#kenny rossmore imagine
okayy!! i have a request for Kenny (We’re the Millers)
so instead of Melisa being Edie and Dons kid, the reader is their child and she obviously runs into the Miller family when they’re on the road and Kenny and the reader hang out all the time and they hang out at the fair (when the drug dealer gets caught by Don) and Kenny admits his feelings when he realizes he may never see her again
(and if you don’t mind it being overly long then maybe a part where they both get put into witness protection together and just go on cute dates together and just soft boy Kenny!! <33)
Oh god, I am so not good at fluff but I tried!! I love Kenny, but he's so hard to write for lmao
3.4K Words🤙🏻
"Time to hop on the super dandy party motorhome! Vamanos!" You cringed as your mother's high pitched voice echoed throughout the area, severely mispronouncing the Spanish word.
"Mom, please, stop trying to pretend like you know Spanish."
"Hey," Your father cut in, "your mother is the only one who thought to bring a Spanish dictionary on the road. She definitely knows more Spanish than you, sweetheart. Last time I checked, you don't know how to ask where the bathroom is."
"Alright, alright." You pouted, crossing your arms and burying your face in your phone. You loved your parents, but they could sure be annoying sometimes. You rarely ever got to go on vacations, much less with your own parents, so you tried to make the most of it. You would feel too guilty if you acted like a spoiled brat, plus, your parents would nip that in the bud as soon as you started to show sass.
Coming up to the border to cross back into the States, you jumped when you heard your father and mother taking turns honking the vehicle's horn, making a fool out of themselves. They were waving and shouting excitedly to the next motorhome over, making motions for them to roll their window down. Because of course, they had to introduce themselves just because they had a motorhome as well.
Sighing in embarrassment as your parents called you up front to say hi to the family in the next motorhome, your heart almost skipped a beat when you saw him: a handsome, green eyed, blond haired boy, his eyes glazed over as he looked at you with the same expression that must've been on your face. He was the most gorgeous human being you ever did see. You both waved awkwardly to each other, offering up small timid smiles. But that moment was too short-lived, they pulled up in front of the motorhome and after some inspection, they were on their way down the road.
It was just a fleeting moment, but it was enough to make you think about it for the rest of the trip, but you knew you'd never see him again; that is, until you soon found their motorhome of the side of the road with smoke rising out of the hood of the engine. "Oh my, Don, look who it is!" Your mother screeched, frantically pointing her finger. "Oh, we gotta help them!"
"What seems to be the problem here, fellas?" Your father asked once he exited the motorhome.
"Uh, smoke started rising from our engine." The father of the Millers said, nervously scratching behind his head, his son looking just as awkward.
"Well, there just so happens to be a garage nearby a ways. You're in luck, we have just the tool to hook y'all up to our motorhome so we can take ya there? How's that sound?"
"T-that sounds amazing. Thank you so much!"
Your eyes widened and a rush of heat quickly came to your face as the boy you had seen before entered your motorhome, your father insisting that they ride in yours as he drove them to the garage. "Hi." The boy stuttered, wearing a nervous smile. "Uh, is that seat taken?" He pointed on the small couch you were sitting on.
"Uh, no. Go ahead." You patted the seat next to you, trying to control your rapidly beating heart. "Sorry, what was your name again?"
"Kenny." He smiled, a very beautiful smile; and you gave his yours as well. "Nice to meet you, well, I guess it would be the second time technically."
After a little bit of small talk and picking up the rest of his family, you settled into a comfortable atmosphere with Kenny, playing on each of your own separate Nintendo DS. "So, you take trips with your family often?" You asked.
"Oh no, this is the first time we've ever traveled together." His eyes quickly widened as you gave him a confused look. "In a while!" He added. "First time in a while." He chuckled nervously. "We don't get out often."
"Us either. My parents usually have to take days off of work to even go out to dinner, so I understand that."
"Well, your parents seem cool." To that you scoffed. "Are they not?"
"They can be...eccentric."
"Rather that then no parents at all, I guess." He frowned.
"They have their moments, for sure. But you know how it is, the teenager always has to be rebellious in some way. At least, that's how most teenagers are. You don't seem like the type though. I mean, you look like you'd be really nice to yours parents. Make them coffee or breakfast in bed, that type of thing." You giggled, causing Kenny to blush and cast his gaze downwards. "I didn't mean that as a bad thing, it's sweet."
