached present time.
He looked back at the computer screen in front of him, had to search for a play button. Then the recordings started moving again, at a quite high speed.
“Ah fuck…” Kerry hissed and looked for a way to slow the footage down, clicking some random buttons, but without success. Before accidentally deleting something, Kerry decided to just keep his eyes peeled for anything out of the usual as best as he managed, but there was nothing too obvious… Them both or either of them leaving and coming back home every day around similar times, AVs or delivery drones landing outside. There was quite the commotion with the moving company in the beginning, lots of strangers all at once, but Kerry didn’t recall any of them behaving weirdly, or even getting near where V stored his pills at the time.
Since there was only about a month of footage sped up dramatically, Kerry opted to just restart it a handful of times whenever he reached the end. Lee showed up in person at the entrance quite often in the beginning, but rarely made it all the way into the penthouse… Kerry hadn’t been aware just how often he did it though, seeing it happen again and again now on loop. He assumed that during some occasions neither he nor V were home to let him in. Kerry in fact remembered only one time Lee had been here in the early days, and how pissed he’d gotten at him for showing up unannounced over something completely trivial. He’d told him to meet up at the studio for these types of convos in the future and he had assumed that was the end of the story of unannounced visits.
Apparently not. Because right now he saw Lee coming back day after day… then not anymore for a few weeks. Then again on two days in a row at the end of August, the 24th and 25th. Kerry was not there to invite him in for any of those visits either…
He paused the preview at Lee just getting out of the penthouse and into the elevator on August 25th. His heart was racing faster than the footage had been, raking his brains… Had V let him in? He doubted that…
He pulled up his holo screen again to read back through the endless wall of text messages Lee had sent him since. Finally, the 25th, on which there had been a little bit of back and forth between them actually, and Kerry’s tension dropped slightly.
“Lee, I’m fucking busy tonight. Shard with demos is still at my new place. If you really need it that desperately, you gotta go get it yourself,” had been Kerry’s final message that night, and it fit the timeframe Lee was at the penthouse.
 So, he’d let him in remotely to pick up that shard, just how he did the other day to feed the cat. Temporary access token, no big deal, right…
Kerry scrolled further back through his messages, but there was nothing in his texts, nor his e-mails, nor his appointments that would explain Lee’s visit on the day before though. Only a reminder to himself about “date night with V <;3”, the reason for his pre-occupation on the 25th and neither of them being at the penthouse.
He dismissed his schedule and stared back at the screen. At Lee with his ridiculous pompadour, bleach-blond still at the time, in his over-priced suit, stumbling into the elevator, frozen in time. Going by the timestamps, he’d been in the penthouse for 15 minutes to pick up the shard which seemed… long for a task that simple. Unless it wasn’t the only thing he’d done there while Kerry and V were out on a fancy date.
No, not him though. The thought alone was fucking insane. That man’s spine was a slinky toy. He almost shat his pants whenever he had to call or speak to Kerry. If all that was an act and he was secretly one of Blue-Eyes’ agents, he deserved a fucking Oscar. Kerry shook his head at his own paranoia, took a few moments to rationalize, think it through. Lee was notorious for his bad timing and inability to just leave him the fuck alone. There were a million possible explanations that made more sense than any deeper, darker purpose behind these numerous, persistent visits and incompetence of fulfilling easy tasks in a timely manner…
He scrolled back through the footage to the several days in a row Lee was there at the start of August, shortly after they moved in. Kerry had his messages to him from that timeframe at the ready.
The one time he actually remembered Lee coming to the penthouse to talk was a Sunday. He didn’t even have a proper reason, apart from “getting to know each other a bit better” and discussing future plans and whatnot. Nothing they couldn’t have done over the holo. Hence why Kerry had been so pissed off, apart from Lee invading his living room unannounced. V hadn’t been there, thankfully.
