#keisuke x akira
takumifujiwaraswfe · 4 months
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Slam dunk
Initial D
Hajime no Ippo
Harry Potter
Monster high
The Witcher
My Candy Love high school
Stardew Valley
Total Drama Island
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wormwoodsmoke · 4 days
KeiAki No children but w a twist
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plushiesssforcrying · 2 years
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i've never posted this mini comic lol
someone called them ryukira n i like it lol
anyways pre yotsuya kaidan ryusei with akira even though they never canonically met 😔
+ some close ups of my fav panels
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Title: When the Bloody Moon Rises (Chapter 1)
Fandom: Togainu no Chi
Characters: Akira, Emma, Gwen, Keisuke, Shiki
Pairing: Shiki x Akira
Rating: +18 (Alternative Universe, Supernatural Elements, Suggestive themes, smut, Developing Relationship)
Status: In Progress
One day, an excellent reputation, vampire hunter Akira is falsely accused of murdering an innocent person. Fortunately, the church offers him to prove his innocence by defeating the evil vampire lord Il Re. And thus, the silver-haired hunter sets on the new journey. Will he be able to do it? Read and find out~
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Somewhere, in another time and place. It was a world where humans rule since ancient times. However, the creatures of the night also walk on this land without humanity realizing it.
That’s right, intelligent monsters and demons learned to hide their true form behind their human shape. Not only does it work as a perfect disguise, but also it does not drain their energy in this world.
Although, not all nocturnal creatures wanted to live together easily to catch food and lower themselves to the same level as these foolish humans. These ferocious monsters and demons openly hunted down humans and spread fear and terror across the land.
Fortunately, as long as kindness, love, and justice lived in people’s hearts, there was hope! One day, people with supernatural strength and power, who called themselves hunters, fought back the creatures of the night. After a long-lasting battle, which took many brave lives, the hunters defeated the evil monsters and restored the peace.
In the end, those who survived were feared as the ones they slain and even banished from their hometowns. Yet, instead of turning their backs on humans, some hunters continued to live in solidarity, and the others gathered into groups known as hunter guilds.
Everyone is welcome in the hunter guilds - from veteran hunters to anyone who just picked their first weapon. However, one of the conditions is - you need to pay for the rent and food. And for that, the Hunter Guild offers the chance to earn not only for survival but also to live a decent life.
There is frequently updated information about all available bounties, and the hunters can pick any wanted target.
And this is where the story of one vampire hunter who is fated to meet an unfortunate end, yet keeping his pride to the very end, begins.
It is another day in the Hunter Guild. Life here never stops even for a single moment because either someone checks the notice board and carefully picks their new target before setting on the new journey, or some people gathered in small groups. Lastly, someone is returning to the guild and about to claim their sweet bounty money.
Speaking about claiming the reward, one silver-haired hunter wearing an open long dark coat with a snow-white fur collar, an orange t-shirt, and light gray jeans enters the guild while dragging his defeated vampire. Even if the nocturnal creature was listed as an A-rank monster, in Akira’s eyes, he was barely as strong as a D-rank one. Perhaps, even lower rank than that, but the guild offered a generous reward.
In any case, the money is the money, and he’ll use it to live without worries for a good couple of weeks and take a long-awaited break.
The blue-eyed hunter also never cared about fortune, nor felt the thrill of dominating and killing his target, as some elite hunters do. Besides, he only does what he can do, and if the enemy is in front of him, he doesn’t hesitate and finishes it as soon as possible.
Even since his first hunt, he cannot understand how earning bread and keeping the roof under his head sounds exciting or glamorous to anyone. After all, it is monotonous work for which he gets paid.
Surprisingly, Akira has become a vampire hunter, not because of seeking revenge for what vampires did to him. More importantly, killing the blood-thirsted monsters won’t bring his dead parents.
Lastly, it is already a distant past, even if he cannot recall bits and pieces of it, and believes in the hunter’s words, who rescued him and raised him as his child and later suggested joining the Hunter Guild.
But for now, Akira remembers that his mission is not over until he delivers his captured target to the master room. That’s why, the faster he brings his captured creature, the better it will be.
On his way, he hears a familiar voice calling out for him ‘‘Akira!’’.
Upon looking in the direction of that voice, the blue-eyed hunter spots his childhood friend, who greets him with excitement in his voice ‘‘You’re finally back! How did it go?’’.
Suddenly, the brunette gets startled by the groaning vampire revealing bare fangs and hisses at Keisuke. Yet, Akira coldly glares at the dead creature.
‘‘Why-Why it is… It’s still alive?’’ Keisuke asks in disbelief.
After silently exhaling, the silver-haired young man explains ‘‘He is not. It’s only his last breath.’’.
‘‘Oh… I see.’’ the brunette replies. A couple of seconds later, Keisuke lowers his gaze and asks in a slightly shy tone ‘‘Um, I was thinking about it for a while, but I couldn’t ask you this while you were gone.’’.
As Keisuke clenches his palms into fists, he finally gathers enough courage and speaks up ‘‘Can I train with you? Well, if you are fine with it, of course… Or at least watch you. I-I promise I won’t bother you!’’.
‘‘Do as you wish. But not today. I need to rest.’’ Akira quickly backfires.
Suddenly, the brunette’s eyes sparkle with innocent joy, and he cheerfully replies ‘’Y-yes! Then, I’ll wait for tomorrow, Akira.’’. In the end, the rookie hunter follows his childhood friend to the master room.
Some time passes. At last, Akira reaches his room. However, after opening the door and stepping on the rustling paper, he gives a questioning look. Once he looks downs, he notices an envelope sealed with wax.
Upon picking up this piece of paper and studying, the silver-haired hunter realizes that this is the letter from the church.
Perhaps, it’s for the wrong person. Or so, he wonders. However, Akira carefully checks the address and the recipient’s name.
‘‘Just what kind of business the church wants with me?’’ The hunter murmurs as he tears the envelope and reads the letter.
The church offers him an unusually high reward, which allows him to retire early and live as a noble by only for bringing the head of an SS-rank vampire. However, Akira doesn’t trust this offer and already can sense that it sounds too good to be true.
Nevertheless, he decides to go to church. After all, he is running out of holy water, and it won’t do any harm to bless his trust-worthy combat knife and other sub-weapons. More importantly, he won’t feel under someone’s pressure by observing him during his training session. And thus, once the sun rises, he is going to visit the god’s house.
After entering the church, the vampire hunter is greeted by the priest and the red-haired nun near the altar.
‘‘Welcome. We’ve been waiting for you, hunter.’’ The redhead addresses him in a proud tone.
Yet, Akira doesn’t waste any time and straightforwardly asks ‘‘So, you were the ones who sent the letter? What do you want from me?’’.
After the nun cracks a smile, she replies ‘‘Not only you didn’t show up yesterday, but you dare to speak like this when you are a wanted criminal, vampire hunter Akira.’’. As her blue eyes sparkle, she adds in a mocking voice ‘‘Who knew that an excellent hunter is nothing more than a cheap fraud… You claim enormous rewards by killing innocent people who look similar to your targets for a long time. However, this time you won’t get away, boy.’’.
For sure, Akira has no idea what this woman is talking about. Yet, instead of listening to the empty insults, he turns around and is about to take his leave.
Unfortunately, the same voice makes him freeze at the same spot ‘‘Go on and leave. I’m sure that the Hunter Guild is already waiting to arrest you, and before preparing you for the public execution, you may receive proper punishment for your actions. Even your dirty lies about your target being too weak won’t help you.’’.
The silver hunter widens his eyes and grids his teeth. After turning around and approaching the church people, he exhales and defends himself in a patient and chill voice ‘‘I don’t know what you have against me, but you got the wrong person. My target was a vampire. He had sharp fangs and glowing eyes.’’.
