#kek span
pikslasrce · 2 years
me: why do i feel so distractable and shakey
also me: only had one (1) meal yesterday
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vindoesis · 2 years
I have been making content of this man like a conveyor belt for the past 3 days..
I am not okay
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Not that i'm against it kek 😳
(Also he's gay you can't prove me otherwise)
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deviantartdramahub · 4 months
Lol imagine unironically saying kek- https://web.archive.org/web/20240523054740/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/It-really-isn-t-personal-but-1055229175 uh ohhh more slur using!! And honey, what you're saying isn't just swears, they're words created to DISCRIMINATE against people, that's what a slur is, sweetheart. And that's why it's so bad and bigoted. How old are you? It's pretty embarrassing a teenager on the internet has to explain things like this to you. But I suppose not surprising, considering the fact you and your allies live in a magical little world where you all are incapable of doing any wrong, and anyone who suggests you aren't perfect must be exterminated. Also no one asked about this Dollcreep person no one cares why are you giving random ass lore dump lmao. And what makes you think anyone will believe your fake ass proof (btw screenshots aren't valid proof bc they can be manipulatedddd!! How many times do I have to repeat that to you toddler attention span mfs lmfao) when you're proving right there that your harassing is purely out of bigotry?? It's not putting words in your mouth, because the R slur is right there XD
Also I obviously have no problem with normal swearing, I swear all the time, so idk why you're making us out to be little 5 year olds going "MOMMYYYY BIG BROTHER SAID HECK!!!" bc that's not the case at all lmaoo.
Btw more slur using, the fact it's only the one used for disabled people surely is telling. Wonder when they'll start calling Tri the f-slur for being LGBT, bc we know they're obviously not above that. https://web.archive.org/web/20240523171148/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/Would-also-like-to-add-1055290265
It's so fucking hilarious how they're saying we're the ones deleting our comments to avoid backlash when their ally Evie literally just did that very thing. DADN and their allies love doing bad things to throw the blame onto their victims, they do it all the damn time. At this point, "hypocrite" would be a compliment to them. Also Ninja mentioned this post in their most recent ask, so Liar confidently saying Ninja won't see the post is so funny. Uh ohhh they actually look at shit because they have critical thinking skills unlike you uh ohhhh.
Don't even know what ask this one's directed to bc the archive won't let me go to it, and the link's preview doesn't give any clues, but oh well. https://web.archive.org/web/20240523205657/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/Another-retard-spewing-shite-But-1055447327 Blah blah more slurring blah blah also we can tell you have no friends lol.
Alright bye bye looks like someone wants to be the new Mod-S bc their goddess abandoned them lmaooo so sad and pathetic :3
Which means I'll probably have to post frequently again and call out more bullshit. Sighhh... -_-
(But my source of knowing about these posts is Ninja's asks, so if Ninja can keep alerting me about these, it'd be greatly appreciated <3
Also, if I remember correctly, slurs are against DA rules.
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nananarc · 9 months
So, in the span of 1 year, pretty much all social media account that i use for work has fucked me over in one way or another.
Twitter got fucked by muskrat and deleted my 3k follower account.
Tumblr got me banned for 2 months and I almost lost this 10yo account.
Instagram is, well, instagram, and it has been fucking over small artists and businesses for a long time with its angoreethism bullshit. I got really fed up with it and decided to private my acc.
Artstation got blocked in VN.
Behance doesn't work for anything at all.
Pixiv deleted my account without warning and I cannot get back that old username.
RedBubble starts charging artists more.
Society6 also starts charging artists more.
Kofi is pretty ok, but it did ate up a payment from one of my clients and that never got resolved and I still feel super guilty about it.
Patreon is changing its UI and shit, so everything is kinda chaos over there. And it's also notorious for randomly delete artists who give adult contents so i'm still looking for a friendlier alternative with an equally good userbase, which is impossible.
Did I forgot somethings else?
Idk what the fuck happened last year lmao. Right now I'm only on tumblr, kofi (for donation), InPrint (that nobody uses), and Patreon (that I'm struggling to regularly update kek).
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enkisstories · 2 months
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The bridge spanning the cantina and the shopping mile marked the summer race's finishing line. When the riders reached Black Spire, the sun wasn't directly aboved the bridge anymore.
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Last to cross were Hux and Jannah. Finishing order being the most important category, they knew then that they hadn't won, but a place in the upper middle of the ranking was still feasible.
Meanwhile the others had come in with barely any spacing, one large ball of hooves, tails and manes. The audience - be that on site, along the track or at home watching the holonet broadcast - was now anxiously awaiting the results to get announced.
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Timmain: Kek-kek?
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Rose: "Welcome to Black Spire!"
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Man my fucking boyfriend. So many people want to be that guy in gaming. The guy who can play on a controller but aim his reticle like he’s using a mouse. The kind of guy who’s hands are an actual human aimbot. The kind of guy who intuitively gets timing and movement. The kind of guy who doesn’t get rusty when he takes breaks. The kind of guy who rarely loses a fight even if the opponent cheats. The kind of guy who’s gameplay is perfect for content because of how clean it is. The kind of guy who is perfect for streaming because of the things he can pull off that would hype up a stream. He’s the kind of guy that insecure people fear and other positive gamers respect his skill level. He’s the kind of guy who can be good at every aspect of a game. The kind of guy you could teach your specialty to and within weeks he will be doing it better.