The day after this incident Lee was on the footage again… No messages in Kerry’s inbox, but a calendar appointment for booking a recording booth. Kerry wasn’t home, and going by the footage, Lee didn’t get into the house either. He lingered in front of the intercom by the entrance a long while though, and Kerry noticed that he was talking – to V maybe, home that day, but telling him that Kerry was at the studio? Lee left the entrance area of the building with reluctance. Then he came back the next day, and again, Kerry couldn’t make a connection to his visit with any of the entries in his schedule or his messages. And then, August 11th…
“Lee… got a problem, forgot to fill the cat feeder this morning. I’ll be at the studio for a while still. Sending you a temporary access token. Cat food in the shelf next to the fridge.”
“You can never fully rule out human error…” shot through Kerry’s mind again. But yes, of course he’d give him access to their house, repeatedly, for stupid little tasks like that. Why wouldn’t he? Lee was a fucking pathetic little loser. He could never harm them in any way apart from maybe, psychological damage, right?
Kerry continued to stare at the screen, the timestamps. Lee arrived on the 11th and then spent almost 45 minutes feeding the cat. Kerry jumped forward to near the end of the collection of recordings, to a couple of days ago. The day he’d been at the med center and instructed Lee to feed the cat as well. Lee arrived at the penthouse quickly and sent his photo of Nibbles eating 5 minutes later. He was out the front door again after just over ten minutes. What had he done for the more than 30 extra minutes during the first “feed the cat” visit? Even his incompetence wasn’t great enough to need that long to locate the cat food and put it in the feeder.
Kerry’s ears were ringing as he watched himself in front of the computer from above. He hadn’t had such an intense out-of-body experience in a while. Trying to come up with a more logical explanation than “he probably searched for and swapped the pills during that time”, he was unable to even lift a finger. The thought ate itself into his brain like acid.
“Lee swapped the pills…” he wasn’t even sure if he said it out loud, so insane the mere idea. For money, for power, for chrome? What could a Mr. Blue-Eyes offer a small light like Lee… Well, everything he wanted, probably, and more. And Lee was dumb enough to believe him, too, if even V could be lured in by someone like that with promises big and times desperate enough.
 When Kerry arrived back in his own body eventually, his paralysis was slowly but surely replaced by rage.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill that bastard…” he muttered to himself, got up from the chair, and instead of drinking more, maybe having a smoke, he went to grab his clothes from the wardrobe and then his gun from the armory. V was still fast asleep and none the wiser by the time the Aerondight left the garage.
Of course, Kerry wouldn’t kill Lee. Not really. Probably. But at the very least he wanted to scare the shit out of him and make him talk. Even if he had nothing to do with all of this in the way Kerry assumed, something was up with him, and Kerry needed to give him a piece of his mind before he imploded for good.
He arrived in front of the MSM recording studio in Charter Hill much faster than anticipated… so much so that his impromptu plan to get Lee to talk was still somewhat fuzzy around the edges. He was in the mood to storm in, guns blazing, but there was no guarantee Lee was even there. Maybe he should’ve checked that before coming here. Kerry cursed between his teeth, slightly clammy hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he parked straight across from the building’s main entrance. Reluctantly he decided to simply call his manager, something he usually never did. It rang a handful of times, longer than he would’ve expected.
“Kerry?” asked the shaky voice on the other end of the line.
“Certainly not Lizzy Wizzy,” Kerry replied deadpan, “Where are ya?”
His heart was beating in his throat.
“I’m at the studio! I’ve been waiting to hear from you, been worried that –…”
“I’m outside the front door,” Kerry interrupted him, “Come down, let’s talk.”
He tried not to let his nerves show, and he was thankful for his AudioVox evening out the slight tremor in his words.
“Uh… why don’t you come upstairs to my office?” Lee evaded, “Vicki just dropped by with two new demos you can listen to, I think – …”
“No,” Kerry said sternly, but he was grasping at straws for a reason as to why they had to meet outside that wouldn’t leave Lee even more suspicious.
“Bring the demos with ya, we’ll listen to ‘em on the road,” was the best thing he could bullshit this quickly, “Been too stagnant lately, gotta move around a bit, get the creative juices flowing.”
