#keine kamishirasawa (mention)
ransewarrior · 3 days
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kirby doodles i made at school
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touhou-memories · 5 months
Other unused sprites from Impossible Spell Card
There are more unused sprites than the ones mentioned in this particular post, you can find the rest at: /post/184532747414/ (Remilia Scarlet), /post/185597819729/ (Yuyuko Saigyouji), /post/184527069094/ (Ran Yakumo), /post/185661312904/ (Keine Kamishirasawa), /post/182404692694/ (Mamizou Futatsuiwa), /post/175959170639/ (Wakasagihime) and /post/157014063859/ (Yatsuhashi Tsukumo).
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fairiesofgensokyo · 9 months
The Fairy Gossip Machine Revs Up!
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"You see the bone fairy?"
"Bone Fairy."
"She was crying."
"Yeah crying. I asked her about it, she as hard to understand."
"She kept mentioning Keine though."
Current Rumour Iteration: Keine Kamishirasawa made the bone fairy cry.
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twinfoxtails · 4 years
Touhou Arcana write-up
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((So... my internet was out for a few days, and I have been playing Persona 4 Golden for a while, so I decided to do a write up for all the major arcana.
Everyone’s list is very different, SO THERE’S DEFINITELY GOING TO BE DISAGREEMENTS, but if you have any, let me know what you think!
Note: This is strictly going through Arcana descriptions and meanings!
0: Fool - Cirno, The Three Fairies The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos and creativity.
Aside from the memes of Cirno being an idiot, I couldn’t think of a better tie than these two. (four?) All of them are leaders of their own right, they’re pretty much free to do what they please, and most importantly, creative and inexperienced.
I: Magician - Marisa Kirisame The Magician Arcana is commonly associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, immaturity, manipulation, and power.
THE STAPLE GIRL OF THE MAGICIAN ARCANA, MARISA HERSELF-... She’s the self confident one, immature to a fault, and her whole stick is ‘DANMAKU IS POWER’. So yep, this fits her extremely well!
II: Priestess - Rinnosuke Morichika The Priestess Arcana is a symbol of hidden knowledge or other untapped power, wisdom, mystery and patience when it appears in tarot readings.
Can’t get better than Rinnosuke himself, IMO. Father figure of both Reimu and Marisa, people approach him for wisdom at times and he’s also shrouded in mystery, and not to mention a really patient person.
III: Empress - Hong Meiling, Shinki The Empress represents mothers, prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility, protection, and comfort.
I really don’t have to explaint his one! Meiling is the bind which ties everyone together, as well as Shinki does, not to mention the bit about protection and comfort. There’s no better arcana for a motherly figure.
IV: Emperor - Remilia Scarlet, Toyosatomimi no Miko The Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable.
‘BUT REMILIA IS BEST FIT FOR DEVIL’ you say! Devil’s more of temptation, and Remilia’s more controlling than being the symbol of temptation, and not to mention that she isn’t entirely selfish, actually caring for the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Either way, both Miko and Remilia do sometimes cause trouble around them (Remilia especially), and not to mention really ambitous.
V: Hierophant - Keine Kamishirasawa, Byakuren Hijiri The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine.
Keine and Byakuren being both teachers in their own right, and also quite lawful as well. Byakuren also gets the extra point of being in a relationship with the divine, being head monk and all.
VI: Lovers - Alice Margatroid, Sakuya Izayoi The Lovers Arcana initially represented two paths life could lead to, and thus a symbol of standing at a crossroad and needing to make a decision.
Between Alice being in Hell with Shinki and choosing her life to be in the forest, as well as Sakuya either being a vampire killer and serving one, I think this fits pretty well!
VII: Chariot - Chen, Yuugi Hoshiguma The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war, and command.
Ah yes, the arcana usually tied with war gods. Both are self-confident, and these usually have a goal they wish to attain at any cost. In this case, I’d put Chen and Yuugi!
VIII: Justice - Shiki Eiki The Justice Arcana symbolizes a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. In tarot readings, it means that one will have to face a trial of their justice.