Kenny shrugged. "I've been picked on too many times to know that I'd never want to treat anyone else that way, no matter what. So, I guess that's sweet."
"Yeah, me too."
"You've been picked on too? A pretty girl like you? No way."
You blushed furiously, not used to compliments from someone other than your parents. "No one else seemed to think that in school. But I was picked on for more than my looks, just my interests seemed to bother people. It was mostly nerd or geek that got thrown at me in the hallways, even in classrooms when the teacher was teaching, sometimes they'd even laugh."
Kenny frowned. "It seems like we have a lot in common." He chuckled bitterly, but it made you smile.
You and Kenny talked a lot during the ride, getting to know each other and sharing interests, which the two of you happened to share most of them. You felt a little bad that the garage was closed for the day because of how happy you felt that you'd get to spend more time with this boy. You lived a very sheltered life, your parents being the way that they are; you knew you probably didn't have a realistic idea of romance, but man, you felt like you were in one of those cheesy romance movies. The way you both blushed when you caught each other's eye, or the way sparks seemed to fly at every accidental touch. It felt magical, if that kind of thing even existed.
Pulling in to one of the campsites that wasn't too far away from the garage, you started to get nervous as you knew what came with camping with your parents. Campfire songs, making up ghost stories, Pictionary, those were the tame ones. But thankfully, it was a simple game of Pictionary.
You eagerly waited for Kenny to start his drawing, finding yourself to start actually having fun even with your parents forcing all of you to play the game. He started off by drawing thick, black lines and everyone started shouting out their guesses, but your head snapped in the direction of his mother who started shouting, "A dick! Big, black dick! Black cock!" You had to hide your look of shock, but felt even more bad once you saw Kenny's embarrassed face.
Taking your time to really analyze the drawing, it finally clicked. "A skateboard?" You spoke over Rose's obscene guesses.
Kenny looked to you with a startled but thankful expression, allowing a small timid smile to adorn his face. "Yeah. Exactly." He chuckled breathlessly.
You felt heat quickly rise to your face as you noticed everyone around you was looking at you in shock, it's like you just figured out rocket science. "I suck at drawing, obviously." Kenny sat down beside you, the game coming to an abrupt end after his parents went off to talk in private.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. "You tried your best, that's all that matters. Sorry about my parents, forcing you all to play this silly game." You chuckled.
"Oh, no, I had fun. I wish I had parents like yours. Well, uh, not that they're bad or anything. We just don't really have those family game nights too often."
"You talk like your parents are gone all the time. Rose and David seem nice enough, but I don't have to live with them, of course. So, I shouldn't say anything, sorry."
"No, it's okay! I just wouldn't take your parents for granted."
You smiled. "I don't. I just feel like I need breathing space, is all." You started to blush when Kenny didn't respond, simply looking over your face like he was trying to memorize ever detail, the soft expression making the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. You were thinking about leaning in before he spoke again.
"Well, it's getting late, isn't it?" Kenny blurted, quickly standing up and you following his actions. "Sleep is important, you know!" He giggled nervously, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder before walking away to your motorhome, stumbling slightly.
Was it something you said?
To say you were disappointed would've been an understatement. You really thought Kenny would go for the kiss, you wanted him to so very badly. But then again, you realized he wasn't the type to just go for it and neither were you, which complicated things. Your feelings for him were clear to you, even for the very short time you had gotten to know him, but your insecurity told you that maybe he didn't feel the same. Needless to say, you didn't get much sleep that night.
It was a bit awkward when you both had to part ways the next morning. Honestly, you didn't really want to even be seen because of your embarrassment, but your mother wouldn't let you be rude. You gave polite smiles and waves to the Miller family, not making eye contact with Kenny just to spare yourself from the ache you knew you'd feel if you did.
