#kepler would be *freaked* by his power
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dreaming-of-podcasts · 8 years ago
Guys what if kepler (w359) met damien (tbs)?? They're both such manipulative, trash excuses for human beings, I would love to see how they interacted with each other. Who would win the manipulation game
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years ago
For mermay, #25 siren for Sternclay, rating up to you? Thank you so much, I love your fics!
Here you go! I went with SFW and it's set in the same universe as the other siren prompt I got this year
Joseph has sailed so far over the horizon of regret that he’s landed right back on the shores of resolve.
The highway curves through low mountains, extends in interminable straight lines of super-heated asphalt, and he drives both stretches with purpose, eyes fixed on his goal so as not to see the last forty-eight hours lurking in his rearview mirror.
When the sign reading “Kepler: Population 3,000 on land, 50 in water” reflects the setting sun he slumps back in the driver seat, too tired to be glad, excited, afraid, or anything else at all.
He passes the Cryptonomica, proclaiming itself the premier place to learn about the Roadside Sirens. Rolling his eyes means he nearly misses the drawbridge warning, the barrier dropping and bridge rising to allow a small sailboat to pass. It’s aboard this he sees his first siren; dappled tail hanging in the water as she converses with the other passenger and waves to the siren working the bridge.
The bridge lowers and he continues forward as the early evening overtakes the main road. Neon crackles to life, creosote and rabbitbrush drift through the window when he rolls it down. The sign on Amnesty Lodge declares vacancies, so he pulls into the parking lot. It’s a strange lay-out, little cabins dotting the patches of pools that, once upon a time, must have been enclosed in rooms. Now they glisten under the emerging stars, some surrounded by lawn chairs and set ups to play horseshoes or cornhole. The building housing the lobby is precariously perched on the bank of the slow flowing river, another building whose neon is unlit sitting beside it. He pays the young lady at the counter for a week to week cabin and lugs the remainders of his life inside.
In the bathroom mirror, the wear of this trip is clear in the wrinkles on his suit and the dust on his shoes. He strips down, rinses off, and heads into the night in his shorts and T-shirt from Puget Sound. On a whim he turns right, follows a trail that leads him into the state park. He pays the five dollar fee in a little envelope as he continues on his way. Just as he reaches a scenic viewpoint, the singing starts.
Joseph can’t see any of the singers, can only pick up six or so distinct voices swirling around him.
It’s said the roadside sirens will tell you what you need.
It’s said the roadside sirens are the only way Kepler gets new residents
It’s said the roadside sirens will lead you to your hearts desire.
It’s said the roadside sirens are not always gentle.
All that tugs at Joseph’s heart is exhaustion. When footsteps creak across the boards behind him, he turns to find a man in a ranger uniform. Their eyes meet a moment and the man nods in greeting, “Evenin sir, you got any questions?”
“What do you hear when they sing?”
The ranger shrugs, “I hear them singin’. Never been all that susceptible to ‘em. Well, except for one, but he don’t sing all that often and the last time it was to tell me he missed me while I was out here workin’.”
Joseph raises an eyebrow. The man comes close enough for him to see his name tag. All it says is, “Duck.”
Duck chuckles, leans his arms on the railing, “S’okay, most folks don’t believe me when I tell ‘em that. See, thing about sirens is, you gotta have unfulfilled desires for the song to take hold. First time I was in Kepler, didn’t have a goddamn clue what I wanted from life. When I came back, found the two things I wanted right away. Been pretty content since.” He glances at Joseph, “why, you hear somethin that worries you?”
“I don’t hear anything besides-”
A burst of blue and orange light spills across them; the building beside Amnesty Lodge has come to life, and Joseph can see a line out the door from here. More importantly, someone is singing and his body moves towards the source without him noticing.
“I mean, if your main want is you’re hungry, Lodge is a damn good place to start. Put Kepler on the map. Or, uh, guess the sirens put it there and the Lodge kept it there once the novelty wore off.
“Uhumm” Joseph nods, waving an absentminded goodnight as he follows the path back to the Lodge. He’s about to join the others waiting to get through the door when he gets a flash of an image; a draft on a desk, announcing the Lodge needed a cooks assistant.
What the hell, it’s worth a try right?
A knock on the back door summons an older man in a “Joshua Tree��� shirt.
“Howdy, if you’re lookin for the line-”
“I’m here about the assistant job.”
“Uhh, o-kay. Not the best time for it, but follow me.”
The man leads him down a set of stairs to a kitchen that is half in and half out of the water in a way that defies logic and physics. Swimming about are several sirens, plus two humans on the shore, cooking and sending food up to the main building in a dance that borders on chaos. In the middle of it all is a siren with a deep copper tail that matches his short beard and long hair tied back in a bun.
“Barclay! You got a minute?”
“Not really!”
“Okay then. I’ll just have this fella wait in your office until dinner rush is over.”
“Sure great yeah Moira wheres the crawfish for table ten?”
Which is how Joseph finds himself sitting in a cabin, twiddling his thumbs. His manners fight his boredom until he pulls a paperback from the nearby shelf and loses himself in the exploits of a someone recreating dishes from ancient civilizations. Doesn’t look up until the door opens and the same man, now with legs instead of that beautiful tail, walks in.
“Phew” he shuts the door with a satisfied smile, rests his head on the wood, then whirls and slams his back against it when Joseph clears his throat.
“I’m, I’m so sorry, I thought you heard, um, Thacker, tell you he was having me wait here.”
“W-wait here for wh--Oh, oh right, the assistant thing.” The siren scrubs his face, “yeah, uh, guess Mama must've put the ad out. Uh, would you say you’re organized?”
“Extremely. But honestly it doesn’t seem like you need that much help on that front.”