OKAY I’M SURE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DISAGREE WITH ME ON THIS BECAUSE SHE’S NOT JUDGEMENT-... But Justice is very different from Judgement, which I’ll explain below. But I feel Justice fits Eiki more, as she is the pinacle of rationality and objectivity.
IX: Hermit - Satori Komeiji, Patchouli Knowledge The Hermit is associated with wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches.
With Satori being the philosophical mind reader she is, along with Patchouli being the moving library, this is pretty much a big given.
X: Fortune - Tewi, Joon Yorigami The Fortune Arcana is portrayed by the Wheel of Fortune and symbolizes fate, luck, fortune and opportunity.
Can’t get any better than these two, for self-explained reasons!
XI: Strength - Momiji Inubashiri The Strength Arcana is associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force. It can also represent creative or physical energy that needs to be or is about to be unleashed, sometimes out of desire to be recognized.
This is not physical strength, but inner strength, and IMO, Momiji is the most self-controlled yet also desires to be recognized by the higher ups for PUTTING UP WITH TENGUS-
XII: Hanged Man - Hina Kagiyama, Medicine Melancholy The Hanged Man Arcana is associated with self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth.
Can’t think of anyone else but these two in this category. People in this Arcana are really self-sacrificial, and both of them fit the bill .
XIII: Death - Yuyuko Saigyouji The Death Arcana symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles.
Do I need to explain this :D
XIV: Temperance - Reimu Hakurei, Konpaku Youmu The Temperance Arcana is a symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites.
No better person than Reimu herself. She’s the Hakurei Shrine maiden, mediator of both humans and youkai, going out to restore order after every incident and to keep the balance in check. Depressing job 10/10.
XV: Devil - Seiga Kaku, Kanako Yasaka The Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation.
I don’t think I need to explain Seiga, but Kanako literally tempted Okuu with the power of the Yatagarasu so SHE FITS HERE VERY WELL. MORIYA SHRINE CONSPIRACY.
XVI: Tower - Junko, Tenshi Hinanawi The Tower Arcana is commonly associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organizations, which walk to their own ironic demise. Furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster.
The worst card in the deck. This card barely means anything good at all. Both are somewhat prejudiced, and Tenshi fits this arcana like A SHOE.
XVII: Star - Sanae Kochiya The Star Arcana is also commonly associated with hope, self-confidence, faith, altruism, luck, generosity, peace and joy.
Miracles. Faith. Joy. I don’t think I need to explain much about this one!
XVIII: Moon - Reisen Udongein Inaba, Flandre Scarlet, Koishi Komeiji The Moon Arcana is associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery.
Three of them are quite creative people, with Flandre leaning quite alot into the ‘madness’ part of it. They can also sense things around them without being told, and these three are usually quite in touch with their senses.
XIX: Sun - Utsuho Reiuji, Aya Shameimaru The Sun symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment. Occasionally, it is also associated with one's initial happiness.
Both of them are just the biggest optimistic and energetic ball of fun you’ll ever meet, and Okuu does her job quite well! Aya... not so much, since her newspaper isn’t very popular-
XX: Judgement - Kasen Ibaraki, Hata no Kokoro The Judgement Arcana is associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution.
You’d expect Eiki here, but Judgement is the reflection of one-self, and accepting who you are. They view the world with infinite possibilities, and I believe Kasen and Kokoro fits this out to the letter.
XXI: The World - Yakumo Yukari, Okina Matara The World Arcana is a representation of the world's totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness and harmony. 
Don’t need to explain this, really! Gensokyo is primarily their creation, after all!
Anyways, if you made it this far, thank you very much!))
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rlyehtaxidermist · 6 years
which touhou gets what type of exaltation
I’m not going to do every caste because holy shit we’d be here forever but let’s do this
Solars: Okay right out the gate let’s get Toyosatomimi no Miko out of the way. She’s basically a Solar in all but name already, between the shining golden motif, being a legendary ruler from the past returning to the present in a massive display of glory, and spectacular capacity to fuck up despite slash precisely because of her brilliance.Honourable mention to Hijiri Byakuren, for a lot of the same reasons.