‘‘The police reports say otherwise. How about you read it by yourself? Maybe then you’ll realize that you have nowhere to run.’’ The redhead backfires, and when she turns her head, she addresses the priest ‘‘Father, could you pass me the papers?’’.
After the dark-haired man passes the pile of papers, the nun handles them to Akira and explains ‘‘We do not wish any harm to you. We are only the humble servants of god. I’m Emma, and he is Gwen. As you can see, a group of people witnessed how a hunter who looked exactly like you abused a homeless man until he stopped resisting so that you could drag him away.’’.
When the vampire hunter removes his gaze from the studied papers, he replies ‘‘But it wasn’t me! I was in the opposite part of the city when it happened.’’.
‘‘If it was only one person or two, you may still argue about whether one of them is lying. However, these people say the same thing, even if they don’t know each other. Anyway, this church shares a long history of supporting the Hunter Guild. That’s why we may still help you.’’ Emma explains.
Lastly, she addresses Akira in a strict voice ‘‘Listen, we are giving you a second chance, and it’s up to you if you will use it. We have a perfect job for you. There is one pesky, arrogant vampire named Il Re, who kills people for his entertainment and challenges the brave men to play his little game. This manipulative creature even brainwashes people and makes them fight each other until only one remains. However, his hunger for power has grown stronger over the years, and he plans to destroy all humans and take over the world. That’s why, we ask you to go to the Forest of Eternal Night, where he lives, and defeat him. However, you must bring his head to us as proof of your victory. If you cooperate with us, we will convince the guild master it was another person who hunted the wrong target. More importantly, you will receive a reward, which lets you live the best of your life.’’.
However, once she finishes, the vampire hunter feels like such an offer is suspicious. Therefore, he asks to make sure that his senses are false ‘‘I can assume it is at least an SS-rank vampire. So, why are you asking me instead of the veteran hunters? I’m not even from any legendary hunter clan nor hunted down monsters above the S-rank. Aren’t you risking to send someone who may die and waste your time by looking for another hunter?’’.
‘‘You do realize that you have no bright future ahead of you, and you will rot in prison? It’s fine by us, hunter. However, we’ve seen records of your previous targets, which were enough for us. So, consider it again.’’ The redhead nun replies in a serious tone.
No matter how much Akira dislikes that someone decides what he should do, he admits that the woman is right, and either way, he may die. That’s why, after a while, he picks the lesser evil and accepts the offer.
‘‘When do you want me to start?’’ The blue-eyed young man asks.
In the end, Emma delightfully stares and curves a smile on her face ‘‘You’ve made a smart decision. However, before you go, I’ll give you something that will be useful during your journey.’’. After removing the silver necklace with the cross by her right arm, she handles it to Akira ‘‘This is a holy cross, which will vanish all creatures of the night around. However, use it wisely because it will work only once. Lastly, may the Lord be with you.’’.
Lastly, when the silver-haired hunter receives the blessing from the church, he sets on a new adventure to prove his innocence.
A few hours passed since the hunter left the city, and he entered the Forest of Eternal Night. Despite this place being quiet and reminding an ordinary forest during the nighttime, he is more cautious than usual. After all, who knows what kind of monsters are lurking in the dark? However, the longer he wanders here, he notices that the only entities he has encountered by far are the small and harmless animals that ran away after seeing him.
By far, the most outstanding thing about this forest is that the moon, which is surrounded by countless stars, is glowing in bloody red. More so, according to these church people, he should follow the moonlight until he reaches Count Il Re’s castle.
Some time passed. As Akira continues on his path, he isn’t aware that a pair of glowing eyes are watching him and waiting for the right moment in the distance. Soon enough, the lurking creature in the darkness reveals its fangs and licks it with its long wolf’s tongue. Certainly, the human’s blood smells delicious, and that fool will be easy prey. Or so, an enormous monster thinks.
Just as the vampire hunter spots the bridge connecting the forest and the castle, he can sense that something is off. However, the moment he is about to pick up the combat knife, he hears the loud, freezing in fear growling behind him.
Suddenly, the giant werewolf jumps from the depths of the forest with its open mouth. Yet, Akira’s reaction is quicker, and he dodges the attack.
Although the furry monster dashes at him with its sharp nails. Slash after a slash, and the hunter gracefully maneuvers it. However, the last strike almost gets him, and a nail damages his cheek.
After smelling the fresh blood, the beast howls and licks its lips, thirsting for the flesh. As Akira picks multiple knives into his fingers and aims at the werewolf. Although, the nocturnal creature brushes away the launched blades at it. Hell, it even didn’t get scratched.
Yet, the hunter had not a single second for wondering or a breath. The ferocious beast launches a strike at him at an inhumane speed and sends Akira flying until his back hits the tree.
As he lets out a painful groan, the hunter harshly lands on the ground. Despite that his whole body twitches, and he realizes that, in the end, he became mere food. Yet, he refuses to show any sign of suffering to the monster in front of him.
Meanwhile, the ferocious beast’s claw roughly grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Even when his throat is under such pressure, the blue-eyed hunter shakily places his hands on the hungry dog’s wrist and attempts to remove it.
However, the creature only enjoys his struggle and sticks out its tongue. Of course, Akira is disgusted by this creature licking his face and drooling on him. Unfortunately, there isn’t much he can do, nor does anyone show up and save him.
When the silver-haired young man closes his eyes, gathers his remaining strength into his one leg, and kicks into the creature’s guts.
As the werewolf groans, it releases the choking and dizzy hunter. Even when Akira desperately catches air, he instantly draws his combat knife and slits his opponent’s throat. When he is showered in the dark crimson liquid, the hunter picks the holy water from his coat’s inner pocket and removes the lid with his teeth.
Then, he shoves the bottle inside the monster’s throat through its open wound. The werewolf screams like a slaughtered animal as the holy water burns it and scratches its neck. Yet, it was too late for the ferocious dog. Soon enough, the blue flame ignites and spreads across the beast’s body. However, Akira wastes no time, and without realizing it, his legs carry him away from the creature howling in agony.
After running for a while like there is no tomorrow, he crosses the bridge and reaches the castle’s gate. When he lifts his head, Akira realizes that this is only the beginning of his mission. No matter how huge is the Count's castle, the hunter knows - somewhere at the top, there should be the master room, where the oh-so-feared Il Re waits for him.
But for now, he can swear that he felt the sudden burst of dark energy behind him. As the hunter looks back, he sees no one, and as soon as that aura appeared, it instantly disappears. Perhaps, his mind only plays tricks on him. Or so, Akira convinces himself.
A couple of seconds later, the gate opens for him, like inviting him inside. In the end, he enters the castle without realizing that the dark shadow follows him and watches him.
Chapter 2 Link
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rz-jocelyn · 5 months
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[NEWS] Sato Ryuji has been Cast in the TV Drama "With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle"
"With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle" (Japanese title: Kimi to Yukite Saku ~ Shinsengumi Seishun Roku~) is a live action adaptation of the manga called "Shinsengumi" by Tezuka Osamu.
It tells the story of Fukakusa Kyujuro a young man who wants revenge for the death of his father, and joins the Shinsengumi in search for this justice.
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Sato Ryuji plays a mysterious man who comes to Kyujuro's aid when he meets the enemy who killed his father.
[1] This isn't the first time Ryuji has had a connection to Tezuka Osamu's works. The Brow Beat (his band where he is the main vocalist) has released "Tsumugu", which is the "BLACK JACK" manga 50th anniversary theme song.
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To purchase the physical single of "LOVE LETTER" which includes the song, please refer to this link: HERE
To stream/download the song, please refer to the links below.
Apple Music: HERE
Spotify: HERE
The band is also collaborating with the "BLACK JACK" manga and goods from this collaboration are currently available online. To purchase the goods, please refer to this link: HERE
[2] Miura Ryosuke, who has co-starred with Ryuji in "Jujutsu Kaisen The Stage" and "'Galaxy Express 999' THE MUSICAL" plays Serizawa Kamo.
