#kerem x can
dizi-maniac · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 2 years
From this Diary Entry meme here!
All of the pairs are under the cut! Honestly, this was actually fun to write. Hopefully you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them all. Also, they may fall in various parts of their timelines! Have fun reading this @hcllriot.
Abraham & Rowan:
"Have you ever met a person who understands your love of one thing in particular? And then you totally fall for that person but don't know how to tell them? Because that's what happened to me. I met Abraham on one of my many trips for work. Seeing as I do photography, and it takes me everywhere, he does his whole travel vlogging thing. It had us cross paths, and honestly? It was one of the best things to happen to me. The thing is, I'm afraid that if I tell him that I've fallen for him, that he'll just disappear on me and then I won't see him again. I know, selfish, but... that's where we are. I'm selfish sometimes, and I can admit it. He just gets it, my love of traveling. My need to see the world. I don't have to explain that to him. It's just... more fun when he's there with me..."
Can & Madeleine:
"Well, I think I've finally done it. I've made a fool of myself in front of Can at one of my favorite places to go. Sometimes, I wish that I knew how to be more... normal. It's just that I didn't have a normal childhood, or really, a normal life at all. The truth is I don't make friends easily, I keep to myself, and the living things I get closest to tend to be the animals I work with because they don't ask me to be anything that I don't know how to be. They don't care about how socially awkward I might be, or if I say the wrong things. The thing is that Can is... he's comfortable talking to people, he's always been nice to me. I usually feel at ease around him, and that's difficult to do with me when it comes to men. In turn, he reminds me of the small things about my Turkish heritage that I remember and love.
I feel drawn to him. I just keep going back, and I like going back, even though I don't go for what everyone else goes for. Karaoke bars include two things I won't do, singing in public... I sing, but not in public. Then there's drinking, and I don't do that either. It's just that I like the atmosphere. I like seeing people having a good time. It's nice to go and talk to Can, even if it's a short conversation. But there I was, asking for tea, and so embarrassed I couldn't even look at him. Honestly, I'm an idiot. Never let me go around someone that I like, or think is attractive, because I will inevitably make myself out to look like a fool. If he ever wants to talk to me again, it'll be a miracle. I should probably avoid his bar for a while... maybe forever. God, that seems childish. Have I mentioned I'm an idiot? I really wish he wasn't so easy to like, or so handsome. Maybe then I might forget all about the stupid things I said, or did, around him. Maybe he'll forgive me for that..."
Ceren & Taner:
"That's it. She's perfect. Everyone in my family always talks about how Adem has such a sweet partner, a soulmate, she's so nice and perfect. They didn't think I'd ever find anyone because I can be a royal pain in the ass. Well, surprise! I found her, and she's perfect. The family hasn't met her, but I'll bet she is actual competition for how sweet Adem's girl is. Either way, there isn't a bad thing anyone can say about Ceren. If I'm being honest, I never thought I'd find someone that I wanted to spend my whole life with. Not to mention, I never thought I'd find someone who actually has the patience to deal with me, but I'm grateful. I don't know if Ceren will actually stick around, I can only hope. I'm doing my best to try not to fuck it all up.
I wish I could explain just how incredible she is. Looks aside, and believe me, she is gorgeous, there's just something about the way she looks at the world. The way she treats other people. The way she smiles. I'm getting sappy. I think I'm turning into a simp for her, and honestly? I'm not even a little bit embarrassed by that fact. If I could give her the damn moon, I would do it. Anything to get her to smile at me, and see me as someone she wants in her life forever. I swear I'm going to marry this girl."
Damian & Emery:
"I'm worried and I know it's my own fault. That's all my own doing. A long time ago, I swore that I would never fall in love with anyone. I swore that I would never let anyone close enough to hurt me and ruin me like my parents ruined each other before they got divorced. For the longest time, I did just that. It worked. I ended relationships right before feelings started and everything worked out perfectly. Then, I met Damian. The thing is, out of all the people that I've ever been with in the past, he's literally the one person who I should have avoided more than anyone else. If there were ever a neon sign that red RUN BEFORE YOU GET HURT in human form, it would be him.
The problem is... he's the one person on earth that I absolutely don't want to run from. He's the one person that I am willing to let completely destroy me just because I want to stay. It's too late now, I already have feelings for him. Even if I did walk away from him, it would hurt. So, I choose to stay. I'm just worried that I won't recover from the pain. I don't know what it is about him... he's just... it's complicated, and I don't know everything about him. He keeps people at arms length, but I want him. Not for bragging rights, or to say that I was the only person who managed to get him to open up, no. I want want him to be with me. To choose me. To want me too. I want him to open up and love me. I'm just worried that won't happen. Despite that, I still stay. I won't leave him. I can't leave him. I don't want to leave him."