Over the course of the next couple days, you were still stuck in this funk that you couldn't seem to shake. All your thoughts were of Kenny. You spent most of the time sulking, much to your parents' dismay. They would try to get you to sing along with them whenever they burst out into song from various musicals, saying that you'd feel better after singing a song. But you just weren't up to it, it was annoying, and you rarely could ever turn down a sing-a-long. But alas, even when you stopped at the fairgrounds one of your last stops on the road trip, you didn't feel as excited as you normally would be. That was, until, you spotted Kenny in the crowd.
You didn't really believe in fate or destiny, but you couldn't deny some sort of force wanting you two to be drawn together. You felt your face heat up quickly once he spotted you yourself, a large goofy grin plastered on his face and making his way towards you. "Y/n, wow! Didn't think I'd see you here." Kenny laughed breathlessly, the beautiful sound making your heart beat rapidly.
"I didn't think I'd see you here either. A coincidence, huh?" You replied, wearing a weak smile. You weren’t the type to be petty, but your ego was still bruised from the other night. You honestly just felt like you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “So, what are you doing here?” You quickly noticed the gauze taped to the inside of his elbow. “Are you okay?” You asked, your concern overpowering your pettiness.
Kenny looked down at his arm with wide eyes, almost forgetting that the gauze was still even there. “Oh, that!” He chuckled nervously. “I, uh, had to go to the emergency room…”
“What? Why?”
Kenny’s face reddened, the thought of retelling the story making a coil of embarrassment tighten in his gut. But with your face so deeply etched in concern, he couldn’t not tell you. “Nothing too serious, just got bit by a spider. But I’m okay now!”
“Goodness, glad you’re okay. I hate spiders. Where were you bitten?”
Kenny waved you off quickly. “Ah, that’s not important. Anyway, I’ve got some time to kill, wanna walk around together or something?”
“You…want to hang out?”
“Only if you’re up to it!” Kenny stuttered. Man, he was so cute. The hopeful smile on his face made you forget why you were even upset with him in the first place, so of course you agreed.
And just like how you and Kenny were those couple days ago, you both easily slipped back into that comfortable awkwardness with each other, sharing nervous smiles and giggles and terrible jokes that no one else would find funny but the two of you. You both rode the various rides that the fair had to offer, admiring the way everything lit up as the sun started to descend on the horizon. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, a text from your mother saying that you had to come back to them soon so you could watch the fireworks as a family. You frowned, your day that turned perfect as soon as Kenny found you had to come to a close when all you wanted was for it to last forever.
“What’s the matter?” Kenny asked.
“I have to go soon. The fireworks are gonna start soon and my mom wants us to watch them together. Then it’s back on the road to head home.” You sighed, tucking your phone back in your pocket. “How about we ride the Ferris wheel before I leave?”
The seats in the Ferris wheel weren’t that spacious, the seat only holding two people at a time, so you had to fight the blush when you and Kenny had to sit side by side, your knees touching each other. But thankfully, even if you were blushing, the red lights would hide it. And Kenny, he was full on blushing, but you didn’t notice. He never thought knees touching each other could be so intimate, and yet… “I really wish you didn’t have to leave after this.” He whispered, barely audible over the carnival music and wind in your ears, but you heard, and it made your heart thump violently in your chest.
“Me too.” You admitted, causing Kenny to look at you with a sad smile, all the bright colorful lights in the fair collecting in his bluish green eyes, making them shine brilliantly. God, you wanted to kiss him so badly, but the Ferris wheel stopped and you both had to leave the seat. “Walk me back?” You asked with a hopeful expression, smiling when he agreed.
“Kenny? Where’ve you been, bud?” A voice called out, quickly recognizing the man as Kenny’s father, David. “Come on, we gotta go drop off these drugs before-” His eyes widened as he only just noticed you standing behind Kenny, the rest of his family coming to stand behind David.
“Drugs?” You looked at Kenny in confusion. “What’s he talking about?”
Kenny looked back and forth between you and David, his mouth agape and unable to speak. “Okay, I’ll just spit it out. They’re not my real family. We’re drug smugglers, Y/n, I am so sorry-”
“What?” You jumped as you heard your mother screech from behind you. “You all are drug dealers?”
“No, no, no, drug smugglers. There’s a difference!”
