#keith being a gremlin
wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 19
part 1 | part 18 | ao3
As annoyed as Steve is to admit it, Dustin’s plan actually works.
(And he is annoyed, for the record. That little shithead should be glad he’s still grounded because Steve’s sorely tempted to invite him over just to give him a wedgie.)
Somewhere in the weeks following The Abduction Incident, he and Eddie become friends. Like, real ones. Friends who talk and laugh and shoot the shit in passing, who trade movies and mix tapes and ask each other if they saw the latest headlines in the morning paper.
They haven’t really had much chance to properly hang out, but Steve sees him most mornings, because he promised Wayne to keep making sure Eddie doesn’t sleep in on school days, and sometimes when they’re both around in the afternoons they’ll have a couple beers together, share a cigarette on the lumpy loveseat on the front porch of Eddie’s place. 
And Eddie’s…
Eddie’s funny. Oddly charming. Theatrical and weird. Steve already knew that last part, but it’s so much better when it’s not being used as an offensive weapon against him. He likes being in on Eddie’s jokes. 
Just plain likes Eddie, if he’s honest. 
Which should be crazy. It is crazy; if someone had told him a couple years ago that he’d be spending his free time with The Freak — that he would regret missing the guy’s Halloween show because of a Family Video shift, or that he would spend a week working up the courage to ask him if he wants to ride to school with Robin and him in the mornings? He probably would have kicked their ass for the mere suggestion. 
But now he’s half-orphaned trailer trash who knows that monsters exist, so. Eh.
“Steve! Hello? Earth to Steve.”
Steve blinks, focuses on the fingers Robin’s snapping in front of his face. “Huh?” he asks dumbly. 
He expects her to roll her eyes and pretend to chastise him with some butchered version of his name— ‘Steven Cardamom Harrington, were you daydreaming again?’ — but she just snaps her fingers again and begs, “A little help here? Please?” Her eyes are wide, her shoulder scrunched up to her ears with stress, and Steve realizes that:
a) he’s been staring blankly at a cart of go-backs for ten minutes instead of actually doing his job, and
b) the store is suddenly packed.
Friday night, and the rain that’s been hanging over Hawkins all week finally let up, so now everyone and their mother is apparently out running errands. 
He moves to man the front desk because the line is almost out the door, and Robin buzzes around the room like a shaken can of pure panic, her bangs sticking to her forehead as she zooms up and down aisles with the restock cart. She keeps making crazy eyes at parents when they stop her to ask about new releases or the age-appropriateness of films, because the parents are distracting her from intercepting their little gremlin children, who keep putting movies on the wrong shelves on purpose just to piss her off. 
“Dumbo! Does not go! In the horror section!” Steve hears her bark at a group of third graders, and he has to crouch down behind the counter for a second so she doesn’t see him laughing when she follows that up with a strangled, “Ugh!!!”
Entertaining as this is, he’s not getting chewed out by Keith again for missing quotas because Robin blew a gasket and scared off all the customers. 
“Hey, Rob?” he calls out to her as he hands a woman her change. 
“Go take a smoke break?” 
He knows she doesn’t smoke. He also knows that sometimes rushes like this get to be too much for her — the noise, the lights, the chaos of a crowd (“the mouth sounds, Steve; good god, the mouth sounds”) — and she needs a minute or twelve to go stand outside in the cool air, flap her hands around and scream behind a dumpster or whatever until she calms down.
Her eyes flash at the suggestion like she’s about to snap at him, but then she takes a deep breath and marches herself out the back door without another word.
With Robin cleared out, the crowd thins out pretty quickly. Steve gets the line taken care of at a speed he’s definitely not getting paid enough to maintain, and the kids get bored of playing ‘rearrange the inventory’ and wander off to the arcade. 
It’s sort of soothing, the mindless flow of it: scan, click, click, make change, “thanks for choosing Family Video,” print receipt, repeat. His mind wanders again as he works, but it doesn’t sink into its usual sludge of despair; doesn’t wail ‘house bills mom pills stress fuck-fuck’ like a tornado siren in his head until he gives himself a migraine. 
No, he’s thinking about denim. About cigarette smoke.
Crooked smile; Chiclet teeth.
Patches and pins with strange names and stranger artwork.
And then he’s thinking about how this is the second time tonight he’s started daydreaming about Eddie and wills himself to knock it off.
What? The guy’s friendly with him a handful of times, and suddenly he’s, like, obsessed with him?
He’s not. 
He’s not. 
He's just… pleasantly distracted by him; that's all.
“Thanks for choosing Family Video,” he tells the last customers as he hands them their receipt. The second they turn to leave, he slumps over the counter with his head pillowed on his arms, a wave of exhaustion hitting him because holy shit that was so many people and thank god the store’s finally empty. 
The bell over the door dings.
Steve lifts his head, reminds himself not to scowl at paying customers because he really needs this job, but then— 
“Eddie! Hey!”
part 20
tag list part 1 below cut let me know if you want to be added tomorrow
@heartsong18 @hellion-child @hiimlevi @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @marklee-blackmore @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @noodle-shenaniganery @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @pending-dope-username @perseus-notjackson @ppunkpuppyy @questionablequeeries @remosdeerica @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @shamelesspatrolshepherdcowboy @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @steddie-island @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @taleah-bonnick @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thespaceantwhowrites @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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dicenete · 3 months
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I repainted his face more times than probably necessary but something always caught my eye and still does, but it is done. is done. It's fine. xD IkePri Tagteam:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
A little bit of rambling of him below the break, spoilers (Keith's route, and little bit of Nokto's route) and such :0 so you have been warned.
TL;DR: I enjoyed the route despite its questionable elements. MC is too forgiving at times, but other than that, romanctic route was cute. Licht, the third wheel, was funny but sad.
Okay first about Keith's visual design: I really love how his design is the most asymmetrical from the suitors. Like the jacket and the vest he has. The jacket is very interestingly layered, almost like you aren't sure which part is the main thing and what is the accent. The green or the gold? The host or the alter? : D Same with his vest. His duality is battling in his clothing too hahaha
Keith's route was interesting. I had heard lots of differing opinions about it and I had my own reservations.
One mainly about the portrayal of DID and how the route does it. First things first: I'm not an expert at all. I won't even humor the idea that I had any say in anything regarding it. But overall, it could have been worse? Of course it might be very extreme in the way Alter Keith is hostile towards Host Keith. And of course you shouldn't take this as the only way the alter systems work. But as I said: I'm not an expert.
