thivell · 5 months
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I’m bored- So!
here is my very small collection of Kenobis (Kenobians if you will)
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chrrispine · 4 years
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Dean & Cas x The Princess Bride - requested by @kenobians
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4x01 · 4 years
sydney i just saw the sferris likes and i am absolutely VIBRATING with rage. as we speak i am phasing thru the astral planes to manifest in sferris’ house and scream so loudly it shatters every piece of glass in her house whhhhHHHYYYYYY are straight people LIKE THISSSSS
you torturing Mrs Ferris by standing in her home and existing in a gay way that pisses her off
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liesyousoldme · 5 years
What kind of Rx drugs do you think Eddie is on as an adult that he would need to wean off of? I’d just love to hear your take because your analysis on everything else has been fuckin spot on
they’re actually listed in the book! his opening chapter starts with him emptying his medicine cabinet into his bag and after he gets through like four shelves of OTC meds and then you get to his last shelf:
“the bottom shelf is almost deserted, but the stuff which is here means serious business - you could cruise on this stuff, okay. On this stuff you could fly higher than Ben Hanscom’s jet and crash harder than Thurman Munson’s.”
he has Valium, which is a benzodiazepine and helps with anxiety. same drug class as xanax. You can get this prescribed say, before you have to go in for a procedure to keep you from getting freaked out
he has Percodan, which is a combo of aspirin and oxycodone. so. opioid pain medication (not to mention he carries regular aspirin with him everywhere and pops them like candy)
he has Elavil, which is also known as amitryptilene. i actually took this for a while! it’s a tricyclic antidepressant. however, it’s popular to abuse bc in high doses it causes a euphoric and sedating effect so i don’t think our boy eddie is taking one a day
he has Darvon Complex,  which is a narcotic i believe? it’s literally been removed from the market bc it has serious side effects to the heart
and then this guy has a tin full of quaaludes. highly addictive sedative that was popularly abused before being taken off the market. known for being incredibly addicting and having terrible withdrawal symptoms
so we don’t know how often/how much he’s taking but it’s serious drugs he’s abusing. a lot of them he’d probably view as being able to lessen his anxiety. he possibly started out legally and on proper dosages only to increase his tolerance and have to up the doses but it’s never said how he has access to any of them. 
he only has 6 quaaludes which to me that says he doesn’t take them often so i don’t think i’d be worried he’d be addicted to those. however, valium would be an issue. the pain pills would be an issue. possibly the elavil, depending on how often he takes them. 
and on top of the fact that he’s taking these meds, at least when he goes to derry, he drinks. not only should none of these be mixed with alcohol (it usually heightens the effects) but they shouldn’t be mixed with each other. he could legitimately OD mixing these and drinking alcohol. 
getting off these would require going through withdrawal for sure, particularly the pain pills. opioid withdrawal is rough. 
also quick disclaimer i’m not super knowledgeable about prescription drugs so if anything is incorrect let me know!
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bootycap · 6 years
anunashamednerdgirl replied to your post: i have to take my garbage out and it is currently...
Did you survive the garbage journey??
I DID!! and wow i dont think my nostrils are ever going to unfreeze
kenobians replied to your post: i have to take my garbage out and it is currently...
Do you live in wisconsin too lol
im in iowa, actually!
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skyguyed · 6 years
Kamino: When did you last see the ocean?
Oh man uhhhh I saw the Chesapeake Bay if that counts when I went to Howl O Scream at Busch gardens this year near the end of October. 
done for this ask meme
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spnblrcrushes2 · 3 years
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dreamgirledward · 3 years
💛🌼🌼💛 back at ya babe ☺️
hehehe ✨✨✨
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cowboycostume · 3 years
i cannot even emphasize how SATISFYING that mpreg post was. i'm not even an mpreg person generally but reading that post was a DELICIOUS analysis of dean. thank you so much to you and kenobians for sharing!!
As someone who has never been an mpreg person, it is immensely satisfying. @kenobians and I have been batting around the different ways it could happen today, and trying to work around the inherent biological impossibilities.
So our current track is that it would satisfy both Dean & Cas' desires to bear children for each other if it is a soulbond baby, i.e. Dean carries the soul as it develops, and Cas creates a body for it. Stay tuned, we might post it later.
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desinatural · 3 years
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based on @kenobians tags on x (and also probably everyone today lets be real)
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kbsd · 3 years
Did you notice at 0:53 of kenobians's One Thing amv that Dean is wearing the same flannel for the Benny hug and Crowley's cowboy hat photo right after? I've never noticed before, its his boyfriend flannel!
