#kel just seems more fitting
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Another omori pixel doodle while I procrastinate
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ros3ybabes · 1 month
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🎀 Workout Youtubers
I currently do exclusively pilates and yoga workouts from youtube. However, I've done other body weight workouts with various youtube videos and seen results in the past. Here is my list of workout youtubers that you could check out! I will put a * next to my personal favorites! I will include a short list of my current at home workout equipment at the end as well as some items I plan on buying soon!
With any workout program or routine, always be safe, check with your doctor if necessary, and if something doesn't feel good or right, don't do it! No matter what your goals are, it's always important to be safe and stay healthy. Please always take care of yourselves and know how beautiful, worthy and valuable you are no matter what! I love you all <333
🩷 Pilates
Move with Nicole * (also posts occasionally barre and yoga videos as well! I love her videos so so much)
Madeleine Abeid
Lidia Mera
Lottie Murphy
Amanda Blauer
Margaret Elizabeth
Jessica Valant Pilates
Bailey Brown
Dansique Fitness
Flow with Mira
Sivi (she's began posting some pilates inspired workouts and to my knowledge is currently getting certified as an instructor)
🩷 Yoga
Yoga with Adriene *
Yoga with Bird
Boho Beuatiful Yoga
🩷 Bodyweight Fitness/Strength/HIIT
Chloe Ting * (I don't like the click bait, but I like the workouts)
Pamela Reif *
Madfit *
Lilly Sabri * (Some of her videos are titled with pilates, but the older ones I used to do were not pilates, so I categorized her here)
Emi Wong
Shirlyn Kim
Vivian Yuan
April Han
growwithjo * (I love her walking workouts)
Mish Choi
Sami Clarke
Coach Kel (she posts what looks like more barre, ballet, pilates inspored/fusion workouts it seems)
Caroline Girvan
Daisy Keech
🎀 Current At Home Workout Equipment I Own
Thick Yoga Mat - since I do mainly yoga and pilates my thick yoga may (amazon brand) has served me well. Even tho I am a heavier woman at the moment, I've never had pain or any issues with this mat, and it came with a carry strap which I love! A good, thick workout mat is definitely necessary for working out at home for comfort, safety, etc. Make sure to disinfect it on occasion, especially if you sweat on it a lot!
Resistance Bands - I have about 3 or 4 at different resistance strengths, and they're incredibly useful for a variety of movements, especially lower body ones. They add some extra resistance and make the workouts a bit more challenging when you need something more advanced. I also got mine from Amazon/Walmart a while back. I prefer fabric over rubber because I like to wear workout shorts instead of workout leggings.
Pilates Ball - not a necessity, but useful with some pilates workouts and movements. I have seen sole videos using this, but am not advanced enough to try it on my own yet. Will use for sure once I'm more advanced.
3lb dumbbells - I thought these would be useful for the pilates workouts that had some upper body focus, and as someone who wants to develop a lean and toned upper body, they are perfect for low weight high rep, controlled movements. Again, not advanced enough to use as I want to master my form, but they're gonna come in handy for sure!
Foam Roller - so so good for stretching and muscle recovery on rest days. I love mine but want one that has the bump things on it to help my muscles more. I can imagine how good it'll feel on my legs during a recovery day when I begin wieght lifting again.
Massage Gun - my holy grail for the days I am sore and needing some recovery. my body feels like jelly after using this, and it's just so nice for the days my muscles feel extra tight and super sore.
🎀 Equipment I Want To Buy
Yoga Blocks - these will help me get deeper into the yoga poses once I get more advanced in my practice
Pilates Ring - this honestly looks so fun and challenging to use, I'd love to add it to my collection of useful workout equipment!
Jump Rope - I used to love this as a form of cardio and as long as I don't move into an upstairs apartment, I'm definitely buying one
Pilates Bar - still iffy on this one, it's supposed to mimic a reformer but I want to get better at mat pilates and see if I even end up ever needing or seriously wanting to buy it, its on my list tho
Ankle/Wrist weights - these are gonna be so useful for workouts where hand held dumbbells aren't useful. Want to buy some low weight ones just to help with resistance and extra strength during pilates workouts
Kettlebell weight - I think this would be useful for a workout at home type situation if and when I switch to not doing just pilates and yoga. I know these are useful in their own right, but not needed in my current fitness stage of life.
Core Sliders - these look fun and interesting. They're on my lost for sure, but not sure about the practicality of their use in my life just yet.
That's all that's currently on my at home workout equipment list! As someone who primarily works out at home, the things I currently own are most useful and most of what's on this list is for fun or extra challenge. Just not necessary yet.
hope you enjoyed this list! if you have any questions about my favorite youtuber workout instructors or favorite videos, please feel free to ask, I've tried so many and can give some guidance from my own experience and research.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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isaacz · 7 months
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not a big piece but i really wanted to share my ideas/headcanons for omori character design's! (already apologize for any english errors, i'm writting this at 2 am on a school night help) -HEADSPACE- -My first idea was to have all of headspace characters to look like cartoons, with wompy anatomy and shapes, it's even the reason why i try my best to draw eyes in the omori style, normally i wouldn't but i think it has it's charm. If i ever animated them aswell they would just have very exaggerated movement and reactions, like old cartoons -All of the main cast has different shades of purple! except for basil and omori ofc, basil being shades of green/cyan and omori being shades of darkblue/blue (in game lore it makes completely sense why he doesn't have color but for painting+drawing purposes i made him shades of blue to make the illustrations more interesthing haha)
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Might be obvious by now but the characters have lil stars on their hairs and tips of their body parts (props to the omori fandom you guys are creative af, and mostly zipsunz cuz i got it from him) omori ofc doesn't have that BUT he does have a lil shade of dark blue that goes all the way to the end of his hands, i wanted to do that to kinda make a ref to black space, kinda like he has a part of blackspace with him at all times (also yes that hair light is supossed to be something's eye)
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-FARAWAY- -WEll if headspace characters are cartoony, then faraway characters seems more real (as real as it can get on my style at least), it's just omori characters in my original style that's it -For sunny i headcanon that he had to constantly cut his hair while in isolation cuz long hair reminded of his sister, so when i draw him i try to make the back look as shitty as possible, cuz let's be honest i don't think he would cut his hair properly... (this btw was completely taken from the amazing headcanon comic made by v3ratrix, i really liked the idea so i wanted to include on my own drawings aswell! thanks v3ratrix!) -i like to make kel's hair curly cuz.. i like him with curly hair, and since him and hero are brothers, i made hero with a bit of curly hair aswell! they also have opposite moles from each other :)
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-Since i have no idea wtf happend for Aubrey's eyes to turn blue, i like to imagine that she has to use glasses but uses contacts most of the time
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-I like to think Kel and Hero are hispanic, and Mari and Sunny japanese american ! (cuz it fits them and also KEL AND HERO SPEAKING SPANISH SUPREMACY!!) -Basil learns portuguese later on because he thinks it's funny that his name sounds like Brazil (ofc i'm going to have a self indulgent headcanon his name is literally perfect for it!) THIS IS IT FOR ALL OF MY HEADCANONS :D tysm for reading until the end, i appreciate people liking my ideas and i hope i can make proper pieces in the future, for now i'm procastinating on projects and drawings in general PLEASE make sure to check out both v3ratrix comic and zipsunz artwork that were mentioned in this post, they're very good and i don't want to take credit from stuff that i got from them alright buh bye !
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OMORI PONIES for fun as cope. Ironically the real world ones are more colorful than the dreamworld ones lol
Unicorn. I kind of just thought "whatever go dull" at first but then I thought it'd be interesting if part of the reason his dreams and nightmares are so detailed/fucked up as hell is because of some magic going fucked up, seemed cute in a way.
The cutie mark for Sunny is a sun (NAME) but it's also got a crescent moon shape over it, sort of ominous. One random line from the game that stuck with me was an NPC in the dreamworld or something saying "the moon shines brightly today", as the sky in it always fascinated me with how strange it seemed and how it's Always Nighttime and how that goes thematically with his real name being Sunny but not in this world.
Omori's is the demon because ofc his existence is defined by it. Sometimes it disappears.
Colorwise, Sunny's coat is supposed to be a brighter yellow but is very dull right now..
Unicorn also to match with her brother, and because one of the first things you notice about her in the dreamworld is her teleporting all the time. Seems magic to me!
The cutiemark is a picnic blanket. If I had more space I'd do the basket. It's very iconic Mari imagery, plus it signals both her ability to cook and her care for others!
She's a light purple in the real world, which is tied to everyone being purple in the dream world sort of like how in the game she wanted to dye her hair purple before she died and because of that everyone in the dream world has purple hair.
Pegasus because I felt like it fit his "free" personality. He's a blank flank in the dream world! He hadn't gotten his yet the last time Sunny saw him. During the four years Sunny was hiding, Kel got one, so he missed out on that. I haven't exactly thought of what it is, though.
He's blue with orange hair because I associate orange with Kel and the blue just seems to work to me.
Pegasus to match his brother. Without wings how could he catch up with him to make sure he stays out of trouble! hehe. Also makes him seem COOL
His coat is orange, like Kel's hair to show they're related, and his hair is darker blue! His cutiemark is a hero sandwich XD I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY he likes to cook, and it's what he's named after! hehe
Earth pony, because those are associated with having more strength.
She also may have been a blank flank, but I think it's funny to retranslate her dialogue when it comes to tagging where she says "I'm not sure Kel even has a talent" or something along those lines to being about his blank flank lol. The cutiemark she has in the future at least is of her baseball bat. How do horses hold bats? You tell me, they do it in the show. CARTOON WHO CARES
She's blue (or maybe closer to teal, I might do that) because it's a nice vibrant color and matches her headband in the future. It goes well with pink or black hair.
Earth pony, association with plants and farming. Definitely a good pick for him.
The cutiemark is clearer in the real world version. It's a flower, but the center of it is a camera lens. He's obviously the flower boy, and the camera is INCREDIBLY important to his story both in the dreamworld and real world.
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neonscented · 2 days
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More things about the OMORI manga while it's on my mind... there's a lot, so be warned...
