#keep forgetting to scan so fuck it
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Sketched these maybe last winter? Decided If Im going to make comics with these dorks I need to decide how they look when not anime faced lmao [thou tbf the boys are well defined in trailers but everyone else suffers from cgi anime face lol]
#ff14#Thancred Waters#Urianger Augurelt#Y'shtola Rhul#Zorri'to Kima#FUCK IT PHONE PICS#keep forgetting to scan so fuck it#alao I have to reinstall the program now so theres an extra step =_=#Kimas face wasnt the best here but ah well#Thancred though#extremely handsome squidward coded LOL;;;#like to call this half of the Scions The Old Guard#bc they're the last of the og group#and they also happen to be oldet than thr others lmao#omitting G'Raha who os a weird case
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The Madness In Me
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS: You and Natasha get infected with an alien aphrodisiac that is supposed to induce heat cycles in many species. How will you both cope with this issue? (We all know how)
WARNINGS: SEX POLLEN, enthusiastic consent, drug-induced sex, masturbation, fingering (N!receiving) pussy eating, (r!receiving), violent sex, mutual pining, confessions of love, reader is described as agoraphobic (fear of being in unsafe, unfamiliar environments), no use of y/n

This was why you never left the fucking compound. This was the exact reason that you never left when Natasha asked you to come with her somewhere. You told Steve to leave you alone, made aggressive backhanded comments to Rocket, even threw things at Rhodey when he asked for an extra set of hands in the field.
You were an office person. Your job was to keep paperwork in order, make calls, and… do office shit! You weren’t meant for the field, you had no desire to explore the outside world, and you certainly weren’t created for literal space. But everybody was indisposed with other assignments and only you and Natasha were around to help Nebula with something in space.
It should have been a simple task: collect data of the tremors on the planet, run scans, and return the data back to the compound where you could ship off the readings to Carol, wherever she was out in space. The atmosphere was breathable, but lower gravity than Earth so your footsteps were heavier and you felt less balanced.
Natasha was trying not to smirk as you looked so out of your element here, kneeling into mystery colored dirt and plunging several spikes into the ground to pick up the tremor readings. You were trying to ignore her, looking forward to curling up in your bed tonight and forgetting about the terror you felt when passing through the jump point.
“Not meant for space, Nat,” You mumbled, connecting the sensor to the wires and waiting for it to turn green. Natasha knelt down next to you and gently nudged you with her arm. “I’m serious, I want to go home like, now.”
“Do you ever stop complaining?” Natasha rolled her eyes. You looked up and tried not to stare at the way her red roots were starting to overtake the blonde on her head. “We are in literal space, and you can’t stand it.”
“Maybe I’ve got minimal agoraphobia, who knows,” You sighed, running your hands through the dirt under your knees and seeing the sensor start to blink an aggressive yellow color. “Fuck sake, what now?”
“You placed the sensors incorrectly,” Nebula’s voice spoke through the comm on your chest and you flinched. “Do you need any assistance? The diagram was clearly marked—”
“No, I’ve got it Nebula,” You turned off the comm and sighed, pulling out the left most sensor and readjusting the probe so you could properly plunge it into the dirt. “God, why does she always sound disappointed in me?”
“That’s just her voice,” Natasha wiggled one of the sensors, trying to get it exactly like the diagram. She was focused on her task, and you were focused on yours… So focused that you didn’t notice your comm blinking angrily. Nebula was trying to tell you something, but you were ignoring the comm, just simply thinking that she was trying to boss you around again.
…If only you had listened to her.
Nebula was trying to warn you about the pocket of liquid your sensor was far too close to. The pressure under the surface of the dirt was high, and you pierced it just right. That was the cause of the tremors, alright.
In mere seconds, both you and Natasha were knocked down into the dirt, covered in a translucent red liquid that was far stickier than you were comfortable with. It went up your nose, down your throat, every single part of you was drenched in the fucking substance that felt like it was humming with life. Natasha was just the same, rolling over on her side and coughing aggressively in order to get the liquid free from her throat.
Your entire body hurt, and you looked up at the ship just in time to see Nebula running down the ramp of the spacecraft and approaching you and Natasha. She scowled, looking down at you and crossing her arms. “I tried to tell you to be careful.”
“Next time,” You coughed, spitting out the goop and standing off the ground. Natasha stood up with you, flicking her hands out and trying so hard to get the substance off her body but it was clear that the only way it was coming off was with a high-pressure shower. “Next time, I’m fucking staying home.”
It didn’t take long for the ship to return to Earth. But in that time, you felt like your skin was literally on fire. The heat under your clothes was almost unbearable and you practically stumbled out of the ship towards the compound where you were finding a bathroom and stripping off your sticky garments immediately.
Natasha must have been feeling the same because her face was red, not because of that sticky liquid, and was almost ripping at her shirt as she went to a separate room to take her own shower.
Your clothes sat in a pile on the floor as you stepped into the coldest shower ever, sighing with relief as the heat began to dissipate and you washed away the sticky mess that was the mystery planet gunk staining your skin. It left a red tint behind on your skin that you hated, but at least the feeling of rolling around in glue was gone.
Hands slid across your skin as you tried to make this last, basking in the cold. Your fingers trailed over your belly and then down lower, pausing and feeling your face heat up with embarrassment. There was a residual part of your body that was radiating a painful heat… and not only heat. You turned off the water to your shower and looked down, seeing your arousal literally dripping down your legs.
“What the…” You shuddered, your stomach twisting as you grabbed a towel and began drying your body off. The towel rubbed all over your skin, hands shaking like crazy as you dried your hair and then dragged the fabric between your legs. The contact against your cunt was enough to make you cry out in agony, legs shaking and knees buckling as you hit the ground and curled up. “F-f-fuck…”
This was bad. But who could you even call for this? Who could help you? This had to be a medical issue, right? This wasn’t like your ovulation week or anything, this was nearly unnatural. You’d never been so aroused and wet in your damn life.
“Friday,” You mumbled out loud to the AI that watched over the compound. If Tony could see you now, he would be laughing his ass off. “W-What’s wrong with me?”
“Just a moment,” Friday said, and you could assume she was scanning you. “Internal body temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit, and heart rate is 120 resting… Should I call for a medic?”
“No,” You mumbled, standing off the ground and reaching for the robe off the back of the bathroom door, sliding it over your sweaty skin and plopping onto the bathroom floor. “No, this is too embarrassing… Get Nebula, please Friday. She’s from space, she should know what’s wrong with me.”
“I have alerted Nebula. Are you alright, miss?”
“M’fine Friday,” You sighed, pulling your legs to your chest and trying to ignore the ache between your legs… was this happening to Natasha too? Oh, you shouldn’t have thought about that. The thought of Natasha Romanoff in the same state as you, on the ground with her arousal dripping down her thighs… You pulled your hand away from where it was circling your clit at an agonizing rate.
Muscles burning, heart rate through the roof, skin crawling, stomach churning… You were in agony when Nebula came in as you were laying on the floor in nothing but the bathrobe. Sweat dripped from your face as you looked up just in time to get face-to-face with a furry creature that a long time ago would have freaked you out, but you knew Rocket when you saw him.
“The hell did I miss out on?” He looked up at Nebula who scowled before grabbing you by the arms and lifting you off the floor like you didn’t weigh a damn thing to her. Cyborg muscles, you assumed… It was comforting. Her synthetic hands were cold in comparison to your burning hot skin, and you leaned against her touch despite her seemingly indifferent to your affection.
“What’s wrong with me, Rocket?” You sobbed as Nebula sat you down on the counter while the raccoon jumped on the surface next to you and sniffed your body. The scent of the ooze still lingered on your skin, and residue was left behind in a red tint in your hair.
Rocket immediately began laughing. “Just a guess, but smells like a very damn strong dose of pohlavívan sludge.”
“In English, dammit—”
“It’s a chemical used in making stimulants to induce heats for a lot of species in the galaxy… and a very potent aphrodisiac that is sold in some alcohol on Hasbinth V,” Rocket explained as he grabbed at your face and moved your hair away.
Your pupils were dilated and just from your scent alone, Rocket knew what the problem was without a doubt. “Girl, you are horny out of your frickin’ mind—”
“WHAT?!” You shrieked, jumping up and wrapping your arms around your stomach. “I was drugged? Are you k—No, no, no, there’s an antidote, right? There’s always an antidote for—”
“Sorry sweetheart,” Rocket shook his furry head, much to your embarrassment and dismay. “Nothin’ to do but wait ‘til it stops.”
When you glanced at his crewmate, Nebula seemed to look at you with… pity? Either that, or she was uncomfortable just being in your presence. You gulped, asking the question that you didn’t want to ask. “How long?”
“Heat cycles for most species last a week… but humies don’t get them so maybe a few days less than that?” Rocket was in thought, or perhaps he was enjoying your agony far too much as you groaned and pushed your legs together and sunk down on your knees again.
If he said something else, you didn’t hear him. The only thing on your mind was the unbearable throb between your thighs and how you just wanted to touch yourself until the pain ceased finally… But apparently, you had days for this. And Nebula’s last words before she left with Rocket were the worst things you could hear. “It’s going to get worse. We’ll figure out a quarantine situation for you soon… Rocket, we need to check on Natasha; she got hit with the sludge as well.”
“Are you kidding?!” Rocket started laughing. “The assassin and the girl afraid of going outside get doused with liquid sex on the one day I’m busy? I’m not missing anything ever again.”
How could it possibly get worse?
Worse. Worse, worse, so much fucking worse.
It had only been a day for you into quarantine and you felt like you were going to rip your hair out! Your skin was crawling, your face was burning, and you simply stopped wearing anything below the waist because it would just get soaked in seconds from how bad your cunt was dripping… It was humiliating. You felt like a dog in heat.
With every spare second you had, you were touching yourself. Any thought you had was perverse, and you couldn’t stop yourself from having vulgar desires about literally every single woman within your life. You drooled over your memories with Wanda Maximoff before she disappeared into dust and how her touch always felt electric for you. Thoughts of Nebula and her cold stare as she held you down that one time was addicting.
Carol Danvers came to mind and you imagined the being of the cosmos fucking you mercilessly like the beast she was and it had you sobbing as you rutted against the bedsheets that were soaked with your juices, and your sweat.
But the thing that did it for you? Natasha… Oh, the beautiful and sweet Natasha Romanoff… The woman who was suffering just as you were on the other side of the fifth floor where you two were being kept. The thought that she was rubbing herself down on her bed or plunging her fingers into her cunt as well was the thought that had you cumming several times over.
Tears streaked your face as you bit down on your bottom lip and humped at your pillow like some sad fucking desperate teenager. Your clit was rubbed raw at this point, and your cunt was pulsing painfully, but you couldn’t stop. Every time you came, you felt a momentary reprieve of bliss and the shivers would stop, before it came right back and the cycle started all over again.
The only way you got to sleep was with the injections that Rocket brought to you. Nebula was expecting you to have adverse reactions to him when he entered your room, but you seemed to be less than indifferent to his presence. In fact, it was like that with every man that entered your room.
Steve had gone to check on you, and Rocket warned him that you were basically feral and wanted to fuck anything with a pulse, but not him. You looked up at Steve and sobbed before burying yourself under the blankets and hiding.
The opposite was the case when Nebula first entered your room after the symptoms got worse. You knew that once this was all over, you could never look at her the same after you had almost jumped on top of her.
It was the fever talking… and acting… and—Fuck, your own touch wasn’t as helpful as it was before. As the hours dragged on, you felt like your hands were going numb and your heart was practically breaking with how much pain you felt. It was with shaky hands that you reached for the injection on the table next to your ruined bed and jabbed the large needle into your leg.
A small trickle of blood oozed from the puncture wound as you injected the mixture of sedatives into your body and you felt the relief of sleep slowly approaching. The last thing you did was put the used needle down into the incinerator trash can before passing out in your mess. The syringes on your table were labeled with a single word. “SNOW”.
You were happy to rest your burning body, closing your eyes and immediately passing out, drooling on your mattress with the pillow nestled between your thighs. As the hours carried on, your scent just got stronger. You were unconscious for quite some time, but it turns out, someone else couldn’t sleep at all.
Your scent was too strong. It was driving her fucking insane. She couldn’t control herself even if she wanted to. In mere moments, the poor ex-assassin was crawling into your bed, and she didn’t care if you were asleep; she was eating your pussy.
Natasha grabbed at your body and turned you over on your back, pulling the pillow out from between your legs and practically drooling over how your wetness was sticking to the fabric before she bent down and put her entire mouth over your cunt like it was all she needed to survive.
You didn’t react for a good long while. The sedative mixture in the syringes were heavy duty stuff, and for almost forty minutes, Natasha was simply indulging herself on you like you were the most decadent snack she’s ever had and she just couldn’t get enough.
With one hand, she reached down and pressed her fingers against her clit, groaning against you as you squirmed in your sleep slightly, clearly stirring awake after the assassin’s tongue was attacking your cunt for over half an hour. She was basking in your taste, your juices smearing on her mouth and dripping onto the wet bed sheets as she dug her fingernails into your left thigh.
The pain woke you first. The way her nails bit into your skin had you squeaking in pain as you sat up and looked to see what was the culprit. And then the pleasure hit you. Holy fuck did the pleasure hit you. It was completely different from you touching yourself; Natasha was so good. She was so fucking good at this that you felt yourself close to cumming already.
“N-N-Nat!” You stuttered, a loss for words. Natasha looked up through her blonde hair messily splayed all over her damp, sweaty face as she refused to let up. Her tongue pressed flat against your hole and slowly pushed it in. The noise you made was guttural and savage. “Fuuuuuhuuuck!”
Natasha didn’t stop even for a second. In fact, her own hand abandoned her pussy and she forgot about her own pleasure for a moment, the thought of your release in her mouth taking over her entire being. Her green irises were almost overtaken by her blown out pupils. She had tunnel vision. You were at the end. And she ignored the ache in her jaw as she felt your thighs tremble in her hands.
You met her fiery gaze and she saw a small string of drool drip from your lips and she latched her lips around your clit, sucking and making your eyes roll all the way back in your head. That was your final stretch.
Your body arched off the bed and you let out a shriek of euphoria, reaching down and grabbing at her short blonde hair, fingers curling in Natasha’s locks as she felt your taste flood over her tongue. She was in heaven. You had never seen Natasha like this before, and you were upset that it had taken this long for her to eat your pussy like she was a woman starved.
The trembles of your climax began to slowly wear off as you panted, heart racing as you saw Natasha slowly sit up from the bed, your arousal dripping from her lips and her hair a downright mess. She smelled so good, and looked even better. Her skin was glistening as she collapsed on top of you, her arms caging you into the mattress.
“What are you doing to me?” Natasha panted, but there was no bite in her voice. The tone of her commanding words had your knees weakening again as you reached up and tangled your fingers in her hair.
“What you do to me,” You said, leaning up a little as you teased the assassin with the promise of a kiss. Your lips were centimeters apart as her mouth hovered and she pressed a single kiss to your nose. Both of you couldn’t stop your heavy breaths as she saw how your eyes were just as dilated, knowing that this was the sludge forcing her hands… And yet, this feels so, so right.
“Pretty girl,” Natasha teased, her tongue licking at your bottom lip as you whimpered, your knee slipping between her legs and pressing up against her core. The sound she made was enough to have you climbing the walls. The teasing was over as you reached for the back of her neck and pulled her down.
It was unlike you to feel dominant in your life… Your short list of lovers could attest to that; you were always the submissive type in the relationship. And yet, the aphrodisiac working in your body was screaming to take control. Fingers twitched as you fought your natural instincts for the ones forced into your brain by the drug.
The kiss was broken when your hands dug into Natasha’s ass, nails biting her skin as she gasped and looked into your eyes. Her heart pounded in her ears as she rolled her hips, grinding her slicked pussy down against your thigh.
“Y-You know,” You panted, guiding her hips into your leg and shivering at how warm her cunt was on your skin. You wanted nothing more than to fuck the assassin senseless. “This is… j-just that sludge, right?”
Natasha laughed, tossing her head back for a second as her sweat dripped off her nose. “Is it though, sweetheart?”
You stopped. Your body seemed to shudder all over as you rested both hands on her hips. “Nat, what are you–”
“Later,” She begged, her fingers sliding across your body and pausing to grip at your breasts, squeezing and kneading at the flesh enough for your eyes to roll back in your head. “We’ll talk later… Right now, I need you.”
How could you say no to that?
Your fingers grabbed the back of her thighs and in seconds, Natasha was on her back on the bed with you grabbing at her wrists, holding them above her head into the pillow. That beautiful blonde hair with the red roots peeking through was splayed across your sheets. Her skin was glistening with sweat, chest rising and falling rapidly with every hard breath she took.
Natasha Romanoff was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your entire life.
“Fuck,” You said. You couldn’t think of anything else to say. You dropped down and your lips pressed into hers, hands releasing her wrists as they curled into the bedsheets and you put your knee right back to where it was before.
Natasha whimpered, her hips bucking up to meet your leg as it felt like shocks going all over her body. In her normal state, this friction wouldn’t have been enough to get her off, but with the drug making everything more sensitive, Natasha swore she could cum just like this. But you weren’t satisfied with it.
Your right hand slid down from the sheets, caressing over her body and raking your nails over her flat abdomen before sneaking between her legs. The kiss broke as she spread her thighs apart for your fingers. When they came in contact with her cunt, Natasha let out the most unhinged noise of pleasure you’ve ever heard in your entire life.
You wanted to hear more. Your fingers circled around her clit and Natasha bit her lip, something in her fighting the noises she wanted to make. You weren’t having it as you bent down and kissed the woman’s neck.
“Come on, Widow,” You teased, your fingers rubbing at her in tight circles and making her even wetter, if that was at all possible because she was already dripping. “Walls are soundproof… Give me all you’ve got.”
When your teeth sunk into her neck and you slipped your middle finger into her slick pussy, Natasha was past holding herself back. Her entire spine arched off the bed and she gasped, her eyes rolling back and her body reacting to your touch in the most delicious way possible.
She was so sexy, so fearless, so everything you admired in a woman and now all of your infatuation for the audacious assassin was coming to a point. You had always loved Natasha, and now you were able to show her. You could actually show her how you felt. Without the sludge drug going through your body, you would never have the confidence to even touch this woman, let alone kiss her.
Things between you two had always been flirty, even before the attack that wiped out half of the universe. Natasha would walk by your office and smile at you, and you would blush before going back to your job. Maybe you would see her outside of your office when she was walking with Steve or Sam. She could smell your shampoo when you walked by and the smell of vanilla was always one of her favorites.
She liked your fearlessness, even if you were simply afraid of field work. You took the job with the stipulation that you wouldn’t have to do field work, and your place would be behind a desk forever. And then, half of the organization vanished. Your work was forced to change and you didn’t have a choice but to sign your new contract and adapt.
Much to Natasha’s pleasure, you were more active outside of your office. And there were many times when you would go with her outside of the compound… And then you went to space. You and her went to space. Natasha and you went into outer space, got hit with pohlavívan sludge, and now because of one off-world assignment, you two were about to fuck like rabbits in heat.
The Widow looked down, watching your wrist flex as you pushed another finger into her cunt and she saw stars behind her eyes, her inner walls squeezing your digits and making you pant with pleasure. It was like you could feel what she was feeling, your heart skipping beats as the scent of her arousal was flooding your senses and clouding everything you once knew.
“Ohmygod,” Natasha cried out. Her eyes were watering as she held the sheets, lifting up her right leg and resting her calf on your shoulder. A growl left your throat as you doubled down and started moving your fingers faster, stretching her around them and feeling her warmth and wetness soak you from the wrist down. “Fuck, fuck that’s it… D-Don’t stop…”
“Never,” You whispered, leaning down and pressing your nose against her cheek. Her moans and whines drowned your senses, encouraging your movements.
The blonde couldn’t hold it back even if she tried. Never before has she been able to cum so quickly before. Her eyes crossed and rolled all the way back in her head as she reached up for your shoulders and dug her nails in, screaming with blistering gratification. You gave a breathy laugh before it faded into a groan, feeling her nails scrape across your back.
Natasha created a puddle under her, staining the mattress and ruining the sheets even more than you could have done on your own. You gasped, resting your head against her shoulder as you breathed her in, basking in her aftershocks and gently rubbing at her clit with your thumb as you continued to stroke her inner walls with your fingertips.
The moment carried on for at least a minute before both of you were snapped out of your stupor at a soft beeping sound.
“What the hell is–” Natasha said, looking around the room for a second before her question was answered.
“Warning, heart rate levels dangerously high,” FRIDAY spoke over the intercom in your room, a blush turning your entire face red. “Wounds detected. Shall I call for assistance, miss?”
“No!!” Both you and Natasha screamed, silencing the AI in the walls instantly. You never wanted anybody to see Natasha the way you are seeing her right now. Very carefully, your fingers slipped free from her cunt and she gasped, her nose going into your neck as she wrapped both arms around you and whimpered.
“Shhh… Shhh, I got you, Nat,” You cooed sweetly, not really sure where this confidence came from. Was it actually the drug making you like this, or were you always capable of this deep down? “Just breathe baby, that’s it… Just breathe for me…”
Natasha’s heart calmed down gradually. You waited patiently for her to pull back away from your shoulder and when she did, you smiled, pushing her blonde hair away from her eyes and seeing that her climax had given both of you a momentary reprise from the stupid aphrodisiac that would be taking effect again in no time.
“There you are,” You said, rubbing your thumb over her cheek. “You okay,mílaja?”
Natasha blushed at you speaking Russian, chuckling as she reached up with both hands and held your cheeks. “Never better, detka.”
You rubbed your nose against hers teasingly as a shiver raced down your spine, feeling an odd sensation of wetness on your back. You reached over your shoulder and felt something warm and wet coat your fingertips. When you pulled them back, blood coated your fingertips. Damn, she cut pretty deep huh?
“Jesus,” You cursed, raising a brow as Natasha frowned and immediately began to fuss at the wound she caused. When she managed to wiggle out from underneath you, she saw the lines from her fingernails going down your back and a small amount of blood trickled from the wounds and streaked your skin.
“M’sorry,” Natasha leaned down and gently kissed your shoulder, wishing she could have held it together and not have caused you harm. “We should… we should get cleaned up, huh?”
“Yeah,” You agreed, slowly crawling off of the mattress and cursing at how wet the sheets and fabric were under your hands. “We… really fucked this bed up.”
“Don’t worry,” Natasha smirked, reaching for your hand and pulling your body against her own. Your spine pressed into her chest as she leaned forward, her lips ghosting on the shell of your ear and making you shiver. “There’s lots of other places in your room we can ruin too… We’ve got nothing but time.”
It was like her words reactivated the arousal in you. The momentary reprieve ended as your pupils widened and overtook your eyes again as you leaned into her hands, grabbing at her ass from behind you and breathing heavily. “Shower?”
“Shower. Now.”
The two days continued just like this. You two couldn’t keep your hands off of each other the entire time. The sludge had made it so your stamina was nearly limitless and you could continue without needing a breather or a break. Natasha was resilient and strong, and she was able to handle anything you threw at her.
True to her words, you two fucked on every single surface of the room. The showers, the bathroom sink, the kitchen sink, the bed, the floors, the couch, the reclining chair, even in the closet. The room reeked of sex and it felt like you could never get enough of Natasha grinding against your face.
Your favorite thing quickly became eating her out while she was standing up. You liked how her knees would wobble as she got close and she had to grab the surface she was leaning against in order to not collapse on the floor.
Natasha found her favorite position. She loved sliding her own slicked cunt against yours, juices mixing together as she held you down and fucked herself against you like it was her fucking birthright. You made the cutest sounds when she dominated and she couldn’t get enough of it.
With both of you breathing in that small window of clarity after another earth shattering orgasm, Natasha reached for the remaining two syringes on the nightstand, offering one to you as she panted and tears streaked her face.
“Need to stop,” Natasha panted, ripping the cover off the needle as she looked in your eyes and inserted the sedative into her arm. You nodded quickly, following her and injecting yourself with the SNOW. She used the last of her strength to incinerate the used needles before collapsing next to you on the floor, legs tangled in the wet blankets as your body curled around her own.