Emre & Caria:
"Today I met the most infuriating, handsome, and yet fun man in the world. One would think that after a failed marriage, I would stay away from men. He sort of came into my life unexpectedly. I was trying to enjoy my life, my freedom, and here come Emre. I shouldn't be surprised that I would meet someone who makes me so annoyed, but also makes me laugh at the same time. Maybe it's the fact that he can tease me and make me laugh that intrigues me. I'm used to someone simply berating me. Instead, I find that we have banter that will go on back and forth. I wonder if he secretly hates me, I mean, we did only just meet for the first time but who knows.
Maybe we'll keep in touch, and see each other regularly, and he'll stay in my life. Then maybe we'll get to know each other really well. I would like that. I need someone with his energy in my life. It's a nice change from what I had before Emre showed up in my life. I don't know if I should tell him, maybe not. Either way, a more gorgeously annoying man has never existed. I really hope that I see him again."
Ezgi & Pierce:
"I was thinking that it's time to introduce Ezgi to my parents. I've invited her to some of my races, but I've never had her meet my parents. I don't know why, honestly, my parents would love her. Then again, my parents are super easy to get along with. They love everyone, just people who treat their only child well, get extra love. They would basically welcome her into the family with open arms, and then beg her to marry me. Personally, I just think it's because they want me to give them some grandkids, but that's just my assumption. I love my parents to pieces, though, and seeing them with Ezgi would be amazing, I know it.
The thing is, if I introduce her to my parents, that's basically my way of saying I want her in my life forever. And I do want her in my life forever, but is that going to freak her out? I don't know. Hopefully not. Man, I really love her, though. I can see it, the whole thing, our life. Her supporting my racing, me supporting her in anything she wants to do in life. Her as a permanent part of my family, and my parents spoiling her with attention and everything. I see it all with her. I'll just have to hope that she sees all of that with me too."
Jordan & Isolde:
"Of all the people for me to end up flirting with, and liking, it had to be this giant man who fights for a living. Here I am, this petite little thing, who doesn't know a thing about fighting, wanting to spend all her free time with a man so opposite in so many ways. I like him so much, though, that I don't even care. Honestly? I would go to every single fight, if he wanted me too, no matter how hard it would be for me to see him get hit. Maybe that's a lot too soon. Who knows where we'll go from here, and who knows what he wants out of us. Is there even really an us? I mean, I hope that there is, but I don't want to push my luck, really. I'll hope for the best, and enjoy the ride as it goes. In the mean time, can we just take a moment to appreciate that Jordan is.... wow, he's attractive. Men should not look as good as he does. It should be illegal. HE should be illegal."
Kerem & Emine:
"I love him. I know that I do. I was helpless where Kerem was concerned. I think I was always meant to love him. I'm not sure that he'll let me love him, though. He's so set on taking everything on alone. He's worried about other people hurting because of all he's gone through and has to go through, but he doesn't realize that sometimes people choose to endure the pain because the beauty of loving someone is worth the pain that can come with it. He is worth it all. I want him to let me help carry any of his burdens. I want him to let me help him feel less fear, worry, concern, whatever he might feel. I'm stronger than he thinks, and no matter what happens he doesn't need to feel guilt for whatever happens. I would much rather be at his side than on some sideline without any right to knowledge of how he's doing.
How can I tell him that no matter what happens I will always be grateful for him being a part of my life? He has a beautiful soul, he truly does, and I admire his need to protect others. I admire his incredible strength. However, I want to share my strength. I want to share my love, my care, my happiness, all of it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't let me in, I would feel his loss either way. So, in the end, wouldn't it be better to love him completely and be loved in return than not at all? I have never felt this level of love for anyone. It happened so slowly, gradually, but with the strength of a tidal wave that I couldn't have prevented it from taking me away if I had even wanted. And I didn't want to stop it, really. I love him, and I would proudly love him for the rest of my life."
Metin & Mediha:
"I'm so scared. There are things happening in my life, demons from my past that have returned, and I'm terrified of what will happen to me. I'm terrified that something horrible is going to happen and that this time I won't get away from it. Yet, despite all this fear, the one person who comes to mind that makes me feel safe is Metin. I'm not sure what he would think of this. I don't know why I feel so safe with him, but I do. I would like to think that he cared so much for me that he would want to protect me, but nobody has ever wanted to protect me from anything. I've always had to take care of myself. I could never assume that Metin would want to do what nobody else has ever wanted to do.