A deep, rich laugh, “I cleaned this morning, last night it looked like an earthquake hit this place. Guessing from the fact you didn’t freak out in the kitchen you’re cool with the supernatural?”
“Yes. It’s an area of interest for me.”
There’s suspicion in Barclay’s voice, hidden but very much present, “why’d you end up in Kepler?”
“I came here on purpose. I wanted to be somewhere where strange things were celebrated and out in the open. Not...not kept from the world.”
Barclay leans back on his desk, arms crossed, “Where’d you work before now?”
“The…” he sighs, resigns himself to finding somewhere else to go, “the FBI. UP branch, I was at Nellis when they, um, relieved me of my duties.”
For a long moment, Barclay studies him. Then he turns to his desk, setting stacks of papers in order as he hums. Joseph closes his eyes, takes calming breaths; all he wants is to be safe, to not have to run. All he wants is for Barclay to hold him, he’s never seen a man so handsome and a useless, primal part of him fixates on that fact. Also he’s starving, god, he hasn’t eaten since his breakfast of black coffee.
Barclay stops humming, “Come with me.”
Joseph follows him back down into the strange kitchen (“couple of friends of mine are pretty powerful magicians. They rigged up the kitchen for me”). All the lights are off, and without them he discovers Barclay’s eyes glow an eerie yellow-green. When he smiles, Joseph sees only the points on his teeth, not the crinkle at the edge of his eyes.
“Hungry?” Barclay rumbles.
“You eat fish?”
“...Yes?” Will the wrong answer get him drowned.
The cook leaps towards the water, tail appearing and clothes vanishing at the last moment before he hits the dark surface. Joseph stands, on edge and curious, until the siren emerges, newly-dead trout in his hands.
“Tastes best fresh.” Barclay swims to his grill, turning it on in a click of a knob.
“Why not just stay human when you cook?” Joseph makes his way over to the station as Barclay butchers the fish and sets it into a heavily buttered pan.
“The charm only holds for so long before I need to be back in the water, and I get so busy during meals I don’t want to risk passing out because I went too long on shore. Besides” he spins elegantly to grab two spice jars, “I learned to cook in the water, so this is the most natural way for me.”
“Fascinating.” Joseph sits down, keeping himself out of arms reach of the water. Barclay seems nice, but sirens did not become famous for offering people things and then following through; hundreds of dead travelers prove that much.
“Where are you from?”
“Chicago, originally.”
“Ever see the great lake mers?”
“No.” He can’t help but feel disappointed that he’s only learning of their existence now.
“Quite a few out there. Sirens too.”
Well, that introduces some new reasons for all the shipwrecks.
“How do you know? Are you from there?”
“Nah. Been in Kepler my whole life. Even during the bad years, singing people into that godawful, overpriced casino buffet. Convincing them the shitty cold cuts were prime rib.” His hand stills a moment, clenches and then releases, “yeah. Every now and then” he starts chopping shallots, “one of the drunks would get it into their heads to pet the sirens tail or hair and I had to sit there and let them. My tail” he shudders, swipes the shallots into the pan so roughly Joseph starts.
“Sorry.” Barclay mumbles.
“Don’t be. I’m on edge, that’s all. And you have every right to be angry. Being forced to do something you know is wrong is....there’s no winning.”
“That why you just want a place to feel safe?”
It’s so easy to confess in the darkness of the cave.
“I put up too much of a fight about something. Refused to do something that went against my conscience. They let me go, which I feared but expected. Then I found my bank accounts were cut off and someone had manipulated the records to say I’d been fired for criminal activity so it’d be harder to find a job.”
A clink of metal on china, and then Barclay is holding a plate out to him with tenderness in his eyes, “I’m so sorry, Joseph. Here, at least you won’t be hungry.”
Joseph murmurs out his thanks.
“You a wine drinker?”
“Right now I could certainly go for some.”
A few flicks of that stunning tail and Barclay returns with a glass of white for each of them.
“To getting free of shitty pasts.” The cook raises his glass and Joseph bumps his against it. Barclay brings it to his lips, but smiles rather than sip, “and by the way: you got the job.”
Being Barclay’s assistant is fifty percent clerical work and fifty percent following the siren around as he gathers ingredients or tests recipes. On Ned Chicane’s recommendation, Barclay had published a cookbook of both traditional siren foods and his own creations. It became a bestseller which, among other things, means Joseph has a brand new wardrobe, regular deliveries of gourmet food, and his cabin is now full of books. Whenever he points out that Barclay is already paying him and doesn’t need to buy him things, the siren simply rubs their cheeks together (a thing Joseph is only now getting used to) and tells him he likes doing it.
So when he’s not getting his recipes in order or typing up scribbled note cards into something legible, he’s following Barclay on foot or in a boat while he harvests or buys ingredients. Sirens have permission to fish and forage in areas, including the park, that humans don’t, which means he runs into Duck and his siren husband, Indrid, on more than one occasion while hauling lines into the boat.
The one time it gets stuck, Barclay pulls it out all on his own. Almost like he’s showing off the muscles in his back, arms, and tail.
The only thing Joseph won’t do is get in the water with the siren. He can’t get the images of drowned sailors, of fishermen torn to shreds, from his mind. Barclay is powerful, sharp-toothed and slit-pupiled, dangerous yet so gentle he once purred when Joseph complimented his food. And if Joseph never goes in the water with him, he’ll never have to confront the fact he wouldn’t mind if those pointed teeth dug into his skin and that tail trapped his legs while he thrashed in Barclay’s hold.