David quickly shushed everyone. “Look, he’s just been in the hospital, he’s all loopy from whatever they gave him. He doesn’t even know what drugs are, okay?” In the middle of his rant, a tall muscular man stood behind the fake family, his expression angry and it scared you. It only took a couple seconds for him to realize you and your mother were staring behind them in shock, and they all jumped back in surprise when they finally turned around to see the scary man. “Oh, you’re not dead. Thank God.”
The large man only responded by holding up his pistol, cocking the hammer. “He’s got a gun!” Your mother cried out, holding onto you tightly. He started to point the barrel at all of you until the door to your motorhome suddenly opened, your father quickly intercepting and knocking the man unconscious. 
“Y/n, go find a police officer.” Your father ordered as he ziptied the man.
You ran off immediately, but you didn’t get very far. Another man, significantly smaller than the other one, grabbed you by the forearm, trying to twist you around but you struggled and fought against him. But his grip only tightened painfully and you froze in place as he placed his own gun to your head, “Fight or make a sound, and I’ll pump you full of lead, girl.” You could only nod silently as he brought you back to the scene, tears in your eyes as you looked to your parents in fear, glancing over to see Kenny looking at you with almost the same amount of fear.
“Please don’t hurt her.” Your father begged after he gave up the gun he took from the fallen man, and his coffee mug. To your immense relief, the man holding you pushed you away and back into the arms of your parents.And after some back and forth between the Millers and the drug dealer, the fireworks finally started. Lucky for you all, the drug dealer got distracted and allowed for David to knock the gun out of his hand. But it felt like it was all over when the man pulled out another gun, aimed straight at David and about to pull the trigger, until Kenny punched him in the face.
You stared in shock as your father immediately went to tie up the man, unable to help yourself in thinking about how impressed you were with Kenny. 
With a soft smile, Kenny walked back to you with a confident stance. “Kenny-” You were quickly interrupted as he pushed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, very unexpected coming from sweet and timid Kenny. You made no effort to pull away, you didn’t want to, not when this was what you wanted for half a week now. He moved his lips against yours with expertise, but you didn’t even think to wonder how he learned how to kiss so well. Your eyes briefly opened in shock as he rolled his tongue against yours, you didn’t even know what he did, but you couldn’t help the quiet moan you let out as he made that pleasant move. “Oh…” You sighed as he finally pulled away, your eyes glazed over as you stared into his with admiration.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Kenny chuckled breathlessly.
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” You asked.
“Didn’t think you felt the same way, and I was scared. But considering you didn’t slap me, I guess that means you do feel the same. If you want to, I’d love to take you out on a proper date. You know, without the threat of death.”
“Of course.” You smiled, leaning up to place a quick kiss on his lips. But that smile quickly left your face as you saw your father’s disapproving stare. “Dad-” He brought his hand up and gave you that parent look, making you shut your mouth.
Your father looked Kenny up and down, sizing him up before speaking. “Now,” He started, “I normally wouldn’t allow my precious daughter to date a criminal, especially a drug smuggler…but, you helped save my family and that makes you alright in my book.”
He gave you and Kenny a small smile, barely seen under his thick mustache. “But unfortunately, I’m gonna have to place you under arrest…or, you could be a witness and testify against who made you do this. You’d all have to be placed under witness protection, but better that than a jail cell, right?”
It wasn’t an ideal circumstance, but you and Kenny made it work. After a few months, you were finally allowed to see him again. He finally took you on that date like he promised, and it was almost normal, like he wasn’t under witness protection. But that didn’t matter to you. All that mattered was that you got to spend time with him. He was the perfect boyfriend, even with all his endearing quirks, but it just made you care for him even more. 
Despite the odd way the two of you met and the illegal situation, you couldn’t have been happier.
kenny is baby
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yeswillxpoulter · 5 years
A-Z List NSFW (Kenny)
I might’ve been a little biased, because  I love me Kenny. But reminder, these are my opinions and you don’t have to agree with me. 
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A = Aftercare 