They both played Gojo Satoru and Itadori Yuji respectively in Jujusute, and Captain Harlock and Prider/Count Mecha respectively in the 999 musical.
The Blu-ray/DVD for "Jujutsu Kaisen The Stage -Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event & The Origin of Obedience-" is currently available for pre-order. For more information on how to pre-order it, please refer to this link: HERE
[3] Also included in the cast are Ryuji's co-stars from the "Musical Touken Ranbu", Takano Akira and Sakamoto Shogo, as Shinsengumi members. Akira (Hizamaru in Toumyu) plays Kondo Isami while Shogo (Horikawa Kunihiro in Toumyu) plays Hijikata Toshizo.
In Toumyu, Ryuji plays Kashuu Kiyomitsu, who is a sword owned by Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi. In KimiYuki, his identity is speculated to be Sakamoto Ryoma.
[4] Ryuji and Nagata Takato, who plays Yamanami Keisuke, have also co-starred in the TV drama "Sheasuru Ra! Instanto Ramen Arenji-bu wo Hajimemashita".
[5] Additionally, Kan Hideyoshi and Mokudai Kazuto play original characters who are part of the Shinsengumi. Along with Ryuji, they were part of "Kamen Rider Geats", playing Ukiyo Ace (Kamen Rider Geats), Michinaga Azuma (Kamen Rider Buffa) and Jitto/Zitt (Kamen Rider Regad) respectively.
On a related tokusatsu note, Ryuji also made his entertainment industry debut in "Kamen Rider Fourze" as Satake Teruhiko (Hound Zodiarts) and Miura Ryosuke plays Ankh in "Kamen Rider 000".
[6] Kan Hideyoshi and Ryuji have also co-starred in the movie "HiGH&LOW THE WORST X" where Ryuji plays Nishikawa Yasushi and Hideyoshi plays a member of Barasho.
[7] Kawai Hayato, the director of KimiYuki, also directed the TV drama "Kizoku Tanjou -PRINCE OF LEGEND-", which Ryuji was in.
To watch Sato Ryuji's appearance on "With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle", please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: For more information on how to use the site to watch, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x )
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sucker-for-yanderes · 4 months
Yan!Keisuke x F!Reader (pt. 1)
Contains: suggestive behavior, mental torment, mentions of murder, drugs, lots of blood, reader is slightly injured, angst, emotional coercion and manipulation, misogyny/condescending, threats to reader, Akira is dead in this AU.
(I attached a link to some info about the game if you're curious, I seriously recommend playing this game/watching the gameplays on youtube. There is also an anime of it as well.)
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It was a sticky situation. After the incident, you were left with only one choice. Either rot away in prison to serve a life sentence for the sins of your deceased brother, or enter a combat arena in order to fight for your own justice to live a normal life again.
It made Keisuke sick to his stomach, seeing your rights stripped away just like that. Maybe that's why he joined you. To help you. Or was it? Apart of him also felt the need to protect you like you were a damsel in distress. Despite how problematic that was, Keisuke doting on and coddling you was the very least of your problems right now.
Toshima had been pushing you to your limits and Keisuke's as well. And what do we do when we are pushed to our limits? Eventually, we break.
It started when you snapped at him. Not like the other times, this one was different. His heart sank in his chest with each and every word you spat out like venom. "I don't need you." "I'm fine on my own." "You're just holding me back." All he wanted to do was help. After all, you'd gotten into it with some street thugs and were injured badly. After the argument, Keisuke had fucked off just like you told him to. What Keisuke didn't understand is you were worried sick about him, it served as a distraction, stunting your progress. Why can't he see that? You only want for the both of you to escape from this place. Keisuke was too worried about you, not enough about himself.
You underestimated him it seems. The brunette actually can take care of himself. Very much so. It was a harsh truth that you would soon face the next time you encounter him.
When he left, he had gotten mixed up into that street drug -- Line. Except the vials that mysteriously ended up in his hands were of much higher dosage. On the streets, it is usually 10% concentrated while the vials in Keisuke's hands were 50% concentrated.
You changed. Keisuke had grown up with you at the orphanage, admired you all this time, loving you even more as you aged into the woman you were becoming just as he aged into a man, he wants to be the right man for you... Don't you see? He has loved you all this time. That's why it hurt him so. He lived and breathed you, looked up to you. But you had gotten so cold and distant ever since your brother Akira, Keisuke's best friend, tragically passed. Now, all you had was each other truly. He wouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of that. Keisuke injected himself with the luminescent green liquid. Convulsing and gasping for air as his veins struggled to handle the intensity. Nonetheless, he turned out fine. In fact, he felt better than ever. And now he was going to prove that he could not only handle himself, but protect you. First things first...
You freeze in horror as the man in front of you, speckled in blood, slowly sauntered towards you with a faint smile. Your mind going a hundred miles an hour, you struggled to say anything at all. And you hated it. Finally, you were reunited with him. The only familiar face you have left in this cruel world and now he's so far away despite being so close. You retreated a single step back followed by another.
"Don't run away. Didn't you wanna see me? Or is it that you still don't give a fuck about me?" He reached out instantaneously, catching you on your shoulders against the hard concrete building, pulling you close into him. There was no running, Keisuke's face loomed over yours. "Say something, (Name), this is our heartwarming reunion." You went aghast when you saw the depths of Keisuke's brown eyes as they bore no trace of the Keisuke you once knew and were instead filled with a dark and vivid hatred. Quickly, you attempted to turn your face away, but Keisuke clenched you by the chin. "Look at me."
You said nothing as you were forced to gaze at him as he repeated himself. "You scared, (Name)?" Keisuke cocked his head and smiled as if to pacify a child, and yet here he was intimidating you. "Y'know, it's the first time I've seen you look like this. Petrified." His voice sounded so horribly innocent, lowered to a whisper while kneading your captured jaw with his fingers, in what might otherwise have been a gesture of affection in any other circumstance. "I haven't changed at all, you know. Not even a tiny bit. I just made things a tiny bit easier for myself, that's all." Well, what an odd choice of words. "Easier... for yourself?" He confirms your suspicion with a nod. "Yeah." The brunette frowns suddenly, his fingers meeting the corner of your lips. "... What happened here? Your lip's cut. Poor thing." You had a bad habit of biting your lip so hard to the point of drawing blood. But you decided to not let him change the subject.
"What do you mean by making things easier for yourself?" Pressing him for a definitive answer, unnerved by the artificial concern in Keisuke's voice. Of course, he chose to ignore your question again. "(Name), did you see it?" Keisuke put on a thin smile instead of replying. "The club." He whispered close to your ear, as if to give you a clue. "... The club?" Your eyes trailed back up to him. Keisuke confessed he was the one behind the massacre. The one who killed all those people. "It was my grand debut. I did it. All of it." The words resonated in your head with no meaning at first, taking you a while to digest them in your head one at a time. And the more you chewed them over, the greater their impact grew. You could recall the gruesome spectacle of the club in graphic detail, even now. It couldn't have been--- "...You..." Keisuke's expression was happier like a toddler. "So you saw it." Full of glee, he was.
You had been convinced that it was the work of Takeru, who-of course, unbeknownst to you- had only arrived there purely out of sheer coincidence or because he had been tailing you.
The one who had truly dyed the club in red was
"But why, Keisuke? Why did you do it?" You choked on your words. "Why? Hell, why not? I said it was my grand debut. I did it because I wanted to. Nothing more." Wanting to prove to you that he was more than capable of handling himself, more than capable of being the kind of man that can protect you and give you more. You said nothing. Was the man you were facing here right now, grinning from cheek to cheek, really Keisuke? "What a surprise, you're so sweet, (Name)." Caressing your cheek with his free hand, still gripping your jaw. "You never dreamed I'd do that kind of thing, did you? That's the sort of expression you have on... you..." Keisuke's tone plunged as he trailed off, clutching your jaw harder as his eyes were scanning wandering all on your face. "You never dreamed someone as weak as me could do it... did you?" Black loathing expanded behind his eyes, narrowed to a squint to accommodate his smile. There was no doubting that the brunt of it was aimed at you. A shudder ran down your spine.
