#kenji kihara
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trevlad-sounds · 9 months ago
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The Great Sunrise
David Cordero The Great Sadness
Kenji Kihara Ray of Hope (short ver.) Bubble Golden Rod and the Hairy Wookie Rmz 432 Hz Flickering Satellite Joseph Shabason Westmeath Sonna One Most Memorable Geotic Simplehearted
Slow Dancing Society By Your Side hissquiet Inextricably Bound Any Colour You Like Our Saturday Satellite Almanacs Green Cathedral Jogging House Fires HC Clifford Sails Polypores Slow Fruiting
Oneohtrix Point Never Ouroboros Nakayama Munetoshi pulse Matthew Bourne Somewhere I Have Never Travelled Motionfield Injection 7 Casino Versus Japan Hello You Stellardrone Cosmic Sunrise
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adrianoesteves · 2 years ago
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hokuto-yuasa-journal · 2 years ago
Hayama Ambient 038
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karafina · 5 months ago
Manga, books and authors mentioned in A Drunken Dream and Other Stories
I wrote the english names that were used in the book. Honestly the way I organized this gave me a headache but I hope it's useful <3 See more for the list of authors that were mentioned briefly.
Manga mentioned in the interview Mama’s Violin - Tetsuya Chiba Tomboy Angel - Mitsuteru Yokoyama Shinsengumi; Astro Boy - Osamu Tezuka Harp of the Stars; Hello, Teacher; The White Troika - Hideko Mizuno Mist, Roses and Stars - Shotaro Ishitani The Boy from Dartmoor - Nanae Sasaya In the Sunroom; The Song of the Wind and the Trees - Keiko Takemiya You Can Hear the Rain; Birth - Yumiko Oshima Norakuro - Suiho Tagawa The Rose of Versailles - Riyoko Ikeda
Mentioned in Rachel Thorn's essay Fuichin-san - Toshiko Ueda Tomorrow’s Joe - Tetsuya Chiba Eyes of Ice - Nanae Sasaya Aim for the Ace! - Sumika Yamamoto Toward the Terra; Fly Me to the Moon! - Keiko Takemiya Banana Bread Pudding; F-Shiki Ranmaru - Yumiko Oshima Two in a White Room; Arabesque; The Son of Heaven in the Land of the Rising Sun; Terpsichore - Ryoko Yamagishi Mari and Shingo; A Staff and Wings - Toshie Kihara
Books The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Maud Montgomery Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - Kate Douglas Wiggin Little Women - Louisa May Alcott Shank’s Mare - Ikku Jippensha The Currents of Space - Isaac Asimov The Generative Enterprise Revisited - Noam Chomsky Phantoms in the Brain - V.S. Ramachandran
There's notes at the end giving more context for these authors but I don't have it in me rn.
Interview: Miyako Maki Masako Watanabe Kazuo Umezu Sanpei Shirato Mineko Yamada Ryoko Yamagishi Jun Morita Yasuko Sakata Akiko Hatsu Shio Satoh Aiko Itoh Machiko Satonaka
Essay: Yoshiko Nishitani Minori Kimura Mineko Yamada Akira Mochizuki Sato Tomoe
Book authors: Kenji Miyazawa Jean Stratton-Porter Robert Heinlein Ryotaro Shiba Sawako Ariyoshi Herman Hesse Ray Bradbury Jean Cocteau Kenichiro Mogi
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rygk · 2 years ago
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SOLD OUT!!-キャンセル待ち受付中-
『帰省する音楽』 -絵と音の即興演奏会-
[日時]2023.8.11(金祝) open 14:30 / start 15:00 [会場]稲毛海岸cafeどんぐりの木(千葉市美浜区高洲1-16-46) [ライブペインティング]矢野ミチル [演奏]宮内優里、小畑亮吾 [チケット]¥3,000(+1D)※小中学生¥1,500/未就学児無料 [詳細&予約]sold out!!キャンセル待ち受付中