I know that part of that is because I've always liked him. I've liked him since the moment I first laid eyes on him. Serkan introduced us, and I knew that first instant when he took my breath away that I would never be the same again. I've returned to his deli countless times simply for the chance to see him, and be close to him for just a moment. That was all before my life got complicated once again. Now, any hope that perhaps some day he might feel for me what I feel for him, and any hope that he might see me as more than just a regular customer has been lost. Nobody could want someone so broken as I am. He deserves much better than me. Is it terrible that I still feel this small sliver of hope that maybe... just maybe, he might learn to love me? That he might be able to protect me like nobody else has before?"
Özgür & Catia:
"Seeing him again was like a shock to my system. Özgür... once, I had thought I was in love with him. I thought for sure that someday we would find a way to one another and we would be together forever. I had this silly little love story in my head where he was concerned. Then life took us in different directions. He went off to do the things he's doing, I went off in a whirlwind of pageants, and training, then modeling and traveling. Now, humanitarian efforts in between modeling gigs around the world. I never thought that life would eventually bring us back together, and yet, it did.
I think, even more shocking than seeing him again, was the fact that I felt his presence so strongly. All of those old feelings, and the dreams I'd had all came rushing back and I felt like that teenager I had been the last time we saw each other. I could have sworn that I'd outgrown those feelings. I'd had other men as distractions over the years, but somehow, seeing Özgür again, I realized that none of them compared. It seems so silly now. I sound like some young, naive, lovesick girl. I can't help it, he was always the one I thought I would end up with for the rest of my life."
Polin & Ilya:
"Ever since Polin entered my life, I have started to think of ways to change my life. I'm no longer thinking of a life alone, but a life with someone else. She is so strong, I think if anyone could handle the dangers that might come along with trying to have me exit this life that I was born into, it would be her. It seems crazy to me that I would find someone who urges me to rearrange my life for the sake of a safer and more peaceful one. I don't want to ask her to live a life with me, watching me commit the crimes that I have been trained to do. I wouldn't want her to accept me living this life for the rest of our time together. She would never be safe, and I would always fear for her safety, even if she has a chance at keeping herself safe.
I make this vow now. For Polin, I will finally find a way to get myself out of this life of crime. I will find a way to get us out of this safely, and be able to live a peaceful life on what money I have acquired. We would never have to work again. We could truly live multiple lifetimes on the money I have inherited and earned, but that's not what's truly important anyway. I want her to be safe. I want her to be happy. I want her to be both of those things with me. If she chooses me, then that's what I will do. I will give her everything she deserves."
Remington & Eren:
"If anyone would have told me that I would find someone who would fascinate me, who would make me want to learn more about them and spend as much time with them as possible, I would have called them a liar. I thought that I was relegated to the attractive man with a lot of money who women would only look to for one thing alone. Sex. It's what I'm good at, and women seemed to only ever look at me superficially. Of course, then I met Remy. From the first moment I met her, she never gave me the impression that she wanted sex from me. We talked, and I realized what I had been missing in interactions with countless women before. I felt like a regular person. I felt like someone who was more than what I had to offer. I wasn't a prize, I was an actual human being.
The thing is, I want to spend all of my free time with her. I know that she has lost her sight, and that she has a dog to assist her with that, but I don't care about that. She is still... god, she's beautiful. She's incredible. She's stronger than I think she will ever give herself credit for. I want to take care of her, and not because I pity her, because I know she can go through this life without me and be fine. I want to take care of her because I want to love her and maybe she can trust me enough some day to do so. I'm going to prove it to her. I'm going to be there for her, and show her that just because she can't see like she used to, that doesn't change anything. Not for me. For the one person on this earth who treats me like a human with emotions, I will give her the world if she lets me."
Roman & Cassandra:
"I wanted to scream at him. I'd found myself in so many places where I thought I would die, and this was just another one of those places. It's weird, I was so calm in that moment when I came face to face with him. It seemed like the world stopped, though. I know that it was likely just me. My world, this life that I ended up in and built around me, it never did do well for feelings, or emotions. I don't really believe in love at first sight. At least, I didn't. I'm absolutely stupid for seeing Roman and thinking... this stubborn, asshole of a man... is exactly who I want. I'd been happy in my life alone. Happy without ever knowing what that felt like. I was happy never knowing that there was a man in this world whom I could possibly want to be with. Then, here's this perfect stranger, and I automatically regretted going there to ask for his help. Maybe I'll be lucky and I'll die, and I won't have to go through life knowing that I probably won't ever see the man I want to be with ever again. It'll be better that I don't live to feel this little bit of emptiness. Dammit. I hate him for this. I hate fate. I hate human emotion. Why him, of all people?"