He assumes Barclay doesn’t notice; after all, swamps and marshes, even the river, are far less suited to a human swimming in them than an ocean or lake. This conclusion is bolstered by Barclay never, ever asking him to join him in the water. The siren is less careful about singing; he usually just hums as he works, but sometimes he sings wordlessly and Joseph nearly dives head first into the water (Barclay’s lap, if they’re on land).
Tonight, he’s cleaning up after Barclay’s test session of new recipes in the kitchen. The cook went out to visit some friends who live further in the state park, so when his voice drifts across the stones Joseph is surprised.
Cool, calloused hands on his cheeks, a tail stroking his thighs, his lips tracing up a sturdy leg. Copper hair twined in his fingertips, a heart beating in time with his own, teeth sinking into his skin, marking him, claiming him.
Water fills his nose and his body jerks back to the present, standing up in the shallow water that he stepped and stumbled face-first into.
“Joseph? Oh fuck, are you okay?” Barclay rounds the corner, swimming over to look up at him with concern.
“Yes. I, um, I think I got caught up in your song.”
“I’m sorry, I thought you were already upstairs or I wouldn’t have sung so loud. I know you can’t swim.”
“I can.” Joseph kneels, face down-turned in shame, “I was scared to, um, to be in the water with you. It’s, I was afraid of what might happen.”
Barlay swims back, “you thought I was gonna eat you?”
“No! Or, um, at first I didn’t want to foolishly assume that sirens in Kepler were harmless, since death isn’t high on my to-do list. Then I thought suddenly starting to swim would tip you off to the fact I’d been suspicious and I didn’t want to hurt you.” He runs a hand through his hair, “that song, though, Barclay, lord almighty is that what I want?”
“It’s what I want, I never sang it to bring you to me.”
Barclay swims back to him, rubs their cheeks together, “Can I try something?”
“Anything” is all he gets out before he’s pulled into deeper water. He gasps for air, his own moans ricocheting across the room as Barclay bites his shoulder. On instinct his body tries to tread water, but copper scales trap his legs together, keep him flush against Barclay’s body.
“It’s okay babe, you can relax. I got you, I could keep us both afloat in my sleep.” He hums as he trails his lips across Joseph’s throat, “you’re safe. You’re with me.”
“Don’t make me leave.” The song pulls it out of him, because he wants to say it, wants to admit that losing what he has in Kepler terrifies him, just so he can hear-
“Never. You make me so fucking happy.” Barclay kisses him tenderly, keeps tracking his bite marks with a finger, “please stay. Stay for as long as you want."
"What if I want forever?" He rests his face on Barclay's shoulder as the siren spins them, dance-like, in the water.
"I think we can manage that."
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luckygrimreaper · 4 years ago
I have thoughts about New Kid, I'm sorry (Part 2)
And here’s the next one which is just if I ever did write a formal multiple-chapter for the games this would be a much later scene taking place during the second game to act as a big reveal for the truth of just who Jeremy is and how he ended up in this situation. It's probably one of the most self-indulgent parts of this whole thing not gonna lie. But also I was planning to add more character flashbacks, but you can probably see when I stopped being able to pick specific moments so I kinda gave up, plus I wrote this at midnight since I wanted it down before I fell asleep
Also probably the only one with a proper summary: And on the floor, in the back of his closet there sat a box, innocently marked mementos. However, he did not remember ever looking in this box for as long as he has had it. He realizes now that he doesn't know what's inside it. It's a very unsettling thought. Jeremy pulls out the box and sets it in the middle of his room. He kneels down and opens the box. And just like that, he remembers everything he had forgotten. All the memories that were taken from him.
And it went a little something like this…
And it went a little something like this…
He honestly didn't care about the Xbox vs Playstation debate. PC is the master race and everyone can fight him on it. But he was approached near the beginning by Kenny, who wanted to play as a Princess but was denied this by both other parties. She was going to align herself with one and then betray them for the other to get them to all recognize her rank. However what was a princess without her royal knight? She came to him and asked him to be her royal knight, to fight for and beside her. While he couldn’t care less about the debate, he also couldn't find a reason to say no to her.
When the time came he fought by her side. Though everything turned into a mess because of outside forces. There are still bright sides though, like how while no one was looking at him he got a Playstation for her since she seemed pretty disappointed that everyone was now getting Xbox Ones instead after the whole murders thing. He could almost swear he lost his breath when he saw how she lit up when he handed it over with the simple remark, "For the beloved Princess." And if he blushed when she kissed his cheek then he'll take it to the grave.
And it went a little something like this…
A game of superheroes goes horribly wrong in far too many ways. And so maybe he takes a switchblade meant for someone else to the chest. And maybe he should've stayed in bed. And maybe he shouldn't have gone to confront Cartman after hearing about the others getting trapped. But maybe he was right to do so.
Still wrapped in bandages and blood he walked his way up and through the crowd. And sure there was that stupid prophecy saying only Mint Berry could stop Cthulu, but honestly what did he care? Since when has he ever listened to something like that? And maybe he stood there, broken and bleeding, and talked his way out of this. Looked Cthulhu in the eyes and convinced it to stop, fix everything, and go back home. Maybe he saved the day not with violence, or prophecies, or fate, but rather the power of fucking friendship and diplomacy.
Carman was pissed, but hey, shouldn't have lied to Cthulhu man. And maybe he collapsed in an alley nearby after seeing everyone was safe.
But maybe it was nice to be found while at his worst and not made fun of or doted over. But just helped up. And maybe it was nice to see, once again, for all Craig likes to say he doesn't give a shit about anyone other than Tweek and Stripe, he did care about others. And maybe it was nice to know that others included him, even when he's currently being nothing more than a burden.