下記フォームより必要事項を明記の上、送信ください。ご精算は当日になります�� 予約フォーム
*店舗予約 cafeどんぐりの木 メール[email protected] 3日以内に返信がない場合は043-386-4468にお電話をお願いします。
音楽家/ヴァイオリン弾き/シンガーソングライター ヴァイオリン一梃弾き語り。リアルタイムサンプリングを用いたプレイを得意とするストリングストロニカ音楽家。 映像や絵画、舞台、植物といった様々な分野とのコラボレーションやインプロビゼーションなど全環境型パフォーマンスを行う。 また、自身を再生装置とした時報インスタレーション『夕刻のヴァイオリン弾き』を各地で行い生演奏に触れる場を拡張し続けている。
【すみだ向島EXPO】【ととのう温泉美術館】などの芸術祭での時報演奏の他、山形県大石田町では防災無線を使った実際の町の時報音楽も手がける。 平野絢士監督のファッションフィルム【LEPUS CORNUTUS】などの音楽、カナダのAliison Mooreのニューメディアアート【向島ジオラマ】での即興演奏、上野の森美術館で行われた【THE WORLD OF UKIYO-E】の空間サウンドデザインなども担当した。 http://goomi.jp/rygk/
[ 宮内優里]
音楽作家。1983年生まれ。千葉県八街市在住。2006年にRallye LabelよりCDデビュー。生楽器の演奏とプログラミングを織り交ぜた、有機的な電子音楽の制作を得意とする。最新作は2023年リリースの「Instruments 2」。ライブ演奏では即興での多重録音によるパフォーマンスを行う。WORLD HAPPINESS、FUJI ROCK FESTIVALなどにも出演。近年はBGM演奏という形の活動もしており、全国の美術館、図書館または書店など、様々な場所で演奏をしている。自身の活動以外では、映画「岬のマヨイガ」(監督:川面真也 / CV:芦田愛菜ほか / 原作:柏葉幸子)、映画「リトル・フォレスト」(監督:森淳一 / 出演:橋本愛ほか / 原作:五十嵐大介)などの映画音楽をはじめ、NHK・Eテレ「あおきいろ」、「Q~こどものための哲学」や、ドラマ・舞台・CMなどの音楽や空間BGMの設計など、様々な形で音楽制作・楽曲提供を行っている。KENJI KIHARAとの音楽プロジェクト「BGM LAB.」や、映像作家・川嶋鉄工所との映像制作ユニット「MIYAGAWATEC」などでも活動中。 https://miyauchiyuri.com/
無意識下のイメージを描き続ける蠍座の画家。茅ヶ崎に生まれ、2014年に東京から瀬戸内の因島に移住する。自動筆記画集「色を歩く」や「夢意識のオラクルカード」を出版。N-qia、CLOUD NI9E、キスミワコ、ふらむきりん など数多くのアルバムアートワークを担当する。屋号はアトリエ可視光線。 www.yanomichiru.net
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inner--islands · 1 year ago
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Kenji Kihara "Slow Slope Sleeps" Digital II072 (2020) Bandcamp / Stream
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xerophile · 2 years ago
Kenji Kihara – Scenes of Scapes (2018)
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inner islands
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voidplus-jp · 1 year ago
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「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」 2023.8.11(Fri)― 8.13(Sun)
void+eavesでは、8月11日(祝・金)から13日(日)まで、「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」を開催いたします。
POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING”は、2020年よりvoid+eavesがアーティスト・ラン・スペースやプロジェクトを継続的に紹介してきたシリーズ企画です。8回目の最終回となる今回はGoya Curtain(ゴーヤ・カーテン)を紹介します。Goya Curtainは、ニュージランドからやって きたアーティストのジョエル・カークハムとビョーン・ハウトマンによって、2016年に非営利のアートスペースとして中目黒のアパートの一室から始まり、その後、池袋に移転。 現在は下高井戸で活動を続けています。彼らが活動する日本固有のアパートの六畳一間の和室は、小規模ながら箱庭的な小宇宙として、国内外のアーティストたちの作品展示に空間的な遊びを与え、それ自体がインスタレーションのコンセプトの一端を担うことも少なくありません。今回はそのGoya Curtainのディレクターであり自身もアーティストであるジョエル・カークハムの展示を行います。近年は、レシートや紙ナプキンといった日常生活の中で出会う紙媒体を支持体に幾何学的なドローイングを描くカークハムの新作を含む、国内では未発表のアッサンブラージュ作品なども展示される予定です。
<開催概要> タイトル:「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」 会期:2023年8月11日(金/祝日)- 8月13日(日)12:00~18:00 会場:void+eaves (東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F) ディレクション:杉原寛 キュレーション:兼平彦太郎 お問合せ:[email protected]
ジョエル・カークハム (JOEL VIVIAN KIRKHAM) Adjunct Professor at Temple University, Japan Campus Director of Goya Curtain Project Space, Tokyo (www.goyacurtain.com)
主な個展 2022 Comings and Goings, Denys Watkins + Joel Kirkham (Two-person Exhibition), Laree Payne Gallery, Hamilton, New Zealand 2021 Urban Rocks, SAPC Gallery (Online Solo Exhibition) 2018       Yusuke Kihara + Joel Kirkham (Two-person Exhibition), Caves Gallery, Melbourne So on and so forth (Solo Exhibition), Goya Curtain, Tokyo