Kenny is excellent at aftercare. He’ll run you a nice warm bath with your favorite candles. You want a massage? He’ll do it. You craving pizza? He’ll order it. Anything you want, he will be glad to provide. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 

His favorite body part of you is your hips. He always has his hands on them regardless of where you are. If you’re at dinner, one hand is on your hip. At the house, hands on. In bed, definitely hands on.  
C = Cum 

He likes to cum anywhere tbh, he has more of a habit of doing it on your stomach though.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) 

He really wants you to blindfold him. He wants to feel the stimulation from it and oh boy, does he want it bad.  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kenny has no experience whatsoever. He’s just a shy little bean that struggles interacting with girls. (But that’s why we love him) 

F = Favorite position

Kenny loves missionary. He loves the intimacy, and craves the eye contact. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

Kenny is a very goofy boy in my general, but he gets very serious when it comes down to sex. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
He’s not bald, but he keeps it all nice and trimmed.. 

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

Kenny is a very romantic boy, so he gets in to the moment heavily. Like gets so lost in the moment, sometimes he forgets his own name, all he knows is yours. And it comes out like a scripture, only sacred for you to hear. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation)

Kenny loves masturbating. Well since because before you came around, that’s all he did. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I have a feeling he may having a mommy kink, but I could be wrong. Either that or roleplay. He’s really into roleplay. You in a school girl outfit? He’ll nut on site.

L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)

He keeps it simple and just stays in the bedroom. (Just like Gally) Sometimes he’ll be willing to have sex in the shower but that’s the farthest he’ll go.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

Really anything gets him going, especially anything you do. Just you yourself turns the boy on, even when you think you don’t. (Just like Gally again :3)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

nO public sex. Like none, period.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves giving and receiving. But he LOVES receiving more.

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

Kenny likes to take things slow with you, he basically wants to spoil you and make you feel good. If you want him to go fast, then he’ll go fast. Whatever you want, you shall receive.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)

Kenny likes the occasional quickie, but just not too often. Maybe every once in a while.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

Kenny is a shy and timid boy, but he’ll be willing to experiment as long as it stays in the bedroom.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kenny could last maybe a good 30 minutes. Boys have a high stamina in general, but Kenny is an exception to some ;)

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’ll use toys sometimes, like the occasional vibartor or dildo on his partner. All he wants is for them to feel good.

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease much, he wants it all to be fair for both of you. BUt he will tease back if you teased him first ;)

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kenny I believe has like, two switches. One where he’s just breathing heavily or he’s just a moaning mess. The first time around he started out with heavy pants then as he got the hang of it, he got more comfortable moaning. (Not like any of us would complain am I right? ;) )

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
You and Kenny were hanging out in his room, you watching him while he was playing a video game he just bought. He hasn’t really been paying attention to you but you knew how to get his attention. You slowly caressed his thigh, still nothing. You inched your hand higher and he tensed up. “Y-Y/N, what are you d-doing?” He asked, eyes still glued to the TV. “Don’t worry about it..I’m just having some fun.” You purred in his ear as his breath hitched.

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Kenny is pretty average, just practically the perfect length and width. 