And it went a little something like this…
Can you really blame him? Tweek's parents have done so much fucked up shit, honestly it's crazy that he's the first one to do anything. So sue him, when they once again completely disregard Tweek's wellbeing he just fucking punched them. And shit maybe his own parent issues are getting in the way of how he reacts to other people's parents. But seriously he's justified this time! They were super pissed at him, but hey who isn't these days. Least they finally actually emote something other than joy for once.
Tweek was pretty freaked, surprisingly not about Jeremy punching his dad, but more about his parents were going to react. He honestly was expecting Tweek to care about them more. But when he's sitting in the back on top of a box, watching Tweek try his best to clean up Jeremy's busted lip and a bloody nose that his own dad gave Jeremy, Jeremy realized he was wrong. And maybe he shouldn't judge books by their covers.
And it went a little something like this…
He knew, everyone knew. Stan had a problem. Just most people didn't realize that problem didn't instantly go away like they were expecting. But he knew, though that's only because he kept looking at Stan and seeing reflections of himself. So it’s really not of any surprise that he noticed realistically speaking. And if maybe he chose to hang around more. To gently prod, without ever really judging. Who could blame him, really?
And if those quiet moments eventually got Stan to open up and say what was going on, then hey it was for the best. And if Jeremy managed to convince him to start going to therapy, real therapy not whatever shit they're trying to pass off as therapy in this town, then it was for the best. And if Stan finally dumped that bottle of Whiskey out and replaced the drink with soda to help cope, then it was for the best. And if Stan had someone to have his back and figure out gender and sexuality, then it was for the best.
And if a friendship started by accident because one person was concerned about another one day, well then it was for the best.
And it went a little something like this…
Drama has never been his thing, he's always preferred to stick to his own corner of the universe and call it a day. But when Wendy came to him for advice, much like every other dumbass, over what to do about Cartman going into the girl's bathroom, he actually tried to comfort her. Look, he thought the whole thing was stupid and that there was an easy solution to all of this. But he still has a damn heart and so maybe that meant he didn't want to invalid her feelings by saying that to her face.
And so maybe his “easy” solution led to quite a few people realizing they were trans and/or nonbinary. But hey that's not invalidating people's feelings, so mission accomplished. Plus it was nice to have someone else who knew the vibe of just pretty using whichever bathroom would be least likely to have a screaming match start when they walked in. And if the kids formed their own little trans rights group, then hey, more power to them.
And it went a little something like this…
Butters was different he supposed. Everyone called him innocent and naive. But Jeremy thought he was more nice and snarky. He had no idea how he did it, but Butters sure did. Managed to be so many things all at once. Jeremy was glad they were friends. While he could say he didn't understand how everyone else didn't like him, he did. Because it was intentional. And man was that wildest realization he’s ever had. He was caught off-guard for weeks after the fact, still reeling from it.
Because at the same time, it made perfect sense. Because it's Butters, or rather Majorine now. And oh boy did Jeremy have to help her with her hair and makeup at first, but eventually, she got a hang of it herself. That doesn't mean they stopped hanging out solely to work on her hair and makeup sometimes, but it wasn't an everyday thing. And both situations were okay. They were friends, what else more was needed? (absolutely nothing if you asked him)
And it went a little something like this…
There was a kid who lived in South Park, his parents weren’t around much, but he never minded. It just meant he had free rein of the house. And though it was awkward at first to once again be the new kid in another town he knows nothing about, it was the first time he stayed for more than a month.
He couldn’t really be blamed then when at the end of the month he opened up and found maybe this town wasn’t the worst he could’ve been stuck in. He made friends and enemies and sometimes people who were both. But he was happy with his life, it wasn’t great, but it was his for once and that felt like enough.
But then one day his parents returned and stole him away, without even a chance to say goodbye. He stayed closed off from the world. He didn’t dare care about anyone else lest he is taken from them again.
He could never forget South Park though.
He figured it was that, eventually, his parents had enough of running because he wasn’t careful enough. He doesn’t know how they did it, but they found someone who would make the world forget him. And forget everyone did, including him. All he had left was a box of mementos from his time in South Park, but he dared not ever open it.
That day everything was taken from him, even his voice. And everything was taken from everyone he once cared for, their identities, the help he gave, the help they gave him. Gone in the blink of an eye.
He woke up in the hospital. He couldn’t recall what had happened to him or who he was, not even the glimpse of a name. As if he just came out of thin air, no history, no identity. Just a body filled with questions and not a single thought.
The next day though, a woman came in, claiming to be his new foster parent. Argus Kepler. She told him his name and that this small little box she held belonged to him, that was it. He never knew what to think of her, but in retrospect, he should’ve been more than a little suspicious.
For she was the one that made everyone forget. And for all he wants to be angry at her, he can’t, it was never her idea. Besides, when given the chance to take him back to the only place that ever got the chance to be home, she did it. She brought him back to South Park, even if everyone forgot, friendships can be rekindled. She knew it made him happy, so she brought him back. For as angry as he is, for the brief time she was in his life, she did everything she could to make him happy. All because she thought his parents didn’t care enough like they were supposed to. He thinks that’s what being a good parent is, caring, even when no one else would.
He remembers now. He has a voice, a name, a history, an identity. Jeremy, Jupiter, Jacks, all him. One for every side of his gender. One for every game played. He had best friends and sworn enemies. He had a home.
And now there’s only one thing left to do, well scratch that two things. One punch Cartman, two, well, what else? It’s time the truth was revealed once and for all. Take it or leave it, it was about them as much it was about him. They had the right to know.
He packs up the box again and picks it up, he can leave it outside the base while he decks Cartman.
