#kerch polytechnic 2018
techramonic · 5 days
An Interview with Galina Roslyakova: Vlad’s personal life according to his mother
A year after the shooting, BAZA, a Russian news outlet, interviewed Vlad’s mother Galina Roslyakova. Here are several details she had disclosed about her son:
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He was gifted in drawing and engineering, however was an average student.
When he was younger, Vlad attended a kindergarten in Kerch with a chess focus. His mother considered him as a normal child who had an interest in drawing. He had hobbies such as architectural modeling, construction, and designing. He had a particular fascination with airplane models that he would try to configure by himself, although his father would occasionally help.
He then continued to paint throughout his life and excelled at it, Galina believes he inherited this skill from his father, Igor. Vlad mostly expressed an interest in drawing domestic animals and portraits of people. He focused a lot on the details.and drew rather thoroughly. Unfortunately, she has none of his drawings left to reminisce.
In school, he was “statistically average”. He studied for at least three to five hours and was in the middle line of poor to excelling. He didn't dislike nor have an interest in school and had no specific goal yet. According to Galina, “Not all dreams can be realized.” So in a pragmatic sense, his parents tried to instill something that would have perhaps helped him by trying to search for something suitable for his life and future. She had also described Vlad to be somewhat confused or unsure of himself:
“You can show a different side of yourself. You can realize yourself somewhere else. And this period of transition from school to college was somehow unconscious. A lot depends on how this might turn out. Every person's views and values ​​change. Children must realize during this period that they are growing up primarily for themselves. He understood that he was not quite a child and not quite an adult.”
Vlad did not finish highschool and went straight to college, explaining why he was 18 during his 4th year.
Galina and Igor saw no point in enrolling him into 10th and 11th grade because it was unclear to them that he would graduate at all, seeing that his academic performance was mediocre at best. During his transition from highschool to college, Galina recalled it to be a stressful experience, “just like any other transition”, she says. She had attended all parent meetings and recalled that teachers would often describe her son to be socially inept. He was not keen on socializing but she figured this must have been his way of coping with his adaptation, since it was a contrasting environment to what he was used to.
“I went to all parent meetings. At the beginning of the training they were carried out. I talked with curators and other teachers. There was a phrase that he was not very sociable . Not all people are open and ready to communicate with others. At that time it was a period of adaptation. Everyone tolerates it differently, but I wouldn’t say that he had a difficult time with it.”
More on relationships, since their house was located in a residential area not far from other neighbors who lived nearby, Vlad easily could communicate with a few neighborhood kids whom his mother considered to be his “friends”. Rather, they were his classmates. 
“I think Vlad chose exactly those friends who suited him according to his views and interests at that period of his life when he was at school. He also played Minecraft. Well, of course, communication there is no longer only with classmates.”
Vlad still kept in contact with his father despite his mother's wishes to not be so in touch.
Technically, Vlad's parents were not officially divorced. Igor’s traumatic brain injury which subsequently led to the development of a mental illness was seen by Galina as a danger toward her and her son if they continued to live together. Coupled with the fact that he developed a dependency on alcohol, she had figured out that she had to make the resolution to move out with her son to protect their well-being. Despite this, Galina mentions that even with their separation, Vlad still communicated with his father, since it is a relationship not within her control. At first, Vlad was offended but as he grew, he began to contemplate the idea of his mother’s decision. He continued to communicate with his father as he grew older.
“With age, he made his own decision. He begins to make his choice whether he should communicate with his father. What will this give him and does he need it? That is, he could decide for himself. That is, in this regard, I gave him freedom of choice.”
He would often go to the garage together on weekends, which developed Vlad's interest in technology and personal interests like motorcycles, which he would’ve liked to study. Vlad then on became a major in the course: installation, commissioning and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings.
Signs of isolation and depression were under the radar since he barely communicated.
Apart from the detail that teachers have said he was rather not very sociable, closer to the third year he already became withdrawn and kept to himself. He would often divert this topic of his behavior as his ‘right to privacy’ whenever asked, so no further questions would ensue. He was silent most of the time, got ready to go to class straight away and sat in his room ("another office") to scroll through his phone. He was quiet, didn't talk about himself that much, which led her to not anticipate the events that would unfold soon after. However, she said that she could sense a slight change in him, since he became more private. She did respect his boundaries however, since she saw it as his right to personal space. 
“Well, slightly, so to speak. Because, in principle, many people reach such a period and age, and so, in communicating with their friends who have children of this age, many children tend to have, so to speak, personal space. Personal life, this is how the period begins. You know, like “I have the right to personal space, ‘I have the right to privacy.’ Within reason, because we live together in the same apartment”
Did he need more attention? Galina expresses that although she didn't primarily focus on him at all times, she did care for him and paid attention. She tried to make him talk and actively made efforts to communicate with him to get him to open up more about himself, however to no avail. So, in an outward perspective, everything seemed rather normal for her, and with the lack of properly established and structured communication, it was difficult to see through her son. After all, you cannot properly fit in puzzle pieces when there are no pieces provided to arrange.
It was difficult for her to speculate about the topic of whether or not he was depressed, nor did she anticipate that somehow he felt abandoned because he would often just sweep things under the rug. The signs didn’t manifest in any way in everyday life because again, he was very secretive and rarely talked about himself in conversations at home, so things easily fell out of notice and undetected.