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Kenny’s sex drive is a bit higher than most, he has a lot of built up sexual tension that he has to get rid of ;)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kenny falls asleep like directly after sex, especially after the first couple times. 
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
out of all his characters who do you think loves to cum inside???
Oooooo this is a good one.
Mark: I feel Mark is definitely more of a cum in your mouth/on your face type of guy. Occasionally on the boobs too.
Gally: While I definitely think he would have no problem cuming in you from time to time. Gally is a break your back kinda guy and mostly finishes on your back/thighs and ass.
Colin: We all know Collin is the freaky one here. So obviously he comes everywhere on your body. Colin would definitely be the messiest when it comes to sex so its almost a relief when he comes inside you.
Bonus Kenny: It's Kenny. He's the one who loves to cum inside you the most. We all know he's the Energizer bunny when it comes to sex.
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memesworlds081 · 2 years
Create Your Own Meme With Meme Generator Website | you-guys-are-getting-paid
You guys are getting paid meme originates from the 2013 American movie, We ’re the Millers. One of the grand scenes from the comedy movie involves Kenny Rossmore (the part played by Will Poulter) learning about the fact that Rose O’Reilly (the part played by Jennifer Aniston) and Casey Mathis (the part played by Emma Roberts) were getting paid by David Clark (the part played by Jason Sudeikis) to smuggle weed from Mexico to the US.
Stay you guys are getting paid
The price plutocrat was distributed among the family inversely to which Kenny responds with"You guys are getting paid?", comedically ignorant that the other members were entering payment. The' stay you guys are getting paid meme' went viral on the Reddit platform in the time 2019 and since also there have been a lot of different performances like –‘ Stay, you guys are getting sleep?’,‘ Stay, you guys are getting laid?’, etc. The popular use of this you guys are getting paid meme is to express a rude awakening about financial value.
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The series, We ’re the Millers broadcasted in the United States on August 3rd, 2013. One of the scenes displays the medicine bootleggers, posing as a family, mooting about the difference in the payment each member takes. This marked the morning of we are the millers meme. The final word goes to the part, Kenny ( portrayed by Will Poulter) who accompanies the debate with the inquiry “ You guys are getting paid?”. Therefore the iconic you are getting paid meme began commencing.
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hi do you think you could write anything for Kenny. maybe instead of Casey being his first kiss it could be the reader :)
Yes, of course!! Honestly, love that idea. Casey didn't deserve to be his first😤
You had no idea how you let your life spiral this out of control. One day you were trying to fight off thugs trying to steal your friend's iPhone, now you're smuggling thousands of pounds of marijuana across the Mexican border.
It was funny because Casey wasn't even really your friend, just a mutual. You both were couch hoppers who just happened to be staying at the same house. Somehow, she roped you into this whole drug smuggling road trip, but at least you were getting paid if everything went off without a hitch.
You didn't know what was worse, wearing ridiculous pastel clothing or having to deal with Casey's attitude the entire time. The one good thing about the whole debacle was Kenny, the guy who tried to save you and Casey from those thugs. You felt pretty bad for the kid, he was obviously not very well suited for the horrors that the world often thrusted upon everyone at some point, but you did find him endearing.
Kenny was probably the nicest person you had ever met. You didn't have many nice people in your life, so it was a pleasant change, but it did take some getting used to. At first, you were just suspicious of how nice he was, thinking that maybe he expected something in return for his kindness, but he didn't.
Casey would always tease you about how you'd blush whenever Kenny gave you a smile. You thought he had the most precious smile, it was hard not to get flustered by it. What really solidified your crush on Kenny was when he sang Waterfalls by TLC word for word, with more confidence than you'd ever seen in him before. You absolutely hated that song, but after that, you found yourself thinking it was more catchy than you originally thought.
Kenny was totally oblivious to any and all flirtatious comments you made towards him, any longing stare just completely went right over his head. It was frustrating, but considering his lack of experience with most things, you couldn't really blame him.
After getting towed by the Fitzgerald's and being allowed to camp out in their own motorhome, you found yourself more and more anxious to make a move on Kenny.