My guy makes me so proud I don’t care if it sounds silly he makes me proud I’ve grown up playing games and they used to be so looked down in but we’re finally at a place where being good and entertaining while gaming can be a job so I’m proud of my guy for being so good and being entertaining. I’m proud of him for being a skilled gamer and being like me and respecting online multiplayer games, we do not cheat. Period. We don’t play cheap, we are legitimate tryhards, the real kind who simply want to be the best they can be at a game and get the best and hardest fights from people who want to fight we want NOTHING to do with someone who doesn’t want to fight that gives us nothing. I’m proud of him for being like me but being even better, it’s not a question he’s twice as good as me at least and I’m not upset or mad about that at all it’s humbling because I rarely ever lose and it makes me better practicing with someone better than me, and it also makes a big contribution to the content. I can do everything he does but not as quick, not as good looking, and not as often like I can take someone out of godmode and kill them but I’d do that like twice a year myself he does it like 2-3 a month sometimes for example.
But lately playing beach with him has just been a blast and an honest admiration for how easily he can lick something up and how good he’s gotten.
He didn’t know how to play beach aw in gta before he met me and maybe a full year and a half ago now we started playing it and I learned just from watching montages and YouTube guides and streams so my grasp was slow and not very hands on I knew the rules but the in game practice was lacking so when we started playing it was good to start actually practicing but at first we just fought at the beach and I slowly told him rule by rule until we were eventually playing full beach aw matches by the book and even starting to get keks sometimes when we play. Then maybe 6 months ago we both got it down a lot we’d both Atleast get a kek each match and we played a lot more begginer beach’s players. Now though is diffferent. We both okay like full blown beach aw tryhards. We both constantly are going for keks, higher keks more stylish keks, forcing spawns and playing beach at a faster more aggressive pace sometimes he keks me back to back to back sometimes it’s impossible to spawn in because he covers every single span possible and really playing indistinguishable from other real beach players that only okay beach we’re actually freemode players. And now he’s actually SO good at aw he doesn’t even just kek at beach he has been getting keks in the city now he got his first real on a few months ago in June on his birthday and he just texts me that he keks someone in the city and saw the rag doll. He’s something else. Not to mention he is human aimbot with the sniper. He loves his reticle like nothing I’ve ever seen it just moves all over and moves right on target it’s insane it’s not even really drag scoping sometimes it damn near like using a mouse but he doesn’t lmao he’s something else honesty he’s a whole different level of gamer.
Mom so glad that he joined me in making content and running a YouTube channel because I wish he had done it before he is so talented but then I guess we wouldn’t have our channel doing our thing but I’m glad he Atleast does it now because his gameplay and everything deserves to be out there and his clips everything he’s so above average at gaming it blows my mind when I’m editing sometimes I don’t understand how he does things sometimes.
Ahh sorry babe done ranting about how great you are I love you <3
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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You can score copies of my Historical-Horror-Conspiracy-Thriller novella, THE RECONSTRUCTED MAN via my ETSY Shop (link below) or directly from me for £4, plus £2 UK postage. DM me for Paypal deets.
"THE RECONSTRUCTED MAN combines Historical Fantasy, Horror and paranoid Conspiracy Thriller to create a breathless, centuries-spanning tale -- a time-travel story without a time machine -- that balances horror, intrigue and psychological insight with humanity, humour and hope."
"James Patterson for weirdos."
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bluiex · 2 years
Currently writing smth rn and uhhhh its a new series. Thats make like 5 series i have written in the span of less than a yr and there's only 2 of them im willing to upload, most of it is bc i have oc there and im,,,,nervous posting writings about my ocs wjxj
Also i blame yall cause i have the brain worms for the spore cult au now. Cause im writing for that au with my oc.
I am so normal about it KEK
It's a good au Also dont be afraid to upload/post stuff with your oc involved :) There's a lot of people out there who eat that stuff up!
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mahayaty · 4 months
malem-malem w kek orang gila misuh-misuh karena baca tulisan jelek bgt. Bukan kontennya (mencoba mevalidasi pengalaman si penulis, meskipun sangat tidak membumi dan hidup teraliensi dari realita kehidupan di Indonesia) tapi karena penulisannya yang jelek. Pertama, EYD berantakan bgt broooo, kedua flow dan plotnya ga enak wkwkwk. W ngomong kek gini seolah-olah tulisan w dah enak dibaca dan sempurna dari galat penulisan aja, padahal mah ya sama aja. Tapi poinku adalah w jadi sadar bahwa twitter sangat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca komprehensif dan melatih menulis secara terstuktur. Segala diskursus yang bahkan masalah diksi aja dipermasalahin, sangat bermanfaat ternyata. Ini yang bikin w seneng ma twitter. Ya memang twitter bukan satu-satunya media untuk meningkatkan literasi (yg sebenernya buruk juga buat focus-span), tapi kalo kamu ga biasa baca, twitter tu kek upaya paling minimum yang bisa diusahakan. Tapi ya main twitter syarat utamanya menurutku adalah kamu harus terbiasa dengan teks alih-alih visual. Jadi intinya, ni tulisan adalah refleksi tentang pentingnya twitter di hidupku WKWKWK gapenting amat socmed yang katanya penuh orang toxic😜
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Resepi Kek Coklat Indulgence Homemade
Resepi Kek Coklat Indulgence Homemade
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Resipi kek span coklat:
300g sponge mix coklat
300g telur
60g air
Sedikit esen vanila
60g minyak sayuran
Masukkan semua bahan kecuali minyak. Putar sampai gebu. Dah gebu baru masukkan minyak. Kaup guna spatula atau senduk. Dah kaup rata baru masukkan dalam loyang saiz 9″. Bakar suhu 170′ selama 40min. Yang ni kena kenal oven masing-masing ya..