“What percentage of love do children want to receive from us? Do we feel this as parents? Or if they tell us, let’s say: 'Well, at the technical school there were difficult tasks and classes, I’m so tired that I don’t want to communicate.' And you are trying to do everything to make contact with him. The children say: 'Well, I don’t want to now.' You won't really force him too much... But you still have to try to do it. Basically, I tried to do all this. What provoked it, I can’t say anything. For me, all this still remains a big, big secret as a mother. I cannot put together logic and specific pieces of the puzzle for myself. Therefore, everything remains like this.”
Vlad's online presence was monitored until the age of 14.
Galina had monitored his online access until he was around the ages of 13 to 14. After the age of 16, this period however stopped because of the gap between parents and their children's familiarity with devices and the technologicaĺ world. So, she stopped keeping track. 
“I wished in my heart that somewhere they had slowed him down.”
She was unaware of his online presence in crime communities since 2016. According to her, at home he only sat and played minecraft,
“I didn't see this. If a person really wants to hide something... Maybe he did it sometimes, but not in my presence. At home he sat and played Minecraft. He talked there with one, then with another, then boys, then girls - they all communicate with each other there, laugh. There were different emotions, there was laughter.”
She was aware that he went to study firearms in the summer.
Vlad shared a common interest with his father with firearms. He also said he would join the army. Galina speculated that this might be due to the benefits, since the income of military salaries was fairly high. Vlad earned an internship at a plant prior to this, and it was good news for her but in reality, Vlad's perspective was that he did not generally take a liking to the place.
According to him, “I talked to the people who work there, I don’t see much prospects in income and in general my place in this.”
During the summer, he then began to study firearms through the internet and via the Internet, register with government services, and collect documents. She was against this act because she saw no purpose to this, however, she couldn't stop him. He excused this by saying he had an interest in hunting. Though she initially thought that he had given up on this prospect and moved on, since these documents were rather complex and difficult to complete, he then went on to successfully buy a gun after passing the exams and receiving his license. 
She hadn't known of this, of course, since it was reported that he hid his gun in an abandoned warehouse to avoid speculations from her.
Here's the article, if you want to read more:
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sepsija · 4 months
a question about the Kerch Polytechnic Collage massacre; when Vladislav was found, what was that one book/notebook lying next to him on the floor? I haven't been able to find that shit out
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book(?) in questoon ^^
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backsideattackkkk · 19 days
“I think it would be better if the earth were torn apart”
on january 19, 2018, 16-year-old anton bichivin burned a classroom with a molotov cocktail and wounded 5 students, and 1 teacher with an axe before he jumped out of the school window and started hitting his own body with an axe, he was however, overpowered by bystanders and taken to hospital in a critical condition along with his victims, and when his condition improved, he was arrested by the police.
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note: bichivin was a 9th grader but he targeted a 7th grade L.A. class
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bichiwin was bullied at school because of his other interests. during the attack, he was wearing a KMFDM T-shirt. before the attack, he allegedly bet on a website glorifying columbine that he would commit a massacre at his school.
"The boy [the assailant] gave a warning: he sent a viber message to a girl and said she should not go to school because 'things would get messy'." 
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the attack happened at 7:00 am, he entered the classroom, according to the students, in a state of amok and started attacking students with an axe.
one girl lost a finger as a result of the attack. another student tried to stop bichivin, but was stuck by the ax into his back and critically wounded, one more student (sasha bortsova) who was 14 years-old at the time, suffered a axe hit to the head.
he also cracked the teacher in the skull as she attempted to run out of the classroom. students suffered light burns even though the classroom was engulfed (probably due to the fact they jumped into the snow).
note: 11 months after the attack bortsova still suffered from headaches, and pain from her injuries.
note: this attack was 9 months before the bombing/shooting at kerch polytechnic, when the attack came on the news bortsova's mom had said sasha began to "shake with fear".
many fifth school students were transferred by their parents to other schools immediately after the attack.
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‘‘Doom and Painkiller games are constantly spinning in my head, I imagine the future carnage, as in these games. As if I were the hero and must destroy the evil spirits. It will be cool. It will be like Doom with Painkiller.’‘ ‘‘I don’t feel fear and pity for the enemies of my planet.‘‘
mash published a page from a diary allegedly belonging to bichivin. he writes about computer games in the "shooter" genre and about his fantasies that he must organize a "massacre" and destroy the "evil spirits."
“I think it would be better if the earth were torn apart”
many of bichivin's classmates were amazed when they saw this diary on the Internet.
“I think he had some kind of mental disorder. He used to talk about some kind of war often, but we didn’t think it was serious, and then the attack and his online diary that he kept... now it’s clear why he behaved this way”
quote above from oleg (classmate of bichivin).
It later turned out that two students helped him prepare this crime. anton bichivin and two other teenagers, who, according to the schoolchildren, “were in the dark.” 