I had heard that the dramatic route follows Alter Keith and romantic route host Keith. I picked the romantic one. I had my personal reasons for that tho. But aside from that, it was nice to be with Keith that who struggled with self-worth. It was nice to see him grow as a character and find that strength to stand up for himself. (The fact that the host Keith seems to think that he is inferior to Alter Keith and that people would prefer the alter over him. The amount of stress that will bring. )
Keith's uncle was your very generic villain/antagonist without any real depth. He was a spoiled noble and so on. But since this was more about Keith inner journey I thought it was fine that it was like that.
The drugging scene… Well. That's a… a topic. Hmm… Host Keith himself felt very guilty about it and was full of remorse. Not that it was his choice to do it. Alter Keith well… He might justify it because he was gathering information about a rumor that might endanger his home country and people if it were true. I kinda can see where he is coming from, but also...IT CERTAINLY WAS DESTROYING OF TRUST. Like that time when Nokto "accidently" gets MC drunk. but hey ho. Since there is limited time frame for the chapters, I do understand they can't really jam all the things there, but I wanted Belle be more angry with him with Alter Keith for longer.
Maybe that's what bugs me sometimes. That Belle/Emma/MC is sometimes too forgiving and too much of a doormat. It works in routes like Yves and Licht (from the routes I have played, Leon seems like the most respectable gentleman too), because they are not being insulting towards her. I would even think that she works with Clavis, tho I would love to see him with someone who shares his chaotic gremlin energy. But with characters like Chev, Silvio or Alter Keith the their "power" doesn't feel balanced. MC seems to be completely on their mercy even if they stand up to them in some way. (Gilbert is another can of nasty things.)(With Chev's route, well, that is also a rambling for another time. But I haven't finished his route yet. so I will keep my ramblings to myself for now.)
Is Keith's route more about acceptance then? Accepting the good and the bad of a person? Possibly. I would think that is a good way to put it. Both Keiths have good and bad sides. And it seems that they are working on them.
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bellamer · 6 months
So while watching Godzilla x Kong I heard voices in my head for the Kaiju despite them not talking and here’s what they sound like
Kong: Ron Perlman. I think it’s because Ron Perlman was Optimus Primal in ROTB despite not being used much. But Kong sounds like him.
Godzilla: Keith David. He sounds like Spawn Keith David. Once he saw Kong in Egypt the line “I warned you, you fat piece of shit” rung out in my head.
Suko: Whoever voices Mikayla Van Buren in MPGIS. I saw him and thought “Jesus Christ is that a fucking gremlin ?!?” and he looks like the type to respond “No I’m a third grader !” just don’t feed that fucking thing after midnight
Mothra: Whoever voiced Ponyo’s mom. Mothra just had that beautiful goddess energy Ponyo’s mom had and when she smacked that wind towards Godzilla it was almost like she was telling him to calm himself. In a harsh yet gentle way. And it could work for both English and Japanese voices too.
Skar King: Brad Garrett when he’s doing his Lobo voice because when he voices Lobo his voice is prime asshole voice and I love it.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
omg what abt steve getting a crush on this more rebel, punk-like reader? usually sees her with a guitar or smoking out back somewhere, but he’s worried that he’s not “cool enough” to talk to her
maybe she comes in at the family video to rent a horror movie or something and he finally tries to start a conversation
ajdkdk sorry hope this isn’t too specific, have a great day!!!
hi aster!! thank you for the request it’s adorbs
Robin sits under the counter of family video sorting return movies into boxes.
It’s a perfectly tedious task that she doesn’t mind doing. In fact, she usually fights for it, leaving Steve to take her assortments and shelve them. Except today he forfeits his duties, opting to stand and complain. Loudly.
It’s not that Robins over it, but she’s over it.
“You don’t get it, Robs.” Steve eyes the front door morosely. “She’s so cool. She plays guitar.”
Robin laughs loudly, pulling Gremlins out of the kids box and into the horror box. “So do like, a gillion people, Steve.”
“But she’s good at at.”
Robin shrugs. He got her there.
“And she likes that one band.”
She nods. “Thank you for that.”
“You know which one I’m talking about.”
“Because you gave me so much to work with.”
He glares down, but she doesn’t see. “Long hair?”
“Long hair, no face paint.” He adds.
“Iron Maiden? Van Halen? Dokken? Metallica?”
“Metallica!” He nudges her with his foot excitedly.
“Well she likes all those bands.” She shrugs, kicking the loaded romance box away.
His head shakes. “Eddie got his grubby little hands on her.”
“Eddie is her brother, and liking the same bands as your sibling is normal.”
“Still.” He sighs.
His inability to talk to you haunts him. A painful reminder that he’s no longer king Steve.
The door chimes.
“Who is it?” Robin asks.
Steve kicks her, she punches him.
You walk in, destination in mind. He watches silently as you move to the horror section, smiling as he sees you mouth your ABC’s to find Friday the 13th.
You look exceptionally pretty today, he thinks. Black band tee, black skirt, black headband, you look like you’ve shopped in Eddie’s closet. Not that he’s complaining.
You hop up to the counter.
“That was quick.” Steve smiles as he scans the bar code with the little red light. He drops it to the counter when it beeps, typing into the new computer Keith ordered a week ago. “Friday the 13th?”
“Uh huh.” You smile. His knees buckle.
“It’s a great movie, you’ll love it.”
“I don’t know,” Your finger traces the wood countertop. “I’m easily spooked.”
He looks away from the computer, waiting for the receipt to print. “You watching it alone?”
“No,” You laugh. “Definitely not.”
“Oh,” He deflates. “With you’re boyfriend?”
Robin pinches his calf, he resists the urge to kick her again.
You laugh a little louder, a little sweeter. Steve finds the contrast of your look and the sound dizzying. “No, Steve, my brother.”
“Right.” His soft laugh is an air of relief. You roll your eyes, smile plastered onto your face you fear permanently.
“Yeah, Ed’s really tears up these horrors.”
“You look like you would too.” He puts the receipt in your bag. Dropping it to the counter with a soft thud.
“What does that mean?” Your head cocks.
“No I just.. you know- like..”
You laugh, and even though it’s at Steve’s expense, he hopes it’ll happen again. “I was kidding, Steve.”
“Oh,” he breathes, smile playing on his lips. He looks down at the counter. “That was mean.”
Your eyes crinkle. “I’m sorry”
“You don’t look too sorry.” He laughs, a little breathless.
“What can I do to apologize?”
His smile stutters. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
You look around the store and his mind wanders places he feels guilty for. “You wanna come watch it with us?”
You kick the wall softly, nervously. Robin can feel it.
“What?” This isn’t real.