主なグループ展 2022       Accumulations (Platform for Shared Praxis #5), Curated by Jesse Hogan, Aoyama Meguro Gallery, Tokyo Platform for Shared Praxis #4, Curated by Jesse Hogan, Caves Gallery, Melbourne Social Life, Stella Corkery, Catherine Dale, Joel Kirkham, Kenji Ide, Knulp Gallery, Sydney 2021 Encapsulated, Curated by Christopher L G Hill, Caves Gallery, Melbourne 2019 Japanese Positions, Curated by Christoph Dahlhausen + Atsuo Hukuda, Raum2810, Bonn, Germany 2018 Platform for Shared Praxis #3, Curated by Jesse Hogan, Toride Tokyo University of the Arts Museum
2023 Turtle, Christopher L G Hill, Goya Curtain, Tokyo Track, Dash, Stroke, André Piguet, Magnus Frederik Clausen, Yusuke Muroi and Yu Nishimura, Curated by Christopher L G Hill + Joel Kirkham, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2022 Patrick Lundberg,     ∙∙ ∙∙, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2021 Social Life, Stella Corkery, Catherine Dale, Joel Kirkham, Kenji Ide, Knulp Gallery, Sydney Kenji Ide, Banana Moon, Watermelon Sun, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2020 Anoushka Akel, (Red Legs) Hot Head, Goya Curtain, Tokyo Soshi Matsunobe, 松延総司, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2019 Camilla Steinum, Transaction, Goya Curtain, Tokyo AXES, Dylan Batty, Mitchel Cumming, Maria Smit, Alex Gawronski, Shane Haseman, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2018 Matt Hinkley, Attach an updated drawing, as the numbers have changed in the room. Also rotate the rooms so they are sitting this way., Goya Curtain, Tokyo Stella Corkery, I’ve Seen Sunny Days, Goya Curtain, Tokyo
2020 An Interview with Joel Kirkham of Tokyo’s Goya Curtain Project Space, By Catherine Dale, Contemporary HUM (https://contemporaryhum.com/writing/an-interview-with-joel-kirkham/ )
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musicmakesyousmart · 3 years ago
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David Cordero & Kenji Kihara - Komorebi 木漏れ日
Home Normal
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inner-islands · 4 years ago
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“Scenes of Scapes” by Kenji Kihara
Now available on 12″ vinyl LP for the first time! This is a limited run of 111 copies. Orders will be shipping out by early May.
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trevlad-sounds · 2 years ago
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Mixtape 327 “Superimposed Forest”
Slow Ambient Drift
Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom. https://www.mixcloud.com/djsofabed/
KENJI KIHARA-Flow in the Back-04:28
Lori Scacco-Strange Cities-10:23
Philippe Brown-Serenade of the Techno Mystics-14:48
Jogging House-Dancer-16:56
Scanner-Entrance to Listening Forest-20:10
Suzanne Ciani-The Third Wave - Love In The Waves-24:41
Future Children-Cotard's Delusion-29:21
John Haughey-Seamounts-30:34
tadoma-Attic Excavation-32:51
Hiroshi Ebina-Having Superimposed Possibilites-35:24
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adrianoesteves · 2 years ago
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hokuto-yuasa-journal · 2 months ago
Hayama Ambient 045
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nicocoisanerd · 6 years ago
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New month, new episode out of my Into the Night show! Click the picture to stream a healthy dose of bright ambient music.