"Let go of me!" You grappled to escape with all the strength you possessed. Keisuke let out a husky laugh, clearly amused, like an animal toying with its captured prey. "(Name), you can't hold a candle to me anymore. Now I'm the stronger one. Probably stronger than Akira ever was!" He cackled maniacally causing you to flinch, Keisuke's words making you sick the more he opened his mouth.
Keisuke cradled your face in both of his cold, rough hands. The ones that used to be softer and warm. And he leaned in towards you. He softly bit at your ear. Pressed by a panic so intense as to make you dizzy, you shut your eyes. Keisuke's lips glided down from your cheek to your jaw, and from your jaw to your other ear. "Don't be so scared, it's fine. There's no need to worry." You found yourself doubting him. "Because I'll torture you nice and slow... before I kill you." He murmured, voice melting tenderly before moving away. And there it was. But... what?! Kill you? Surely he didn't mean it.
Despair. Like the ground crumbling beneath you, creating a hole in the earth. Plummeting into the heart of darkness. It took a frantic struggle for you to keep yourself from falling, totally weak in your legs. Not entirely from fear, but because of the pain. "You might not be aware of it yourself, but you'd better not act all high and mighty. 'Cause (Name), you were just..." Keisuke's mouth spread into a fiendish smile. "Having the time of your life when you attacked that guy back there." You were shocked to know Keisuke had seen you. When you were attacking a man for his dog tags, not stopping until his back finally hit the ground, tearing the necklaces off his neck. But you didn't enjoy it. How could you tell him he was wrong? You wanted to, but your voiceless protest smoldered in the back of your throat.
Seized by searing emotion, you tightened your fists and pressed your lips together into a frown. Shaken by Keisuke's sudden metamorphosis. And the words he had sent your way, dripping with hatred as he gave you a piercing look.
You regained some strength to put up a fight with him, frustrating him. He ended up shoving you into the wall and before you knew it, you were looking at the back of his silhouette as Keisuke retreated. At this rate, you would lose sight of him yet again. But you couldn't bring yourself to call out his name.
Under the illusion that the world around you was warping, you closed your eyes, slumping against the nearest wall, and covered your mouth. The shock of it turned to nausea, surging up your throat. Keisuke hurt you... Keisuke threatened to kill you... He murdered people and you were going to be next. The constant question of "Why?" had played on loop inside your head. You grit your teeth as your thoughts, having fallen into utter mayhem, threatened to outright explode. By the time you looked up, Keisuke was gone.
You felt like you could just keel over and die. Like a traveler wandering through the night without any signposts, you had lost sight of what to do next.
You finally began walking toward the hotel in the neutral zone, still unable to find a way to break out of your present quandary. Something unmistakably happened to Keisuke after he went missing and set him on this dark path. His eyes had been awash with hate despite the fact that he disliked every manner of conflict. Never once did he participate in Bl@ster, which was why you had been so reluctant to see him join you here in Igura. But the current Keisuke evinced not even the slightest hint of what he had been like before.
If Keisuke were telling the truth about the club incident, then you couldn't afford to stand by and leave him alone. Surely he is on the Executioners' watch list. What's the best thing to do? What do I do? You cycled through the same thought process over and over without coming up with any ingenious ideas. Your original reason for going to the hotel had been to find Keisuke's whereabouts. But I guess there was no point in going there now. You were lost. "Where do I go now?" You winced. If you stayed still, your overwhelming thoughts and emotions and everything else within you risked overflowing. So, you let your body take over and lead you where it would. Probably a good idea to get out of the back alleys into the main street.
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uchihanitro · 4 months
Keisuke x Akira cosplay by Xx-lil-xX (DeviantArt)
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setsunasbabe · 6 months
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*•. anime .•*
my hero academia:: denki kaminari, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, ochako uraraka, kyouka jirou, momo yaoyoruzu, izuku midoriya, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, hanta sero, nejire hado, tamaki hamajiki, himiko toga, setsuna tokage, sen kaibara, juzo honenuki, kinoko komori, itsuka kendo, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, keigo takami, toya todoroki, rumi usagiyama, moe kamiji, kaina tsutsumi, yu takeyama, shino sosaki
attack on titan:: jean kirstein, mikasa ackerman, eren jaeger, armin arlert, annie leonhart, reiner braun, sasha braus, hitch dreyse, bertholdt hoover, pieck finger, porco galliard, colt grice, levi ackerman, hange zoe, historia reiss, ymir, onyakopon
jujutsu kaisen:: megumi fushiguro, yuuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, yuuta okkotsu, maki zenin, toge inumaki, kirara hoshi, kinji hakari, mai zenin, momo nishimiya, noritoshi kamo, kasumi miwa, kokichi muta, suguru geto, satoru gojo, shoko ieiri, utahime iori, choso kamo, hajime kashimo, yuki tsukumo, hirumi higuruma
demon slayer:: inosuke hashibara, zenitsu agatsuma, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa, giyuu tomioka, shinobu kocho, mitsuri kanroji, iguro obanai, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, makio uzui, hinatsuru uzui, suma uzui, kyojuro rengoku, tamayo, akaza, aoi kanzaki
haikyuu:: tooru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, issei matsukawa, takahiro hanamaki, daichi sawamura, koushi sugawara, asahi azumane, yu nishinoya, ryunosuke tanaka, tobio kageyama, shoyo hinata, tadashi yamaguchi, kei tsukishima, keiji akaashi, koutaro bokuto, wakatoshi ushijima, eita semi, taichi kawanishi, tsutomu goshiki, hayato yamagata, rintaro suna, aran ojiro, osamu miya, atsumu miya, akira kunimi, kiyoomi sakusa, tetsuro kuroo, kenma kozume, morisuke yaku, yutaro kindaichi, keishin ukkai, kiyoko shimizu, hitoka yachi, komori motoya
tokyo revengers:: keisuke baji, takashi mitsuya, takuya yamamoto, manjiro sano, senju akashi, chifuyu matsuno, rindou haitani, seishu inui, hajime kokonoi, haruchiyo akashi, soya kawata, wakasa imaushi, shinichiro sano, ran haitani, emma sano, yuzuha shiba, takeomi akashi, izana kurokawa, ken ryuguji, takemichi hanagaki
bleach:: ichigo kurosaki, rukia kuchiki, orihime inoue, uryuu ishida, rangiku matsumoto, yoruichi shihouin, retsu unohana, shunsui kyoraku, soi fon, kisuke urahara, byakuya kuchiki, renji abarai, ulquiorra schiffer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, shinji hirako, ikkaku madarame, jushiro ukitake, yumichika ayasegawa, shuhei hisagi, izuru kira, szayelaporro granz
bungo stray dogs:: osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, atsushi nakajima, ryunosuke akutagawa, ranpo edogawa, akiko yosano, fyodor dostoyevsky, sigma, michizo tachihara, tecchou suehiro, doppo kunikida, junichiro tanizaki, gin akutagawa, ichiyo higuchi, lucy montgomery, mark twain, mushitaro oguri, ozaki kouyou, bram stoker, yukichi fukuzawa, sakunosuke oda, ango sakaguchi, margaret mitchell
chainsaw man:: denji, power, aki hayakawa, quanxi, angel devil, asa mitaka, reze, kishibe, kobeni higashiyama, hirofumi yoshida, michiko tendo
blue lock:: rensuke kunigami, yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri, reo mikage, seishiro nagi, rin itoshi, sae itoshi, shouei barou, asahi naruhaya, wataru kuon, michael kaiser, alexis ness, ryusei shidou, kenyu yukimiya, zantetsu tsurugi, ikki niko, aoshi tokimitsu, jin kiyora, nijire nanase, ranze kurona, tabito karasu, yo hiori, julian loki, jyubei aryu, oliver aiku, shuto sendo
naruto:: sakura haruno, neji hyuga, rock lee, shikamaru nara, hinata hyuga, temari, ino yamanaka, ten ten, kurenai yuhi, sasuke uchiha, orochimaru
one piece:: nami, vinsmoke sanji, roronoa zoro portgas d. ace, nico robin, vivi nefertari, usopp, trafalgar law, shanks
hunter x hunter:: kurapika kurta, chrollo lucilfer, feitan portor, leorio paradinight, phinks magcub, nobunaga hazama, machi komacine, pakunoda, shizuku murasaki
seraph of the end:: shinoa hiragi, guren ichinose, mikaela hyakuya, yuichiro hyakuya, shinya hiragi, shiho kimizuki, lacus welt, mitsuba sangu, rene simm, shigure yukimi, rika inoue, krul tepes, ferid bathory, mito juujo
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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banka-kabanka · 2 years
I finally finished this!