“Yeah, come over tonight. We make popcorn, and he’s buying candy right now.” You search for his eyes now. “Please say yes it’s the least I could do for being so mean.”
“I don’t know.” He hands brace against the wooden counters, a gentle reminder that this is real. Like Robins pinch. “..Eddie would be okay with it?”
“You’re already friends with him, it’ll be perfect.” You grab your bag from the counter, the plastic loud as you wind it around your hand. “And then I’ll have someone to protect me.”
He hears Robin breathe out and dares a look under the counter. She’s grinning like a madman.
You don’t give him room to object, walking to the door and turning around when you hear the chime. “See you tonight. Bye Robin!”
Faint giggles are heard under the counter. Steve feels sick.
And then you walk out. Steve’s heart dragged along behind you.
Robin hops out of the counter. “You got a date, Steve!”
His shoulders droop. “With Eddie.”
“So what?” She claps his back “I doubt he’ll actually be there.”
“Yeah.” He breathes, “It’ll be fine.”
Robin nods once, walking into the back room. “And I’ve finished sorting. Have fun!”
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Regressor!Angel Dust Headcannons
A/N - I wrote these at like 3am so please bare with lol. I tried my best to keep mentions of triggering things vague.
Warnings - Although I kept it very vague there is a mention of kink, plus a gun is mention.
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Vent regressor all the way.
I think he can switch between regressing quite young, maybe 2-4 and to and older headspace, thinking about 8-10.
He's such a good big brother to Niffty and Charlie when in an older headspace.
I saw this on someone else's Angel Dust Headcannons and I haven't been able to forget about it. Alastor is Angels Caregiver.
If Angels had a hard day, once he's in his room fat nuggets will bring his pacifier to him. (I have a very specific image in mind that I will draw at some point)
When in his younger headspace he prefers to crawl or stay sitting because he's so tall it makes him a little upset as he doesn't feel 'small'
If he is not being supervised he will cause so much chaos with Cherri. Like seriously love her but she would be such a chaotic babysitter.
When regressed his Italian accent becomes more prominent.
He has a pink bunny blanket/plush which he always carries around with him. (Listen if he can carry like 6 guns discreetly, he can carry a plushie. 😌)
^ When I say always I do mean always, even when he's not regressed.
For some reason I see him and regressed!Vaggie not getting on. Constant bickering.
Angel likes to tease her
Gets Husk to read him bedtime stories. (This is literally just based on the fact that I think Keith David's voice is very calming)
Absolutely loves art and crafts. Loves mess. If that mess interferes with him (paint getting on him) he will cry, he hates that.
Everyone struggles to give him rules. They cannot say no to him- Alastor is able to establish some basic ones but even he struggles. (He will not admit that by the way.)
Angel has to be reminded to watch his language about 100 times a day.
This kid needs naps. He will say he doesn't, he's lying.
When in his younger headspace will gladly sit quietly with Alastor I'm his radio tower whilst Alastor broadcasts something. Angel likes hearing Alastor talk in the background as he plays with some toys quietly.
2-4 age range -> calm little one.
8-10 age range -> the most chaotic little gremlin there is.
Him and Sir Pentious get on surprisingly well when regressed.
He is very (understandably) defensive over regression and it not all all being aligned with kink. He will get angry at anyone who even thinks otherwise.
Loves teethers!!!
He doesn't like hugs unless he initiates it. (The exception to this is Charlie and Niffty)
↑ to be fair though he is normally happy to do so, he loves cuddles.
He has such a sweet tooth-
Husk keeps a pink sippy cup behind the bar at all times for him. (Apple juice is normally the go to drink)
Most of his Regression stuff is packed away until he wants it. (Toys are in a toy chest ect)
He periodically gets self conscious and guilty over his regression. Alastor or Husk will have to sit and talk to him so he knows it's okay and he's allowed to just be small.
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alluraswifey · 6 months
Here you go gremlins some Shiro,Adam and Keith fluff:
#1 Them meeting Lance(If the whole space war and shit didn’t happen)
Keith:Soooo dads I’ve got some for you to meet*pulls Lance it the room*
Lance:H-hello Sirs!
Keith:Anyway and Lance and dating…surprise!
Keith:Guys you ok…?
Lance:*Shaking in fear*
Both:*Bursts out laughing*
Keith:What’s funny?
Shiro:We’re just surprised anyone would date you!
#2 Lil Keith 🥰
Shiro:Yes bud?
Keith:Look what I found!*Pulls out a big spider*
Keith:In a bush!
Adam:What’s all the screaming about?*Sees the spider*
Shiro:Adam it’s ok.
Keith:Papa look!
Keith:…I’ll go put it back outside.
Shiro:You do that bud.
Adam:Is it gone now…?
#3 Keith being a crazy bitch.
Shiro:Guys what happened?!Are you both ok?!
Adam:We’re fine babe don’t worry.
Shiro:Don’t worry!You told me Keith beat up a grown man!
Keith:I did!
Keith:Well when me and Papa were in the grocery store this old guy yelled at Papa to “Go back to Mexico!” So I pushed him of his wheelchair and kicked him!*Grins*
Shiro:Did you get him good bud?
Adam:Well I mean I wouldn’t have handled it like that but you got the job done so well done bud!
Keith: ….:D
#4 Keith’s first crush(On Lance~)
Shiro:Woah Keith what’s wrong?
Adam:Yeah you ok hun?
Adam:*Squeals in Spanish*
Keith:His names Lance and yes he’s in my year and he’s tanned with brown hair and blue eyes.NOW WHAT DO I DO?!
Adam:Well do you guys have a date?
Keith:Yessss this Fridayyy*Happy keef*
Adam:Ok I’ll help you pick out an outfit.Shiro you good babe?
Shiro:Yh but now I have to go beat someone up.
Adam:Shiro we’ve been through this…
Shiro:*Grabs a frying pan*I’ll be back by dinner.
Keith:DAD NO-
#5 Keith’s first day of preschool(If Shiro and Adam adopted him earlier ofc)
Shiro:*Sniff*Bye baby…
Adam:*Rubbing his back*He’ll be fine hun.
Keith:*Waves* Bye Bye Daddy’s!
Keith:*Running inside*
Adam:*Sniffing*Lets just go home…
*Later at pick up*
Keith:Daddy’s!*Shows them a drawing of a hippo*
Adam:That’s so good hun does the hippo have a name?
Keith:Yesw it’s called hippo!
Adam:*Chuckling*Ok hun let’s just go home…
#6 Late night cuddles 🥰
Keith:*Coming downstairs*Can I stay down here for a bit…
Adam:Oh hun you scared me!Ofc is something wrong?