I'm seeing a lot of mixed reactions towards it, which is fine. Whether it's good or bad is a matter of opinion.
I mostly see criticism about how the story doesn't line up with the game, and to be honest... I don't mind that at all. It's hard to tell with just one chapter, but it seems it's more of the manga artist's rendition of the story, rather than an exact retelling of the original.
I get why people don't like how the manga cut out the prologue, or how it alters some things, but (personally) I don't want to read the exact same story, just in a different format. Things inevitably get altered or removed when things are adapted between mediums since storytelling devices aren't a one-size-fits-all thing. What worked in the game may not work in the manga.
I've also seen some people say Sunny is too expressive, which is very strange because he and Omori are in the game. We see their personality in things like Foe Facts in Headspace, and some of the flavor text in Faraway (like with Sunny rating beds), and their battle sprites. Maybe it's odd for Sunny to immediately be expressive after seeing Kel for the first time, but it would also be extremely boring if Sunny and Omori were just cliff-faced the whole time. It may have been better for Sunny to gradually become more expressive as he starts spending more time with Kel and Hero.
I do think the pacing is a bit fast for the first chapter. I'm hoping it'll slow down as it progresses... it would be a shame if they end up crunching the entire story into a relatively small amount of chapters.
Anyway, all of this is to say it's hard to pass exact judgement on the manga without having more chapters to reference off of.
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mmmmm000001tr · 1 year
My thoughts on omori secret/true ending. and all points of forgiveness.
Sunny's main strength in telling the truth is he believes his friends will forgive him and basil. he have to trust them because his biggest fear is they would hate him and not forgive him. After Sunny faints after his fight with Basil, Basil says:
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İ also thinks this is Basil's spirit/thoughts. Because “My thoughts will follow you into your dreams”. İ think we see first time normal Basil here.
later, Sunny takes his broken violin. The violin was a gift from his friends. It represents the bond between them. He broke this bond by breaking the violin. He is repairing the violin by remembering his memories with his friends in memory lane. Sunny will use the violin in BACK STAGE and omori fight.
Oh don't forget to seashell necklace. You can use seashell necklace in omori fight too
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"to help you remember your friends" Remembering his friends make him stronger
and at BACK STAGE his friends say they will always be best friends with him. Hero says that Sunny has to trust his friends, that he has lived with this pain for a very long time, that he will be there for him because he wants to and they will cheering him in omori fight. Aubrey emphasize their friendship by saying that Sunny always has time for her and she can always count on him for that. Kel says they missed each other over the years but it doesn't have to be like that anymore, people always call him careless but he will always be there for Sunny, doing something bad doesn't make you a bad person and they will always be best friends.
"You know... before we met.I had a lot of trouble fitting in...
Even after we all became friends... I always assumed you were going to leave me eventually.
But... when the others were busy doing things.... you always seemed to have time for me.
You would listen to me talk for hours and
hours... I could always rely on you to do that."
Kel: "People always tell me that I'm dense or that I'm kinda careless... but I'll always be here if you're okay with that! Just because you've done something bad... doesn't make you bad. And... We really hope that this isn't goodbye. You can do this, SUNNY! I promise to stick with you until the very end! Yeah... I think we'll always be best friends. That's okay with you too, right?"
Hero: "SUNNY... We know that you're not someone who likes to take the lead. This has been really hard for you. But... you have to put a little bit of trust in us, too.(for forgive) You've had to live with this pain for so long... and you've been keeping it all inside. It might be easier to ignore your problems, but it's okay to cry about them too. There's more good times to come. Life gets better... and you can be the one to make that happen. But we're here for you because you want us to be. Keep us in your thoughts. We'll be cheering you on."
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All speechs
In the omori fight, omori says that his friends will hate him, they will abandon him and he will never gain their trust again for hurting them. This is Sunny's fear
OMORI: "Your friends will never forgive you. They'll abandon you like you did to them... and that's what you deserve.
You're nothing but a liar... and when they see the truth... They'll hate you as much as you hate yourself.
If they know the truth, you'll never be able to regain their trust. No matter what you do, it will be hopeless. All you'll do is make things worse."
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But Sunny can keep fighting with remember these words from his friends.
KEL: "Friends... Friends are supposed to be there for each other. "
AUBEY: "I hope you can find some peace... or you know... some happiness."
HERO: "We made the mistake of leaving each other when we needed each other the most. This time... we'll stay together."
BASIL: "Maybe one day... things can go back to the way they were before."
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His friends support is necessary for continue to fight. The hope that his friends won't abandon him and that everything will be as before keeps him fighting against omori. and Sunny beats omori by playing the last duet with Mari and remembering all the memories with his friends and that's how Omori found out he was wrong with Sunny's friends
Sunny dreamed of going on adventures with his friends for 4 years and hanged out in real life unknown years . They are so important for him. Now he will don't care them?
looking at all this. How could Sunny, who wasn't very good at smiling, smile like that at the secret ending? Because he betrayed his friends ? Because he destroy the friend group again before leaving? Because he leave Basil alone with the consequences? would Sunny smile if that was the case? Sunny could smile like that if he see his friends like that before he moving? But Sunny's motivation is obvious right?
Also Sunny told the truth, knowing Basil's wish, fear of being alone, and that himself moving soon. And Basil smile back Sunny. what is does that mean? i think answer is obvious
OMOCAT says in this tweet what omori is about.
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>After OMORI, I understand why I love MOTHER a bit better now. For me, MOTHER is a story about hope. It's about finding the willpower to do something impossible, overcoming grief and pain, and the unwavering strength of friendship. Perhaps the genres of the games are different, but OMORI is about that too.
- story about hope. It's about finding the willpower to do something impossible, overcoming grief and pain, and the unwavering strength of friendship. -
if OMORI is about these. it would be nonsense doesn't get to these conclusions right?
this shows that Sunny and Basil are forgiven and they are still together.
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İt's not open ended!
İ think its showed enough reason for why friends Understand and forgive Basil and Sunny .
Sunny hasn't been out for 4 years, was malnourished, his father left him, and he lost an eye. Hero knows sunny hates being alone "So where should we sleep, SUNNY? Probably somewhere in your room, right? I remember you used to hate sleeping alone."
Also, while playing hide and seek at the beginning of the game, his friends say that he doesn't like to be alone and they worry about him. So probably they know as well
they promised to be there for each other no matter what.
KEL: Friends... Friends are supposed to be there for each other.
HERO: We made the mistake of leaving each other when we needed each other the most. This time... we'll stay together.
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it's impossible to didn't see Sunny's pain and regret. he was malnourished, did not go out for 4 years and now he lost his eye. Friends knew Mari loved him.
AUBREY:I'll never forget that moment that she carried you out of the lake. And when you finally opened your eyes, she fell on top of you and burst into tears. ... I had never seen her that way before...
HERO: MARI really loved you, Sunny. You know that, don't you?
and they know Sunny loved mari too.
They have to know Sunny is good person. they must have seen it with the flowers around his hospital bed. He helped the whole town. (I take universally loved achievement as canon). They have to knowing that such a person would not knowingly want to do something bad and would regret it if he did. especially to his friends. Especially to his sister. (Sunny didn't even push Mari strong enough to cause fall Mari have a bad knee and there's broken violin on the floor) And if Sunny cries while confessing, Aubrey, kel and hero will definitely understand. They will understand his regret. They have to know things can go back to the way they were before. they were hanging out normally before telling the truth. why does this have to be ruined after saying? The entire point of the reality segment is to show you how the group is not doomed, how they can recover, and how they might in time be close the way they used to be. Arguing against that idea is pretty much confirming what Omori was telling Sunny in their fight.
Sunny and Basil also loved Mari. and suffered from what happened obviously. now they can all leave behind everything they've been through together. It's nonsense that friends get together just to break up again. It's nonsense that things go bad again when things getting better. I don't believe this is intented
Hero and Kel's fight is similar to Mari and Sunny's. this may help them better understand the situation accident
Sunny's thoughts of his friends
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They have to know very well what mari would want
Hero: But I knew her as a person who would always want all of us to be happy, even if it was without her.
Kel: Look at all of us back together again... MARI would be so happy for us!
Kel: But, yeah... it's true. I know we'll always be there for each other. Just like I know that MARI's still here with us too.
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Opinions from other people why they would forgive
Hero, the one who beats himself up for "failing" Mari and being unable to keep everyone together, gets a weight off his shoulders knowing Mari didn't commit suicide. And he promised that he'd keep the group together. Plus, he's studying to become a doctor and would be able to recontextualize all of Sunny's actions. People always act like Hero would hate him but that is so off base it's unreal. Hero would probably be the first to genuinely understand Sunny's mindset.
also my point of view on this. I feel like Hero would sympathize with Sunny because he also went through a hikikomori phase, one year to be exact ,but he still had family around him, he still had his brother and in the end that saved him from this sedentary state that he was in and he managed to recover. Now think about it, Sunny , who killed his sister the only one who has ever been shown to protect him, was stuck for 4 years in this cycle with no one to get him out. I think that Hero would actually be the first one to hug him...because he went through a similar experience and more than that, it is what Mari would have wanted, she would have wanted for them to be happy again.
Aubrey would definitely be the one to really care about what happened to Sunny and Basil tbh. She legit knows what it's like to hurt someone you care about, and I feel like she'd be pretty much, like, not even forgiveness. Just comforting from the start.
It is also no accident that Aubrey pushing Basil into the lake and almost killing him (and Sunny) is juxtaposed with Sunny pushing Mari and killing her. The player is supposed to see Aubrey in this state, and understand (like the rest of the group does) that it was an accident. It could happen to anyone; someone’s life can be ended in a second. I think it’s unlikely that the group would break up and never speak to each other again. I also think it’s unfair and frankly naive to think that the only “realistic” end to this story is a sad one. That seems to suggest that people who have gone through trauma can never move on, and the point of the game is to suggest otherwise. 
hero and Kel understood Aubrey's situation and how she was feeling. Even hero said before talking to her.