Lowercase Noises - I'm Afraid Anymore
Mary Lattimore - Hello From the Edge of the World (Kjartan Holm Remix)
Lights Out Asia - All is Quiet in the Valley
Daniel Lanois - Forest City
Frakkur - PP7
Endless Melancholy - These Gloomy Days
Kenji Kihara - Inner Light
Anthéne - etc.
Jónsi & Alex & The Wordless Orchestra - Atlas Song
Jim Guthrie - With Sword and Shield
Ludvig Cimbrelius - Beloved
Eternell - Frequency (Ascend)
Daniel Land - White Squall
Bjorn Rohde - Intentionally Gone
Halftribe - For the Summer, or Forever
Mogwai - Kids Will Be Skeletons
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burlveneer-music · 6 years ago
Kenji Kihara - Scenes of Scapes
"Kenji Kihara is a musician based in Horiuchi, Japan, a place surrounded by nature near the sea and the mountains. Kenji makes field recordings around his home and integrates those into his lush, drifting compositions. He says, “I am making music as an inspiration for seasonal change, day to day importance.” Kenji imbues his compositions with the tone and timbre of the landscape of his home. There is acute attention to make all the pieces breathe as elements come in and out, ebb and flow. There is a reverance for natural beauty and the natural pace of the non-human world. While not all compositions on this collection are in dialogue with summer, it is still fitting to release the album in summer as it it bookended with two pieces evokative of a warm breeze on a light summer evening." 
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inner--islands · 1 year ago
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Interview with Kenji Kihara (September 2018)
1. What are some recent inspirations?
The bugs’ voices are swapped, inspired by changes in the season.
2. How often do you make field recordings?
One or two times a week. The house is surrounded by mountains and the ocean, and I am recording there.
3. Have you always lived in Horiuchi? What role does that landscape play in your music?
I always live in “Hayama”. (Horiuchi is the name of a small parcel, “Hayama” is suitable) Hayama is a place where nature and the town coexist well. It brings harmony of the mind.
4. You post a lot of pictures online of the same places from day to day. Do you feel very connected to the subtle changes of your home as it moves through the seasons?
Yes. I think that it is also importantly related to change of mind.
5. Do you feel like your music dialogues with the work any other musicians in particular and their approach to sound?
Yes. I feel like a music dialogue. My music has no sound of my own. When working with other musicians, It will be completed in a form closely resembling the sounds of other musicians.
6. Do you feel like self-expression is a part of your art? Or is the art more about serving a particular purpose or functionality?
My music is not for self expression. I am making music that creates the atmosphere of the place and something that makes me feel something. For example, I make music like fragrance. To keep harmony with nature.
7. Why do you make music? What can music do for you that other art forms can not?
Since childhood I was a child interested in sound. The sound taught me every natural thing. The music I make is not to express myself, It is a thing to make the space there better, or just what is there just with nature. Occasionally, Wind Chime sounds in the wind, and the leaves of the trees rub against it, and it expresses such sounds with music. I express expressing the creation of space through music production.
8. Do you improvise much while recording? If so, how much is improvised and how much is composed before recording?
Yes. Basically I do improvisation when I record. Then rebuild what you recorded.
9. You also record music as Sphontik and with BGM LAB. How do you see the releases under your own name as different from these other projects? Do you feel like you can explore certain sounds under your own name That you can not with the other projects?
Yes. Kenji Kihara is mainly composed of electronic and ambient music, and sphontik mainly produces sampled music. Kenji Kihara makes more deep music. sphontik is music that contains dance elements. BGM LAB. Co-written with yuri miyauchi, it is separate from the production by Kenji Kihara.
10. Words of wisdom you like to recall in times of need?
“listen to the sound of the earth turning” A word that makes me reconfirm that I am part of nature.
Inner Islands recently released Kenji’s Scenes of Scapes album on cassette and digitally. The album is available from our Bandcamp page.
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