#keith and Jenna
cuppa-chai-chatter · 2 years
I stg if they don't bring back Keith and Jenna for some brand new, rookie, other Leverage team is showing them the ropes job, I'm gonna be so SAD.
Keith has really big "little guy" energy. Bring him back. He is babie. Jenna's cool too but KEITH
anyway I'm attached
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faorism · 2 years
fic of hurley onboarding keith and jenna when
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skkortysoup · 2 years
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Okay the montage of the leverage crew removing obstacles as an oblivious Jenna walks up to Hogan's office and tries to crack the safe is hilarious
"How random is that?" Lol
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userlaylivia · 1 year
@maya-matlin, @hydesjackiespuddinpop, @terrilynn88, @madscline
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greenlighted · 4 months
i just remembered that eugene left the try guys so now they're not even tre tri guys anymore (which is like SO okay omg) and it does make me sad to see both ned and eugene go (for wildly different reasons, of course, but like both reasons contribute to the main point (and also both of those reasons are my own issues to deal with, not theirs - they have no obligation to make decisions regarding the prioritization of their personal life based on the emotions of their fanbase)). but the constant unrest in all of these subconsciously developed parasocial relationships ive found myself in is like actually so fucking much to process? like jenna marbles last video felt like saying goodbye to my best friend with all the love in my heart and then never seeing her again (i saw her wedding photos and it made me want to cry. i am so happy she's happy and healing and i wish her nothing but the best). but having to let go and mourm the loss of all of these relationships (the good and the bad ones) and process everything that comes with it is so overwhelming (which, again, is like not their issue - i am the only one with any deep emotional devotion to this relationship (not to say that these online personalities can't have genuine care for their audience, because they totally can, but its literally impossible for them to constantly be expected to develop and nurture connections with each an every single one of their fans on a persom level and they also have like literally no obligation to either. the loss of this relationship will literally give me emotions that ill have to bring up to my therapist while they literally do not even know i exist at all and that is entirely my own issue to process and heal from).
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moss-sprouted · 1 year
i think after all thats happened on youtube with every youtuber ive loved spanning over a decade, my sanity is really hinging on Rhett and Link continuing to be decent reliable men who continue to contribute to the internet in some way for a while
theyre my emotional support old guys on the internet now, and the universe is not allowed to do ANYTHING to jeopardize that
i would truly break
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ferretrade · 2 years
i saw people saying the belly of the beast job might be the best leverage redemption episode and GOD UR RIGHT what an amazing ep
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airshipvalentine · 2 years
newest leverage redemption episode was SO FUCKING GOOD. absolutely one of my favorites of all time
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
Against the Dark (2009)
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Even a die-hard Steven Seagal film with a major brain injury would have difficulty enjoying Against the Dark. Debilitatingly cheap, poorly acted, often directionless and slow, the most interesting thing about this movie is a single, head-scratching entry in the end credits.
A disease has ravaged humanity and turned nearly everyone into blood-thirsty flesh-eaters. Tao (Seagal) is the leader of a group of hunters who prowl the streets looking for the infected, which they take out using their edged weapons. A group of survivors is hiding inside a hospital. Can the hunters rescue them before the military is forced to drop bombs on the building?
The first and most puzzling issue with this film is its monsters. It’s pretty obvious the script originally called for them to be zombies. They mindlessly attack people, often in packs, there are plenty of scenes of them tearing people apart and eating their guts or taking big bites out of human flesh. At some point during the production, someone (probably Seagal, who I hear is difficult to work with) said “I don’t like zombies; make them vampires instead”. This led to some hasty rewrites and reshoots. In some scenes, the creatures are too dumb to open doors. In others, they’re filing their teeth to points and hanging their victims upside down so they can collect their blood. There are further attempts to make them different from the undead ghouls they were clearly meant to be with some references to I Am Legend that make no sense. Someone says something along the lines of “Are they the monsters, or are we?” That line doesn’t work when there are plenty of people and the survivors are being literally torn to pieces by mindless, razor-toothed mobs.
The film is packed full of scenes in which monsters have to be very quiet so they can sneak up on someone. Once they're within range, they suddenly forget their previously displayed “intelligence”. You won’t care about the characters. You certainly won’t be scared. In theory, there is a ticking clock that should add some excitement: Keith David plays Lieutenant Colonel Wyaters, who wants to drop bombs on the zombie/vampire-infested neighborhood as soon as the sun rises - presumably because the monsters will be asleep at that time - but if he does before our survivors can escape/are rescued by Tao and his posse, they’ll all die. The problem is that you never understand the urgency. Can’t they just wait until the civilians and monster hunters leave?