Empty phrases he’d flung around a million times before, but they usually worked with types like Lee.
“Oh… okay?” Lee said, then there was silence for a couple of seconds, “Okay, I’ll be right there but… I need to be back at the studio at the latest in an hour, got an important appointment...”
Kerry didn’t reply and simply hung up. No promises.
Lee appeared at the building’s main entrance around ten endless minutes later. Maybe he was truly just very bad at fulfilling simple tasks quickly. Kerry’s doubts were loud in his head as his right leg bounced in a shaky rhythm, the gun in his jacket’s pocket, heavy as a brick, bruising his thigh. Lee jogged across the street, black and blue designer coat fluttering in the wind. When he approached the passenger side of the car, he tried to put on a smile, but it was slanted and forced. Kerry opened the door for him.
“Get in,” he ordered, demanded almost, and Lee slightly flinched, fumbling in his pockets and pulling out a handful of shard cases.
“Got everything with me, I thought maybe we could start with the song demos? But just in case I also brought the interview questions I mentioned, and some other things you can decide on for the upcoming promo events.”
“Wow, great. Now get in,” Kerry repeated himself with zero enthusiasm and finally Lee slipped into the seat. The same seat V had fucked Kerry in so gloriously yesterday… and now Lee desecrated the space with his presence.
Kerry closed the door again and sped off before Lee could say another word, headed towards the highway that would lead them out of the city.
Lee kept babbling without pause, played the demos for Kerry and recounted the producers’ notes on what needed to be changed still and what was good, as well as the opinions of the studio bosses Kerry didn’t give a fuck about. But he had to just nod and smile, because in the end they were the ones that determined his success to an essential degree.
About twenty minutes into their drive, with buildings left and right becoming scarce and nothing but the near-deserted Badlands ahead of them, Lee grew quieter. He stared blankly ahead at the CrystalDome screens.
“Uh, Kerry, at the latest at five I need to be back in Charter Hill,” he reminded him.
Kerry did not respond, only half heard him really, his thoughts racing, eyes scanning for a secluded place he could pull into, wary to not be tailed by gangers, or worse, paparazzi. His GPS navigation pointed out a little dead-end road not far ahead, leading to an old racing track. He remembered the place, knew where he was now. He’d been here with V, very early on in their relationship, blowing off steam after something V couldn’t talk about at the time. That was before Blue-Eyes even, Johnny was still around… In hindsight Kerry was sure it had had something to do with that whole Dogtown mess.
His Aerondight squealed and rumbled across the uneven dirt road, he physically couldn’t go much further than a couple of hundred yards away from the highway, so he pulled over to the side of the road behind a large rock and turned off the engine.
“Uh, Kerry, we still have a long drive back ahead of us, and I gotta – ,“ Lee wanted to protest and Kerry slipped his fingers around the grip of his gun. He tried to breathe away his shaking, but it was no use. They were here now, he had to seize the opportunity, because who knew when – or if – Lee would ever get into the same car with him again.
He pulled his gun and pointed it at Lee, who let out a brief but surprisingly controlled scream and immediately raised his hands.
“K-Kerry I mean… Let’s talk this through, I’m sure you don’t wanna –…”
“Shut your fucking second asshole, Lee, ‘cause there’s only shit comin’ from it anyway,” Kerry ordered sternly, somewhat surprised at his own bravado, “Turn off your phone and put it in the glovebox, and then get out. No tricks, no messing around.”
“Okay, okay!” Lee whimpered, pulled out his phone with a feverish expression and squashed it in the glovebox between condoms, unpaid parking tickets, and one or two satchels of colorful pills.
“Get out, hands on your head,” Kerry repeated, “And slowly start walkin’.”
“Okay!” Lee squealed, eyes big and teary, then Kerry unlocked and opened the door for him before getting out of the car himself.
He looked over his shoulder, listened into the distance, but the desert was quiet. No roaring engines, no gunshots, no yelling. Yet.