Hero: "What? That was AUBREY back there?No way... She wouldn't do that to BASIL. I'm sure there was some kind of misunderstanding."
(yes, Kel was angry at Aubrey when she pushed Basil into the lake, but at that moment Kel thought Aubrey did it on purpose at that time. and all that talking she did before she push Basil to lake is effective to Kel think this way. Basil was not blocking her way and she was the one who yell at Basil and she bullied Basil every time she saw him. Of course he would mad at her at that time. He always tried to talk he but she all she do is cause trouble and this make Kel give up on her. later at Aubrey's house, After talking and putting photos to photo album with her, Kel understood Aubrey did not purposely pushed Basil into the lake and how she regret for that.) She have a bad home life, no father, catatonic mom , she felt abonded and now she regret what she did to Basil and other things. AUBREY: "Sniff... I don't...I don't deserve friends like you."
Also, Sunny was 12 years old. Aubrey is 16. and Sunny has been alone for 4 years while everyone goes to check on Aubrey 1 day after she pushed Basil. they have to understand Sunny's regret
Basil... Basil's grandma dead, he has no parents to be by his side since he was toddler, bullied for 4 years, almost died in lake, he did not lose his eye but he beaten up enough to go to the hospital. and maybe they know he attempt suicide (unintentionally. I know he is hallucinating). You would leave alone someone like this? Friends went to sleep over at Basil's house to see how is Basil was and not to leave him alone.and it would be nonsense if they just left him alone after that. especially in this situation. Basil also doesn't want to be alone again. His friends means everything for him. He connected his friends with flowers and took pictures of them. photo album is his most precious belonging. he can't handle loneliness again, and this time he's grandma is dead.
BASIL: I don't... want to be... alone... not again. You... can't... leave me... again...(to sunny. Before the fight)
so why he smile to Sunny in the end if he would lonely again? I think Basil's wish is happen. BASIL: Maybe one day... things can go back to the way they were before.
This is the only way that fit writing wise/story wise. I have a hard time believing that anyone would smile after losing 3/4 of their best friends after their biggest fear is being alone, hated by his friends and their dream is about trusting them. Yeah.. this is what intented
I want share this blog (use translate)
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lilac-gold · 1 year
I find it so interesting that Sunny's parents are nowhere to be found in Headspace. The only glimpse of them is the photo in Sweetheart's Castle after it's given to Omori by the Keeper, but Mari's a pretty large character in Headspace and it's her who Sunny killed. Logically, she would be the face he tried to forget about most- or go the other way and remember everything admirable about her as a result of his guilt, which he does. Sunny glorifies her in his memories, denying her death and his guilt, but he blocks out any recollections of his mom and dad. Maybe it them seemingly splitting after Mari's death, Sunny's family falling apart even more, multiplied his guilt but it began to manifest itself in the only was he knew how to. He forgot the bad, and refuses to think about his parents in his dream world.
What I find equally intriguing is that it's Hero and Mari who take up the roles instead. Mari offers Omori & co. a place to rest and recover, somewhere to eat food, get better and ask for advice. She acts in a parental manner to the younger kids, and while this could just be her older sibling instinct showing, she does seem to fit into the role of Omori, Aubrey, Basil and Kel's mother. Likewise, Hero offers warm meals and looks after them, healing them and getting them out of sticky situations. He's protective and mature, older than the rest of them and taking them on as his responsibility.
Also, he makes dad jokes and acts like an old grandpa sometimes. The foe facts journal adds so much more fun traits to the HS gang that we otherwise don't get to see
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Idk if this has been theorised before, but it's also possible that Sunny's father appears in HS through Daddy Longlegs. The hat/ hat rack and 'daddy' part would indicate so, and it's interesting that a shadowy, faceless, tall figure holding a light and wearing a hat helps Omori get closer to Black Space & the truth. If Sunny hasn't seen him in years and is potentially mad at him about the divorce, he might have blocked out his father's face, only recalling someone guiding and tall with a hat on their head lol. DLL looks like a shadow- like a hole that needs to be filled, a missing space. Like how Sunny's dad is missing from his home
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I'll probably have more thoughts on this tomorrow, but for now, I need to get some rest! I hope you enjoyed reading this far- thank you for taking the time to do so! I always love hearing people's thoughts on my little analyses if you wish to share them <3
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He isn't an oc but you said canon characters were okay too so can you do 22 and 24 for Hero? thx
Oh absolutely, Anon! We would be happy to answer any of the questions for Hero always! We love talking about him and actually have a lot of headcanons about #24 (his love language) so thank you for asking that! In fitting with the game though, we'll answer these questions in Hero's POV (or at least will try our best to). We hope you'll like what we come up with! Thank you and take care! 💙
(These are post-good ending and have some OMORI spoilers. We also added some game sprites because we thought it would be fun 😁)
HERO Answers:
22. What's the easiest way to flirt with you?
Oh...uh...do people flirt with me? I'd really rather they didn't...
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It's very flattering, but um...honestly I haven't really been interested in any of that ever since Mari...
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But I can still try to answer for you… Mari always said I wasn't very good at picking up her (apparently extremely obvious) signals, so I'm honestly not sure if I'd even recognize that someone was flirting with me. 😅 I was honestly pretty oblivious back then, and I think I still am. Apparently, my friend Brandi tried to flirt with me when Kel, Sunny, and I visited her house on the day before Sunny was supposed to move away, but I didn't notice that either. In that case though, I think that's just Brandi being Brandi haha and we're just good friends so she didn't really mean anything by that.
But in Mari's case...we really did care about each other in that way and were sweethearts so...I really probably should have picked up on her flirting a little bit more. She used to tease me a lot and compliment me. I'm not sure I really realized she was flirting until she was just really direct about it, though, like just flat-out calling me "good looking." She'd wink at me with this bright, teasing smile and get this sort of laughing look in her eyes before she'd just start giggling and I'd blush and get flustered which would just make her giggle even more.
Mari loved to tease to show affection. I think that's something we had in a common because I like to do that too, but in a bit of a dryer, more subtle way than Mari, I think. She was much more playful and giggly about it than I ever was, so it was a little different but still the same kind of thing.
I don't think that's just a romantic thing though. We both teased our siblings and our friends a lot too. I used to tease Kel all the time when we were closer, but...um...I'm not sure we have that kind of relationship anymore so I don't do too much of that these days.
Honestly, I don't think I tease anyone too much these days, not even in a friendly way but especially not in a romantic one. But I suppose I still like that sort of playful teasing as a way to show affection. I guess flirting would fall in that category too...maybe? I'm not sure.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
Definitely Acts of Service. I've always really loved doing things for people and taking care of them. It's one of the reasons I've always loved to cook for my friends and family!
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I try to be mindful of other people's love languages too though, and try to figure out what my family and friends' love languages are so I can try my best to speak it for them.
Kel loves giving people things for instance. He gave me a cookbook just for coming home from college for the summer which was very thoughtful. I try to buy him thoughtful gifts too, and sometimes will pick fun little things up for him "just because," and he seems to really appreciate that.
Sunny's love language is definitely quality time, and now that he has moved to the City, I try to make a point to meet up with him and take him around to lots of my favorite spots around town. He loves going to my favorite coffee shop (probably because it's close to a mattress store haha), but I've taken him to a lot of parks and museums too or sometimes we just hang out at his apartment and watch tv or play games.
Mari's love language was quality time too, I think, but she also really liked physical touch. She was very cuddly--a lot more cuddly than me, I think, but I always tried to be more cuddly and affectionate with her because I knew how much it meant to her.
It's not always easy to receive love in the same way we give it away though. I always feel kind of awkward whenever someone wants to do things for me, even though that's how I would want to show love to them. I guess, I just don't want to be a burden on them or cause them any trouble. I'll admit that I always felt so loved whenever Mari would help me do the dishes though.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 7 months
furmori anon here
to be honest, did not think of specific species, past, general type of animal..
so gonna go with, yes aubrey is a rosy maple moth
now gonna explain reasoning
basil is meant to be a lamb as like, sacrifice and innocence, bcus yeah basil is a character portrayed consistently as a sacrifice, weak, and innocent, particularly by Sunny
ram was really just, well basil is a lamb so, stranger had to be in that same general realm, maybe should be a goat instead in the way of a scapegoat but eh
sunny is a lizard bcus, okie he just has lizard vibes, and I think it'd be fun, no real thoughts put into it
omori is a dragon bcus sunny is a lizard, and well, dragons are just cool fantasy lizards, and also, much more powerful than lizards, which, fits the bill... Also... Cool cleansing and overtaking flame imagery, and also, hoarding, which... fits, probably
aubrey is a moth because... Well, my thought process was, metamorphosis symbolism, not as "wow I got better over the years" with a butterfly where they're seen as pretty things, but the less beloved moth, often seen as pests, and less useful (not really being known to pollinate as much), and connections made now, the connection to the spirit world, and how Aubrey is the one who seems most... connected, to Mari, after her passing, in the way of acknowledging her death still
dw aubrey is a larve/caterpillar mostly bcus Aubrey is a moth
mari is a butterfly because... well mainly read a line in a fanfic about how, butterflies, while pretty on the outside, when you look closer most would find rather ugly... in the way that Mari while being kind and definitely trying her best, DID harm Sunny, emotionally, and with the intensity of the violin from what I know, also physically, and was generally a perfectionist, also, a certain show made me really like butterflies as a symbol of trauma/adverse experiences, so yeah... imagine that Something shows up a LOT more, but in much more subtle ways, colored butterflies often flitting about in darker areas, and well... going darker, as the areas get even darker, and bug imagery used for horror, v gud, and would happen here
hero is an eagle literally just because I thought it'd be cool, and Idk, he seems like he'd like birds, didn't really put much thought past that, after checking symbolism on google some of it fits
Kel is a hyena, bcus, well it just made sense in my brain at the time, but, going deeper...
kel is associated with canines in official omori with hector and also just, being shown as one in the little creechur art of him, so, made sense with that aspect, and secondly... the laugh of a hyena, I've heard and have googled to confirm, hyenas don't laugh just out of joy, but also frustration and fear, which... looking at Kel's response to, that, being to keep positive, and still tries to be happy go lucky during the time in current omori, despite definitely facing a lot of very messed up stuff, just... fits, also, google says hyenas can symbolize escapism which... generally fits
okie hope u enjoy and this isn't too cringe <3
NOT CRIGNE AT ALL ANON DO NOT WORRYYY WEE!!! oohghghg I AM STARING AT ALL THIS SO HARD.. the symbolism.. ooouughggh 🥺staring with my big weird bug eyes I ENJOY THIS SO MUUUCH THE THOUGHT PUT INTO THESEE.. esp kel, aub, and MARII!! auugh augh wails in despair.. this is so good ..