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what does it all mean............................. (video)
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hotgirlcastiel · 3 years
huge shoutout to known midam warrior @lemon-wedges for this idea!
also many thanks to @theangelisgay and @kenobians for helping me out with some choice editing decisions :-) <3
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chrrispine · 4 years
if anyone likes Hawaii Five-0 I have a sideblog that I'm posting on again @hawiaiifive0
also shoutout to Lindsay @kenobians who we just discovered had been following the blog for years lol and is my destiel/mcdanno queen ❤️
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
a term for kenochoric lesbians who would like an additional term to more specifically label both their orientation and gender in one! this flag can be used by any kenochoric lesbian, including those who don’t use kenobian for themselves, it’s a general kenochoric lesbian flag :3 this term and flag are fully inclusive of ALL lesbians, including all lesboys and mspec lesbians (and yes, this includes binary lesboys and non-sam mspec lesbians)
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[Image ID: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, getting smaller towards the center. From top to bottom the colors are black, deep indigo, mid pink, orange, mid pink, deep indigo, and black. End ID.]
term and flag by me, a gift for @gendercunt​ for coingiftcember :3 also tagging @kenochoric​ as i figured you’d be interested
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autisticandroids · 3 years
sorry about this. i don't know if it's worth apologizing for this shit anymore but this is a particularly bad one. anyway. #mpregpocalypse.
okay so like. before i start this post. here's some background reading. not all of it is directly related but all of it has to do with vibes.
x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
anyway. been thinking about a really horrible mpreg au, as is my trademark apparently. in this case it's like. okay. season six. dean and lisa break up. we're assuming that cas is doing like. a good amount of deanwatching so he's like. paying attention. monitoring.
so like. at time of breakup, lisa was like. two weeks pregnant. it is dean's. so cas is like..... well i don't want dean to be tied to this woman since he clearly doesn't want to be. but i don't want to just destroy what is technically his progeny. so what if i just. yoinked it. and kept it in stasis in my grace. for the future. when dean is Ready To Retire And Be A Father. yeah. i think i'm being called to do that.
anyway once he goes godstiel he's like. well, dean can retire now :3. in fact, he will retire :3. nothing will ever touch or bother him again :3. also i am god and can do what i want :3. so why not :3. why shouldn't i have dean's baby :3. so he sort of. impregnates himself with the stolen fetus. but like, he isn't godstiel for that long. less than a month probably. and then of course he walks into a lake.
now, i'm going to play a bit fast and loose with the timeline here, such that cas comes back somewhat earlier and then stays catatonic significantly longer. but like. okay.
cas comes back as emmanuel and he is not like. really visibly pregnant. not obviously so. his clothing is baggy and comfortable so you can't really see it. and emmanuel didn't know he was pregnant.
then cas gets his memories back and is like ooh! how about i lie to dean about this and don't tell him that i stole his and lisa's fetus and impregnated myself with it. i can leave that as a problem for later-me to deal with. and then he takes on sam's hell memories and goes catatonic, without ever telling dean.
but now like. now it's time for reading is fundamental. and cas is now like.... eight or nine months pregnant (or like, the equivalent, whatever that is). like he is visibly, obviously pregnant. he is also like. avoiding things in a different way than he was before.
so when dean shows up cas is immediately like, hi dean! look i'm having your baby isn't that wonderful? and leaps into dean's arms bridal style.
and this is like, a whole nightmare. because like. first of all dean didn't know cas was pregnant and dumped him in an insane asylum. second of all dean is like. so angry with cas. and he desperately wants to take that anger out on him. but in canon reading is fundamental, he can't, because cas is too vulnerable and too avoidant, and it makes him feel guilty. this is intensified hugely here, because cas is all the things he is in reading is fundamental and also pregnant.
dean also can't really demand that cas fight for them, either. i mean, he could, but it's a significantly more uncomfortable proposition.
and also like, cas won't really give an answer when asked how this happened. or rather, he does give an answer: "dean gave me a child when he made love to me under the beautiful moonlight." but that's... obviously untrue. like, dean and cas have never had sex. like cas would really like it to be true, and he's in a mental state where he can make himself believe something if he really really wants to. but dean knows it isn't true, so he's like. what the hell is going on.
dean decides that it belongs to someone else, and cas has just decided that dean is the father because maybe he wants to please dean, or maybe the circumstances of conception were bad in some way. he suspects crowley as the actual father. the other option he considers, that cas somehow acquired dean's dna and impregnated himself on purpose, is too uncomfortable to consider. it suggests among other things too much... knowing queerness, on cas' part.
anyway the main purpose of this au is the literalization of cas being corrupted and made vulnerable by dean in reading is fundamental, like. the literalization of "it took everything to get me here." and thinking about how dean would react to a cas who he absolutely cannot be angry with, who he absolutely cannot force to fight. like, the honey cas shtick actually fully working and deflecting dean's anger. but there's some other notes.
one: if they actually end up in purgatory, cas still runs away from dean. he gives birth alone in purgatory, and when dean finds him, he has the baby with him. they don't really talk about it, and cas still doesn't tell dean where the baby actually came from. like when he eventually tells dean it will definitely be post purgatory.
two: the baby is going to be like. fairly monstrous. like technically it has two human genetic parents, but there are several factors that make it not very human. first of all, cas, when he was godstiel, did alter it to make it more his own. because he wanted it to be his and dean's baby. so it's definitely a nephil. in fact, more than a nephil, since cas is significantly more than an angel at the time. second of all, it did share a womb with a LOT of leviathans so there is some... leftover effect from that. it's a little bit leviathanish, definitely. not to mention all the monster souls. third of all, there's the whole thing of cas spending most of the pregnancy with hallucifer (which is imo a chunk of lucifer's grace) in his head, so that must have some effect. basically that baby is a fun new species and has many terrifying traits. it's probably a flesh eater.
consultants on this post: @seragamble, @smokerdean, @kenobians
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kazanskyy · 3 years
kenobians -> hotgirlhirsch
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