It was ten full hours later before both of you woke up. Sunlight streaked through the window as you slowly began to blink, attempting to wake up and come back to reality. For a second, you felt fine… and then it all hit you at once.
Your head was pounding. It felt like a hangover times ten. Your entire body was sore and screaming, muscles aching and your stomach growling with ferocity as you rolled over and pushed your entire face into the wet pillow behind your head.
“Fuck,” You cursed, wanting it to stop already. It wasn’t until you heard a similar groan that you opened your eyes and saw Natasha looking just as ragged as you, if not worse. Deep, dark circles were under her eyes. Her hair was a total mess, and her neck was littered with bruises and bite marks. You flushed, remembering that you were the one to leave those marks.
“Goddammit,” Natasha groaned, rolling onto her side as she faced you and rubbed her whole hand across her face. It wasn’t until you saw her eyes that the realization set in… The drug was out of your system. Her irises were normal. She wasn’t trying to jump you the second you woke up.
You two were fine now… Oh shit, you two were fine now… You two fucked nonstop for three days!
“FRIDAY,” You said, voice hoarse and cracking. “Are we okay?”
A second passed before a beep went off. “All traces of pohlavívan sludge have been removed from your systems. Vital signs, stable.”
You breathed a sigh of relief as you flopped on the ground and reached out for Natasha’s hand. To your surprise, she didn’t refuse your touch. In fact, she scooted closer and pressed her forehead against yours, breathing you in like your presence could cure her aches and pains.
“Are you okay?” She asked, reaching out with her other hand and pushing your hair out of your eyes. You smiled, nodding a little as you lifted up her hand and kissed over her knuckles. The moment was sweet and you were happy to live in it.
“We uhm,” You swallowed hard. “Should we… talk about this or…”
Natasha rolled her eyes before she leaned forward and captured your lips in a soft, gentle kiss. Your eyes widened. This was way different than before. There was no drug working through your systems to force your hands; Natasha was kissing you and meaning it this time. You melted and returned the kiss, resting a hand on her cheek and relaxing visibly.
When the kiss broke, the assassin smiled warmly and rubbed her thumb across your cheekbone. “I love you… and this isn’t the drug talking this time, detka… I really love you.”
You thought you were going to cry. “I love you too, Natasha… Fuck, I love you so much it’s sickening.”
She rolled her eyes before scooting even closer and wrapping her arms around your body and shoving her entire face into your chest. You both reeked and were covered in sweat and cum, but you still couldn’t stop touching each other no matter what…
It was a sweet moment.
And then the door opened and you reacted on instinct. Without a second thought, you were grabbing at the bedsheet and wrapping it around yourself and Natasha who looked up and saw two people entering the bedroom, and a much shorter, furrier creature slipping between the other two to approach both of you on the floor.
“Steve, you could fuckin’ knock you know!” You shouted at Captain America who immediately looked away from the scene and tried to hide the redness on his cheeks.
Rocket ran on all fours towards you as he looked at your eyes and sniffed your skin. “Drug’s completely dissolved. I’m impressed humie… Didn’t think you’d make it through this shit.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Natasha said in an accusatory tone as Nebula stepped around the mess of the room, seeing that you used all of the sedative syringes and blew through the water supply that would normally last a normal human a week, but it barely lasted three days with you and Natasha.
“Lesser humans would not have been able to keep up with the sludge working through their systems,” Nebula spoke. “Many that have ingested the substance did not survive. Their hearts stopped.”
“And you didn’t think to tell us this earlier?!” You wrapped protective arms around Natasha as the thought of her heart stopping made you so uncomfortable that you felt your skin crawling and your heart racing. “We could have died!”
“But ya didn’t,” Rocket said, that smug little grin making you scowl. “Both of you are fine. Got through it just fine and now you’ve both had the wildest sex of your lives.”
“That’s enough,” Steve pushed the door open, keeping his eyes away from both of you. “Let’s give them privacy and a chance to clean up. Come on.”
When the room cleared out, you shared a single look with Natasha before both of you started laughing. So all of this could have been fatal. And the damn raccoon (not that he would admit to being that), had no intentions of telling either of you. And he just let you two fuck senselessly for days because, what, it was funny?
And deep down… it kind of was funny.
Both you and Natasha were forced to wear turtlenecks for a few days to cover the hickeys left behind. Steve couldn’t look at either of you without blushing.
#lgbt#lgbtq#lgbtqia#marvel mcu#marvel#mcu#marvel cinematic universe#natasha romanoff#natasha romanov#natasha x reader#post infinity war#sex pollen#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff smut#mcu smut#wlw#fem!reader#i love natasha okay?#secret sweetheart#lesbian
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* NERD ALERT ! [ 1 ]
pairing : mark grayson x gn!reader.
synopsis : in which mark falls for the new comic book store employee who matches his nerd [ and he hopes his freak too :3 ] and realizes he wants that effing cookie SO BADD.
warnings : super duper self indulgent! mark being mark, mention of blood like once. sappiness overload RAHHHH. not proofread.
w.c : 2.1 k.
a/n : this is part 1 btw, the second part's gonna be focused y'all's relationship. this is SO SO SLEF INDULGENT LMAO. i am that annoying little fly that keeps buzzing when it comes to my interests, my ass keeps going, "holy shit is that xyz reference???" :0 like GIRL STOP PULLING THESE REFERENCES OUT YO ASS 🤓 if you're like this too just know i think you're super based and awesomesauce gang :D BE ANNOYING ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS!! it's honestly so refreshing, anyways :p lemme know what you think of this! also yeah the banner 😈 because why tf is he so cheeked up in every frame good lord bro has a whole ass bakery back there.
taglist : @vm4879bb-blog [ lemme know if you wanna be added too ]

it was another normal ordinary day, he was just binging the new volumes of seance dog in his favorite little comic book store because being a superhero leaves no time for that, thank god he has some time off.
it was another normal ordinary day, that is until you walked in.
well more like look insanely good behind that cash register.
he asks himself, mind racing a mile a minute, how has he never noticed you before? are you a new employee? why the hell is his heart beating so fast? are you single?
the moment he sees you smile at some customer, he's doomed.
he has to talk to you. he has to-
oh god wait. he's been staring, hasn't he? no no no! what if you think he's some loser or worse a creep. [a weirdo what the hell am i doing hereeeee sorry had to lol]
and when your gazes meet for a split second, he whips his head away way too fast, if he wasn't a viltrumite he definitely would've gotten whiplash, his eyes immediately zeroing on the comic in his hand, which is actually upside down. not that he realizes because he's too busy thinking about how he'd love to get lost in your pretty eyes, he needs to get a grip, what is he fourteen?
it's just some dumb fleeting infatuation and-
then he hears a laugh. peeking up from the still upside down seance dog volume, hoping to god it's not your laugh because if it is, he longs to hear it again.
it was your laugh. oh he's in deep.
and he swears he's never heard a more beautiful thing. sap.
he needs to be the reason to make you laugh.
oh shit he's holding it upside down, hopefully you didn't notice (*_*;)

it takes him a whole ass week to muster up the courage to talk to you, he'd only check out with his new additions and issues when it wasn't your shift.
he's checked himself in the mirror a gazillion times, his hair looks okay, maybe he should've worn the blue shirt, it makes his eyes pop out-
he's mark grayson, he's invincible for fuck's sake.
still his palms grow sweaty as he approaches you to check out, little do you know he already has these volumes, he's just desperate to talk to you okay.
"hi." and great, his voice cracks.
but your sweet smile makes him forget about it. he watches you as you scan his items, typing away as you do so.
he kind of wants to hold your hand. is that bad?
"so, seance dog huh?" oh shit you're making conversation with him? oh my god calm down calm down calm down-
"yeah, it's uh one of my favs." he flashes a small smile, a nervous one.
"no way! same!" you beam at him, sheepishly showing him the small seance dog hair clip holding your hair in place like it's some sort of national treasure.
you're telling him that you, the cute comic book store employee he's been crushing on for weeks now, likes seance dog?
he's dreaming.
he has to be.
then you say something, something only a huge seance dog fan would know.
and he swears he hears wedding bells, he can already see walking down the aisle.
it takes him a ridiculously long time to recover, eyes widening comically as he processes that this is infact not a dream.
"you okay there?" you ask slightly amused.
your voice breaks him out of that little trance you just unknowingly put him in, his eyes flitting to the name tag on your shirt-
he can't help himself from muttering your name, soft and reverent like a prayer.
a little flustered giggle leaves your mouth.
he made you laugh? he feels like he's on top of the world, he introduces himself, his smile widening when he shakes your offered hand.
william's gonna have a field day with this one.

after that one conversation, he's grown comfortable around you over the past few weeks.
and he's fallen even deeper in love.
he's less tense and awkward around you, rambling about everything and anything, conversation flows easily between you two now.
you'd call him the second you'd read the new volumes of your shared favorite comics to talk to him about it, he does the same.
he puts you on his favorite comics, you put him on yours along with whatever you're big into. it's a win-win really.
he's never been happier.
you make him feel so seen.
he doesn't feel the need to hide parts of himself from you. he loves when you buy him matching merch or just little trinkets of his interests.
rex made fun of mark's little italian charm bracelet once, because what do you mean the strongest man on the planet has a matching charm bracelet with all the things he loves on it that he always wears?
it actually broke the first time he wore it to a fight because obviously, what was he thinking? gets very sad when he can't find all the pieces to put it back together, asks cecil to remake it with some metal that won't break from the impact of alien attacks or whatever decides to mess with the peace of earth the next time. he gets all pissy when he gets blood on it :(
"aw that's adorable!" rex would tease him, but mark would just get all excited because he gets to talk about you <3
cue him rambling about all the things you made for him or got for him that align with his favorite pieces of media and interests, rex does NOT understand half of those words but hey as long as invinciboy's happy.
rex is not making that mistake again lol, also he thought you were dating mark because of the way his eyes turn into literal hearts whenever you're mentioned, so imagine the look on his face when mark's all bashful like, "nah i wish :(" rex goes, "man you two are so fucking oblivious." and he's right.
even outside of your little nerdy conversations and hang outs, when he comes to you for comfort, he feels safe.
and that — feeling safe, not being on edge 24/7 isn't easy for him, but you make it easier than breathing.
he feels loved when you hold him, rub his back and make some dumb joke when he's having a bad day.
he lives for the references you make out of nowhere.
"holy shit is that-" you start excitedly.
"i was just gonna say that!" he laughs.
pointing out things that he thinks are references to his favorite media and you joining him, this has to be love.
"why does that cloud lowkey look lik-" he starts and you finish his sentence for him, he laughs at how you two are almost always on the same wavelength.
once the secret is out that he's invincible, he'll literally just fly to some foreign country to get you what you want, oh what's that? a new figurine of your favorite anime just dropped? it's only available in japan? it's already yours <3 anything for you, he's whipped. [ god bless his bank account i imagine it's in negative LMAOOOO because his ass is definitely not letting u pay :( ]
and when you oh so sheepishly hand him the seance dog plushie you crocheted for him as his birthday present, muttering something along the lines of how "it's not good enough" or "it looks a little funny", i mean yeah seance dog has seen better days for sure where his eyes are the same size, he has to physically stop himself from kissing you senseless, because how dare you be this thoughtful and sweet.
yeah he's in love alright.

after a lot of restless nights and convincing from william, he finally decides to ask you out after six months of longing and yearning.
you two are currently in your room, hanging out. you had invited him over to watch the new reboot of your favorite sci fi series, although the internet seems to have a different plan as the video keeps buffering and loading.
you groan in annoyance, refreshing the page, still nothing.
so when you give up and let it do it's thing, aka the good ol "pretending not to care so it'll load faster", mark takes this as a sign.
"hey uh-" he opens his mouth, he's going to piss himself, he can't do this.
"yeah?" you reply. he sounds awfully nervous.
he stares at you, holding your gaze, lips slightly parted before taking a deep breath.
he ends up immediately blurting out the words he'd practiced a thousand times, "iloveyousomuch", his words are hurried as if he's scared you'll leave him if he's not quick enough.
he pauses, realizing this isn't exactly going to plan. he has just confessed his feelings, it's done now. there's no going back from this and that scares him.
he's also considering just making a run for it, or well fly for it, your window's open afterall.
he avoids your gaze like the plague, the ground suddenly very interesting.
he hesitantly adds, "i have for awhile now actually", might as well serve his heart on a silver platter to you it's all yours anyways, it beats for you, he thinks.
his cheeks are flushed a pretty pink. he can't stop his mouth, it moves on it's own, "im sorry if- if this ruins our friendship i just-"
"i love you too mark", you can't help yourself from confessing back, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"i just can't do this, i can't be friends when everytime i look at you i want to ki-" wait.
it's actually adorable the way he looks at you all wide eyed when his brain finally processes what you said.
did you just say you love him back?
nope, that's just his terrible hearing that comes with being a superhero, all wishful thinking.
but the way you're looking at him tells him otherwise and your words only confirm that his hearing is perfectly fine.
"you were saying?" you tease him, daring him to finish that sentence.
thank god the teasing is back, this is familiar territory. his nerves calm down a bit.
a minute of silence passes before he speaks.
"so that just happened", he chuckles, he wants to be all suave and cool and say something that'll make you blush, but he can't.
he doesn't need to.
because that's not him, he's mark grayson, he's awkward, a sweetheart and a big nerd. he just needs to be himself to make you swoon.
you know this, he knows this.
he knows you accept him for who he is, so he doesn't think twice about leaning in when you reach out to cup his face, leaning in as well.
your acceptance, your love, you. that's all he needs.
and the moment your lips meet his he realizes those six months were worth it.
he gently pulls you closer by your waist, his touch hesitant, it takes all his power to not just pull you flush against him and show you just how much he adores you.
when you pull him closer by the neck, his toned chest brushing against yours, he has to stop from letting out a small pleased groan.
you're just as desperate as he is.
kissing you like this is dizzying, he can even taste the sweetness and slight tang of the strawberry dessert you two had shared earlier on your lips and it only serves to drive him crazier.
his body practically aches when you pull away, chasing your lips. he can't get enough.
"easy alien boy", you chuckle, trying to catch your breath — resting your forehead against his, nose scrunching a little when he kisses the tip of it, nuzzling his own nose against yours afterwards.
his smile is sickeningly sweet and contagious. "i love you", he whispers.
and when you whisper it back he giggles happily, pressing a kiss to your head - he pulls you in his warm embrace. relishing in the feel of your body against his, fitting like a missing puzzle piece.
it's like you were made for him.
a scream from the tv ruins the intimate atmosphere, ah so now it decides to load. you two stare at each other, a collective look of "are you seeing this shit" is exchanged before you two burst into laughter.
both of you could care less about the show playing on the tv, too busy indulging in long passionate sweet kisses.
"the new issue of batm-" you jokingly start against his now swollen lips.
"baby! we're kinda having a moment here", he scoffs playfully, the dumb lovesick smile on his face only widening.
"no but seriously the new issue sucked ass. they mischaracterized him sooo bad and-", he complains, not moving a centimeter away from your lips.
"and you're a nerd" you cut him off, pulling him close by the collar of his shirt for another kiss.
"hey that's friendly fire!" he hopes you'll always shut him up with a kiss <3

© digitald0rk 2025. do not steal any of my works :[ thank you for reading, interactions are always appreciated and welcome! want more? click here ★

#ㅤㅤ✶ㅤ digitald0rk's library !#me when i realize i have free will and can write vv self indulgent fics ( ꈍᴗꈍ)#invincible#mark grayson#invincible x reader#invincible x you#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson x you#mark grayson fanfic#mark grayson fluff#invincible fanfic#invincible fluff
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wrapped in ya’ d.w. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

dean winchester x fem! reader
summary; after a hunt, you slip into dean’s flannel, but when he sees you in it, the heat between you two ignites, and it quickly turns into something much more tempting.
warnings; mdni!! smut, explicit content, rough sex, dom/sub dynamics, steamy chemistry, oral sex, (both receiving) unprotected fun, fingering, heavy praise kink, use of pet names, light breeding kink (👀), dirty talk, safe word check-in, long ass descriptions, porn with some plot? pre-established relationship, flannel fueled chaos, too much heat— someone call the fire department.
notes; hiya lovelies!! okay so.. this one gets spicy real fast. gawd i feel so shy about posting smut bahaha. but i tried my best. i need some tips (pun intended) though! i adore reading ur comments guys, seriously. thank you so much for the support! <3
words; 5128
The night had been long, the hunt brutal, but now, back in the bunker, the weight of exhaustion had settled into your bones. But there was one thing that made everything a little better — Dean’s flannel, slung over the back of the couch. You didn’t think twice before pulling it on, the soft fabric engulfing you, his scent instantly wrapping around you.
You had a second of peace, just standing there, breathing him in, when you heard the unmistakable sound of Dean’s boots behind you. You turned slowly to see him standing in the doorway, eyes dark, smirk curling on his lips.
“Really?” His voice was thick with amusement, but there was a layer of something else beneath it, something hungry. “Stealing my clothes now, huh?”
You shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest, the oversized flannel making you feel like you were drowning in it— but it felt damn good. “It’s comfy,” you said, teasing him, but the heat in your gaze was unmistakable.
Dean’s eyes scanned you slowly, taking in every inch of the way the flannel hung off your body. He stepped forward, the air between you crackling with tension. “Comfy?” he repeated, voice dripping with sarcasm, but his eyes were anything but joking. “You look fucking irresistible in it.”
You bit your lip, feeling the heat rush through your veins at his words. You could feel the tension building between you, that magnetic pull you couldn’t fight.
“You gonna keep stealing my shirts now, sweetheart?” Dean said, his voice rough, low, sending shivers down your spine as his hand reached out to trail down your arm. “Or do I get to make you forget about it?”
You swallowed hard, looking up at him. “Maybe I like it. Maybe I like you seeing me in your clothes.”
Dean smirked, and before you could blink, he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in so close that you could feel the heat of his body against yours. His lips were on yours before you could even react, hard and demanding. His hands slid under the flannel, grazing your skin, his fingers burning a trail up your sides.
You gasped into the kiss when his hands slid lower, cupping you through the fabric of your jeans, the heat between you two growing unbearable. His mouth moved to your neck, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses as his hands began to work the buttons of your jeans.
“Dean,” you moaned softly, your hands pulling at his shirt, desperate for more contact, for more of him.
“Don’t say my name like that,” he muttered against your skin, his breath ragged. “You want me to fuck you right here, in my clothes?”
You felt your body tremble at the thought. His words, the way he was looking at you like he couldn’t wait to strip everything away, made you ache.
“Please,” you whispered, fingers tugging at his belt.
Dean growled, his hands gripping your hips as he lifted you effortlessly, pushing you up against the nearby wall, your legs wrapping around his waist. His mouth claimed yours again, with an unrelenting pace.
His eyes darkened, lips brushing against yours, "You're so damn perfect. You know that?"
You shivered at his words, the combination of his raw, dominant tone and the sweetness of his compliments sending a rush of heat through your body.
"De.." you murmured, hands slipping beneath his shirt to explore the muscles of his back, skin burning with every touch. "I need you so bad, please,"
Your touch sent a jolt of desire coursing through his veins, his breathing growing heavy as he ground against you, the hard length of him pressing against your hip, the friction driving him wild.
"You feel that?" he asked, his voice rough, "That's what you do to me, sweetheart."
You gasped softly, feeling the evidence of his arousal straining against his jeans, your body responding involuntarily, arching against him in search of more of that delicious friction.
"Bed?" you managed, the word barely a whisper. "Need you in a bed, not against a wall.."
The corners of his lips curled into a smirk at your desperate plea. He wanted you too, craved you like the air he breathed, but he loved teasing you, pushing you to the brink before giving in.
"Not yet," he murmured, his grip on you unrelenting. "We're not finished here."
He dipped his head, his mouth trailing a path down your neck, nipping and sucking at your sensitive skin, his hands roaming over your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You writhed under his touch, your body alive with sensation, every nerve ending singing. "Dean, please," you whimpered, fingers clutching at his shoulders.
He savored the sound of your breathy pleas, relishing in the way you came undone beneath his touch. "I know, baby.. Love hearing you beg for me like that," he whispered against your skin, his voice roughened by arousal. “Enough of that, though. Get on your fuckin’ knees.”
Your knees almost gave way at the command, a sharp gasp slipping through your lips. "De—," you protested weakly, but there was no real resistance, just a trembling anticipation.
"Do as I say," he insisted, his grip unyielding as he guided you to the floor, your knees hitting the carpet with a soft thud. He stood above you, his eyes burning with intensity as you knelt before him, your face level with the obvious bulge in his jeans.
"Take my belt off," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Your hands trembled as you reached for his leather belt, your fingertips brushing against the cool metal of the buckle. It took you a few attempts to undo it, your fingers clumsy with desire.
Once the belt was undone, he caught your wrist, his grip firm as he guided your hand to the zipper of his jeans. "Keep going, sweetheart."
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you unzipped his jeans, the sound of the zipper loud in the otherwise silent room, your fingertips brushing against the fabric of his boxers.
"Now... pull them down, slowly." His words were a command, a challenge, but beneath the dominance, there was an underlying tenderness, a hint of vulnerability that only showed itself in moments like these.
You obeyed, your hands reaching for the waistband of his jeans, fingers trembling with anticipation as you shimmied them down his hips. The material was rough against your hands, and the sound of denim sliding over his muscular thighs sent a shiver down your spine.
He stepped out of his jeans, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black boxers, the fabric strained by his arousal. He looked down at you, his eyes roving over your body, taking in the way you knelt before him, soft and submissive, ready to do whatever he asked.
He reached down, cupping your chin and tilting your face up to meet his gaze. His thumb traced your lower lip, his touch tender despite the commanding tone of his voice.
"You trust me, sweetheart?" he asked, his eyes searching yours, a hint of vulnerability in his expression.
"Yes," you whispered, the word escaping your lips without hesitation. You did trust him, implicitly. He had seen you at your most vulnerable, your darkest moments, and he had never once taken advantage of it. Instead, he had been your pillar of strength, your protector, your safe harbor in the storm.
His thumb continued tracing your lip, a gentle smile curving his mouth at your response. "Good girl," he murmured, the praise sending a jolt of desire through you, his approval filling you with warmth. “Now, open that pretty lil’ mouth for me.”
Your heart skipped a beat, the simple command igniting a fire within you. Without hesitation, you parted your lips, your eyes locked on his as you waited for his next command.
His thumb slipped past your parted lips, tracing the outline of your tongue. “Suck it,” he demanded, his voice low and sensual.
You obeyed without hesitation, your tongue swirling around his thumb as you sucked it into your mouth. The action was both submissive and rebellious, your eyes defiant even as you yielded to his command.
Dean groaned, his eyes darkening as he watched you. "That's it," he said, his thumb withdrawing from your mouth with a wet pop. "Look so good on your knees for me, baby."
He threaded his fingers into your hair, his grip firm as he angled your head to look up at him. His eyes bore into yours, his expression a mix of tenderness and dominance.
"You know what I want, don't you?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
You nodded, a wordless affirmation that you understood exactly what he was asking for. Your lips were parted, your breath coming in heavy pants, your body already trembling in anticipation.
He ran his hand over your hair, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the rough command. "Go on then, touch me," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your hand trembled as you reached for him, your palm sliding over the rough cotton of his boxers, feeling the heat and hardness beneath. Your touch was tentative at first, but as you heard him draw in a sharp breath, your confidence began to grow.
His hand tensed in your hair as your touch grew bolder, your fingers tracing the outline of his arousal through the fabric. "Mmm... that's it," he murmured, his voice thick with pleasure, "Just like that, sweetheart."
Your hand cupped him more firmly, massaging him through the fabric until he was practically vibrating with need. "F-fuck... you're so good for me, aren't you darling?"
Your response was a strangled moan, your body responding to his praise like a flame to gasoline. You were on fire, consumed by a desperate need for him, the ache between your thighs growing with every passing moment. "Please," you gasped, looking up at him, your lips parted, your cheeks flushed. "Dean, please... I need you."
His jaw clenched at the view of you. It was a sight that never failed to get him going, his control almost at its limit. "Yeah? You need me that bad, huh?" he teased, his fingers tangling more tightly in your hair.
