#kenji sp
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ray4youknow · 9 months ago
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4raykage · 9 months ago
Maybe you can draw Ray and Kenji with their SOT costumes(if they have)
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itachikun · 1 year ago
sp é tao grande q nenhum dos meus amgs moram na msma cidade q eu 🥲
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kiwiikato · 8 months ago
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Eight
note! thank u for everyone's patience! i'm sorry for the late update and rushed chapter but i hope this makes up for the wait! u all are so silly and i've been enjoying all your comments <3 thank u so much for the love and support!
kenji stood on the base plate, calling for the baby kaiju's attention as she chirped. you stood near by him with mina hovering beside you as well. the atmosphere of the warmly colored park held a sweetness to the air.
"okay, just like this." he fixed his stance by separating his legs shoulder length. lifting the wooden bat in his hands, he showed a slow back and forth swinging motion. the baby kaiju chirped more as she raised the cute, but comedically, giant blue bat.
you didn't know where ken pulled it out from but it sure was handy to have it stored. pulling yourself out of your thoughts you focused on the both of them. "elbows up." they both raised their elbows up.
the baby kaiju was absolutely adorable to look at, her arms a perfect chunkiness, making her look rounder as she help the bat upright. kenji put his bat down, making a sound of contempt at her.
"uhuh, get ready." he waved the baseball that he now had, showing it to her. "okay, here it comes." kenji crouched down slightly, with a swift but soft motion, he threw the ball from below, heading towards the baby kaiju.
the ball hit her face, making her let out a cry from the impact as her face jolted. her once happy expression turned sad as she looked at kenji and you in pain. her fins that laid on the side of her head, frilled down in sadness, as tears welled in her eyes.
giant droplets poured out from her as kenji and you looked at each other in worry. "no no no no it's okay." the both of you ran up to her, trying to sooth her tears. she began to cry out, slightly jumping back and forth on her feet.
"oh baby, come here." you said as you reached out to her. she looked down at you, slowly leaning her head to you. you grabbed her forehead, pulling her to you as you placed a small kiss on the spot she got hit on. "see, all better!" you said smiling, making her feel better at the comfort.
you stepped back as her tears dried up, letting ken step up to her next. she looked at ken as she sniffled. he gave her a small smile. "hey, it's okay, it's okay. it happens sometimes, you just got to work at it." his voice was gentle with care, trying to keep her calm and happy.
ken took some steps back to the base he was at originally, now that she seemed calmer. "now get ready, keep your eyes on the ball." he raised a peace sign to his eyes, moving it back and forth between his eyes and the ball. you stared at him as he gently talked towards the baby. he held a soft but handsome smile on his face. you never really took notice of his features.
his eyes were sharp, but full of warmth. his nose was perfect in its own way, it was hooked nose, the arch of it reminded you a greek god in a sense. there was a small black piercings on his ears as well. it almost felt like you were staring at him for the first time all over again.
a blush rose to your face as you continued watching them. "ichi, ni, san, ball!" he yelled out as he threw the ball. it happened so quickly as you watched the baby have her bat smack against the ball, sending it flying across the sky. "woooo! yes! whoo!!" kenji yelled out in joy as he jumped. you and mina shouted out in joy as mina span around cutely with her little robot arms out.
kenji ran up to the baby kaiju, grabbing her loving by here hands. "come on girl, we gotta run the bases!" it was clear as day of his excitement. baseball was his passion, it was his sanctuary. and for the baby he's raising under his care, enjoy the one things he grew up living, it made him feel joy.
he pulled her gently, as she began to follow him. he let go of her, waving you and mina to join him in running and the baby kaiju ran behind him, copying his trail. you all laughing in joy, a special memory being created.
the baby cooed as kenji jumped back on the base, making a home run, as she stopped and leaped to it. a cloud of dust and dirt came from her feet with the force as you all celebrated.
after the events of the day in the park, you and kenji sat in the living room as mina took care of the baby kaiju. he told you of his plans to go out in a couple of hours for a scheduled interview with ms. ami wakita. you smiled and told him to not worry as you and mina would take care of the baby in that time.