Zuri & Maddox:
"I hope that she knows she is the first person I have allowed in my life, aside from my twin, since the one person who ruined my life. I don't regret letting her in. I don't think that Zuri will hurt me like what happened in the past. It's strange, though, I'd forgotten what it felt like to care about someone so deeply. I'd forgotten what it felt like to want to shield them and protect them from the various things in this world that might harm them. It's fortunate that she never sought my wealth, that she seemed happy with my attention, and happy with me treating her well. God, the fact that I'd been so horrible to her and she still forgave me for it? I can't even begin to find the words to tell her what that means to me. She deserves all that is good, and I hope that she'll continue to let me do that for her. I never thought that I would say this... but she makes me incredibly happy, and she doesn't even have to try. I think if there's one thing I'll be able to be proud of, it would be gaining the love of this woman."
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
hey this is a request for Arda Güler!
Well, we all say that goal against Georgia right? It was absolutely spectacular.
I’m thinking about reader who sees the goal and is so happy for him. And they enjoy quality time together. When they get back to the hotel it’s just fluff and reader telling guler how proud of him she is.
You can change it as much as you want. I hope this request is understandable. I have an idea of it but can’t seem to write it down 😭🤭
Arda scoring a spectacular goal in his Euro debut match
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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I sat nervously in the stands, surrounded by Arda’s family, as Turkey's first Euro match against Georgia began. The air was electric, and Arda's family buzzed with excitement and anticipation.
The game kicked off, and Turkey immediately took control. In the 25th minute, Mert Müldür scored with a powerful header from a well-placed corner.
The stadium exploded with cheers, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as Turkey took the lead.
Just two minutes later, Kenan made a brilliant solo run and slotted the ball into the net. We erupted again, only for our cheers to turn into groans of disappointment as the goal was ruled offside.
In the 32nd minute, Georgia capitalized on a momentary lapse in Turkey's defense. Georges Mikautadze slipped the ball past our goalkeeper, leveling the score at 1-1.
The turkish crowd fell silent for a moment, but quickly regained their spirit, chanting and cheering for the team to push forward.
As the first half ended, tension hung in the air. "He's doing so well," Arda's mother said, gripping my hand.
"I can't believe how far he's come," I replied, feeling a surge of pride.
The second half started with both teams playing with renewed energy.
Then, in the 65th minute, the moment everyone was waiting for arrived.
Arda picked up the ball on the right side of the pitch. He picked up the ball and cut inside onto his left foot, and unleashed a stunning strike into the top corner.
The stadium erupted in ecstasy, fans screaming and jumping in the pouring Dortmund rain.
Arda's mother clutched my hand, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Did you see that? He's amazing!" she exclaimed.
I nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. "He's worked so hard for this moment," I replied, my voice choked with pride.
"He broke Cristiano Ronaldo's record." Arda's father added, his voice filled with pride.
In the 74th minute, Georgia made two substitutions, desperately trying to change the momentum of the game.
Turkey responded with their own substitutions in the 79th minute, ending with Arda being substituted for Yusuf Yazici.
As Arda walked off the pitch, the crowd rose to their feet. A thunderous applause echoed through the stadium, with fans clapping and cheering for the young star.
His family and I stood up, clapping and cheering with all our might. The ovation was deafening, and I could see the pride and joy in Arda's eyes as he acknowledged the fans, waving and smiling.
"He deserves this moment," Arda's mother said, tears still glistening in her eyes.
The final minutes of the match were nail-bitingly intense. Both teams fought fiercely, but Turkey's defense stood strong. In the 90+7th minute, Kerem Akturkoglu sealed the victory with a brilliant counter-attack goal, making it 3-1.
As the final whistle blew, the stadium erupted once more.
We headed down to the pitch, still buzzing from the victory. Arda walking over to us, his face radiant with happiness.
"You were incredible out there," I told him, wrapping my arms around him. He smiled, "I couldn't have done it without all of your support."
Arda's mother chimed in, "We are so proud of you, Arda. That goal was something special."
We spent a few more moments on the pitch, congratulating him and taking pictures.
Eventually, his family decided to head back to the hotel to rest.
"We'll see you later, sweetheart," Arda's mother said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't be too late."
"I won't, mom," Arda replied with a smile. His family waved goodbye and headed off.
I stayed behind, waiting for Arda to finish celebrating with his teammates and go through the post-match routines. I watched as he interacted with fans, gave interviews, and finally headed to the locker room to shower and change.