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I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT CANON ENDINGS, I just want three of them to be happy
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miss-mizfit · 4 years
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It really hurts me that this anime was essentially unfinished when it was released. I have no idea what happened during the production of 咎狗の血. The soundtrack is amazing though. I honestly think it has the best and most dynamic music of all the Nitro+ properties. 
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mistressarachnia · 7 years
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Nitro+CHiRAL 10 Years Archive (Volume 3)
175 notes · View notes
nicolepremier · 7 years
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notperfectisgod · 5 years
Aw man I just finished Shiki’s route and I’m so disappointed ugh
His route was the one I was most looking forward to, but the good ending might as well have been a bad one. I wished there was something beyond the game, like a re:connect (like in dmmd) in which we see him snap out of it. I mean he is the villain of the game but still. His relationship with Akira had the potential to grow into something where he finally saw him as an equal. Goddammit
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ask4mycashapp · 2 years
rules+whoiwritefor ???
rules ?
• no piss,, shit,, fart kinks cs ew
• no pedophilia
• i dnt write male readers,, only gender neutral or fem!reader
• requests r always open
note ? i write in my own style: lowercase,, double commas,, no apostrophes,, slang,, etc .
fandoms + characters i write for:
artists ?
• chief keef
• ddosama
• destroy lonely
• ddot
• evvls,, jaydes,, yen
• jacquees
• juice wrld
• king von
• ken carson
• kodak black
• lil tracy minaj
• lucki
• luh tyler
• playboi carti
• skimask the slump
• trippie redd
• xxxtentacion
• young thug
creepypasta ?
• bloody painter
• eyeless jack
• laughing jack
• homicidal liu
• jane the killer
• jeff the killer
• ticci tobi
bungo stray dogs ?
• chuuya nakahara
• edgar allen poe
• fyodor dostoyevsky
• nikolai gogol
• osamu dazai
• ranpo edogawa
• yumeno kyusaku (only platonic or child reader x yumeno, no smut hes like 10.)
danganronpa ?
• celestia ludenberg
• ibuki mioda
• kokichi oma
• nagito komaeda
• rantaro amami
• shuichi saihara
genshin impact ?
• albedo kreideprinz
• chongyun
• columbina
• cyno mahamatra
• diluc ragnvindr
• dori (platonic)
• fischl
• gorou
• hu tao
• itto arataki
• kazuha kaedehara
• klee (platonic)
• kokomi sangonomiya
• mona megistus
• qiqi (platonic)
• raiden ei
• razor
• rosaria
• sayu (platonic)
• shenhe
• tighnari
• venti
• xiao
• yae miko
• zhongli
haikyuu ?
• akira kunimi
• atsumu miya
• kei tsukishima
• keiji akaashi
• kenjiro shirabu
• kenma kozume
• kentaro kyotani
• kiyoko shimizu
• kiyoomi sakusa
• kotaro bokuto
• osamu miya
• rintarou suna
• satori tendou
jujutsu kaisen ?
• mahito
• megumi fushiguro
• ryomen sukuna
• toge inumaki
• toji fushiguro
• yuji itadori
naruto ?
• deidara
• gaara
• hinata hyuga
• kiba inuzuka
• naruto uzumaki
• neji hyuga
• sasori
• sasuke cchiha
• shikamaru nara
obey me ?
• asmodeus
• barbatos
• beelzebub
• belphegor
• leviathan
• mammon
• satan
tokyo revengers ?
Emma Sano
Hajime Kokonoi
Haruchiyo "Sanzu" Akashi
Izana Kurokawa
Kazutora Hanemiya
Keisuke Baji
Manjiro Sano
Nahoya "Smiley" Kawata
Ran Haitani
Rindou Haitani
Seishu Inui
Senju "Kawaragi" Akashi
Shuji Hanma
Souya "Angry" Kawata
Takashi Mitsuya
Wakasa Imaushi
Twisted Wonderland:
Floyd Leech
Idia Shroud
Jamil Viper
Leona Kingscholar
Lilia Vanrouge
Malleus Draconia
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Silver Vanrouge
Vil Schoenheit
YuGiOh (Duel Monsters and Arc V):
Chazz Princeton
Duke Devlin
Ishizu Ishtar
Joey Wheeler
Mai Valentine
Marik Ishtar
Maximillion Pegasus
Ryou Bakura
Seto Kaiba
Sora Perse
Yami Bakura
Yami Marik
Yami Yugi
Yugi Muto
Yuya Sakaki
Thief King Bakura
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous)
Amane "Hanako" Yugi (TBHK)
Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Ban (Seven Deadly Sins)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto)
carlos madrigal
ciel phantomhive
connie springer
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Dabi (MHA)
Denki Kaminari (MHA)
Eren Yeager
Gowther (Seven Deadly Sins)
Himiko Toga (MHA)
Hotaro Oreki (Hyouka)
Iguro Obanai
Illumi Zoldyck (HxH)
Isaac "Zack" Foster (Angels of Death)
Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Killua (HxH) (No Smut)
Kusuo Saiki (TDLOSK)
Levi Ackerman
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock)
Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins)
Micah Yujin (Error143)
Mikasa Ackerman
Mitsuri Kanroji
Muichiro Tokito
Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Ray (TPN) (No Smut)
Ray "Saeran" Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Ryuunosuke Chiba (Assassination Classroom)
Sae Itoshi (Blue Lock)
Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Saeyoung "707" "Luciel" Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Suit!Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Unknown (Mystic Messenger)
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300 notes · View notes
Title: The Rain of Detoxification
Fandom: Togainu no Chi
Pairing: Shiki x Akira
After a long, exhausting battle, one silver-haired woman only leans against the wall and stares into the void without caring about anything. No matter how long Akira waits to disappear in the never-ending rain and wash down her cursed blood, it's not Death who reaches out for her, but someone else. Someone she has fought in the past. What fate awaits for Akira? Read and find out~
AO3 Link
Somewhere in the Toshima’s streets. One young silver-haired woman wearing an orange t-shirt, a darker color jacket with a fluffy collar, and gray jeans is wandering in the never-ending maze of streets.
It doesn’t help that the concrete-colored thick clouds that cover the sky mess up her sense of time. Therefore, she isn’t sure how much time she has wasted running in circles and looking for the lost Keisuke.
After all, the brunette could be hiding anywhere or just waiting in an open spot for Akira to show up and pick her up.
For sure, in times like this, the blue-eyed gal curses herself for letting Keisuke stay in Toshima and now having an extra back to cover or a tail that follows her everywhere.
As Akira reaches a narrow dark alley, she widens her blue eyes and immediately draws her combat knife.
Fortunately, her reaction is faster, and she blocks the sword attack from behind.
As their weapons clash and the white sparkles cover the naked blade, Akira lifts her gaze and gets alerted by her opponent’s crimson deadly eyes behind that pale-as-a-ghost poker face.
