#kazuya and kuramochi
apparently-artless · 2 months
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Congratulatory Illustration by Terajima Yuuji
Finally! After 4 years of waiting, the continuation of Daiya no Ace Act II has been officially announced! Let's witness our best boy, Sawamura Eijun, once again with his journey as Seidou's ace.
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p0kuyaki · 1 month
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cheonmugi · 2 months
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daiyanerd · 2 months
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prettyiwa · 2 months
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kazei4 · 30 days
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kuramochi's snickering behind the cam meanwhile sawamura thinks he looks awesome 💀😭 + the microscopic text says "js take the picture."
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lady-byleth · 1 year
Miyuki Kazuya is really one of the most characters ever
Extremely popular
Has like 1 friend (at first)
Said friend started out hating his guts
The whole team regularly hijacks his room for team hangouts against his will
Social butterfly
Zero social skills actually
Constantly called out for being disrespectful
Gets upset at people being disrespectful towards him
Literally the best catcher in the country and a supreme chef
Absolutely fucking hopeless at everything else ever
Attracts several people to his team through his skills alone
Every single one of them would sell him to Satan for one (1) corn chip
They also want nothing more than his approval
One of the scariest batters in Tokyo
Can't hit for shit without runners on base
Has been made fun of by complete strangers over this and he's somehow always surprised
Most aggravating person you'll ever meet
The entire team absolutely adores him
Canonically extremely handsome
A rival coach literally calls him "handsome catcher" several times
Worst hat hair in existence and color matching sense of a colorblind clown
Not suited to be captain whatsoever
Best captain the team could ask for
Extremely self-centered
No one would give and endure more for the team than him
Gets mad at people for the same thing
Coolest dude of the series
Scariest dude of the series
Lamest dude of the series
All of these can and have happened within seconds of each other
I adore him
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jsdhwdmax56 · 1 year
The "my wife is so going to nag me when I get home" vibe is strong on this one 😂
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ikuuikuya · 1 year
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sawanada · 11 days
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seido third years gc
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jollyrolls · 8 months
@miyukifest . For today's trope found family we have-
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Miyuki with his classmates and teammates. His brothers - they have been through it all together and are a solid team
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And his rival/friend. They both quietly acknowledge each other's prowess and mastery
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His amazing and cool senpais who taught him so much and gave him a goal to look forward to
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His juniors who revere him - whether they admit it or not.
and then, his favourite pitchers-
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They both have repeatedly said that Miyuki was the reason they chose seidou and their batteries are a treat to watch!!
I wanted to add Rei Chan and Coach too but could not remember the episode numbers where they have scenes together and so we get just this much
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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BIRTHDAY APPRECIATION POST REQUEST 4 OF 6 || 05.15 dedicated to Aya (@miyukiissofine)
BONUS: Reactions (including our Eijun just a tiny bit getting carried away ^^)
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choujinx · 7 months
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DIAMOND NO ACE ACT II (2015-2022) by terajima yuuji
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yongjae37 · 2 years
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Stickers I made for the Ace Daiya Zine
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daiyanerd · 5 months
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A fun little post celebrating 2/6
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prettyiwa · 1 year
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ダイヤのA Act II Volume 34
寺嶋先生! 「ダイヤのA」をありがとうございます‼︎
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