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charismabee · 9 months
Here's the full prompt list/summaries for our Omori collab Whumptober. All alternate universes, all alternate prompts. AI-LESS Whumptober prompts used. 
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50461192/chapters/127494370
Day 1: Bloody Knuckles - Kim (Spider-Man) - RED
Kim messes up her knuckles beating up villains. Kel and Aubrey help patch her up and they have a chat about how Kim’s coping with the death of her brother, whether Kim wants that or not.
Day 2: Gunshot Wound - Kel (Gotham) - RED
Kel isn’t sure what to think of Gotham; it’s confusing, and dark, and people don’t follow the rules. It gets much scarier when he’s separated from his friends while bleeding out. Why does he get the feeling becoming Toast is a much bigger deal here than it is back home?
Day 3: Separated From Loved Ones - Hero (Ticking of the Clock) - RED
Hero can’t understand why anyone would kill themselves, but stuck in the second he found Mari’s body, he has a lot of time to think about it. He’s always been broken, maybe it’s his fault for not understanding.
Day 4: Drowning - Rococo (Summer Camp) - LILAC
Rococo can’t swim. Unfortunately for him, there’s a lake in Camp Headspace, and he’s just been pushed into it.
Day 5: Blackmail - Basil (Lawyers) - LILAC
Basil had never expected so much of his personal life to be involved in this case. Much to his dismay, however, Jawsum seems determined to involve even more.
Day 6: Crying To Sleep - Mari (Pirates) - LILAC
Mari’s the captain of her ship. The crew look up to her, she can’t afford to show any weakness.
Day 7: Disowned By Family - Kel, Aubrey, Hero, Basil (Prison) - RED
Hero and Kel receive a letter from their parents after they’re convicted. Aubrey and Basil don’t. They all get the message loud and clear.
Day 8: Electrocution - Sweetheart (Mythology) - LILAC
Sweetheart has never been the easiest goddess to get on with. It comes as a surprise to no-one when she ticks off the wrong group of sisters.
Day 9: Forced Feeding - The Maverick (Victorian) - RED
Mikhael hates how strict his family is. He doesn’t fit in the way Daphne and Bowen do, and burns with the desire to be his own person. In an act of rebellion, he refuses to eat his dinner. His parents don’t take that very well. 
Day 10: Bullied - Rococo (Magical Girls) - LILAC
Rococo’s never been well-liked, especially not at Closeby. When the bullying gets worse, Sweetheart notices, and pulls him out.
Day 11: Suffocation - Mutantheart (Space) - LILAC
Mutantheart is enjoying traversing the stars with her sisters. That is, until she gets a much closer look at them than she ever wanted.
Day 12: Abandoned - Basil (Found Footage) - RED
Basil’s friends try to reconnect with him after Hero is found. It’s already far too late for that. He’s more determined than ever to find the last pieces of the only person who never abandoned him.
Day 13: Grief - Aubrey (Reincarnation / Magical School) - LILAC
It's days like these when Aubrey misses her old life the most. It wasn't perfect, not by a long shot, but at least things still felt normal.
Day 14: Human Shield - Daphne, Bowen (Superheros Lilac) - LILAC
Sweetheart knows how much Daphne means to Bowen. And, well, Daphne's hardly going to oppose her if she decides to use that to her advantage.
Day 15: Self Defence - The Maverick (Fashion & Models) - RED
The Maverick’s many fashion related controversies have gained him many enemies. One such enemy attacks him while alone. He (somehow) manages to fend the attacker off and gets a very tiny new fan.
Day 16: Lab Rat - The Maverick (Octonauts) - LILAC
The Maverick is the weak link of their team, everyone says so. He doesn't know why he's so surprised when he gets targeted as such.
Day 17: Memory Loss - Sunny (Assassins) - LILAC
Sunny is a weapon, a tool to be aimed at enemies. And to those who control him, Basil is very much not welcome.
Day 18: Misunderstanding - Mori (Our Omori) - RED
Mori just wanted to be left alone. He’d never liked Kel, the boy was just so loud and touchy. He just wanted some space from him. A botched attempt to convey that leaves him at risk of ruining everything.
Day 19: Hypnosis - Spaceboy (Nothing is Happening) - RED
Spaceboy wants nothing more than to get home to his husband. A chance encounter in the Cold Pool Dimension™ changes that. After all, how could he miss a home that doesn’t exist?
Day 20: Mutilation - Hero (DHMIS) - LILAC
Mari is upset with her friends. They need to learn how to be better, and as the eldest, she expects Hero to set an example.
Day 21: Mouth Stitched Shut - Basil (Angels) - RED
Basil is cavorting with the demons (Blackspace) and gets his mouth sewn shut for it. However, there's one problem– he was not, in fact, cavorting with demons. 
Day 22: Nerve Damage - Kel (Teachers) - LILAC
During a friendly game of basketball with some old schoolmates, Kel injures himself. Afterwards, he tries to continue teaching before it's healed.
Day 23: Nervous Breakdown - Sunny (Sunny Hates Hero) - RED
Basil is the final straw. After three days of hearing nothing but praise for the embodiment of everything that killed Mari. His best friend siding with that monster over him is just too much. Sunny snaps.
Day 24: Words Carved Into Skin - Aubrey (Boss Parents) - LILAC
Aubrey's finally got a chance to leave Humphrey, and she's overjoyed. The Slime Girls, on the other hand, are far less pleased.
Day 25: Stalked - Hero, Kel, Aubrey (Not Friends) - RED
Basil and Sunny have been stalking Hero, Kel, Aubrey for years. Kim finally has enough evidence to prove it to them. She wishes she could feel vindicated now that she has proof that she was right about them being creeps, but all she feels is sick.
Day 26: Non-Consensual Touching - Hero (Curses & Blessings) - RED
Hero is blessed, he’s everything everyone needs. Universally loved. He has an obligation to please those around him because of that. Who cares if they’re a little handsy? As long as he’s making them happy it’s all worth it.
Day 27: Paranoia - Hero (A Series of Unfortunate Events) - LILAC
Even at Spaceboy's, Hero cannot sleep. Illogical as he knows it is, he can't seem to shake the feeling that Sweetheart could show up again at any second.
Day 28: Peer Pressure - Spaceboy (Mermaids) - LILAC
Spaceboy isn't particularly popular, despite his father's high-ranking position. Needless to say, it's rather surprising when the Princess herself approaches him with a request.
Day 29: Prison - Hero (Superheros Red) - RED
Hero gets ousted as the leader of the biggest Villain group in town, Siren. Jawsum is furious and betrayed. He decides that Hero can make up for his betrayal. After all, a pretty Siren who can get everyone addicted to its song is a living money maker. He already has the cage ready.
Day 30: Silent Treatment - Rococo (Royalty) - RED
Sweetheart wasn’t talking to him in an attempt to prove that she’s serious about her latest boy, who is staunchly, if very politely, refusing her affection. Rococo suffers through humiliation and strife, as he once again puts up with her irresponsible actions.
Day 31: Truth Serum - Kel (Magical Apprentices) - LILAC
The Unbread Twins really, really need a break from mentoring this child. Kel just wishes they'd chosen a babysitter who wasn't a group of evil scientists.
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cowardlychimera · 1 year
Chimera I'm staring at u w my autistic eyes please share your theories w me
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I love love Yume Nikki and Omori parallels I once read someone's comment saying "Black Space is a love letter written to Yume Nikki," which is so true to me!!!!! AGHH
ah okay!! fair warning though that this might just be me getting excited over a cool idea lol and might be wrong
okay so: 2 things I noticed that seem similar in both. windows and doors.
when someone hears the word daydreamer, the first thing they think of might be someone staring out a window, right?
and we know Madotsuki and Sunny both prefer their dreams over reality. so windows = inaction. observing, going with the flow.
this fits I think, since in omori, what's one very important window?
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Mari says Sunny's seen this before, when he almost drowned. he almost drowned because he gave in. he didn't believe he could do anything, so he didn't.
don't have much for yume nikki about windows tbh though, just that from what I remember Madotsuki's name might refer to windows (if there's anything I don't know of/forgot please share!)
okay now doors!! doors definitely tie these 2 games together! doors = action. choosing to do something instead of just letting things happen
Madotsuki refuses to open her door. she refuses to make the choice to leave, seeming to prefer her dreams over reality. Sunny can do the same. the front door that Kel knocks on, it's Sunny's last chance to fix things. he gets to choose.
and in white space and Madotsuki's dream room? they can leave whenever they want to, through a door! same thing with nexus/door room/whatever you wanna call it and black space! they get to choose what doors to open. they get to choose whether or not they want to accept reality. and even more in omori, the door to Basil's bedroom and his hospital room. he doesn't have to open those doors. whether he faces reality and tries to fix things is up to him. and the door to the roof too! once he walks through the door, he can't go back. he already made his choice.
and sliding glass doors? I'm not 100% about these yet, but sliding glass doors could represent a choice they might want to make, but are hesitant to for whatever reason. they're like a combination of windows and doors! in omori, they're shown in both reality and black space/after finding the photo where Sunny pushed Mari. they're Sunny's want and choice to face reality and accept it, attempting to fix things. but in yume nikki? Madotsuki wants to escape. there's 2 events (I've only triggered one of these 2 so far, so info on one might be incorrect!) where Madotsuki can fly away, and unfortunately fall, the witch event and the spaceship + spaceship event. one has her flying through the clouds, and falling from the sky, while the other has her flying through the stars, also falling from the sky (if you manage to trigger the event, that is). Madotsuki wants to fly away. the sliding door could represent her want, and her choice to escape reality.
okay okay I'm almost done lmao hang in there
now, closets! (once again, I haven't explored any closet stuff in yume nikki yet lol so I might be wrong about stuff) first, in omori! it's obvious Sunny doesn't want to acknowledge the closet is broken violin is hidden in, going far enough for it to even disappear for him! the closet represents something he's hiding. there is a phrase, "skeleton in the closet", that refers to a secret someone wants to hide. so this theory fits the closet in omori! it might also fit the closets found in yume nikki.