now you both sat comfortably on the sofa as he played random videos online for the both of you to watch. the your frog plushie from the night before sat on your lap, rubbing its head affectionately.
kenji eyed you from the side of his eye, admiring the way you innocently stared ahead of you. there was a soft smile on your lips, enjoying every second of what life had to bring you. it was almost funny how life had brought the two of you together because of the baby kaiju, and he was grateful.
and so were you. you were grateful to have been able to take care of the baby as you grew closer with kenji. he smiled to himself as he scooted closer to you, your body turned to look at him, to which he gave you a awkward smile. you smiled back, in a way saying he could get closer.
and so he did. he closed the gap that once existed as the two of you watched the tv. it was a comforting feeling, to feel his warmth pressed against you. it wasn't long before kenji reached for the remote, slightly lowering the audio. he turned to you, you copying his actions with curiousity.
"hey, i know i say it a lot but thank you again for all the help with the baby kaiju. the extra help has been so nice to have." his voice was soft, but loud enough for you to hear. you smiled back at him, "of course, she's like family at this point, i honestly enjoy being near the both of you."
kenji looked up happy. he reminded you of a dog wagging its tail, like those 'golden retriever boyfriends' you've heard about online. "yeah me too, i like being with you too." he said smiling wide.
"do you mean the 'both of you'?" you asked, referring to the baby and you. he shook his head. "no no, well yes, but no. i meant you. i've been really enjoying my time with you. it's been really nice to get closer to you throughout the process." his voice was almost hypnotizing, it was undeniably alluring.
"oh well- i've been enjoying getting closer with you as well." you said, slightly caught off guard by his sweet words. kenji turned more towards you, he gently reached for your hands that rested on your lap, pulling them a little more to him. your face turned red at the action, but let him continue.
kenji felt his heart swell seeing you smile softly at him. the two of you have been working together to take care of the baby kaiju, and he couldn't deny the fuzzy feeling he felt everytime he felt when he looked at you.
there was just something so alluring about you that he couldn't deny himself of. the life you both had right now felt domestic, it felt sweet. it was then that he realized that domesticity didn't sound that bad. the idea of sleeping and waking up to you, making food together, watching movies and shows.
even just the idea of cleaning together sounded sweet. he could imagine dancing and singing with you as you both cleaned with music in the background. he knew what he felt. he wasn't oblivious to what he felt, but he didn't know. he didn't know if you felt the same.
he's seen you blush but whose to say it's not a reaction from being nervous instead of being interested. the idea of you maybe feeling the same lingered, holding onto the fact that the two of you have begun to get closer, physically and emotionally.
his eyes moved towards your face, watching as you gently stared towards him. your eyes were full of love and maybe, just maybe, that love was for him and only him. taking a breath, he began to talk. "y/n, i've been enjoying our time together, like a lot. this might sound weird but i have been loving waking up to you and taking care of the baby with you. it's something new for me but i'm happy to be doing this with you all. my point is that i'm happy to have you so close to me and for us to keep getting closer and-"
a soft and gentle hand cupped kenji's cheeks, distracting him from his rambling. his eyes snapped up to yours, nervous of what you would say. "i've loved every moment with you as well, the feeling is reciprocated." you said as your thumb softly caressed his cheek.
that was all the confirmation he needed. the way you stared at him so lovingly as you gently held him, almost like you didn't want to hurt him, brought him over the edge. kenji's arms reached over to you, pulling you closer into an embrace. the distance between you lessened as he stared at your eyes.
you watched as he stared at you, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips. a pale red dusted his cheeks. your eyes trailed to his lips, not going unnoticed by him.
kenji leaned forward, the gap closing as he leaned slightly to your height. the feeling of his lips molding with your own sent you chills as he kissed you with love. you kissed him back, almost urgently as kenji leaned into you, making you fall back into the couch as his body now hovered over you.
one hand near your face help him stay up as his other hand rested at your waist, softy rubbing the skin under your shirt. his fingers were cold, making you shiver into the kiss. kenji was kissing you and you enjoyed it.
your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss. kenji groaned softly into the kiss as his hands glided up and down at your waist.