"Any criminal world is looking for a replacement and a way to obtain their livelihood. Teenagers are a favorable environment for them"
quote above from vladimir lozovoy, he says there are facts when former prisoners specifically look for children in boarding schools and, choosing naughty psychotypes, introduce them to their world. It's there, and it hasn't gone anywhere.
a child, seeing support from an adult from the criminal world, feels more protected and demonstrates this in class or school.
the desire to be involved in crime must somehow be ridiculed and belittled, promoting other values. If you make AUE something flawed in the eyes of children, then those who want to be successful will not go there, and this subculture will disappear by itself.
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org4n-failur3 · 2 months
The Columbine Effect
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Repost plus fixed cuz I got termed. Again this is PURELY informative.
The columbine massacre happened April 20th 1999 in Littleton Colorado. This post isn’t about the sh00ting itself but the effects on the world and the years to come.
Since the day over 338,000 kids have experienced gun violence at schools in America. Lead cause of child d3aths? Guns. 1-10 gun d3aths are kids 19 or younger.
The attack caused Americas ‘no tolerance’ policy where any unqualified individual found with weapons on school grounds would face consequences.
The first related incident happened only a few days after the attack, the teens friend Eric Veik had thr3atened to ‘finish the job’ of his friends. After police interrogation he claimed it was simply a joke.
Since 1999 the world has seen a resurgence in school attacks many being copycat crimes. There is 74 known plots 21 played out attacks and the rest being thr3ats or plans. 95% of them were men, 4/5 of them were white. 53% used guns, 18% used explosives and 14% used knifes. 67% obtained the weapons via household. The average age being 17.
2022- 46
This is the number of school sh00tings that happened pre pandemic and post. 2022 has had more school sh00tings than the other years after columbine. One of those being the Kerch Polytechnic sh00ting of 2018. Which down to the end was a copycat. Many refer to it as the Columbine 2.0.
In 2022 34 children and adults died and more than 43,000 children were exposed to gunfire.
Sources: crimetraveller, FBI, sandyhook promise
Again if I got anything wrong tell me.
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 10.17 (after 1950)
1952 – Indonesian Army elements surrounded the Merdeka Palace demanding President Sukarno disband the Provisional People's Representative Council. 1956 – The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield, England. 1961 – Directed by their chief Maurice Papon, Paris police massacre scores of Algerian protesters. 1961 – The first attempt of the apartheid analogy by Ahmad Shukeiri. 1965 – The 1964–65 New York World's Fair closes after two years and more than 51 million attendees. 1966 – The 23rd Street Fire in New York City kills 12 firefighters. 1969 – The Caravaggio painting Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence is stolen from the Oratory of Saint Lawrence in Palermo. 1970 – FLQ terrorists murder Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte. 1973 – OPEC imposes an oil embargo against countries they deem to have helped Israel in the Yom Kippur War. 1977 – The hijacked Lufthansa Flight 181 lands in Mogadishu. The remaining hostages are later rescued. 1979 – Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1979 – The Department of Education Organization Act creates the U.S. Department of Education. 1980 – As part of the Holy See–United Kingdom relations a British monarch makes the first state visit to the Vatican. 1988 – Uganda Airlines Flight 775 crashes at Rome–Fiumicino International Airport, in Rome, Italy, killing 33 people. 1989 – The 6.9 Mw Loma Prieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast, killing 63. 1989 – The East German Politburo votes to remove Erich Honecker from his role as General Secretary. 1991 – 1991 Rudrapur bombings by Sikh separatists, who explode two bombs, during a Ramlila Hindu celebration in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, killing 41 people. 1992 – Having gone to the wrong house, Japanese student Yoshihiro Hattori is killed by the homeowner in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1994 – Russian journalist Dmitry Kholodov is assassinated while investigating corruption in the armed forces. 2000 – The Hatfield rail crash leads to the collapse of Railtrack. 2001 – Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi is assassinated by Hamdi Quran, a member of the PFLP, thus becoming the highest-ranking Israeli to be killed by a Palestinian. 2003 – Taipei 101, a 101-floor skyscraper in Taipei, becomes the world's tallest high-rise. 2004 – A fire that lasted over 15 hours destroyed almost one third of the East Tower of the Parque Central Urban Complex in Caracas, Venezuela. 2017 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the last foothold of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Raqqa, marking the end of the Battle of Raqqa. 2018 – The recreational use of cannabis is legalized in Canada. 2018 – A mass shooting and bombing at Kerch Polytechnic College in Crimea kills 21 people including the attacker and injures 70 others. 2019 – Drug dealers in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico force the government to back down on an arrest. 2019 – The 17 October Revolution starts in Lebanon.
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wikiuntamed · 9 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Tuesday, 17th October
Welcome, Velkommen, أهلا وسهلا, 안녕하세요 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 17th October through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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17th October 2019 🗓️ : Event - 17 October Revolution The 17 October Revolution starts in Lebanon. "The 17 October Protests, commonly referred to as the 17 October Revolution (Arabic: ثورة 17 تشرين الأول, romanized: thawrat 17 tishrīn al-ʾawwal, lit. '17 October revolution') were a series of civil protests in Lebanon that began after the Lebanese cabinet announced financial measures on 17 October..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Shahen Araboghlian
17th October 2018 🗓️ : Event - Kerch Polytechnic College massacre A mass shooting and bombing at Kerch Polytechnic College in Crimea kills 21 people including the attacker and injures 70 others. "The Kerch Polytechnic College massacre was a school shooting and bomb attack that occurred in Kerch, Crimea, on 17 October 2018, when 18-year-old student Vladislav Roslyakov killed 20 people and wounded 70 others before committing suicide. It was the deadliest school attack in the former Soviet..."