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rae0fsunsh1ne · 5 years ago
The Order S2E03
I’m rewatching The Order for the 4th time and basically just gonna live blog it so if you don’t want to see my blabbering posts about each episode you can block the tag #Rachel obsesses about The Order
Gabrielle can be just so shallow and icky, she wants to ‘show off Jacks bod’ and make her brother ‘get eating disorder’ …… that’s not an okay thing to say
“i LIVE for cheer squad”
he goes in for the hug, no kiss. that should have been her first sign that he had his memory back
This show loves a good “psych!” moment, having the boys talking about ‘this order thing being a mess’ and it’s actually nachos lmao
and then Lilith and Nicole bringing even more cute and even more gay!!!
“i like your shoes!”
“hey my cupie is tight!” no Jack none of your ‘cheer’ is remotely ‘tight’, it is so, so awkward
Randall trying to convince himself that they “HAD to” kiss each other, pfff this boy is in love
I would love a poly, bisexual were-pack honestly it would be so cute
“she must have really hated her Ken dolls”
Hamish owns the building! goddamn everyone is so rich
It is a nice apartment tho…………
Jack definitely knows what Alyssa is going through because Silverback killed Prof Clarke against his will so his ‘first kill’ was also unplanned
“yeah i mean the last thing you’d want is anyone here to find out you don’t wanna kill someone.” “it’s not funny.” “it’s kinda funny’
My trip down the fear corridor would probably look pretty similar to Hamish
honestly ventriloquist’s dummy’s are terrifying
and spiders are my nemesis, nemesi? nemeses
“now i know why Alyssa calls it the fear corridor” “you didn’t think to tell us that before leading us down the creepy-ass hallway that turns our worst fears into a reality!??!??!”
Hamish is so offended by Kepler’s dismissal of his cocktail “the subtlety isn’t for everyone” he’s so indignant
Hamish just staring at Vera’s cleavage
I know it’s for the pendant but he’s still blatantly staring at her chest
I love the steampunk looking Optogrophy thing, it looks so cool. i love technology combined with magic
Holding HANDS!!!!
they’re all so flustered and uncomfortable about it, it’s so cute
“It’s not cause I’m scared.” “Yeah. It’s protocol” “Exactly. Protocol. Nothing else”
“……….magic heist.”
How do you actually get out of the fear corridor
“everything you see is unverifiable. if you can convince everyone that the truth is fake then you can keep the truth and the power to yourself” possibly the wisest words Jack has ever said
“i’m not sure Shakespeares thought the rich was a disenfranchised minority”
“Quintuple negative”
“I’m pretty sure that Hell is a Judeo-Christian concept applied to scare people”
Randall drinking milk at the bar
Alyssa steals his glass of milk!
“Wow. A guy goes out for a glass of 2% and all he gets is the third degree!”
quick math (I lie, i used a calculator) 81 years ago they released Rogwan, every 27 years they have to do the containment spell, so this is the 3rd time The Order has gone up against Rogwan
“In the flesh. Because that’s the only way I can survive down here” “Don’t you mean up here?” “So. Fucking. Arrogant.”
First she steals their underwear, then she sniffs their underwear…. creep
Hamish and Jack high five over “Obliviscere” those dorks
“I couldn’t care less” “So that’s what denial looks like”
Nicole and Lilith are really freaking cute
“it turns out that my feelings for you are the same no matter what i remember” MELT MY GAY HEART
“Bring me something in a tall glass” ….oh my
Hamish and his iconic wide eyes
“Oh hey Alyssa is there something you wanna talk about? Trust maybe?”
“So we good Alyssa? We good?” sarcastic fucker
Hamish and Vera so hooked up, Hamish was so flustered when he arrived
“Your objection will be noted in the minutes” “We’re supposed to keep minutes?”
They’re just like a bunch of kids with new toys on Christmas
All of them trying to pull the sword out of the stone and only Lilith can do it, because of course
Lilith wears that chainmail in the fear corridor when they fight Rogwan!
“Let me dispel the rumours, we are all going to die”
“are you hot for teacher?” “i admire good leadership”
“i’m not an I told you so kind of guy, but………….”
they’re all a bunch of (loveable) idiots
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purrusaurus · 6 years ago
One thing i love about Griffin's campaigns, and it's a small thing but I've noticed it greatly, is the importance of the roles that women are given. Lucretia and Mama are leaders of incredible secret societies dedicated to protecting others and doing good, and they do this relatively single handedly. (Even if women in media have the lead role in something like this, they often have a male consultant who makes a good chunk of the decisions anyway.)
Carey and Killian are viewed by everyone as supremely competent and capable, and even then we know that they're not perfect; Killian gets hit by the Hunger, and Carey goes all berserk in a fit of rage and desperation. They're competent without being the "stoic bitch" trope that's often attributed to strong women in those positions. Lup is a phantom, a goddamn lich, and Taako's biggest motivation in life. She's not just a plot device, she's not just a side character, she's a vital and important character in not only Taako's story, but also now in a great number of other NPC's lives in a way that actually shows itself throughout the podcast. (I could go on about the significance of her being a trans woman that's represented as respectfully and beautifully as she is, but I'm not as educated on that subject, so I'll leave that bit to anyone that wants to add on!!) Lucretia was the only one left alive on one of the planes during their Stolen Century. She fought tooth and nail and came out victorious, but not effortlessly; she had been terrified, and exhausted, and desperate, and when she finally made it, she collapsed to the floor. From then on she was a stronger, more dependable person. Her suffering wasn't swept under the carpet; it was realistic character development that was devoted into shaping who she becomes as Madam Director. And Sloane and Hurley, who I could literally go on about in a post of its own, about their dynamic and their motivations and intentions, their relationship and their sacrifice, and then their eventual redemption- it was genuinely interesting and incredible. Even as the 'villain' and NPC companion of one arc out of many, they made a significant impact on Balance as a whole.