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Madotsuki doesn't want to find herself.
(also final thing: these things probably do represent more than just this. this is just stuff I noticed seems connected to both games so far! also also I haven't finished yume nikki yet lol so once again feel free to correct me if anything's wrong)
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
After going through the Truth segment in Omori have your thoughts on Basil and Sunny/Pumpkin changed? Also with you being so close to the end what are your favorite characters now?
A little reluctant to fully say since I still haven't completely finished the game yet, but for the most part there've only been some slight changes? Under the cut in case of spoilers:
Sunny/Pumpkin I pretty much feel the same way about; he's always had an air of something very off about him in both the real world and headspace, and the reveal about Mari's death just gives a good explanation for why he's Like That. (And even before that, it seemed like he was on the quiet side, just everything got heightened after that incident.) Probably my thoughts on Basil have changed the most. He's gone from being almost a singular damsel-in-distress character to having more nuance and underlying darkness, especially since it seems like making Mari's death look like a suicide was his idea, and that inadvertently doomed both of them to a supernatural repression of their trauma. It's both interesting and tragic that Basil seems to have been continuously (psychologically) hurting himself, possibly for years, just because he thinks that will protect Sunny. I definitely hope it resolves for the better!
Rosa It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really appreciate the fact that Kel grew on me a lot more with the real world segments than just the Headspace ones. Honestly I feel like all of the characters in the real world feel a lot more fleshed out and complex, as compared to their almost paper doll-esque workings in Headspace...which makes sense, considering Headspace is basically reducing them down to childhood memories that can fit into simple RPG tropes.
Fav might be Hero though; he's just such a sweet sweet guy and I want him to be happy ;o;
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saetoshis · 2 years
Ship your moots💕💕!!! Alsooo when is your birthday ??
WAHH IT'S MY TURN?? YAYY eeek! my bday is oct. 26, so vv soon!!!
apologies if i forgot anyone SOBSOBB i prommy i'll try to get everybody >_< n' i wanna do non-normative ones!! nothin too CRAZY obvious, but if i pick ones that are just not ur taste, forgive me LMFAO 🤗
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kels!! i don't interact w you much sobsob i wanna more!! but i think chifuyu or megumi!! idk for some reason they just came to mind!
emily!! we just rlly started talking but it seems like u like shy guys so tbh... i kinda picture you with giyuu or yuki (from fruits basket) for that reason!!
i'd say eren but tbh!! to stray away from the obvious, i'm thinkin' douma for you my friend. he's so teasy n condescending, fits in rlly well w your tastes !!!
ABBY!! ur so bubbly n kind hearted!! sooo i think i picture you most with ayato or nanami! just bcuz they're so serious, you're good for them! like cmon, take a break n be playful for god's sake 😋
AUDRI !! this is like a super new mutual situation BUT! u seem so goofy n lighthearted!! i think i picture u a lot with chrollo or maybe loid forger cause of their seriousness! it balances i think 😁
nymphie !! i can see you with gyuutarou or akaza !! like super caring men but also batshit insane is the vibe i get 🤗
XELLLL see... i think i see u with yoriichi ?? or even kagaya??? cuz i feel like they're good at reeling you in n being a calming rock for you :P
ARESS !! for you, i'd say todo (jjk) or maybe kidd... big cocky men is what i picture with you ehehe
apollo !!! tbh i see you with chrollo or mitsuya! i just picture you guys going to museums together or enjoying theatre
KATAA ! omfgfg i see you with diluc for sure! serious man that complains all the time, i think ur bubbly self would be good for him ehe
SNOWWW tbh !! i see you with suna or osamu miya from haikyuu!! romantic, kinda shy boys i just kinda get that vibe idk!!
VAL !! other than marco, i might even say kisaki from tokyo revengers just because they kinda look VERY alike?? but also i see you with sweet koby too!!
dallas !! ofc i'd say kisaki, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say sanemi instead... you seem to like aggressive men /pos n' he DEF fits that description
CHERRY !! instead of tanji i'm gonna ship you with tengen !! big big man, super big heart, loves u vv much !!
AVEX ! i could see you with sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu, or nanami ! i couldn't even explain it, i just get that vibe yk??
BELLA TBH... other than me, i ship you with shigure from fruits basket or kambe daisuke from millionaire detective, just cuz u seem to like men that have a lil bit of crazy in them 😻
DON !!! i see you with nami or mitsuri from demon slayer !! just super sweet girls, love being doted on and love doting on you !! but in reality i ship u with me 🤗
CADIEEE ngl i see you with getou from jjk... just cuz u definitely have a thing for mentally insane men 😋
VLYNN OMFG i see you with itto absolutely, big big man with a sweet heart just seems right for u hehe
SLEEPY !! i absolutely see you with gyomei or asahi from haikyuu! big sweet men who love u very much :P
PURPLE ! i hate to say something other than law bc law n you are CANON, but i'd put you with kageyama tobio from haikyuu! just because he's kinda shy, n definitely always complaining abt something ehe, seems like ur type :P
NEPPY IM NOT GONNA LIE ! i think zhongli or even silva zoldyck, idk why?? they just seem right?? like big n old men idk why i get that vibe 😁
KIREII !! tbh i see you with gintoki, he's so goofy, sweet n has strong morals ! he just seems like your type i think !!
idk why but emmie!! i see you with connie from aot, like goofy yet superrr sweet men is what i see with you! big protector energy
BUNNI !! i totally see you with hinata shoyo. it's just his super sweet attitude n he's so doting n loving!! def a good match i think
BEST FOR LAST OMG JES !! listen listen i totally see you with chrollo or toji!! idk what it is, but strong n just slightly crazy men is what i see with u!!
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 year
You're only falling now?
First date - tell me more, tell me more - Black velvet dress - Cloudy mornings and sweet bareness - Kiss me, you fool - Waiting in the wings
Words: 2251
Summary: the big night out before the mission
Warnings: alcohol, smut (18+)
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"Shit, shit shit!", Kelvin cursed, grabbing his keys and rushed out of his apartment.
He wanted to rest a bit before what promised to be a long at the bar, laying on his bed, he closed his eyes for a few seconds when the treacherous hands of a irresistible nap clawed at him, resulting in him being full forty minutes too late. As he made his way to Joe's bar, his heart was racing. He was afraid he would be way too late, but he couldn't risk missing this opportunity and he certainly not leave you alone with Alex. When he entered the bar, he quickly scanned the room and saw you sitting with Fish at a table at the furthest corner. You seemed to be getting along rather well, too well according to pang of jealousy in his heart, and Kelvin suddenly felt like he had swallowed a bag of stones. For a moment, he considered turning around and leaving, but this was his last day before being stuck for an unknown time on that damned mission, so he took a deep breath and approached the table.
"Kel!", Fish yelled, raising his glass, "and here I thought you'd left your lady to me."
"Ah dream on, trooper", you replied, smiling at Kelvin, patting the chair next to you.
Kelvin chuckled, he couldn't help but feel a sense of eagerness as he settled in next to you. As he waved at the barman and ordered a drink, he stole a quick glance at you. You were as beautiful ever, with your long silky hair, hanging loose down on your shoulders, and those sparkling gleeful eyes. Your delicate frame was enveloped in a form fitting turquoise vintage dress with playful watermelon prints, leaving Kelvin to wonder if you looked more cute or sexy, following up with the conclusion that it was both as his eyes remained fixed on you, unable to think about anything else anymore. Fish ordered a round of drinks, laughing at the sight of Kelvin who downed his first drink in one gulp.
"So Kel, I heard you told this charming lady you're a soldier", Kelvin didn't like the amusement in his tone, "did you tell her what kind of soldier?", Fish's eyes were glued to Kelvin's nervous figure who thankfully grabbed the second drink and downed it again at a gulp.
"I-uhm-well what is there to say more?", his voice cracked mid-sentence.
Your hand moved to his thigh, caressing it reassuringly, unaware of the wicked effect this well-meant gesture had on his body, that was already fighting the two glasses of whiskey on an empty stomach. Fish elbowed your side, winking at you while nodding towards Robert.
"He is our tracker, specialised in tactical tracking", he emptied two shots of vodka and slammed the glasses on the table, "this nature boy has never fired a weapon or been at the front once."
"That's...not entirely true!", Kelvin counterattacked with a slightly raised voice, immediately regretting his choice of words.
You put your elbows on the table, resting your head on your head, awaiting the continuation of this discussion eagerly, sensing a hilarious story to be divulged. You already realised that Robert, despite being in the army, was rather the clumsy type and since he remained silent as the dead on everything relating to his work, you encouragingly nudged at Fish to go on.
"Yeah", Fish laughed, "during our training, this competent soldier here", he poked at Kelvin, "managed to accidentally drop a flash-bang into the tank, mark you, the tank me, another soldier and the troop sergeant were sitting and driving."
"God, please no", Kelvin groaned, burying his red face in his hands.
"The sergeant screamed "fucking hell out out out" and kicked Kel off the tank, that was still in moving forward, while climbing out of the hatch, us following and just as the last one got out, a muffled whump resonated from inside. We were all hanging on the side of the tank that moved downhill without its driver while Kel here was laying in the grass watching the whole scene unfold with an absolutely terrified expression."
You guffawed, almost choking on your drink while your hand still caressed your soldier's thigh.
"The sergeant spent an hour yelling at me and I had to scrub the latrines for a week", Robert sighed, sipping the bitter liquid from his glass, his face now glowing in every imaginable shade of red.