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Image by Изображение снято камерой наблюдения в автоматическом режиме без участия оператора
17th October 2013 🗓️ : Death - Terry Fogerty Terry Fogerty, English rugby player and coach (b. 1944) "Terence "Terry" H. Fogerty (29 June 1944 – 17 October 2013) was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1960s and 1970s, and coached in the 1980s. He played at representative level for Great Britain, Lancashire, and Commonwealth XIII, and at club level for Halifax (Heritage..."
17th October 1973 🗓️ : Event - Yom Kippur War Yom Kippur War: Egyptian forces retreated from the Battle of the Chinese Farm, allowing Israeli forces to build their first bridge across the Suez Canal. "The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War, the October War, the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, or the Fourth Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from 6 to 25 October 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria. The majority of combat between the two sides..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by
File:Israeli Tanks Cross the Suez Canal - Flickr - Israel Defense Forces.jpg: Israel Defense Forces
File:חייל מתפלל בימי מלחמת יום הכיפורים.jpg:
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Avi Simchoni  (1950–)  
  Description Israeli photographerDate of birth 1950  Location of birth Jerusalem Authority file
: Q93873850
creator QS:P170,Q93873850
File:Yom Kippur War. XXVII.jpg: בני הדר / Bamahane
File:Israel Air Forces' Mirage V aircraft Flying Over the Golan Heights - Flickr - Israel Defense Forces.jpg: Israel Defense Forces
File:Egyptian Soldiers - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg: The Central Intelligence Agency
File:Egypt flag on 6oct war.jpg: Good Muslim
derivative work: Matankic
17th October 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Charles McClendon Charles McClendon, American football player and coach (d. 2001) "Charles Youmans McClendon (October 17, 1923 – December 6, 2001), also known as "Cholly Mac", was an American college football player and coach. He served at the head football coach at Louisiana State University (LSU) from 1962 to 1979, compiling a record of 137–59–7. McClendon was inducted into the..."
17th October 1821 🗓️ : Birth - Alexander Gardner (photographer) Alexander Gardner, Scottish photographer (d. 1882) "Alexander Gardner (October 17, 1821 – December 10, 1882) was a Scottish photographer who immigrated to the United States in 1856, where he began to work full-time in that profession. He is best known for his photographs of the American Civil War, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and of the..."
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Image by Gardner Bros. Gallery, 7th & D St., Washington, D.C.
17th October 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Victor of Capua "Victor of Capua (Victor Capuanus) was a sixth-century bishop of Capua, in Italy. About his life nothing is known except what is found in his epitaph (C.I.L., 4503), which has been preserved, though the tomb itself has disappeared. This inscription simply states that his episcopate of thirteen years..."
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171018 · 9 months
Here goes brief introduction. The "Dark Destruction" was founded late in 2018 after unprecedented tragedy that took place in Kerch Polytechnic College on October 17th. The project mainly consisted of playlists, digital booklets and essays. It was my way of deconstructing trauma and processing the grief. I'm going the share some of my work due to five year anniversary.
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jeffboyardee-99 · 3 years
Vladislav Igorevich Roslyakov, the Kerch Monster, Eric Harris wannabe:
Vladislav Roslyakov perpetrated the assault on Kerch polytechnic college on October 17, 2018. he placed a nail bomb in the school’s canteen which killed 10 people, he then retrieved his Hastan 12 Gauge shotgun and gunned down 10 more people. Vladislav Roslyakov would take his own life near some books much like Eric Harris, he also copied Eric’s aesthetic, a white T-shirt with the word “ hatred” across the front, one black glove on one hand, black combat boots and black pants. Vladislav also used a 12 gauge pump shotgun like Eric Harris. Vladimir Putin allegedly said this began as a sick trend that started in the u.s, however Vladislav definitely did take inspiration from previous mass murderers, he would’ve more than likely killed regardless. The scariest part is where Eric and Dylan failed Vladislav “succeeded.” Vladislav just used Columbine as a blue print, like many mass killers do. Russia has seen their own uproar in school shootings as of lately, one being the Kazan shooting that happened in may, and the perm shooting which happened fairly recently.
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Hasten aimgaurd escort 12 gauge pump shotgun. ( actual weapon used)
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Location: Crimea Russia, Kerch polytechnic college.
Weapons: domestic nail bomb, A Hastan escort aimgaurd 12 gauge pump shotgun, one boot knife( unused ) pipe bombs.( failed )
Deaths: 20 deaths, 70 wounded
Criminal penalty: none, death by self inflicted gunshot wound.
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techramonic · 4 days
More random info and pictures of the Kerch Polytechnic incident, mainly small details regarding Vlad.
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His house and room. He grew up in Arshintsevo before moving somewhere else in Kerch, Crimea with his mother after his parents split up. He was living in poverty, since the only direct provider was his mother, who was a nurse and oncologist at a nearby orderly hospital.
ammo and gun training
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The ammo he used for the attack. He used birdshot and buckshot pellet bullets. On July 18th 2018, he went to Egida Training Centre to apply for gun training.