Despite the enemy’s intimidation, Akira refuses to look away and show weakness.
Meanwhile, that strong determination in these fearless blue eyes sparkles the dark-haired woman’s curiosity, and she briefly cracks a smile. But for now, she withdraws her katana before unleashing another strike.
Instead of blocking her opponent’s strike, Akira rolls to the side and dodges the lower cut.
While the silver-haired woman crouches, she realizes that something is off.
The tall, pale woman wearing a long black leather coat with short sleeves, long matching color gloves, and the same color leather pants only stands here with her lowered sword and closes her eyes. More importantly, she doesn’t wear tags but a couple of silver crosses.
Even when Akira stands up while fixating her eyes on the swordsman, she understands she cannot give in to her provocation.
After all, she may lose her head. Therefore, it might be wiser to use this as her chance to escape, right?
As the silver-haired woman keeps her defensive position, she understands that her opponent may cut her into pieces before she even takes a step back.
Thus, while having nothing to lose, Akira charges at the dark-haired woman.
Besides, the upper slash may reach her throat. She wonders as she is about to unleash a diagonal attack.
Suddenly, she widens her big blue eyes and gasps as the swordsman gracefully dodges the strike, making Akira nearly lose her balance.
A second later, the dark-haired woman smiles sadistically and hits her opponent’s back with an elbow.
Just as Akira harshly falls to the ground and groans, she is immediately grabbed by the collar of her orange t-shirt and lifted.
Soon, she closes her eyes and moans as her back touches the building’s wall.
Yet, the silver-haired woman shakily opens her eyes when the gloved palm holds her chin and gently tilts her head.
As these red eyes study her prey, Akira comments while being in awe. “Wait… Aren’t you?… Shiki?”
As Shiki narrows her indifferent gaze, she speaks up. “Hmph. Is this little puppy knows my name already?”
When she places her thumb on Akira’s lower lip, she adds. “However, it will be a such a waste of my time if I’ll kill a small fry like you, now.”
For sure, these words make the blue-eyed woman frown and shake off her hand.
“The hell with you!” Akira backfires without removing her indignant eyes from her opponent.
However, when she notices an amused feline look on Shiki’s face, she nervously swallows her saliva.
While the dark-haired woman places her palm on Akira’s cheek and slides it down the neck, she parts her partner’s legs with her knee.
Despite the chilling air around Shiki and her intimidation, she only listens to her while narrowing her stubborn eyes. “Good. That’s a fitting look for a dog.”
As she releases her partner’s t-shirt, she grasps Akira’s necklace with dog tags and addresses her in a deeper voice. “However, I will still tame a stray dog like you until you eat from my hand.”
After removing her hands from her new toy and stepping back, Shiki proudly continues her speech. “… But not now.”
Lastly, as the dark-haired woman turns her back, she adds before leaving. “I’ll come to pick you up when you are ready.”
Even as Shiki walks away with a contented look until she disappears in the night, Akira leans her back against her back while holding her arm and silently growling at this arrogant woman.
Even if her rational mind tells her not to persuade the terror of the night that makes Igura players scream in terror, a brand-new rage boils inside her that won’t be satisfied until she takes down this woman before Il Re.
But for now, Akira widens her blue eyes upon remembering that she is not in the neutral area, and she must look up for her trustworthy weapon before continuing her search.
A few days have passed. It is pouring as hard as from a strong shower outside that even feral crackheads are hiding in their found shelters.
Meanwhile, the silver-haired woman only leans against the wall and stares into the void with dull eyes, without caring about anything after a long, emotionally exhausting battle.
At this point, nothing really matters anymore, and the corpse lying close to her only makes her regret being brought into this world.
After all, she failed to save her childhood friend and her cursed blood slowly tortured Keisuke to death.
Perhaps it might be better to get rid of this blood completely. Or so Akira wonders as she stares at her bleeding palm washed by the rainwater.
Yet, she is too exhausted to even look up for her trustworthy weapon and slit her veins and fasten this process.
In the end, the blue-eyed woman lowers her gaze and sighs, wishing to disappear into the never-ending rain of Toshima.
Some time has passed. Unfortunately, there are no signs of the heavy rain stopping soon.
Despite that, one dark-haired woman carrying an umbrella refuses to return to her lair. After all, she is convinced that even in such awful weather, there will be someone worth her attention. Someone who will keep her entertained for a while, and she knows it.
Thus, the red-eyed swordsman continues wandering in the empty Toshima streets, seeking someone to play with.
Soon, she notices a couple of people in the distance - one is lying in the middle of the road while another sits against the wall.
Surely, these Rein addicts are nothing more than wild animals that don’t care about the time and place to sort out their petite fights. Shiki assumes as she closes her eyes and sighs.
As she approaches this couple, she lowers her head and kicks the lying brunette on her stomach as if she is nothing more than an ugly insect.
‘Tsk. It’s just another weak trash that overdosed on that disgusting drug. What a pathetic piece of useless meat…’ the red-eyed swordsman ponders while keeping an indifferent face while staring at Keisuke, who foams the saliva with glassy eyes.
Yet, Shiki lifts and turns her head upon hearing a faithful but familiar voice.
“Wait… What are you… why are you here?” Akira speaks up to her in a weak voice while leaning forward.
Upon spotting one silver-haired woman with ice-cold blue eyes, Shiki narrows her gaze and smirks like a feline. “So, you’re here as well?”
Instead of saying anything, Akira doesn’t remove her eyes from the elegantly approaching swordsman.
When Shiki squats in front of the exhausted Igura player, she observes her while keeping her poker face.
Such behavior makes the blue-eyed woman back off until her back presses the wall.
However, when her cut palm touches the wet ground, she closes her eyes and softly moans.
Meanwhile, this reaction piques Shiki’s curiosity, and grabs her partner’s wrist.
As she brings it close, Akira protests while trying to shake off her hand. “Let me go!”
Unfortunately for her, the red-eyed swordsman keeps a tight grip, making Akira frown and grind her teeth.
While Shiki studies the cut palm, she asks. “Who did this to you? Was it that small fry over there?”
After she lifts her crimson eyes, she adds. “You will only bleed dry if you leave it open like this.”
“If you came here just to mock me, leave or kill me already!” Akira immediately backfires while keeping an indignant look on her face.
These words surprise the dark-haired woman and momentarily freeze her in the same spot.
After she closes her eyes and chuckles, she opens her eyes and throws her umbrella away.
As Shiki cracks a mocking smile and grasps Akira’s cheeks with one hand and another cornering her, she brings her face close to her and comments. “Hmph. You are still baring your fangs and bark at your owner.”
Meanwhile, the wounded fighter stares into her opponent’s eyes with her stubborn ones.
For now, her partner’s look entertains the red-eyed swordsman, and Shiki adds. “Besides, who allowed you to decide what I should do with you?”
After withdrawing her face and removing her palm from Akira’s face, Shiki presses her gloved palm against her forehead and brushes up her wet bangs from her face.
While she strokes her partner’s hair, water gushes through her fingers and runs down the silver-haired woman’s face.
Meanwhile, instead of silently enduring it and accepting her defeat, Akira gathers her strength and grabs the same arm that touches her with both hands, attempting to lower it.
However, such a gesture thrills Shiki, and she remarks with a content look. “What an impatient and needy dog you are. You may still lack discipline, but it’s fine.”
When she removes Akira’s palms from her arm, she proudly declares while placing one arm under her partner’s thighs and another one behind her shoulders. “You’re going with me because you belong to me.”
“What are you-?” the silver-haired woman objects. Yet, she gets alerted by Shiki standing up and lifting her in her arms.
But for now, Akira narrows her eyes and stares at the red-eyed swordsman who carries her like a wounded princess.
In the end, before taking their leave, Shiki asks while checking on her new prized possession. “What’s wrong? I’m taking you to your new home.”
Thus, this couple disappears in the never-ending rain.