The stadium slowly emptied, but I remained, leaning against the railing, feeling a mix of pride and joy.
After what felt like an eternity, Arda emerged from the locker room, freshly showered and dressed. His face lit up when he saw me waiting. "Hey, you," he said, wrapping me in a warm hug. "Thanks for waiting."
"Of course," I replied, holding him close.
We walked to the car together, the night air cool and refreshing after the intensity of the match. On the drive to my hotel, we talked about the game, replaying every moment.
"That goal," I said, shaking my head in awe. "I knew you had it in you, but seeing it happen was something else."
Arda smiled, glancing over at me. "I've been dreaming about that moment for so long. I couldn't believe it when the ball actually went in."
"You deserve it," I said, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "You've worked so hard, and it's all paying off."
When we arrived at the hotel, we headed up to my room. Arda flopped onto the bed with a contented sigh, and I sat beside him, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.
"I'm so proud of you, Arda," I said softly. "Not just for the goal, but for everything. The dedication, the effort, the way you carry yourself. You're incredible."
He looked up at me, his eyes shining. "I couldn't have done any of this without you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You've been my rock, my biggest supporter."
"I'll always be here for you," I replied, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "No matter what."
We lay there for a moment, enjoying the quiet and the closeness. Then I asked, "Why didn't you want to celebrate with the team for the rest of the night?"
Arda sighed contentedly, intertwining his fingers with mine. "I wanted to spend this moment with you. Celebrating with the team is great, but you've been there for me through everything. I wanted to share this with you."
My heart swelled with emotion. "That means so much to me, Arda. Thank you."
We lay there for a while longer, just talking and basking in the joy of the night. Eventually, our stomachs growled in unison, making us laugh.
"How about we order room service?" I suggested.
Arda grinned. "That sounds perfect."
We browsed the menu together, picking out our favorite comfort foods. When the food arrived, we sat on the bed, eating and talking, reliving every glorious moment of the match.
It was a perfect, intimate celebration, just the two of us.
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capybaracorn · 7 months
US airdrops food into Gaza in move criticised by aid groups
US plan has been criticised as inefficient while Israel continues blocking most aid trucks from entering Gaza by land.
(2 Mar 2024)
United States military cargo planes have air-dropped food into Gaza, in the first of series of aid drops as humanitarian groups criticise Israel for blocking access to the besieged and bombarded strip.
The US, together with Jordan’s air force, “conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Gaza … to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing conflict”, US Central Command said in a statement on Saturday.
The C-130 planes “dropped over 38,000 meals along the coastline of Gaza allowing for civilian access to the critical aid”, it added, as the enclave faces a humanitarian crisis after almost five months of war.
US President Joe Biden had announced a day earlier that the US would airdrop aid there after more than 100 Palestinians were killed on Thursday in northern Gaza while queuing for aid.
US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Friday that the US will carry out multiple airdrops in the next few weeks, which will be coordinated with Jordan.
Kirby said the airdrops have an advantage over trucks because planes can move aid to a particular area quickly. However, in terms of volume, the airdrops will be “a supplement to, not a replacement for moving things in by ground”, he added.
The Biden administration is also considering shipping aid by sea from Cyprus, according to a US official.
Since Israel’s war began on October 7 following Hamas’s attack, Israel has barred the entry of food, water, medicine and other supplies, except for a tiny trickle of aid entering the south from Egypt at the Rafah crossing and Israel’s Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing.
‘The US is weak’
The US’s move has been criticised as inefficient and simply a public relations move by members of international aid organisations.
“The airdrops are symbolic and designed in ways to appease the domestic base,” Dave Harden, former USAID director to the West Bank, told Al Jazeera. “Really what needs to happen is more crossings [opening] and more trucks going in every day.”
“I think the United States is weak and that’s really disappointing to me,” Harden added. “The US has the ability to compel Israel to open up more aid and by not doing that we’re putting our assets and our people at risks and potentially creating more chaos in Gaza.”
UK-based charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) echoed Harden’s statement, telling Al Jazeera in a statement that the US, the UK and others should instead work to “ensure that Israel immediately opens all crossings into Gaza for aid.”
Oxfam also blasted the Biden administration’s plans, labelling the effort an attempt to assuage the guilty consciences of US officials.
“While Palestinians in Gaza have been pushed to the absolute brink, dropping a paltry, symbolic amount of aid into Gaza with no plan for its safe distribution would not help and be deeply degrading to Palestinians,” Scott Paul, who leads Oxfam’s US government advocacy work, said in a statement on X.