you felt his tongue prod at your mouth, making you slightly open your mouth for him. you hummed in delight as he explored your mouth with his own. the kiss felt like it went on for a while till he pulled away, gasping for air.
you stayed laying down, flushed from what had happen as kenji stared at you, who was still under him. it was then that everything that happened set into you. you had just kissed kenji. you didn't know if it was too soon but a part of you was jumping with joy.
kenji smiled at you, leaning down an placing a small peck at your lip, to your nose, to your cheeks, and forehead. he smother your face with kisses and you felt yourself turn gooey.
he pulled away, sitting up as he helped you get up. pulling you into his arms as he rested your back against his chest. his body wrapped around yours as he rested his head onto your shoulder.
"that was nice." he said softly. you knew he meant more with that, it was a sweet feeling that you both unconsciously had growing inside of you both.
he held you close, enjoying the time he had with you before his interview later. "y/n, i like you. it may come off as straightforward but i would really like to get to know you better." he softy spoke, it was different than his usual bold and prideful attitude.
you could tell he was nervous, with the way his body slightly shook from his nerves. you reached for his hand that laid at your side and grabbed it. "i like you too kenji, and i would really like that." kenji hugged you from behind, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
it was quiet for a while till you heard kenji talk. you almost didn’t hear him, thankfully being able to make out what he was saying. and gosh, did his words make you feel like putty in his hands. " we can finally say we're a little family of our own now."
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @ldykir4 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @m00nd0v3 @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney @haitani-zoe @mtheooo @chreiiii @secretlyapartofthisfandom @greenmanshoe @badbishsblog @reallysparklychaos @deimmortales99 @ashsallyblue2 @matchalatte06 @random-3455 @reivelmin @jennyfernan @solatiiium @liliabrary @maxi-ride @nelain @sleep-7372 @22carolina08
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rasielikestotalk · 8 days ago
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Who is Who? SP X BSD
Kyle > Chuuya
Cartman > Dazai
Butters > Akutagawa
Stan > Oda (ft. Ike)
Ranpo > Kenny
Wendy > Kunikida
Chef > Fukuzawa
Jimmy > Kenji
Craig > Yosano
Tweek > Atsushi
Tolkien > Kyoka
Heidi > Ango
I want to elaborate but I am so lazy af
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zarnzarn · 8 months ago
watched ultraman rising twice now and i STILL have so many questions
Why the hell did Mina say Prof Sato was dead. Does he like not have a heartbeat or
DOES ami know that ken is ultraman????? like she heard his voice on the bridge + had the most suspicious phone call of all time w him about children after 3 months of him being dead on his feet in the arena HAS SHE CONNECTED 4HE DOTS I NEED TO KNOW
when??? did kenjis mom go missing?????
are the eyes indicative of something the very specific pattern is present in akiko, chiho and the ultramen- are they all the same alien sps??
is the gigantor at the beginning and the end the same????
did onda know that Kenji is ultraman now or
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austerlitzborodinoleipzig · 10 months ago
Ranking Shoma's programs
I've never been a big Shoma fan. Not that I don't recognise his talent but i've no particular emotional attachment to him.
I have a lot of respect for his body of work. I think he's probably the most musical skater out there, and since he moved to Lambiel i've started to really enjoy his programs. They don't always move me, I don't rewatch them often (besides one or two exception), but everytime I've watched him skate during competitions they usually leave me thinking "Damn... This is good..." Objectively great but not my skater.
That said, and since I love doing that, here are all Shoma's competitive programs, from his senior career, ranked from least to best, according to my tastes.
16 - Moonlight Sonata, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2018/2019 FS)
Yeah, this was a big miss and tbh it's not wonder Shoma's season went middlingly well and that he missed the podium at home Worlds. This program is just not good. The music is overplayed, the choreo is a cut and paste from Shoma and Mihoko's then well established style. Lots of jumps-crossover-jumps-some choreo that consists in looking intense while moving the arms. A miss.
15 - Turandot version 2, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2017/2018 FS)
I rewatched it recently and the music cut is just bad. Why you would cut the "vincero" part I have no idea but here it is. Shoma does a good job with it, but it's nowhere close to the first version of this program.