Some time has passed. Finally, the dark-haired woman unlocks the apartment’s door, and both enter.
Upon the sound of the light switch clicked, the blue-eyed woman was genially surprised to see such a well-kept room. Hell, there is even electricity, and the windows are in fine condition.
When she turns her head towards the bed, Shiki stops and comments in a stricter tone. “Dirty animals do not lie on a clean bedsheet. Who knows what dirt they can bring to their owner?”
After Akira lifts her head and narrows her questioning eyes, the dark-haired swordsman gives her a proud look and explains. “However, before I find a suitable dog bed for you, you will be allowed to sleep on the same one as your master.”
While the water droplets from Akira’s soaked hair run down her face, she clings to her partner’s open coat and asks. “Why are you doing this? Just what do you want from me?”
Even a mysterious killer who spreads fear and despair like Shiki can barely keep her poker face when she holds an embodiment of an innocent puppy in her arms that relies on her master’s guidance and care.
Lastly, the red-eyed swordsman announces before bringing her partner to the bathroom, which is just a short distance from the bedroom. “Have you already forgotten? Hmph. It cannot be helped then… But first, you need to take a bath.”
No matter how it doesn’t sound promising for the blue-eyed woman, she understands she has to accept whatever Shiki has prepared.
After entering the bathroom and closing the door behind her, Shiki walks to the bathtub and puts her partner into it.
A second later, the dark-haired woman briefly orders. “Strip.”
Meanwhile, Akira lifts her head and only dumbfounded stares at her partner.
Suddenly, the blue-eyed woman widens her eyes and nervously swallows the saliva as the tip of the sharp blade points at her neck.
Yet, Shiki is unaffected by Akira’s reactions, and she asks her. “Did I stutter? Or do you prefer that I cut them off for you?”
When she lowers the tip of her katana down to the collar of Akira’s t-shirt, she adds. “Either way is fine by me.”
Finally, Akira had enough of Shiki’s arrogant behavior. After closing her blue eyes, she carefully pushes the blade away with a couple of her fingers. “I get it. If that makes you leave me alone.”
Such an answer curves a satisfied smile on the dark-haired woman’s face, and she lets her trustworthy weapon rest in the sheath.
After leaving her partner’s side, Shiki removes her long leather gloves and coat and hangs them on the nearest hanger.
In the meantime, Akira doesn’t rush. After removing her sneakers, socks, and jacket with a white fur collar soaked in rainwater, she drops them on the floor.
It feels much more liberating. It’s like a heavy ballast that was restraining her has been removed.
But for now, as she undoes her belt and struggles to get out from the pair of wet jeans that stick to her legs, she doesn’t even notice the one certain swordsman in front of her.
Suddenly, the silver-haired woman gasps and closes her eyes as she gets lifted by her ankles and slips down to the bottom of the bathtub.
Fortunately, she avoids hitting her head against the bathtub’s inner walls. A moment later, she opens her eyes and frowns when Shiki grabs her jeans and shakes them.
While Akira fixates her eyes on the dark-haired woman, she indignantly asks. “What? What do you think of doing?”
Instead of saying anything, Shiki ignores her while dealing with the current task. And after a while of struggling, she tosses away the bothering piece of clothing.
However, when the red-eyed swordsman bends and grasps her partner’s black shorts underwear, she widens her eyes upon a harsher slap against her palm and her precious prized possession’s warning. “Don’t touch me!”
After realizing what she has done, Akira deeply breathes and stares at Shiki while covering her mouth with her elbow.
When she lowers her arm, she adds while keeping her poker face. “You are allowing yourself too much, don’t you think so?”
The dark-haired woman lowers her head and briefly chuckles. After she raises her head, she brushes away the wet bangs from her pale while curving a vicious smile. “Aren’t you afraid that your hand will dry and fall off after harming your master?”
As she leans closer and corners her prey without giving her hope of escaping alive, her red eyes blaze with hell’s fury.
Yet, instead of showing any sign of fear and doubt, Akira looks straight into the demon’s eyes with her stubborn gaze.
While Shiki grasps her cheeks with her palm, she comments in a deeper voice. “Looks like I would need to discipline you later.”
After she loosens her grasp and slides her palm on her partner’s neck, she declares before tearing her necklace. “First, you don’t need this.”
Thus, with the clicking metal hitting the ceramic plates, Shiki slides her under Akira’s t-shirt and spreads her palm.
As she exposes her partner’s belly, she blissfully narrows her eyes and exhales. After all, that pleasant sensation of her adored pet’s twitching abs at her fingertips thrills the dark-haired swordsman.
“Looks like you’re already responding to your master’s touch. Good.” Shiki comments in a satisfied tone as she grasps the silver-haired woman’s t-shirt and lifts it.
But for now, the red-eyed woman briefly orders her in her usual tone. “Lift your arms.”
Meanwhile, Akira only fixates her cold blue eyes on her opponent and follows the command. If that is the only fastest way to get rid of her, then so it is.
After removing her orange t-shirt and tossing it away, Shiki briefly chuckles. “What is this thing? Are you a security dog if you wear it?”
“Hmph. Either way, you won’t need this too!” the red-eyed swordsman declares as she grips the front zipper of Akira’s black sports bra.
Thus, with one sudden move, she lowers the zipper and reveals her partner’s bust.
For sure, the silver-haired woman’s cheeks are heathen, and she instinctively covers her naked breasts with her arm.
Meanwhile, Shiki asks in an authoritative tone. “Remove it. Or do you wash yourself with your clothes on?”
“Leave! Then, I’ll do it.” Akira immediately backfires and secretly hopes she gets rid of this pesky woman.
Yet, Shiki narrows her piercing gaze and grips her partner’s wrists. After pressing Akira’s palms on the bottom of the bathtub, she stares at the struggling creature below.
Even if her red eyes glow in merciless crimson, her voice remains assertive but calm. “Who are you to order your master?”
At the moment, Akira only turns her head away. Besides, there might be no greater humiliation than this.
Even with her shakily closed eyes, the silver-haired woman feels Shiki’s eyes on her. She is certain of it.
It doesn’t help her that this mysterious woman might be staring at her chest and making her hear her own heartbeat inside her head.
But for now, Akira shakily respires as her nipples become erect from being exposed to the world.
It’s only because of feeling cold, right? There is no other way. Or so she convinces herself while keeping her legs close and impatiently waiting to be finished by her supposed-to-be enemy.
Instead of that, she feels how her bra’s straps slide down her shoulders and arms until it lands in the bathtub.
“Now, finish on your own,” Shiki briefly commands.
For sure, her partner’s voice makes Akira open her blue eyes and face this woman. Yet, she understands she is in no power to object.
When Akira sighs, she places her hands around her underwear and removes it while trying to cover her private parts.
Lastly, when she throws away the remaining clothes, she hugs her knees and gives a questioning look to Shiki.
“See? Was it that difficult? And so much fuzz over nothing…” the red-eyed woman mockingly comments.
After Shiki leans forward, she stretches her arm up to pick up the showerhead.
Meanwhile, Akira instinctively closes her eyes as Shiki’s large bust touches her face.
‘That woman does it on purpose just to make fun of me, doesn’t she?’ She wonders as Shiki’s breasts rub against her.
But for now, the dark-haired swordsman brings her arm below it and turns on the shower head.
As the water runs down her pale skin, Shiki indifferently stares at it.
When the water warms to the right temperature, she lowers her arm and briefly gives another command. “Close your eyes until I say so.”
Meanwhile, Akira only silently follows the orders. Yet, the sudden water spray against her hair nearly jolts her.
A second later, she gets alerted as Shiki buries her fingers in her hair and gets goosebumps as her scalp is massaged.
After wetting her silver hair, Akira hears the showerhead stop and taps the bathtub.
Suddenly, she shrugs upon something cold and thick poured on her head.
However, just before she opens her mouth, Shiki’s palm brushes her hair from her face.