Accordining to an interview user Skanderarrent2 posted on reddit, his trainer mentioned that he was skilled in shooting and initially thought that he had experience with firearms:
“Because he spoke very confident, self-collected. I felt that he was more mature in his soul than (an) 18 year old. It felt that he was a young adult, not a teenager, not an 18 year-old because he did everything clearly. Some people are verbose, but he didn’t have extra words, was silent. And he didn’t ask too many questions. I had the impression that he quickly learned, etc. That is, he created the impression of a trained person. The teachers noticed that he shot well, when asked where he learned why he shot so well, the young man replied, ‘I practiced shooting’”
The taining which included 4 hours in theory and 2 hours practice, cost Vlad 4,000 rubles or $62 instead of 6000 or $93. He said he had financial difficulties, and the management gave him a discount. He then subsequently earned a license and bought a gun from Oruzheinik Gun Shop during August of 2018.
purchase history and materials
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His purchase history up until the attack and what he had bought and wore during the attack. People speculate that he hand-painted the "ненависть" on his shirt.
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an assignment he wrote regarding electrical safety. a rough translation of his assignment reads:
“Mapogon or an order defines the boundaries of the workplace, the volume of work performed, the scope of the work, as well as the list of employees who are responsible and perform the work. Unauthorized carrying out of work and white changes in people's permission instructions are strictly prohibited. If the work performed in an electrical installation involves the use of (unintelligible) mechanisms, then 4 technological steps are necessary KAPTAM - according to specially developed software. When performing work on electrical equipment up to 1000 V, the MO should be directly energized. Install fences for nearby live parts to which K work is carried out. accidental contact is possible when performing acidental...”
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extra. why he standing like dat?? had to tip a toe
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sadmmann · 5 years
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Demchuk Victoria Vitalievna
April 4, 2001 - October 17, 2018
The 17-year-old girl studied “Land and Property Relations” at the Kerch Polytechnic College, worked in a model school, and together with her friend Alina were the first beauties of the campus, they both died. Victoria survived the explosion, with severe injuries she was taken to hospital. Doctors fought for her life, but she died the next day during transportation to Moscow. She is described as funny, kind and beautiful both inside and outside.
rest in peace Vika  🖤
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newstfionline · 6 years
Russia wrestles with a US-style school massacre in Crimea
By Fred Weir, CS Monitor, October 18, 2018
MOSCOW--It’s the kind of tragedy Americans are all too familiar with; Russians, far less so.
But the Russian public reaction to Wednesday’s massacre by a lone shooter at a school in Kerch, in the Russian-annexed Republic of Crimea, will also look hauntingly familiar to Americans.
There is an outpouring of grief, tinged with disbelief and bewilderment; frustrated appeals to the authorities to “do something;” and a lot of talk about the malign influence of the internet and video games. Despite Russia’s already rather tough gun regulations, there are also calls to crack down harder.
At the end of the day, and as is often the case in the US, there seems to be no clear explanation for why Vladislav Roslyakov, an 18-year-old student at Kerch Polytechnic College, came to school on Wednesday with two backpacks stuffed with explosives and a legally acquired shotgun-like hunting rifle, and proceeded to slaughter his fellow students and teachers. After detonating a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb in a crowded cafeteria, he wandered the halls shooting people randomly before killing himself in the school’s library. At least 20 victims are dead and 50 wounded, some critically.
It’s not Russia’s first school shooting, but they have been few and far between. And the Kerch massacre is one of the worst ever, anywhere. There has never been such an event in Ukraine, of which Crimea was a part until 2014, when it was annexed by Russia.
To the credit of Russian authorities, and despite some initial confusion, they quickly rejected the explanation of terrorism. Rather, they publicly acknowledged that what they have on their hands is an American-style mass school shooting--even if Crimea’s leader Sergei Aksyonov continues to claim that Mr. Roslyakov must have had “accomplices.”
Roslyakov had been known as a bit of an introvert, who loved video games, but he was regarded as a good student and a polite young man.
“It is clear that he had long cherished this idea of going on a killing spree, and carefully planned it,” says Mikhail Vinogradov, a veteran Russian criminal psychiatrist. “He most likely suffered from a mental disorder, but neither relatives, nor friends, nor teachers attached any importance to his oddities. The worst thing is that even psychiatrists found him fit.”
Many Russians reserve some blame for the US and the horrific example its long history of mass shootings sets for impressionable young Russians. Some Russian news outlets are highlighting the undeniably eerie similarities between this shooting and the 1999 Columbine massacre in the US, with stress on how contagious that kind of viral-internet experience appears to be.
“It’s hard to say how those American cases affect our teenagers, because there are no studies about this,” says Margarita Pozdnyakova, an expert with the official Institute of Sociology in Moscow. “But judging by all my experience, there is such an influence. Teenagers today have a ‘mobile psyche,’ and they absorb everything.”
Many voices in Russia are also complaining about how easy it is to obtain a firearm in Russia, and calling for tighter controls. Oleg Adamovich, a reporter for the Moscow daily Komsomolskaya Pravda, underwent the procedure to obtain a hunting rifle a couple of years ago in order to write a story about it. It was not a process that Americans would find familiar.