14 - Winter, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2017/2018 SP)
I just really really dislike Shoma's packaging from late 2017 to early 2019. It's just a lot of warhorse with really mid choreo. Shoma's musicality saves it but that's about it.
13 - Ladies in Lavender, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2016/2017 SP)
It's still intensely Shoma, and by that I mean skate on two feet and move your arms choreo but the music choice is better. At least it's not a warhorse.
12 - Turandot version 1, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2015/2016 FS)
Gets bonus points for including Gira La Cote in the music cut.
11 - Stairway to Heaven, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2018/2019 SP)
The step sequence is very nice and Shoma's musicaly makes this program.
10 - Great Spirit, choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne (2019/2020/2021 SP)
Gets deduction points because of some truly bad costumes. Honestly a bit of a let down. The choreo feels far too safe for the music.
9 - Legends, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2015/2016 SP)
Much better than any other SP Mihoko choreographed for Shoma. The step sequence alone is more interesting than anything Shoma skated to for the following three seasons. Unexpected like.
8 - Timelapse, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2023/2024 FS)
In retrospect, Shoma's farewell FS. Not that great. I love Spiegel im Spiegel but the other piece of music left me cold. The choreo wasn't anything special too, but the performances, especially the NHK one, were absolutely magical.
7 - Bolero, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2021/2022 FS)
First of all Bolero gets too much hate from the fandom and y'all lack taste. It's a truly great piece of music and I can think of at least half a dozen warhorses that need to be banned before Bolero. (Romeo and Juliet, Experience, Exogenesis...).
Second of all Sholero goes hard. It is a bit empty at the beginning, but the relentless pace of the music makes for an exciting watch, and in case of a clean program, it's exhilarating. The step sequence at the end is outstanding. Doesn't place higher because the choreo sequence feels almost like an afterthought and honestly Stéphane and Shoma could do better.
6 - Gravity, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2022/2023 SP)
Did not enjoy it last season (I thought it wasn't a good fit for Shoma, it felt too much like a Lambiel program). Has grown on me a lot since then. It's the most Lambiel-y Shoma has ever skated and it's good that he did it. Variety! Some diversity in the steps. Makes us of the whole body, not just the arms.
5 - Oboe Concerto, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2021/2022 SP)
Quintessential Shoma in that it feels close to a Mihoko program, like Winter, or Ladies in Lavender, but is so so much better. More variety in the choreo. It makes us of the whole body, not just the arms.
Shoma's skating with it's outstanding musicality and uninterrupted flow is a perfect match for Baroque music.
4 - Dancing On My Own, choreo by David Wilson (2019/2020/2021 FS)
My greatest regret, regarding Shoma's career, is that he did not get more programs from Wilson. Imho, given how musical Shoma is, he would have been a perfect fit.
That said DOMO is perhaps the most emotionally loaded program out of them all. Shoma went through hell and high water with it, and when it was performed cleanly, it sang.
3 - Mea Tormenta, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2022/2023 FS)
Glorious, iconic, it's a program I don't think anybody but Shoma could have skated. Just stunning work all around, and one of the best men's programs in recent years.
2 - I Love You Kung Fu, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2023/2024 SP)
Shoma at his most raw, emotional and soft. Great, great music choice, just magic on the ice.
1 - Loco, choreo by Mihoko Hiiguchi (2016/2017 FS)
I don't know what that says of a skater, when their most successfull program happened during their second senior season, and they've been chasing that high ever since (looking at you Kaori's Piano).
In any case, Loco is as good as the fans say it is, and then some. It highlights all the best aspects of Shoma's skating (the performance, the passion, the musicality) while being absolutely unhinged. Truly one of the highs of the sport.
