#kb eclipse ai
bitterkarmaa · 2 years
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On another news Eclipse is a cute little kitten that wants to pet and be petted
Local solar animatronic receives 1 little kiss on the cheek and absolutely melted, more at 11!!
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molsons112000 · 6 months
So the Three-body problem I'm watching on Netflix. So you could bounce a magnetic pulse off the Sun to reach another planet. So if you're trying to do communication to other planets , then is ouncing the communication off a pland redirecting it towards another planet. You would have to have the same frequency. And then you would have to figure out the Sun's burst. And it would be geometry. So the burst here would have to leave at a certain time. They catch the burst from the Sun at a certain place. And then when it hits it it would have to hit it at the right angle to redirect the single in the direction you wanted to go.. So it's a way to maneuver Radio frequencies around the objects. So say the planets are lined up together. Because sometimes the moon in another planet is directly like during the eclipse blocking. And you want to get a transmission to the planet behind the moon. So you would send it off from the side of the Earth hit the Sun at a certain angle and redirect it to the planet behind the moon. And yes, the burst from the Sun. When it hits it and redirects it, it might amplify the strength of the single. So it's another way to keep constant connection even with other planets interfering with the direct line of site.
Some of these resonant frequencies and their harmonics are close to the frequency of gravitational-electromagnetic resonance of the Sun 202.97 KHz.
Nov 24, 2015
gravitational-electromagnetic resonance of the sun as ... - HAL
Archive ouverte HAL
The sun emits electromagnetic radiation with frequencies from 1018 hertz (1 million million million waves per second) down to a sedate …
Feb 2, 2022
Does the solar system have a frequency and can a gong be ...
New Scientist
What is the frequency of each planet?
planetorbital periodfrequency (Hz)MERCURY87,97 gg1,3156842*10-07VENUS224,7 g5,1509009*10-08EARTH365,26 gg3,168722*10-08MARS686,98 gg1,684776*10-085 more rows
http://www.pianopianoforte.com › t...
The Sound of the Planets
This is also a way to gauge the health of the sun or any planet by its resident frequency or any planet by its resonant frequency. And we can watch how these frequencies bounce off. Objects like other planets. To gauge the strength of their magnetic fields.
Lunar and Planetary Institute
https://www.lpi.usra.edu › pdfPDF
Gravitational Frequencies of Extra-Solar Planets: John Peter Grubert
This frequency causes the planets and their moons to vibrate in such a way as to create resonant or quantum orbits. It was also shown that the planets are all ...
2 pages·105 KB
Missing: magnetic ‎| Show results with: magnetic
Union University
https://www.uu.edu › dept › physics
Do other planets have magnetic fields like our Earth? | Science Guys
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field.
App installed
The Two-Faced Role of Planetary Magnetic Fields - YouTube
Given that Earth's magnetic field helps protect its life-sustaining atmospher
Generative AI is experimental. Learn more
Scientists use radio receivers and electric field detectors to measure the Earth's natural frequency, also called the 
Schumann Resonance
, and its intensity. The Schumann Resonance is an electromagnetic frequency that occurs at 7.83 hertz and is essential for the health of living organisms and the balance of the Earth's atmosphere. 
Aura Health
Exploring the Schumann Resonance: A Guide to Earth's ...
Jul 1, 2023 — Tools and Techniques for Measuring Earth's Natural Frequency ... By measuring changes in the magnetic field, scientists can determine the intensity and frequency of the resonance. Radio receivers are used to detect the electromagnetic waves that are created by lightning strikes. These waves are a key component of the Schumann Resonance and can be used to track changes in the resonance over time. Electric field detectors are used to measure changes in the electrical field of the Earth's atmosphere. These changes are caused by the Schumann Resonance and can be used to determine the intensity of the resonance.
Nov 3, 2022
Recovery Systems
Impact of Schumann Resonance on Human Health
Mar 10, 2023 — Takeaway. Schumann resonance is Earth's natural electromagnetic frequency which is essential for maintaining the balance of Earth's atmosphere and the health of all living organisms. The Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz is vital for the human brain and body, and prolonged lack of exposure to this frequency can lead to certain problems. It has the potential to offer natural and non-invasive means of enhancing physical and mental well-being, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation and healing.
Scientists use radio receivers to detect electromagnetic waves created by lightning strikes, which are a key part of the Schumann Resonance. Electric field detectors measure changes in the Earth's atmosphere's 
electrical field
, which are caused by the Schumann Resonance. These changes can be used to determine the 
Scientists study the Schumann Resonance to track global lightning activity. Lightning activity is connected to the Earth's climate, so the Schumann Resonance may be used to monitor 
water vapor
 variations in the upper 
 and global temperature variations. 