“On the whole it takes about two or three weeks, and it is a boring bureaucratic procedure,” he says. “There is one day of mandatory study for future gun owners. Then there are medical consultations, which take a couple of days. You need to see a psychologist and a narcologist, and take a medical drug test. If everything is OK, and you acquire all the necessary documents, you may register in the queue to get your gun license.”
Russians are not permitted to own handguns or semi-automatic weapons. Even hunting rifles must be stored in a locked safe in a person’s home, subject to police checks.
Roslyakov passed through all these hoops last month and acquired a shotgun. With the right documents, he was able to purchase a large number of cartridges for it, some of which he used to manufacture his bombs.
There will be calls for tougher gun control, and some deputies in the Russian parliament are already mulling more measures to control what Russians can access on the internet. But no one has any clear answers.
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courtneytincher · 6 years
Russia wrestles with a US-style school massacre in Crimea
Despite Russia’s already rather tough gun regulations, there are also calls to crack down harder. At the end of the day, and as is often the case in the US, there seems to be no clear explanation for why Vladislav Roslyakov, an 18-year-old student at Kerch Polytechnic College, came to school on Wednesday with two backpacks stuffed with explosives and a legally acquired shotgun-like hunting rifle, and proceeded to slaughter his fellow students and teachers.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Despite Russia’s already rather tough gun regulations, there are also calls to crack down harder. At the end of the day, and as is often the case in the US, there seems to be no clear explanation for why Vladislav Roslyakov, an 18-year-old student at Kerch Polytechnic College, came to school on Wednesday with two backpacks stuffed with explosives and a legally acquired shotgun-like hunting rifle, and proceeded to slaughter his fellow students and teachers.
October 18, 2018 at 07:55PM via IFTTT
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Events 10.17
690 – Empress Wu Zetian establishes the Zhou Dynasty of China. 1091 – London tornado of 1091: A tornado thought to be of strength T8/F4 strikes the heart of London. 1346 – The English capture King David II of Scotland at Neville's Cross and imprison him for eleven years. 1448 – An Ottoman army defeats a Hungarian army at the Second Battle of Kosovo. 1456 – The University of Greifswald is established as the second oldest university in northern Europe. 1534 – Anti-Catholic posters appear in Paris and other cities supporting Huldrych Zwingli's position on the Mass. 1558 – Poczta Polska, the Polish postal service, is founded. 1604 – Kepler's Supernova is observed in the constellation of Ophiuchus. 1610 – French king Louis XIII is crowned in Reims Cathedral. 1660 – The nine regicides who signed the death warrant of Charles I of England are hanged, drawn and quartered. 1662 – Charles II of England sells Dunkirk to Louis XIV of France for 40,000 pounds. 1771 – Premiere in Milan of the opera Ascanio in Alba, composed by Mozart at age 15. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: British General John Burgoyne surrenders his army at Saratoga, New York. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: British General Charles, Earl Cornwallis surrenders at the Siege of Yorktown. 1800 – War of the Second Coalition: Britain takes control of the Dutch colony of Curaçao. 1806 – Former leader of the Haitian Revolution, Emperor Jacques I, is assassinated after an oppressive rule. 1814 – Eight people die in the London Beer Flood. 1817 – The tomb of Pharaoh Seti I is discovered. 1860 – First The Open Championship (referred to in North America as the British Open). 1861 – Aboriginal Australians kill nineteen Europeans in the Cullin-la-ringo massacre. 1907 – Marconi begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service. 1912 – Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia declare war on the Ottoman Empire, joining Montenegro in the First Balkan War. 1931 – Al Capone is convicted of income tax evasion. 1933 – Albert Einstein flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States. 1940 – The body of Communist propagandist Willi Münzenberg found in South France, starting a never-resolved mystery. 1941 – World War II: The USS Kearny becomes the first U.S. Navy vessel to be torpedoed by a U-boat. 1943 – The Burma Railway (Burma–Thailand Railway) is completed. 1943 – Nazi Holocaust in Poland: Sobibór extermination camp is closed. 1945 – A massive demonstration in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demands Juan Perón's release. 1956 – The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield, England. 1961 – Directed by their chief Maurice Papon, Paris police massacre scores of Algerian protesters. 1965 – The 1964–65 New York World's Fair closes after two years and more than 51 million attendees. 1966 – The 23rd Street Fire in New York City kills 12 firefighters. 1969 – The Caravaggio painting Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence is stolen from the Oratory of Saint Lawrence in Palermo. 1970 – FLQ terrorists murder Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte. 1973 – OPEC imposes an oil embargo against countries they deem to have helped Israel in the Yom Kippur War. 1977 – The hijacked Lufthansa Flight 181 lands in Mogadishu. The remaining hostages are later rescued. 1979 – Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1979 – The Department of Education Organization Act creates the U.S. Department of Education. 1980 – As part of the Holy See–United Kingdom relations a British monarch makes the first state visit to the Vatican. 1988 – Uganda Airlines Flight 775 crashes at Rome–Fiumicino International Airport, in Rome, Italy, killing 33 people. 1989 – The 6.9 Mw Loma Prieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast, killing Sixty-three. 1989 – The East German Politburo votes to remove Erich Honecker from his role as General Secretary. 1991 – 1991 Rudrapur bombings by Sikh separatists, who explode two bombs, during a Ramlila Hindu celebration in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, killing 41 people. 1992 – Having gone to the wrong house, Japanese student Yoshihiro Hattori is killed by the homeowner in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1994 – Russian journalist Dmitry Kholodov is assassinated while investigating corruption in the armed forces. 2000 – The Hatfield rail crash leads to the collapse of Railtrack. 2001 – Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi becomes the first Israeli minister to be assassinated in a terrorist attack. 2003 – Taipei 101, a 101-floor skyscraper in Taipei, becomes the world's tallest high-rise. 2018 – The recreational use of cannabis is legalized in Canada. 2018 – Kerch Polytechnic College attack in Crimea. 2019 – Drug dealers in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico force the government to back down on an arrest.