The Palestinian Foreign Ministry also criticised the US for acting as a “weak, marginal state” unable to secure aid to Palestinians.
US Senator Bernie Sanders, however, welcomed the US’s move.
“I applaud President Biden for understanding that there is a dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” Sanders said on X.
Mahjoob Zweiri, the director of the Gulf Study Centre in Doha, told Al Jazeera the international community is not putting enough pressure on Israel to allow the waiting aid trucks to enter Gaza by land.
“Why not send food in through Karem Abu Salem?” Zweiri said. “There are 2,000 trucks waiting to get into Gaza” at border crossings, he said, while food and medicines pile up for months past their expiry dates.
“Why isn’t the international community not putting enough effort into delivering aid in an organised manner?” he asked.
[See article for embedded videos and tweet]
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Tortall Fancast Series - Thom of Trebond
As children, Thom and Alanna were so much alike in face and body shape as to be mistaken for each other, if dressed alike. The only distinguishing feature of the twins at that time was the length of their hair. Both were short and skinny, with copper hair and purple eyes. When Alanna visited him at age eighteen she commented on his beard and height, suggesting he grew up to be taller than her. (x)
Okay so I already know this from my ASoIaF blog, but damn, finding redheads in medieval clothes is hard. Also, canonically Thom died at 20, but it's hard to find teenage fancasts, so I've included some who are technically too old but fit the vibe.
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Açarsöz seems to be 8-10 years old, although I cannot find a birthdate for him. He plays a young Ottoman prince in Magnificent Century. It can be somewhat difficult to navigate footage if you don't speak Turkish, but all episodes are readily available online, mostly on youtube. Costume design is distinctly Ottoman, but some of it works as general medieval European.
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So there's not much footage of either of these kids, and in at least 1/3 of it they've got knives held to their throats, but I included them because they're identical twins with great vibes for Thom and Alanna at the beginning of SotL. The only source for their age I could find puts them at 10-11 filming The Last Kingdom, and while I'm not sure how reliable it is, that looks about right.
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Üst plays an older version of Açarsöz's character on Magnificent Century. I couldn't find an age for him, but he seems to have been in his early/mid teens during filming. He's often in a turban, but when he's not, he's got great hair for Thom. He shares Thom's dignified-and-broody vibe, too, which I like.
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O'Connor was in his late 20s when filming The Spanish Princess. There is ample footage of him both clean-shaven and with a beard. Since he's playing a king, his clothes are mostly too lavish for Thom, but they can work if you pick your footage carefully, and Henry VIII definitely lends himself to Thom's mercurial nature.
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Redmayne was also in his late 20s in this role. His hair is more auburn than copper, although it varies by shot. Clothing is 12th century English, and Redmayne definitely has Thom's brooding vibe.
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So Hiddleston's character in The Hollow Crown is basically nothing at all like Thom, but there are still moments the vibe feels right. He's a primary character in three episodes, so there's ample footage of him (both clean-shaven and with a short beard!) At roughly 30 during filming he's far older than Thom ever got, but I still like him as a fancast.
If you've got any additions, or any requests for other characters to do, please let me know! The full series can be found here.
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gvzel · 2 months
heeellooo, it's your girl dee again asking for plots hehe. i would really love to have new longtime writing partners! definitely in for any kind of slice of life mumu. i really love brainstorming and sharing muse posts / make pinterest boards for my muses. so expect me to bother you a lot. i write f/m & f/f and write both females or males. i really have muse for both.
some fc’s i really have muse for (to write & write against, bolded up names mean i have highly muse for): bensu soral, demet özdemir, diane guerrero, janhvi kapoor, pelin uluksar, melisa asli pamuk, aslihan malbora, kriti sanon, pooja hegde, hazal filiz küçükköşe, ahsen eroğlu, cemre baysel, ayça ayşin turan, naz sayıner, meltem akçöl, alperen duymaz, michael evans behling, kivanç tatlituğ, yusuf çim, theo james, burak çelik, kerem bursin, engin özturk
some plots i would love to do can be found under this cut!
PLOT IDEA 1: (based on NO 309): muse a is getting pressured by their parents to get married because if they get married before their cousin it means they will get the family business like their grandparents promised. whoever gets married first will own the company. muse a eventually gives in and agrees to go on a date with the other that their parents picked. muse b on the other hand is getting pressured by their mom because they just want to see them being happy and have their own little family.
muse a & muse b were supposed to meet someone else that night but muse a has the same name as the person muse b was going to meet, so they accidentally end up spending the night together & the next morning they agree to never meet again.