Lunars: Let’s be honest, this one’s just a question of who gets which spot. I’ll give the main one to Kamishirasawa Keine for hitting not only the werebeast side of Lunars, but also the protection aspect.Honourable mention to Imaizumi Kagerou, which should come as no surprise. She’s more Survival spec than Keine, so she could easily take the first slot depending on which bits of the Lunars you’re emphasising.
Sidereals: Honestly, a fair few Touhous fit the Sid bucket in general Wacky Power Sets, but none fits the “intelligent, back-room advisor” role better than Yagokoro Eirin.Honourable mention: the phrase “Kaku Seiga, Chosen of Serenity" should instill a deep, primeval dread in everyone who knows what all those words mean.
Dragon-Blooded: Let’s be honest, even if you have no idea what this post is about, the name of this entry already had you thinking of Hong Meiling.Honourable mention to Soga no Tojiko, who comes from a long line of nobility and has noted elemental abilities.
Abyssals: Konpaku Youmu is already the loyal part-dead follower of a powerful elder ghost, it’s just that Yuyuko is one chill-ass Deathlord.Honourable mention to Murasa Minamitsu, who’s currently in the midst of her Abyssal Redemption Arc.
Infernals: I’ve talked a bit in brief about “Yukari is Devil Tiger Merry” on Discord, but if I had to pick a single Touhou for Infernal, it’d be Fujiwara no Mokou. Makes a regrettable decision in a moment of desperation? Check. Really knows how to hold a grudge? Check. Occasional flaming avatar of wrath against herself, everyone, and specific people all at the same time? Check, check, and check. Bonus points for Lunar Mate Kaguya or Keine.Honourable mention to Kijin Seija, who should under no circumstances ever be introduced to the Ebon Dragon.
Alchemicals: You can’t really “get” an Alchemical Exaltation but also consider: YATADERA NARUMI, GLORIOUS HERALD OF AUTOCHTHON.Honourable mention: Nobody else is really “artificial human” enough to hit the Alchemical checkbooks. I guess the tsukumogami can count, so Tatara Kogasa gets it on seniority.
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syameimaru-blog · 7 years
Let Aya Teach You Journalism
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I know I've mentioned a couple times here and there that I've used Aya's interviews from Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red to teach interns at my workplace how to (and how not to) do an interview. Recently, someone asked if I could share some of this material, so I'm posting it here. Whether you're interested in journalism as a profession or just want to know a little about how reporters are supposed to ply their craft, I hope you find this material useful and entertaining. This text has been edited slightly for an audience familiar with Touhou in general: Reporting is hard work. Journalists are more than just physical bodies that carry cameras and voice recorders; they need to be able to access information that is difficult to retrieve, and parse it in a manner that is understandable and engaging for the reader. A big part of this is conducting interviews.   Conducting a proper interview is an art. Whether you're writing a narrative interview (i.e., interspersing quotes with paraphrasing and description) or straight Q&A, you need to get information from people who might be unwilling to be fully forthcoming, to keep people on topic when asking them questions, and to maintain control of the interview itself from start to finish. As such, there are right ways and wrong ways to do this. Aya Syameimaru, ace crow tengu reporter of Gensokyo, might be known to the fanbase as a sensationalist with a flare for invention, but some of her interviews are actually quite good and can be learned from. Other interviews demonstrate what can go wrong, to which I'll comment on what Aya could have done differently. Let's start with the bad: Yukari Yakumo: Youkai Practices Animal Abuse. This is a terrible Q&A interview. A reporter investigating a case of animal abuse lets their strong opposition to animal abuse flare up their temper when talking to the accused. As such, Aya immediately cedes the dominant position to Yukari, who then proceeds to deploy all kinds of deflections at the reporter, in turn starting to ask questions back at Aya. In the end, Yukari comes across as looking reasonable, and Aya looks like she's on a one-sided campaign, even though she had every opportunity to turn this around. Lesson: No matter how strongly you feel about a subject, you can't let it show to the interviewee; cool dispassion keeps you in control, and can give a difficult interviewee a false sense of security, so that they end up incriminating themselves. Marisa Kirisame: In a String of Successive Midsummer Burglaries, the Culprit was Photographed in the Act. Now here's a great example of a lost opportunity. Here, the reporter's scoop is she has literally photographed someone committing a crime, and then follows it up with an interview. This should be a slam dunk. Instead, the accused begins by impugning the newspaper; a common enough tactic, but one the reporter falls for by proceeding