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magicaleggplant · 2 years ago
2023 Dreams on Ice Videos
Highest quality videos I could find from public links. Thanks to all uploaders 🙏
Team Japan Women:
Kaori Sakamoto FS - Wild is the Wind / Feeling Good (choreo by Marie-France Dubreuil)
Mai Mihara SP - To Love You More (choreo by Jeffrey Buttle)
Rinka Watanabe SP - Avater: The Way of Water (choreo by Kenji Miyamoto)
Hana Yoshida SP - Koo Koo Fun (choreo by Kaitlyn Weaver)
Mone Chiba SP - Dark Eyes (choreo by Misha Ge)
Mao Shimada SP - Americano (choreo by Kaitlyn Weaver)
Ami Nakai SP - Baby, God Bless You (choreo by David Wilson)
Rena Uezono SP - Twilight
Team Japan Men:
Kao Miura FS - Attack on Titan (choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne)
Shun Sato SP - Libertango (choreo by Kenji Miyamoto)
Sota Yamamoto FS - Exogenesis Symphony (choreo by Kenji Miyamoto)
Kazuki Tomono SP - Underground (choreo by Jeffrey Buttle)
Koshiro Shimada FS - Danse Macabre (choreo by Stephane Lambiel)
Takeru Amine Kataise SP - Adios Nonino
Nozomu Yoshioka FS - Final Fantasy VII
Haruya Sasaki SP - Gira con me
Team Japan Ice Dance:
Komatsubara/Koleto RD - Ghostbusters
Guest Skaters:
Haein Lee EX - Pink Venom (choreo by Misha Ge)
Ilia Malinin SP - Malaguena (choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne)
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alwayshappyhoursomewhere · 2 years ago
[Translation] SPUR September 2023
Exclusive Interview with Stéphane Lambiel "About Love"
Stéphane Lambiel invites us into his beautiful musical world with his smooth skating and graceful ballet-like movements on the ice. He talks about his love and passion for skating, and everything in his life.
Looking back on his remarkable season as a coach.
Stéphane Lambiel came to Japan to perform in "Fantasy on Ice," the most prominent ice show in Japan. In the 2022-23 figure skating season, Japan's Shoma Uno, whom he coaches, won his second consecutive World Championships, and Koshiro Shimada won a silver medal at the All-Japan Championships. Latvia's Deniss Vasiljevs has also distinguished himself in the Grand Prix Series, so it has been smooth sailing for the coach.
"Shoma, Koshiro, and Deniss are not the only young talents sprouting up one after another. I want all the students at Champery (Switzerland) to grow. I hope my teaching will have a positive impact on their careers and lives. That's my number one goal right now."
After the Corona disaster, the international sports scene is slowly returning to its original state. This year, Stéphane organized a joint training camp in Kyoto with students from the Kinoshita Academy in Japan and Champéry.
"This is a good opportunity for the students to experience a different method from the one they are used to," said Stéphane. This time, we also made time for them to learn physical performance that is different from skating, such as yoga and dance lessons, not only on the ice. By learning new ways to use their bodies, they can feed back to their skating and improve their artistry. They were able to motivate each other, so I felt it was beneficial to share practice.
Today, Kinoshita is home to an elite group of figure skaters who are the future of figure skating.
"I was amazed by all the students. They are able to practice very meticulously while also maintaining their focus. If I had to name a few players that I personally pay attention to, I would say junior players Mao Shimada and Shunsuke Nakamura. I feel something special about them. Hana Yoshida knows her body well and has the ability to use it well."
About the challenges to tackle for the new season
During the training camp, Stéphane also choreographed new programs. He also said it was an opportunity to see the response from Uno, Shimada, and Vasilijevs.
"As for Koshiro, he will continue with his SP "Sing Sing Sing". For FS, he will perform a piano version of "Danse Macabre," choreographed by me. Denis performed his new SP "Hallelujah" for "Fantasy on Ice". This was his first time working with choreographer Shae-Lynn Bourne. It was a very innovative piece, and it took him some time to understand what she was trying to achieve. Then he practiced a lot, and made it his own. I will be choreographing the FS, which will be different from the atmosphere of the past. Please look forward to it.
Shoma has two programs for SP, and I think he is considering which one to use for the competition.One is by Shae-Lynn, and the other one is my creation. I think he will decide after skating both of them at the summer ice show. The SP I made will have a pretty challenging content. It will be divided into several parts, with a short intro to present the outline of the story, followed by a romantic and lyrical part, and then a dynamic change at the end. The unfolding is quite extreme, and I think it will be a very intense performance. I'm looking forward to seeing it at the show, too. For FS, I have proposed some songs, and the choreography will be done by Kenji Miyamoto."