You nodded, your tongue darting out to wet your lips. "Yes," you breathed, your hand still massaging him through the fabric. "So bad, Dean. I need you. Please."
The desperate plea in your tone and the way you were touching him pushed him to the edge. He was already struggling to hold back, and the sight of you on your knees, begging for him, was almost too much.
"Then take what you want," he commanded, his voice a hoarse rasp, "Cmon, angel.. you know what to do."
Without hesitation, you reached for the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down with a swift motion, freeing him from the last barrier of fabric. You swallowed hard as you took him in, your hand wrapping around him, the weight and heat of him feeling like the missing piece to a puzzle you hadn't known was incomplete.
He let out a guttural groan as you touched him, your grip firm and sure, almost worshipful. "Fuck.. just like that, sweetheart," he gasped, his eyes closing for a fraction of second before refocusing on you, watching your every move. "You know how to drive me crazy.."
The praise from him sent a shiver down your spine, your body arching towards his, your hand moving in a steady rhythm. You loved the way you could make him lose control, the way he looked at you now, completely undone by your touch.
"Yeah, just like that.. just keep touching me, babe," he whispered, his hand tightening in your hair again, guiding your mouth towards him. "I need you, sweetheart. I need-"
You didn't hesitate, your tongue darting out to taste him, the saltiness of his skin making your head spin. He groaned, his breath hitching as he watched you, his grip on your hair becoming almost painful. "You're perfect.. so damn perfect..," he murmured, his words interspersed with ragged breaths. "Just like that.. don't stop, sweetheart.. please don't stop.."
You quickened your pace, your tongue swirling and tasting, desperate to drive him over the edge. You wanted to give him everything he needed, to show him just how much you wanted him.
"Oh, I'm close... keep goin.." he gasped, his hips canting forward automatically, seeking more of the pleasure you were giving him. "Just a little bit more, sweetheart.. you're so good.. so perfect.. I'm gonna-"
You knew he was close, you could feel it in the way his body tensed, the way his breath came in ragged gasps. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his gaze, and that was it.
His release was sudden, his body shaking with the intensity of it, a hoarse cry passing his lips. He held on to you tightly, the grip on your hair probably painful, but you didn't care. You loved seeing him lose control, the way his face showed every emotion, the way he let himself be vulnerable around you.
He panted heavily, his chest rising and falling, his eyes dark and satisfied as he looked down at you. "Goddamn, sweetheart," he muttered, his voice still thick with arousal. “Think you—fuck—think you might need a reward for that, huh?”
A mixture of pride and exhaustion filled you as he spoke. You were trembling, your body almost as spent as his from the intensity of your actions. But the thought of a reward made your eyes gleam. "A-a reward?.." you asked, the word almost a purr.
He chuckled, the sound deep and rough. "Yeah, sweetheart, a reward," he confirmed, his hand moving from your hair to your face, his thumb tracing the lines of your face. "You did so good.. you deserve something special."
His touch was gentle, tender even, a stark contrast to the dominating way he had been moments ago. It always surprised you how he could switch between the two, one moment being demanding, the next tender. But that was just who he was. A man of contrasts.
Dean helped you up, steadying you on your shaky legs before leading you over to the bed. He sat you down on the edge, pulling you onto your back, your legs in between him. He held you close, his arms wrapping around you with a possessiveness that was both comforting and arousing.
He kissed you, slow and deep, his tongue moving against yours, tasting and exploring. It was a gentle, almost loving kind of kiss, one that belied the intensity of the moment. He pulled away after a few seconds, his gaze roaming over your body hungrily.
"I could ravish you right now," he murmured, his hand roaming over your body, "But I don't want to rush this.. I want to take my time with you, baby. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel."
Your breath hitched at his words, anticipation building in your chest. You knew he meant every word, and the thought of what was to come made your body tingle. "I want that too," you whispered, your hands coming up to toy with his hair. "I want you, Dean. All of you…"
He smiled at your words, his fingers tracing patterns over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. "And you'll have me, sweetheart," he promised, his tone confident. "Every part of me.. yours to do with as you please."
He leaned down, pressing a trail of kisses down your neck, his stubble scraping against your skin. Each touch was slow and deliberate, as if he was mapping out every inch of you. His hand slid up your side, his fingers playing lightly at the hem of your shirt before tugging it up, slowly baring more of your flesh to him.
He pulled the shirt over your head, tossing it aside before leaning back to look at you. He took his time, his eyes roaming over your body, drinking in every detail. "So damn gorgeous," he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "I never get tired of looking at you."
His hands began to wander again, exploring territory that was both familiar and exciting. He traced your collarbone, his thumb gently brushing over the sensitive area, before moving down to your breasts. His touch was light, teasing, his eyes fixated on your face to gauge your reaction.
You gasped as his thumb brushed over your nipples, the fabric of your bra the only barrier between you. He smirked, noticing your reaction, and did it again, the friction sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through you. "Mmm... so sensitive already." he murmured, his voice low and teasing. He let his fingers go down your back, undoing your bra with skill.
Your breathing hitched, your body arching involuntarily under his touch. His words, combined with the sensations he was eliciting in you, were almost too much to handle. "Dean.. please.." you gasped, your body craving more of his touch, more of him.
He smirked at your plea, his hand tracing down over your stomach, stopping just above the waistband of your shorts. "What do you want, darlin’? Use your words," he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You swallowed hard, your mind fuzzy with desire. "More.." you managed to gasp out, your hips lifting slightly in a desperate attempt to get more of the contact you craved. "Please, more.. I need more.."
He chuckled at your desperate tone, amused and turned on by the effect he had on you. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" he murmured, his fingers still teasing at the edge of your shorts. "I love how impatient you get for me, sweetheart.. it's almost endearing."
He leaned down again, his mouth finding a sensitive spot on your neck, his teeth nipping gently before soothing the sting with his tongue. His hand was more demanding now, his fingers slipping down the fabric of your shorts, now dancing along the edge of your underwear.
Your body was on fire, your skin overly sensitive to every touch and kiss. You whimpered, your thighs clenching as his hand continued to tease you. "Please.. I can't take much more of this," you gasped, your hands gripping at the sheets beneath you.
"You can take it," he murmured, his mouth trailing down to your chest, his tongue darting out to taste your skin. "I know you can, sweetheart. And don't worry, you'll get everything you want in just a minute.. if you behave."
You knew exactly what he meant by behaving. You'd be obeying him tonight, and he was reminding you of that fact. You shivered beneath him, the anticipation building. "I'll be good," you promised, your voice almost a whine. "I'll be so good for you, just.. please, Dean."
His hand moved lower, his fingers slipping beneath the fabric of your underwear, teasing the sensitive flesh there. "Fuck," he murmured, his eyes glued to your face. "So wet for me. You got that wet just by sucking my cock?.."
You couldn't help the moan that escaped your lips, the sound almost embarrassing in its neediness. "Yes," you admitted, "Just from that. Just from you."
He groaned in approval, his fingers moving gently over you. "That's it, sweetheart," he murmured, "That's my good girl. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
You nodded, your body shaking as his touch became more demanding. "I—I just wanted to make you feel good," you managed to gasp out, your hips lifting slightly in time with his movements.
"Oh, you did," he murmured, his voice rough with arousal. "You made me feel so good, sweetheart. But now it's my turn to return the favor..."
His mouth moved down your body, his teeth scraping against your skin, his tongue trailing a wet path towards your thighs. He looked up at you, his eyes dark with desire, a smirk on his lips. "You want me to take care of you, sweetheart? Want me to taste you like you tasted me?"
You nodded fervently, your breath coming in short, ragged bursts. "Yes," you gasped, the word almost a sob. "Please, please, I need you, Dean."
He chuckled, the sound low and dark. "That's what I wanted to hear," he murmured, his hands gripping your thighs, spreading you open before him. "Just relax, princess. I'm gonna make you feel so damn good."
His tongue was hot on you, his touch firm and sure. He tasted and teased, his mouth working you into a frenzy. It was almost overwhelming, the way he knew all your sensitive spots, the way he knew exactly how to touch you to drive you wild. You writhed beneath him, his finger curled up in you.
"So damn sensitive.." he murmured, his mouth moving against you, his words sending vibrations through your body. "You're so damn reactive to everything I do to you, sweetness.. it's so goddamn hot.. I could do this all night.. I could do this until you're a shaking, sobbing mess beneath me.. begging me for more..."
You were close, your body tensing, the coil inside you ready to snap. "Dean-please—" you gasped, your back arching off the bed, "I'm--oh God, I'm so close-just-just a little bit more—"
His tongue flicked over you, his pace picking up, his fingers digging into your thighs. "That's it, sweetheart," he murmured, "Cum for me. I want to hear you say my name, I want to feel you let go for me.."
And with his last words, you shattered, crying out his name as pleasure crested over you. You shook, your body arching, your hands gripping the sheets tightly. The intensity of it was mind numbing, the sensation washing over you.
He didn't stop, his mouth working you through it, prolonging the sensation. You moaned, your body trembling, your senses overwhelmed. It was too much, yet somehow not enough. You clutched at him, your hands running through his hair, needing something to ground you.
Finally, he pulled away, his mouth trailing kisses up your body as he moved back up to your face. He looked at you, his eyes dark, his expression satisfied. "You're incredible, baby," he murmured, kissing you deeply, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
You tasted yourself on his lips, the realization making you shiver. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer, your body still humming with aftershocks of pleasure. "That was.. that was amazing," you managed to gasp out, your voice hoarse from screaming his name.
He smirked at that, his ego clearly boosted by your words. "Damn right, it was," he said, pride evident in his tone. He ran a hand through your hair, his touch surprisingly tender. "And we're far from done."
Your eyes widened at his words. Far from done? You weren't sure you would be able to handle much more, but the heat in his gaze told you that you didn't have a choice. You swallowed hard, your body already responding to his touch.
He chuckled at your expression, his hand rubbing small circles on your thigh. "You look like a deer caught in headlights, sweetheart," he teased, his smirk growing. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I just need you to do one thing for me."
You nodded, your body already responding to his command. "Anything," you replied breathless.
He leaned in, his mouth close to your ear, his tone dropping. "Beg for me, doll. I want you to beg me to fuck you."
Your cheeks flushed, a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. "Please," you whispered, your eyes meeting his. "Please, Dean, I need you to—" you stopped, the words almost stuck in your throat.
He chuckled, his hand moving lower, his touch teasing. "Come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that," he encouraged, his eyes dark and demanding. "I know you want it. I know you want me. Just let yourself say it. Beg for it."
You felt a thrill run through you, the combination of his words and his touch pushing you over the edge. "Please," you whispered, "Please Dean, please - I need you. I need you inside me. I need you to take me, to make me yours. Please, please, please just—just—" you couldn't finish, your words strangled by your own need
His lips crushed yours, silencing your words with a bruising kiss. "That's what I wanted to hear, pretty girl," he murmured against your mouth, "Fucking hell, you know how to get me worked up."
He pulled back, his eyes roaming over your body, his expression hungry. "Now, let's see how much more you can take."
With that, he steadied himself against you, slowly teasing his hard arousal against your wetness. You gasped, the sudden movement catching you off guard.
"You good, sweetheart?" he murmured, his voice low. "Color check."
You took a deep breath, your mind still fuzzy with desire. "Green," you managed to gasp, your body begging for more.
He smiled, satisfied with your answer. "Good girl," he said, his hands gripping your thighs, he lifted your legs up over his shoulders. "Just relax, angel. I'm gonna take good care of you."
He leaned down, his mouth finding a sensitive spot on your neck. As he sucked and nipped at the skin there, slowly, agonizingly slow he pushed into you. Your head fell back against the bed, a low moan escaping your lips.
You could feel every inch, your body stretching and adjusting to him. He filled you completely, the friction sending sparks of pleasure down your spine. You gripped his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. "Dean, please..," you whimpered.
"Please what, sweetheart?" He murmured against your skin, his voice hoarse with need. "You know you have to use your words."
"Move," you gasped, your body shaking with need. "Please, just.. just move. I need you to move."
He chuckled, the sound a mix of amusement and arousal. "Bossy, are we?" he teased. But there was a hint of satisfaction in his tone. He pulled back slightly, before slowly pushing back in. "Like this, baby?"
You gasped, your back arching against the sheets. "Yes," you managed to gasp, "Just like that, yes. Please, more."
He set a steady rhythm, his movements deep and sure. He knew exactly how to touch you, where to touch you, which spots made you shudder, which made you moan. His hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh. "So damn tight," he groaned, his breath ragged. "You feel so fuckin’ amazing.”
His words, combined with the sensations he was eliciting, were almost too much. You were quickly unraveling beneath him, your body aflame with pleasure. You pulled him closer, your hands tangling in his hair, needing something to ground you.
"Look at you, sweetheart," he murmured, his mouth finding your ear. "You're so damn perfect like this. All needy and desperate for me."
His words sent a thrill down your spine, his tone filled with hunger. You could feel him everywhere, his body pressed against yours, his scent surrounding you. It was all too much and not enough. "Don't stop," you gasped, "Don't-ah - don't stop, please, f-faster."
He groaned at your words, his movements becoming more frantic, more desperate. He was losing control, his grip on you tightening. "You— you feel so damn good," he gasped, his forehead resting on your shoulder. "I'm not gonna last much longer angel, you're driving me insane."
You were close, the coils inside you about to snap. You needed more, you needed it to last just a bit longer, even though you didn't know if you could take it. But Dean knew what you needed, he was always so in sync with your body.
"Cum for me one more time sweetheart," he murmured in your ear, his voice rough and commanding. "I want to feel you come all over me. I want to hear you say my name. Just let go for me, my beautiful girl."
And with his words, you were lost, your body seizing as pleasure washed over you. You gasped, your hands clutching at him, his name a strangled cry.
Dean felt you tighten around him, and it was too much, he bit down on your shoulder, his own release hitting him like a wave. He shuddered, his body tensing, his fingers digging into your flesh. "Fuck," he groaned, his voice hoarse. "Sweetheart, you're gonna make me cum again, ‘gonna cum all in you.”
It was then you felt it. He slowed, stilling, his body shaking slightly. He looked at you, his expression a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion. "That.. that was…" he trailed off, his voice slightly raspy.
The room is still thick with heat, your body boneless against the mattress, breath coming in slow, uneven pulls. The last echoes of your moans still hang in the air, mixing with Dean’s heavy exhales as he finally— finally—collapses beside you.
For a moment, neither of you move. His arm is still hooked around your waist, his grip loose now, but his fingers are still there, brushing over your skin like he’s making sure you’re real. Like he’s not ready to let you go yet.
Then, in that low, raspy voice that makes your stomach flip, he murmurs, “You good, babe?”
You make a sound— half a hum, half a sigh— and barely manage to nod. That seems to be enough for him. He chuckles, voice still rough around the edges, and leans in, pressing a slow, lingering kiss to your temple. “Yeah, I gotcha. Just breathe for me, baby.”
His hands move without thinking, smoothing over your back, tracing lazy circles into your skin, as if mapping out every place he touched, every mark he left. When his fingers ghost over a spot he might’ve grabbed too hard, he tuts under his breath. “Shit, hope I didn’t go too hard on you.” His lips follow where his hands were, warm and soft against your shoulder. “Might owe you a damn back rub after that one.”
Eventually, he grumbles and pulls away— just for a second—to grab the water bottle from the nightstand. He presses it into your hand, watching you with that lazy, smitten smile as you take a few slow sips. “There we go,” he murmurs, brushing a few damp strands of hair from your face.
And then, without another word, he tugs you against his chest, settling you into the warmth of his body like you belong there. Like he needs you there.
His breath is warm against your hair as he mumbles, half-asleep already, “M’not moving. You’re stuck with me, sweetheart.”
So much for stealing a fucking flannel.
taglist; @lieutenantchaos @bejeweledinterludes ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⤿ wanna be tagged in my fics?.. don't be shy! @ taglist.
tysm for reading! more works incoming @ library. ⊹₊⟡⋆
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Rafe x Girl next door type/Sweet!Pouge Reader: He sees her at a party and he sets his eyes on her, wanting to hook up with her for the night and ditch her the next day. He gets surprised thought when he actually talks to her, how kind, sweet and genuine she is # and to also find out that she is the relationship girlfriend type that would never have sex with someone random # but does not end it right there with him then trying to find someone else for the night but actually find himself drawn to her and wanting to take care of her/protect her and offers to drive her home (and whatever else you can think of, just a suggestion)
lamy's notes: i hope you like it, angel!
the party is in full swing, neon lights flickering against the walls, bodies packed tight with the heady scent of sweat and liquor thick in the air. rafe cameron leans against the kitchen counter, a red solo cup dangling from his fingers, half-full of something he’d stopped tasting an hour ago. his sharp blue eyes scan the crowd, predatory, practiced, already picking out his next conquest.
then he sees you.
it isn’t like the other girls he usually finds himself entangled with. no plunging neckline, no practiced sultry gaze or desperate attempt to get his attention. you’re different—sweet-looking, soft around the edges, the kind of girl who smiles at people like she means it. the kind of girl who doesn’t belong here.
and fuck, does that make him want you more.
you’re laughing, head tilted back just slightly, talking to a couple of your friends who don’t seem nearly as enthralled by you as they should be. you aren’t drinking, he notices. just standing there with some soda in your hand, cheeks flushed but not from alcohol. from joy. genuine, untainted joy.
rafe smirks. this will be easy. the sweet ones always melt in his hands, naive enough to believe whatever story he spins, desperate for that kind of attention from someone like him. he pushes off the counter and makes his way toward you, predatory confidence in every step.
“didn’t peg you as the party type,” he murmurs, sliding in beside you. your head turns, and when those warm, wide eyes meet his, something in his stomach twists.
you smile. actually smile at him. no coyness, no pretense. just a simple, friendly, fucking devastating smile. “yeah, i guess i’m not,” you admit, a little sheepish. “but my friends wanted to come, so here i am.”
rafe arches a brow. “and you’re not drinking?”
you shake your head. “not really my thing.”
his usual lines, the easy teases and flirtations, catch in his throat. there’s nothing to latch onto here, no feigned innocence waiting to be shattered. just…you. real. unaffected. completely unlike anyone else in this house.
“not your thing, huh?” he echoes, tilting his head. “so what is?”
you give a small shrug, your fingers curling around your soda cup, you begin to ramble about random things. “i don’t know. movie nights, bonfires on the beach, making pancakes at midnight just because. you know, wholesome stuff.”
jesus christ.
rafe hasn’t felt this off-kilter in years. he came here tonight looking for a quick fuck, someone to drag upstairs and forget about the next morning. and yet, here he is, utterly hooked on you talking about making pancakes at midnight.
“you’re not from around here, are you?”
you laugh, light and warm. “born and raised.”
“huh.” he studies you, trying to pinpoint exactly what makes you so different. maybe it’s the way you look at him, not like he’s some trophy to be won or some cautionary tale to be avoided, but just…like a person.
he doesn’t know what to do with that.
“so,” he tries again, leaning in slightly. “if you’re not into parties, what’s keeping you here?”
you tilt your head, studying him right back. “good company, i guess.”
rafe isn’t used to being caught off guard. isn’t used to having the script flipped on him like this. but instead of pissing him off, it just makes him more intrigued.
for a split second, he thinks about cutting his losses, about finding someone else who’d be easier, who wouldn’t make his chest feel tight in a way that has nothing to do with lust. but the thought of walking away from you right now?
doesn’t sit right.
“let me drive you home,” the words are out before he even realizes he’s said them.
your brows lift slightly, surprised but not suspicious. “you sure? i wouldn’t want to take you away from the party.”
he smirks. “believe me, sweetheart, nothing here’s worth sticking around for.”
you hesitate for a moment, then nod. “alright. that’d be nice.”
rafe has never been interested in nice before. nice doesn’t get you anywhere. nice is weak. but as you walk beside him out of the house, trusting him in a way he knows he hasn’t earned, he thinks—
maybe nice isn’t so bad.
taglist: @namelesslosers @maybanksangel @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @rafesheaven @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0 @rafesangelita @sstargirln @rafedaddy01 @soldesole @bakugouswaif @skywalker0809 @vanessa-rafesgirl @evermorx89 @outerhills @ditzyzombiesblog @slavicangelmuah @alivinggirl @rafesgreasycurtainbangs @rafesbabygirlx @drewsephrry
#૮꒰ྀིo̴̶̷̤⩊o̴̶̷̤꒱ྀིა lamy req.。 ♡#rafe x reader#rafe outer banks#rafe x you#rafe fic#outerbanks rafe#rafe#rafe imagine#rafe obx#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron#obx cast#obx#obx4#outer banks#obx season 4#obx s4#outer banks netflix#outer banks season 4#obx fic#obx spoilers#obx fanfiction#rafe cameron imagines#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron fanfiction#obx rafe cameron#outer banks fanfiction#obx imagine
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Gold Ring.
-sebastian solace x reader
2k words

syn: he was a married man, yet he forgets when he's with you.
tgs: fluff, sfw (read a/n), sappy, feel-good, comfort, genderless reader
A/N: guys NO hate to Zerum at all. I just liked the idea of sebastian having a wife but learning true love and self worth from you. This fic is fluff sfw, but there are very mild dirty descriptions used sometimes. MDNI
Predator eyes loom through the darkened abyss. Sweaty, slobbering, hungry for a quench. He can't fight it. He knew you before you met him. He's seen the way you huddle to yourself, the way you persisted in this hell, the way you crawl to him whenever you're scared. How you count down the floors until you can rest-- on him.
He was the first once to make a move.
You bargained to sleep in his little room, yet you laid rest so far away from him. He didn't understand the flithy, possessiveness that growled in his hungry belly. It sent a pissed shiver from the tops of his head that rattled down to his tail.
He remembers the flinch you made at the sight.
He knows that he shouldn't, but fuck he wanted you closer then. No, he wants you closer, all the time.
He never knew romance until he pulled you over to him, the way he wrapped his tail around you like a snake. The way he blew it off with his typical banter, but God help him, the way he remembers your sleeping form carrying a smile throughout your dreams. Content- about him.
Times with his wife were never like this. He didn't know he was capable of feeling such intense desire. He's kissed, held, and he's lpved on and received. It remembers how the saying goes. If you love them, then you'd let him go. He went without a fuss here, content with the idea of his wife enjoying their freedom. But God knows, the idea of you, some inmate who waltzed into his life, leaving? No, it couldn't happen.
It was the pining that eventually sold his fate.
The yearning.
He'd find rocks the colors of your eyes to collect, most likely debris scattered from all the grubby inmates swarming the place just so he could keep something of yours nearby. Whenever he heard the echoing sounds of footsteps, the crawling through his vents, he perfectly memorized your sound yet still found his heart beating in hope even when he knew it couldn't be you.
He had grown overly accustomed to your dynamic. How you acted in playful defiance but respected him and his boundaries so much. He's never met an expendable quite like you, one not pushy- touchy- or downright evil. Even in a group setting, as you sometimes venture into a teams. You're always batting those pretty little eyes at him, saying thank you and apologizing on their behalf.
You're overly aware of him. Scanning his face, always checking for his contentment.
It was cute. You were discreet like a mouse.
For some reason, you had some staring problem. Always gazing with those eyes. So full of admiration for the brutish monster he had become. Those glances certainly didn't help him. You had to be some freak to like someone like him the way he is now. What about him could ever be attractive?
Don't think he doesn't notice the way you fidget in embarrassment whenever he tucks his hair behind his ears.
You get all shy when he gets close. You get shy whenever he escalates your banter- albeit painfully teasing you- but still-- it affects you.
He affects you.
That's a sensation that makes him question his self worth, and your character.
If someone as good as you finds him lovely. Then is he really? Could he really be...
His three blue hands.
Could they ever be loveable again?
It's that question that finally makes all the symptoms that has been building over the months of you being here finally click.
God he's.
He's falling in love with you.
He swallows thick, unable to read the document before his eyes.
Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum
His heart races in his chest, his snaggle teeth gnawing against his lip, his eyes shutting impossibly shut. His hands fidget together, and the feeling of cold metal against (what used to be) his ring finger, and guilt swells in his belly.
He's in love with you. When all this time he was working hard to return to her.