With his gun he gestured Lee towards the old racing track, and whimpering Lee obeyed and marched on, white syn-leather boots soon turned orange from the dust. They quietly walked on until Kerry felt there was enough of a distance to the road, and they were at least partially obscured by the tall coarse rock formations and sparse vegetation framing the location.
“That’s far enough. Turn around,” he ordered, gun still pointing at Lee, he gripped it tightly with both hands to keep it steady. His manager slowly did as he was told, turning on the spot, slightly hunched over and squinting against the sun and the barrel of the gun. Kerry just stared back at him, tried to make sense of it still… and wondered if he had maybe lost it for good now. In the end, he had only a vague suspicion, no proof, no nothing. The uncertainty began to gnaw on his to-begin-with shaky confidence in all of this.
“Kerry listen,” Lee then pleaded, “I’m sure this has got to be a misunderstanding of some sort! Let’s just… talk, okay? Without the gun, maybe?”
“Shut it,” Kerry ordered, “I’m makin’ the rules here.”
“Okay, okay,” Lee lowered his head slightly, whispering something under his breath Kerry didn’t quite catch. He never took Lee for a religious person, but a little prayer probably couldn’t hurt in a moment like this.
Kerry still didn’t have a plan of action in his mind on how to move forward. In a movie the hero would probably hold a dramatic speech now, confronting the villain about his crimes and all, but truthfully, Kerry wasn’t the hero here. Holding a whimpering mess like Lee at gunpoint at least had nothing heroic about it. So, he decided to just cut straight to the point.
“Did you swap V’s pills?” he asked, voice not nearly as firm as the grip around his gun. He didn’t even have his finger on the trigger, but the visual alone was intimidating enough, he hoped.
He expected confusion, more bargaining, or just downright denial from Lee. Not for his eyes to grow wide, the remaining color to fade from his face. And for once in his life, Lee was dead silent, stared at Kerry open-mouthed. He’d hit the nail on the head.
“You fuckin’ asshole!” Kerry hissed and took a step towards Lee, pointing his gun straight between the fucker’s eyes, near-blinded by anger at Lee’s reaction. Lee screamed and flinched back, stumbling almost. Now the bargaining began.
“Please, please, I had no choice, they threatened to ruin me!”
“Well, tough shit, guess I’ll do it for ‘em now!” Kerry barked, his chest tight and face hot, and Lee kept screaming, pleading.
“No, no, no! Please!”
“You fuckin’ son of a bitch! To save your own sorry ass you, you – …”
Suddenly Lee’s persistent fear of Kerry and V made even more sense. If he’d been behind this from the start, he’d probably been scared they’d figure it out somehow, sooner or later. Every time they were alone together the bastard was a shaking mess not because he was so bad at his job, but scared for his life. Well, a little bit of both maybe.
“Who told you to do this?” Kerry then asked, “And you better spit it out quickly and as detailed as possible, or I’ll leave your sorry ass to rot out here.”
Lee whimpered and now sank to his knees, hands still on his head, facing the ground and actually sobbing.
“I don’t know them, I swear!” he sputtered, “Never saw their faces, never spoke to anyone in person. It all went over the holo. Directed me to pick up spots and gave me a certain timeframe to do… to do the swap. And if I hadn’t, they’d’ve ruined my life. Oh god… they’re not gonna just ruin my life, they’re really gonna kill me now that you know!”
He tumbled over forward, face-first into the sand and his sobbing intensified. Kerry couldn’t help but feel sorry for him now, a pathetic little loser in way over his head. And his story sadly sounded plausible with the little Kerry and V knew about Blue-Eyes and his associates.
“Fucking hell…” Kerry muttered and lowered his gun, then he closed the remaining distance between himself and Lee. He bent down and firmly grasped him by the back of his collar to pull him back up. Lee neither resisted nor made the feat easy for Kerry.
“Get it together, man,” Kerry hissed through gritted teeth and Lee fell backwards on his ass and just sat in the sand now, a picture of misery. His face and hair were encrusted with dirt, wet streaks running down his cheeks, his hands rested in his lap in resignation.
