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kentanation · 4 days ago
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second kentanation post on tumblr. nagito doodlies!!
i was gonna draw more hajime but i got distracted by my wonderful komaeda❤️😳 @ultsurvivor hi boyfriend Okplease like & rb I NEED ATTENTION ON TUMBLR NOW
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ultsurvivor · 3 days ago
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komahina headcanons
no angst
request by my boyfriend @kentanation
nagito didn't really try to hide how much he liked hajime. almost everyone could tell. when nagito did eventually properly confess, hajime responded awkwardly, but not negatively. to absolutely nobody's surprise, they started dating soon after.
they're a very affectionate couple, but in different ways. physically, nagito prefers hand holding and kisses, while hajime likes hugs more. in public, they're always right next to eachother, since neither really wants to leave the other alone for too long.
when they sit together for too long, hajime starts to overheat really quickly, so he has to take breaks. nagito doesn't really mind, even though he usually stays pretty cold despite their proximity.
hajime's love languages are physical touch and acts of service, and nagito's are physical touch, gift giving, and words of affirmation.
nagito gets more jealous than hajime, but hajime doesn't really mind. he understands it, and doesn't think it's that big of a deal.
they're both very protective. they defend eachother in arguments and disputes, usually.
they both seek out attention from the other, and can grow jealous when they don't get enough of it. hajime is less open about his feelings of jealousy though.
nagito usually talks way more than hajime, but if hajime really likes something, he won't shut up about it.
hajime listens to nagito as best as he can, and tries not to forget important details.
nagito likes when hajime talks about stuff he likes.
nagito is a better listener than hajime, but he still forgets things too.
other headcanons
hajime gets annoyed so easily it's insane. literally everything ticks him off. except his boyfriend.
nagito brings up hajime any chance he gets in basic conversation.
hajime is the most sarcastic person but other people's sarcasm flies right over his head. nagito thinks it's funny.
hajime is literally so boring but nagito is so easily impressed by every little thing he does that he ignores it.
hajime rewatches the same movies and shows, so does nagito.
people assume nagito sucks at flirting. even if he does hajime doesn't mind, literally everything gets him.
this post was a bit longer
if it's bad it's because i wrote it right before bed
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schneezburger · 9 months ago
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RWBY OC teams! :D had these guys for a while before v9 was announced but I’m a firm believer that they’d so love it in the Ever After
Team WNDR (Willa Liddell, Nero Hightop, Denzel McTwisp, Rose Hearts)
Atlas Academy graduates
Team JBWK (Jacqueline Clancy, Bell Blanche, Wysteria Lynx, Kentan Ginger)
Haven Academy graduates
The Duchess (Pepper Hearts)
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codyrhodey · 2 years ago
Tell Me To Stay This Time
~ Kenny and Ibushi talk after their blood and guts match.
“okay ibutan turn your hand a bit more to the side.” Kenny instructed Ibushi. The match had just ended and after Ibushi spent 20 minutes saying hello to everyone he insisted that Kenny take a photo of the tacs in his back.
Ibushi turned his palm more so it was facing the camera. He turned his head to look at kenny, “good?”
Kenny just nodded as Ibushi turned his head back. He snapped the photo and pulled it up so he could look at it, “see” he handed the phone to Ibushi.
Ibushis mouth flew open, “so many.”
Kenny smirked taking his phone back and setting it on the table beside him. He knelt down behind ibushi again beginning to pull the tacs out of his back, not being surprised when Ibushi didn’t wince at all.
“Ibutan,” kenny started, “when do you leave?” Ibushi shrugged in response.
Kenny pulled out the last remaining tacs from his back. He grabbed a wet towel, wiping off the blood on Ibushis back. Once he finished, he set down the towel and stood up, walking around so he was looking down at Ibushi.
Ibushi smiled up at him, a cheeky full grin. Kenny smiled back admiring the man sitting in front him. He held out his hands to him ushering for him to stand up, which Ibushi happily did.
Kenny grabbed both of ibushis hands, lacing their fingers together, holding their arms down at their sides.
“Do you have a flight booked yet?” Kenny asked staring into Ibushis eyes with hope.
Ibushi shook his head, he brought a hand up to cup Kenny’s face, stroking his thumb against his cheek.
“tell me to stay this time kentan” he said quietly tilting his head to the side.
Kenny looked down at the floor as ibushi brought his other hand up to kenny’s face. He lifted his chin so they were looking at eachother again.
Kenny squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the tears begin to well up, “i want you to stay because you want to stay, not because of me.”
Ibushi shook his head bringing his hands up to his own face. He pressed his palms into his eyes.