He's in love with you. He heart yearns to leave with you and Painter.
He's in love with you. He doesn't feel the same about his wife. His identity is crumbling before his very soul, and it's terrifying.
His only anchor had been his wife the entire time.
His grip goes vice over his wedding ring. A ringing hiss, and a weeping cry flees his meekly throat.
He had a decent life. A woman who loved him.
But if this feeling he's feeling right now for you is love, then...
He shakes his head, his left hand slapping over his mouth, his right still coddling the ring on his smaller hand.
He can't.
He can't think that way.
In no magical universe will he ever get to have you. You'll leave here, he can see it now. It reflects in your eyes, it's this during gleam that no other expendable has.
He'll be left here to rot.
He needs to accept that and not get--
His blood runs cold, his body jolting upright with a fury.
Fuck. He didn't even hear you enter.
A flashlight clicks, shinning at his belly.
He sees you.
You, who always calls his name so softly. So tenderly, full of respect and admiration. You who makes him feel like a person again. You who remembers things about him, you who points lights at his belly because you remember what hurts him.
He can't stop the tear that rolls out.
"Oh no," your voice dips heartbreaking soft as you set the flashlight down, "What's wrong, Sebastian?" You approach him slowly pausing in front of him with your palms up, asking with your body, with your eyes if you could touch him.
He laughs at you. The sound croaks in bittersweetness.
He leans down to your hands, resting his face in your palms. You're so warm, it makes his heart flutter. "It looks you've caught me at a bad time," he says sing-songly.
Your eyes are full of understanding, the way you smile. "Seems so," you say, brimming to see he was okay. You're giving him space, he hates how he begins to yearn.
He can't help it when you're like this.
Sebastian strains.
"Everyone needs to cry sometimes, especially in this place. I cry, too. A lot." You whisper.
But you're still smiling.
He hates you.
He giggles. The sound is so out of character, so school-girlishly giddy. "Fuck," he grimaces as he burries his cheeks into your palm. He knows he cannot physically blush anymore, but he still feels the shame.
He's turning soft.
Soft for such an airhead.
He swallows nervously, looking up to peer into your eyes. You're admiring him again. Your shifty pupils drag up and down his features again and again and again like a broken record. Holding your lips agape, and sucking in swallow breathes, as if the faintest movement from every breathing too intensely would disrupt the view.
He can't take it.
His hands shoot out for you, one on your hip, the other around your waist, the final caressing your back. You squeak as he pulls you completely into him, your feet rising from the floor. You rest your head dazily on his shoulder, as he slithers onto the dark, farther away from your abandoned light.
When you finally stopped moving, you could feel a wall behind Sebastian, as you straddled a leg on each side of his tail, your knees against the floor.
"Sebastian? I can't see you," you whine.
"You don't need to look at me..." He hushes.
Your hands find his cheeks, they're all warmed up from you.
"I need to," you lean in closer, rubbing your nose against his nostril slits. His breath shudders.
"Pull it," He whispers.
You already know as you reach and pull his antenna. A dim warm light illuminates his face, and you smile contently.
Your hands parade through his hair, tucking the strands of his hair back away from his face on both sides; the way you've seen him do many times before.
You've forced him to admit it now.
He's something worth gawking at.
Even like this.
Embarrassment is a surprisingly delicious taste for his belly.
You slide back in his arms, as his hands lean back and fall to his side. All except for his right, which cups a healthy amount of your hip to keep you steady on his tail.
Now it's his turn to admire you.
"Hmm, pretty thing," He mumbles. His smaller hand reaches up your body, his gold ring flashing in the eyes of both of you.
He tenses.
You notice. Your hands rest on his shoulders as you lean in closer to him.
"Sebastian." You blink, empathy driving your veins.
He already knows.
"I used to have a wife. Long before... This happened to me," He whispers it to the air.
Now it's your turn to feel a deep pang in your heart. You know you shouldn't say it, but the words burst out, "Did you love her?"
You watch as a strained smile pulls at him, "N-Not... Not as much as..." He swallows abruptly, "yuh... Y-You."
It all clicks for you.
He's sad over guilt?
You giggle-- and it's almost as painfully giddy as the one he let out before. But it's not enough as thr giggle turns into a laugh. The sound is bright and refreshing to his ears, like rays of forlorn sunshine kissing him. He can't help the way his ears twitch in pure glee.
He'll drink up this sound forever.
"Little cheater," you giggle into his skin as you kiss his cheeks.
He's deeply affected by this! It's not funny!
"Hey." He can't seem to reprimand you, though. "Bastard," He hushes.
You break away finally. And before you could lean in to plant more kisses, his free hands are on you again. Trailing up your body, up your chest (with him seeming to slow down a bit for that part), then to your shoulders, to roll down to your lovely hands. Lovely hands that he moves to place on his meaty chest.
"Come here," he finally commands, and it's like your knees go weak. The two of you meet in the middle, your lips melting into one another like starved animals. The way you nip and howl in between fervent friction-- friction unknown tp you both since entering this hell hole.
His kisses are filled with longing, desire, full of shivers, full of breathy moans. Sensations that send waves of shivers down to the tips of his tail.
You pull apart to suck on his bottom lip, and with a grunt, Sebastian's mouth cracks open obediently. His large tongue rolls out of his mouth and deep into yours. It's stuffiness enough to make you choke if he wasn't so careful- and if the feeling wasn't so erotic.
Your little alien.
You caress his face all over, your fingertips finding his twitching ears. You pull apart with a hearty smack of the lips, a thin trail of saliva rolling out from you from his large tongue. He picks it up before it could fall to your chin, a satisfied hum from him.
You kiss his round jaw, thumbs caressing circles into his under eyes.
"I love you," Sebastian kisses it into your skin.
"I love you too," you sigh wholeheartedly. You lean in and kiss his tiny third eye, and he hums sing-songly.
Your arms slide around his neck, burying your face into the crook of his jaw, relaxing your body deep into him with a sigh.
You two were so peaceful. You barely noticed the sagging lethal drowsiness in your veins. You haven't slept in... Haven't slept in....
Sebastian laughs at you. You fell right asleep, just like that? His tail wraps around you like a snake, as his kisses make themselves known to your forehead.
"Goodnight, expendable..." He snickers.
And the gold ring slips from his finger.
To have a future with the benefit of you being there, it's more than just a dream come true.
You accepted him.
He can accept himself, too.
#sebastian solace#sebastian pressure#pressure roblox#roblox pressure#sebastian x reader#sebastian solace x reader#sebastian solace roblox#sebastian roblox#roblox sebastian solace#roblox#sebastian x you#sebastian solace x you
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SYNOPSIS...you feel suguru has grown distant your relationship, leaving you lonely and confused, so when you confront him in hopes to find reassurance, you find out the worst instead
INFO...geto x fem!reader, angst, mentions of cheating, mentions of breakup, arguing in public, no comfort, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
part 1
It’s been a month since you left the apartment. A month since he’s last heard your voice. A month since he’s last seen you. He can’t tell what’s so different now, what makes him feel like he suddenly cares about you and how things ended. In his mind it doesn’t make any sense. How could someone be said he fell out of love with, cheated on, suddenly be plaguing his heart like a disease. You were hard to get rid of.
He stays up at night, staring up at the ceiling after trying hours and hours to fall asleep, only to fail. The house is so quiet you could hear a pin drop and the bed feels so empty and cold. Not a sound could be heard, not your small breaths as you slept, or your touch when you cuddled against him in the night because you wanted to feel loved by him.
He twisted and turned in the bed, flipping over to your side, staring at the pillow. He swears he could smell your perfume faintly on the fabric, but that could be his mind playing tricks on him. It’s been doing that ever since. Dinner was always takeout, never the warm home cooked meals that you always had prepared. He was starting to get sick of the taste, opting out of eating in general because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t replicate your cooking.
A deep sigh leaves his lips as he sit up, feet planting on the hardwood floor. His phone rings loudly, illuminating the dark room. He slowly turns his head, looking at the caller ID. It was the woman who he threw everything away for temporary pleasure. He’d been ignoring her calls ever since that day and he doesn’t know what overcame him, but he decided to finally pick up the call. “Hello?” He answered, voice scruffy and gravely.
“Suguru! Finally you pick up! Why have you been ignoring my texts and calls?” She asked frantically.
He rolled his eyes, shutting them. “It’s the middle of the night can we not do this?” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.
“Is it because of her? Are you two still together? I thought you said you were going to end things with her eventually? What changed?” She was asking question after question which only made him more irritated than he already was. “I miss you, Sugu,” she pouted.
The nickname made him wince, reminding him of how gently you used to call his name. “I need to go.” He abruptly hung up the call. His thumb hovered over his screen, pressing on his messages and scrolling to find your name. His jaw clenched at the sight of the contact name he had for you, forgetting to change it.
“My girl” it read.
He clicked on the contact, eyes scanning over the last messages that were sent. It was the day he told you, the day it all fell apart.
Geto: might be a little late for dinner
My girl: no worries, I’ll keep it warm :)
Even when you were falling apart you always treated him with kindness. It was never about the arguments, not with you. Yeah, sure you’d fight with each other, screaming matches back and forth. But, that’s normal in a relationship. Sometimes things lead to disagreements. It’s only when he took it too far, grew distant, fell out of love, cheated, while you were at home, waiting for him each and every night.
“Fuck,” he whispers under his breath, contemplating to text you. He stares at the screen for a few more seconds before deciding to close his phone, placing it back down on the nightstand.
The smell of fresh brewed coffee filled the air, a quiet atmosphere settled around you as you sat at a small table, scrolling through social media. It was a cold early morning, soft snow flurries fell from the cloudy sky and painted the ground in a blinding white. It was the perfect day to relax in a cozy coffee shop and enjoy yourself, something you haven’t done in a long time.
From time to time, your brain wanders to that night you found out Suguru was cheating on you. It still makes your heart twinge, an odd feeling in your chest. You’d cry countless times in one day, wondering what it was that you did, how you could have been better. There were so many questions that you still had to ask, but you weren’t sure if you wanted answers. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. You’d think about them, wondering if Suguru and whoever the woman he was seeing were now happy together, living in the apartment that you once shared with him.
You sipped on your coffee, the hot liquid trickling down your throat. The cold breeze from the outside blew into the coffee shop as the door opened for a few seconds, the bell above letting out a high pitched ding.
“Morning, could I small latte, please?” The familiar voice made your body freeze in place, eyebrows raising in slight shock. Lifting your head, you seen the familiar long, black, silky hair. Quickly, you looked away, scrolling on your phone. The longer you looked at him, the more afraid you’d threaten to break down in tears, maybe even scream at him. “Thank you,” he softly spoke.
It felt like time froze, the more you sat here, the harder it felt to get up. Did he already see you? Maybe he’s ignoring you too? While your thoughts were telling you one thing, trying to convince you of some other reality, you could feel eyes burning into your skull. You didn’t dare turn around to see if he was looking at you. With flared nostrils, you inhaled deeply, clearly your throat to rid of the awkwardness, mindlessly scrolling on your phone to make it look like you were busy.
It was getting to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore. As soon as the barista called for his coffee, you were quick to stand from your seat, grabbing your wallet and coffee off the table and making a dash for the door. The cold winter breeze hit your skin as soon as you stepped out, a cold chill sending down your spine.
“Y/n.” You halted in your tracks at the sound of your name. With closed eyes, you let out a deep sigh. Do you keep walking? Do you turn around and face him? Would you be able to keep your composure for even a second if your eyes meet his?
The snow under your feet stuck to your boots, heels twisting into the ground. You were now facing him. It felt like every memory that you shared with him came flashing back in an instant—good and bad. Your heart felt conflicted, knowing you still had time to walk away. His mouth partially opened like he wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out. He looked defeated, stuck in place. His eyes could do nothing but scan your features, search for any hint that you were felt the same for him like he felt for you. But he highly doubts that. “How have you been?” He asked.
Clenching your jaw, you narrowed your eyes at him, stuffing your hands into your pockets. “Fine.” You shrugged. Your tone was bitter and cold, one that he wasn’t familiar with. There you both stood in the middle of the sidewalk, snowflakes kissing your skin, stinging your cheeks. “What do you want, Geto?”
The use of his last name makes his heart sink into his stomach, a weird feeling in his chest. He bit the inside of his cheek, shaking his head with pinched brows. “I…I don’t know,” he said barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t get to say you’re sorry when you don’t mean it. You’re only saying it because you got caught. I don’t think you understand what you did. At all.” Surprisingly, your voice was calm and composed compared to the last time you spoke with him. It was hard not to lash out, but you knew it wouldn’t make you feel any better than you already did. “I loved you, Geto. It’s sad that you didn’t realize that sooner. Look,” you step closer to him, “I don’t know where our relationship took such a turn, I don’t know the exact moment you fell out of love, but I genuinely hope you find someone who is worth your time.” You softly smiled.
“You were worth my time!” He said with desperation, almost like he was begging.
“No, I wasn’t. And it’s fine, I accept that.” You nod your head at him. “You can feel regret, you can change your mind, but you can’t undo what you did,” you state.
“I miss you, y/n, so fucking much. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. All I ever think about is you, how I hurt you, brushed you aside—”
“Just stop, please. Nothing is going to change my mind, no matter what you say.” You chew on your bottom lip, a look of sincerity in your eyes.
“No, don’t say that. Come on. Please,” he begs, watery eyes looking at you.
“Let me go, Geto. It’s best for the both of us.” You felt your eyes sting with tears, your vision blurry as you tried your hardest to hold them back. You didn’t want him to see you cry again, he didn’t deserve it.
“What if I don’t want to? What if I can’t?” He had a pained expression on his face, closing the distance between you two. It’s the closest he’s been able to get you, the closest he’s felt to you in long time. He doesn’t mean physically, he means emotionally, mentally. It shouldn’t be under these circumstances, not when he’s ripped your heart in two. It should be when he’s holding you at home, his lips on yours as he tells you how much he loves you, because he does love you. He realized it when you walked out that door.
“Then I’ll make the decision for you.” You turned away from him beginning to walk away, the cold wing hitting your skin, your eyes burning.
Geto pulled you back by your hand, your touch warm and soft in his. “I’m not letting you walk away again.”
“Let me go, Geto—”
“I love you, y/n. I need you. I wanna feel your love again, your warmth, your laughs, I want it all.” His grip grew tighter, a tear falling from his eye as he stared at you. A frown formed on his face, the tears he was holding back all this time came rushing out.
“You didn’t want it then. What makes you think you deserve it now? Huh? Now you know how it feels.” Your tone was harsh, like sending daggers straight into his heart. You snatched your hand from his. “You cheated over a petty argument, not once, not twice, but several times you’d meet up with her, lie to my face! Do you know what went through my head? How disgusted I felt with myself? I was questioning my worth, wondering if I was enough for anyone! I shouldn’t fucking feel like that!” You pushed him, hot tears warming your cold cheeks. “Leave me alone! Please! Just do this one thing for me.” You sniffled, your feet moving before you could think, walking away from him.
Once more, he watched you slip away, your figure disappearing into the snow. He swallowed thickly, looking down at the cup of fresh coffee he had yet to take a sip from. He tossed it. The content spilling on spilling on the ground and staining the glistening snow. He no longer had an appetite for anything anymore. The pit inside his chest grew larger, sucking him in like a black hole.
He stood there for what felt like minutes, hoping, waiting to see you walking towards him again. But the wind just howled loudly and the cars drove past without a care in the world. Everyone has their own lives to live, their own stories. Though, in his story, he’d live with regret, guilt, and shame until the very end. Even if he does manage to find someone else, love someone else, live his life to the fullest, just know you’d always be in back of his mind as a reminder of every horrible thing about himself.
#—☆classyrbf#anime#jujustu kaisen#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk angst#jjk x reader angst#jjk angst oneshot#geto x reader#geto x reader angst#geto angst#suguru geto x reader#geto suguru x reader#geto suguru angst#geto suguru x reader angst#geto onehsot#geto angst oneshot
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:: babydaddy!matt has no problem sticking up for brat!reader

matt wasn't the type to get easily riled up—especially not to where he felt the need to get physical about it. he was more the type to talk things out, most would say. and that's exactly why it was such a shock when you made your way towards the commotion in the living room to see matt with a guy under him, fists of fury hammering into the poor dude's face.
for a moment, you contemplated if this was something you even wanted to involve yourself in, given is was your child's father. but when matt's hand continued coming down repeatedly with no sign of stopping any time soon, his opposer barely fighting back at this point, you couldn't find it in him to let him just keep kicking this guy when he was so clearly down.
giving a harsh tug on matt's plain black t-shit, you pulled him off like he were a misbehaving dog. his head snapped back to see who had grabbed him, brows unfurrowing the moment he came face to face with you.
his breathing was ragged, waiting for you to berate him as the people surrounding you two scrambled to stop the guy who was once lying on yhe dloor from standing up. to his surprise, you pulled him along with an annoyed grunt, slipping out of the party amidst the chaos of the fight. "where're we going?" matt asked, only to be ignored as he followed behind you until you guys were far from the house.
"i knew this was a stupid idea," you finally muttered, letting go of his wrist to turn and look up at him as you two stood in front of his car. your eyes, scanned his face, maneuvering your head to get a good look at any injuries he may have.
matt's mouth opened, wanting to explain. he knew you didn't want to hear it. "m'not hurt," he replied simply, shaking his head as his eyes finally met yours.
you clicked your tongue, giving him a deep sigh as your eyes rolled for what already felt like the millionth time tonight. "what's your problem?" you asked, addressing the big fat elephant standing right in front of your guys' faces, "forget you're an adult now, hm? have been for almost five years... fighting's how you catch cases, dumbass."
the scoff that left his lips made you want to slap some sense into matt, giving him a look that said, 'are you a fucking idiot?' as you waited for whatever lame excuse he might conjur up. but you should've known better than that. you knew matt had never been the type to go out fighting recklessly, so you should've known something had seriously bothered him. and the fact that something so simple had slipped your mind made his reasoning all the more shocking. "kid was talking shit," he answered, eyes averting to look anywhere but you, one hand coming up to rest on his hip as if he were embarrassed to admit it.
again, you weren't paying enough attention. "yeah? what, he said your fancy little carharts weren't cool enough or something? so you had to go and risk literal jail time?" you insulted, growing increasingly more annoyed with each passing second, "i mean, seriously, i don't know what i'd do if that guy chooses to press charges—you better hope nobody recorded that."
matt looked at you with a softness to his eyes, feeling his chest tightening a bit at your words; for a moment, those last few sentences made it feel like you needed him. of course, he knew in the back of his mind that you were thinking of mazzy, but he'd like to remain at least the slightest bit delusional in the moment. "come on," he scoffed again, "it was about you... the guy was talkin' shit 'bout you. was i supposed to jus' let him?"
the confession made your breath hitch a little, head pulling back and brows furrowing in a mild confusion. then, you came back to your senses, the attitude rising within you apparent on your features. "what'd he say?" you asked with a quick work of your neck.
"s'nothing important." matt was quick to brush you off, a certain coldness washing over him.
"really? then why'd you fight about it," you pressed on, a brow raising as if to tell him you simply didn't believe him.
he shook his head, mouth openining and closing as matt thought of an excuse. he couldn't – or, moreover, he didn't want to lie to you. "jus' spewin' some bullshit about you, like, bein' overly difficult... said you rejected him an' shit earlier. i guess he was upset about it," he answered, realizing he may have overreacted a bit now that he was explaining it out loud.
"that's all?"
matt shot you a confused look, shrugging a bit. "yeah—i mean, i also saw him tryin' t'grab on you earlier, so..." even that that wasn't really all, truthfully. it was the way the guy was so persistent, eager to start some sort of smear campaign against you between all of his friends. his lack of regard for matt as he badmouthed you, knowing what matt was to you. what you meant to matt.
you were quick to push past him, another annoyed grunt as you shoulder checked him. "just let him talk next time," you mumbled through gritted teeth, "that's not your battle."
matt turned and watched you walk away, in utter disbelief that this was how he was getting treated for standing up for you. of course it was his battle. who else was going to fight it? you? absolutely not. that guy got what was coming to him, saying whatever so carelessly.
"stay if you want," you called back, head turning to look at him, "m'gonna stop by your house to pick up mazzy from chris and nick."
w/c : 971 taglist : @mattsturnswife, @br1annax, @x0x0bunny, @m4ttsmunch, @mattsnumberonehoe, @k4yd1, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @sturnstar169, @bxtchboy69, @strnilolover, @little-miss-shay, @sweetobservationface requested by anon.
#cvntagious#˗ˏˋ rory's wips#★ ⋮ babydaddy!matt#★ ⋮ brat!reader#matt#matthew#matt sturniolo#matthew sturniolo#matt sturniolo au#matthew sturniolo au#matt sturniolo fanfic#matthew sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo fanfiction#matt sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo x you#matt sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo fanfiction#matthew sturniolo angst#matt stuniolo fanfic#sturniolo triplets#chris#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#frat bro chris#chris smut#chris sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo x reader#christopher sturniolo#chris sturiolo fanfic
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coloring in namgyu’s tattoos hcs!!
warnings: tattoos (?) implied reader x namgyu, takes place outside the games!
a/n: got this inspiration from tiktok (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) i hope this isn’t a flop LOL

when you first tell namgyu that you want to color in his tattoos, he gives you a look that screams ‘what the fuck?’
he mulls over it for a few days and you completely forget about it until he brings it up again
“so you wanted to use me as your personal coloring book, huh?”
lowkey cringing at your excitement as you pull out a pack of cheap waterproof markers with a giddy smile on your face (he secretly finds it cute but will never let you know that he does)
reluctantly lays his arm out and watches as you select the colors
when you lean in closer to him, his breath hitches in his throat and he can feel his heart beating faster.
“is this okay?” you’ll ask him after, you first touch the marker to his skin. he thinks it’s ticklish, but when you ask him with an expression mixed with concern and happiness, he finds it hard to say anything except “it’s fine”
as you concentrate in filling in the lines, he can’t help himself from scanning over your face. the way your eyes squint in concentration, how your tongue absentmindedly pokes out a little, how your hair is tucked behind your ear to give you a clearer vision
when you rest your hand on his arm to keep him still, he savors the warmth of your fingers and secretly thinks of grabbing your hand but always decides against it
surprisingly enough, namgyu is completely silent. passes the time by watching the strokes of your hand. this is the most patient he’s ever been
as you chirp out an “all done!” he brings his arm closer to his face, looking over your work. tells you that it looks fine, but when you’re not looking he secretly takes a photo of it
when you two go out for dinner later, he purposely picks out a t-shirt that shows off his tattoo
when he showers, he tries his damn best to not wash it off, wanting your imprint to last as long as it can
if thanos notices, he brushes it off saying “yeah, it’s whatever.” deep down, he basks in the closeness of the time spent together
when the marker ink fades, you’ll send him a pout alongside an “aww, it washed off”
imagine the shock on your face when namgyu shrugs and says “just color it in again. you can do that, right?”
he says that with the most nonchalant expression, but there’s a certain warmth in his tone and eyes that you can spot
coloring in his tattoos slowly becomes one of his favorite things to do together. he doesn’t have to think about having a conversation, you get to do something fun, and you both get to share another level of closeness that nobody else but the other can have. truly a win-win situation!
thanks for tuning in!
#namgyu#namgyu x y/n#namgyu x reader#namgyu random#player 124#player 124 x reader#namgyu squid game#squid game#namgyu x you#squid game s2#squid game season 2#nam gyu#nam gyu fluff
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the council would like to request a part 2 to tell me how much u want it

previous part
After you break up with your boyfriend because you found out he cheated on you again you find yourself infront of his apartment with tears streaming down your face, even though you told him that you should keep it professional���
PAIRINGS: dom!san x fem!reader
GENRE: smut, professor x student, college AU
TAGS: smut, p in v, cheating, cum swallowing, oral (m receiving), San is mean and toxic towards reader, age gap (San is in his 30s and reader is 22), angst, use of pet names (love, slut), swearing, kind of manipulation, San is obsessed with reader and can’t let her go, dirty talk, mention of divorce!, lmk if I missed anything!
WC: 7.3k
A/N: I wanted to thank you guys for the love on the previous part! I decided to give you part 2 of this so enjoy!