If, for unexplainable reasons, you’re coming into this movie eager to see Seagal, prepare to be even more disappointed than zombie fans. It takes an eternity for the 80's "icon" to show up. I began wondering if all of his footage had been shot separately and was getting spliced in, possibly explaining the obvious rewrites, when finally, he makes his entry. Will you be satisfied with the results? I doubt it. The action scenes are “fine” at best. They certainly aren’t exciting or memorable. Seagal’s acting chops haven’t improved over the years and his reluctance/inability to perform stunts like he used to make Against the Dark scream “I needed the money, ok?!”.
Finally, we come to the point where we talk about the one thing this movie does that’s interesting. I blasted Steven Seagal pretty harshly and you might think he doesn’t deserve it but I disagree. Look closely at the end credits and you’ll see that Tao’s voice wasn’t provided by Seagal at all. It was provided by Alan O’Silva (as Alin Olteanu). How many of his lines? I couldn’t tell you but it seems Seagal either mumbled his lines so badly no one could understand them or he just couldn’t/wouldn’t come back for the post-production recordings. Either way, I’ve never seen such a thing before. It’s not much but in a movie like this, where there’s nothing else to interest you, it's a defining moment.
Against the Dark is instantly forgettable, which actually works in its favor. This has all the markings of a zero-star movie. The special effects are terrible, the performances come from people who know how bad the script is, the story can’t make up its mind and the film is cheap (pay attention to the ceiling tiles in those corridors and you’ll notice how frequently the production is dressing up the same location to look like a completely different place). Even if all those had been executed professionally, there isn’t anything here you haven’t seen before. Despite this, this film by Richard Crudo and written by Matthew Klickstein never becomes worthy of hatred. It’s too pathetic for any strong emotions - for better, and for worse. (February 17, 2023)
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2329s · 1 year
i remember in 2018 a bunch of ppl started saying that sheith are so jenna/julien coded it fundamentally changed the way i watched jenna marbles videos because they were so right i just couldnt un-see it..... to this day i watch her videos and think about keith and shiro its so insane and mentally ill of me but i just have so much fun inside my head TT thats literally what sheith is especially when they baby any of their dogs. thats kosmo 
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horrorfan985 · 2 years
Ti West's X (2022)
Artwork by Keith G Designs
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tall-slim-teapot · 11 months
Fantasy high ✨fan cast✨
Because I have nothing better to do.
Kiernan Shipka as Adaine Abernant
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Liv Hewson as Kristen Applebees
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Jenna Ortega as Fig Faeth
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Jordan Fisher as Fabian Seacaster
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Austin Abrams as Riz Gukgak
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Keir Gilchrist as Gorgug Thistlespring
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And as a bonus: Matthew Lillard as Gilear and Keith David as Principal Augefort.
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Anyway, who’s excited for junior year 🎉🎉🎉
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blindseer0 · 1 month
Echo General Timeline
(Another repost from Twitter from back in February)
I was watching Keith Ballard's Echo playthrough, and at one point they wonder what the ages of the characters are. People responded with a bunch of contradictory answers, so I decided to find out myself. A few disclaimers:
Echo was made over 7+ years with multiple writers. We don’t know how much of the timeline was planned out, what ambiguity is because it’s a horror mystery, and what are errors. Chase also canonly has a shitty memory for dates and ages (he’s just like me, fr).
I’m definitely putting more thought into this than anyone should, and probably more thought than the writers did (or should be expected to). This is largely for fun (and because my brain is “Just Like that” ™) and should not be taken too seriously.
I’ll try to address contradictions, but I hope to go deeper in another thread. I will cover my guesses there as well. If I can’t back it up with a screenshot, it’s not here. If anyone has screenshots of the writers confirming or denying these ages, let me know. Now onto the show:
When Do The Games Take Place?
Echo takes place in 2015, in mid to late March.
Route 65 takes place on November 1, 2008. (This was a Saturday in real life and I was recovering from a Halloween costume wedding at a strip club the night before.)
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Echo: 21
Route 65: 15
Comments: Chase, being the MC, is pretty straightforward. His age is stated in both games, though we never get a birthdate. He’s in the same grade level as Carl, graduated High School in May 2012 and started college in Fall of 2012.