3 months… later muse b finds out she’s pregnant and muse a just got engaged to someone else, THE ANGST
PLOT IDEA 2: friends to LOVers, maybe one of the muses has feelings for the other and has always been so clumsy around them and is like trying not to show off but … fails
PLOT IDEA 3: a “my dad is a retired mafia and i’ve met you during my most vulnerable time and we became best friends and i’m slowly starting to have feelings for you. wait, what are you doing at my house? what did my dad just announce? is he getting back into the underground business that brought so much damage to our family in the past? did you just became my dad’s right hand man?!?!” kind of plot.
PLOT IDEA 4: this plot !!!!!!!!!
PLOT IDEA 5: always in for some forbidden love, as for example, maybe their families are rivals
PLOT IDEA 6: a non famous muse x a famous soccer player, we could make this a mumu. as for example the soccer players x their significant others. ideas can be discussed!
PLOT IDEA 7: nepo baby x non famous muse
PLOT IDEA 8: any kind of celeb plot, whether it's fake pr dating to real dating and having to separate or any other kind of other celeb plot
PLOT IDEA 9: a wealthy family and their partners mumu (such maybe like modern family idea)
i’m literally up for anything really, as i mentioned before i’d love to brainstorm and come up with more ideas as well! if you’re interested in plotting with me then lms and i will come & bother you! 😇
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dangermousie · 2 years
So, thoughts on previews for upcoming eps of all my Turkish shows...
Yali Capkini
1. Clever of them not to show daddy in the preview. I would be shocked if they killed him though.
2. This sequence was gorgeous:
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3. This said, Ferit keeping up with his “I want a baby” litany makes me want to headdesk repeatedly. He’s much too immature to have a child - if they did, Seyran would have TWO children!
4. They are setting up Suna with Ferit’s brother for children, aren’t they? Too bad, Suna x Abidin is delish.
This scene ended me! Ceren begging him to be real and honest unlike everyone in her world, not knowing he’s the biggest liar. I mean, even his name is fake! But his feelings are totally real and that’s delish!
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Yurek Cikmasi
1. I am glad to see Lawyer wasn’t harmed because the old man is serial killer level unhinged!
2. This is a show that very much relies on everything in the ep and needing to understand what they say plus it’s a grim topic, so I can’t really comment much on previews and I am gonna take refuge in shallowness instead.
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3. Well, shallowness AND shipping!
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1. Yes, thank you patron gods of effed up deliciousness, they ARE setting up for Yagiz (who is channeling early manga Domyoji tbh yikes) to fall for Ece. MMMMM.
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For someone as psycho as Yagiz, this might as well be a marriage proposal! This said, I prefer Evren x Ece and clearly the makers get it, since they literally made a separate trailer with these two and the chem is insane!
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I love the little detail that he’s of course drinking booze but she is drinking tea. (Girl, I know he’s hot, but at least make sure he doesn’t have cirrhosis before you take him on!)
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She can always make emo mob prince smile...
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When he gets super close to her to go “Tiny” (his nickname for her), I about exploded.
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Just as well since he looks to be falling apart in this ep in general...
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I got to say it’s clear he’s had a torch for Derin for god knows how long so I wonder how the whole thing where he’s clearly fallen for Ece now without realizing it will play out. Depends on if the ratings will allow this show to breathe, I guess. If they do, then I can totally see Ece peacing out and Evren only realizing who he really loves after that (with side of jealousy over Yagiz.)
PS I have nothing against Kerem x Derin, but I don’t find them particularly interesting so I never post about them. This said, I hope they work out, she needs someone steady.
Gelsin Hayat Bildigi Gibi
Yes, I watched the preview for 19 without having seen 18 yet - the subs for this are slower than for any other of my other shows (and that’s for English subs, I think Russian subbers dropped it, which boo!)
1. Boo, show, you made my mob don and cop lady both cry!
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Clearly we are in for angst and I cannot wait!
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2. I am sorry, but this dude makes Araz look like a believable high schooler. I crack up every time. I just pretend they are all getting continuing education, for my sanity.
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3. I literally groaned when we saw this guy alive. I knew he probably survived but I kept hoping. I find him the most annoying character who is not supposed to be the bad guy and his storyline with Aylin’s sister annoys the hell out of me.
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4. But who cares because slowly but surely they are making my crack ship real! I am swooning over every little glimpse of Araz x Aylin, the gang boy and disregarded by her fam princess with a criminal record.
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Together with Evren x Ece, they are my biggest OTP out of airing Turkish shows. What can I say, I have a type!