Reminder! English is not my first language if you find any mistake lmk!
© All rights reserved luvhcarly do not copy, repost, or translate.
You knew it would be a mistake to step into his office, but you couldn't ignore it. A few weeks have passed since what happened and clearly you couldn't stop think about it, but at the same time you felt guilty. You cheated on your boyfriend even though you basically just paid him back. Well, it wasn't you. You never did such impulsive things. You didn't tell anyone about what happened, despite the fact that your friend suspected you of something.
"Come in." You were snapped out of your thoughts by a man's voice that sent chills down your spine. You took a deep breath and stepped inside, immediately meeting his gaze, which you couldn't quite place. He was sitting on a chair and his hands were on the table, as if he was waiting for you to sit down. As soon as you looked around the room, you remembered everything that happened. The way he fucked you against the desk, the way he told you words that you would like to hear again.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" You put your thoughts behind your head and broke the silence that was between you two. He laughed at your 'sir' and shook his head. He pointed with his hand to the place in front of him for you to sit down and so you did. You sat down on a chair and put your hands on your thighs and cleared your throat nervously.
“Weeks ago you called me San, now you call me sir, again.” With a raised eyebrow he said as if he wanted to indicate something, but you didn't know exactly what. He sighed when you remained silent at his words and he leaned his body more against the seat, not taking his eyes off you. San scanned you, your hair was down and you were wearing a t-shirt that once again hugged your body too well. He cleared his throat when he realized that thoughts lead where they don't belong, but damn why did you have to look so fucking good. Your lips were slightly parted as if you were about to say something, your eyes looked at him with that look that drove him crazy.
"I think-" You took a deep breath and looked at him. "I think we should forget about what happened. It could affect my studies and-" if he was telling the truth, he really didn't expect this. He was expecting something like it shouldn’t happen again or that you should be careful about this? Did he feel… duped? Forget what happened? How the hell do you want him to forget?
“Yeah, It could affect my job so I agree.” But he did not argue and only nodded. He had nothing to say to you even if he wanted to scream at you, Kiss you and do it again and again without any consequences.
"That's all I wanted to talk about. You can go.” His words were sharp, toxic. Something inside you broke, your heart shattered as if you had been stabbed in the heart. Why did you want him to say something else? To say that he doesn't want to forget. That he wants it again and again.
"Okay." With those words, you stood up and turned around. Before you left, you gave him one last goodbye look and then left. You let him sit there, thinking about the fact that he should have stopped you and told you how he really feels. But he knew that he would hurt you and himself.
“Fuck-“ San mumbled under his breath and ran a hand through his hair, when you left. He didn't want to forget what happened, even if it was just an one time thing. He wanted to help you so that you wouldn't feel stupid that your boyfriend cheated on you, but rather he did it for himself because he couldn't stay away from you.
"Are you okay, babe?" Your boyfriend’s voice interrupted you when he noticed how you were playing with the food with your fork. Your expression was nervous, tired, something he hadn't seen in you that often.
"What?" You shifted your gaze from the food to him and swallowed loudly when he gave you a puzzled expression. "It's nothing just school stuff." You lied to him and gave him a smile, he nodded at your words and smiled back. Then there was a silence between you, which you didn't like that much, but you weren't in the mood to break it. Your thoughts were elsewhere. You were lost. You were lost in your own head.
“We should go on a dinner tomorrow, to take a break from the stress." He proposed to you with a nice smile and you took a sip from your drink, nodding at his suggestion and smiling at him. "Yeah, that would be great." You really weren't in the mood to go somewhere social, but you didn't refuse.
“Is something bothering you, y/n?” With that he suddenly asked and the fork fell from your hand to the floor. "I-..." you opened your mouth and were about to tell him everything that happened, but then you closed your mouth. “No. I am just tired as I said." That's the only thing you told him and he didn't discuss it further, even if he didn't believe you. Well, he wasn't planning on arguing with you or anything like that so he just nodded his head and continued to eat his food.
After dinner you lay down in bed and took your phone in your hand, your boyfriend was lying next to you and he was also on his phone. You decided to check whether the results of the tests you wrote last week had not arrived yet. Your eyes widened when you saw that you didn't pass his class.
Didn't pass.
How? He tutored you, you wrote everything correctly there. You furrowed your brows at that and your anger rose. What's his problem? You didn't understand it. And that’s why you stayed after his class the next day.
“Professor, wait!” You shouted as he left the classroom and you caught up with him with quick steps.
"I have another class, Ms. Y/n.” His words were again sharp without interest, as if he was telling to leave him alone that he was not interested in talking.
"It won't be long, I just-"
"We will discuss it tomorrow during class, if you have some problem." He stopped and turned to you. His brows were furrowed and he wore glasses. You swallowed loudly at his words and sighed.
"I-..." You opened your mouth and were about to say something, but then you nodded. Despite the fact that you were angry that you didn't pass his class, you suppressed your anger again. His expression made you feel the respect you had for him. "Okay." You said and he left without another word. When he was out of your sight enough, he let out a sigh that he didn't even know he was holding back. He knew that you probably wanted to talk about why you didn't pass. But his reason was simple. He thinks you have more in you than what you wrote in the test. That’s why he didn’t let you pass, or maybe there was another problem?
“Asshole.” You muttered to yourself as you slammed the locker shut and an annoyed sigh escaped your lips. He was acting strange.
"Who is an asshole?" Your friend's voice rang out and you jumped a little. You did not expect that she would be here and that she would hear you.
"You scared me!" You punched her on the shoulder and she laughed at your words, but then immediately gave you a serious expression.
"Who were you cursing at?" She asked again, her curiosity growing. You raised your eyebrows at her question and pretended that you didn’t say anything before
"What? No one." You gave her a smile, but she still didn't believe you, she already knew you very well. "Your boyfriend again?" She leaned against the locker and crossed her arms over her chest, patiently waiting for your answer.
"No, of course not." You blurted out quickly and she just sighed and bit her lower lip as if she wanted to tell you something.
“You are acting weird lately. Is everything okay?” She finally asked and you ran a hand through your hair and furrowed your brows.
"I'm fine! Why is everyone asking me that”You said with a raised voice and your friend sighed and shook her head. She didn't understand why you were suddenly so angry and nervous. You were never like that, you always walked around smiling, but now you looked like you were going through something. When you realized that you had raised your voice at her and that you are taking out your anger on her for no reason, you swallowed loudly and squeezed your eyes.
"I'm sorry... I'm just tired." You rubbed your forehead and looked at her. She had a disappointed expression on her face, as if she understood you. "Yeah, I get it. Get some rest, y/n.” With her hand she stroked your shoulder. "And stop stressing about school." She added and gave you a sweet, friendly smile, which you returned in return.
You were nervous all day, probably because of school. Despite the fact that you were not in the mood to go to that dinner with your boyfriend, you went. You went to a romantic restaurant together and sat down, talked and joked. You felt that it was the same again as before and your stress subsided. "I will be right back, babe." He stood up and you smiled at him from behind the glass and he directed his steps to the bathroom. At that moment, his phone, which had its screen facing downwards, started ringing. Somehow you didn't pay attention to it, but when the phone rang several times, you gave up. You looked around the restaurant to see if he was coming back, but when you saw that he was nowhere to be found, you picked up his phone.
"When are you going to break up with y/n?"
"Babe, I want you. Please?”
"Can you come over tonight, we could have some fun?" ;).”
You swallowed at the texts and a tear started to run down your cheek.
“I’m back-“ A voice came from behind you and you gripped the phone tighter in your hand and gave him a hateful look.
"Babe, It's not what-"
"Save it. I don’t want to hear it. You didn’t change.” Your voice was hateful and your words were sharp, he leaned closer to you and wanted to stroke your shoulder, but you pulled away.
"Can we talk about it? Everybody is watching us, y/n. Calm down." He looked around nervously when he noticed people's curious looks. You wiped your tears and picked up your jacket.
“No.” You muttered. "We are done." You said and he shook his head at your decision. With those words you left and left him there alone. As soon as you left the restaurant, you put on your jacket and hugged your body. Raindrops began to fall on your skin, which you let out a sigh. You didn't know where to go. Only one place came to your mind. His apartment.
“She signed the papers.” He informed you and looked up from the phone to you and measured you. You already had your skirt on and put your t-shirt back on. "That's great!" You gave him a sweet smile and he sighed but then smiled. He leaned his body against his desk and ran a hand through his hair before resting his hands over his chest.
"Yeah, it is, but I will have to move out."
"Move out? Where?” You blinked fastly at him being confused. He could hear in your voice that you were a little afraid that he would leave, but you didn't try to show it in any way.
"You know the new apartments just two blocks away from school?” For a small moment, you thought about his words, but when you remembered the new apartments nearby, you nodded.
"Well, I already have papers set for this but I waited if she would sign the papers and she did so." He usually didn't talk that much, but now he wanted to. He wanted to tell you everything that was on his mind, and it didn't bother you at all. You liked to listen to him and you were glad that he was saying something that was bothering him. San looked at you nervously, as if he realized that he might be talking too much, but your words calmed him down.
"The apartments are beautiful and I think that it's a great opportunity to start a new life for you." Your words were soft and kind, it warmed his heart. Maybe it's an opportunity to start something new. Something that will fill him and make him feel good. He gave you a smile and his thoughts took him where they probably shouldn't have. Well, for a few seconds he imagined that he lives with you, but then he immediately put it behind him. It's impossible.
End of flashback
“Y/n?” The door in front of you opened and he appeared there. His hair was messy and his eyes were tired, he was wearing a black oversized T-shirt and gray sweatpants. It was strange because you didn't usually see this on him.
"I'm sorry to barge in here like this but-" You stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath. "I didn't know where else to go." Your hair was wet and so were your clothes. He had a surprised expression on the shapes that you were standing here in front of him, your eyes completely red and your mascara smeared.
"Come in." The words he usually spoke gave a completely different meaning to you. He stepped back from the door and let you in, taking your jacket off your shoulders and hanging it on the hanger to dry. He then directed his steps into the kitchen and you followed him, looking around the apartment with your eyes. It was nice and new. Everything was in white and black colors, which you would expect from him.
Without another word, he took a sip of water and leaned against the kitchen counter while you kept looking around. He could see from your shape that something was wrong, otherwise you probably wouldn't be here. But he was surprised that you remembered his words from a few weeks ago. He didn’t ask you what happened, he just looked at you with his eyes and then put the glass down.
You watched with your eyes as he left suddenly and then came back with a dry T-shirt and sweatpants. "Go take a shower." He ordered and handed you dry clothes. You nodded at his words and he let out a sigh. As soon as he pointed in the direction where the bathroom was, you directed your steps there. When you stepped into the bathroom, you smelled his usual scent and you swallowed loudly at that. Then you took off your wet clothes and stepped into the shower. Immediately warm almost hot water touched your skin and you tried to wash away all the bad thoughts and the anger you still had inside. You were a fool to think it wouldn't happen again. You naively thought that everything would be the same as before.
A small sigh escaped your lips as the same scene replayed in your head as you slowly scrolled through the screen of his phone and read the texts. You still couldn't believe that it happened so suddenly. You spent quite a long time in the shower, and he thought that something had happened to you, but when he saw that you got out of the shower. Your hair washed and his clothes on you. The shirt he gave you was a little bigger, and the sweatpants too…
San cleared his throat and he pushed you a cup of tea infront of your face, which you graciously accepted and sat down on the couch next to him. You took a sip of the hot tea and looked ahead. There was an awkward silence between you, as if you were both thinking of what to say. Well, the only thing you could say was:
"Thank you." You muttered and looked down at the cup of tea you were clutching tightly in your hand. You had the feeling that if you clenched it even more, it would shatter into a million pieces. Like you an hour ago. "I broke up with him." You suddenly blurted out and he immediately turned his gaze to you. He raised his eyebrows slightly at your words as if he didn't expect it.
"Sorry to hear that." He actually lied, he was glad you were not together. That you did it. Did he feel happy? Relaxed? He didn't even know how he felt, but he only knew that deep down he was glad that it was so.
“He did it again.” You added and he furrowed his brows. He didn't like it, but even more he didn't like that you were here and that you were saying this to him.
"Why are you telling me this?" You shifted your gaze from the tea to him and gently parted your lips. You didn't know what to say to that. A tear ran down your cheek and you wiped it away with the tip of your fingers and swallowed loudly.
"I'm just confused." He laughed, he didn't even know why, but he found this situation funny. "Yesterday you told me that we should keep it professional and now you are here. Crying.” His words were sharp and unpleasant. You put the tea on the table in front of you and shook your head at his words that he was right. But why didn't you feel it that way?
"You are right. I-" as soon as you started to speak, he cut you off.
"Are you doing this on purpose or what?" His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a strange expression on his features that you had never seen on him.
“What? No! Of course not I just-“
“You giving me those eyes during class, showing up in my apartment.” He shook his head at you, he didn't care that the tears were running down your cheeks more and more. He wasn't really interested at this moment because he wanted to understand why you were doing all this. What is your deal? Distracting him?
“Tell me y/n. Why?” He raised his eyebrows and stared at you, patiently waiting for your answer. "Because I'm curious. You just show up here crying and telling me the same shit over again.” He let out a sigh and you just stroked your brows furrowed and lips parted, tears still running down your cheek. "Expecting what? That I will tell you It's alright and some other kind of shit?" He chuckled at his words and ran a hand through his hair, leaning further into the couch. His eyes were fixed in front of him, but you were watching him. You watched his every move and listened carefully to his sharp words that came from the depths of his heart.
"that I will hug you and whisper lovely words to your ear?" He added and then got back into the previous position to see your face. He could see on your face that you were taken aback by his words and that you didn't know what to say. “Well, I am not that kind of guy, if you thought that I would do that.” You took a deep breath when he finally finished and wiped your tears again and stood up from the couch.
"It was a mistake coming here." You muttered and when you were about to leave, his words stopped you.
"Yeah walk away. That's what you are best at." He had his elbows on his knees and watched carefully as you turned sharply at his words, tears were no longer running down your cheeks, but he could see from your features that you were angry. Angry because of what he said.
“Says you. You walked away from your wife and almost cried at my fucking shoulder after you fucked me.” Your words were full of anger, you were like a ticking bomb. He got up from the couch at your words and stepped closer to you. His jaw clenched and his Adam apple bopping every time he swallowed.
"I fucked you because I saw that you were desperate, remember?" He said and you shook your head at his words, you knew he was right but still you didn't let it go.
"I let you because you were so desperate to fuck someone who actually gives a fuck about you." You spilled those words into his face and at that moment he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer, his hot breath touching your face.
"I can choose who I want to fuck, love. You would be surprised how many students came to my office and flirted with me. But I only fucked you, isn't that funny?" His words were ridiculous, he directly mocked you. He moved closer to your ear and his words sent a chill down your spine. "Should I remind you the words you said to me?" Your breath hitched and he saw it. He saw how you suddenly became nervous and also how a chill passed through your body, his words full of mockery and teasing. He knew very well the effect he had on you and he intended to use it very well.
"That I fucked you better than your boyfriend. Pfuu… y/n.” He pulled away from you to get a good look at you. "Tough words, right?" You swallowed at his words because he was right, but you still had no plans to stop throwing arguments at him.
"I only said that to make you satisfied and to boost your ego." Your words were funny to him so he just laughed at you and your stupidity.
"Your body said something else that time." San enjoyed how your body trembled gently and how his words always sent chills down your spine every time. But he thought it was very funny how you pretended that it had no effect on you and that you looked confident. “And now your body is saying something else too.” He shifted his eyes to your parted lips and how you immediately closed them and swallowed. You hated it as he had readen you from head to toe. How did he know what reacts to you and what doesn't.
“You asked why.” Out of the blue you changed the subject and his grip loosened on your wrist and he raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand where you were going with those words.
"What?" He asked you incomprehensibly and a small sigh escaped your lips, wondering if you really should say that. "I came because of you." You looked into his eyes and searched for something in them, maybe a hint of what he was thinking. That he feels what you feel.
"I came because I can't stop thinking about you. Fuck, you- you are driving me crazy.” Your words caught him by surprise and he immediately let go of your wrist and bit the inner corner of his mouth. “And fuck, yeah I expected you to hold me and tell me that it will be okay. I admit, okay? I even admit that I always walk away from the problems instead of solving them. And I’m sorry about what I said about your ex-wife. Fuck, I even admit that you fucked-“
“Just, shut up.” He interrupted you and immediately took your cheeks in his hands, using them to bring you closer to him and kiss you. Despite the fact that his words before were sharp and unpleasant, you let him kiss you. You wanted it. His touch on your cheeks was soft and warm and the kiss was soft and gentle. “You talk too much.” He said between kisses and his hands slipped to your waist, pulling you closer. The kiss became more dominant and passionate, he ran his tongue over your lips and you opened your mouth and gave him the freedom to push his tongue into your mouth. His tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that belied his earlier resistance and you sighed as his hands slid to your ass and squeezed it.
He lifted your body by your ass and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. Without breaking the passionate kiss, he carried you to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him, leaning you against it. He let your body slowly slide off him and put one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek and caressed it gently. You slid your hand under his shirt and ran your fingers over his stomach, as he let out a shaky breath as your fingers traced his abs, his head falling back briefly. "Fuck, you're going to be the death of me," he muttered, quickly pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside.
“Yeah?” You asked him with a teasing voice still tracing your fingers slowly along his abs. "Yes, really," San growled at that, catching your wrists and pinning them above your head against the door, having enough of your teasing. He leaned in close, his lips barely brushing your ear. "One minute I'm pissed as hell at you, and the next..." He trailed off, pressing gentle kisses along your neck. “Then next I want to fuck you until the only word you remember is my name.” A slight moan escaped from your lips as he started to leave wet kisses along your neck.
His mouth curved into a satisfied smirk as he felt your body tremble against his. "Like that, do you?" he whispered, purposely leaving another wet mark just below your ear. His hands released your wrists, one sliding down to grip your waist while the other began pushing your shirt up, sending shivers down your spine. His cold hands touching your warm skin made you part your lips slightly and he noticed.
“So fucking sensitive," he murmured, his cold hand leaving goosebumps in its wake as he pushed your shirt higher. San broke the kisses on your neck just long enough to pull the shirt over your head and toss it aside, leaving you in just a lacy bra. His eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you, half-naked and breathing heavily against the door. He leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a rough, passionate kiss as his hands reached behind you to unhook your bra.
“Mhm~” Being too desperate you moaned into the kiss as the bra hit the floor silently, freeing your breasts. He growled softly as your breasts pressed against his bare chest, one of his hands coming up to grope one possessively. Your moan echoed in his mouth, making him harder.
“Fuck- San, I need-“ he cut you off immediately.
“Shut up." San said against your lips before kissing you deeply again, swallowing any further words. His hand squeezed your breast roughly as his hips pressed against yours, letting you feel how hard he was already. Breaking the kiss, he nipped at your bottom lip. "Pants off. Now." You swallowed at his sharp words and you slowly pulled your sweatpants down, keeping an eye contact with him as he watched you carefully, enjoying how you obeyed him.
His gaze remained fiercely locked with yours as you peeled off your sweatpants, a wicked grin spreading across his face when you stood before him in nothing but in your panties. “Those off too. Come on.” Without breaking eye contact, he ordered watching how your body trembled every time. Slowly you pulled your panties down as he watched you with a smirk on his face. God he liked how you obeyed him every time.
“On your knees.” When those words left his mouth you swallowed. At first you remained in your place not being so sure but his voice was heard again. “Come on, love. Get on your knees for me.” His voice was low, demanding and you slowly slid to your knees, looking up at him. With a soft touch he cupped your cheek and grinned at the sight of you being in front of him on your knees.
His thumb gently stroked your cheek as he leaned down and whispered, "Isn’t if funny how minute ago you screamed at me that you let me fuck you just because I was desperate to fuck someone who gives a fuck." He kept eye contact while he slowly pulled his sweatpants down, a smirk playing on his lips as you watched him. “Now, look at you, y/n. You are here again. Obeying like a slut.” You swallowed hard at his words and your body trembled even more as you watched how he pulled his sweatpants and boxers down in one swift movement and your breath hitched as you saw him fully naked now. He was huge just like you remembered. Long and thick. He smirked watching your reaction. "Now, put that smart mouth of yours in a good use, will you?”
With a shy look on your face you brought your lips to his length and a shudder ran through him as your lips barely brushed against the tip. San groaned quietly, his fingers twitching against your cheek. "What did I say, love?" His voice was low, furious as he grabbed you by your hair roughly and he pressed himself against your lips, silently urging you to take him in.
As soon as you opened your mouth, he pushed himself in, filling your small mouth instantly. He groaned as he hit the back of your throat, pulling your hair harder to keep you in place. "Look at me." he growled, his hips bucking slightly to push himself deeper. With a small tears in your eyes you looked up at him through your eyelashes as he enjoyed the sight of you. He enjoyed how you fell apart on his cock.
San's eyes darkened with lust as he held your gaze, drinking in the sight of you trembling slightly, tears glistening at the corners of your eyes. He smirked, pleased by how perfectly you were submitting to him. "You look fucking gorgeous with your lips wrapped around my cock," His thick length pulsed in your mouth as he admired the view—your pretty lips stretched around him, taking him so deep. "Such a good girl," His grip tightened in your hair, holding you firmly in place as he slowly thrusted, savoring the slick heat of your mouth.
You moaned against his cock immediately sending shivers down his spine at that, then slowly you made your way with your hand to your wet core, the pleasure being too much but his words cut you off right away. "No...don't you fucking dare." He warned in that deep, authoritative tone you loved. With one quick motion, he grabbed your wrist, preventing your hand from reaching its destination. "Only my hands get to touch you there tonight, got it?" His hips thrust forward again, making you gag slightly. You let out a little cry at his warning words and San smirked as he watched you suppress your whimper, pleased by your obedience. Keeping a firm grip on your hair, he began to thrust more deliberately, each stroke pushing deeper into your throat. The wet sounds of your mouth working his cock filled the room, punctuated by his low groans of pleasure.
“So pretty.” He tilted his head back, savoring the sensation as he hit the back of your throat perfectly, but then he looked back down at you, seeing the slight flush on your cheeks and the tears streaming down your face. He was close, so very close to bursting apart in your mouth. "So good, just for me, yeah?”
You moaned again and he let out a shuddering groan as your moan vibrated around his sensitive cock, the sensation almost too intense. The sight of you squeezing your thighs together desperately, unable to touch yourself yet trembling with need, pushed him over the edge. "Fuck, I'm gonna-" He threw his head back and with one final thrust, he buried himself deep in your throat and came undone, his hot seed spilling into your mouth as he let out a low, guttural groan. His hips jerked erratically as he rode out his release, eyes locked onto yours, intense and unblinking. You watched, mesmerized, as he came undone completely, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm. "Swallow it, come on.” Without second thought you swallowed all his release, squeezing your eyes.
He let out another groan as he watched you swallow every drop like it was the best thing you've ever tasted. Your throat worked sexily as you swallowed, making his spent member twitch again. "Goddamn," He muttered softly, petting your hair gently now instead of gripping it harshly.
“Please.” A whispered please escaped from your mouth as you squeezed your thighs more. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of you squeezing your thighs, desperate and needy. He knew exactly what you were begging for, he leaned down, cupping your chin in his hand. "What do you want, love?" He asked in a smooth, knowing tone.
“I need you. Please.” A small chuckle escaped from his mouth at your desperate cry, his fingers trailing down your chin to your throat. "You need what?" He asked, his voice dropping lower, "You need my hands on your thighs? You need my face between your legs? You need my fingers inside you? My cock?" You let out a shaky breath at his words, swallowing loudly.
“Please, make me feel good, San.” He smirked mischievously at you, grabbing you by your wrist tightly and pulling you up from the ground. You were immediately met with his intense gaze and his hot breath on your lips. “Please-“ When you started to beg again he silenced you with a harsh, bruising kiss, his other hand reaching to your hip, guiding you slowly to the bed. He broke the kiss, panting, "You want to feel good?" Your knees immediately hitting the bed and he showed you down on the mattress, watching you swallow and your breath becoming more heavier which made his cock twitch.