Feeling the pull of your own intoxication feeding directly into a boldness you usually didn't possess, you leaned in and kissed Kelvin on the cheek.
"You're so cute", you whispered, your eyes meeting his.
You couldn't help but find the whole situation endearing. A tough army man like him, dropping a grenade by mistake had quite comical connotation to you. However, what you truly treasured was the fact that he had this clumsy side to him that you witnessed more than up to now. It made him seem less of the stereotypical soldier but more human and less invincible, and definitely more approachable.
As the night went on, the three of you found yourselves getting more and more drunk, and the stories became funnier and more outrageous. You couldn't help but hang on Kelvin's every word, his kissable mouth moving in perfect sync with the hilarious anecdotes he was sharing in his unrestrained drunken stupor. You laughed until your sides hurt and breathing almost felt painful, and before you knew it, the night grew late, the bar had closed and you were stumbling back to Kelvin's apartment, given it was the closest and none of you would walk very far anymore. As you made our way through the streets, you and Kelvin were ungainly hanging in each others arms in a faint attempt to gain more support on the spinning ground, you were overwhelmed by feeling a funny kind of love for your T-Bird. It was like you traveled into your own little world, completely oblivious to Fish's obscene sounds mocking the obvious lovey-dovey antics you and his friend were busy with. When you finally staggered into the living room of the apartment, everything seemed perfect. You continued to laugh and joke around, sipping on whatever booze was left in Kelvin's liquor cabinet until something strange unfolded. You found yourself staring at Kelvin's lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him again but with that twist of something more, something sweeter, more daring. How would he taste? How would his tongue feel in your mouth...and maybe on other parts of your body. The thought made you giggle, and before you knew it, you were leaning in for a kiss. Kelvin was caught off guard, but he most definitely wouldn't complain, secretly asking himself the very same questions. He leaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer, you slightly gasped in surprise which he immediately took advantage of as his tongue pushed passed your lips, deepening the kiss, unleashing the built up passion. The three of you continued to drink and laugh, but there was a new tension in the air. You couldn't stop thinking about that kiss, and the way Kelvin's body leaned on yours, holding your hand while observing Fish's inebriated try at dancing to a music that wasn't playing. As the night wore on, you found yourself wondering what would happen next. Would Kelvin make a move? Would you? You increasingly impatient at the tension, each and every of Kelvin's little touches kindled a heat between your legs and you were dangerously approaching a point of no return, your drunken state only fueling your desires and tearing down the walls of your cautiousness.
As Fish finally collapsed on the couch, snoring like a freight train, Kelvin nudged your neck, peppering it with kisses.
"I shouldn't say this", he ran his tongue along the sensitive skin of your neck, "but I really want you right now", he admitted, lifting his head to look at you with hazy lust filled eyes.
That was the moment, you abandoned all your careful resolutions and straddled him, ignoring his sleeping friend next to you on the couch. Kelvin chuckled, his hands wrapping around your waist, lifting himself up in one swift movement and staggered to the bedroom, carrying you while praying to the gods to keep his clumsiness at bay for once. As he was standing in front of his bed, his body seemed to remind itself about the alcohol and the gods clearly ignored his plea and as he wanted to let you down gently, he lost his balance and crashed down on the bed, landing on top of you. Even though it felt rather painful, given his tall frame and weight, you let out a sensual moan.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me", Robert breathed in a shaky voice.
Your hips pushed against the growing bulge in his pants.
"I dare to say I get a very clear idea of how your feeling", you teased playfully.
Kelvin's heart was threatening to burst out of his chest. He couldn't believe that he was lying on top of you, grinding his hard length at the woman he had been lusting ever since she first spoke to him in that shop a few days ago. The warmth of your body, the scent of you perfume, and the softness of your skin were threatening to push him over the edge of sanity. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted you right now. As he looked into your eyes, he could see the flames of a feral desire burning in them. You craved him just as much. He leaned in to kiss you your jaw, running his tongue down your neck with soft bites in between. Your bodies were entwined, and Kelvin lost himself in the moment.
"Too many clothes", you moaned, your hands tugging at his t-shirt.
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He rolled to the side, unbuttoning his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers before he took off his t-shirt, almost ripping it apart in a hurry before throwing it to the side. You undressed just as fast and before he could do anything you straddled him, rubbing your wet folds on his with precum dropping cock. Kelvin growled at the feeling of your wetness. You were a beauty to behold as your naked frame, dipped in the faint glow from the streetlight, seductively moved on top of him, your head fallen back in pleasure, mumbling his name over and over again. He dug his fingers in your hips, holding you in place and slid hard member all the way inside of you, hitting your sweet spot. The two of you froze for a moment, drowning in the waves of pleasure that washed over you. How could someone this sweet feel so heavenly sinful? As Kelvin's grip on your hips loosened, you started moving up and down, moaning at the sweet sensation of him filling you up completely.
"I hav-", a deep groan erupting from his chest interrupted him, "haven't done this in a long time", he admitted with a shameful glance at you.
You bent down, your lips grazing his while your movements grew quicker.
"Me neither, it'll be quick for both of us", you whispered, biting and sucking his lower lip.
Kelvin pushed his hips upwards, anticipating your movements perfectly. The lewd sounds of him thrusting deep inside your wetness filled the room, entangling with the heavy breaths and filthy moans. You could feel your orgasm approaching dangerously fast and your hands settled on Kelvin's chest for support as you fully surrendered to the pleasure and came undone, his name leaving your lips like a prayer. As your walls clenched around his dick, he couldn't hold it any longer, his cock twitching while he released his seed inside of you. The pace of his now sloppy thrusts slackened until he stopped completely, his chest heaving, mouth hanging open, trying to catch his breath. Your gaze wandered to his face, smiling at the blissful expression painted across it. He laid in shambles underneath you, but you had never seen a mess this beautiful and wholesome. The tiny droplets of sweat on his forehead, the faint exhausted grin and the soft glow of his chocolate eyes only added to the rest of his handsome face. You pecked his lips and laid down next to him, putting your hand on his chest, happily humming at the rhythm of his heartbeat under your palms.
"I think I'm falling in love with you", he admitted shyly, unsure of this was the right moment or if he was even in the right state to mention anything alike.
"You're only falling now?", you turn your head to face him, "I've been already there since our date, soldier boy."
He chuckled at your words. Relief flooded through Kelvin, and he turned around to hold you tightly, never wanting to let go. But even as he savored the moment, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered that he had to leave tomorrow and whatever would happen on that mission, as soon as he'd be back the beginning of your journey together could finally begin. He never felt this blessed, all he ever wanted was the sweetness, the love and the feeling of being right at home with someone he belonged with, and the certainty that this special someone was you, grew with each minute.
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Part 7 - Morning dew and dances
SotF masterlist
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hockeylvr59 · 2 years
Here With Me Part 6 || Taylor Makar
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Author’s Note: Both Taylor and Kelsey have to take a deep look inside and figure out what they want. Kelsey’s girlfriend cancels and so she invites Taylor out....is it a date or not a date? Neither really knows. FC: Marina Laswick (@marooshk on instagram).
Warnings: anxiety, alcohol consumption, minor pda // Word Count: 4,355
With final papers to write and final exams to take, Kelsey had only shared scattered messages with Taylor as the days of December ticked by. Yet as she spent the final Sunday of her semester snuggled on the couch with her roommate watching a cheesy christmas movie he once again fluttered across her mind. What would it be like to have him look at her like the couple in the movie? To be able to be in his arms just because she needed to be held. It seemed silly, but more and more it felt like something she wished could be real. 
“Earth to Kels…” Jumping slightly, Kelsey realized that her roommate was calling for her as credits rolled on the screen. 
“You good? You look like you’re gonna cry and the movie wasn’t sad.” 
“Yeah I’m fine.” She murmured, a shake in her voice betraying her. Looking concerned, her roommate shifted to join her on the couch, bumping against her shoulder.
“Spill Kels.” 
When Kelsey just sat silently trying to figure out how much she wanted to say her roommate nudged her again. 
“It’s about that boy isn’t it? The one you’ve been hooking up with on the reg?” 
“His name is Taylor.” 
“Okay. Taylor. You’ve slept with him how many times now?” 
Kelsey sighed and mentally ran through their encounters before answering. 
“Three times since mid October. Would have been four but he was hurt.” 
“And you’re falling for him?” 
The question threw Kelsey completely off guard and she bit her bottom lip. 
“I don’t know.” She whispered, her voice cracking. “He’s…I don’t know.” 
Getting up, her roommate moved into the kitchen and Kelsey heard the fridge opening along with a cabinet and when her roommate returned it was with a bottle of wine and two glasses. After pouring Kelsey a healthy glass and handing it to her, her roommate settled back in beside her. 
“Okay now what’s he like? Besides apparently really good in bed.”   
Kelsey couldn’t keep a small blush off her cheeks because yeah he was really good in bed. Everything else though, it was hard to put it into words. Pulling out her phone she pulled up his instagram and jumped over to his tagged posts, tilting the screen so her roommate could see. It didn’t take more than a couple posts for her to find him in a bar in Belfast with a wide grin on his face, beer in hand, a carnation tucked behind his ear, and his free hand on one of his teammates shoulders. 
“He’s so touchy. Not in like a sensitive way, but in a constantly needs to be touching someone way. Physical affection is his thing. And I’ve never seen him exhibit toxic masculinity, the exact opposite actually. He gets vulnerable, emotional, and doesn’t act like he has to behave in a certain way to meet ‘societal standards’.” 
Scrolling a little more past a few hockey highlight reels, she heard her roommate murmur her nickname. 
“He’s one of your uncle’s players?! Don’t you hate hockey culture?” 
“Yeah but..I don’t know. I haven’t seen any of the traits I hate about it in him. And well…” 
Pausing to scroll further she revealed a reel of his training that she’d seen previously when Taylor had posted it to his story. 
“I can’t deny hockey gives him a great body.” 
“Booty you mean.” 
Kelsey laughed at her roommate's joke and nodded. 
“If only he had pants that fit him properly.” 