0 notes
marilynngmesalo · 6 years
Student gunman kills 17 at Crimea college: Report
Student gunman kills 17 at Crimea college: Report https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Student gunman kills 17 at Crimea college: Report
MOSCOW — A Russian official said a student attacked a vocational college Wednesday in Crimea, a rampage that killed 17 other students and left more than 40 people wounded, before killing himself.
The comments by Sergei Aksyonov, the regional leader in Crimea, were the latest in a series of shifting explanations by Russian officials as to what exactly happened at Kerch Polytechnic College in the Black Sea city of Kerch.
Russian officials at first reported a gas explosion, then said an explosive device ripped through the college canteen about lunchtime in a suspected terrorist attack. But witnesses, however, reported that at least some of the victims were killed in an attack by a gunman or gunmen.
BREAKING: 18 people have been killed after an explosive device went off in a college in Crimea.
Follow the story here: https://t.co/NKcwBndvbv pic.twitter.com/Ml6JOUI9nC
— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 17, 2018
Aksyonov said on television that the student, a local man acting alone, killed himself after the attack.
The Investigative Committee identified the attacker as Vladislav Roslyakov, 18. It said he was caught on security cameras entering the college with a rifle and firing at students. The committee said all the victims have died of gunshot wounds, contrasting with previous statements by other officials saying they had wounds resulting from an explosion.
After the attack, local officials declared a state of emergency on the Black Sea peninsula that they had annexed from Ukraine in 2014. They also beefed up security at a new 19-kilometre (11.8-mile) bridge that links the peninsula with Russia that opened earlier this year.
Military units were deployed around the college.
Earlier, Russia’s Investigative Committee, the nation’s top investigative agency, said an explosive device that went off at the college’s canteen was rigged with shrapnel. It was not immediately clear if the alleged attacker had detonated the explosive device.
Sergei Melikov, a deputy chief of the Russian National Guard, said the explosive device was homemade. Explosives experts were inspecting the college building for other possible bombs, according to Anti-Terrorism Committee spokesman Andrei Przhezdomsky.
Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters that officials are looking into a possible terrorist attack. He did not elaborate. Peskov said Putin has instructed investigators and intelligence agencies to conduct a thorough probe and offered condolences to the families of the victims.
Witnesses did not speak of an explosion but said one or more armed men attacked the school.
The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper quoted student Semyon Gavrilov, who said he fell asleep during a lecture and woke up to the sound of shooting. He said he looked out and saw a young man with a rifle shooting at people.
“I locked the door, hoping he wouldn’t hear me,” the paper quoted Gavrilov as saying.
He said police arrived about 10 minutes later to evacuate people from the college and he saw dead bodies on the floor and charred walls, presumably from some fire or explosion.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "dwjKi-D2qZI", "pn_video_439729", "", "", {"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]>
Another student, Yuri Kerpek, told the state RIA Novosti news agency that the shooting went on for about 15 minutes.
Olga Grebennikova, director of the vocational college, told KerchNet TV that men armed with automatic rifles burst into the college and “killed everyone they saw.” Grebennikova, who said she had left the grounds shortly before the attack occurred, said students and staff were among victims.
Russia’s Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova headed to the area to help co-ordinate assistance to the wounded and helicopters carrying emergency medical teams flew to the area.
Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine triggered Western sanctions. Russia has also supported separatists fighting the Ukrainian government in eastern Ukraine, a conflict that has left at least 10,000 people dead since 2014.
Over the past few years, Russian security agencies have arrested several Ukrainians accused of plotting terror attacks in Crimea, but no attacks have occurred.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "chBAAT_W77s", "pn_video_97619", "", "", {"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]> Canoe Click for update news world news https://ift.tt/2P6vVAp world news
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techramonic · 7 days
More commentary on the religious aspect of Vlad's ideology
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ideology of death
I find it very interesting that Vlad's ideology of death is nothingness because while this may be influenced by nihilistic ideology, where death is defined as inherently meaningless as life itself, the fact that he says "If I wanted to kill myself I would have done it a long time ago." suggests that he still finds a purpose to the present time he was currently living. He still actively has a purpose in life and looks forward to it as much as he seeks death.
Similarly, Jehova's witness, being a separate sect from Christianity, believe in nothingness after death. Unlike the standard belief of "life after death" or eternal life bared from the acceptance of Christ and redemption of self, Jehova's witnesses believe not only does death affect the physical body but also the soul attached to its vessel. This means the complete cease and erasure of life. There is no immortal soul that survives after it detaches from the body and there is no predestination. In terms of such thing as "everlasting life", according to Revelation 14:1-4, an exact number of faithful disciple-like believers will attain the right to enter heaven and serve alongside God.