When her partner rubs her scalp, Akira hears the rising cracking of shampoo foam.
Yet, it doesn’t take long for Akira to get used to and even enjoy how someone like a cold-blooded killer like that woman carefully washes her hair.
Besides, she hasn’t expected that even something as simple as that can be enjoyable if not relaxing.
But for now, the blue-eyed woman lets out without realizing the nearly purring-like noises as Shiki massages behind her ears and her scalp.
Even when her partner rinses her hair, she wonders whether it is okay to be spoiled like this by the stranger. More so, this might be probably the first time when anyone has ever shown such a care for her.
However, Akira’s further thoughts are interrupted by Shiki’s usual voice. “Open your eyes and give me your arm.”
This time, she stretches her arm and allows it to rest in the red-eyed woman’s hands without a second thought.
After examining it, Shiki comments on the small cut in her pet’s palm. “It’s not as bad as I thought. Good. That will save me more time.”
When she releases her arm, she picks a round sponge and shower gel from the other edge of the bath.
After pouring a bit of the shower gel on the sponge, Shiki squeezes until the soap foam runs down through the gaps of her fingers and briefly commands. “Stay still.”
In the end, Akira accepts her fate and allows this woman to scrub her back.
Surprisingly, Shiki is not too rough or puts too much pressure like it’s that perfect balance. More importantly, she already knows her body better than herself and the right spots to rub.
When the dark-haired swordsman finishes washing her back, her adored prized possession offers one and then another arm for her.
However, Akira widens her eyes as Shiki places her palm on her knee and grabs her wrist.
As the silver-haired woman holds onto her partner’s arm, she stares with her shy blue eyes. “I… I can do it on my own. So, I don’t need any spectators for that.”
Yet, Shiki only smirks like a proud feline. “Ho~ You are an impatient puppy that cannot sit in the same spot during the bath time.”
After she shakes her pet’s hands off her, she adds. “However, it seems that I would need to hold you down and not let you run away until you are clean.”
When Shiki lands her palms on her partner’s knees, she spreads her legs and slides her palms down her thighs.
However, instead of resisting, Akira only turns her head away while her ears burn from embarrassment. “You don’t have to stare at me like this…”
After Shiki rests her palm on Akira’s shoulder, she washes her chest.
Meanwhile, the silver-haired woman closes her eyes and clenches her palms while letting out silent purring-like noises.
For sure, there might be no greater humiliation than being watched and cleaned by the same person who defeated her in the not-so-distant past.
What does Shiki, who’s supposed to be a cold-blooded killer, see in her that makes her spare her life? Or is she nothing more than a pass of time for Shiki before getting bored? Probably, probably not. Who knows?
If so, why did this large cat clean her caught mouse before eating it? Or could it be - this feline is too spoiled and only plays with new and clean toys? Or so Akira wonders while the sponge moves all over her upper body without missing a spot.
Yet, she knows one thing - her body has already become sensitive thanks to this mysterious woman’s touch. Even when the sponge moving in Shiki’s hand massages her breasts and her buds, Akira shakily respires and closes her blue eyes.
Suddenly, she whimpers and instinctively keeps her legs close as the sponge touches her groin.
After she faces her partner, she asks while trying to keep her poker face. “What are you-?”
However, Shiki interrupts her with another brief command. “Spread your legs and lift your bottom.”
Without a second thought, Akira once again follows this woman’s orders, no matter how she would look in such a shameful position.
More so, the longer Shiki rubs her privates, Akira lets out adorable whims and respires at the rising heat in her lower regions, followed by the unknown pleasant sensation.
Eventually, Shiki’s calm voice returns her to reality. “Give me your leg.”
When Akira lowers her bottom, she raises her leg while giving Shiki a slightly irritated look until it rests in her partner’s hands.
To her surprise, the dark-haired woman keeps her poker face without biting remarks while cleaning her foot and ankle and going upwards until she reaches her thigh.
Soon, Shiki repeats the same process with another leg. When she finishes washing her prized possession and puts the sponge away, she takes the shower head into her hand and turns it on.
When the dark-haired woman rinses her body, she can feel that while Shiki handles the current task, her palm also moves as if it tries to memorize the shape of her body.
Soon, after Shiki turns off the water and hangs the shower head back to its place, she leaves her partner’s side to look for one specific item.
A few seconds later, Akira immediately closes her eyes as something fluffy lands on her head.
However, just before she opens her mouth, Shiki starts drying her hair and, eventually, her body with a white towel.
Several minutes have passed. After Shiki reaches her bed while carrying Akira wrapped in the towel, she drops her on it.
Akira closes her eyes and lets out a whimper as the bed creaks under the weight that was dropped on it.
However, after she sits and opens her eyes, she immediately lowers her eyes and fixates them on the newly thrown item at her.
Meanwhile, Shiki only smiles at how Akira picks and studies a white, oversized shirt. “What is it with you? Put it on.”
After a brief pause, Akira removes the towel and starts dressing up while giving her partner a questioning look and asking her in a humble tone. “Why are you doing this?”
“Have you forgotten already? You are mine.” Shiki proudly declares.
Lastly, the dark-haired woman adds before turning her back and heading to the bathroom. “Just behave nicely until I’ll return.”
As soon as the red-eyed swordsman leaves, Akira gets up and looks around the apartment.
After investigating for a while, the silver-haired woman notices that the door is locked, and no matter how hard she looks, she cannot find the keys.
Yet, Akira remembers that even if this apartment was unlocked, it’s wiser to stay inside for tonight.
After all, Rein users or other feral types, who are thirsty not only for blood, infested Toshima’s streets. So, at the moment, someone as defenseless as her running around in nothing more than a long white shirt is a perfect prey for a hungry beast.
Besides, despite for whatever reason Shiki took her in, it’s also a safe shelter from wind and rain.
Either way, Shiki’s sword is also missing or maybe she just hides it well.
“Does she really carries it with her anywhere she goes? That stupid woman…” Akira mutters while resting her chin on her palm and returns to the bedroom.
More time has passed. But for now, Akira peacefully slumbers while lying on the side and curling under the blanket.
However, she softly groans and slowly opens her eyes when something soft and big presses against her back and rests her arm on her.
For sure, it doesn’t take long to figure out who is this pesky person who pushes her to the edge of the bed until she nearly touches the wall and parts her legs with her pushed knee.
‘Just when did she get here?’ Akira wonders, while being embraced by this large feline.
On the other hand, perhaps it’s better not to push her luck and check whether Shiki is asleep or just playing around.
More importantly, this is the first time in her life when someone shares their body warmth with her. Although, it’s nothing that she really minds.
Besides, this is the first time in a while that she can rest without fear that someone may attack her. Or so the silver-haired woman decides as she softens her gaze and sighs.
Soon, the sound of raindrops rhythmically tapping on the window and the pouring rain outside makes her eyelids heavy and wash her grim past and pain away. In the end, the blue-eyed woman drowns in a deep sleep.
Thus, it’s Akira’s first night spent in the warm embrace of Shiki and the beginning of her taming by this woman.
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❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ First of all, Thank You so @shikiakitogainu for giving me a permission to use this lovely shikiaki yuri fanart for this story❤ Yup, it looks so gorgeous*✧ ✰ 。* Also, if you are reading this, Hopefully, you've enjoyed this story... Yup, 'cos I wanted to make it like a small treat for you ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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rz-jocelyn · 9 months
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"OTOKOMAE FES" is a two-day music festival featuring a gathering of actors, voice actors, rock bands and music artists.
ZIPANG OPERA will be performing on one of the days.
Date: January 16, 2024
Time: 17.00 (Japan time)
Venue: Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium (12,898 people)
Aramaki Yoshihiko
Koumoto Junichi
Kato Daigo
Kankaku Pierrot
Grave Keepers
Takano Akira
Nanami Hiroki
Higashi Keisuke
Tickets to attend the festival are currently on sale. To purchase them, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x )
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