Keith:*Tears in his eyes*
Shiro:Come here bud…
Keith:*Walks over*
Adam:*Leans over to Keith*You wanna talk abt it bud..?
Keith:I just feel sad…
Shiro:Aw that ok bud sometimes we just feel sad.
Adam:Yh you don’t have to now why sometimes it’s ok to cry for now reason.
Keith:*Sniffs* ok…
Shiro:Now do you wanna watch a show?
Adam:Ok you two move over a bit I’m joining!
{{This one was inspired by my parents!I had this conversation so many times with them more times than I can remember 😅}}
#7 Keith’s birthday!!🎂
Adam:Keith hun wake up!!
Keith:*Groans* Pape it’s to early…
Adam:But it’s your birthday c’mon!
Keith:What?That’s today?
Adam:Yes c’mon I trusted Shiro to make pancakes and I don’t want him to burn the house down!
Shiro:Well fuck.
*Theres pancake batter literally everywhere*
Shiro:In my defence the presents are unharmed!
Keith:All those are for me…?
Adam:Ofc bud!
Keith:*starts crying*
Shiro:Bud what’s wrong..?
Keith:N-nothing I’m just rlly happy is all….
Shiro:*Dying of cuteness*
{{That’s all for now if you want me to do more just ask!! Xx}}
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annab-nana · 9 months
“Can I have some cocoa?” With the stranger things gang🥺 all hanging out at Steve’s house watching Christmas movies🥺
omg of course this sounds adorable!!
warnings: not proofread, kinda long for a blurb i think but i wanted to include as many people as i could
❀ masterlist ❀
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"i thought we were watching gremlins," eddie commented when he brushed past you to grab drinks for robin and himself.
"it freaks will out. lucas too, but he'd never admit to that," you told him while finishing up the mixture for the sweet popcorn. "can you get a head count of how many want popcorn? tell them their options are regular butter popcorn, cinnamon sugar popcorn, or chips which they can get themselves."
"you got it," eddie told you before walking off with two mugs of hot chocolate. as he left, dustin passed him with his eyes on the cups eddie held.
"can i have some cocoa?" the curly-haired boy asked you.
"um, one sec." you paused and turned to the table where the hot chocolate was supposed to be, but it seemed eddie grabbed the last two that were ready. "come back in a little bit. jonathan is making more right now."
dustin left and yelled, "eddie, you took the last of the hot cocoa! i hope you're happy!"
robin's laughter sounded throughout the house as did eddie's voice when he said, "and it's sooooo good."
you rolled your eyes at the pair while getting a start on pouring popcorn into separate bowls for everyone. eddie should be back with a count soon anyway. but, he didn't walk in next.
max and eleven did.
"eddie said you needed to know how many people wanted popcorn," the redhead stated in an almost questioning tone before you nodded.
"six want cinnamon sugar and...." eleven shared with you and trailed off to count in her head, "four want butter."
"jonathan?" you called over to the boy who was mixing hot chocolate on the stove. he turned to face you. "do you want popcorn?"
"um, yeah. i'll try the cinnamon sugar."
"alright, so that's eleven total and i want some too which makes twelve. max, can you grab four more bowls and el, can you help me fill these bowls with popcorn?"
you knew the girls loved to help, so they wasted no time in following your requests. more hands at work made things go by faster anyway.
just as max placed down the bowls you'd asked for, steve appeared in the doorway, his expression not being one of happiness.
"i can't get the vcr to work and i am this close to snapping henderson's neck," he spoke breathily, his eyes bouncing between you and jonathan.
you met jonathan's eye before nodding your head in the direction of the living room. "you know more about that stuff than i do, so i'll take over the hot chocolate. steve, why don't you help me?"
he nodded and the pair of boys swapped places.
"you two got this, right?" you asked the girls to which they nodded. "i want cinnamon sugar too so that's ten of those. the mixture is right here. sprinkle it on and toss it a bit to get it evenly coated. the melted butter is in the microwave. put a little bit on all of it, but more on the ones that are just butter."
once they seemed like they got it, you split to go over to the stove where steve stood. you knew the hot chocolate was almost done when jonathan was working on it, so it's had to be done now.
"you okay?" you inquired of steve when you picked up the pot and started pouring hot cocoa into the mugs that jonathan had set out.
"yeah, yeah. it's just..." he sighed and ran a hand down his face. "keith was on my ass earlier and we were really busy the whole time like there wasn't a break at all. then after work, i had to get stuff for this and ever since i got home, it's been insane. then, the stupid vcr. henderson was trying to help, but he was just telling me what i was already doing and then was saying i was doing it wrong. i let him take over before i came in here."
"have you had any hot chocolate yet? that always makes me feel better," you shared with him while handing him a mug. he accepted it gladly.
"thanks for this," he paused to gesture toward the mug, "and for listening."
"no problem."
"i got it working," jonathan announced when he came back into the kitchen. "they're ready to start if we're ready in here."
you glanced over at the girls who were finishing up the popcorn.
"tell them to come get their popcorn and then we're set to start."
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
dear slim, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin,
reader is the oldest of many siblings and is in college, eventually drops out of college to help more. readers single parent (can be mom or dad) relies heavily on reader to do things for the younger siblings, pick them up for school, make supper etc. any entertainment for the kids is purely on the readers dime but it all goes unnoticed. She finally decides to do something for herself and is scrutinized by her parent for not being there. Eddie comforts her during all of this and helps in anyway he can. Telling her she is worth more than just being a rely on for her parent.
@trashmouth-richie 🫥💕
Here it is, bb <3 I hope you like it!
Warnings: absent parent, some language
WC: 1.6k
Thank you to @firefly-graphics for the phoenix dividers!
You didn't realize that the day could already feel long at 7:30 AM until you had to raise your younger siblings.
"Let's go! Up and at 'em!" You try to sound chipper as you rouse your 10-year-old sister and 8-year-old brother. "Time for school, you little gremlins!"
Annie squints at you, grimacing at your wake-up call. "Five more minutes," she grumbles, pulling the covers to her chin.
"You said that five minutes ago," you remind her, exasperated. "C'mon, I can't be late for work again or Keith is gonna fire me."
Your sister begrudgingly obeys, and you breathe a sigh of relief before battling the demon that is your little brother. "Wake up, Nicky," you call out, only to be met by a pillow chucked at your head. It narrowly misses your glasses, and you march over to him angrily.