In Amnesty, Janelle is the Minister of the Arcane. She focuses on studying, healing, curing, she disciplines herself and sticks to her values, and even though she comes off as blunt the first couple times we see her, she grows and develops into this wonderful mentor figure for Aubrey. Aubrey, who's not a Griffin NPC™️ but a Travis PC, this extravagant young woman with a passion for life that burns like the fire she's learned how to wield, who has no idea how to handle her new powers, who freaks out, but not in an exaggerated way. She's just frightened, and she wants help. She doesn't learn how to do things overnight. There are months of practice implied, misspells that come from overconfidence, unexpected perfections that come with the kinds of celebrations I would do, if I could do what Aubrey does. And then there's Minerva, the last of her kind, this otherworldly being that's been a force in Duck's life since he was a teenager, another wonderful and powerful mentor figure. She's been so selflessly helping Duck achieve his assumed destiny while she sits lonely on her nearly-dead planet, waiting for the inevitable and prioritizing her last minutes to say goodbye to Duck Newton before the meteor struck. And Mama- a famous artist, hiding away in humble Kepler, finding Aubrey in a time of trouble and saving her from more, welcoming three absolute nutcases into her lodge and into her Super Monster Hunter Club. Which is more than just a club, really, because she's been dedicating almost her entire life to the Pine Guard, keeping Kepler safe from the abominations that skulk the forest once a full moon. She takes in the Sylvs that can't return to their own home and makes her lodge as close to a home as she can, out of the goodness of her own heart, without expecting much at all in return. She's unabashedly a good person— and, even then, she still has realistic flaws. She doesn't want to even consider the fact that the abominations might be able to be swayed. She has been killing them for decades, and she wants to continue doing so; while she's kind to her friends, she's also stubborn and hard-headed, and not at all one-dimensional.
All my life as a young woman I've seen other women in media take on the same roles, the same personalities, the same level of importance as a side character. It's.. I dunno, it's refreshing, to listen to something like The Adventure Zone, and see women have just as much value and variation in the story as the men. The fact that the entire plot would change if even one of these female characters were removed is.. monumental. I hope the McElroys know how much that means to some of us, because it really, genuinely means that much to me.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 6 years ago
late liveblog because i was legit expecting the new ep to come out friday and was not emotionally prepared for it! :)))
for real tho i woke up to find the ep already posted and procrastinated by playing pokemon picross and cleaning my room, it's 1:02 am on friday as i'm typing this, time to have my soul ripped out through my tearducts by the mcelroys!
i'm reading the description r/n and oh boy am i afraid!!!
oh fuck straight into it then
oooooh thacker backstory :D
yay! clint!
juno :D
thacker has a minus one cool, good to know
i relate so hard to baby juno oh my god
thacker has extreme dad energies and i love him immediately
the lack of music is unnerving
has the shapeshifter been here this long???
29" is more than TWO FEET clint, i don't think it's that long
"because in a way he's a little bit like me" aww
where is the music griffin, i am terrified
oh it was just some random bombom then, cool
there's that great music, so freaking good
gorpp lol
oh one of those thingies, cool
i just googled what a bivouac is and i don't think that's what you mean clint
god these two are precious
"and i'll be right back" back soon
this sounds fascinating, damn
oooh, that sounds fun :o
"which is going to make sense for thacker here in just a moment!" well i'm scared now :|
nice roll! :D
sweet! we're going to get so much info!!!
this sounds like a zombie contagion almost
hmmm... this is really interesting
... is it like an antibody? 
so if sylvain is life, the quell is death?
very happy for the backstory! i already love thacker dearly
so excited for motrl!!!
they were buckwild indeed lmao
i need to see this map of kepler so bad
they are dragging him so much oh my god
you better share that screencap justin
"no, leave it as bacon!" clint ilu so much
the funicular train that is now missing it's car :/
a detective... with supernatural powers... angus
so re-chosen duck! fun!
yes, please keep panic button, that was so choice
awww, that's sweet, big bro duck :)
those were good skits! i liked them very much!
the repaired h2woah lmao
the cryptonomica minus ned :'(
can't forget dave's lmao
darrrylll's bait and crossfit
i had to skip back about 20 seconds to relisten because i got caught up in pondering the tax logistics of above business living
and there's the end of the goofs, back to the sad :(
this is going to be good for info if they need to infiltrate them
it's the red miles
so they're going to take on the quell itself? how the hell is this going to work i'm so curious
minerva ilu so much
aubrey my precious baby ilu so fuckin much
hi there leo!
this is so fucking good omg
i would be happy with just this forever justin
aww kirby :(
duck my sweet baby boy ilu so much
now i've got lost in the wilderness stuck in my head dammit justin
oh right i forgot about that lmao
thacker ilu so
"dear prince" what are these pet names arlo
yeah, this isn't great for odds honestly
arlo sounds like a lotr fan to me
i fucking love thacker so much
aww duck :'(
well no need to put it that dourly duck
well that was less emotionally charged than i thought it was gonna be and honestly i’m okay with that! we got a lot of really good goofs and a lot of really great character moments and i’m super excited to see where this goes!
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justanotherdumpingground · 6 years ago
Chapter Reviews: May 14-18, 2019
Across the Void Chapter 22:
The fighting sequence was pretty intense. I bought the reflective armor just in case anything goes wrong. Turns out a lot of things go wrong if I don't pay diamonds, primarily on Holmes, Zaniah, and Oberon. I may not be attached to them in any way, but it's really idiotic to have to spend diamonds to save characters's lives when strategic choices would be a better option.