“do you want me?” Ibushi asked kenny, dropping his hands to his sides in defeat.
Kenny opened his eyes slowly and looked at Ibushi. A confused look in his eyes, “oh ibu.” He stepped toward him placing his hand on his cheek as ibushi had done to him before.
Kenny leaned forward, resting his forehead against ibushis. “You are everything. My partner, my best friend, my life partner.” He wrapped his arms around Ibushis waist, squeezing him tight.
Ibushi brought his arms up, hanging them around kenny’s neck, tangling his fingers in his hair.
Ibushi buried his head into the crook of kenny’s neck, continuing to play with his curls.
Ibushi sniffled and pulled his head up so he was looking at Kenny again. “you.” He said softly.
“hmm?” Kenny questioned him. He pulled his hands to Ibushis hips, running them up and down his sides.
“i want to stay for you. I want you.” Ibushi responded, “that’s enough.”
Kenny felt his cheeks heat up. He has loved this man for years. The two of them have never been able to just be together. Together like normal people, like normal boyfriend and boyfriend.
Kenny nodded, “ibutan?”
“i love you to the stars and back.” Kenny said shyly, even after years he still felt butterflies whenever he said i love you.
Ibushi pulled Kenny into him placing a soft kiss to his forehead, “you are my star kentan.”
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pupukcair193 · 2 months ago
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SUPER AMPUH, WA 0812–9391–9889, PUSAT GROSIR OBAT UNTUK MEMPERCEPAT PERTUMBUHAN KENTANG DI KOTA KUPANG, DISTRIBUTOR OBAT PENUMBUH TUNAS KENTANG DI KABUPATEN ALOR CALL KLIK https://wa.me/6281293919889, Jual Obat Kentan di Kota Kupang, Jual Harga Obat Kentang di Kabupaten Alor, Jual Obat Kentang Musim Hujan di Kabupaten Sumba Timur, Jual Obat Kentang Yang Bagus di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Jual Obat Kentang Musim Kemarau di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara, Jual Obat Kentang Busuk Daun di Kota Kupang, Jual Obat Anti Layu Pada Tanaman Kentang di Kabupaten Alor, Jual Obat Buah Kentang di Kabupaten Sumba Timur, Jual Obat Bibit Kentang di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Jual Obat Daun Untuk Tanaman Kentang di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Bio Agro Farm Merupakan Pupuk Organik Cair Spesialis SAYUR Dan PANGAN Merupakan Pupuk Organik Cair Yang Diformulasikan Khusus Untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas Tanaman Pangan Yang Anda Budidayakan. Bermanfaat Untuk Mempercepat Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Akar Tanaman, Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tanaman Terhadap Penyakit, Serta Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi Tanaman. Pupuk Organik Cair Spesialis Tanaman Pangan Dan Sayur Dapat Menunjang Perbanyakan Anakan Tanaman, Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Terhadap Serangan Penyakit, Serta Dapat Meningkatkan Produksi Hingga 50%. Kenapa harus memilih Bio Agro Farm? 1. Bersertifikat KEMENTRIAN PERTANIAN No Izin Deptan RI : 02.02.2021.380. Pupuk Organik Cair Bio Agro Farm Aman Digunakan Untuk Sayuran, Pangan Dan Tanaman Buah. 2. Expired date dijamin lebih dari 1 tahun sehingga aman dalam penyimpanan jangka panjang. 3. Garansi Barang Sampai Dengan Aman Sehingga Buyer Tidak Perlu Khawatir Dengan Produk Cacat, Bocor Dll. Produk Yang BERKUALITAS, TERJAMIN dan TERBAIK di Indonesia. Optimalkan Hasil Panen Dengan BIO AGROFARM. Segera Hubungi Kami Disini Telp/WA : 0812–9391–9889 Telp/WA : 0812–9391–9889 Pupuk Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Buah Mkp, Pupuk Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Agro Lestari, Pupuk Buah Mutiara, Pupuk Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Pelebat Buah Dan Anti Rontok, Pupuk Cair Perangsang Buah, Perangsang Buah Cabe Alami, Pupuk Pelebat Buah Cabe Dan Anti Rontok, Obat Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Untuk Cabe #Pupukcairgresik #Pupukcairgedebogpisang, #Pupukcairjogja #Pupukcairjagung #Pupukcairjagunghibrida #Pupukcairjember #Pupukcairjakaba #BioAgroFarm, #pupukcair, #pupukcairorganik, #pupukcairorganikmurah, #pupukcairberkualitas, #pupukcairbuatpadi, #pupukcairbawangmerah, #pupukcaircaberawit, #pupukcairdaunpadi, #pupukcairgresik
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bioagrofarm01 · 3 months ago
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CALL KLIK https://wa.me/6281293919889, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Kentang Di Kabupaten Pacitan, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Umbi Kentan Di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Bunga Kol Di Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Buah Kubis Di Kabupaten Ngawi, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Buah Kentang Di Kabupaten Nganjuk, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Buah Kol Di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jual Pupuk Pembesar Melon Di Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jual Pupuk Pelebat Buah Di Kabupaten Madiun, Jual Pupuk Pelebat Buah Dan Anti Rontok Di Kabupaten Magetan, Jual Pupuk Cair Pelebat Buah Di Kabupaten Malang
Bio Agro Farm Merupakan Pupuk Organik Cair Spesialis SAYUR Dan PANGAN Merupakan Pupuk Organik Cair Yang Diformulasikan Khusus Untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas Tanaman Pangan Yang Anda Budidayakan. Bermanfaat Untuk Mempercepat Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Akar Tanaman, Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tanaman Terhadap Penyakit, Serta Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi Tanaman. Pupuk Organik Cair Spesialis Tanaman Pangan Dan Sayur Dapat Menunjang Perbanyakan Anakan Tanaman, Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Terhadap Serangan Penyakit, Serta Dapat Meningkatkan Produksi Hingga 50%.