"Get. Up," you hiss, wrenching the blankets off of the pajama-clad boy, "or I will loudly announce to your class that you're late because you wet the bed." The threat works, with Nicky dressed and downstairs in a flash.
Your mom is in the kitchen, talking to Nicky while running around to gather her wallet and keys.
"Ask your sister to make you pancakes," she's saying absently. "I'm sure she won't mind."
You clear your throat. "Actually, today's menu includes cereal or...cereal," you report. There's no time for anything beyond that, anyway.
"But I...want...pancakes!" Nicky cries, stomping his feet on the tile floor.
Your mom rolls her eyes as Annie strolls in. "Oh, and don't forget to pick them up from school today."
"Got it," you reply tersely, pouring some Cheerios into a bowl despite Nicky's wailing protests. She's out the door before you can say anything else.
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After school drop-off, which somehow happens on time, you drive yourself to work. Pulling on your ugly Family Video vest, you make your way into the store.
Wednesdays are the worst because you're stuck with Keith for the day. Steve has off today, and Robin doesn't come in until you leave, which means your shift will drag.
"Morning," you mutter. Keith unsurprisingly doesn't even respond. He barely says a word to you until an hour into the day.
"Oh, I need you to cover the first half of Robin's shift," he tells you casually. "She called in sick and Steve can't make it in until 4."
You shake your head. "Sorry, Keith," you say, though you're not the least bit apologetic. "I pick up my siblings from school, remember?"
Your manager gives a little laugh. "Okay, well, how about this," he leans in closer to you with a sneer. "You cover the shift, or you never work another day here again."
"But...I need this job." Your mouth goes dry, and you feel your palms moisten with sweat. Everything the kids needed beyond food, clothes, and shelter--whatever your mom was legally obligated to provide--fell on you. You'd just spent a third of your last paycheck sending Annie on a field trip to the zoo.
Keith just shrugs, heading into the break room to snag a bag of chips from the vending machine.
Fuck. You can't lose your job, but you also can't afford after-school childcare. Your chest tightens, making you feel like you're breathing through a coffee stirrer. Blinking back tears, you run through your options: you can leave work and hope that Keith is in a forgiving mood, you can use the extra cash you make to pay for the childcare, or you could beg your mom to pick up Annie and Nicky. The fact that you'd have to plead with her to take care of her own kids leaves a sour note in your stomach.
"Hey, Y/N!" a familiar voice pulls you away from your thoughts. You glance up to see your best friend, Eddie Munson, burst through the doors. "Sorry it's a little late, but could you waive the--whoa, what's wrong, sweetheart?"
You can't hold back anymore, and the dam bursts. Tears stream down your face and plop onto your shoulders. "It's t-too much," you sob. "I can't k-keep running myself ragged like this." You explain your problem through heaving breaths, Eddie rubbing your back comfortingly.
"Why don't I pick up the little rug rats?" he asks gently. "I can stay with them until you get home."
You shake your head. "No, I couldn't ask you to do that, Eds," you murmur.
"You're not," he replies with a laugh. "Technically, I'm asking you."
You offer him a wry smile. "Are you sure? I don't wanna put you out."
"Positive," Eddie says. "Let me do this for you, okay?"
"Okay," you agree hesitantly. "Pick-up's at 2:30; if you get there later than 2:45, they'll charge for after-school care."
Eddie contorts his face, making you giggle. "Jeez, really? Don't worry, I'll be there at 2:30 sharp." He gives a little salute, and you roll your eyes playfully.
"I owe you," you promise him, taking the VHS from his ringed fingers. You feel a spark of electricity as your hands touch.
"Nah," he smiles, "just waive that late fee for me, will ya?"
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After your extended shift, you trudge through the front door. Dinner tonight will probably be something from a can, and as much as you can barely stomach the thought of Spaghetti-os or Chef Boyardee, you're too exhausted for anything more strenuous.
The scent of burgers and fries wafts past your nose. When you walk into the kitchen, you see Eddie sitting at the table with Annie and Nicky. Your siblings have kids' meals, and Eddie's chowing down on a bacon cheeseburger. The three of them are laughing so hard you'll worry they'll choke.
"Y/N!" Eddie calls out excitedly. "You're home!"
"Yup!" You muster up a tired smile. "You're relieved of your babysitting duties, sir."
Nicky speaks up from his seat. "Eddie was just telling us about how he broke his leg trying to crowd surf at one of his concerts." The mention of the story sends him into another fit of giggles.
"I remember that," you say. "What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't," Eddie responds, shaking his frizzy mane. He looks over at the grease-soaked bag on the table. "Oh, here--this one's for you." He pulls out a burger and a side of curly fries. "I specifically asked for curly, because those are your favorite."
Your heart melts at the kind gesture. "Thank you," you murmur. "How much did it cost?" you ask, reaching into your bag for your wallet.
"Um...seven million dollars," Eddie replies cheekily.
"I'm serious!"
"So am I!" But he can't help but chuckle. "I'm tellin' ya, this inflation thing is out of control."
You shelve your response, too tired to argue with him now. Instead, you turn to your siblings. "Did you two finish your homework?" Their silence answers for them. "Go to it; let me know if you need any help." They scamper into the living room, leaving you and Eddie alone.
"You're free to get home, if you want," you mutter, taking a bite of your burger. It's the best thing you've ever tasted. "Or you can stay. I don't wanna keep you..."
"Do you even know how amazing you are?" he blurts out without thinking. "I never met someone who did so much for other people."
"I mean," you stammer, "I-I kinda have to." You gesture to the living room. "My mom doesn't take care of them like she should."
"But that's the thing," Eddie insists. "You shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have had to drop out of college to pick up extra shifts at work so you can pay for their stuff. You shouldn't have to be at your mom's beck and call for free childcare. You shouldn't have to constantly pick up the pieces when she makes mistake after mistake."
You gaze at the ground, unable to meet his big brown eyes. "I guess I just want to be the big sister I wish I had when I was their age," you admit. "I wish there was someone looking out for me the way I do for them."
"I'll take care of you," Eddie says softly. "That's all I've ever wanted, if you'll let me."
"It's not just me, though," you tell him. "It's me and Annie and Nicky. At least until they're old enough to take care of themselves."
"Okay, so then I'll take care of the three of you." He says it without any hesitation, like he's been waiting for you to ask. "I can help out with pick-ups, and dinners, maybe throw together a PB&J sandwich for their lunches..."
"Why?" you utter suddenly. "Why would you do that for me...for us?"
Eddie rests a hand on your thigh. "Because I love you," he confesses. "and it breaks my heart watching you give so much of yourself to others and not getting the same in return."