With your elbows you supported your body as you leaned back more and you observed him as he stood there watching you for a moment, admiring how perfectly you surrendered your body to him. Your chest rising and falling with anticipation, lips parted slightly. "Spread your legs," he commanded, his voice hoarse with desire. When you hesitated for just a moment, he added firmly, "Now." Without another second you spread your legs for him and he positioned himself between your thighs, his hands firmly gripping your knees to keep them spread wide. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath, seeing how wet you were, your pink folds glistening with need. He slowly ran his fingers along your slit, not penetrating but just teasing.
“Fuck-“ When you felt his finger ran along your slit you threw your head back and shut your eyes, begging with your little moans to be touched more.
“Eyes on me, love.” With a raised tone he grabbed you by your jaw and made you look straight into his eyes, his fingers splaying out to keep your knees spread wide. When he slowly pressed his tip against your wet pussy he watched your eyes roll back slightly but snapped them back to his with a sharp tug on your jaw. "You just won’t listen, will you?" he asked, his thumb rubbing your chin roughly. "You want to be fucked?” You were unable to concentrate when he pressed his tip on your wet pussy, teasing you. The only thing you managed to do was shake your head which wasn’t enough for him.
He saw the contradiction in your body language and smirked. "You don't want to be fucked?" he asked, pressing just the tip of his cock inside you, but not enough to satisfy your need. He was teasing you, loving the power he had over you.
“No! I want to be- I want to be fucked, please!” A dark laugh escaped his lips as he heard you beg for it. He leaned down, his breath hot on your ear. "That's what I thought," he whispered, driving his cock fully into you in one swift motion. You gasped, your back arching as he filled you completely, capturing your mouth into a deep kiss. Right away you moved your hands to his back and he groaned into the kiss, loving the way your nails dug into his back.
He started to move his hips, slowly at first, letting you feel every inch of him as he pulled out and thrust back in. He broke the kiss to nip at your neck, sucking and biting to mark you. Then he pulled away his dark eyes locked onto yours, demanding your attention and devotion. "Tell me who's fucking you this good." He lifted your chin with his hand as he continued to thrust into you deeply and slowly, his piercing hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
"What I didn’t quite hear you." He teased, his voice low and commanding as he continued his slow, deep thrusts, hitting your g-spot with each movement. His other hand reached up to wrap around your throat, squeezing gently as he looked into your eyes. "Say my name, love."
“San.” You moaned more louder and he smirked at that, enjoying how you are taking his cock so well. "Like that," He growled, thrusting harder. "You take my dick so well," He murmured, watching your body bounce slightly with each snap of his hips. "Spread your legs wider." He ordered softly, watching you eagerly obey.
"You know what I love?" You gasped as he thrusted deeper into you, gripping your hip more tight every time. He enjoyed the sight of you how you opened your mouth into a little ‘O’ when he thrusted more deeper, making you take his full length.
"Watching your pretty face while I destroy this tight pussy," He whispered darkly, increasing his pace. His hand around your throat tightened slightly, showing his possessiveness. His thumb traced your bottom lip as he continued pounding into you. "Christ you feel so good..." He leaned down to nip at your ear as he felt your nails dig deeper into his back as he hit that sweet spot inside you, making you cry out his name loudly. He smirked against your neck, loving the sound of your voice saying his name. His hips moved in a circular motion, hitting your g-spot from different angles as he spoke. “So glad you left- you left that boyfriend of yours.” The fact he was struggling with his words made you moan even more. “Now you are all mine. Right?” The grip on your throat tightening as he looked at you with a hungry gaze. “Say it that you are mine.”
“I’m yours.” As his dick was too much for you, you hid your face in the crotch of his neck, but he immediately pulled you back. "That's right, you're fucking mine," he growled possessively, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss, bitting your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, marking you. He continued to pound into you, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
“Y-yours.” Even though you were unable to breathe you repeated again but San hadn’t enough of it, yet.
"Again," His voice hoarse as he continued his brutal pace, his hands roaming your body possessively, squeezing your breast and spreading your thighs wider. "Say it like you mean it," He ordered, his eyes locked onto yours as he continued his punishing rhythm.
“I-…” You were moaning mess you couldn’t get a simple word out of you as he kept thrusting more rougher. He laughed at your state but still he said;
"Use that mouth yours like when you talk shit." He growled as his hips were snapping forward with each word. "Tell. Me. You're. Mine." He punctuated each word with a deep thrust, hitting your g-spot perfectly, his eyes burning with intensity as he watched you struggle to speak.
“I’m yours. Fuck-… only…” To catch a breath you paused for a second, “Only yours”
"Goddamn," Softly he muttered, slowing down his pace. He loved hearing those words from your mouth. Slightly, he pulled out then snapped his hips back in hard, making you cry out. He smirked wickedly. "You know what I wanna do?" Finally he moved your hand from your throat to your hip again and again he pulled out of you and then snapped his hips back in hard. With hunger in his eyes he watched you let out a little cry as he kept doing that for a while. But then he kept his pace slow and deep, dragging his piercing along your walls. "I wanna fill this pretty pussy up with my cum, mark you inside and out. Make sure everyone knows you're taken," He leaned down, biting your earlobe. "What do you say to that, love?" Your eyes widened at his words and a chill run down your spine.
“W-what?” Out of breath you asked him he chuckled darkly at your shocked expression, his slow thrusts maintaining their deep pressure. "You heard me," he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. "Want my cum inside you?" His hand slid down to rub your clit in tight circles, making your hips jerk involuntarily.
When his hand met your clit, teasing you, you let out a loud moan and shook your head in agreement watching him smirk at you mischievously loving the effect he had on you. At that he speeded up the pace again thrusting more deeper and rougher than before trying to chase your and his own high. His cock pounded into you with renewed vigor, his breath growing ragged and his eyes never leaving yours. "Fuck, you feel too good," he groaned, his fingers digging into your thighs as he spread them wider to accommodate his deep, brutal thrusts. "I’m gonna fill you up."
“Please.” With a loud moan you begged and you grabbed him by his cheeks, pulling him closer and kissing him roughly. He kissed you back fiercely, swallowing your desperate plea as he continued his relentless pace. His tongue invaded your mouth, claiming every inch as his cock claimed your pussy. "Fuck, you are so desperate for me." he teased breathlessly against your lips, giving a particularly hard thrust that made you see stars. He could feel that you were close when your walls started to clinching more on his dick.
"Are you gonna cum for me, love?" He whispered darkly, picking up the pace even more, his thrusts becoming almost violent, his pelvis grinding against your clit with every stroke. "Look at me when you come." He could feel his own release building, his muscles tensing. Moans echoed in the room as you sank your nails into his back once again as you came.
"Fuck, yes," he hissed at the sudden pain mixing with pleasure. His nails dug into your hips hard enough to leave marks as he surged forward, his entire body stiffening. He let out a guttural roar, his hot cum filling you up, overflowing and dripping down your legs. After that he didn’t pull out, he stayed inside you for a while pressing his forehead against yours, smiling softly at you. It was different than before. This didn’t feel like sex, like it did back then in his office. It felt more like love?…
#choi san x you#choi san imagines#choi san ateez#ateez choi san#choi san x reader#choi san smut#san smut#choi san#ateez oneshot#ateez fic#ateez fanfic#choi san x y/n#choi san x female reader#ateez smut#ateez imagines#ateez ot8
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@rememberwren's Sperm donor!Johnny and Husband!Ghost has been stuck in my head for far too long. So here's a quick unedited little thing I wrote for it!
You forgot exactly what you were nervous about. Then again, you usually forget everything when your husband is between your legs.
“Gotta warm you up properly.”
He said earlier to Johnny and you, his large hand rubbing your thigh just a touch too high and making your face hot.
You're not sure how much “warming up” you needed; he's been at it for God knows how long, and you're dizzy and pretty sure you can't feel your toes anymore. He can be so mean sometimes when he's like this, biting your thighs when you try to push his head away, smiling at how you whimper.
“You know, I'm starting to think you like it when I do that.”
As overstimulated as you are, you whine when he pulls away. You swear you can see the hearts in his eyes when he looks down at you. Gets you right in the heart.
When he rolls out of bed and walks to the door you suddenly remember why your stomach was in knots earlier; you're about to sleep with his subordinate. No, that's not the right word. Brother in arms? Best friend? Their relationship always seemed more complex than words could describe. There's a soft knock on the door and you look up to see your husband walk in with Johnny in tow.
Johnny's knees nearly give in at the sight of your body tangled up in the sheets, breathing hard, and skin glistening.
“Prettiest thing I've ever seen.”
He smiles while unbuckling his pants. Simon hums in agreement and sits next to you, running his fingers up your arm and neck to caress your face. The look in his eyes could melt you right then and there, grounding and reassuring. Everything is going to be alright; it always has been and always will be.
Your eyes shoot back to Johnny, who's crawling over you slowly. You bite back a groan when Simon coos a good girl as you open your legs more, inviting Johnny to settle between them. The difference between your husband's face and the man hovering over you is night and day; Simon all soft and enamored, Johnny all fervid and lustful.
“Ye ready?”
Johnny's voice is almost as shaky as his hands, not nervous but almost deliriously aroused. You never had wandering eyes; it seems like it's wrong to even look at him now, but you don't want this to feel unnatural; you want to enjoy this. So you scan his body, toned chest falling and rising fast, strong arms caging you in, blue eyes so intense you have to look away.
You reply quietly, bucking your hips against his, your most sensitive parts rubbing against his. The gasp you share makes you both chuckle, easing the tension. You run your hands up his arms and wrap them around his neck. When you pull him closer, he follows eagerly, burying his face against the crook of your neck, stubble tickling you.
“Dinnae have to do this if you don't want to, hen.”
“No, I want to.”
Your voice, smaller than you want it to be, makes Johnny's eyes soften. You look over to Simon, he cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow slightly, checking in. You just nod and he nods back. You keep your eyes on Simon while addressing Johnny,
There's a pause, a shift, and then. You groan and roll your eyes back when he slides in, still facing Simon who blinks fast. Johnny breathes like the air was knocked out of him,
He curses to himself, face still buried at your neck, slowly moving his hips forward until his pelvis meets yours. You whine as he nips your neck and yelp when he punches his hips forward from the sounds you make. Your husband leans over and palms the back of his neck, talking in a low, serious tone that makes you tighten up,
“Yeah, LT?”
“Ease up.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Johnny places a soft kiss where he bit you. It's all so…overwhelmingly intimate. Another man on top of you, grinding at just the right angle, hitting the right spots, all while your husband watches, instructing him. Simon pulls his hand away from Johnny's neck and shifts on the bed, sitting right next to you. Your eyes go wide when you turn to see him palming his erection. Oh. This is okay. This situation is more than okay. Simon fucking loves this. Johnny too. Guess you should throw away any reservations or doubts you had and just embrace this moment. Enjoy it to the fullest.
Johnny pulls back, face slightly flushed, panting softly,
“She's so wet, Simon. Just so soft and perfect. Prettiest thing I ever saw...”
You soak in the compliments but tune him out eventually, your attention drifting down to where Johnny slides in and out of you. It's a dreamy sight, really; you look so good together, it kind of reminds you how wonderful you and Simon look together.
“Looks real nice, doesn't it? Taking me so well, hen.”
Johnny presses his forehead against yours, looking down while you hum in agreement. It's quiet for a moment, save for the occasional pant and moan or slick sounds from between your legs. A rough hand holds your left and another, larger hand grabs your right. It's all so sweaty, so sticky and sweet. So dazed, you barely register the first kiss Johnny plants on your lips. The second one makes your eyes shoot open, staring right at his annoyingly long, brown lashes until he pulls back and opens his eyes, blindingly blue. Your face gets hot, and you pull your hand to your face, your husband's fingers still intertwined with them. He extends his pointer finger to caress your cheek and you turn your face to look up at him. He's so gentle right now like he knows that's what you need from him.
A smile plays on his face when you open your mouth and slide his finger into your mouth, sucking softly, rolling your eyes back, and moaning softly. You love giving him a show. Love making him melt in your mouth. He nods over to Johnny, whose jaw is slack, breathing hard. When you look at him, it's quite the sight: blue eyes wide and wild, mouth hanging open, and you can see his pulse right underneath his jawline beating wildly. Just fucking delectable. You pull your face away from Simon's hand and smile up at Johnny who groans and chuckles,
“Christ, LT.”
“Focus, Johnny. Ain't done yet.”
There's something feral that flashes in Johnny's eyes, hungry. Eager to please. You or Simon, you're not too sure. But he hooks an arm under your knees and hikes your leg up as far as it'll go, digging into you until you're a whimpering mess under him. His whole body pressed up against you, pinning you down. His mouth pressed right up against your ear, replacing every thought you had with his voice.
“Right there? Huh? God, tight cunt right here…C'mon... Tell me how good it is…Tell me.”
He repeats the last phrase until you're mindlessly praising him, telling him what he wants to hear. What he needs to hear. You can feel him smile against the skin right under your ear before pressing tender kisses there.
You're pressed chest to sweaty, hairy chest when you wrap your arms around him tighter, embracing him. All traces of guilt scraped away with Simon's breathy praise. You move one hand around until it rests on your husband's big thigh, and he tenses up under your touch.
“C'mon love, give Johnny something real nice. He's been such a trooper, yeah?”
You nod into Johnny's shoulder, breathless.
It hits you hard and fast. Almost unexpectedly. Hearing a small moan escape Simon always sent you over the edge, though, always a rare moment when he lets himself relax and be vulnerable.
Spasming and moaning under Johnny had his hips moving frantically, desperate for his own release. Biting his shoulder had him crashing right into it, digging deep into you until his hips still. He crushed you under his weight, licking the sweat off your neck. Simon pushed his head away though.
“Don't forget, she's my wife Johnny.
His voice isn't harsh, it's almost soft. His large frame leans down and presses a tender kiss against your lips. Then another. And another. All while singing velvety praises between each one. For a moment, you forget about the other man in the room lying right on top of you. Until he pulls away, sliding out of you. Almost makes you whine til he starts pressing his lips against your sternum and stomach. Head in the clouds, you feel like you're floating. Suspended in this moment of pure bliss.
“You got one more in you?”
Simon asks. Before you can answer, Johnny responds eagerly.
#i feel like i repeated alot of shit but i didn't bother to reread this lol#had to write something#its been too long#short stuff#imagines#ghoap x reader#ghoap x you#simon riley#simon ghost riley#johnny soap mactavish#johnny soap mctavish x reader#simon riley x reader#cod x reader#soap x reader#simon ghost x reader#ghost soap#ghost cod#ghost x reader#ghost soap x reader
968 notes
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A Christmas Miracle
Thank you anon for this prompt!
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Years of tension after a failed hook-up attempt with Joel boil over at your office Christmas party, but not in the way you expect.
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, enemies to lovers, smut (18+ MDNI), hate sex that turns soft in the end because it's shortie writing this, fingering, unprotected piv sex, semi-public sex
WC: 4.6K
"Goddamnit, why did he show up? He hates shit like this," you grumbled to your friend, Tina, when the elevators slid open to reveal the latest batch of co-workers trickling inside the hotel ballroom your company rented out for their annual Christmas party.
Tina glanced over her shoulder, scanning the crowd of well dressed men and women before her eyes landed on the one in question.
"Who, Joel?" she smirked, turning back to you.
"Yes, Joel," you seethed. You bellied up to the bar to flag down the cute bartender for another martini. If you had to listen to Joel share horrible stories about his latest conquests, sales or otherwise, then you had to make sure you had a decent amount of alcohol in your system first.
"Oh, come off it. Why don't you just fuck him already and get it over with?" Tina joked. You gasped in disgust and covered your mouth.
"Do not even joke about that. Who knows what kind of diseases that sleaze-bag is carrying around."
Tina tossed her head back and laughed, the sound dancing in the air like music. She was one of the prettiest women in your office, but much to everyone's chagrin, she was recently married and officially off the market. But that didn't stop the men in your office from harmlessly flirting with her now and again for the ego boost.
"Nah, he's all talk," Tina said with a wave of her hand.
"Not true - Lainey in the mailroom slept with him two years ago, remember that fiasco?" you shot back instantly before taking a grateful sip from your glass. Tina raised a suspicious eyebrow at you and propped one hand on her hip.
"You're keeping track?"
"No," you replied defensively. You rolled a shoulder and shifted your weight before taking another sip. "I just remember her crying over it every chance she got. Couldn't eat lunch in peace for weeks."
"Uh huh, sure," Tina said, rolling her eyes. She scanned the room again, hips lightly swaying to the music while you sat next to her, determined to have a miserable night. "Didn't you guys kiss once, though?"
You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut. "Don't remind me. Worst mistake of my life. Thank god I didn't fall for his shit and go home with him."
"Why didn't you?"
"Because believe it or not, I had standards," you clipped. "I didn't want to sleep with him after a sloppy office happy hour. I wasn't dumb enough to put out the first time we kissed."
"Alright, so if you were into him enough to kiss him and potentially see him again, what the hell happened?" Tina pressed. You sighed and let your chin rest in your propped up hand. Tina hadn't worked at your company as long as you and sometimes it was easy to forget she didn't know the full history.
"He took someone else home from the office that night, instead," you muttered under your breath. Tina whistled and shook her head.
"Damn. Alright, dick move, you win."
"Told you. Ever since then, I can't stand being in the same room with him. He's such a smug douchebag, always trying to push my buttons and piss me off just for the fun of it. Like the whole thing was a game to him."
"But it wasn't a game to you," Tina said, slowly connecting the dots. You nodded sadly and took a long sip from your glass.
Tina's expression softened when she saw the look on your face. "I'm sorry. I had no idea-"
"It's fine," you said, cutting her off. "I'm better off. It didn't mean anything, anyway. It was just one kiss," you chuckled, trying to play off the hurt you still harbored somewhere deep down.
"But still-"
"Evenin', ladies," a familiar drawl came from somewhere behind Tina. You didn't need to look. You knew who it was.
"Oh," Tina said when she swiveled around and saw Joel standing against the bar. "Hey, Joel."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and adjusted his tacky red tie.
"Apologies. My reputation seems to have preceded me," he said, glancing once in your direction before giving her a dazzling smile and stretching out his hand. "What's your name, gorgeous?"
"Tina, and give it a rest, I'm married," she said, holding up her left hand with her massive diamond while shaking his hand with her right.
"That's a damn shame," Joel said with a flirty smile. You rolled your eyes and tossed back the rest of your drink but it didn't matter. You were essentially invisible. "He must be one lucky fella. He treatin' you right?"
"Fantastic," Tina replied, pulling her hand out from his grip before turning to you. "I need to use the restroom," she murmured. You stood to follow her but Joel stopped you.
"How 'bout you? You seein' anyone special?"
You huffed and shook your head. "Kiss my ass."
Joel howled with laughter before sliding onto the stool Tina vacated.
"If I recall, few years back I was willin' to do that and more, but you shot me down."
"Yeah, thank Christ for that moment of clarity," you grumbled. You swept your eyes around the room, pretending to lose interest in the man sitting beside you, but unfortunately you couldn't bring yourself to get up and just fucking leave.
Joel held up two fingers, signaling for the bartender in a frustratingly effortless way that set your teeth on edge and had your thighs pressing together.
"Whiskey, neat. And-"
Joel turned to you, waiting for your drink order, but you shook your head.
"I'm good."
"Shot of tequila," Joel told the bartender with an award winning smile.
You glared at Joel as the bartender walked away.
"Tequila? Really?"
Joel chuckled and swiveled in his stool to face you. "You thought I forgot what loosened you up that night?"
"You're a pig," you snapped, and you should have grabbed your purse and left, but your feet refused to move. "You're a pompous asshole who doesn't give a damn about anybody's feelings so long as you're getting your dick wet. I can't fucking stand hearing you walk around the office gloating like you're hot shit. Tell me, Joel," you said, leaning forward now that you were on a roll. "When you go home to your empty apartment at night, who listens to your bullshit? Hm? The fucking plants?"
Joel didn't say a word but you could tell by the look on his face that he was taken aback. For once you had the upper hand, and you weren't going to let it go.
"Enjoy this schtick while it lasts because one day you're gonna wake up and it'll be a thing of the past. One day, they'll hire a new Joel. Someone younger and hotter and probably nicer than you and suddenly you'll be all alone wondering where the fucking time went."
"You got a real mouth on you, huh?" he shot back. "Think you know a goddamn thing 'bout me? You got no fuckin' clue, sweetheart. But maybe if you gave me half a chance all them years ago, you'd know a thing or two."
You laughed, voice dripping with sarcasm as the bartender placed his whiskey and tequila in front of him.
"What are you saying? Do you even hear yourself?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at him. He scowled and took a long sip from his whiskey. "How the hell would I ever have known anything about you, Joel? Can't learn much about a person after a few drunken hours and a half-assed attempt at foreplay because let's face it - that's all you're willing to offer anyone."
As a last second attempt at a power move, you grabbed the tequila and tossed it back with a wince before slamming the glass onto the wooden bar top and grabbing your purse.
"Thanks for the drink. It's been lovely catching up," you sneered, then finally forced yourself to leave his orbit before you lost yourself completely.
You slid through the crowds of people mingling and laughing in the ballroom, eyes darting this way and that as you tried to either find Tina or the nearest exit. When you eyes began to blur with unshed tears and you were about to resign yourself to crying in the middle of your fucking office Christmas party, you felt a strong hand wrap around your bicep.
"C'mon, this way," Joel's deep voice murmured before hauling you in a completely opposite direction.
For some unknown reason, you let him lead you from the packed ballroom towards the stairs. It was quieter, the sound from the Christmas music dulled against the walls, the only people around to hear it were you.
"We need to set some shit straight, once and for all," Joel said when he pulled you into an empty hallway. From the looks of it, it was an area meant for the hotel staff. One door was labeled laundry and the other maintenance. The elevator bank was right there. You could have easily tapped the button and left, but instead you crossed your arms and defiantly scowled up at him.
"Yeah? This should be good," you told him. He growled under his breath and you had to stifle the primal reaction the sound caused between your legs.
"That night... the happy hour. When we... y'know..." he trailed off and you sighed dramatically.
"Yes, Joel. Unfortunately I remember."
"I didn't go home with anyone else," he said. You blinked, unsure if it was the alcohol or if you were truly losing your mind. Did he really just say what you thought he said?
"What?" you whispered.
Joel shrugged. "I didn't. I might've spread that rumor 'cause my feelin's were hurt but I didn't go home with anyone else. I only wanted you."
"Me?" you sputtered.
"Yeah, you," Joel repeated, annoyance lacing his voice. "You'd been drivin' me crazy for fuckin' months. Couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout you. Ask Harris, he'd tell you. I talked 'bout you non-fuckin'-stop. Then that night, I got 'nough liquid courage in me to make a move and, well..."
He trailed off and ran his fingers through his hair.
"You shot me down. Ruined all the confidence I had 'n left me heartbroken."
"Oh, don't be so dramatic," you said. "I didn't want to sleep with you that night and you took that to mean I wasn't interested in you? At all? Did it ever occur to you some women don't sleep with men the very first night they're shown a little attention?"
"Did it ever occur to you I wasn't tryin' to sleep with you that night?" he shot back.
"Oh, please!" you exclaimed with a dry laugh. "'Lemme walk you home, baby,' and, 'my place ain't too far from here'." You snorted and shook your head in disbelief. "Don't try to rewrite history. I was tipsy but I fucking remember."
"I was worried 'bout you!" he practically shouted in despair. "You'd been drinkin' and I wanted to make sure you were safe! Goddamnit, I didn't expect you to freak out 'n fuckin' shove me in front of the whole damn bar!"
The more Joel talked, the more the pieces began to slide into place. Maybe you did misread his intentions that night.
"W-well... y-you still continued to sleep around with the entire office," you stammered, gathering yourself again and shaking off his bombshell. "You had sex with Lainey from the mailroom and god knows who else! You might not have gone home with someone that night, but who cares? It's obvious you were just looking for a quick fuck."
"There's that fuckin' mouth again," he grumbled angrily. "Yeah, alright. Fine! I slept with a few women but Jesus fuckin' Christ, what'd you expect me to do? You clearly had zero goddamn interest in me. I couldn't sit 'round and be miserable forever."