Kenapa harus memilih Bio Agro Farm?
1. Bersertifikat KEMENTRIAN PERTANIAN No Izin Deptan RI : 02.02.2021.380. Pupuk Organik Cair Bio Agro Farm Aman Digunakan Untuk Sayuran, Pangan Dan Tanaman Buah.
2. Expired date dijamin lebih dari 1 tahun sehingga aman dalam penyimpanan jangka panjang.
3. Garansi Barang Sampai Dengan Aman Sehingga Buyer Tidak Perlu Khawatir Dengan Produk Cacat, Bocor Dll.
Produk Yang BERKUALITAS, TERJAMIN dan TERBAIK di Indonesia. Optimalkan Hasil Panen Dengan BIO AGROFARM.
Segera Hubungi Kami Disini
Telp/WA : 0812–9391–9889
Telp/WA : 0812–9391–9889
Pupuk Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Buah Mkp, Pupuk Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Agro Lestari, Pupuk Buah Mutiara, Pupuk Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Terbaik, Pupuk Pelebat Buah Dan Anti Rontok, Pupuk Cair Perangsang Buah, Perangsang Buah Cabe Alami, Pupuk Pelebat Buah Cabe Dan Anti Rontok, Obat Perangsang Bunga Dan Buah Untuk Cabe
#Pupukcairgresik #Pupukcairgedebogpisang, #Pupukcairjogja #Pupukcairjagung #Pupukcairjagunghibrida #Pupukcairjember #Pupukcairjakaba #BioAgroFarm, #pupukcair, #pupukcairorganik, #pupukcairorganikmurah, #pupukcairberkualitas, #pupukcairbuatpadi, #pupukcairbawangmerah, #pupukcaircaberawit, #pupukcairdaunpadi, #pupukcairgresik
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stenny-week · 3 years ago
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Calendario en español
Día 1 (28/10) - Cita secreta: Stan y Kenny están empezando una relación, nadie más lo sabe.
Día 2 (29/10) - Primera vez: primer beso, primera vez compartiendo una cama, primera vez que dice “Te amo”, primer-lo-que-tú-escojas ;)
Día 3 (30/10) - Patinaje en hielo: a veces el lago se congela y se vuelve el lugar perfecto para patinar.
Día 4 (31/10) - El Gótico y el Muerto: en la noche de Halloween todo es posible en South Park. Queda a tu criterio quién es el Gótico y quién el Muerto.
Día 5 (1/11) Trátame suavemente: a todos nos gustan los gestos de cariño. Besos en la frente, abrazos, tomarse de las manos, lo que tú prefieras para nuestros chicos.
Día 6 (2/11) - Música: Kenny tiene una gran voz y Stan compone canciones con su guitarra. Pueden armar una banda o ser rivales. ¡Usa tu imaginación!
Día 7 (3/11) - Superhéroes: Toolshed y Mysterion ♥ o quizá un crossover de tus héroes preferidos de otros universos, lo que más te guste :)
No olvides usar el tag #stennyweek2021 para compartir tus trabajos. Si vez que no lo hemos hecho, a no desanimarse, mándanos un mensaje o menciónanos.