That was an anticlimactic ending. I expected a long scene showing the consequences of my decision to hand the astral charges to the Vanguard and Jura, but nope. All I saw is everything fading to black while my MC and Sol just stood there as the Vanguard and Jura receive the astral charges. This is just...
Honestly, never in my have I felt cheated from something I promised than this story. The first half of the story is sluggish, I barely know about the setting aside from Lektra and Matara, the Vanguard vs. Jura conflict is never fully explained, and the characters are largely underdeveloped. Kepler gets the most development, but that's not saying much. Not to mention that having to pamper a bunch of mostly worthless passengers doesn't immerse me into the story. There's so much wasted potential that could fit in a blog post that I won't bother cramming in here. Unless Pixelberry doesn't add proper epilogue scenes for the final choice and the characters who can live or die, I'm never touching ATV again. And if PB sventually does that, chances are still extremely low. The damage had already been done.
High School Story: Class Act Chapter 14:
No surprise Rory won against Lorenzo, and I'm relieved the latter took his defeat well. Still rather salty that he and Amber were never punished for endangering the kitten, but I'm mostly relieved that the election drama is over. It's boring me to no end.
Aiden making a wood pun was so funny I wish I could replay the chapter just to get a screenshot of it. Clearly old MC's dad has influenced him. I swear, it's always a delight to see my old MC and Aiden together.
Speaking of delight, I'm so glad my new MC gets to be official with Skye. Honestly, this book would've gotten worse if it wasn't for her. Not only did she express her concerns about the election drama tearing her friends apart, but she also urged Rory and the twin to cooperate for once. Pity I didn't spend my diamonds on her for most of the time, but I will if I replay Class Act.
Wishful Thinking Chapter 6:
I'm so glad I adopted the cat and puppy. Reading their thoughts is funny, especially the part where Jaime fed the puppy peanut butter whenever the MC's away. Even the cat wanting to be pampered is adorable. So glad I got to adopt those two.
Does anyone think Charlie is up to no good? Sure he seems like a charming person, but he seems to have an agenda, and I want to investigate him further. I hope Anna will be fine.
I freaked out at Mira Banerji's model recycled for a lawyer, along with her outfit. What kind of lawyer wears an apron? Why didn't PB just have Mira make a cameo appearance preparing food for the gala guests?
For love interest, it's a toss-up between Jaime and Anna for me. I'm not invested in the romance aspect, so I'll take my time.
Power outages are a nuisance, and the one in the studio is no exception. But do the ones here have to freak out so much that it comes across as slightly melodramatic?
Passport to Romance Chapter 10:
Great, Ahmed just screwed himself up by staying up late. To be honest, his coach was right to scold him for such irresponsible behavior. He really should've returned to the hotel early in the previous chapter.
Oh hi, Julian Castillo! I miss seeing you in High School Story.
Kinda glad Marisa saved Ahmed's game by giving him the food he desperately needs. He should've eaten a light snack first, I think.
I got the soccer terms from Elliot mostly right, though it's a mix of guesses and my own knowledge. I'm no soccer fan, even though it's popular from where I'm from. Still no fan of Elliot using it to act condescending towards MC. It doesn't help matters that he didn't bother inviting Marisa and Sumire to his private box, just the MC. Hmph!
Honestly, how dumb is this MC? They're always late to stuff, they're clueless on what they're blogging about, they couldn't bother looking up their friends's names unless told to, they invaded someone's privacy, and they dragged their friends into countless fiascos. What was Yvette thinking when she hired them in the first place? And now they missed the flight due to carelessness. I swear, this story's nagging me.
I even read someone commenting that livestreaming a soccer match is copyright infringement, which makes it really stupid of MC and might spell doom to the magazine as well as the vlog.
Nightbound Chapter 5:
The fight scene was okay, and I think Cal having visible body hair is a nice break from the clean shaven chests found in all other male characters. I think it's part of being a werewolf. And it's great of the MC to tackle the cheater trying to make Cal lose.
During the meeting with the werewolves, I chose to accept Octavia's challenge, and I managed to impress her. I wish this scene is free instead of paywalled. That would've given some means to persuade the pack in case it comes in handy.
Speaking of the pack, can these people realize that the MC is innocent of Kristof's death? He was the one who wanted a bloodwraith as a trophy, and the one that got summoned killed him. In other words, he brought this on himself. I hope Octavia can be persuaded to calm these people down.
Open Heart Chapter 14:
Dang, this is another intense chapter, and I like it as well! First of all, Landry deserves to be kicked out of Edenbrook. How dare he act like he has the higher moral ground by saying it's the right thing to inform even though he sabotaged MC's pager, delaying their ability to treat patients. I know he's a suspect, but to see him stoop that low just to get to the top spot and impress Ethan pisses me off.
The subway train derailment accident was so tense thant I though I'll accidentally kill patients if I give them the wrong tags. I gave a red tag on a patient in a vegetative state, and Ines said there's nothing that can be done for him, which left me scared that I'll mess up. On a brighter note, helping Aurora focus on treating patients when she was overwhelmed felt good. Sure, she was cold and aloof towards others, but in a situation with so many injured patients, it's imperative to toss away old grudges and focus on the bigger picture. Besides, Aurora deserves my sympathy for having to deal with sycophants trying to exploit her aunt's status as chief of medicine. Not to mention she's good with patients, apart from the incident with Dolores, which turned out to be a crafty ploy to put MC at the top of the list.
Rafael just earned my respect. On one hand, I was scared upon seeing him severely injured after rescuing a little girl. On the other hand, I admire his courage as a paramedic willing to rescue others and ensure their safety, even at great risk of his own life. It was a no brainer for me to pick the premium option to operate on him. He deserves a speedy recovery.