Kerry knelt down on one knee in front of him, gun still at the ready just in case, and tried to catch Lee’s gaze.
“Hope they at least fuckin’ paid you well,” Kerry said, trying his best to remain calm, scared that Lee would actually pass out if he intimidated him even more. Lee shook his head and Kerry frowned.
“They blackmailed me,” he explained sniffling, “I don’t know how but… They have so much information on me that I was sure no one knew about. How I never went to a prestigious school, the shit my parents did, how many of my credentials are… polished at best, how I… I never would’ve made it this far up at MSM if I hadn’t… improved my background here and there. I’m gonna lose everything if that information reaches the wrong kinda people...”
Kerry sighed deeply.
“Why am I not surprised,” he muttered, but knowing that Lee acted for purely selfish reasons made this somehow so much worse than if he’d just done it for a huge chunk of money. Not that it surprised him though, that was Night City in a nutshell. He got up again and started pacing in front of Lee.
“Lemme guess, you also didn’t know what you were even swapping there, right?” he asked, anger creeping back in, “Cause, surprise, you didn’t exchange some ibuprofen with sugar pills!”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a few deep breaths. They still didn’t even know exactly what these pills had been doing to V, but whatever it was, if they came from Mr. B, it couldn’t be good. Some kind of preparation to put V in that artificial body at best, mind control that was killing him even faster than his own body at worst. Everything in-between and beyond seemed possible and plausible, too.
“They said it was none of my concern and the less I knew, the better,” Lee admitted quietly, and Kerry couldn’t help but laugh out loud in frustration.
“You… pathetic shitstain!” he now yelled, so close to losing his temper again, “You’re the worst kind of scumbag, aren’t you? Messin’ with someone else’s life and health without asking any questions, just to save your own sorry ass. Believe me, you fit in just fuckin’ right with MSM and that whole fucking’ shitshow of a corporation. Such a brave obedient little corpo soldier, aren’t ya? Fuck!”
He kicked a small rock into the distance, swirling up orange dust, and its impact against one of the larger rock formations echoed across the desert. The sun was beginning to set over the city far behind them, and Kerry paced back and forth, back and forth, failing to find a solution. Lee held his head low and said nothing either, too shaken and guilty still, probably packing his bags in his mind already. Or shoveling his grave.
V would know what to do now, or at least be able to improvise something, but Kerry was at a loss. He eventually stopped in his tracks, still clutching his gun tightly, but despite his seething anger at Lee he still had no intentions of killing him. The guy had killed himself long ago already by weaseling his way into MSM through crooked schemes. Blue-Eyes was only serving him the bill for it now.
As if he could sense Kerry staring at him, Lee looked up and their eyes met.
“What now?” he asked shakily.
“Dunno, whaddaya suggest?” Kerry shrugged, “Wanna have me put ya outta your misery right away?”
“No no no!” Lee stammered and raised his hands again, hunching over in fear, “Please I… I know I fucked up, big time!”
“That’s the understatement of the century…”
After a moment of hesitation Lee looked back up at him again, carefully.
“I… if there is anything I can do to make up for this…”
Kerry couldn’t help himself but laugh.
“Well now I’m curious what in the fuck you’re gonna offer.”
“I… dunno…” Lee’s brief moment of confidence was blown out like a candle in a storm.
Kerry didn’t know either because, as usual, Lee was useless. Or at the very least he didn’t see a solution that could actually help them either. He needed to tell V about this. As soon as possible.
“Get back in the car,” Kerry then ordered, waving with his gun, “Takin’ ya to your stupid appointment.”
Lee’s eyes grew wider.
“What? Am I… I’m just supposed to continue as normal?”
Kerry frowned.
“What did you expect, that I’m gonna help you escape into a cozy exile somewhere nice and sunny while we clean up your mess and deal with the consequences?”
Lee just stared in response, but Kerry wouldn’t have let him answer anyway.