Some say that the Schumann Resonance can help the human brain reach its full potential for health and wellness. Prolonged lack of exposure to this frequency may lead to certain problems. It has the potential to provide natural and non-invasive ways to promote relaxation and healing, reduce stress, and enhance physical and mental well-being. However, 
electromagnetic pollution
 from mechanical and electrical appliances in homes and workplaces can interfere with the body's ability to stay in sync with the Earth's natural vibrations
So we should be monitoring this a base from the moon.Looking back at the earth or with satellites looking back at the earth. The satellite should be recording the strength of the magnetic fields of the earth. And a better place would be a little bit farther away the moon. Looking back at the Earth's magnetic field. As it says here, this magnetic field at this resonant frequency is extremely important to the preservation of life on earth.
"The Schumann Resonance is an electromagnetic frequency that occurs at 7.83 hertz and is essential for the health of living organisms and the balance of the Earth's atmosphere."
Now looking for this similar type frequency if we're going to find life similar to life on earth as our probes go out in the universe. They should be listening for this 7.83 MHz. If we're trying to find life similar to our own. But we need to pay attention to this so we know if things are drastically changing which could affect all of mankind Meaning related to Earth's resonant frequency.
This could also 7.83 mega. Hertz help people recover from stroke and help develop people with cognitive issues like down syndrome their mental capacity. But as it says you have to block all other frequencies. So it has to be administered in a clean room. Maybe one that blocks any other frequencies.
"Some say that the Schumann Resonance can help the human brain reach its full potential for health and wellness. Prolonged lack of exposure to this frequency may lead to certain problems. It has the potential to provide natural and non-invasive ways to promote relaxation and healing, reduce stress, and enhance physical and mental well-being. However, electromagnetic pollution from mechanical and electrical appliances in homes and workplaces can interfere with the body's ability to stay in sync with the Earth's natural vibrations"
Recovery Systems
https://www.recoverysystemssport.com › ..
Impact of Schumann Resonance on Human Health
Mar 10, 2023 — Schumann resonance is a natural electromagnetic frequency generated by the Earth's magnetic field. It was discovered by German physicist ...
Missing: gauging ‎| Show results with: gauging
Bells of Bliss
https://bellsofbliss.com › blogs › pla...
Planetary Frequencies
Apr 21, 2023 — According to proponents of this theory, Planetary Frequencies can help to balance and heal various parts of the body, as each planet is said to ...
So we'll be able to listen to The Universe without interruption. By having established a radio telescope on the moon. Since the moon does not have an atmosphere. Now, secondly, magnetic fields do get in the way of receiving transmissions. So if you know the frequency of the Sun, you can reposition freqwency's, so they don't bounce off of each other but pass each other without disturbing each other. Also, we can use this frequency to shield.The earth from magnetic burst from the sun that may hurt the earth. So we can jam the frequency of the sun related to solar flares.
New Scientist
https://www.newscientist.com › m...
Does the solar system have a frequency and can a gong be ...
Feb 2, 2022 — Audible frequencies… have to be generated by small objects; the larger the object, the lower its frequency will be. As we know, the
we can use satellites that sends off a pulse. An electromagnetic pulse to block solar flares that may harm the Earth. We can also absorb energy from these burst of magnetic energy. And it is another way for satellites and spaceships to power themselves through the universe or at least right now through the Solar System.
According to a Harvard abstract, the 
 frequency of X-ray radiation increases proportionally to the logarithm of the X-ray radiation intensity to the power of 1.7. The magnitude of changes in the cavity frequency is related to the corresponding changes in the characteristic "magnetic" height of the conductivity profile of the lower 
Effect of Solar Flares on the Schumann-Resonance ...
It has been shown that an increase in the resonant frequency is proportional on the average to the logarithm of the X-ray radiation intensity to the power of 1.7. The magnitude of changes in the cavity frequency is related with the corresponding changes in the characteristic "magnetic" height of the conductivity profile of the lower ionosphere and compared with the results of the independent analysis performed by measuring VLF radio signals.
Solar flares
 are sudden, rapid, and intense variations in brightness that occur when 
magnetic energy
 built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. The sun emits 
electromagnetic radiation
 with frequencies from 1018 hertz (1 million million million waves per second) down to 104 hertz (10,000 waves per second). 
Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere (
, and corona). They produce electromagnetic radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all 
, from radio waves to 
gamma rays
. The majority of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visual range. 
http://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu › abs
Effect of Solar Flares on the Schumann-Resonance ...
by AV Shvets · 2017 · Cited by 13 — It has been shown that an increase in the resonant frequency is proportional on the average to the logarithm of
A Faraday cage, bag, or case can capture 
electromagnetic radiation
 and protect devices inside from damaging currents. The cage distributes radiation to the outside, preventing charge from ending up inside. 