It was an almost perfect situation; David and Rose were busy tolerating Don and Edie outside, Casey was in the bedroom part of the motorhome, leaving you and Kenny sitting in the main lounge. You both were having a nice conversation about some movie that you both liked, and you just couldn't help staring at those pretty plump lips of his.
"Y/n?" Kenny's voice snapped you out of your trance.
"You were dozing off a little bit, are you sleepy?"
You sat up straight, shaking your head. "Nah, I'm okay. Just a little tired of talking about this, is all."
Kenny's eyes immediately widened. "Uh, we can talk about something else!" He stuttered, making you giggle. "Or we don't have to talk at all, we can just...sit, I guess?"
You stopped giggling, scooting yourself closer to him subtly. "Since I've known you, there is something I've been curious about." You said, the tone in your voice dropping an octave.
"What?" Kenny smiled innocently, once again being oblivious to the slight seductive tone in your voice.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
Kenny's smile instant dropped, a bright red blush quickly dusting his cheeks as his mouth gaped at your bold question. "Uh, um, uh-" He stuttered, soon clearing his voice. "No..."
"Have you even kissed a girl before?"
Kenny huffed, an annoyed expression on his face that almost shocked you. "If you're gonna pick on me, then I'm just gonna leave." He went to stand up, but you quickly held onto his wrist.
"No, no, I'm not!" You quickly reassured. "I wouldn't do that."
"Casey would."
"Well, I'm not Casey." You offered a soft smile. Kenny gave you a weak smile in return, the fact of never been kissed before still making him feel like some sort of outcast. "Hey, it's okay that you haven't kissed anyone before. It's different for everyone, and it's not a big deal either way. At least, in my opinion."
"I don't even know if I'd ever be a guy worth kissing." Kenny muttered sadly.
You frowned, taking one of Kenny's hands in yours. "Don't say that, cause that is not true. You're handsome, really handsome. And any girl would be lucky to kiss you."
Kenny blushed yet again, a nervous smile gracing his lips. "Thanks, but I don't know if I completely believe that myself."
"I'd like to kiss you." You said bluntly.
Kenny's eyes widened. "R-Really?"
You nodded your head with a smile. "Mhm." You hummed happily. "Is that okay with you?"
Kenny blinked a few times before nodding his head vigorously, almost as if he thought he was dreaming just for a second.
You moved to sit right next to Kenny, gently cupping his face with one hand while the other rested on his shoulder. His eyes were wide with nervousness and anticipation, glancing back and forth between your eyes and lips. "Close your eyes." You whispered, and he was quick to listen to your instructions, but you still could feel the tension in his body. "Just try to relax."
You briefly licked your lips as you slowly leaned in, Kenny flinching slightly as you lightly grazed over his lips with yours, finding unexpected pleasure in the way his breath hitched as you gently rubbed the tip of your nose against his.
You finally connected your lips with his, hearing him take a deep breath as he experienced what it was like to kiss someone for the first time. Kenny didn't expect how good it would feel, it felt totally different from practicing on his hand or pillow. He was finally kissing someone, someone he really liked. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.
You pulled away after a few seconds, looking upon Kenny's adorable smile. "Well?"
"That was...incredible." Kenny beamed. "Was I okay?"
"Yeah, you were. But that was just a simple peck. If you thought that was incredible, you're gonna be blown away by French kissing."
"Will you teach me?" Kenny asked timidly.
You bit your lip, running your hand up and down Kenny's arm, giving the boy goosebumps.
"I'd love to."
Kenny is the purest bean. I'd very much love to corrupt him😈
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Alright y’all. Gally, Mark, Kenny, and Colin; who is a boobs man and who is an ass man? Personally I think Kenny and Gally are boob guys, Mark is totally and ass man, and Colin likes both but I think he likes ass a bit more.
This is so good.
Kenny is definitely a boobs man. Like he strikes me at the type to just sit there and grab them while making out with you. Like getting to second base is his ultimate goal.
I have to disagree and say Gally is the ass man. I feel like hes such a power top that there's nothing he loves more than back shots.
Mark is totally a boobs man. Like feeling you up is one of his favorite pastimes. He loves when you wear low cut tops so he can peep the goods.
Colin is definitely a switch. He loves every part of your body. Some days he'll pay more attention to one versus the other. But he generally gives both equal love.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
what do you think drunk sex with mark, gally, colin or even will would be like?
I'm mad because I had this answered last week but it apparently never posted.