“You stay put and behave exactly how you always do, play the manager. And you sure as hell will not tell anyone anything about what we just talked about,” he ordered, “If your creep friends call you and ask you to run another errand, you will do exactly that, and don’t let show in any way that would suggest V and I caught on.”
“I… what?” Lee stammered.
“I’m not done yet,” Kerry interrupted him sternly, “Not done with you, either. You will make up for this shit you caused. And I promise you, if I get as much as a whiff of you tryin’ to rat us out or bail or whatnot… V knows people that will track you down to the dark side of the moon to blow your lights out, if necessary.”
The last one was a bluff, although he was sure, with some persuasive words and favors exchanged here and there, even that would be possible, should the need arise.
“Okay, okay!” Lee whimpered, “Understood. I… This meeting never happened?”
“Damn straight. Now back into the car, asshole.”
Kerry was elsewhere with his thoughts for the entirety of the ride back into the city. It wasn’t much, but if Lee managed to keep his mouth shut and not draw Blue-Eyes’ attention, they now actually were a step ahead. Kerry just didn’t know how to use this tiny edge yet, if they could use it at all… and all of course under the assumption that Blue-Eyes wasn’t listening in or watching them 24/7 through some fucked up means already anyway.
“Don’t forget your phone,” Kerry said when he stopped in front of the studio to let Lee get out. They were back early enough so he still had some time to clean himself up, get himself back together before his appointment.
“Yeah, right, thank you,” Lee stammered and stumbled out of the car and slowly started walking towards the building without further words.
The passenger door slid shut and the warm interior lights of the Aerondight engulfed him, but still, it was far from enough to soothe his nerves. Kerry rested his forehead on the steering wheel and let out a deep breath. Something in his guts told him that the studio would call him tomorrow morning to inform him of Lee’s mysterious disappearance or death, and that they already had the next replaceable guy lined up to take over…
“Fuck…” he muttered, smacked the steering wheel, and unlocked his own door. He jumped onto the street, a car passing by honking at him, but he ignored it. He turned to the main entrance of the studio building where Lee was just about to walk through the door.
“Lee!” he called, and Lee flinched and turned around with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights.
“Get back here,” Kerry waved, and hesitantly his manager returned to the side of the car.
“Yes?” he asked shakily, clutching his phone still. Sand was still dripping from his hair and the dirt on his face had dried.
“Get back in,” Kerry decided, and Lee gulped audibly, “Don’t think it’s a good idea to leave you alone right now. These guys that made you do this stuff…”
He didn’t have to say anything else, Lee nodded in strong agreement.
Edge or not, it was so small, so insignificant almost… And no matter how much he hated Lee’s guts sometimes, if Blue-Eyes snuffed him in his sleep tonight… Lee could know more than he let on, maybe even subconsciously. Him already being involved in this whole mess against his will also made him a better ally than any new manager that could be one of Blue-Eyes spies for real this time.
Lee got back in the passenger seat, and Kerry behind the wheel, turning on the engine. How the hell he was gonna break this to V he didn’t know yet. Right as he wanted to drive off, back home, he noted a dark van parked across the street, in good view of them. Kerry hesitated. This was nothing, probably, delivery guys, technicians. Although, no markings, names, or logos on the car.
Maybe this shit was getting to him more than he realized, seeing enemies where there were none. But it had ended with a black van with the Peralezes as well…
He tried to write the thought off as paranoia once again, but just in case, Kerry made extra sure they weren’t being followed before even getting into view of Watson.
>> Next Chapter
It's been a hot minute, so much has happened since my last update, and I'm so happy I can finally share this ;__; I really had a lot of fun writing Kerry on his own little adventure for this chapter, and I think a few of you will be happy to see Lee back as well XD I've grown quite fond of him and had really been looking forward to this little reveal ever since I first introduced him xD I hope it came as a surprise but not entirely unexpected that he's involved in this mess a bit more deeply than he let on so far.