"I never said I had zero interest in you!" you exclaimed before you had a chance to catch yourself. But your admission was out there. It was too late, and Joel's eyes darted up to yours in surprise.
"What's that mean? You... liked me?"
"What is this, high school?" you scoffed, crossing your arms. When he just continued to stare at you, anxiously waiting for you to answer, you sighed and dropped your arms to your sides in defeat. "Yeah, fine. I like you."
"Wait, wait, wait," Joel said excitedly. "Like or liked?"
"Oh, my god!" you cried out before turning on your heel to storm back down the stairs towards the party. "I'm not doing this with you! I'm fucking not-"
In the blink of an eye, Joel snatched your arm and twisted you back around to crash against his chest. You gasped right before his other hand cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a deep kiss.
For one blissful moment, you let yourself forget it all. You forgot all the anguish you felt when you heard about Joel's latest conquests. You forgot about the way it felt watching him breeze around the office without a care in the world, completely oblivious to the way he hurt you. And you definitely forgot about the way you turned down a perfectly good date just two weeks prior because he wasn't what you were searching for and you fucking knew why.
"I'm not some cheap, quick fuck," you panted when you pulled away for air. Joel had managed to turn you so your back bumped up against the wall. Your eyes slid shut and a soft moan escaped from your lips when he began to drag his mouth down the column of your throat.
"We can go fast or slow, whatever you want," he mumbled into your skin. Your hand connected blindly with his shoulder and gave him a forceful shove, making him chuckle. "I know what you meant. I don't want that, either," he said before straightening up so he could look at you. "I don't want this to be a one time thing. Never did. That's what I've been tryin' to say."
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to come up with a response. The way things had changed so quickly left you scrambling to keep up, and although you couldn't deny the reaction your body was having to Joel crowding you aggressively against the wall, your mind couldn't give in as easily.
"I can't stand you," you growled before pulling him back down to your level. Your mouth crashed hungrily against his, chasing the taste of peppermint and whiskey on his tongue. You were so lost in the feeling of his surprisingly soft lips pressed against yours that you hardly noticed when his hand skated down your side. With a muffled yelp, he yanked you off your feet, using his broad body to pin you against the wall while his hand began to travel up the skirt of your dress. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to him with your legs curled around his waist so you didn't fall.
"Fuck," Joel groaned when his fingers brushed against where your underwear should have been had you not chosen to forgo them for the evening. You smirked against his mouth and grabbed roughly at his hair.
"Didn't want panty lines," you breathlessly explained.
"Yeah, can't have that," he murmured right before plunging his tongue back inside your mouth. At the same, his thumb grazed over the slit of your cunt, pulling a moan from you both.
"You like yellin' at me, huh? That why you're already this wet, baby?" he purred, nipping at your earlobe while his middle finger teasingly probed at your entrance. You dropped your head back against the wall with a thud, hips chasing his hand, eager for more.
"Shut up," you whispered, then gasped when he finally slid one long, thick finger inside you. Joel chuckled against your neck, curling his finger inside your tight heat every time he dove back in. Your chin was tilted towards the ceiling, eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape as he slid a second finger inside with ease. You were vaguely aware of your compromising position, knowing full well anybody could turn the corner or exit one of the rooms at any moment, but neither of you cared.
"Ohmygod, fuck! Keep going," you begged, rolling your hips as best you could with your legs wrapped around his waist. The palm of his hand began to slap steadily against your clit each time he thrusted his fingers into you, driving you to the edge embarrassingly quickly.
"How 'bout you talk a little sweeter to me if you want it so bad?" Joel countered, yet his hand never stopped between your legs. He pulled away from your neck to watch your face contort with pleasure, and when you opened your eyes to look at him, you saw the flush in his cheeks and the rapid rise and fall of his chest. You smirked amidst your gasps for air and rolled your hips faster.
"Why? I think you like it when I'm mean to you."
His eyes darkened a shade and his hand began to move faster, fingers curling and brushing against a spot inside you that stole your breath. His free hand was pressed against the wall next to your head for leverage, but his fingertips curled with the desire to grab you fucking anywhere.
"Least lemme hear you say my name when you come," he said through clenched teeth. And that defiant streak inside of you really didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but his skilled fingers were making short work of your resolve.
Joel got what he wanted. A few quick snaps of his hand had you loudly coming undone with his name on your lips. He laughed before shushing you and pressing his mouth tenderly against your own to keep you quiet while slowing the rhythm of his hand between your legs.
For a few minutes, you each forgot where you were and all the bullshit you were arguing about moments before. Joel kissed you so softly through your high that it had you melting against him. Your fingers were no longer tugging at his hair. Instead, you found yourself gently raking them through his dark brown curls almost affectionately while your tongues slowly danced together.
You gasped when he carefully pulled out his hand, breaking the kiss. With glassy eyes and swollen lips, you stared at one another while trying to catch your breath. It was almost too soft, especially with the way his eyes searched your face, desperately trying to figure out where things stood after what you just did. He was so fucking hard that his stomach hurt, but he couldn't tell if you wanted to take things further or if you were having regrets.
"So that's all it takes to shut you up?" he finally teased when the silence had gone on too long for his liking. You huffed and rolled your eyes before tightening your legs around his waist, tugging him closer. Joel smirked when his hips collided with yours and you felt the massive erection he had been fighting with for the past fifteen minutes.
"Hmm, no I don't think so," you breathed while allowing a hand to fall between your bodies. Your fingers brushed against the outline of his cock straining against his black dress pants and you grinned. "But maybe this will."
"Thank fuck," he groaned in relief. His breath instantly grew more shallow at the mere prospect of feeling you wrapped around his cock, but when you nimbly undid his pants and pulled out his throbbing length, his chest was practically heaving with anticipation.
"Easy," you murmured when he leaned forward, sinking his teeth into a sensitive spot on your neck. You relished in the way you managed to make him so weak with just a few strokes of his cock. His entire body had pushed forward, chasing your hand. You felt short of breath from the pressure of his body pinning you against the wall but you didn't make him move. You liked the feeling of his broad frame caging you in far too much to make him stop.
You lined him up with your entrance and pulled your hand away, but just as he began to press forward, a squeaky door opening and closing around the corner from your hallway made you both freeze.
"Shit," you whispered. Joel locked eyes with you and quickly shook his head, signaling for you to be quiet. Both your shoulders were rising and falling fast but your mouths remained clamped shut so your heavy breathing couldn't be heard by whoever was walking down the tile floor with high heels. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your face when the footsteps sounded moments away from turning the corner, then by some miracle they stopped in their tracks.
"Oh dear, I forgot my phone," a woman's voice said softly to herself. You both began to relax when the footsteps turned in the opposite direction and finally disappeared all together.
"Jesus Christ," Joel laughed shakily. You smirked and wiggled your hips, impaling yourself further on his cock.
"Better hurry up," you told him with an arched brow after his eyes locked with yours in surprise. Then a slow smile stretched across his face, positively gleeful that almost getting caught didn't change your mind. With one swift thrust, he sunk inside you the rest of the way, pleased with the way your jaw silently fell open and your head tipped back against the wall.
"You told me to hurry," he reminded you as he began to move his hips. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you hung on for dear life.
"Fuck... you..." you whispered with your eyes closed and brows knit together. Joel chuckled and nipped your chin.
"Yeah, baby, that's the idea," he grunted, snapping his hips faster. "Fuck, wish we had more time. Feel so fucking good."
"I thought you'd be used to - shit - thought you'd be used to quickies by now."
Joel grabbed your chin and stilled his hips, forcing your eyes open in surprise.
"Knock it off. Told you I don't want that. Not with you."
You were surprised to hear the seriousness to his voice. You fumbled for a moment with how to react before saying, "Guess we'll see about that, won't we?"
"Yeah, you will," Joel replied. He released your chin and began to move again before he added, "I'm a lot of things, a liar ain't one of 'em."
He sounded truthful, but it was difficult to reconcile what he was saying to what you'd been hearing over the past few years. But since time was of the essence, you chose to let it go. After all, how long could it possibly take for someone to grab their phone?
"What? Got nothin' else to say?" Joel chided. You could see the flush creeping up his neck and even a little sweat beading just above his collar. The urge to drag your tongue across his tanned skin was growing impossible to ignore, so instead of answering his question, you decided to lunge forward and do just that. He groaned and began to grind into you, the coarse hairs at the base of his cock rubbing against your clit fucking perfectly.
You whimpered and buried your face against his neck, doing your best to stifle your sounds as the heat in your belly grew once again.
"Just like that," you gasped into his skin, hands grappling at the back of his neck, trying to draw him closer. "Oh, god, Joel... I'm close," you whined. It was building up too fast after your last orgasm. Your eyes began to water the harder he ground his hips and you bit down harshly on your lower lip to keep yourself from crying out.
"That's it, just let go," he whispered in your ear. The intimacy of it sent a shiver down your spine. "Lemme have it. Say my name again, baby, please... I-I need it," he added, voice strained.
You lifted your chin so your lips could find the shell of his ear, moaning his name without your voice being muffled. What felt like just a second or two later, with your orgasm still rolling through you, Joel stilled and groaned softly into your shoulder, hips stuttering as he came.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he rasped as he pumped the last of his release deep into your cunt.
Panting for air, you slid your eyes shut and pressed your forehead against his. You felt his nose nudge against yours and you smiled before searching for his mouth and brushing your lips tenderly over his own.
"Look at you," Joel whispered against your mouth. "All soft 'n sweet now that you finally got fucked right."
"Do you ever stop talking?" you asked, trying to sound irritated, but the smile tugging at your mouth gave you away.
"You fuckin' love it," Joel said right before his tongue slipped past your lips with a groan.
The door around the corner opened and once again the familiar tap of high heels echoed down the hall. You sprung apart and hissed under your breath after Joel pulled out of you too fast.
"Sorry," he whispered while he tucked himself back into his pants and you adjusted the skirt of your dress.
You had just enough time to run your fingers through your hair and swipe a finger under your lip to catch any smeared lipstick when a woman neither of you recognized turned the corner.
"Oh! Good evening," she said after she slid to a halt. Joel cleared his throat and adjusted his tie before reaching for your hand.
"Evenin'... Dolly," he replied, squinting at her nametag. "My girlfriend's lookin' for the bathroom, could you point us in the right direction?"
"Of course! Sorry to say you've gotten yourself quite turned around. If you just go through those double doors there, you'll find the restrooms up the stairs and to the left."
"Thank you," you called out over your shoulder when Joel tugged you back in the direction of the ballroom. Once you were out of earshot, you dissolved into a fit of giggles, the sound making Joel grin ear to ear.
"Didn't take you for bein' such a naughty thing," he teased before holding the door open for you to step through.
"Yeah, me either," you replied with a little shake of your head. "You must be a bad influence on me."
"Care to join this bad influence for dinner tomorrow night?" he asked when he found his place back at your side. The ballroom was just on the other side of the wall. You could hear clearly now the drunken voices of your co-workers singing Christmas carols off-key.
"What, like a date?"
"Yeah," Joel said, grabbing your arm and spinning you around before you entered the room. "Like a date."
His dark eyes were sparkling as he gazed down at you. You noticed some of your lipstick had transferred under his ear and you grinned before using the pad of your thumb to swipe it away.
"Yeah. Okay. Let's do it."
Joel couldn't resist ducking down to your level for one more kiss, but it wasn't quick enough. To your left you heard a sharp gasp and you pulled apart to find Tina and two other co-workers staring at you like they just saw a ghost.
The tension was thick for a moment. Nobody knew what to say or do until finally Tina whooped and cheered before shouting, "It's a fucking Christmas miracle!"
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#joel miller#joel x reader smut#joel miller tlou#joel miller one shot#joel miller the last of us#joel miller au#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x f!reader#joel miller x reader smut#joel miller x you#joel miller/reader#joel miller fic#joel miller smut#the last of us hbo#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us au#the last of us fic#joel the last of us#the last of us#joel miller christmas#christmas prompts
1K notes
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STUDY SESSION — (nishimura riki)
pairing. ni-ki x collegestudent!reader
word count. 0.8k
genre. smut
warnings. established relationship, dom!riki, p in v, spanking (ass & pussy), praise, not degrading but he's rough
College always got the best of you. Sometimes it was just hard to stay focused with all of the upcomming tests, exams and projects, so when your boyfriend offered you help for the next important exam you had to at least give it a chance.
"I asked you a question. Go ahead and answer it before I change my hand for my belt." His voice was rough again, just like his words.
It has been like that for the whole study session, asking you questions so nicely, encouraging you to answer them correctly because 'you knew them' and 'you told him the answer a few questions ago'. But if you took more seconds to think about it than he liked, a little punishment was sure to come.
When Riki's palm landed once more at the lower part of your rear you gasped, biting your lip and closing your eyes to try and search for the answer everywhere in your mind.
And fuck, you had no idea about this one. You couldn't even remember writing it down on the class notes you gave him to get the questions from somewhere.
"You better answer, because this pretty thing is starting to get so so red. And I for sure feel bad for still going on with the spanking." You heard the sound of the stack of papers as he placed them at the edge of the bed and his little shift in position to crouch behind of your bending body. "I'll give you one more chance, alright?"
His lips pronounced the unanswered question again, this time returning to the soft voice and touch. But no matter how much you thought about it, you simply didn't know. "I don't remember, 'ki."
"You don't remember, baby?" You shook your head, your cheeks tinting pink from embarrassment.
You told him you studied so much, that was the only reason why he offered himself to help you this way, because you were meant to know every little question and he wouldn't have to spank you even once.
He grabbed the notes again just to throw them to you, making them land next to your head on the middle of the mattress. "Read it, I expect you to reply to me later with confidence."
Your hands switched from squeezing the sheets to hold onto the papers, scanning them to get the answer you needed. You'd remember it, you were sure of that. Because the sting you felt when he changed his whole palm for his fingers, and your rear for your clit was enough to make you close your legs immediately.
"That ain't no way of asking me to stop, is it?" His other hand caressed up and down your thigh, soothing you. "Keep them open and read, that's the only thing you need to do right now."
You sighed in defeat, slowly separating your thighs again just to be met with other two not too harsh slaps on your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your face fell flat over the sheets, screaming to him on repeat the answer you just read as your toes curled.
"That's it, that's it. I promise to give you a great reward once we're done with this."
Minutes passed and he said this would be the last round of questions, just to check that you indeed knew it all. But now it was slightly different, your belly was on top of one of your pillows while his cock got buried slowly inside of your velvety walls, making him groan from the expected tightness.
You could do nothing more than to moan when his hips started moving in a gentle motion and curse at him when he stopped because you took more than five seconds to answer correctly.
But that feeling of him moving again, rocking both of your bodies back and forth while his free hand explored all of your expossed skin drove you crazy enough to forget how mad you were at him for stopping.
"You can throw this to the trash, I swear I don't understand why you like this degree. We're done with it." The stack of your notes flew from his grasp, each one of the papers being spread on the bed right in front of your face. "I've been asking you that for the last hour and a half and I don't remember one thing."
You giggled, of course he didn't. To be fair, you were so shocked he agreed to parcitipate in this. "Well, I do. That's what matters."
"Oh, you don't know how mad I'mma be if your teacher fails you this one. Because I'm so damn proud of you." Riki leaned forward, cooing his words behind the shell of your ear. "Let's focus now on giving you the reward you deserve."
#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen x you#riki#riki x reader#riki x you#riki x yn#riki smut#riki enhypen#enhypen stories#enhypen scenarios#riki scenarios#enhypen hard hours#riki hard hours#riki stories#ni-ki#ni-ki x reader#ni-ki x you#ni-ki x yn#ni-ki smut#ni-ki enhypen#ni-ki scenarios#ni-ki hard hours#enhypen smut
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Professor!Spencer Reid x reader
warnings: smut, fingering, student teacher relationship(reader is 20), soft dom!spencer,

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From the moment you laid eyes on him you couldn't help but be attracted to him. I mean look at him. He's extremely hot and really intelligent, a girl's weakness.
And of course you acted in these feelings of yours you have. Studying extra hard for his tests, doing anything you can for extra credit to impress him.
And Spencer noticed these things.
He knew it was wrong whatever this relationship is. He's your professor for christ sake, he shouldn't be doing these...activities with a student, let alone his student. But he couldn't stay away from you. Watching the way you bat your eyelashes at him as you leave the classroom. Which ends up with you bent over his desk. As risky as it is, he can't help but get a thrill from it all.
However the office meetings moved to his place meetings, drinking a glass of wine before you end up a moaning mess on his couch. Getting fucked senseless by your professor wasn’t something you thought would be happening but here you are.
And he’s good at it too. He’s had some prior experience which does help thanks to his age, a perk of ‘dating’ an older man. He’s also really sweet, of course he can’t take you on proper dates but he still tries his best with little gifts and great movie nights. Even if he does complain about the things being unrealistic in the movies. He still tries for you. Because he does genuinely care about you.
You were never late handing in assignments wanting to impress him. And the fact that having in stuff makes you feel like you’ve let him down. It’s nog a great feeling to let your boyfriend, or not boyfriend, whatever he is down.
But today you had missed it, so stressed out about everything else you forgot to make time for it.
You arrive at Spencer's apartment after pre warning him you were coming. You just needed to see him, even with the lack of assignment.
“I did notice the lack of paper on my desk today y/n.” The words fall from Spencer’s mouth easily as he doesn’t even look up from the other papers on his coffee table. Flicking through what should’ve been yours.
“I know I know. I’m sorry I’ve just had so much going on it completely slipped my mind.”
Spencer looks up and raises an eyebrow. It wasn’t like you to just ‘forget’. Hell you remember all the embarrassing things he’s said in class so him believing you just ‘forgot’ is not going to happen.
“What’s going on?” He immediately asks before you can even say any more of an excuse. Eyes scanning over your features to pick up on any signs. Usually he’s good at it, picking up a slight change in your demeanour and knowing something’s up immediately. But apparently this time he’s missed it.
You sigh before just taking a deep breath.
“I’m just stressed. I had so much going on this week. I’m sorry.”
Spencer doesn’t even say anything, switching from teacher mode to ‘boyfriend’ mode. He knows you need him, not to be scolded by professor Reid.
He gently pats his lap, indicating for you to take a seat on it. Which you happily do. Sighing as his arms snake around your waist and as your back touches his chest.
Spencer’s lips gently attach to your neck, knowing his touch can make you feel better.
“It’s okay sweetheart.” His hand intertwines with yours. He wants to show you love, too show you care. Not to ridicule you for some assignment he couldn’t give less of a shit about right now. “You wanna talk about it?”
You shake your head as you allow him to keep kissing that sweet spot he knows you like. With his slow kissing and free hand running over your thigh you can probably guess what he’s thinking about. Thinking about helping you relax of course.
“Can I help you out then?” He says as he turns your chin to make you look at him. Eyes scanning yours for any sign you’re uncomfortable or that you don’t want it. He always checks this is what you want. That he’s not being some pushy man making a young girl feel pressured to sleeping with him or whatever the activity is.
You nod slowly as you keep looking at him.
“Words honey.” Another one of his consent rules.
“Yes, please help me de-stress.” As soon as the words slip from your lips he smiles softly, hand running your thigh while the other one brings your cheek closer. His lips softly press against yours, pulling you closer in his lap.
His fingers each down to the zipper of your jeans. With one final check with you he begins to unzip. He’s not wasting any time here. He knows he can make you feel good, you’ve told him enough times.
“Lay down for me sweetheart.” At his request you immediately move, laying down on the sofa beneath him. Spencer softly sighs at the sight. looking at you beneath him is one of the best sights.
A small wet patch in your panties is apparent when he pulls down your jeans, you helping him out by lifting up your hips.
His hand slowly reaches where you’re practically craving him at this point. Fingers slowly rubbing you through your panties as he looks at you. He knows he’s got to be nice and do none of his usual antics of teasing and what not. So he pulls down your panties, discarding them somewhere in the room.
This whole moment is of course sensual but loving. The way he’s being so slow with you is different compared to other times you’ve been naked on his couch.
His fingers slowly start to rub your clit. He captures your moans with his mouth as he kisses you. You both kiss slowly and passionately as his finger moves down front your clit and into your cunt. Like everything else of this experience he goes slowly making you a whimpering mess like always.
“You’re such a good girl.” His words of praise make you relax more, he really does know what he’s doing. He’s a genius after all. “Good girl who’s taking my fingers so well.”
He places a kiss on your cheek before speeding up his movements. He knows you’re not gonna last long. Especially not now he’s added his thumb to your clit, applying pressure right where you need it.
You moan as you grip his bicep, the familiar feeling building up as he keeps going.
“I want you to cum on my fingers sweetheart.” His pet names make your heart race as you close your eyes. This is definitely one way to get your mind off of things.
It’s not long before you cum on his fingers. Moaning and whimpering as your grip tightens on his bicep.
He places a soft sweet kiss on your forehead and looks down at you with admiration in his eyes. He really does love you.
a/n: not proof read and will be writing a more feral spender reid soon😋
tags: @olderwomenenthusiast @lokisswiftie @yahboohah @pixie-verse @greatmiracleprincess @reidsjuno
#spencer reid scenario#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid criminal minds#agent spencer reid#doctor spencer reid#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader smut#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid fic#criminal minds fluff#criminal minds smut#criminal minds fic#professor spencer reid#spencer reid comfort#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer reid x you#spencer reid smut fic
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Spiderman Han Jisung
Plot Overview:
After filming an episode of SKZ Code where they had to wear costumes, Jisung comes home still dressed in his tight Spiderman suit—minus the mask, plus a cocky smirk. He knows about your little Spidey fantasy, and he’s more than happy to make it a reality.
Warnings: NSFW/18+ 🔞 | dom!Jisung | Spiderman kink | dirty talk | unprotected sex | rough sex | spanking | choking (light) | teasing/brat taming | Jisung being a filthy, cocky menace
The air feels heavy with anticipation the moment you hear the front door creak open. You’ve been waiting for this, waiting for him, and he knows it. You’ve been texting Jisung all day, but he’s been leaving you hanging on purpose, letting the tension simmer. His last message was a simple tease:
You’re gonna want to keep the door unlocked. I’m bringing your favorite hero to you.
Of course, you didn’t think he’d actually do it. Not in a million years. But here you are, sitting on the couch, phone still in hand, heart pounding as the sound of his footsteps gets closer.
When the door swings open, you almost forget how to breathe.
There he stands. Jisung. But not your usual boyfriend. No, tonight he’s Spider-Man. Well… your version of Spider-Man.
The suit isn’t the usual full-on getup. It’s the tight, form-fitting Spider-Man shirt he wore during SKZ CODE—his choice for the costume challenge. It’s red and blue, just like the one you’d imagine, but it’s so tight, so impossibly tight, that every curve of his muscles is on display. His chest, his arms—everything looks sharper, more defined. The shirt hugs his biceps and his abs, making you ache in places you didn’t know you could ache. His jeans? Dark, distressed, and just the right amount of ripped. They cling to his thighs like a second skin, and you can’t help but notice how perfect he looks.
His hair’s a little messy, tousled like he’s been running around. But damn, it only makes him hotter.
You bite back a gasp and raise an eyebrow as he leans against the doorframe, that signature smirk playing on his lips. The kind of smirk that tells you exactly how much control he’s got.
“Like what you see?” His voice is low, dripping with cockiness. He knows he’s making your heart race.
You don’t even try to hide your reaction. “You’re fucking hot,” you say, the words slipping out before you can think twice.
His smile widens, and you can see the pride in his eyes. “Glad you think so, babe.” He steps forward, slowly, deliberately, closing the space between you two. Every inch of his body is on display, and you can feel your pulse quicken with every step he takes. “Tell me, Y/N… you like the costume? Or is it just me you’re after?”
You meet him halfway, walking right up to him, your body almost vibrating with the desire you can’t quite hide. Your eyes scan him from head to toe, and you let out a breath, letting him see how much he’s affecting you. “It’s you, Jisung,” you say, your voice barely a whisper. “You’re the only thing I can think about right now.”
His gaze darkens as he closes the gap between you. “Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?” he murmurs, his lips dangerously close to yours. He can feel the tension radiating off you, and he doesn’t waste a second. His fingers brush along your neck, his touch light but electric, sending a shiver down your spine.