Mark: Hands down the best at drunk sex. Mark parties hard every weekend so you know he knows how to work it when he's not sober. He's carefree and yet still takes the time to go down on you and fuck you like you deserve.
Gally: Drunk sex with Gally is laughable. He's out of his element not being in control but hes silly and giggly. It's not a rough session and it doesn't last long but it's fun.
Colin: Let's get one thing straight. Colin likes to have fun. But getting drunk is not his forte. He'd rather loosen up with other vices so needless to say drunk sex with Colin can be a bit sloppy and messy.
Kenny: Let's be real Kenny wouldn't get past the bj before passing out from the alcohol. He's a lightweight.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Okay y’all, ranked from worst to best, Mark, Colin, and Gally: who is the best at phone sex/sexting?
Best: Mark - He's such a fucking talker. And he's not in front of you his confidence level is on 1000. He's saying the absolute filthiest things to you and has you screaming for him on the other line.
Okay: Gally - I feel like Gally wouldn't be bad at phone sex. He would be a little off the first couple of times but work his way into it. He'd be good at being vocal but would occasionally forget that grunting isn't doing it for you and he needs to use his words with you.
Worst: Colin - He prefers face to face more then anything. Being away from you is so hard for him and articulating how he's feeling over the phone is just not something he's used to doing, it's too weird when the government could be listening in.
Kenny - he would nut at the nude you sent him to get him going before the phone sex. The poor boy would call you and make up an excuse for why he has to go and can't do it anymore.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Am I the only one who thinks Kenny would actually be a dom? He gets picked on and underestimated so much and in bed is where he could let his frustrations out and he does. He’s like a totally different person.
Hahaha I love this Kenny thirst that always finds it's way in my ask box. We stan some kenny love.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
I love guys who would be like clay in my hands. Kenny is that clay. He would totally be vocal. Also I'd like to hickey him. Have him get all cute and embarrassed when people saw it. But if know it was there.
Omg can you imagine Kenny with a hickey?
He would definitely be the type to get super flustered and embarrassed about it. I mean it's hot and he enjoyed it but also now it feels like literally everyone is looking at it?
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
I feel like at first yeah Kenny would be pretty awkward in bed but eventually he’d gain a bit of confidence and be pretty good. I see him being hella vocal in bed too, dude loves to moan out your name. Also hickeys? He’s the king of em.
I love how vivacious this Kenny thirst is. Y'all are mad wild for this boy and I love it.
Kenny is that person that learns about hickeys and immediately is like yes I want to do this every time yes please.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Lmaooo I think Kenny would be secretly proud to display a hickey you gave him as proof that he’s actually getting laid 😂
Omg you know he totally would. There would be no shame in that boy.
He'd be happy to flaunt that theres a girl even interested in him hahaha
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Omg that Kenny and Gally idea sounds so funny 😂 literally wouldn’t even get to the sex part bc it would start when Gally’s having you take him real deep and Kenny things you’re literally gonna choke
"Wait wait stop I dont think she can breathe like that"
"Kenny shut up she's fine"
"It sounds like your choking her I don't think you're supposed to be far in there like that."
"Quit it kid"
"The noises shes making are you sure you're not choking her?"
"Kenny if you don't quit it I'm gonna choke you alright?"
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
I have a massive soft spot for Kenny 😻 I think he’s so adorable and sweet! You can’t tell me that he wouldn’t be an amazing lover too, he’d be so attentive and eager to please you 💗
Kenny would be really sweet ngl. I do see him being a genuinely nice boyfriend who would do anything for you.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
So on Thursday's thirst night, someone said that all of Will's characters exude BDE in some way and you agreed but said there were a few exceptions, like Kenny. I would argue that Kenny shows his true BDE self when he bravely punched that guy with the gun who was just about to kill everyone, thus saving their lives (and then grabbing the girl and kissing her and making her weak). I haven't seen We're the Millers but I saw a compilation of Kenny scenes on YouTube. He had BDE inside him all along!
Okay anon. I feel you on this.
I will have to agree with you on this that hks toughness does shine though on kenny with that.
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nappingtopknot · 5 years
Oh my god.....Mark really is gross Kenny....... I’m-
Im- I'm sorry....
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