I hope the next chapter update won't take me as long as this one did, as with black vans showing up unannounced and Mr. B's schemes slowly becoming unravelled I can't wait to continue telling this story! :3
I put a little nod at Dogtown in this chapter, but to anyone who hasn't played Phantom Liberty and wants to continue reading: fret not! Since I started writing this story before the expansion and planned it out without any ties to it, the events of PL will not be majorly referenced here, not beyond what I did in this chapter.
Hope you enjoyed reading this, as always, and are looking forward to how it's all gonna continue (hopefully soon). I would say, we're about to reach the midway point of the story!
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
How Dare (You)
A little scribble from an old prompt of Kerry and Voss.
Voss groaned when he heard the hushed voice having half a conversation somewhere close by. He opened his eyes and realised he had a blanket draped over his head and the arm of the couch, blocking out the light and muffling the sounds outside it.
“First, it’s the weekend. I told you I don’t take any calls about biz unless it’s like...” Kerry's voice held a sharp edge and irritated tone.
Voss peeked out from under the blanket and saw him pacing the downstairs lounge in front of the ridiculously oversized nude painting. His barely contained anger was in harsh contrast to the serene face rendered on the canvas. His robe had slipped off one shoulder, more rude awakening than a flirtatious style choice.
“No...no...I said no!” Kerry’s voice began to creep up the decibels, his hand cutting through the air aggressively.
Voss rubbed his eyes. The pain was gone but now he felt groggy and slow. The migraine hangover; it would take a couple of days for him to fully recover from this one.
Kerry stopped his pacing when the couch creaked as Voss sat up. The irritated expression flipped to tenderness as Kerry waved his hand for Voss to sit down again.
“No! For the last time Kovachek, I’m not doing it, not without asking...” He was cut off mid-sentence, his face starting to tint red.
Voss knew what was coming and laid down on his back.
“Cut me off again like that and I swear...”
Kerry’s pacing became more stompy, as much as it could be in his flip-flops. He stopped, held the phone away from his face in disgust at what he heard. He glanced up at Voss who had an arm resting on his forehead.
“Say that again.” Kerry dared when he put the phone back up to his ear. His eyes glared when he heard the words repeated back.
“How...how dare you! How fuckin' dare you!” Kerry’s voice was hushed again. His whole body shook. “Can’t say it to him but you’ll happily pour that poison in my ears...”
The phone bubbled and hummed with the reply.
“Eat my fucking ass, Kovachek!” Kerry roared.
The phone was sent flying through the air and smashed into the wall. The glass front made a brittle crack when it shattered.
He turned around to see Voss sitting up again, eyes wide, his mouth open about to speak.
“Not now, babe. Give me some time alone...” Kerry sighed. His shoulders rose and fell with the breath, his shoulders rounded slightly in on himself, head down as he left with his cigarette case in hand.
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jennilah · 4 months
OKAY, OKAY FOLLOW UP, but I have to ask, based on how you rank Riggs movie and Logans movie, what do you think of Rigg and Logan in a more indepth analysis?? E.g what makes them interesting to you, or what stands out about them to you?
And somewhat off-topic, how do you think the other apprentices would interact with Logan??
how dare u ask for a detailed analysis when i love overanalyzing you just want to derail me for another two hours dont you.
Riiiiiggg <3
first of all I thought it was really cool that for Saw IV, a guy who was kind of a minor established character got to ascend to protagonist. (I guess the same thing happened with Hoffman but I straight up forgot he was in Saw III at all when I was watching IV for the first time. I remembered Rigg from II and his brief III appearance though)
in Saw II he so easily could have just been the Predator/Aliens overconfident gun guy trope with an itchy trigger finger. and yes, hes eager for the whole thing to get a move on so the victims can be saved, but hes not mindless. I love that he joins in the deliberation with Kerry and Matthews and they spend a few moments to establish how much he cares about his colleagues, his too-big heartstrings tugged by how difficult this situation must be for Matthews.