This will be his third (sic) season as Uno's coach. Stéphane says he will do his best to support Uno, who has expressed his desire to improve his expressive side.
There are two wonderful things about Shoma," said Stéphane. One is the rich expressive power of his eyes and of his body movements as a whole. The other is his passion to control everything by himself. When he learns something new, his willingness to practice and make it absolutely his own is second to none. These two virtues have already made him a unique, one-of-a-kind skater. If he is looking for something more on top of that... from me, I think I can help him in terms of musicality. Of course he has musical sense, but I think he can deepen it even more. by refining his sensibility, he will be able to add more "umami", as they say in Japanese, to his performance, a taste that only he can bring out. I believe that the audience too will be able to sense something special from his performance.
Putting his love for his soulmate into his dance on the ice
Thirteen years after retiring from professional skating, Stéphane is now in his mature stage as a professional figure skater. The two performances at this year's Ice Show were truly musical works that moved the audience emotionally.
The first piece performed at Fantasy on Ice was the fourth movement of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5, Adagietto. My friend Beatrice Belieu(?), a musician, played the piano and made the arrangement. The second is "Simple song" from the soundtrack of the movie "Grand Finale" (2015). Adagietto was choreographed by Salome Brunner. In fact, the performance presented here is only a part of the whole. Champéry has a festival called "Rencontres Musicales de Champéry" (Encounters with Music), and next year I will be skating Adagietto with Beatrice, who will play live.
The adagietto by Maher, known in the 70's for the film "Death in Venice" and more recently as the key piece in the film "TAR" (2022), is a classic. The sweet and dramatic tune is linked with a personal story.
Mahler's Adagietto was written with love as its theme. Through this song, I wanted to express the various stages of love that I have experienced. It begins with the meeting of two people, the period of burning love that brings them together as one, and then the period when there are discrepancies in the relationship. After overcoming these difficulties, they feel comfortable with each other, and then they rediscover each other as if they had met anew, even though they are the same person. The first meeting and the last meeting have different meanings, and their love evolves. When I skate to this song, I envision in my mind's eye a very rich relationship with the person I am now living with, my soulmate. There is actually a subtle twist to this performance. I thought of it with Salome, it has the same movement at the beginning and the end, but in reverse. With that movement, I expressed the evolution of the relationship and the sense of distance that is created.
He devised the choreography for 'Simple song' with his colleagues at Champéry. It is an insert song for the movie, sung wistfully by Korean opera singer Sumi Jo.
I had heard this song by chance before I saw the movie, and I thought it was a great song. I rediscovered it after watching the film, and then chose it. The personal theme of this film is growing older. Considering my own career, I am slowly approaching the limits of my physical capabilities, and I don't think I will be able to skate for much longer in the future. Still, there is a part of me that wants to skate forever. So when I am skating to this song, I express myself to the fullest as my performance, and I hope that it will be forever. *Adagietto and Simple Song both incorporate movements that require quite a bit of physical endurance, since I have to stand on one point of the edge of my skates and hold it for a long time. The goal is to achieve a noble movement despite being forced to exert that kind of control. Although I feel pleasure in being able to be in control, there are also times when I feel fragility and danger in front of the audience. It's a very lovely moment."
At this year's Fantasy on Ice, fellow skater Johnny Weir retired.
We get together every year in early summer for the show, and the performers are like family. I've talked about that with Johnny, too. It's sad to retire from the ice show, but I think it's also a positive thing. I can't speak for him, but I think he would like to do another project in his life. We have promised that we will spend time together again somewhere. Maybe a private vacation! Sometimes I think about my last show myself. I haven't made up my mind yet.
Despite being involved in a variety of activities, you are still passionate about skating. What is the source of your motivation?