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Carl Echo: 20
Route 65: 14
Born: April 1994
Comments: Carl is my favorite because his birthday is a plot point. His 8th birthday party was on April 19th, 2002. That was a Friday (yes, I checked), so it’s possible that was the actual day and not just the party.
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Echo: 19
Route 65: 13
Comments: TJ is also pretty easy, since they state his age in the prologue and Route 65. Chase forgets his age during Leo’s route, but there are enough other scenes (not pictured) that confirm he’d be 19 at this point in the year.
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Echo: 25
Route 65: 18
Comments: Flynn is established multiple times as the oldest of the group, and his age is stated pretty clearly during his route. Plenty to say about the character (and I will), but not much about his age.
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Echo: 21-22 (The wiki is wrong and I will fight it)
Route 65: ???
Comments: This is where it gets tricky. Jenna’s age is never stated in either game. However, we get her age during the “Runaway” side story. We also know she’s at least one grade level above Chase and Carl, since she’s graduating college in 2015. Since she was 17 in May 2010, the oldest she can be in March 2015 is 22 (17+5). If her birthday was right before she ran away it’s possible she’s 21, but we know no one has a birthday in March or April, so it’s more likely that she ran away right before she turned 18.
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Echo: Fuck if I Know
Route 65: *Deep Beleaguered Sigh*
Comments: You’d think for someone whose age is a plot point this would be easy, but nope. Leo’s exact age is never actually said during either game. We get clues, which I’ll cover, but nothing as specific as everyone else. The most exact thing we get is a throwaway line in Flynn’s Route that his birthday is probably in February. He’s likely two grades above Chase, since we know he played Football during the 2009 season (which ends in November/December), which would mean he graduated in May 2010.
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We do get his age in relation to other people. He’s roughly one year younger than Flynn, and three years older than Micha. Flynn is 25, and Micha is “nearly 21 now!” (which is the type of thing a 19-year-old would say). If we assume Micha is telling the truth and is 20, Leo is 23-24.
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If Micha is 20 going on 21 in March 2015, then he was probably 14 in November 2008. If Leo’s birthday is really in February, then he’d have been 17 in Route 65, and 24 in Echo, which are solid answers, but technically guesses because they rely on so much shaky information.
There you go, (mostly) solid ages for all the main characters in Echo. If you have any screenshots from the games or the creators that prove or disprove this thread, please send them my way. Let me know what you think, and if there is anything else you’d want to see.
I’m hoping to do more threads covering the contradictions, when Sydney actually died (and his age), speculation about birthdates, and when Chase was conceived, because I’m a monster.
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mesh-siv · 10 months
(spoilers for jenna's route!)
heart of gold, this guy
audio nabbed from the end of this ep of keith's playthrough
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^ thumbnail lizarb.
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angelvings · 3 days
                            under the cut you'll find " some " pairings i've been absolutely dying to write ( the muse i have and prefer to write is in bold ) so like this post if you want to do one or more of these pairings and i'll im you 🫶🏻
timothée chalamet x lily - rose depp . madelyn cline x emilio sakraya . zendaya x rachelle vinberg . zíon moreno x leo woodall . christopher briney x anthony turpel . rachel sennott x chase sui wonders . evan roderick x alisha boe . alisha boe x mason gooding . nailea devora x brayden bradshaw . pedro pascal x ana de armas . maia reficco x alex fitzalan . daisy edgar - jones x paul mescal . christopher briney x timothée chalamet . laura harrier x sebastian stan . maia reficco x kj apa . ryan destiny x keith powers . riz ahmed x sophie thatcher . paul mescal x ayo edebiri . chase sui wonders x isabela merced . alexa tiziani x ryan manick . jenna coleman x david tennant . ayo edebiri x rachelle vinberg . jessica chastain x oscar isaac . dominic fike x chase sui wonders . maia reficco x drew starkey . archie renaux x camila mendes . hugh dancy x sarah snook . camilla morrone x dylan o'brien . camila mendes x jacob elordi . michael b jordan x laura harrier . emma mackey x charlie plummer . rudy pankow x sadie stanley . hugh dancy x jessica chastain . jessica chastain x lucy liu . melissa barrera x danny ramirez . mimi keene x mason gooding . aron piper x lorenzo zurzolo . zoë kravitz x riz ahmed . riz ahmed x ashley moore . dakota johnson x hande erçel . asa germann x sadie stanley .
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