Kek dah masak, terus keluarkan dari loyang.
Bahan untuk mousse coklat:
150g dark compound
300g non dairy whipping cream
Cairkan coklat guna kaedah double boil. Ketepikan.
Putar whipping cream hingga gebu.
Satukan dua bahan ni.
Bahan untuk mousse putih:
150g white compound
300g non dairy whipping cream
Sama juga kaedah macam mousse coklat ya. Cuma bila dah siap, bahagikan mousse putih kepada dua bahagian.
Dah siap semua bahan, bolehlah belah kek span tu jadi 4 bahagian.
Lapis pertama letak mousse putih, kemudian mousse coklat, ulang semula dengan mousse putih.
Bahan ganache coklat:
300g dark compound
150g whipping cream
1sb marjerin
Cairkan dark compound dan marjerin guna kaedah double boil. Dah cair baru masukkan whipping cream. Gaul sebati.
Dah siap semua boleh la hias ikut kreativiti masing-masing
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
thenk u randos who are still liking and reblogging my bard bois drawing,,,, im not used to my art having a continuing span of note-getting past the initial burst and its VERY FLATTERING and i get a doki whenever i see it in my activity even tho its prob only bc its art of canon characters from smth popular
also thenk u rando ffxiv ppl who have been sporadically following me in the recent,.., uhhhhhh like 6 months? i dont actually post abt it/draw/etc very much so i hope u like spam reblogs of things i think are funny and/or interesting and also my randomly puked thoughts via textpost lol
(fyi you can block the tag "stupid shit" if you dont wanna see said text post brain pukes. i sometimes use it on other Original posts tho)
for the record i tend not to follow back in general so please dont be offended if i dont. i do always check ur blogs for a scroll or two just to make sure ur a real person bc i block bots/empty blogs (its better for my ego when theyre real kek) and very rarely ill follow back but not usually.
you also have an unfortunately high chance of disqualifying urself if ur ffxiv blogging bc i get jealous in the most embarrassing and stupid way when i see WoLship art with G'raha or Aymeric fjhgdjkgf trust me i think its ridiculous too but i cannot control my Feelings
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nurulaishah · 3 years
fluffy pandan chiffon cake
fluffy pandan chiffon cake
Kek Chiffon Pandan 7 biji telur 1 cawan tepung gandam sedikit pandan paste 1 sudu ovallete 3/4 cawan gula 1 sudu cream of tartar 1 cawan minyak Pukul putih telur sehingga kembang.Masuk gula sedikit demi sedikit sehingga menjadi meringue.Masuk cream of tartar hingga meringue kental.masuk ovallete dan pes pandan Pukul kuning telur sehingga memutih kembang.Satukan dengan meringue.masuk minyak…
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bukuresepiibu · 5 years
Resepi Ibu #2: Kek Span
Resepi Ibu #2: Kek Span
200 g mentega
1 tin susu pekat
10 biji telur ayam
2 gelas gula
1 gelas air
2 gelas tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil (rata) soda bikarbonat
Pukul telur hingga kembang. Ketepikan.
Pukul mentega & susu pekat hingga kembang. Ketepikan.
Campurkan gula & air dan masak hingga jadi gula hangus. Sejukkan.
Ayak tepung gandum & soda bikarbonat.
Campurkan adunan telur & adunan mentega.
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Sponge Mix On Sale
Sponge Mix On Sale
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yuri-shibuya · 3 years
Arctic AU Ranboo carries a notebook, jots everything down and makes reminders (not for himself tho haha his memory is very good) but for Tommy and Tubbo who combined have the attention span of a dying lemming kek
But between all of yall, he's the first one to 'forget' a meeting if it's with people he doesn't like
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Comic Recs: Castle Swimmer
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This week, I’ve been reading Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin. It’s a far future fantasy set in an underwater society of mermaid species. Martin did a really good job of thinking for the Webtoon medium. They create these long, blue panels with underwater topography that genuinely feel like swimming through the cartoon. The story’s cast spans a diverse range of sexualities and gender expression. focusing on a young, queer couple. The story is a heartwarming bildungsroman, supervised by a charming array of eccentric queens. It’s just one of those comics that looks cute and makes you feel excited to be alive. There’s even a companion axolotl. -KEK :)
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