to defend her paper's veracity. Then, once Aya is off her footing, Marisa begins turning questions back on the reporter, which she also falls for. In the end, the bulk of the interview is the reporter defending her paper's trustworthiness; not the crime the accused was caught committing. Lesson: Interviewing someone accused of wrongdoing will often result in them trying to impugn you or your paper. Ignore this and press on. Likewise, when interviewees attempt deflection by trying to interview you, either ignore these questions entirely or brush them off. Stay on point and maintain control. And now, to the good: Sakuya Izayoi: Treasure Hunter Races the Night. The Q&A portion of this interview is a good example of the importance of persistence. The reporter doesn't let the interviewee ask questions, but presses with her own. When the interviewee attempts to thwart the reporter, she presses to get closer to the source. Even when thwarted a second time, she changes up the line of questioning as a stall tactic. Luckily, another party happens along who can further elucidate on the reporter's questions. Lesson: Don't let an initial deflection turn you away; when pressed, people can end up giving you something just to get you out of their hair. Alice Margatroid: Large Number of Straw Effigies Found in Forest Behind Shrine. In this instance, the reporter has caught someone doing something suspicious, and the person in question is very uncomfortable with the exposure. However, in the Q&A portion of this interview, the reporter maintains a light, conversational tone, even as she presses with questions. She maintains a "light touch" throughout, and ends up getting some great follow-up, all while making the interviewee feel at ease and thus open up more. Lesson: Know your subject. While persistence is important, it's equally important to know how to pursue a line of questioning; some people will spill the beans if you get more aggressive, others may shut down completely. Always use only as much force as necessary to get your questions answered. Remilia Scarlet: Crimson Rainbow and Angel Wings on the Ground. The article itself is quite astounding, in that Aya not only gathers information (i.e. takes photographs of an extraordinary event) but also analyses it in an insightful and even-handed manner. During the interview, the reporter presses with a line of questioning based on what she believes to be true, but when presented with new information, she willingly lets go of her theory in favour of the actual truth. Lesson: It is natural as a reporter to have a narrative, or "angle", in mind before you start your interview. However, it's important to be able let go of even your most compelling narratives when you're presented with new facts - even if it means scrapping your entire angle and starting fresh. It's better to report the truth, as Aya emphasises, above all else. Keine Kamishirasawa: The Truth about the Enigmatic History Society. Some interviews are character profiles; human interest stories where the subject is the story. In the narrative portion of this interview, the reporter easily identifies the "tension" - a conflict between two elements of the story - in this case, humans v. youkai. This is a great angle, because the interview subject hails from both worlds. This is reflected in the Q&A portion, where Aya again adopts a light, conversational tone that puts the subject at ease and lets them unveil the story for you. At the same time, Aya continuously directs and controls the interview. Lesson: Human interest pieces, even of the most interesting subjects, are more like conversations than interviews, but you still need to keep things on track and mind the pace. Also, every good news piece has tension, and it's important to correctly identify what the elements of tension are in any given story. These are just a few examples of the major challenges you'll face conducting narrative or Q&A interviews, and ways you can turn them to your advantage. You will likely still run into other challenges not covered here. The most important thing to have in mind here is to Learn From Aya: maintain your calm and focus, keep the interview on track and moving at a steady pace, and above all, let the truth be more valuable than anything else. Happy reporting! (Bonus for fans: It would seem that the question of whether or not Aya has wings was settled in her interview with Eirin, wherein the crow reporter says: "I haven't flown that slowly since my feathers grew." So unless she lost her wings at some point down the line, or she's referring to some other kinds of feathers, this would seem to settle the matter.)
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rlyehtaxidermist · 6 years
Which touhou is the voice of reason?
There’s a few candidates but I’ll give the golden prize to Kamishirasawa Keine, for reliably trying to deescalate some situation or another in all of her appearances (even PMiSS).
Honourable mention to Nagae Iku whose plotline in SWR was basically “run around trying to explain things to everyone, who attack her on flimsy pretexts”.
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