Speaking of no-brainers, that premium option to accompany Sienna as she breaks up with Wayne was super sweet and satisfying. I was pissed off at him dismissing the subway train accident in favor of dinner time with Sienna, then had the gall to assume she dumps her responsibilities on others. I even called him by the barrage of expletives.
Man, I'm worried for my MC now that he confessed to giving Mrs. Martinez thd medication. I know his career will be saved, most likely with Ethan's intervention, but situations like this aren't meant to be taken lightly, and I respect Harper's stance on this issue. On another note, I wanna comfort Aurora after her aunt said she's disappointed in her. She did her best in treating the patients, especially since I helped her regain her composure.
Bloodbound Chapter 1:
Finally Book 2's out! I miss playing Bloodbound that I replayed Book 1 and spent diamonds on Kamilah and the portrait fragments. I managed to complete Book 1 before starting Book 2, so I feel ready for this.
The MC's dream with Nicole Anderson's ghost, a mysterious woman in white, and a bleeding tree gives me the creeps. My guess is that this figure is the First Vampire or one of the vampires created by her, just like Gaius Augustine. That makes her an important figure in the story, especially for lore and the storyline. I'm already excited.
Something doesn't feel right with Jax's assistant Nikhil. He claimed to be turned during the early 19th Century and went into hiding until his discovery, even though the clan system was established during the 1920s. Not helping matters is the disappearance of a dozen humans in Central Park. Scholar Jameson and Gaius Augustine are the prime suspects, but Nikhil shouldn't be ruled out, especially considering his resemblance to the woman in white.
Speaking of my MC and the love interests, I'm so glad to see them again. I'm proud of Lily for creating an app allowing vampires to connect together. This better come in handy for everyone in case things go south. Even better, the Shadow Den looks nice and spiffy from much-needed funds. My only insecurity is that I have to see Priya and The Baron again. As anyone knows, I have nothing but contempt for those two, though Lester's not far behind.
That scene with the hooded guy attacking and kidnapping the MC got me worried for her well-being. Nevertheless, I can't wait for more.
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olive69g9614-blog · 7 years ago
Charles Manson As well as Uncle Sam's Secret Sorcerers.
Recognized at the moment as the Relatives' War, this was a dynastic struggle for the English crown. Father Swine: Okay, Peppa. In short, each Mortimer little ones (legitimately the despots, otherwise in actuality) had actually bolstered household loyalties along with wedding events. Peppa Porker: (as creature Peppa) Hi there, Uncle Porker. She was reputedly gotten married to a few opportunities, but that is not known if her spouse( s) spawned any one of her children. Mum Pig: Let's wind your boat up, George. He said that the story of her mom's health problem was fake to conceal the truth from Ellen's university. Mommy Swine: What an incredibly birthday celebration. But hey, nonetheless you could rationalize your preferences.) It's freaking sickening that you wish others to be considerate of your way of living options, however you can not as well as won't carry out the exact same for others. Narrator: Peppa as well as George are actually aiding Grandfather Porker in his yard. People with a passion for family tree need a work space for their pastime. Dad Swine: Ah, I adore this picnic area. Narrator: Peppa and George are actually dipping into Granny and Grandfather Stock' property today. I really hope in my heart the our collective expertise might assist some unsatisfactory sibling (or simply regardful loved one as often this is NEIGHBORS which reveal) to stay clear of the misery. Peppa Pig: Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the yard. Kenny being a child which fantasized concerning his attractive mother due to the fact that the age of 15. Jane having not a problem satisfying males after her separation to Kenny's father, was actually attracted to the wrong form of man. Our company felt strongly the Authorities really did not prefer everyone to possess the option to evaluate project economics and other particulars as long as they were anticipated merely to think. Father Porker: A very good choice, Peppa. To nobody's surprise, analysts are actually uncertain that there's any type of lifestyle to be found on Kepler-1647b; you won't be actually visiting Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen whenever very soon. This short article adheres to on from Researching_your_Family_History Feel free to review that article first prior to happening to review this one. Mum Pig: Well performed, Peppa and George. Mommy Pig: And Also considering that Father Pig's pumpkin is therefore large, there will be enough fruit cake for everyone. Dad Swine: Peppa, George, this is actually the camping tent I had when I was a little http://online-fit-portal.info/ young boy. He was amazingly benevolent towards his vanquished enemies - he stated a standard amnesty for previous offences (carrying an animosity, however, from ten men and women who had caricatured and also ridiculed him in tracks and verses). Peppa Pig: Mother, just before you can be found in our house you have to remove your boots. That did certainly not take him greater than two times as well as a quarter to feel that if he spoke of his personal life - it appeared quite away - no person except Dan (as well as Dan's belief was actually sorely made an effort) recognizeded him. Peppa Porker: Start, Father. Storyteller: Peppa keeps the pipe, and Mom Porker activates the water. Folks sometimes consume skinless hen boobs when aiming to slim down since they are actually relatively higher in protein as well as reduced in excess fat. Mother Pig: I know a way George could make blisters. Our team are living today in the times mentioned by sages and also prophets. Kyu Sakamoto made past once again, one final opportunity - but unfortunately certainly not the way the globe will possess yearned for. People with G6PD are actually certainly not encouraged to certainly not merely eat menthol-flavored sweets and also meals, they are certainly not permitted to inhale this substance at the same time! As prices are actually enhanced demand will decline additionally, dealing with demand for any kind of power coming from Muskrat Falls and positioning the necessity for Holyrood thermal electrical power in question. Kirk Spano, writer of Scope from Safety And Security Putting In: While I have actually checked out Graham's The Intelligent Investor" a number of times, I am actually more a follower from Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch and Jim Rogers.
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