You're stuck on his initial statement. "You...love me?" you squeak out. Surely he just means as a friend, right?
He nods. "Love you so much; always have, always will." And he leans into you, his plush lips meeting yours for a soft kiss. The hand not on your thigh reaches up to cup your cheek. "Was...was that okay?"
You nod breathlessly. "It was more than okay, Eddie. And...I love you, too." It feels so good to say, and even better when his face splits into a grin.
"Mhm," you say, your smile matching his. "Always have, always will."
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princess-kk9 · 1 year
I personally HC that Coran is EVERYONE'S uncle.
For example:
Shiro and coran kind of have that cool uncle and adult nephew relationship. They would totally just be having drinks together while feeling their age together.
Allure and Coran are just genuinely the classic, been there to watch you grow. Tell me what you will but they ARE uncle and niece.
For Hunk, Coran is that crazy, slightly scary, uncle that his parents never invite over but always comes to the house. And Hunk finds himself questioning how someone like Coran exists while simultaneously letting loose more than ever around him.
Pidge and Coran find themselves sharing a common interest in experiments. Although Pidge is most likely being a mad scientist for these things, coran enjoys the outcome too. The gremlin 100% uses the fact that Coran is cool with it to her advantage.
For lance and Coran? They share a chaotic energy. absolutely nothing and no one is safe when they team up. I'm sure one day Shiro will wake up with a less glam version of space uncles Mustache. Not to mention Lance finds peace and wisdom in Coran more than anyone.
And for my Favourite space emo, Coran is like the grand parent/great uncle that he never had. It is one if my personal HCs that Keith loves the elderly. He loves the stories Coran tells more than anyone elses and occasionally goes to Coran to unwind with a story. He loves the cooky weird way he speaks and how he seems to know everything. Keith ADORES it whenever Coran starts feeling his age. Like when he had the slipperies I believe Keith found it adorable. Not to mention how Keith sees Coran as more of parent than he does Shiro. I also believe that after Naxala Coran knew and attempted to comfort Keith.
Overall Coran Coran the gorgeous man is the best character on the ship. Thank you for your time.
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sydsaint · 4 months
My review of Double or Nothing 2024
Overall PPV Rating- 8.5/10 stars
In-Depth look under the cut.
I'll start with the pre-show matches.
Deonna vs Rosa- 8/10 stars. Really solid match for a pre-show bout. Both Deonna and Rosa got some good spots in. I was sure that Rosa was going to win, but Deonna pulled one out from under her. I'm expecting the fued to continue until maybe a street fight of some sort between them. It was a good opener to a night of action.
The Acclaimed vs Cage of Agony- 7/10 stars. Max Caster my beloved. Loved the rap and the shenanigans as always. Action was chaotic in a good way. Brian Cage never fails to amaze me with his insane build. Dude is a monster. Very entertaining match to watch.
Now onto the Main Card
Roddy vs Will- 9/10 stars. Almost a perfect match! William Ospreay you are allergic to having a bad match. The actions was entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I got to see Matt Taven be sexy which is always a bonus. (Mr. Taven please call me) I can't wait to see what kind bangers Will is going to put on now that he's champion.
Post-Roddy/Will shenanigans- ADAM COLE BAY BAY. So happy to see my sinster short king back and ready to cause problems. also. MJF YOU SEXY BITCH. Love the new tattoo pookie!! I can't wait to see the post breakup between these two get MESSY.
Bang Bang Gang vs Death Triangle- 8/10 stars. Jay and Pac aka my two fav greasy little bastard men going at it! Great to see Penta and Fenix back in action again! Death Triangle is so cool. The Gunn bros were chaotic lil weasels as well. They are learning from mother Jay White. and JUICE ROBINSON MY GREMLIN MAN!!! WELCOME BACK POOKIE!!
Orange Cassidy v Trent Baretta- 8/10 stars. Emo Orange you are so special to me. My heart hurts seeing them be mean to one another and I might have cried a little bit. Great match between two men that used to be so close! Emotional for everyone.
Toni Storm vs Serena Deeb- 6/10 stars. I didn't pay that much attention to this match tbh. Serena Deeb is boring to watch if you ask me. Girl had no chemistry with Toni. I did enjoy Nigel being a simp on comms though. And seeing Mariah and Toni be gay is always a plus! Most boring match of the night but still a solid one.
Adam Copeland vs Malakai Black- 9/10 stars. It would have been a perfect match but Malakai lost so. This was a match for the sickos and i ATE IT UP. Blood! Violence! Religious Symbolism!! It had IT ALL. RIP to Adam's knees after jumping off the cage. Also welcome back Grangrel you funky vampire man! The fake-out apot with Brody and Buddy was dope. I got swerved hard with that one. Second best match of the night if you ask me.
Willow vs Mercedes- 7/10 stars. I'm pressed as fuck that Willow lost. The action was solid. You know these girls dont play in the ring. I get that Mercedes is supposed to be a huge star. But my girl Willow got ROBBED. And you take away Kris and Stoke from her??? We can't have nice things in this house.
Swerve vs Christian- 7/10 stars. This was also a solid match. Swerve ddin't get to be nearly as unhinged as i'd of liked. But thats fine. It was fun seeing the shenanigans with Mama Wayne, Nick, and Luchasaurus! Match had me second guessing Swerve winning a couple of times I'll admit.
Anarchy in the Arena- 10/10 stars. BEST MATCH OF THE NIGHT. Oh my god this whole match was INSANE. It baffles me that Darby Allin is even walking after everything that he's gone through then he comes out and does insane shit like this?? Getting hit by a bus? Hanged??? Sir, please seek help. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!! I'm looking forward to seeing this Bucks gimmick end. I hate it. Cringe. All the spots were great! Had me engaged the whole time.
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nerdragenewvegas · 5 months
Fallout fics I've gone and done
Outing myself as Cantique the Ao3 gremlin here I guess. These all contain smut.
A Well Timed Scandal - Cooper Howard/Female Reader. Pre war (will go into the post-war timeline.) No current content warnings but I'll be tagging as I go. Will be multi chapter. Johnny places his cigarette in the carved out groove of the ash tray, leaning in and resting his elbows on the desk, like he’s leveling with you. “You wanna know why we cast Gilda in Empire on the Nile?” He asks. “Because there was one too many rumors about Keith McKinney being a fan of ‘Greek stuff’ for us to contend with. Now, originally, we just wanted them seeing each other,” he admits, “but I’m not gonna complain with the results.”
“So you want me to marry Cooper Howard?”