“Not anything that’s beyond your ability with a needle and thread I’m sure.” Shrugging, Kelsey continued scrolling even further down Taylor’s tagged posts to find him drinking a slurpee out of the cup with his brother and just celebrating Cale’s achievements. After a few more posts there was an interview the avs posted and Kelsey found herself closing her eyes just listening to Taylor’s voice. It was so soft and in a way made her feel secure. 
When it ended she sipped at her glass of wine and then took a deep breath letting her thumb continue scrolling. 
A good chunk of the posts were silly videos where Taylor was just a background piece but hearing his laugh and seeing him shake his head at the other person just made a warmth swirl in her. This other guy was an idiot but she assumed he was related to Taylor in some way. 
After that it was mostly just junior teammates tagging him in photos he may or may not have been in and Kelsey stopped and closed instagram letting out another big sigh. 
“You’ve fallen for him.” Her roommate eventually murmured, breaking the silence. 
“Nope. Don’t. Your face gives you away. It’s more than sex. You really like him and you like the way he makes you feel just in general. So when are you going to ask him out?” 
“He doesn’t…” 
“You don’t know whether he feels the same or not unless you ask and don’t tell me you’re waiting on him to make a move because it’s 2022 and you’re Kelsey Anne Gettier.” “I’ll think about it.” Swirling the wine in the glass, Kelsey quickly finished it off before setting the glass on the coffee table. “Don’t give me that look, we’re in the middle of finals.” 
“Just don’t miss your chance Kels…not when he makes you feel like this.” 
There was no better feeling than being done for the semester. As Kelsey stepped out of her last final feeling pretty good about it, she took in the light snowfall. That was perfect because tonight she was going to Christmas Carols by the fire in Historic Deerfield and it was going to be the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. 
Walking back to her apartment, she kicked her shoes off at the door and was starting to hang her coat up when her phone rang. Seeing that it was the friend that was supposed to go with her tonight, Kelsey assumed she was calling to firm up their plans. Instead, as soon as she answered, apologies spilled through the phone about how she just wasn’t going to finish this paper in time because she needed to basically redo it all over and that she was so sorry but she couldn’t make it tonight. 
Though she was beyond disappointed, Kelsey assured her friend that she understood and school came first but she sunk into the couch with a sigh. Her roommates had all already left for the holidays so she couldn’t drag one of them along and she couldn’t think of anyone else who might enjoy it. 
As she was debating whether to go alone or just not go at all despite having reservations, Kelsey’s phone lit up with a snapchat notification. Opening it revealed a message from Taylor inquiring how her final had gone this morning and suddenly her roommate's words from the previous weekend flooded over her. She could always ask Taylor…
Biting the bullet, Kelsey snapped back a story with the text ‘what’s your cell # Tay?’ 
After just a few minutes Taylor sent back a story with a number asking if everything was okay. His concern was sweet and Kelsey smiled to herself quickly jotting the number down and adding it to her contacts before starting a text thread. 
Kelsey: If you aren’t busy tonight would you want to go for dinner & drinks and listen to christmas carols, I have reservations and my girlfriend ditched me. 
Kelsey: no worries if you already have plans or need to study. 
Having put it out there, Kelsey got up for a snack and a mug of tea to help warm her up knowing all she could do was wait and hope that she hadn’t misread things with Taylor so wrong that this would screw up everything. 
When she settled back on the couch and looked at her phone, her heart raced seeing his name before she even processed his response. 
Taylor: I’m assuming this is Kels. Not busy, what time? 
Kelsey: You’d assume right. Starts at 6 so 5:30….I can swing by to get you. 
Taylor: sounds good. 
For some reason, Kelsey hadn’t actually expected Taylor to agree but once he had she found herself unable to stop smiling at the thought of spending time with him once again. 
It was nearly three hours after Taylor had agreed to go out with Kelsey that the question of what the hell he was doing settled over him. He didn’t even know why Kelsey had asked after he had fucked up the last two times he’d seen her. Was it a pity thing? That didn’t seem like Kelsey, but it wasn’t like he really knew her just from having sex a couple times. Was it just him being a last resort since the person she really wanted to go with canceled? 
Hearing his roommates come home and start to make lunch, Taylor sighed and left his room moving into the kitchen. Figuring he’d be the most useful cleaning up, Taylor grabbed a rag to start wiping counters and snagged any dirty dishes to wash as they were used. When he had to wait between items he ran his fingers through his hair, not happy with how it looked and completely oblivious to his roommates’ annoyance. 
“Taylor. Go sit the fuck down. What the hell is up with you today?” Mikey declared after nearly bumping into him for the fifth time. Pouting a little, Taylor moved out of the kitchen sighing and moved to tidy up the bathroom he shared with Mercs. It wasn’t long before Lauts appeared behind him. 
“Seriously Taylor. What’s going on? Put the rag down and we can talk about it over food.” 
With Lauts’ urging, Taylor headed back to the kitchen and sat down, running his fingers through his hair once more. 
“Spill Tay.” Mercs insisted, tossing him a bottle of water. 
“Won’t be at dinner tonight.” Taylor found himself mumbling. 
“Okay. No big deal.” Lauts declared. “Not sure why that’s got you all out of sorts though. We’ll leave you leftovers.” 
“I’m meeting someone.” 
“Oooooh. A girl someone….that would explain it…” Mercs stated, leaning forward as if that alone would pry more details out of Taylor. “You’re ditching family dinner for a date.” 
“Not a date.” Taylor declared wiping his palms against his joggers. “Least I don’t think it is. I don’t know.” 
Sensing from Taylor’s tone that he really didn’t want to talk about it, everyone focused on the food in front of them, dropping the conversation for now. 
Around 3:30, as Taylor was digging through his closet trying to figure out what to wear, Lauts popped his head in. 
“Hey Tay…just checking to see if you need a ride tonight.” 
“Nope.” Taylor mumbled discarding another shirt that was probably too casual, his tone showing his stress. 
Opening the door further, Lauts leaned against the door frame. 
“If it’s not a date why are you so worked up about this T?” 
“Don’t even know why she even asked when I’ve already fucked everything up.” 
“How’d you fuck up?” A tip of Ryan’s head signaled Mikey and Mercs toward Taylor’s room because this was not something he could help with alone. 
Mumbling about how he hadn’t been able to get it up last time and had ended up crying on her, Taylor rubbed his face. 
“Did she seem pissed off? Because it doesn’t sound like you fucked up if she asked you out.” Mikey questioned, shrugging offhandedly. 
Not really having an answer to that, Taylor just sighed, his shoulders slumping. Pushing his way around Lauts into the room, Mercs wrapped an arm around Taylor. For a few minutes, no one said anything as Taylor just focused on steadying his breath and collecting himself. 
“I just don’t want to let her down again.” He eventually whispered. “What if she doesn’t want me and thinks she deserves better?” 
“She asked you out, so unless she’s a complete bitch clearly that means she likes you T. Go. Have fun. Stop playing guessing games over how she feels and just find out.” 
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Taylor nodded and rubbed his face once again, murmuring his thanks. Patting him on the shoulder, Mercs pulled away and the trio of roommates stepped out to give Taylor some space to process before getting ready. 
By the time Kelsey’s text came through that she was outside, Taylor had managed to calm his nerves some, though he was still anxious. 
It only took a moment for him to spot her standing next to her car, her hands tucked in the pockets of her leather jacket. She had an olive green scarf on for warmth and she looked absolutely beautiful. Unconsciously, Taylor moved to wrap her in a hug and feeling her hands slide up and around his torso made something in his body settle. “Hey Tay.” She breathed, brushing a strand of hair back in place as she pulled away after a moment. “You ready?” 
**** Getting his nod that he was ready, Kelsey moved around the car to slide behind the wheel. Starting her car, she sat still for a moment just enjoying the warmth of the vehicle before buckling in and checking to make sure that Taylor had done the same. 
“Thanks for coming with me.” She murmured, backing out onto the street and off in the direction of Historic Deerfield. 
“‘Course.” Taylor’s voice stated softly, his tone suggesting to her that she wasn’t the only one who was a little nervous. 
Though there was a little snow on the roads, it wasn’t enough to make the drive more difficult, so it didn’t take any longer than normal to get to Deerfield and the soft Christmas music on the radio filled the silence as neither was quite sure what to say.
“Have you ever been here?” Kelsey asked as she pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the old firehouse. 
“Can’t say I really even know where here is.” Taylor admitted sheepishly having been watching her and the ease with which she drove from the corner of his eye more than the roads to have any clue where she had driven. 
The statement made Kelsey laugh a little as she climbed out of the car, locking it behind her after grabbing her wallet and phone. Bumping against Taylor’s side as she walked beside him, Kelsey guided him across the street to the Inn and restaurant contained within. 
Giving her name for the reservations, Kelsey was told it would be just a few minutes before a table cleared but they could head to the bar for a drink while they waited. Taking the hostess up on that suggestion, Kelsey pulled Taylor with her toward the bar and grabbed a small menu of the drink specials. 
Looking it over for a minute, Kelsey looked back at Taylor who still had a look of uncertainty in his eyes. Wanting to stomp that out as quickly as possible, Kelsey tipped her head back to talk to him. 
“I think I’m going to get a cranberry cider. Do you want that or regular?” 
“Cranberry is fine.” 
With his reply, Kelsey flagged the bartender down and ordered two cranberry ciders, showing her id and giving her name for them to be added to the bill once they were seated. 
It was only a moment after they were handed their glasses that the hostess came over to lead them to a table near the fireplace where the music would be played. Thanking her, Kelsey smiled as Taylor pulled out her chair before she could even get to it. 
“Thanks Tay.” She whispered, setting her glass down before slipping her jacket off and settling in. Taylor did the same, revealing his simple navy pullover which hugged his shoulders and looked really sharp. 
Taking a sip of her cider to distract herself from his body, Kelsey looked around the room where people were having dinner while the musician set up. It was cozy and quaint and the fire warmed the space fairly well. When the waitress came along she commented on their having drinks already and that she would just bring some water out for them before she left them with menus. 