SO it was cool to see that became the major character flaw which contributed to his demise in IV. He cared too much. He lost his test because he couldn't stop caring. He almost got in trouble in the past for caring too much already, punching that guy. He ran into the crime scene without backup which could have gotten himself killed, because his emotions took over. (Also tangentially related, I'd say he has a lot of parallels with Strahm who also thinks with his heart first, and the end mirrors the beginning nicely with how Strahm also rushes into the crime scene without backup. Saw IV has a lot of really cool things going on actually)
At the start, they make it very clear he works himself sick worrying about the case and his missing friends despite it not being his job to worry about it. I'm saddened by his strained relationship with his wife because she seemed nice and normal, one of the few pairs without infidelity, and he's obviously very sweet and sensitive and caring, but too much for his own good. First time watching, the whole time I was just begging this nice man to go home to his nice wife like Jigsaw instructed, pained knowing this couldnt possibly end well for him or her.
hes an optimist. he believes, despite him being missing for 6 months, that Matthews is still out there and that he can be found. He believes he can save everyone in the traps. (well except that 1 guy you know the one) He believes he can save his friends. He tried to do it all.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 taken tf out for caring too much.
im sorry that my favorite characters are the shitheads and little bastards. Rigg is just such a good boy i care him. Im holding him in my hands
LOGAN.... gosh Logan I really wish I had any opinions on you. Its been like 8 months since I watched the movie and was never really presented with much fandom discussion around him so im afraid to say i forgor what his personality is 😭 hes like just kind of normal right?
in the fuckin sitcom Saw house of my dreams, i think Logan would be the 1 apprentice that everyone gets along with bc he just repels drama. they would finish up nearly ripping each other's throat out and one by one throughout the rest of the day kick down his door to vent about it, so he has to hear the same story from 3 different perspectives and just nods his head and goes "uh-huh"
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itookyoudown · 6 months
Gotchu boo, 🍓🥑🥤💌 🐇 for the writers truth and dare ask game!!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
chronic justified brainrot. i’ve lurked in fandoms in the past admiring photos from afar and reading smut, but never got involved in the community aspect before justified. @rudeflower and i started sprinting in the justified server and i started dorking around with a boyd & tim scrabble fic (a dusty WIP i haven’t touched in years) just trying to see if i was capable of writing fanfiction as i’d never written it before. then i was consumed by a vampire AU idea and was encouraged during sprints with @praycambrian @boydcrowdr @acorrespondence to start writing and finish it. never would have completed it without their support and all the fun we had sharing snippets in sprint chat :)
then i did a few givenson prompt fics and it all snowballed from there after i clicked with @sublightsleeper and we started discussing headcanons + characterization. never would have continued writing fanfic without kerri 🖤
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@willowmckinley & @sublightsleeper !!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
@niuserre they just started writing justified fanfic but i am already in love with everything they've written.
everybody go read and kudos and comment on their fics right!!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
hm looks like have 5 unread emails right now, nothing important or fun.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
original characters all the way. only time i've written reader inserts is for erotica books because money lol.
(Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game)
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blueskyportrait · 1 year
V9 commentary: We had to make some cuts on the second half of vol 9 because of budget.
Rwby stans: omg fuck Warner and DC! How dare they pile on such a workload on our besties in crwby!
*video of a con panel from a few months back resurfaces*
Kerry: I talked with some people at RT and Warner if we can make a DC x Rwby crossover movie and we were given the green light!
Rwby stans:
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This Is How You Remind Me Of What I Really Am – Valak/Allison Kerry
A/N: Day 9 for @flufftober.
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Valak knew what lust was, she’d felt lust at first sight when she laid eyes on Allison Kerry. She had held herself back, waiting to be needed then when the time came brought her delicate girl home, cradling her closer, daring to love and crave Allison. Now, with Allison close, tears dripping onto her shoulder, all she wants is to hold her, shelter her. Allison, lost to Valak’s lust, is soft, pliant and accepting, openly wanting what was happening even as she sinks into her demoness. She’s never wanted more than to be loved. Now she is, deeply and truly loved. It’s enough, even when she’s sore and tired.
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