He shakes his head, laughing under his breath. “Marry? No, no, lets play that by ear,” he seemingly assures you. “What we want — need — you two to do is make it look like you’ve been having an affair.” You must look like you’ve seen a ghost. This is insane. “Explains his divorce, gets people talking about you two as a pair, gets eyes on this movie you’re filming together — now, don’t go outright saying it, of course. We just wanna’ make people read between the lines, get them curious enough to get them into the theater to see the chemistry on the screen.” 
--- Kinda Like a Cowboy - The Ghoul/Lucy, contains spoilers, porn with plot. Please read the tags for CNs but there are definitely CNs. Unhinged stuff involving guns. Currently two chapters but I'm cooking a third.
"I’d be real careful with that line o’ thinkin’,” he warns, raising an arm and bringing it to brace against the wall beside her head, all but pinning her to it. They may not be physically touching, but they’re so close to it and he’s looking at her like she’s a meal (which should be concerning because she knows he literally eats people) and she really, really wishes they were touching right now. “Because I can be nice. Real nice.” His free hand reaches up to her face, and she’s so focused on watching his expression and how close his face is to hers that she doesn’t even realize until his thumb brushes over the barely-healing split in her lip. “…But I don’t think nice is what ya’ want, is it?” More under the cut, they're New Vegas fics fyi~
Doctrine & Covenants - Joshua Graham/Female Courier with some Vulpes/Female Courier and Boone/Female Courier. Extremely longform (48 chapters, 286,349 words and still going) fic that I've been working on since 2022. It's imperative you read the tags and heed the content warnings as it does contain some noncon. First chapter is a little rough and I'll rework it one day but the rest is fine. Tells the story of Courier Six confronting her own trauma when she visits Zion in Honest Hearts thanks to Joshua not so much teaching her about God (although he tries) but teaching her about forgiveness and love despite sin. Lowkey a bit of a personal one for me as I'm an ex-mormon myself and it's been a nice avenue for me to kinda work through my own feelings while deconstructing.
“I will not judge you – I understand better than anyone else what it’s like to be willing to do anything to escape your own history,” he explains, “but you are a good neighbor to us. The tribe cares for you, Follows-Chalk and Waking Cloud care for you, and I care for you.” He holds her gaze as he says this, speaking firmly, as though there’s no room to budge on his statement. “And as someone who cares for you, I want to let you know that this is something we can help with if you wish.”
Six doesn’t say anything, her jaw tense as she casts her eyes downwards, and Joshua worries that he’s lost her.
“And as for whatever has happened before you came to us,” he says, “I want you to know that it is forgiven in Zion.”
Six shifts uncomfortably, her eyes glancing up at him, but only momentarily. “I’m not religious, Joshua,” she says. “That’s sweet, but I’m sorry.”
“I know,” he says plainly. “I’m not speaking for God, though. I am speaking for myself.”
“But you don’t even know what I’ve done.”
“I don’t need to. All I need is to know who you are now.” ---
Raze It, Raze It - Joshua Graham/Female Courier. Oneshot, there's smut in here. Honest Hearts bad ending but the Courier is an enabler and basically encourages Joshua to keep going until he's started a holy war. Make sure to read the tags for CNs.
“Bring me Vulpes Inculta alive and I will give you a child.”
He gazes up at her when she says this, in awe of her naked form as she takes him so well, his fingers digging into her supple thighs, the light that pours in through the seams of their tent illuminating her from behind. She is divine. Remarkable. A miracle. And she offers him a child, an opportunity to have the eternal family he had been sure he had lost all right to. At first, he had thought they would go without. He has two decades on her at even his most conservative of guesses, and she is so young and healthy compared to him that if not sent to him directly by God, he’d be sure this was perverse.
But despite his age and despite his burns and past and all that he is, here she is; the most feminine of all forms, joined with him at the flesh, offering to grow and bare his child. All of her, this perfect creature, here, for him and only him.
“Anything,” he finally says. He reaches a hand up to cup her face and she nestles into it, her cheek so soft against his own burnt and scarred palm as she rides him. Oh, she’s so beautiful. He watches her on the battlefield, striking down Legionary after Legionary, a true Holy Host. If Joshua is the sword, she is the arrow.
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uniquecellest · 8 months
Adam and Shiro being in RWRB AU
* Adam and Shiro coming from very established families especially at the Garrison, though Adam's not only help contributes but also helped found the Garrison
* Shiro secretly having a crush on Adam but didn't know it at first
* then it hits him one night
*Adam is aware he has strong feelings for Shiro he just doesn't know where they lie
*the two are the biggest rivals ever competing for top spot
*Shiro asks for class changes due to Adam being in most and once he realizes his crush can't blushing around him
* Adam assumes Shiro wants more rivalry than friendship and goes with it
*Matt and Keith are done with their shit obviously
*Adam starts to be colder to Shiro and throws himself into his studies since he doesn't have Shiro in many of his classes anymore
*there's a formal gathering where they make fools of themselves so they have to be besties at things
*it starts with them being roommates and being in all the same classes together
*they start getting along
*at the next big event when Adam sees Shiro talking to someone (he thinks it's flirting) not to mention his over stimulation he goes outside
*Shiro finds him
*Adam kisses Shiro and freaks out and leaves.
*Adam like leaves leaves, when Shiro goes back to their dorm Adam is gone along with all of his things. All of their friends haven't seen Adam either
*Adam's family forces him back for his mid terms/end of term exams and he completely ignores Shiro acting like Shiro doesn't even exist
*Shiro finds Adam asleep one night in the library. Shiro takes Adam back to their dorm (Shiro still refers to it as theirs despite now rooming with Matt and taking on Keith). Shiro sleeps on the couch putting Adam in his bed
*The two start a secret relationship though they act like friends to the public. Only Matt and Keith know
*The two go away for Spring Break together. They're saying 'I love you' at this point but Shiro confides how hard he has fallen for Adam, which freaks Adam out so he leaves. (Not due to Shiros feelings but due to his own bc he realizes how deep his feelings for Shiro goes and it scares him)
*Adam doesn't resurface at the Garrison for a while after spring break so Shiro throws himself into his studies.