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exitiumhq · 4 months
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✧ ━ ACCEPTED ━ ✧  welcome to new orleans, everleigh vane & osman divit be sure to send in your account within twenty-four hours or your role will be reopened. don’t forget to look over our checklist and make yourself comfortable. scarlett johansson & karem bursin are now taken!
[ scarlett johansson | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome EVERLEIGH VANE to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 39 year old WITCH, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be RECKLESS, but that’s all a façade to cover up their AMBITIOUS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to WHEN YOU SAY MY NAME by CHANDLER LEIGHTON, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( Sushi )
[ kerem bursin | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome OSMAN DIVIT to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 33 year old VAMPIRE/WEREWOLF HYBRID, who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be EVASIVE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their LOYAL nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to UNSTEADY by X AMBASSADORS, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( Sushi )
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magazinxhaberler · 5 months
Sezonun en iddialı oyunlarından müzikal komedi “Cyrano Rock” prömiyer için gün sayıyor
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  Tiyatro Keyfi’nin uluslararası alana taşıyacağı yeni eseri, Edmond Rostand’ın ölümsüz Cyrano de Bergerac’ından Hakkı Ergök’ün kalemi, Nurkan Renda’nın müziğiyle şekillendirdiği müzikal rock komedi “Cyrano Rock”, 20 Nisan Cumartesi akşamı saat 20.30’da Şişli Tiyatrosu’nda prömiyer yapıyor. Cyrano rolünde Yaşam Boyu Onur Ödüllü Kemal Başar var. Sanatçı aynı zamanda eserin yönetmenliğini de yapıyor. Avangart bir rejiyle sahnelenen ünlü tiyatro klasiğinin Nurkan Renda tarafından yapılan orijinal müzikleri de oyuncular tarafından stüdyoda seslendirildi ve prömiyer günü KRL Müzik etiketiyle tüm müzik kanallarında yayınlanmaya başlıyor. Yazan: Hakkı Ergök Yöneten ve Işık Tasarımı: Kemal Başar Müzik: Nurkan Renda Kostüm Tasarımı: Canan Göknil Kostüm Dikimi: Hatice Çetin Modaevi Mask Tasarımı: Candan Seda Balaban Koreografi: Kerem Kuraner Ekstra Vurmalılar: Hazım Körmükçü Yönetmen Yardımcısı: Zelal Barlas
Kemal Başar Zelal Barlas Efe Can Karakaya Zeynep Yaylıcıoğlu
Cyrano Rock Oyun Takvimi:
*20 Nisan 20.30 Şişli Tiyatrosu *25 Nisan 20.30 Ataköy Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi Müşfik Kenter Sahnesi *15 Mayıs 20.30 Şişli Tiyatrosu *22 Mayıs 20.30 Şişli Tiyatrosu *31 Mayıs 20.30 Şişli Tiyatrosu Eserin biletlerine Biletinial, Biletix, Bubilet ve Tiyatrolar’dan ve Şişli Tiyatrosu gişesinden ulaşılabiliyor. Kamil Hızer / Magazinname.com Instagram: @kamilhizer Magazin X Haberler : Magazin Read the full article
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astranva · 2 years
(I’m talking about my own group and relatives)
We watch a Turkish drama and make it our whole personality lmaooo
But like can y’all blame us?? Have y’all seen Hande Ercel??? Deniz can aktas??? Kerem bursin???
my sister is the exact same. whenever she calls me, she has to tell me all about the turkish show she’s watching hahah x
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onceuponablob · 3 years
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It is such a beautiful feeling being a mother to Kiraz. Yes, it's been hard, but that's what makes it more beautiful. To cry with her, to hold her hand when she's scared, to take in her scent everyday.
— Sen Çal Kapımı, Episode 43
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holly-mckenzie · 4 years
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Edser & Cerengin Parallels 
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violicity · 4 years
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I’ll be right back... 
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winterskings · 4 years
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turkishdreams · 4 years
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Sen Çal Kapımı + TV tropes 
requested by the brilliant @cay-kralicesi
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marimelwrites · 3 years
@moonlitgazes​ - continued from your reply to this here!
As Juliana tossed another towel in his direction, Kerem caught it with ease despite his pain and exhaustion, but hissed at the pain that radiated from his ribs once he had the towel in hand. “Ah, fuck...” He muttered under his breath before he brought the towel to his lip, his eyes on her as she sat down next to him. The ice on his eye actually felt nice, and he sighed before responding to her comment. “I’m impossible? Why am I impossible? I have no idea what you’re talking about, and you’re going to have to explain because I’m too tired and in case you missed it my brain’s been rattled a little tonight.”
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