Banner by mozaikrol
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gmoe47 · 4 years ago
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Kentan - Nozomi Yuyu
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nickystar · 5 years ago
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Got some mini refs done too
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kentanation · 5 days ago
first kentanation post how we feeling . reblog NOW
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martinscky-blog · 6 years ago
#afcon2019 #kentan #TUNAWEZA! (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzO1Pq1DhthmZhxf7azusVuugkQuurrCs7Xb4I0/?igshid=nkhqehpzbdcy
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spirituallupine · 7 years ago
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That moment when your dog sees you have food-
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elegantblazekingdom-blog · 6 years ago
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#tiger_lily #leopard_lily #pine_lily #Lilium_catesbaei #artiapp #devil_lily #kentan #Lilium_lancifolium #azalea #Canada_lily #wild_yellow_lily #meadow_lily #wild_meadow_lily #Lilium_canadense #mountain_lily #Lilium_auratum #orange #orangeness #red_silk_cotton_tree #simal #Bombax_ceiba #Bombax_malabarica #pistil #reddish_orange #flame_flower #flameflower #Talinum_aurantiacum #rhododendron #petal #flower_petal https://www.instagram.com/p/BwYTsQlBMqt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kcbwqnybk9tt
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donattrenggalek · 4 years ago
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TERMURAH | 0813-3124-4269 | Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek, PEDO "PENDOWO DONAT"
Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek, PEDO "PENDOWO DONAT" | KLIK https://wa.me/6281331244269 Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek, Donat Rasa Tiramisu di Trenggalek, Donat Rasa Kacang di Trenggalek, Donat Unik di Trenggalek, Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek
PEDO(PENDOWO DONAT)merupakan gerai atau outlet di Trenggalek yang menjual donut dengan berbagai macam topping. Hanya dengan harga murah !!!
Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek, PEDO "PENDOWO DONAT"
Melayani : 1. pesanan donat ultah,hajatan,Yasinan atau acara lainnya. 2. Donat karakter 3. Donat bomboloni 4. Donat landak 5. Pembelian 10 gratis 1 6. Gratis ongkir area Trenggalek kota
PEDO (pendowo donat) Jl.A.Yani No.83 Kelurahan Surondakan Lor buk tumpang barat jalan (jadi satu dengan Apotek pandawa agung) Kabupaten Trenggalek
TELP/WA 0813-3124-4269 TELP/WA 0813-3124-4269 TELP/WA 0813-3124-4269
KLIK https://wa.me/6281331244269 KLIK https://wa.me/6281331244269 KLIK https://wa.me/6281331244269
Harga Donat Termurah di Trenggalek, PEDO "PENDOWO DONAT"
#HargaDonatTermurah #HargaDonatTermurah, #DonatRasaTiramisu, #DonatRasaKacang, #DonatUnik, #HargaDonatTermurah, #DonatTrenggalek, #DonatKentangTerdekat, #DonatEmpukDanLembut, #DonatEmpukKentang, #DonatLaris, #DonatLumer, #DonatUltah, #DonatMini, #DonatLembutKentang, #JualDonatOnline
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kraftwerk113 · 5 years ago
Life´s too short for weird music - Tagesempfehlung 20.10.2019
Tiersen_Yann / Beure Kentãn
Im Grenzbereich zwischen Klassik, Folk, Ambient und elektronischer Feldforschung bewegt sich auch das aktuelle Album von Yann Tiersen, „All“. Es bedarf auch bei „All“ ein bisschen Geduld um einen Zugang zum musikalischen Schaffen des Franzosen zu finden. Von einzigartiger Schönheit – die sich der geneigten Hörerin auch am schnellsten erschließt- ist der fulminante Album-Abschluss „Beure Kentãn”, welcher das akustische Bindeglied zwischen allen Album-Stücken – ein Vogelgezwitscher aufgreift und sich den Raum einer der längsten Fade-out Blenden zu gönnen, die ich in den letzten Jahren gehört habe: - fast drei Minuten Vogelgesang und Sie fühlen sich wie nach einem akustischen Powernap.
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stenny-week · 3 years ago
Stenny Week is not dead
Hi everyone! As you may have noticed, we have not published the 2021 calendar. That is because the 2020 Week doesn't have a very good impact and we have thought that there would be no interest in holding the event this October 2021.
However, a very nice person has written to my personal account asking about the Stenny Week 2021 and ensuring that there are people waiting for the calendar. That has motivated us to organize a 2021 calendar.
This year, the Stenny Week will be during the last days of October, so you will have time to do your work :) We are going to check the poll results and we will consider all your suggestions to think about the prompts of the week.
Keep an eye on our twitter account: week stenny
Please! Remember you can help us translating this message to your language (Korean, Russian, Japanese, and all other languages) so everybody can join us this year :)
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