I think it has something to do with the fact that I have matured, and when I aim for my best performance, I want to express myself in the most natural way. My personality is lyrical and romantic, so I often get inspiration from watching that kind of movies or from stage music. Music shakes up emotions from a deep place inside of me, and pushes to the surface the life force within. I can skate by borrowing the energy of the song. As I feel that, I guess that maybe I can perform better, with a sense of unity."
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phantomthiefgaige · 11 months ago
What if SEES gained a new member?
Part 1
TW: Shooting in the head mentions
Around the time Fuukas name had been mentioned as a possible recruit for the team, Mitsuru had come in with news of her own. She had found someone with the potential that can’t be a nav but could be a new teammate.
Well hey, any new hands are better than no hands and it turns out Mitsuru had brought them over right now!
It could be anybody, it could be a random new student, it could be another transfer, it could be Kenji…okay it really can’t be Kenji. Either way, nobody was expecting that the next person to walk through the door, was a glasses wearing brunette who looked pale and scared.
She was instantly recognized as Chihiro Fushimi, the treasurer of the student council. And oh boy, not only can this poor girl not find any words, she’s now staring at three more boys. Only one she knows via a new link that had been formed or student council meetings, but now she has two more to worry about.
She was explained the situation beforehand and hasn’t made her choice yet on whether she wants to even be part of the team.
She decides to stay in the dorm for now to sleep on it, she can sleep in a spare room for now anyway.
One night she just decides to go with everyone to tartarus to see what she could do. Normally they wouldn’t but she seemed adamant about what she could do. She was even given an armband and an evoker as well.
When she gets into battle she has…a paper fan…she really must not be a physical fighter. Can’t really blame her though. She’s terrified just being there and realizing what she has to do with the evoker.
In the midst of battle she gets hit and can barely take two hits at most. Though she seems immune to light attacks but pierce seems to be what knocks her down.
In a really heated battle however, she sees everyone is cornered and decides that it’s now or never.
She holds the evoker to her head and pulls the trigger…
Out comes a female persona surrounded by light and floating angel wings…okay this part is a wip that I’ll expand upon more.
So she has defensive skills to help the party, that’s nice. Fire too? Hmm, okay…seems ni-
Yeah so…Chihiro is a glass cannon. And her magic and sp are jacked! Her endurance and agility leave quite a bit to be desired though…but that’s a risk you take.
She apologizes profusely for that display of destruction but Junpei and Yukari call her amazing
Makoto could care less…okay he does care at the nuke but he seems unphased by much else
With these words of praise from basically everyone, Mitsuru and Akihiko included, she gladly accepts being part of the team. Maybe this way she can build her confidence more and more…plus three guys helping with her guy phobia would be more beneficial than just one.
Good luck Fushimi…it’s gonna be a long year.
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rikeijo · 10 months ago
Today's translation #628
Go Yuri!!! Go official fanbook, Tominaga Keisuke's comment
Partizan Hope
The request from the Director for 'instrumental music that sounds like a magnificent [movie] soundtrack'. We have composed the music together with Umebayashi-kun - we entered the studio and we wrote and finish it in just one session, based on the same melody motifs as the ones included in JJ's SP music, 'The theme of King JJ'. Our schedule for music production was very tight, and in case of this track, we had to work in dire circumstances, because in just a few hours, Miyamoto Kenji-san, who was responsible for choreography, was scheduled to step on the ice, listen to this track and begin working on this choreography. We produced this music, thinking about JJ's image as macho man that likes to brag, but also that at the same time, he's very honest. Plus, we also wanted to make this into a program that charms the audience in a way that only North American skaters are able to. The word 'Partizan', that is used in the title, means 'a group of people with a very strong will and power', and in direct translation it would be something like '希望党, the Hopeful Party'. Through this title we wanted to praise and celebrate JJ's, and all the other skaters' rapid progress and their brilliance.
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ray4youknow · 10 months ago
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4raykage · 9 months ago
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(@anishka3) :)
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years ago
Short summary of Shoma's words at his Mizuno talkshow 29/08/2023
I just do a non chronological summarization of things I found via the translations of @feimeicheng (instagram) and @shomagravity (twt/Tumblr). I'll link the original translations with x!