*Someone who is jealous of them, their spots, their grades, shares photos with the Garrison of Adam and Shiro kissing and holding hands (person thinks that Adam and Shiro only got their spots bc of their families) as an expose (person could also have a thing for Adam or Shiro)
*Matt and Keith become Shiros saving grace at the Garrison while it turns out Veronica and Adam are besties and she's his saving grace at home
*Veronica and Matt plot together to get Shiro to Adam
*Shiro is upset at Adam for ghosting and not even responding once the photos came to light
*Adam then confesses how deep his feelings for Shiro goes and how it scares him and when the photos came out he was only worried for Shiros safety not his own
*the two reconcile
*to everyone's surprise it's not Adam's family they have to convince its Sanda bc she's too busy trying to "protect" the reputation of Adam's family
*Adam and Shiro live happily ever after with their gremlin little brother/son Keith
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
nope, grimbley is a skele with goblin family/ancestry. keith was supposed to be a goblin/gremlin character, but i think i introduced him in a confusing way, so everyone got confused. i went with having roleplay keith being a human because it was what you thought they were (and monsters would've already known the monster etiquette that, at the time, i didn't know)
Shdhdhdhdh my bad! I didn’t know 😭😭
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Episode 1 Liveblog
In order to avoid this post getting Way Too Long, I'm going to make one post for episode one, and one for episode two!
I will say, I'm kinda sad we don't have a 'proper' theme song/intro, just the little jingle :( I do get it, but ah well.
Oh my god the commercial is even better in full.
How the fuck did he get Charlie to keep the name if it was still him???
Al's so fucking offended they're making him use a camera he made it one giant middle finger. I love it.
The voices are definitely going to take a bit of adjustment. It's probably because I've rewatched the pilot a zillion times, though.
I like how Alastor didn't even look at Angel. "Never going to happen!"
Awww, Charlie's ringtone for her dad is cute.
I DO really love Keith David as Husk right away, he suits the role perfectly.
"I like being forced!" and I love you, you weird little gremlin. Hoping for some good CNC stuff with her now, tbh. She'd be fun for it.
The flat delivery of 'crack is expensive' made me wheeze out loud.
Aaaa and here we go, full animation for Happy Day!
Why... why is the 'shoving barbed wire in your hole' guy an imp. Is that, like, his job or something. Is he just an asshole?
Ooooo, that was VAGGIE singing the 'bloodthirsty and deranged?' line? More fodder for her being a fallen angel/exterminator.
'Helluva post' for the mail. Ha.
This just made me fully realize how much the cannibal colony probably considers the post-extermination like a feast day.
Awww, the music note background is a fun touch.
Something about the fact that the 'touch my parts!' guy is a completely shapeless slug-creature instead of just keeping the dick offscreen makes it funnier.
Oh, I love Adam. The fun kind of punchable prick.
The animation seems a bit... overacted? I've noticed it all along but with Vaggie in the scene where she talks about making a new commercial especially. It sort of felt like they wanted to match the pilot's very snappy energy but weren't quite sure how, so everybody makes kind of... aimless motioning instead of moving with purpose, if it makes sense? It feels more like 'moving body parts for the sake of moving things' over 'moving with intent'. It's sort of awkward and distracting. The shifting proportions don't really help, but I just know people are going to be Fucking Annoying about that when it's unfortunately part of the package of making a whole season at once by a regular animation studio.
Oh yeah, Blake's perfect for Angel, lmao. It was more of a change than I expected from the few lines we'd gotten since they sounded more like the original, but he's got the energy.
Charlie didn't know Adam ran the angel army? That seems like the kind of thing she should have known. I wonder if she was relatively sheltered growing up.
'Call me dickmaster' why do I get the feeling the Chaz fans will like him, lmfao.
Since I'm on Adam though, another little groan to myself about the lack of fat characters in the hellaverse that aren't either gross stereotypes or background characters. Adam falls into the misogynist type, (like, the 'redditor', you know the one, just sort of mixed with a sleazy rockstar) Mammon's literally Greed and a talentless abuser, the lady at the pound was gross/uncaring and ugly, and I still think the Nurse was the only one that really broke the pattern and I've seen approximately one piece of fanart or mention of her ever (despite her clearly-developed positive relationship with Barbie!) and it was porn. I'm allowed to bitch on this after people were so fucking annoying about how wanting Bee to be fat was wanting her to be a 'gross ugly blob' and then saying other people were being fatphobic for pointing out everybody's skinny. Somehow. Anyway.
Well, at least they got the vagina joke out of the way early.
I love how his deal isn't for anything that would genuinely screw Vaggie over, he's just pissed they want him to deal with TV.
The fact that the pilot's still 'soft canon' makes sense with how Angel just immediately starts admiring his new clothes without any surprise, since it's happened before. Also, Niffty with the Marilyn pose is cute.
Oh, I'm definitely going to like Lute. I still like my idea she used to be close to Vaggie but when Vaggie was cast down, she stuck tighter to the rules.
Adam's song is fun!
So season 1 takes place over the course of six months? Huh. I'm guessing we'll have some time skips if we only have eight episodes.
I wonder what the Heaven Embassy is for? I can't imagine it's only for meetings like that considering there's couches in the lobby and stuff. Can sinners communicate with loved ones in heaven or vice versa, maybe, just using the holograms?
Oh my god the Katie voice IS basically just Brandon's Bryce voice. Amazing.
Ohoooo? VERY curious who managed to pull off killing an exterminator, and 'can't let them catch on'... hmm.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 months
Still The One
by Legitcookie
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair (background) Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, The Party (Stranger Things), Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Robin Buckley, Keith (Stranger Things) Additional Tags: Miscommunication, Angst with a Happy Ending, not really angsty but yk, Idiots in Love, you meddling kids with no dog, Good Babysitter Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Lives, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Not Canon Compliant, Everybody Lives, darcy is the world's best beta reader, gremlins being gremlins, POV Max Words: 5,399 Chapters: 1/1
”Why do you have to make everything so fucking difficult, Eddie?” Max's eyes widened, hand stopping just before making contact with the closed door to Steve and Eddie's apartment. ”Oh, I'm so sorry, your highness. Please keep telling me the same thing over and over again. I can't wait to hear if you put a new spin on it!” “Quit the bullshit, I wouldn't have to keep telling you if you did it this century.” This was not what Max had been expecting when she drove over that morning. She expected to knock on the door, be greeted by two lovesick buffoons that had recently moved in together, and grab the Dungeons & Dragons book Mike had left there. Apparently having a car made everyone think they could ask for favors. Well after this lovely start to the morning, that wasn't going to happen again any time soon. She should leave. She definitely shouldn't press her ear to the door to hear better. ~Or, Max overhears an argument thinking a breakup is imminent and gets The Party to help
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zombieee-queen · 11 months
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My bias sorter called me out. Other than Yves being my fave tsuntsun to ever ever, and Keith being… well, Keith, the next three are drama gremlins and then theres a Chevalier thrown in for intensities sake.
What this calls me out on exactly is unknown but it feels personal.
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