I personally believe that Vlad might have been subconciously or even conciously clinging unto this idea. Seeing that he was quite involved alongside his mother's religious life, where he would accompany her a lot to sermons. It seems as if he has an attachment to the religion, despite hating it. As if it's this binding string that he desperately tries to sever.
Another piece of evidence that is able to support this theory is that in an interview, Vlad's neighbor said that her and her husband caught Vlad burning literature books along with religious sectarian books on the day of the tragedy.
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rough translation of pages:
Though it is hard to trace the exact copy of the verse since bibles tend to vary from the wording, they do retain more or less the same message. The scriptures below are from the New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures (NWT/NW) since Jehova's witnesses commonly use this version of the bible. NIV is also included to maintain accuracy.
left page (1433)
"The payment of sin. And therefore, not to reign, but allowed the bodies, so that in their own mortal sin they can meet with each other and do not give away the rech,” making themselves unrighteous to God."
I assume this is Romans 6:12-14, which reads,
" Therefore, do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal bodies so that you should obey their desires. Neither go on presenting your bodies to sin as weapons of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, also your bodies to God as weapons of righteousness." (NWT)
right page
"Your God, He will return and give mercy to drink, He will gather you among whom the Lord your God ... was scattered to the edge, the Lord will gather you, from there he will take you, the Lord, God, will lead you to the land that you owned and you will receive it to rule over you and with ... Do they say to heaven that we should hear her?"
I assume this is Deuteronomy 30:6-14, which reads,
"The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live. The Lord your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. You will again obey the Lord and follow all his commands I am giving you today. Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The Lord will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors, if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it." (NIV)
For the last one, I purposefully used NIV since it's the most compatibly written in a similar fashion to the referenced text.
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Russian official: Student gunman killed 17 at Crimea college
MOSCOW — A Russian official said a student attacked a vocational college Wednesday in Crimea, a rampage that killed 17 other students and left more than 40 people wounded, before killing himself.
The comments by Sergei Aksyonov, the regional leader in Crimea, were the latest in a series of shifting explanations by Russian officials as to what exactly happened at Kerch Polytechnic College in the Black Sea city of Kerch.
Russian officials at first reported a gas explosion, then said an explosive device ripped through the college canteen about lunchtime in a suspected terrorist attack. But witnesses, however, reported that at least some of the victims were killed in an attack by a gunman or gunmen.
Aksyonov said on television that the student, a local man acting alone, killed himself after the attack.
The Investigative Committee identified the attacker as Vladislav Roslyakov, 18. It said he was caught on security cameras entering the college with a rifle and firing at students. The committee said all the victims have died of gunshot wounds, contrasting with previous statements by other officials saying they had wounds resulting from an explosion.
After the attack, local officials declared a state of emergency on the Black Sea peninsula that they had annexed from Ukraine in 2014. They also beefed up security at a new 19-kilometer (11.8-mile) bridge that links the peninsula with Russia that opened earlier this year.
Military units were deployed around the college.
Earlier, Russia’s Investigative Committee, the nation’s top investigative agency, said an explosive device that went off at the college’s canteen was rigged with shrapnel. It was not immediately clear if the alleged attacker had detonated the explosive device.
Sergei Melikov, a deputy chief of the Russian National Guard, said the explosive device was homemade. Explosives experts were inspecting the college building for other possible bombs, according to Anti-Terrorism Committee spokesman Andrei Przhezdomsky.
Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters that officials are looking into a possible terrorist attack. He did not elaborate. Peskov said Putin has instructed investigators and intelligence agencies to conduct a thorough probe and offered condolences to the families of the victims.
Witnesses did not speak of an explosion but said one or more armed men attacked the school.
The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper quoted student Semyon Gavrilov, who said he fell asleep during a lecture and woke up to the sound of shooting. He said he looked out and saw a young man with a rifle shooting at people.
“I locked the door, hoping he wouldn’t hear me,” the paper quoted Gavrilov as saying.
He said police arrived about 10 minutes later to evacuate people from the college and he saw dead bodies on the floor and charred walls, presumably from some fire or explosion.
Another student, Yuri Kerpek, told the state RIA Novosti news agency that the shooting went on for about 15 minutes.
Olga Grebennikova, director of the vocational college, told KerchNet TV that men armed with automatic rifles burst into the college and “killed everyone they saw.” Grebennikova, who said she had left the grounds shortly before the attack occurred, said students and staff were among victims.
Russia’s Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova headed to the area to help coordinate assistance to the wounded and helicopters carrying emergency medical teams flew to the area.
Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine triggered Western sanctions. Russia has also supported separatists fighting the Ukrainian government in eastern Ukraine, a conflict that has left at least 10,000 people dead since 2014.
Over the past few years, Russian security agencies have arrested several Ukrainians accused of plotting terror attacks in Crimea, but no attacks have occurred.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2018/10/17/russian-official-student-gunman-killed-17-at-crimea-college/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/10/17/russian-official-student-gunman-killed-17-at-crimea-college/
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