Shoma said his new SP (done by Stephane Lambiel) is easier for him than the last one but the free skate (done by Kenji Miyamoto) is harder for him. He didn't reveal the music of the FS. X x
Shoma said he will skip the 4S in his free skate for the first part of the season because he wants to concentrate on other elements such as transitions before jumps x
Shoma likes to tackle the season with a new mindset of not only going for "good results" to see what happens as he already "had enough good results" in his career x x (note by me: the tone of translation is a bit different in each, so pls look for yourself as this summary is kind of my interpretation)
Asked about choreographers he would like to work with, he said that he worked with many choreographers but thinks he didn't give Stephane's choreographies enough justice so that he would like to do better with Stephane first and then go to other choreographers x
Shoma said he "can't become Daisuke Takahashi" within 6 months of practice (he means Daisuke's abilities of performance) but he searches for something only he is capable of. (note by me: when will he ever realize that he already is very special and only he can do it 🥺) X x
So that's all information for now I saw, may add more later.
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atlaskrr · 1 year ago
So i went to pbd and typed tecchou cause ppl are so wrong abt him. hes clearly sp/sx 9w1 so wrote a defense for it:
i dont understand why so/sx is his most voted instinctual variant. in what universe would he be sp blind. i understand that hes disregard his safety for a mission/comrades but that stems from his sx imo. hes shown behaviours of a sp. he literally eats on missions and has done push ups in a meeting. he shows little care for so related things like trends and gatherings. his only percieved community is the hunting dogs which can be taken more as an sx thing than so. him caring for the civilians stem from his sx as he has a passion for his justice philosophy. while caring for others is an so thing he doesnt care much for others opinions on him as far as we can see. he doesnt care to change things others find odd and hes even blind to a lot of social cues so how would he be so? even if he shows many signs of being and so making him sp blind when hes clearly an sp9 just doesnt make sense.
also just because he values justice doesnt make him a 1. i think hes a 9w1 with a strong wing cause unlike a 1 hes been seen much more willing to take a break from his pursuit to justice (as seen in sleeping after the fight with kenji). 1s are also much louder about their values than 9s. 9s, like tecchou, will preach there values but not push them to the point of an argument esp to those close to them. while tecchou always preaches justice, he doesnt force his view of the world onto others harshly and esp not to jouno who shows a lot of resistance to it because they are close. he also, unlike 1s and more like 9s, disregards his rigid right and wrong to fight kenji because jouno disappeared. jouno's disappearance is a disruption to his peace (as unpeaceful as life in the hunting dogs can get) because its out of comfort to not have his partner there. he would much rather disregard his principles than have something changed. 1s often resist their instincts to stick to their principles and be “good and righteous” but tecchou did not. it seems like his principles might be something caused by past trauma or something taught to him so maybe to him thats all he has ever believed/the only way to stop trauma from happening again so rather than realigning his world view which could be wrong (what a 1 might do) which would disrupt his inner peace, he chooses to leave it unchanged.
he also seems very hard to type enneagram wise as theres a lot of debate which is such a 9 thing since its the crown of the enneagram. this means 9s can have a lot of the qualities of other enneagrams while still being a 9. he can also be extremely simple minded. many 9s tend to choose the simplest/easiest option to maintain their stasis of peace. tecchou has demonstrated that by always taking the “fastest way” by cutting down the trees to fighting kenji. a 1 would take the longer way if it meant doing the right thing but tecchou rarely stops to consider whether his decisions are the right thing to do outside of justice. this same justice view is also like the 9s rose tinted glasses. to him the world is simple. black and white with him being the thing able to keep it that way, good rewarded and evil punished. but he also shows against that in a very 9 “the world is good way” when it comes to other hunting dog members, especially jouno and this is sort of shown when he was going to agree to kenji at first. he sees the world as good so as to not be upset/have his mindset changed which is a very 9 thing.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year ago
Undercover part 2 sp
hehe kenji baby is gonna be back soon on tuesday 😉
"What do you want?" Y/n sneered.
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the doorframe, his shit eating grin unwavering. "Just wanted to make sure you hadn't died of happiness that you were going to be working with me-"
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