You exhale, biting your lip as your hands trail down his chest, fingertips grazing the tight fabric. “I think you know what I want, baby,” you murmur, voice thick with desire. “You’ve got me fucking pinned already. What do you think I’m gonna do?”
His smirk deepens, almost like he’s daring you to take it further. “I think you should show me,” he says, his hand sliding to your waist, pulling you in closer until your body is pressed against his. He can feel the heat radiating off you, and it makes him want you even more. “But I don’t mind waiting.”
You roll your eyes and give him a playful shove, though you’re not exactly pulling away. “You’re so cocky,” you tease, but there’s no hiding the heat in your voice. “You really think I’m just gonna drop to my knees for you?”
His eyes gleam with a challenge, and before you can even react, his hand is cupping your chin, tilting your face up so you can’t look away. “Maybe not drop to your knees,” he growls, his voice dark and dangerous, “but I want to feel you beg in your own way.”
The space between you closes again, and this time, when he kisses you, there’s nothing playful about it. His lips are urgent, hungry, as if he’s been waiting for this moment. His tongue presses against yours, and your body reacts instinctively, hands moving to his chest, tugging him closer, pulling him into you with a desperate need.
You can feel the heat between your legs building, your body aching for him, and you can’t hold back anymore. You break away from the kiss, your chest rising and falling with the rush of adrenaline.
“Take me, Jisung,” you whisper, voice low, dripping with need. “Now.”
He looks at you with that cocky grin, but there’s a fire in his eyes. “You’re not getting off that easy, baby.” His voice is rough, his breath ragged, and it sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. “You want me that bad? I’ll give it to you… but you’re gonna have to earn it first.”
You don’t need to think about it. You grab his shirt, pulling him closer, your lips crashing against his again. You’re not waiting anymore. You need him. Right now.
The kiss deepens, and you can feel his hands roaming down your back, grasping at your waist. Every touch sends a spark through you, and you can’t get enough. The heat between you two intensifies, and it’s no longer about playing games. It’s about taking what you both want, unapologetically, without restraint.
Jisung’s hands are all over you, gripping your waist, your hips, sliding up your back as he presses you flush against him. The heat between you is intoxicating, the way his body feels under your fingertips—solid, strong, familiar yet still enough to make your head spin.
“You have no fucking idea how bad I need you right now,” he mutters against your lips, his voice rough, breathless. “Spent the whole day thinking about you… about taking this off you piece by piece.”
His fingers find the hem of your shirt, tugging it up, but he doesn’t move too fast. No, he likes to tease, and you know it. He lets his knuckles graze your skin, watching the way your breath hitches, a smirk curling on his lips.
You roll your eyes, pushing at his chest, but you don’t really mean it. “Then stop talking and do something about it.”
That does something to him. His grip tightens, and in one smooth motion, he yanks your shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere behind him without a second thought. His eyes drop to your body, lingering, darkening.
“Fuck,” he breathes, tilting his head as he drags a thumb over your exposed collarbone. “You always look this good for me, baby?”
You bite your lip, letting him look, letting him ache for it. “Only for you,” you murmur.
That earns you a low groan. His hands are on you again, slipping around your back, fingers moving with practiced ease as he unhooks your bra, letting it slide down your arms before he catches it and tosses it away.
The second you’re bare, his lips are on your neck, hot and open-mouthed, working their way down with slow, deliberate kisses. He takes his time, like he’s savoring the way you shudder under his touch, the way your fingers thread through his hair, tugging lightly.
“You know,” he murmurs, his lips brushing the top of your chest before he pulls back just enough to meet your eyes. “I could do this all night. Just touching you. Tasting you.”
You huff a breathless laugh, hands moving down to the hem of his Spiderman shirt—the tight one that clings to his body in all the right places, stretched across his muscles. You slide your fingers underneath, feeling the warmth of his skin, the definition of his abs.
“Take this off,” you demand, voice hushed, heavy with need.
Jisung smirks. “You that desperate to see me, baby?”
You tug at the fabric in response, and he laughs, but it’s cut short when you lean in, letting your lips skim his jaw, your voice dropping to a whisper.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day too,” you admit, feeling the way his breath catches. “About how fucking hot you are in this. But I need to see all of you.”
That does it. In one smooth motion, he pulls the Spiderman shirt over his head, tossing it aside, leaving his upper body bare, his toned muscles on full display. He watches your reaction, the way your lips part slightly, the way your fingers immediately reach out to trace the hard lines of his torso.
“Like what you see?” he taunts, voice low.
You hum in approval, dragging your nails lightly over his skin, watching the way his abs tense under your touch. “Yeah,” you breathe. “You’ve been working out, huh?”
Jisung grins, cocky. “Had to get stronger, baby. You’re a lot to handle.”
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head, but you don’t deny it. Instead, you let your hands drift lower, trailing over the waistband of his jeans. He shivers slightly at your touch, his breath faltering for just a second.
“You gonna take these off, or do I have to do everything myself?” you tease, glancing up at him with a smirk.
His expression darkens instantly, and before you can react, he’s gripping your hips, flipping the two of you so that you’re underneath him, pinned against the couch. His knee presses between your legs, just enough to make you gasp.
“Oh, baby,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against yours, teasing. “You love when I take control, don’t you?”
You swallow hard, your fingers digging into his biceps. “I love it when you stop talking and get these fucking jeans off.”
Jisung grins, leaning in to nip at your bottom lip before pulling back just enough to pop the button of his jeans. He does it slowly, deliberately, letting you watch the way his fingers move, the way he drags the zipper down with an infuriating smirk.
But before he pushes them off, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your jeans, gripping the denim tight.
“These first,” he says, voice thick with authority.
You raise an eyebrow. “Make me.”
His lips twitch, eyes flashing with something dangerous, something wicked.
“Oh, baby,” he murmurs, leaning in, his breath warm against your ear. “I don’t think you want me to make you.”
And then, before you can snap back, his hands are on your jeans, yanking them down with one swift motion, leaving you bare beneath him in nothing but your panties. The way his eyes darken at the sight sends a shiver straight down your spine.
“You’re fucking soaked,” he breathes, dragging his fingers lightly up your thigh. “Been waiting for me all day, huh?”
You exhale sharply, your body already burning with anticipation. “Maybe.”
Jisung clicks his tongue, shaking his head as he runs a hand over your thigh, squeezing just enough to make you squirm. “Lying to me already?” he muses, his fingers ghosting over the heat between your legs. “I can feel how bad you need me.”
You bite back a moan, tilting your chin up defiantly. “Then do something about it.”
That’s all the invitation he needs.
His hands move again, his own jeans finally being shoved down, leaving nothing but skin between you. His body is flush against yours, hot, solid, his breath mingling with yours as he leans in, his lips barely an inch from yours.
“Hope you’re ready, baby,” he murmurs, his voice a husky promise. “Because I’m not stopping until you’re begging me for more.”
And the way he’s looking at you? You believe every fucking word.
Jisung’s fingers ghost over your bare skin, teasing, exploring, making you shudder with anticipation. His lips trail down your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he grins against you.
“You’re already shaking for me, baby,” he murmurs, dragging his teeth lightly along your jaw before pulling back to look at you. “So fucking needy.”
You bite your lip, your fingers gripping his biceps. “Then stop teasing and fuck me already.”
His smirk deepens, full of amusement and something darker. “Oh, you think you get to tell me what to do?” His voice drops lower, rough with dominance. “That’s cute.”
Before you can snap back, his hand moves—fingers trailing between your legs, sliding against your already-wet heat. You gasp, your back arching off the couch as your body reacts instantly.
“Shit,” Jisung groans, his breath hitching as he feels how wet you are. “You’re soaking, baby.” He leans in, his lips barely grazing yours. “Been waiting for me all day, huh? Getting all worked up thinking about how I’d fuck you?”
You swallow hard, your hips instinctively rocking into his touch. “Maybe.”
Jisung chuckles, low and dangerous. “Still lying to me?” His fingers slide lower, pressing just enough to make you moan. “You’re dripping for me, baby. You can’t hide how much you want it.”
Your breath stutters as he moves, his fingers slipping inside you with ease, curling just right, stretching you just enough to make your whole body tremble.
Your fingers dig into his shoulders. “Jisung—”
“Yeah, baby?” His voice is mocking, playful, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watches you struggle to stay composed. He pushes in deeper, moving at an agonizing pace. “You need something?”
You glare at him, your body aching for more, for him. “I need you to stop playing games and give me your cock already.”
Jisung groans at your words, his hand tightening on your thigh. “Fuck,” he mutters. “You love talking like that, don’t you?”
You smirk, your body still moving against his touch. “You love it when I do.”
He exhales sharply, his control snapping just enough for him to act. His fingers leave you, and you barely have a second to process the loss before he’s gripping your thighs, pulling you closer.
His cock presses against you, hot and hard, and fuck, he’s big—the sight alone enough to make your stomach tighten with anticipation.
Jisung watches your reaction, his smirk returning. “You gonna take all of me, baby?” His fingers trail down your thigh, squeezing. “Or do I need to stretch you out more first?”
Your breath catches, heat pooling in your core at his words. “I can take it,” you whisper.
Jisung groans, his head dropping for a second as he grips himself, lining up against your entrance, dragging the tip along your slick heat just to tease you further.
You whine, your hips lifting instinctively. “Jisung—”
He grips your hips, pinning you down. “Say it.” His voice is dark, commanding. “Say you need me.”
You narrow your eyes at him, pushing back just enough to challenge him. “You know I do.”
Jisung lets out a low chuckle, amused. “Brat.”
And then he pushes in, slowly, stretching you open, making you gasp as he fills you inch by inch.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, his hands gripping your thighs, his muscles flexing under your touch. “You feel so fucking tight.”
Your head tilts back, pleasure flooding through you as he sinks in deeper, pushing himself fully inside you.
Jisung lets out a shaky breath, his jaw clenched as he looks down at where your bodies are connected. “Look at you,” he mutters, running a hand up your stomach, fingers grazing your chest before wrapping lightly around your throat. “Taking me so fucking well.”
Your breath hitches, your hands finding his waist, nails digging in as your body adjusts around him. “Move,” you whisper.
Jisung groans, closing his eyes for a second like he’s trying to compose himself. But when he opens them again, his gaze is wild, dark, full of need.
“Anything for you, baby.”
And then he starts to move.
Jisung starts slow, dragging his cock out almost completely before slamming back in, filling you in one deep stroke that knocks the air from your lungs. Your fingers grip his arms, nails digging into his skin, but he doesn’t slow down—he just smirks, watching you struggle to keep up.
“That’s it, baby,” he groans, his voice rough, strained with pleasure. “Take it like a good fucking girl.”
You moan at his words, at the way his hands tighten on your hips, holding you in place so you have no choice but to feel everything—the way he stretches you, the way his cock drags against your walls, hitting all the right spots.
“Jisung—” Your voice is already breathless, your body burning with how good he feels.
He leans down, his lips brushing your ear as he thrusts into you again, harder this time. “Say my name like that again,” he murmurs, his tongue flicking against your earlobe before he nips at it. “I love hearing you like this.”
You bite your lip, your hands running down his back, feeling the tension in his muscles as he moves. He’s holding back—barely. You can feel it in the way his hips twitch, the way his breathing gets uneven, the way his grip tightens like he’s restraining himself from losing control completely.
You meet his thrusts, pushing your hips up to match his pace, and the movement pulls a deep, guttural groan from his chest.
“Fuck, baby,” he pants, his forehead pressing against yours for a second before he pulls back, his hand sliding between your bodies, fingers finding your clit.
You gasp, your body arching off the couch as he starts rubbing slow, precise circles. “Shit—”
Jisung grins, his eyes burning into yours. “That feel good?” His tone is taunting, but there’s hunger beneath it, something raw and unfiltered. “You like when I fuck you like this? When I play with you like this?”
Your breath stutters, pleasure tightening in your core as his pace increases, his thrusts growing rougher, deeper, sharper.
“You love this, don’t you?” His voice is pure sin, dark and dripping with lust. “You love being fucked like this. Letting me do whatever I want to you.”
You can’t even think straight anymore. He’s everywhere—all over you, inside you, surrounding you, drowning you in sensation.
“Tell me, baby.” His hand moves faster between your legs, making you gasp, your nails raking down his back. “Who’s fucking you this good?”
You barely manage a breath. “You.”
Jisung growls, his hips snapping into you harder. “Say it again.”
You whimper, the pleasure almost unbearable. “You, Jisung—fuck, it’s you.”
He groans, his head tilting back as he watches you unravel beneath him, his rhythm never faltering. “That’s right, baby.” His voice is hoarse, wrecked. “And I’m not stopping until you scream for me.”
And with the way he’s fucking you? You know you won’t last much longer.
Jisung’s pace is brutal now—deep, relentless thrusts that leave you gasping, your body arching into him as he works you open, his fingers still tight on your clit. He’s watching you like he lives for this, like there’s nothing better in the world than seeing you fall apart under him.
“Look at you,” he groans, dragging his tongue along his bottom lip as he takes you in. “So fucking wrecked for me.”
You can barely form words, your hands gripping his arms, nails leaving angry red streaks down his biceps. His body is burning under your touch, muscles flexing as he pounds into you, chasing his own high while making sure you feel everything.
And then, suddenly, he pulls out.
You let out a breathless whine, your body desperate for the fullness he just ripped away. “Jisung—”
But he’s already moving, hands gripping your thighs, flipping you over before you can protest. His strength is effortless, controlled. He wants you like this.
“On your knees, baby,” he commands, his voice rough, dangerous. “I want you just like this.”
You barely have time to react before his hands are on you again—one gripping your hip, the other sliding up your spine, pressing you down until your chest meets the couch. You feel his cock pressing against you, thick and heavy, teasing you with slow drags against your slick heat.
You let out a frustrated sound, rocking back against him, trying to push him inside again. “Jisung, I swear to—”
A sharp slap lands on your ass, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to send a jolt of pleasure straight through your core.
“Oh, baby,” he chuckles darkly. “You really don’t have any patience, do you?”
You turn your head, glaring at him over your shoulder. “And you talk too fucking much.”
Jisung groans, his fingers tightening on your hips. “God, I love that fucking mouth of yours,” he mutters. “But you know I gotta put you in your place for that, right?”
And then he slams into you.
You choke out a moan, your arms barely keeping you up as he fills you again in one sharp thrust. The new angle has you seeing stars—he’s deeper, hitting places that have your whole body trembling beneath him.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, his hands running up your back before gripping your waist, holding you steady as he starts to move. “You feel so fucking good like this. So tight—so wet for me.”
The sound of skin against skin fills the room, filthy and perfect. Every thrust has you gasping, every roll of his hips making you crave more, more, more.
Jisung leans over you, his chest pressing against your back, his breath hot against your ear. “This what you needed?” he murmurs, his voice thick with lust. “Needed me to fuck you like this?”
You can only moan in response, your body completely giving into the way he’s taking you.
Jisung groans, his hand sliding up to wrap around your throat—not squeezing, just holding you there, making you feel owned.
“I could keep you like this all fucking night,” he mutters, his voice pure sin. “Bent over, dripping for me, letting me ruin you however I want.”
You whimper, pushing back against him, your whole body burning for him.
Jisung chuckles breathlessly, his lips skimming your shoulder. “So desperate,” he taunts, his pace still ruthless. “You love this, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you gasp, not even trying to deny it.
Jisung groans, his grip tightening. “Fuck, baby,” he mutters, his movements turning erratic. “I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard for me.”
Jisung’s grip on your waist is bruising now, his pace relentless—like he’s lost in it, in you, in the way your body reacts to every sharp thrust. His breath is hot against your ear, his groans ragged, desperate, wrecked.
“Fuck, baby,” he pants, his voice thick with need. “You feel so fucking good—gripping me so tight, like you never wanna let me go.”
You’re barely holding yourself up anymore, your arms trembling beneath you, body burning from the way he’s pounding into you. Every thrust knocks the air from your lungs, every roll of his hips sends pleasure crashing through you like a tidal wave.
Jisung loves it—loves seeing you like this, completely at his mercy, taking everything he gives you.
“Shit,” he groans, his fingers sliding between your legs again, finding your clit with ruthless precision. “You’re dripping, baby. Making such a fucking mess on me.”
You cry out as he circles your clit, his movements sharp, focused—he knows your body, knows exactly how to push you to the edge and keep you there.
Your body tenses, your breath coming in broken gasps. “Jisung—fuck, I—”
He grins, feeling you tighten around him. “That’s it, baby,” he mutters, voice dark, teasing. “You gonna cum for me?”
You nod—barely coherent, too far gone to care how desperate you sound. “Yes—fuck, yes, don’t stop—”
Jisung groans, his rhythm stuttering for just a second. “God, I love hearing you beg for it,” he breathes. His grip on your hips tightens, his thrusts turning erratic, harder, deeper. “Give it to me, baby. Cum for me—I wanna feel you.”
The pressure in your core snaps.
Pleasure crashes through you, so intense your vision blurs, your whole body trembling as your orgasm hits you like a shockwave. You scream his name, nails digging into the couch as wave after wave rolls through you, your walls pulsing hard around his cock.
Jisung loses it.
“Fuck—fuck, fuck—” His grip tightens as he buries himself deep, his own release slamming into him. He growls, his body tensing as he spills inside you, hips jerking with the force of his climax. His breath comes in heavy, ragged pants, his forehead dropping against your shoulder as he rides out his high.
For a long moment, neither of you move—both of you still trembling, bodies slick with sweat, lungs fighting for air.
Jisung groans as he finally collapses onto the couch beside you, chest still rising and falling in uneven breaths. His skin is warm, slick with sweat, and the smug little grin on his face is downright insufferable.
You roll onto your side, still catching your breath, propping yourself up just enough to look at him. His Spiderman top is still clinging to his torso, stretched tight across his chest and arms—his hair a complete mess, damp with sweat.
And he looks fucking wrecked.
“Damn,” you murmur, reaching out to trace your fingers over his stomach. “Imagine if Stay knew that behind all the cute quokka shit, you’re actually a filthy, cocky, slutty little dom.”
Jisung grins. Smirks. His eyes flicker to you, dark and lazy, a slow, satisfied chuckle spilling from his lips.
“Oh, baby,” he hums, dragging his fingers down your thigh. “Some things are only reserved for you.”
You scoff, but your stomach flips at the way he says it, at the way his voice dips lower, deeper.
“You better not be out here calling other girls baby,” you mutter, narrowing your eyes at him.
Jisung grins, leaning in to nuzzle against your neck, his lips brushing against your skin. “Nah,” he murmurs, kissing along your jaw. “I save all my best shit for you.”
You hum, pretending to consider it. “Including that dirty mouth of yours?”
He laughs—soft, genuine, warm. “Especially that.”
His arm tightens around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest, his lips finding yours in a slow, lazy kiss. It’s a stark contrast to how he was taking you minutes ago—filthy and relentless—now he’s just savoring you, soaking in the aftermath, letting the warmth settle between you.
You sigh against him, letting your fingers tangle in his hair. “I can’t believe you fucked me in a Spiderman suit,” you mumble, lips curling into a smile.
Jisung pulls back just enough to grin at you. “And you loved it.”
You roll your eyes, flicking his forehead. “Shut up.”
He laughs, grabbing your hand before you can move away, pressing soft kisses against your knuckles. His touch is still teasing, still playful, but there’s something softer beneath it now—something intimate.
Jisung watches you for a moment, eyes lidded, voice dropping just above a whisper.
“You know,” he murmurs, fingers tracing lazy patterns on your hip. “I’d wear this stupid costume a hundred more times if it meant making you feel that good again.”
Your heart stumbles at that—because he means it, even through the teasing, even through the smug grin.
You smirk, shifting just enough to hover over him, your hands pressing against his chest. “I might take you up on that.”
Jisung grins, eyes darkening again, hands already sliding down your waist.
“Baby,” he murmurs, voice thick with something dangerous.
“Don’t tempt me.”
Taglist: @velvetmoonlght @lezleeferguson-120
#stray kids#skz#skz smut#kpop smut#stray kids fanfic#han jisung#stray kids jisung#skz jisung#han stray kids#skz han#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x you#stray kids imagines#stray kids han#stray kids smut#han jisung x reader#han jisung smut#han jisung x you#han jisung x y/n
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can you make a series where rafe and reader broke up 3 years ago, but she comes back to Outer Banks only now she has a daughter(who looks just like Rafe) and a husband (Whom she doesn't really love) and rafe still loves her.
notes: part 1; once i have more time ill create a whole masterlist and moodboard 🤍
you should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy.
leaving the beach that day, gripping your daughter’s tiny hand like a lifeline, you told yourself it was just a coincidence. a cruel twist of fate. but deep down, you knew better.
rafe cameron never let go of things that belonged to him.
and you? you were his biggest unfinished business.
so when you see him again, it’s not a surprise. but that doesn’t mean you’re ready for it.
it’s late, your daughter is asleep in her room, and the quiet hum of the television does little to calm the storm brewing in your chest. your husband is still at work, leaving you alone with your thoughts—until a knock at the door sends a jolt through your spine.
you freeze, heart hammering.
you don’t have to open it to know who it is.
but you do anyway.
rafe stands there, leaning against the doorframe like he has every right to be here. his hair’s messier than before, shirt slightly wrinkled, like he’s been running his hands through it all night. his eyes flicker past you, scanning the house before landing back on you.
"you weren’t gonna call me, were you?" his voice is low, rough.
"don’t lie to me." he steps closer, and you instinctively grip the door, as if that’ll keep him out. as if you could ever keep him out. "we need to talk."
"there’s nothing to talk about," you whisper, even though you both know that’s not true.
he scoffs, shaking his head. "you really think you can just pretend I don’t exist? That she doesn’t—"
"don’t." your voice is sharp, cutting through the air between you. you swallow hard, glancing over your shoulder, but your daughter’s still asleep. "please, rafe. not here."
his jaw clenches, and takes a long exhale through his nose. "but we’re not done."
before you can stop him, he steps inside, pushing the door shut behind him. his presence fills the space instantly, suffocating, electrifying. he smells the same—cologne and salt and something distinctly rafe. something that used to make your head spin in the best way. now it just makes you dizzy with memories you’ve spent three years trying to bury.
"so this is your life now?" he murmurs, eyes sweeping over the modest living room, the framed photos of a life he wasn’t part of. "picket fences and a husband who works late?"
your fingers tighten around your arms, nails pressing into your skin. "it’s a good life."
"bullshit." he steps closer, gaze burning into you. "you’re a good liar, but not with me. never with me."
your breath shudders, your resolve cracking. "rafe, please—"
"please what? leave? forget? pretend that kid doesn’t have my eyes?" his voice is bitter, his anger barely restrained. "because i fucking can’t."
you shake your head, but the words won’t come. because what is there to say? he’s right. she does have his eyes. and he was never meant to see her.
he sighs, running a hand through his hair, frustration rolling off him in waves. "i’m not here to ruin your life," he says, quieter now. "but i’m not walking away either. not this time."
your stomach twists. you should fight him on this, tell him to leave, slam the door in his face. but you don’t. because a part of you—the part that still remembers how it felt to love him, to be loved by him—wants to hear what he has to say.
and that scares you more than anything.
taglist: @namelesslosers @maybanksangel @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @rafesheaven @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0 @rafesangelita @sstargirln @rafedaddy01 @soldesole @bakugouswaif @skywalker0809 @vanessa-rafesgirl @evermorx89 @outerhills @ditzyzombiesblog @slavicangelmuah @alivinggirl @rafesgreasycurtainbangs @rafesbabygirlx @drewsephrry
#૮꒰ྀིo̴̶̷̤⩊o̴̶̷̤꒱ྀིა lamy req.。 ♡#rafe x reader#rafe outer banks#rafe x you#rafe fic#outerbanks rafe#rafe#rafe imagine#rafe obx#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron#obx cast#obx#obx4#outer banks#obx season 4#obx s4#outer banks netflix#outer banks season 4#obx fic#obx spoilers#obx fanfiction#rafe cameron imagines#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron fanfiction#obx rafe cameron#outer banks fanfiction#obx imagine
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