Kelsey already knew what she wanted but she gave Taylor a chance to look over the menu before engaging him in conversation about how many finals he had left to take before Christmas break. 
His workload didn’t seem too bad but it still kind of sucked that he wasn’t done until the middle of next week. When he asked her the same question Kelsey smiled. 
“Hampshire is done tomorrow and today’s final was my last one so I am officially sliding smoothly into Christmas.” 
The pout on Taylor’s face as she said that made her eyes soften and she gently bumped her foot against his under the table. 
“You’re almost done too. Then you can go home and visit your family for a week right?” 
“Yeah. We get a little bit of time off before having to be back to travel for our holiday tournament.” 
“That’s going to be nice. Is your brother going to get any time at all?” 
“Not sure Cale’s plans yet.” Nodding, Kelsey left that at that knowing that Taylor wasn’t always the biggest fan of talking about his brother. Especially not in public and she couldn’t blame him for that. 
As the musician settled in at her spot by the fire, Kelsey took another sip of her cider and closed her eyes for a moment ready to just focus on Christmas and the joy it brought after all of the stress of the semester. When she opened them she saw Taylor watching her and it made her cheeks flush a little. 
Although the singer may not be the best in the world, she was at least pleasant to listen to and Kelsey smiled at Taylor as the waitress came over to check on their orders. While Taylor got a small plate of wings with the seasonal dry rub, Kelsey ordered the mac and cheese, her post finals comfort meal of choice. 
Food orders in, Kelsey focused on the music for a few minutes before asking Taylor if he was going to do anything fun while home. In turn he asked what her plans were and she admitted that she had to frantically try to figure out Christmas gifts for her family and friends because she was way behind the ball this year and hadn’t had time to do any of the sewing she had planned to do. 
Otherwise she was just going to do her daily yoga, bake and eat way too many Christmas cookies, and watch all the classic Christmas movies. 
By the time they had debated over the best kinds of cookies and what was and was not a classic Christmas movie (Die Hard absolutely did not count), their food was in front of them and conversation quieted while they ate and listened to the festive music. 
Kelsey’s mac and cheese was creamy and absolutely hit the spot and her pleased look caused Taylor’s eyes to flash dark for a moment as he watched her. Reaching over the table with his fork, he snagged a noodle despite Kelsey’s mock protest and ate it. 
“Not bad.” He mumbled before taking a sip of his water. Rolling her eyes at him, Kelsey reached onto his plate and snagged a carrot stick, dipping it into the small container of blue cheese before popping it into her mouth as well. If he could snitch from her she’d snitch from him too. Really though she didn’t mind because he looked so much more relaxed now than he was when she picked him up and she enjoyed seeing him relaxed like this. 
As they finished eating they continued to chat softly about everything and nothing and Kelsey noted how it just worked being with him like this. Between the fire, Christmas carols, the cider, and Taylor’s gaze Kelsey felt warm from head to toe and didn’t want this moment to end. 
Eventually the waitress brought over the check and though she assured them there was no rush, Kelsey knew that other people would be waiting for the tables and it wasn’t fair to their waitress to hog it all night even if they were going to tip well. 
Seeing a few standing tables pushed up against the wall Kelsey suggested softly to Taylor that they pay their check and just move to standing until they were ready to leave, that way someone else could have their table. Pulling cash out of her wallet to cover her half of the bill and a healthy tip, she waited for the waitress to take it and Taylor’s card for the other half before informing her of their plans so she could have someone clear the table. 
Excusing herself to the bathroom, Kelsey came back to find Taylor with a fresh mug of cider in hand leaning against the wall, their coats draped over the small table beside him. 
“Figured you’re driving and probably shouldn’t have a full one but that we could share it while we listen.” He murmured in her ear when she stepped into his personal space. 
“Sounds perfect. Thanks Tay.” She smiled, resting her elbows against the small table. Following their lead a few other patrons from the bar moved over against the wall as well and so Kelsey was forced a step closer to Taylor. In turn he just pulled her back against him fully and wrapped an arm around her waist. 
Relaxing against him, Kelsey rested her head back against his chest and sighed happily because this was everything she had wanted and then some tonight. 
Taking a sip of the cider, Kelsey just based in the moment smiling when she felt Taylor’s lips press against the top of her head before his chin rested there lightly. She’d never felt quite as safe and wanted as she did then and she hoped she wasn’t wrong about Taylor possibly feeling the same way. 
Sliding her phone out of her pocket she angled it to take a shot of the singer and fire just to remember the atmosphere and how she felt tonight, unintentionally capturing Taylor’s arm and fitness band in the bottom corner. . 
Lingering for another twenty minutes or so until the mug of cider was empty and the carols started to become more obscure, Kelsey finally suggested that they could go if he wanted. Letting him help her into her coat, Kelsey adjusted her scarf and smiled as Taylor led her through the room with a hand on her waist. 
Once outside, it was clear that it had continued snowing while they dined and everything was coated in a light white powder. Stopping Taylor, Kelsey took another picture of the street and inn looking picture perfect, their shadows captured against the sugar white snow. 
As they headed back to her car, Taylor insisted that he would brush it off while she started it and got the heat inside going. Thinking it silly to argue with him over something like that, Kelsey thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and settled into the driver’s seat. Opening her instagram she posted the two pictures from tonight to her story before fiddling with the heat and radio while Taylor made it safe for her to drive. 
She’d had a really really nice time tonight and could only hope that he had too. 
Folding himself back into Kelsey’s car, Taylor buckled up and looked over at the girl next to him. She was beautiful and sweet and he’d had a lot of fun just talking to her and spending time with her. She hadn’t brought up either of his previous failures and it seemed like she was completely unbothered by them. 
Pulling his phone from his pocket he posted the picture of the restaurant he’d taken while she was in the bathroom to his close friends instagram story before setting his phone down in his lap. Taking a chance, he reached over to rest his fingers on her thigh while she drove and the way she smiled and her cheeks flushed made a pang of want fill him. Not for her body, not for sex, though he thoroughly enjoyed both of those things, but for simple moments like this where he could touch her just because he wanted to and she seemed to enjoy it. 
As they reached the amherst limits, Taylor’s phone buzzed against his leg and checking it he saw a dm from his captain from last season, Bobby Trivigno. 
Give Kels a hug for me T. 
There was clearly something he was missing from that but he didn’t have the energy to try and unpack that right now. Instead, as Kelsey pulled up in front of his apartment and parked, moving to unbuckle herself to say goodnight, Taylor climbed out and met her halfway. Wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug, Taylor dipped his head to capture her lips in a soft kiss. When he pulled away there was a sparkle in her eyes that drew him back in and he held her close kissing her again and again until she was giggling against his lips and murmuring for him to get inside and get some sleep. Thanking him again for coming with her, Kelsey pressed one more kiss against his cheek before telling him to kick butt on his finals and asking him to text her if he wanted to get coffee or something before he headed home. 
As he watched her drive away, Taylor shook his head slightly. Though tonight had answered some of his questions, it created a dozen more and everything felt even more complicated than it did earlier. 
His roommates weren’t going to let him dwell on any of those thoughts though because as soon as he walked through the door, they were hollering for him to come join their COD session and tossing him a beer. He’d have to figure it all out later.
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impostorsshow · 5 months
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Hi I nailed down more stuff for my Omori au including the design for whitespace Jack so here's the basic stuff about it
Jack has curly hair because that's my personal headcanon, if anyone wants to work off of my interpretation but doesn't agree like do whatever Jack is bald in canon I do not care also if I Knew How to do bullet points I Would
I am well aware that Jack and the rest of the crew in DSaF are grown ass men, but the storyline of Omori simply wouldn't work if Sunny was a 30 year old rotting corpse so forgive me for making everyone teens
Dee takes the place of Mari. Her "Something" form is the puppet, I just forgot to draw her normal appearance here because I wanted to post something about this in order to continue being motivated enough to draw, my forte with aus is words - but she has hair the same shade as peters shown above that's about medium length past the shoulders and that red scarf, probably a pink skirt and wears a sweater of some sort
Peter takes the Place of Basil - he is still Dee and Jack's older brother, but panicked and the only thing he could think of when he found Jack and Dee was to not have his little brother get caught, and helped him. Now, he avoids Jack around the house at all times, not being able to stand what he done, knowing now that he's older and has a management job at the local pizza place and a girlfriend he's too nervous to pop the question to, that Jack probably would have been fine since it was an accident. Appearance wise, he is not. Y'know a phone head but ever since the incident happened, whenever Jack tried to approach him Peter took out his phone and pretended to be busy. His hair is naturally curly like Jack's, but he straightens it before he goes to Fazbenders because it "looks unprofessional, and his employees slack off too much anyway, especially the older ones. Someone has to be setting a standard so they work harder." Peter is the entire reason that one business part of whitespace exists and it's fazbenders instead of casino sharks
Jack is Omori/Sunny, going by "Old Sport" in whitespace. Furthermore, Blackjack is Mewo, and whitespace Jack has a dulled version of Blackjacks tie to indicate the connection between them. I've never played Omori myself and need to, but Jack is the only thing in the world with these colors. Bright stain your eyes yellow exists but the dulled dirty yellow does not, and neither does blackjacks rich dark purple color. On the contrary, while teal and blue seems to be incredibly common in the game, the most common colors are a soft red and lavender.
I honestly haven't planned out who Aubrey is, but the reason for that is that I can't decide whether Dave fits better as Aubrey [fully because of Henry] or Kel. I am leaning toward Kel though because I don't know who would be the first person to go seek Jack out other than him
Wait if Dave could be Kel then who's Hero you ask-? No one. Hero doesn't exist, the closest he gets to existing is Steven in whitespace because I can't tell the phone guys apart because I want to make Peter hero, but in order for him to be Basil Peter needs to be missing- I might make Hero or whitespace Basil Harry at some point, though. Suggestions are welcome since I have no clue
I actually really want to learn how to make a mod so I could mod. Omori in order to tell this au but I don't know how and I don't even know if Omo-Cat would allow that for their game so. I can at least redraw screenshots eventually though
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