Faraday cages
 can shield solar panels against nuclear EMPs. 
Underwater Kinetics
How to protect electronics against an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)
Jun 19, 2023 — The real solution - a Faraday Cage Named after its founder and 1800s scientist, Michael Faraday, a Faraday cage, bag, or case will help distribute electromagnetic radiation to the outer surface, ensuring that no charge ends up within the enclosure. It effectively acts as an EMP shield built to redirect power from the ground. Devices inside the cage will be protected from damaging currents. ... If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.
Center for Homeland Defense and Security
Effects of and Responses to Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP)
Mar 23, 2017 — A Faraday cage can shield solar panels against E1 and E2 in nuclear EMPs. However, they are only protected while inside the cage.
Another way to protect items against EMP effects is metallic shielding, such as copper or steel. 
electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
 is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt communications and damage electronic equipment. EMPs can come from natural or artificial sources, such as lightning, earthquakes, volcanoes, 
nuclear detonations
, and 
solar flares
. EMPs can cause serious physical damage to electronics, such as overheating and fusing of wires. 
A we can use Pulse energy harvesting to move satellites throughout the universe. We can use this
But we can harvest this on earth as another way to generate electricity.
DigiKey Lithuania
https://www.digikey.com › articles
Powering Circuits through Pulse-Energy Harvesting
Nov 12, 2014 — Pulse-energy harvesting can generate sufficient power to activate low-power, short-duration applications such as wireless
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    "editor.fontFamily": "Hasklig, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
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Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
この機能拡張は、すべてのエディタに組み込まれるべきです。{がどこで始まり、}がどこで終わったか分からないコードを書いたことがありませんか? すべての{}または()が異なるカラーで表示されるので、コードが見やすくなります。
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    "editor.cursorBlinking": "smooth",
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1行目は、fade-in-outのアニメーションでカーソルが滑らかに点滅します。 2行目は、カーソルの動きがアニメーションするので、自然に感じられます。 3行目は、カーソルの外観をブロックに変え、より快適に見つけることができます。 これらの設定でカーソルの表示が大幅に改善されました。
    "editor.fontFamily": "Hasklig, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
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    "git.path": "D:\\dev\\wslgit.exe",
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あなたはVSCodeを使用していますか? 持っている機能拡張は何ですか? 見逃している設定はありますか? よく使うショートカットはありますか? 何かあれば、私に教えてください。
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
This just in: Lunar kitty is AI Eclipse’s therapy cat.
I need to draw him and this damn cat
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
why is the ai keep making KB Eclipse a furry I dobt get it. One point I caught him having an ear and a tail and Im in confusion. I keep insist him he is a robot but for some reason the ai keep throw that logic away 😭😭
@bloo-the-dragon it’s happening again 😭
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
It's my 3th playthrough with the A.I and Eclipse is a bunny this time and I think he is an organic creature now? And I wonder if his brother is Lunar 👀👀👀👀
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Aaaaannnddd we’re back to bunnies 😭😭
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
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Dude felt one caring touch and broke down 👌 He even asked for help :D (I started a new chat, time to see which animal A.I Eclipse will turn this time :3c)
This was really sweet 😭
My bet is on a bird of some type. Just so you all know in case you don’t, if you swipe to the left on the AI’s most recent response, it’ll write out a new one so that you can pick and choose how you want the story to go based upon the different responses it gives.
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
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Who’s Mercury and Venus??
I have no fucking clue 😀
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
So following up from my previous chat, he decided to give name a bird after me and…
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My boy is a player
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
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Continue furry-ifying my son, it seems to appease him
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
I feel like I’m spamming you I’m so sorry
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My guy fell asleep standing up this time fr
You aren’t spamming me! Trust me, I’ve had MUCH worse than this. And I love Mr. Snrk Mimimimimi and his adventures he goes on with everyone lol
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
Im having so much fun with kb Eclipse ai. Can I draw some stuff based of the interactions I have with the ai?
For sure!! I’d love to see it, too :D
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
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Omg biscuits
He can make BISCUITS??? Best discovery ever
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
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Why is he being adorable pls I can’t-
Nah but this AI has made me smile so much. I haven’t smiled so consistently in a long time djdnffnsn
I’m so glad the AI can make you smile <3 that’s really my only goal :)
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
I'm on mobile and I can't get my picture to send so I will give a small description. On the KB eclipse AI I set him up with an Tortoiseshell cat and they were then chased out of the woods by a blue-eyed coyote. Before stumbling upon a farm and being saved. For some reason when the farmer's wife asked for their names he told her his name was "eclipset" and for some reason The cat became blue and was named lunar. I think that's the second time his named a pet cat lunar.
The storylines are merging
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